february 10, 2016 …nfumchurch.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/feb-10-newsletter.pdf · north...

WWW.NFUMCHURCH.ORG FEBRUARY 10, 2016 PAGE 1 NORTH FERRISBURGH UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Lent is here. May we use the next 40 days to prepare our hearts for Easter joy! We get to celebrate God’s great love. This love does not stay aloof, but enters human life to seek and save the lost. We get to experience God’s power as we leave behind all that prevents us from living an abundant life of faith, hope and love. Lent invites us to walk day by day, to let go of the temptations, resentments, frustrations worries, fears and addictions that distract us from our true calling as God’s children. Lent inspires us to take up practices that grow us as disciples of Jesus: Watch for where you see God each day Count your blessings See challenges as an opportunity to pray for help Serve Be generous Our new Mission Team has challenged us to put together 100 Health kits let’s just do it! Grace and Peace, Kim A Message from Pastor Kim Our church is definitely multi-generational Events Link Boy Scout Sunday: Feb 14th during worship. We invite current and past Boy Scouts and leaders to wear their uniforms and be with us that Sunday. Wildberry Soup Lunch: Sun, Feb. 14th Soup and bread after worship. Donations will go towards a bench for our new playground in memory of Joyce Muzzy. ALPHA class: Tuesdays beginning Feb 16th 7-8:30pm Upper Room. See pg 3 Free Community Meal: Friday Feb. 26th 4-6 sheet cakes needed. Speak to Chris Steadman if you can help with this. Men’s Breakfast: Sat, March 5th, 7:30am to 8:30am in Fellowship Hall Pancake Breakfast: Sun, March 6th to benefit youth going on the Mission Trip Wed Morning Bible Study: Wed 1011:30am in Upper Room. Studying Galatians Sharing Christ’s warm transforming love with our community, our state, our nation, and our world

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Lent is here. May we use the next 40 days to prepare our hearts for Easter joy! We get to celebrate God’s great love. This love does not stay aloof, but enters human life to seek and save the lost. We get to experience God’s power as we leave behind all that prevents us from living an abundant life of faith, hope and love. Lent invites us to walk day by day, to let go of the temptations, resentments, frustrations worries, fears and addictions that distract us from our true calling as God’s children. Lent inspires us to take up practices that

grow us as disciples of Jesus: Watch for where you see God each dayCount your blessings See challenges as an opportunity to pray for help ServeBe generous

Our new Mission Team has challenged us to put together 100 Health kits—let’s just do it!Grace and Peace,Kim

A Message from Pastor Kim

Our church is definitely multi-generational

Events LinkBoy Scout Sunday: Feb 14th during worship. We invite current and past Boy Scouts and leaders to wear their uniforms and be with us that Sunday.

Wildberry Soup Lunch: Sun, Feb. 14th Soup and bread after worship. Donations will go towards a bench for our new playground in memory of Joyce Muzzy.

ALPHA class: Tuesdays beginning Feb 16th 7-8:30pm Upper Room. See pg 3

Free Community Meal: Friday Feb. 26th 4-6 sheet cakes needed. Speak to Chris Steadman if you can help with this.

Men’s Breakfast: Sat, March 5th, 7:30am to 8:30am in Fellowship Hall

Pancake Breakfast: Sun, March 6th to benefit youth going on the Mission Trip

Wed Morning Bible Study: Wed 10–11:30am in Upper Room. Studying Galatians

Sharing Christ’s warm transforming love with our community, our state, our nation, and our world


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The Teen Phone smart phone coaching day was enthusiastically received. Youth met with seniors at Coffee Hour to help them learn how to use their smart phones. Seniors raved about how thoughtful, kind and helpful our teens are. New relationships made.“I so love how interesting and practical Pastor Kim’s sermons are, and how amazing and moving Lloyd’s music is!” from new attender.Sunday Feb 7th set an all time record for attendance for a February Sunday. 86 people gathered to worship.

Those in worship Feb 7th supported the teens’ Souper Bowl Offering. The teens look forward to using the $303.85 raised to make a meal for our local Ronald MacDonald House. Ken and Joanne Weber used the Boston home when their child was fighting cancer. They are particularly touched that we chose this mission.Our free community meal served 75 meals in January. Our small food shelf helped six people with food.


Lent is the deep pool in which we all seek to go fishing for answers, for healing, for new life. We will look at the last words of Christ from the cross to guide our deep dive into Lent.

Feb 14th First Sunday of Lent: Luke 23:33-38 “Father forgive them, they do not know what they are doing.” Forgiveness.Feb 21st Second Sunday of Lent: Luke 23: 39-43 “Today you will be with me in paradise….” Jesus seeks and saves the lost. Feb 28th Third Sunday of Lent: John 19:24-27 “This is your mother…” A look at Christian community. March 6th Fourth Sunday of Lent: Mark 15:33-34 “My God my God, why have you abandoned me.” How does Jesus empathize with my suffering? March 13th Fifth Sunday of Lent: John 19: 28 Thirst for God is the deepest thirst in the human heart. “I am thirsty.” March 20th Palm Sunday John 19:29-30 and Luke 23: 44-49 “It is finished.” Jesus models absolute trust in Abba/God.



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Six Week Alpha Class begins Tues, Feb 16th: Think you may need a review on Christianity and faith? Alpha provides information about the Christian faith and the spiritual practices of prayer and Bible reading. We’ll meet for six weeks on Tuesdays from 7-8:30pm in the Upper Room. Talk to Ted to learn more. We already have eight people – both men and women – planning to be there.


Congrats to: Hannah Hatch, Dean’s list at UVM majoring in molecular biology and genetics. Matt Becker, President’s List at Miami University (Ohio) majoring in mechanical engineering. Danielle Burkett, Dean’s list at Castleton in

nursing. Munro McLaren – her 4 x 200 relay team came in 6th at the State indoor track meet. Nora Nelson and Lexi Pickett were in the paper with their Girl Scout troop and Miss Vermont, who performed her science experiment with them.

Many thanks to: Chick Wood hosting Wildberries. All making soups for the Wildberries’ Feb 14th lunch. Trustees for meeting and making plans to complete work on the parsonage garage. Worship Committee for planning worship through Easter. Andrea Wolak and Nancy McIntyre for a lot of work with the teens.

Lift up: Linda Potter (Chris’s mom) and Jules Nosal, both with health challenges. Nancy Armell asks for prayers as she grieves her mom’s death three years ago Feb. 1st. Ray Vincent and Grace Edney have both lost brothers recently.

Rejoice: Stanley Morrow home from the hospital.John Roddy, home from the hospital and off oxygen for the first time in two years—post lung transplant.Heather Crowley, Diane Shortsleeve's daughter, had a very good outcome after surgery



Important Information

“And so we are transfigured much like the Messiah, our lives gradually becoming brighter and more beautiful as God enters our lives and we become like him.”

2 Corinthians 3:18

from The Message version of the Bible

North Ferrisburgh United Methodist Church

P.O. Box 7

North Ferrisburgh, VT 05473

SundayFeb 14th

SundayFeb 21st

Coffee Hour: Wildberries Soup Luncheon

Liturgist Lorna Brown Ken Theobald

Greeters: Mary Jane Jenkins Mary Lou Payne

Nursery: Christine Steadman Karina Tarte

If you can volunteer for an open spot email Christine Steadman [email protected] or call the church office at 425 2770. Contact her if you would like to be placed on the email prayer list where we send out prayer requests as they occur.