feb. 2010 trooper newspaper

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  • 8/14/2019 Feb. 2010 Trooper Newspaper



    Our Purpose is Progress,

    Our Goal is Excellence

    In This Issue.................In This Issue.................Presidents Message ................ Page 2

    Editors Message ..................... Page 2

    Chaplains Corner .................... Page 4

    Ole Sarge ................................... Page 4

    In The Book ......................... Pages 6-7

    Bulldog Of The Year ................. Page 8

    As I Was Saying ....................... Page 14

    MSP Sports ................................ Page 16

    TrooperFebruary 2010 Serving New England's Largest Police Association Volume 23, Number 01

    NewspaperThe Official Publication of the State Police Association of Massachusetts

    Massachusetts State Police - The Nation's OldestEstablished 1865

    SPAMhelpsmaketheholidaysalittle brighterformanylocal

    familiespg. 15


    On December 29, 2009Tpr. Tim Walsh (SP Norwell)was presented with the ArmyCommendation Medal forValor at a ceremony held atFlorian Hall in Dorchester.(Above) Fellow troopers andSPAMofficials pose with Tpr.Walsh during the ceremony.(Left, L-R) Gregory Kelly,SFC; Tim Walsh, SSG; MajorThomas Sarrouf; and JasonLuppold, SFC. Major ThomasSarrouf (a trooper assigned toCIS) presented Tpr. Walshwith his Medal For Valor.

    For more on this presti-gious award presentation, seepg. 8.


    President: (Unopposed)

    RichardR.Brown 1163

    VicePresident: (Unopposed)

    TimothyG.Babbin 1160


    DanaA.Pullman 1072PaulE.Cesan 150ChristopherL.Coscia 76_____

    Total Votes 1298

    Secretary: (Unopposed)

    EdwardF.Hunter 1152

    TROOP REPRESENTATIVESTroopA Representative:

    JulieA.Demers 72


    JeffreyS.Gordon 104


    AndrewJ.Daly* 142


    MichaelS.Downing 83


    BrianR.Kelley 74


    RobertP.Pitts 91


    PaulCrowley* 86BrianDunn 37_____

    TotalVotes 23

    TroopGHQRepresentative:MarkJ.Caron 44

    !""Election Results -

    Continued on pg. 3

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    Tpr. Jaime Cepero of theNarcotics Section/DEATask Forcehas been the case officer/under-cover officer in an international nar-cotics/money laundering investiga-tion since 2004. Tpr. Cepero has

    been involved in extremely com-plex undercover negotiations withmoney launders and narcotics traf-fickers of the highest level in multi-ple countries, both remotely andface to face.

    As a result of Tpr. Ceperos inno-vative investigative methods, the

    still ongoing investigation hasresulted in the seizure of approxi-mately $190,000,000. Al ong withthe money, approximately 888 kilo-grams of Cocaine, 45 kilograms ofheroin, and 350 pounds of marijua-na has been seized. Additionally,the investigation has been the

    basis for the initiation of approxi-mately 74 wiretap investigationsthroughout the world.

    As a result of Tpr. Ceperosactions, he was awarded theBulldog of the Year Award for 2009at the Annual Meeting on January7, 2010.

    Purchases, Refinances, VA, FHA and More...Rusty has financed over 250 loans for SPAM members with

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    Free Homestead recorded with all owner occupied loans Buying/Selling on the Cape? Call Tom Hester (69RTT) Realestate @ 508-385-6046


    February 2009 Our Purpose is Progress Trooper Our Goal is Excellence Page 9Page 8 Our Purpose is Progress Trooper Our Goal is Excellence February 2009

    On January 7, 2009 I had the distinct honorto

    be awarded the Bulldog of the Year and

    although I had a bit of a heads up I found

    myselfstandingthere unableto formulate a response

    otherthan thankyou. Ifyou knowme at allyou know

    thatI amnottheshytype orlackcomment on anysub-

    ject. Specially asin the words ofDana Pullman when

    I have watered down a bit. AsIsatin the back ofthe

    room and listen to the rest of the meeting, I looked

    around and the meaning ofthe award increased in my

    heart notforthereason it wasgiven to me butthefactthat it was recognition from my brother and sister

    Troopers. NothingthatI did would have been possible

    without thegreat policework and courage ofmany

    police officersin myDEAGroup, police officerslocal-

    ly, throughout the country and in foreign countries.

    Federal agents including DEA agents Brian Dejoy,

    John Oldano and DennisHocker who have been an

    equal partnerthroughouttheyears. The Colombian

    NationalPolicewho dayin and day outtheir members

    die performingtasks on our behalf, I have had a great

    honor ofgettingto know these men and women, their

    families and been accepted as a colleague and a friend.

    ButIwas particularly proud oftherolemany Troopers

    hadin the past andcurrentsuccess oftheinvestigation,

    they deserve as much recognition and honor. Troopers

    Richard R idlon and Patricia R iley performed great

    undercover work at the beginning of this case, Sgt

    Bazzinottiwho as a Trooper armed with a license plate

    a name and a possibleroute oftravelsatfor 8 hours

    overnight and found a needlein the haystack with 15

    pounds ofcocaine. The numerousstops and seizures

    bySgtKane, Sgt McCarthy and the most important

    factthatit allstarted with a StatePoliceinvestigation

    initiated by Sgt Michael Grassia in the streets of

    Chelsea fr

    om a single handto hand pu


    chase(whichhe made me do as he often talks meinto).

    ManytimesI or otherTroopers assigned to DEA

    have called upon Troopers in various, Investigative

    Units throughout the state for assistance and it has

    always been provided with thesame professionalism

    and determination ofsuccess. Even moreimpressive,

    in a pinch when we have always been ableto pick up

    the phoneto any barracks patrol orK-9 unit on duty

    and with minimalinformation ask a single Trooperto

    perform atacticalstop in furtherance oftheinvestiga-

    tion. I have neverreceived anything butenthusiasm

    and witnessed nothing lessthan courage and profes-

    sionalism asthey performthetask.

    That speaks of the heart of a Trooper and the

    Professionalism, Pride and Courage of the

    MassachusettsStatePolice. All ofthese acts and indi-

    vidualsand many othersthatit would betoo longto

    list, overtheyearsgave us the abilityto mount this

    complicated casewhich is still moving forward and

    made meextremely proud to be a Trooper. Each and

    every one ofthem has and will always havemyrespect.

    Lastly, I would not have been ableto do anything

    on thisjob withoutthe one man thatgave birth to me

    atSPFoxboro and taught methe meaning ofbeing a


    and Tr


    . Tr




    neversaw thatcoming) Dave Raetaught meallI need-

    ed to know and I oweto him anysuccessthatI have

    ever had on theStatePolice. Davetaughtmethatin

    law enforcement the one thing that means the most

    and Ishould valuethe mostistherespectearned from

    those whostand byyourside. I am honored, humbled

    and deeplytouched bythis award, but moreovergreat-

    ly honored because it came from you my fellow


    ThankYou, StaySafe.





    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~THANK YOU FROM JAIME CEPERO ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    The following narrative was read at the

    award ceremony to honor Staff Sergeant

    Timothy J. Walsh for receiving the Army

    Commendation Medal for Valor.

    Staff Sergeant Timothy J. Walsh, UnitedStates Army, heroically distinguished him-

    self by exceptionally valorous conduct in

    the face of the enemy while sewing as the

    Engineer Sergeant, Operational

    Detachment Alpha (ODA) - 9211, Special

    Operations Task Force (SOTF)-92,Firebase MeS, Mazaar-e Shariff, Balkh

    Province, Afghanistan, in support of

    Operation ENDURING FREEDOM on 21

    May 2009. Sergeant Walsh was attached to

    ODA-3 121 in support of Operation

    Phoenix. He, along with his detachmentoccupied a position overlooking the Chak

    valley in the Wardak Province. Sergeant

    Walsh was assigned to the security element

    of an 84-man Commando task force. The

    ODA collapsing its perimeter began to

    establish a patrol base. Sergeant Walshmoved his element to the southern most

    portion of a spur overlooking the Chak val-

    ley to provide security for the entire task

    force to the south. The task force came

    under small arms fire from a squad size ele-

    ment with a heavy machine gun and AK-47s to the north. Within minutes it was fol-lowed by very effective, grazing fire from a

    heavy machine gun firing from the valley

    to the southwest. His entire security ele-

    ment of Commandos was caught in a kill

    zone of effective and overwhelming fire.

    Most Commandos ran from the fire head-

    ing north while the security position to thesoutheast was effectively pinned down.

    Sergeant Walsh, knowing the position was

    manned by his security element, immedi-

    ately stood up, and without regard for his

    own personal safety bounded down the

    spur to the heavily engaged position. Hethen provided covering fire with his rifle

    and grenade launcher while the

    Commandos manning the position maneu-

    vered to the north. The safe evacuation of

    the Commando position complete,

    Sergeant Walsh prepared to move back upthe spur to the north when he noticed his

    teammate dragging a commando with a life

    threatening gunshot wound. Without hesi-

    tation, knowing his teammate was in need

    of covering fire, Sergeant Walsh immedi-

    ately took up an exposed firing positionand again provided a high volume of cov-

    ering fire. The enemy maneuvered and

    began firing from the southeast. Sergeant

    Walsh continued to man the position until

    his teammate and the wounded Commando

    were behind cover, and he had exhaustedhis 40 millimeter grenade supply. SergeantWalsh then bounded back to the top of the

    spur and rejoined the rest of his element.

    His element was now taking very effective

    fire from two directions, from two machine

    guns. His element was pinned down and

    unable to maneuver offensively. The deci-

    sion was made to break contact As

    Sergeant Walsh began to get his security

    element ready to break contact, the enemywas still aggressively and effectively firing

    machine guns from the southeast and

    southwest. Sergeant Walsh, again without

    regard to his personal safety, stood and

    motivated his Commandos, to fire and

    maneuver and get out of the kill zone. His

    actions are in keeping with the finest tradi-

    tions of military heroism and reflect dis-

    tinct credit upon himself, the Combined

    Joint Special Operations Task Force-Afghanistan, Special Operations Command

    Central, and the United States Army.

    Trooper Timothy Walsh receives Army Commendation Medal for Valor

    (Submitted Photo)

    (L-R) Jason Luppold, SFC; Tim Walsh, SSG; Gregory Kelly, SFC.______________________________________________________

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    Page 16 Our Purpose is Progress Trooper Our Goal is Excellence February 2009

    When your business is on the line

    S.P.A.M. Web Site & Internet Service donated by


    !""Boxing Update - pg. 11

    OOn December 1, 2009 inChelmsford, Tpr. Wayne J.Gerhardt was on a paid

    detail on Route 3, Standing Tall.Around 10:30 A.M. a motor vehicle

    nearly struck Tpr. Gerhardt and thenknocked over several cones whileswerving into the breakdown lane.The vehicle then struck two workersstanding at the rear of a truck,killing one of the workers instantly.The second worker suffered a trau-matic amputation of one of his legs.

    Tpr. Gerhardt administered firstaid to the injured worker, includ-ing applying a tourniquet to thesevered limb. The victim wasthen air-lif ted to Beth Israel

    Hospital in Boston, where accord-ing to attending physicians, theactions of Tpr. Gerhardt con-tributed to the overall survival of

    the victim.The victim requested a meeting

    with Tpr. Gerhardt to thank him forhis actions. Tpr. Gerhardt visited

    the victim in the hospital. For hisheroic actions, Tpr. Gerhardt isthe recipient of this monthsBulldog of the Month Award.



    BOXINGBITSThe nextM.S.P. boxing showwill be held in

    SpringfieldonApril 7th at 1900 hours at theusual

    venue . That's theplacewheretheyheld the last 3

    shows and Ican't remember itsname. Thisshow

    will beafundraiserfortheGirlsClubofSpringfieldandwith this inmind Ihope toseeseveralwoman

    Troopers fightingon thiscard tobene fit thisworthy

    cause. I am also looking forward to seeing theBerkshire Buzzsaw along with tough Tpr. GregSpahlandthetalentedTpr.Galvinonthecard. Tpr.

    BigTimWhalennowinDTroop promisedmeonefightthiscomingyearsoIfullyexpecthimtohonor

    hisword and be on the card. He's always come


    er,Godwilling,wedohaveanother 4 months.

    FISTICFLASHBACKInaConvictsvs.Troopersmatchheldin 1979 at

    theWarwickPrisonCamp(it'sclosednow),wemadethe longhikeupnorth and swapped lea therwith 3

    pretty toughguys. Theprison camphadaboxinggymthatwouldmakeMuhammadAlijealous. One


    tifulpictureofSugarRayLeonardfighting uponthewallbehindtheboxingring.

    TotheF ights.

    Tpr.MikeLeeofSP B rookfieldfoughtatall,


    MSP BoxingUpdate


    By Tpr. Bob Benoit58th R.T.T. (Ret.)_________________

    !""Boxing Update -

    Continued on pg. 15

    Fourth Annual MSP LawEnforcement XC Challenge

    Another Huge Success!Thisyea rsracewasthebes tever.HeldattheWrentham

    Deve lopmentalCenteronNovember 14th,theturnoutwas

    grea t.A recordfieldof 145 runnerstraversedthe 5K(3.1mile)MSTCA CrossCountrycourseinthetownofWrentham.Overallwinnerinasmokingtimeof 17:22.7 was


    femaletocrossthefinishlinewasAbbyMahoney(wifeofTimandsisterinlawofBrian)inatimeof 19:12.3.TopCops

    wereTpr.BrendanDoleoftheRISP inatimeof 18:00.5 and

    Tpr.JoyYonkinoftheRISP inatimeof 19:35.5.We llDone!

    TopLawEnforcementteamwastheMSP withteammem-

    bersCollinKnaub,RobertSmith,andBrianGaviolihe lping


    plentyoffoodandcoldliquidbeverages.A grea ttimewas


    he lpedputonthisfunMSP outing.Hopetosee younex t

    yea r.Thanks,PaulPowell.

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    (Top)Theyareoffandrunn ing.

    (Above ,left-inse t)TeamCaptainLt. BillCoultergivesthe

    MSP teamsomelastminutecoaching

    (Above ,left)Tpr.KevinCollins(H-3)putsinanotherout-


    (Le ft)Tpr.BrendanDoleoftheRISP crossesthefinishline
