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Feasibility Report

Industry Analysis, Market Analysis & Job Creation Review

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Feasibility Report provided by Bancroft Information Services (August 2015) Page 2


Introduction & Purpose of the Report ........................................................................................... 3

Description of Business ............................................................................................................... 3

Purpose ........................................................................................................................................ 3

About Bancroft Information Services .......................................................................................... 3

Conclusion ................................................................................................................................... 3

The Problem: Employee Safety ...................................................................................................... 5

Lone Workers: A Growing Population ......................................................................................... 5

Lone Worker Safety guidelines in the U.S. vs Overseas .......................................................... 5

Solutions & Limitations ............................................................................................................ 6

The AlertGPS Solution – “Fitbit meets Life Alert” ................................................................... 8

Market Analysis ............................................................................................................................ 10

Market Segmentation................................................................................................................ 10

Job Creation .................................................................................................................................. 11

Feasibility Report provided by Bancroft Information Services (August 2015) Page 3


This report, and its underlying research and analysis, was undertaken to access the following:

1. The viability of the business plan that AlertGPS is submitting as part of its EB-5 visa. This

includes a review of the market problem and how their product is intended to address

those problems.

2. The feasibility of hiring and retaining additional personnel to help grow the company

and to develop a national, possibly international presence in a number of primary


DESCRIPTION OF BUSINESS AlertGPS is an existing Arizona-based business founded in 2013. The AlertGPS product addresses

the safety of millions of U.S. workers who are considered “Lone Workers” – those alone in their

jobs, often in-the-field, sometimes in remote or dangerous areas. The product combines

innovative wearable technologies with communication technology to provide a much needed

employee safety system.

PURPOSE This report has been produced to accompany the business plan being submitted by Lanick

Corporation on behalf of AlertGPS for application of an EB-5 visa in the State of Arizona.

The purpose of this Feasibility Report is to provide an objective 3rd party review of the business

plan for AlertGPS and conduct secondary market research to provide evidence that the

company’s business plan assumptions, forecasts and projections regarding the market are

supported by robust, authoritative industry and market research sources.

Additionally, it will consider that any job creation/workforce assumptions are based on realistic

numbers of employees and local economic conditions.

ABOUT BANCROFT INFORMATION SERVICES Bancroft Information Services, LLC is an Arizona-based market research firm serving clients in a

diverse set of industries from around the U.S. Much of their work “provides insight to

entrepreneurs” by helping to shape business plans, business development strategies, and

marketing strategies for both established growth companies and start-up ventures. The

company was founded in 2001.

CONCLUSION To respond to this query, Bancroft Information Services, has researched the company’s

descriptions of services, industry and market trends as well as reviewed the workforce growth

that is expected of this company. We have concluded that:

There is a definite growth opportunity for a product of this type in the area of

“employee safety”, especially for those situations where lone workers are more

commonly found.

Feasibility Report provided by Bancroft Information Services (August 2015) Page 4

The growth and acceptance of “wearable technology” for a variety of reasons (health,

fitness, medical) will no doubt increase the level of compliance of the workers as they

will be more accustomed to wearing these devices and having data tracked in some

manner. Many analysts believe that wearables have advanced from “early adopter”

status to “mainstream” status.

“Enterprise wearables” or “workforce wearables” are a niche industry that has

become a hot topic in the wearable ecosystem. Proof of its growth is that syndicated

market research companies are taking the time to study, survey and analyze the topic.

AlertGPS appears to already have an experienced technical and executive team in

addition to a proven track record of working with customers.

The U.S. government has become even more aware of the public’s concern and

employers’ concern for employee safety. Although OSHA has acknowledged the specific

safety issues of the lone worker, it has not, as yet, unlike its counterpart in the UK,

created minimum specifications that these type of safety devices must meet. However,

the AlertGPS product line with its enhanced functionality over its competitors would

appear to be in an enviable place among competitors.

The Scottsdale, Arizona location provides a perfect location to attract experienced

high-level tech developers as well as experienced executives. The city’s employee base

also offers a higher than average educational level creating a valuable workforce pool.

“Enterprise wearable devices is the next battleground for mobile device vendors. Consumer

wearable devices have showcased the potential for this technology over the past 2 years. However,

with purpose-built devices for enterprise customers, vendors are targeting vertical-specific needs

and solving real business challenges with these devices”.

…Heather Taylor, Sr. Analyst, Compass Intelligence


Jan Knight

Jan Knight, President

Bancroft Information Services, LLC

Feasibility Report provided by Bancroft Information Services (August 2015) Page 5


The problem of employee safety is always an issue for employers from both a moral and

regulatory point of view. The Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA), overseen by

the U.S. Department of Labor, has created strong regulations regarding employee safety ranging

from those associated with operating machinery to violence in the workplace.

They cite that a place of employment should be “free from recognizable hazards that are

causing or likely to cause death or serious harm to employees.”1 OSHA has also, in recent years,

created specific regulations for those employees working alone in some manner whether it be

due to a remote location or a dangerous working environment.2


Employees who work alone in some manner are often those at most risk either because of the

remoteness of their location if they are involved in an accident, or because they may face some

sort of danger from other people. Telecommunications, construction, healthcare and utilities

are just a few of the more obvious industries where the safety of lone workers has become a

significant challenge.

Lone workers are also found in retail establishments, financial establishments and often a lone

worker can be found working in sales, transportation and real estate.

As the ability for almost anyone to either occasionally, or always be a lone worker of sorts has

grown due to the use of mobile phones and advanced computer connectivity, even those in the

processional services are “working remotely” and they too could also be classed as Lone



The problem of keeping solo workers safe is obviously not new and certainly not just a problem

unique to the U.S. In fact, according to Blackline Safety Company, a leading provider of

employee safety monitoring tools in Canada and the UK., the United Kingdom is “by far the most

advanced region when it comes to lone worker safety legislation.” In the UK firms are provided

with solutions such as periodic visiting of lone worker locations by supervisors, pre-agreed

intervals of regular contact between the lone worker and supervisor, the regular use of radios,

email and phones and the use of manually operated or automatic warning devices that are able

to alert others when triggered by the solo worker.

1 General Duty Clause. OSHA. https://www.osha.gov/pls/oshaweb/owadisp.show_document?p_id=3359&p_table=OSHACT. 2 Working Alone. OSHA. https://www.osha.gov/pls/oshaweb/owadisp.show_document?p_table=STANDARDS&p_id=193

Feasibility Report provided by Bancroft Information Services (August 2015) Page 6

Under the British Standards BS 84843, best practices have been established for personal

electronic monitoring devices and built for the protection of those lone workers. Devices,

smartphones, suppliers, and solutions must meet specific requirements of BS 8484 and must be

combined with an alarm receiving center (ARC). 4 Companies who offer such products can

voluntarily become accredited and certified with this standard. There is even a National

Personal Safety Day in the UK that is celebrated in October and organized by one of the UK’s

largest personal safety charities who “works closely with the Lone Worker Section of the British

Security Industry Association (BSIA)”. The BSIA cites that there are over six million Lone Workers

in the UK.5

According to research outlined by BlackLine Safety Company “of all the Western nations, the low

rate of worker fatalities in the UK shows that a focus on safety can make a major difference. For

comparison purposes, worker death statistics are often represented as a number per 100,000

workers. The UK has the lowest rate of 0.51 worker fatalities per 100,000 while in the U.S. it’s


To our knowledge, the U.S., although it provides guidelines for lone worker safety, does not

have similar certifications for products and suppliers to adhere to.

Even as far back as 2007, an Australian company developed “MySpot Guardian Angel” a GPS-

based software package for smartphones and this provided a one-click SOS Panic Button for not

only the lone worker population but for healthcare environments also so that patients could

also be tracked.

SOLUTIONS & LIMITATIONS Some early traditional solutions for keeping solo workers safe include:

Completion of a working-alone “risk assessment checklist” (helps identify possible

controls to put in place)

Physical perimeter controls

Co-worker or supervisor check-ins


Two-way radios

GPS monitoring devices

Some of the more technologically advanced solutions provide more innovative techniques for

alerting, monitoring and dissemination of information, but many of these efforts are also not as

effective as employers and employees might like.

3 BS8484:2011 website. http://www.bs8484.com/v2/accredited-companies/ Accessed August 2015. 4 Employee Safety Monitoring in the UK. BlacklineSafety.http://www.blacklinesafety.com/employee-safety-

monitoring-in-the-uk-leadership/ 5 British Security Industry Association. www.bsia.co.uk. Accessed August 2015.

Feasibility Report provided by Bancroft Information Services (August 2015) Page 7

Disadvantages of some current technologies include:

Employees may be in a situation where they are being threatened by someone and

it may take too long for them to reach a nearby device.

If the device is too complicated they may not react in their normal fashion due to

the stress created by the situation, and it may prove ineffective.

An alert may not be received in a timely fashion or the recipients may not be set up

on a 24/7 basis and in some cases there may not be enough recipients.6

Some devices might be too large and thus not be discreet enough thus allowing the

intruder to be immediately aware of them.

Some devices do not possess a two-way communication tool or the ability to

transmit via a mass communication technology.

For example, the MySpot SOS Panic Button had its limitations as this this device did not provide

the ability for the worker to communicate in any other way other than positioning and location.

In addition, workers would need to give up some privacy for safety due to the ongoing


A GPS Bracelet from Potash is a Swedish invention that is also primarily a positioning device with

an alarm system. The position of the individual can be triggered manually or via a remote

location technique, triggered by the host.8 There was still no additional opportunity for two-way

communication thus an employer would not know if the employee were inactive in any way and

therefore concerned about his/her status.

Wearable smart glasses and smart watches were also considered a viable solution for some

workers as they not only provided a “hands free” environment, but in the case of the glasses,

they also provided a true “see-what-I-see” experience.9 None of these appear to provide the

same level of sophistication, and smart glasses have already seen a drop in interest by


6 www.blacklinesafety.com 7 MySpot SOS “Panic Button” Smartphone App could save workers’ lives. CIO Mag. December 2008. 8 http://www.pfotech.com/gps-bracelets/ 9 http://fieldservicenews.com/the-2020-field-engineers-toolkit-part-2/

Feasibility Report provided by Bancroft Information Services (August 2015) Page 8


The AlertGPS product appears to address a number of the problems inherent in many of the

current solutions. It incorporates additional technology that, at the same time as providing

additional functionality, puts them right in the midst of a number of growth industries.


One significant difference is that the product fits fully into the “tech wearables” industry and as

such has a number of advantages. Wearable technology, while being designed for many areas

including remote health monitoring, healthcare, smart watches, motion trackers, has really

taken off in the sports/activity tracking environment. The advantage of this is that it will not only

aid compliance in wearing by the workers because they may well be used to doing so, but it will

be less obvious as an alerting device.

Wearables (UNITS SOLD & FORECAST) for Three Categories

Source: Wireless Health and Fitness Devices Market. Global Industry Analysts (GIA) Table 16.

According to Field Service News, 2014 was to become the “year of the wearables” and a report

into mobile workers’ device preferences (by Aruba Networks), surveyed 5,000 people worldwide

and found that “about 20% wanted to be provided with wearable technology within the next five


Wearable technologies, however, are not just for the medical community and for consumers

and the “quantified self” movement in health. The terms “workplace wearables” or “enterprise

wearables” have also recently been seen in multiple syndicated research reports. According to

Compass Intelligence, the market for “enterprise wearables” is expected to reach $8.5 billion by

2020.11 Driven by industries such as oil and gas, industrial, and healthcare, their report discusses

the fact that enterprise wearables can also actually create new work scenarios given their


10 http://fieldservicenews.com/life-through-a-lens-wearable-tech/ 11 Enterprise Wearables Market 2014-2019. Compass Intelligence. June 2015.

Feasibility Report provided by Bancroft Information Services (August 2015) Page 9


The fact that the AlertGPS technology has been created by the same team that created the

Amber Alert system, now a nationally-known child safety communications system, is a

differentiator. Having the product be supported by a proven team, is of course a positive aspect.


The growth of the “mass notification” product market is due in part to the ongoing concerns of

public safety and to the ease in which the mobile device industry is involved. Although, the

general market for mass notification products is segmented into a large number of both

software and hardware products catering to on premise situations, off-premise scenarios,

emergency communications, disaster recovery, business continuity, alerts and warning,

automotive, transportation and much more, the overall market is forecasted to be grow from

$3.81 billion in 2015 to be worth “$8.57 Billion by 2020. 12

Some current solutions do not have the ability to provide a mass notification in the event of an

emergency when field workers need to be informed.


Response personnel are in direct communication with the employee in an emergency situation

and those placing the emergency alert always hear a human voice 24/7. This 24/7 Monitoring

Center can instantly see employees’ profiles (health profiles also) and can dispatch emergency

crews while informing them of the specifics of the person they will be attending.


The business model chosen by AlertGPS is a SaaS model and as such appears to be a good

choice. According to numerous experts, the SaaS model continues to increase in most areas of

enterprise technology.

IDC, a leader in market intelligence for the information technology industry, predicts that SaaS

Enterprise Applications will be a $50B plus market in the next three years (2018). SaaS

continues to grow while at the same time on premise technology is decreasing.

12 Mass Notification Market by Solution. MarketsandMarkets May 2015.

Feasibility Report provided by Bancroft Information Services (August 2015) Page 10


It’s clear looking at the industry statistics and growth trends for wearable technologies, the

growing concern for employee safety and the increased numbers of lone workers, that product

lines like those AlertGPS offers, and plans to offer, will continue to be a favored enterprise


As noted in the business plan, there are certainly competitors who are offering solutions with

much less functionality than AlertGPS and a well-priced, feature heavy but simple-to-use

enterprise wearable for companies to enhance employee safety, will likely be in great demand.

MARKET SEGMENTATION Lone Workers are present in a diverse set of industries including, but not limited to the



Home healthcare workers

Financial sector/banks and institutions

Manufacturing – outside of normal business hours or remote plants

Professionals travelling and staying in hotels

Real Estate



Transportation and logistics – drivers

Utilities and Energy

With the diversity of markets in which the AlertGPS product line can be incorporated, there will

be a need to prioritize both products and markets to attack first. The business plan has

identified what some would refer to as the “low-hanging fruit” by prioritizing their initial market

segmentation to include industries with a growing lone worker population, namely,

energy/utilities, construction and healthcare.

Their strategy to launch different types of products to these highlighted markets seems to be

well thought out and based on a proven track record with their current customers as well as on

their own market research and patents in process which will make their product line even more


Feasibility Report provided by Bancroft Information Services (August 2015) Page 11


The company’s ability to grow to the levels that it envisions based on demand and market

trends, can only likely be achieved with additional staff in almost all areas – sales, marketing,

customer service, administration and fulfillment.

The business plan’s timeline shows a goal of adding an additional 50 employees by 2016 and 139

by year-end 2017, which will preceded a big hiring push of almost doubling their workforce each

year. This planned accelerated growth is certainly not unheard of in tech companies especially

those involved in digital applications, healthcare and SaaS business models. 13 14

The majority of these new employees in the first two years will be in the engineering, sales and

marketing areas.

EDUCATED & EXPERIENCED WORKFORCE AlertGPS needs to hire educated and experienced engineers and sales and marketing personnel. This type of new, vibrant company with a focus on innovative technology in a growing industry will no doubt be able to easily hire some of the best talent in the areas they are located. Young and middle aged professionals should not be in short supply in either Scottsdale, Arizona where the headquarters is based, or in South Jordan, Utah where a second office is located. Both locations, while different demographically, are growing cities.

Scottsdale and Phoenix offer an environment where the information technology industry is

robust “with hundreds of companies involved in software development and computer system

integration”. 15 Scottsdale, Arizona boasts a higher than average population with Bachelor’s

degree or higher (almost 53%) as well as a higher than average median household income

($72,154) than the rest of the state.16

South Jordan, Utah, likewise, is seeing an increasing population and is a region where well

educated and well-paid professionals can also be found. The percentage (38%) of the population

with at least a Bachelor’s degree or higher is higher than the rest of the state of Utah, and the

median household income is also higher than the average income elsewhere in the state at


SALARIES & EFFECT ON THE COMMUNITIES The AlertGPS business plan identifies a significant increase in workforce even in the first two years of growth, and as many of these positions are considered executive or managerial, the salaries associated with these hires are significant. This is no small economic impact to the Scottsdale/Phoenix when seen as a whole. The effects of a group of workers earning over $1 million in 2015 and over $4 million the following year is a boost to any local community.

13 Meridian Plans to Double Workforce This Year. June 2015. 14 App maker Bluebridge Doubles its Workforce, Sales and Space. February 2015. 15 http://growthnation.com/azigg/why-phoenix/ 16 Census.gov. Quick Facts. Scottsdale, AZ. Accessed August 2015. 17 Census.gov. Quick Facts. South Jordan, UT. Access August 2015.

Feasibility Report provided by Bancroft Information Services (August 2015) Page 12

Employees will be using that money to invest in the community in the form of housing,

consumer purchasing, service purchasing, healthcare purchasing and more.

Feasibility Report provided by Bancroft Information Services (August 2015) Page 13

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