fearless with women – 10 ways – step 1


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8/12/2019 Fearless With Women – 10 Ways – Step 1

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Fearless with women – 10 ways – step 1

I hope you enjoyed the "How To Be A Fearless Natural" video and got some good advi e !rom it

Be!ore I give you even more power!ul pointers and tips as my than#s !or signing up$ let me%rie!ly introdu e mysel!&

'y name is (avid )ygant$ and I*ve %een helping guys get over their !ears to learn how to attra tand #eep ama+ing women !or over ,0 years as a world renowned dating oa h$ and I loo#!orward to doing the same !or you& In !a t$ I*ve %een given the ni #name the "real li!e Hit h" ever sin e the movie -"Hit h"$ starring )ill .mith$ is %ased on my li!e story/ ame out&

I love what I do$ and nothing ma#es me happier than helping you a hieve your dreams andgoals with women& )hether you*re loo#ing !or the on!iden e to meet se y$ %eauti!ul women anytime and any pla e$ or loo#ing to !ind the woman o! your dreams to settle down with$ toeverything in %etween$ I*m here to help&

In all my years o! doing this$ trust me$ I*ve seen it A $ and it*s this vast e perien e that allowsme to give you what you need to %e ome the most power!ul version o! you&

For every guy$ that starts %y getting over any !ears and e uses whi h are limiting you right now&

2ou should have already wat hed How To Be A Fearless Natural and gotten some good tips andideas& 3ust #now$ this is just the tip o! the i e%erg$ as over the ourse o! the ne t 10 days$ I*mgoing to tea h you "10 )ays To Be ome Fearless )ith )omen&"

This is power!ul advi e$ %ut here*s a se ret4

It*s only as power!ul as 256 ma#e it&

I*ve %een doing this long enough to #now i! you put the time and energy into !ollowing the advi eand e er ises I*m going to give you$ you )I %e su ess!ul$ and you*ll start seeing dramati

hanges& But as with anything worthwhile$ you*ve got to put in the wor#&

.o$ i! you*re ready to start$ i! you*re ready to ma#e a ommitment to yoursel! so you an startseeing ama+ing su ess with women$ #eep reading %elow&&&

et me as# you a 7uestion$

(o you have personal demons in your head that are sa%otaging your dating li!e8 (o thesedemons #eep you !rom approa hing or tal#ing to women$ ausing you to miss opportunity a!ter

opportunity to meet women8

2ou #now what I*m tal#ing a%out&&&

2ou see an a%solutely %eauti!ul woman standing in !ront o! you& .he ould %e anywhere 99 thegro ery store$ the o!!ee shop or in an elevator&

et*s ta#e the elevator& There you are in the elevator o! your o!!i e %uilding or your apartmentstanding ne t to this gorgeous woman&

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2ou*ve seen her around your %uilding$ and you*ve noti ed her every time$ %e ause she*s the oneyou*ve wanted to tal# to !or so long&

2ou #eep waiting !or the "right" moment to tal# to her$ %ut that "right" moment nevermateriali+es& .omething always seems to ome up&

.o here you are again 99 alone with her in the elevator$ wondering what to do and how to tal# toher& 2ou see the num%ers !or the !loors ounting down and you reali+e$

"(amn$ I %etter thin# o! something FA.T to get her attention or she*s going to vanish$ just li#e allthe other times& The doors are going to open and I*m going to miss my han e & & & again&"

)hen you an*t thin# o! what to do or say$ what happens8 2ou already #now$ as you*vee perien ed it over and over again&

The doors open$ she gets o!! at her !loor$ and on e again you said N5THIN: to her&


A!terwards you*re always le!t dealing with the !rustration and regret&

2ou sit there$ o%sessed with the situation$ re9living it in your head&

'ay%e you te t a !riend and tell him what happened$ loo#ing !or some advi e a!ter the !a t&

Then$ li#e lo #wor#$ an hour later a!ter you*ve !inally !orgotten a%out it$ the ;<=F<>T thing tosay suddenly pops in to your mind&

"5h my :od .he was wearing a 'i higan .tate 6niversity t9shirt& 'y %est !riend went to

'i higan .tate 6niversity& I ould have as#ed her i! she went there "

2ou even thin# to yoursel!$ "That*s per!e t& The very ne t time I see her I*m going to as# her i!she went to 'i higan .tate "

It sounds so good in your head %ut you and I %oth #now the pro%lem with this&

The very ne t time you see her$ you*re pro%a%ly not going to remem%er that she wore a'i higan .tate 6niversity t9shirt& ;lus$ unless she really loves her 'i higan .tate t9shirt$ she*spro%a%ly not going to %e wearing it ne t time you see her$ and as#ing her a%out it will leave youloo#ing li#e the reepy stal#er guy in her eyes&&& and your han es o! reating intrigue in hermind will %e lost !or good&

Not e a tly the great !irst impression you*re hoping !or&

But let*s not worry a%out what you an do the ne t time$ %e ause there is a mu h %igger andmore important thing to ta#e away !rom our imaginary elevator ride with with the gorgeous girl&

The #ey thing !or you to reali+e is that you did not o%serve what was going on in the moment$ A %e ause you were so aught up in the !ears and e uses -what I all "mon#ey hatter"/running around in your head

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The truth is that the only thing #eeping you !rom #nowing <?A>T 2 how to tal# to women allthis time has %een you& And the %igger truth$ the truth that might surprise you$ is that youalready #now e a tly how to tal# to that woman in the elevator&

I! you had just rela ed$ paid attention and o%served what was around you$ you would havenoti ed that 'i higan .tate 6niversity t9shirt immediately& 2ou would have had a natural andeasy way to tal# to her& 2ou were so aught up in trying to !ind the "per!e t" thing to say or tryingto !ind the most lever or !unny thing to say$ that you didn*t reali+e that the %est onversationsstart with a simple o%servation&

Here*s a little se ret a%out me4 This is all I ever do to "open" a woman when I approa h her orwant to tal# to her&

I ma#e a simple o%servation&


I! you*re ever going to get past those demons and all that mon#ey hatter in your head$ youneed to pay attention to the !ollowing lesson4 2ou are N<@<= going to ome up with the!unniest or most lever thing to say& There is N5 su h thing as the per!e t opener or thatmagi al moment that everyone is onstantly trying to !ind& It doesn*t e ist$ and you #ill %estnatural moments when you*re onstantly trying to reate one

.o stop trying to do that

This is pro%a%ly the %iggest thing #eeping you !rom %eing present in the moment$ and !romo%serving everything you need to start an ama+ing onversation 9 anytime$ anypla e$ and withany woman&

.o now let*s go %a # to that elevator with the gorgeous woman wearing the 'i higan .tate6niversity t9shirt&

Now that you*re not trying to reate the per!e t moment$ with the %est opener$ you !ind yoursel!mu h more rela ed and aware o! what*s around you$ and %e ause o! this the !irst thing thatpops in your mind is

"Hey$ that*s where my !riend went to s hool$ and I remem%er when I visited him there was thisawesome pla e where&&&"

.o without hesitating$ you as# "'i higan .tate$ I had a !riend go to s hool there$ Is that whereyou go8"

2ou*re not worried a%out the out ome or what*s going to happen or what she*s going to thin#$you*re simply as#ing a 7uestion %ased on your o%servation and you*re rea tion to it&

And guess what$ I promise she*s going to respond Be ause she*s going to %e doing the samething$ just rea ting in the moment& And now you !ind that yes$ she went there and #nows a%outthe awesome pla e where&&& and you*re now in a !ull %lown$ easy$ onversation with her

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.o ne t time you !ind yoursel! thin#ing you need the "right" or the "per!e t" thing to say$ reali+ethat this just "mon#ey hatter" in your head$ and you*ve got it all %a #wards

earn to train your mind to %elieve simple o%servations will %e the right and the per!e t thing tosay & & & A )A2.

5n e you get this 99 and truly %elieve it 99 your intera tions with women will hange !orever&

.o this is your ta#eaway !rom this !irst email&

10 )ays To Be ome Fearless )ith )omen 9 .tep 1

)hen you*re out and a%out living your li!e today$ I want you to ma#e simple o%servations a%outevery woman you ome in onta t with& I! you !eel up to it you an say them out loud and seehow women respond$ %ut you don*t need to& .imply get om!orta%le with %e oming aware o!what*s around you and how you an omment on these things$ and I*ll he # %a # in with youtomorrow&

In the meantime$ i! you have had <N56:H o! the mon#ey hatter$ are ready to hange the wayyou !eel around women !or good$ then you are ready to learn everything I have to tea h youa%out %e oming a !earless natural