fbi vault document on paul robeson #7

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  • 8/13/2019 FBI Vault Document on Paul Robeson #7


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    _l_ Page sl withheld entirely at this location in the le. One or more of the following statements, whereindicated, explain this deletion.

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  • 8/13/2019 FBI Vault Document on Paul Robeson #7







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    K-.' rof e letterdatedNovember4, 1949,fromtheLoaAngelou' Hoffice c tioed -apn Pun. SecuritylatterC." inwhich inforon a eat out concerningranl Bnbecon.-Al you la;note, one Rona Maria Yale has tur-

    niahed an arfidavitto theeffect that in 1935 Paul Robesonidentified himselfto her an a C-ommmiatParty member. .


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    IHF PM Bureau File 110. 1032;'>33?l _ _

    n::+_'23':*c:;, F3 DATE: Novemberh, l,+'b

    ' ReimletOctober 25thlast referringtothe report oiSilt D.'-dated September 22,19149 atI-os Azgeles,California. 92 e_.__' ---4 *5 _._92 I- _-_" Q_L-J

    tion attributed toT2 ori inateu with

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    ttes lanned a-dinner inhonor of FUJI ;D7?_ZfTf_'_, atLes-PmggelesIon February11, 191$.This L:"=1E".ti!.gwastobe heid 5"[Tt' EsI.*1bassad0rHotel . .at Lns Angeles, and the source revoa1ed_that the plans for the dinner hadstruck asnaq inthat t;.e fotbasssdor Hotel had rejected their applicationfor a reservation on the grounds that their orgarziz-atiozl was Cormzmnist.35*-=1P;j '"-W*';*--"~'C13 . **"'- --""=" l '~"="" I-K-'i"J3 *.'.'.'"""?'who was


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    A;.'cer.'side'redas the I*1eaci'of theYorthwest Section "of the Les Angela: oenty"on 'ist Political Lssoeiation, that 2telegrag;-E1 ca:.1;1e.ig:; was.,e*_~_ng;flanned.

    1:; this regard, ho:-':ev.:r,it is noted inLossimgeles File 5-15b6-1?,3, that ICTTI. 13313VALE, who.inNovember, 19142resided at l2h'? Iiuntley

    e, Les .-"a;;;e1es, Califorrda, zzarle asworn afiidavit before tm ..sse;r.Iul,-'-3-"54;-;;_;,; 3o;:.:.it.-eeon Uaz-msericaruActivities in'3a1if0n:ia-.LI~;27T-5118

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    in t he United States. She stated "That inthe latter part of 1935',I wasworking on the motionpicture "Show BeatUniverse? ST-rlii-S!PM-*7 F5-hatwork met the I'e_";r0S1'_'".::er, PJJTL1-_f*f3?S-1' a:.dhis wife TESIY2 iLOT>I'.S{I.';that 'PAUL RSEIIST identified himself tome as a Com..u:1is_t Part}; member and ur$d -s -nie to -effiliate with the Coxmunist Party." __. . _. rj ,

    HTSA-n--1 uc;;|4.-21.1 Lu.

    The 1""-">1t93 5-"-92iSb ig correctedand theoozrected pagesheir.-:1 s11;-mittedherevrith. It appears that the improper i1;.f0Ima;.t

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    iiavit0:? E-fox-e:::Eer 9,19L2. She related that she studied various

    E L, 1stated inthe re."e10r1.ceCi report. This source on


  • 8/13/2019 FBI Vault Document on Paul Robeson #7



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  • 8/13/2019 FBI Vault Document on Paul Robeson #7


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    CW W 103-SO32 I .at ameeting of the Torrington Chapter of the Peoples Party of Connecticutwhich was to be held July 15, 194.8 at the Alhambra Building, Torrington,COBB. ' I .

    A'4- , - -_. ._ ... .1 _- -- V. . p 5 , n , . .

    Cm July 1'7, 1948the subject was listed by the WaterburyRepublican, adaily paper published at Waterbury, Cour, as a. speaker atthe Peoples Party Fifth Congressional District Convention which was scheduledto be held at the Central ll GA,'1iaterbury, Conn.on July18, 1948.

    The iiridgeport Post, adaily paper published at Bridgeport,Conn., on July 22, 192.5 advised that the subject was appointed as adelegateof the Peoples Party oi Conneoti cut to attend the Third Party NationalConvention scheduled to be held in Philadelphia, Pa. on July 23, 191,8,

    _ __ W__ CmJuly 31'}, 1948the "Stamford Advocate", a daily ]_33pE1",,p11b1l,$hatStam;"ord, C-onn., advised that the subject was aguest speaker at aImeeting sponsored bv the Greenwich .Tal1ace Group which was heldat the J

    home oi7- rst OP}ELI@,Hamilton Avenue,Greenwich,__o_nnonJuly29, E48. at this meeting the subject stated: "The majorproblemsfacing the American people today are high prices, housing, and civilliberties, and no'amount ofConnunist-baiting is going to change that."

    In speaking of the problems of minority groups, the subjectcharged that President Truman'sequality order concerning the armedforces ""does not abolish JimGrow--all itdoes is set up another committee". Thesubject further stated: I amnot aCommunist. I tell you this because _you do not ask me.It's really not important anyway. If we lynched all lthe Corrmunists in this country or sent themto Moscow, that would not -solve the major problem of inflation or the housing shortage. ' Theonly .- c iway to solve them is to build for peace and not for war." '5

    .011- Confidential Informant-advised thLthe subject was the principal speaker at apolitical rally of the PeoplesParty held atthe Labor Temple, GoffeStreet, New Haven, C-onn. on October19, 1943, at which time she discussed "Red Baiting". The subject also &discussed her trip to Italy. When asked aquestion regarding civil rightsin Russia, the subject replies that during her stay in Russia she was - ltreated "with open arms", and that being aNegro made no difference -5 in Russia. G , . J - ,'1_V j

    ' t 92- . -.,. 92

    -. The "New Haven Register" , adaily paper published at NewHaven, Conn., on November3, 1948 advised thatthe subject, as aPeoples "_

    Party Candidatefor Secretary of State of Connecticut, received 1/+62votes -&in the New haven area.

  • 8/13/2019 FBI Vault Document on Paul Robeson #7


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    :;rm.;-:=-_up _ fa ___ _ .IDENTITY Q? U3IfFIDEI"TIALINFORLILNTS ___l''Con dential Informants mentionedinthe report ofSA

    ~ dated 12/2s/- at New Haven Conn. entitled _[,9 , , .:.. ,Q5-'_; 'Izspesa 000312ROBBS-OH aka.- ECUEITYHATER-0',areasfollows: _

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  • 8/13/2019 FBI Vault Document on Paul Robeson #7






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    - e.-mime. 1.5. ' ~11-a-PH"-'"e"ee92Front JohnEdgerHoover- Director,FederalIureguofInvestigation

    F-3Subject: FSLARDAGOODEROBFISOI,with elluee .

    sncvmr!mmm-c .e 3?

    .... b -- -------the 1 eve-eeptiened lndividml In born onDecember 15, 1895,

    It Ieehington,D. 6., endminteinl her residenceat 1221EnfieldStreet,Enfield, Oonneotieut.She1| the rite ofPaulHo-veeon,prominentleg:-oeonnertlinger whoI-mebeeneotive in Coenunieteirolee for any yearl-

    . Informationhoebeenreceived tothe effect that onIowqnberI,19-I9, Eelende OoodeRobeeondeparted from the United Btetee for Amsterdaman route toIoeeoer, iiueeie, aee delegate ofthe C-ongreeeofAmericanlumentothe dnnueloomoilmeetingofthe Ionen'eInternetionel Denoore eFederation; 21:1:mating iii ea h oeer.holdin iioiooi, iiuiiie, from

    - Iovember15, 1949,until Itllnber 20, 1949. It in further reverted mie lire. Rebeeonlad indicatedebewouldthenettendthe Firet Ooniinrenee0!

    Alien Kia-seneoheduledfor the ret weekin December,1949,at Peiping,Chine-

    the abovetofurnishedfor your eonfldentlel informationendIhould not be dieeenzimtedoudzeideyour orgen1eetiun- It would be

    appreciatedif youwouldfurnilh this Bureaumy informationyouno 'receive ooncernim lire, Robeeon d1_1r1m: her ltnv mmem. eh. mmV _ --_ ?___,, _._- -._., .._...... -.... ........o

    - :--Ere.Phulakobeeon,Ellie Bobeenn""""**"" _"""_" '""""*

  • 8/13/2019 FBI Vault Document on Paul Robeson #7






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    Ihite Housein Washington,D. C., on this date in protest against that wascalled Qdise mirste eT1P16Tl1ef1tpractices" at the Bureauof E'r1g1-swandPrinting, Iashington, D. C. The picket line had been sponsoredby Local30of the United Public Iorkers ofkmerica andby alocal citizen'scommitteein Iashington, D. O. . _

    It was further reported in the abovearticle that ROBESONhadpicketed the Ihite I-lousein his role as an honorary memberoi the union.

    The "Baily Worker", issue of August5, 19149,reected an advertisment e!Camp Unity in ehich it use reported that PAULROBE?-CH"would E theguest of honor at the camp for the reek-end of August 12 to lb."

    'OnAugust6, 19L9,Con dentialInformantI advisedthathemaattended a street meeting on this date it the corner of 126th Street andLena: Avenue, NewYork City. The informant said that the principal speakersatthev/meetinghadbeenBENJAMINJ.DAVIS,JUEP'jWII..GURIE;->EI_.In'H-.andPAULnoes-son.Petitestnatmosssou,in'hisspeech

    hadspokenindefenseofthetweveCommunistleadersandforthere-7electionof CouncilmanDAVIS.' ' "D b. _The "Daily Worker", issue of AugustT, 19b9, reported that PAUL

    RCBESON,Chairman of the Council on lfrican Affairs, had denouncedPresidentTRIM-tAN'Sappointment of Attorney General TC! CLARKto the Supreme Court as ae"gratuitous and outrageous insult to my people." The article reports thatROBESOHalso had chargedthat "CLARKhad attacked the Negropeople andorganizations fighting on their behalf.

    It was further reected in the above article that ROBESONhadcharged that "CLLRKhas winked at Jim Crow and white supremacytyrannyand has refused to take action against the lynchers and oppressors of the

    Negro people." s

    "' Tne "Daily Worker", issue of AugustB, 19149,reported that PAULROBESONhad spokenat a"FreeWinstonMeeting"onAugust6th at 126thStreeandLenoxAvenue,NewYorkCity.ItwasKectedthatROBESinhis"_speech,haddemandedthe freedomof . WINSTONwhohadbeenJailed by_- -Judge MEDINAfor Contempt in the trial eleven Communistleaders. ..-

    On:Cnfidnt1lIf 1.. an ameno e a n oz-man a se a ehad visitedCamp Unity. on this date and thatCamp Unity had dedicatedthat week-end to PAUL ROEESON. The informant stated that ROBESON had-

    . .a


  • 8/13/2019 FBI Vault Document on Paul Robeson #7



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  • 8/13/2019 FBI Vault Document on Paul Robeson #7



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    "' "IatPeekskill, NewYork,onAugust 27th.' Z- .I

    E Ihissrticle izirt-hereported tin hisspeeattheUH

    'lhe informantetated that the principal speakers at the rally

    '=':_ee;kil__l togive s concert end that "Irm nee en es tge the offensive

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    RwESOH had declared that hewould return to Peekslclll and that "Iron new on we take the offensive. We'll have our Ieetings and our concerts all -over theUnited Stetes."c-'.-_ __,' I__67

    _ that iihad attendedarauy onbeen sponsored by the "Harlem Chapter and which

    had beenheld in protest ofthe "Fascistattack onPAUL ROBESONby veteran

    which had

    92,hsd been mm. aosnson, ssuanma Jmvxs, vrro ILLRCANTOBILOand _1E'B_;sM:mi._.-advised that nossson hadannounced thathewould return to

    and thatoffensive beginstonight atthis neeting."; , p . ,

    ., ." q _ - ,. _'

    'The =I1iili icrker-", issue ef September 1,19119, reported that "Harlem shookIith angerand fireydefiance Tuesdaynight asore than ?i;-1,-_..-_,.-.:;.

    1 en

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    IT 100-256$"! . -1!

    7 7.'TheNewforkedition of the "PittsburghCourier", issue of

    September10, 19149,reported that the Civil Rights Congresshas protestedagainst alleged police participation in the Peekekill riot and that theCivil Rights Congress has announcedthata delegation "would march on

    Albany to demandan audience with Governor DEWEY. -D .

    ;.' Thisarticle furtherreflectedthatPAULROBEBONhasdemanded ,a completeinvestigation -Lllllthe prosecutionof the Eu-Elm: i, bothin Iestchester County and in theentire State of NewIork. , p _ .

    The recordsof the United States District Court, Southern Districtof NewYork, reflected that on September20, 19b9, PAULROBESONhad appearedasa defense witness in the case entitled, U. S. vs. IILLILH Z. FOSTER, eta1."l - e . t

    - The records further reflected that ROBESOHin his testimony hadbriefly related hie personal history and had stated that he knew all thedefendants. However, when the defense was asked if ROBESOHwasa characterwitness, the defense had advised that he was not. The record reflected

    that the defense, after objections had been sustained to their questioningof ROBESON,had stated that it was impossible to obtain from ROBESOHthetestimony that he had been called togive and therefore that they wishedto withdraw him asa witness. This had beenconsented to by Judge IIEDINAand ROBESOH had been excused as a witness.

    The "Daily Iorker", issueof September22, 19b9, reported that APAULROBESON,Chairmanof the Council on lfriean lffairs will leave Septem-ber 23rdfor a country tourof Los Angeles, Chicago, Cleveland, Detroit,Iashington, D. C., and Philadelphia."- - ~ -- - -

    A The article further reflected that ROBESONhad beenscheduled tospeak and sing in theabove cities and "willgive his views on the Negro p

    people'sfight for economic security, civil rights and full equality." 'tour was arranged and sponsored by the Council on Lfrioan Affairs.

    The "Daily Worker", issue of October5, 191,9, reported that'PAULROBESON"blasted the gag rule by JudgeHAROLDR. HEDIHAagainst the -1appearance of BENJAMINDAVISas his om attorney in the trial of the -National Communistleaders at Foley Square." The article further reportedthat ROBESONhad charged "that they knowthey cannotanswerfor the dia-'crimination and persecution of the Negropeople so they will not let any-one bring it into court." It is further reflected in this issueof the_

    "Daily Iorker" that PAULROBESOHhad returnedfrom a tourof major cities .in the United States and that he had been well received in Loo Angelo:and"

    unica o.

  • 8/13/2019 FBI Vault Document on Paul Robeson #7


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    It is recommendedthat aSecurity IndexCard be preparedon theabove captioned individual.

    The Security Index Cardon the captioned individual should bechangedas follows: Specify changeonly!


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    Director, rs: 'i _.- .''_larch 16, 1950

    ' She stated that everyone everywhere was interested in the negro hequestion in the United Stats: and she inrther stated that the delegates fromIndia were most interested. She stated that she had to tellthem, of course, _that the negro eas not e citizen and she stated that the @l.egatee rep-li _.j"Oh, yourConstitution andthe Billof Rightsis anonderful thing".Shestathat she admitted this but that she did not tell thm that the Constitutionthe Bill of Rights Isre in mothoa11s in Washington most of the time and were __only taken out for I-irings at times for such occasions as the Freedom Train. -

    S During the open forum period, one individual inquired it it Ias not "

    true that slave Labor camps existed in Russia. Subject pointed out that she hada brother who is a. Soviet citizen and who has lived in Russia for thirteenyears, that he travels with scircus and is married to a Eussian girl. She Sstated that he has told her that he has never seen a slave camp and has nevarieemet anyone who knew anyone who went to sucha casp. She stated she was, _-,therefore, inclined to doubt these stories appearing in the Lmerican newspapersconcerning such camps in ussia, l ' -_-_-=@_-___U _7

    . 4 _J _ -_-;_

    ' "Reverend PRINCEA.!'Gf-LEI, JR.,Minister ofthe CentennialChristian &Church, inquired about the status of religion :l.n the USSR,and subject pointedout that Ireedcm existed for all denominations in ussia, including Jews,Catholics, and Protestants. She stated that people werefree to attend churchor not to attend, and declared that Russia Just separated the church ifromths Y"

    business ofthe stats. _ Y ' - ~ e; ..-.92.-, -.- .- _ - , . a.:5

    - i~;_'J4 An individual inquired ii she considered colonialism and the PresentRussian so-called satellite states the sansthing... She stated she did not 1because colonialism meant controlling and exploiting while a satellite was justinfluenced. She stated that the Eastern states of Europe were influenced bytheUSSRwhile the Western states were influenced bythe United States, so she urgedthat all be fair about the matter and that if we discuss satellite states then.all sate'.LI.i"testates should be considered. 1 '4- : 1 -

    SALIQJANEWITZ, whoaccording tos beena longtime Cmeand the iathr oi ROBERT HANEEJITZ,supra, sthat the Iunerican press conveythe" idea that the"USSR was pereecuting the Jewish people, and he stated that hedesired to know if thereis any truth to this assertion. She stated that shedid not know but pointed out that since the fundamental principle ofsocialismwas non-discrimination, she doubted very much that any citizen was persecuted inthe USSRbecause oi race, color or creed. She addedthat many Jewshold

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    which prompted you to but a policy of long aforwarding the letter you enclosed. Litewiee';;

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    Q1; _ i Saint Peters

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    dated March l4;_195O,_

    en_received- -.I_ of ;I

    I appreciate verymuch the thouahte_communicatewith ac cl;F;h tending precludes my

    cu advice as to what ''

    d make of the leafletl you mention."h '"

    meandI anreturningyourenclosureat thil "flt ne

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    FederalBureauof March16th.,l9D.Investigation, Hashington,D.C.

    ~r Gentlemen:

    . MayI offer a suggestionfor curbingRedsinthiscountry,namely-Te1evision-. _

    ~The enclosedclippingwi11,nodoubt,bringtomindthecancellationofEleanor'sTV programby N.B.G.Broadcastingco.due to themanyrotestsagainstherhavingasher specialgues Cg ,*~*'"WW"_


    t,Psul obeson_

    -The Redsrealizethe greatmediumofTeleviison_ andIthinkit is thepatrioticdutyortheBroadcastStationstorefuse timeto anyonewithRedconnections

    Thecriesor FreeSpeech"willgo upof course,but FreeSpeechtodestroyAmericanidealsshouldnotbe permitted,

    If onlytheF.B.I. couldhavea freehand,thiscountrywouldagaingaintherepsectof theworld. if

    _ _ . FU -'

    truly yours,'

    92@_/ C,

    /9 ~=>

    . ___ __ _ 9v

    $22-'df$ 'I ax&/i:rT *o@'" Qi@

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    qklledchargeg oftheStateDepartmentutierandcomplelenonsenoeingr;inter..vlewheretoday. .

    Mrs.RooseveltalsowasaskedtocommentoncancellationofhertelevisionshowonwhichSingerPaulRobesonwutohgveappeared. *

    I d0nthandletheshow,"~

    thereplied.MyIon,Elliott,endanothermando.I thinkvprobablythepeoplewhopro-=testedMr.Robeson:appear-



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    . -~ 1'.i w-L:. -P-.- 0

    pereona11y appea.1;edthe_Detro' graphed copielof1c_e pr]. ,950 &.n_dmade8.TI.118b16 minao

    ofmaterial entitled, Inquiry onRacialInoitatione PraoticedbyCmnmun_ists"and "Iraq:iry _Gonce1-ningQuasi-liilitary ForoeeOrganizedbythe Cmnm.miste"._ _- A_ V - -'

    '==P1~e:':_1re_ek_4-ir -thismete;-19,1_whichi_;_ookhm-V1:reekstofl'?;Ti3%?.-f.=;?! =z-Fir-2.;1

  • 8/13/2019 FBI Vault Document on Paul Robeson #7


    -=;E;;.,Y-~;:_--_'-;_.I _ -A-.a=~--jj_:~n-r

  • 8/13/2019 FBI Vault Document on Paul Robeson #7


    ,, __,,.,__ . . I._..-__ I J, .IT; l ife-- - -;=l.:;.,.'-.-.=. :e. | ---.. ii .-*l;:$;: .-_. .'.A. --|.192I.*"'0

  • 8/13/2019 FBI Vault Document on Paul Robeson #7


    ;- "..';.':;.921._->~.s5.._,.@..,-.:,:-.,.--.2-....-...'-....L...__....,-.~--~';.;...-..-;-;i..ie=-.-;.:a-amaze;-4n;1..~4n.._J.A. _ !,. _ __ AI 92.._ ". . ._ _ _

    . _- it-.. U 63-O '1Btateanolgst the othercold-eirlceitnlsia, A1:-ieami the latices.

    AecenbeeemtrmmepeechBlaJ.inmdein1929ontbe periceng

    ma 1- onfile withtheHouseOclmittesonUn-lnerioanActivities,em,

    6e11"r: sum, eventhen,considered.tbsUnite

    the chief antagonist to hisdesigns fur Io:-la cocnqueet. In fact, the Unit

    always was a I:nJor and niitieult 1::-oblen tor the lbeooi eta-etegiete. the


    hrmwot eomny creeaeeni raceslivinginthe Unite~' ....-:5, . .r,'.'.:"-ii;-r. *.'--.--4-1 ;-=~2-;i.4;=';.-5.:-eiiwi-.?>.~---- '= " *

  • 8/13/2019 FBI Vault Document on Paul Robeson #7


    ..."- '.-r...-*~ 6.2;5-92_~'.= =_~-A..

    I! by Ilzreadixgmtlcmlim sslangstthe negroesof theIbsen, V

    - an! suppurt your right to organise your own goverm|ent'

    " ,.: ,, W1.,.----. .2pA921Q92~A_5AIq-- u==ui;.p-..l_o;-~-4a4aa-h..92l.;....._.m._._Ee1-l2."-me.--;..3....-._ 0>-...-..,:..

    "__ __: l_;__,,:'_ _';_______~;,'.~" _ "_ __'_ _,;___'.f 1- ...__-- Z. .__._ :;_II



  • 8/13/2019 FBI Vault Document on Paul Robeson #7


    ;__-_-_92_i _- r V ._i. . .,V -If -...-;~.'-.V: ='- _,-_,~;..-..-.~'92_, 4,1___; _________ ___ , __,__,_ ._,_-___,__,;__-_,:__-4;". J__..__~i 7.__. ___

    __ W -_.- .- - Y . - I- -= "~*'."-2,- _ _ "__' ___ '____;'. __'____ 92... . , - .-....._.. MI.-.

    -aeta.-linstien cl e Iepeie' -,1ect-edIegro R

    when the: come into pover:-"

    It vould not berightof Self-d.ete:r1n1.nBtion,inoursense of the word, if the Iegroes in the Black Beltbed the right ccleelf-determination only in thecaseswhich concerned. exclusive}; the Negroes end lid. not

    entect the iihitee, becausethe meet inpertent ceeee_erising here are bound.to effect the Hhitee ee welles Hag:-oee. !i:-stof ell, true right to self-d.e1-01*ninetion neene that the Negro ns.Joritq em not the White if fiif inthe a tir-e taF~1to ,of the -=|.92.|%-iG41:t.va1united Black Belt, exercises the rightof edminieteringgovermenta.J.,legislative em Judicial authority-" _'

    Pamphlet! commas: PosxmCI m

    m1=1=: meTheoreticalDefen-f ~- We mu Cheuvinlinmen

    7 M t ,

    _V; j k __ _ . hm: mcmm1nag,;se::_- According to the Gclzmmistnester-minds, there vere in the Iste '2sh

    921-:-'.-E8313!-n~oe3!countiesownSouthIhichhellI negrone,1or11;1.-5;!Z~;;i*"- "--i"i;"=1""'*;_=_euteereeeseverelstetes, but we did.not dietu:-bthe Ccnrmnlstlhfktegilh

    ' "' _ """5Y"--;51_-frethereiewhettheyee::- o-~.~ A

    "Ih1emeenethettbeterr1to:7novtnovneetbe -" "Q;_Black Belt, leecribenl ebove, berecognized e.eI. MI-

    ? . iimt politieei unit, regardlessof the Ste?-e~ief-

  • 8/13/2019 FBI Vault Document on Paul Robeson #7


  • 8/13/2019 FBI Vault Document on Paul Robeson #7


    ;,' _ .'.'|..-.1, '...___;- . .__'" ._.,,_ ._ ._:_.. ._ &

    v lol:92':e:mn.n:s::a,:m~1;,

    Article: leysoob leg-o Lite:-atieaIllail Lalie.

    Q920ti:g2AnArtic1ein'theII92i&lhgsine-yubliahel. h19Soviet Ooverment in E


    leg-oB*beteIe:-eforna iathe outhantofaehlenty-'ae 3Ie092Ill:1



    ._k'92lenofsupporting a separate aw, police, eeurte, et eetere, vileet

    El Itnllll l of living ion 1'0 the ilipolefbll.


    he vpJ.ueof3::-opegetizgIegro Ietionaiin according to their ealcule

    that it fires the iuaginatiun oi the logo vith the tinsel and pep ofga

    and I8rY0l thepurposeoi inciting disloyalty to the United States. It is

    ogical warfareexpedientin whichthe practicability ofthe thing itself p

    role ihatsoever. Ike hypocrisy behind this whole1::-oject can beet. be Ilie

    in the practices ofthe Soviet Govezuaentonits mmterritory, where all

    erent component nations am! racesofSoviet Russia have been oclnpletelg d

    any inriepenuience vheteoever and ebscmbed in the super-centralized gevernee

    operated frcn Hoeouv. Thosenationalities orracial groups, in Russia, th

    eupieeeea.theCentralGovenlnont,like theGermansin theve1g?i*m-thein

    on'1'-heIinnieh bordezrand others in HclrthezrnCeuceeie, have been rounded

    totality and deported and eiepereed into the fer reachesorSiberia. In

  • 8/13/2019 FBI Vault Document on Paul Robeson #7




    92- - -V ~ I - 1' _ '...'. - --=- -'- -- -~- 7 - . ,.._ -_.":;.___ ~ ,_ __ . _. .92_J _ .,,,"-- " ''-| -- *'-- -- ~- ~ - V-.. i _A_.- '.:' ' - I .- - P - __.,4_ I IV' ._712-.if._ , i := _=

    LmuninqotollnirloederiniincigitamltreokleuofihlalllilihlDobnnnmnult. mu, at1 mbiilticn meetingnew Gallonact H111-

    to the Peekakl Qemonsh-ation,RobesonlO1Gr9dl-- l _-

    '.1l1Ikl bQt92I:rlJ1QPOint,I'1'@!I0n,IIl!.kBtlO''oer-1", andtut. offensivebegin!tonightat em cccu1g.

    Qanontingon theUcetcheute:-euthoritien ofprotection the"GenBobelon teclaredl' ' &t_

    _; "naewrest we; to get protection 1.: to in-sothan that 1-an_ Y nor on weare going to protect ou:-lo1vel' -__-l-.' _ ', -iii.:

    f_-1"-Pl'6ced.1ngPaulRobelm,u1 speakerat ail noet1zg,.vu L Dhfil leo1&-red.8-' "

    He wont all the 'f1unk::l.eIof 'In.'1.1'U Sta-e'ct, zether i U661Uh-I17811991-IGI I18-Ckrebellike Judge Molina, to hwi that we area peace-loving people, butwe are mt pecifiitlun:1vearegoingto|tanduptoototoeenr1n1u31tout',-

    Source: DAILY RB]!!!

    Date: September1, 193$- 9. 9more I111 be severe; tozucurNegroccu:n.miet*1eodcro and other-I that b

    tered tron the Ccnzmmiatawho 11111testify to the incennlicriaa of their netb

    itnludi the typo 01literature 11101diaiributedin Harlanin preparation f

    reokntin aencnstrcticn;hence,I 1|-11.1con neweal: to give youJ-notthe g

    view of their do: to on methods and organization cnonget the Iegroel.

    In the late '20:1'-heCclzmmirtecreated. "rhoLeagueof suiigglc formo

    Bight, This organilntion ml originally created mere}; to exploit leg:-o p

    nnoechututter Stalin! meter plan cum into effectin the earl; 30:, e

    organizationwascreatedknown as the lopeLaborCongressinto vhich m

    of Qt:-uggleforleg:-oR1Q1tl',92|aeon-sad. mereasonforliquidating. no l

    nilSt:-ugletar IegroRight!ml that it containedclaimant:whorelief-oil.

    IagonatlonnlimpolicyimposedbyMoscow. 1'_'"Ibo Iago I-new Congress" otm-ted right er: vith a Ictiooolirt Prop-m

    In designedto appeal primry to llegro workers. rhodesign of the newo

    ki-as,_921.malsotteain om-e6105913into thepatternof usingIegnolabortor

    ~ ",i;.u:--R.' ' . _:'-@,

  • 8/13/2019 FBI Vault Document on Paul Robeson #7



    :~;;;;.-.::ij* __ ;-._;*__-_-_~=~,Q _-5'5"; -- _;

  • 8/13/2019 FBI Vault Document on Paul Robeson #7


    ::-..~.-~".;-_~;.~.- ._- e. . 7,_._..._.. ,A---:--.-A.-nor- --V-_--='~->-=--''v--.--em-,-._..-J-L---.- --4... .."~~-'"- 1': y.'.5...=e_-._.-....5.-. , .-_"1-1 e ~ -'--.--.-- 1-- -_----I-=Y;-2

  • 8/13/2019 FBI Vault Document on Paul Robeson #7


    ,__ . . . ._ __-4;;.;'__";.~-- ~=-142.1-~'-.-,--'-__ -_-. ,-.- -4 :---*1. .;.;. -_-_--:;; ..:, . -.m - .1 WH-___ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ __ _ _ _. W: ._'.2c;-L.-.. .-- .-"" 1- -- =---_-.--,_: t- -* - - =4-" - '* --~ - - -'-.-- -.1"7:.:,f::'%"'h"=-

  • 8/13/2019 FBI Vault Document on Paul Robeson #7


    ____ _ ,. s


    Ll ._ "-ii e


    _ _ , __ . _ _ _- ---""_ " ,

    p61iticaJ.ly,theAohillee_anltbeliberetionlcvenent -_

    iereoehi1gnswhei:tsorl'oo'slcions- _1110, representing s night; anti-imperialist

    r$'Qs .


    Political mm. - mg9-

    By: tlf1JJ.isnl.!ostei-_-

    eeeeeein anarticle by ;= nevi; eeticiei, "Q-e'p___f" People: Liberation uevemot" -- source: Politics]. Atteire-3}.



    Communistoperationswhich is designed.to exploit the grievancesof the lost


    116 IB@'OBls

    he Octnunists elweysmte s great ado if en; of their rioters an arres

    in,1uredby thosewhcn they haveprovokedbut,whet they woulddo 1.! they had

    power 1| perhaps host illustrated. by s statenent of Paul Robeson male toe B

    'p:~o-qczmmistnewspaperwhileheweeinEurope;e statementwhichhasbeenrin theDaily Worker. In this statement,Robesonallegesthat thereine 1:

    resistance analdeep feeling mnongstthe Hes:-opeoplesin the United Stetes:-

    he interview is ine. question and answertorn:


    Question: "Haveyou any persaml experience' con rming this resistance?"

    I-tr. Robeson: "There are numerouseronples tron the recentelection canpoign of Negroes protecting Uellsoepeopletron the Ilu_ nu: Klan. I , n;yeeJ.f,weetospeokinetowninthesouthwhonword cane throng: that the police planned to shoot tie downon 1:1 arrival. The result was thet the police 'received. seriesof warnings to the effect .1!

    anwthinghoppenedtone, mthligmachwoulbe.left oi that town within 210 hours.I have newerfelt no sate in all ny lite throughout :41 stag-lnthntfown. I1nses92.:rro1.|n1ledhJshes.v11;

    u-medbodyguard.of regular police. Oh, yea,the negro pcpuletien is mach more pmg;-eeeirithanscne of their leaders",- __.. , _ _

    H ,___ _ . __

    .-.=_g Source:TheSunday Yorker- June . - 1*.1 - s.=uee_2,;

    I, ofcourse,donotbelievee wordct whetRobesonsagsastoheIllsgento havetakenplace;butit is anindicationofwhetRobesonwou

    looifhehsdthepower.neem-1egteta1eaeewmeee,re921nesetistiea witha tewat his eneuniesbeing mnhendled.Bewoulawipeo

    wholecan inwhich theincidenttool:pie. Justins thelelis haveeeee st

  • 8/13/2019 FBI Vault Document on Paul Robeson #7


    -r. . ..~:-hen-'-'~ ..;- _ ._ . =,,,.-,_._. .1. . _, .3. -- . . __.,._._. ._.. .._......,._._. . ~. . .___.,._- 4... . _._. .. . .. - ' ..; .. ..VA 7 . 1'.._._..__.._. ._-...z......_ .;,._.~- _,n._,..-._____. ._..., _._: ...M_.. .u _ __. . ,__.._ _,___-___ ___~- --~-~:.. . e.. Wee v ...._._.w . . _._ =,.. __-. .. _, or ,_L. "-_._*-"-.'-.=._-'.u;-.92_'_"..-=~'._"- 3 - - '-- ~&I

  • 8/13/2019 FBI Vault Document on Paul Robeson #7


  • 8/13/2019 FBI Vault Document on Paul Robeson #7


    _ .._

    .__ _ _ . - - -,. ,-__ ,, . .; __,_ ____._- -- - ~-__ ~-;_ s .... __ ._ .- .- - _-c f=- _ , ..-1'_- __:' '_-4 _ .'_~...*"'i__J. _.;a- g:_ 92_*w-i _ - - -- I _ _ ____,____L ,.i_, .._, -"92

    stuhdi qeciricneaelsdlle-iueianmogspadanoaptzeeniaaid

    req'n.1.rsaetl.filI:|i1in-Iiatureign1.sng1|sges. _ _

    fties itte nythat,etth1ltina,'_1i:eS1avcengrassieonset1

    -y _-___,_.-5 3.;__ , Vo -15- Q = ._ =.-.:

    groups spreading racial dissenaion in the interest oi Russia inthe United Sta



    s-seee '

    __ Ilzcspt forthe continuousbarrage atattacks againstthe mu-


    1" apiece Clerical reactions;-ice"at other d.anm:!m'tidns,_. noreii;:cen""i.::ei

    use nsnirsstedinccntmniet preparations forthe Septuziberlath

    Poek l. -

    Inaamich as religious imitation does tom animportant part oi Cccnus

    activities, I will deal with it briefly. .

    There was atime that the Ceununiste confinci theneelves to straight athe

    anti-religious propaganda aimed mainly at the Roman and Greek Orthodox catholi

    churches. Ibis,however, wasnot very effective; hence,inthe last 1'

    years madamaplan aleo personally devised hyJoseph Stalin in1923, they ha

    um the business of infiltrating the various church denominations vith alleg

    liberal andprogressive ideas aboutreligion. To carry that plan throng, the

    ilta lave to pretend to he religious. As fantastic as this an_ggen, it is m

    inconsistent withCeammis-bbehavior that -"all mans areJustified ii they

    th if

    Q1-I110 M-Bil Of Chi! 13188., thQ1D1'11tl"'b8. Q18H61-hO

  • 8/13/2019 FBI Vault Document on Paul Robeson #7





    . -_.-'



    _ .-4-k_.-.

  • 8/13/2019 FBI Vault Document on Paul Robeson #7


    ._,_.;- ,.-- -_;-.x>=--q ; ;..-._:., ,___._ _,. : ,. . ,,e.__ ;;.,.-_;=_-_- "?~:"L1"-"I'.k?';*.*E_*'"!j,*.1" .':":1-.'.5'i*.l""'Q-J; I-1!-2'11---'-11;-T-1---~"_---*-"-r"-u;-''--'.~- " ~~"""" .=:=;-~_%-:="=*T~=1:-=*' " 4:"=2 -=-="-~ '==~Y?iii._:. -__ 7* . 92;~1...-.."1. .. ~.- .~.- H '>- V ~ - -- _ ~- -*.,._'" I___1_-_;'-_- -_* ,*,=*L;*'*'.:-__..~=.-._I~=t.~=>15-_'_'.-"'e_& =t ~ Liz?-..-i:*E3;, ....__-..._-'___-_.1 ~-1...----_-,1-.. n-_ ...,_-_ _.. . . .-92-'4-92Al1QIIQ

  • 8/13/2019 FBI Vault Document on Paul Robeson #7


    - ;..,.. .~.-. ..=...._----.-,--- - -- ~~~- .--_---- , , __ - -r., _- -----+-- - v_ d _H . . _1 ._m&

    ;__ __ __ :_ __~ .._; _.',.___L_ _... 4

    __ _3-C; - _' _ _!___ i __;-I 7_e-l;- -'. . _ .. . - ____. 1 _

    592 the iktmiet Iert: Ieedare, Le theirnrioue eteteeeeteeedethroop he-nn

    aenbere andother-viee. ofeon:-ee. elninthatthe Ieecurity guardweetherepare};__.-- e -_

    fer defeneivepnrpeeee;thatie. to defendthe egeinet hoetiloeroede a

    "ii viii in eeenfreewhatfolloee. it ie ouetoeary for

    elm qoneinein otfeneiveeotion, toslain mstheyare mu; tedfeeiv_ 9 . I _ _, _ - i.

    Ind ma. in the nae of derenee. onee lore.in oonneotionwithhefeetetilidelonetretiu. nrrogetedto theneelvoee poliee fhnotion.

    _ "'Ihoeeorgenieetione erepnrel; defeneivein name-toprove tothe woIaeeee the neoeeeity et nah defensive orgenieetione ie eeeierthan to mthem into offensive organization.

    "But,here, we meet with the oppoeition oi the refornere. heyue age@yorker! 'de!eue gre-spahee%e= er. eoge zine rig there 'dep'm:pl' la;turn to attack,It the vorkere were arsed. elaee logic puethee ahead for the old etretegic rule eeye, thebeet method e! defenee

    attack I. 92r

  • 8/13/2019 FBI Vault Document on Paul Robeson #7


    --., . ._ . .- .-- ~- . _ - ,. . . ,-. _._. _. _,_,_ :...,-_.._.__-....__.e.,.....__..-, .~._ - --.---- ~e--- , -=;.1_--. -_.--11:; -- ..I".;_Q-B"a%j_'.__;"-I-.';._?_;_..-~.-_'=9",_'___.a_-;o_";_-"_.___;-;7 :_-'-1__,:__-2;-1.,_4_;;_'.,_'u._. _-:~w~_$.-.--_zones--- -"-. "'=""-:1, __ _-'__ r__ __ _ ...;____.__. ,_._;,._.-.r;-.-:.- ._ . :1? _.,-,1: _ .-G .a._.n..--. K--- -'' """ " '.1 _ ____ ,, /._,,,..-..,.-4...... _...-.- ......,

  • 8/13/2019 FBI Vault Document on Paul Robeson #7


    ._,.:;j._::.':1;_: Le-____1:__-_. _ ._,.;*._,, .' .'.'._'_.;.;.;'.._._,_;_..n .. .J _...._..=.'.e.....e 41-, _ V V__ --;- _- ,;. _.-=- _-- -,-'_---'- 1-.13."*_ ___"-~_:';_5_;_-I;-_- '_',___ :_ "_____ ________;-;1_____f_ 011,4_._ _..._ .' . _:..._..n.;. =.._.=:r-.._-.-.;_-7!

    V _-92] -Ck :7; '27,:-r-. '' ' 1 '- _ _ ,___ -,_,_ ._-. .. - -

    umnmeiuugeuntynmntealitlaunnihqmunxle Qjai

    _k'l:r:'o!1|hich.1on92r!.Il.1 alsohear tentiaenriya cf ndiieaec_cittne. ' - H

    ' " 'ipoLitioalpe_rt_r in not 11;! oeneiinganaailitnngarlg, '

    hiln a military connend 92ei.nn a varrith. anarw rend; atit!llliluthe Party ban to create itn the cournn of e T-

    _ I921'IIg1n itnell, in the ecu:-no of clean ocnflictnti ' ' IIIBGI: 8. v. emu. he Ooto'bOi"PII'0l'n.t1l!l||1:. us. " #1c- -"

    IIhrtherquote fromanctfioialincinion ofthe OonlunIl 1I1i ~ - Em "nlnunintor 1i

    1- 1 .IPn.rt;....ae a pnonpeetive neliier in the future revolutionary liq.71 for thin reancn.hemot allot hie n place in the Party 92bi&

    _" Pcblinho . inhe OomunintInternational - Io. 12 -1940 5,. one. i

    _ ;___ _' _4._"' -=.. ,.3 t &

    _, tgen zer met lock upon Iver; amber of _. .""_T&_

    _IL _ __aQI ;.; ;._ ;_n l- l .____ _-_ e-_ _L _-._.n_ 4.4.. a_a__-92--~'V1-I--l 31 I-LI I01 III Ii?! 92'D.LIa I-IIFTBIEI IGUITIFI IT KI

    the fora of 'o.neuJ.ee:-rice. neeeeean for pr-eeent Party work. an! fnot aereirilling vhich the political worker of today rnjectn. ;_ -_~

    .One nuet alno not forget that thin kind. ct activity in for an-0:7 cGem-cniete beet preparation for the exigencies ct the final ntruggln.source: '11::-'.srsa 92=3scI.'u'rIo!I.aoepted. atthe THIPD 00369393orIE3 ___

    t.i 'lT1T niTTOiE.p.114. -' __-

    in all type: of lonmmint-nponnereei combatorganinatii '._IhQmilitary 'cementl

    in narleupof era:-'vetare.nn andc:-aerrice non who impart their knowledge to the

    other-_n end, ana rule, are



    leading npiritn in tun hypoerorganization. iona v_p.

    Civil far experience, like the .m-em.Lincoln Brigade, recruited illegally in th

    United Statenfor interventionin theSpaninh Civilliar of1936-1938, areconn

    ct epeeial value for thin purpone.All ea: veterann andex-norvioe menare npe

    listed. for their military qualification. "N -

    ' Inorderto keep thintype of organization properlyeomiitioneci duringpea

    tile. they are onodaneenenlt groupn duringntriken,an"gentle" atdemonntrat

    like the cnenatPeeknkil1- they are need for clinmption of 01.-;enentn' ne

    to capture cpponent headquartcrn,like the recent attack on the heaiqurtern

    thin type of 'goon'activity on the part of this cert of organisatlqll, ler-I


    the Ieueeei liaritine Unionand for mq other nimilar purpolca. In eemeeziee

    detaified tentincn;read; for pr-eeentation. i xii--':"&

    z a he followingquntationn 1-eaCom-uniet nourcenwill showthat thin type cV. -_' L. -_ . ~-an *-'r.-- --w-- .-_"-::,a_._:_,

    --. [email protected], ..,,-:_:-.,:.._...__". inanintegralpart ofGommint activity:

    i"-wider.._. .

    '9! the/.=-:"'---

    direct action, we lean all form

    '-e:".':er= "..'.p$:.the @107:-rr. nae ti-4 State: boreettee itrikeei_- ~qt:-eot dononntraticnn, neimre of factor-ien. araedqprining an! .. 7other revolutionary activity whichtcndn to unite the working

    e _ *clean in the tight for eecialina-'p-_v ~'* - -

    - ;'-"-.~:.-, ..."*r;' - ..,,-.i.,_ .__.,,.of direct prenlnl-l_*-I

    .__-..-.e ...__-.7. ' ', norms: rnzsxa anscmunur; eomeau

    " ot m m";=1ur1.!1_T-- pi14.=s= ruwiig 1-; Gentsnpornrg e'Pdalinhing innooiation, leer 1011!. I-I; ' -

    the retro new Commas:

    ;_""Ion"15eet_nkill'an:92other deuonntrntionia:1: ',.=~-{Joi___A;__ hetundanental aonnnof theetrcgln ofthe proletariatngainni

    _ Qe his e! Q!o92.n_1-geoioiei'%!in, ita atatenever,in- ti-N1 ifu:.__p __j____j fall, tin lethod.oi non lcaonntrntiolm Inch -L deaonntrnticnn :v:wff"_il.-'1; areprepared eelcarried out '&n -anorganizations oftlnn prc-.

    ".--*-1-*:';~=~'-~tauru92,ee|n ihc'l.j,1'Qt],c92Q! c, nee. nieupunei. eeetniincc Pony. 1'Gtrii t? in to 'thin oer the proletariat '_--T -~'-H- '~,;_-r,__i;_;__92;,,i;;,;'-;;__',;' f,_1 5:.-it1 .":._',t.;,,_-.,~__ .-.V.-=ev>.-.4. ;$k|EiL

    - 1..:-.i' .- -' .-:1:- .' *' .*- .91:-...- r.' : ""' *' *5"

  • 8/13/2019 FBI Vault Document on Paul Robeson #7


    -'1-_'_.-'I'--'1W::.'.r.i.';'-- :.-'_.'__-~t .~ ,-- -"--- -=---'... ..,_...... .... ..._. - .1,-:_..-,..---.. ._,..- .-..,.._ .n .5- ----.- -o.~_4----~ -~

    . ._ _ _ ... _ . _ , -___-_ -_._.._ -, ;-;;___;_ -"_,-5..---:31-.."'a_,_..."-..":'"-':.*;:- ._ .' '_-.':.:.__:n_-._==__. ... .-. *92 _._., y W- y i --- ---- 1"-:9-r

    _ __V _ T. _.__...,-_._-_-,-: -_r_:.- ,7 .. _.;- - .... ~; _. _- r. . .--.:, 1 -:.:-'1. _. _

    'wpin kvn an ettininntpniuidni niffieern.in gnnlpelitilll -3- nrhe!'I~1I:lf.tn0eUhctIp'5ltj

    thl 92

    E3838 LID I!.lTD'1'IlSII El Ol-UII5'I.'II'I3Pl&1IOILL|lolcon 19%; '

    Inmed by the Guuunint Part; of Anerioa. 1920, 9. 43.

    lnnhnfthnlilitnrytrniningfevthenentnrn ofthintypnofgroupnthn

    Ge-nnintn eurpnet the Government itself to np;l;.an the following quotationwill

    ta , ,_,_;__..";,___Y,

    ... I itinenguard.nrgnninetieon,theAr,=11-1'.elebn.at.1-' nhoulhe niilineci. for the ;mr;>nneof giving the vorinr-nIilitnqr

    training for the revolutionary hattlen to owe. Intmnivn '1 -_ ngitntionaunthe directednotngainltthenilitaq sni-info?!

    youth end the verkern, but ngninnt the nilitnrintie reginn n _- the domination of the oftieern. Everyyonnihility of proviing th

    vorkern with wenponnare lent carefully taken ndvnntngeof.

    neuron: rnnszs a. resowrror. eeeptee at the T111?!!Ionn oceans:of the GOMFUHSTIFTIPHATIOILL.1:. 92. Publishedby Gontupernr]Pnblinhing Lnnocintion, new York, 11.1.-

    75 qllli-military organization of no inmrreotionery type doennot gr

    night:it taken yearn and the formation of nuoh an organisation nnunliy gen

    Yll liison of development. In itn embryonic ntngen, thin type of organ

    "1 "I11! be oanoueged nod it tnlen an alert Government and people to ne

    Inch cancmflnge.

    The arming of the proletariat ansumenvnrioue format variousltagen of the revolution. In the period. 31-ior to the neimre of power, and in the firnt period after the neimreof power.it takethe feof a proiatarien militia - in militia of the -ieilei-i, ne

    FedGuard, and elno FedGuorilla detachnentn. The led Army in theform of military crgminntionof the Soviet Government, 10.0;itin the any 0! the iiotatornhip of the proletariat.

    T 551$ LGAIBST DIPEPIALZST YA! AID EH2MSKS GT IE 0OKIUIIResolution of the 6th Ynrld Jongronnof the -J.I.. 1938, Pliblinhed

    _ hy Io:-tern Library Puhlinhern. leer Ynrt, IJ. zmi Edition. J11];----~:-.-~H,.--- p. 47-48.e .-- e-l -

    7_ -_ Gtegol in Q10Ilevelopnent of quasi-military organization:-- _ ,_ .- ._-;;.;;.

    -_ -up _ i- 1- e lDcl1'l.ed ldafnrnnn an-ranluntinni -tn!-Q nnu-I _1n'hl_- 0_____ _-___-- --____-_-__._ -.%,__ _.,.-__ _._.___-

    ;;;_.'_-"-l_--_--- veteran:elnbnorveteran:organisation,huntingolnbn,

    defenne elobnorleagues, plwnioal culture cluhn. hike olnhn, eta.

    _-_92_7'13;-_;;-_-_;-__"_*_" _Vj i";'-;;_'_'-'nee:-et cluhl. goon nqnadnknownan action onmitteen. ergn.n.in92t

    -.7911-=7?" -.1"eomittonn. entertainmentcommittees.etc. . .__-:_;.,,. .---' 2, Fnrlntien of IneurreotinnazyPeronin the for: of nelnet onn

    _ -.~-~-4-..-'."_;

    Igadl of I. comnundo$!::O, nine known an dltnnhmnntl. guerillnn.~ -

    Inn nee:-nt arning oi than greopn. Xietnilnd inntrnotiorn in innm-

    rnotionnr; toehnigunn. manningat the inlurrection. Thin fee-on

    - recruited. 1-onthe 'de!nnnnorgnninntinn nontioned in ?oint 1

    E ~ - -'-I. In ennnthe innorrnetien noeonedn.the formationof neni-nrq

    - 'en;ptOfgllllinltiongenerallyhave/IilitinornoGuard.tntn_ IQ--Iw}~92_ -... V -- 'v"-'--- ~ 1,;-_:-_;:._ ,__ _-1. 1:4 1...: 92__ . ____ . :-~ e J ._..__._.-7.7.4:...-n.._- _n~_- --- - .did n11Inihern e! orgnninntiennnational. in In-t1are nrollll

    , I5e'5'.Z.-"'iZ'l:.7;,:,1f.:..._a?1*,$,.Q..'3_'n-1-_.1Z";;_- *'_-_:._;...;'".'.-."-%'*4.-J= ;1;,-I--. --en.qs#}'"";" z,.=.-'-s.==-n~*?='-.= .;.'.*.=, ;-;.;r.H-11.2-c..>;;...;a.e '

  • 8/13/2019 FBI Vault Document on Paul Robeson #7


    ,. _., r:~.~ .....__ _-_ 1.1 _ .__ __ __ ,__ __._; -__ _._._ _,_._._.,-.- _.._. .____._. _. _. _._.__..__.,_._..__.-- _ . -- -=-.-_=92.:2 _-_ -__- -_,._ _-1,. -ai _'_'-92-I;fl T}_';-!-e__" XL- L_'l-.r. _._ 21--';._LiTn..--... ___. "'_ 5'; -"ca-'-' -I " '. _-__t __.";;. ...:;-;_t;.;1,._ _ .. . .. c-_._;.u

    _'!Iesne:l*e1en;92._61%!" eteendtheir teller-er1~ Q!aft0htfe5&92bhlL1wwtIeephslrq'

    lb! 6111 it, into 92ll_:lII:h thePithn plus "molar lliiitary

    fornations thathave coneever to the insurrectienistsIq he

    ilmrporated. . "I

    _hediiferent etegee ean hebetter seen incountries ehiohbro large iemen

    Isrtiee. like the onee inIranoe and Italy, whenLarge qusi-aiiitery organisation

    ' -Qlinseed. Itegeeofdevelopnentexist end.wherethan orpnintlellve n__, "IQ? neeunintea largestock: ofarnanente. someofwhichhaverecentlyAllie

    authorities of themeooontrtee; and the final It-lge of this type of ergenieatioa

    heeeea inChine, when theirquasi-lilitary combatandgneriiieIganieetione h

    grin into a an linedFed Lrlq ahentto completethe conqueetK the uhoie e

    Geecheelevak-in, too.inen L'L1ustrnt1on ofwhet roiethis typeoforganisa

    can pin:vhm. theGomuniste arereach toeeisepower.Ihen GovernorDewey tool:note of the security guard" an the unusualfeature

    the iouuunist demonstration at the Peekskill. 'Pebesen 'ooncert'-hepointed to ee

    thing more significant than appears on the eurfnce: hepointed, intact. to an

    inlurrectionery organizationinthe making.

    lllor nonor to proceedmore specificallyonwhetisthought on this suhJ

    the Iilitary classesinFoseow. I Inst eay, at the outset. that thereinveq 1

    testimony available inthe fora ofgnuhlicetione on whatIan about te tell you h

    cause all literature used.inthis type of classes rmnthereturned after they aneed.lone inallowed to hetaken out ofPuesie.

    _ .

    .._'__"___,.;_..'....Inetructiona onconcrete organizational gueetlonn regarding-1- : :;;- ~_- preparation re-r underground conditlone nut be given only verbal}; __

    and only byabsolutely tr-led Ind trustworthy people. On]; in____._'=' extremeceeeeshould instruction: hegiven invriting and these ""._._ o

    _ ahould contain only the lest general inetrnctions and nhould. he__;_; written insuch enanner as togive the police no elue ae to ~--

    _-_-_-_#-___-+-T_;__=--V;;V'V_V___rho: to look for and vhere to find thu 1.! the instruction:-e - - aninto their -- - - -o ---~~'

    ~ -nouns: Article: Perolutionazy Undergroundwort. ~ _.M}&.U}IISI' IFEPIHIORIL. V01. IL Ion.10-11-12 am; 1. 1932

    1- -- - p. 341 Special ldition for U-8. Pub. hyWorkers m11mn1.1.c.

    ke Eiecuseion ineurreotion thatone doe:findinarailaihle Eennuniee,__ .._t .

    Iliterature isLargely eieleading. Leoerdinc to anilntie literature; an insurr

    in elatter of big st k-es. Illl dmonetretionl inulaieh the Iaseel put upbarricad

    uteriGovernment @915 andfight with troops, or elee freternisewiththe troo

    In order win than overto the eile ofthe incur:-ectloniete. u oloseet quo

    actual." taughtinthe nilit-er: 01198"*1!"3l_!_l"

    from Lenin,founder attho 101-ietState. anultheorist andorganiserofthe Gum'=r .--'...:_-;.. . _ . 92_92 ,- _._ .-

    -- -=-'----r""3**~.~-.-'-3%.- "*1-$1~-, --' -.-.-.1" 1'-i *;-~'*.1:'1;.-K *-.,;*'.&I!-:-i"?.="-I-1:.-"_*;+*aB__i?'f'-.;.;_,"!i5*! .1-.-?'-32?--1%" 1..xx.1-.-.1 =~--.*:*u-w1"-*.-*--1-*~ 7-~ -_ ;;~_-,:;:gP""~_ 11:-'r!:.-.-=.~_.

  • 8/13/2019 FBI Vault Document on Paul Robeson #7


    . ..' _ .,:' .;._--_. I- e 0 ,

    V a ..

    'em Ihir1i ,1~eet1eteel"'l1n$h7thaIea- to attach and the organization e1to-reee fer the uprising.

    Iriilitaryattach depend onthe iei of ailitary technique - ...Military technique, now. in not the sane an it van in the anileef the 19th teeter}. It wouldhe folly for erode tocontendagainnt artiILl.er; and defend.ban-icedenwith revolve:-e. Inutnhynee tight nhenhe wrote that llencee had 11111161!-fltednew barricadtlotieeh Ihene taeticn were the tactiee of gnerilll ea:-tare.he organization which each tnetien innnni in that of ten gen,thlanncrtroeen deteehanntn....... _

    Stud; carefully the etory ofthe eecesuyrieing. 3861!!!! Illyou vii]. nmierntnnd what connection atietn between tin ale_ 1ietachnente'andthe qnantienofneebarricadetecticef .__

    *- eouacl:1-asmnrowrzonor19051;1.1.mu.1:.es.______ InternationalPnblinhern.Ice Ierk, Ice In-rt. A _--_

    In aheuldtakenote.anI Onlengeatingthenequotation.thelton

    alengn speak in their written Iaterial aheut the vex-here, Ihieh they call t

    _ Pvehteriat.Theverkernareexpectedorcharged.withdoingthinorthat.


    organinaticnatocarrythroughan insurrection.Lenin hinneif.again and

    that the vorkern are incapable oi that nmnhknowhow onthin auhject. "he

    ljieak in thie connectionaboutthe vorkere, that in jnat the usual lcecpia

    - vhich they nae to avoid tpeakimz in the firnt person. Phat they actually

    that the GomnunintParty orgenizen all these thinne-

    Iov to the actual method of inl1ir'!"Qct10naI1fighting an taught in the

    collagen. Ln Leninindicates in the quetatien I Just aade. the pe,-rnlar noeh"

    inenrrectione of the pant in not atall vhat the omuniet-crgfnized inmrr

    are haeed. on. The Snnnntmietn bane their ineurrection organisation on ntme

    little guerilla groupe ofa Golan:-zio tyge which attack their eeiected. ohjec

    calculated deceit and utter eurprine.

    e_een"entantI.cito}cn I thatonthehaeieofenekllmtechnique taught in llonoov,a cit; like lee York could he neined from the

    h; eforce of lone than 10.000 menorganised in the fnnhien thatI rill in

    Ind, if the Arm in disaffected. an the Pnneian Lrny nae at the tile of the

    ___;___e_ei__aur!~-ifpcverin Puenlaenochecitgr'eeuJ.c1heheldandthenewGovern

    Ii theinsurrection.couldconeelidateiteeli.-_1'lheGomunintPart;aeabernhipineaTerrStatean of1948naej}_h

    neui; ternthirdeofwho!live withintheIn Yorktit: area. on; 20$o

    nenternhip are ana rule connide:-ed fit to he included into a eonlaat type

    organisation. The numberprenent in the Security Guard.to:-nation eorrenpo

    apprezieatelg thin percentage.-- '_

    7__Ietregred. ierler 0I;pita1of?nnnia,neeknownneLeningrad.vith the

    nenthaving50.000troupeplea policeat itn lliepoeal.veeactualil $030

    ty 3,30nan thna1[et'gan.iIOLHamburg.a city ef 1.500.013 peepln Ill t


  • 8/13/2019 FBI Vault Document on Paul Robeson #7


    _-.;.- .: :n_ ; _ . ; : ;. : : ;__;;_: ;__;.;.;-_:;: .- _; ;.~ -. ;;- _ _;; ; ; ; .. ; _,.. ,_,,_ - ,_; .....,,o__. .._ _,__;_ ; .;__, 13t*3';;"".'__1__._I_fl _';____,L__%__4M;W;_"_'3_'{',;.=?"."r_"

    9- -;-~;.f?.'-":;3'.__41:-15.5:j_-'"4. .-=-'__:-3- * . l '- _" J; =4-". .'2_-*&. ,......._....>..,..-92_......~ -.._,._..e. . . -___.. .,-_-...._......__.--.- ,_ ., .._. .. . ..._._.,,_..e', . ., . .. _ _, . I .. ,.' r. aim. hum eltum. 1int:ateoo.ooous-mmi.an

    in-if. tieepeiH It itetiepeenl,wasalaoetMb ti QSQInn to-Jteehniqeee. 1e- *-,'h

    '1;loiota,Ua itelofOelulbin,anullforceoiUellnmlateltegeden-% eeerge:-.i:e$=.1291;Q! sit;

    ~a'beine week.hr thetin theywereouted.I; troupecomingfrea lietr

    u Segltel looked.an if n heavybenbudnentequulronhadgeneere! ll.

    ,, ieeh of theabove-neaed.inenrrectionano different an to in th

    2&3.theyconformed.tothefollowingpattern:- 1. the leisure of pnerhoueee and11.1communicationoentere, RA In

    - _-- - . _ . . -. - .- - _- ____ .Q1epnoneHlcllelgel, telgrlgm nn maid ltetionl, ate. z:n:|.enan an x

    object the pernlyeie of the Governmentmachine. . _.__I

    2. Seizure of ell transport terminals to paralyze all traffic to all

    tron the city: thin my incl-one the do:-oiling of train: 50 to BOI110!

    out of the city or the nieahling of airports, dieebli.-ng of hridgea

    andthecreationof otherroadhlccksto irrpedeGovernmentrein1orunto fromquietlyreachingthecity whiletheinsurgentterseto

    at 92-erk. t

    3.. $3111-eof key C-overnmentbuildings. like the neutral police

    headquarters, Git; Hall, Intional Guard.arnoriea and other eonnen--:.~'-=

    e-pate to impedeorparalyze quick retaliation on the pert of the _

    Governmentend.further paralyze the Govrnment machine.

    4. Theerrant,earl; inthemorning,of theprincipalpenonelittee_ .

    A of the Governmentandforcingthenat gunpoint to declareinrxadlete:'+::---- -- - *- --- ~ -'- '*---'~'~-;:":';" -'an;>;1ortof the newGovernmentorto he executedllllnedietelye-ail "-,

  • 8/13/2019 FBI Vault Document on Paul Robeson #7


    ,,, ,__ , ,_~ _,, _... ,.,.,,_.. ., _., . . . ....... ....., . .. _.. ... _ _. _ , ,~~...._ . _ ~ ~ _ . ____fg_;__;;______- _, ,.. '._r------ - -- ---V-- _ "Q-.._. _.;:_ .;_ . .= 4 -L2-5-_~.;- -7_~_;,.,_''_-:*'"." "'" _;l-"'592--.-=->..I --

    '_I "* _ -4_'. ~_ - _ .,'"''" ___ q ,3________-_;__;-1_:._.,_.-_. r_.,__

  • 8/13/2019 FBI Vault Document on Paul Robeson #7


    -- '@a.=,.;..:.:" ;"..._..~11.. - 2.. *.'..;-...*2"-5-W'-"""1-$5-t___. .7.-----< -551'' '" . __ _______ ___ ___ __ .,_7__.___~_,;__-=7__ _.. -E.-.-_---_i,._;5:__- _-e ~;35;=:";1-=*;,_,-..-5..~.-;;+-_.. ___:_ . L-- ~57-_---1531- Q --- 0------ -_== _ _._...:;...-.~ "" " . -- 23;"-n-- , 7: -- e " -- .- e""&

    __ _ _.. l. .1 ._.-..:- ._-.,

    ~ . . I- - -=-$4 3

    _' ms in toayga eeeritnetlelatanHuiemaoi-gunmannine an. ....r .- ,-vI . . _. - 1,-- _= - . . ,_ H.1; tempenpaneofenpplyingeuge oru-meanttomobanergeilnuen

    itevlth trelnedleenbetentsendu:;ereneed_oeq|192at--- ' . _- ~.-,. .., ..

    theair. LI miner freeeveran epentleneIn Ierlnlhr

    U1 tnnee of eubuerum epu-gnu; u concertrm: on1lnd6rz1992'_lIllergeelpegi-cg- - Y -t e-- - - - -' ~I.'_*' .&

    no _ 7 ___--. ,* hnetieningLeslieon 1:-eeat dcnnenll.If withthedevelcpoent

    .e lerlnlwarfareouch;thingeheuldbeconepenibleellewith. undergroundInthe11.5,,thenallmumofT; ergunlsetientillhavetobelherplyrevlee4._

    5!tnlurreetloneryfereelothe'gute'oftheOtmllmlntP_l-rt!Ilti._:_ atthequell-lilltarylet-upoftheParty.Onenewnine1cit;

    l forceofthistypoybntonee-ennotholditon101:5notheGov_ereliableforee at ltl commendend.hasthewill tonaeit. It ll enentlnl,

    .end.thismetbeoenlidered.e.veryimportantpertof thepreparationstenthe

    seizureofpower.teee:-ryent.priortnmyinsurrection.eertelntypesof -infiltration aetivitlee in the armedtel.-eeethat beer direct relation to It. V


    I I111 new give the eeconclpert of the plan:-- -- -

    -L Inltretebylecretorganizationthearmed.for-eelofthe11.8-_._.:

    _' and carry out demerelintion work therein. .:--- ~ ;

    - 3. Infiltrete the Ldninietretive and, if poulble, the peliey *."__*4- _n , ,


    K demoralizeanddevlgteGovernmentactionegainltthe-- ~- _

    D_._'____I-lei-3V__,____._._r,_-Y;**T_-1-_ .__,7WIk.. Y..____-- '- -- -'

    3- Infilt ie thedecisivetransportationendcommunication' ' --"1 r:

    = ''of the countryto imaedee rapid er large eeelemobilizationof the

    - =*- e7*Gm-_ernnent'efcreeeagainstthelneurreetienintl._- " .. _ 4- Inltrete dlecieivearmamentlndultrieetn erclerto ehltrlof l

    _ . .1 .-- ....;n__-eyu-.:r.A-.1--V- ' "- . .~

    . malebetegetheiroperatlmBipecilllfduringperieis.1 '1":'. ,. -.--- -. 1.---1-__-;--1- _-:1.-V__-_ -.-=5; ,+._;

  • 8/13/2019 FBI Vault Document on Paul Robeson #7


    _ ___ _- _ , __ '--...:.~___...__.--.,.,_.-.

    . _ If. xi. ___ }'~_ J.i;!:.Purq 2:-I other prties in that e 5o-mist Port;is hesiosJJ;Q illlltretill

    . erguisstiomoperstizgll;eteelth. ndeooil.hell e@ee92grow

    1 fewdoomnonhavehem totekeeverlargeLsher onions.spreadingthei

    gripendinuenceso theygomeg. thesomemethod:hlfeandereheiogu.e_et

    infiltrateourcollegesendourtechnologicalandliteraryintelligentsiaeseoandso forth. h h _92-- --

    _ ' 7 . . __ .

    the eurfeceer above-groundset~qpoi theGoenunietPut: is. in feet ml;i JodietorecruitmembersforitsconcealedinfiltrationopereticnsiiI11nits


    or-gmisetionco-oldheendhesbeenehleto eeisecontrolin certaincountriesin

    tron five to tvenw percent of the population no in eynpethgs-it-h i t."

    Iopozhepeilluetretetheeffectofthiskindofmethodwithecueeleetmm. 1;:us takeform=p1e enu,laborunionlike theUnitedElectricaland

    llachineYorkersUnion,whichwass participantin theIcheeonPeekskillneetin'i'hisunionhes beeneffectively controlled for the lent ten years by eforce of

    then one percent of its membership. i'hieone percent was the organized Columni

    groupeoperatingwithinit. Anevenleseerpercentageof GoomunietFart; senb

    controlled twelve netionel unionsof the 0.1.0. havingenenherehipoi1.560.06

    I onnotsuggestingthattheCommunistPartyin this countryisivst this tile, r

    tocarryouttheineu.'rrecti.ona:7plansindicatedetbove,nordo I suggestthatt

    _ so-celled.securitygee:-dis etthintine eforcesufficientlyquelitiedendo

    isedto lttlipi theseizureof lee YorkCity.butI dosq that itis thebegioisucheforce:eleeitsezieteo-oewouldherenosensevheteoeverinthe_to

    aetivitieeInd programso taughtbytheHighCommendinlloscevendes frsctice

    Iuq of theGommmietPsrtieeall overtheworld._" '

    _ oolennnsrconcnoxmrnmmman* '

    i=1-.- W-~~ -me Solomonweenie.its Se

    geewill eeefromtheQuotationsi willmireofI-c:ovel;;'erises. uniplayin inportintroleintheOosluunietpllnloferg-mining !o

    notionsendthis no-wants,to elargeextent. to the heevygerticipetiouof Go

    controlled unions in the Peel-elrill affair end the security gnar

  • 8/13/2019 FBI Vault Document on Paul Robeson #7


    _V __ . i _. 7.. _._.. -__. 5_-_._,2- ._ V.

    'Are-eatencreamem=;'mr._Ibiillat=1eh-hitnrnntiet_ 3- te iqrueeoustr-te;i~1l1;leL:;:rg|ep-|em_-heunm

    1929. Ietenrewi. uzenky. .rre ton-eena lutiee _11;an: name., run. tor t.tr.U.n.- 3;we;-kenLit'ru7Pdblinhei-elee Tori Git}. p 29-30 _ e3 7

    Ihe.emmniete ere net leherunieniete:theyonlyunethe lnhefhniennnn

    would nee nmelon to neckall the ntrength ant 0!. thm. 11561 Ill 14343?Illilll



    engineeof din:-wtien of the en;-Jitelintecenenieqntu. they nee these nninn t

    1!.-.nn__nne1-in lie!!! ectivitiee all pedtheir pg:-ell! eith lJenn-ni!t__perIcII 1

    i qnnelnhorenienetorecruittheroughandtumbleelementfor |;;~':-.':-. T .'.'...,lperill greqpn.hey neethannntheheavynrtillery in theG-If-te-Q

    ee mlic endpeliticll _1m:-farethey conductmm: cnpitelintic eee1et;.".'

    -_ lb 101-lile qtntien 1'1-encemuniet neureen indicnten ehnt the Ii Gonna-

    in lloncce nqn on thin nuhjeetz "'

    !'1'h.eInter-aatieail Genneil cf Bride and Indnitfial tfnicnt ea.-vianet peace but n nerd to the heurgeeieie of ell eenntrient thin

    de ne: the euence of cur activity. Our progrenin the violent

    ererth:-cur at the honrgeoinie end the eetehlinhment of theDicteternhip ct the Proleterietg nmthlenn clan var on eninternetiene1'endnational ncele and nclone nnneverehle ellieneewith the Gellnnnint Internntionnl-'

    801303: International Trade and Industrial Unienn by S. Iozwniy

    pt 59, Publinhed by Union Publinhing jrnocintien, I-1-

    While building up their forcen for the neizure cf purer, the Gmmnlntn ere

    Inch interentedin buildingtqwtheenione- the veryepteniteeiftgyhnttheydoaft

    the neinre of power,Vhentheyproceedtoteke the dernelspineoutat thmt .

    Gemmznintcontrolled tinionn which nn nrule, are engagedin continued ntrife

    lgeinet the employers and the State are In ideal


    I011-Q Q t'1nru_ggnggz !nennn92_the 'l'tP"I'1.1'!f!QnfI-TI I --n -vQ ------ --

    _ ecerity guarddinpleynt Peeknkill. e . _, I

    Elieindividual Gail; ntrngglenof the verhern egeinnt enjaitalint'eapleitetiun in ditch you participatedet vnrieun tinen on verioen l.e-ecnnien-I. ere really not ieoleted and neparate eventn, but ecn- *''ntitnte no nan; linkn in one chain - the chain of clue It:-nggle ofthe working eleee ngeinet the capitalist elenn, nntruggle which


    e--grti-_ enpitelinteylten.endthebuildingupof SecielinnentheflrltT * nteg:ef Oemmninn,throughtheentebliehnentof thedietnterehip1_...?""'Q Iv A-nqnQ1

    -triit it the far: ti a Se at gate:-at-at-!_ '-Y.--"5"'.- . tr:-__-_1?:'_.-

    12- Pamphlet:nu comma: mm II LBTICIbyAle: Bittlennn. .m. byIerkere Lib:-:17 Pnbliehere. lee lurk city, April. 1932. 3 I. "-

    i.. __.,.,_

    'I_hnteverfighting hen been done in the lent fee genre fer higherIegen and unemploymentinnerenee end relief wen doneunder nrnvelutiennry leederehip with the elenent participation ef theGemunintiVhearein fevereftheeverthrwofthecnpite.

    " 'I'"I_92'rP0-';_' '3

    _ _. ,-_- ..-,..,.., ,. .... ,_ '92'l . -'u~-__-.4, ... I --. " ,7.,"_.,-7:1H.-!L'.7ePtoanlav-mkilllnntihttiene.nottotututn 7-.:_:, fl-tthe enefitet the eltpitllintl. but to he nmonkeyrrnn

    ,,,;,_,;.__-_-:_- their llnhinery, 1;:-eventingt-hm free we:-kingnnoothlyin h

    -1'e"l""51"-'e..-3.1? ..L


    nine at the overthrewcfcnpitnlint rule, the nholitien oithe =='*5"-"

    treining ground for nll typtn of

    eqnedn inc-uhetein then en gene_ ___ ____,,_..___i_;4...- _.i_..._

    kl-all tv-an in! lggl nnnnlg-...- W.-. .. -. ._--


    IE! cunnman 3';1!. ;._ oigu. in-ken mu-e:1 Pnhlinhern. 19.->3,;


    1 __ ._ __ _.

    _";r"-__..,=....__'__2:,____...,-____ii...';:...,._..._;___;:,=-:;"L*;.;=;.-;f;;s:2.-.-:14-1";-=--=#55555?-Iii-3559"?-=C-II.$1J5*v'i'-:_. 1;-:.;.1:;; "iii.-.'=?'~" ' 1---~--W--~----',-v- -'~-'- "4 ''E?"92'?~**'7$rp,u;.4#$'PF@-'IF~2'.KQihl --""|'_'T_?",.~_;"--aw:-=.'-*&-1.-~

  • 8/13/2019 FBI Vault Document on Paul Robeson #7




    P -|.

    . ,- . ._._. ..._-.~ ..-_.-;- _._- a . _--,_, ._._. .,-- -

  • 8/13/2019 FBI Vault Document on Paul Robeson #7


    ..' . W- - n

    . , 4" -_- * . '_'

    _ lninetqu-etuedinenntmhijerngec,m=mc1'uquenemmeann.-

    thatI-Itnbee:t__5|.ereeugegesiin111:0 nctivity...beenlenbecreon_

    lnogetie nut effectiveof theirmu organiser:endnonetectioinnlr than to

    ietne-r_'":1"-iththeirquasi.-niiitguerilingroup;orgee-ne"'.eretheetrengiepiof the diole Sommiet movement. .

    thenot-ivitieeerell Sourronieteinthelaborunionethroughouttheeerieereoerriinnted by the -Cormmint-dominated Ierld. federation of trnrie thine. n

    jgengceeoertothellecInternationalorI|lb01''UnbuttheP01-1610!? IdernewUnion!whichembeenmamaendeppmd1;the11

    qI'--' :;::_,._; .-- -._-.-----.---

    Gounod.in lioeccvetiil continueto guide ell their nctivitiee. F-: " &

    Another contingent tr-king pert in-the oheeonPeekekill demonstration in the-

    I-nhor Youth League, Ienceeeor of the Americnn Tooth for Democracy, vhicl in turn i

    the locceeeorof the Ioung SomnnietLeone. Accordingto the Deily Yorker of _

    September9. 1949, the Later Youth Leagueheld e epeoiel city-vice neeting to pretthe violence suffered. by them et the Peehlrill cienonetretion. The meeting wee he

    nt llnnhntten Center, 34th St. end. 8th Avenue, 1.1., with Jock Stochel, member of

    Political 3m-een. oi the Bonmunint Forty ln one of the eleven convicted in J1I--

    ledinnecourt, enthe principal e;.>enker.

    can-mans!more ommr 2A'1'IOB8J

    JockStechel,fcroerorgnnlzetioneecreteryoi theGumonietPartynnie!la


    e oneofthePetty:nbleetorganl. _____7ntr_e'te_giete_._Heno formerlynhighotficigl of thylfoungSommnintLea;-o.e._____

    'well vereed in the plane the MoscowHigh Semend have for infiltration octiritiee

    --~===-=- =-M~=M ====~===-h__=

  • 8/13/2019 FBI Vault Document on Paul Robeson #7



    _,V_,,,-. _, .- A. .. ..i_- __

    . ,no 0 > ..1. it sin et m ileolegioelliiiintegretionenduienoreiieetionor

    " the ;5=n_iigeneriii

    2;_InfiitrntionQt youthorgenieetione.eoiieges;nnivereitieeen! other etretegio epote for the_pnrp_oeeof etinoletieg iieeeotion

    mi ll-iniquityto ourinstitutionml recruiting endI, n- -rthieere for the Gannniet Increment-

    3. Utilising the organisation thee oreeted. for infiltretiee in the

    AimedBe:-vicee,technologicalLeheretoriee.etc. Q;--.-Z"__.. :~e t '1*" v

    I_I_;:;Y_TIaohof the ideologicalaiieinteg-retioneni.GeneralizationworkLI lonetllrm

    orgeaieetionemongettheteachingetnlf. infiltration of teeohere'nnion

    Ioviee end through textbooks, ete. ee eotivit; enonget the teaching eteffe ie 0

    onlineted.run the eotivitieeor theYoung'}oelIun.ietLeague.newhave e