feature presentation - perfect misparenting

PERFECT MIS-PARENTING Prabhat Mandal 3 rd of January, 2017

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3rd of January, 2017

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AGENDA My Inspiration My Approach What I do best?

Feature Benefits Happy Parents

FAQs Summary

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CREDENTIALS In the business for about 12 years

Have conducted 50+ batches

Touched life of about 5000 parents and Coached 1000+ couples in Hyderabad

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MY APPROACH I don’t teach, I only share ! All I share, are validated by self !!!

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Perfect Misparenting

A workshop for parents of children < 6 yearsOR expecting a baby in next few months.

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BENEFITS Having children listen to parents Raise healthy and strong children Offer “useful” education Keeping children away from TV/gadgets Better equipped to handle questions &

tantrums Spend high quality time, need not be long Save money

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Misparenting = NOT being a parent, Instead being a child with your child(ren)

Stop teaching children and start learning from them

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Soma and Suvadeep Bhakto (S/w Enggs), having a 14 month baby.

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Arpita and Prantar Sengupta (Teacher and s/w Engg), having a 6 year child with autism

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WHAT TO LOOK OUT FOR Parents in stress due to children Parents complaining about tantrums, children

fights Parents spending tons on toys/1st b’day Parents saying, “no time for workshops” ! Expecting Parents saying, “Not sure if I can

be a good parent”.

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GIVES Sridevi / Jayant (Scientist and Fin

Professional) Nidhi / Shubham Gupta (music company) Pranathi / Raghuveer Bashetty (CA) Divya / Jiten Grover (Earth Baby, online portal

for baby products)

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ASKS Friends/relatives/neighbors

Having children below 6 years,Expecting a baby in next few months andReady to invest 10-15k for their children

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FAQSWhy parenting workshop? Is it not natural?

Parenting is a natural skill, but our lifestyle takes us away from nature and hence we are not able to offer the best to children.

Elders in family would have gathered tons of wisdom, but we don't listen to them. Plus, they don't share the science of it.

This is age of information overload. what to take and what not to, is a big question.

We help parent to fill up the gap.

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FAQSMy child is fine. Why should I go for a workshop?

If the child has some problem, please go to a doctor first. If the child is fine, then only you can look further for new opportunities and possibilities.

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FAQSWhy burden the child? Absolutely right, we shouldn't burden the

child. But, we should know how much is burden for a child. Normally, we calculate as per our capacity. Child has unimaginable capacity, much beyond us. Hence, their limit also is much beyond what we can think of.

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FAQSI don't have time now. Can I get back to it later?

Same 24 hrs is available for all of us. Since we are businessmen, we need to use our time efficiently. If one learns how to use high quality time with children, though short, would that be of good value? Yes, little time investment is required to learn it. If we don't invest this little time now, tomorrow 10-20 times money also can not fetch it back for you.

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FAQSWhat's the best time to start?

Children are born with amazing potential, but nature takes it back ruthlessly if not used. Most of the children loose their potential by 6-8 years, as we never pay attention to using it fully. So, Shubhasya Sheeghram i.e. As early as possible. Right from during pregnancy. If someone has missed that stage, don't even miss a single day now.

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Look out for talks about adding value to clients

Maternity/Pediatric HospitalsLook out for doctors talking about visitors

coming with trivial non-issues also Pre-school owners/directors

Look out for school stressed about handling parents queries/complaints

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WHY SHOULD PEOPLE COME TO “ME”? Coverage: pre-birth to 6 years Comprehensive, yet practical “Full refund” guarantee if no results*

* Conditions apply

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Your comfort zone

Where magic happens

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SUMMARY OF ASKS Friends/relatives/neighbors

Having children below 6 years,Expecting a baby in next few months andReady to invest 10-15k for their child

Baby shops (e.g. Me-n-mom) Maternity/Pediatric Hospitals Pre-school owners/directors

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IMPORTANT DATES Next batch in Hyderabad:

Sunday 8-Jan-2017

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