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More Than Words – Establishing Sustainability in Group Discussion A Presentation by Mariska Kappmeier, University of Hamburg

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Presentation by Mariska Kappmeier (University of Hamburg): "More Than Words – Establishing Sustainability in Group Discussion", at Forum for Cities in Transition annual conference, Mitrovica, 24-28 May 2010


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More Than Words – Establishing Sustainability

in Group Discussion

A Presentation by Mariska Kappmeier, University of Hamburg

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Problems – Group Discussion

• Slow process

• Chaotic or unstructured

• Difficult to reach results

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Benefits Group Discussion

• Allows to develop Shared Visions between (antagonistic) participants

• Boosts commitment and motivation of the participants

• Bases the decision on the contribution of all participants and are therefore longer lasting

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To reach these benefits, the group discussion HAS TO BE

moderatedThe role of the moderator is


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9 Guidelines When Moderating

3.) Remind about the overall goals/common interest!

4.) Encourage: Believe in a long-lasting solution

8.) Structure dialogue: Understanding interest on both side

6.) Foster trust

5.) Save face: Respect Values, Identity, Equality, Self-determination!

7.) No superficial compromises

9.) Develop concrete measure rather than abstract solution formula

2.) Avoid time pressure!

1.) Assume good intention and trustworthiness!

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Two Extremes in the Moderation Option

1.Pushing for quick decision

Top-down implementation of the decision– Advantage:

• Quick decision is reached,

– Disadvantage:• Know-how and concern of group members gets

ignored• Less like to sustain, because of lack in support• Create resistant and tension when implemented

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2. Tolerating deliberate diligence

Bottom–up implementation of decision– Advantage:

• The know how, concern and preference of each group member is taken into account

• More likely to rise early red alerts, where possible problems and obstacles lies

• Likely the majority of group member support the decision

- Disadvantage:• Tend to take a long time and to be unproductive• Discussion runs try

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Role of the Moderator

• Provides structure for dialogue

• Engages the participation of each group member

• Keeps the balance between participant orientated and goal orientated style

• Enables not only mutual decision but also relationship building

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1.Contracting or Forming a

Working Alliance

2.Collecting &

Selecting Topics

4.Creating Action




and Clarification

The Process: Five Steps from Contract to Action

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A guide to structuring the process



1) ObjectiveObjective of of the step (e.g. the step (e.g.

First we set the First we set the agenda)agenda)

3) The 3) The next step next step would would be (e.g. After collecting be (e.g. After collecting the topics, we’ll select the topics, we’ll select the topics we want to the topics we want to

work on next)work on next)

4) 4) AgreementAgreement

Is it Ok for you Is it Ok for you to move on?to move on?

2) 2) Current Current status status (e.g. We (e.g. We agreed to come agreed to come together to talk together to talk about the water about the water problem we’re problem we’re facing in our facing in our communities)communities)

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1. Contracting or Forming a Working Alliance

• Creating transparency - Objective and agenda- Fix time, location, scope

“The next 1.5h we are meet to discuss how to ensure results and sustainability out of group discussions and negotiations”

- Ensure that the group agrees• Explaining your role as a moderator

- Will you just moderate? (Being in charge for the process?)

- Will you also take part in the discussion by contributing input?

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Key Notes Moderator

• Preparation– Prepare the meeting– Create a tentative agenda

• Adding topics from the participants– Possible questions:

„If it would be only up to you, what would we discuss today and why?”

Process orientated, but also reveals motivations, wishes and concerns of the participants

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1.Contracting or Forming a

Working Alliance

2.Collecting &

Selecting Topics

4.Creating Action




and Clarification

The Process: Five Steps from Contract to Action

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2. Collecting and Selecting Topics

• Collecting topics• Visualizing the issues

– Rephrase critical statements into constructive statements

• Selecting issues– Rated by the participants,

Possible rating criteria:– Most important– Most urgent– Easiest to work on– Etc.

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What if there is disagreement?• If there is disagreement, ask what the underlying

motivation is to choose a specific topic:– Why does it matter for the group to start with this specific topic? Can reveal deeper lying concerns and needs!!! Be aware, this

could open up a conflict mediation session, as a facilitator you steer the process

• Possible Proposals– Can we start with topic A and then turn toward topic B? Would

that work? If not, why not?- Assigned time 1hour for topic A, 1hour for topic B- Choose randomly (flip a coin)– Work with Caucasus groups

• Each group prepares the topic that matter the most for them in break away groups

– Etc.

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1.Contracting or Forming a

Working Alliance

2.Collecting &

Selecting Topics

4.Creating Action




and Clarification

The Process: Five Steps from Contract to Action

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3. Understanding and Clarification

• Exploration of the interest, concern and wishes of the group behind the topic– What matter about the topic to each participants? – What impact has the topic for them?– What has to be consider about this issue?

Brings clarification of perceptions Without moral assessment or conflict resolution• The participants should gain a understanding of

the other participant’s perspectives

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Key Notes Moderator

• Ensurement that everybody is heard, also the quiet members

• Channeled dialogue– No visualization

• Summarizes the statements (interest, concern wishes) of the participants in during this step, so it won’t be forgotten

• Deferral of Solutions!!!!

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Channeled dialogue

Explore the interests and concern of the parties

party A

Moderator party B

party A

party B




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1.Contracting or Forming a

Working Alliance

2.Collecting &

Selecting Topics

4.Creating Action




and Clarification

The Process: Five Steps from Contract to Action

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4. Creating Action

• Development of cooperatively solutions, which are mutually accepted– Brainstorming

• Based on the concern, fears and wishes raised red-alerts in Clarification

• No superficial compromises

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Key notes Moderator

• Use of concrete question

• Brainstorming

• Concrete and binding agreements

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How can we in the future … (e.g. cooperate in the water supply),

in order that… (our communities are served better),

without … (without facing conflicts and violence)?

Concrete question

How can we in the future …, (e.g. cooperate)

in order … (to improve the water supply),

without on the one hand site… (fight to much)

and on the other side… (harmonize everything) ?

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If there aren‘t any new ideas: Break and after that 2nd round

Invite to combine different ideas

Use many options: Brainwriting, analogies, walk around, what would create the opposite effect etc.

Separate groups to collect ideas

Deferral of critics and discussionsCreate many ideas for

solutions and do not focus on a single idea


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4. Creating Action From Brainstorming to Action

• Assess quickly where everybody stands:– Is there a mutual “best” solution?– Which is an obvious solution?

• Rate the decision • Negotiate around the “sticky points”

– Which conditions have to be meet, so everybody can agree?– How can you joint difference priorities?– Can you compensate for concessions?

• No result? – Clarify, what could be the reason?– Back to brainstorming – try again

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How assessed?

Concrete and binding agreements

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1.Contracting or Forming a

Working Alliance

2.Collecting &

Selecting Topics

4.Creating Action




and Clarification

The Process: Five Steps from Contract to Action

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5. Sustaining the work

• Risk assessment– If we move on with the plan – what could go wrong?

Any red-alerts?– If the plan fails, how damaging is it?– Which measure do we need, to prevent the failing?

• Development of action plans, if the conflict erupts again or if the conditions worsen again– What do we do, if the condition worsen?– How do we know that the condition worsen?

• Guidelines for further cooperation• As a moderator – take on the role of the devil’s advocate

and probe the solutions

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9 Guidelines When Moderating

3.) Remind about the overall goals/common interest!

4.) Encourage: Believe in a long-lasting solution

8.) Structure dialogue: Understanding interest on both side

6.) Foster trust

5.) Save face: Respect Values, Identity, Equality, Self-determination!

7.) No superficial compromises

9.) Develop concrete measure rather than abstract solution formula

2.) Avoid time pressure!

1.) Assume good intention and trustworthiness!

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Thank you for your attention

Question? Comments?