february 2012 peace talk

Peace Talk 570-343-9828 www.yourpeace.org Peace Lutheran Church It was a very tiring journey - even with the beautiful overnight resort accommodations provided us by a member of Grace Lutheran Church, but we all thrilled with how the Lord blessed our fellowship together and how we were encouraged in our faith by this great experience! March for Life! Van trip joined many thousands in D.C. On Sunday afternoon, January 22, seven of us piled into the church van and began a beautiful trip to Washington D.C. to commemorate the anniversary of Roe vs. Wade. George Price, Pastor Bode (pastor at Grace, Hop Bottom), Daryl Smallcomb, Ray Stumff, Pastor, Marja, and Hannah Bjornstad joined many thousands from all across the country and around the world! March for Life Pastor's Heart Family news! Worship Band Lenten Worship notes. Stewardship Notes Church History! Carsten Bjornstad Youth Lock in - Feb. Planning Ahead IN THIS NEWSLETTER: An Apostolic Mission Congregation of The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod February 2012 Crowds as far as the eye could see - literally! (and yet, as usual, hardly a mention of this event in the news media!) The Lutheran crowd gathered around our banner included folks from TX, MO, WI, OR, TN, and even Germany! We all worshipped together in the morning, had breakfast and then received a booklet of good Lutheran hymns which we sang along the march! FUN!!!

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The newsletter of Peace Lutheran Church, Scranton, PA


Page 1: February 2012 Peace Talk

Peace Talk570-343-9828 www.yourpeace.orgPeace Lutheran Church

It was a very tiring journey - even with the beautiful overnight resort accommodations provided us by a member of Grace Lutheran Church, but we all thrilled with how the Lord blessed our fellowship together and how we were encouraged in our faith by this great experience!

March for Life!Van trip joined many thousands in D.C.On Sunday afternoon, January 22, seven of us piled into the church van and began a beautiful trip to Washington D.C. to commemorate the anniversary of Roe vs. Wade. George Price, Pastor Bode (pastor at Grace, Hop Bottom), Daryl Smallcomb, Ray Stumff, Pastor, Marja, and Hannah Bjornstad joined many thousands from all across the country and around the world!

• March for Life• Pastor's Heart• Family news!• Worship Band• Lenten Worship

notes.• Stewardship Notes• Church History!• Carsten Bjornstad• Youth Lock in - Feb.• Planning Ahead


An Apostol ic Mission Congregation of The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod

February 2012

Crowds as far as the eye could see - literally! (and yet, as usual, hardly a mention of this event in the news media!)

The Lutheran crowd gathered around our banner included folks from TX, MO, WI, OR, TN, and even Germany! We all worshipped together in the morning, had breakfast and then received a booklet of good Lutheran hymns which we sang along the march! FUN!!!

Page 2: February 2012 Peace Talk

Dear friends in Jesus!

A couple days ago the former Commissioners of Lackawanna County, Mr. Munchak and Mr. Cordaro, were sentenced for their numerous crimes of corruption. In the end they got 7 and 11 years of prison. As to how much time they will actually spend in prison only time will tell, but even if they serve their full sentences, it will always be debated whether their punishments were appropriate. The defense accuses the judge of making an example of them – and that the sentences are unfair. But the fact remains that the sentences are substantially below the guidelines for their crimes. And yes, it could be said that as they are (were) the leaders of our community they should most definitely be made to keep their vows to be good examples for the rest of us.

What caught my interest in the sentencing proceedings were the “good works” of both Munchak and Cordaro that were continually brought forward as good reasons to be lenient toward them. Everything from being a great dad to donating blood, the reasons to be nice to the

convicted were all laid out in great detail in 130 letters from family and friends.

This kind of thinking is so very convincing to us. None of us are perfect, we know, but we just kind of assume that if we do enough good things in our lives we will some how make up for all our imperfections. The reality is that we as humans really do live so much of our lives by this “rule.” Without this “rule” we would find it almost impossible to survive any kind of human relationship.

But it is important to understand that in God’s economy there is no room for this foolishness. A thousand virtuous acts in the eyes of God cannot make up for even one lousy sin. I remember the example my seminary professor made with the illustration of someone making an omelette. After cracking a few eggs into a bowl the cook realizes that one of the eggs is spoiled and rotten. He can’t just add another dozen good eggs to make up for that one rotten one. He has to throw the whole batch out.

It is a fearful enough experience for once-powerful people to stand before an earthly judge and plead for leniency. At least we can have our “good deeds” to comfort us in our prison cell. But how terrible it will be to stand before the judgment seat of Almighty God stripped of any notion of that comfort! But say it isn’t so! Unfortunately, for too many people that will be the reality. It will be a terrifying experience. But that is not God’s desire. His desire is all would be His children and we would be judged righteous by the blood of Christ. Praise The Lord that He has given us a most beautiful advocate, a SAVIOR, whose name is Jesus, the very same one who has already taken upon himself the punishment of our sin. His cross and righteousness have obliterated our iniquity forever. By His wounds we are healed!

Yes, there is hope for Mr. Munchak and Mr. Cordaro in the courts of the Final Judgement – even as there is hope for you and I. Our Lord loves to forgive. We have a SURE hope through faith in the righteousness of Christ! - Pastor Bjornstad

Ash Wednesday - February 22 (worship will be at 7pm)In the Western Church, Ash Wednesday is the first day of Lent, the 40-day period of fasting before Easter. On Ash Wednesday, ashes are blessed, mixed with either holy oil or water, and placed upon the head with the sign of the cross, or sprinkled on the forehead. The ashes are made from burning palm branches blessed the previous year on Palm Sunday. When the pastor imposes the ashes he says either "remember man you are dust, and to dust you will return" (see Genesis 3:19), or "turn away from sin and be faithful to the Gospel" (Mark 1:15).

My dear children, I write this to you so that you will not sin. But if anybody does sin, we have an advocate with the Father—Jesus Christ, the Righteous One.

- 1 John 2:1

From the Pastor's Heart

Page 3: February 2012 Peace Talk

CONGRATS to father Frank Schulze and mother Shandel Bastek at the birth of their new son Xander Patrick, born Jan. 31! Grandparents Kevin (above) and Meredith Woolverton are very excited! :) We are hoping to see them all soon in God's house!

RECOMMENDED BOOKS:Pastor Bjornstad was asked to publish the books he is currently reading for his spiritual health... Unfortunately, being corrupted by the habits of the 21st century, a steady reading list has been largely replaced by podcasts and websites and iphone apps... But over the next weeks he hopes to share some of his favorite titles (historically!), but he also encourages people to remember that there is something of a library in the basement of various Christian books! Check them out - they are free for the taking!

MEN'S BREAKFAST this last month was a great success as we had Brian Wrightson, emergency services director of the Red Cross, join us. He shared about his work and how essential volunteers and churches are to meeting the needs of the victims of fires and other natural disasters. He is ALWAYS in need of volunteers! Join us this coming Feb. 25th!


The end of all things is at hand; therefore keep sane and sober for your prayers. Above allhold unfailing your love for one another, since love covers a multitude of sins. Practicehospitality ungrudgingly to one another. As each has received a gift, employ it for one anotheras good stewards of God's varied grace: whoever speaks, as one who utters oracles of God;whoever renders service, as one who renders it by the strength which God supplies; in orderthat in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ. To Him be glory and dominionforever and ever. Amen. (I Pet. 4:7‐11)

PLEASE BE AWARE THAT YOUR REGULAR FINANCIAL SUPPORT OF PEACE IS SO VERY ESSENTIAL! We are an active and vital church and this year our budget is significantly higher than last year's with the addition of the new Choir Director position! Yes, the proper support of the Lord's ministry is more important than the dream vacation and that extra nice car. We have many devoted Christians who give generously, but there are always many others who have not discovered the blessing in tithing! There are many who give much more than $25/week to the ministry work here at Peace, but if every envelope (on average, because we know that some cannot give that much) gave $25/week, our budget would be exceeded by a large margin. If you have been blessed by the Lord, and are not already extending your faith with a regular tithe, please consider a regular tithe of $25/wk!

PLEASE PRAY FOR CARSTEN BJORNSTAD, father of Pastor Bjornstad... who January 3rd traveled to Las Pas, Bolivia and is in the midst of a three month stint at teaching the children of a missionary family there. He is getting adjusted slowly to breathing in the high altitude, and is enjoying the kids he is teaching. He teaches them all kinds of music and art - as well as the three Rs! In a recent email he describes the city he is living in:

La Paz is an extraordinary city. You could not imagine more twisted streets and steep grades than those in La Paz. Travel is slow because of them. Almost all the homes and smaller buildings in La Paz feature bare red brick walls and are unfinished. They're left that way to avoid taxes, and people live in them anyway. It's a very poor place. Shopping is difficult because stores, as we know them, are located only in areas where the rich live. Around here, where I'm living, there isn't a "store" for many blocks, only tiny hole-in-the-wall shops with meager collections of goods waiting to be sold. All that being said, there are some things that are very precious here. The people are really nice. I enjoy greetings on the streets and friendly help when I buy things in the shops. The days are clear and bright. One of my pleasures is to sit by the window and enjoy the warmth of the sun. Perhaps the most extraordinary thing about La Paz is the setting. The setting is stunning - a high plateau to the north and mountains carved by erosion like the buttes in North Dakota towering over the city on the other three sides. I can't imagine anyone getting tired of the view. I certainly won't.

Please pray for Carsten's continued health, as well as the Christian church in this beautiful city of La Paz.


1Pet. 3:15 But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect...

Page 4: February 2012 Peace Talk


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February 3, 2012 A Statement on Recent HHS Decision and Religious Freedom We are deeply distressed by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ (HHS) recent decision to require nearly all private health plans, including those offered by religious employers, to cover contraceptives. This will include controversial birth-control products such as “Ella” and the “morning after” pill, even though the Federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) warns that such drugs can cause the death of a baby developing in the womb. The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) objects to the use of drugs and procedures that are used to take the lives of unborn children, who are persons in the sight of God from the time of conception, and we are opposed to the HHS’ decision mandating the coverage of such contraceptives. This HHS action relates to a provision in the “health care reform” legislation (the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act) signed into law in 2010. The church’s benefits partner, Concordia Plan Services, which provides health care coverage to nearly 48,000 people, has been actively monitoring this legislation and, as a result, Concordia Health Plan (CHP)—the LCMS church workers’ health plan—has been maintained as a “grandfathered” plan. As such, employers and workers participating in CHP would not be subjected to the mandate. However, many religious organizations do not have grandfathered plans and cannot avail themselves of the extremely narrow religious-employer exemption, which only is applicable to religious employers that primarily serve and employ members of that faith.

For centuries, Lutherans have joyfully delivered Christ’s mercy to others and embraced His call to care for the needy within our communities and around the world. In a nation that has allowed more than 54 million legal abortions since 1973, we must consider the marginalization of unborn babies and object to this mandate. In addition, I encourage the members of the LCMS to join with me in supporting efforts to preserve our essential right to exercise our religious beliefs. This action by HHS will have the effect of forcing many religious organizations to choose between following the letter of the law and operating within the framework of their religious tenets. We add our voice to the long list of those championing for the continued ability to act according to the dictates of their faith, and provide compassionate care and clear Christian witness to society’s most vulnerable, without being discriminated against by government. The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, a church body of sinners redeemed by the blood of Jesus, has affected the lives of millions of people with care, aid, housing, health care, spiritual care and much more. We have been a force for good in this nation, promoting education (the nation’s largest Protestant school system), marriage and giving people the tools and assistance to be good citizens. We live and breathe Romans 13:3–7. The governing authorities are “God’s servant for good.” We pray constantly for our President and those in authority. We have sent our sons and daughters to fight for this country. We have provided military chaplains, elected officials, officers, including some who have held the highest military offices and other appointed positions in this country. Our people have and are serving as congressmen and women and senators. Increasingly we are suffering overzealous government intrusions into what is the realm of traditional and biblical Christian conscience. We believe this is a violation of our First Amendment rights. We will stand, to the best of our ability, with all religious and other concerned citizens, against this erosion of our civil liberty. Come what may, we shall do everything we can, by God’s grace, to “obey God rather than men” (Acts 5:29). The Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison President The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod

This is a letter from our synodical president Rev. Harrison concerning a very controversial aspect of the national health care legislation (note: it is not speaking in judgment of the health care bill as a whole, only the one recent decision of the HHS.) Rev. Harrison ALSO recently signed (along with many other national church leaders) a public letter which outlines the problems for any religious organization which still stands for traditional marriage in this country. There are copies at the church.

Page 5: February 2012 Peace Talk

THE CHOIR'S NEXT REHEARSAL IS FEB. 17TH at 7pm! Please feel free to join us!

NEW CHURCH ORGAN NOTE: The Worship Committee and the Church Council are not quite satisfied with the way the organ sound is amplified in the church and there will hopefully be a meeting on Friday, Feb. 17th at 6pm with our organ installers to see what can be done.

JOIN THE NEW WORSHIP BAND! January 29th worship at Peace featured our new worship band that lead the Family of God liturgy! We had a total of 6 instruments - but we can add any instrument you play! We will be playing next on Feb. 19th! You (and your friends!) are invited to join us! Please speak with our choir director Jill Trapane for more info.



8:15 EARLY WORSHIP with Holy

Communion every Sunday!

9:15 Education Hour for Adults and



Communion the 1st and 3rd Sundays!

The season of Epiphany ends with Transfiguration Sunday when we will "put away our Alleluias". The penitential season of Lent begins on Ash Wednesday.

Our Sunday Sermon Themes for Lent are:

Dealing with Death: What is it?Dealing with Death: Hope within our Dying BodyDealing with Death: The Resurrection RealityDealing with Death: The Death of OthersDealing with Death: The Sacred Death that is Your Own

Please direct any questions on death you might have to pastor!

Worship Highlights for February:

Transfiguration Sunday (Feb. 19) and Ash

Wednesday (Feb. 22)

Lenten Midweek Services:

"The Sign of Jonah"

Midweek Services beginning Feb. 22:

Wednesdays at 10 am and 7pm

Page 6: February 2012 Peace Talk


FEBRUARY 17-18: PRESIDENT'S DAY YOUTH LOCK-IN! All youth Confirmation age and older are welcome - with FRIENDS! We will have a "What would you do as President" theme!

FEBRUARY 19: MARRIAGE INVITATIONAL DINNER: All married couples are invited to join our beautiful dinner and fellowship at 6pm here at the church! Amy and Ky Betts will be providing the meal and Lori and Tim Harshe will be presenting!

FEBRUARY 25: MEN'S BREAKFAST! Calling all MEN! We will meet at 9am at Panera Bread in Dickson City!! Be there!

CHURCH HISTORYPhilip Melanchthon (birth), ConfessorCOMMEMORATED Thursday, Feb 16, 2012. Philip Melanchthon (1497–1560) was a brilliant student of the classics and a humanist scholar. In 1518 he was appointed to teach along with Martin Luther at the University of Wittenberg. At Luther's urging, Melanchthon began teaching theology and Scripture in addition to his courses in classical studies. In April of 1530, Emperor Charles V called an official meeting between the representatives of Lutheranism and Roman Catholicism, hoping to effect a meeting of minds between two opposing groups. Since Luther was at that time under papal excommunication and an imperial ban, Melanchthon was assigned the duty of being the chief Lutheran representative at this meeting. He is especially remembered and honored as the author of the Augsburg Confession, which was officially presented by the German princes to the emperor on June 25, 1530, as the defining document of Lutheranism within Christendom.

Are you on Facebook but don't know the church has a Facebook page? Look up and "like" our page! Participate in the discussions and prayers!

TRAVEL OPPORTUNITY: 11 Days in the Lands of Luther: Travel with Concordia College to Germany! 11 days in the Lands of Luther: May 15-25, 2012. Only $2,699 (corrected) from New York. Contact Rev. Gregory Dwyer at 914-337-9300 x2198 for more information.

NEW WORSHIPPERS: There have been new worshippers that you might have noticed. Among them has been Julie and Gary Paddock who have just moved into the Fleetville area. They really enjoy our fellowship and are eager to get to know more of us. Please introduce yourselves to them - and any other visitors you might notice!

PRAYING FOR OUR UPCOMING WEDDINGS!: We are thrilled that Rachelle Evans and Michael Paulucci wedding is scheduled for May and Adam Evans and Tonya Clemens will be married in June! Praise God! We pray for all our marriages and families!

YOUTH NOTES:YOUTH LOCK IN! FRIDAY, FEB. 17-18!"President's Day Banana Cram!"Invite your friends! Starts at 7pm! YOUTH NIGHTS: Member Tina Goble has proposed organizing regular youth nights for the youth in our church and community - as there is nothing of the kind here in our neighborhood. If there are any who would like to help in this matter, please see either Tina or Pastor.

HANNAH BJORNSTAD is registered to attend the month long "Lutheran Summer Music Academy" in Decora Iowa this coming summer. This is an exciting growth opportunity for her musically (and as a young Christian). The Bjornstad family hopes to put on a concert coming sometime in April or May to help defray the costs. Thank you for your support of Hannah musically through all these years!