federal register: 11 fed. reg. 6661 (june 18, 1946). · 2015. 9. 28. · real or personal property,...

TER EIIISTEII NUMBER 118 Washington, Tuesday, June 18, 1916 The President EXECUTIVE ORDER 9736 POSSESSION, CONTROL, AND OPERATION OF THE TRANSPORTATION SYSTEm, PLANTS, AND FACILITIES OF THE MONONGAHELA CONNECTING RAILROAD Coursx-T WHEREAS after investigation I find and proclaim that as a result of a labor dispute there are interruptions of the op- erations of the transportation system, plants, and facilities of The Monon- gahela Connecting Railroad Company; that the war effort will be unduly im- peded and delayed by such interrup- tions; that it has become necessary to take possession and assume control of the said transportation system, plants, and facilities for purposes that are need- ful or desirable in connection with the present wartime emergency, and that the exercise, as hereinafter specified, of the powers vested in me is necessary to insure in the national interest the oper- ation of the said transportation system, plants, and facilities: NOW THEREFORE, by virtue of the power and authority vested in me by the Constitution and laws of the United States, including section 9 of the Selec- tive Training and Service Act of 1940 as amended by section 3 of the War Labor Disputes Act (57 Stat. 164) the Act of August 29, 1916 (39 Stat. 619, 645) and the First War Powers Act, 1941 (55 Stat. 838) as President of the United States and Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy, it is hereby ordered as follows: 1. The Director of the Office of De- fense Transportation is authorized and directed, through or with the aid of any public officers, Federal agencies, or other government instrumentalities that he may designate, to take possession and assume control of the transportation system, plants, and facilities owned or operated by The Monongahela Connect- ing Railroad Company, but such posses- sion and control shall be limited to real and personal property and other assets used or useful in connection with the op- eration of the transportation system of said earner. 2. The Director is directed to operate, or arrange for the operation of, the transportation system, plants, and fa- cilities taken pursuant to this order in such manner as he deems necessary to assure to the fullest possible extent con- tinuous and uninterrupted transporta- tion service. 3. Subject to applicable provisions of existing law, including the orders of the Office of Defense Transportation Issued pursuant to Executive Orders 8989, as amended, and 9729, the said transportaz tion system, plants, and facilities shall be managed and operated under the terms and conditions of employment in effect at the time possession is taken under this order. The Director shall recognize the right of the workers to continue their memberhilp In labor or- ganizatlions, to bargain collectively through representatives of their own choosing with the representatives of the owners of the carrier, subject to the pro- visions of applicable statutes and Execu- tive Orders, as to matters pertaining to wages to be paid or conditions to prevail after termination of possesslon and con- trol under this order: and to engage In concerted activities for the purpo:e of such collective bargaining or for other mutual aid or protection, provided that in his opinion such concerted activities do not interfere with the operation of the transportation system, plants, and facilities taken pursuant hereto. 4. Except with the prior written con- sent of the Director, no attachment by mesne process, garnishment, execution, or otherwise shall be levied on or against any of the real or personal property or other assets, tangible or Intangible, In the possession of the Director hereunder. 5. Possession, control, and operation of any plant or facility, or of the transpor- tation system, or any part thereof, or any real or personal property, taken pur- suant to this order shall be terminated by the Director when he determines that such possesslon, control, and operation are no longer necessary to carry out the provisions, and to accomplish the pur- poses, of this order. 6. For the purposes of paragraphs I to 5, inclusive, of this order, there are hereby transferred to the Director the functions, powers, and duties vested In (Continucd on p. C63) CONTENTS THE PRESIDENT EXECuTIVE OnDER: Pae Monongahela Connecting Rail- road Co., posezion and op- eration by Office of Defense Tran~tortation. 66"1 REGULATIONS AND NOTICES AGlIVcuLTUrDPAnT=.ET. See also Farm Credit Administration. Livestcck and meats; conversion factors (WFO 75-2, Am. 40; WFO 75-3, Am. 34) (2 doc- uments) 6363, 6664 Salaries and wages, Walla Walla, Wash ------ 6666 AL=X Pioprz CusoDY: Vesting orders, etc.. Costs and expenses incurred in certain court actions: California (2 documents)__ 6735, 6738 Ohio and Michigan-_ 6738 Orezon 6737 Washington-_ - 6740 Hito Unkobu ......... - 6741 Howaldt, Marie Sophie__ _ 6734 Nakagawa, KinseL ...... 6741 Oye, Haruichl -and Ume Oye_ 6736 Pfaff, Gerard H 6742 Schneider, Franz sha_ _. 6742 Schroeder, Nany..... 6743 Seller, Ellse. ...... 6743 Seiler, Franz s.a ---- 6743 Seiler, Marie-.... . 6744 Wagner, Ernst--- - - 6744 Wurr, 1amIe _ 6745 Zittel, George- ...... 6745 Zittel. Wilhelm .......... 6745 CUSToS Bureau: Coal, coke, and briquets Im- ported from certain coun- tries; taxable status_ 6683 F~nsr Crnzorr Annsrio: Surplus property disposal; pur- chase by officers, employees, or agents. 66S3 FEDERAL Co:n=ucanons Co'nns- SIO: F.11 broadcasting other than non-commercial eiducational broadcast service, proposed amendments .6633 17.1 channels, reservation_____ 6592 Hearings, etc.. Buttrey Broadcast, Inc. t3333B) 6637 6661

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Page 1: Federal Register: 11 Fed. Reg. 6661 (June 18, 1946). · 2015. 9. 28. · real or personal property, taken pur-suant to this order shall be terminated by the Director when he determines


Washington, Tuesday, June 18, 1916

The President



and proclaim that as a result of a labordispute there are interruptions of the op-erations of the transportation system,plants, and facilities of The Monon-gahela Connecting Railroad Company;that the war effort will be unduly im-peded and delayed by such interrup-tions; that it has become necessary totake possession and assume control ofthe said transportation system, plants,and facilities for purposes that are need-ful or desirable in connection with thepresent wartime emergency, and thatthe exercise, as hereinafter specified, ofthe powers vested in me is necessary toinsure in the national interest the oper-ation of the said transportation system,plants, and facilities:

NOW THEREFORE, by virtue of thepower and authority vested in me by theConstitution and laws of the UnitedStates, including section 9 of the Selec-tive Training and Service Act of 1940as amended by section 3 of the WarLabor Disputes Act (57 Stat. 164) theAct of August 29, 1916 (39 Stat. 619, 645)and the First War Powers Act, 1941 (55Stat. 838) as President of the UnitedStates and Commander in Chief of theArmy and Navy, it is hereby ordered asfollows:

1. The Director of the Office of De-fense Transportation is authorized anddirected, through or with the aid of anypublic officers, Federal agencies, or othergovernment instrumentalities that hemay designate, to take possession andassume control of the transportationsystem, plants, and facilities owned oroperated by The Monongahela Connect-ing Railroad Company, but such posses-sion and control shall be limited to realand personal property and other assetsused or useful in connection with the op-eration of the transportation system ofsaid earner.

2. The Director is directed to operate,or arrange for the operation of, thetransportation system, plants, and fa-cilities taken pursuant to this order insuch manner as he deems necessary toassure to the fullest possible extent con-tinuous and uninterrupted transporta-tion service.

3. Subject to applicable provisions ofexisting law, including the orders of theOffice of Defense Transportation Issuedpursuant to Executive Orders 8989, asamended, and 9729, the said transportaztion system, plants, and facilities shallbe managed and operated under theterms and conditions of employment ineffect at the time possession is takenunder this order. The Director shallrecognize the right of the workers tocontinue their memberhilp In labor or-ganizatlions, to bargain collectivelythrough representatives of their ownchoosing with the representatives of theowners of the carrier, subject to the pro-visions of applicable statutes and Execu-tive Orders, as to matters pertaining towages to be paid or conditions to prevailafter termination of possesslon and con-trol under this order: and to engage Inconcerted activities for the purpo:e ofsuch collective bargaining or for othermutual aid or protection, provided thatin his opinion such concerted activitiesdo not interfere with the operation ofthe transportation system, plants, andfacilities taken pursuant hereto.

4. Except with the prior written con-sent of the Director, no attachment bymesne process, garnishment, execution,or otherwise shall be levied on or againstany of the real or personal property orother assets, tangible or Intangible, Inthe possession of the Director hereunder.

5. Possession, control, and operation ofany plant or facility, or of the transpor-tation system, or any part thereof, or anyreal or personal property, taken pur-suant to this order shall be terminated bythe Director when he determines thatsuch possesslon, control, and operationare no longer necessary to carry out theprovisions, and to accomplish the pur-poses, of this order.

6. For the purposes of paragraphs I to5, inclusive, of this order, there arehereby transferred to the Director thefunctions, powers, and duties vested In

(Continucd on p. C63)


EXECuTIVE OnDER: PaeMonongahela Connecting Rail-

road Co., posezion and op-eration by Office of DefenseTran~tortation. 66"1


Farm Credit Administration.Livestcck and meats; conversion

factors (WFO 75-2, Am. 40;WFO 75-3, Am. 34) (2 doc-uments) 6363, 6664

Salaries and wages, WallaWalla, Wash ------ 6666

AL=X Pioprz CusoDY:Vesting orders, etc..

Costs and expenses incurredin certain court actions:

California (2 documents)__ 6735,6738

Ohio and Michigan-_ 6738Orezon 6737Washington-_ - 6740

Hito Unkobu ......... - 6741Howaldt, Marie Sophie__ _ 6734Nakagawa, KinseL ...... 6741Oye, Haruichl -and Ume Oye_ 6736Pfaff, Gerard H 6742Schneider, Franz sha_ _. 6742Schroeder, Nany..... 6743Seller, Ellse. ...... 6743Seiler, Franz s.a ---- 6743Seiler, Marie-.... . 6744Wagner, Ernst--- - - 6744Wurr, 1amIe _ 6745Zittel, George- ...... 6745Zittel. Wilhelm .......... 6745

CUSToS Bureau:Coal, coke, and briquets Im-

ported from certain coun-tries; taxable status_ 6683

F~nsr Crnzorr Annsrio:Surplus property disposal; pur-

chase by officers, employees,or agents. 66S3

FEDERAL Co:n=ucanons Co'nns-SIO:

F.11 broadcasting other thannon-commercial eiducationalbroadcast service, proposedamendments .6633

17.1 channels, reservation_____ 6592Hearings, etc..

Buttrey Broadcast, Inc.t3333B) 6637


Page 2: Federal Register: 11 Fed. Reg. 6661 (June 18, 1946). · 2015. 9. 28. · real or personal property, taken pur-suant to this order shall be terminated by the Director when he determines

2EDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, June 18, 1946


Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays,and days following legal holidays, by theDivision of the Federal Register, the NationalArchives, pursuant to the authority containedin the Federal Register Act, approved July 26,1935 (49 Stat. 500, as amended; 44 U.S.C.,ch. 8B), under regulations prescribed by theAdministrative Committee, approved by thePresident. Distribution is made only by theSuperintendent of Documents, GovernmentPrinting Ofllce, Washington 25, D. C.

The regulatory material appearing herein iskeyed to the Code of Federal Regulations,which is published, under 50 titles, pursuantto section 11 of the Federal Register Act, asamended June 19, 1937.

The FxomAL REGmsr will be furnished bymal to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50per month or $15.00 per year, payable in ad-vance. The charge for individual copies(minimum 150) varies in proportion to thenize of the issue. Remit check or moneyorder, made payable to the Superintendentof Documents, directly to the GovernmentPrinting Office, Washington 25, D. C.

There are no restrictions on the republica-tion of material appearing In the Ftar.REGISTE.

NOW AVAILABLECode of Federal Regulations

1945 Supplement

Book I. Titles 1 through 9, in-cluding, in Title 3, Presidential doc-uments in full text with appropriatereference tables.

Book 2: Titles 10 through 14.These books may be obtained from the

Superintendent of Documents, GovernmentPrinting 011cc, at $3 each.

A limited sales stock of the 1944 Supple-ment (3 books) is still available at $3 abook.



Hearings, etc.-Continued.Chronicle Publishing Co -----City of Jacksonville (WJAX) -Florence Broadcasting Co.,

Inc. (WOLS).........Hazlewood, Inc. (WLOF) ----Hearst Radio, Inc. and Cros-

ley Corp-------------Kingsport Broadcasting Co.,

Inc. (WEPT).........News Publishing Corp .------Northside Broadcasting Corp.

(WGRC)............Pilgrim Broadcasting Corp.

and Nashua BroadcastingCorp .................

Postal Telegraph-Cable Co.and Western Union Tele-graph Co............

San Diego Broadcasting Co_.Wright, E. T.............

Photo service by wire or by ra-dio, charges -------------











FEDE .AL COMBIUNICATIONS CO muS- Pagbsio--Continued.

Radio stations and operators,amateur and commercial;application for license --- 6685

Records, mechanical ---------- 6691Telegrams, methods of delivery 6689War Emergency Radio Service;

State guard stations ------ 6685FEDERAL POWER COMEIISSION:

Hearings, etc..Montana-Dakota Utilities Co. 6692West Texas Gas Co ---------- 6692

FOOD AND DRUG ADMnIISTRATION:Antibiotic drugs, test and meth-

ods of assay* miscellaneousamendments ------------- 6664

Penicillin containing drugs, cer-tification of batches; mis-cellaneous amendments_-- 6664

ITERSTATE COBILTERCE CODSUSSION:Car service, gram priority from

country elevators to termi-hial elevators ------------- 6685


road Co., possession, controland operation ------------ 6693

OFFICE OF PRICE ADJMNISTRATION:Adjustments and pricing orders:

American Ironing MachineCo ------------------- 6700

Baseline Woodcraft Co ---- 6695Central Desk Mfg. Co ------- 6698Coopers, Inc --------------- 6705Dembek, E ---------------- 6695Executone, Inc ------------- 6701General Motors Corp -------- 6700Glider Trailer Co ----------- 6693Heywood-Wakefield Co ------ 6697Home Producers Co -------.. 6695This Mfg. Co., Inc ----------- 6694Indian Splint, Inc ----------- 6698Inman Products ------------ 6696Johnson Chpir Co ----------- 6699Mueller, L. J., Furnace Co.... 6694Nelson Bros. and Strom Co_. 6696Reinhard-McCabe Co -------- 6693Rolscreen Co --------------- 6714Scripps Motor Co ----------- 6699U. S. Slicing Machine Co .... 6696White Aircraft Corp ------- 6700

Beef and veal carcasses andwholesale cuts (RMPR 169,Am. 67) ----------------- 6667

Bituminous coal (MPR 120, Am.138) -------------------- 6682

Brokerage (2d Rev. SR 14, Am.30) --------------------- 6683

Cooking uiensils, household alu-inum (MPR 188: Order 8

under Rev. Order 1; Am. 1to Rev. Order 1) (2 docu-ments) ------------- 6701, 6702

Commodities and services, ex-emption from price con-trol, territories and posses-sions of U. S. (Rev. SO 127,mcl. Am. 1 and 2) -------- 6672

Corn meal, corn flour, corn grits,etc. (MPR 305, Am. 16).... 6682

Floor coverings, linoleum andfelt-base (MPR 188, Am. 2 toOrder 4875) -------------- 6703

Footwear (SO 162, Am. 1) ------- 6667Furniture:

School, low-end wood (MPR188, Order 5033) -------- 6704

Upholstered (MPR 188, Am.1 to Rev. Order 4992) .... 6703


Continued.Goatskins and sheepskins, India

tanned (RMPR 357, Order14) --------------------- 6704

Hawaii:China, glassware, wallets, toys,

etc. (Territorial Con-sumer Goods Reg. 1,Am. 4 to Supp. 4) ------- 6683

Consumer goods (TerritorialConsumer Goods Reg. 1,Am. 2) ---------------- 6682

Grocery items (RMPR 373,Am. 87) --------------- 6683

Jewelry and other ImportedItems (Territorial Con-sumer Goods Reg. 1, Am.4 to Supp. 1) ------------ 6682

Pricing provisions (RMPR 373,Am, 88) --------------- 6683

Hosiery, women's nylon (MPR602, Am. 3) -------------- 6668

Insect screen cloth, copper andbronze (RPS 40, Order 38). 6701

Machines, parts and Industrialequipment (RMPR 136, Am.43) --------------------- 6667

Oat mill by-products (FPR 3,Supp. 10) ---------------- 6680

Regional and district office or-ders. See also Adjustments.

Beverages, bottles or canneddomestic, San Francisco,Calif., district (2 docu-ments) ------------ 6713, 6714

Building and constructionmaterials:

El Paso County, Tex ------ 6711Jackson, Tenji., area ------ 6710Syracuse, N. Y., district... 6707

Community ceiling prices,lists of orders filed (3documents) -------- 6716, 6725

Concrete, ready mixed, Clayand Jackson Counties,Mo., and Wyandotte andJohnson Counties, Kans. 0710

Fuels, solid:Appleton, Wis., area ------ 6711Kaukauna, Kimberly and

Little Chute, Wis.,area ---------------- 6712

Waukesha, Wis., area --- 6713Insulation, Installed:

Montana ---------------- 6726New Mexico -------------- 6 0714Pennsylvania ------------- 6708Salt Lake City, Utah, dis-

trict ---------------- 6723Wyoming --------------- 6722

Plumbing, Wyoming -------- 6719Plywood; western softwood:

New Jersey, Maryland, Dis-trict of Columbia, east-ern Pennsylvania, and'ew York ------------ 6717

Western New York andnorthwestern Pennsyl-vania ---------------- 6705

Re-roofing, Colorado area .... 6710Textiles, leather and apparel

(SR 14E, Am. 46) --------- 6680Tobacco, scrap chewing (SR

14D, Am. 12) ------------- 6668Vacuum cleaners and attach-

ments, n e w household(RMPR 111, Am. 9) -------- 6682


Page 3: Federal Register: 11 Fed. Reg. 6661 (June 18, 1946). · 2015. 9. 28. · real or personal property, taken pur-suant to this order shall be terminated by the Director when he determines

FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, June 18, 1946


SION:Hearings, etc.

Bankers Securities Corp. etal 6729

Braniff Airways, Inc. et al___ 6728Morris Plan Corp. of America

et - - 6728Public Service Corp. of New

Jersey et al, ------------ 6730Southern California Water

Co. (2 documents) --- 6728, 6729Standard Gas and Electric


Personnel in District of Colum-bia, travel at Governmentexpense 6667


Retail dealer deliveries to do-mestic consumers, modifi-cation of restrictions-.... 6666

Surplus coal produced in DistrictNo. 1, exception from pro-visions of interim direction. 6666

VETERANS' AD ;InusTRATIoN:Servicemen's Readjustment Act

of 1944; Army SpecializedTrainingProgram and NavyCollege Training Program 6683

WAR DEPART i:Fort Bragg, N. C., limitation of

prostitution near Army es-tablishment ..... --------- 6687

CODIFICATION GUIDEA numerical list of the parts of the Code

of Federal Regulations affected by documentspublished in this Issue. Documents carriedin the Cumulative Supplement by uneodifled,tabulation only are not included within thepurview of this list.

TITLE 3-THE PRESIENT: PageChapter I-Executive Orders:

9736 --------------- 6661TITLE 6--AGRICULTURA CREIT:

Chapter I-Farm Credit Admin-istration:

Part 5--Surplus property dis-posal 6663

TITLE 21-FOOD An DRUGS:Chapter I-Food and Drug Ad-

minitration, Federal Se-curity Agency*

Part 141-Test and methodsof assay for antibioticdrugs ----------------- 6664

Part 146-Certification ofbatches of pinicillin con-taining drugs ----------- 6664

TITLE 29-LAOR:Chapter IX-Department of

Agriculture (AgriculturalLabor)

Part 1111-Salanes and wages,Washington ------------ 6666

TTrLE 30-Mnram RESOURCES:Chapter 1--Solid Fuels Ad-

minitration for War:Part 602-General orders and

directives (2 documents) - 6666Trn 38-PENsiors, BONUSES AND

VETERANS' REIEF"Chapter I-Veterans' Adminis-

tration:Part 36-Regulations under

Servicemen's Readjust-ment Act of 1944, asamended 6683

CODIFICATION GUIDE-ContinuedTITLE 47-TEsscommuictno:1: Pagor

Chapter I-Federal Communi-cations Commlszslon:

Part 12-Amateur radio: sta-tions and operators.... 6685

Part 13-Commercial radiooperators .......... 6635

Part 15-All radio stations InWar Emergency RadioService ......------------ 6685

the Secretary of War by that part ofsection 1 of the said Act of August 29,1916, reading as follows:

"The President, in time of war, is em-powered, through the Secretary of War, totake pos-lon and assume control of anycystem or systems of tranmportaton. or anypart thereof, and to utULlre the came, to theexclusion as gar as may be ncce~ary of allother trafic thereon. for the transfer ortransportation of troops, war material andequipment, or for such other purpo=se con-nected with the emergency an may be need-ful or desirable."

7. The Director of the Ofice of De-fense Transportation may request theSecretary of War to furnish protectionfor persons employed or seeking employ-ment in the plants, facilities, or trans-portation system of which possesJson istaken and to furnish protection for suchplants, facilities, and transportation sys-tern, and may request the Secretary ofWar to furnish equipment, manpower.and other facilities or ervices deemednecessary by the Director to carry outthe provisions, and to accomplish thepurposes, of this order; and the Secre-tary of War is authorized and directedupon such request to take such actionas he deems necessary to furnish suchprotection, equipment, manpower, orother facilities or services.


June 14, 1946.[F. R. Doc. 46-10256; Flied, June 14, 1946;

1:49 p. m.]



Chapter-I-Farm Credit Adnumstration




Chapter I, Title 6, Code of FederalRegulations Is hereby amended by theaddition of new § 5.109-01 to read as fol-lows:

§ 5.109-01 Purclcsc of surplus prop-erty by officers, employees, or agents.No officer, employee, or agent of theFarm Credit Administration, the FederalFarm Mortgage Corporation, or any in-stitution under the supervision of theFarm Credit Administration shall, exceptin the exercise of a priority right pursu-ant to the Surplus Property Act of 1944,

purchase any sMplus property assignedfor disposal to the Department of Agri-culture as disposal agency for agricul-tural and forest property- and no sale ofany such surplus property to any suchofficer, employee, or agent in the exerciseof any such priority right shall be madeexcept with the prior approval of theFarm Credit Administration.

The foregoing amendment has beenapproved by the Secretary of Agncul-ture.(SPA Reg. 1; SPA Reg. 5, as amended;Surplus Property Act of 1944, 53 Stat.765. 50 U.S.C. App. Supp. 1611)

ISEAL] A. T. EsrisE,Acting Governor.

[P. R. Doc. 46-10314; Filed, June 17, 1946;11:14 a. m.]


Chapter XI-Production and MarketingAdministration (War Food DistributionOrders)

[WFO 75-2. Aradt. 401


War Food Order No. 75-2, as amended(11 P.R. 5993), Is hereby further amendedas follows:

1. By adding the following Items andfigures and the following paragraph im-mediately after the conversion weighttable in paragraph (f) (1)Corned beef $0.70Beef tuzbonlam. -------. ....... 1.3Beef and pork products:

- - --- -- --- ---. 60O. .. . .60

Brawn .60M eat focd products and gravy...... .60

(With respect to the above items whichcontain both beef and pork, the conver-sion factor takes Into account the beefcontent only. Credit for the pork con-tent of these Items should be taken un-der War Food Order No. 75-3.)

2. By deleting paragraph (f) (2) andsubstituting in lieu thereof the following:

(2) The conversion weight of beef ofany type used in the preparation ofsausage or in the preparation of cannedmeat, or any other beef product notspecified above, shall be computed by de-termining, on the basis of the manufac-turing formula, the net weight of thebeef in such processing, and multiplyingsuch net weight by 1.45. The net weightof beef which is cooked and used n thepreparation of canned meat not specifiedabove Shall be the weight thereof beforecooking.

This amendment shall become effec-tive at 12:01 a. m., e. s. t., Jun16, 1946.With respect to violations, rights ac-crued, liabilities incurred, or appealstaken, prior to said date, under WarFood Order No. 75-2, as amepded, allprovisions of said order shall be deemedto remain in full force for the purpose ofsustaining any proper suit, action, or


Page 4: Federal Register: 11 Fed. Reg. 6661 (June 18, 1946). · 2015. 9. 28. · real or personal property, taken pur-suant to this order shall be terminated by the Director when he determines

FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, June 18, 1946

other proceeding wifh respect to anysuch violation, right, liability or appeal.

(E.O. 9280, '7 F.R. 10179; E.O. 9577, 10F.R. 8087; W.F.O. 75, 10 F.R. 4649)

Issued this 14th day of June 1946.[SEAL] E. A. MEYER,

Asszstant Admznzstrator Pro-duction and Marketing Ad-mmistration.

IF R. Doe. 46-10315; Filed, June 17, 1943;11:14 a. m.]

[WFO 75-3, Amdt. 34]


War Food Order No. 75-3, as amended(11 F.R. 6273) is hereby furtheramended as follows:

1. By deleting the figure "1.00" whichappears opposite the item "pork sausage"in the conversion weight table in para-graph (d) (1) and substituting in lieuthereof the figure "1.26"

2. By adding the following items andfigures and the following paragraph im-mediately after the conversion weighttable in paragraph (d) (1)Pork and gravy ----------------- 1.26Beef and pork products:

.X ------------------------------- 6000 ------------------------------- 60Liver spread ------------------- 60Brawn ---------------------------- .60Mleat food products and gravy ------. 60

(With respect'to the above items whichcontain both beef and pork, the conver-sion factor takes into account the porkcontent only. Credit for the beef con-tent of these items should be taken underWar Food Order No. 75-2)

3. By deleting paragraph (d) (2) andsubstituting in lieu thereof the follow-Ing:

(2) The conversion weight of pork ofany type used in the preparation of sau-sage, or in the preparation of cannedmeat, or any other meat product notspecified above, shall be computed bydetermining, on the basis of the manu-facturing formula, the net weight of thepork used in such processing, and mul-tiplying such net weight by 1.28. Thenet weight of pork which is cooked andused in the preparation of canned meatnot specified above shall be the weightthereof before cooking.

This amendment shall become effectiveat 12:01 a. in., e. s. t., June 16, 1946.With respect to violations, rights accrued,liabilities incurred, or appeals taken,prior to said date, under War Food OrderNo. 75-3, as amended, all provisions ofsaid order shall be deemed to remain infull force for the purpose of sustainingany proper suit, action, or other proceed-ing with respect to any such violation,right, liability, or appeal.(E.O. S280, 7 FPR. 10179; E.O- 9577, 10F.R. 8087; W.F.O. 75, 11 F.R. 4641)

Issued this 14th day of June 1946.[SEAL] E. A. MEYER,

Assistant Admznzstrator, Pro-duction and Marketing Ad-mznstration.

[. R. Doc. 46-10316; Filed June 17, 1946;11:14 a. in.]


Chapter I-Food and Drug Admimstra.tion, Federal Security, Agency


MISCELLANEOUS AMENDMENTSBy virtue of the authority vested in

the Federal Security Administrator bythe provisions of section 507 of the Fed-eral Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (52Stat. 1040 ff. 21 U.S.C. 301 et seq., asamended by Public Law 139, 79th Cong.,1st Sess., July 6, 1945) the regulationsfor tests and methods of assay -for anti-biotic drugs (10 F.R. 11478-11485) asamended, are hereby amended as indi-cated below*

1. Section 141.1 (e) is amended bystriking out the second and third sen-tences and substituting therefor the fol-lowing: "Distribute the agar evenly inthe plates and allow it to harden. Usethe plates the same day they are pre-pared."

2. Section 141.1 (e) is also amendedby adding the following at the end of thefirst paragraph. "A suspension of thetest organism may be used in place of thebroth culture described above in pfepar-ing the inoculum for the seeding ofplates. Prepare such suspension as fol-lows: Wash the organisms from an agarslant which has been incubated for 24hours at 37'C with 2.0 ml of sterile physi-ological saline onto a large agar surfacesuch as that provided by a Roux bottlecontaining 300 nil of agar. Spread thesuspension of organisms over the entireagar surface with the aid of sterile glassbeads. Incubate 24 hours at 370 C. Washthe resulting growth from the agar sur-face with about 50 ml of sterile physio-logical saline. Standardize this sus-pension by determining the dilutionwhich will permit 20% light transmis-sion through a filter at 6500 Angstromunits in a photoelectric colorimeter.Add 1.5 to 2-0 ml of this resulting dilu-tion to each 100 nil of agar which has,been melted and cooled to 48" C to pre-pare the moculum for the plates. Thesuspension may be used for one week."

3. Section 141.1 is amended by addinga new paragraph as follows:

(h) The potency of a sample may alsobe determined by the standard curvetechnique using a single dose of standardand unknown.

Dilute the sample to be tested-to 1.0unit per ml. (estimated) in 1% phos-phate buffer pH 6.0 using the 50 unit(estimated) dilution prepared as de-scribed in § 141.1 (d) Place six cylin-ders on the inoculated agar surface sothat they are at approximately 600 in-tervals on a 2.8 cm radius. Use threeplates for each sample. Fill 3 cylinderson -each plate with the 1.0 unit/mlstandard and 3 cylinders with the 1.0unit/ml (estimated) sample, alternatingstandard and sample. Incubate theplates for 16 to 18 hours at 37°C. andmeasure the diameter of each circle ofinhibition. At the same time preparea standard curve using concentrationsof the standard of 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0,1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, and 1.5 units/mil insterile 1% phosphate buffer pH 6.0.Use three plates for ,the determination

,of each point on the curve a total of 27plates. On each of three plates fill 3cylinders with the 1.0 unit/ml standardand the other 3 cylinders with the con-c.entration under test. Thus there willbe 81 one unit determinations and 9 de-terminations for each of the other pointson the curve. After the plates have in-cubated read the diameters of the cir-cles of inhibition. Average the readingsof 1.0 unit/ml concentration and thereadings of the point tested for each setof 3 plates and average also all 81 read-ings of the 1.0 unit/ml concentration,The average of the 81 readings of the1.0 unit/ml concentration Is the correc-tion point for the curve. Correct theaverage value obtained for each point tothe figure it would be if the 1.0 unit/mlreading for that set of three plates werethe same as the correction point. Thus,if i r correcting the 0.8 unit concentra-tion, the average of the 81 readings ofthe I unit concentration is 20.0 mm, andthe average of the one unit concentra-tion of this set of 3 plates is 19.8 mm,the correction is 0.2 mm. If the averagereading of the 0.8 unit concentration ofthese same 3 plates is 19.0 mm the cor-rected ialue is then 19.2 mm. Plot thesecorrected values including the averageof the 1 unit/ml concentration on 2 cyclesemi-log paper using the concentrationin units per nil as the ordinate (thelogarithmic scale) and the diameter oXthe zone of inhibition as the abscissa,Draw the standard curve through thesepoints. The 10 points selected to deter-mine the curve are arbitrary and shouldbe so chosen that the limits of the curvewill fill the needs of the laboratory,However the potency of the sampleunder test should fall In the interval offrom 60% to 150% of the correctionpoint of the standard curve.

To estimate the potency of the sampleaverage the zone readings of the stand-ard and the zone readings of the sampleon the three plates used. If the samplegives a larger average zone size than theaverage of the standard, add the differ-ence between them to the 1.0 unit zonesize on the standard curve. If the aver-age sample value is lower than the stand-ard value, subtract the difference be-tween them from the 1.0 unit value onthe curve. From the curve read the po-tencies corresponding to these correctedvalues of zone sizes.

Dated: June 13, 1946.[SEAL] MAURICE COLLINS,

Acting Administrator[F. R. Doc. 46-10284; Filed, Juno 11, 1046;

10:21 a. in.]


MISCELLANEOUS AMENDIENTSBy virtue of the authority vested in

the Federal Security Administrator bythe provisions of Section 507 of the Fed-eral Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (62Stat. 1040 if., 21 U.S.C. 301 et seq., asamended by Public Law 139, 79th Cong,,July 6, 1945) the regulations for thecertification of batches of penicillin-containing drugs (10 F.R. 11227), as

Page 5: Federal Register: 11 Fed. Reg. 6661 (June 18, 1946). · 2015. 9. 28. · real or personal property, taken pur-suant to this order shall be terminated by the Director when he determines

FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, June 18, 19-16

amended, are hereby further amendedas indicated below-

1. Section 146.22 (a) is amended bychanging the seventh line of sentenceone so as to read "of not less than tenmillion units"

2. Section 146.24 (c) (1) is amendedby striking "and" at the end of subdi-vision (ii) changing the period to asemicolon at the end of subdivision (lii)and adding "and" and adding the fol-lowing new subdivision:

(iv) The statement "For Manufac-turing Use" "For Repacking" or 'orManufacturing Use or Repacking" whenpackaged for repacking or for use as aningredient in the manufacture of an-other drug, as the case may be.

3. Section 146.25 (a) third sentence Isamended so as to read "The content ofwhite wax in the menstruum before theaddition of the calcium pemcillin is notless than 3 percent (w/v) if the potencyis to be 100,000 units or 200.000 units permilliliter, and not less than 4.7 or morethan 4.9 percent (w/v) if the potency isto be 300,000 units per milliliter."

4. Section 146.25 (a) sixth sentence Isamended so as to read "The calciumpenicillin used conforms to the standardsprescribed therefor by § 146.24 (a) exceptsubparagraph (7) but its potency is notless than 750 units per milligram if it isused inmaking the 100,000 unit or 200,000unit strength, and not less than 900 unitsper milligram if it is used in making the300,000 unit strength."'5. Section 146.26 (c) (2) (i) Is

amended so as to read:

(ii) Unless it is intended solely forvetenna17 use and is conspicuously solabeled, the statement "Caution: To bedispensed only by or on the prescriptionof a ----- -"' the blank being flledin with the word "physician!' or "dentist"or "veterinarian" or with any combina-tion of two or all of these words, as thecase may be; and

6. Section 146.26 (c) (2) (iLi) isamended by inserting the followingphrase at the beginning thereof: "Unlessthe drug is intended solely for veterinaryuse and is so labeled" and by deleting thewords "by physician" in line six and thewords "to physicians" in line eleven.

7. Section 146.26 (c) is amended byadding the following new subparagraph:

(3) On the circular or other labelingwithin or attached to the package, if thedrug is intended solely for veterinary use,directions and precautions adequate forthe use of such ointment, including:

(i) Clinical indications;(ii) Dosage and administration;(III) Contramdications; and(iv) Untoward effects that may ac-

company administration.8. Section 146.27 (c) (2) is amended

so as to read:(2) On the outside wrapper or con-

tainer:(I) The statement "Store in refrig-

erator not above 150 C. (59° F.)," or"Store below 15° C. (590 F.) "

(ii) Unless it is intended solely for vet-ernary use and is conspicuously solabeled, the statement "Caution: To be

dispensed only by or on the prescriptionof a ------- ," the blank being filled inwith the word "physician" or "dentl"or "veterinarian" or any combination oftwo or all of these words, as the c 7remay be.

9. Section 146.27 (c) (3) Is amended bydeleting the words "by physicians" Inline 5.

10. Section 146.28 Is hereby repealed,11. Section 146.29 (c) 3) 41 Is

amended so as to read:

(I) "Caution: To be dispensed only byor on the prescription of a .the blank being filled in with the word"physician" or 'dentist" or both, as thecase may be; and.

12. Section 146.29 (c) (4) is amendedby deleting the words "by physician," inline 4.

13. Section 146.30 (c 12) (h) Isamended to read:

(i) The statement "Caution: To bedispensed only by or on the precrlptionof a - ... "the blank being filledin with the word "physician" or "dentist"or both, as the case may be; and.

14. Section 146.30 (c) (ill) Is amendedby deleting the words "by physiclans" inline six and the words "to physclans" In

'line eleven.15. Section 146.31 (c) (2) (il) Is

amended so as to read:

(ii) Unless It Is intended solely forveterinary use and Is conspicuously solabeled the statement "Caution: To bedispensed only by or on the prescriptionof a - . ", the blank being filledin with the words "physlclan" or "den-tist" or "veterinarian" or of any com-bination of two or all of these words, as

- the case may be; and

16. Section 146.31 (c) 12) (I11) isamended by inserting the followingphrase at the beginning thereof: "Unlezsthe drug Is intended solely for veterinaryuse and is so labeled" and by deletingthe words "by dentists and physiclans"in lines six and seven and the words "todentists and physicians" in lines elevenand twelve.

17. Section 146.31 (c) Is amended byadding the following new subparagraph:

(4) On the circular or other labelingwithin or attached to the package, if thedrug is intended solely for veterinary use,directions and precautions adequate forthe use of such penicillin dental cones,including:

(I) Clinical indications;(ii) Dosage and administration;(Ill) Contraindications; and(iv) Untoward effects that may ac-

company administration.If two or more such Immediate con-

tainers are in such package the numberof circulars or other labeling shall notbe less than the number of such con-tainers.

18. Section 146.32 (c) (2) (iv) isamended so as to read:

(iv) Unless it is intended solely forveterinary use and Is conspicuously solabeled, the statement "Warning-Notfor injection; to be administered only bya ------------ or If it Is

represented for both human and vet-erinary use, the statement "Warning-Not for Injection; to be administered tohumans only by a ......... " theblank In each such statement being filledin with the word "physician" or "dentist"or with any combination of these wordsas the case may be; and

19. Section 146.32 (c (3) is amendedso as to read:

(3) On the outside wrapper or con-tainer, unless it is intended solely forveterinary use and is conspicuously slabeled:

(I) The statement "Caution: To bedispensed only by or on the prescriptionof a _ the blank being filledIn with the word "physician" or "dentis"or "veterinarian" or with any combina-tion of two or all of these words, as thecase may be; and(H) A reference specifically identifying

a readily available medical publicationcontaining directions and precautionsfincluding contraindications and possiblesensitization) adequate for the use ofpenicilin with vasoconstrictor; or a ref-erence to a brochure or other printedmatter containing such directions andprecautions, and a statement that suchbrochure and printed matter will be senton request.

20. Section 146.32 (c) Is amended byadding the following new subparagraph:

(4) If intended solely for veterinaryuse, directions and precautions adequatefor the use of such penicillin with vaso-constrictor, including:

(i) Clinical indications;(ii) Dosage and administration;(IIl) Contraindications; andfiv) Untoward effects that may ac-

complish administration.If two or more such mediate con-

tainers are in such package the numberof circulars or other labeling shall notbe less than the number of suchI-con-tainers.

21. Section 146.32 (d) (3) (1) isamended by deleting the figure "5" inline three and substituting the figure"10" therefor and by deleting the figure"12" In line four and substituting thefigure "20" therefor.

22. Section 1463 (c) (2) (iii) isamended so as to read:

(Ill) Unless It s Intended solely forveterinary use and is conspitously solabeled, the statement "Caution: To bedispensed only by or on the prescnptionof a . ;. the blank to be f ledIn with the word "physician" or "dentist"or "veterinarian" or with any combina-tion of two or all of these words, as thecase may be;

23. Section 146.33 (c) (2) (v) Lsamended by deleting the words "byphysicians" In line seven and the words"to physicians" in line eleven.

24. Section 146.33 (c) is amended byadding the following new subparagraph:

(3) On the circular or other labelingwithin or attached to the package, if thedrug is intended solely for veterinary use,directions and precautions adequate forthe use of such penicillin for surfaceapplication, including:(i) Clinical indications;


Page 6: Federal Register: 11 Fed. Reg. 6661 (June 18, 1946). · 2015. 9. 28. · real or personal property, taken pur-suant to this order shall be terminated by the Director when he determines

FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, June 18, 1946

(1i) Dosage and administration;(li) Contraindications; and(Iv) Untoward effects that may ac-

company administration.If two or more such immediate con-

tainers are in such package, the numberof circulars or other labeling shall notbe less than the number of such con-tainers.

25. Section 146.34 (c) (2) is amendedso as to read:

(2) On the outside wrapper or con-tainer"

(1) The statement "Store in refrigera-tor not above 150 C. (590 F.)" or "Storebelow 150 C. (59 F.)"

(ii) Unless' it is intended solely forveterinary use and is conspicuously solabeled, the statement "Caution: To bedispensed only by or on the prescriptionof --------- " the blank being filledIn with the word "physician" or "dentist"or "veterinarian" or with any combina-tion of two or all of these words, as thecase may be.

26. Section 146.34 (c) (3) is amendedby deleting the words "by physicians" inline five.

The foregoing amendments shall be-come effective on the date of the publi-cation of this order in the FEDERAL REGIS-TER.

(Sec. 507, 21 U.S.C. 301 et seq.)Dated: June 13, 1946.[SEAL] MAURICE COLLINS,

Acting AdministratoriF R..Poc. 46-10285; Filed, June 17, 1946;

10:21 a. in.]


Chapter IX-Department of Agriculture42 (Agricultural Labor)

[Supp. 941



§ 1111.18 Workers engaged in pickingcherries in Walla Walla County, Wash-tngton. Pursuant to § 4001.7 of Title 32,Chapter XVIII (regulations of the Eco-nomic Stabilization Director) relating tosalaries and wages issued August 28, 1943,as amended (8 P.R. 11960, 12139, 16702;9 F.R. 6035, 14547; 10 F.R. 9478, 9628; 11P.R. 2517) and to the regulations of theSecretary of Agriculture issued March23, 1945 (10 F.R. 3177) entitled "specificwage ceiling regulations" and based upona certification of the Washington USDAWage Board that a majority of the pro-ducers of cherries in the area affectedparticipating in hearings conducted forsuch purpose have requested the inter-vention of the Secretary of Agriculture,and based upon relevant facts submittedby the Washington USDA Wage Boardand obtained from other sources, it ishereby determined that:

(a) Areas, crops and classes of work-ers. Persons engaged In picking cherriesIn Walla Walla County, Washington, are

agricultural labor as defined in § 4001.1(1) of Title 32, Chapter XVIII (regula-tions of the Economic Stabilization Di-rector) issued on August 28, 1943, asamended (8 F.R. 11960, 12139, 16702; 9F.R. 6035, 14547; 10 F.R. 9478, 9628; 11F.R. 2517) -

(b) Maximum wage rates for pickingcherries. Picking cherries-3asV perpound..

No perquisites may be paid in additionto the maximum wage rates specifiedabove unless otherwise specifically pro-vided for herein. Wages paid on anybasis other than the above shall not ex-ceed the equivalent of the rates specifiedherein.

(c) Administration. The WashingtonUSDA Wage Board, located at 255 LibertyBuilding, Yakima, Washington, will havecharge of the administration of this sec-tion in accordance with the provisions ofthe specifil wage ceiling regulations is-sued by the Secretary of Agriculture onMarch 23, 1945 (10 F.R. 3177)

(d) Applicability of specific wage ceil-ing regulations. This section shall bedeemed to be a part of the specific wageceiling regulations issued by the Secre-tary of Agriculture on March 23, 1945 (10F.R. 3177) and the provisions of suchregulations shall be applicable to thissection and any violation of this sectionshall constitute a violation of such spe-cific wage ceiling regulations.

(e) Effectipe date. This section shallbecome effective at 12:01 a. in., PacificStandard Time, June -14, 1946.(56 Stat. 765 (1942) 50 U.S.C. 961 et seq.(Supp, IV) 57 Stat. 63 (1943) 50 U.S.C.964 (Supp. IV) 58 Stat. 632 (1944) Pub.Law 108, 79th Cong., E.O. 9250, 7 F.R.7871, E.O. 9328, 8 F.R. 4681;E.O. 9577, 10P.R. 8037; E.O. 9620, 10 F.R. 12023; E.O.9651, 10 F.R. 13487; E.O. 9697, 11 F.R.1691, regulations of the Economic Sta-bilization Director, 8 FR. 11960, 12139,16702; 9 P.R. 6035, 14547; 10 F.R. 9478,9628; 11 F.R. 2517 regulations of theSecretary of Agriculture, 9 P.R. 655,12117, 12611, '10 F.R. 7609, 9581, 9 F.R.831, 12807. 14206; 10 FR. 3177; 11 F.R.5903)

Issued this 14th day of June 1946.[SEAL] HOWARD A. PRESTON,

Acting Director Labor Branch,'Production a n d MarketingAdministration.

IF. R. Doc. 46-10313; Filed, June 17, 1946;11:14 a. in.]

TITLE 30-IINERAL RESOURCESChapter VI-Solid Fuels Administration

for War



Certain producers at mines in DistrictNo. 1, because of a temporary curtail-ment of export and some lake shipments,have accumulated,,and are accumulatingsurplus coal after fulfilling their obliga-tions as prescribed by the Interim Di_

rection issued May 31, 1946. Therefore,in order to permit the free movement ofsuch surplus coal and to avoid any sus-pension or reduction of mining at suchmines, the following order is issued pur-suant to the provisions of Executive Or-der No. 9332 (8 F.R. 5355)

Exception to the provisions of the "No-tice of Interim Direction to Shippers ofBituminous Coal Produced In All Dls-tricts and to Lake and Tidewater Com-mercial Dock Operators and RetailDealers" issued May 31, 1946, is herebygranted with respect to all bituminouscoal produced In District No. 1 as follows:Notwithstanding the limitations im-

posed by the Stock Limitation Table pre-scribed by the Interim Direction IssuedMay 31, 1946, shippers of bituminous coalproduced in District No. 1 may ship, andconsumers may receive, surplus coal re-maining after fulfilment of the shippers'obligations as prescribed by Section 1 ofsaid May 31 Interim Direction: Protded,That:(a) The shipper shall have reported

such surplus coal to the Area Distribu-tion Manager in conformity with section1 (e) of the May 31 Interim Direction.(b) Any consumer receiving such sur-

plus coal shall set forth on his order tothe shipper, the Information required byparagraph (b) of SPAW Order No. 32,as amended by Amendment No. 2 toSPAW Order No. 32, Issued May 31,1946, separately with respect to (1) thecoal ordered in conformity with the pro-visions of the May 31 Interim Direction,and (2) the surplus coal ordered andobtained by virtue of this exception.(The estimated days' supply of coal in

each of the above categories shall be setforth.)

(c) Any shipper shipping such surpluscoal shall report the information re-quired by paragraph (a) of SPAW OrderNo. 32, as amended by Amendmnent No.1 to SFAW Order No. 32, issued May 10,1946, separately with respect to (1) thecoal ordered In conformity with the pro-visions of the May 31 Interim Direction,and (2) the surplus coal ordered andshipped by virtue of this exception.

This order shall become effective im-mediately.

(E.O. 9332, 8 P.R. 5355; E.O. 9125, 7 FR.2719; sec. 2 (a) 54 Stat. 676, as amendedby 55 Stat. 236, 56 Stat. 176, 58 Stat. 827and 59 Stat. 658)

Issued this 14th day of June 1946.

OSCAR L. CHAPMAN,Acting Solid Fuels

Administrator for War[F. R. Doe. 46-10311; Filed, June 17, 1946,

10:56 a. in.]

[SFAW Order 391



The resumption of mining has ren-dered it advisable to amend the firstparagraph of section 1 (c) of the "No-

Page 7: Federal Register: 11 Fed. Reg. 6661 (June 18, 1946). · 2015. 9. 28. · real or personal property, taken pur-suant to this order shall be terminated by the Director when he determines

FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, June 18, 1916

lice of Interim Direction to Shippers ofBituminous Coal Produced m All Dis-tndts and to Lake and Tidewater Com-mercial Dock Operators and RetailDealers" issued May 31, 1946. Accord-ingly, the first paragraph of section 1(c) of the Interim Direction, issued May

31, 1946, is hereby amended to read asfollows:

(c) Third Preference is to be given toorders of domestic consumers to thelimited extent necessary to supply suchconsumers with the amounts set outbelow-

(1) If any such consumer regularlystores coal, he may receive not in excessof 60%, of the tonnage such consumerreceived from such retail dealer duringthe period April 1, 1945 to March 31,1946, inclusive.

(2) If any such consumer does notregularly store coal, he may receive notmore than 10 days' supply, or one truckload, or if he normally purchases coa"in carload or barge lots, he may receivenot more than one carload or bargeload.

This order shall take effect immedi-ately.(E.O. 9332, 8 F.R'5355; E.O. 9125, 7 F.IR2719; sec. 2 (a) 54 Stat. 676, as amendedby 55 Stat. 236, 56 Stat. 176, 58 Stat. 827and 59 Stat. 658)

Issued this 14th day of June 1946.

OSCAR T, CHAP=.,Acting Solid Fuels

Admrnstrator for War.IF. R. Doe. 46-10312; Filed, June 17, 1946;

10:56 a. in.]


Chapter VI-Selective Service System

[Service Order, Field -No. 120-A]


Pursuant to the authority vested in meby §' 608.41 (a) (1) of the Selective Serv-ice Regulations, as amended, ColonelWalter S. Welsh is hereby designated toauthorize travel at Government expensen the execution of the selective service

law of the personnel engaged in the ad-ministration of Selective Service in theDistrict of Columbia; Provzded, however,That the authority herein delegated maybe terminated at any time at the will ofthe State Director of Selective Servicefor the District of Columbia or the Di-rector of Selective Service; And providedfurther That this delegation of authorityshall be limited to the authorization oftravel within the territorial limits of theThird Service Command, except upon theprior approval of the Director of Selec-tive Service.

Lrwxs B. HiRsHEY,Director.

JunE 13, 1946.[F. IL Doe. 46-10255; Filed, June "14, 1946;

12:07 p. in.]

Chapter XI-Office of PriceAdministrationPART 1305-ADrinns=A io:u

[SO 162, Aindt. 1]ADJUSTI=in OP T1&==1 PRICES FOr


volved in the Issuance of this amend-ment, issued simultaneously herewith,has been fied with the Division of theFederal Register.

Supplementary Order 162 is amendedin the following respects:

1. Section 3 is amended by Insertingthe word "net" before the words "maxi-mum price of the Item" when It first ap-pears In Step 1.

2. Section 3 is amended by adding anew paragraph at the end thereof toread as follows:

An item of footwear covered by thisorder may be billed at a gros price pro-vided the terms or discounts added areunconditional and that the net price,after discounts, does not exceed the netmaximum price determined In Step 3,above.

3. The heading of Section 4 Isamended to read as follows:

SzEc. 4. Records, reports and notifjca-tion.

4. Section 4 (b) is amended to add atthe end of the first sentence of the secondparagraph the following: "However, amanufacturing-retailer chain subject toa uniform pricing order shall file withthe office which issued the uniformpricing order, or the office to which hasbeen delegated the responsibility for theadministration of the uniform pricingorder."

5. Section 4 is amended by adding anew paragraph (c) to read as follows:

(c) Notification. In addition to anyother notification requirements in otherregulations affecting the sale of foot-wear covered by this order, each manu-facturer shall, in connection with eachsalq of an item of such footwear, stateon the invoice (or on a separate state-Inent (1) which of the Items being soldwere priced under this order and (2)with respect to sales to wholesalers, foreach such Item the maximum price e3-tablished under § 1499.2 (a) of the Gen-eral laximum Price Regulation, ex-elusive of all adjustments (this is the.ame maximum price as determined un-der Step 1 of section 3 of this order)

6. Section 7 Is added to read asfollows:

SEC. 7. Delegation of authority. AnyRegional Administrator, and any Dis-trict Director who has been authorizedto act by the appropriate Regional Ad-minstrator, may at any time approveor revise maximum prices proposed orestablished under this order so as toconform such prices to the standards foradjustment set forth in this order, ormay at any time disapprove maximumprices improperly proposed or estab-lished under this order,

7. Part B of OPA Form No. 6064-2847In Appendix B is amended by adding a

parenthetical phraze after the word"comparable" in the title of Part B toread as follows: "(To be 'comparable' thLItem of footwear must meet all of thetests described in section 2 (a) (2) ofthis Supplementary Order 162.)"

8. OPA Form No. 6064-2347 in Appen-dix B is amended to substitute for thesentence "Submit with this report a sam-ple or samples (single shoe) of the shoesdescribed in Parts A and B" under theheading "Samples and Patterns", whichfollows Part D, the following: "A sampleor samples (single shoe) of the shoes de-scribed in Parts A and B may be requiredand shall be furnished on request fromthe Olfce of Price Administration:"

This amendment 1 shall become effec-tive June 14, 1946.

Nor=: The reparting and record-keepingprorslona of thIs amendment have been ap-proved by the Bureau of the Budget in ac-cordance with the Federal Reports Act of 1942.

Issued this 14th day of June 1946.PAUL A. PonTrI,

Administrator.IF. H. Duc. 4C-I025"; Filed, June 14, 1946;

4:29 p. m.]

PA nT 1364-Fnsa, CunEn m C.uNnmUMET AN FISH PoDuc' s ,

[IRUPR 10, Corr. to Amdt. 67 (§ 1364.401)1


In Amendment 67 to Revised Tam-mum Price Regulation Io. 169 In the7th paragraph the price for Kosherccoked or smohed peppered beef (pas-trami) items grade AA, A and/or B infootnote 5 of § 1364.452 (p) (3) (il) iserroneously stated to be $66.50. Thisprice is corrected to read $67.75.

Issued th6 14th day of June 1946.PAuL A. Pon=,


IF. R. Dslz. 46-10265; Filed, June 14, 1946;4:29 p. m.]

PAnRT 1360--AcmmamnY Aim Tr. esorm-rio:- EQUIPIIEN

[InIPH 136, Anidt. 431Z.AcOnES, PRT AM n-MM-MRIA

A statement of considerations issuedsimultaneously herewith has been filedwith the Division of the Federal Register

Revised Maximum Price Regulation136 is amended in the following respects:

1. Section 19 (k) (1) is amended bystriking out the date "June 15, 1943"and substituting the date "July 15,19-6."

2. Section 19 (W) (2) Is amended bystriLing out the date "June 15,1946" andsubstituting the date "July 15, 1946."

This amendment shall become Effec-five June 14, 1946.

Issued this 14th day of June 143.PAUL A. Poan,

Adrammstrator.IF. R. Doe. 46-102653; Filed, June 14, IC45;

4:29 p. m4.


Page 8: Federal Register: 11 Fed. Reg. 6661 (June 18, 1946). · 2015. 9. 28. · real or personal property, taken pur-suant to this order shall be terminated by the Director when he determines

FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, June,18, 1946

PARP 1499-CoMMoDITIES AND SERVCES[SR 14D, Corr. to Anidt. 12 11


In Column 2 of Table A in section 4 (a)(2) the maximum list price of "$0.95" iscorrected to read "$0.96"

Issued this 14th day.of June 1946.PAUL A. PORTER,

Administrator[F. R. Doe. 46-10263; Filed, June 14, 1946;

4:29 p. m.l



A statement of the considerations in-volved in the issuance of this amend-ment, issued simultaneously herewith,has been filed with the Division of theFederal Register.

Maximum Pnc6 Regulation 602 isamended in the following respects:

1. Section 2 (a) is amended to read asfollows:

(a) Sales at retail. A-sale at retail isa sale in compliance with the provisionsof this regulation to an ultimate con-sumer, by a seller who regularly conductsa retail business. "Ultimate consumer"also includes industrial, commercial, andinstitutional users who do not buy forresale.

Appendix B provides specific prices forsales by "chain stores" and "mail orderhouses" as defined below.

(1) "Chain stores"-(i) Who are"chain stores." Certain sellers at retailare classified as "chain stores" and mustsell women's nylon hosiery at no higherthan the chain store ceiling prices 'setforth in Appendix B. As used in thisregulation, a chain store means a storewhich is one of a group of five or morecommonly owned or controlled retailstores. However, if half or more of thestores which comprise the group werein the business of selling women's fulllength hosiery prior to January 1, 1943and these stores, considered together,had an "average percentage of initialmarkup" of more than 34% on women'sfull length hosiery during each of thecalendar years 1939, 1940, 1941 and 1942(or during each of these specified calen-dar years in which such stores were inbusiness) then, upon filing the computa-tion set forth in (ii) below, such groupof stores will be exempt from the chainstore classification.

(i) Computation of "average initialpercentage markup." To determine theaverage initial percentage markup forany given year under (I) above the groupmust:

(a) Compute the total of the initialretail prices at which all purchases ofwomen's full length hosiery were markedduring that year;

(b) Compute the total of all invoicecharges on purchases of the hosiery dur-ing.the same year (figured after all dis-count deductions and including- alltransportation costs),

111 F. R. 5783.

(c) Subtract the total secured in (b)from the total secured in (a), and

(d) Divide the remainder by the totalobtained in (a) Sellers who are eligiblefor exemption from the chain storesclassification on the basis that theyhad an average percentage of initialmark-up of more than 34% in accord-ance with the provisions of (i) aboveshould prepare the above computa-tion for each of the calendar years1939, 1940, 1941 and 1942 (or for each of,these specified calendar years duringwhich they were in business) and sendthis computation, signed by the seller ora responsible official of the sellpr, toApparel -Price Branch, Office of PriceAdministration, Washington 25, D. C., byregistered mail. Until this computationis mailed to the Office of Price Adminis-tration, sales made by any store whichis one of a group of five or more com-monly owned or controlled retail storesshall be considered sales by a chain storeand priced accordingly.

(iii) Exception for certain chain storesales. Any group of stores classifiedunder this section as "chain stores" mayfile an application for permission to selland deliver at the ceiling prices specifiedin column (g) of Table 1, Appendix B,such full-fashioned women's nylon ho-siery as it purchases at the ceiling pricesspecified in column (d) of Table 1,Appendix B, from establishments mak-ing sales at wholesale, if it can estab-lish that more than 50 percent (in doz-ens) of all the women's full-fashionedfull length hosiery which was deliveredto it during each of the years 1941, 1942,and 1943 (or during each of the years1941, 1942, and 1943 in which it has beenengaged in the business of sellingwomen's full-fashioned full length ho-siery) was purchased by it from estab-lishments making sales at wholesale.Such application must be filed in writingwith the Apparel Price Branch, Office ofPrice Administration, Washington 25,D. C., and shall contain the followinginformation:

(a) The name and address of the ap-plicant, and tha number of stores in itsgroup;

(b) The date on which applicant firstengaged in the business of selling wom-en's full-fashioned full length hosiery;

(c)- Facts showing that the applicantis a "chain store" under the provisionsof ection 2 (a) (1) (i) of this regulation;

(d) The number of dozens of pairs ofwomen's full-fashioned full length ho-siery which were delivered to it duringeach of the years 1941,1942, and 1943 (orduring each of the years 1941, 1942, and,1943 in which it was in the business ofselling women's full-fashioned, full-length hosiery)

(e) The number of dozens of pairs ofwomen's full-fashioned hosiery as spec-"ified in subdivision (d) which were de-livered to it by establishments makingsales at wholesale and the number ofdozens of pairs which were delivered toit by manufacturers during each of theyears 1941, 1942, and 1943 (or duringeach of the years 1941, 1942, and 1943 inwhich it was in the business of sellingfull-fashioned full length hosiery),

(f The name and address of each es-tablishment making sales at wholesale

which delivered women's full-fashionedfull length hosiery to the applicant dur-Ing each of the years 1941, 1942, and 1943(or during each of the years 1941, 1042,qnd 1943 in which it was in the businessof selling women's full-fashioned fulllength hosiery) and the number of doz-ens of pairs delivered to the applicant byeach such establishment during each ofthose years.

No sales or deliveries may be made by"chain stores" at higher than the ceilingprices specified in column (e) of table 1of Appendix B until specific authoriza-tion is granted in writing by the Office ofPrice Administration pursuant to thissubdivision. An order by the Office ofPrice Administration granting permiu-sion to sell rayon hosiery at prices inpolumn (g) Table 1, of 2d Revised Maxi-mum Price Regulation 339 shall consti-tute authorization to sell, at prices incolumn (g) Table 1, of this regulation,nylon hosiery lawfully purchased (in asale at wholesale) at ceiling prices indolumn (d), Table 1, of this regulation.

(2) "Malil order houses." A mail or-der house is an establishment makingsales at retail which does a "mail orderbusiness" (i. e. makes offerings throughretail catalogs or price lists and reqelvesorders and delivers by mail to ultimateconsumers) Such establishment mustsell at or below "mail order house" prices.However, if theestablishment was doinga mail order business prior to January 1,1943 and had an average percentage ofinitial markup (computed in accordancewith the provisions of subparagraph (1)(ii) above) of more than 34% on women'sfull length hosiery not produced by itduring each of' the calendar years 19390,1940, 1941 or 1942 (or during each ofthese specified calendar years in whichit was in the mail order business) thatestablishment, upon filing with the Ap-parel Price Branch, Office of Price Ad-ministration, Washington 25, D. C., byregistered mail,, the computation de-scribed in (i) above (signed by an officeror principal) showing that its averagepercentage of initial markup was morethan 34% in each of those calendar years,will be exempt from the "mail orderhouse" classification.

2. Section 2 (c) (3) is amended to readas follows:

(3) Limitation of distribution by man-ufacturers to persons other than sellersat retail and ultimate consumrs- ( Asit affects manufacturers generally. No,manufacturer shall deliver to persons.other than sellers-at-retail and ultimateconsumers, in any calendar quarter year,a larger percentage of his total deliveriesof women's nylon hosiery (including fin-ished and greige goods) than his "whole-saler percentage." A manufacturer's"wholesaler percentage" is the percent-age that his deliveries in 1941, of women'sfull length hosiery of all fibers (includ-•ing finished and greige goods) to personsother than sellers-at-retail and ultimateconsumers bore to his total deliveries in1941 of women's full length hosiery of allfibers (including finished and greigogoods) IfXa manufacturer did-not de-liver any women's full length hosiery in


Page 9: Federal Register: 11 Fed. Reg. 6661 (June 18, 1946). · 2015. 9. 28. · real or personal property, taken pur-suant to this order shall be terminated by the Director when he determines

FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, June 18, 1946

1941, his wholesaler percentage will bebased on the deliveries of women's fulllength hosiery made during the first cal-endar year after 1941 in which he deliv-ered this hosiery. In the case of a man-ufacturer who first delivered women'sfull length hosiery In 1945. his wholesalerpercentage will be based on deliveries ofwomen's full length hosiery made be-tween January 1, 1945 and November 1,1945. Deliveries by a manufacturer'sagent or selling representative are to beconsidered as deliveries by the manufac-turer. Deliveries to retailers' buyingagencies, such as buying syndicates andcentral buying offices are to be consideredas deliveries to sellers-at-retail. Exportsales are included in the term "deliveries"as used in this subparagraph.

If a manufacturer did not deliver anywomen's full length hosiery m 1941, buthas, since January 1, 1942, succeeded tothe ownership and operation of a manu-facturing plant wich did deliver suchhosiery m1941 his wholesaler percentageis based upon his predecessor's deliveriesin that year.

(ii) Special "wholesaler percentages"for circular Lnit hosiery. Manufac-turers of circular knit hosiery may applyto the Office of Price Administration forspecial wholesaler percentages for cir-cular knit hosiery, separately for suchhosiery having a needle count of 370 orhigher and such hosiery having a needle,count lower than 370. Such special cir-cular knit hosiery wholesaler percent-ages will be based upon the manufac-

turer's deliveries during 1941. or if hemade no deliveries of circular knithosiery during that year, upon his de-liveries of such hosiery during the firstsubsequent calendar year (or first quar-ter year) in which he did deliver suchhosiery. Applications for special circu-lar knit wholesaler percentages shall befiled with the Apparel Price Branch,Office of Price Administration, Wash-Ington 25, D. C., and shll contain all ofthe information required by section 2(c) (4) (i) below, showing separately,deliveries of circular knit hosiery havinga needle count of 370 or higher and de-liveries of circular knit hosiery having alower needle count.

In granting special circular knit,wholesaler percentages under this sec-tion the Office of Price Administrationmay revise the manufacturer's whole-saler percentage established under (I)above.

3. The period at the end of the secondsentence of section 5 (a), after the word"stated" is changed to a colon, and sec-tion 5 (a) (1) is amended to read asfollows:

(1) The words "0. P. A. Ceiling" or"0. P. A. Ceiling Price", accompanied bythe maximum price at retail under thisregulation.

U) Where the retail price establishedunder the tables of Appendix B for thehosiery (unbranded) is a maximum pricefor sales by retailers "buying from whole-salers" then the letter "W" must precedethe maximum price. No manufacturer

may sel hoslery marked with a -W" toanyone other than a "qualified whole-saler" who has furnished the manufac-turer with his OPA "Qualified whole-saler's registration number" No otherperson who first sells the hosiery in afinished state may mark hosiery with a"W" unlezs he is a qualified wholesalerunder this reg-ulation and has been issueda "Qualified wholesaler's registrationnumber" No retailer may sell hosierymarked with a "W" unless he has pur-chased such hosiery from a "qualifiedwholesaler" and unless the qualifiedwholesaler's OPA registration numberappears on the invoice delivered to theretailer for such hosiery in accordancewith section 5 c) (2) below.

(1) If the hosiery meets the definitionof "branded" as stated In this regulationand is permitted to be sold at brandedceiling prices, the letter "I" must pre-cede the maximum price.

4. Section 5 (b) (2) Is amended to readas follows:

(2) Temporary marking pronszons forhosiery finer than 30 denier. For ho-siery finer than 30 denier, the markingrequired under paragraph (a) above maybe made by tag, insert or other devicecontained in or attached to tfie hosiery,Provided, That the hosiery so marked Isdelivered prior to July 1,1946 by the per-son who first sells the hosiery in the fin-ished state.

5. Appendix B is amended to read asfollows:



[Ali prics are met f. o. b. point of rhlpment]

(a) First laality

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) 0 )By mamufactur- At reai ( ilr)ers (per dozen) Wbole-

tale (per-dozen).

Drop 0fabip_ Un. Oan randc

meats branded cr tuy.Un- 1r n by dain lg from

branded Branded blow and m ml m hol-tbe% order La r, tprices houses tax rs to


Nylon - .......

MA~ylon.-----Nylon leg......


AJ nylon ........Nylon leg---- ......

Coarser:All nylon -....Nylon leg .---

(b) Finer -than 30denIer:

All nylon---...-Nylon leg.......

54-gauge:(a) so denier and

coarser:All nylon ....Nylon leg ......

(b) Finer than S0demer:

All nylon .....Nylon leg_....

S9.50& 50




11.510. 1,






13.2010.0011.751L 7510.60




$L 10.05






















See footnotes at end of table.

No. 118-2

Arsvix B-Scmanrt or MUsxnru Pmem-Continucd

flCIZ '-cthirad

1Ai pr1s rao nel f. o. b. rolat ofcbIpentl

(3) Ffrefqvali7

Ma (0i Cc) C) (0) W1 00)By m-LtrL C u-

era (gerdacen)_Ler .At retail (Ferixzar)r_2 (rcr

hido-zen).Drop Of

'Brnd' tk brardMd ,l byr-n -n 3O. rr'r

Brn n 13% by caiBranmItteea ceder =.nu

I ,plee3 s es-ne totuas hc usc

(a) Z3 dcatzr'cal,ozzrcr.

Allnyl-n ....... S10 $14.15 $15.8.3 SLO $L3 SLX0Nyln' ?-Z--.... 1z.03 13.15 14.790 LEO L0 1. Eli.

(b) Finer tbm n3dcnLr.

Alln lyen..... 14. 0 15.23 1-. V3 1.75 1.95 2 C13Fy.5n I:,%...... 13. 14 15 15.83 L CD 1. LCe

C0saaendl blacres

AlInIlmn... 10 11- 25 17.83 1.75 1.93 2.12(b} Finer tbzn 0

dcntzril~npfla..... 15.10 1.15 18.25 1.85 2.X3 2.15

Nyalg... 14.0 1115 17.03 1.75 LC5 C

PcrmL=-b!h eldItlrs far gclu cl cn_-traztfonn ef First Quality. Deecnptfcu willh e aun at cad cl UL tab!3

OOtlrFi Wo 113.! ID C1Lhce -......... .. 75 0.75 .85 .10 .10 .13

0utalz-15 to 1Wbm, ........ 1. ) .03 1.75 .

outrodW eI-2 lm ... 2 2.23 05 Z. Z .- 0Non............. 210 I2.0 2.33 .25 ., .2zL=arandae..... 1.0 103 17aL5 .:0 0 .1-03epuad.............. 20 2. to 2.05


Page 10: Federal Register: 11 Fed. Reg. 6661 (June 18, 1946). · 2015. 9. 28. · real or personal property, taken pur-suant to this order shall be terminated by the Director when he determines

FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, June 18, 1946

APPEND]s-B-SCnEDULE Or iTAmtum PrmcEs-Continued


[All prices are net f. o. b. point of shipment]

, (b) Irregulars

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (M (g)

By manufac-turers (per dozen) Whole- At retail (per pair)sale (per

dozen).Drop Buying

chain fromship" By chain Buying whole-U-and fr..

Un- Branded 10% mall- m ler,bedBrade beow ec mann- alerorandbelow order facturers also

these houses house toprices house

39-gage:AllInylon ---------- $7.65 --------- $9.00 $0.92 $1.02 $1.00Nylon leg ---------- 6.80 --------- 8.00 .82 .91 .9742,-gauge:Al Inylon ----------- 8.10 --------- 0.55 .97 1.08 1.15Nylon leg ----------- 7.20 --------- 8.45 .86 .W0 1.6245-gauge:Alinylon ----------- 8.50 ---------- 10.60 1.02 1.13 1.21

-Nylon leg ----------- 7.65 9.00 .92 1.02 1.0948-gauge:

Allnylon ----------- 8.90 --------- 10.45 1.07 1.19 1.26Nylon leg ----------- 8.10 ---------- 9.55 .97 1.00 1.15

51-gauge:(a) 30 denier and

coarser:All nylon ------- 9.35 --------- 11.00 1.12 1.25 1.3Nylon leg ------- 8.50 ---------- 10.00 1.02 1.13 1.21

(b) finer than 30denier:

All nylon ------ 10.20 --------- 12.00 1.23 1.36 1.44Nylon leg ------- 9.35 --------- 11.00 1.12 1.25 1.33

54-gauge:(a) 30 denier and

coarser-All nylon ------- 10.60 --------- 12.45 1.27 1.41 1.50Nylon leg ------- 9.80 --------- 11.5 1.17 1.31 1.39

(b) finer than 30denier:

Allinylon ------- 11.50 --------- 13.55 1.38 1.53 1.04Nylon leg ------- 10.60 --------- 12.45 1.27 1.41 1.50

57-gauge:(a) 30 denier andcoarser:All nylon ----- 11.60 ---------- 13.55 1.38 1.63 1.04Nylon leg ....... 10.60 --------- 12.45 1.27 1.41 1.50

(b) finer than 30denier:All nylon ------- 12.35 ------. 14. 6 1.48 1.65 1.78Nylon leg ------- 11.50 --------- 13.55 1.38 1.53 1.04

60-gauge and higher:(a) 30 denier and

coarser:All nylon 12.35 --------- 14.50 1.48 1.65 1.78Nylonleg - 11. 50 --------- 13.55 1.35 1.53 1.

(b) finer than 30denier:Al nylon 13.20 .........-15.55 1.59 1.70 1.87Nylon leg ------- 12.35 .........-14. 0 1.48 1.65 1.78

Permissible addition for special constructions of Irregulars. Description will be foundat end of this table

Extra lengths--,--------$0.64 --------- -0.75 $0. 00 50.00 $0.09Outsiz--14" to 14'

bead--------------------G4 --------- .75 .00 .00 .09Outsize-IS"1 to Is%'

head ----------------- 1.28 --------- 1.50 .15 .17 .18Outsizo 10" and wider.. 1.91 --------- 2 25 .23 .21 .27Nonrun ---------------- 1.70 --------- 2.00 .20 .23 24

Lace and mesh--------- 1.28 ---------- 1. 50 .15' .17 .:18Jocquard -------------- 2.10----------2.50 .25 .2 .80

(c) Seconds

39-gauge:All nylon ...........Nylon leg ...........

42-gaugo:Al nylon .------Nylon leg .------

45-gauge:Ali nylon ...........Nylon leg ...........

48-gauge:All nylon -.........Nylon leg ...........

51-gauge:(a) 30 denier and

coarser:All nylon -Nylon leg-

(b) finer than 30denier:

All nylon -----Nylon leg .......

7. 35 --------

8.00.......7.35 ...




























1.00 1.13.9S 1.04



[All pric are net L o. b. point of shipment)

(c) Seconds

(a) (b) (c (d) (o) () (g

By manifoc- Whole- At retail (per pair)trrers (per dozen) sale, (per

dozen).Drop Buyingshi. Byan Buying from

mont a Buying whole.Un- 10% mail- from

branded Branded below In nu e alerorder also

theso houses turers house toprices house

64-gauge and higher:

(a) 30 denier andcoarser:

All nylon -. . -------- .35 $9.80 $1.00 $1.11 $1.19Nylon leg ------- 7.65 .. 0.00 .02 1.02 1.00

(b) finer than 30denier:

All nylon ------- 0.00 ---------- 0.60 1.09 1.20 1.27,Nylonleg ------- 8.35 --------- 9.80 1.00 1.11 1.10

Permissible additions for special constructions of Seconds. Description will befound at end of this table

Extra lengths---------$0 .50----------$0".69 $0.66 $0. 00 $0.07Outsize-14 to 141'

head ------------------ --------- .9 .06 .00 .07Outsize-15 to 15WI

head -------------.-- 1.00 ---------- 1.18 .12 .13 .14Outsize-16

s and wider. 1.50 ---------- 1.70 .18 . 10 .20

Nonrun --------------- 1.33 .......... 1.50 .10 .18 .10Lace and mesh --------- 1.00 1.18 .12 .13 .14Jacquard .-------------- 1.07 --------- 1.00 .20 .22 .1

(d) Thirds

30- 42- and 45-gaugo(all deniers):

Ali nylon ---------- $4.50 --------- $5.0 $0.64 $0.60 $0,01Nylon leg ----------- 4.00 --------- 4.70 .48 .3 .67

48- and 51-gauge (alldenier :

Alrtlylon ----- - 5,25 .--------- 0. 20 .63 .70 .75Nylon lcg-------- - 4.75 --------- 5.60 .57 .63 .63

S4auge and higher (alldeoners):All nylon -------- 6. 25-......... 7 35 .76 .83 .89Nylon leg -------- 5-.75 .........-0.7& .69 .77 .82

Notes to TablesIHow towetables. "Chaln stores" and "Mail order houses" will find the maximum

prices at which they may sell nylon hosiery In colmnn (o) above, except that they maysell "branded" hosiery at branded prices in a sale at retail. Oher retailers who buyunbranded hosiery direct from manufacturers will find the maximum prices at whichthey may sell nylon hosiery in column (f) and they will find in column (g) the maxi-mum prices at which they may sell branded hosiery purchased from a manufactureror hosiery (branded or unbranded) which they bought from a "qualified wholesaler"in asale atewholesal(. Hosiery sold "house to house" may be sold at the prices shownin colum.n (g). Only first quality hosiery may be sold at branded coiling p dices.

Drop shipments under sales at wholesale are sales which qualify as sales at Yholesaleand In addition Involve delivery to the retailer either from a place of business ohilerthan that of the seller-at-wholsale. or shipment by such seller to the retailer In sub.stantially tha tame shipping case, shipping container, or outer covering In which theseller received the hosiery.

Manufactrers who ale net reaimershav but two possible types ofsales, Whenth osell "branded hosiery" (as thatterm Is defined In section 3 of the regulation) they wilifind their coelligs4in column (). Their nbranded hosiery cellings are found In Col-umn(b). Hosiery classed as Irregulars. secandsg or thirds maynot he sed at "branded"ceilings. Manufacturers should likewise note that no hosiery which they sell towholesale establishments may heraold at prices higher than those shown In column (h),Manufacturers who are also retailers will find an explanation of their retaii prices lu

ectionL of constructions referred to In Table 1.(a) EItra length stockings are those with a minimum length of 33ar fiished.(b) Lace and mesh stockings ar a those with a distinctive lace or mesh pattern throu,1-

out the leg portion, knit with full lace or modified lace tackle on a fuli-fashioned knitt inmachine No lace or mesh premium maybe applied to gauges higher than Slt schpremium results in a price greater than the corresponding lace or mesh price for S

() ftize hosiery 14" and 14 outsize hosiery Is hosiery which:(i) Is k-nit on 14"1 and 14)&' needle bar using the full needle bar (with tolerance of

4 needles);(ii) Is knit with no fashionings or Bnrrowings In the flarc(ii) Is boarded on outsize forms in accordance with accepted tradepraetie. 1IS"

and 10" outsize hosiery Is hosiery which is knit on a full 16"1 or 10" necedle bar (with attolerance, of 4 needles) and is boarded on outsize forms In accordance with aecepteditrade practice. No outsize premium may be applied to gauges higher than Sl It suchprmu reut inapiegetrtadh orepnigpieo 1guet(d) Nanrn soinsaetsech ar nit t~agiu h e ota yoeotheu geerll ace ted mehd of it Iting no-u fbI . NoInt npiiui

ray be applied to gaugeshigher than 61 If such premium results in a price greater thanthe corresponding non-run price for 51 gauge.

(e) All Vlan. If hosiery is made nt i rely of continuous filament nylon thratd. orif the entire stockm is made with continuous filament nylon thread and any past of


Page 11: Federal Register: 11 Fed. Reg. 6661 (June 18, 1946). · 2015. 9. 28. · real or personal property, taken pur-suant to this order shall be terminated by the Director when he determines

FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, June 18, 1916

the foot iqremfored with another fibre, the hossicry Is comIdered aU.nylon. In tho cm.of outsize hosiery, if the stocking Is made with a cotton welt and i othe irs nll-nylsnexcept for foot reiforement it i consdered all-nylin(f) Ny'lon leg. If the leg Is knitted entirely of carntinuous Illment nylon threed.hut some other portion of the stocking is made of aniother fibre (except for foe? t r _,ment described m e) and cotton welt In out.e hosiery), the stocking Is .oisdse'enyloleg

Price ter the pne for 51 gu ln tispec Ial cosrcIns ordpia to l. yon ansoizenle'soc~g 1 h

_ -re nylo n. C._bAll prich o t e s r ne ~. pon fshpet

At wholesaoBymanu. (per dojer),Cosrcin fnre- drop ship.- y By retailerstcr

de 10, helowv buying frm buyin frothese prices mnuoac wh uo -

turee to hous

20 needles:.Ajlnylon-............. 75; $ .1o0 $0.5 $1.6N ylonle ns ar-------- - 5.75 6. 0 .70 .

3020needles:lAe nylonts are. .maeet----- 7. obnti 5 .95 1.1Nylon leg. 0 7.75 -8i .- 5340 needles:Allnylon-----------........ 8.25 i 9.85 1.0 ! 1.20Nylale g.' ..-.. 7.25 ; 8.05 .90 1 .05

100380 neele:.Allnylon-----------------.8.75 10.45 1.10 1.25Nylonleg.:. .... 7.75 9.25 .91 1.10400) needles ande higher:a ) 3 0 d e i e r a nd co a s e :

. Alnylon--------------.9.50 : 11.35 1.20 1 .35Nylon leg. 8.... . 50 10.15 1.05 1.25(b) finer than 30 deer:

Ali nylon_ ............ 10.59 12.55 1.5 .50Nylon leg_......... 9.50 11L35 1.20 1.35

Perm s'ble dditions fr secil constructions of Firt Q ulity

Snge endmesh-.............. $0.50 $.5 $0.01 [ 9.0

Doubllndsh.- .... ..lon -7---85 - $10 .0u ...........-----------------. 5 . P 70 .10

Al lenh-..-.....-... -o. &95 . .10

(h) Irreuuars

280 needles:Allnylon.........-Nylon leg--............

300-320 needles:Alnylon .................Nylon leg...........

340 needles:

Nylon leg ..............360-380 needles:

All nylon ..............Nylon leg .............

400 needles and higher(a) 30 denier and coarser:

AllNylonleg.- --...-- -.

(b) Finer than 30 denier:AllNylon leg...........

a5754. V0




$G.v06. 605.85

7. GO6.60

S. 407.35











P1 84.7L








:Permissible additions for special constructions of Irrgulc

Single end mesh..............-- 43 M6.1 I M05 Z $0. GDouble end mesh .... ....... .75 .63 .03

.43 Z .05 .5Extra length..--.-.-..-.-.--..-.-- .04 .75 .05 to

(c) secns

20 needles:All nylon ..............Nylon leg ...............

300-320 needles:All nylon ..... ..Nylonleg.- ..............

30 needles-All nylon.......Nylon leg---..-........

360-380 needles:All nylon ...........Nylon leg ................










. C2




ta C1




Arm..rx B-cuxiorz or M.L t',r P -- Cc nti2d

JAL 2...)AXLC ?I'.= Y1fl 3417.07 CrflATIM M=3CO:,Ts..Ot MAY= YLONo=.YL-cntln _d

(Aliprlm3 are ret L o. b. roint cf eWc=mnt

(a) (b) W ) e)

At At retail (Fer jar)

C~n"rC1 .n 4t~d'zlO- Byreinflrs B ear

r_ oh t=_ _ _ _ _ _ I0 Ic,- t*hc rm

4 d rdi's ard hIslxs(a) .3 de!cr and xr

57.C C3 Ms .10 .8(b) FinCr th a 7 denfrr

All 7 Ca 841 n.62

Perm-ll! addItLizn Lrs~c:a s'tu-W n oif -cons

SlnU c nd ............ 2.13 0.51 I *0.64 I $.C5DOub3 cnd ........... _....... _19 . 10 6 .0iOutrlzes.. . ...... . 1.. 3 .. 94 C .5Extralcvngth -..--- .1111 .113

2:3 -M necem:Ali nyo....... e3.s *a.6 04 2Xyleg........ .6 3.45 .5

.40 ny.les and li!.r

Nylan ~ ~ 3 le... ..... 5 4.3 .45




tAll rctail.s ul3 by from meauufcLuc -i find ce7rr fat which th:ybm=y rail r-om=n's uylen lzrfsY In cel Hnm (d) of th13 tab-,. 11 tl:h czeynis bestby tts rctelterXfrcm n qUmlfletl s!=-L'"in a meeat v, eL3 Miny=2 e hcefm

pricns f"on In colman (ol.

cunetrueltens~~ nr=pmbst nf-yee, and to -'nyL-mnicg c~ekc if tha T.iltsacmedo cntlrly ei o:o!.n or co mblutis coatton ad nYl= and ths fet t nyl.i.

TA'Lr Z-U&NIM~l MMM68 y-on s41y30 SPcIA~gL CO-anoxes0z.YL0: no rev

[All prk= ar cr?'. ?. b. pinht cfcblpmentJ

(a) (b) (C C) Co) (o)

At esho!s. At retail (per pea=)By - drne. )" Bycherreratafrg

Decrllilte n t Drprl By cheini r-l andmail Boin

dczcn) thf Cr(!~r B Buyin .homes ro


(I) Epun Nylsm:(W stonuderd:

LFI0.C07- W- $11.75 $1.0 $.3 14S t.o 13.0 L62 L13 L21&C3 7.80 .Fa . 0 .94

'rhird. .. .... 0 5. .0 .C7 .71(2) CCmbluet_,is lzIed:3

.i 0.03 0.11CO 1.10 L20 L7U7. 0 .6@0 .91 1 L(9

&COl 06 7.6.3 .72 ED0 ..83S'rht r e 4.5'0 5.-3 .64 .0 .X4

(1) All nylon:Fr t qm lty.... 14.C 1.45 1.20 135 1.Irre.u~s = ........... ,.75 24. CO L43 L0 L 0

.0 qZ. IL .12 L L3

G I tc) l . 13.0 N 5.73 L9 .5 L .Inrr e'-ul .......... 115 14.60 L33 L47 L.

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5"C-"n ZC l,*a' "1.- elrdcrtn~wll vflnd th2 mexlmumzpresN3twfch thc-H1o hay fro m innueu. cc will fred ttsr ceiig p-es In coumn Cc), an ttey-3

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BLnIIca n'cl:n he3e I-mdo cntirelY from ypa eencm hisrds or rahrcs c:Vylonrtepiaflicr ad any ckcrp!e itcv.

4 Cc. ml, tn nyi: n ]: -xy Ia -mede entirey cf ycarn compc_:S cl nylon yar crn-tland and v-1%Itcc il my ernC tr t nys-n.


Page 12: Federal Register: 11 Fed. Reg. 6661 (June 18, 1946). · 2015. 9. 28. · real or personal property, taken pur-suant to this order shall be terminated by the Director when he determines

FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, June 18, 1946

Effective date. This amendment shallbecome effective June 17, 1946.

NoTE: The record-keeping and reportingrequirements of this regulation have beenapproved by the Bureau of the Budget in ac-cordance with the Federal Reports Act of1042.

Issued this 17th day of June 1946.PAUL A. PORTER,


[F. R. Dc. 46-10336: Filed, June 17, 1946;11:36 a. In.]

PART 1305-AD INISTRATION-[Rev. SO 127,1 Incl. Amdts. 1 and 2]


This compilation of Revised Supple-mentary Order 127 includes Amendment2, effective June 22, 1946. Additions,amendments, -redesignations and dele-tions by Amendment 2 are indicated byunderscoring or notes.

A statement of the considerations in-0 volved in the issuance of this supple-

mentary order, issued simultaneouslyherewith, has been filed with the Divi-sion of the Federal Register t


Sec.1,1 Articles exempted from price control.1.2 Consumer durable goods articles.1.3 Leather, fur and fibre articles.1.4 Textile articles.


2.1 Articles suspended from price control.2.2 Leather, fur and fibre articles.2.3 Apparel articles.


3.1 Articles exempted from price control.3.2 Eullding materials.3.3 Lumber and primary forest products.3.4 Machines and parts and machinery serv-

ices.3,5 Paper and paper producy.3.6 Rubber, chemicals and drugs.


'4.1 Articles suspended from price control.4.2 Building materials.4.3 Lumber and primary forest products.4.4 Machines end parts and machinery serv-

ices.4.5 Metals.4.6 Paper and paper products.4.7 Rubber, chemicals and drugs.


5.1 Exemption from price control.

110 P.R. 14500.2 Statements of the Considerations are is-

sued simultaneously with amendments. Cop-ic may be obtained from the Office of PriceAdministration.


See.6.1 Commodities and services suspended

from price control.6.2 Beverages.


7.1, Articles not affected by this order.7.2 Records.ARTICLE vf--GExERAl PRovIsIoNs-Continued

7.3 Relationship between this order andother regulations.

7.4 Definitions for the purpose of this sup-plementary order.

7.5 Geographical applicability.


SECTION 1.1 Articles exempted fromprzce control. Notwithstanding the pro-visions of any price regulation or orderheretofore or hereafter issued (except anamendment of this order) by the Office ofPrice Administration, all purchases,sales and deliveries, unless otherwisestated below, of any articles of consumergoods listed in the sections appearingunder this article are exempt from pricecontrol.

SEC. 1.2 Consumer -durable goods ar-ticles. (a) The following articles of per-sonal accessories:Comb cleaners.Comforter grippers.Decorative combs designed for use exclusively

as hair ornaments.Hand fans.Imitation, synthetic and semiprecious stones

for jewelry purposes only. IJewelry of the following types (including

costume jewelry) except when sold withor as a part of any article subject toprice control such. as-apparel and timepieces:

Bracelets.Brooches.Charms.Compacts and vanity cases made of pre-

cious metals (not including articlesplated with precious metals).

Cuff links.Earrings.FIndings.Insignia and emblems.Lipst'ck horlders made, of precious metals

(not including articles plated with pre-cious metals).

-Mountings.Necklaces.Pendants.Pins.R-ngs.Watch bracelets.Men's accessories, such as tie clips; money

clips, key chains, watch chains, beltbuckles, etc.

Shaving equipment made of precious metals(not including shaving equipment platedwith precious metals).

Shoe horns.Smoking equipment and accessories except

tobacco, cigars, cigarettes, matches andapparel.

Tail, wing and pointer turkey feathers.Wigs and toupees.Wood hair curlers.[Paragraph (a) amended by Am. 2, effective

6-22-,6](b) The following articles of house-

hold accessories:Artificial or preserved grass, plants,* stems,

buds, vines, fruits, flowers, petals, leavesand foods for decorative household useand store display purposes.

Beverage coasters.Book ends.Bookmarks (except paper).Christmas decorations.Christmas tree holders.Christmas tree ornaments including electric

light bulbs, cords and sets.Chrome or chrome trimmed or silverplated

carafes, jug sets or vacuum coffee serverssold for household or personal use.

Cigarette urns.Cocktail shakers, ice bowls and buckets.Figurines and ornamental statutary designed

for ornamental use (not Including articleswhich may be used for any other purpose),

Glass ice balls for "chilling without diluting"food and beverages.

Hand bells.Hand painted pictures.High lead content crystal glassware, com-

pletely hand fashioned without the useof moulds or rings.

Holloware made of precious metals or platedwith precious metals.

Incense burners.Miniature furniture used as containers for

flowers, candy, cigarettes, etc, (exceptpackaging supplied by seller of the pack-aged article).

Miniature size novelties made of glass, china,'wood, plastic, plaster, etc., which have notableware use and are made for colloctor'spurposes only, including miniature sizedecorative glass bottles other than perfumebottles.

Mirror covered boxes when sold separatelyand not as part of a unit containing an

.article not exempt.Mirror table plateaus.Music boxes when sold separately and not as

part of an article nc~t exempt.Napkin rings.Novelty cigarette, cigar, and playing card

boxes when sold separately and not as partof a set (except paper or paperboard articlesand packaging supplied by a seller of thepackaged article),

Novelty and decorated serving trays.Novelty pouring and measuring caps for

liquor bottles.Novelties mtde of alabaster, marble, onyx,

shell, bark, bone, horn, butterfly wings andgourds for decorative household use ormade for collectors' purposes.

Novelty wall plaques, masks, and decorationsdesigned solely for ornamental use, butnot including articles which may be usedfor any purpose whatsoever other thanornamentation.

Paper weights.Picture frames and framed pictures (except

portrait photographs).Pin cushions.Party novelties made in part of candy, nuts

or cosmetics.Place card holders and place cards (except

paper).Poker chips and racks.Portable door stops.Reading racks (except typewriter copy

holders).Self-feeding baby bottle holders.Shoe racks.Tie racks.Wood carved figures and animals.Articles of glassware, china or pottery for

decorative household use (except lampbases and articles for the preparation,storage and service of food and beverages).

[Paragraph (b) amended by Am. 2, effective6-22-46]

(c) The following articles of house-wares:

Anti-splasher faucet attachments.Barbeques for household use.


Page 13: Federal Register: 11 Fed. Reg. 6661 (June 18, 1946). · 2015. 9. 28. · real or personal property, taken pur-suant to this order shall be terminated by the Director when he determines

FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, June 18, 1916Barometers for household use.Bird houses, feeders and baths.Bird cages, stands and hooks.Bottle cappers for household use.Bowl covers and bags made of fabric or plastic

for household use in preserving food andbeverages.

Bread and meat boards for household use.Brushes for applying lipstick or cosmetics.Brushes, eyebrow.Carpet and rug beaters.Cedar chip and sawdust bags for use as moth

repellents.Clothesline props and reels.Clothespins.Coffee grinders, hand operated, for household

Use.Con-poppers for household use.Cutlery boxes.Dehydrators, food, for household use.Deodorizers for use in household ice boxes

and refrigerators only.Dinner bells and chimes.Dog and cat beds, cushions, mattresses and

diners.Dog houses, kennels and exercise pens.Fireplaces, (portable).Fireplace equipment.Fire escapes (portable), for attachment to

residences.Flag poles and staffs.Garment bags, except paper bags.Hat racks.Rousenumber markers and holders.Hygrometers for household use.Ice shavers for household use.Ice cube tongs for household use.Ritchenware items when sold to consumers

for 30¢ or less.Lamp shade covers.Miantel pieces, ornamental.Plastic flower boxes.Portable household and picnic type Ice chests.Rubber bottle stoppers usually old s liquor

accessories.Shopping carts.Spoons, flat wocden, not sold to ultimate


Tooth picks.Wood knife holders.Wood log carriers.

[Paragraph (c) amended by Am. 2, effective6-22-46]

(d) The following articles of hard-ware:

Aluminum horse shoes.Dock rollers.Foot scrapers.Garden carts.Garden hose reels.Grass catchers.Ice creepers.Lawnmower sharpeners.Nail strippers.Safety air vents for wine fermentation.Sawbucks.Ship bells.Sleigh bells-Traps and snares for animals.Tree saver bands.[Paragraph (d) amended by Am. 2, effective


(e) The following articles of sportinggoods:

Aquatic sporting goods other th a pni jand shoes.

Archery equipment other than apparel.Badminton equipment other t-fi-ppareland shocs.

BasFeballequipment except shoes.Basketball equipment fexept sohe.Boats.

Bowling and billiard equipment and ace-sorles except apparel andcboes.

Boxing, retUing and ctriling Ig equipmentexcept apparel and rhb=.

Canoes and accczzories eFcept calls.Cartrdge cca trimmersreioad-rsogr

and resapers for use In hand l2--ammunition.

CaY -Pigeons and traps for releasing clayp~geons.

Croquet cets and equipment.Custom-built (uncaluaog-d). or rebuilt,

enhanced guns.Decoys, bird and game.Exercise equipment (dumbbells, elastic chest

pulls, grip developers. hndcubs. -md1-cine balls, stee sprinu exercie waneand home exercice mchin-J.

Fencing equipment except oboe.xield hockey equipment except cohe.Fishing tackle.1-otball equipment except h.boGame ca bLrd and game.

equipment exceapparel and chas.Gymnasium apparatus.Ice hockey equipment.Ice skates and combination of oboes andThrtes, but ot shoes3 without. ri3tes'.

Paddle tennis equipment.Playground apparatus.Portable camp stoves designed for te with

Roller skates and ehc3 and skate combina-tons, but not shoe.

Shiui-ffe 3m equipment.Si and sci equipment except apparel and

Snowshoes.Scer equipment except oboe3.Softball equipment except hez.Squash equipmen-t other -tha apparel and

shoes.Table tennis equipment.Tn equipmeni- e-icpt apparel and re oel.Tobgans, bobsleds and equipment except

apparel and shoes.Track and field equipment (javelins disusatletic shot, toe board,7etiha er,vaulting poles. vaulting and Jump stand-aris) .

Volley ball equipment except apparel and

[Paragraph (e) amended by Am. 2, effcctlve6-22-46]

(f The followinggraphic equipment:Densitometers.Diffusing Screens.Film-hanger Racks.Film Sheaths.Flim-sulitters.Lens caps.Aontage it-"Paper afes.Plate drying racim.Plate holders.Print embocerg.Print paddles.Print tongs.Projector stands,Retouching desks.

articles of photo-

Elide changers.Elide-fim viewer.Stirring rods.Trimming-board guides.Tripod1 tips.Vigncter.

(g) The follonng articles of house-hold furniture:Cobbler.' hanche (for use ns a living rcomnovety piece).

Costumers.Folding ccreans.Foot zstoa and hao cks except ottoman u for

matched sets.Furniture made entirely of gas.Furniture made wholly or predominantly of

glass or mirror.Half clozs igrandfather type) and cabinets.Hnd crv d'=d wall brackets, wa -ets

and conce. (This do- not includeshadow boxes, curio cabinets or otherhanng wall cabinets.)

Hand decorated articles of furniture rebuiltfroam subztantially different articles of usedfurniture.

Humidor moln.- cabinets.Ligazino rv.ck and ae-t° (This does not

Include tables or combination units.)Plant ftd3 and fernerles.Porch gates, when sold under the following

condition:To consumers for *3X0 or less.To dealers for $1.5 or I-.To jobbers for 81.40 or less.

Portable bars and back bars for houzeholdU12.

Sewing cabinets (except cablnets for sewingmachines).

Spinning Whees.Tea wmgons.Umbrella tands.Wall ra= (all hanging, such as shadow

bozes, corner helves, kn1c-.k, -not, cz:oncz, etc.).

WEd radator encures.

[Para-rph (g) amended by Am. 2, effective6-22--G6]

h) Mhe following articles of floor co-erings:Custom made rugs (hen made on a spec l

order for an ultmate consumer accordingto s. ial designs required by ad ultim teconsumer and when only one such rug of aparticua pattern Is produced in any onesizi rug).

17aao rugs, genuine, woven by Indians.Rugs, the wearing surface of which 1s made

wholly of animal skins.[Para3raph (h) amended by Am. 2, effective

&-22-01 I(i) The following articles of toys:

Mfagllant tricks.Toys and games when told under any of the

follo-ing conditions:To consumers for 8.25 or le.To retailers for 1.15 or less.To wholesalers for 812 or less.(j) The followng articles of profez-

donal goods:Artlst' supplies such as, but not limited to,

eazels. pallets, dra wing b=rdz and -vtercolors.

B=ecinerary urns, sarcophagi.aet lo-cring devices.

Dantal instruments, equipment and suppliasfor use by dentists, including but not lin-ited to forcep, pliers, handpiece, s=a-ers, elevators, imre=on compounds, etc.,but not including ofLe furniture andCentif-ices.


Page 14: Federal Register: 11 Fed. Reg. 6661 (June 18, 1946). · 2015. 9. 28. · real or personal property, taken pur-suant to this order shall be terminated by the Director when he determines

FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, June 18, 1946

Exercise machines and devices.Ice cans for industrial ice making, machin-

ery and equipment.Laboratory apparatus built to specifications

of the purchaser when no more than sixidentical items are manufactured (exceptscientific instruments covered by RevisedMaximum Price Regulation No. 136).

Scientific instruments designed primarily foruse in laboratories and hospitals (exceptthose covered by RMPR No. 136).

Scientific optical instruments (except thosecovered by RMLIPR 136 and binoculars andmonoculars, field glasses, photographicequipment and single lens hand magnifiersand readers).

Steareograph machines.Suntan face reflectors.Surgical instruments or machines for use by

physicians, surgeons or hospitals, includ-ing, but not limited to, forceps, clataps,surgical needles, knives, retractors, dila-tors, cardiographs, etc. But not includinghospital or office furniture, or surgical sup-plies such as bandages, adhesive tape, etc.

Watch repair hand tools designed specificallyfor use in repair or assembling of watchesor clocIks such as case openers, movementholders, hand and pinion removers, jeweltools, balance poising calipers, and tools,etc. General purpose tools such as tweez-ers, pliers, saws, screw drivers are notexempt.

[Paragraph (J) amended by Am. 2, effective6-22-461

(k) The followink articles of equip-ment and supplies:

Advertising novelties, other-than paper (suchas: pens, pencils, tooth picks, knives, cig-arette lighters, leather backed calendarpads, writing kits, playing cards, thermom-eters, barometers, hydrometers) which aresold to an advertiser who gives them awayfor purposes of publicity without cost tothe recipient. These articles must be im-printed with the name of the advertiseror the name of the recipient before deliv-ery by the, manufacturer.

Autonnatic rotary cookers.Cemetery flower vases with invertible insert,

and designed to be so placed into theground that the top of the vase is flushwith the ground level.

Coin operated machines such as, but not lim-Ited to, scales, vending machines, amuse-ment machines, music machines, and cabi-nets manufactured exclusively for such ma-chines, but not including domestic laundryequipment, electrical household appliancesand business machines.

Commercial and institutional kitchen appli-ances and fixtures for use in hotels, restau-rants, schools, hospitals, industrial andpublic cafeterias and similar establish-ments. This does not include articleswhich are customarily used both in storesand commercial and institutional kitchenssuch as slicing machines, food choppers,food grinders and coffee grinders.

Deodorizers, portable, mechanicalsnd elec-trical,

Electrically operated map cases.Florists' foliage, decorative -and trimming

products.Metal bindings or slides for use on maps, map

cases, charts, calendars, tariff sheets, ad-vertising matter, etc.

Mineral, geological, botanical and zoologicaZspecimens and microscopic slides for edu-cational purposes.

Miniature and scale model furniture sold foruse in sales promotion.

Records or electrical transcrlptlons of specialstudio programs or of live commercialradio broadcast programs when sold toadvertising agencies, advertisers, radiobroadcast stations, commercial radio pro-gram producers, or participating artist,for rebroadcast, advertising, promotion, orreference purposes only, and not for saleto the generalpublic.

Signs, advertising, street, etc.Three dimensional sculptured or cast ana-

tomical models (human, botanical, zoolog-ical) used for educational- purposes.

Tax and payroll calculators, non-mechanical,which use charts to indicate or computetaxes and payrolls.

U. S. Post Office mail boxes for sale to U. S.Government.

Wire forms for floral wreaths and wire easelsfor floral displays.

[Paragraph (k) amended by Am. 2, effective6-22-461

(1) The following miscellaneous ar-ticles:

Automobile steering wheel covers.Brallle writers (portable).Carbide lamps and lanterns.Chess boxes and checker boards, handmade

and inlaid.Coir yarn mats.Cow bells, bull rings, cattle leaders and bull

snaps.Crib blanket holders or quilt holders.Decorative and memorial tablets and plaques.Fish nets.Gas masks, safety goggles and respirators.Glider slip covers, glider replacement cushion

sets, glider raincoats, beach chair replace-ment covers.

Handcuffs and billies.Life buoys andpreservers.Life saving equipment.Musical instruments except phonographs and

radios.Pliques and loving cups awarded as trophies

for tournaments,.athletic events, etc.Portable camp and picnic type ice chests.Rubber shapes and figures, (inflated) used

for display or advertising..Tent supports.Unglazed flower pots.Wood, leather, metal, cloth, paper or pottery

souvenirs on which have been printed, en-graved, stamped, or burned the names orpictures of cities, towns, camp, resorts, orstates which are sold only as souveniritems.

[Paragraph (I) amended by Am. 2, effective6-22-46]

SEC. 1.3 Leather, fur and fiber articles.Coir yam.Dressed badger hair.Dressed palmetto fiber.Dressed pony hair.Hames.Horse and cattle covers and. blankets (other

than utility and camp blankets), whichare:(a- ) Cut, shaped, fitted and fabricated

from cotton, jute or.1wool fabric,with leather straps, hardware andother attachments; or

(b) Square unscoured blankets, 80"Lx84" and larger, with reinforcedleather straps.

Sisal plastering fiber and sisal plasteringfilling.

[Sec. 1. amended by Am. 1, 11 FP.R. 1040,effective 12-20-45 and Am. 2, effective6-22-46]

SEC. 1.4 Textile articles.Cloak hanger covers.Coaster jackets.Coffee urn bags.Decorative yarns when sold by the manu-

facturer in quantities which, except inunusual instances, do not aggregate morethan 2,000 pounds of any one style to anyone purchaser during any 6-month period.As used herein: "decorative yarns" meansyarns designed for and used solely asdecoration in those apparel fabrics whichdo not consist, apart from decoration, en-tirely of cotton; "style" refers to yarn ofa particular count, color and twist,

Flags.Fishing lines, including tarred fishing lines,

composed in whole or in part of-Wlk rayon,nylon, linen or cotton.

Home appliance covers.Lamp shade covers.Novelty tinsel thread and yarn.law silk (grelge), pierced silk cocoons, and

raw silk waste.Sewing machine covers.Shoe polisher mitts.Soap mitts.Washing machine covers.

[Sec. 1.4 amended by Am. 2, effective 6-22-401


SEc. 2.1 Articles suspended from pricecontrol. Notwithstanding the provisionsof any price regulation or order hereto-fore or hereafter issued (except anamendment of this order) by the Oflceof Price Administration price control issuspended as to all purghases, sales anddeliveries, unless otherwise stated below,of any articles of consumer goods listedin the sections appearing under this ar-ticle. These suspensions are for an in-definite period of time except when it Isotherwise specifically provided by theAdministrator.

SEC. 2.2 Leather and fur and fiber ar-ticles. Furs, skins, and peltries otherthan the following:Cat, Spotted, South American (including

Brazilian and Mexican).Deer.Fox, Gray.Hare.Kid, African (Eritrean).Kid, Indian.Lamb, Indian "Bombay."Lamb, Indian Moire (also known as Indian

Broadtail).Lamb, Lincoln.Lamb, Mouton.Marmot.Muskrat.Opossum, North American.Pony.Rabbit.Raccoon.Skunk.Squirrel.Wolf.

SEC. 2.3 Apparel articles. For gar.ments (garments of which the entire ex-ternal surface, except for trimming, ismade of fur), fur shells or fur garmentsand fur trimmings and collars, otherthan such articles made from the follow-ing furs, skins and peltries:Cat, Spotted, South American (Including

Brazilian and Mexican).Deer.Fox, Gray.


Page 15: Federal Register: 11 Fed. Reg. 6661 (June 18, 1946). · 2015. 9. 28. · real or personal property, taken pur-suant to this order shall be terminated by the Director when he determines

FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, June 18, 1916

Hare.Kid, African.Lamb, Indian "Bombay."Lamb, Indian Moire (also known as Indian

Broadtail). .Lamb, Lincoln.lamb, Mouton.Marmot.Muskrat.Opossum.Pony.Rabbit.Raccoon.Skunk.Squirrel.Wolf.


SEC. 3.1 Articles exempted from pricecontrol. Notwithstanding the provisionsof any price regulation or order hereto-fore or hereafter issued (except anamendment of this order) by the Omeeof Price Adnminstration, all purchases,sales and delivenes, unless otherwisestated below, of any of the commoditiesald services listed in the sections ap-pearnng under this Article 311 are ex-empted from price control. The exemp-tion of a qommodity does not, however,exempt installed sales or installationservices m connection with such com-modity unless it is specifically so pro-vided.

[Sec. 3.1 amended by Am. 2, effective 6-22-46]

SEC. 3:2 Building matenals. (a) Con-struction materials and refractories asfollows:Architectural terra cotta.

(b) Iron and steel products as follows:

Cast iron cornices.Continuous stove wood pipe.Machine-banded wood pressure pipe.Ornamental iron brackets.Prefabricated non-dwelling structures--

limited to direct sales to users by manu-facturers, other than retail lumber yarddealers or an agent or employee thereof,whose gross sales during any calendaryear are $5000 or less.

Solid bored wood pressure pipe, machine-banded or wire-bound.

Steel and iron marquees.Wire-bound wood pressure pipe.Wood-lined pressure pipe.Wrought iron balustrades.Wrought iron fences.SParagraph (b) heading amended; items

"Lightning rods" and "Weather vanes"deleted by Am. 2. effective 6-22-46]

(c) Millwork, containers and acces-.sories as follows:

Wooden cooperage dowels.Wooden picture frame mouldings.

(d) Miscellaneous as follows:

Weather vanes.

[Paragraphs (c) and (d) added by Am. 2,effective 6-22-461

Ssc. 3.3 Lumber and primary forestproducts. (a) Lumber products as fol-lows:Foundry riddle rims (knife cut or saw cut)

made wholly or principally of wood.

(b) Miscellaneous primary forest prod-ucts as follows:Florist foliage.

SEC. 3.4 Machmnes and parts and ma-chinery services. (a) Electrical equip-ment as follows:Batteries, wet-cell electric storage, when cold

by a manufacturer to a brand owner.Bli-metallic strips.Lightning fixtures, especially dcsgned and

built for Individual Installatlon, excludingmodifications of rtandard Items.

X-ray equipment and supplies, czecl ive ofX-ray tubes.

(1) Bells (including tubular tower balls)upon which musical celections arc playedand (2) Peals of bells or chimes of bellswhen designed for Installation In the tow-era of religious, educational or similar in-stitutions.

Radio tubes and parts when cold by a manu-facturer to a brand owner for replacementpupo-es only.

(b) Miscellaneous equipment as fol-lows:

Amusement riding devices (such as rollercoaster, whip, caterpillar, kiddy rides, oc-topus, loop-o-plane, cccoter, swings, ferriswheel. merry-go-round) when cold for In-stallation In amusement parkm, carnivalsor for use In Itinerant amusement enter-prlze, excluding power units and powertransmission units for operating devicea,highway vehicles and railroad cars fortransporting the devices.

Gas meters, tin-caced.Horseshow buggies and horeerace sullis.Lightning rods.The -following machinery and equipment

(exclusive of hand tools, ,trucks, tractors, tractor cranes, trailersand industrial trucks) w en spccifiilcllydesigned and rold for uce as ground ban-dcing and maintenance equipment foraircraft.

Hln--d ling equipment as follows:Slings, cradles and stan .

Engine handling ixtu-sand equipment.Landing gear ha-ndling; fixturs and


Jacking equipment.Service docks and perconal service ctands

and ladders.M6obile training units (for mechanlc and

other ground peronnnI).Ramp equipment Item as follows:

Passenger stairways.Baggage and cargo handling equipment.Refueling stands and refueling laddean.Tow bars and adapters.Wheel chocks.Moorings.Starting service equipment.jemagnetiin g eq-uipment.

Protective covers and pad:-.

Voting machines, and parts.

[Paragraph (b) amende-I by Am. 2, effectivo6-22-461

(c) Processing machinery and parts asfollows:Broom sewing machine: and parts.

(d) Transportation equipment andservices as follows:Repair to shlp and boats when undertaken

for a war procurement agency.

Sails and sailmaking.

[Paragraph (d) amended by Am. 2, effective6-22-461

SEC. 3.5 Paper and paper products.(a) Miscellaneous coarse papers andpaperboard products as follows:

Stamped envolopcs cold to and by the PostOMa eprtment of the United StatesGovernment.

[PXgra,,h (a) heading amended by Am 2,effective 0-22-46]

Sze. 3.6 Rubber, chemcals and drugs.(a) (1) Chemicals and drugs when soldfor the purposes of scientific and medicalresearch, for analytical and educationaluses or for quality control of industnalproducts as follows:Laboratory reagent specialty rolutios.Prepared culture media.Reagent chemlcals.

(2) Chemicals and drugs as follows:Annatto seeds.Aconitum heterophyllum.Botanical dru3. domesUc and Imaorted,

whether crude, mllcd, ground or pawdered,and colid, fluid and paTdered extracts ofthe foregoing.

BrucIne culphate.CechIneaLCommercal and display firerork

bdeotanical drug I-ared from CGadzDeadortzra for usa In Ice bzxes and refrig-

eratem ony.

Emetina hydrocblorlde.Floor sweeping ccmpounds.uilnea pig complement.

Gum GhattLMeat tenderza.Qulnidine and its ralts In all forms.Eaffron.Saponin (extract of loap bark).Thallum sulphate.

[Subparagraph (2) amended by Am. 1, 11P.R. 1C40, effective 12-20-45 and .-m. 2,effective -22-461

(b) Mscellaneous commodities madein whole or in part of rubber, syntheticor substitute rubber and related sermces,as follows:Advertising ctreamers made from coated

fabricu.BuE forms and fillers (other than surgical

bust fo1m= and fllers).Fihnet bLddrs.Items made from the covering of the caecum

Of a sheep or cow.SE~ne buoys.The service of recapping airplane tires with

airplana typca of tread.The service of repairing airplane tires with

typcs of rrpara d:igned for airplane uze.[paragrph (b) amended by Am. 2. effective



Ssc. 4.1 Articles suspended from Pincecontrol. Notwithztnding the pravionsof any price regulation or order hereto-fore or hereafter issued (except anamendment of this order) by the Officeof Price Administration, price control issuspended as to all purchases, sales and


Page 16: Federal Register: 11 Fed. Reg. 6661 (June 18, 1946). · 2015. 9. 28. · real or personal property, taken pur-suant to this order shall be terminated by the Director when he determines

FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, June 18, 1946

deliveries, unless otherwise stated below,of any of the commodities and serviceslisted in thei sections appearing underthis article, These suspensions are foran indefinite period of time except whenit is otherwise specifically provided bythe Administrator.

[Above paragraph designated as section 4.1and amended by Am. 2, effective 6-22-46.Former sections 4.1 through 4.4 are re-numbered as sections 4.2 through 4.5, re-spectively by Am. 2]

SEC. 4.2 Building materials. (a) Con-struction materials and refractones asfollows:Architectural dimension stone, monuments

and memorials.Chemical stoneware.Talc, ground soapstone and pyrophyllite.

(b) Mechanical building equipment asfollows:

(1) Hardware as follows:

Casket and casket shell hardware. /Mail chutes, except pneumatic.

(2) Miscellaneous cast and sheet metalbuilding materials as follows:

Aluminum molding, binding and edging.Caps, corners and cornices.Cast iron risers manufactured in accordance

with the specifications of applicable sani-tary laws or regulations.

Coal chutes.Flag poles and staffs.Metal awnings.Non-metallic air and fume conductor de-

vices and accessories.Stainless steel molding, binding and edging.Tie rods and accessories, except inserts, espe-

cially designed for concrete form construc-tion which become permanent parts of thestructure.

Vault doors.Walk gates, not including farm gates and

fences.Wndow guards.

(3) Valves and pipe fittings as fol-lows:Automatic regulating valves and float valves

(I) Larger than 3" IPS regardless of pres-sure rating. (i) All sizes designed to op-erate at pressures in excess of 125 poundsper square inch pressure and when used forthe control of liquids, vapors and gases inindustrial, marine and railroad installa-tions.

Auft-matically and manually operated safetyand relief valves (not including combina-tion temperature pressure relief valves forhot water supply systems).

Bronze fittings and valves with ends for high,temperature brazing but not includingfittings or valves' using solder -materialsfor joining.

Forged steel fittings, screwed ends, flangedends and welding ends, except steel weld-Ing fittings "designed to operate at pres-sure less than 250 pounds per square Inchpressure.

Iron, bronze or steel lubricated or asbestospacked plug valves.

Manually operated, motorized and motoroperated valves designed to operate at pres-

sure exceeding 250 pounds steam workingpressure per square inch, regardless of sizeor material.

Pipe fittings manufactured from steel, car-bon steel or alloy steel having screwed,flanged or welding ends regardless of sizeor pressure, except steel-welding fittingsand flanges designed to operate at pres-sure less than 250 pounds per square inchpressure.

Screwed end and flanged and pipe fittings andpipe unions designed to operate at pres-sure exceeding 250 pounds steam work-ing pressure per square inch regardless ofsize.

Single pressure and multi-pressure 2, 3 and4 way hydraulic and pneumatic valves.

Steel turbine valves.Valves especially designed for paper and pulp

.mill services and so designated by themanufacturer.

Valves having copper alloy bodies larger than41" IS.

Valves having ferrous bodies larger than 8"IPS.

Vaves having ferrous bodies with hub ends.Valves having forged steel body.Valves having steel, carbon steel or alloy steel


(4) PIping accessories as follows:

Cocks, ground key, plug type corporation,curb and service.patterns as used-by waterand gas utilities for underground waterand service connections.

Indicating pressure gauges.(i) Having cast 'cases 'Vith dial faces 41"

diameter and larger.(ii) Having pressed metal cases with dial

faces 61" and larger.(i11) Having cast or phenolic plastic cases

and made to any U. S. Navy specifications.Indicating pressure test gauges, all types.Perfection oil gates.Post indicators.Wood casing for pipe.

(5) Plumbing equipment and acces-

sories as follows:

Cast iron pressure pipe and fittings.C. N. I. Alloy cast iron thread pipe, couplings

and -nipples.Fire hydrants of the dry and wet barrel type.Liquid soap dispensing equipment, except

portable or detachable self-containedunits.

Manholes and covers.Metal clad wooden plumbing fixtures.

Meter boxes (outside).Oi separators, all types, except those cov-

ered by RMPR 136.Plastic pipe and tubing manufactured from

copolymer vinyl and vinylidene.

Repair clamps and couplings, except garden,hose clamps and couplings.

[Paragraph (b) amended and (c) and (d)added by Am. 2, effective 6-22-46]

(c) Millwork, containers and acces-sories as follows:

Bourbon. grade stave and heading bolts.Cigar boxes, wooden, or combination wood

and paper.White oak bourbon cooperage.and bourbon

cooperage stock which meets the grade re-

quirements specified in the "Grade Rulesand Specifications" of the oiatedCooperage Industries of America, Inc.

(d) Miscellaneous as follows:

Flexible glass decorative materials.

SEC. 4.3 Lumber and primary forestproducts.

NoTE: This section and headnoto have been'inserted for reference only. No lumber orprimary forest products are to be 'deemedsuspended under this section.

SEC. 4.4 Machines and parts and ma-chinery services. (a) Electrical equip-ment as follows:Search lights, military, completely assembled.

(b) Machine tools and parts as fol-lows:Spring-winding and spring-forming machin-

ery.[Item "Spring-winding and wire forming

machinery." deleted by Am. 2, effective6-22-461

(e) Miscellaneous equipment as fol-lows:

Air preheaters, economizers and superheaters,designed and sold for use with steam gen-erating equipment described tnfhth pa-graph (c).

Alarms, fire, which function entirely by me-chanical means.

Blocks and sheaves, tackle.Burners, gas, industrial, desgned for usewlth

products covered by RMPR 136.Burners, oil, ndustrial-and marino, burning

'No. 5 oil or heavier, except rotary and guntype burners Under MFH10ii

Bushings wpod, subject to RMPR 136.Bushings, combination woodn~dT metal, sub-

ject to RMPR 136.Casters, industrial.

Chains, tire.Chain hoists (manually opgrated).Clamps.Clevises covered by RIPR 130.Clockwork systems, used in connection with

-industrial mechanical record-ngj €ontr o1lling and indicating instruments.(TfiJisdoes not include signalling devices and7/systems).

Cloth, Industrial woven metallic wire, In.cluding pulp and paper Hll wire ciotli7not ncluding! insect screen cloth, hardwarecloth, poultry netting, we-ldedirefnb-r-and items subject to MPR 133 or MPH 2-4-

Controls, electric organ.Controls, chair iron.

Conveyors and conveying systems, industrialof the stationary fixed typo except thosedesigned especially for mining use or usOwith construction plants, or attaohed t,construction or mining macinery, ad---cept portable conveyors an d-o s

Cranes, bridge, gantry, hammerhead,-jib.Dies, jigs, fixtures, molds and patterns, except

sales by manufacturers of products Inwhose production such dies, jigsf, Uturemolds or patterns are used,

Engines, Army tank.Engines, diesel normally operated at 1200

RPM or less, and with piston dsplacementrsin excess of 3000 cubic inches and having acontinuous duty rating in excess of 4r5horsepower.


Page 17: Federal Register: 11 Fed. Reg. 6661 (June 18, 1946). · 2015. 9. 28. · real or personal property, taken pur-suant to this order shall be terminated by the Director when he determines

FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, June IS, 1916

Filters, filter elements and parts, industrial,subject to Revised Maximum Price Regula-tion 136.

Footwear patterns made exclusively for theuse of footwear manufacturers, and madeof any of the following materials or corn-binations of same: fibre, fibre board, plastic,press board, paper, and metal; and Includ-ing metal patterns used for centers ofcicking dies, and all technical and en-gineering services in connection with themaking of foot-wear patterns.

Forgmgs, open or flat die, not including com-mercial drop forgings.

Furnaces and ovens, industrial and labora-tory, except space heating, warm air fur-naces, stoves, blast furnaces and Industrialfurnaces and ovens used solely for themanufacture of coke, pig Iron and steel, orused for food processing.

Gauges, standard industrial and special pur-pose, such as plug, ring, snap, height,length and location gauges, but not testingmachines.

Grinding balls, ferrous or non-ferrous.Gaskets, packings and oil seals subject to Re-

vised Maximum Price Regulation 136.Gyroscopes.Heating, melting, burning and thawing

equipment, portable, for industrial andtransportation uses. excluding fire pots andblow torches.

Hose and tubing, flexible, metallic, exceptelectrical metallic tubing.

Industrial machinery covered by RevisedMaximum Price Regulation 136 which Isused in the extraction, production or proc-essing of commodities and Is not includedin any of the categories of productsspecifically listed in Appendix A of RevisedMaximum Price Regulation 136.

Ingot molds, spruces, sprue plates, fountainsand runners, cast of pig iron, for use insteel making and pouring,

Instruments, industrial, designed andt'sold asautomatic devices to control and/ormeasure physical and chemical variables inindustrial processes (such as measurementand control of pressure, temperature,humidity, flow, motion, position, space,gravity, liquid level, chemical-physicalvariables, acidity, alkalinity, electrolyticconductivity, oxygen content, CO. contentand other such gases, liquids and solids,excluding any instruments covered byMaximum Price Regulation 591, and Instru-ments for measuring, testing, indicating orrecording electrical quantities. These in-struments are only those used In industrialprocesses for the purpose of control and/ormeasurement of the process and do notinclude the entire device, machine orequipment'of which the Instrument Is onlya component part.

Instruments, mechanical, for indicating,measuring, testing and/or recording (alltypes covered by Revised Maximum PriceRegulation 136).

Liquid controlling and/or regulating devices,manually operated, designed and sold foruse with machinery and equipment coveredby Revised 2aximum Price Regulation 136,'but excluding standard general purposevalves and devices.

aine instruments.Meters, gas, iron and steel cased.

No. 118-3

Meters, water.Molds, generally mode of bect metal, uzcd

in commercial production for forming laceblocks of ice.

Numbering and marking machines for uoon metal, except office machine,.

Optical processing machinery, manufac-turers. except Rx optical -and laboatorymachinery.

Pipe cleaning machinery de31gned and coldexclusively for the clcaig of undergroundpipe lines used in the commercial trans-portation of fluids and gases.

Pipe wrmpping and coating mchlnery.Presses, baling, except those subjct to Max-

Imum Price Regulation 133 or -24 (FarrEquipment).

Pulverizers, coal, including burners andauxiliary combustion equipment. instoliedfor primary purpoo of p ulverIng soliduel for firing any type of furnaces and

which are required to be bue-- to -itional Bureau of Fire Und iter Std:ards.

Regulators and dampers, power operated.Reproduction machinery, architectural and

engineering. ouch as blue printing, brown-printing and white printing, but not photo-graphic process machinery.

Rings, hot-top for ingot molds.Rope fittings, manila and wire.Scales, weighing, industrzil and laboratory,

except coin operatcd, hounnhold. oi-co"acstore types.

Slnk, shoe.Shims. metallic, when fabricated as machine

parts.Siren blowers, designed for air raid prcau-

tionary use.Springs, mechanical precision.Spinnerettes.Soot blowers and tube cleaners, power op-

erated, industrial and marine.Ste-amc eaning and dreasing_ equipment

and parts-rahing and cleaning eqWpment, Industrial, except commercial anddoestic laundry and dry-cleaning equip-ment, dish and utensil washing andcle=aning equipment.

Steam engines, except railroad locomotives.Steam generating equipment. such as induz-

trial power boilers 100 p. s. . and hgher,for stationary and marine use, includingwater tube bolers, horizontal return tubu-lar boilers, refractory lined fire box bI1rsbut not including steel heating bolers asdefined In Section IV AIEBOlIhicon-struction Code such as horiLontafl lirbo-Xboulers, Sotch type boilers for taionaryuse, vertical tube and tubeles bollo-s ieltcountry type boilers and miniatureboif--

Stokers, industrial and marine, with fecdingcapacity of 1200 pounds per hour or more.

Strainers and filters, pipe, industrial andmarine.

Tanks and vessels (used) covered by RevkcdMaximum Price Regulation 136 and Maxi-mum Price Regulation 405.

The following instruments when dsigncdand used only for laboratory purposes, andparts and accessories upon Which furtherfabrication need not be performed In orderto complete their Identification as parts oraccessories specially designed for incorpo-ration in or attachment to the following

lnstruments: Chemical laboratory appara-tUs: laboratory testing instruments; bac-terlological and pathological laboratoryappa tU: physical-chcmlcal lappcratus;chercal-physics apparatus; physics appa-ratus: blowers; vacuum pumps; constanttemperature apparatus, including ovens;balancs, cales and weights; specifc grav-Ity denoity apparatus; acidity meters; gasanalyz rs; and blological, physiolog i l andpsychological instruments.

Thermostats. bl-metallic and b-llo2s types,except thoe covered by Maximum PriceReg latin 591 or IES.

Tools. hand-operated. epclally designed forthe manufacture, repair or maintenance ofnixt, mlltary or naval vehicles andequipment.

Welding and cutting equipment, gas, limitedto torches. Tips. regulatcrs and generators.

Wheels, water.

[Paragraph (c) amended by Am. 2, efrective6-22-461

(d) Transportation equipment andservices as follows:Heavier and lighter than air aircraft.Parts for heavier and lighter than air air-

craft, including any product upon whichfurther fabrication need not be performedIn order to complete its Identification cza part specially designed for the produc-tion or repair of aircraft, but excludingspecifically:

(1) Lumber requiring further fabrication.(2) Any part whce end use cannot be de-

termined by the raller.(3) Airplane tires and tube.(Q- Iron and steel dastings covered by Re-vls:d Price Schedule 41 (Steel Castings andRailroad Specialties), Masium PrIce Reg-ulation 214 (HIgh Alloy Castings), Maxi-mum Price Rezulatln 235 (ManganeseSteel Castings and Manganese Steel Cost-ings Products), Maximum Price Regula-tion 241 (Malleable Iron Castings), orMaximum Price Regulation 244 (Gray IronCnating3).

(5) Nonferrus ca-tIng3s covered by RevisedMaximum Price Regulation 125 (21onfer-rous Castings).

(6) Plywood (except that molded speciallyfor airplane).

Marine equipment listed as such in E1WR130.

Ships and boats, new or used, over twenty-five feet In length, excluding stock boatsbuilt to the manufacturer's specificationsand celling at a price of not more than63,030 to the user. and excluding parts,sub-ammbles or fittings for such ships andboats rhen cold separately.

(e) Procezslng machinery and parts asfollows:Knitting needles, industrial.

SEc. 4.5 et a Z s. (a) Non-ferrousmetals and products as follows:

Aluminum caating subject to Revised Max-imum Price Regulation 125 (Non-ferrou3Castings).

Aluminum scrap.Baddeleylte.Blarium.Veryllum metal, alloys and oxide.

-rn powder.Calcium metal.Cerium.Columblum and ferrccolumbium.Die cas ting subject to Mxmum Price Regu-

lation 377 (Die Castings).Ferroboron and other boron alloys.


Page 18: Federal Register: 11 Fed. Reg. 6661 (June 18, 1946). · 2015. 9. 28. · real or personal property, taken pur-suant to this order shall be terminated by the Director when he determines

FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, June 18, 1946

Ferrophosphorus.Gallium.Germanium.Gold bullion, golf leaf, semi-fabricated gold

other than dental gold, and rolled gold onbase metal other than silver.

Illinium.Indium.Lanthanum.Lead bullet rod.Lithium metal and lithium compounds other

than salts.Magnesium and, magnesium alloy ingot.Magnesium castings subject to Revised Max-

Imum Price Regulation 125 (Non-ferrousCastings).

Magnesium mill products, including but not

limited to plate, sheet, strip, foil, rod, tube,wire, bar, shapes, forging stock, rerollingslabs and powder.

M agnesium scrap.Masurlum.

fe-rcury.Mesothorlum.Monazite.Nefodymium.Nickel scrap, monel metal scrap, stainless

steel scrap and 'other scrap materials con-

taining nickel, secondary moneLingot andshot, and secondary copper-nickel shot.(This suspension applies to all commoditiescovered by RPS 8.)

lion-ferrous forgings.Non-ferrous nails, tacks, escutcheon pins and

staples covered by the General Maximum

i'rlce Regulation before this suspensloihPraseodymium.,Primary aluminum ingot and pig.Radium.Remelt magnesium ingot.Rheinium.Samarium. "

Secondary aluminum ingot.belenium.Tantalum.Tellurium.Thallium.Thorlum.Titanium metal and alloys.Tool steel scrap,Zircon.Zirconium metal, oxide, alloys and com-


[Paragraph (a) amended by Am. 2, effective•6-22-46 ]

(b) Iron and steel and products asfollows:Armor, Navy' and ordnance steel castings for

which maximum prices are established byTables 1, 2 and 3 of Appendix A of RPS 41.

Cut nails, cut spikes, cut tacks, and lead head.nails and other nails or staples made oftwo or more materials. (This suspensiondoes not include any nails covered by Re-vised Price Schedule No. 6 or any nailsor tacks covered by Maximum Price Regu-lation 188). I

Drawn steel manufacturers' wire (either car-bon or steel alloy) covered by RevisedPrice Schedule 6, except such wire forwhich a base price of $3,35 or less (par100 pounds) f. 0. b. Pittsburgh, Pennsyl-vania, or $3.45 or less (per 100 pounds)f. o. b. Worcester, Massachusetts, is estab-lished by Revised Price Schedule 6.

Marine or ship castings subject to RPS 41

or RMPR 125 when specifically designed forship or marine use, except castings in ma-

chinery and accessories used for ship pro-pulsion.

'Railroad specialties as defined in See.1306.113 of RPS 41.

Reusable steel storage tanks subject to MPR411.

StiEless steel (all forms, grades and anal-yses which are subject to.RPS No. 6 whensold by Pproducer or are subject to RPS No.49 when sold by a reseller).

[Paragraph (b) amended and (c) added byAm. 2, effective 6-22-46]

(c) Non-metallic minerals and prod-ucts as follows:

Mia (all mica and mica products covered byMPR 347).

SEC. 4.6 Paper and paper products.(a) Miscellaneous related products as


Shredded waste paper except when sold toany person who uses waste-paper as a rawmaterial in any manufacturing process.(Waste paper Is defined as in MPR 30).

Unwashed and washed wiping cloths coveredby MPR 484 prior to suspension. (Thissuspenslon-does not include any new ma-terials).

(b) Miscellaneous fine papers andprinting as follows:

Appointment books.Date books.Diaries.Christmas and New Year's non-personalized

greetings cards.

Christmas and New Year's tags, seals andenclosures.

Christmas and New Year's printed gift wrap-ping papers.

Christmas and New Years' gift moneyholders.

Christmas and New Year's printed decorativepaper ribbons and tapes.

Paper party favors.

Paper place cards.Paper snapping mbtoes.

Decorative paper nut cups.

Paper novelty hats.Printed paper commodities listed In Appendix

A and printing and other services listedin Appendix B of MPR 225, except suchservices that are performed by persons en-gaged in the business of typesetting,-platemaking or rendering related services or any'combinatlon thereof in' connection withthe manufacture and/or sales of all otherpaper and paperboard products covered bysuch maximum price regulations as 129,187, 307, 459. 463, 480.

Social and commercial calendars.

SEC. 4.7"Rubber chemicals and drugs.

(a) Chencals and drugs.

Beeswax comb foundations, Carnauba wax,ouricury wax, candelilla wax and beeswax,and the refined and bleached varieties ofany of the foregoing.

Bicycle tire fluid.Bluing, laundry.Cutting compounds.

Deodorants, room,bDrawing compounds (metal and wire draw-

ng).Em--balming fluids.Fshscales.Fluxes, foundry.Hosiery wash preservations and nylon reno-

vators.Incense.Ink eradicators.Isinglass.

Jewelry and eyeglass cleaners.Montan wax and I. U. waxes.Nitre cake.Pearl essence.Silica gel.Thebromne, refined.Wallpaper cleaners.Window anti-fogging components.

(b) Miscellaneous commodities madeIn whole or in part of rubber, synthetic orsubstitute rubber as follows:

Pneumatic life rafts.

(W) Cosmetic products as follows:

Cold wave solutions.Cologne,Cosmetic stockings.Cuticle removers.Eye mascaras and shadows.Eyebrow dyes.Eyebrow' pencils.Eyelash dyes.Hair bleaches (except peroxide, so labeled),Hair dyes.

lr lacquers.Liquid wave sets.Perfume.Permanent wave creams.Permanent wave solutions and lotions.Powdered wave sets.Toilet water.

[Sections 4.6 and 4.7 added by Am. 2, effective6-22-46]


SEC. 5.1 Exemption from price control.Notwithstanding the provisions of anyprice regulation or order heretofore orhereafter Issued (except an amendmentof this order) by the Offlce of Price Ad-ministration, all purchases, sales and de-liveries, unless otherwise stated below,of the commodities listed In the sectionsappearing under this Article are exemptfrom price control.

(a) Foods listed under the categoriesnamed below. Unless othaerwise stated,the list covers only domestic'commodi -

ties. As used in this article "domestic"means'produced or processed in the con-tinental United States; "imported"means produced or processed outside thecontinental United States. However, theexemptions under this Article V shall

not apply to any commodity produced orprocessed within a territory or possessionand sold for consumption In such terri-tory or possession.

[Above paragraph amended by Am, 2, effeC-tive 6-22-461

6678 -

Page 19: Federal Register: 11 Fed. Reg. 6661 (June 18, 1946). · 2015. 9. 28. · real or personal property, taken pur-suant to this order shall be terminated by the Director when he determines

FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, June 18, 1916(1) Fish, fats and oils category, as fol-

lows:Abalone (Halotis species) canned in natural

juice.Carp, canned.Caviar, canned (the salted roe of sturgeon,

spoonbill, whitefish and salmon; domestic).Caviar, canned (the salted roe of various

large fish of the sturgeon genus; Im-ported).

Clam chowder, canned.Clam jice, canned.Clams, canned (domestic and imported).Clams, frozen.

Conchs, c ned.Eels, canned (imported and domestic).Fish roe, canned.Frog legs.Lake Herring, salted.Mussels, canned (domestic and imported).Oysters, canned (domestic and imported).Oysters, frozen.Oyster stew, frozen.Shark fins, dried (imported).Snails, canned (imported).Sponges processed from marine animals (do-

mestic and imported).Sturgeon, smoked, including smoked spoon-bill.

(2) Fruits and vegetables, fresh orprocessed, category, as follows:Apricots, whole-unpitted, dried.Artichokes, canned (domestic and imported).Bamboo sprouts, canned and frozen.Bean sprouts, canned and frozen.Beet juice, canned.Beets, frozen.Black wine grapes, dried (includes all varie-

ties of black wine grapes. including Zn-fandel and Alicante).

Cabbage, canned.Catawba Grape Juice,Cauliflower, brined (imported and domestic).Cauliflower, canned (imported).Cherries and cherry stems, dried.Citrus segment, frozen.Coconut, fresh whole, frozen and desiccated.Coconut, frozen.Compressed dehydrated fruits, vegetables and

berries.Corn-on-the-cob, canned and frozen.Crab Apples, canned.Crab Apple Juice, canned.Cucumbers, fresh.Figs, frozen.Horseradish, processed.Horseradish Root.Rale, frozen.Lime juice, canned.Melon, frozen.Mushrooms, canned (imported).Mushroom sauce, canned (does not include

mushroom soup).Nectarines, canned and frozen.,Onions, brined (domestic and Imported).Parsnips. canned.Beaches, whole unpitted, dried.Pears, frozen.Peppers, brined (imported and domestic)

(does not include pimientos).Peppers, fresh, canned.Pickled Onions, canned (imported).Plums, halved pitted, dried.Potatoes, frozen.Potatoes, Irish, canned (does not include

French fried, shoestring or Julienne pota-toes).

Prunes, silver (Prunes made from sweet yel-low plums), dried.

Rutabagas, canned.Sauerkraut.Sauerraut juice, canned.Sweet potatoes, canned.

Turnips, canned.Vegetable greens, froran (dce not Include

frozen spinach).Vegetables dehydrated (does not Include

dried or dehydaT--- -beans , h dT rd or de-ydinted peas, or dehydrated coup-), b-ul--packaged. For the purpoze of this order,dehydrated vegetables are vegetae--whi-chhave bad their moisture content reduc-dby controlled artficl drying to such an

extent that the moisture content of thiefinished product does not ex-ed 8 --- ?weight.

Water Chestnuts, canned.Watermelon, brined (imported and do-


[Subparagraphs (1) and (2) amended by Am.1, 11 P.R. 1C40. effective 12-20-45 and Am.2, effective 6-22-46]

(3) Grocery products category, as fol-lows:Brown Buckwheat Groats (the product pro-

duced In further prcecing white buck-wheat groats by toasting).

Oatmeal, Irish (imported).

(4) Meats and poultry category, as fol-lows:Meat gravy (including poultry gravy),

packed in tn or gla).Pate de Fole Gras, canneda meat paste proc-

essed from the livers of fat gecce; im-ported).

Turkey fole gras.Turkey pate.Turkey smoked, canned.Wild Rabbits (ra65SiE'ihich havi not been

produced, raised or fed In captivity).[Subparagraphs (3) and (4) amended by Am.

2, ffective 6-22-46J

(5) Miscellaneous category, as follows:Anise.Banana flakes, dehydrated (imported).Barle due (a preere consatrng pincpally

of whole white seeded currnts, gooze-berries, strawberrles, or rapbc e; im-ported).

Basil leavesBouillon cubes.Bouillon, granulated.Calf's foot jelly.Capers (the flower bud of the caper burb;

imported).Chili pepper, ground.Chili powder.Chop suey, canned and frozen.Chow mein, canned and frozen.Chutney, ,pweet and sourCuminCurry powder.Dehydrated Garlic Powder.DillDough ready for baking, fro=enFennel seedFoenugreek seedGarlic saltGravy mixes, dry,Imitation sago (red, made from potato flour).Inactive yeast and inactive yeast derivativei.

intended exclusively f6rhuman consump-tion.

Mgforram (Oregano)Mint flakesMint leavesMustard, prepared.Onion Powder and Onion Flakes.Onion salt.Prepared hard sauce containing dIstilled

spiritsRosemary leavesSaffron


SgeSavorySavory salSasme cced, hulled.

Tom and Jerry batter (a mixture of eggs.polwdered or fresh, sugar or sugar syrup andspices beaten together and ued generallyfor mixing With iquors and hot water inthe preparation of a beverage called -Tomand Jerry"). /

Tortilla-, a malze product us-d as bread.tle (imported).

Turmeric.Wheat germ when pac%-ged in packages of 2

pounor le and cold For human con-uamptlon.

[Subparegreph (5) amended by Am. 1, 11P.R. 1U0. effective 12-20-45 and Am. 2,effective -22-461

(b) The following Items in the feedscategory:Ground peanut hay.Whole crab and shrimp meal.

(C) The following items in the tobaccoand tobacco products category-Native or Island Twist Chewinig Tobacco

(twi t chewing tobacco pressed flat andmade of fire-cu:ed or dark air-cured to-bacco, or a combination of both. andtreated with a casing mixture of molasses,syrup, glycerin, alcohol, and such flavor-InGs as are normally us.ed on twist tobaccoconsiumed by the native. of New Guinea.the Solomon I-landa and other Islands inthe Southwest Pacific area).

(d) The following items in the bever-ages category-Bottled ez-, no-. (a specialty holiday baver-

ge. not contaning any dIatilled spirits,made from fresh or powdered e,~gg, syrup,cream and milk).

(e) The following Itens in the agri-cultural chemicals and insecticide cate-goryHumusi (a brown or black material formed

by the partial decomniqosition of vegetabeor animal matter. Commercially, thename is applied to Peat that habs decayedto such an extent that "the structure ofthe fiber is no longer evident").

Muc: (thsrou3hly decomposed organic da-po-sita containiln appreciable amounts ofmineral matter, c5pc lally Eand, silt ndclay).

Sphagnum moss and peatmos.


Src. 6.1 Commodities and serces.usendcd from Przce ontrol. Notwith-i andg the pro sions of any price re,-ulation or order heretofore or hereafterIssued (except-an amendment of thi

= by the Office of Price Adminn-Itratlon, price control is suspended as toall purchases. sales and delivenes, unlessotherize stated below, of the commnodi-tieWand service lsted in the sectionsappearing under this article. These sus-pensions are for an indefnite period oftime xccptv hen it Is otherwise specief-cally provided by the Administrator.

13:clion 6.1 amended by Am. 2, effectiveC-22-461

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FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, June 18, 1946

SEC. 6.2 Beverages. (a) All bulk andpackaged distilled spirits and wines otherthan the following:(1) All types of whiskies.(2) Distilled spirits and wines produced in

the continental United States.(3) Distilled spirits and wines produced

within a territory or possession and soldfor consumption in such territory or pos-session.

(b) Services as follows:

Blending or bottling any of the distilledspirits and wines suspended from price con-trol by the preceding paragraph (a) whenperformed in the Virgin -Islands.

[Paragraph (b) added by Am. 2, effective6-22-461


SEC. 7.1 Articles not affected by thisorder The provisions of this order donot exempt or suspend from price controlarticles which are not listed, althoughsuch articles may have incorporated inthem or be sold with, articles which areexempted or suspended from price con-trol.SEe. 7.2 Records. Exemption or sus-

pension from price control shall not affectthe responsibility of a person to prepareand preserve records which, prior to ex-emption or suspension, were required tobe kept under the provisions of the ap-plicable price regulation or regulations.Records of Individual transactions duringthe period of exemption or suspensionneed not be kept, unless the exemptionor suspension action is accompanied bya provision requiring the keeping of suchrecords.

SEC. 7.3 Relationship between this or-der and other regulations. The provi-sions of this supplementary order super-sede the provisions of SupplementaryOrder 45 as to any commodity listed inthis order.

Nothing in this order shall apply tosales of any commodities by an eatingand drinking establishment for consump-tion on or about the premises. Suchsales remain subject to the appropriateprice regulation4 applicable in the Ter-ritories and Possessions.

SEc. 7.4 Definitions for the purpose ofthis supplementary order (a) "Person"means an individual, corporation, part-nership, association, government agency,or any other organized group of personsor legal successor or representative of anyof the foregoing.

(b) "Price regulation" means a priceschedule effective in accordance with theprovisions of section 206 of the Emer-gency Price Control Act of 1942, asamended, a maximum price regulationor temporary maximum price regulationissued by the Office of Price Adnunistra-tion, or any order Issued pursuant to anysuch regulation or schedule.(c) "Canned" means processed and

packed In any container whether or nothermetically sealed. It does not includeany product when processed by freezing,drying or dehydrating, nor does it In-clude any of the packed products knownas preserves, relishes or pickles.(d) "War procurement agency" means0

the War Department, the Department of

the Navy, the United States MaritimeComnussion, the War Shipping Admims-tration, the Lend-Lease Section of theProcurement Division of the TreasuryDepartment, and any agency of any ofthe foregoing.

SEC. 7.5 Geographical applicability.The provisions of this order shall be ap-plicable to purchases, sales and deliv-eries in the Territories and Possessions ofthe United States, but not in the Terri-tory of Hawaii.

This Revised Supplementary Order No.127 shall become effective as of December3, 1945. [RSO 127 originally issuedNovember 27, 1945][Effective dates of amendments are shown in

notes following the parts affected]

Issued this 17th day of June 1946.PAUL A. PORTER,

Administrator[F R. Doc. 46-10342; Filed, June 17, 1946;

11:38 a. m]



A statement of the considerations in-volved in-the issuance of this amend-ment, issued simultaneously herewith,has been filed with the Division of theFederal Register.

Section 3.13 of Supplementary Regula-tion 14E is amended In the followingrespects:

1. Section 3.13 (a) is amended to readas follows:(a) Except as modified by paragraph

(b) below, If the seller had properlyestablished a maximum price for the par-ticular item of footwear prior to Janu-ary 5, 1946, his maximum price shall bethe price so established, or as adjustedunder Supplementary Order 162, in-creased by the amount permitted byparagraph (e) of this section.

2. Sectfon 3.13 (c) is amended to readas follows:(c) If the seller had not established

a maximum price for the particular itemof footwear prior to January 5, 1946,but the item of footwear could be pricedby the seller under the provisions of sec-tion 2 (a)' o; the General MaximumPrirce Regulation, his maximum priceshall be the price thus determined undersection 2 (a) or as adjusted under Sup-plementary Order 162, increased by theamount permitted by paragraph (e) ofthis section.

3. Item 3 of section 3.13 (e) is amendedto read as follows:

(3) A description sufficient to Identifyeach item sold. (This shall also Include

110 F.R. 1183, 2014, 4156, 7117, 7497, 7667,9337, 9540, 9963, 10021, 11401, 12601, 12812,13271, 13692, 13826, 14506, 14742, 15007, 16036.2 Including the modification of section 2 (a)contained in section 3.1 (a) of this Supple-mentary Regulation 14E.

the intfmation required by section 4 (c)of Supplementary Order 162.)

This amendment 46 shall become effec-tive June 14, 1946.

Issued this 14th day of June 1946.PAUL A. PORTER,

AdministratorIF R. Doc. 46-10264; Filed, June 14, 1940;

4:30 p. in.]


OAT ILL BY-PRODUCTSA statement of .the considerations in-

volved in the issuance of this supple-ment, issued simultaneously herewith,has been filed with the Division of theFederal Register.


Sec.1. Explanation of the relation of this sup-

plement to Food Products RegulationNo. 3.

2. Applicability.3. Sales at other than maximum prices.4. Definitions.5. Other provisions of general applicability.


6. Base per ton prices for oat mill by-products.

7. Maximum prices for sales by processors,8. Maximum prices for sales by trucker-

merchants.9. Maximum prices for sales by jobbers and

car door sellers.10. Maximum prices for sales by w'4oleslers

and retailers.11. Sacks and sackings.

AuTmorR=: Sees. 1 to I1, inclusive,(§ 1351A86) Issued under 56 Stat. 23, 7115,Stat. 566; Pub. Law 383, 78th Cong., EO. 9250,7 P.R. 7871; E.O. 9328, 8 P.R. 4081.

ARTICLE I-GENERAL PROVISIONSSECTION 1. Explanatlon of the relation

of this supplement to Food ProductsRegulation No. 3. Not all of the pro-visions affecting maximum prices forsales of.oat mill by-products are statedin this supplement. Those which are notspecifically set forth here are stated InFood Products Regulation No. 3, andthey are just as much a part of thissupplement as If they were printed here.

The particular sections of Food Prod-ucts Regulation which are applicable tothis supplement are listed in appropriateplaces in the provisions which follow.When an applicable section of the regu-lation is amended, the amendment isalso applicable to this supplement.

SEC. 2. Applicability. (a) Except forthose sales exempted by paragraph (b)of this section, this supplement shall np.ply to all sales of domestic and Importedoat mill by-products within the UnitedStates, and to all deliveries of such prod-ucts, whether immediate or future.

(b) Exempt sales-(1) Export sales.Section 2.1 of Food Products RegulationNo. 3, dealing with export sales, is appli-cable to this supplement.

(2) Emergency purchases, Section2.2 of Food Products Regulation No, 3,dealing with emergency purchases, is ap-plicable to this supplement,


Page 21: Federal Register: 11 Fed. Reg. 6661 (June 18, 1946). · 2015. 9. 28. · real or personal property, taken pur-suant to this order shall be terminated by the Director when he determines

FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, June 18, 1916

(3) Prior contracts. This supplementshall not apply to sales and deliveries,where the sales contract has been en-tered into prior to the date of issuanceof this supplement or to resales of anyimported oat mill by-products held mthe United States by any person for re-sale on the date of issuance of this sup-plement.

SEC. 3. Sales at other than maximumprices. (a) Regardless of any contractor obligation, no person shall sell or de-liver, and no person shall, in the courseof trade or business, buy or receive anycommodity covered by this supplementat a price above the maximum price es-tablished by this supplement, nor shallany person agree, solicit, offer or attemptto do any of the foregoing: Provided,however That certain agreements toraise prices are permnssible, as providedfor in paragraph (b) of this section.

(b) Adjustable pricing. Section 2.3 ofFood Products Regulation No. 3, dealingwith adjustable pricing, is applicable tothis supplement.

(c) Prices lower than the maximumprices established by this supplementmay, of course, be charged or paid.

SEC. 4. Dzelnitions -(a) Definitionsappearing in Food Products RegulationNo. 3. Definitions of the following terms

-set forth in designated sections of FoodProduct5 Regulation No. 3 are applicableto all of the provisions of this supple-ment. C

'Person"" Sec. 1.1 of Food ProductsRegulation No. 3.

"United States", Sec. 1.2 of Food Prod-ucts Regulation No. 3.

"Processor"* Sec. 1.3 of Food ProductsRegulation No. 3.

"Store"* Sec. 1.4 of Food Products Reg-ulation No. 3.

"Retailer"- See. 1.5 of Food ProductsRegulation No. 3.

"Car door seller"* Sec. 1.6 of FoodProducts Regulation No. 3.

"Trucker-merchant"" Sec. 1.7 of FoodProducts Regulation No. 3.

"Jobber"- Sec. 1.8 of Food ProductsRegulation No. 3.

"Wholesaler", Sec. 1.9 of Food Prod-ucts Regulation No. 3.

"Feeder"- Sec. 1.10 of Food ProductsRegulation No. 3.

"Supplier", Sec. 1.11 of Food ProductsRegulation No. 3.

"Customer"* Sec. 1.12 of Food Prod-ucts Regulation No. 3.

'Tmporter"- Sec. 1.13 of Food Prod-ucts Regulation No. 3.

"Your supplier's maximum price onthe sale to you", Sec. 1.14 of Food Prod-lacts Regulation No. 3.

"Commodity", Sec. 1.15 of Food Prod-ucts Regulation No. 3.

"Transportation cost"- Sec. 1.20 ofFood Products Regulation No. 3.

"Hauling allowance"" Sec. 1.21 of FoodProducts Regulation No. 3.

"Carload shipment" Sec. 1.22 of FoodProducts Regulation No. 3.

'"ool car lot"- See. 1.23 of Food Prod-ucts Regulation No. 3.

"Less-than-carload lot"* Sec. 1.24 ofFood Products Regulation No. 3.

"Applicable supplement"- Sec. 1.26 ofFood Products Regulation No. 3.

(b) Additional definitions. W henused in this supplement the followingterms ,hall have the following meaning:

"Oat mill by-products are by-productsfrom the miling of oats which contain15 percent or more of fibre and may beeither ground or unground.

"Area " Includes all states of theUnited States other than those includedin "Area B"

"Area B" includes the states of Idaho,Oregon, Washington, California, Nevadaand Utah.

SEC. 5. Other provisions of general aP-plicability. Provisions relating to thefollowing matters are set forth In FoodProducts Regulation No. 3, and the sec-tions of that regulation listed below areapplicable to and made a part of thissupplement as though set forth hereinin full.

(a) Evasion. (See. 2.4 of Food Prod-ucts Regulation No. 3.)

(b) Enforcement. (Sec. 2.5 of FoodProducts Regulation No. 3.)

(c) Licensing. (Sec. 2.6 of Food Prod-ucts Regulation No. 3.)

(d) Documents, records and reports.(Sec. 2.7 of Food Products RegulationNo. 3.)

(e) Interpretations, protests and e-titions for amendment. (Sec. 2.8 of FoodProducts Regulation No. 3.)


SEC. 6. Base per ton prices for oat millby-products,. (a) Base per ton prices bylocation are as follows:

Orcrecit crro2*i

Mineapois Blinn- $i l z3- 5Sattle, wzhK -... _-. 9. 10 4.W-

(b) In Area A. The maximum L o. b.plant price and the maximum carloaddelivered price at any point in Area Anot listed in paragraph (a) above shallbe the basing point price at Minneapolis,Minn., plus the lowest proportional grainproducts railroad rate from Minneapolis,Minn., to the point where the plant islocated or at which delivery is made, asthe case may be.

(c) In Area B. The maximum f. o. b.plant price and the maximum carloaddelivered price at any point in Area Bnot listed in paragraph (a) above shallbe the basing point price at Seattle,Wash., plus the lowest proportional grain,products railroad rate from Seattle,Wash., to the point where the plant Islocated or at which delivery is made,as the case may be.

(d) The above maximum f. o. b. pricesat processing plants may be increased by$1.00 per ton for less than carload lots.

In explanation of the above: The term"f. o. b. plant price" as used above Inparagraphs (b) and (c) shall apply onlyto deliveries made within the switchinglimits of the railroad point at which theplant is located; for deliveries of carloadlots or pool car lots to all other destina-tions in Areas A. or B, the maximumdelivered price shall be used.

Scc. 7. Maximum prices for sales byprocessors. Section 3.1 of Food Prod-ucts Regulation No. 3, which provides apricing method for processors, Is ap-plicable to this supplement.

(a) Base prccs. The base price re-ferred to in section 3.1 is the appropriatebase price found In section 6 of thissupplement.

If you are the importer as well as theprocessor of the lot, your base price isthe applicable base price for a plant lo-cated at the port of entry.

(b) ?Iaxmum markup. As a proc-essor you are not permitted to add amaximum markup in filguring the max-imum price for the sale of any lot un-less you have unloaded such lot Into awarehouse or store operated by you at aseparate place of business not located atthe production plant, and you sell fromsuch warehouse or store. If, as to anylot, you comply with this requirement,you may add the appropriate one of thefollowing markups per ton:If you rell to a feeder from a store--.... 4. 50In all other rc1.50

(c) Transportation cost. Sections 31refers to "transportation cost" It is de-fined in section 1.20 of Food ProductsRegulation No. 3.

SEc. 8. Mraxmum Prices for sales bytrucl.:er-merchants. Section 3.2 of FoodProducts Re-gflation No. 3, which pro-vider a pricing method for trucker-merchants, is applicable to this supple-ment.

(a) Your supplier's maximum prce.Section 3.2 refers to "your supplier's max-imum price on the sale to you" 'It isdefined In Section 1.14 of Food ProductsRegulation No. 3.(b) Hauling allowance. Section 3.2 of

Food Products Regulation No. 3 also re-fers to "hauling allowance" That termis defined in section 1.21 of Food ProductsRegulation No. 3.

SEC. 9. Maximum prices for sales byjobbers and car door sellers. Section 3.3of Food Products Regulation No. 3,which provides a pricing method for job-bers and car door sellers, is applicableto this supplement.

(a) Your supplier's maximum price.Section 3.3 refers to "Your supplier'smaximum price on the sale to you" Itis defined in section, 1.14 of Food Prod-ucts Regulation No. 3.

(b) Maximum marlup--(1) Jobbzrs.If you are a jobber and no other jobberhas already handled the same lot andtaken his markup thereon, you may add$1.00 per ton for car lot or pool carchipmcrnts.

(2) Car door sellers. If you are a cardoor seller, you may add a maximummarkup of $3.50 per ton.

SEC. 10. Maximum prices for sal's bywholczalers and retaffers. Section 3.4of Food Products Regulation No. 3,which provides a pricing method forwholesalers and retailers, and section3.5 of Food Products Regulation No. 3,which provides base prices for whole-salers and retailers, are applicable tothis sunplement.

(a) Base prices. Base prices referredto in section 3.4 are the base prices set


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FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, June 18, 1946

out in section 3.5 of Food Products Reg-ulation No. 3.

(b) Maximum markups. This regula-tion aims to prevent the inclusion in anymaximum price of more than one mark-up for any class of seller. As a retaileryou can always add a retailer's maxi-mum markup since a seller can qualifyas a retailer only when he is selling aparticular lot to a person who will usethe lot and will not resell it, It is there-fore impossible for two retailers tohandle the same lot, As a wholesaler,hiowever, you are permitted to add themaximum markup set out below in fig-uring the maximum price for the saleof any lot, only if and to the extent thatany other wholesaler who has alreadyhandled the lot has not taken the mark-up. On this condition, the -followingmaximum markups may be added:Wholesalers ------------------------- $2.50Retailers ---------------------------- 5. 50

SEC. 11. Charges fir sacks and sack-ing. Section 3.6 of Food Products Reg-ulation No. 3, dealing with increases forsacks, and section 3.7, dealing withcharges for sacking, are applicable tothis supplement.

This supplement shall become effec-tive on June 14, 1946.

NoTz: The record-keeping provisions of thisregulation have been approved by the Bu-reau of the Budget in accordance with theFederal Reports Act of 1942.

Issued this 14th day of June 1946.

PAUL A. PORTER,Administrator

Approved: June 13, 1946.

CLINTON P ANDERSON,Secretary of Agriculture.

[F. Rt. Doc. 46-10262; Filed, June 14, 1946;4:30 p. 21.]

PART 1340-FUEL[IMPR 120, Corr. to Amdt. 1381


At the time of the issuance of Amend-ment No. 138 to Maximum Price Regula-tion No. 120, it appeared that Mine IndexNo. 209 of Eastern Coal Company, Boko-she, Oklahoma, operated in the upperand lower Hartshorne Seams in DistrictNo. 14; consequently, its coals were clas-sified under Production Group No. 7AA.Under the regulation, Production GroupNo. 7AA Includes only those mines oper-ating either in both the upper and lowerHartshorne Seams, or in the upper Hart-shorne Seam only.

It now appears that the said mineoperates only in the lower HartshorneSeam, and that the producer thereof hadsubmitted information to that effect,which was apparently misdirected ormisplaced and failed, therefore, to betaken into consideration at the time ofthe issuance of the amendment. If sbchconsideration had been given to this mat- \ter, Mine Index No. 209 would have ap-peared in a different production group.Therefore, the production group numberappearing in § 1340.225 (b) (5) (1) forMine Index No. 209 should be changed

from 'TAA to 7A, the appropriate pro-duction groilp number for mines operat-ing in the lower Hartshorne Seam.

After due consideration of the fore-going, It is ordered.

Amendment No. 138 to MaximumPrice Regulation No. 120 is hereby cor-rected in the following respects:

In § 1340.225 (b) (5) (i) the mineindex number "209" appearing underProduction Group No. 7AA is deletedfrom that production group, and is in-serted in Production Group No. 7A, im-mediately above.

This correction shall become effectiveas of May 4, 1945.

Issued this 17th day of June 1946.PAUL A. PORTER,

AdministratorIF. R. Doc. 46-10321; Filed, June 17, 1946;

11:36 a. m.]



volved in the issuance of this amend-ment, issued sinultaneously herewith,has been filed with the Division of theFederal Register.

Maximum Price Regulation 305 isamended in the following respects:

1. Paragraph (d) (2) of § 1351.1756 isamended to read as follows:

(2) To the price so determined, heshall add a sum equal to 90 cents per 100pounds computed upon the net weightof the product in the case.

2. Paragraph (f) (2) of § 1351.1756 isamended to read as follows:

(2) To the price-so determined, heshall add a~sum equal to $1.03 per 100pounds for corn meal or $1.08 per 100pounds for corn grits, computed upon thenet weight of the product in the case.

Tins amendment shall become effec-tive June 17, 1946.

Issued this 17th day of June 1946.PAUL A. PORTER,

Administrator.Approved: June 11, 1946.

N. E. DODD,Acting Secretary of Agriculture.

[F. R. Doc. 46-10326; Filed, June 17, 1946;11:36 a~m.]



A statement of the considerations in-volved In the issuance of this amend-ment, issued simultaneously herewith,has been filed with the Division of theFederal Register.

Revised Maximum Price RegulationNo. 111 is amended in the followingrespect:

Section 25, Appendix A Is amended byadding to the list of models and retailceiling prices therein the following modelvacuum cleaner to be inserted In alpha-betical order:

Ietali rlcs

Manufac- Model Description Mnllturer No. Ietail order

stores cntalog1940

Montgomery 01 Floor-type, $45.75 $10.75Ward. motor-driven


This amendment shall become effec-tive on the 17th day of June 1946.

Issued this 17th day of June 1946.PAUL A. PoRTEn,

AdministratorIF R. Doc. 46-10320: Filcd, Juno 17, 10401

11:3a a. m.]

P5ART 1418-TERRITORIES AND POSSESSIONS[Territorial Consumer Goods Reg, 1, Amat.

4 to Supp. 11


A statement of the considerations in-volved in the issuance of this amend-ment, issued simultaneously herewith,has been filed with the Division of theFederal Register.

Section 12 is- amended by adding anew paragraph (g) to read as follows:

(g) Maximum retail prices for certainmerchandise purchased at lower thanthe wholesale supplier's maximumn price(section 2.9)

This amendment shall become effec-tive as of March 4, 1940.

Issued this 17th day of June 1946.

PAUL A. PORTER,Administrator

[F. n. Doc. 46-10344; Filed, June 17, 1040;11:38 a. in.)

PART 1418--TRiInionREs AND PossEssioNs[Territorial Consumer Goods Reg. 1, Amdt. 21


A statement of the considerations in-volved in the issuance of this amend-ment, Issued simultaneously herewith,has been filed with the Division of theFederal Register.

Territorial Consumer boods Regulcr-tion 1 is amended in the following re-spects:

1. A new section 2.9 Is added to readas follows:

SEC. 2.9 Maximum retail prices forcertain merchandise purchased at lowerthan the wholesale supplier's maximumprice. In cases where the retailer pur-chases from a wholesaler and thewholesaler's invoice shows that his sell-ng price is lower than his maximum

wholesale price, the retailer may com-pute his maximum retail price in thefollowing manner: 0


Page 23: Federal Register: 11 Fed. Reg. 6661 (June 18, 1946). · 2015. 9. 28. · real or personal property, taken pur-suant to this order shall be terminated by the Director when he determines

FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, June 18, 19-16(a) Multiply the wholesale supplier's

maximum wholesale price by the appro-priate markup.

(b) Subtract the supplier's maximumwholesale price from the amount com-puted under paragraph (a) above.

(c) Add the amount computed underparagraph (b) above to the wholesalesupplier's actual selling price. The re-sulting price will be the maximum retailprice.

This amendment shall become effec-tive as of March 4, 1946.

Issued this 17th day of June 1946.

PAUL A. PORTER,Administrator

IF. R. Doe. 46-10343; Filed, June 17, 1946;11:36 a. m.]

PART 1418--TERu ITom AN PossEssioNs[Territorial Consumer Goods Reg. 1, Amdt. 4

to Supp. 4]


volved in the issuance of this amend-ment, issued simultaneously herewith,has been fied with the Division of theFederal Register.

Section 7 is amended by adding a newparagraph (h) to read as follows:

(h) Maximum retail prices for certainmerchandise purchased at lower thanthe wholesale supplier's maximum price.(section 2.9)

This amendment shall become effec-tive as of March 4, 1946.

issued this 17th day of June 1946.PAuL A. PORTER,

Administrator.IF. R. Doc. 46-10345; Filed, June 17, 1946;

11:37 a. in.]

PART 1418-TERR IToiEs Am Possrssioi;s[IRPR 373, Amdt. 87 (§ 1418.151)]


A statement of the considerations in-volved in the issuance-of this amendment,issued simultaneously herewith, has beenMed with the Division of the FederalRegister.

Section 40 of Revised Maximum PriceRegulation 373 is amended in the follow-mg respects:

1. The following is added at the con-clusion of paragraphs (b) (1) (vi) (c)(1) (ii) (d) (1) (ii) (e) (1) (i) (b) (e)(1) (i) (d) (e) (2) (ii) and (e) (2) (iv)after changing the period at the end ofeach such paragraph to a semicolon:

"" and further provided, That, notwith-standing the foregoing, if the merchan-dise is moved at the wholesaler's expense,cartage onthe Island of Kausi shall becomputed by each seller at the prevailingcommercial rate between the port andthe principal place of business of theseller."

2. Paragraph (n) (49) is amended toread as follows:

(49) "Quick-frozen fruits, vegetablesand prepared grocery products" Quick-frozen fruits means all frults, berries,fruit or berry juices, and mixtures whichhave been quick-frozen. Qulck-frozsnvegetables means all vegetables, vege-table juce, and mixtures which have beensubjected to a quick-freezing process.Quick-frozen prepared grocery productsmeans chicken a ]a king, seafood cock-tails, prepared dinners, and other pre-pared packaged grocery Items of meat,poultry, seafood or mixtures thereofwhich have been prepared, quickfrozenand are ready to heat and/or serve whichare not covered specifically by any othersection of Revised Maximum Price Reg-ulation 373.

This amendment shall become effectiveas of April 30, 1946.

Issued this 17th day of June 1946.

PAUL A. PonTzn,Administrator.

[F. R. Doc. 46-10328; Filed, June 17, 19-10;11:37 a. m.]

PART 1418-TrRnronias axm Pos3=rso:s[RMPR 373, Arndt. 83 (t 140.151) 1


A statement of the considerations In-volved in the issuance of this amend-ment, Issued simultaneously herewitb,has been filed with the Division of theFederal Register.

Revised Maximum Price Reziulation373 Is amended In the following respects:

1. The title of Article IV Is amended toread as follows:

Article IV-Pricing Prorlsions2. Section 14 is revoked and a new

section 14 is added to read as follows:SEC. 14. Maximum retail prices for cer-

tain merchandise purchased at lowerthan the wholesale supplie's maximumprice. In cases where the retailer pur-chases from a wholesaler and the whole-saler's Invoice shows that his selling priceis lower than his maximum wholesaleprice, the retailer may compute hismaximum retail price In the folowlngmanner:

ta) Multiply the wholezale suppliersmaximum wholesale price by the appro-priate markup.

(b) Subtract the supplier's maximumwholesale price from the amount com-puted under paragraph (a) above.

(c) Add the amount computed underparagraph (b) above to the wholesalesupplier's actual selling price. The re-sulting price will be the maximum retailprice.

The provisions of this section 14 shallnot apply to sales made by a retailer ofcommodities for which dollar-and-centprices have been established by this reg-ulation.

3. A new article V is added to be In-serted immediately preceding section 15,to read as follows: "Article V-Maxl-mum prices."

This amendment Shall become effec-tive as of March 4, 1946.

Issued this 17th day of June 1946.PAur. A. PonrTIE,

Admimstrator.[P. R. Doc. 4,--110323: Filed, June 17, 1946;

11:37 a. m.]

PA T 1499-Corn oDn=is AND Sz svic-s[2d Ra'. SR 14, Amdt. 39]


A statement of the considerations in-volved In the issuance of this amendmenthas been Issued simultaneously herewithand filed with the Division of the FederalRegister.

Second Revised Supplementary Regu-lation No. 14 is amended in the follow=ngre3pects:

1. In section 1.2 (c) (1) the price Incents per pound for "Sheep pancreasglands (individually frozen)" is amendedby inserting the figure "25" in place of169

2. Section 1.2 (e) Is amended to readas follows:(e) BroT:erage. A payment by a

buyer to a broker of not to exceed 5 par-cent In exce:s of the maximum pricesherein established for pancreas glandsand/or concentrated bile, and/or liquidbile for services rendered by the brokerto the buyer in connection with sales ofthe said glands or bile, shall not bedeemed an evasion, if the broker has nobusiness afilation with the seller and, ifthe total compensation received by thebroker from both buyer and seller inconnection with the sale does not exceed5 percent of the applicable mammumprice.

This amendment shall become effectiveJune 22, 1946.

Issued this 17th day of June 1946.

PAun, A. Poam,Administrator.

IF. R. Dzz. 46-10319: Filed, June 17, 1946;11:36 a. m.]


Chapter I-Veterans' AdministrationP,rT 36-RzuLATIoxs UrmR SE'Vc-

=;E's REA.DjuSESIZ ACT o' 1944, AsALE.Rmm


Army Specialized Training Program;Navy College Training Program; con-siderations for determining effect ofstatutory provisions, "* 0 exclu-sive of any period he was assigned for acourse of education or training underthe Army Specialized Training Programor the Navy College Training Proiram,which course was a continuation of his


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FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, June 18, 1946

civilian course and was pursued to com-pletion, * * " Title IL

In considering the application-of the-statute regarding the exclusion off eriods of assignment for courses of edu-cation or traimng under the ArmySpecialized Training Program or theNavy College Traimng -Program, deter-mInations will be made in the Individualcases in accordance with the followingprinciples: (Subparagraphs '(1) (2),(3) and (4) of paragraph (c) § 36.216,are hereby revoked and superseded asfollows:)

§ 36.216 Deduction in computing ac-tive service. * * *

(c) * *(1) "Continuation of his civilian

course * *- *" (i) Any course inthe ASTP or the NCTP (V-12) whichwas a continuation of the civilian courseof education of a trainee prior to hisentrance into the active service will meetthe statutory definition "continuation ofhis civilian course" If the course in theASTP or NCTP (V-12) was not in facta continuation of the civilian course ofthe trainee but presented deviationstherefrom by reason of the requirementsof the Service Department, the rule isnot for application and exclusion of theperiod represented by such course is notin order. However, a deviation from thecivilian course shall not be consideredto have occurred unless the ultimateeducational objective was changed; thatis, deviation merely by reason of acceler-ation of a course, or by inclusion of cer-tain elective subjects, or other minorcurricular changes for whatever purpose,will not remove the course from thedefinition "continuation of his civiliancourse" so long as the general educa-tional objective is not altered orchanged.

(ii) Continuation by virtue of volun-tary application. The definition "con-tinuation of Ins civilian course" shallhave been met when education or train-Ing under the ASTP or NCTP (V-12)was applied for upon volition by theservice person. In the absence of a show-ing to the contrary, there is a prima-facie presumption that education ortraining under the ASTP and the NCTP(V-12) was upon application of the serv-ice persbn and the burden of proof forovercoming this presumption will beupon the applicant, if he contends thatsuch education or training was not vol-untarily applied for. However, evenwhere such presumption is overcome bythe applicant, his case will still be sub-ject to consideration under subdivision(i) of this subparagraph, as to whetherthe course was a continuation of hiscivilian course. (Attention is invited tothe general directive issued personallyby General Marshall In the spring of1943, necessitating army-wide screeningof personnel in continental United Statesfor transfer to the ASTP as an assignedmilitary duty. This may be consideredfor evidential development when 'indi-cated In the individual case.)

(2) "And was pursued to comple-.tion"--() Pursued to completion-(a)Completion of curriculum to wh1ich as-signed., A course in either of the serviceprograms was pursued to completion

upon substantial fulfillment of the im-mediate educational objective, that isthe completion of the terminal (or last)term of the curriculum of the civiliancourse. For example, a pre-medicalcourse will have been pursued to comple-tion .upon completion of the final (5th)semester or term, of the course approvedduring the war for admittance to acourse in medicine. A-course in medi-cine will have been completed upon thecompletion of the, academic work re-quired for an MD degree. A course inengineering will have been completedupon the completion of the final termof academic work ordinarily required forthe granting of the first baccalaureatedegree.

(b) Election of option to continuecourse as civilian. Where any course inthe ASTP or NCTP (V-12) was'termi-nated on election of the service personto be separated from the active serviceas a result of an offered option, to con-tinue his course of education.as a civil-ian, the case is within the definition"and was pursued to completion" (Ad-ministrator's Decision 595)

(il) Not pursued to completion. Acourse in the ASTP or NCTP (V-12) willnot be held to have been "pursued tocompletion" for the purposes of this actwhen in any case the course was termi-nated under the following conditions:

(a) Curtailment of ASTP March andApril, 1944. Separated from the ASTPas the result of the curtailment of theprogram during the period March andApril, -1944, prior to completion of cur-rculum assigned.

(b) Termination of training for rea-sons other than, specified in (a) and (b)under (2) (i) hereof. All cases of termi-nation of education or training underATSP or NCTP (V-12) prior to comple-tion of the scheduled curriculum estab-lished by the ASTP or the NCTP underany conditions -other than those speci-fied in subdivision (I) (a) and (b) ofthis subparagraph (even where suchtraining was within the definition "con-tinuation of his civilian course" as de-fined in subparagraph (1) of this para-graph) For example:

(i) This paragraph would apply to aconsiderable number of ASTP traineesseparated from the Program in Marchand April, 1944, for assignment to regu-lar enlisted service and would also applyto another large group separated fromthe program at the end of 1945, when theASTP engineering curriculum was ter-minated, and trainees were assigned tomilitary duties prior to completion ofthe scheduled curriculum, to anothergroup separated from the service ontermination of the Navy V-12 Programin June, 1946, and to. other groups ofveterans who, upon exercise of an offeredoption, elected assignment to regularactive duty rather than release from theactive serice, upon discontinuance ofcourses in medicine, dentistry, etc.

(ii) Also, cases of, termination of edu-cation or traimng in either Program byreason of scholastic failure, lack of offi-cer qualifications, physical disqualifica.tion, or "special graduates."

(iii) Cases of certain advanced courseROTC students who were assigned to the

ASTP about August 1943, pending vacan-cies In Officer Candidate Schools.

(iv) NROTC students who were com-mitssioned prior to the completion of theregular established scheduleg In March1944.

(3) Acquisition o1 service data. (1)Determinative actions will not be takenupon incomplete service data. In allcases where additional service data arerequired they should be secured from theService Department thtough a requestprepared on the appropriate form of the3101 series before a final determinationIs made. These requests will in everycase be made In following exact form:

(a) Date of assignment to, and releasefrom college training program-Includ-Ing date of interim duty.

(b) Course pursued?(c) Highest term completed?(4) Issuance of temporary certfilcate.

If the record establishes a period of ac-tive service of 90 days or more, exclusiveof the time spent in the questionedcourse, a temporary certificate for oneyear should be issued. Upon the receiptof the complete evidence a finding of factwill be made as to whether the coursewas a continuation of the veteran's civil-ian course and was pursued to comple-tion, after which a supplemental certif-ication of the period of entitlement willbe furnished the veteran.

(5) General Observations (Ariy)-'(1) Medicine, dentistry and veterinarymedicine. ASTP Training In medicine,dentistry and veterinary medicine Isgiven in accredited professional schoolsin accordance with the regular curriculaof those schools, and consists of thenumber of terms or semesters ruquired tocomplete such regular curricula.Whether or not the veteran is selectedfor assignment to a medical, dental orveterinary school, the successful com-pletion of the terminal (or last) term ofthe course in pre-medicine, pre-dentistryor pre-veterinary medicine, shall con-stitute the completion of the coursewithin the meaning of the law.

(11) ROTC. Where a degree wasgranted by an institution, time expendedby an ROTC trainee in the ASTP priorto the granting of such degree shall beexcluded in the computation of time inthe determination of entitlement to edu-cational or training benefits.

(i) ASTP curricula of a special mil-Itary nature which are not to be con.sidered as the continuation of a civiliancourse within the meaning of the law areas follows:

(a) Foreign Area and Language,offered under the Advanced Phase ofASTP

(b) United States Military AcademyPreparatory Training Program; programof preparatory training for officers, war-rant officers and enlisted men on activeduty holding'War Department letters ofappointment as candidates for admissionto the United States Military Academy.

(c) Army Specialized Training ReserveProgram; program of training for quali-fied 1.7 year old members of the EnlistedReserve Corps. This is inactive status,and not within the service provisions ofthe law.

(6) General observations (Navy)-()Theological candidates. Upon the sue-


Page 25: Federal Register: 11 Fed. Reg. 6661 (June 18, 1946). · 2015. 9. 28. · real or personal property, taken pur-suant to this order shall be terminated by the Director when he determines

FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, June 18, 1916cessful completion of the eight terms thecandidate was assigned to a theologicalseminary of ins denomination and re-mamed there the number of terms neces-sary to obtain a B. D. degree in the short-est possible time.(ii) Medical and dental candidates.

Upon the successful completion of thefive terms, the candidate may have beenselected for medical or dental training,in which case he was assigned to an ap-propriate medical or dental school, wherehe remained the number of terms neces-sary to complete that school's require-ments for a degree in the shortest possi-ble time. Whether or not selected forassignment to a medical or dental school,the successful completion of the fiveterms of pre-medical or pre-dental train-ing shall constitute the completion of thecourse within the meaning of the law.

(iii) Baszc courses. All basic courseswere the same with the exception of thefirst two terms basic for pre-medicineand pre-dentistry.

(iv) Navy trazning courses not con-szdered withzn the Navy CoUege TrainingProgram witlun the meaning of the law.(a) Pre-mxdshipman training.

(b) Reserve midshipman schools.(c) Hospital corpsmen duty. Assign-

ment to U. S. Naval Hospitals, labora-*tones, or similar institutions, for the per-fornance of hospital apprentice or corps-men duties, following the completion ofpre-medical or pre-dental curricula andpending further assignment to an ap-proved medical or dental school, doesnot come within the meaning of a "con-tinuation of his civilian course" andtherefore time so expended while as-signed to such Interjm duty may be in-cluded for the purpose of computation ofactive service.

(d)- In-service training. In-servicetraining schools such as YeomanSchools, Diesel Engine Schools, Machin-ist Mate Schools, etc., which were con-ducted on college and university cam-puses for the purpose of the utilizationof instructional staffs and physicalequipment of the institutions, were notpart of the Navy College Training Pro-gram within the meaning of the law.

(7) Review. (i) Regional Offices willimmediately institute a review of thefiles of all cases for the application ofthe principles set out harem. First inthe order of review will be the caseswherein Certificates of Eligibility andEntitlement have been returned showingcommencement of education and train-ing, and they will be reviewed with allpossible dispatch. When necessary byreason of the application of these prn-ciples, a new Certificate of Eligibility andEntitlement will be issued to show the ex-tent of education or training to whichthe veteran is entitled and the veteranwill be notified of the necessity to presentthe Certificate of Eligibility and Entitle-ment for proper endorsement by the in-stitution and return to the Veterans' Ad-ministration. The necessary actions willbe taken to establish proper entries inthe records in accordance with estab-lished procedure.

(ii) Following the completion of thereview of cases above referred to, andwithout any interference with the expe-

No. 118--4

dition of current necessary actions, eachcase wherein a Certificate of Eligibilityand Entitlement has been Issued will bereviewed in the order In which such caseswere processed and action will be takenin accordance with the foregoing to Is-sue a new Certificate of Eligibility andEntitlement In each case when In order,recalling the certificate previously Issued.(June.7, 1945)(58 Stat. 284; 38 U.S.C. 693)

[SEAL] Omin N. BrinArv.General, U. S. Army,

Administrator.JUNE '. 1946.

[. R. Doc. 46-10233; Filed, Juno 1d, IC40;4:34 p. m.1


Chapter I-Federal CommunicationsCommission

[Order No. 75-E]/

PART 12-RuLEs GovErnina ArTrunRADIo: STATIONS sAm OprnArons



At a session of the Federal Communi-cations Commission held at Its offices InWashington, D. C., on the 5th day ofJune, 1946;

Whereas, By Order No. 75-D. datedJanuary 23, 1946,1 the Comml'Ion re-laxed the requirements It had imposedat the beginning of the national emer-gency for proof of citizenship by appli-cants for or holders of commercial andamateur radio operator licenses but re-tained its requirement that fingerprintsbe submitted; and

Whereas, It now appears advisable toeliminate the requirement for submis-sion of fingerprints;

It is hwreby ordered, That Order No.75-D be and it Is hereby cancelled.

By the Commission.[SEAL]

oxiT. J. SLOW3i,

Secretary.[F. R. Doc. 46-10239; Filed, June 14, 1946;

12:00 m.1

[Order No. 127-BlPART 15--RULES AND REaULnouS Gov-


STATE GUARD STATIONSAt a session of the Federal Communi-

cations Commission held at Its offices inWashington, D. C., on the 6th day ofJune 1946;

Whereas, by Order No. 127' the Com-nmsslon ordered that all War Emergencyradio service station licenses, includingState Guard stations, and all war emer-gency radio operator permits, and therules and regulations governing the oper-ation of stations and operators in this

111 P.R. 1218.'10 F.R. 11157.

service, be cancelled effective November15, 1945; and

'Whereas, by Order No. 127-Az thetommlssion amended Order No. 127 topermit State Guard stations to operateon the frequencies 3655 and 3825 kilo-cycles until July 1, 1946, and to permitthe rules and regulations governing thewar emergency radio service, to the ex-tent that they relate to State Guardstations, to remain in effect until July1, 1946; and

Whereas, the War Department has re-quested the Commission to permit thecontinued operation of State Guard sta-tions In the war emergency radio servicefor the proper training and functioningof State Guard organizations for a fur-ther temporary period pending reacti-vation of the National Guard; and

Whereas, the frequencies 3655 and3825 rllocycles now authorized for useby State Guard stations have been as-Jsgned for use by amateur stations, andin lieu of these two frequencies the fre-quency 5500 lilocycles Is available forazsgnment to State Guard stations; and

Wliereas, It appears advisable toamend Order No. 127, as amended byOrder No. 127-A, to provide for the con-tinued operation of State Guard stationsin the war emergency radio service fora further temporary period:

It is ordered, That: L State Guard sta-tion licenses, now in effect or grantedsubsequent to the date of this order, shallremain in effect until July 1,1947 (3 a. m.,Eastern Standard Time).

2. The rules and regulations govern-ing the war emergency radio service(Part 15) to the extent that they relateto State Guard stations and to opera-tors for State Guard stations, shall re-main In effect until July 1, 1947 (3 a. In.eastern standard time) Provfded, how-ever That such stations may be operatedonly on the frequency 5500 kilocycles.The use of this frequency will be on ashared basis with stations operated bythe War Department.

3. The provisions of Order No. 127 tothe extent that they are inconsistentwith the provisions of this order arehereby revoked.

4. This order shall become effective onJuly 1, 1946 (3 a. In. Eastern StandardTime).

By the Commission.[srs I T. J. SLowm,

Secretary.[F. IL D c. 4 -10240; FIled, June 14, 1946;

12:00 m.1


Chapter I-Interstate CommerceCommission

PART 95-C,. SmxvEc[s.0.531]


At a session of the Interstate Com-merce Commission, Division 3, held at

' 10 P.R. 14023.


Page 26: Federal Register: 11 Fed. Reg. 6661 (June 18, 1946). · 2015. 9. 28. · real or personal property, taken pur-suant to this order shall be terminated by the Director when he determines

FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, Jine 18, 1946

Its office in Washington, D. C,, on the14th day of June, A. D. 1946.

It appearing, that the President ofthe United States has instructed the ap-propriate agencies of the Government toput into effect a number of emergencymeasures designed to help meet critical-ly urgent needs for food in foreign coun-tries to the greatest possible extent inthe shortest possible time and has di-rected that "specific preference will b&given to the rail movement of wheat,corn, meat and other essential foods, inOrder promptly to export maximumquantities to the destinations wheremost needed," the Secretary of the De-partment of Agriculture has made repre-sentations regarding the program of thePresident to the Office of Defense Trans-portation most important of which is thedepletion of grain stocks in terminal ele-vators; the Secretary has urged that suchmeasures be taken as are- necessary tomaintain the terminal elevator stocks byaccording priority in the placement ofcars for the loading of grains from coun-try elevators destined to terminal, ele-vators; the Office of Defense Transpor-tation has likewise made similar repre-sentations to this Commission regardingthe need for priority to this particulartraffic; the Commission is of opinionthat an emergency which requires in.mediate action exists, in the Western sec-tion of the country' It is ordered, that:

(a) Defitnitions. (1) The term "com-,non carrier" as used-herein nleans. acommon carrier by railroad subject tothe Interstate Commerce Act;

(2) The term "terminal -market" asused herein means a terminal or sub-termndl market or- a sampling pointnamed in Appendix A,

(3) The term "car order" as usedherein means any order filed by a ship-per or consignee with the carrier for acar or cars to be placed for loading;

(4) The term "grain" as used hereinmeans wheat, corn, oats, rye, barley,fiaxseed, soya beans, rice, sorghums, andgrain screenings.

(b) Transportation priority to be givencertain traffic. (1) Except as providedin paragraph (b) (2) herein each com-mon carrier listed below shall give pri-ority over all other car orders to fillingorders for empty cars for grain loadingto the extent of the daily loading abilityof the shipper or consignor at a countryelevator: Provided, The shipper or con-signor thereof certifies on the car orderthat 'such car is to b6 loaded with gramfor a terminal market, and such nota-tion shall be shown on the bill of lading

and waybill.Chicago & Eastern Mllinois Railroad Co.Chicago & North Western Railway Co.Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad Co.Chicago,, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific

Railroad Co.Chicago, Saint Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha

Railway "o.Great Northern Railway Co.Illinois Central Railroad Co.The Minneapolis & St. Louis Railway Co.Minneapolis, St. Paul & Sault Ste. Marie

Railroad Co.Northern Pacific Railway Co.

(2) In the event a carrier has an orderfor a car accorded priority under this

service order and an order for a car un-der Service Order No. 454 orders accordedpreference under Service Order No. 454shall be preferrect over orders accordedpriority under this order.

(c) Diversion or reconstgnment re-Strict&d. Except as provided in para-graph (d) (2) (ii) no common carriershall execute, or allow or permit to beexecuted, any order of reconsignmnt ordiversion or permit- rebilling or reship-ping of grain shipped pursuant to thisorder.

(d) Appointment of agent--(1) Des-ignation. Fred S. Keiser, Room 1966,209 South Wells Street, Phone Andover3600, Extension 593, Chicago, Illinois, ishereby designated and appointed as an.agent of the Interstate Commerce Com-mission and is authorized to administer*and execute the duties outlined in para-graph (d) (2) herein.

(2) Outline of duties. As agent, act-ing on instructions of the Director, Bu-reau of Service, Interstate CommerceCommission, he is authorized and vestedwith authority* (i) to regulate the quan-tity, kind and origin of grams accordedpriority under this order upon a mini-mum of forty-eight (48) hours' formalnotice to the common carrier; (ii) toissue permit authorizing departuresfrom paragraph (c) herein; (iII) to or-gaize advisory committee which shalladvise and confer with him in the ad-ministration of the order.

(e) Application. The provisions ofthis order shall apply to intrastate andforeign commerce as well as interstatecommerce.

(f) Rules, regulations and- practicessuspended. The operation of all rules,regulations and practices insofar as theyconflict with the provisions of this order,is hereby suspended.

(g) Service order suspended in part.Second Revised Service Order No. 244(10 F.R. 2252) as amended (10 F.R. 3094;11 F.R. 1300, 2190) is suspended onlyinsofar as it may conflict with this order.

(h) Effective date. This order shall be-come effective at 12:01 a. in., June 15,1946.

(i) Etpzration date. This order-shallexpire at 11:59 p. m., June-30, 1946, un-less otherwise modified, changed, sus-pended or annulled by order of this con-mission. (40 Stat. 101, sec. 402, 418, 41Stat. 476, 485, sec. A4, 10, 54 Stat. 901, 912;49 U. S. C. 1 (10)-(17) 15 (4))- It Is further ordered, that a copy ofthis order and direction shall be servedupon-the State railroad regulatory bodiesand upon the Association of AmericanRailroads, Car Service Division, as agentof the railroads subscribing to the carservice and per diefi agreernent underthe terms of that agreement; and thatnotice of this order be given to the gen-eral public by depositing a copy in thepffice of the Secretary of the Commissionat Washington- D. C., and by filing itwith the Director, Division of the Fed-eral Register.

By the Commission, Division 3.[SEAL] W P. BARTEL,



Kentucky-Louisville.Missour--St. Louis, Kansas City, St. Jo.

seph.Iowa--Council Bluffm, Cedar Rapids, Des

Moines, Sioux City.Nebraska-Ornaha, South Omaha, remont,

Lincoln, Nebraska City.Kansas-Kansas City.Montana--Sampling points: Great Falls,

Shelby, Lewistown, Harlowton, Billings,Wisconsin-Superior, East End, Itasca,

Milwaukee.North Dakota--Grand Forko.Minnesota-Minneapolis, St. Paul, Duluth

and sampling points: Soo Line, Glenwood,Thief River.Falls; Northern Pacific, Staples:Great Northern, Wilmar, St. Cloud, Chicago,Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific, Montevideo,

Iliinois--Chicago, Peoria, Decatur, East St.Louis, Cairo.

Indiapa-ndisnapolls.Ohio--Toledo, Cincinnati.New York-Buffalo.

IF R. Doe. 46-10354; Filed, June 11, 1940:11:59 a. M.


TREASURY DEPARTnENr.Bureau of Customs.



JUNz 12, 1040.Coal, coke made from coal, and coal

or coke briquets Imported from the fol-lowing countries and entered for con-sumption or withdrawn from warehousefor consumption duing the Veriod fromJanuary 1 to December 31, 1040, inclu-sive, will not be subject to the tax of 10cents per 100 pounds prescribed In theInternal Revenue Code, section 3423:Australia Canada Chile

Coal, coke made from coal, and coalor coke briquets produced in the follow-ing countries, Imported into the UnitedStates directly or indirectly therefromand entered for consumption Or with-drawn from warehouse for consumptionduring the calendar year 1946 will beexempt from the tax by virtue of theInternal Revenue Code, section 3420:

Colombia SpainMexico United KingdomPeru Union of Soviet Socialist


Such fuels will be subject to the taxwhen imported from the following coun-tries and entered or withdrawn for con-sumption during the calendar year 1940:New Zeland Union of South Africa

The above list does not Include coun-tries from which there have been no im-portations of coal or allied fuels sinceJanuary 1, 1944. Further informationconcerning the taxable status of suchfuels imported during the calendar year1946 will be furnished upon applicationtherefor to the Bureau.

[SEAL] W R. JownsoN,Commissioner of Customs.

[F. R. Doe. 46-10259; Filed, June 14, 1910:4:24 p. m.

Page 27: Federal Register: 11 Fed. Reg. 6661 (June 18, 1946). · 2015. 9. 28. · real or personal property, taken pur-suant to this order shall be terminated by the Director when he determines




Pursuant to the act of Congress ap-proved July 11, 1941 (Public Law 163-77th Cong., sec. I, WD Bul. 23, 1941) asamended by the act of Congress ap-proved May 15, 1946 (Public Law 381-79th Cong., sec. I, WD Bul. 13, 1946) theSecretary of War has determined that itis needful to the efficiency, health, andwelfare of the Army to restrain and pre-vent commission of the offenses definedby said act, in an area within a reason-able distance of Fort Bragg, North Caro-lina, and hereby designates and describessaid area as follows:

1. That area which lies within the fol-lowing counties of the State of NorthCarolina-Bladen, Cumberland, Harnett,Hoke, Johnston, Lee, Moore, Richmond,Robeson, Sampson, Scotland, and Wake.

2. Section IV, WI) General Orders 51,1945, as published 10 FR. 9480, July 31,1945 is rescinded.

[sEAL] EDWARD F. WITSELL,Ma7or General,

The Adjutant General.IF. R. Doc. 46-10258; Filed, June 14, 1946;

2:47 p. in.]




TRANSFER OF CONTROLThe Commission hereby gives notice

-that on March 6,1946, there was filed withit an application (BS-TC-481) for itsconsent under section 310 (b) of theCommunications Act (47 USCA 310) tothe proposed transfer of control of But-trey Broadcast, Inc. (licensee of standardbroadcast station EFBB, Great Falls,Montana) from F. A. Buttrey and sevenother stockholders to Fred Birch, 314 FordBuilding, Great Falls, Montana. Theproposed transfer of control of the abovelicensee is based upon contracts, as fol-lows: A contract entered into October 5,1945, between F. A. Buttrey as seller andFred Birch as purchaser, pursuant towhich said seller agreed to sell all his1469 shares of stock in the licensee ofKFBB for $107 a share, or for $157,183.Separate contracts were entered into inOctober 1945 between the remainingseven stockholders and Birch undercich they also agreed to sell theirrespective holdings (1331 shares in theaggregate) for $107 a share, or for a totalof $142,417. There are in all 2800 shares

-outstanding all of which are proposed tobe sold. The contracts provide that theyshall terminate October 5, 1946, if theCommssion fails to approve the sale bythat time, in which event the down-pay-ments will be returned. Further detailsas to the arrangements between the par-

' Section 1.364, Part I, Rules of Practice qndProcedure.

ties and pertaining to the, applicationmay be determined from an examinationof the application and associated paperson file at the offices of the Commission.

In the Commission's decision of Sep-tember 6, 1945, granting the applicationfor transfer of control of the CrosleyCorporation (Docket No. 6767), It wasannounced that public hearings wouldbe held to consider proposed new rulesand regulations for the handling of as-signment and transfer applications In-cluding provision for public notice by theapplicant and the Commission of the fil-ing of such applications and pertinentdetails In cases where a controlling inter-est is involved. Thereafter, on October 3,1945, the Commission also gave publicnotice (10 P.R. 12926) that pending theIssuance of such proposed new rules,hearing thereon, and final adoption, con-sideration of such applications would bedeferred unless applicants desired to fol-low the procedure proposed in the Cros-ley decision, and supplement their appll-cations so as to come within the frame-work of the announced procedure Includ-ing the provision for public notlce: Sub-sequently, on December 13, 1945, theCommission adopted tentatively a pro-posed rule of procedure to govern thehandling of assignment and transfer ap-plications including the character of no-tice required of applicants In such cases.Pursuant thereto the Commission wasadvised on May 29, 1946 that beginningon said date notice would be Inserted ina newspaper of general circulation pub-lished at Great Falls, Montana. concern-ing the proposed transfer of the control-ling interest in the licensee.

In accordance with the procedure pro-posed in the Crosley decision and thatannounced in the Commission's releaseand the proposed rule, no action will behad on the application for a period of60 days from May 29, 1946.(See. 310 (b), 48 Stat. 1086; 47 U.S.C.310 (b))


T. J. SLOWIE,Secretary.

IF. R. Doc. 46-10254: Filed, June 14, 1946;12:00 m.I

[Docket Noz. 2639, 6232, C4381



In the matter of Telegraph DivisionOrder No. 12, "X" and "RX" Messages,T-9 (B) Docket No. 2639; Commercialnews bulletin and quotation service tar-ifs of Postal Telegraph-Cable Company(New York) and The Western Union Tel-egraph Company. Docket No. 6232; TheWestern Union Telegraph Company, ForNew York Stock Exchange quotationbond and stock ticker services, DocketNo. 6438.

At a session of the Federal Communi-cations Commission held at Its offices inWashington, I). C., on the 29th day ofMay 1946;

The Commisson, having under consid-emtion the records in Dockets Nos. 6232and 6438, and also the record in DocketNo. 2639, Insofar as It relates to "X" and"1" services; and

It appearing that there Is pending be-fore the Commission a proceeding involv-ing a general investigation into the rates,charges, practices, classifications, andregulations of The Western Union Tele-graph Company for and in connectionwith communication service subject tothe Communications Act of 1934, asamended, Docket No. 7445,'"In the Matterof The Western Union Telegraph Com-pany petition for rate increase"-

It is ordered, That the proceedings inDockets Nos. 6232 and 6438, and, insofaras they relate to the matter of "X" and"RX" services, the proceedings in DocketNo. 2639, be, and they are hereby termi-nated.

By the Commission.[sEAl] T. J. SLowin,

Secretary.Jr. R. Dnc. 46-10212: Filed, June 14, 1946;

12:CO m.]

[Dzzkct No. C052]NonrnsmE BRoADcSTNG Coep-. (WGRC)


In re application of Northside Broad-casting Corporation (WGRC) Louis-ville, Ky.. for construction permit, DocketNo. 6052; File No. B4-P-2782.

At a session of the Federal Commun-cations Commission, held at its offices inWashington, D. C., on the 24th day ofMay 1946;

The Commission having under con-sideration the petition filed October 19,1945, of Northside Broadcasting Corpo-ration (WGRC) requesting tht its ap-plication for a construction permit tochange facilities from 1,400 ko, 250 watts,unlimited time, to 790 kc, 5 kw day, 1 Lwnight, with a change in transmitter lo-cation, the installation of a new trans-mitter, and a directional antenna, desig-nated for hearing in a consolidated pro-ceeding with the application of Kings-port Broadcasting Company, Inc.(W3KPT) (File No. B3-P-3303; DocketNo. 6249), be removed from the hearingdocket and granted without hearing;

It is ordered, That the petition be, andIt Is hereby denied, and;

It is Jurther ordered, That the issuesheretofore released for the hearing ofthe application of the Northside Broad-casting Corporation be, and they arehereby amended to read as follows:

1. To determine the technical, finan-cial, and other qualifications of the ap-plicant corporation, Its officers, direc-tors and stockholders to construct andoperate station WGRC as proposed.

2. To determine the areas-and popula-tions which may be expected to gain orlose primary service from the operationof station WGRC as proposed and thecharacter of other broadcast serviceavailable to thee areas and populations.

3. To determine the type and characterof program service proposed to be ren-dered arid whether it would meet the re-


Page 28: Federal Register: 11 Fed. Reg. 6661 (June 18, 1946). · 2015. 9. 28. · real or personal property, taken pur-suant to this order shall be terminated by the Director when he determines

FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, June 18, 1946

quirements of the populations and areasproposed to be served.

4. To determine whether the operationof station WGRC as proposed would in-volve objectionable interference withstations WKPT, as proposed, WBBN, orwith any other existing -or proposedbroadcast services and, if so, the natureand extent thereof, the areas and popu-lations affected thereby, and the avail-ability of other broadcast service to suchareas and populations.

5. To determine whether the operationof station WGRC as proposed would in-volve objectionable interference with sta-tions CKSO, Sudbury, Ontario, CMCH,Havana, Cuba, or any other existingforeign broadcast station within themeaning of the North American RegionalBroadcast Agreement.

6. To determine whether the installa-tion and operation of station WGRC asproposed would be in compliance with theCommission's rules and Standards ofGood Engineering Practice ConcerningStandard Broadcast Stations.

7. To determine whether the erectionof the antenna system proposed hereinwould be consistent with Civil Aeronau-tics Administration requirements.

8. To determine on a comparative basiswhich, If any, of the applications in thisconsolidated proceeding should begranted. -

By the Commission.

[SEAL] - T. J. SLOWIE,Secretary.

[F. R. Doec. 46-10243; Filed, June 14, 1946;11:58 a. in.]

[Docket No. 6249]


ORDER AMENDING ISSUESIn re application of Kingsport Broad-

casting Company, Inc. (WKPT), Kings-port, Tenn., for construction permit;Docket No. 6249- Pile No. B3-P-3308.

At a session of the Federal Commumca-tions Commission, held at Its offices inWashington, D. C., on the 24th day ofMay 1946;

The Commission having under con-sideration the petition filed October 22,1945, of Kingsport Broadcasting Com-pany, Inc., requesting that its applicationfor a construction permit to change facil-ities from 1400 kc, 250 watts, unlimitedtime, to 790 kc, 1-kw, with a change intransmitter location and a directionalantenna for night use, designated forhearing in a consolidated proceeding withthe application of Northside Broadcast-ing Corporation (WGRC) (File No. B4-P-2782; Docket No. 6052) be removedfrom the hearing docket, and grantedwithout hearing;

It is ordered, That the petition be, andit is hereby, denied, and

It is further ordered, That the issuesheretofore released for the hearing ofthe application of the Kingsport Broad-casting CMpany, Inc., be, and they arehereby amended to read as follows:

1. To determine the technical, finan-cial, and other qualifications of the ap-plicant corporation, its officers, directors

and stockholders to construct and oper-ate Station WKPT 'as proposed.

2. To determine the areas and popu-lations which may be expected to gainor lose primary service from the opera-tion of Station WKPT as proposed andthe character of other broadcast serviceavailable to those areas and populations.

3. To determine the typq and char-acter of program service proposed to berendered and whether it would meet therequirements of the populations andareas proposed to be served.

4. To determine whether the operationof Station WEPT as proposed would in-volve objectionable interference withstations WGRC, WBBM, WMC, or withany other existing or proposed broad-cast services and, if so, the nature andextent thereof, the areas and popula-tions affected thereby, and the availa-bility of other broadcast service to suchareas and populations.

5. To determine whether the opera-tion of Station WEPT as proposedwould involve objectionable interferencewith Stations CKSO, Sudbury, Ontario,CMCH, Havana, Cuba, or any other ex-isting foreign broadcast station withinthe meaning of the North American Re-gional Broadcasting Agreement.

6. To determine whether the installa-tion and operation of Station WEPT asproposed would be in compliance withthe Commission's rules and Standardsof Good Engineering Practice concerningstandard broadcast stations.

7. To determine whether the erectionof the antenna system proposed hereinWould be consistent with Clvil Aeronau-tics Administration requirements.

8. To determine on a comparative ba-sis which, if either, of the applicationsin this consolidated proceeding shouldbe g anted.

By the Commission.[SEAL] T. J. SLOWIE,

Secretary.[F. R. Doc. 46-10244; Filed, June 14, 1946;

11:58 a. i.]




In the matter of promulgation of rulesand regulations and Standards of GoodEngineering Practice for FM broadcast-ing other than non-commercial educa-tional broadcast service; Docket No. 6768.

At a session of the Federal Communi-cations Commission held in its offices atWashington, D. C., on the 6th day ofJune 1946;

Whereas, on August 24, 1945, the Com-mission adopted a report announcingits decision with respect to certain sug-gested rules and regulations relating toYM broadcasting, and in connection withthe Issue of reservation of channels,stated therein as follows: "The Commils-mon does not propose to reserve any FMchannels from assignment at the present

'time"; and

Whereas, on December 19, 1945, theComnission Issued an allocation plan In-dicating the tentative number of metro-politan FM channels which might beavailable for assignment in the variousareas throughout the United States; and

Whereas, based upon Its experiencesince such dates, the Commission Is ofthe opinion that the purpose of section307 (b) of the Communications Act of1934, as amended, may be better effectu-ated and the public Interest may be bet-ter served by a reservation of metropoli-tan FM channels under certain condi-tions;

Now, therefore, It is ordered, That oralargument be held before the Commis-sion en bane on the 12th cay of July 1940,Upon the following Issue:

1. To determine whether the publicinterest would be served by the reserva-tion for the period of one year of everyfifth channel tentatively Indicated asavailable for the various areas In theCommission's news release of December19, 1945.

It is further ordered, That any personor party desiring to participate In saidoral argument file notice of Intention todo so on or before the 9th day of July1946.


T. J. SLOVIE,Secretary.

[F R. Doc. 46-10238, Piled, June 14, 1040;11:58 a. m.]



service by wire or by radio; Docket No.6525.

At a session of the Federal Communi-cations Commission held at Its offices inWashington, D. C., on the 24th day ofMay 1946;

The Commission, having under con-sideration the record of the proceedingsherein; and,

It appearing, that photo service is nowprincipally international and the matterof charges for photo service can now beadequately dealt with in the proceedingof general Investigation In Docket No,6569, in the matter of telegraph com-munication services between the UnitedStates and Foreign Points;

It is ordered, That the proceedings InDocket No. 6525 be, and they are hereby,terminated.

By the Commission.[SEAL] T. J. SLOwIE,

Secretary.[F. R. Doc. 46-10237; Filed, Juno 14, 1940,

11:58 a. in.]



IA! the matter of Hearst Radio, Inc.,Assignor, New York, N. Y., and The Cros-


Page 29: Federal Register: 11 Fed. Reg. 6661 (June 18, 1946). · 2015. 9. 28. · real or personal property, taken pur-suant to this order shall be terminated by the Director when he determines

FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, June 18, 1916

ley Corporation, Assignee, Cincinnati,Ohio; application for voluntary assign-ment of license and construction permit;B-237; Docket No. 6755; File No. B1-APL-19.

At a session of the Federal Commum-cations Commssion held at its offices inWashington, D. C. on the 6th day of June1946;

The Commussion having under consid-eration the joint petition filed June 3,1946 by Hearst Radio, Inc., New York,N. Y., assignor, and The Crosley Corpo-ration, Cincinnati, Ohio, assignee in theabove-entitled matter, to reopen therecord heretofore made on said applica-tion and to schedule the said applica-tion for further hearing;

It zs ordered, That the said joint peti-tion of Hearst Radio, Inc., and The Cros-ley Corporation be, and it is herebygranted; the record heretofore made onthe above-entitled application be, and itis hereby, reopened, and further hearingand oral argument thereon be, and it ishereby, scheduled, for 10 o'clock a. m.Wednesday, June 19, 1946, before theCommission en bane.


T. J. SLOWIE,Secretary.

IF. R. Doe. 46-10245; Filed, June 14, 1946;11:58 a. ni.l

[Docket No. 6864]



In re application of Hazlewood, Inc.(WLOF) Orlando, Fla., for constructionpermit; Docket No. 6864; File No. B3-P-3973.

At a session of the Federal Communi-cations Commission held at its offices inWashington, D. C. on the 25th day ofApril 1946;

The CommIssion having under con-sideration the application of Hazlewood,Inc. (WLOF) as amended to January25, 1946 (File No. B3-P-3973; Docket No.6864) for a construction permit to changeits operating facilities at Orlando, Flori-da, from 1230 kc, 250 watts, unlimitedtime to 950 kc, with power of 5 kilowatts,using a directional antenna, unlimitedtime; and the application of E. T. Wrightfor a construction permit to erect a newstation at Orlando using the present fa-cilities of WLOF 1230 kc, 250 watts, un-limited (File No. B3-P-4268; Docket No.7111)

It zs ordered, That said application ofHazlewood, Inc. (Docket No. 6864) be,and it is hereby designated for hearingin a consolidated proceeding with theapplication of E. T. Wright (Docket No.7111) on the following Issues:

1. To determine the technical, finan-cial, and other qualifications of the ap-plicant and of its officers, directors, andstockholders to construct and operateStation WLOF as proposed.

2. To determine the areas and popu-lations which may be expected to gainor lose primary service from the proposed

.operation of Station WLOF and the

character of other broadcast servicesavailable to those areas and populations.

3. To determine the type and charac-ter of program service proposed to berendered and whether It would meet therequirements of the populations andareas proposed to be served.

4. To determine whether the proposedoperation of Station MLOF would in-volve objectionable interference with anyexisting broadcast stations, and If so, thenature and extent thereof, the areas andpopulations affected thereby, and theavailability of other broadcast s.rvice tosuch areas and populations.

5. To determine, considering the mile-age separation between Orlando, Floridaand Valdosta, Georgia and the variousmodes of skywave transmisslon, the cx-tent of mutual interference that wouldbe involved in the simultaneous opera-tion of the proposed station and eitherof the stations for Valdosta, Gorgia pro-posed in the applications of ValdostaBroadcasting Company (Docket No.6863) and E. D. Rivers (Docket No. 7112)

6. TXo determine whether the operationof WLOF as proposed would involveobjectionable interference with any otherpending applications for broadehst facili-ties, and if so, the nature and extentthereof, the areas and populations af-fected thereby, and the availability ofother broadcast service to such areas andpopulations.

7. To determine whether the Installa-tion and operation of the proposed sta-tlonwould be in compliance with theCommission's rules and Standards ofGood Engineering Practice conceningstandard broadcast stations.

8. To determine whether, in view of thenighttime limitation that would be im-posed by other stations operating on 950kc, the nighttime interference-free serv-ice of W_.OF as proposed would be inaccordance with the allocation plan ofthe Commision's Standards of GoodEngineering Practice.

9. To determine whether the erectionof the antenna system proposed hereinwould be consistent with Civil Aeronau-tics Administration requirements.

It is further ordered, That ValdostaBroadcasting Company (Docket No. 6363)and E. D. Rivers (Docket No. 7112) be,and they are hereby, made parties tothese within consolidated proceedings.

By the Commission.T. J. SLow=,

Secretary.IF. R. Doe. 46-10246; Filed, June 14, 1916;

11:58 a. mL

[Docket No. 7111]



In re application of E. T. Wright, Or-lando, Fla., for construction permit;Docket No. 7111, File No. B3-P-4268.

At a session of the Federal Communl-cations Commission, held at its offices InWashington, D. C., on the 25th day ofApril 1946;

The Commission having under consid-eration the application of Hazlewood,Inc,

(VILOP) as amended to January 25,1946 (File No. B3-P-3973; Docket No.6864) for a construction permit tochange its operating facilities at Orlando,Florida, from 1230 he, 250 watts, unlim-ited time, to 950 ke, with power of 5 klo-watts, using a directional antenna, un-limited time and the application of E. T.Wright for a construction permit to erecta new station at Orlando using the pres-ent facilities of WLOF, 1230 he, 250 watts,unlimited (File No. B3-P-4263; DocketNo. 7111)

It is ordered, That said application ofE. T. Wrght (Docket No. 7111) be, andIt is hereby, designated for hearing ina consolidated proceeding with the ap-plication of Hazlewood, Inc. (Docket No.6864), on the following issues:

1. To determine the legal, technical,financial and other qualifications of theapplicant to construct and operate theproposed station.

2. To determine the type of programservice proposed to b3 rendered andwhether It would meet the requirementsof the populations and areas proposed tobe served.

3. To determine whether the operationof the proposed station would involveobjectionable interference with any ex-isting broadcast stations and, if so, thenature and extent thereof, the areas andpopulations affected thereby, and theavailability of other broadcast service tosuch areas and populations.

4. To determine whether the opera-tion of the proposed station would in-volve objectionable interference withany other pending applications forbroadcast facilities and, if so, the natureand extent thereof, the areas and popu-lations affected thereby, and the avail-ability of other broadcast service to suchareas and populations.

5. To determine whether the mstalia-tion and operation of the proposed sta-tion would be in compliance with theCommission's rules and Standards ofGood Engineering Practice concerningstandard broadcast stations.

It is further ordered, That ValdostaBroadcasting Company (Docket No.6863) and E. D. Rivers (Docket No. 7112)be, and they are hereby, made partiesto these within consolidated proceedings.

By the Commission.[sEAL] T. J. Srowmr,

Secretary.IF. R. Dzz. 46-10217; Filed, June 14, 1946;

11:53 0. m.1

JDochet Na. 7333, 6319, 58561

METODS or D. IvERY or TELEGRAMorDn EimaUmo scopz or nvESTIGATIo-

In the matter of methods of deliveryof telegrams, Docket No. 7388; Filing oftariff schedules for private printer serv-Iea by telegraph carners, Docket No.6319; The investigation of the "pick-up"and "delivery" services of the telegraphcarriers, and the schedules, rules, regu-lations, facilities and practices in con-nection therewith, Docket No. 5856.

At a session of the Federal Commum-cations Commission held at its offices in



Page 30: Federal Register: 11 Fed. Reg. 6661 (June 18, 1946). · 2015. 9. 28. · real or personal property, taken pur-suant to this order shall be terminated by the Director when he determines

FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, June 18, 1946

Washington, D. C. on the 29th day ofMay 1946;

The Commission, having under con-sideration the record herein; and hav-ing also under consideration the recordsin Docket No. 5856, the investigation ofthe pick-up and delivery services of thetelegraph carriers, and the schedules,rules, regulations, facilities and prac-tices in connection therewith, andDocket No. 6319, filing of tariff schedulesfor private printer service by telegraphcarriers; and

It appearing, that questions may existas to the lawfulness under the Com-munications Act of 1934, as amended, ofcharges, classifications, regulations, andpractices of the telegraph earners sub-ject to that Act, with respect to the"pick-up" and "delivery" of telegrams;

It is ordered, That the proceeding inDocket No. 7388 be, and it is herebybroadened in scope to include a generalinvestigation into the matter of charges,classifications, regulations, and practicesof all the telegraph earners subject tothe Communications Act of 1934, asamended, for and in connection with thepck-up and delivery of telegraph com-municationg;

It is further ordered, That the pro-ceedings in Dockets Nos. 5856 and 6319be, and they are hereby terminated.

By the Comnission.[SEAL] T. J. SLOWIE,

5 Secretary.

[F. R. Doc. 46-10241; Filed, June 14, 1946;12:00 m.]

[Docket No. 7600]



In re application of San Diego Broad-casting Co., San Diego, Calif., for con-struction permit; File No. B5-P-3744;Docket No. 7600.

At a session of the Federal Communi-cations Commission held at its office IinWashington, D. C., on the 24th day ofMay 1946;

The Commission having under consid-eration the above-entitled application forconstruction permit (File No. B5-P-3744,Docket No. 7600) of San Diego Broad-casting Company fpr a new standardbroadcast station at San Diego, Califor-nia, to operate on 1510 kc, with 5 kwpower, unlimited time, using directionalantenna, day and night.

It is ordered, That said application be,and is hereby, designated for hearing onthe following issues:

1. To determine the legal, technical,financial and other qualifications of ap-plicant corporation, its officers, directorsand stockholders to construct and oper-ate the proposed station.

2. To determine the areas and popula-tions which would gain primary servicethrough the operation of the proposedstation and what other broadcast serv-ices are available to those areas andpopulations.

3. To determine the type and charac-ter of program service proposed to -berendered and whether it would meet the

requirements of the areas and popula-tions proposed to be served.

4. Tdetermme whether the operationof the proposed station would involve ob-jectionable interference with any exist-ing or proposed broadcast service andespecially the service proposed in the ap-plication of Louis Wasmer (KGA) Spo-kane, Washington (File No. B5-P-4647)for an increase In power on 1510 kc to50 kw with directional antenna used atnight.

5. To determine whether the installa-tion and operation of the proposed sta-tion would be in compliance with theCommission's rules and Standards ofGoQd Engineering Practice concerningstandard broadcast stations.

6. To determine whether the erectionof the proposed antenna system would beconsistent with the requirements of theCivil Aeronautics Administration.

By the Commission.

[SEAL] T. J. SLONVIE,Secretary.

[F., n. Doe. 46-10248; Filed, June 14,-1946;11:59 a. m.]

[Docket Nos. 7602, 76031



In re applications of Pilgrim Broad-casting Corporation, Manchester, N. H.,File No. B1-P-4658, Docket No. 7602;Naslifia Broadcasting Corporation,Nashua, N. H., File No. B1-P-4746, DocketNo. 7603; for construction permits.

At a session of the Federal Communi-cations Commission held at Its offices inWashington, D. C. on the 24th day ofMay 1946;

The Commission having under consid-eration the applications for constructionpermits of Pilgrim Broadcasting Corpo-ration (File No. B1-P-4658; Docket No.7602) for a new standard broadcaststation to operate on the frequency 900kc, with 1 kw power, daytime only, atManchester, New Hampshire, and ofNashua Broadcasting Corporationo (FileNo. B1-P-4746; Docket No. 7603) for anew standard broadcast station to op-erate on the frequency 900 kc, with 1 kwpower, daytime only;

It is orderea1, That the applications ofPilgrim Broadcasting Corporation and-Nashua Broadcasting Corporation, be,and they are hereby, designated for hear-ing in a consolidated proceeding uponthe f6l1owing issues:

1. To determine the legal, technical,financial, and other qualifications of theapplicant corporations, their officers, di-rectors and stockholders to construct andoperate the proposed stations.

2. To determine the areas and popula-tions which would gain primary servicethrough the operation of the proposedstations and what other broadcast serv-ices arp available to those areas and-populations.

3. To determine the type and charac-ter of program service proposed to berendered by each of the applicants andwhether it would meet the requirements

of the areas and populations proposed tobe served.

4. To determine whether the operationof the proposed stations would involveobjectionable Interference with the serv-ice of any existing or proposed broadcastservice, the nature and extent of anysuch interference, the areas and popula-tions affected thereby, and the availabil-ity of other broadcast service to suchareas and populations.

5. To determine whether the Installa-tion and operation of the proposed sta-tions would be In compliance with theCommission's Rules and Standards ofGood Engineering Practice concerningstandard broadcast stations.

6. To determine on a comparativebasis, which, If either, of the applica-tions In this consolidated proceedingshould be granted.

By the Commission.

[SEAL] T. J. SLOWIE,Secretary.

1F. R. Doc. 46-10249; Filed, Juno 14, 1946;11:59 a. mn.]

[Docket No. 70P51



In re application of City of Jackson-ville (WJAX) Jacksonville, Fla., forconstruction permit; Docket No. 7605:File No. B3-P-4271.

At a session of the Federal Communi-cations Commission, held at its offices loWashington, D. C. on the 24th day ofMay 1946;

The Commission having under con-sideration the above-entitled applicationfor a construction permit to increasepower from 1 KW, 5 KW-LS, unlimitedtime, to 5 KW with a directional antennaat night, unlimited time, on the fre-quency 930 kc, at Jacksonville, Florida,and the Commission -also having underconsideration the application of Flor-ence Broadcasting Company Inc.(WOLS) (File No. B3-P-4538, DocketNo. 7606) for a construction permit, tochange facilities from 1230 ko, 250 W.unlimited time, to 930 Ire, 1 KW, with adirectional antenna at night, Install newtransmitter, and move transmitter, atFlorence, South Carolina;

It is ordered, That the applications ofCity of Jacksonville (WJAX) and Flor-ence Broadcasting Company, Inc.(WOLS) be, and they are hereby, desig-nated for hearing In a consolidated pro-ceeding upon the following Issues:

1. To determine the technical, finan-cial, and other qualifications of the ap-plicant to construct and operate StationWJAX as proposed.

2. To determine the areas and popu-lations which may be expected to gainor lose primary service from the opera-tion of Station WJAX as proposed, andthe character of other broadcast serviceavailable to those areas and populations,

3. To determine the type and char-acter of program service proposed to berendered and whether it would meet therequirements of the populations andareas proposed to be served.

Page 31: Federal Register: 11 Fed. Reg. 6661 (June 18, 1946). · 2015. 9. 28. · real or personal property, taken pur-suant to this order shall be terminated by the Director when he determines

FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, June 1S, 1916 66914. To dptermine whether the operation

of Station WJAX as proposed would in-volve objectionable interference withany existing or proposed broadcast serv-ices and, if so, the nature and extentthereof, the areas and populations af-fected thereby, -and the availability ofother broadcast service to such areasand populations.

5. To determine whether the installa-tion and operation of Station WJAA asproposed would be in compliance with theCommi sion's Rules and Standards ofGood Engineering Practice concerningstandard broadcast stations.

6. To determine whether the erectionof the antenna system proposed hereinwould be consistent with Civil Aeronau-tics Administration requirements.

7. To determine on a comparativebasis, which, if either, of the applicationsin this consolidated proceeding should begranted.

By the Commission.

T. J. SLOWIE,Secretary.

[F. R. Doc. 46-10250; Filed, June 14, 1946;11:59 a. m.

[Docket No. 7605]



In re application of Florence Broad-casting Company, Inc. (WOLS) Flor-ence, S. C., for construction permit;Docket No. 7605; File No. B3-P-4538.

At a session of the Federal Commum-cations Co mssion held at its offices inWashington, D. G., on the 24th day ofMay 1946;

The Commision having under consid-eration the application of FlorenceBroadcasting Company, Inc. (WOLS),(File No. B3-P-4538, Docket No. 7606 fora construction permit to change facilitiesfrom 1230 kc, 250 W, unlimited time, to930 kc, 1 KW with directional antenna atnight, installing a new transmitter andmoving transmitter, at Florence, SouthCarolina; and

The Commission also having underconsideration the application of City ofJacksonville (WJAX) (File No. B3-P-4271) for construction permit to changefacilities from 930 kc, 1 KW 5 KW-IS,unlimitd time, to 930 kc, 5 KW, withdirectional antenna at night, unlimitedtime, at Jacksonville, Florida;

It is ordered, That the applications ofFlorence Broadcasting Company, Inc.(WOLS) and City of Jacksonville(WJAX) be, and they are hereby desig-nated for hearing in a consolidated pro-ceeding on the following issues:

1. To determine the technical, finan-cial, and other qualifications of the appli-cant corporation, its officers, directors,and stockholders to construct and oper-ate Station WOLAS as proposed.

2. To determine the areas and popula-tions which.would gain or lose primaryservice through the operation of StationWOLS as proposed and what otherbroadcast services are available to thoseareas and populations,

3. To determine the type and charac-ter of program service proposed to berendered and whether It would meet therequirements of the areas and popula-tions proposed to be served.

4. To determine whether the operationof Station WOLS as proposed would In-volve objectionable Interference with anyexsting or prounsed broadcast service,and, if so, the nature and extent thereof,the areas and populations affected there-by, and the availability of other broad-cast service to such areas and popula-tions.

5. To determine whether the installa-tion and operation of Station WOLS asproposed would be In compliance with theCommission's Rules and Standards ofGood Engineerlng Practice concerningstandard broadcast stations.

6. To determine whether the opera-tion of Station WOLS as proposed wouldinvolve objectionable interference withCD.KN, Santiago de Cuba, Cuba, or anyother existing foreign broadcast stationwithin the meaning of the North Ameri-can regional broadcasting agreement.

7. To determine whether the erectionof the antenna system proposed hereinwould be consistent with Civil Aeronau-tics Administration requirements.

8. To determine upon a comparativebasis which, if either, of the applicationsin this consolidated proceeding should begranted.

By the Commission.[sEAL] T. J. SLOWIn,

Secretary.[F. R. Doc. 46-10251: Filed, Juno 14, 1040;

11:59 a. in.]

[Docket No. 7071NEws Puorsin.za Conp.


In re application of News PublishingCorporation, Charlotte, N. C., for con-struction permit; Docket No. 7607; fileNo. B3-P-3952.

At a session of the Federal Communi-cations Commission, held at Its ofilces InWashington, D. C., on the 24th day ofMay 1946;

The Commission having under consid-eration the above-entitled appplicationfor a construction permit for a newstandard broadcast station to operate on1400 kc, with 250 watts power, unlimitedtime, at Charlotte, N. C.

It is ordered, That the said applica-tion of News Publishing Corporation be,and It Is hereby, designated for hearingupon the following issues:

1. To determine the legal, technical,financial, and other qualifications of theapplicant corporation, Its officers, direc-tors and stockholders to construct andoperate the proposed station.

2. To determine the areas and popula-tions which may be expected to gain orlose primary service from the operationof the proposed station and the characterof other broadcast service available tothose areas and populations.

3. To determine the type and charac-ter of program service proposed to berendered and whether It would meet the

requirements of the populations andareas proposed to be served.

4. To determine whether the operationof the propoed station would involve ob-Jectionable interference with StationWEGO or with any other emsting or pro-pozed broadcast service and, if so, thenature and extent thereof, the areas andpopulations affected thereby, and theavailability of other broadcast service tosuch areas and populations.

5. To determine whether the mstalIa-tion and opration of the proposed sta-tion would be in compliance with theCommission's rules and Standards ofGood Engineering Practice concerningstandard broadcast stations.

By the Commission.[sr.AL] T. J. S~ow=,

Secretary.IF. R. Dcz. 4G-102U2; Filed, June 14, 146;

11:3 a. in]

Ax'zuouzscxvTor - ArcicA.L REcoRmsOMDEn PrOVzoNG OPPOaRTUNTY FOR oAL


In the matter of amendment to § 3.407of the Commission's rules and regula-tions governing the announcement ofmechanical records; Docket No. 761L

At a meeting of the Federal Communi-cations Commission held in its offices inWashington, D. C., on the 29th day ofMay 1946;

Whereas the Commission is of theopinion that public interest, convenienceand necessity may be served by amend-Ing § 3.407 of the rules and regulationsto read as follows:

§ 3.407 Mechanical records. (a) Norecorded program consisting of a speech,news events, news commentator, forum,panel discussion, special event, or anyother recorded prog-ram in which the eIe-ment of time is of special significanceand a presentation of which would cre-ate, whether intentionally or otherwise,the Impression or belief on the part ofthe radio audience that the event or pro-4gram being broadcast is in fact occurringsimultaneously with the broadcast, shallbe broadcast without an appropriate an-nouncement being made at the begin-ning and conclusion of the broadcast thatit is a recorded program: Provided, horn-ever, Any r~corded program of one min-ute duration or less need only be an-nounced at the beginning. The identi-fying announcement shall accurately de-scribe the type of mecanilcal recordused.

(b) Any other program consisting ofa mechanical record or series of mechan-ical records need not be announced asprovided in subsection (a) but the li-censee shall not attempt affirmatively tocreate the impression that the programbeing so broadcast consists of live talent.

And, whereas the Commission is of theopinion that it will best conduce to theproper dispatch of business and to theends of justice that all Interested per-sons be given an opportunity to file state-_ments or briefs and to appear before theCommission and argue orally why the


Page 32: Federal Register: 11 Fed. Reg. 6661 (June 18, 1946). · 2015. 9. 28. · real or personal property, taken pur-suant to this order shall be terminated by the Director when he determines

FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, June 18, 1946

above proposal should not be adopted, orwhy it should not be adopted in the formproposed by this order;

Now, therefore, It is hereby ordered,That, upon the written request of anyinterested person, oral argument be heldbefore the Commission en bane on a dateto be specified in the future, as to whytheproposed rule should not be adopted orwhy it should not be adopted in the formproposed by this order. Such requestsfor oral argument shall be filed by allpersons desiring to appear on or beforeJune 24, 1946, and each such requestshall be accompanied by a brief.

By the Commission,.[SEAL] T. J. SLOWIE,

Secretary.[F. R. Doec. 46-10236; Flied, June 14, 1946;

11:59 a. in.]



The Commission today adopted an or-der I proposing to withhold for the periodof one year the assignment of every fifthchannel tentatively-indicated as availablefor allocation to a given area, in theCommission's news release of December19, 1945. Oral argument will be held onthis proposed policy on the 12th day ofJuly, 1946, and persons desiring to par-ticipate therein are required to file theirappearances on or before the 9th day ofJuly 1946.

Under the proposed policy, no reserva-tion of channels would be made if a max-imum of four channels was indicated fora particular area in the December 19,1945, release. Rowever, if at least fivebut no more than nine channels were in-dicated for an area, one channel wouldbe withheld for the period of one yearfrom the date of the adoption of thispolicy. Two channels would be withheldif 10-14 channels were listed; three, if15-19 channels were listed; and four, if20 were listed.

The object of this policy is to permitan equitable distribution of FM fre-quencies, pursuant to section 307 (b) ofthe Communications Act. If a policyof reserving every fifth channel wereadopted, each area could have a maxi-mum of four stations assigned to It atthis time if four channels were indicatedfor it in the release of December 19, 1945;however, provision is made for the futureconsideration of an applicant for an FMstation in an outlying city which has notapplied at this time, if at least fivechannels are indicated for the area. Thepolicy thus permits the establishment ofFM service in every area and yet pre-vents an unequal distribution of FMchannels among the various communi-ties.


T. J. SLOWIE,Secretary.

[F. R. Doec. 46:10235; Filed, June 14, 1946;12:00 in.]

Part 3-Rules governing standard andhigh-frequency broadcast stations.

*See order of June 6, 1946, in Docket No.6768.



In re -application of The ChroniclePublishing Company, San Francisco,Calif., for television construction per-mit; File No. B5-PCT-170; Docket No.7608.

At a session of the Federal Communi-cations Commission held at its offices inWashington, D. C., on the 24th day ofMay 1946;

The Commission having under consid-eration the petition of The ChroniclePublishing Company requesting that itsapplication (File No. B5-PCT-170) fora television station in San Francisco,California, be heard with the other ap-plications for. television stations in thesame area, which were designated forconsolidated hearing on February 1, 1946,and said hearings now scheduled to beginon July 15, 1946;

It is ordered, That the above applica-tion of The Chronicle Publishing Com-pany, be, and it is hereby, designatedfor consolidated hearing with the fol-lowing applications for construction per-mits for television stations in San Fran-cisco, California: American Broadcast-ing Co., Inc. (File No. B5-PCT-158) TheAssociated Broadcasters, Inc. (B5-PCT-46) Don Lee Broadcasting System. (B5-PCT-22) Hughes Productions, Divisionof Hughes Tool Co. (B5-PCT-18) Tele-vision Productions, Inc. (B5-PCT-151)and Dorothy S. Thackrey (B5--PCT-1164), upon the following issues:

1. To determine the legal, technical,financial, and other qualifications of theapplicant to operate and construct theproposed station.

2. To obtain full information with re-spect to the nature and character of theproposed program service.

3. To determine the areas and popula-tions which may be expected to receiveservice from the proposed station.

4. To determine on a comparative basiswhich, if any, of the applications In thisconsolidated proceeding s ho u 1 d begranted.


T. J. SLOWXE,Secretary.

[F. R. Doc. 46-10253; Filed, June 14, 1946;11:59 a. hn.]


[Docket No. 0-7281



JUNE'14, 1946.Upon consideration of the application

filed on May 8, 1946, by West Teilas GasCompany for a certificate of public con-venience and necessity pursuant to sec-tion 7 of the Natural Gas Act, asamended, to authorize the construction

-and operation of'facilities to be used inconnection with its transportation andsale of natural gas in Interstate com-merce for resale, comnirised of nstalla-

tions of (1) a 135-horsepower boiler anda new stack and dismantling of two ex-isting stacks at its Gasoline Plant in Pot-ter County, Texas, (2) new pumpingequipment in two water wells, one at itsGasoline Plant and one at its Compres-sor Station in Potter County, Texas, (3)a 400-B. H. P compressor unit at its Mc-Spadden Compressor Station in RandallCounty, Texas,.(4) an 8%-inch reservoirdrip on its McSpadden-Farwell branchline on the discharge side of its McSpad-den Compressor Station, (5) an 8-inchseries 30 orifice fitting near the off-takeon its McSpadden-Farwell branch line,(6) a 15-inch retervoir drip in itsMcSpadden-Happy Section in RandallCounty, Texas, and two 10-inch reservoirdrips in its Plainview-Hale Center Sec-tion in Hale County, Texas, (7) a 6-inchseries 30 orfice fitting near the off-takeon its Lubbock-Farwell branch line inLubbock County, Texas, (8) improvv-ment of the jacket water system at itsCompressor Station in Potter County,Texas, and (9) drilling and equipping ofa water well at its Plainview CompressorStation in Hale County, Texas;

The Commission orders that:(A) A public hearing be held com-

mencing on the 20th day of June, 1940,at 10:00 -a. m. (e. s. t.) in the HearingRoom of the Federal Power Commission,1800 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW., Wash-ington, D. C., concerning the matters in-volved and the issues presented in theabove-entitled proceedings: Provided,however That If no protest or petition tointervene has been filed or allowed priorto the date hereinbefore fixed for hear-ing, or if a protest or petition to inter-vene, in the judgmen.4of the Commission,raises no issue of substance, the Com-mission may dispose of the applicationwithout contested hearing, by order uponthe application and evidence filed oravailable to the Commission and such ad-ditional evidence as the Commission mayrequiie to be'fled for its consideration.

(B) Interested State commissions mayparticipate as provided in § 67.4 of theprovisional rules of practice and regula-tions under the Natural Gas Act.

By the Commission.

[SEAL] LEON M. FUQUAY,Secretary.

[F R. Doec. 46-10317: Filed, June 17, 1040:11:40 a. m.]

[Docket "4o. G-732]


JuNE 13, 1940.Upon consideration of th. application

filed on May 27, 1946, by Mon~ana-Da-kota Utilities Co. ("Applicant") for acertificate of public convenience andnecessity pursuant to Section 7 of the

.Natural Gas Act, as amended, to au-thorize the construction and operationof the following-described facilities inValley County, Montana:

A 10%-inch pipeline, 28.5 miles In length,extending from a point In the coutheastquarter of Section 31, Township 30 North,Range 38 East, to a point in the southeastquarter of Section 28, Township 27 North,


Page 33: Federal Register: 11 Fed. Reg. 6661 (June 18, 1946). · 2015. 9. 28. · real or personal property, taken pur-suant to this order shall be terminated by the Director when he determines

Range 41 East, all in Valley County, Mon-tana;

The Commssion orders that:(A) A public hearing be held com-

mencing on July 1, 1946, at 10:00 a. m.in Room No. 303, U. S. Post Office Build-ing, Minneapolis, Minnesota, re.pectingthe matters involved and the issues pre-sented in this proceeding.

(B) Interested State commisons mayparticipate in said hearing as. providedin § 67.4 of the provisional rules of prac-tice and regulations under the NaturalGas Act.

By the Commissiln.[SEAL]i IiEoxA FuQuAy,

- ecretarl.[F. R. DoeC. 46-10318; Filed, June 17, 1946;

11:40 a. m.]





To the Monongahela Connecting Rail-road Company, Pittsburgh, Pennsylva-ma:

1. You are hereby notified that, by or-der of the President of the United States(E.O. 9736, supra) possession and con-trol of your transportation system, in-cluding all real and personal property,plants, facilities, and other assets, wher-ever situated, used or useful in connec-tion with the operation of such system,are hereby taken and assumed by theDirector of the Office of Defense Trans-portation as of 6:00 o'clock p. In., on the14th day-of June, 1946. Possession andcontrol are not taken of any of yourproperty, plants, facilities, or other as-sets, which are not used or useful in theoperation of your ftansportation system.

2: The purpose of possession and con-trol of your transportation system andproperties by the United States pursuantto said Executive order is to assure to thefullest possible extent continuous anduninterrupted transportation service.

3. Effective this date, Homer C. Kingis hereby appointed Federal Manager ofthe transportation system and propertiestaken hereunder, with full authority,subject to.my direction:

a) To possess, control, and operate,or arrange for the operation of the sys-tem and properties taken hereunder insuch manner as may- be necessary tocarry out the provisions, and to accom-plish the purposes, of the Executiveorder, through or with the aid of suchpublic or private instrumentalities orpersons as he may designate;

(b) Subject to the.provisions of theExecutive order, to manage or operate, orarrange for the management or opera-tion of, said system and properties undersuch terms and conditions of employ-ment as he deems advisable and proper;

(c) From time to time, to return toyou such real or personal property, orother assets, as he determines to be un-necessary to the operation of your trans-portation system; and

No. 118- 5

FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, June IS, 1916

(d) To request the Secretary of Waror such persons as he may deignate, tofurnish protection for persons employedor seeking employment on the transpor-tation system of which pozzesion istaken hereunder and the properties ofsuch system, and to furnish equipment,manpower, and other facilities or servicesnecessary to carry out the provisions,and to accomplish the purposes, of theExecutive order of the Prezident.

4. Copies of this notice and order shallbe posted by you in your principal placeof business, and in each office, terminaland station maintained in connectionwith the operation of your transporta-tion ystem.

Issued at Washington, D. C., this 14thday of June, 1946.

J,. M. Jor;zo:1,Director

Office of Defense Transportation.[P. R. Doc. 4-1257; rFlcd, June 14, 101;

1:57 p. m.


GLDmn Tn si= Co.13STABLISEE= 0P O =LM= PR=C=

For the reasons set forth in an opin-ion Issued simultaneously herewith andfiled with the Division of the FederalRegister, and pursuant to sections 9, 10and 11 (c) of Revised Maximum PriceRegulation 136, It is ordered:

(a) Glider Trailer Company, 1821West Kinle Street, Chicago, Ilinols,may sell, f. o. b. plant, each Glider housetrailer described in subparagraph (1)below, at a price not to e.cscd $1220.76,plus federal excise tax, state and localtaxes on the sale or delivery of the housetrailer and any cost of transporting it tothe purchaser.

(1) Drscription. G(ldcr, ziedel 35 housetrailer, over-all dimensions 2,.G' long x 8'wide, cquipped with 7.60 x 10, 8 ply Lyn-thetle tires; and other detailed rpeclcatlouaincluded in the report filed with tis 03ce.

(b) Glider Trailer Company is au-thorized to suggest to resellers a resaleprice for the house trailer described Inparagraph (a) (1) consisting of the fol-lowing:

(1) Suggested resale price: $1,775.00.(2) Charges. (I) A charge for trans-

portation, if any, not to exceed the ac-tudl rail freight chare from the factoryat Chicago, Illinois, to the railroadfreight receiving station narest to theplace of business of the reseller.

(11) A charge equal to the chargemade by Glider Trailer Company tocover federal exclse taxes.

(ii) A charge equal to reeller's ex-pense for payment of state and localtaxes on the purchase, rale or deliveryof the house trailer.

(c) A reseller of Glider house trailersin any of the territories or pc=sesslons ofthe United States is authorizsd to c'l'the house trailer described in paragraph(a) at a price not to exceed the priceestablished in paragraph (b) to whichit may add a sum equal to the expanseincurred or charged to it for payment

of territorial and Insular taxes, on thepurchase, sale or introduction of thehouse trailer; export premium ; bomngand crating for export purposes; manneand war ris Insurance; and landing,wharfage and terminal operations.

(d) All requests not granted hereinare denied.(e) This order may be amended or

revosed by the Administrator at anytime.

Norz: Whoro tho manfc aturcez l n vcsharga to the rczsllcr l -incrsczzd er d _,I

from the poziou3 Involc2 charge bsuzatheminufaeturer ]:Ls a newly eztab1IzzhsI pzizzunder rzctlon 8 of Raeit-d Uehun. Price

g-ulatlon 135, due to cubztantial chn2--e indestgn, spcalificeton. or cquipmant of th3tra ler, the resller may add to its urica -nderparcraph (b) the Increas in prnes, plus tcuoamary nrmip on cuch a ccst Increse,but- In cars of a d~c= in the przez, th3rezsll2r must rcuca il price undsr pIaigraph(b) by the ameunt of the decrea and iticutm2ary marlup on such an amnunt.

This order shall become effective June15 1946.

Issued this 14th day of June, 190.PAun A. Po=, ,

Adruzstrator.I. F. Dee. 4G-20217; Fila, June 14, 1,246;

11:49 a.rn~L

[Lalp . Cie-der 5031R~r.HAED-MCC.U= Co.

APSOVAL 02' IAZIZIM PZICESFor the reasons set forth In an oplmon

Issued simultaneously herewith and fliedwith the Divi ion of the Federal Regis-ter, and pursuant to § 1499.153 of Maxi-mum Price Regulation ITo. 1C ; It zsordered:

(a) This order establishes ma =umprices for sales and deliveries of cer-tain articles manufactured by Reinhard-McCabe Company of 911 Hennepin Ave-nue, M1innepolis 3, .1innezata.

(1) For all sales and deliveries to thefollowing classes of purchasers by thecllers indicated below, the maximumprices are these set forth below:

These maximum prices are for the ar-tlcle3 described in the manufacturer's

application dated M.ay 9, 1046.(2) For Sales by the manufacturer, the

maximum prices apply to all sales andci, Iiverfes since Maximum Price Regula-tion 1¢o. 108 became aplcable to thosesales and deliveries. Thes prices aref. o. b. factory, and subtect to a. cashdiscount of 15c for payment within 10-

days, net 30 days.


Page 34: Federal Register: 11 Fed. Reg. 6661 (June 18, 1946). · 2015. 9. 28. · real or personal property, taken pur-suant to this order shall be terminated by the Director when he determines

FEDERAL REGISTER,. Tuesday, June 18, 1946

(3) For sales by persons other than themanufacturer, the maximum prices applyto all sales and deliveries after the effec-tive date of this order. Those prices aresubject to each seller's customary termsand conditions of sale on sales of similararticles.

(4) If the manufacturer wishes to makesales and deliveries to any other class ofpurchaser or on other terms and condi-tions of sale, he must apply to the Officeof Price Administration, under theFourth Pricing Method; § 1499,158 ofMaximum Price Regulation No. 188, forthe establishment of maximum prices forthose sales, and no sales or deliveries may.be made until maximum prices haye beenauthorized by the Office of Price Admin-istration.

(b) The manufacturer shall attach atag or label to every article for which amaximum price for sales to consumersis established'by this order. That tag orlabel shall contain the following state-ment:

OPA Retail Ceiling Price--$2.40 each.Do Not Detach or Obliterate

C) At the time-of, or prior-to, the firstinvoice to each purchaser for resale atwholesale, the manufacturer shall notifythe purchaser in writing of the maximumprices and conditions established by thisorder for sales by the purchaser. Thisnotice may be given in any convenientform.

(d) This order may be revoked oramended by the Price Administrator atany time.

(e) This order shall become effectiveon the 15th day of June 1946.

Issued this 14th day of June 1946.PAUL A. -PORTER,

Admnistrator. -

IF. R. Doc. 46-10218; Flied, June 14, 1946;11:43 a. in.]

[MPR 691. Order 6201



For the reasons set forth in an opinionIssued simultaneously herewith and filedwith the Division of the Federal Registerand pursuant to section 9 of MaximumPrice Regulation No. 591, It ts ordered.

(a) The maximum net prices, f. o. b.point of shipment, for sales by any per-son of the following beverage coolersmanufactured by Ibis ManufacturingCompany, Inc. of Dallas, Texas, and asdescribed in the application dated March21, 1941 which is on file with the Pre-fabrication and Building EquipmentPrice Branch, Office of Price Admlms-tration, Washington 25, D. C., shall be:

(b)' The maximum net prices estab-lished In (a) above may be increased bythe following amount to each class ofpurchaser to cover the cost of cratingwhen crating is actually supplied: $6.00.

(c) The maximum net prices estab-lished by this order shall be subject todiscounts and allowances and the ren-dition of services which are at least asfavorable as those which e4ch seller ex-tended or rendered or would have ex-tended or rendered to purchasers of thesame class on comparable sales of com-modities in the same general categoryon October 1, 1941.

(d) On sales by a bottler the follow-ing charges may be added to the maxi-mum prices established in (a) above:

(1) The actual amount of freight paidto obtain delivery to his place of busi-ness. Such charges shall not exceed thelowest common carrier rates.

(2) Crating charges actually paid tohis supplier but in no instance exceedingthe amount specified in (b) above.

(e) Each seller covered by this order,except a retailer, shall notify each of hispurchasers, in writing, at or before theissuance of the first invoice after the ef-fective date of this order, of the maxi-mum prices established by-ths order foreach such seller as well as the-maximumprices established for purchasers uponresale, except dealers, including allow-able transportation and crating charges.

(f) The This Manufacturing Companyshall stencil on the beverage cooler cov-ered by this order, substantially the fol-lowing:

OPAMaxinum Retail Price $218.00Plus freight and crating as piovlded In

Order Nb. 620 under Maximum Price Regu-lation No. 591.

(g) This order may be -revoked oramended. by the Price* Administrator atany time.

This order shall become effectiveJune 15, 1946.

Issued this 14th day of June 1946.,PAUL A. PORTER,

Administrator."[F, R. Doc. 46-10225; Fllqd, Juno 14, 1946;

11:44 a. m.]

[MPR 591, Order 617]



For the reasons set forth in an bplnionissued simultaneously herewith and filedwith the Division of the Federal Registerand pursuant to section 9 of MaximumPrice Regulation No. 591; It is ordered.

(a) The maximum net prices, f. o. b.point of manufacture, for sales by theL. J. Mueller Furnace Company of thefollowing gas conversion burner manu-factured by it and as described, in theapplication dated April 23, 1946, which ison file with the Building Mateials PriceBranch, Office of Price Administratign,Washington 25, D. C., shall be:

On Saei to-A

wifth Minneapolis.-Honeyt.well motor ratre Model 16V-1556,

Burner Complete WithLighter:

Model 500-125 ............ $G3. 68 $70. 20 $19,2 2 $127. (0Model.5.0.2. ............ 71287.2 .0.Burner Without Lighter:

Model 50-125 ............ 01, 2G 71.40] S9.23l 11900Moldel 500-175 ------- "58 73,20 91.t 200M ,odel 500-225A ----------.. . 7. 4 30 121.OD

Gas conerrrion burnersolithWhite-Rodgers diaphragmcalve, model No. 2l01

Burner Complete WithLighter:

Model 500-125 ............ 61.02 67.OS 7 4.7 113,00Model 50-175 ........... G3. 70.20 7.7 117,00Model 500-225 --... . 6420 71.40 9.25 119. 0

Burner without lighter:Model 500-125 ............ W,70 3.00 7817 10,00

Modl 500-175--------0..&q0 73.20 $1.7500 12W0

Model 600-225........ .0 794V.40 03,25 111.00

(b) The maximum prices establishedby this order Include the Industry-wideincreases over October 1,. 141 pricesgranted under section 2.8 (a) of Order 48Under Maximum Price Regulation No

591.(c) The. maximum net prices estab-

lished by this order shall be subJec to

discounts and allowances 'and the ren-dition of ser:ces which are at least asfavorable as those which each seller ex-Stendhd or rendered or would have ex-tended or rendered to purchasers of thesame class on comparable sales of sm-

ar commodities during March 1942.(d) Each seller coered bytthis order

except on sales to consumers, shall notifyeach of his purchasers, in writing, at orbefore thessuance of the frse Invoiceafter the effective date of this order, of

the maximum prices established by thilsorder for each such seller as well as the

maximum prices established for pur-chasers upon resale.

(e) Maximum prices for the commoditles covered by the order when sold onan Installed basis are subJec to the provisions of Revised Maximum Price Regu-

lation No. 251.fo This order may be revoked or

amended by the Price Administrator at

any time.This order shall become efffctcvh June

15, 1946.Issued this 14th day of June 1946

PAUL A. POTER,Administratora

I. R. Doc. 46-10222 Fled, Juno 1 940

11:42 a. in.]


Page 35: Federal Register: 11 Fed. Reg. 6661 (June 18, 1946). · 2015. 9. 28. · real or personal property, taken pur-suant to this order shall be terminated by the Director when he determines

FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, June 18, 1916[IPB, 591, Order 6181


For the reasons set forth in an opinionissued simultaneously herewith and filedwith the Division of the Federal Regis-ter and pursuant to section 9 of M.axi-mum Price Regulation No. 591, It isordered:

(a) The maximum net prices for salesby any person to consumers of the fol-lowing linoleum covered plywood cabinetand sink 'tops manufactured by HomeProducts Cdmpany of Los Angeles, Call-fornia and as described in the applica-tion dated May 16. 1946 shall be:

CAiBm-T Top Pnicrs

[Up to 2Y" widthl

With-Lengtl out Splash- Splash- Splash. Splash.(inches) splash- es 4" e m" ers 12"1 . IS;

ei s high high high high

162----- S. $13.23 814.25 $14.75 Mi~~-i ------ 10.0 14.90 15.90 0. 5 17.20. IL..... LO 16.25 17.Z5 I3.39 19.&

36 .--..... 13.15 17. SO 19. 2. 2.25 21 S2 14.40 i9.30 20.9 2L90 23.9W

4S.-- 15.60 20.-0 22.3 23.90 2,.C,4 --------- 16.00 2L65 24.15 25.63 23.05

G%4 ...... 18.15 23.90 2"D 27.V3 Z.0.63....-- 19.39 23.40 27. Z0 29.25 32.03

2 -.------- 22.45 30o.9 33.05 30 CO Z3.0579 ...-- - "23.65 32.40 34.75 30.90 40.15

-4Y2 ........- 24.-3 33.S0 35.40 3q.63 42.15- 20.0@53& 540 2& 05 40.50 44.15

963 -------- 27.30 37.00 3.75 42.20 40.231022 .... 2-.55 33. 0 4L4 44.15 43.23113V2----- 23.0 4.0.00 43.0(L 45. Q3 L0.M114 .----.. 3105 42.55 44.75 47.75 52.Z0120. -.... -- 33.90 40.65 50. 00 3.15 _.3123..--- 35. 00 3. 25 5L G5 54. 95 C.05322 ...-- 3,25 49.75 53.-0 ) .9' 62.0133. - 37. 50 51.3 54. 95 5K 65 6L151.44Y2:--:::: 7 532.90 36.6 60 G. 45 (55I50,--.... 40.00 54. 30 51Z .20 G3.20

65Y .------- 41.35 55.90 51.95 GL03 70. 0

Use next larger sze for intermediate sizes.


1. Back splash cut-out, complete: 15.85.2. Back splash cut-out, partial: $4.15.3. Back splas pipe chase, complete: C6.85.4. Back splash pipe chase, partial: $5.00.5. Back splash diagonal comer: $3.35.6. Deck pipe chase, complete: e5.85.7. Deck pipe chase, partial: $4.15.8. Deck outside diagonal cut: $2.50.9. Deck inside diagonal cut: $3.35.10. Electrical cut-out: $1.65.11. Joining strip for L or U shape: $4.15.'12. One piece L, Price as two tops using

wall dimension.13. One piece U; Price as three tops using

wall dimensions.14. Side splashers: 4" high: $4.15 each;

8" high: $5.00 each; 12" high: $5.85 each;18" high: $6.85 each.

CABnIs SInKSAll above prices are for cabinet tops only.

No preparation for. sink Is iicluded.For complete cabinet sinks, atd as fol-

lows: Customer furnishes bowl, preparationincludes: cut-out,-moulding, bolts, clips andwaterproof sealer:

(a) For sink bowls up to 2" long. Incl.(customer attaches bowl). $8.5.

(b) For sink bowls up to 30" long, incl.(customer attaches bowl)- $10.40..

(c) For sink bowls up to 42" long, Inc.(customer attaches bowl) * $12.50.

(b) On sales by any person to dealersthe maximum net prices f. o. b. point of

shipment shall be the maxlmum netprices specified in (a) above less a dis-count of 40 percent.

(c) On sales by any person to jobbersthe maximum net prices f. o. b. point ofshipment shall be the maximum netprices specified in (a) above less suc-cessive discounts of 40 and 20 percent.

(d) The maximum net prices etab-lished by this order shall be subject tocash discounts and allowances includingtransportation allowances at least asfavorable as those which each seller ex-tended or rendered or would have ex-tended or rendered to purchasers to thesame class on comparable sales of com-modities within the same general cate-gory during March 1942.

(e) The maximum prices on an in-stalled basis of the commodity coveredIn this order shall be determined In ac-cordance with the provisions of RevisedMaximum Price Regulation No. 251 asamended.

() Each seller covered by this order,except on sales to consumers, shall notifyeach of his purchasers, In writing, at orbefore the Issuance of the first invoiceafter the effective date of this order, ofthe maximum prices establiLshed by thisorder for each such seller as well as themaximum prices established for pur-chasers upon resale.

(g) This order may be revol:ed oramended by the Price Administrator atany time.

This order shall become effective June15th, 1946.

Issued this 14th day of June 1240.PAUL A. Poarga,

Admnistrator.IF. R. Dcc. 4G-10223; ilcd. June 14. l2.1;

11:42 a. m.l

[ZIPR 591, Ordcr 6191

BASIMUZE Wcoacn=r Co.


For the reasons set forth in an opinionIssued simultaneously herewith and filedwith the Division of the Federal R zgis-ter and pursuant to section 9 of Maxi-mum Price Rgulation No. 591, It is or-dered:

(a) The maximum net prices, f. o. b.point of shipment, for sales by any par-son of the following home freezer manu-factured by the Baseline Wooderaft Com-pany of Portland, Oregon, and as de-scribed in the applIdatlon dated Decem-ber 29, 1945, which is on file with theMechanical Building Equipment PriceBranch, Office of Price Administration,Washington 25, D. C.. shall be:

on trtao-

tritu- Dez! C--kia

12 Cu. ft h0=10 ftecrl bjli. Icncndng u unit- - -, t= -

(b) The maximum net prices estab-lished in (a) above may be increased bythe following amount to each class ofpurchaser to cover the cost of cratingwhen crating Is actually supplied: $5.CO.

(C) The maximum net prices estab-lished by this order shall be subject todiscounts and allowances and the rendi-tion of servlcez which are at least nsfavorable as those which each seller ex-tended or rendered or would have ex-tended or rendered to purchasens of thesame class on comparable sales of on-lar commodities in the same generalcategory on October 1, 1941.

4d) On sales by a distributor or dealerthe following charges may be added tothe mazximum prices established in (a)above:

Ul) The actual amount of freight paidto obtain delivery to his place of business.Such charges Shall not exceed the Iowestcommon carrier rates.

(2) Crating charges actually pad tohis supplier but'in no instance exceedingthe amount specified In (b) above.

(e) Each seller covered by this order,except a dealer, shall notify each of hispurchasers, in writing, at or before theIssu:nce of the first invoice after theeffective date of this order.of the maxi-mum prices established by this order foreach such seller as well as the maximumprices established for purchasers uponresaie, except a dealer, including alIaw-able transportaton and crating charges.

(f) The Baseline Wooderaft Companyshall stencil on the inside of lid or coverof the home freezer covered by thisorder, substnntially the following:

OPA 212z.mum Reta l Price C.c1O

Plus frcl1iit and cratinZ rz praoided inOrdcr No. 619 under Uxilum Price E.sguT-tion N7o. 531.

(g) Thfs order may be revoLied oramended by the Price Administor atany time.

This order shall become effective June15th, 194G.

s.ued this 14th day of June 1946.

PAULA. P0n,,Adrnrnstrator.

[P. n. Dzz. 45-10221: Filed, June 14, 19!6;11:43 a. M.]

1L=R 591, Order 6,211

E. DzunnxAU1HOP1Z~I rO* r O ! fMXIU7.I PZICFS

For the reasons set forth In an opmion4ssued simultaneously herewith and filedwith the Division of the Federal Registerand pursuant to section 9 of MaximumPrice Regulation No. 591; It zs ordere.:

(a) The maximum net prices, f. o. b.point of shipment, for sales by any per-son of the following frozen food showcases and freezers manufactured by Mr.E. Dembel-, of Newarli, New Jersey, andas described in the application aated Feb-ruary 26, 1946, which Is on file with theM.ech-mancal Building Equipment PriceBranch, Office of Price Administration,Washington 25, D. C., shall be:

Page 36: Federal Register: 11 Fed. Reg. 6661 (June 18, 1946). · 2015. 9. 28. · real or personal property, taken pur-suant to this order shall be terminated by the Director when he determines

FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, June 18, 1946

On sales to-

D- Con.tribu- Dealers suertors smr

20 cu. ft. J hp. condensingunit ---------------- -$300 $80 0

15 cu. ft. ipcnesnunit -------------------- 2401 28S 40

(b) The maximum net prices estab-lished in (a) above may be increased bythe following amount to each class of-purchaser to cover the cost of cratingwhen crating is actually supplied: $6,00.

(c) The maximum net prices estab-lished by this order shall be subject to,discounts'and allowances 'nd the rendi-tion of services which are at least asfavorable as those which each seller ex-tended or rendered or would have ex-tended or rendered to purchasers of thesame class on comparable sales of similarcommodities in the same general cate-gory on October 1, 1941.

(d) On sales by a distributor or dealerthe following charges may be added to themaximum prices established in (a) above.

(1) The actual amount of freight paidto obtain delivery to his place of business.Such charges shall not exceed the lowestcommon carrier rates.

(2) Crating charges actually paid tohis supplier but In no instance exceedingthe amount specified in (b) above.

(e) Each seller covered by this order,except a dealer, shall notify each of hispurchaserst in writing, at or before theissuance of the first invoice after theeffective date of this order, of the maxi-mum prices established by this order for.each such seller as well as the maximumprices etablished for purchasers uponresale, except dealers including'allowabletransportation and crating charges.

(f) Mr. E. Dembek shall stencil on theshow case and freezer covered by thisorder, substantially the following:

OPA Maximum Retail Price-----

Plus freight and crating as provided inOrder No. 021 under Maximum Price Regula-tion No. 591.

(g) .This order may be revoked- oramended by the Price Adinnistrator atany time.

This order shall become effective June15th,'1946.

Issued this 14th day of June 1946.PAUL A. PORTER,

AdmznzstratorJF. R. Doe. 46-10226; Filed, June 14, 1946;

11:44 a.i.]

[MPR 591, Order 622]



For the reasons set forth in an opinionissued simultaneously herewith and filedwith.the Division of the Federal Registerand pursuant to section 9 of MaximumPrice Regulation No. 591, It is ordered:

(a) The maximum price excludingFederal excise tax for sales by any per-son to consumers of the following elec-tric water heater manufactured by In.

- 1

man Products of-Miami, Florida and de-scribed in its application dated March26, 1946 shall be:Model 13, 15 Gallon table top, water

heater, galvanized tank, insulated,single element ----------------- $79.50

(b) The maximum net price f. 0. b.point of, shipment, excluding Federalexcise tax, for sales by any erson, shallbe the maximum price specified in (a)above subject-to the following discounts:

1. On sales to dealers in quantities of 4heaters or less, a discount of 33 3 percent.

2. On sales to dealers in quantities of 5 ormore' heaters, a- discount of 40 percent.

3. On sales -to jobbers, a discount of 50percent.

(c) The maximum prices establishedby this order are subject to such furthercash discounts, transportation allow-ances and price differentials at least as-favorable as those which each seller ex-tended or rendered' or would have ex-tended or rendered during March 1942on commodities in the same generalcategory.

(d) The maximum prices on an in-stalled basis of the commodities coveredby thi$ order shall be determined in ac-cordance with Revised Maximum PriceRegulation No. 251.

(e) Each seller covered by this order,except on sales to consumers shall notifyeach of his purchasers, in writing, at orbefore the issuance of the first invoiceafter the effective date of this order, ofthe maximum prices established by thisorder for each such seller as well as themaximum prices established for pur-chasers except dealers upon resale.

Cf) Inman Products shall attach toea'ch wiater heater covered by this ordera tag containing the following:

OPA maximum retail price not installed,including actual Federal excise tax paid atsource-S- ... (Do Not Detach)

(g) This order may be revoked oramended by the Price Admimstrator atany time.

This order shall become effective June15,1946.

Issued this 14th day-of June 1946.PAUL A. PORTER,

AdmznzstratorIF. R. Doc. 46-10227; Filed, June 14, 1946;

11:39 a. m.]

IMPR 591, Order 623]


For the reasons set forth in an opinionIssued simultaneously herewith and filedwith the Division of the Federal Registerand pursuant to section 9 of MaximumPrice Regulation No. 591, It zs o.rdered.

(a) The maximum net prices, f. o. b.point of shipment, for sales by any per-son of the following Stokers manufac-tured by Nelson Brothers and StromCompany of Racine, Wisconsin and asdescribed In the application dated April24,1946 which is on file with the BuildingMaterials Price Branch, Office of Price

Administration, Washington 25, D. C,,shall be:

On sales to-.

Dis- Call-trlbu. Dcalers Con.tors suniers

Model No. 10-B-10, 20poundsper hour capacity-Iioapertypoautomatlo coal stoker.. $12. Co $161.20 $240.00Moedel No. 30-C-14, 1r-30pounds per hour capacity-

opper type automatic coalstoker ..................... 148. CO 173.25 2"5,00

(b) The maximum net prices estab-lished in (a) above reflect the Industry-wide increases over October 1, 1941prices authorized by section 2.2 (a) ofOrder No. 48 under Maximum Price Reg-ulation No. 591.

(c) The maximum net prices estab-lished by this order shall be subject todiscounts and allowances and the rendi-tion of services which are at least asfavorable as those which each seller ex-tended or rendered or would have ex-tended or rendered to purchasers of thesame class on comparable sales of similarcommodities during March 1942,

(d) Each' seller covered by this order,except on sales to consumers, shall notifyeach of the purchasers, in writing, at orbefore the issuance of the flrsb invoiceafter the effective date of this order, ofthe maximum prices established by thisorder for each such seller as well as themaximum prices established for pur-chasers upon resale.

(e) Maximum prices for the commod-ities in question when sold on an in-stalled basis are subject to the provisionsof Revised Maximum Price RegulationNo. 251.

(f) This order may be revoked oramended by the Price Administrator Atany time.

This order shall become effective June15th, 1946.

Issued this 14th day of June 1946.PAUL A. PORTER,

Administrator,iF R. Dbc. 46-10228; Filed, June 14, 1940;311:42 a. tn.]

(Rev. SO 119, Order 2541


For the reasons set forth in an opinionissued simultaneously herewith and filedwith the Division of the Federal Register,and pursuant to sections 15 and 16 of Re-vised Suliplementary Order No. 119, It Isordered:

(a) Manufacturer's ceiling V r i c c s.U. S. Slicing Machine Company of LaPorte, Indiana may compute its adjustedceiling prices for all meat and breadslicing machines which it manufacturesas follows:

(1) For an article in its line duringOctober 1941, the adjusted ceiling priceis the highest price charged during thatmonth to each *class of purchaser in-creased by 10.0 percent.

(2) ]'or an article not in its line dur-ing October 1941, but which has a prop-


Page 37: Federal Register: 11 Fed. Reg. 6661 (June 18, 1946). · 2015. 9. 28. · real or personal property, taken pur-suant to this order shall be terminated by the Director when he determines

FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, June 18, 1916erly established ceiling price, in effectbefore the effective.date of this order,the adjusted ceiling price is the article'sproperly established ceiling price for theparticular sale (exclusive of all permittedincreases or adjustment charges) in-creased by the percentage determined inaccordance with "Note 3" in section 8 ofRevised Supplementary Order No. 119.

(3) For an article which is first offeredfor sale after the effective date of thisorder, the adjusted ceiling price is themaxinum price hereafter properly de-termined or established in accordance-with Maximnum Price Regulation No. 186;and prices so fixed may not be increasedunder this order.

(4) The manufacturer's adjusted ceil-ing price fixed in accordance with thisorder islIns new ceiling price if it is higherthan his previously established ceilingprice including all increases and adjust-ments otherwise authorized for him in-dividually or for his industry.

The adjustment charge determined inaccordance with this order must be sep-arately stated by the manufacturer oneach invoice to a purchaser for resale.

(b) Resellers' ceiling prices. Resellersof an article which the manufacturer hassold at an adjusted ceiling price deter-mined under this order shall determinetheir maximum prices as follows:

A reseller who had a properly estab-lished maximum price in effect beforethis order was issued for an article cov-ered by this order may add to that max-imum price an adjustment charge inthe same, dollar-and-cents amount asthe adjustment charge authorized bythis order for, and which he has paidto his supplier.

If the reseller did not have a properlyestablished maximum price for the ar-ticle i effect before this order 'was is-sued he shall first determine a maximumprice (exclusive of adjustment charges)and to that price he may add an adjust-ment charge xi the same dollar-and-cents amount as the adjustment author-ized by this order for, and 'which he haspaid to, his supplier.. To find his max-imum price (exclusive of adjustment.charges)- for this purpose the resellershall add to his invoice cost, less the ad-justment charge stated on that invoice,the same percentage.mark-up which hehas on the 'most comparable article"for which he has pr6perly establishedceiling prices. For this purpose the"most comparable article" is the onewhich meets all of the-following tests:

(1), It belongs to the narrowest tradecategory which includes the article beingpriced.

(2) Both it and the article priced werepurchased from the same class of sup-plier.

(3) Both it and the article being pricedbelong to a class of articles to which,according to customary trade practices,an approximately uniform "'percentagemark-up is applied.

(4) Its net replacement cost is near-est to the net cost of the article beingpriced.

The determination of a ceiling pricein this way need not be reported to theOffice of Price Administration; however,each seller must keep complete recordsshowing all the information called for

by OPA Form 620-759 with regard tohow he determined his ceiling price, forso long as the Emergency Price ControlAct of 1942, as amended, remans Ineffect.

If the maximum resale price cannotbe determined under the above methodthe reseller shall apply to the OMfice ofPrice Administration for the establish-ment ol a ceiling price under § 1499.3(c) of the General Maximum Price Reg-ulation. Ceiling prices Established un-der that section will reflect the supplier'sprices as adjusted In accordance withthis order.

The provisions of Supplementary Or-der No. 153 shall not apply to resaleprices or articles covered by this order.

(c) Terms of sale. Maximum price3adjusted by this order are subject toeach seller's terms, discounts, allow-ances and other price differentials Ineffect during March 1942, or which have

'been properly established under the ap-plicable OPA regulation.

(d) Modification. At the time of, orprior to the first invoice to a purchaserfor resale, showing a price adjusted inaccordance with the terms Qf this order,the seller shall notify the purchaser Inwriting of the methods established In par-agraph (b) of this order for determiningadjusted maximum prices for resales ofthe articles covered by this order. Thisnotice may be given In any convenientform.

(e) Revocation or amendment. Thisorder may be revoked or amended bythe Price Administrator at any time.

f) Effective date. This order shallbecome effective on the 15th day of June1946.

Issued this 14th day of June 1946.P.uL A. Poanzin,

Administrator.[F. R. Doc. 46-10229; Flled. June 14, 14;

11:41 a. n.]

[Rev. SO 119, Ordcr 2,551HEY'ooD-WM-EFrz Co.


For the reasons set forth In an opinionissued simultaneously herewith and filedwith the Division of the Federal Register,and pursuant to sections 15 and 16 ofRevised Supplementary Order No. 119,it is ordered:

(a) Manufacturer's ceiling prices.Heywood-Wakefield Company. Gardner,Massachusetts, may compute Its adjustedceiling prices for all tubular steel andwood school furniture which it manu-factures as follows:

(1) For an article in its line duringOctober 1941, the adjusted ceiling price isthe highest price charged during thatmonth to each class of purchaser In-created by 18.57 percent.

(2) For an article not in Its line duringOctober 1941, but which has a properlyestablished ceiling price, In effect beforethe effective date of this order, the ad-justed ceiling price is the article's prop-erly established ceiling price for the par-ticular sale (exclusive of all permittedIncreases or adjustment .charges) in-creased by the percentage determined In

accordance with "N~ote 3" in section a ofRevised Supplementary Order No. 119.

$3) For an article which is first offeredfor sale after the effective date of thisorder, the adjusted ceiling price is themaximum price hereafter properly deter-mined or estblished in accoroance withManimum Price Regulation No. 163; andprices so flxed may not be increasedunder this order.

(4) The manufacturer's adjusted ceil-ing price fixed In accordance with thisorder Is his new ceiling price if It ishigher than his prevwously establishedceiling price including all increases andadjustments otherwise authorized forhim Individually or for his industry.

In all other respects, the provisions ofOrder No. 11 under § 1499.159e of Max-imum Price Regulation No. 183, includingInvoicing and reporting provisions anddetermination of reeller' prices, applyto maximum prices of tubular steelschool furniture adjusted In accordancevwith this order, and which falls witlhinthe definition of "metal commercial fur-niture" a, set forth in that order.

The adjustment charge determined miaccordance with this order must bmsepa-rately stated by the manufacturer oneach invoice to a purchaser for resale ofarticles of school furniture not coveredby Order No. 11 under § 1499.159e ofM.aximum Price Regulation No. 1.

(b) Resellers' ceiling prices. Rezellersof an article not covered by Order No. 11which the manufacturer has sold at anadjusted celing price determined underthis order shall determine their max-imum prices as follows:

A rezeller who had a properly estab-lished maximum price in effect beforethis order was Issued for an article cov-ered by this order may add to that max-imum price an adjusted charge i thesame dollar-and-cents amount as theadjustment charge authorized by thisorder for, and which he had paid to hissupplier.

If the rezeller did not have a prop-erly established maximum price for the -article in effect before this order wasIssued he shall first determine a m=a-mum price (exclusive of adjustmentcharges) and to that price he may addan adjustment In the same dollar-and-cents amount as the adjustment author-ized by this order for, and which he haspaid to his supplier. To find his mam-mum price' (excluAve of adjuvtmentcharges) for this purpose the reseller,hall add to his Invoice cost, 'less the ad-justment charge stated on that invoice,the same percentage markup which hehas on the "most comparable article'for which he has properly establishedceiling prices. For this purpose the"mozt comparable article" is the onewhich meets all of the following tests:

(1) It belongs to the narrowest tradecategory which includes the article beingpriced.

(2) Bath it and the article bamgpriced were purchased from the sameclass of supplier.

$3) Both It and the article beingpriced belong to a clas of articles towhich, according to customary tradepractices, an approximately uniformpercentage markup is applied.


Page 38: Federal Register: 11 Fed. Reg. 6661 (June 18, 1946). · 2015. 9. 28. · real or personal property, taken pur-suant to this order shall be terminated by the Director when he determines

FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, June 18, 1946

(4) Its net replacement cost is near-est to the net cost of the article beingpriced.

The determination of a ceiling price inthis way need not be reported to theOffice of Price Administration; however,each seller must keep complete recordsshowing all the information called forby OPA Form 620-759 with regard tohow he determined'his ceiling price, forso long as the Emergency Price ControlAct of 1942, as amended, remains ineffect.

If the maximum resale price cannotbe determined under the above methodthe reseller shall apply to the Office ofPrice Administration for the establish-ment of a ceiling price under § 1499.3 (c)of the General Maximum Price Regula-tion. Ceiling prices established underthat section will reflect the supplier'sprices as adjusted in accordance withthis order.

The provisions of SupplementaryOrder No. 153 shall not apply to resaleprices or articles covered by this order.

(c) Terms of sale. Maximum prices/of articles adjusted by this order andwhich are not covered by Order No. 11are subject to each seller's terms, allow-ances and other price differentials ineffect during M;rch 1942, or which havebeen properly established under the ap-plicable OPA regulation.

(d) Notification. At the time of orprior to the first invoice to a purchaserfor resale of articles not covered by OrderNo. 11, showing a price adjusted in ac-cordance with the terms of this order,the seller shall notify the purchaser inwriting of the methods established inparagraph (b) of this order for deter-mining adjusted maximum prices for re-sales of the articles covered by this order.This notice may be given in any con-venient form.

(e) Revocation or amendment, Thisorder may be revoked or amended by thePrice Administrator at any time.

Cf) Effective date. This order shallbecome effective on the 15th day of June,1946.

Issued this 14th day of June 1946.

PAUL A. PORTER,Admirnstrator

Jr. R. Doe. 46-40230: Filed, June 14, 1946;11:41 a. m.]

.[SO 133, Order 49]INDIAN SPLINT, INC.

ADSUSTLTENT OF ZIAXIMOt PRICESFor the reasons set forth in an opinion

issued simultaneously herewith, and filedwith the Division of the Federal Register,and pursuant to Supplementary OrderNo. 133, it is ordered:

(a) Manufacturer's maximum przces.Indian Splint, Inc., 56 Rutter Street,Rochester 6, New York, may increase itsmaximum prices properly established un-der Maximum Price Regulation No. 188(exclusive of any adjustment charges)for articles of wood and upholstered fur-niture, which it manufactures by 9.5 per-cent of eacl such maximum price.

(b) Resellers' ceiling przces. Resell-ers of articles which the manufacturer

has sold at an adjusted ceiling pricedetermined under this order shall deter-mine their maximum prices as follows:(1) A retailer who must determine his

ceiling price under Maximum Price Regu-lation No. 580 and a wholesaler who mustdetermine his ceiling prices under Maxi-mum Price Regulation No. 590, shal com-pute their ceiling prices in the manner'provided 'by those regulations. How-ever, if the supplier's invoice states bothan "unadjusted maximum price" and a.selling price, the reseller shall computehis ceiling ,prices under those regulationsas they have been modified by Order No.4800 under § 1499.159b of Maximum Price

.Regulation No. 188.(2) Areseller who determines his max-

imum resale price under the GeneralMaximum Price Regulation, and-whosesupplier's invoice states both an "unad-justed maximum price" and a sellingprice, shall compute his ceiling price-under that regulation as modified by-Order No. 4800'under § 1499.159b of Max-imum Price Regulation No. 188.

If his supplier's invoice does not statean "unadjusted maximum- price", thereseller shall calculate his ceiling pricesby adding to his invoice cost the samepercentage mark-up which he had on the"most comparable article" for which hehas a properly established ceiling price.For this purpose, the "most comparablearticle" is the one which meets all of thefollowing tests:(i) It belongs to the narrowest trade

category which includes the article be-ing priced.

Cii) Both it and the article beingpriced were purchased from the sameclass of supplier.

(iii) Both it and the article beingpriced belong to a class of article towhich, according to customary tradepractices, an approximately uniform pef-centage mark-up is applied.

(iv) Its net replacement cost is near-est to the net cost of the article beingpriced.

The determination of a ceiling 'pricein'thIs way need not be reported to theOffice of Price Administration; however,each seller must keep complete, recordsshowing all -the information called forby OPA Form No. 620-759 with regardto how he determined his ceiling price,for so long as the Emergency Price Con-trol Act of 1942, as amended, remains ineffect.

If the maximum resale price cannotbe determined under the above method,the reseller shall apply to the Office ofPrice Administration for' the establish-ment of a ceiling price under §1499.3 (c)

-of the General Maximum Price Regula-tion. Ceiling prices established underthat section will reflect the supplier'sprices as adjusted in accordance withthis order.(3) The provisions of Supplementary

Order No. 153 shall not apply to the de-termination of ceiling prices for resalesof articles covered by this order.(c) Terms of sale. Ceiling prices ad-

justed by this order are subject to eachseller's terms, discounts, and allowanceson sales to each class of purchaser ineffect during March 1942, or. thereafter,property established under Office of PriceAdmimstratior regulations.

(d) Notiflcation. At the time of, orprior to the first invoice to a purchaserfor resale on and after the eff ctive dateof this order, showink prices adjustedin accordance with this order, the sellershall notify the purchaser In writing ofthe method established in paragraph (b)of this order for determining adjustedmaximum prices for resale of the articles.This notice may be given in any, conveni-ent form.

(e) The manufactur.er shall file thereport described in section 5 of Supple-mentary Order No. 133 with the Offleb

,of Price Administration, Washington 25,D. C., and shall comply with the invoic-ing and reporting provisions of OrderNo. 4800 under Maximum Price Regula-tion No. 188.

Cf) This order may be revoked oramended by the Price Administrator atany time.

(g) This order shall become effectiveon the 15th day of June 194L_

Issued this 14th day of June 1946.

PAUL A. PORTER,Administrator,

[F R. Doe. 46-10231: Flied, JUne 14, 1940;,11:43 a. m.]

[SO 133, Order 50]CENTRAL DEsK Mro. Co.

ADJUSTMENT OF ,IAxILIUmI PRICESFor, the reasons set forth In an opin-

ion issued simultaneously herewith andfiled with the Division of the FederalRegister, and pursuant to Supplemen-tary Order No. 133, it is ordered:

(a) Manufacturer's maximum Prices,The Central Desk Manufacturing Com-pany, 454-456 Armour Street, Chicago,Illinois, may increase by 5 per cent, Itsmaximum prices In effect Immediatelyprior to Aigust 14, 1945, for sales of woodoffice.furniture which It manufactures.

(b) Maximum Prices o1 Purchasers forresale. Resellers of any article which themanufacturer has sold at an adjustedceiling-price determined under this ordershall determine their maximum prices asfollows:

A reseller who had a properly estab-lished maximum price In effect beforethis order was Issued for an article cov-ered by this order may add to that maxi-mum price an adjustment charge In thesame dollar-and-cents amount a theadjustment charge authorized by this or-der for, and which he has paid to, hi;supplier.

If the reseller did not have a properlyestablished maximum price for the ar-ticle in effect before this order was Is-sued he shall first determine a maximumprice (exclusive of adjustment charges),and to that price he may add an adjust-ment charge in the same dollar-and-cents amount as the adjustment author-ized by this order for, and which he hagpaid, to his supplier. To find his maxi-mum price (exclusive of adjustmentcharges) for this purpose the resellershall add to his invoice cost, less an ad-justment charge stated on that invoice,the same percentage markup which hehas on the "most comparable article"


Page 39: Federal Register: 11 Fed. Reg. 6661 (June 18, 1946). · 2015. 9. 28. · real or personal property, taken pur-suant to this order shall be terminated by the Director when he determines

FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, June 18, 19-16for which he has a properly establishedceiling price. For this purpose the "mostcomparable article" is the one whichmdets all of the follQwmg tests:

(1) It belongs to the narrowest tradecategory which includes the article being

-priced.(2) Both it and the article being

priced were purchased from the sameclass of supplier.

(3) Both it and the article beingpriced belong to a class, of articles towhich, according to customary tradepractices, an approximately uniformpercentage markup is applied.

(4) Its net replacement cost is nearestto the net cost of the article being priced.

The determination of a ceiling pricein this way need not be reported to theOffice-of Price Admimstration; however,each seller must keep complete recordsshowing all the information called for byOPA Form 620-759 with regard to howhe determined his ceiling prices, for solong as the Emergency Price Control Actof 1942, as amended, remains in effect.

If the maximum resale price cann6t bedetermined under the above method thereseller shall apply to the Office of PriceAdministration for the establishment ofa ceiling price under § 1499.3 (c) of theGeneral Maximum Price Regulation.Ceiling prices established under that sec-tion will reflect -the- supplier's prices asadjusted in accordance with this order.

(c) -Terms of sale. Maximum pricesadjusted by this order are subject to eachseller's terms, discounts, allowances, andother price differentials, in effect duringMarch, 1942, or which have been properlyestablished under the applicable OPAregulation.

(d) Notification. At the time of, orprior to the first inVoice to a purchaserfor resale showing a maximum price ad-

- 3usted in accordance with the terms of-this order, the seller shall notify such-purchaser in writing of the methods es-tablished in paragraph (b) for determin-ing adjusted maximum prices for salesof the articles covered by this order. Thisnotice may be given in any convenientform.(e) Reports. The manufacturer shall

file the report described in section 5 ofSupplementary Order No. 133 with theOffice of Price Adminstration, Washing-ton 25, D. C.

(f) Revocation or amendment. Thisorder may be revoked or amended by thePrice Administrator at any time.

(g) The prodvsons of SupplementaryOrder No. 153 shall not apply to resaleprices of articles covered by this order.

(h) Effective date. This order shallbecomd effective on the 15th day of June1946.

Issued this 14th day of June 1946.PAUL A. PoRTEn,

Administrator.IF. R. Doe. 46-10232; Filed, June 14, 1946;

• 11:43 a. m.]

[SO 133, Order 51]

JoNsoN CHiA Co.ADJsUsIENT or M= = PRIcEs

For the reasons set forth in an opJI onissued simultaneously herewith and fled

with the DivIson of the Fcderal Rnegiter,and pursuant to Supplementary OrderNo. 133, It is ordered:

(a) Manufacturer's maximumn price.The 'Johnson Chair Company, 4401V7.

North Avenue, Chicago, Illinois, may in-crease by 3.9 percent, Its maximum price,in effect immediately prior to the issu-ance of this order, for sales of wood officechairs which It manufactures.

(b) M rmum prices of purchzasers forresale. Resellers of any article whichthe manufacturer has sold at an adjustedceiling price determined under this ordershall determine their maximum prices asfollows:

A reseller who had a properly estab-lished maximum price in effect beforethis order was issued for an article cov-ered by this order may add to.that max-imum price an adjustment charge In thesame dollar-and-cents amount as theadjustment charge authorized by thisorder for, and which he has paid to, hissupplier.

If the reseller did not have a properlyestablished maximum price for the arti-cle in effect before this order was isue:dhe shall first determine a maximum price(exclusive of adjustment charges), andto that price he may add an adjustmentcharge in the same dollar-and-centsamount as the adjustment authorized byfhis order for, and which he has paid,to his supplier. To find his maximumprice (exclusive of adjustment charges)for this purpose the reseller shall add tohis Invoice cost, less an adjustmentcharge stated on that invoice, the camepercentage markup which he has on the"most comparable article" for which hehas a properly established ceiling price.For this purpose the "most comparablearticle" is the one which meets all of thefollowing tests:

(1) It belongs to the narrowest tradecategory which includes the article be-ing priced.

(2) Both It and the article beingpriced were purchased from the sameclass of supplier.

(3) Both It and the article baingpriced- belong to a efass of articles towhich, according to customary -tradepractices, an approximately uniformpercentage markup is applied.

(4) Its net replacement cozt is near-est to the net cost of the article, beingpriced.

The determination of a ceiling priceIn this way need not be reported to theOffice of Price Administration; how-ever, each seller must keep completerecords showing all the informationcalled for by OPA Form 620-759 withTegard to how he determined his ceilingprices, for so long as the EmergencyPrice Control Act of 1942, as amended,remains in effect.

Tf the maximum resale price cannotbe determined under the above methodthe reseller shall apply to the Ofces ofPrice Administration for the establish-meent of a ceiling price under § 1499.3(c) of the General Maximum Price Rea-ulatlon. Ceiling prices established un-der that section will reflect the supplier'sprices as adjusted in accordance withthis order.

(c) Terms of sale. Maximum pricesadjusted by this order are subject to each

eller's terms, discounts, allowances, andother price differentials, in effect durngMarch 1942, or which have been prop-erly eztabllshed under the applicableOPA re-ulation.

(d) Notification. At the time of, orprior to the first invoice to a purchaserfor resale showing a maximum price ad-justed In accordance with the terms ofthis order, the seller shall notify suchpurchaser in writing of the methods es-tablished in paragraph (b) for deter-mining adjusted maximum prices forsales of the articlescovered by this order.This notice may be given in any con-venient form.

(e) Reports. The manufacturer shallfile the report described in section 5 ofSupplementary Order No. 133 with theOfflce of Price Administration, Washing-ton 25, D. C.

(f) Revacation or amendment. Thisorder may be revoked or amended by thePrice Administrator at any time.

(g) The provisions of SupplementaryOrder 11o. 153 shall not apply to resaleprices of articles covered by this order.

Oh) Effective date. This order shallbecome effective on the 15th day of June1946.

Issued this 14th day of June 1946.PAuL A. PonTxE,


IF. R. Diz. 46-10233; Filcd. June 14, 1946;11:42 a. m.]

[SO 142, Order 141]

Scnres Moron Co.ADJU5 -UE o S' 1ATI "


Order No. 141 under SupplementaryOrder No. 142. Adjustment. provisionsfor sales of Industnal machinery andequipment. Scripps Motor Company.Dccl:et No. 6033-SO 142-136-514.

For reasons set forth in an opinionissued simultaneously herewith and filegwith the Division of the Federal Registerand pursuant to section 2 of Supple-mentary Order No. 142, It zs o-dcred:-

(a) 9he maximum prices for sales byScrippis Motor Company, 5317 L:ncolnAvenue, Detroit 8, Michigan of all itsproducts, which are covered by any ofthe regulations listed in SupprementaryOrder No. 142, shall be determined byIncreasing by 23.3% the maximum pricesfor thee products in effect.just prior toApril 12, 1IZ.

(b) The maximum prices for sales byresellers of the products described inparagraph (a) above shall be determinedas follows: The reseller shall increasethe maximum net prices he had in effectto a purchazer of the same class. justprior to the issuance of this order, by thepercentage amount by which his net in-voiced cozt has been increased by reasonof this order.

(c) The Scripps Motor Company -hallnotify each purchaser, who buys theproducts listed in paragraph (a) abavefor resale of the percentage amount bywhich this order permits the reseler toIncrease his maximum net price. Acopy of each such notice shall be filedwith the Machinery Branch, Office ofPrice Administration, Washington, D. C.


Page 40: Federal Register: 11 Fed. Reg. 6661 (June 18, 1946). · 2015. 9. 28. · real or personal property, taken pur-suant to this order shall be terminated by the Director when he determines

FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, June 18, 1946

(d) All requests not granted hereinare denied.

(e) This order may be revoked oramended by the Price Administrator atany time.

This order shall become effective June14th, 1946.

Issued this 14th day of June 1946.PAuL A. PORTER,


[F. R. Doc. 46-10234; Filed, June 14, 1946;11:44 a. m.]



For the reasons set forth in an opinionIssued simultaneously herewith and filedwith the Division of the Federal Register,and pursuant to section 11a of MaximumPrice Regulation No. 599; It is ordered.

,(a) This order establishes ceilingprices for sales of automobile radios soldby the Pontiac Motor Division of GeneralMotors Corporation which are alreadyinstalled or are to be installed in motorcars of its manufacture.

(b) The ceiling prices for sales by thePontiac Motor Division of General Mo-tors Corporation, its dealers and distrib-utors, of the radios listed below, are theprices set forth opposite each radio forsales to each class of purchaser underthe terms and conditions of sale specified.

Ceiling prices to-

Distrlbut 'Dealers Con-tors sumers

Article-and _Model

Auto radio, No.94171 -. $--- $32.77 137.281 35.21$40. .

These ceiling prices are subject to thesame terms and conditions of sale in-cluding provision for transportationcharges to which ceiling prices of extraor optional equipment or accessories soldby the Pontiac Motor Division of Gen-eral Motors Corporation, are subjectunder the provisions of Maximum PriceRegulations 594, 452, 453 and ordersthereunder. If thote regulations ororders do not expressly cover a particulartype of sale, these ceiling prices are sub-ject to the seller's customary terms, dis-counts, allowances, and other differ-entials for such a sale. The ceiling priceson an uninstalled basis do not includethe prices of any antenna. The ceilingprices for sales on an installed basiscover the cost of the antenna aild allallowable installation charges for theantenna as well as the radios.

(c) The peiling prices fixed by this,order are exclusive of Federal excisetaxes. In addition to these ceiling prices

each seller may collect the amount ofthe Federal excise taxes. State and localtaxes may also be collected.

(dWY Sellers of the radios covered by'this order are not required to complywith the tagging requirements of Maxi-mum Price Regulation No. 599 but at thetime of or prior to the first invoice to apurchaser for resale of such radio eachseller shall notify the purchaser of theceiling prices, terms and conditions ofsale established by the order.

(e) Description. (1) Auto radio,Model No. 984171 is a 7 tube, 1 band,battery power radio with an 8" speaker,metal case, 9% x 92 7A. x 61162, and an-tenna designed for installation In auto-mobiles manufactured by the Pontiac1Votor Division of General Motors Corpo-ration.

This order may be revoked or amendedby the Price Administrator at any time.

This order shall become effective onthe 14th day of June 1946.

Issued this 14th day of June 1946.

PAUL A. PORTER,Administrator

[F. R. Doc. 46-10271; Filed, June 14 1946;4:31 p.m.]

[Rev. SO 119, Order 261.]



For the reasorns set forth in an i nionIssued simultaneously herewith and filedwith the Division of the Federal Register,and-pursuant to Section 12 of RevisedSupplementary Order No. 119, it Is or-dered:

(a) Adjustiient o ceiling prices. Theceiling prices to each class of purchaserestablished by Order No. 4631 under§ 1499.158 of Maximum Price RegulationNo. 188 for carpet sweepers manufacturedby the White Aircraft Corporation, Pal-mer, Massachusetts, may be increased by10 percent.

The ceiling pribes as adjusted by thisorder shall apply only to carpet sweepers-which are delivered by White AircraftCorporation on or after the effective dateof this order, to a purchaser for resale.

(b) Relation of this order to Order No.4631. All the provisions of Order No. 4Q31under § 1499.158 of Maximum Price Reg-ulation No. 188 not expressly mconsistentwith this order shall continue to apply toall sales and deliveries by all types of sell-ers-of articles whose ceiling prices areadjusted by this order.

(c) All requests contained In the ap-plication for price adjustment filed bythe White Aircraft Corporation, and as-signed OPA Docket No. 6069-SO 119-46c,not specifically granted by this order arehereby denied.

(d) The provisions of SupplementaryOrder-No, 153 shall have no applicationto any sale or delivery of any article sub-Ject to this order.

(e) This order may be revoked oramended by the Price Administrator atany time.

This order shall become effective on the14th day of June, 1946.

ssued this 14th day of June 1940.

PAUL A. PORTER,Administrator

JF. R. Doc. 46-10273; Filed, Juno 14, 1940;4:31,p. m.1

[Rev SO 11, Oraer 1 Under Order 1921AMERICAN IRONING MACMinE Co.

ADJUSTMENT OF CEILING PRICESFor the reasons set forth in an opinion

Issued simultaneously herewith and filedwith the Division of the Federal Register,and pursuant to Order No. 192 under Re-vised Supplementary Order No. 119; It isordered:

(a) Manufacturer's ceiling prices.The American Ironing Machine Com-pany, Algonquin, Illinois, shall determineIts ceiling price for each Ironing, machineof its manufacture which it sells on orafter the effective date of this order, byincreasing the price determined for themachine in accordance with the provi-sions of section 3 or 7 of Revised Maxi-mum Price Regulation No.-86 (not In-cluding ary adjustment under sections 5or 5a of that regulation or under anyorder previously Issued under Supple-Mentary Order No. 119, as amended orrevised), by 29.0 percent.

(b) Distributors' ceiling prices. Dis--tributors shall redetermine or determine

their ceiling prices for sales to dealers ofeaoh of the models listed In paragraph(c) below and Purchased by them at ceil-ing prices which Include the manufac-turer'§ adjustment authorized by para-graph' (a) of 'this order In accordancewith the provisions of section 15 of Re-vised Maximum Price Regulation No. 86,

(c) Dealers' ceiling prices. The ceil-ing prices for sales In each zone to ulti-.mate consumers of the five models ofironing machines listed below by dealerswho have purchased the machines atceiling prices determined In accordancewith paragraph (a) or (b) of this orderare as follows:

Coiling prices for sais to ultimatecon3fimeCr


Zonal Zono 2 Zones

S463 ............. $35.75 $37.25 $3,.75S464 ............ 40.50 49.00 51. M

467 ............ 81.25 88.25 91.25S469........... 103.25 113,25 11825S 469X .......... 104.00 109.00 114.00

(d) For purposes of this order zones1, 2 and 3 comprise the following states:

Zone 1. Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, Wis-consin, Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky, Tenneseo,West Virginia, Illinois, and Indiana.

Zone 2. North Dakota, South Dakota, Ne-braska, Kansas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louis.lane, Mississippi, Alabama, Cleorgia, SouthCarolina, North Carolina, Virginia, Maryland,Delaware, Pennsylvania, Now York, Now Jor-soy, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachu-setts, Vermont, Novi Hampshire and the Dis-trict of Columbia.

Page 41: Federal Register: 11 Fed. Reg. 6661 (June 18, 1946). · 2015. 9. 28. · real or personal property, taken pur-suant to this order shall be terminated by the Director when he determines

FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, June 18, 1916Zone 3. Washington, Oregon, California,

Arizona, Nevada, Utah, Idaho, montana, Wy-oIng, Colorado, New M.es co, Texas, Florida,and Mine.

(e) Notifieation. At the time of, orprior to, the first invoice to each distrib-utor covering an iromng machine saldby the manufacturer at ceiling prices de-termined under this order, the manufac-turer shall notify hun of the method ofdetermining ceiling prices established bythis order for resale by the distributors.This notice may be given in any con-venient form.

(W Labelling. The manufacturershall comply with the labelling require--ments of section 19 of Revised MaximumPrice Regulation No. 86, except that hemay attach thelabel required by thit sec-tion to the porcelain table top On cabinetnmodels, and on portable models he mayattach the label to the base which sup-ports the mechamsm

(g) Rela onshup to Revmsed MaxmurnPrice Regulation No. 86 and Order No.66 under Revised Supplementary OrderNo. 119. The ceiling prices establishedby-this order supersede those establishedby Order No. 66 under SupplementaryOrder No. 119 or Order No. 10 under Max-Imumn Price Regulation No. 86 with re-spect fGo any ironing machines sold bythe manufacturer at prices adjusted Inaccordance with this order. All the pro-visions of Revised Maximum Price Reg-ulation No. 86 continue to apply to allsales and deliveries covered bythis order,except to the extent that these provisionsare modified by this order.

(h) Definitions. Unless the contextrequires otherwise, the definitions setforth in the various sections of MaximumPnceRegulation No. 86 shall apply to theterms used herein.

W1) This order may be revoked oramended by the Price Adminitrator atany tim.

This order shali'become effective onthe 14th day of June 1946.

This order shall cease to be effdctive 90days from the effective date.

Issued this 14th day of June 1946.PAuL A. PoTaa,

Admistrator.[F. R. Doc. 46-10272; Filed, June 14, 1946;

4:32 p. m.l

ISO 142, Order 142]ExEoumIrr, INC.


Order No. 142 under SupplementaryOrder No. 142. Adjustment provisionsfor sales of industrial machinery andequipment. Esecutone, Incorporated.Docket No. 6033-S. 0. 142-136=588.

For the reasons set forth in an 6pinionissued Simultaneously herewith and filedwith the Division of the Federal Registerand pbrsuant to Section 2 of Supple-mentary Order No. 142; It is ordered:

(a) The maximum prices for sales byExecutone, Incorporated of all its prod-ucts, which are covered by any of theregulations listed in Supplementary Or-der No. 142 shall be determined by in-

No. il8---6

creasing by 24.0% the maximum pricesfor these products In effect on larch 31,1946.

(b) The maximum prices for salez byresellers of Executone, IncorporatedInter-communicating Units and partsthereof, and public addr&es systems, andparts 'thereof, shall be determined asfollows: Thas resellers shall Increasetheir mnaximum net prices In effect jutprior to the issuance of this order to apurchaser of the same cla-s by the samepercentage by which their net Invoicedcosts have been increased by rc',on ofthis order.

(c) The maximum prices for sales byresellers, other than retailers, of wIre andcable'purchased from Executone, Incor-porated, shall be determined as follows:The resellers shall Increase their max!-mum net prices in effect Just prior to theissuance of this order to a purchaser ofthe same class by the same percentageby which their net invoiced costs havebeen increased by reason of this order.

(d) Executone, Incorporated, NeWYork. New York. shall notify each'pur-chaser who purchazes any of the prod-ucts described in paragraph (a) abovefor resale of the percentage amount bywhich this order permits the rezeller toincrease his maximum net pricez. Acopy of each such notice shall be filedwith the Machinery Branch, Office ofPrice Administration. Washington 25,D.C.

(e) All requests not cranted herein aredenied.

(f) This order may be revoked oramended by the Price Administrator atany time.

This order shall become effective June14, 1946.

Issued this 14th day of June 190.PAUL A. P0:,

Admmistrator.IF. R. Doe. 46-10274; :rled, Juno 14, 1r£O;

4:31 p. mL

[RPS 40, Ordler =OlBroir-z tam CopPR IISECT ScREr= CL0oH

ADJUSTA n PInIrG Onasn 170.1 CEnRT=sA=~ BY riiirAcrunrs

The OMce of Price Administration hasin progress an Industry-wide survey ofthe prevailing cost-mimum price re-lationships for manufacturers' soles ofbronze and copper insect screen clothsub3ect to Revised Price Schedule No. 40.At least 90 percent of the affected manu-facturers also manufacture ferrous in-sect screen cloth. For their sales of theferrous insect screen cloth, they havebeen authorlzed by the Offce of PriceAdministration to operate under adju-, -able pricing. The industry requ-c-dthat a similar authorization be extendedto their sales of bronze and copper In-sect screen cloth as well.

The granting of such authorizationIs approached with caution by the OfIfceof Price Administration where the bulkof commodities Involved reach the ulti-mate consumer through vadcid and oftencomplex channels of distribution, as isthe case with most commodities subject


to the control of the rIec Build-ing Equipment Price Branch.- Hewaver,such authorization, In the opinion of theAdmin'tr aor, may be more safelygratnted in the case of induztn3l saIs,L e. on sEIre to purchaser who inzorpo-rate the affected commo-dity in comi-rmdi-ties of their o-m manufacture.

In the opinion of the Price Admins-trator, panding final action on the indu-try-wide price increase prop-2,L thisauthorization is 1e C---e r at least to theextent stated above, in order to promoteproduction of scrEen cloth, and under thecircumstancrs io limited, will not inter-fere with the provisions of the Emer-gency Price Control Act of 1942. asamended.

After due conzideration of the fore-going and pursuant to section 1346.2a ofRevized Price Schedule No. 4---Build-era' Hardware and Insect Screen Cloth,It Is ordered:

t) Manufacturers of bronze andcopper Insect screen cloth, on the= salesof such cloth to manufacturers who in-corporate it In other commodities, areauthorized to sell, and such purchasxsare authorized to buy, bronze and coperinsect screen cloth at pricez rhich maybe adjuzted upward after delivery inaccordance with the action taken by theOffce of Price Administration upon apending review of the maximum pricescurrently in effect for the sales of bronzeand coppar insect screen cloth. Thisauthorization shall not extend to salesto purchars wh3 boy the subjectscreen cloth for reole.

(b) Manufacturers -ho make sales inaccordance with (2) above may collectand purcha-r may pay no higher thanthe momxmum prices currently in effectfor bronze and copper -screen cloth pend-Ing action by the Of22e of Price Adminis-tration. Any balance due may be col-lected upon establizhment by the Officeof Price Administration of the new maxi-mum prices.

0c This order sll be automaticallyrevoked upon the establishment by theOffice of Price Administration of newmaximum prices for br-nz_ and cop urinsect screen cloth subject to ReviszdPrice Schedule 49.

(d) Thi order may be amn ae orrevc:ed by the Price Admin-1itator atany time

Thnls order shall become effective Jine14, 19dG.

Issued this 14th day of June, 1946.PAu-. A. Pon=,

Adm=nsrator.[F. IL Dc. 4-12; Vilcd June , 194s;4:SR9 . m.l

It= 10. Order G Undar Bs. OC:de: 11

Horssow Ar-riersun Conmers r.mInn-i= nr 'is cEIr-G P==

For the reason scat forth m an opst=nIssued simultaneously herewith ,.d 2,1-dwith the Division of the federcl rls,;-ter,and puruant to section 7 (-g) of PevzedOrder No. 1 under . 12--3.153a c L= -imum Price Rejuatian Mo. 10, harean-

Page 42: Federal Register: 11 Fed. Reg. 6661 (June 18, 1946). · 2015. 9. 28. · real or personal property, taken pur-suant to this order shall be terminated by the Director when he determines

FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, Juie 18, 1946

after referred to as Revised Order No. 1,It is ordered.

(a) This order supersedes in part, the.provisions of orders previously issuedunder section 5 (d) of Revised Order No.1 fixing uniform retail ceiling prices forsales of certain household aluminumcooking utensils. It provides a newmethod by which manufacturers of ar-ticles for which uniform retail ceilingprices have previously been authorizedshall use in determining new uniformretail ceiling prices of these articles. Itapplies only to those articles Which themanufacturer sells on or after the effec-tive date of Amendment No. 1 to RevisedOrder No. 1.

(b) The uniform retail ceiling price ineach zone for an article covered by thisorder shall be the uniform retail ceilingprice heretofore established for that ar-ticle plus, 11/2% thereof in the case ofprices fixed for door to door sales ofsheetware, or plus, 2.5% thereof in thecase of prices for other types of sales ofarticles of sheetware.

(c) Wholesalers' ceiling prices shallbe determined by the manufacturer inaccordance with the provisions of RevisedOrder No. 1, based on the new retailceiling prices computed in accordancewith the provisions of this order.

(d) All terms used -herein shall havethe same meanings as in Revised OrderNo. 1, the General Maximum Price Regu-lation or Maximum Price Regulation No.188, whichever may be applicable.

This order shall become effective on the17th day of June 1946.

Issued this 17th day of June 1946.PAUL A. PORTER,. Administrator

[F. R. Doe. 46-10323; Filed, June 17, 1946;11:38 a. m.]

[MPR188, Amdt. 1 to 1ev. Order 1]'HousEHOLD ALUMnIui Coo=ING UTENSILS


For the reasons set forth in an opin-ion issued simultaneously herewith andfiled with the Division of the FederalRegister, and pursuant to § 1499.159e ofMaximum Price Regulation No. 188, Itis ordered, That Revised Order No. 1under §,1499.159e of Maximum PriceRegulation No. 188 be amended In thefollowing respects:

1. Section 3 Is amended to read asfollews:

SEC. 3. Manulacturers" ceiling przces-(a) qales to retailers and wholesalers. Amanufacturer's ceiling price for the saleof a household aluminum cooking uten-sil to each class of purchaser for resaleIs the highest price of the following:

(1) His f. o. b. factory price- to theparticular class of purchaser, in effecton January 1,,1941, plus 14% of each suchprice in the case of sheetware, or plus9% of each such price in the case ofcastware.

(2) His f. o, b. factory ceiling priceto the particular class of purchaser es-tablished for particular articles in ac-cordance with the provisions of the first,

second, third, or fourth pricing methodsof Maximum Price Regulation No. 188,or by an order of the Office of Price Ad-minstration issued under § 1499.159c ofthat regulation, plus 14% of each suchprice In the case of sheetware, or plus9% of each such price in the case ofcastware. In the case of articles pricedunder the first, second or third pricingmethods of Maximum Phice RegulationNo. 188, the ceiling price may be calcu-lated in this way only if the ceiling pricesof the comparable articles were no higherthan prices in effect,'on January 1, 1941,for sales to the same classes of pur-chasers.

(3) His L o. b. factory ceiling price tothe particular -class of purchaser estab-lished for particular articles in accord-ance with the provisions of the first,second and third pricing methods ofMaximum Price Regulation No. 188;

(4) His price to the particular classof purchaser as established by Order 3827under Maximum Price Regulation No.188.

Regardless of any higher price deter-mined in this way, a manufacturer's ceil-ing price for sales to a retailer, other thana chain store or mail order house, shallbe at least 30% less than the retailer'sceiling price fixed by this order.

(b) Sales- to ultimate consumers. Amanufacturer's ceiling price for the saleof a household aluminum cooking uten-sil to an ultimate consumer Is the highestprice ofthe following:

(1) His ceiling price for sales to anultimate consumer in effect on January1, 1941, plus 11/2% of such price only inthe case of sheetware.

(2) His ceiling price for sales to anultimate consumer established for par-ticular articles in accordance with theprovisions of. the first, second, third, orfourth pricing methods of MaximumPrice Regulation No. 188 or by an orderof the Office of Price Administrationissued under § 1499.159c of that regula-tion, plus 1Y2% of each such price onlyin the case of sheetware.

(3) His price to the particular classof purchaser as established by Order 3827under Maximum Price Regulation No.188.

(c) Terms. A manufacturer's ceilingprice fixed by this section is subject tohis customary terms, conditions and al-lowances to each class of purchaser ineffect on January 1, 1941, or thereafterproperly established under Office of

-- Price Administration regulations.

2. To the end of the first undesignatedparagraph in section 5 is added the fol.lowing sentence: "The retail ceiling priceproperly calculated at the time that themanufacturer delivers a householdaluminum cooking utensil to a purchaserfor resale shall be the retail ceiling pricefor a sale of that article to a consumerregardless of subsequent changes in theprovisions of this section."

3. Paragraph (a) of section 5 isamended to read as follows:

(a) Retail ceiling prnces for retailers-other than "Class 1) sellers. The retailceiling price -for a household aluminumcooking utensil sold by a retailer otherthan a Class I seller (as defined below),

shall be determined by adding to the"manufacturer's price" an amount equalto 100% of such price In the case of bothsheetware and castware.

For the purposes of this section, the"manufacturer's price" Is the highest ofthe following f. o. b. factory prices forsales of the article to the class of whole-saler or chainstore to whom he sellsarticles covered by this order in the larg-est dollar volume. -\

(1) The price in elect on January 1,1941, plus only in the case of sheetwaro2Y2% of such price.

(2) The price established In accord-'ance with the first, second, third, orfourth pricing methods of MaximumPrice Regulation No. 188 (§1499.155through 1499.158) or by an order of theOffice of Price Administration under§ 1499.159c of that regulation, plus onlyin the case of sheetware 21/2% of suchprice.

(3) The price established by Order No.3827 under Maximum Price RegulationNo. 188.

(4) The .price established by an In-dividual adjustment 'order under Sup-plementary Order Nos. 118, 133 or 148 orRevised Supplementary Order No. 119 orany other supplementary order whichmay provide for the individual adjust-ment of a manufacturer's ceiling prIcesless 11.5 percent of the highest of thefollowing:

(i) The price in effect on January 1,1941, or

(i) The price established In accord-ance with the, first, second, third' orfourth pricing methods of MaximumPrice Regulation No. 188 (§§ 1499.155through 1499.158) or by an order of theOffice of Price Administration under§ 1499.159c of that regulation, withoutthe inclusion, In such price of any in-dividual adjustment that might havebeen obtained by the manufacturer,

(111) The price established by OrderNo. 3827 under Maximum Price Regula-tion.No. 188.

4. To the end of the last sentence inthe first unnumbered paragraph in para-graph (b) of section 5 is added thephrase, "plus only in the case of sheet-ware, 2Y2%."

5. Section 5 (d) (1) (lit) is amendedto read as follows:

(11) The price requested for the ar-ticle is no higher than the level of retailceiling prices for that article prevailingduring March 1942, plus, only in the caseof sheetware, 22%.

6. Paragraph (a) of section 7 isamended to read as follows:

(a) Terms, discounts and allowances.Except as modified by the foregoing re-quirement that no ceiling price to aretailer may reduce the retailer's marginon the retail ceiling price below 30% ofthat price, every seller shall maintain allof his terms, discounts, allowances, andother price differqntials in effect on Jan.upry 1, 1941, in the case of a manufac-turer, or during March 1942, in the caseof a wholesaler or a retailer, or whichhave been thereafter properly estab-lished under OPA regulation.

A wholesaler or retailer who did notsell household aluminum cooking uten-


Page 43: Federal Register: 11 Fed. Reg. 6661 (June 18, 1946). · 2015. 9. 28. · real or personal property, taken pur-suant to this order shall be terminated by the Director when he determines

FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, June 18, 1916

sils during March 1942, or whose dis-counts, allowances, terms and otherconditions of sale have not been there-* after established under OPA regulations,shall allow the same delivery terms, con-ditions of sale, terms, discounts and otherprice differentials which his closest com-petitor who did sell household aluminumcooking utensils during March 1942 isrequired to allow under the provisions ofthis order. A wholesaler or retailer whocannot auscertam the delivery terms, dis-counts, allowances, etc. which his near-est competitor is required to allow shallapply to the nearest District Office of theOffice of Price Admmstrtion for anorder under this section establishing theconditions to which his ceiling pricesare sub3ect. Such application may beby letter and shall state the type of busl-

-ness he is operating (wholesale or re-tail) when he started to sell the house-hold aluminum cooking utensils whichhe desires to sell and the classes of pur-chasers to whom he sells. An order willbe issued under this section establishingterms, allowances and other conditionsof-sale in line with the conditions of salegenerally fixed by this order.

If a wholesaler or dealers who didnot sell household aluminum cookingutensils during 1March 1942 does not al-low the same discounts, delivery termsand other price differentials allowed byhis nearest competitor who did sellhousehold aluminum cooking utensilsduring March 1942, or does not fie anapplication in accordance with the pro-visions of this section, or If he fails toprovide any of the information requiredby this section, the Price Administratormay, on his own motion, issue ordersunder this section fiing discounts, al-lowances and other price differentials inline with such conditions of sale fixedby this order. Conditions of sale soestAblished will apply to all sales anddeliveries made on and after June 17,1946. ,

7. A new paragraph (e) is added tosection 7 to follow paragraph (d) and to.read as follows:-

*(e) Compliance with this order-l)No buyng or selling at orer ceiling prices.Prices established by this order are ceil-ing prices. Prices lower than ceilingprices may be charged and collected atany time. However, regardless of anycontract or other obligation, no personshall sell, offer to sell, or deliver, and inthe course of trade or business, no personshall purchase or accept delivery of anyhousehold aluminum cooking utensil ata price higher than theceiling price fixedby this order or before the manufactirerhas properly determined his ceiling priceunder this order.

If, in vi6lation of this provision, a sale,offer to sell ,or delivery of any household

.:aluminum cooking utensil is made beforeits ceiling price has been pr3jperly estab-lished in accordance with .this order, theceiling price applicable to the sale, offerto sell or delivery shall be the correct cell-ing price for the household aluminumcooking utensil properly determined inaccordance with this order.

(2) Certain practices forbidden. Itshall be a violation of this order to charge

a price above the applicablc ceiling pricein connection with any cale of a house-hold aluminum cooking utensIl, eitheralone or in conjunction with any otherconsideration even though the prle2 in-crease appears only indirectly.

The following is illustrative of thethings a seller Is not permittcd to do.A seller is not permitted to require thepurchasers, as a condftion of the sale ortransfer of a household aluminum cock-ing utensil, to make payment over aperiod of time; to require him' to financethe purchase through any particularlending agency; to require him to pur-chase any equipment, accessories, re-pairs, parts or services so as to increasethe total compensation above the ar-ticle's ceiling price; to require him topurchase any other commodity, or serv-ice; or to require him to mauke paymentin whole or in part by exchanging, trans-ferring, or trading In any other houze-hold aluminum cooking utensi, productor commodity. Where there is an ex-change, transfer, or trade-in In connec-tion with a sale, it Is a violation for theseller tcr give the purchazEr an allow-ance for the household aluminum cook-ing utensil product or commodity ex-changed, transferred or traded-in, whichis )ess than its reasonable value

8. A new paragraph tf) Is added -tosection 7 to follow paragraph (e) and toread as follows:

(f) Relationship of this order td Sup-plementarv Orders 118, 143, Rcrned Sup-plementary Order 119 and othcr suppl!e-

=eztary orders. All resellers' ceilingprices for household aluminum cockngutensils approved or established by ordersissued at any time under SupplementaryOrders 118i 133, 148 or Revised Supple-mentary Order 119 shall not apply to anysuch articles wblch are delivered by themanufacturer on or after 'June 17, 1916.Resellers' ceiling prices for such articlesshall be determined in accordance withthe provisions of this order.

9. A new paragraph (g) Is added tosection 7 to follow paragraph of) and toread as follows:

(g) Orders of gencral applieab.lity.Orders issued under this paragraph maymodify the provisions of this order or ofany orders issued under any other para-graphs of this order.

10. A new section 0 is added to followsection 7 and to read as follows:

SEC. 8. Delegation of authority. AnyRegional Administrator or District Ad-ministrator authorl.zsd by the appropri-ate Regional Adminitrator may Izzueorders under sectIon 7 (a) of this order.

Noiu: The reporting proviUzon of thisamendment have been approved by the Bu-reau of the Budget in accordnce v.wth theFederal ncport3 Act of 1942.

This amendment shall become effectiveon the 17th day of June 1946.

Issued this 17th day of June 1946.

PAUL A. POarl,Afrmnktrator.

[F. R._Dcc. 4C-10322; Filed, June 17, 10G;11:39 a. m.]

[ISPi 1[3, Amdt. 2 to Crder 46751

rLxozn=v Arm MF -B-s FLOOaCovEizzims


For the reasons set forth in an opinionIsued simultaneously herewith and f redWith the Division of the Federal Reg-Ister; and pursuant to § 1499.159b ofMaximum Price Regulation No. IFS, Itis ordered, That Order 4375 under§ 1499.159b of Maximum Price Re-ua-tion No. 118 be, and it hereby is, amendedIn the following respects:

1 The words "except ruz borders" aredeleted from sectio~n2.

2. Section 3a is added, to read as fol-lovs:

Src. 3a. Maximum resale prices for re-sales of "rug borders" purchaszd by rugmanufacturers. Each linoleum or felt-base floor covering manufacturer whopurchases and resells a "rug border"shall determine his mnxmum price onhis resa.e of such "rug border" by in-crcasing his ma:mum price for suaasale In effect on May 1, 1946 by thedollar-and-cents amount o the increaetacken under section 3 by the manufac-turer of the "rug border"

3. The foloing paragraph is added atthe end of rection 4 (a)

When used hereafter in this oraer theterm "In.ufacturer includes either themanufacturer of the article, or a linoleumor felt-base floor covering manufac-turer reselling a "rug border" de-pnd-Ing on the per-on from whom the aur-chaser for resale bought the article.

This amendment shall bzcome efectiveon June 17, 1946.

Issued this 17th day of June 1946.PuL. A. Pon =a

AdTmnistrator.IF. R. D:z. 4G-10324; Filed. June 17, 1945,

11:33 a. m.]

[IPM U3. Amdt. 1 to Mev. Order 42521

Urnor-.=nr Furzr=nurir Cov== i7ri a

CrivL3B 1 '.Or FasI'.xc

For the reasons set forth in an opin-ion Issued simultaneously hErewith, andfiled with the Division of the FzdralRslster and pursuant to § 14S3.I5S', ofMTnAmum Price Regulation I.-, It isordered:

That Revised Order No. 4992 undzrMaximum Price Regulation No. 183 beamended In the following respects:

L A new section 5 (c) is added to readas follows:

(c) Grade designation. Saction 14(b) (3) of Order No. 4009 under T.'-mum Price Re-ulation No. 1.3 requiresthat your sales invoice to a purchasarfor resale must include your cover gradedesignation. With respect to an articiecovered by this order, that grade desi-nation shall bea'our designation for thearticle when covered in a fabric havingthe same cost of the "prior ceiling price"sho on your purchase invoice (or that"prior ceiling price" as modified'by sec-


Page 44: Federal Register: 11 Fed. Reg. 6661 (June 18, 1946). · 2015. 9. 28. · real or personal property, taken pur-suant to this order shall be terminated by the Director when he determines

FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, June 18, 1946

tion 4 (b). above) to which you shallaffix the following: "'-2" (for example,Grade'A-2, B-2; or, Grade 1-2, 2-2, etc.)

Effective date. This amendment shallbecome effective June 14, 1946.

NoTs: The reporting and record-keepingrequirements of this amendment have beenapproved by the Bureau of the Budget inaccordance with the Federal Reports Act of1942.

Issued this, 14th day of June 1946.)PAUL A. PORTER,


[PF n. Doc. 46-10269; Filed, June 14, 1946;4:30 p. m.]

[IPR 188, Order 50331



For the reasons set forth in an opinonissued simultaneously herewith and file-dwith the Division of the Federal Register,and pursuant to § 1499.159b of MaxinumPrice Regulation No. 188, it is ordered:

SECTION 1. Purpose of this order Thepurpose of this order is to Femove priceimpedements to the continued supply ofcertain specified types of low-end woodschool furniture.

SEC. 2. Articles *covered by this orderThis section contains a list of articles ofwood school furniture together with adollar-and-cents "cut-off point" for eachtype of article? All such articles forwhich the manufacturers' properly es-tablished maximum prices are below theappropriate cut-off points, are called"low-end" articles in this order.. Thecut-off prices listed are for sales by.themanufacturer to jobbers, distributors orequivalent large volme classes of pur-chasers. Cut-off prices to other classesof purchasers shall be prices which re-fleet the manufacturer's customary orestablished differtlals for sales to thoseother classes of purchasers. If, for anyreason, the manufacturer has no such.customary or established differentialsthe Office of Price Administration will,upon application, establish appropriatecut-off prices to any other classes of pur-chasers which reflect customary tradedifferentials.Articles of wood 1 school furniture for which

maximum pricej may be adjusted in ac-cordance with the provmions of this order

Cut-off prces for salesto jobbers, distribu-tors or equivalentlarge volume classesof purchasers (each)

Tablet arm chairs ------------------ $5. O0Side chairs (teachers' or pupils') ---- 3.50Tables:

48" x 20" plain ------------------ 8. OD48" x 20" two drawers ------------- 9. O060" x 20" plain ----------------- 9.03

60" x 20" three drawers ---------- 10.2572" x 20" plain --------------- 10.7572" x 20" four drawers ---------- 12.75'As used In 'this order the term "wood"

school furniture means the above articles ofschool furniture when made with wood whichaccounts for at-least 50% of the cost of mate-rials used exclusive of Joining Hardware.

SEC. 3. Manufacturer's maximumprices. A manufacturer may increasehis properly established maxunum pricefor an article of low-end wood schoolfurniture listed m section 2 by 20% ofthat maximum price or the amount nec-essary to bring thatmaximum price upto the appropriate cut-off point, which-ever is the lesser. No, maximum priceadjusted under this section may exceedthe appropriate cut-off point as foundin section 2 of this order.

SEC. 4. Maximum prices of purchasersfor resale. All resellers of an articlewhich the manufacturer has sold at anadjuSted ceiling price determined underthis order shall determine their, maxi-mum price as follows:

(a) A reseller who sold or offered forsale the same article prior to the effec-tive date of this order, shall calculate hisnew maximum price by adding to his in-voice cost the same percentage markupwhich he had on that article prior to theeffective date of this order.

(b) A reseller who did not sell or offerfor sale the same article prior to theeffective date of this order,. shall 'calcu-late his maximum price by adding to hisinvoice cost the same percentage mark-up which he has on the "most compara-ble article" for which he has a properly,established maximum price. For thispurpose the "most comparable article"is the one which meets all of the follow-ing tests:

(i) It belongs to the narrowest tradecategory which includes the article beingpriced.

() Both it and the article being-priced were purchased from the sameclass of supplier.

clii) Both it and the article beingpriced belong to a class of articles towhich, taccording to customary tradepractices, an approxiinately uniformpercentage markup is applied.

(iv) Its net replacement cost Is near-est to the net cost of the article 'beingpr!ced.

The deterhi~nation of a ceiling price Inthis way need not be reported to theOffice of Price Administration; however,each seller must keep complete recordsshowing all the information called byOPA.Form 620-759 with regardto how hedetermined lis ceiling price, for so longas the Emergency Price Control Act of1942, as amended remains in effect.

If the maximum resale price cannot bedetermined under the above method thereseller shall apply to the Office of PriceAdministration for the establishment ofa ceiling price under § 1499.3 (c) of thatGeneral Maximum Price Regulation.Ceiling prices established 'under thatsection will reflee the supplier's pricesas adjusted in accordance with thisorder.

Snc. 5. Defrnition. Unless otherwisedefined herein, or the context requiresotherwise, the definitions contained in§ 1499.20 of the General Maximum PriceRegulation and § 1499.163 of MaximumPrice Regulation, whichever is applica-ble, shall apply to all terms used herein.

SEC. 6. Relationship of the order toother orders or regulations. The provi-

sions of this order supersede the provi-sions of the General Maximum PriceRegulation, of the Maximum Price Regu-lation No. 188, and of orders under thoseregulations only to the extent that theyare inconsistent with the provisions ofthose regulations.

SEC. 7. Modification of the provisionsof the order The provisions of this or-der, as applicable to articles or personssubject hereto, may be modified by ordersof general applicability issued under thissection.

SEC. 8. .Revocation or amendment.This order pnay be revoked or amendedby the Price Administrator at any time.

SEC. 9. Effective date. This-order shallbecome effective on June 18, 1946.

NoTs: The reporting and record keepingprovisions of this order have been approvedby the Bureau of the Budget In accordancewith the Federal Reports Act of 1042,. asamended.

Issued this 17th day of June 1946.

PAUL A. PORTER,Administrator

IF R. Doc. 46-10325; Filed, June 17, 1940;11:38 a. n.]

,[IRMPR 357, Order 141



For reasons set forth in an opinionissued simultaneously herewith and filedwith the Division of the Federal Registerand pursuant to section 6 of RevisedMaximum Price Regulation 357, It Isordered.

(a) The maximum prices at which anyperspn may purchase, sell or deliverLDRD, LDRC, DTDB, DCLD ,or DCDmark East India tanned goatskins (here-inafter listed in Column "A") shall be aprice computed as thpugh such marklisted in section 4, Table I of RevisedMaximUm Price Regulation 357 and shallbe the applicable maximum prices forcorresponding grades, weights and selec-tions of the particular mark Set oppositein Column "B"

Column "A" (newmarks)

LDRC ---------------

DTDB ----------------DCLD ----------------DOD -----------------

ColUmn."B"(equivalent mark

listed in section 4,table I, RMPR 357)


(b) The maximum prices at which anyperson may purchase, sell or deliver DHD,LDRD, DTDB, DCLD, DCD and KDJDmark East 'India tanned sheepskins,(hereinafter listed in Column "A",) shallbe a price computed as though suchmark were set forth In section 4, Table31 of Revised Maximum Price Regulation357 and shall be the applicable maximumprices for corresponding grades, weightsand selections of the particular markset opposite in Column "B"

Page 45: Federal Register: 11 Fed. Reg. 6661 (June 18, 1946). · 2015. 9. 28. · real or personal property, taken pur-suant to this order shall be terminated by the Director when he determines

FEDERAL REGISTER, TuCsdaU, June 18, 19-16

CoZumn "B"(equivalent mar:

Column "A" (new listed in section 4,marks) table Ii, RMPR 357)

DHD --.- .-.-.---------- PREI

LDRD ------------- MDTDB -........-. - - TBBDCLD ----- ...------- SCLnCD~~ -0 ---- -- rHDJD ------...-------.- X -

4(c) The resale price of. all marksenumerated in Column "A" in paragraph(a) or (b) above, shall be established inaccordance with section 5 of RevisedMaximum Price Regulation 357.

(d) This order may be amended orrevoked at any time by the Office of PriceAdministration.

(e) This Order No. 14 shall be effectiveJune -22, 1946.

Issued this 17th day of June 1946.

PAUL A. PORTER,Administrator

[F. R. Doe. 46-10327; Filed, June 17, 1946;11:41 a. m.]

[MPR 580, Amdt,- 5 to Order 30]


Maximum Price Regulation 580,Amendment 5 to Order 30. Estfablishingceiling prices at retail for certain ar-ticles; Docket No. 6063-580-13-704.

For the reasons set forth in the opinionissuedimultaneousl:i herewith, Order 30issued under -section 130 of MaximumPrice Regulation 580 on application ofCoopers Incorporated, Kenosha, Wiscon-sin, is amended in the following respects:

1. Paragraph (a) is amended to in-crease the retail ceiling prices establishedby the order for certain items of under-wear having the brand name "Jockey."The new prices are as follows:Manmfacturer's Ceiling Price

selling price at retail(per dozen) (per unit)

$3.63 $0.474.97 .635.21 66

14.61 1.856.97 .88

10.25 1.3021.48 2.72

7.,67 .977.99 1.015.39 .688.30 1.053.40 434. 62 .58

13.82 1.759.69 1.23

20.26 2.567.20 .917.43 - .94

2. Paragraph (c) is amended by add-ing thereto the following undesignatedparagraph:

Upon issuance of any amendment tothis order which either adds an articleto those already listed in paragraph (a)or changes the retail ceiling price of alisted article, the manufacturer or whole-saler, as to such article, must complywith the. preticketing requirements ofthis paragraph within 30 days after the

effective date of the amendment. After60 days from the effective date, no re-tailer may offer or sell the article unlessit is ticketed in accordance with the re-quirements of this paragraph. Prior tothe expiration of the 60 day period, unlessthe article is so ticketed, the retailershall comply with the marking, taggingand posting provisions of MaximumPrice Regulation 580. However, the prlc-ing provisions of this order or of any sub-sequent amendment thereto shall applyas of the effective date of the order orapplicable amendment.

3. A new paragraph (1) is added toread as follows:

(1) The retail ceiling price of an articlestated In paragraph (a) shall apply toany other article of the same type, hav-ng the same selling price to the retailer,the same brand or company name andfrst sold by the manufacturer after theeffegtive date of this order.

This amendment shall become effec-tive June 14, 1946.

Issued this 14th day of June 1946.

PAUL A. PonrER,Admirnstrator.

[P. R. Dc. 46-10270; Filed. June 14, 19;4:31 p. m.]

Regional and District Office Orders.[Region II Rev. Adopting Ordcr 21 Under

Basic Order 1 Under Gcn. Order C31

WnSTLMr SOFwOOD PLYWOOD rOn Wsv-rnui N=v Yon iam NonT.srrn.Pm=tsYLvAi&

For the reasons set forth in an opinionissued simultaneously herewith and filedwith the Division of the Federal Registerand under the authority vested in theRegional Administrator of Region II bythe Emergency Price Control Act of 1942,as amended, by General Order 63 asamended, and by Revised ProceduralRegulation No. 1. it is hereby ordered:

Srcrxon 1. What this order corers.This revised adopting order under BasleOrder No. 1 as amended, under GeneralOrder 68 as amended, covers all retailsales of the sizes and types of plywoodlisted in the annexed price tables madeby sellers located in the counties ofNiagara, Erie, Chautauqua, and Cattar-augus in the State of New York, and thecounties of Warren, Forest, Clarion,Armstrong, Westmoreland, Washington,Beaver, Butler, Allegheny, Lawrence,Mercer, Crawford, Erie, and Venango, inthe State of Pennsylvania, which coun-ties constitute the portion of the Statesof New York and Pennsylvania in whichthe carload freight rate of plywood fromSeattle, Washington is 9M per CVT. Allprovisions of Basic Order No. 1 usamended, under General Order NTo. 68 asamended, are adopted in this order andare just as much a part of this order asif specifically set forth herein. If saidBasic Order No. 1 is further amended inany respect the provisions of caid orderas amended shall likewhe without fur-

ther action bacome part of th order.All persons subject to this adoping orderare also subject to Basc Order No. 1 asamended under General Order No. 63 asamended, and should be familiar withthe provisions of said Qrder, T'his re-vised adopting order superseaes Adopt-Ing Order No. 21 under Basic Order No.1 under General Order 63 iasued Janu-ary 17, 1946, and effective February I,1946, and said Adopting Order No. 21under B2.c Order No. I under GeneralOrder No. 63 is revoked as of the effec-tive date of this order.

$rc. 2. Definition of retail cares. A re-tail sale means any sale to the ultimateconsumer, or to a contracor for installa-tion rather than resale, except where thesale I- made by a plyw-od manufacturer,or a plywood distribution plant who in1941 received more than 20 percent of itsdollar income from the sales of plywoodor veneer of any hind. These latter typesof sales remain subject to the provisionsof 3d Rev. 'APR 13.

Sac. 3. Dcflnftion of constructionitems. Construction Items as the termis used in this order, means plywooditems described as follows:

Me.orz-nZ'n-ZsrMT T=ix

Ply.cord (rheatlng) E-ir", ," ,a" anda'" rouli.Wallboard: 95" 8 3 to ',j" Tic' S2S to 7"Saund 1 Side: " S25 to T,'" TH S3 to

Esund 2 Sldce-: ,is" Z2 to 11[11Enaoca Tr=

Szund 1 Side: !411 nd1 ,r~ unzandsd:an.r-nded, vpr" uncanded.Eund 2 Sldez: !'." randed, rjr" unzafd,

SEC. 4. Maximum, prces. Mamnumprice: as herein set forth are differentfor each of two clazes of retailers:

Class I retailers are those who sinceJune 20, 1945, purchased or purchase atleast one carload of plywood on directmill shipment. Any shipment whichcomes directly from the mill without be-coming an integral part of the stock of adistributlon plant or a retail yard is adirect mill shipment no matter who theseller is.

Class 11 retailers are all other retailsellers, principally those who buy theirplywood from distribution plants.

Maximum prices for class I retailerson construction Items in quantities under1,000 square feet are set forth in TableIA. Maximum prices for Class I re-tailers on all other items in quantitiesunder 1,000 square feet are set forth inTable I-B. Maximum prices for Class Iretailers on construction items in quan-titles of 1,000 square feet or over are setforth In column I-C. Maximum pricesfor Class I retailers on all other items inquantities of 1,000 square feet or overare set forth In Table I-D. Maximumbrices for Class Ir retailers for construc-tion Items in quantities under 1,030square feet are set forth in Table 11-A.

aximum prices for class 3I retailers forall other Items in quantities under 1,000square feet are set forth in Table U-B.'Uhadmum prices for Class I retailersfor construction Items In quantities of


Page 46: Federal Register: 11 Fed. Reg. 6661 (June 18, 1946). · 2015. 9. 28. · real or personal property, taken pur-suant to this order shall be terminated by the Director when he determines

6706 FEDEI

1,000 square feet or over are set forthin Table II-C. Maximum prices forClass II retailers for all other items inquantities of 1,000 squarb feet or overare set forth in Table II-D. Tables I-A,I-B, I-C, I-D, fl-A, II-B, fl-C, and II-D,are hereto annexed and made a part ofthis order.

SEC. 5. Additiops for delivery. The.above prices include all charges and ad-ditions for. delivery in the seller's freedelivery zon as recognized by him dur-ing March 1942. No deduction need bemade if the purchaser elects to do hisown delivery. Xf delivery is made ofitsidethe free delivery zone, the seller may addfor delivery as prescribed m sections 4and 5 of 3d Rev. MPR 13, namely theamount computed by multiplying theestimated weights in section 22 of-3d Rev.MPR 13 by the appflicable rail freightrate. Any addition for delivery must be

shown separately on the invoice.

SEC. 6. Discounts and allowances. Themaximum price's in this order include allcommissions. All customary discountsfor cash must be continued. Differ-entials in price based on quantity soldmust be observed as set forth in the pridetables.

SEC. 7. Relationsup of this order toBatie Order No. 1 as amended, underGeneral Order No. 68 as amended and to3d Rev. MPR 13. As previously stated allprovisions of Basic Order No. 1 asamended, are adopted by this order. Themaximum prices fixed by this ordersupersede any maximum price or pricingmethod previously established by anyother regulation or order and specificallyby 3d Rev. MPR 13. ERcept to the-extentthat they are inconsistent with the pro-visions of this order all other provisionsof 3d Rev. MPR 13 shall remain applica-ble to sales covered by this order.

SEC. 8. Posting of maximum prices.Every seller making sales covered bythis order shall post a copy of his listof maximum prices as fixed by this orderIn each of his places of business withinthe area covered by this order. Class Isellers shall post Tables I-A, I-B, I-C,I-D and Class II sellers shall post TablesII-A, fl-B, fl-C, II-D. Posting ofTables fl-A, Ir-B, II-C, 3l-D, by Class -Isellers is a violation of this order.

SEc. 9 (a) Records and sales slips.The provisions of section (e) of. BasicOrder No. 1 covering sales slips andrecords are adopted in and applicableto this order as though specifically setforth herein; and also on any sale of$50.00 or more each seller regardless ofprevious custom, must keep recordsshowing at least the following:

(1) Napme and Address of buyer.(2) Date of transaction.(4) Place of delivery.(4) .Complete description of each item

sold and price charged.

(b) Maximum prices for insufflcientlydescribed items. Where the seller's rec-ords or sales slip upon a sale of any com-modity covered by this order in the area-covered by this order, do not contain asufficiently complete description to iden-tify the exact nature, type, size, or quan-

tity of the commodity, and thus deter-

RAL REGJSTER, Tuesgay, June 18, 1946

mine the maximum price fixed by the 'yoked or modified at any time by theapplicable table of this order, the maxi- Regional Administrator or the Pricemum price applicable to such sale shall Administrator.be the lowest maximum price which canbe computed under the applicable table This order shall be effective as ofof this order in accordance with the in!! March 30, 1946.complete description. Issued this 27th day of May 1946.

SEC. 10. Revocation or amendment. - LEoP GENTNER,This order may be revised, amended, re- Regional Administrator

For sellers who ptirchase plywood in carload quantities, located in those portions of thoStates of New York and Pennsylvania where the carload freight rate on plywood from Seattle,Washington, is 930 per CWT. (See section 1 of order).



[For quantities sold under 1,000 square feet. Price per square foot] , /

Plypanel't Exterior grades

Thickness-widths to 49" (except plypanel);Sound 2 Sound 1 so d 2 I eso de 1

" lengths to 96" lypa e n1 sidePsod 1dPwlsides sid. ie 11

Cents4", 3 -lly ------.- ..----------- .............. - .816o" 3-ply. ----------- -------------------- 6ly -

54", 3-ply -pl--------------------------------- . 7Y34" 3- or 5-ly .....----------------------- b,

/81 3-or 5rly--- ------------ ------ 12






eExterior grades

Thickne---Widths to 48" (except pl - Plywall Plyform --n -

panel); I lengths to 95 sides' Marino Sound 2 Indus. Sound 1

sides trial side

Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents

3-ply -----..-------------.-.-.--.....-------- 1% .................... ..3," 3-ply --------------- --- -- ------- ------ --- -- 12% ., il 11 ......

34" 5-ply......................... 10X 4 12 181/ 10% 1'S5-ply- .. _...------------------------ ------ 1 14 2 1 isa is

-4 &Ply--------------------------- ------- -18, 16 4§212

I Plypanel prices are for 1vidths over 35" through 48"; for widths over 24" through 36" deduct YL per square foot.for widths 24" and under dluct X0 per square foot.

2 For plypael Sound I side deduct from the Sod 2 sides price 34 per square foot except for 4 3-0ly.'For widths over 48" through 60" (except plywall) add 1Ij per square foot; for lengths over 8' thureugh 0'. add

per square foot: for.lengths over 9' through 10' add IY40 er Square foot: for lengths over 10' through II' add 21 persquare foot; for lengths over il' through 12' add 2%4 per square foot.

For sellers who purchase plywood In carload quantities, located in those portions of theStates of New York and Pennsylvania where the carload freight rate on plywood from Seattle,Washington, is 930 per CWT. (See section 1 of order).


[For quantities-sold 1,000 square feet and over. Prico per 1,000 square feet]

Plypanel I Exterior grades

Thickness-Wldths to 48" (except plypanel);8I Plyscord rlywaU Sound 2 Sound I Sound 2 Sound Ilengthsto " 0 I d

Ul" 3-ply ------------------------5,ll 3-ply---------'----------'-" -- $ 5.0316 '3-ply-------------------------------------069.40%4" 3,or 5-ply -----------------------.-............ . 0.45g" 3- or 5-ply ------------------------------------- 110.95.


$73.60 96170 ,R5. 2085.0 ....



Exterior gradesPlypane' - -

-Thlckness-Widths to 48" (except ply- Plywall Plyform sund2panel); I lengths to 06' ' sides n Sound 2 indus- Sound 1

sssides trial sd

34" 3-ply -------------------- - --- - -$74.603-ply ------------------- ---- -

2, 5-ply ------------------------ $.4D 131.10Val, ..Ply ---------------------- 148.70U,, 5-ply ---------------- - .--------- 160.75

81.00o109.0g5120. 01148. 55


$103.85148. 5175.10203. O

878.10145. (0172.10202.95

$14Z, 0109.21

I Plypanel prices are for widths over 38" through 48"; for widths over 24" through 36" deduct $2.0 per M squarofeet; for widths through 21" and under, deduct $4 per M square feet.

2 'For plypanel Sound l side, deduct from the Sound 2 sides price $3.70 per A square feet except ff s" -. IFor widths over 48" through 60" except plywall add $11.75 per i square feet; for lengths over 8' t1lroug .

$7.75 per M squarofeet,'for lengths over 9 through 10' add $11.75 per M square feet; for lengths over lo, through it,add $19.45 per M square feet; for lengths over'i' through 12' add $23.41 per M square fee .

Page 47: Federal Register: 11 Fed. Reg. 6661 (June 18, 1946). · 2015. 9. 28. · real or personal property, taken pur-suant to this order shall be terminated by the Director when he determines

FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, June IS, 1916For sellers who purchase plywood In carload quantities, located In thozn portlion of tho

States of New York and Pennsylvahia where the carload freigbht rate on plywcd from Ecattleo,Washington, Is 930 per CWT. (See section 1 of order).

TABLE II----.I&t l euis Pmcsron SALEs or CoNsnrmonl =sits cr DornGLA Fm PLW0o0D ax CILL HIItiiw~n s

[For quantities sold under 1,0C0 equre feet. Prco pzr .xuaro fatj

Thickness-widths to 4 (except plypaPl); I Ilengths to W" 8lysmrd Ply cnll nd2 Ecum' 0:=,12 S=11

_____________________________ rdes r!,lo a J- eas Ce ntJ CentsJ3 Cens I C=!3 CC

Y4113-ply~~7! ---- - ------------ ---- .1 % 8 ri 0_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ If'8 3-ply . ... .. .. .. ... .. .. .. ---- -- .- - . . .--- --------. .-Y ,, -or 5-pl ------.-.-........... -------." " - o -1W" 3- or K l ....

TAsE LI-B-_fMi.n PREcs Pon SALES OrM OTrs IrrMs OrFDOUrLUs Fin PLYWOOD1 f Crs LulnErAt1_r:A

Thickness-Widths to 4S' (except ply- r yftun Plyp nl 2panel);llenzibs to96'3 Pryids Md2 Isies Eund 2 Yndy,. 5 z.rd,..

tr1:1l r!13Cents Crt Certz Ce.ts .!! ce!I C €.!S

, ¢ y ------- --:------------- -----.................. .... ~ s ', k3-ply--------------------------------- ------ 0 12" i~i615pl------------ - ---- iii, I5 H% l' 1

- ------- - --. i'1 15 '2' 1 ' 254, -pl -------------- ---------- --.. . ... . .- ---'

f Plypanel lncos are for-idths over 56" through 4S"; for widths over 24't

thr gh Zr" dclucttgl rr a fr=;for widths 24" snd under deduct Y.. t per square foot.2

For plypand Sound I side deduct from the Sound 2 sIdes T!rl3-q rIazrquaro fcat erpt f,-r ',!For widths over 4S" through GO" (except plywalfl add IV' rsr-quar foat; for lcr,-ths over 8' Vhraunh ' rf1 i

per square foot for lengths over ' through I0' add 1 prsquare fot; for lengths oer10' Vtrcugh III rd 2'e I-rsquaro foot; forl engths over U through 12' nadd: 25 per Square foot. I

For sellers who purchase plywood in carload quantitlie, located In thcco portions of tMoStatbs of l ew York and Pennsylvania where the carload freight rate on plywood from Scattle,Washington, as 930 per CWT. (See section 1 of order).

TABLE I-C--,_s.nMcr rencEs Fon SAtas or CoNSTnrco IEMS or DOUGLAS FIR I1 rsaC3s r Ceast II.RETAII.=3

[For quantities sold 1,403 square fet and over. Free rer 1, square f,.!]

Thickness-Widths to 46" (cxe-pt plypanel); llengths to 5'£ ou Em2 Sounll Saut12 . '-1l

N1.'3-pl~v_. - .--- .-.------.-.-.-.--- .-- .........---. --...........- 70 25 191..1 * 1 5 AJ.E) 7.'16"3-ply ------------------------------ -554.-i5' -................................. ...- - 74 S3" . .-

' 3- or5-ply ---------...........------- 57.45---------- -3- orpl-v -------- ------------------- 115..----------.......

TABLE1 -D---'_1IAssus PnicE ron S.ALES or CONSr ON ITEMS (.r DorocLs Fin PLYWOe.DLT CLer_ U3 IRL

Thicmess-Widths to 4S" (.xept ply- rlywau pIyfon Platcanelrpanel);len hs to g P0" l o und m2 3 I 2

Marine tr2 I L1i

"pL. ----------------------------- -- - - Stf3- - - .........A"3ply(G!9t 127. 45 $1L2.q- ff7

'5 .- ply ---------------------.----------- $01 4 3 19 z I124 jK,. 5-ply -------------- ...---- .1 2. I1-.--- -- 1--1.-5 ... 3."5-ply --------------------------------- 16L70 141.^a 2I_., P 245 12. 12.1

"5-ply.. ----- ---------------- 1OL5 245 76 1 M

I Plypanel priecsare for widths ovalS" through 4W": forwidths ovrr21" thrcuhCTS &A lu 5.,M, iur.L2;for widths 24" and under deduct $4.35 pr !I square fut.

a For plypaue] sound I side deduct from sound 2 side prlocs ,A.03 rr f zqur f- ct snorpt f.r 2" ,-r"v.For widths ovr 4S" through CO"4escert plywalfl) add S .5 rzr M squ=rv t; fo 1,;713 oiz 8tr8' kt G-h '1 r I I

S8,40 rer M square feet: for lengths over 0' through IVY add S12.75 "r Al quaze fct; far a.i-IL oicr 16' t ac-h It'add $2I15 per MS square feet; for lengths ova U' through I2 add 5.X0 rer M Equare f-,eet.

[F. R. Dac. 46-10147; Filcd, June 10, 1946; 4:36 p. m.]

ISyracuse Adopting Order 44 Under Basic and under the authority vested in theOrder 1 Under Gen. Order 68] _ Regional Administrator of Region 2 byCERT~m BUILdiG AND CONSTRUCTION AIa- the Emergency Price Control Act of 1942TERIALS M SYRACUSE, N. Y., DISTRICT as amended, by General Order No. C3 aS

amended, and by Revised ProceduralFor the reasons set forth In an opinion Regulation No. 1, which authority has

issued simultaneously herewith and-filed been duly delegated by such Regionalwith the Division of the Federal Register Administrator to the District Director,

Syracuce DItrict Ofce, it Is harebyordered:

Sracrxo: L What this order covers.This adopting order under Basic OrderNo. 1 as amended, under General Or-der No. 63 as amended, covers salesby all persons to ultimate uers orto purchasers for resale on an installedbasis, of certain building materials listedIn Schedule A hereto annexed and gen-erally known as "hard mason materals'"All provisions of B sic Order No. 1 asamended, under General Order es, asamended, are adopted in this order andare just as much a part of this order asIf speciflcallt set forth herein. If BasicOrder No. 1 as amended, is furtheramended in any respect, the provisionsof said Order as amended, shall kMezmisawithout further action, become part ofthis order. All persons subject to thisadopting order are also subject to BasicOrder No. 1 as amended under GeneralOrder 68 as amended, and should befamiliar with the provisions of saidorder.

Sac. 2. Territory corered by thzs order.The geographical area covered by thisorder Is the Counties of Wayne, Ontario,Seneca, and Cayuga, and that part ofOnondaga County not covered by Adopt-ing Order No. 3 under Basic Order No. 1,all in the State of New York.

SEc. 3. ,faximum pizcwe. The mam-mum prices for the building materialscovered by this order are set forth inSchedule A hereto annexed and made apart of this order. The prices fixed inSchedule A cover all sales in the term-tory covered by this order, regardlezs ofthe loiatlon of the place of business ofthe seller.

Sac. 4. Discounts, allowances, andterms of sale. The maximum deliveredprices set forth in Schedule A apply toall delivered sales where the commodi-ties delivered exceed the value of $50.On sales of less than $50 a deliverycharge not In e.xcss of $2 may be made.All customary allowances, discounts anddifferentials must be preserved.

Sac. 5. Rclationchzp of tizzs order toBfilc Order N:o. I as amemded' inderGcnenral Oreer No. 68 as amended, andto Gcncral Lfammum PFzcz Rr-guration,and other maximum Vnee regulatioc.As previouly statedall provisions ofBasic Order No. 1 as amended, areadopted by this order. The m ammumpricas fixed by this order supersede anymaximum price or pricing method prevI-ouzly established by the General Maxi-mtrm PrIce Reg-flation, or by any otherapplicable regulation or order. Exceptto the extent that they are incans stentwith the provisions of this ordr, allother provisons of the general mammumprice regulations, or of any other tp-plicable regulation or order shall remainapplicable to sales covered by tins order.

SEC. 6. Poting of rz=rum prznces.Every seller malnng sales covered by thisorder shall post a copy of the Lst ofmaximum prices fixe-d by this order ineach place of tusins.s within the areacovered by this oraer.

Sic. 7. Rccords and cales sliy--(a)Required Informaion. The piovizions ol


Page 48: Federal Register: 11 Fed. Reg. 6661 (June 18, 1946). · 2015. 9. 28. · real or personal property, taken pur-suant to this order shall be terminated by the Director when he determines

FEDERAL REGISTER; Tuesday, Juine 18, 1946

section (e) of Basic Order No. 1 asamended, covering sales slips and recordsare adopted in and applicable to thisorder, as If specifically set forth herein,and also on any sale of $25 or more;- each,seller, regardless of previous custom,must keep records howing. at least thefollowing:

(1) Name and-address of buyer.(2) Date of transaction.(3) Place of delivery.(4) Complete description of each item

sold and price charged.(b) Maximum prices for insufficiently

described items. Where the seller's rec-ords or sales slip upon a sale of any com-modity covered, by this order in the areacovered by this order, do no containa sufficiently complete description toidentify the exact nature, type, size, orquantity of the commodity, -and thusdetermine the maximum price fixed bySchedule A of this order, the maximumprice applicable to such sale shall be thelowest maximum price which can becomputed under Schedule A of this orderin accordance with the incompletedescription.

SEC. 8. Revocation or .amendment.This order may be revised, amended, re-voked or modified at any time by the*Office of Price Administration.

This order shall become effectiveJune 14, 1946.

Issued this 7th day of June f946.

GEORGE G. MOORE,Distrct Director

SCHEDOE ADelivered

Item and unit rce1. Plaster, hardwall safded, 100 lb.

bag .----------------------- -$0. 872. Plaster, hardwall neat, 100 lb. bag. 1.123. Plaster, gauging, 100 lb. bag ---- 2.124. Keene's cement, 100 lb. bag ------- 2.375. Finishing lime, 50 lb. bag -------- 606. Gypsum lath 3" M sq. ft ----- 26.007. Metal lath 3.4 lb. Painted diamond

mesh, sq. yd -----------------. 308. Portland cement std. (paper bags),

94 lb. bag ------------------ 1.809. Masonry mortar, 70 lb. bag - 2 75

10. Mason's hydrated lime, 50 lb. bag. .5511. Fire brick 9" straight 1st qual-

ity, M ---------------------- 86.0012. Fire clay. 100 lb. bag ------------ 1.0013. Clay drain tile 3" per liiear ft-.- .06614. Clay drain tile V" per linear ft.... .815. Clay drain tile 6" per linear ft ... . 16716. Vitrified clay sew~er pipe 4" per 2

ft. length --------------------- 4117e Vitrified clay sewer pipe 6" per 2

ft. length -------------------. 62518. Flue lining 9" x 9" per 2 ft.

length ----------------------. 8419. Flue lining 9" x 13",.per 2 ft. a

length --------------------- 1.2520. Gypsum wallboard %", M sq. ft___- 40.0021. Asphalt roofing 90 lb. mineral sur-

face, roll (108 sq. ft.) ---------- 2.5522. Asphalt or tarred felt 15 lb., roll

(432 sq. ft.) ----------------- 2.4523. Asphalt or tarred felt 30 lb., roll

(216 sq. ft.) ----------------- 2.4524. Asphalt shingles 3" thick butt 210

lb., sq .---------------------- 6.2525. Asphalt shingles 2 tab. hexagon

165 lb., sq ------------------ 5.0026. Fibre insulation board 2/" std.

lath, M sq. ft ---------------- 50.0027. Fibre insulation board 2 2" as-

phalt, sheathing, M sq. ft ---- 66. 151 Yard price, 75 cents.2 Yard price, 70 cents.

DeliveredItem. and unit price

28. Hard density synthetic fibre boardtemlerd std., M sq. ft -------- 90.00

29. Thermal insulation blankets (pa-per-backed) medium, M sq. ft-- 45.00

80. Thermal insulation blankets (pa-per-backed) thick, M sq. ft.... 65.00

31. Thermal insulation batts (paper-backed 2" thick, M sq. ft ---- 45. 00'

32. Thermal insulation baitts (paper-backed) full thick, M sq. ft-.... 65.00

33. Thermal insulation loose (nodu-lated), 40 lb. bag ------------- 1.40

Maximum delivered prices -fixed by thisorder apply to all delivered sales where thecommodities excebed -the value of $50. Onsales of less than $50 a delivery charge notexceeding $2 may be made.

[F. R. Doe. 46-10148; Filed, June 13, 1946;4:36 p. m.l

[Philadelphia Adopting Order 2 Under BasicOrder 3 Under RMPR 2511


For the reasons set forth in an opinionissued simultaneously herewith and filedwith the Division of the Federal Registerand under the authority vested in theRegional Administrator of Region 2 bythe. Emergency Control Act of 1942 asamended by section 9 of Revised Maxi-mum Price Regulation 251 as amendedand by Revised Procedural RegulationNo. 1, which authority has been dulydelegated by such Regional Administra-tor to the District Director, PhiladelphiaDistrict Office, it is hereby ordered that:

SECTION 1. What this order covers.This adopting order under Basic OrderNo. 3 under section 9 to Revised Maxi-mum Price Regulation No. 251 asamended, cbvers all saies of installed in-sulation and related and incidental con-struction work in existing structures inthe area hereinafter described. All pro-visions' of the Basic Order No. 3 undersection 9 of Revised Maximum PriceRegulation No. 251 as amended areadopted in this order and are just asmuch a part of this order as if specificallyset forth herein. If said Basic Order No.3 is amended in any respect, the pro-visions-of said order as amended, shalllikewise without further action becomepart of this order. All persons subject tothis adopting order are also subject toBasic Order No. 3 under section 9 of Re-vised Maximum Price Regulation No. 251,as amended, and should be familiar withthe provisions of said basic order.

SEc. 2. Territory covered by this orderThe geographical area covered by thisorder consists of the counties. of Mifflin,Jumata, Perry Dauphin, Lebanon, Lan-caster, York, Adams, Franklin, and Cum.berland, all in the State of Pennsylvania.

SEC. 3. General provisions-(1) Re-lated and ,noidental work. The term"related and incidental" work, for thepurposes of this order, shall mean anyinstallation of building materials, or anywork necessary for the actual installa-tion of Insulation and provided by theseller for which prices are not fixed by

this order. Charges for such work shallbe determined under RMPR 251, andshall be stated separately on all con-tracts or invoices.

(2) Fire retarding. Where fire re-tarding material and specified densityare required by local building codes, orby any other local ordinance, the costof doing this work shall be determinedunder RMPR 251.

(3) Special insulation. All types ofinsulation not expressly listed in thecategories contained in this order, shall,for the purposes of this order, be treatedas special insulation. Charges for suchspecial insulation shall be determinedunder Revised Maximum Price Regula-

-tion 251, and such charges-shall be sep-arately stated on all contracts or In-voices.

(4) Bonded, tar, gravel and metalroofs. Where it is necessary to preservethe guarantee of a bonded roof, the priceof the opening and restoration of theroof to Its original condition, in accord-ance with, the guarantee, shall be deter-mined under RMPR 251.

Where It is necessary to open a roof,the exterior of which ls'composed of tar,gravel, or metal the price of the openingand restoration of the roof to its originalcondition shall ,be determined underRMPR 251.

(5) Access to areas to be insulated,The maximum prices fixed by this orderinclude scaffolding and other means foraccess commonly used by the industryfor the installation of insulation,

Where unusual conditions are en-countered which require special scaf-folding or other, special means of accessto areas to be insulated, the price of thisspecial work shall .be determined underRMPR 251.

(6) Retaining material. The priceof furnishing and installing retainingmaterial other than the three standardtypes specified in this order shall be de-termined under RMPR 251.

(7) Finished flooring. The term fin-,ished flooring shall nean flooring stripor parquet up to three and one-quarterinches (3/4") wide, and other architec-turally designed or antique flooring thathas been sanded, filled, finished, waxedand pressure rubbed, or shellacked toform a finished product.

Where It is necessary to make open-ings in such floor for the insulation ofareas under said floor, the price of theopenings and restoration of the floor toits original condition shall be deter-mined under RMPR 251.

(8) Finished ceilings. Where it isnecessary to make openings in a ceiling,or overhang,oflnished with materials'other than the three standard retainingmaterials specified in this order, for theinsulation of areas above such ceiling,the price of the openings and restorationof the ceiling to its original conditionshall be determined under RMPR 251.

(9) Dsliveries, The maximum pricesprovided by this order shall apply to allinstallations of insulation made withina radius of ten miles of he seller's near-est place of business.

For installations of insulation atmore distant points, one-half of onepercent (1/2 of 1%) may be added to thetotal contract price for each mile in


Page 49: Federal Register: 11 Fed. Reg. 6661 (June 18, 1946). · 2015. 9. 28. · real or personal property, taken pur-suant to this order shall be terminated by the Director when he determines

FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, June 18, 1916

excess of 10 miles from the seller's near-est place of business.

SEc. 4. Ma um Prices. The maxi-mum prices for all sales of installed insu-lation in existing structures in the areacovered by this order are set forth inSchedule A hereto annexed and made apart of this order. The prices fixed inthis order apply to all sales in the areacovered by this order regardless of thelocation of the seller's place of business.

SEC. 5, Relationship of thzs-'drder toother regulations and orders. -As previ-ously stated' all provisions of Basic OrderNo. 3 are adopted by this order. Themaximum prices fixed by this order su-persede sections 6. 7 and 8 of RevisedMaximum Price Regulation No. 251 asamended -with respect to all sales of in-stalled insulation in existing structuresin the area covered by this order, unlessotherwise provided by this order. Allother provisions of Revised MaximumPrice Regulation No. 251 as amended areapplicable to transactions covered by thisorder unless otherwise specifically pro-vided in this order.

SEc. 6; Notification. Every p e r s o nmaking sales of insulation covered by thisorder shall furmsh to the purchaser ator before the starting of the work, a copyof the agreement pursuant to which thework is to be done. This agreement shallset forth the name and address of thebuyer and of the seller, the location ofthe work, and an adequate description ofthe areas to be insulated, the materialsto be used, and the services to be per-formed, and the amount to-be paid. If

,-any work other than insulation, forwhich ceiling prices are fixed by this or-der is to be performed; the price of suchwork shall be' separately stated.

SE. 7. Revocation c amendment.This-order may be revised, amended, re-voked, or modified *at any time by theOffice of Price Administration.

This.order shall become effective June24, 1946.

Issued this 10th day of June 1946.

FRANx J. LorTus,District Director

Sc uLr A

The prices listed below are per square foot,(4 inch thickness basis) for insulation woolas defined in paragraph (b) of Basic OrderNo. 3 under section 9 of EMPR 251.


Exposed ceilingsPnces persquare It.

-1. Open attics with over 24" clearanceto roof. No roof opening necessary,open blowing conditions. Draw-ing 1 ------------------------- O. 12

"2. Undev'ffat built up roofs (suspendedceiling) with over 24" clearance be-tween roof and hung ceiling; openblowing conditions. (Price does notinclude cost of opening and closing.)Drawing 2 -----------------------. 13

Covered ceilings

3. Open attics with a single roughflooring (unfinished) and accessible.No roof opening necessary, (priceincludes 'cost of removing and re-placing flooring) ----------------- .14

ScEmDULn A-ContinuedrrAT A ts--continued

Flat ceilings in closed srsee3(Prices do not Include cst of opening and

closing-Items 4 to 9 ncluslvejPrice V -rsquare It.

4. Flat ceilings in closed space3 underpitched or sloping rcofs whereopening in root is nceesary. -uchas pocket areas behind knco walls.areas under roof ridges, or exten-sions which are practically lat.Drawing 6:

(a) Open floors ---------------- CO. 13(b) Closed single rouh fbicring

(unfinished) 1.................- 55. Ceilings in closed space under ridge

of pitched roofs, where openins forthe full length of ridge is necc-rybecause of small clearance bctweenridge and ceiling area. Drawlng.7.. .13

6. Flat built up roof types includingrow house construction and com-merciol buildings. Drawing. 2 and 8. .15

7. Garrison overhang. Drawing 10-___. .158. Dormer tops. Drawing 11:

(a) Where no retainer material Isnecessary --------------------. 13

(b) Where retainer material is nec-essary (price includes, installa-tion of retainer material):

Sisal kraft (includes belly band)._. .17Backer board ..----------- .17Corrugated board --------...... .13

9. Bay windows. Drawing 12:(a) Top ..............-----------. 13(b) Bottom .............. - -----. 14

Floors(Price Includes cost of opning and closing)10. Any expozed floor. over garago

cellings, open porches or similartypes of areas where the underzideof the area to be insulated is clo-edand finished. Drawing 13..........- 15

11. Any expensed floors where theareas to be insulated are notcloscd and finished and where re-taining ..mere"rlal are required.Drawing 14.

Sisal kraft (includes belly band) __. .17Backer board. .18Corrugated board .17

Floors over unexcarated areas12. Batts and blankets (full thick).

Drawing 15:(a) Under 4 feet clearance ...... . 13(b) Over 4 feet clearance ........ . 13

13. 4" fill over retaining material andlath retaining cur:ace. (Price in-cludes Installation of retainer ma-terlal). Drawing 10:

(a) Under 4 feet clearance:Sisal kraft (includes belly band).. .20Backer board .21Corrugated board .. 2,3

(b) Over 4 feet clearance:Sisal kraft (includes Lelly band)... .23Backer board---------...... .21,Corrugated board. ...... -----------. 2

sraorn.aGis~14. All slopes where closed and finishcd

on the interior side of the rafters.(Price dces not include cost of opn-ing and closing.) Drawing 17....... .15

15. Open rafters and slopes where battsor blankets are used, auch as pocketsoutside of knee valls where blow 1Impractical. (Price dca not includecost of opening and closing.) Draw-Ing Id .................... -- .10

16. Open rafters and slopes. Insula-tion held in place by retaining ma-terial. (Price Includes installatlonof retainer material.) Drawing 19:

(a) Blowing:Sisal kraft (includes belly band) .. .19Backer board ................. 20Corrugated board- ---............ .19

Ssi.n== A-Continuadsot'no AMn&A-continuel

Prlczz prsqUare ft.

(b) Battz and blankets- (full thl:%rSzal lxaft ( includes belly band).- CO. 19Ba"c'er board__ - - .23Corrugated board--------- .19

Knee walai- and pcilitfons

17. Interior plastered walls where nodecoratlon Is necessary except plasterpatching. (PrIce include, openingad closing.) Draving 20______ .17

18. Knee wolls adjacent to slopss andcelly accc=ble (open studs), nooponings rcquired. (Price includesinstallation of retainer material.)Drawing 21:

(a) Batts and blanet -no retainermaterial 1....... 15

(b) Batts and blankets--retalinngmaterfal (one side)

SIal kraft (includes belly band) - .19Eacker board. ...... .. . .20Corrugated bard. ......... 19

(c) Blown-no retainer material. .15(d) Blown-rEtaining material (bath

cides):SIzal kralt (includes bely band) - .23Backer board-- .25Crrugatcd board.__ .23

10. Knee walls no' accessible, requiringretaining material. (Price in-cludez Installation, of retainingmaterial but does not Includeopening and clozing.) Draw;Ang 22.

o SLalI raft (includes belly band).... .19BZ2e2'r berd. .23Corrugatcd boardi.. ....... 19

20. Stalrwells (price includes openingand cloIg), Drawing 23:(a) SOMWts ------ -17

(b) Walls (meurement of wallsmay be taken as rectangle fromfloor to Eeln).17

(c) Weatherstrip attlc door (feltstripping only) (fiat price)- -- 1.03

(d Cover do r with insulating board(in ulation applied directly todoor) _21

Exterior waZLs

All prIces on gross b"ls (prices includeopening and closing)

21. Exterior walls (including gable andend wal) with inner fini-h whosaouter surface is compezed of:

(a) Wood or asphalt hnglez.... I(b) WVcd clapbrd_ .... . .16(c) BrickL .23

(d) Stuc:o .22(e) Asbestos-cement shingle3 ..... .2

o (f) Insulatcd brick. Drawing.s 21,25, 29. 27, and 33............ 23

(g) Stone .2322. Gable and end walls without inner

finish. requiring standard retain-Ing matcrial. (Price includes In-stallation of retaining material.)Drawings 25, 26. and 27:

Sial filraft (includca belly band) __ .19Backer bea2rd . ....... .23Corrugated beard_ ...... .19

=.a. Batta and blankets not requiringretaininz material_ ...... . .19

23. Dormer cheeks- . and faces with innerfinish, unit cost per dormer. Upto G'0'" in width. Over 5'0"" inv;Idth--came unit price as exteriorwls]I. Dra-wings 23 and 23 (flatprlcet15. CO

24. Darmer cleik5 and faces withoutInner finih, requiring retainingmatcrl. (Price includes Installa-tlon of retaining material.) Dr-aw-inga 23 and .,

Sial Lsraft (includes belly band)_ .13Bater biard -------- - .1-Corrug7ated b:-........ .19


Page 50: Federal Register: 11 Fed. Reg. 6661 (June 18, 1946). · 2015. 9. 28. · real or personal property, taken pur-suant to this order shall be terminated by the Director when he determines

FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, June 18, 1946

SCHEDULE A-Continued

25. Maximum prices for the following open-ings in types of roof indicated:

Strip open- ManholeIngs 1211 wide oelns(eper linear openings (per

ft.) opening)

Wood shingle ............ .35 $3.0OA sp h a lt o r asb esto s ....... .50 3 .00Slat --------------------- . 60 3.00Tile . .--------------------- . 60 3.00]toll Roofing -------------- .50 3.00Built-up Rooflng --------- .60 ?.00"Metal --------------------- .60 3.00

20. Maximum differentials per inch for thick-nesses of insulatldn. other than 4"

Cents persq. inch

(a) Above 4" -------------------- 2(b) Below 4"-.------------------ 1/

The maximum prices set forth above ap-ply to Installations of insulation madewithin a radius of ten miles of the seller'snearest place of business, In the case ofInstallations of insulations at more distantpoints, one-half of one percent, (% of 1%)per mile may be added to the total contractprice for each mile in excess of 10 milesfrom the seller's nearest place of business.The drawings referred to by number in thisechedule are hereto annexed and made apart of this schedule.'

[F. R. Doc. 46-10140; Filed, June 13, 1946;4:34 p. in.] -

[Region V Order G-3 Under MPR 592]

delivering 'ready mixed concrete withingeographical area covered by this order.

SEC. 3. Maximum przces. The maxi-'mum prices for the sale.and delivery.ofready nxed concrete covered by thisorder shall be as follows:

A. 'Table of prices.

Maximum price Maximum priceper cuble -yard per cublayard

Standatd, cement for each delivery for each deliveryin mixtures of- bytruckinquan- bytruckinqua-

titles of 2 cubic titles of ler tlanyards or more 2 cubic yards,

1-3-5 . . . 7 $9.151-2-4 8.50 9.051-2-3Y . 8.83 9.951-2-3 9.20 10.201-3 grout ----- ILO36 12.431-2 grout ---------- 12.27 13.35

B. TabLe of prices.

Maximum price Maximum pricesper cubic yard per cubic yard

Early strength for eac'f delivery for each deliverycement m by truciin by trck in

mixtures of- quantities of 2 quantities of lesscubic yards ot than 2 cubic

more yards

1-3-5 -------------- $9,15 $10.231-2-4 9.58 10.661-2-1, .. 9.96 3 11. 031-2-3 ---- 10.28 11.30

SEC. 4. Record keeping. Each sellermust keep, at his place of business, avail-able for inspectlon by representatives ofthe Office of Price Admimstratlon for solong as the Emergency Price Control Actof 1942, as amended, remains in effect,

READY MzxED CONCRETE IN CLAY AND recoras concerning each sale coverea dyJACKSON COUNTIES, MO,, AND WYAN- this order, reflecting the following in-DO AND JOHNSON COUTIrES, KANS. formation: -

tforth in an opinon 1. Name and address of the purchaser.For the reasons set hrth an un 2. Date of sale. I~

issued simultaneously herewith and un- 3. The quantity of ready mixed concreteder the authority vested in the Regional delivered by each truck per trip to the pur-Administrator of the Office of Price Ad- chaser's premises, includng the type ofministration by section 17 of Maximum mixture.Price Regulation No. 592, it is hereby 4. The price charged per cubic yard.ordered: 5. The total quantity sold and delivered.

6. The total amount charged.SECTION 1. Wiat this-order does. Tis SEC. 5. Enforcement. A. Persons vio-

order establishes the maximum prices for lating any provisioni of this brder areall sales of-ready rixed concrete when sublect to the civil and criminal penaltiessold and delivered in the geographical including suits for triple damages pro-area comprising Clay and Jackson Coun- vided for by'the Emergency Price Controlties, Missouri, and Wyandotte and John- Act of 1942, as amended.son Counties, Kansas. B. Persons.who have any evidence of

SEC. 2. Relation 0to Maximum Priee " any violation of this order are urged toRegulation No. 592 and to indivtdual ad- commumcate with their nearest District'Justment orders zssued thereunder. Ex- Office of the Office of Price Administra-cept as otherwise provided hereto this tion.order supersedes sections 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and SEC. 6. Amendment and revocation.10 of MaXimum Price Regulation-No. 592 This order may be amended or revokedwith respect to sales and deliveries of at any time by the Office of Price Admln-ready mixed concrete covered by this or-der. All other sections of Maximum Price istration.Regulation No. 592, together with all (56 Stat. 23, 765; 57 Stat. 566; Pub. Lawamendments thereto, that have been or 383, 78th.Cong., E.O. 9250, 7 F.R. 7871,may-be issued, shall apply to-all sales and E.O. 9323, 8 F.R. 4681)and deliveries covered by this order ex-cept to the extent that are inconsistent Issued at Dallas, Texas, this 4th day ofwith the provisions of this order; June 1946.

This order also supersedes all orders Effective this 12th day of June 1946.establishing the maximum prie-on ready W.A. ORTZ,mixed concrete for, and issued to, any Regional AdministratorIndividual business or person selling and

iF. R. Doc. 46-10151; Filed, June 13, 1946;1 FIl9d as a part of the original document. 4:40 p. m.]

[Memphis Order G-2 Under Gen. Order 68]


For the reasons set forth In the accom-panying opinion and under the authorityvested in .the District Director of theMemphis District Office, Region IV, ofthe Office of Price Administration byGeneral Order No. 68, as amended, andDelegation Order No. 93 issued November5, 1945 by the Regional Administrator,Region IV,-It is hereby ordered:

SECTION 1. What this 6rider covers.This order covers all retail sales by anyseller of the commodities specified In theTables set forth in appendices A, B, Cand D delivered to the purchaser In theJackson, Tennessee, trading area. Forthe purposes- of this order the Jackson,Tennessee, trading area consists of theCity of Jackson and the area In MadisonCounty within three miles distance ofthe corporate limits of the City of Jack-son, Tennessee. 0

SEC. 2. Definition of rctail sales. Forthe purposes of this order, a retail salemeans a sale to an ultimate user,,includ-Ing among others, commercial users, in-dustrial users and contractors, but notincluding applicators. Applicators aredefined as contractors engaged exclu-sively in the business of applying roofingand/or iding and/or insulation to build.ings.

SEc. 3. Description of items covered bythis order This order covers tile list of"hard building materials" set forth In theannexed tables, including sand, gravel,crushed limestone, concrete blocks, com-mon brick, Portland cement, lime, plas-ter, gypsum board, sheathing and lath,.certain roofing materials, certain itemsof siding and farm tile. Other relateditems may be added from time to timeby amendment-without reference being.-made to this section.

SEC. 4. Relation to other regulations.The maximum prices fixed by this ordersupersede any maximum price or pricingmethod previously fixed by any otherregulation or order. Except to the extentthey are Inconsistent with the provisionsof this order, all other provisions of theGeneral Iaximum Price Regulation shallapply to sales covered by this order.

SEC. 5. Maximum prices. The maxi.mum prices for building materials coV-ered by this order are set forth In thetables in Appendices A, B, C and D whichare annexed to and made a part of thisorder.

SEC. 6. Posting of maximum prices.Every seller making sales covered by thisorder shall post a copy of the Tables Inappendices A, B, C and D, which listmaximum prices fixed by this order, ineach of his pltaces of business within thecity of Jackson and the area within threemiles of the corporate limits of Jackson,Tennessee, In a manner plainly visible toall purchasers.SEc. 7. Sales slips and records. Every

seller covered by this order who has cus-tomarily given his customers a sales slipor other evidence of purchase must con-


Page 51: Federal Register: 11 Fed. Reg. 6661 (June 18, 1946). · 2015. 9. 28. · real or personal property, taken pur-suant to this order shall be terminated by the Director when he determines

FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, June 18, 1916

tinue to do so. Upon request from a cus-tomer such seller regardless of previouscustom, shall give the purchaser a re-ceipt showing the date, name and addressof the seller, the description of each itemsold and the price received for it. If hecustomarily prepared his sales slips inmore than one copy, he must keep for atleast six months after delivery a dupli-cate copy of each sales slip delivered byhim pursuant to this section.

For any sale of $50.00 or more eachseller regardless of previous custom mustkeep records showing at least the follow-ing:

(1) Name and address of buyer.(2) Date of transaction.(3) Place of delivery.(4) Complete description of each item

sold and price charged.

SEC. 8. Amendment. This order may beamended or revoked at any time by theOffice of Price Administration.

This order No. G-2 shall become effec-tive May 31, 1946.

Issued this 29th day of May 1946.CuanLEs P. Jzrsm , Jr.,Acting District Director.

ArxrLix A-Umirmau M=fr rco- E~-au MA.so.Mr MxTrMUS (EAcci Bt=,r;G ZUTZU9_q)

Madmum pT.dclivucl dfh .G

Dczcriptletof corm- Ddivcry tU cL i c!mcdity and rhzo Unit J In.=ar rr. V133~me:3 Af c.y ILM-its or J=Z,1

Lreal sad (craek).... YansriL. .) -O ram.River ranL... ... do........ d -T,. .arRiver gravel ........... do-- V..J =z yzcrConcrete bl-rzk:81" x 6" x IC --.. - .. - r:=. Z129 C:2l3.1- " x S" x IG" .......... I'i c:'1 .

CoXpmon br- V........ .. m9' 21 Zn.

(1) Above maximum p rfc' ore := u Crn cr d kvery to Job fiti of qu.nt t s lown ac3 "D cay 102'i,-"

() All prl's rubr t to , cz-i di:,2UM, l1h ICI

AP.rENSDX B-M=ATxun PMcEs For SPECI-ED fAosns MAraniAcs (HAnD f an.G EalAl-) MAcca -, lMk3


ob ro in

Commodity Unit weight DK'.cry unit ja 2n

ZL or I'r~itbli 3

per Z: I

Portland cement ---------------------- 0-lb. sack ............................... Any .....Hydrated lime (mason's lime).......50-lb. sacl. .............................. Y ... ....... .Fih lime----------------- 50-lb. sack ................................ ...... ....Plaster, wall hard .....---- -----------lb. ---c -.................... Ay).Fimshmg plaster ..... -----------10-lb. zick ......................... Any ....... ..

(1) Above maximum prices are based upon one delivery to the job site of quantlt s sshrow. n w "DItcvczy Unit"(2) -All prices are subject to 2o cash discount, 10th prox.


Maiulmr0. do.

lvererd 02]3.b eto ln

Qaantltycf 0ltl ctyC!Description of commodity Sp.clflcatolons hivrh at= TcnU.c

tr~x3 n, I, sYthtn3'-Wit 3

per MIZ.ft.

Gypsum board -- -- -- " -- 15..................................... Any . ..... 'E.)0Gysum sheathing treated -------------- -- -.- Any--_.. U2(0Gypsum lap sheathing ...--...-------- '.. .................. .An . - 7.Plaster base lath .. - - - ...............---------------....................... Any::.......,: C.3Gypsum board ------------------------- -" ................................... A y ..... 45.

Metal lath --------.------------------- 2.. b. (painted) .. .......... Any_ .2.5lb. 4(apper rearlng) ............. Any .. .... . .33.4:lb. (copper boaring) ............... Any ..... . 31

Roofing inatneria

Rolled roofing .......................- l 9b minral surfaced .................... Any_ _ 2 CSStrip shingles -------------------- 210-lb-12"

T ............................... -- y ........... & ca

167-lb.-U5 hxagon ................... Ay .......... 4°.5Smooth rolled roofing............ 4lb ......................... A-y -- 4

55lb.b st grade. . A-y ---....... 2--365-lb. bzst grade . . , ny 2 CS

Asbestos siding ............. 12" 24"- white ............. Any . .. ,12 x 24" glazed ................ Any _ _. .0

Roll brick................................... An .....

All prices are subet to -, cash discount, lthl'rox.

APrO. D-Mzaz Prn= rcz- S==L~arMT==s (H&nM Br=nn. ?,T I-

Zrazfmu. prLce, dcrcred to fob site ft tkecity of Jac. or, Tenr., cr tlhe crea acithoi3 mi fle of Jac?=nzz. Temn.

Cimamcdlty:Csualacdllmeaztone (pertan)__...... 04.0)Farm drain til (ch) .10

All price- are subject to 2 S c-zh dizcouat,loth prox.

[P. R. Dc. 4C--10149; Filed, June 1.3, 1046;4:37 p. m.]

[San Antonio Order G- Under Clen. OrderES, Amdt 11

BDILDInGt MAriArLs n; EL PAso Cotl2rE,

For the reasons set forth in an opinionIssued simultaneously herewith, and pur-suant to the provisions of General OrderNo. 68 and Order No. G-4, It zs herebyordered, That Order No. G-4 under Gen-eral Order No. 63 be amended in thefollowing respects:

1. In the price list in Appendix A'theItems set forth below are amended to readas follows:

Mfxznum s-wce f. o. b.plant, ard, sfding or

Namc of item store, or dclifrvered nand bi s unit free deliverj zcne

Aphbalt reafing. mineral surface, 90 lb.roll 3.1

A,-halt or tarred felt 15 lb., roSL . _.. 3.2.Asphalt or tarred felt, 00 lb., rolL--- 3.21Asphalt -hingsa z, 210 lb. (3 in 1) thick-

butt. square-... . . 7. EAsphalt r ingle., 167 lb., 2 tab hexagn,

cquro.. . 6.E5Acphalt rcol rooallng, mooth surface,

45 lb, roll (st grade) ..... 1.75Acphalt roll roofln. mesath surface, 55

lb., roll (1t grada) 2.17Asphalt roll roofing. smooth surface, 65

lb., roll (l2-gr de)-2.62

2. In the price list In Appendix A deletethe Item "Asphalt Roll Roofing, SmoothSurface, 35 lb., Roll (1st Grade) 135"

This order shall become effective May29, 1946.

(56 Stat. 23, '65; 57 Stat. 566; Pub. Law-383, 78th Cong., E.O. 9250, 7 F.R. 7871;and E.O. 9328, 8 P.R. 4681)

Issued at San Antonio, Texas, this 27thday of May 1946.

C. T. GI=,Distrct Director.

[F. R. Dos. 46 -10150; Filed, June 13, 1945;4:37 p. m.l

[Reotn VI Order G-16 Under PZAPB 122,

AppendI x i9

Soun Fum.s nz AP .o-, WIs., An.%

(a) Appilcability. This Appendix No.33 applies to all delivered sales to con-sumers of solid fuels made by retail deal-ers when the fuel is delivered to the pur-chaser within the area in the State ofWisconsm, Including the City of Apple-ton, bounded on the north by U. S. High-


Page 52: Federal Register: 11 Fed. Reg. 6661 (June 18, 1946). · 2015. 9. 28. · real or personal property, taken pur-suant to this order shall be terminated by the Director when he determines

FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, June 18, 1916.

p ay 41, on the east by French Road, onthe south by the northern boundary ofCalumet County and U. S. Highway 10 toTownship Road U (or the northern.boundary of the Neenah-Menasha Areacovered by Appendix 38)., and to the westby U. S. Highway 41.

(b) Przce schedule. (1) Immediatelybelow and as part of this section (b) is a'--schedule which sets forth adjusted max--limum pricbs before discounts for deliv-ered sales of solid fuels of specified sizes,kinds and quantities. All prices arestated on a net ton basis.

(I) On domestic delivered sales of lessthan one ton the price shall be propor-tional to the price per ton plus an addi-tional charge of 50 cents, but in no eventshall the total price be in excess of thatfor a sale of one ton.

(It) On domestic delivered sales ofmore than one ton for each fraction of aton sold,-the price shall be proportional tothe price per ton.

PRICE SCHEULEDomesticdeliveredper ton

I. Low volatile bituminous coal fromdistrict No. 7 (southern West Vir-ginia and northwestern and cen-tral Virginia)

1. Egg and stove, size group Nos. 2and 3, all double screened eggcoal top size larger than 3" alldouble screened stove coal topsize larger than 14'1 but notexceeding 3" price classifica-tion A.

a. Screened ------------------- $14.45b. Shovelled or bin run.. --------- 13.95

2. Nut size group No. 4, all doublescreened nut coal top size largerthan %1" but not exceeding 1Y"price classification A ..----------- 13.15'

8. Pea or dedusted screenings, sizegroup No. 5, all double screened -.

pea coal top size not exceeding," all deduated screenings topsize not exceeding 31" and, bot-tom size larger than 100 mesh but.not exceeding 10 mesh, priceclassification A ---------------- 11.30

4. Screenings --------- --- 9.1011. High volatile- bituminous coal

from district No. 8 (eastern Ken-tucky, southwestern West Vir-ginia, western Virginia, northernTennessee, and North Carolina)

1. Egg:a. Elkhorn seam --------------- 12.15b. Splint scams --------------- 11.85

2. Stove:a. Elkhorn seam --------------- 11.85b. Hazard No. 4 seam ----------- 11:80

3. Stoker:a. Premium Kentucky and Elk-

horn seams ----------------- 12.05I1. Pennsylvania anthracite (ash

content not in excess of OPAquality, standards)

1. Egg, stove, nut ---------------- 19.152. Pea -------------------------- 1795

IV Byproduct coke (Mllwfukee Sol-vay or Ford),

1. Stove and nut --------------- 15.40V_ Briquettes:

1. Low volatile United and Ress-_ 13.952. High volatile fire balls ---------- 11.80

VI..Package pocahontas:1, Cliffs Coal Blox manufactured by

Cleveland Cliffs Iron Co -------- 16. 852. Manufactured by F. Hurlbut Co. 17.35

To the above, maximum prices theremay be added the Federal transportationtax of 4 cents per ton.

(c) .Charge for treatment of coal.Whenever a dealer has been charged byhis supplier for chemical or oil treatmentof coal, he may add such treatmentcharge to the applicable maximum priceestablished by this appendix: Promided,That the treated coal is kept separatefrom and is not mixed with untreatedcoal. When a treatment charge is madepursuant to this section, the dealer neednot separately state the amount of suchservice charge if he clearly Indicates onthe invoice that such coal is so treated.

(d) Discounts. The maximum pricesset forth in section (b) above shall besubject to the following discounts fromthe net retail prices:

(i) If payment Is inade by the pur-chaser on delivery or within 15 daysthereafter, $1.00 per ton.

(ii) For coal picked up at the yard bya domestic consumer, 50 cents per ton.

(it!) For deliveries of 20 tons or moreat one time to one destinatlon in loadlots, 50 cents per ton.

(iv) Maximum prices for PennsylvaniaAnthracite received by a dealer which hasbeen identified-by his supplier prior to itsresale as anthracite with an ash contentin excess of OPA quality standards' shallbe the maximum priceestablished by thisorder less. the following amounts:

Per tonEgg, stove, and nut ---------------- $1.00.Pea -------------------------------- .80

(e) Immediately below and a part ofthis section (e) is a schedule of servicechareg- whidh a dealer may make forthe special services described when ren-dered in connection with sales of solid-fuels covered by this appendix. Thesecharges may-be made only If the buyerrequests the service and the dealer ren-ders It pursuant to the request. Thecharges must be stated separately on thedealer's invoice.


(f) Commercial and steam sales.Commercial and steam sales shall con-tinue to be priced under the provisionsof Revised Maximum Price RegulationNo. 122.

(g-Notification. Every dealer subjectto this order selling Pennsylvania An-thracite which has been identified by hissupplier prior to its resale as Anthracitewith an ash content in excess of OPAquality standards must place the follow-

Sing legend on the invoice, sales slip, orreceipt: "Price reduced because of highash content." Such Anthracite must bekert separate in storage and deliveryfrom all other Anthracite.

(h) Definitions. .() "Domestic sales"means all sales other than sales made tocommercial and Industrial users such ashotels, industrial plants, office buildings,large department store and institutionalusers such as hospitals, public institu-tions,,and public buildings.

(2) The term "delivered" meansdumping or chuting the fuel from theseller's-trucks directly into the buyer's


bin or storage space; but if this is phys-ically impossible, the term means dis-charging the fuel directly from the sell-er's truck at the point nearest and mostaccessible to the buyer's bin or storagespace.

(3) Except as otherwise -providedherein or as the context may otherwiserequire, all terms used In this order shallbear the ieaning given them in RevisedMaximum Price Regulation No. 122 or Inthe Emergency Price Control Act of 1942,as amended; if not therein defined theyshall be given their ordinary andt populartrade meaning.

This order, designated as Appendix No.39 as In the title above, shall be effectiveJune 1, 1946, but it may be amended,modified, or revolked at any time.

Issued this 27th day of May 1940.EARL W CLAnIx,

Acting Regzonal Administrator[F R. Doe. 46-10141, Filed, June 13, 1940;

4:34 p, m.]

[Region VI Order G-16 Under nMPR 122,Appendix 40]


(a) Applicability. This Appendix No,40 applies to all delivered sales to con-sumers of solid fuels made by retail deal-ers when the fuel is delivered to the pur-chaser within the area in the State ofWisconsin, ificluding the cities or townsof Kaukauna, Kimberly and Little Chute,bounded on the north by CoUnty Road JJ,on the east by the eastern boundary ofBrown County, on the south by theNorthern boundary of Calumet County,and on the west by French Road,

(b) Prtce schedule. (1) Immediatelybelow and as part of this section (b) isa schedule which sets forth adjustedmaximum prices before discounts for de-livered sales of solid fuels of specifiedsizes, kinds, and quantities. All pricesare stated on a net ton basis.

(i) On domestic delivered sales of lessthan one ton the price shall be propor-tional to the price per ton plus an addi-tional charge of 250, but in no event shallthe total price be in excess of that for asale of one ton.

(it) On domestic delivered sales ofmore than one ton for each fraction of aton-sold, the price shall be proportionalto the price per ton.

PRICE SCiiEDULEDomesticdeliveredlcr'ton

I. Low vblatile bituminous coal fromdistrict No. 7 (southern West Vir-ginia and northwestern and cen-tral Virginia)

1. Egg, size group No. 2, all doublescreened egg coal top size largerthan 3" price classl9catlonsA and B:

a. Screened --------------- _-- $13.35b. Shovelled or bin run ..-------- 12, 85.

2. Stove, size group No. 3, all doublescreened stove coal top sizelarger than,11/4" but not ex-ceed 3" price classification A.

a. Screened -..... --------.. 12.,0b. Shovelled or bin run -------- _ 12.20

S. Nut ------------------------- 12,454. Screenings -------------------. 8,o


Page 53: Federal Register: 11 Fed. Reg. 6661 (June 18, 1946). · 2015. 9. 28. · real or personal property, taken pur-suant to this order shall be terminated by the Director when he determines

FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, June 18, 1916

PiacE ScEULE-Continued


per tonIL Low volatile bituminous coal from

district No. 8 (eastern Kentucky,southwestern West Virginia,western Virginia, northern Ten-nessee and North Carolina)

1. Nut size group No. 4. all doublescreened nut coal top size largerthan i%" but not exceeding 1%"price classifications B thrcugh E_ $11.40

1I. High volatile bituminous coalfrom district No. 8 (eastern Ken-tucky, southwestern West Vir-gmia, western Virginia, northernTennessee and North Carolina)

1. Egg:a. Premium Kentucky and Elk-

horn seams ......-------------- 11.40b. Splint seams --------------- 11.05

2. Stoker:a. Premium Kentucky and Elk-

horn seams ----------------- 10.70IV. Pennsylvania anthracite (ash

content not in excess of OPAquality standards)

I. Egg, stove and nut ------------ 17.852. Pea ------------------------ 16.50

V. Byproduct coke:1. Milwaukee Solvay or Ford--..- 15.05

VI. Package Pocahontas:1. Manufactured by F. Hurlbut

& Co ------------------------ 15.752. Cliffs Coal Blox, manufactured by

Cleveland Cliffs Iron Co --------- 15.25VII. Briquettes:

1. Low volatile United Reiss ---- 12.602. High volatile fireballs ---------- 10.15

To the above maximum prices theremay be added the Federal Transporta-tion Tax of 4 cents per ton.

(c) Charge for treatment of coal.Whenever a dealer has been charged byhis supplier for chemical or oil treatmentof coal, he may add such treatmentcharge to the applicable maximum priceestablished by this Appendix providedthat the treated coal is kept separatefrom and is not mixed with untreatedcoal. When a treatment charge is madepursuant to this section, the dealer neednot separately state the amount of suchservice charge if he clearly indicates onthe invoice that such coal is so treated.

(d) Discounts. The mammum pricesset forth in section (b) above shall besubject to the following discount fromthe net retail prices:

(i) For coal picked up at the yard bya domestic consumer, 50 cents per ton.

(ii) Maximum prices for Pennsylvaniaanthracite received by a dealer whichhas been identified by his supplier priorto its resale as anthracite with an ashcontent in excess of OPA quality stand-ards shaU be the maximum ,prce es-tablished by this order less the followingamounts:

Per tonEgg, stoveand nut --------------- $1.00Pea -------------------------------- .80

(e) Additional charges.(i) Any dealer who added a charge for

credit in the base period of December,1941 may continue to add that samecharge.

(ii) Immediately below and a part ofthis section (e) is a schedule of servicecharges which a dealer may make for thespecial services described when renderedin connection with sales of solid fuelscovered by this appendix. These charges

may be made only If the buyer requeststhe service and the dealer renders It pur-suant to the request. The charges mustbe stated separately on the dealer'sinvoice.

SCHEuLr or Smvzcn CasnossPcr ton

Wheel or carry from curb- C......... O. 50Carrying up or downr.. ........... 1.03

Cf) Commercial and steam cales.Commercial and steam sales shall con-tinue to be priced under the proviAionsof Revised Maximum Price RegulationNo. 122.

(g) Notification. Every dealer subjectto this order selling Pennsylvania an-thracite which has been Identifed by hissupplier prior to its resale as anthracitewith an ash content in excess of OPAquality standards must place the follow-ing legend on the invoice, sales slip, orreceipt: "Price reduced because of highash content." Such anthracite must b2kept separate in storage and deliveryfrom all other anthracite.

(h) Definitions. (1) "Domestic sales"means all sales other than sales made tocommercial and industrial users such ashotels, industrial plants, office buildings,large department store and Institutionalusers such as hospitals, public institu-tions, and public buildings.

(2) The term "delivered" meansdumping or chuting the fuel from theseller's trucks directly into the buyer's binor storage space; but If this Is physicallyimpossible, the term means dischargingthe fuel directly from the Eeller's truckat the point nearest and most accessibleto the buyer's bin or storage space.

(3) Except as otherwise providedherein or-as the context may otherwiserequire, all terms used in this order shallbear the meaning given them in RevisedMaximum Price Regulation No. 122, orin the Emergency Price Control Act of194Z, as amended; If not therein definedthey shall be given their ordinary andpopular trade meaning.

This order, designated as AppendixNo. 40, as in the title above, shall be effec-tive June 10.1946, but It may be amended,modified, or revoked at any time.

Issued this 3d day of June 1946.EsirL W. CLrmn,

Acting Regional Administrator.[F. R. Dcc. 46-10142; Filed, June 13, 1046;

4:34 p. m.]

[Region VI Order 0-44 Under PZ!PR 1221SOLID FUELS ni? WAunwH, Wis., AnrAUnder the authority vested in the Re-

gional Administrator of the Office ofPrice Administration by § 1340.259 (a)(1) of Maximum Price Regulation No.122 and for reasons set forth in an opin-ion issued simultaneously herewith, it Isordered:

(a) What this order does. This orderadjusts the maximum prices heretoforeestablished under Revised MaximumPrice Regulation No. 122 for sales ofspecified solid fuels delivered from retalyards in the Waukesha, Wisconsin area.

(b) Geographical applicability. Thisorder applies to all "delivered" sales of

specified solid fuels made by all sellersfrom retail yards where the fuel is de-livered to the purchaser in the area com-prisIng the city limits of Waukesha, Wis-consin. and the normal area into whichthe subject dealers have customarily de-livered at the same level of prices.

(c) (1) Price schedule. The maxi-mum prices on all coal sold and deliveredfrom retail yards in the area specified mtb) hereof be, and the same are hereby,Increased 15 cents pr ton.

(2) Nothing in this order shall pre-clude the continuing addition of the Fed-eral transportation tax.

(d) Definitions. (1) The term "de-livered" or "direct delivery" means asale of solid fuel in which the deliveryservices are included inthe price chargedto the purchaser when the fuel is de-livered to the purchaser's premises anddumped or chuted from the seller's trucksdirectly into the buyer's bin or storagespace; but if this Is physically impossible,the term means dischargmg the fuel di-rectly from the seller's truck at the pointnearest and most accessible to the buy-er's bin or storage space.

(2) Except as otherwise providedherein or as the context may othervwserequire, all terms used in this order shallbear the meaning given them in RevisedMaximum Price Regulation No. 122 or inthe Emergency Price Control Act of 1942,as amended; if not therein defined theyshall be given their ordinary and populartrade meaning.

(e) Effect of this order on Revised Max-imum Price Regulation No. 122. To theextent appplicable the provisions of thisorder supersede Revised Maximum PriceRegulatlon No. 122. In so far as any pro-vislons of this order may be inconsistentwith any provision of Revised MaximumPrice Regulation No. 122, the provisioncontained in this order shall be control-ling. Except as herein otherwise pro-vided, the provisions of Revised Maxi-mum Price Regulation No. 122 shall re-main in full force and effect.

(f) The increase established by thisorder does not reflect the increase of 10cents per net ton authorized under§ 1340.251 (e) (3) of Revised MaximumPrice Regulation No. 122, as amended byAmendment No. 42. Sellers covered bythis order may continue to include suchincrease of 10 cents per net ton.

Issued this 21st day of May 1946.R. F. WALTERS,

Regional Admrinstrator.

[P. R. Dze. 4-10143; Filed, June 13, 1946;4:35 p. m.]

[San Fiunclcco Order G-2 Under RMPII 2531

Donszc I5ALT BsvunAcns rr Smui Fmni-cisco, CALir., DisricT

For the reasons set forth in the ac-companying opinion, It is hereby or-dered:

SzcTio,r 1. What the order does. Inaccordance with the provisions of sec-tion 4.1 (c) of Revised Maximum PriceRe-uation 259, as amended, this orderestablishes a base delivery zone forwholezalers of bottled and canned do-mestic malt beverages by establishing a


Page 54: Federal Register: 11 Fed. Reg. 6661 (June 18, 1946). · 2015. 9. 28. · real or personal property, taken pur-suant to this order shall be terminated by the Director when he determines

FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, June 18, 1946

common center point, or the geographiclimits, or both, of such a zone.

SEC. 2. Where this order applies. Thisorder covers the Counties of San Joaquin,Stanislaus, Merced, Kings, Tulare; theCities of Yuba and Sacramento, in theState of California, and the areas meas-ured by a radius of 20 miles from the CityHall of each of these cities; qnd the Cityof Coalingain the State of California,but not beyond the City limits theteof.

SEC. 3. Applicability-(a) Within thebase delivery zone. No wholesaler lo-cated within the base delivery zone de-scribed in section 2 of this order maycharge for delivery within such describedbase delivery zone. Such sellers' ceilingprices for sales may not exceed the ceil-ing prices 4gured in accordance with theprovisions of Revised Maximum PriceRegulation 259, as amended. /

(b) Outside the base delivery -zone.Such sellers, with the exception of thoselocated in the City of Coalinga (see par-agraph (e) below) located in the basedelivery zone defined in section 2 of thisorder, may charge in addition to theirceiling prices for bottled and cannedmalt beverages for delivery outside thearea described in section 3 (a) in ac-cordance with the applicable provisionsof Revised Maximum Price Regulation259, as amended. The charges whichmay be added are:


Distance beyond base delivery chg. (centszone: per case)

20 miles or less ------------------ 3More than 20 miles but less than

40 miles --------------------- 640 miles or more but less than 60

miles --------......------- 960 miles or more but less than 80

miles ------------------------- 1280 miles or more but lss than 100

miles ----------------------- 15100 miles or more but less than 120-miles ---------- 8

120 miles or more but less than 140miles _ ---.---------------- 21

140 miles or more --------------- 24(c) This order applies only within the

City limits/of the City of Coalinga. Theprovisions of paragraph (b) above donot apply. Wholesalers located in theCity of Coalinga by delivering outsidethe city limits thereof are governed bythe provisions of Order No. G-3.

(d) Wholesalers located outside thebase delivery zone. This order shall notapply to wholesalers located outside thearea described in section 2 of this order.

SEc. 4. Definitions. Unless- the con-text otherwise requires, the definitionsset forth in section 302 of the EmergencyPrice Control Act of 1942, as amended,and In Revised Maximum Price Regula-tion 259, as amended, shall apply-to theterms used herein.

This order shall become effective May10, 1946.

Issued this 5th day of May 1946.E. J. BEITNETT,

District DirectorIF. R. Doe. 46-10145; Filed, June 13, 1946;

4:35 p. m.]

[Reglo3f VI Order G-11 Under Rev. 50 119]



For the reasons set forth in the accom-panying opinion and under the authorityvested in the Regional Administrator ofRegion VI ofthe Office of Price Adirins-'

-ation under the provisions of section16 of Revised Supplementary Order No.119, this Order No. G-11 is Issued:

(a) What this order does. This orderestablishes maximum prices for sales ofPella casement windows manufactured

'by the Roiscreen Company, Pella, Iowa(hereinafter referred to as the "manu-facturer")

(b) Manufacturer's maximum price.The manufacturer's maximum price ofPella casement windows which have awooden sash and steel frame with a steelrolling window screen and double, glaz-ing on and after the effective date of thisorder shall be the manufacturer's maxi-mum price under Maximum Price Regu-lation No. 591 plus 7 per cent.

(c) Resellers' maximum price. Resell-ers may add to their presqntly establishedprices of Pella casement windows manu-factured by the Rolscreen Company, thedollars-and-cents increase charged themby the manufacturer pursuant to Section(b) of this order.

(d) Manufacturer and resellers mustmaintain customary discounts, allow-ances, .and handling and deliverycharges.(e) Notification. At the time of *or

prior to the first invoice to the purchaserfor resale, the manufacturer shall fur-nish such purchaser with a copy of thisorder.

(f) Definition. Reseller means a per-son who buys and resells Pella casementwindows manufactured by the manu-facturer.

(g) Applicability. The m a x 1 m u mprices established by this order are ap-plicable to all sales and deliveries ofPella casement windows, subject to thisorder, made in thecontinental UnitedStates.

'(h) All requests not granted hereinare denied.

(I) Tis_order may be amended, modi-fied, or revoked at any time.

(j) This order shall become effectiveimmediately.

Issued this 27th day of May 1946.R. . WALTERS,

Regional AdministratorIF. R. Doe. 46-10157; Filed, June 13, 1946;

4:37 p. m.]

[San Fncisco Order G-3 Under RMpR 2591DoiEsTIc MALT BEVERAGES IN SAN FRAN-

cIsco, CALIF., DISTRICTFor the reasons set forth in the ac-

companying opinion, it is hereby or-dered:-

SEeTioN 1. What the order does. Inaccordance with the provisions of sec-tion 4.1 (c) of Revised Maximn PriceRegulation 259, as amended, this orderestablishes a base delivery zone forwholesalers of bottled and canned do-

mestic malt beverages by establishing acommon center point, or the geographiolimits, or both, of such r. zone.

SEC. 2. Where this order applies.This order cover4 the Counties of Fresno(except thecities or towns of Coalinga,Florence Lake. Cedar Crest, Lakeshore,Huntington Lake, Big Creek, CampSierra, Shaver Lake and Dinkey Creek)and Madera (except the cities or townsof Sugar Pine, Minarets and Bass Lake)

Szc. 3. Applicability-(a) Within thebase delivery zone. No wholesaler lo-cated within the base delivery zone de-scribed In section 2 of this order maycharge for delivery within such de-scribed base delivery zone. Such sellers'ceiling prices for sales may not exceedthe ceiling prices figured In accordancewith the provisions of Revised MaximumPrice Regulation 259, as amended.

(b) Outside the base delivery zone.Such sellers, located In the base deliveryzone defined Ih section 2 of this order,may charge in addition to their ceilingprices for bottled and canned malt beV-erages for delivery outside the area de-scribed In section 3 (a) In accordancewith the applicable provisions of RevisedMaximum Price Regulation 259, asamended. The charges which may beadded are:

PermittedDistance beyond base dclvcry ch,

dellvery zdne: (cents per Case)20 miles or less -------- _--------- 3M~ore than 20 miles but lem than 40

miles -------------------------- 040 miles or more but les than 60

miles --------------------- 960 miles or more but le than eO

miles-----------------------12.80 miles or more but less than iO.. miles -------.----------------- 15

100 miles or more but lens than 120miles .........---------------------- 1

120 miles or more but les thair 140m iles ---- .-.------ . ...--- 21

.140 miles or more ------------------ 24

(c) Wholesalers located outside thebase deliverl) zone. This order shall notapply to wholesalers located outside thearea described in section 2 of this order,

Szc. 4. Deftnitions. Unless the context,otherwise requires, the definitions setforth in section 302 of the EmergencyPrice Control Act of 1942, as amended,and In Revised Maximum Price Regula-tion 259, as amended, shall apply to theterms used herein.

This order shall become effective May10, 1946.

Issued this 5th day of May 1946.E. J. BENNETT,

District Director[f. R. Doe. 46-10144; Filed, June 13, 1910,

4:35 p. in.]


[Region VII Order G-5 Under RMPR 251,Amdt. 11


Order No. G-5 under Revised Maxl-mum Price Regulation No. 251, Amend-ment 1. Construction services and sales


Page 55: Federal Register: 11 Fed. Reg. 6661 (June 18, 1946). · 2015. 9. 28. · real or personal property, taken pur-suant to this order shall be terminated by the Director when he determines

FEDERAL REGISTER, Tucsday, June 18.of installed building materials. DocketNo. 7-251-9-6 (a)

For the reasons set forth in an opinionissued simultaneously herewith and filedwith the Division of the Federal Register,and pursuant to the authority vested inthe Regional Admintrator of RegionVII of the Office of Price Administration

by the Emergency Price Control Act of1942, as amended, the Stabilization Actof 1942, as amended, and by section 9 ofRevised Maximum Price Reulatlin No.251, Order lo. G-5 under Revised TMxi-mum Price Regulation No. 251, sales ofinstalled insulation in the State of Neew

Lexiserec Pmcrs iRa Sqr=Ar, rea iOF Am&

,, 1916 6715Mexico, Is hereby amended In the follov-Ing respects:

. In rectlon 4 strike all of the tablesshowing mammum prices par square fooetof area appearlng as pages 3, 4, 5, 6 and7 of the order and Insert m lieu thereoft he following:


(1) Openatticswith over2" clear-once to roof-drawing L .......

(2) Under lat built up roofs (sus-pended ceiling); open blowingconditions (price mcludcs cost ofopening and closing for arma)-drawing 2-- -------------


(Prices include the cost of remov-ing and replacing flooring)

(3) Open attics with a Single roughflooring and accessible-drawing3--- .....

(4) Open attics withfinished singlefloors-drawing 4 ----------------

-(5) Open attics with double floors,the top floor finished-.-.


(6) E'at ceilings m closed Spacesunder pitched or Sloping roofswhere opening in roof is ec-esry, such as pocket areas'behndiknee walls areas underroof ridges or extensions whichare practically flat-drawing 6:

(a) Unfloored ................h) Floored:With ingle rough floor---

(if) With sigle finshed floor_.:(ili) -Withdoublefinshedloor.

e(7)i Clings in closed space underridge or pitched roofs, whereopenings for the full length ofridge are necessary bemuse ofsmall clearano betwe o ridge-and ceiling areas. Drawing 7.-Unfloored ...................

(8) Flat built up roof typo includ-oing row house construction andcommercial buidlgs.-Drawing

(9) Flat roof decks covarWd withtin, copper or canvas.-Draw-1.; 9__ _: -----------------------

(00) Overhang-Drawmg 10 ------(11) Dormer tops.-Drawing 11 ...(12) Baywindow top or bottom.-

Drawing 1f(a) Top ........................(b) Bottom .............-


(Prices do not include cost ofopening and closing)

(Prices do not include cost ofretaining material)

(13) _Amy exposed floors overcirngeceilings, open porches or similartypes of aras where the underside of the area to be msulated isclosed and fimshed-Drawing 13.

(14) Any exposed floors where the-areas to be insulated are notclosed and finshed and where re-taeming materials are required-Drawing 14. ....................

Table 1


wool 4"depth

Table 2

Expandedmica andother mhn-



in excessof &)7 -4


I Ti - -

Table 3 ITablo 4!TabloS


mato-rials 4"depth


kcts 3'thic-uses or















IncxccrsofZ7, fire

rListantnot less

than lz:21l


Tabta i

cAl 4(1 :PhI

I - -


(re!.3 do*1 rrt fzeli c,--# cfrctlaLOeC aer Pl)

(15) BattsanlbhInkcz. Drawk3

(1f) 4" IM lb!-aa In ovcir rc!.aic:- -mzatcral-Dmwfn: Ir ...... -..... 1110


(Prrzc3 0i Et Icelulo eranlraerOlzic2)

(17 All Ear.s olrro c--1 cndflntiyl en tho Later-.- Cla cith n-f tcs-Dmwr.i 17 . IG(It) Opfncal and awl srsts lc

r:2sct cuela3 cf kc-a yraMa

Drawldn V ...----(15) O-n railrcad erz'n. Ap.

1,catisu vf tis cr V=1:0c3.-rarrIng 19. (Nor0r= ~cr uIJ) .. .

M EC T. ALS, PAMM QN:;'. AN 0srAiLrWELS. A:.D AjCCrn=A.Z;5

(21) In te 'r lartrcl woess lanoseter lanch,-DraTCfz -,.

(Po~ ales I-- ose : rdc_'aa.(21) 1 ne rt .alls.-Drawlc 12:to) Batta andL nc, .......

Ib) 131w-.. ................. 14(221 Knia Wall r~t 1l'-Dr ...................... .2

1iew c f .---------------- 1

(b) VUnccllslaturntovcs,

may I-' talzcn c3 rea=ar7ularfrem fl-r to caiz) ..... .... .. 17


(rrlses ircelud ccfl c rcraning

(21) Eztcr1r r.al!s with LnrCr l -Ise cin uter rut.in ar,c'imr-!Al et-(D stc 21 to

(a) Wc.Ic'ra.plalc!.... . 19(b) 1c'1 c1pL.d ...... 21

te) 21, - .. .--- -----...... .21(to I seilatl Lrlels and ztc-aa

(25 arid ce) Oab, ad rod wallswith Inrr flnLth-IDracwr-2, -:., anrd 27. AVrly ttnfr~sa 1.. urder C. a!cz-rf.as'i (a) to 21 (0. Lr elu e, dz-jrdtvaur-.n Me tyrocfcautr

(2-,) Liable =i4 end w'i" withealnnzrr flarh--Dra 7r-a 2, 21,nrod 2- at t re )..... ...

(lsj9 D~rcar ca'. akscadfa ..3wltihlnrrlfh-raallianli:3 .17

(IC) IL. ro--.rckaae.anta.ssf~3wlt Ihaut "r d Eqh-- Witcut Il J -n c hI)ra~z .....

TabiS32 Trab'-,flsyandl L=---zal= =a rd

cimlmtcria- l.esiC.--,nI cpta=acz

Cintn ~~ctblasal 14949









,',111 M $C3










.15- .12

2-OTE: The maximum pnees listed above In tables 1 3, and 4 arob-ad upon an Irl11t!11 WZ!M 3f 4r-nby the purchaser, the seller may make the following additional Charges: 2 r Jur etfrfa r~2~greir .: :vzfa s~ a ' c ~r'Lafs2slopes, while for each inch of thickness under 4 inches. the cellct shall. deduct W!-4~ garrqunroifcat. A~Iai sa a aa~e ihr~c oaycase.saeztThe maximum pne listed above in table 5ar and upon an Insulation thlcL= -ncf3 Inchescl to-cr. Fecl lrfrnlc[ nIaahcrelknef. ea_ bls .kets under 3 inches, the seller shall deduct I?- per square foot.

Where a machine or crew of two or more work-ers is ussd on Installed Inaulatlon jot,-- cnd the IQoUtal c 3i~* an1:tczraa: In r,; 'avith ths ai2 raixa% Llctr in C~atables set forth above is3 $40 or less, the seller may mako an additional charge of $10 for tho job.

73bM2 Ta14:!

Id-pth rie





Page 56: Federal Register: 11 Fed. Reg. 6661 (June 18, 1946). · 2015. 9. 28. · real or personal property, taken pur-suant to this order shall be terminated by the Director when he determines

FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday,June 18, 1t 46

2. This Amendment No. I ta Order G-5shall bicome effective June 7, 1946.

Issued this 28th day ofdMay 1946.ARTHUR S. BRODHEAD,

Acting Regional Admihzstrator.[F. R. Doe. 46-10154; Filed, June 1T, 13,46;

4: 38 p. m.]


The following orders under RevisedGeneral Order 51 were filed, with the Di-vision of the Federal Register June 12,1946.

Region III

'Louisville Order 19-F Amendment 32,covering fresh fruits and vegetables incertain counties In Kentucky. Filed110:07 a.'m.

Louisville Order 28-F Amendment 12,covering fresh fruits and vegetables Incertain counties in Kentucky. Filed10:08 a. in.

Louisville Order 31-F, Amendment 2,covering fresh fruits and vegetables incertain counties in Kentucky. Filed10:09 a. in.

Louisville Order 32-F Amendment 2,covering fresh fruits and vegetables incertain counties in Kentucky. Filed10:09 a. in.

Louisville Order 33-F Amendment 2,covering fresh fruits and vegetables incertain counties in Kentucky. 'Filqd10:10 a. in.

Louisville Orders 26 and 27, Amend-ments_ 12 and 13, covering dry groceriesin Jefferson county, Kentucky and Clarkand Floyd counties, Indiana. Filed 10.14and 10:15 a. mn.

Louisville Orders 4-W and 5-WAmendments 12 and 11, covering drygroceries In Jefferson county, Kentuckyand Clark and Fibyd counties, Indiana.Filed 10:10 and 10:11 a. in.

Louisville Order 6-W Amendment 12,covering dry groceries in certain coun-ties in Kentucky. Filed 10:12 a. mn.

Louisville Order 10-W covering drygroceries In certain counties in Ken-tucky. Filed 10:13 a. m.

Region IVMemphis Order 20-C, Amendment 3,

covering poultry in the Memphis area,Zone 21. Filed 10:45 a. n.

f Region VOklahoma City Orders 18 and 6-W

Amendment 4, covering dry groceries forGroups 1 and 2 stores. Filed 10:02 a. in.

Oklahoma City Orders 18 and 6-WAmendment 5, covering dry groceries forGroups'l and 2 stores. Filed 10:03 a.m.

Oklahoma City Orders 2-C and 1-0,covering poultry and eggs in Oklahoma,Tulsa and Muskogee counties, Oklahoma.Filed 10:02 a. m.

Region VI

Des Moines Order'4-F Amendment 37,covering fresh fruits and vegetables Incertain counties in Iowa and the city ofSouth Sioux City, Nebraska. Filed 10:03a..m.

Des Moines Order'5-F Amendment 37,-covering fresh fruits and vegetables incertain areas in Iowa. Filed 10:04 a. in.

lea Moines'Order 6-F, Amendment 3.7,'covering fresh fruits, and vegetables incertain counties in Iowa. Filed I0:(14a. in.

Des Moines Order 7-F Amendment 37,covering fresh fruits and vegetables incertain, counties in Iov~w and. certaincities in. llinois. Filed i0:05 a. In.

Fargo Order 5-F Amendment 1, cover-ing fresh fruits and vegetables in certaincounties In North Dakota. Fired 10:06a! in.

Fargo Order 6-F,.Amendment I, cover-ingfresh fruits and vegetables in. certainareas in North Dakota. Filed 10:07 a- in.

Fargo Order 8-P covering fresh fruitsand vegetables in certain counties inNorth Dakota and the city of East Grand?Forks in. Polk county, Minnesota. Filed9:59 a. in

Fargo Order 39, Amendment , cover-ing dry groceries in certain counties inNorth. Dakota and Minnesota. Filed10:00 a. in.

Omaha Order 7-C, Amendment 5, cov-ering poultry in Omaha in Douglascounty, and Lincoln in Lancaster county,Nebraska. Filed 10:00 a. m.

Twin Cities Order 3-F Amendment 36,covering fresh fruits and vegetables fiDuluth and Proctor, Minnesota and Su-perior, TVisconsin. Filed -01 a. in.

Twin Cities; Order 6-F, Amendment 7,covering fresh fruits and vegetables incertain areaS in Minnesotm. Filed 10:01,a. mL.

Twin Cities Order 7-F Amendment 20,covering fresh fruits and vegetables incertain counties in -Minnesota. Filed9:58 a. in

Twin Cities Order 8-F Amendment 19,covering fresh fruits and vegetables incertain counties In Minnesota. Filed9:58 a. in.

Twin Cities Order 4-C, Amendment 9,covering poultry in, cities of Duluth andProctor in St. Louis county, Minnesota.Filed 9:7 a. in.

Twin Cities Order 3-C, Amendment 14,covering poultry in certain areas in. Min-nesota. Filed 9:57 a. in.

Twin Cities Order 3-0, Amendment 5,covering eggs in certain areas in M1inne-sota. Filed 9:56 a. m.

Regzonr VIIIPortland Order 32-F Amendment 31,

covering fresh fruits and vegeta6les incertain areas in Oregon. Filed 9:55 a. m.

Portland Order 33-F Amendment 31,covering fresh, fruits and vegetables inRoseburg, Grants Pass, Ashland, Lake-view, Oregon area. Filed 9:55 a. in.

Portland Order 34-F Amendment 30,, covering fresh fruits and vegetables InAstoria, Coos Bay, Oregon area. Filed9:54 a. m.

Portland Order 35-F, Amendment 31,covering fresh fruits and vegetables inFiorence, Reedsport, Coquille, Oregonarea. Filed 9:54 a. in.

Portland Order 36-P,.Amendment 31,covering fresh fruits and vegetables Incities of Bend. and Pendleton, Oregon.Filed 9:49 a. m.

-Portland Order 37-F" Amendment 3T,covering fresh fruits and. vegetables inLa Grande, 3faker, Redmond, Heppner,Oregon area. Filed 9:49 a. in.

Portland Order 38-F, Amendment 31,covering fresh fruits Emi vegetablea InHaines, Wallowa, Enterprise, Oregonarea. Filed 9:5a m. m.

Portland Order 39-F. Amendment 31,covering fresh fruits and vegetables inAlbany Corvallis Eugene, Oregon area.Filed 9:50 a. in.

Portland Order 42-F. Amendment 32,covering fresh fruits and vegetables incertain cities In Oregon. Filed 9:50 a, .

Portland Order 43-F, Amendment 11,covering fresh fruits and vegetables InKelso, Salem, The Dalles, Clatskanie,Forest Grove, Oregon area. Filed 9:40a. n

Spokane Order 20-F, Amendment 19,covering fresh fruits and vegetables Incertal areas of Spokane. county, Wash-ington and Kootenal. county. Idaho,Filed 9:51 a. in.

Spokane Order 21-F,. Amendment 19,covering fresh fruits and vegetables incertain areas of Shoshone and Xootenairounties, Idaho. Filed 9:52 a. m.

Spokane Order 22-F, Amendment 19,covering fresh fruits and. vegetables Incertain areas of Latah county;Idaho andWhitman county, Waslungton. Flied9:52 a. m.

Spokane Order 23-F' Ampndment 19,covering fresh fruits and vegetables incertain areas of Asotin county, Wash-ington and Nez Perce county,. Idaho.Filed 9:53 a. in.

Spokane Order 24-F, Amendment 19,coveringfresh fruits and vegetables Incertain areas of Columbia, Wlall Walla,Benton and Franklin countiesWashing-tone Filed,9:54 a. in.

Copies of any of these orders may beobtained from the OPA Office In thedesignated,city.

ERVI H. POLLAcmSbcretary.

IF. R. Dco. 46-10260; 1?id, Juno 14, 1040.4:32 p. m.]

LIsT oF CoLTUYITV Cnn-ira Paxcn OnnnroThe following orders under Revised

General Order 51 Were filed with theDivislon of the FederafRegister June 13,1946.

RegMon TConcord Order 9-F Amendmerit 60,

covering fresh fruits and vegetables incertain areas Inr Nevr Hampshire. Filed10:19 a. in.

Concord Order 10-F Amendment 19,covering fresh fruits and vegetables-incertain areas In New Hampshire. Filed10:10 a. m.

Cbncord Order 11-,F, Amendment 19,covering fresh fruits and. vegetables incertain areas in New Hampshire. Filed10:20 a. In.

Concord Order 12-, Amendment 10,covering fresh fruits and vegetables InCoos county and certain towns in Graf-ton county. Filed 10:20 a. in.

Providence Order 3-P, Amendment58, coveriqg fresh fruits and vegetatblesin Providence, Rhode Island, Metropoli-tan area. Filed 10:21 a. in.

Providence Order 4-F, Amendment 22,covering fresh fruits and vegetables inRhode Island excepting the Providence


Page 57: Federal Register: 11 Fed. Reg. 6661 (June 18, 1946). · 2015. 9. 28. · real or personal property, taken pur-suant to this order shall be terminated by the Director when he determines

FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, June 18, 1946

Metropolitan area and Town of NewShoreham. Filed 10:21 a. m.

Region IfNew York Order 14-F Amendment 18,

covering fresh fruits and vegetables inthe Five Boroughs of New York City.Filed 10:22 a. m.

New'York Order 15-F Amendment 18,covering fresh fruits and vegetables inNassau and Westchester counties, NewYork. Filed 10:23 a. m.

New.York Order 16-F,-Amendment 18,covering fresh fruits and vegetables inDutchess, Orange, Putnam, Robkland,Suffolk and Ulster, N. Y. Filed 10:23a. in.

Region 11 1,Detroit Order 10-F-Appendix A,

Amendment 58, covering fresh fruits andvegetables in Wayne and Macomb coun-ties, Michigan. Filed 10:24 a. m.

Detroit Order 10-F-Appendix B,Amendment 59, covering fresh fruits andvegetables in certain counties In Michi-gan. Filed 10:24 a. m.

Detroit Order 10-F-Appendix C,Amendment 60, covering fresh fruits andvegetables in certain counties in Michi-gan. Filed 10:25 a. m.

Louisville Order 12-F Amendment 72,covering fresh fruits and vegetables inJefferson county, Kentucky and Clarkand Floyd counties, Indiana. Filed10:25 a. m.

Louisville Order 17-F, Amendment 38,covering fresh fruits and vegetables incertain counties in Kentucky. Filed10:26 a. m.

Louisville Order 18-F Amendment 32,covering fresh fruits and vegetables incertain counties in Kentucky. , Filed10:27 a. m.

Louisville Orders 28 and 30, Amend-ments 11 and 12, covering dry groceriesin certain counties in Kentucky. Filed10:15 and 10:16 a. in.

Louisville Orders 32 and 36, Amend-ments 10 and 5, covering dry groceriesin certain counties in Kentucky. Filed10:16 and 10:17 a. m.

Louisville Order 37, covering dry gro-ceries in certain counties in Kentucky.Filed 10:18 a-m.

Louisville Order 38, covering dry gro-ceries in certain counties in Kentucky.Filed 10:18 a. m.

Region IV

Jacksonville Order 13-F, Amendment9, covering fresh fruits and vegetables Incertain areas ifn Florida. Filed 10:27a. m.

Jacksonville Order 14-F Amendment31, covering fresh fruits and vegetablesin the city of Jacksonville, Florida. Filed10:28 a. m.

Jacksonville Order 15-F, Amendment6, covering fresh fruits and vegetables inthe city of :Pensacola, Florida. Filed10:28 a. m.

Region VIChicago Order 2-F, Amendment 117,

119 covering fresh fruits and vegetablesin Cook, DuPage, Kane, Lake, McHenrycounties, fllinois and Lake county, Indi-ana. Filed 10:29 a. m.

No. 118---8

Chlcigo Order 6-C, Amendment 20,covering poultry in Cook county, Illinois.Filed 10:29 a. m.

Copies of any of these orders may beobtained from the OPA Office in the ides-ignated city.

ERvin H. PoLLAcx,Secretary.

[F. R. Dcc. 4G-10261; Filed, June 14, 194G;4:29 p. m.)

[Region II 2d Rev. Adopting Order 1 UnderBasic Order 1 Under Gen. Order C31

WESTERI EOMVOOD PLYWOOD nI NL vJERszy, M ~a s, DLAwAnc, Dx sucToF CLOLumIA, EAsrnin i';SLT vxIv ,Aim NEW YoRniFor the reasons set forth in an opinion

Issued simultaneously herewith and filedwith the Division of the Federal Reg-ister and under the authority vested Inthe Regional Administrator of ReionIr by the Emergency Price Control Actof 1942, as amended, by General Order68 as amended, and by Revised Proce-dural Regulation No. 1, It is herebyordered:

SECTION 1. What this order corers.This second revised adopting orderunder Basic Order No. 1 as amended,under General Order 68 as amended,covers all retail sales of the slzaz andtypes of plywood listed In the annexedprice tables made by sellers located inthe States of Delaware, Maryland, andNew Jersey, and the District of Colum-bia, and in the State of New York, exceptthe counties of Niagara, Erie, Chau-tauqua and Cattaraugus, and the Stateof Pennsylvania except the counties ofWarren, Forrest, Clarion, Armstrong.Westmoreland, Washington, Boaver,Butler, Allegheny, Lawrence, Mercer,Crawford, Erie and Venango. The ter-ritory covered by this Revised AdoptinkOrder Is that In which the carloadfreight rate on plywood from Seattle,Washington, is 94, ! per cwt. All pro-visions of Basic Order No. 1 as amended,under General Order No. 68 as amended,are adopted in this order and are justas much a part of this order as if spe-cifically set forth herein. If said BasicOrder No. 1 is further amended In anyrespect the provisions of said order asamended shall likewise without furtheraction become part of this order. 'Alipersons subject to this adopting orderare also subject to Basic Order No. 1 -a-amended under General Order No. GOas amended, and should be familiar withthe provisions of said order. This zec-ond revised adopting order supersedesRevised Adopting Order No. 1 underBasic Order No. 1 under General Order68 issued January 17, 1946, and effectiveFebruary 1, 1946, and said RevisedAdopting Order No. 1 under Basic OrderNo. 1 under General Order 63 is revokedas of the effective date of this order.

SEc. 2. D.flnition of retail sales. A re-tall sale means any sale to the ultimateconsumer, or to a contractor for installa-tion rather than resale, except where thesale is made by a plywood manufacturer,or a plywood distribution plant who in

1941 received more than 20 percent of itsdollar income from the sales of plywoodor veneer of any kind. These latter typesoZ sales remain subject to the provisionsof 3d Rev. MPR 13.

"Ssc. 3. Definition of corstructionitems. Construction items as the term isused in this order, means plywood itemsdescribed as follows:

LZoLzture-relztant type

iny.cord (cbeati~1n3); jr" " - andr5" rou~b.

Wallbs:ard: 'r" S$3 to i'" Tir" 2S to L"'Sound 1 Sid2: j,'" S23 to " r" S23 toSound 2 Siden: ria'" S23 to ,"

Exterior typeSoiund 1 SVde: 14"' --nded, ~j"unznddad:

25' canded.,71r," un,-1nded.S21und 2 Sldez: I', randed, riO"- un-


SEc. 4. 2axmimuz Irces. Ma inumprices as herein set forth are differentfor each of two classes of retailers:

Class I retailers are those who sinceJune 20, 1945, purchased or purchase atleast one carload of plywood on directmill shipment. Any shipment whichcomes directly from the mill without be-coming an Integral part of the stock of adistribution plant or a retail yard is adirect mill shipment no matter who theseller Is.

Class II retailers are all 6ther retailsellers, principally those who buy theirplywood from distribution plants.

Maximum prices for class I retailers onconstruction Items in quantitLs under1,000 square feet are set forth in TableI-A. Maxinum prices for Class I retail-ers on all other Items in quantities under1,000 square feet are set forth in TableI-B. Maximum prices for Class I retail-ers, on construction Items in quantities of1,000 square feet or over are set forth incolumn I-C. Maximum prices for ClassI retailers on all other items in quantitiesof 1,000 square feet or over are set forthin Table I-D. Maximum prices for ClassIf retailers for construction -items inquantities under 1,C03 square feet are setforth in Table Ir-A. Maximum pricesfor Class II retailers for all other itemsn quantities under 1.000 square feet areset forth in Table Il-B. maximum pricesfor Clas II retailers for constructionItems in quantities of 1,000 square feetor over are set forth in Table fl-C. Max-imum prices for Class Il retailers for allother Items in quantities of 1,000 squarefeet or over are set forth in Table ]I-D.Tables I-A, I-B, I-C, I-D, fl-A, fl-B,fl-C, and 11-D, are hereto annexed andmade a part of this order.

Src. 5. Additions for delfrvry. Theabove prices include all charges and ad-ditions for delivery in the seller's freedelivery zone as xecognized by hun dur-ing March 1942. No deduction need bemade If the purchaser elects to do his owndelivery. If delivery Is made outside thefree delivery zone, the.seller may add fordelivery as prescribed in sections 4 and 5of 3d Rev. MPR 13, namely the amountcomputed by multiplying the estimatedweights in zection 22 of 3d Rev. MPR 13by the applicable rail freight rate. Any


Page 58: Federal Register: 11 Fed. Reg. 6661 (June 18, 1946). · 2015. 9. 28. · real or personal property, taken pur-suant to this order shall be terminated by the Director when he determines

FEDERAL'REGISTER, Tuesday, June 18, 19d6

addition for delivery must be shownseparately on the invoice.

SEC. 6. Discounts and allowances. Themaximum prices in this order include allcommissions. All customary discountsfor cash must be continued. Differ~n-tials in price based on quantity sold mustbe observed as set forth in the pricetables.

SEc. 7. Relationship of this ordet toBasic Order No. I as amended, underGeneral Order No. 68 as amended and to3d Rev MPR 13. As previously stated allprovisions of Basic -Order No. 1 asamended, are adopted by this order. Themaximum prices fixed by this order su-persede any maximum price or pricingmethod previously established, by any.other regulation or order and specificallyby 3d Rev. MPR 13. Except to the extentthat they are inconsistent with the pro'visions of this order all other provisionsof 3d Rev. IAVPP. 13 shall remain appli-cable to sales covered by this order.

SEC. 8: Posting of maximum priees.Every seller making sales covered by thiorder shall post a copy of his list of maxi-mum prices -as fixed by this order in eachof his places of business within the areacovered by this order. Class I sellersshall post Tables I-A, I-B, I-C, I-D andClass II sellers shall post Tables II-A,II-B, IT-C, II-D. Posting of Tables I1-A,II-B, IT-C, 'Il-D, by Class I sellers is aviolation of this. order.

SEC. 9 (a) Records and sales slips.The provisions of section (e) of BasicOrder No. 1 covering sales slips andrecords are.adopted in and applicable tothis order as though specifically set forthherein; and also on any sale of $50.00 ormore each seller, regardless of previouscustom, must keep records showing atleast the following;

(1) Name and address of buyer.(2) 'Date of transaction.(3) Place of delivery-(4) Complete description of each item sold

and price charged.

(b) Maximum prices for znsufficientlydescribed items.. Where the seller's rec-ords or sales slip upon a sale of any com-modity covered by this order in the areacovered by this order, do not contain asufficiently complete description to iden-tify the exact nature, type, size, or quan-tity of the commodity, and thus deter-mine the maximum price fixed by theapplicable table of this order, the maxi-mum price applicable to such sale shallbe the lowest maximum price which canbe computed under the applicable tableof this order in accordance with the in-complete description.

SEC. 10. Revocation or amendment.This order may be revised, amended, re-voked or modified at any time by theRegional Administrator or the Price Ad-ministrator.

This order shall be effective as ofMarch 0, 19,J.

Issued this 27th day of May 1946.

LwO F. GENTNER,Regional Administrator.

,For sellers who purchase plywood in carload quantities, located in the States of Delaware,Maryland,-New Jersey, the District of Columbia, and those portions of the States of NowYork and Pennsylvania where the carload freight rate on plywood from Stattle,'Washington,is 94%0 per CWT. (See section 1 of order).


[For quantities sold under 1,000 square feet. Price per square foot]

Plypancl Exterior gradesThickness-W idths to 48" (except plypanel); rlyscord Plywl - -

lengths to 9 3Sound 2 Sound 1' Sound 2 Sound Isidces side sdes o

W'-piv -------------------- - - --*"'3-ply ................................• ''3-ply --- -- -- ----- -- -- -- -- -7-

'3 or 5-ply .------ ----------- - ------------- 9:3 or - ly ----------.- .---------........--- ..---..... 12


cents cents.....M

Cents Cents



Exterior gradesThicknecsS-Widths to 4 ' (except fly- PrywaP P Pyform -und 2.-..

panl); I lengths to 96" l sides z ,nn Sid 2 sS dside ~Ialas Sound 2 1ndui . Sound 1sides trial side

Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents'3-ply ---------------------------- ------..... SY-......... 10%i .......... - .........

,8 3-ply -----------------------------------------. - 1W'5-Dly --- --- ----- 0f 44 1- Is3, I 1" iy- --.. ...... .......---- --- ... .. 1It' 5-pl------------------ --------- 5 4 14 21%4 Its ~ B~it 5-ply -------------------------- --....... 16 242 221 2 1 1 8 21,0

fPlypanel prices are for widths over 3" through 48"; for widths over 24" through 3" deduct j' per squa e footfor widths 24" and under deduct %(o per square foot.For plypanel sound I side deduct from the Sound 2 side price Xi per squ/ro foot except for 9" 3-ply.

3 For widths over 49" through 00" (except plywal]) add 134, per square foot. For cngths over 8'.hrouigh 0' add !'jOper square foot. For lengths over 9' through 10' add 1Y4 per square foot, For lengths over 10' through I' add 20per square foot. For lengths over I' through 12' add 2yfo per square foot.

Fof sellers who purchase plywood In-carload quantities, located in the States of Delaware,Alaryland,--New Jersey. the District of Columbia, and those portions of the States of NowYork and Pennsylvania where the carload freight rate on plywood from Seattle, Washington,Is 94/¢ per CWT. (See section-i of order).


[For quantities sold 1,000 square feet or over. Price per square foot]

PlypancU Exterior grade'Thicknesf--Widths to 48" (except plypanol);i lycord Pywali

lenigths to WI 3Sound 2 Sound I Sound 2 Sound Isides side sides Side


------------------------------------------- ---------- '. 40 $73.&0 $619 0 W. 40 $79,W%6 .. 3-ply--------------------- --- -$0.00 .. .. ..... IS" 3-ply ...------------------------- ------ 9.00. 8 7t6oP" 3 or 5-ply ------------------------------- 00.75ys"3or 5-ply -------------------------------------- 111.25 ". . '


Plywll lypael Exterior grades

T hickness- W idths to 4 " (except ply- Plyform -ound E -. ..-. .

panel); I lengths to 9G" 3 Sound 2 IndPfr- Soundsides 2s ides trial side

H1 3-ply -------------------------------- --------- $74.80 91.70---------- -78 .%I,,3-ply ----------------------------------- ------ ---------- $82. 1" 117.40 $10105 101,.15.%I' 5-ply -------------------------------- 9. 70 131.40 110.10 168.15 148. 90 14.95 $113, Oikil--ply --------------- 149.05 130,30 195.10 175.45 172. N 169, (0F 5-ply. -------------- 167.20 149. k0 220.40 20. 35 203.40 210,41

-I Plypanel prices are for widths over 36" through 48" for widths over 24" through 35" deduct $2.5 per t sqularefeet: for width s 2" and under, deduct $4 per M square feet.

' For plypanel sound I side, deduct from the sound 2 sides price $3.70 per Af square feet excpt for " 3-ply.3 Forwidths over481 through 60" (except plywall) add$I.75perIsqura feet. For length, overs trourlh 9, add$7.75 per At square feet. Forlengths over 9' thorugh 10' add $11.75 per I square feet. For lengths over ti tlhroughJ1' add $19.45 per A squart fqt. For lengths over II' through 12' add $23.45 per M square feet.


Page 59: Federal Register: 11 Fed. Reg. 6661 (June 18, 1946). · 2015. 9. 28. · real or personal property, taken pur-suant to this order shall be terminated by the Director when he determines

FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, June 18, 1916

For sellers who purchase plywood in carload quantities, located in the States of Dlarware,Maryland, New Jersey, the District of Columbia, and thoze portions of the State5 of NOWYork and Pennsylvania where the carload freight rate on plywood from Seattle, Washl ton,is 94t . per CWT. (See section 1 of order).


[For quantities sold under lC'G squr fect. PrIe pr fquare f.i]

Plyancl1 I Estcrr LThimkness-Widths to 4S" (except plypancl); Plyscord Plywa Suad2 Siund 1 :und2 sa,1legtstoC5"3'"ud 2~ d ] i::

Oides '.1, C.k 1:13s

Y1 3-ply ----. ..------------ Cerd. I'tl ., S C J 0m a" -p _ ................ ................ ....... --...... .-". --........ " .........3/81 3-pl ---. ------ -- --- --- ---- -. . .----- 8 :9'-'1" i~Y2'"3 or 5-ply -..--------------------------------------

" 3 or 5-ply -------------..- --------

TABLE II-B- sxrmu.. Pnicas Yon SAIEs oPALL OTnER ITMIS or DoprLAs Fin PLYWO rI BY CL.S I RTfA-i-s1

I Estcsrre'l:aPlypanell :.,

Tluelmess-Widths to 4W" (except ply- Piywal Plyform -n2

panel); I lengths to 9" 3 s iid 2,1 r 2 IndAs. Cund 11111C3 trial C13i

Centa .Cena Cents I Cr! ICelit Ccen!3 cr!sy'" 3-ply -------------------------------....... 11 0 ..........3"3-ply -------------------------------------- 0 : . 13; 12 Wll ........."5-ply ----------------------------------------- ------- 15 ---- 1 1 17% 17 lI':" 5-ply_ ------------------- ...... 19-- ---- 2:, K,

.. - - -- ---- 2.j 2

Ppanel for widths over SO" through 48"; for widths oxe 24 through ZO, dedutt j p1r squtr Ll; Lfrwidths2d" ad under deduct 3' per square foot. . . .. . ,2 For plypanel Sound 1 side deduct from the Sound 2 sldcs j nir .j5 psr square foot except &,r' " 3-ply.5 o widths over 44" through O" (except plywaUl) add 1. .¢ per square feat; for lengths over t,' throsgh C,' I'] l

per square foot; for lengths over 9' through 10' add 1.Td psrsqua~re feel; for lengths over Th' tir,.u~h 11' c F/square foot; for lengths over 11' through 12' add 2!Ld per square foot.

For sellers who purchase plywood in carload quantities, located n the Statcs of Dalaware,MIaryland. New Jersey. the District o4 Columbia, and those portions of thn States of lkvzYork and Pennsylvania where the carload freight rate on plywood from Seattle, Washington,Is 94I ¢ per GWT. (See section 1 of order).

TABLE iI-C---IIexnwUsr PRIcEa F'OE SALES OF CONSTREPCTZOu linEus OForGLA FmD PLYYeOLD na CRASS I][ flu-'IAiLEflS[For quantities sold1,000square fltor ov ". Pricr 1,00) quare z]

Plydan4 I E x rdr ds tThickness-Width to 44" (xpt plypanl); P

lengths to I so l d. n I aSd 2 sh

W" 3-ply--------- -- - -- ,0.45 I$72.$0 $73. $'2.C. $ : 73or" 3-ply . purchase-ply- ood--n-c-- lo-d------t$i. lo---- in............................" ?-ply ..--------------------------------...... 00 5,..', ..... . oJ.... 1W. 4Y-.' 3or -Psly lvania .............................. . 7. - .E

%'Sor 5-ely-------------------------------..... 11. 0 .....--.-- ..--.------..--------- ,.----- .



Etentr 0s e raThickness--Widths to 4" (except lypan Pfrm ael - --

panel);'lengths to " V s ies2 Foii2 Caden IESs'll

t trial r:t

Il" -py ------------- -------------- ------------- S1ZO2130.00 -- 0j-16, -p ly -............................................ 5 .......... ... .. .. .......... .. .. ......%11 -ply --------------------------------- 4 14.W 113.0 ---. 0 - OS ----- U.23

" 'Y - _ ......... [.......102.10 141.70 22.060 1e0.8) 1%7.fO l't.453o" -.-ply ------ - - - ------------------------- WSO 12..0. .. ... ' . 21.2

3 or ................................. .........- 1. "3 -- - -- - -- - - --.. . . .. .. . ....

TPlypanE pres are for widths over 3 through 4L; for widths ov~r 1 thruhV5 in . CODY C- 11 j Hr

feet; far widths 24" and under deduct $1.33 per M square feet. rFor plypanel sound 1 sida deduct from plypanci sound 2 slde prec,,.0 pe Ir M squre (,ci c!.xr fk . ' ['F.2 For widths over 44" through 00" (except plywall) add $12.75 pa2 " square .I; fr L,.stLs oo b t t /

add $8.40 per M square feet; for lengths over 9' through 10' add $12.3 r jr square fee; for ha s o. d .r 2 In ' thr L3111' add $2015 perMA square feet; for lengths over 11' through 12' ad .3f rer Mt square LIT.

[1'. R. Dobc. 46-10146; Filed, June 13, 194 6; 4:116 p. in.]

[Region VII Order G -1 Under RM'IPR 251. meat 1. Construotion services and sasAmdt. -- of instaled building materials. Do et

RE-ROOFING MATERIALS IN COLORADO NO. '-251-9-2a.For the reasons set for2h in an opinion

Order No. G-1 under Revwsed f aro xl- issued side r ltaneousy herewith, and fiedmum Prce Regulation No. 251, Amend- ith the Division of the Federal Res-

ter, and pursuant to the authorityvested in the Regional Administrator ofRegion VII of the Oce of Price Admin-Istration by the Emergency Price Con-trol Act of 19-2. as amended, the Stabili-z2tion Act of 1942, as amended, and bysection 9 of Revised 29azImum. PriceRegulation 11o. 251, Order No. G-1 underRevised M:dmum Price Regulation No.251, sales of re-roofing materials on aninstalled basis in the Colorado Area ishereby amended In the following re-spects:

1. In section 4 strike all of Table I-re-roofing prices-as it appears on page3 of the order and insert in lieu thereofthe following:

(A) TAsr= I-InsALL D Rzz-ncos.ra Pz=

Fe" square12" (3 tab) Vzphalt, 210-219 lb- __ 013.2515" (3 In. linethIal butt), 210 lb3___ 13.25l21 hex acphalt zhInale. 187 lbz-s. 12211151" hex asphalt. 167 lb3_-__ 11.75Re-roofer typa ch hnge, 10-162 lbs- 11.75Split roll reafing. diamond point or

stzZnar edg,. etc. 103 lbs _ 9.25Roll roofing mineral surfaced, G0 lb3_ 7.75Asbestos nbingica, 23)-22.) lhs..... 23.50Acbsteo Dutch lap. 16" x 1".._ 23.50Standard Individual compositfon

shtanles. M lb-.I_... .. 125W-oe1 shingles 5-1"(naied),

N1o. 1L- - ------ __ _ 12.75The ab3ove prices include nails, masti and

flvshing around chlm-eys and vents.

2. This Amendment No. 1 to Order No.G-i shall become effective May 15, 1949.

Issued this 10th day of May 1946.Anr w. S. B-onm =-,

Acting Regzonal Admmtstrator.[P. P. Dzz. 4r-10153; Filed, June 13, 1946;

4:37 p. m.]

I Ion VII Order G-9 Under E11 2511

PL rInu G SmnvxrS AI SALES or L-;sTALL.DPLuz =,.G ZIArzazs mm E P n-iE Il. n

Revised Order No. G-9 under RevisedM:dmum Price Regulation No. 251.Construction services and sales of in-stalled building materials. Dpsket No.'-251-9-10 Rev.

For the reasons set forth in an opinionissued simultaneously herewith and filedwith the Division of the Federal Register,and pursuant to the authority vested inthe Regional Administrator of Region 1I

of the Office of Price Admini tration bysections 9 and 20 of Revised maimumPrice Regulation No. 251, It Is ordered:

Szorzo:; 1. What this order does. (a)This order fixes maximum prices forplumbing services and sales of installedplumbing materials and equipment andcertain other permitted rharges by anyperson, hereinafter called the seller, toany person, hereinafter caller the pur-chaser, in connection with a residentialbuilding, at a fixed site in the State ofWyoming.

(b) Definitions. As used in this order,the term:

(1) "Plumbing" means'water, steam,gas, and oil distribution and waste re-moval systems in a residential building ata fixed site.


Page 60: Federal Register: 11 Fed. Reg. 6661 (June 18, 1946). · 2015. 9. 28. · real or personal property, taken pur-suant to this order shall be terminated by the Director when he determines

FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, June 18, 1946

(2) "Plumbing services" means theservices required to install, alter, repair,maintain or remove plumbing materialsor equipment in or from a residentialbuilding at a fixed site but not Includingthe cleaning of cesspools, grease traps,and septic tank.s which services are cov-ered by Maximum Price'Regulation No.165.

(3) "Sales of installed plumbing mate.rials and equipment" means a transac-tion In which the seller furnishes plumb-ing materials and equipment, togetherwith tlhe services required to incorporatesuch materials or equipment in a resi-dential building at a fixed site.

(4) "Residential building" means anybuilding or part thereof used entirelyor principally for living or dwelling pur-poses (including houses, apartments, ho-tels, and all other properties used forliving or dwelling purposes) and allother buildings or structures in connec-tion therewith or adjacent thereto atthe same site, such as garages, barns,milk houses, sheds, granaries, and otherout-buildings.

(5) "Maxunum labor charge" meansthe amount charged for labor of a speci-lied type or class for plumbing services,made either at- a fiat Tate per hour soas to include a margin for administra-tive and over-head costs and profit, oras a percentage of the seller's labor cost,which resulting maximum labor chargeIs also deemed to include a margin foradministrative and over-head costs andprofit.

(6) "Labor cost" means the seller'sactual labor cost based on the wage ratesIn effect on October 3, 1942 for the sameclass of laborers, or the seller's actuallabor cost based on the wage rates whichhave been subsequently approyed by aFederal wage or stabilization agency.Additional payments for Federal old-agebenefits, unemployment compensationtaxes, workmen's compensation andpublic liability insurance shall be re-garded as being part of such labor cost.(7) "Master plumber" means any

skilled person who, as owner or super-visor, renders plumbing services or whoIs licensed as such if any applicable mu-nilcipal ordinance so requires.

(8) "Journeyman plumbersO meansany skilled person who renders plumb-ing services or who is licensed as such ifany applicable mumcipal ordinance sorequires.

(9) "Apprentice plumber" means anyperson, other than a master plumber ora Journeyman plumber, who pursuant toan apprenticeship agreement, is engagedin learning the plumbing trade and who-as his principal occupation rendersplumbing services; and

(10) "Helper" or- "common laborer"means any person other, than a masterplumber, Journeyman plumber or ap-prentice plumber who renders plumbingservices.

SEc. 2. Geographical applicability.This Revised-Order No. G-9 applies onlyto the State of Wyoming.

Ssc. 3. Relationship of this order toRevised Maximum Price Regulation No,251. This order supersedes sections 6,7, and 8 of Revised Maximum Price Reg--ulation No. 251 with respect to servicea

and sales covered by this order and any against any plumbing Job consumingmaximum prices heretofore approved one day or less shall be counted from thetherefor by the Regional Administrator time the workman leaves the seller's shqpof Region-VII or by the Wyoming District or the previous plumbing job <whlcheverDiredtor under section 6 (b) or sections 8 time is later) until he completes the joband 9 of Revised Maflfmum Price Regu- or proceeds to another Job or until helation No..251 are hereby terminated and returns to the seller's shop if he proceedssuperseded by. this order. All other sec- there directly. Whenever any job ex-tions of Revised Maximum Price Regu- tends into more than one day, the timelation No, 251, together with all amend- in transit to or from the Job may bements-thereto that have been or may be charged only once. The hours for whichissued shall, except to the extent they charges are made shall not exceed thoseare inconsistent with the provisions of shown In the records which the spller isthis order, apply to all sales and services required to keep under section 9 of thiscovered by this order, order.

SEC. 4. Maximum prices of plumbing (3) Overtime. (a) When work Is per--services and sales of installed plumbing formed at the purchaser's request aftermaterials and equipment andother "er- 12:01 p. m. on Saturday and between themitted charges. The maximum prices hours of 5 p. m. and-8 a. m. of- any otherforplumbing services covered by this or- day except Sundays, legal holidays, andder shall be a maximum labor charge -on emergency night calls, the maximumbased on the hourly wage rates as set , labor charge per hour for work duringforth in subl-section I of this section, and such hours may not be in excess Of 150%the maximum prices for sales of installed of the straight time rate authorized inplumbing -materials and equipment coy- this order.ered by this order shall be the sum of the (b) Where work Is performed at theplumbing services involved and the max- purchaser's request on Sundays, legalimum prices of the plumbing materials holidays designated by the laws of theand equipment and certain other per- State, and emergency night calls, themitted charges as set forth in sub-section maximum labor charge may not be InII of this section.. excess of.200% of the straight time rate

I. Maximum labor charges for plumb- authorized by this order.ing services. (1) The maximum labor (4) Minimum charges. If a plumbingcharges per hour straight time for job requires less than one man hour the

maximum: labor charge may be for oneplumbiig services covered by this order, man hour. If any plumbing Job takesperformed by master plumbers, journey- only three hours or less of any class ofman plumbers, a prentice plumbers, labor for completion of a Job, a separatehelpers common laborers, and others charge of not more than 25e may, beshall be the rates shown in Column B made for the use of an employer's motorfor the amount of labor cost (wages paid) vehicle in going to and from the Job.shown in Column A. 1 (5) Self-employed plumber A self-

AXIMtLABOR CHARGES PER HOUR STRAIGHT employed plumber who performs plumb-TimE ing services himself; either alone or with

his employees, may charge for his serv-Column A Column B ices not more than the hourly rate

MAaxtmumlabor charged by him as of the effective datecharge per hour of this revised order but not In excess of

-Labor. cost per hour: strazght time the maximum labor charge which would$1.00 or less -------------------- -(2) be permissible to be charged for the serv-$1.01 to $1.04- --------------------- $1.55 icesof a Journeyman plumber In the$1.05 to $1.09 1,60----------------$1.65$1.10 to $1.14. ---------------- 1.70 local area where the services are being$1.15- to $1.19 -------------------- 1.75 performed.

.$1.20 to $1.24 -------------------- 1.85 (6) Maximum labor charges for corn$1.25 to $1.29 ----------------- 1.90 bination work. The maximum labor$130 to $f.34- ----------------- 2.00 charge for any combination of master$1.35 to $1.29 ------------------- 2.05 plumber, Journeyman plumber, appren-$1.40 to $1.44 ..----------------- 2.15 tice plumber, helper, common laborer, or$1.45 to $1.49-----------------...2.20 ote$1.50 to $1.64 . ..----------------- 2.30 other employee may not exceed the total$1.55 to $1.59 ----------------- 2.5- of the maximum hourly rates of each of$1.60 to $1.64 ----------------- 245 the types or classes of labor for which$1.65 to $1.69---------------- 2. 50 maximum charges are provided In this$1.70 to $1.74..-------- -------- 2.60 order.$1.75 to $1.79 -------------------- 2.65 Ir. Maximum prices o1 plumbing ma-$1.80 to $1.84 ------------------- 2.75 terials and equipment and other per.$1.85 to $1.89 -------------------- 2.80 mitted charges. (1) The maximum$1.90 to $1.94 --------------------- 2.90$1.95 to $1.99 ----.-------------- 2.5 prices which may be charged by any$2.00 to $2..........------------------ .5 seller of plumbing materials and equip-

$2.05 to $2.09 -------------------- 3.10 ment, which for the purposes of this$2.10 to $2.14 --------------------- 8.20 order also Include all items known as$2.15 to $2.19 -------------------- 3.25 plumbing fixtures and specialties, shall$2.20 to $2.24..--------------- 8.35 not be In excess of the seller's cost plus$2.25 to $2.29 -------------------- 3.40 the percentage herein specified, (The$2.30 to $2.34 -------------------- 3.60 seller's cost of materials and equipment$2.35 to $2.39 ----------------- 3.55$2.40 to $2.44 -------------------- 8.65 shall be deemed to be the wholesale net$2.45 to $2.50 -------------------- 3.70 price lawfully charged the plumblqg*2:51 or over - ..--------------- (1) trade for limited quantities of such ma-1150% of actual labor cost. ' terials and equipment by established

wholesale plumbing supply firms nearest'(2) Measurement of hours. The num- his place of business, based on their pub-

ber of hours which may be charged lished price lists, together with the actual

Page 61: Federal Register: 11 Fed. Reg. 6661 (June 18, 1946). · 2015. 9. 28. · real or personal property, taken pur-suant to this order shall be terminated by the Director when he determines

FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, June 18, 1916

transportation charges paid therefor bythe seller but not in excess of the com-mon carrier rate from the nearest pointof supply. If the materials and equip-ment being sold are marked by a manu-facturer's label containing the approvedOPA retail ceiling price for sales of thecommodity by a seller, a seller of suchmaterials and equipment under thisorder may charge the price marked onthe label in lieu of the stated percentagemarkup herein specified but in no eventmay the seller charge more than the pricemarked on the labelPEENTAGE MAREp5SoN SALES OiSTLLEDPL5B-


PlumbingPlumbing jobs of

jobs of more than=0 or 350 andless I not over

(a) Plumbing equpment andfixtures including all iteillssuch as bath tubs, lavor-tories, water closets, kitchenand wash sinks, laundrytubs and other such items,excepting water heating Percent Percentequipment ------------- 40 3316

(b) Water heating equipmentincluding hot water tank,electric, gas, and oil burningautomatic, semi-automaticor manually operated waterheaters ....................- o 40

(c) Plumbing materials andspecialties including allitems used in repairing orinstalling plumbing equip-ment or fixtures or waterheating equipment such aspipe, pipe fittings, valyes,hangers lead and. similarmaterials and specialities.. 50 45

1 On plumbing jobs of $3M0 or less, whcnever the unitcost of any plumbI materias or specialtis (includingpipe nipples in lngths of 12 inches or less) Is not morethan 1.0O0a markup of not to exceed iOO% may ba mdobut this permitted markup shall not apply to plpa m=doof copper, steal, brass. lead, wrought Iron or cast Iron.clay or asbestos cement, or to cast iron soil pipa or soilplpa fittings.

(2) Sub-contracted work. Wherewo*k such as drain laying, excavating,pipe covering, sheet metal ducts, and sim-ilar work is sub-contracted by a sellerunder this order, the seller may chargethe purchaser the cost of such sub-con-tracted work plus a markup of not morethan 10% but the charge to the purchasermay not exceed the price which the sellermay lawfully charge if he had done thework hinself.

(3) Power driven and other specialplumbing equzpment. If, during March,1942, the seller made an extra charge forthe use of power driven and other specialplumbing equipment, but not includingthe motor vehicle in which the equlpmentis transported, the maximum prices perhour for such use upon and after theeffective date of this order shall not bein excess of the highest price per hourhe charged therefor or other maximumcharges during March, 1942. If the selleracquired such power driven and otherspecial plumbing equipment after March1942 but prior to the effective date of thisorder and thereafter established maxi-mum prices per hour or other maximumcharges for such uses under the appli-

,cable maximum price regulation, he maycontinue to charge such establishedprices. In either case, the seller musthave records available to substantiatethe charging of such prices and suchprices must be filed with the District

Office of Price Administration pursuantto Section 9 of this order. If a sellercommences the use of power driven andother special plumbing equipment afterthe effective date of this order he shallestablish his maximum hourly pricestherefor or other maximum charges un-der the applicable maximum price regu-lation and file such prices with the Dis-trict Office within 10 days.

(4) Out of town trarel expenses. Aseller who furnishes men on an out oftown plumbing job covered by this ordershall be reimbursed to the extent of theamount he shall have to pay for travelexpense at not to exceed 50 per mile fortravel beyond the city limits and subsist-ence where the job necessitates the menbeing away from their homes. This itemshall be explained to the purchaser priorto commencing the Job and shall be in-voiced separately. Travel expenses andsubsistence may not be collected unlessthe seller actually pays the employeetherefor.

(5) Transportation. If a seller useshis truck to transport materials, equip-ment, and men to and from a job beyondthe city limits he may charge not morethan 8 per mile to and from the job forsuch travel and similarly If other meansof transportation are used.

(6) Charges for permits. 'Whenever aseller subject to this order is required topay a permit fee to a municipal or otherauthority with respect to services or In-stallations under this order he may makean additional charge to the purchaser inan amount not more than the actual feepaid to the municipal or other authority.

SEc. 5. faximum Prices of plumbingservices and sales of Installe plumbingmaterials- and equipment it excess of$750.00. The maximum prices of plumb-ing services and sales of installed plumb-ing materlls and equipment for plumb-ing jobs in excess of $750.00 shall be cal-culated under section 7 of Revised Maxi-mum Price Regulation No. 251.

SEC. 6. Guaranteed price. A sellermay offer to sell a plumbing Job coveredbg this order on the basis of a guar-anteed price but such guaranteed priceshall not be higher than the maximumprice figured in accordance with thepricing methods and requirements of thisorder: Provided, 'howcrer, That if theguaranteed price is offered with respzctto a plumbing Job of $350.00 or less thenthe guaranteed price shall not be morethan 10% higher than the maximumprice figured In accordance with the pric-ing methods and requirements of thisorder.

SEC. 7. Related and incidental con-struction work. If on any plumbing jobany installed building materials are fur-nished or any construction service3 areperformed by the seller for which maxi-mum prices are not fixed by this order,such materials and services shall be sep-aratel priced and billed on all invoicesand sales slips. The maximum pricez forsuch related and incidental work shallbe determined under Revised MaximumPrice Regulation No. 251 or as fixed byany applicable area pricing order issuedby the Regional Administrator of RegionVI.

Szc. 8. NotIftcation. (a) Furnishing ofstatements. Each seller making a salecovered by this order shall, upon com-pletion of the work, furnish to the pur-chazer a statement and keep a copythereof at his principal place of businessshowing the following:

(1) Mae names and addrezzss of the caierand purcia-cr.

(2) The location of the j3b.(3) The date thu job was completed.(4) A dczcrlptlon of the roh: performed

and thu total charged for thu job, Includingplumbing ervlc- and sale3 of installedpllmbing materials and cqulpmentand otherpermitted charges, and a separate statEmentof the related and Incidenltal conatructi nwocrk performed as provided In section 7 ofthis order.

(b) Furnishing of further statementsupon, request. If requested by the pur-chaser, the seller shall furnish the pur-chaser an itemized statement sho-nngthe information contained in subpara-graphs (1) (2), and (3) of paragraph(a) of thZ section, together with an item-ized statement showing the maximumlabor charges for plumbing services foreach type or class of labor performedand the hourly rates charged therefor,together wivth an Itemized statement ofthe installed plumbing materials andequipment, and other permitted charges,and the quantities and prices of each,and a c eparate itemized statement of anyrelated and incidental construction workperformed, as provided in section 7 ofthis order. A copy of any such state-ments so furnished shall be kept by theseller at his principal place of business.

(c) Order arailable for inspection.Each seller making a sale covered by thisorder, if requested by the purchaser shallmaize available to the purchaser a copyof this order and a copy of Revised Maxi-mum Price Regulation No. 251. Copiesfor this purpose may be obtained fromthe office of the Regonal Adminitratoror from the District Office of the Officeof Price Administration.

SEc. 9. Records. Each seller mustkeep and retain at his principal place ofbuiness so long as the Emergency PriceControl Act of 1942, as amended, re-mains In effect, records concerning eachsale covered by this order showing thefollowing:

(1) The name and addrezz of the pur-chasr.

(2) The Iccation of the job.(3) A copy of pny and all contrats per-

talning to each Cale.(4) The time the job =as commenced and

completed.(5) A descrintlon of the plumbing sucv-

Ices and Installed plumbing materials andequipment Inolvcd, and other p=mittedchargcs, and the quantitles and prlces of each.

(6) The hours work:d and labor chargesby typ:s and cla=s of labor.

(7) A separate Itemized statement of anyrelated and incidental construction work andthe prices charged for such work.

Szc. 10. Filing and reporting of maxi-mum Prices. (a) Each seller subject tothis order shall within 30 days after theeffective date of this order, or within 10day after any increase inlabor cost is puninto effect, or In the case of new sellerswithin 10 days after first entering bum-nezs, fide with the Cheyenne DL-trict


Page 62: Federal Register: 11 Fed. Reg. 6661 (June 18, 1946). · 2015. 9. 28. · real or personal property, taken pur-suant to this order shall be terminated by the Director when he determines

FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, June 18, 1946

Office of the Office of Price Administra-.tion the 'following information.

(1) The "maximum labor charge" asthat term is defined In section 1 (b) (5)of this order in terms of the straight timehourly rate to be charged the purchaserfor plumbing services covered by thisorder for each class of workmen employedby him.

(2) The "labor cost" as that term isdefined in section 1 (b) (6) of this order.in terms-of the straight time hourly rateapplicable to each dlass of workmen bythe seller.

(3)- A statement that the pricescharged by the seller for the sale of in-stalled plumbing materials and equip-ment and the other permitted chargescovered by this order will 'ot exceed themaximum percentage markups and othercharges permitted by section 4 of thisorder, and a statement that the maxi-mum charge to the purchaser for plumb-ing services sub-contracted by the sellerwill not exceed the maximum price whichthe seller may lawfully charge finder thisorder if he had rendered the servicesdirectly.

(4) A description and list-of all powerdriven and other special plumbing equip-ment and the maximum-hourly chargestherefor which were in effect in March1942 or which were thereafter establishedpursuant to the applicable maximumprice regulation.

(5) The lAourly rate charged by a self-employed plumber as of the effective dateof this order pursuant to section 4 1 (5)of this order or in the case of a new self-employed plumber the proposed hourlyrate to be charged but not in excess ofthe maximum charge which would bepermissible to be charged for the servicesof a journeyman plumber in the localarea where the services are performed orare to be performed.

(b) Whenever a new seller files the in-formation required by this section, theDistrict Director may by order apprbve,disapprove or revise any maximum pricesproposed so as to make It in line with thelevel of maximum prices established bythis order. If the District Director failsto act within 20 days after the date offiling, the proposed _prices shall bedeemed to be in effect.

(c) If a seller subject to Order No. G-9,plumbing services and sales of installedplumbing materials and equipment in theState of Wyoming, issued December 10,1945 and effective December 20, 1945, hascomplied with the provisions of section10 (1) and (2) of that order and the samemaximum labor charges and labor costsexcept for slight variances in the tablegiven in section 4 31 (1) of this order, are,in effect as of the effective date of this

Revised Order No. G-9, It shall be unnec-essary for the seller to re-file or reportunder the prolisions of this section.Each seller shall, however, comply withthe provisions of this section with respectto its other filing and reporting provl-,sions and also if there have been anychanges in his maximum labor chargesand labor costs not heretofore filed andreported to the Cheyenne Office.

SEC. 11. Prohibitions against sales athigher thqn maximum prices. On and

.after the effective date of this order,regardless of any contract or other obli-gation, no person shall sell or offer to sellplumbing-services or plumbing materialsand equipment on an installed basis, orboth, covered by this order at higherprices than the maximum prices estab-lished by this order: Provided, Thatplumbing services performed or installa-tions made not more than 30 days afterthe effective date of this order on bonafide contracts executed prior to the effec-tive date of this order shal. not be con-sidered to be violations of.this order.

SEC. 12. Evasions. (a) Any practice,scheme or device which results in a higherprice to the purchaser of plumbing serv-ices or installed plumbing materials andequipment than is permitted by this ordershall be deemed a violation of this orderand subjects the seller to all the civilliabilities and the criminal penalties pro-vided bythe EmergencyPrice Control Actof 1942 as amended and extended.

(b) No seller shall as a part of the con-sideration or as a condition of a sale ofany of the plumbing services or Installedplumbing materials and eqmupment cov-ered by this order, secretly or otherwisereceive, either directly or indirectly anyside payment, commission, fee; considera-.tion or other thing of value whatsoevernor shall the seller, either directly orindirectly acquire or receive in additionto the maximum prices established by thisorder the benefit of any services, trans-portation agreements or other valuablething, materials or property.

(c) No seller shall eliminate or reducein any form or manner any maintenanceor repair service customarily offered orperformed as a part of plumbing servicesor installed plumbing materials andequipment noi shall the seller lower thequality of the materials and equipmentbelow that .called for by the specificationsor agreement.

(d) No seller shall by any of the fore-going plans, schemes or devices, or by anyother plan, scheme or device, receive oracquire or attempt to receive or acquireanything of value, service, valuable right,property or Piroperty right, money orother consideration whatsoever in addl-tion to the maximum prices establishedin this order for the sale of any plumbing

services or installed plumbing materialsand' equipment.

SEc. 13. Less than maximum prices.Prices lower than the maximum pricesfor sales covered by this order may, ofcourse, be charged and paid.

SEc. 14. Licensing. The provisions ofLicensing Order No. 1, licensing all per-sons who make sales under price control,are applicable to all sellers subject to thisorder. A seller's license may be sus-pended for violation of the license or ofone or more applicable price schedules orregulations. A person whose license issuspended may, not, during the period ofsuspension, make any sale for which hislicense has been suspended.

SEC. 15. Revocation of Order No. G-9.Order No. G-9, plumbing services andsales of installed plumbing materials andequipment in the State of Wyoming,issued December 10, 1945, anat effectiveDecember 20, 1945, Is hereby revoked.

SEC. 16. Revocation or amendment.This order may be revoked, modified oramended at any time by the Price Admin-istrator or the Regional Administrator.

This Revised Order No. --9 shall be-come effective May 20, 1946.

Issued this 6th day of May 1946.ARTons S. BnODHEAD,

Acting Regional Administrator.[F. R. Doc. 46-10155; Fled, Juno 13, 1010;

4:38 p. m.

[Region VII Order G-10 Under RMIPR 251,

Amdt. 11

INSTALLED INSULATION IN WYo, NOOrder No. G-10 under Revised Maxi-

mum Price Regulation No. 251, Amend-ment 1. Construction services and salesof installed building materials. DocketNo. 7-251-9-11 (a)

For the reasons set forth in an opinionissued simultaneously herewith and filedwith the Division of the Federal Register,and pursuant tO the authority vested inthe Regional Administrator of Region' of the Office of Price Administrationby the Emergency Price Control Act of1942, as amended, the Stabilization Actof 1942, as amended, and by section 9 ofRevised Maximum Price Regulation No.251, Order No. G-10 under Revised Maxl-mum Price Regulation No. 251, sples ofinstalled Insulation in the State of Wy-oming, is hereby amended in the follow-Ing respects:

1. In section 4 strike all of the tablenshowing maximum prices per squarefoot of area appearing as pages 3, 4, 5,and- 6 of the order and insert In lieuthereof the following:


Page 63: Federal Register: 11 Fed. Reg. 6661 (June 18, 1946). · 2015. 9. 28. · real or personal property, taken pur-suant to this order shall be terminated by the Director when he determines

FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, June 18, 1916 6723

Table I Tablo 2 Table 3 Table 4 TWbla 5 Ta1lh I Zab! 2 Taba 3 T34a a TLs-JZ;Expanded xzdd

mica and . a Looni L.csother M3n. materals Bnais c aTnl - Bl

Categories An. ctogmIs Bat l . itse- 0atL. ckf Otlhc 1-ncxmterial at-3 5 C*-- 4 :'! in.cx- of ma':-

wool 4 contain g xc- of mate- thl"dth . 5 l st icnasc~ resistant dcpth"o ICxez5 d.thEThof not Ies over =n tl

depth than 12 h-


(1) Open atties with over 2' clear-anco to roof-drawing L .........

(2) Under fIat bu[ilt up roofs (Sus-pended ceiling); open blowingconditions (price includes costofopening and closing for area)-drawing 2 ......................


(Prices include the cost of remov-ing and replacing flooring)

(3) Open attics with a single roughflooring and accessible-drawing

(4) Open attics with finished singlefloors-drawng 4...........

(5) Open attics with double floors,the top floor finished-----------


(6) Flat ceilings in closed spacesunder pitched or sloping roofswhere opening in roof is nwec-esary, Such as pocket areasbehind ksee walls, areas underroof ridges or extensions whichare practically flat-drawing 6.

(a) Unfloored .......-----------(b) Floored:

(I) With single rough floor-.-(ii) With smgle finihed floor -(ifi) With double finihed floo

(7) Ceilings m closed space underrdge or pitched roofs, whereopenings for the full length ofridge are necessary because ofsmall clearance between ridgeand ceiling areas. Drawing .-Unfloored.. ----------------

(8) Flat built up roof typs includ-ing row -house constrnction andoomermal buildings.-Drawmg--------------- ------------

(9) Flat roof decks covered withtln, copper or canvas.-Draw-msg 9 ------------------

(10) Overhang.-Drawmn 10 ------(11) Dormer tops-Drawing 11---(12) Bay window top or bottom.-

Drawing 12.(a) Top ..-..................(b) Bottom ...--..............

(Prices d& not include cost ofopening and closing)

(Prices do not Include cost ofretaining material)

(13) Any exposed floors over garasceilings, open porches or similartypes of areas where the underside of the area to be insulated isclosed and fbnished-DrawinK13.

(14) Any exposed floors where theareas to be insulated are notclosed and finished and where re-taming materials are required-Drawing 14--...................

.16 I






Z0. 14



. 15













iE-Or3 orta ' rEMOAVATED

sP~ da rort Irr : cz Cc cfrcJnanoumaicrnu~i)


(15) 4" 1ill L,.-'. in GIovr ainK n

rl--Yraw; ALEAS

(M'res (1, Est tcda1n e~rcn rz,cr .. XL

(17) Ali r wL:re er - -ci =4fivDLn- Fn tI13 intcrl-z 11o ofte raoc--Drawne 17 .....(15) Ogcn crl'- r: .pa t1 'y co

I-, :z t bcut::!19 f krfo vieaiwkiro, b!iw i lrairr..tlmb! -Dra g 1C .............-.- ....

(Il) ozvamtc~d rc'. Ap.-plIcmion cf L:oW; cr lankel,-DMarlng 19. (27or.caLsZrZEZ).



tb) Bla= ,-. ..................

(22) Knc rmlsrp!tz-1 lwc

Dra%7_1riz ......................(PrIML~ac ogcair z c =1c.

t,3 ma k cni ai znkcs...u.(rs) 9:rtoc . ,) ...........

MraEo Iwalls AMl

(={) xtr~r ~h i ra: fn.

(a) Wc-IaaltcbL-rd ......

le b)r~ck crrln ctc. ....d awucnc .. ...................

(23) Iarwbclaaog-e~

no'v l tnai[V .................(1z and Wrilla (en an cl flV'

with ilcr finth-Draianu3

25, ,-, W!. . Apply Moof"o (ol to &21 Wn. r-nve, dc-(PeIEca Z;n crst h e tNTfrc uatr

(27) U2--and crIl. ) ......

In r frikh-Dr--r-'L,3 4() tcr wawith Lr-- wia

outIn fin:--Datr raife 2'a-nd '. of (Jtn'.~2 21





.171 .15







.19* 12






NoTE: The maximum prices listed above In tables 1 3, and4aroL:dup~nanIn-uatlthk.cca cX4 no . T o: hcrb I lc--l-novrn ,whnord1ro,by the purchaser, the sdler may make tho following additional charges-.: 2 i per cquzre feat for flat rez ..... pr ojuero f aifor vrfc a1ncc, and '= pr rcaunrc feetf :c zs¢lopes, while for each inchof thick ness unde~r 4 inches, the rtIllrrsholl dedluct 13'd per vl u.aro feat. A 3 , Inc to~oc, nao may ta allateel with rupcdt to any. ech raizrent3.

The maximum price listed above In talo 5 are based upon an Insulation thlclmez of S mdccci ad over. F'er ccc Inc or frc:L n of a Inch ci tlscc.sa of ball cad blan-kets under 3 inches, the eler shall educt 13q pr qure foot.Where aenachine or crew of two or moeworkess Is uacd on Installed Insulation lobs, and tlo tota chre as de!c,-mln In ccco:Jnewith ttamasfmui puces L.cd in tIsbles set forth above i SI or less, the seller may make an additional charge of $10 for tio job.

2. This Amendment; No. 1 to Order [Iloglon VIIh Order 0-21 Under ELIR 251, of installed building materials. Dscket0-10 shall become effective June 7, 1946- dmat. 11 No. 7-251-9-23 (a)

Issued this 28th day of May 1946. InsTALLren INSUL TI 117 S.r L.. Cn, For the reaons seb forth in an opinonAr Tmu S. BRoDHED, UbTH, DSIIcT -ssued simultaneously herewith and Iaed

A T ing Regzona AdrN.1straeor. Order No. G-21 Under Revised M-d- with the Diviion of the Federal Reg-

[F. R. Doe. 46-10156; Filed, June 13, -946i mum Price Regulation No. 251, Amend- ter, and pursuant to the authority vested4:36 p. m.1 ment 1. Construction services and sales in the Regional Administrator of Region

ex 1G Z€ . 14 c12- U M.3

i .. .. t

Page 64: Federal Register: 11 Fed. Reg. 6661 (June 18, 1946). · 2015. 9. 28. · real or personal property, taken pur-suant to this order shall be terminated by the Director when he determines

FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, June 18, 1946

VII of the Office of Price Administrationby the Emergency Price Control Act of1942, as amended, the Stabilization Actof 1942, as amended, and by section 9 ofRevised Maximum Price Regulation No.

251, Order No. G-21 under Revised Max-linum Price RegulationNNo. 251, sales ofinstalled insulation in thke Salt LakeCity District, is hereby amended in thefollowing respects:


1. In section 4 strike all of the tablesshowing maximum prices per squarefoot of area appearing as pages 3, 4, 5,6 and I of the order and Insert In lieuthereof the following:

Table I Table 2 Table 3 Table 4 Table 5 Table I Table 2 Table 3 Tablo 4 Table 6Expanded Ioas0 Expanded LooSomica nd materials Bmica and materialsother - ontals Battsor othermin- athttsor

Mralized. - onn- cralized coiilaCaeoisMi-e T l ase n-' , Categories bh.Vd 0*oCategories n-ral materials inexess of m Categoetes eral materils I em 1 loose kets "'

wool 42 containing iexfire oater; thick- wool 4" ontaig e hfierl.-depth mn epth es or depth minra 2 fire -4"thdept messsnd ls oer dept To resistant -depth nes' or

inecess i; t ovrIn excess, not esoeinof 0-4" ietof Os4" nt le odepth : than 1,200 depth than 1,200-


(I) Open attics with over 24" clear-ance to roof--drawing 1 ..........

(2) Under fiat built up roofs (sus-pended ceiling); open blowingconditions (price includes cost ofopening and closing for area)-drawing 2 ................


(Prices Include the cost of remov-ing and replacing flooring)

(3) Open attics with a single roughflooring and occessible-drawing3---------------------------

(4) Open attics with finlshed singlefloors-drawing 4 .............

(8) Open attics with double floors,the top floor finished ...........


(6) Fiat celings in closed spacesunder pitched or sloping.roofswhere opening in roof is nec-essary such as pocket areasbehind knee walls, areas underroof ridges or extensions whicham practically fat--drawing 6.

a) Unfloored --------------------b) Floored:(I) With single rough floor ---(i) Uith Single finished floor..(i) With double finished floor.

(7) Cellings in closed space underridge or pitched roofs, whereopenings for the full length ofridge are necessary because ofsmall clearance between ridgeand ceiling reas. Drawing 7.-Unfloored .....................

(8) Flat built up roof type includ-ing row house construction andcommercial bulldings.-Drawing8 ......... - -....................

(9) Flat roof decks covered withtin, copper or canvas.-Draw-Ing 9 ............................

(10) Overhang.-Drawing 10 -----(11) Dormer tops.-Drawing 11....(12) Bay window top or bottom.-

Drawing 12.(a) Top ........................(b) Bottom ........


(Prices do not include cost ofopening and closing)

(Pricee do not include cost ofretainlig material)

(13) Any exposed floors over garage.ceilings, open porches or similartypes of areas where the underside of the arsea to be insulated Isclose-d and finished. Drawing 13.

(14) Any exposed loors where theareas to be -insulated are notclosed and finished and where re-tainint materials are required.Drawing 14 ----------------------











'Z. 06










'(Prices do not include cost ofretaining material)

-(05) Batts and blankets. Drawing(1



- -------------------------------- ,-------- ---....... - ...... -------.. .-.--.6) 4" fill blown in over retainingmaterial. Drawing 16 ............ $0.16 $0.14 0.11 $0.03


(Prices do not include openingor closing)

17) All slopes where closed andfinished on the interior alde ofthe rafters. Drawing 17 ......... 1 16 14 .11 .0318) Open rafters and slopes wherebatts or blankets are used, such aspocket outside of knee wallswhere blow is impracticable.Drawing 18 ------------------------ ----.------------....................

(19) Open rafters and slopes. Ap-plication of batts or blankets.-Drawig 19. (No retainer used).


(20) Interior plastered walls whereno decoration is necessary exceptplaster patching-Drawing 20.(Price includes opening and clos-ing of plastered walls) ...........

(21) Knee walls--Drawing 21:(a) Batts and blankets ----------(b) Blown ......................

(22) Knee walls not accessibl--Drawing 22 .....................

(23) Stairwells and appurtenances.(Prices include opening andclosing of plastered wall):

(a) Soffitts-Drawing 23 .......(b) Walls (measurement of walls

may be taken as rectangularfrom floor to ceiling) ...........


(Prices include cost of openingand closin~g

(24) Exterior walls with inner fin-ish whose outer surfaces atecomposed of (Drawings 24 to30):

(a) Wood or asphalt shingles ...(b) Wood clapboard ...........(c) Brick or stone veneer ......(d) Stucco ......................(e) Asbestos cement shingles....(f) Insulated brick and stone

noveltk siding ...............(25 and 26) Gable and end walls

with inner finish-Drawings25, 20 and '27. Apply thepnces listed under Categories24 (a) to 24 (f), Inclusive, de-pending upon the type of outerfinish.

(27) Gable and end walls withoutinner finish-Drawings 25, 26,and.27-(batts or blankets) ..

(28) Dormer checks and faces withinnerfinish-Drawings 28 and 29.

(29) Dormercheeks and faceswith-out Inr in n-Drwngs 28


























...........................................................I.........I ..

aius tu ms orDsanKkia) - ---- I ..... ....... I' o .-.....









* 20






NOTE:. The maximum prices listed above in tables 1, 2, 3, and 4 are based upon an Insulation thickenss of 4 inches,. For each inch of insulation over 4 inches, when orderedby the purchaser, the seller may make the following additional charges: 2,' per square foot for flat areas, 2J5 per square foot for vertical area, and 2!IA per square foot for ealtedslopes while fe r cach inch of thickness.under4 inches, the seller shall deduct 1W per square foot. A s inch tolerance may be allowed with respect to any uch measurementl,

Toe maximum prices listed above in table S are based upon an insulation thickness of 3 Inches and over. For each inch or fraction of an Inch of thlem:nes of baits and ban,kets under 3 inched, the seller shall deduct 1W per square foot.

Wh(c a nachitne or crew of two or more workers is used on Installed Insulation Jobs, and the total charge as determined In accordance with the maximum prices listed in thbtable, ct forth above is 1'$0 or less, the seller may, make an addltional charge of $10 for the.job.


Page 65: Federal Register: 11 Fed. Reg. 6661 (June 18, 1946). · 2015. 9. 28. · real or personal property, taken pur-suant to this order shall be terminated by the Director when he determines

2. This Amendment No. 1 to OrderG-21 sl~all become effective June 7, 14.

Issued this 26th day of My 1946.

Annmm . BaonimnActing Regzonal Admtnstrator.

[F. R. Doec. 46-10153; Fled, June 13 1946;4.39 p. n.1

Ls or Corn ura Crir= PRicz OnnunThe followmg orders under Revised

General Order 5I were flied with the Di-vision of the Federal Register June 11,1946.

Region LBaltimore Order 11-F, Amendment 18,

covering fresh fruits and vegetables inthe Baltimore, Maryland area. Filed9:51 a. m.

Baltimore Order 12-F, Amendment 18,covering fresh fruits and vegetables inthe Baltimore, Maryland area. Filed9:50 a. in.

Baltimore Order 51, Amendment 3,covering dry groceries in the Baltimore,Maryland area. Filed 9:50 a. i.

Baltimore Orders 55 and 18-WAmendment 2, covering dry groceries inthe Baltimore, Maryland area. Filed9:49 and 9:50 a. m.

Buffalo Order 6-F, Amendment 18, cov-ering fresh fruits and vegetables in Roch-ester; East Rochester, Fairport and Pitts-ford, ew York. F-led 9:53 a. m.

Buffalo Order 2-P, Amendment 18,coverng fresh fruits and vegetables inAllegany, Cattaraugus, Chautauquacounties, New York. Filed 9:53 a. in.

Buffalo Order 9-F,-Amendment 14,covering fresh fruits and vegetables incertain areas in New York. Filed 9:53a. m.

Buffalo- Order 10-11, Amendment 10,covering fresh fruits and vegetables incertain areas in New York. Filed 9:52a. m

District of Columbia Order 6-FAmendment 18, covering fresh fruits andvegetables in the Washington, D. C. area.Filed 9:52 a. in.

District-of Columbia Order 15, Amend-ment 7, covering dry groceries in theWashington, D. C. area. Filed 9:52 a. in.

- District of Columbia Orders 7-W and-16, Amendment 9, covering dry groceriesin the Washington, D. C. area. Filed9:52 a. m.

Newark Order 8-F, Amendment 19,covering fresh fruits and vegetables mncertain areas in New Jersey. Filed 9:49a. m.

Newark Order 9-F, Amendment 18,-covering fresh fruits and vegetables incertain counties and the Borough ofNorth Plainfield in Somerset county, NewJersey. Filed 9:49 a. 3n.

FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, June 18, 1916

Newark Orders 24 and 24, Amnendment3, covering dry groceries In certain coun-ties n.ew Jersey. Filed9:4an.

Newark Order 26, Amendment 3. cov-ering dry groceries in certain counties InNew Jersey. Filed 9:43 a. m.

Philadelphia Order 13-F, Amendment19, covering fresh fruits and vegetab!esin certain countle in Pennsylvania.Filed 9:47 m in.

Philadelphia Order 14-F, Amendment18, covering fresh fruits and vegetablesin the city and county of Philadelphia.Filed 9:47 a in.

Philadelphia Order 15-F, Amendmsnt18, covering fresh fruits and vegetablesin certain counties in PennzylvanLa.Filed 9:47 a. m.

Philadelphia Order 16-F, Amendment18, covering fresh fruits and vegetablesin Eerlks Lehigh and 1.Northmptoncounties, Pennsylvania. Filed 9:47 a. in.

Scranton Order 5-F Amendment 19,covering fresh fruits and vegetables incertain counties in Pennsylvanma. iled9:46. a. 33.

Scranton Order 6-F Amendment 1G,covering fresh fruits and vegetables Incertain counties In Pennsylvania. Filed9:46 a. m.

Syracuse Order 5-F, Amendment 19,covering fresh fruits and vegetables incertain countiesin New Yorlr. Filed 9:46a. n.

Syracuse Order 6-F, Amendment 19,covering fresh fruits and vegetables inthe cities of Syracuse, Watertown, UtLcaand their Free Delivery Zones, N~ew York.Filed 9:44 a. m.

Syracuse Order 7-F, Amendment 14,covering fresh fruits and vegetable3 Incertain areas in New York. Filed 9:41a. ni.

Region HIDatroit Order 33, Amendments I and 2,

covering dry groceries in certaIn countiesIn Mlichigan. riled 9:14 a. in.

Detroit Orders 9-0 and 10-0, Amend-ments 19 and 11, covering eggs ,In certaindesignated counties in MiLchigan. Filed9:14 and 9:49 a. m.

Detroit Orders 21-W and 22-W,Amendments 4 and 3, covering dry gro-ceries in certain counties, In. Eichigan.Filed 9:40 a. in.

Indianapolis Order 17-F, Amenament7a covering fresh fruits and vegetablesin the county of Vandernurgh. Filed9:27 a. in.

Indianapolis Order 15-F. Amendment'70, covering fresh fruits and vegetablcsin the counties of Wayne, Delaware andAllen. 'iled 9:20 a. m.

Indianapolis Order 16-F, Amendment10, covering fresh fruits and vegetablesIn the county of St.-Jozeph. Filed 9:27a. m.

Re uo IVAflTntta Order 16, Am-ndment 17, cc'-

ering eggs in Zone 15. F1i-d 9"2 a.rAtlnt= Order 17, Amendment 15, cav-

ering eg5s in Zne I5. Fi ed 9:22 a. n.Atlanta Order I, Amendment 17, ccat-

ering eggs in Zona VO Fi-ed 9:21 a.in.Atlanta Order 19. Amendment 15. ca-

ering eggslaZona15. FiPed9:21a. m.Atlanta Order 20 Amendn .... 17, cov-

ering eggs in Zone 19. Filed 9:21 a. in.1ami Order 5-F, Amendment 35, ca'-

ring fre-h fruits and v e;etlas iii cer-tafi area in Florifda. F Iled 2: :3 m.

Miami Order 6--F, Amendment 93, c'v-ering fresh fruits and vegetables in theTampa, Flonda area. Fired 4:59 pr. m.

Richmond Order 13-F, Amendment 34-,covering fresh fruits and vegetables incertain areas in the Richmond area.Filed 9:28 a. n.

Richmond Order 3-C Amendment 10.coverin pisuitry in C'aterfed. Hanaer.Henrico and Po-;hatan counties. Vircin=aFiled 9:23 a. m.

Richmcnd Order 5-C, Amendment 6,covering lultry m the city of Xs.no::eand Roano:e county, Vhrg=a. Filed9:20 a. in.

RCMoir VHouston Order 22. Amendment 1, car-

ering dry groceries in Harris county,Texas. Filed 9:29 a. in.

Houston Orders 2a and 7-W Amend-ment 1, coverin. dry gre.-anas sold byGroups I and 2 ctoras. Filed 9:23 a. m.

Kansas City O-dar 4-F, Amendment 47,cov-ring fra-sh fruits and veget2ils inJohn-on and Wyandotta countie, Me-._o; JacIon county M =u and thecity of North ' City. Uis-r.Filed 9:41 - m.

KMn s City Order 9-ri, Amendm..r 3-1,covering fresh fruits and vegetables inEur' h ,nYn county, Mlissouri. Filed 9:42n.m.I

Mays City Order 19-F Amendment31. covering fresh fruif- and vegetablesin Greene county, MissourL Filed 9:42n. in.

Tr . City Order il-Y, Amendment31. coverIng fresh fruits and vegetablesIn Jasper county, M1issoun. Filed 9:43a. nn.Man as City Order 12-F. Amendment 4,

coverinz' fresh fruits and vegetables incertain areas in Llzsauri. Filed 9:43at. in.

Kanzas City Orders 2-C and 11-0, c-7s-ering pouitry and eg'gs" in Johnson andWyandott-, M=nsas: City of North Men-sas City. Jziron 7oaa counties,MLourl. Filed 9:43 a. m.

Kansas City Orders 10-C and 12-0,covering pOultry and eggs in Greene andJasper counties, TMissoun. Filed 9:44a. m.


Page 66: Federal Register: 11 Fed. Reg. 6661 (June 18, 1946). · 2015. 9. 28. · real or personal property, taken pur-suant to this order shall be terminated by the Director when he determines

FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, June 18, 7946

New Orleans Order 3-F, Amendment45, covering fresh fruits and vegetables incertain Parishes in Louisiana exceptGrand Isle. Filed 9:35 a. m.

New Orleans Order'5-F, Amendment36, covering fresh fruits and vegetablesin the cities of Shreveport, Bossier City,Monroe and West Monroe. Filed 9:35a. in.

New Orleans Order 6-F, Amendment36, covering fresh fruits and vegetablesin certain Parishes of'Louisiana. Filed9:35 a. in.

New Orleans Orders 7-F and 8-FAmendment 3, covering fresh fruits andvegetables in certain Parishes in Louisi-ana. Filed 9:34 a. m.

New Orleans Orders 33-C 'and 7-0,covering poultry ana eggs In' the city of,New Orleans, Algiers, Gretna, Metairie,McDonoughvlle, and Arabi and Chal-mette, Louisiana. Filed 9:33 and 9:32a. in.

New Orleans Order 33-C, coveringpoultry in city of New Orleans, Algiers,Gretna, Metairie, McDonoughville, Arabi-and Chalmette, La. Filed 9:44 a. in.

Oklahoma City Order. 13-F, covering.fresh fruits and vegetables in certaincounties in Oklahoma. Filed 9:24 a. in.

Oklahoma City Order 12-F coveringftesh frUits and vegetables in certaincounties in Oklahoma. Filed 9:24 a. in.

Oklahoma Order 11-F" covering freshfruits and vegetables in Muskogee andTulsa counties, Oklahoma. Filed 9:25a. in.

Oklahoma City Order 10-F, coveringfresh 'fruits and -vegetables in Garfield,Oklahoma and Pottawatomie counties,Oklahoma. Filed 9:25 a. in.

San Antonio Order 6-F Amendment45, covering fresh fruits and vegetablesin Bexar county, Texas. Filed 9:24 a: m.

San Antonio Order 8-F Amendment46, covering fresh fruits and vegetablesin Corpus Christi, Texas. -Filed 9:24a. in.

San Antonio Order 9-F Amendment34, covering fresh fruits and vegetablesIn Culberson, El Paso, Hudspeth andPresidio counties, Texas. Filed 9:27ia. in.

San Antonio Order 11-F Amendment3, covering fresh fruits and vegetablesin certain counties In Texas. Filed9:27 a. n.

San Antonio Order 12-F Amendment3, covering fresh fruits and vegetablesin Travis county, Texas. Filed 9:26 a. m.

San Antonio Orders 6-C and 3-0, cov-ering poultry and eggs in BeXar county,Texas. Filed 9:26 a. m.

Wichita Order 13-F Amendment 29,covering fresh fruits and vegetables In

Sedgwick county, Kansas. Filed 9:26a. In.

Wichita Order 14-F, Amendment 29,covering fresh fruits and vegetables Incertain counties In Kansas. Filed 9:24a. n.

Wichita Order 15-F Amendment 29,covering fresh fruits and vegetables incertain counties in Kansas. Filed 9,23a. in.

Wichita Order 16-F Amendment 29,.covering fresh fruits and vegetables inReno county, Kansas. Filed 9:23 a. in.

Wichita Order 17-F Amendment, 29,covering fresh fruits and vegetables In.Shawnee county, Kansas. Filed 9:23a. m.

Wichita Orders 34 and 35, Amend-ment 3, covering dry groceries. Filed.9:23 a. m.

Wichita Orders 8-W and 9-W Amend-ment 3, covering dry groceries. Filed9:22 a. in.

Regzon VI

Fargo. Order-41, Amendment 5, cover-ing dry groceries in certain cities inNorth Dakota. Filed 9:32 a. m.

Fargo Order 42, Amendment 5, cov-ering dry groceries in certain areas inNorth DakQta. 'Filed 9:32 a. in.

Fargo Order 43, Amendment 6, cover-ing -dry groceries in -certain counties inNorth Dakota and Minnesota. Filed 9:32a. in.

Fargo Order 44, Amendment 6, cover-ing dry, groceries in areas inNorth Da-iota. Filed 9:31 a. m.

Fargo Order 7-W Amendment 5, cov-ering- dry groceries in -Bismarck, Man-dan, and Minot cities, North Dakota.Filed 9:31 a. in.

Fargo Order 8-W Amendment 5, cov-ering dry groceries in Fargo and GrandForks cities in North Dakota and Moor-head, Minnesota. Filed 9:31 a. m.

Twin Cities Order 3-F Amendment 35,covering fresh fruits and vegetables inDuluth and Proctor, Minnesota andSuperior; Wisconsin. Filed 9:31 a. in.

Twin Cities Order 7-Y Amendment 19,covering fresh fruits and-vegetables incertain counties in Minnesota. Filed9:30 a. m.

Twin Cities Order 8-F, Amendment18, covering fresh fruits and vegetablesin certain counties in Minnesota. Filed9:30 a. m.

Twin Cities Order 3-C, Amendment 13,.covering poultry in certain areas InMinnesota. Filed 9:30 a. In.

Twin Cities-Order 4-C, Amendment 8,covering poultry in Duluth and Proctorcities in St. Louis County, Minnesota.Filed 9:30 a. m.

Twin Cities Order 3-0, Amendment 4,covering eggs in certain areas in Minne-sota. Filed 9:29 a.m. o

Region VIII

San Francisco Order 2-P Amendment1, covering fish in Del Norte, Humboldtand Mendocino counties. Filed 9:39a. in.

San Francisco Order 3-P Amendment1, covering fish in certain areas in Cali-fornia. Filed 9:38 a. m.

San Francisco Order 4-P, Amendment1, covering fish in certain areas in Call-fornia. Filed 9:36 a. m.

San Francisco Order 5-P, Amendment1, covering fish In Monterey, San Benito,and Santa Cruz counties, California,Filed 9:36 a. m.

San Francisco Order 6-P coveringfish ard seafood in the Sacramento area.Filed 9:36 a. m.

San Francisco Order 7-P coveringfish in certain areas in California. Filed9:36 a. in.

San Francisco Order 8-P coveting fishin Butte, Glenn, Plumaq, and Nevadacounties, California: Filed 9:36 a. in.,

Copies of any of these orders may beobtained from the OPA office in thedesignated city.

ERVIN H, POLLACK,/ Secretary.

[F. R. Doc. 46-10116: Filed, Jino 14, 1940;11:37 a. m.]

[Region VII Order G-22 Under 'RPR 251,

Amdt. 1]

INSTA&LED INSULATION IN MONTANAOrder No. G-22 under Revised Maxi-

mum Price Regulation No. 251, Amend-ment 1. Construction services and salesof Installed building materials, DocketNo. 7-251-9-25 (a)

For the reasons set forth in an opin-Ion issued simultaneously herewith andfiled with the Division of the FederalRegister, and pursuant to the authorityvested in the Regional Administrator ofRegion VII of the Office of Price Admin-istration by the Emergency Price ControlAct of 1942, as amended, the Stabiliza-tion Act of 1942, as amended, and .bysection 9 of Revised Maximum PriceRegulation No. 251, sales of installed In-sulation in the State 6f Montana, Ishereby amended in the following re-spects:

1. In section 4 strike all of the tablesshowing maximum prices per square footof area appearing as pages 3, 4, 5, 6, and7 of the order and insert In lieu thereofthe following:

Page 67: Federal Register: 11 Fed. Reg. 6661 (June 18, 1946). · 2015. 9. 28. · real or personal property, taken pur-suant to this order shall be terminated by the Director when he determines

FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, June 18, 1916

11&t!1U7zr Pn=,- YMs CUZ1~~ rC:O? Cy.7



(1) Openattiswithova2'elear-ance to roof--drawing L ---------

(2) Under fat built up roos (sus-pended ceilng); open blowingconditions (prico includes cost of

(Prices include the eost of remov-ing and replaclng f o or= )

(3) Open attics with a single roughflooring and secv.e-ibe-drawing

(4) Op attieswithfinsshedsingloflo.s-drawing4-.

(5) Open attir-withdoublefcorsthe top floor f ln i --.


(6) flat lngs n closed - pacesunder pitced or ilopig roswhere openig m roof s nes-esay. cs packet cressbbhm neewalls,urcasuonderroof ridges or exltpsrnsvwlcahare practically dat-drawing 6.(a) Unflored.. ....

(b) Floored:(M With single rogh flr---.(hi) With gle finished floor -fiii) Withdoublelfmshb dloor.

(7) Ceilings in closed pace underridge or pitched r-os, -heraopenings for the full lmngth ofridge are necessary because of-smell clearance between ridgeand ceiling areas. Drawing 7.-'Unfloore&.

(8) Flat bnt ip roof typo includ-ing row house construction ardeon ierilbuilding.-Dawg

(9) Fat xoor de cotvred withtin, copper osi avass-DOw-

(10) Overb ng.-Dwvag 10_(11) Dormer to1.-Drwig IL---(12) Bay =mdow top crbattom-

Dawing 22:(a) Top ..................-(b) Bottom ..........

(Pmes do mo? Include eos 01opening and clong)

(Prices doaot nelede rest ofretainng matE ral)

(13) -Amy expszdi florovergSrageceilis on porcl cr imltypes of areas where the underside of the am to be insulated isclosed and Liuslied-Drawing 13.

(14) Any exposed floo.s where theareas to be insulatod are netcloseda;nd iinish drndwvbixrc.rtaing materals are rcqurd-Drawing 1

Table Table 2

mOt aindoth: rataMn. crdizedcra1 mat-ilals

cuel 4' containingdepth mineals


f 14 .10.-12

.15 .13

.13. .13

.15 .13

.16 .16

.14 .12

.15 .13

.15 .13

.10 .14

.14 .12

.14 .12

.15 .13.15 .13*14 *12

.14 .12

.16 .14

.10 .14

.15 .13

Table 3

materialscontanfin g

In excess ofZ75 lire1=rtaont

than 1izn'

Table 4] TabLZ


znaz or







'in eCzs S:',L fs


T"ablO Taba2

C .

r~t-Z~ufrc _t-z=]

(IO) 4" f!l be.ccI 4't creaFaarg

m incer

I t .&7-4!1

dPrha do i : oc--

(1) 33tt 312Vs--. Dmaw1:

(l r s'fl L=zs uia cranzr

fPr~zcd rt- to l ! .. . .r1

(17) AUl stpro c :_ C-1 .12ard "'I C3 Ls ln ~ C'2~ cftto rXenDraw:j 17..... .10 .14

Uoar L) ari

Drs .i .j- 13 .............

W, r: r, (. ac.0es. eptETAIR755O. A!D AK~Z..25505

(2 77 Lrtarz.wcl -- z afls-re

f rcrl:3 u -T m c t -7r d c:.in", f ..lal......... .17 .15( Ba =1

.-i .. i. .............. 14 .12(M) I2r .--,n. l r'c. zex,ei: 7 -

.....- - ... .13

W'e= lz"Ilo Ca1cad-

rnoy t3 late-a anshinuafrazztL......... 17 .14

=1d cwej

(21) L IwtfEinr-ri wa cuawr cafcr

0i n-r cv:a .cwr 21(d) .a ~ .1 ... .22(C) .h5coal2~s 420

.hy U r ......... .2 .20

2,Z.cl27. Avplly Meo

"1 (21 t0 1 MI. d:2rcc

a27!tr1.27 15.

cut ianar-


VU 1(3






.- 0.54



4Ta t: 4 r 21 5

k wi -az


Norm: T1he mgiinm prices listed nbove In tables 1 % 3 and 4 rob=:, Jurea e n 1asuib1!-a tL!Ai'C=r cf4 =iLci. Frc~ rio ,a~oe n ewrn~rs~by the purchaser, theS11 -lrmy mak-e the followin dd~tlena1chargers :2 Pezrsjnar f::i !:IC flzrzzr f a -r'to vasfierl rz= z=:1 212! p~fUare ~~trs~zlopes, whilefer each inch of thickness under 4inches, the s:Lzr rhall dut te! " zrtprrofer?. A.I

5z-t! o mt f'wihr--~toayuh

The -in-aninmprices listed abovelIn table 5 arebased upennan insulatlentlkar c-f31nr"i 'LOvcr. Freilahrfzt cnnischksehat~i 1 L-.kets under 3 inchLs, the seller shall deduct I3_I per sqiar tont.Where a machmo r crew of two or more worheans uszd on imnzl "1 'Or 15hZ, c,_1 M3O tSU~ as"~ CO !crarzd inIa j s e 7,~ 5ith t maia. rr F-1 d a ti

tables set farth above is SO0 or less, theoSeller may make an additoaal chba of M kilr ttojob.

2. This Amendment No. 1 to- Order G-22 shall become effective June 7, 194-g.Issued this 28th day of iay 1946. AmniTHu S. Bioa n,

Acting Be-monal Adnrmstrator.[P. R. Doe. 4G-101i9; Filed. June 13, 1940; 3:41 p. m.]











Page 68: Federal Register: 11 Fed. Reg. 6661 (June 18, 1946). · 2015. 9. 28. · real or personal property, taken pur-suant to this order shall be terminated by the Director when he determines

FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, June 18, 1946


[File No. 812-4291



At a regular session of the Securitiesand Exchange Commission held at itsoffice in the City of Philadelphia, Pa., onthe 14th day of June A. D. 1946.

Morris Plan Corporation of America,Philip Schaff, et al. File No. 812"-429.

Morris Plan Corporation of Americaand the ,following individuals: PhilipSchaff, William Jenkins, George S.Bishop, R. M. Welch, Walter Schaff, WW Thornton, W E. Bliss, Robert W.Ramsdell, R. J. Money, Victor T. Barth-'lomy and Melvin R. Hazel, have filed anapplication pursuant to Section 17 (b)of the Investment Oompany Act of 1940for an order exempting from the provi-sions of section 17 (a) of said act a pro-posed transaction in which Morris PlanCorporation of America will sell to theaforesaid individuals an aggregateamount of 1,000 shares of the capitalstock of The .Pebples Bank of Youngs-town, Ohio for $80,000. American Gen-eral Corporation, a registered investmentcompany, controls Morris Plan Corpora-tion of America which owns 25% of theoutstanding stock of The Peoples Bankof Youngstown, Ohio. The aforesaid in-dividuals are affiliated persons of ThePeoples Bank of Youngstown, Olo.

It is ordered, Pursuant to section 40(a) of/said act that a hearing on theaforesaid application be held on June 27,1946 at 9:30 a. in., eastern daylight sav-ing time, -in Room 318 of the Securitiesand Exchange Commission Building, 18thand LOcust Streets, Philadelphia 3, Penn-sylvania.

It is further ordered, That William WSwift, Esquire, or any other officer orofficers of the Commission designated byit for that purpose shall preside at suchhearing. The officer so designated ishereby authorized tb exercise all thepowers granted to the Commission undersections 41 and 42 (b) of the InvestmentCompany Act of 1940 and to trial exam-iners under the Commission's rules ofpractice.

Notice of such hearing is hereby givento Morris Plan Corporation of America,the aforesaid individuals and to anyother persons whose participation Insuch proceedings may be in the publicinterest or for the protection of investors.

By the Commission.

[SEAL] NELLYE A. THORSEN,Assistant to the Secretary.

IF. R. Dc. 40-10304; Filed, June 17, 1946;10:49 a. m.]

[File No. 70-12821



At a regular session of the Securitiesand Exchange Commission held at Its

office in the City of Philadelphia, Penn-sylvama, on the 14th day of June, A. D.1946.

Notice is hereby given that a declara-tion has been filed with this Commissionunder the Public Utility Holding Com-Pany Act of 1935 by Southern CaliforniaWater Company ("Southern") a subsid-iary of American States Utilities Cor-poration, a registered holding company.All interested persons are referred tosaid declaration, which is on file in theoffices of the Commission, for a state-ment of the transactions therein pro-posed, which are summarized as follows:

Southern proposes to issue and sellto a group of six.-institutional investors32,000 shares of $25 par value PreferredStock, 4% Series, at $26.66 per share.The proceeds of said sale are proposedto be used, to the extent of $300,000, forrepayment of a iiinety-day note, dueJuly 8, 1946, issued to Harris Trust &Savings Bank of Chicago; $9,600 forpayment of finders' fees, and the balanceof approximately $530,000 to reimburseSouthern's treasury for property addi-tions made In the years 1940 to 1945 in-clusive and to be applied by Southerntoward construction expenditures In1946, estimated at a total of $800,000.

Southern requests that the declara-tion be permitted to become effectivepursuant to an exemption under sec-tion 6 (b) of the act, and also considersthe proposed transaction exempt *fromthe competitive bidding requirements ofRule U-50 by virtue of paragraph (a)(4) thereof.

It appearing to the Commission thatit is appropriate inthe public interestAnd in the interests of investors and con-sumers that a hearing be held with re-spect to said declaration, and that saiddeclaration shall not become effectiveexcept pursuant to further order of theCommission:

It is ordered, That. a hearing on saiddeclaration be held on June 27, 1946, at10"00 a. in., e. d. s. t., in the offices oftfte Securities and Exchange Commis-sion,e 18th and Locust Streets, Philadel-phia 3, Pennsylvania. On such day, thehearing room clerk in Room 318 willadvise as to the room in which suchhearing will be held.

It is further ordered, That Willis E.Mbnty or any other officer or officers ofthe Commission designated by it for the.purpose shall preside at the hearing.The officer so designated to preside atsaid hearing is hereby authorized to ex-ercise all powers granted to the Com-mission under section 18 (c) of the actand to a trial examiner under the Com-mission's rules of practice.

It is further ordered, That withoutlimiting the scope of the issues presentedby said declaration particular attentionwill be directed at said hearing to thefollowing matters and questions:

(1) Whether the proposed issue andsale of the new preferred stock of South-ern are solely for the purpose of financ-ing the business of Southern and havebeen expressly authorized by the StateCom-ission of the 'State in which it Isorganized and doing business;

(2) Whether the terms and conditionsof the proposed sale of preferred stock

are detrimental to the public interest orthe interests of investors or consumers;

(3) Whetter the underwriting fees,finders' fees and legal fees to be paid inconnection with the proposed transac-tions are fair and reasonable;

(4) Generally, whether the proposedtransactions are in all respects in thepublic interest and in the interests ofinvestors or consumers, and consistentwith all applicable requirements of theAct and with the rules thereunder, andwhether'any terms and conditions shouldbe imposed to satisfy the statutorystandards.

It is further ordered, That notice ofthis hearing is hereby given to Southernand to all interested persons, said noticeto be given to Southern by registeredmail and to all other persons by a gen-eral release of this Commission whichshall be distributed to the press andmailed to all persons on'the mailing listfor releases issued under the Public Util-ity Holding Company Act of 1935 and bypublication of a copy of this notice andorder'In the FEDERAL REGISTER.

It is requested that any person desiringto be heard in these proceedings shallfile with the Secretary of this Commis-sion on or before June 25, 1946, an appro-priate request or application to be heardas provided by Rule XVII of the Com-mission's rules of practice.

By the Commission.

[SEAL] NELLYE E. THORSEN,Assistant to the Secretary.

[F. R. Dcc.'48-10306, Filed, Juno 17, 1940:10:49 a. in.]

[File Nos. 7-802-7-904]



At a regular 'Session of the Securitiesand Excharfge Commission, held at itsoffice in the City of Philadelphia, Pa.,on the 12th day of June, A. D. 1946.

In the matter of Applications by theBoston Stock Exchange to extend un-listed trading privileges to: Braniff Air-ways, Incorporated, common stock, $2.50par value, File No. 7-892; Chicago, Mll-waukee, 'St. Paul and Pacific RailroadCompany, VTCs for common stock, nopar value, File No. 7-893; CommonwealthEdison Company, capital stock, $25 parvalue, File No. 7-894; General PublicUtilities Corporation, common stock, $5par value, File No. 7-895; Grumman Air-craft Engineering Corporatign, commonstock, $1 par value, File No. 7-890; Inter-lake Iron Corporation, common stock, nopar value, File No. 7-897; Libby, McNeilland Libby, common stock, $7 par value,File No. 7-898; Manati Sugar Company,common stock, $1 par value, File No.7-899; Pacific Gas, & Electric Company,common stock, $25 par value, Pile No.7-900; Philadelphia and Reading Coaland Iron Company, common stock, $1par value, File No. 7-901, PhiladelphiaElectric Company, common stock, no parvalue, File No. 7-902; Radio-Keith-Or-pheum Corporation (Del.), commonstock, $1 par value, File No. 7-903; Sym-

Page 69: Federal Register: 11 Fed. Reg. 6661 (June 18, 1946). · 2015. 9. 28. · real or personal property, taken pur-suant to this order shall be terminated by the Director when he determines

FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, June 18, 1916ington-Gould Corporation, commonstock, $1 par value, File No. 7-904.

The Boston Stock Exchange having:made application to the Commission pur-suant to section 12 (f) (2) of the Securi-ties Exchange Act of 1934 and Rule X-12F-1. for permission to extend unlistedtrading privileges to the above-men-tioned securities;

A public heanng having been held afterappropriate notice;

The Commission, being duly advised,finds:

(1) That the subject securities arelisted and registered on the New YorkStock Exchange. In addition, Chicago,Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific RailroadCompany voting trust certificates arelisted and registered on the ChicagoStock-Exchange; Commonwealth EdisonCompany capital stock and Libby, Mc-Neill and Libby common stock are listedand registered on the Chicago and SanFrancisco Stock Exchanges; Pacific Gas& Electric Company common stock Islisted and registered on the Los Angelesand San Francisco Stock Exchanges; andPhiladelphia Electric Company commonstock is listed and registered on the Phil-adelphia Stock Exchange;

(2) That the number of shares of thesibject securities outstanding, the dis-tribution in the vicinity of the applicantexchange, and the volume of trading Insaid vicinity are set forth in the attachedtable;

(3) That sufficient public distributionof and sufficient public trading activityin these securities exist in the vicinityof the applicant exchange to render theextension of unlisted trading privilegesthereto appropriate in the public interest

and for the protection of investors; and(4) That the extens ion of unlis-ed

trading privileges Is otherwise appropri-ate in the public interet and for the pro-tectlon of Investors.

Accordingly, It Is ordered, Pursuant tosection 12 (f) (2) of the Securities Ex-change Act of 1934, that the applications-of the Boston Stock Exchange for par-mission to extend unlisted tradina privi-leges to:

Branff Airwayz, Incorporated,. commonstock, 2 50 par value.

Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and PacifloRailroad Company, toting trust certlfcatcasfor common stcck, no par value.

Commonwealth Edirson Company, capitalstock, M25 par value.

General Public Utlitlcs Corporatlon, com-mon stock, C5 par value.

Grumman Alrcraft Iognc rlng Corpra-tion, common stcck, 01 par value.

Interlahe Iron Corporation, common ctck,no par value.

Libby McNeill & Libby, common rtcck, 37par value.

Manati Sugar Company, common stoc%, 01par value.

Pacific Gas & Elcetric Company, commonstock, = par value.

Philadelphia & Reading Coal & Iron Com-pany, common qtcch, $1 par value.

Philadelphia 'ctric Company, commonstock, no par value.

Radio-Zelth-Orphcum Corpzration (D-.),common stock, e1 par value.

Symington-Gould Corporation, commonstock, 01 par value.

be, and the same are, hereby granted.By the CommiLqsson.

[SEAL] OnvAL IL DuBoms,Secretary.

EUMIAR PERTAININOG To Arsrucs rs TEM BOSTO SroT r EN E13) $ To ExuND UNL2-.zD T=w;G rLxEs To Tmwarno (13) irn

Braniff Airways, Inc., commonstek, $2.50 par value.

Chicago, Milwauke. St. Paul &Pacific LR. R. Co., VTCs for com.mon stock, no par value.

Commonwealth Edison Co., capitalstock, 25 par value.

General Public Utilities Corp., com-mon stock, $5 par value.

Grummln Aircraft EngineeringCorp., common stoek, par value.

Interlake Iron Corp., Common stock,no par value.

Libby, Mfc eill & Libby,-commonstoc , $7 par value.

I Ianati Sugar Co., common stock, S1par value.

Pacific Gas & Electric Co., commonstock, $2 par value.

Philadelphia & Re3ding Coal & IronCo., common stock, $1I par value.

Philadelphia Electric Co., commonstock, no par value.

Radio-Keith-Orphoum Corp. (DeL),common stock, $1 par value.

SYrungton-Gould Corp,- cmmonstock, $1 par value.


1, l,0 .

1,0-&H, s5


4.0M, OS3

3,627, C-23

427, 17




1,1 o, PA

Distribution In eXow IEngland I (exclud- Dtributt1tla Ci2 "I r aInvpo1,ysIng Connecticut) Icrfrit . -1

Shares f Holders Shares

10,20 22 ..19

(s c 3-2S-)

1,133,OI sisJ, I 5 .3,592M5,4 ,~ I 179.6(as of I3-45)

133M, M. S3, I 1

13,223 21;5)1 3.57(as of 3-4-)

13,733 2,11 I 27.01

1csof7 3--0)

1 , 19 -'1

(as r, f-i4i )30,7143 ,217G1 34.84,1

(as C f1-31-4 5)

41,753' 4T3 1 0.1759(as c023-iS-C)

___7_ ,21 IEAo -








17, C7



1 -M






1, 14


[File No. 706--12731

Soum=zr. Cw-o=r.m WATza Co.0=1r cll1iirr; AuMcM-0o1

At a regular sezsion of the Securitiesand Exchange Com-on, held at itsoffice in the City of Philadelphia, Penn-sylvania, on the 13th day ofJune A. D.1946.

Southern Califorma Water Company,a subsidiary of American States UtilitiesCorporation, a rezistered holding com-pany, baving fled an application and anamendment thereto pursuntto the Pub-lic Utility Holding Company Act of 1935and the rules and regulations promul-gated thereunder, relating to the pro-posal of Southern to purchase from Gar-dena Heights Water Company, certainphysical properties constituting a smallwater systern for the price of $7,0 cash,and to connect said properties with itssystem at a cost estimated at approxi-mately $200, and further to expend ap-proximately 12,200 Improving the systemso acquired; and

Said application having been flied onthe 22d day of April 1946, and the lastamendment thereto having been filed onthe 9th day of May 1946, and notice ofsaid filing having bzen duly given in theform and manner prescribed by RuleU-23 promulgated pursuant to Said Act,and the Comm-son not having receiveda request for a hearing with repect to,aid application vthin the period smeci-fled In said notice or othermse, and nothaving order a hearing thereon; and

The Commission finding that the pro-posed transactions are not in contraven-tion of the. act or any rules or regula-tions promulgated thereunder, that theproposed transactions Satisfy the re-quirements of sections 9 (a) (1) and 10of the act and the rules thereunder in-solar as they are applicable, and that itIs appropriate In the public Interest andIn the Interests of investors and- con-0umers that said application be granted;

It is hereby ordered, Pursuant to saidRule U-23 and the applicable prvisionsof said act and subject to the terms andconditions preseribad in Rule U-24, thatthe aforea-id application be, and thesame hereby Is, granted.

By the Commission.[sznix3l OavAL L.DuB 3is,

Secretary.IF. P. Doe. 4(C- I57; ilcd, June 17, 1045;

10:9 a. o.]

[rile N1o. 812-4 01

B.,.uns SEunnrs COaP. = AL.

vorxcn o:, = oa== ron ilflflGico At a re.ular ession of the Securitiesand Ex"change Commission held at Its

ofilce In the City of Philadelphia, Pa., onthel4th day of June, A. D. 1946.

In the matter of Bankers SecuritiesCorporation, City Stores Company, Rich-ard Store Company, Oscar E. Dooly, Jr.,Arthur A. Ungar; File 1,o. 812-S0.

I Reported by issuers giving actual holdings.. Reprted by member &ms of Boston Stock Ezchangc for 12-runt prL cvlir_ Pcb. ', C!%3 Tramg 2gures covered period of 5 months.

IF. R. Doc. 46-10305; 'Filed, Juno 17, 126; 10:41, a. Mi.]

I .


Page 70: Federal Register: 11 Fed. Reg. 6661 (June 18, 1946). · 2015. 9. 28. · real or personal property, taken pur-suant to this order shall be terminated by the Director when he determines

, FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, June 18, 1946

Bankers S e curi ties Corporation("Bankers") a registered investmentcompany and City Stores Company("City") filed an application pursuant tosection 17 (b) of the Investment Com-pany Act of 1940 for an order of theCommission exempting from section 17(a) of the act the following transactions:

Bankers propose to convert its pres-ent holdings of 10,000 shares of preferredstock of Richard Store Company ("Rich-ard") being the total amount of suchpreferred stock, into 2,500 shares ofRichard common in connection withwhich it will receive in addition a totalof ,$45,000 or $4.50 for each share ofRichard preferred so converted. Bank-ers and all the other six owners of stockof Richard (of which Bankers now owns10,000 shares of preferred and "6,663 ofthe outstanding -,500 shares of commonstock) propose to exchange their hold-ings of Richard common (of which Bank-ers after the aforesaid conversion of itsRichard preferred stock will own 9,163of the 10,000 shares then to be outstand-ing) for'80,000 shares of the commonstock of Cityto be issued by City pursu-ant to the exchange offer.

Bankers presently controls both Rich-ard and City* Oscar E. Dooly Jr. andArthur A. Ungar are directors of Rich-ard and own 351 shares and 100 sharesof Richard common, respectively, whichare to be exchanged for City commonpursuant to the exchange offer.

It is ordered, Pursuant to section 40(a) of the said act that a hearing on theaforementioned application be held onJune 25, 1946 at 10:00 a. m. eastern day-light time in Room,318, Securities andExchange Commission Bttilding, 18thand Locust Streets; Philadelphia 3,Pennsylvania; and

It :s further ordered, That Willis B,Monty or any other officer or officers ofthe Commission designated by it for thatpurpose shall preside at such hearing.The officer so designated is hereby au-thorized to exercise all the powersgranted to the Commission under sec-tions 41 and 42 (b) of the InvestmentCompany Act of 1940 and to trial exam-iners under the Commission's rules ofpractice.

Notice of such hearing is hereby givento Bankers Securities Corporation, CityStores Company, Richard Store Com-pany Dan D. Davenport, Luther M.Davenport, Oscar E. Dooly, Jr., RichardH. Hunt, W Duncan Owens and ArthurA. Ungar, and to-any other personswhose participation in such proceedingmay be in the public interest or for theprotection of investors.

By the Commission.

[SEAL] NELLYE A. THORSEN,Assstant to the Secretary.

[F. R. Doc. 46-10308; Filed, June 17, 1946;10:50 a. m.]

[File No. 59-86]



At a regular session of the Securitiesand Exchange Commission, held at its

office in the City of Philadelphia, Penn-Sylvania, on the 12th day of June 1946.

In the matter of Public Service Corpo-ration of New Jersey-and its subsidiarycompanies and The United Corporation;File No. 59-86.

The Commssion having examined,pursuant to section 11 (a) 18 (a) and.18 (b) of the Public Utility Holding Cqm-pany Act of 1935, the corporate structureof Public Service Corporation of New Jer-sey ("Public Service") a holding com-pany and a subsidiary of The UiitedCorporation, a registered holding com-pany, and of the several subsidiaries ofPublic Service, the relationship amongthe companies in said holding companysystem of Public Service, the character ofthe interests thereof and the propertyowned or controlled thereby, to deter-mine the extent, to which the corporatestructure of such holding company sys-tem and the comparies therein may besimplified, unnecessary complexitiestherein eliminated, voting power fairlyand equitably distributed among the se-curity holders thereof, and the propertyand business of such system confined tothose necessary or appropriate in the

operations of an integrated public utilitysystem or systems under the standards ofsection 11 (b) of the act; and said exam-ination having disclosed data establish-ing or tending to establish the following:

1. 1. United is a corporation organ-ized under the laws of the State of Dela-ware and is a registered holding com-pany. United owns 21.65% of the out-standing voting securities of PublicService.

Public Service, organized in 1903under the laws of the State of New Jer-sey, is a holding company as defined insection 2 (a) (7) of the Public UtilityHolding Company Act of 1935 ("act")and maintains Its principal businessoffice in Newark, New Jersey. Its prin-cipal assets are securities of other com-panies, cash and cash items.

2. The following tabulation shows thecorporate relationship, indicated by in-dentation, between the various sub-sidianes of Public Service, the percent-age of their respective voting securitiesowned by Public Service and its directsubsidiary companies, the state of theirincorporation and the nature of theirbusiness

Percent of SLIte of Nature of businesdNamo of Company ownership incorporation

Public Service Corp. of N .. I --------------------------- ... N J ........... Ioldlng Company.Public Service Elec. & Gas Co ---------------- 99.99 N. J ........... Electricand Gas.Atlantic City Gas Co ------------------ -...... 100.00 N.j ........... Gas.County Gas Co ----------------- ----------------. . 90 N.J------- -Do,Peoples'Gas Co -------------------------------------- 100.00 Nfj........... Do.Public Service Coor. Transport ---------------------- 9 9.99 N. J ........ Holding company and lrans-

portation.Ptb. Serv. Interstate Transportation Co -.......... 100,00 N. J ........... Transportation,Yellow Cab, Inc .............................. 99.72 N. J........... DoN'ewark Plank Road Co ........................ 100.0 NJ........Inaetive.The Riverside & Fort Lee Ferry Co.' ............... 100.00 N. Y .......... Do.

I Company discontinued ferry operation on July 31,1043, and certain of Its proioerty has been leascd to a non.aililAtedinterest for a period of ten years.

3. The nature and locale of the opera-tions of the electric and gas utility sub-sidiaries of Public Service are as follows:

(a) Public Service Electric and GasCompany (PEG) owns and operates fa-cilities for the generation, transmission,'distribution and sale of electric energyand the production, distribution and, saleof manufactured gas. Its electric utilityoperations are conducted in approxi-mately 200 municipalities in the State ofNew Jersey, having an estimated popula-tion in excess of-3,250,000 persons, in-cluding the Cities of Newark, JerseyCity, Paterson, Trenton, Camden, Eliza-beth, Bayonne, East Orange, Passaic,Union City and Irvington. During theyear 1945 PEG generated 5,124,914,971Kwh and purchased 2,696,000 Kwh; it re-ceived through interchange with non-system companies operating in Pennsyl-vania, New York and New Jersey 158,-848,100 Kwh and-delivered in return 346,-588,000 Kwh. It sold 4,374,496,656 Kwhto over 1,054,000 customers.

PEG's gas utility operations are con-ducted in approximately 225 municipali-ties in the State of New Jersey having anestimated population in excess of 3-000,-000 inclffding most of the above cities inwhich it renders electric service. Dur-ing the year 1945 it manufactured 26,-792,859 Mcf, purchased 10,530,589 Mcfand, sold 35,992,279 Mef to over 814,000customers.

(b) Atlantic City Gas Company ("At-lantic City") owns and operates facili-

ties for the production, transmission andsale- of. manufactured gas in fourteenmunicipalities In Atlantic County, NowJersey, including Atlantic City, Pleasant-ville and Ventnor, estimated to have apopulation in excess of 110,000 persons.In the year 1945 it manufactured 1,-335,060 Mcf and sold 1,231,091 Mof to28,128 customers.

(c) County Gas Company ("CountyGas") owns and operates facilities forthe production, distribution and sale ofgas i. and around fifteen municipalitiesin Monmouth and Middlesex Counties,New Jersey, including Middletown, Frec-hold Borough, Keyport and Marlboro,having a population estimated to exceed55,000 persons. During 1945 It produced332,212 Mef and sold 262,509 Mcf to.12,081 customers.

(d) Peoples Gas Company ("PeoplesGas") owns and operates facilities for theproduction, distribution and sale of man-ufactured gas in 49 municipalities lo-cated in Atlantic, Cumberland, Glouces-ter and Salem Counties, New Jersey,including Landis, Vineland, Pennsgroveand Hammonton, having an estimatedpopulation in excess of 150,000 persons,During the year 1945 it produced 628,571Mcf of manufactured gas and sold 582,-892 Mcf to 17,201 customers.

4. The nature and locale of the oper-ations of the non-utility direct and In-direct subsidiaries of Public Service areas follows:

(a) Public Service Coordinated Trans-'port ("Coordinated") Is primarily en-

Page 71: Federal Register: 11 Fed. Reg. 6661 (June 18, 1946). · 2015. 9. 28. · real or personal property, taken pur-suant to this order shall be terminated by the Director when he determines

FEDERAL REGISTER, Tucsday, June 18, 1916- gaged in the rendering of passenger andtransportation service by street car,motor bus and all-semce vehicle in over375 mumicpalities in the State of NewJersey having a population estimatedto exceed 3,800,000 persons. At Decem-ber 31, 1945, Coordinated owned andoperated throughout Its territory 2,649bus and all-service vehicles, 234 street-cars and facilities generally appurtenantto the foregoing. During the year 1945it carried an aggregate of 533,179,538passengers (473,296,961 by bus and all-service vehicles and 59,882,577 by streetrailway cars)

(b) Public Service -Interstate Trans-portation Company ("Interstate") ren-ders interstate passenger transportation-service between New York City, Phila-delphia and points in New Jersey, ind in-trastate service within the State of NewJersey- some chartered and special trans-portation service is rendered between va-rious points in the United States andCanada. Its service area extends over1,369 miles of routes on 54 lines throughapproximately 85 municipalities in NewJersey and to and from Philadelphia andNew York City. During, the year 1945Interstate owned and operated 1,034motor buses and 36 all-service vehicles,which in the aggregate transported 124,-832,290 passengers.

(c) Yellow Cab, Inc., owned and op-erated 43 taxicabs In and around the Cityof Newark, New Jersey, at December 31,1945.

(d) Newark Plank Road Company is anon-operating street railway company,all of its properties being leased to Co-ordinated.

(e) *The Riverside and Fort Lee Com-pany' owns certain ferry terminals, ferryoperating rights and related properties.Substantially all of its properties areleased to a non-afliated company.

5. The property accounts and appli-cable depreciation reserves of the sub-sidiaries of Public Service, at December31, 1945, were as follows:

PcrezntTotdIl Reserre of

utility for depre- res' rvolant catlon utoiy



PEG:Electric plant-.... I2S5- 1 8., 9 ¢,. 27 2_5.CGasplt.... 15fi 7=,25, 1 23, 913, 57 M213Common plant 14, Sl.539 40, R U 2.29

Total---- 4M0,419,7,54 101,076,149 21.9Atlantic City--_ QQLO,824 1.419.K8 M.5County Gas . 2,COL949 414, 008 5.3Peoples Gas ..... 4. la8 248 4G, W 11.07


Phnt and re erequipment nto plat



Coordinated ----- ,C,5, 770 23,i3.4,1 2.5 L3Interstate ... 15, 44 % " 7s 433, 6 4&12The liverside &

Fort Lee Ferry Co- 1, 51,701 74L20Z 44.3Yellow Cab, nc ... 15-4,Z LA 4 41.21NewarkPlank RoadCo.'- - ..- - 7

I All of this company's propertie3 era leased to Co-ordinated.

G. (a) liectric and common utilityplant of PEG per books amounts to$313,CGO,493 and Is stated to be recordedat orginal cost as determined by theFederal Power CommDislon and theBoard of Public Utility CommIsiloners ofthe State of New Jerzey.

(b) According to a report by the staffof the Board of Public. Utility Commiz-sioners of the State of New Jercey, thegross gas utility plant of PEG, amountin-

'to $156,759256 at December 31, 1945, in-cludes an aggregate of $47,252,102 of

'excess over original cost, of which $10,-775,209 is alleged to be properly classifi-able In Account 107 and $30,47G,973 InAccount 100.5. Reports by the companyindicate that gross gas utility plant, asat December 31, 1937, includes an aggre-gate of $46,391,404 of excess over originalcost, of which the company propoces todlassify $44,267,528 In Account 100.5 andcharge $1,865,290 to Rezerve for Dcpre-clation and $258,676 to Earned Surplus.

(c) Annual reports made to this Com-mission by Public Service indicate thatthe respective gross utility plants of At-lantic City, County Gas and Peoples Gasinclude amounts in excess of original costas follows:

To. Lrd -

in c 12 D. "fl'1

At anttity.- .... C!*1 1 I $0. --K

Coty a ..... I, ,1 I ; t", = 4) r.

7. (a) The gross fixed capital ac-count of Coordinated at December 31,1945, was carried at $00,003,770 againstwhich there was carried a reserve for de-precfation of $28,120.461. Included Inthe gross fixed capital Is $43,293,70 offixed capital installed prior to January1, 1911, and $13,562,C0G of miscellaneousintangibles.

(b) The gros fixed capital of Inter-'state at December 31, 1945, was carriedat $15,446,930 and includes 03,727,013, of"Other Intangible Capital",8. The gross operatin. revenues of the

subsidiaries of Public Service for the yearending December 31, 1945, are as follows:Utity compnles:

PEG:Electric 099,47, ,7GasXZ,-,Z- 3

Tota.._ 133, C32, OZ9Atlantic City 1, 43. 119County G- ___ 457, 678Peoples G...... .. 050,450

Non-utiUlty companies:Coordinated 50, 070, 'Z.4Interztato 1G, IC3, e25Ycllcw Cab, Ine ....... U... 37. 53

Tot I. -- -- I63, r4MC 7

9. A condenred corporate bal:ncesheet, Including capitalization ratios, ofPublic Service at December 31, 1945, i-asfollows k

gr3 3 s.?

TC!1-=-!3= C~l:5_____ 54

MUr= t2v OnE11

Cnrrcot = =zr LA .-ncwv (dprccztir,

t.' CZr .. A.....atz -I =1


Vf5 Cu. 21 t.c , e

r,.. cc

t Ca. rfl r!(mn rr

Tc zl 2~aec

Rrc~zrt cZ

z =Z!UI

C31, E I

IV4, C 254C1.014C1

i22, 113




10. Certain of the nfore Importantrights of the caveral clsss of securitiesof Public Scalce are as follows:

(a The Perpetual Interest EsaringCertificates have no maturity date, L e.,the face amount i3 not by the terms ofthe certificates due and payable at anytime, and they are not subject to call orredemption at any time. The holdersof such certificates are entitled to receiveInterest at the rate of 6% per annumon the face amount. In the event ofdefault in payment of interest by PublicSarvice, the holders of such cartifisatesare entitled to the entire proceeds real-ized from the sale of certain stockspledged under the indenture securin-such certificates. The stocks pledgedare, Inter cla-', 197,363 shares of the 7%preferred stack of PEG and 471,703-hares of the $5 Cumulative PreferredStock of Coordinated. Public Service isobligated to pay annually to the inden-ture trus-tee the sum of $197,303. Pay-ments made by Public ServIce to the in-denture trustee are to be applied to therepurchase of certificates at no morethan 110% of principal plus accrued in-terest, and if not so applied within 3month. from the date of payment, areto be repaid to Public Service. Duringthe pazt el vn years the rn- et price ofthe certificates hs generally beaen in ex-cem, of 110% of the principl amount andno repure'-c-az have been made.

(b) rach share of the preferred andcommon stock fs entitled to one vote par

Page 72: Federal Register: 11 Fed. Reg. 6661 (June 18, 1946). · 2015. 9. 28. · real or personal property, taken pur-suant to this order shall be terminated by the Director when he determines


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0 to


4)I -

FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, Juie 18, 1946


gal 0'

.0 * 10 0 ) 'o C

s 0,


4O LO A I2'-'.-.-S.. - 0 so'.C,

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F.94 0 0 ( 0~.S 1005S

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*0. - O 5C,

Page 73: Federal Register: 11 Fed. Reg. 6661 (June 18, 1946). · 2015. 9. 28. · real or personal property, taken pur-suant to this order shall be terminated by the Director when he determines

FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, June -5, 1966

Graln Theamo dc1.e. Pr"ductlons Net IBM= d't r4 ur '4 -.1

Comity et...Peopnes C" _______ _ - .401+ 9 ¢ , C~ .2 C,. G. (:ti)lPEodGas -M© V43,91 03, --) (Z,4.)

l Ineade an aveage of 52,705009) dnr for "Erw,,l AMort rtatf1?1z.cL.'I COZILIL"

18. Public Service has obtained sub-stautially all of Its income during thepast seven years ending December 31,1945-, from PEG, as shown in the follow-mg table:

DivIdenmsTotal Ote

income OtherPEG raa


$17,75,1 $u17,31678 -M ~3.22, 27, S12413.935 17,91,765 %24o 0049= AM50,=4 81,091

2 41,5 4 2~i73,27 405,212 -OUJ25913.27 740,31


55,217 12470

445,4C 19,3

19. The corporate and consolidatednet income, the dividend requirementsof the preferred stock of Public Service,the balance of net income applicable toits common stoce on corporate and con-solidated bases,. and the common stockdividend& paid for each year from 1939to 1945 are shown in the following table:



IM L,%M,, .9t:+. G ,8a 0"'m13,4 -2,8-2 -16, 547,471 t5I.2a99. - 121,042,015 245Z= 9319404 ZW,37231 - 52,13542!1 F,70t 1

19 - 24,k215,9i 29,24z.133-

N~et Innernc pljeob~le

t3'omnmon CommonYear dividerdT

Corpmata Cajo+- ,pJ.Zdrtcl

193..................... RUM52.1 M'14,4 52=014M94... 8a1 9A,5 .4 O,5MI3,3moo.... 0,39743 5 10 % in V 1113

IM- - C rxI. 3 13,4v9 =W253

I9--.. 14,294 GM 15.871,703 i 13.r7rt

I Aft elbmnsg sio,1m of interest cpplab!e toVW2.54 prinnpal amout of Perp ctucl Interc-t 2=.4offCeriffeates of Pable Bezvlcahlddby PEG.

2 After elfminng 5,312 of' dhvied H to1155 Mbeg of 157, Rrerm=5 Ct.rk of M9crvico

IX It appev to the Cwnnnstlonupon the basis of the statement fled byPublo Service on Form U-Z (a) (2Y pur-suant tow Rule U-2 of the Commnssionsrules and regulations under the act,claiming exemption on behal of itselfas a holding company and on behalf ofIts subsidiar companies as such, and onthe basis of other information in the



files of the Commission regarding publIcService and.Its subsidiaries, that a sub-stantial question exists -s to whetherthe continued e-emption of Public Sr-ice and its subsidiary companies as such,from any provision or provision: of saidact may be detrimental to the public in-terest or the Interests of invtorm or con-suners,

Notice Is hereby iven pursuant toRules U-6 and U-2 under the act., thatany exemption precently available toPublic SWrvice and its subsidtay com-panies as such by reason of the p-rc-sons of Rule U-2 shall terminate within30 days of the date of this Notice as pro-vided in Rule U-6 lwithout prejudce,however to the right of Public Serviceas a holdin- company to-file any appro-prilate application for an order grantingit any exemption pursuant to tha provi-zions of any applicable zectlon o the c,and without prejudice to any tenpozarye emptIo- provided In any Provison ofthe act by, reazon of theilhing of anysuchapplication in good, faith.

IL It appearing to the Cmlcmfan,on: the bas.s of the alleZationa hereLu-before eb forth, that the oreratlen ofPublic Service and lb -ubsidLiie3 maynot be confined to a drile integratcdpublic utility system or to a snle inte-grated public utility syztem togetherwith such additional in;terated uuikutility systems as meet the requireintsof section 11 (b) (1) and to such otherbusinesses as can be retained undt r thestandards of rection 11 (b) (1). and thatproceedings should b nstitutcd undersection 11 (b (1) with respect to, theholdlng company system of Public Se-Ice; and

It further appearing to the Commis-sion, on the basis of the allegations here-nbefore set forth, that the corporatestructure of the holding company sys-tem of Public Service mniy be unduly andunnecessarily complicted, and that vot-Ing power may be unfairly and Inequit-ably distributed anions the securityholders thereof, and that proceedingsshould ba Instituted under sectfrn11 (b) (2) with respect to the holdingcompany system of Public Service; and

It further appearing to the Commis-sion that United. the owner of 21.65%of the voting securitles of Public Serv-Ice, should be made a party to -uch pro-ceedings;

Wherefore. It f ordered. That pro-ceedings be, and the same hereby are.Instituted under sections It (b) (1) endIt (b) (2) of the act with respect toPublic Service and each of the cub-sdiarles of Public Service. herelhfore

.named, and that Publlc Servicea nd each

Of its SUkdiarIzz tg:"er rath Unitedare herebymcde respondentzsin this pro-ceeding. and saId respondents shall filawiththa Sfretarr the Cosnmision, 6nor before the 5th day of July, 1946, aomtor ve.ral ans, era In the form prescrib-dby Rule U-25. admitting, denying, orotherwise explaining their respectivepcz-tfons ato each of the allegations sstforth in Pararaphs I through 19 he-ofand in seation 31 hereof. Such ans-ermay aIz Include a statement by the re-rpondents ofther reas as to what con-ctitut . the "single ntegrated publicutility system of Public Service" if any,wich may be retainable by Public Szrv-ICe. andes to what addiional system andother bu-nnez-, if any, they balTaee canbe; ret-l ned with such system under theapplicable standards of section 11 (bo(l) Such answers mzy atso include astate ent a7 to what steps respondentsdeem to be necessary or approriate, adare pre pred to tc-r'e for the purpose oflimitin.- the ollatious of the hardlgcomPany slytem of PebTle Servfce t asingle inte-rated publie.utilty systam,

togthr i such additional systemsand other businemas as can be retnzedby Public Sarvice under the stan.dc-ds of

ectIon II (b) (I) of the act. Suchanswers may alo Include a statementas to w hat step: respondants deem ta benecessary or appropriate and area pre-pared to t-er to ensure that the cor-porate structure or continued ezistenceof any company SI the holding com=panysysterm of Puble Service Cae. not undayor unnecEs--arly complicate the struc-tur"e, or unfakrly end In-uitab1 dis-tribute vothn pawer among- semltyholders of the balfding company systemof Public Sa ice or of United.

1V. It im frrMer orderef, That a h7a-Ing under the applcahi proz'an ofthe act ud therules of the C -mnnzznbe held oe the 16th day of Ju"ly 4% at11 a. m, e. d. & t., n Rcem. 31 of theoffices of the Securities =d 7-a--TeCammissio, 18th and Loaust Streets,Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, at whichtime the Commissonv iil hear ro--ents end any other interested pereszswith re-pect to the matters nd ques-tions set forthr belcor In sufr-p=rars(a) throu:gh (b). and --s to any issues=aL-ed in and matters presented by therespondent-' answTers or regarding myother Isuws which may be present inthis prrceedin, and il consider thesmplification of the isue, the facts andI-ue that appear to- be without sub-stantial bss of controersy, the orderof preenztation of evidence most con-ducive to an orderly and expeditio sproceeding, end such other matters asmaY aid in the dsp osition of theproceeding:

(a) Mhat steps are necessary to betaken by United, Public Service and thesubsidiaries of Public Service to ensurethat the'corporate structure, or the con-

tinued existence of far company in theholding company systmn of Public Serv-Ice doeg not unduly or unnecesarilycomplicatethe structure or unfa r andnequItablr distribute the voting Poweramong the recurity holders of the bald-LUC- company sy.tem of Public Service orof United;


Page 74: Federal Register: 11 Fed. Reg. 6661 (June 18, 1946). · 2015. 9. 28. · real or personal property, taken pur-suant to this order shall be terminated by the Director when he determines

FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, June 18, 1946

(b) What action is necessary to betaken by United, Public Service and/orits subsidiaries to limit their operationsto a single integrated public utility sys-tem and such additional utility systeMs,or other businesses, as are retainable byPublic Service under the standards ofsection 11 (b) (1) of the act;

It is further ordered, That any persondesiring to be heard or otherwise wishingto participate herein shall file with theSecretary of the Commission, on or be-fore the 5th day of July 1946, his requestor application therefor, as prescribed byRule XVII of the rules of practice of theCommission. Any such request maystate the position of the applicant withrespect to the matters hereinbefore setforth and with respect to what action Isbelieved necessary to be taken by anyof the respondents to comply with sec-tions 11 (b) (1) and 11 (b) (2) of theact. Nothing herein contained shall bedeemed to require any interested personto Intervene as a prerequisite to beingheard as to matters affecting his interest.

It is further ordered, That jurisdictionbe, and hereby is, reserved to separate,either in whole or in part, or to disposeof, in whole or in part, any of the issuesor questions which may arise m theseproceedings, or to consolidated withthese proceedings or any portionthereof, any proceedings which may besubsequently instituted under the pro-visions of such act with respect toUnited, Public Service and the subsid-iaries of Public Service, and to take suchother action as may appear conduciveto an orderly, prompt and economicaldisposition of the matters involved.

It is further ordered, That the Secre-tary of the Commission ,slall serve no-tMee of the hearing aforesaid by mailinga copy of this notice and order for hear-ing to United, Public Service and thesubsidiaries of Public Service named inparagraph (2) to the Board 6f PublicUtility Commissioners of the State ofNew Jersey, the Public Service Commis-sion of the State of New York, the Ptb-lie Utility Commission of Pennsylvania,the Federal Power Commission and theInterstate Commerce Commission, notless than twenty days prior tb the datehereinbefore fixed as the date of hear-ing; and that notice of said hearing ishereby given to United, to Public Serv-ice and its subsidiaries, to their securityholders, and to all consumers of thesubsidiaries of Public Service, to allstates, municipalities and political sub-divisions of states within which are lo-cated any of the physical assets of saidcompanies or under the laws of whichany of said companies is incorporated,all state commissions, state securitycommissions, and all agencies, authori-ties and instrumentalities of one or morestate municipalities, or other politicalsubdivisions having jursdiction overUnited or over Public Sermrice or its sub-sidiaries of any of the businesses, affairs,or operations of any of them; that suchnotice shall be given further by a gen-eral release of the Commission, distrib-uted to the press and mailed to themailing list for releases issued under thePublic Utility Holding Company Act of'1935; and that further notice be givento all persons by publication of this no-tice and order in the FEDERAL REGISTER

not later than twenty days prior to thedate-hereinbefore fixed as the date ofhearing.

By the'Commission.


[F. R. Doc. 46-10309; Filed, June 17, 1946;10:50 a. m.]

[File No. 70-12411


PROPOSED SALEAt a regular session of the'Securities

and Exchange Commission, held at itsoffice in the City of Philadelphia, Pa., onthe 14th day of June 1946.

The Commission on the 15th day ofApril 1946, having issued an order (Hold-ing Company- Act Release No. 6557) inthe above matter permitting to becomeeffective pursuant to Rule U-29 and sub-ject to the terms and conditions pre-scribed by Rule U-24, the declarationfiled therein by Standard Gas and Elec-tric Company regarding the proposedsale by declarant of its entire investmentin Empresa de Servicios Publicos de LosEstados Mexicanos; S. A., to TheodoreE. Shepard, for $858,000 cash; and

Said Rule U-24 providing that suchsale be consummated within 60 daysfrom the date. of such order, whichperiod expires on June 15, 1946, andStandard Gas and Electric Companyhaving filed an amendment to its decla-ration requesting an extension of thetime within which the proposed sale i aaybe consummated until June 22, 1946; and

The Commission having consideredthe -matter and deeming it appropriatethat such request be granted.

It is hereby ordered, That the timewithin which the proposed sale by Stand-ard Gas and Electric Company of its in-vestment in Empresa-de Servicios Publi-cos de Los Estados Mexicanos, S. A. toTheodore E. Shepard, heretofore ap-proved by order of the Commission datedApril 15, 1946, be and the same is herebyextended to June 22, 1946, subject to theotherterms and conditions prescribed byRule U-24.

By the Commission.

[SEAL] NELLYE A. THORSEN,Assistant to the Secretary.

IF. R. Doc. 46-10310; Filed, June 17, 1946;10.51 a. ni.]



In re: Bank account owned by MarieSophie Howaldt, also known as ManeHowaldt. F-28-3660-E-1.

Under the authority of the Tradingwith the Enemy Act, as amended, andExecutive Order No. 9095, as amended,and pursuant to law, the undersigned,after investigation, finding:

1. That Marie Sophie Howaldt, alsoknown as Marie Howaldt, whose lastknown address is Sedan Str. 3, Lubecl,

Germany, is a resident of Germany anda national of a designated enemycountry (Germany)

2. That the property described as fol-lows: That certain debt or other obliga-tion owing to I. F Chapman or Tom FChapman, Trustees by Crocker First Na-tional Bank of San Francisco, OneMontgomery Street, San Francisco, 20,California, arising out of a Savings Ac-count, Account Number 7049, entitledI. F Chapman or Tom F. Chapman,Trustees for Marie Sophie Howaldt, andany and all rights to demand, enforceand collect the same,is property within the United Statesowned or controlled by, payable or de-liverable to, held on behalf of or on ac-count of, or owing to, or which is evi-dence of ownership or control by, MarieSophie Howaldt, also known as MarieHowaldt, the aforesaid national of adesignated enemy country;

And determining that to the extentthat such national is a person not withina designated enemy country, the na-tional interest of the United States re-quires that such person be treated as anational of a designated enemy country(Germany)

And having made all determinationsand taken all action required by law,including appropriate consultation andcertification, and deeming it necessaryin the national interest,

hereby vests in the Alien Property Cus-todian the property described above, tobe held, used, administered, liquidated,sold or otherwise dealt with in the in-terest and for the benefit of the United'States.

Such property and any or all of theproceeds thereof shall be held In an ap-propriate account or accounts, pendingfurther determination of the Alien Prop-erty Custodian. This order shall not bedeemed to constitute an admission bythe Alien Property Custodian of the law-fulness of, or acquiescence In, or licens-ing of, any set-offs, charges or deduc-tions, nor shall it be deemed to limit thepower of the Alien Property Custodian toreturn such property or the proceedsthereof in whole or in part, nor shall itbe dee med to indicate that compensa-tion will ,not be paid in lieu thereof, ifand, wheaAt should be determined totake any one or all of such actions.

Any person, except a national of adesignated enemy country, asserting anyclaim arising as a result of this ordermay, within one year from the datehereof, or within such further time asmay be allowed, file with the Alien Prop-erty 'Custodian 'on Form APC-1 a noticeof claim, together with a request for ahearing thereon. Nothing herein con-tained shall be deemed to constitute anadmission of the existence, validity orright to allowance of any such claim.

The terms "national" and "designatedenemy country" as used herein shall havethe meanings prescribed in section 10 ofExecutive Order No. 9095, as amended,

Executed at Washington, D. C., onJune 5, 1946.

[SEAL] JAMES E. MARKHArM,Alien Property Custodian.

[F.IX. Doe. 46-10192; Filed, Juno 14, 1940;11:18 a. in.]

Page 75: Federal Register: 11 Fed. Reg. 6661 (June 18, 1946). · 2015. 9. 28. · real or personal property, taken pur-suant to this order shall be terminated by the Director when he determines

FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, June 18, 1916

[Vesting Order CE 290]


with the Enemy Act, as amended, andExecutive Order No. 9095, as amended,and pursuant to law, the Alien PropertyCustodian:

Having found that each of the per-sons named in Column 1 of Exhibit A,attached hereto and by reference Madea part hereof, was a person within thedesignated enemy country or enemy-oc-cupied territory appearing opposite suchperson's respective name In Column 2of said Exhibit A,

Having determined that It was in theinterest of the United States to takemeasures in connection with represent-ing each of said persons In the court oradministrative action or proceeding

Identified In Column 3 of Eaid E.hibit A,and having taken such measures;

Finding that the Alien Property Cus-todian has Incurred, in each of suchcourt or administrative actions or pro-ceedings, costs and e.'penses in theamount stated In Column 4 of zaid Ex-hibit A,hereby vests in the Allen Property Cus-todian, to be used or otherwise dealtwith In the interest, and for the benefit,of the United States, from the propertywhich each of the persons named in -aidColumn 1 of said Exhibit A obtains oris determined to have as a result of theaction or proceeding described In saidColumn 3 of "ad Exhibit A the sumsstated In said Column 4 of said ExhibitA, such sums being the amounts of suchproperty equal to the costs and expensesincurred by the Allen Property Custo-dian in such actions or proceedings.

Exuamnr A

This order thall not be deemed tolimit the powers of the Alien PropertyCustodian to return such property if andwhen It should be determined that suchreturn should be made.

Any person, except a national of adeslnated enemy countr, ase-rting anyclaim arising as a result of this ordermay file with the Allen Property Cus-tedian a notice of his claim, togethewith a request for a hearing thereon, onForm AFC-1, within one year from thedate hereof, or within such further timeas may be allowed by the Alien PropertyCustodian.

The terms "national" and "designatedenemy country" as used herein shall havethe meanings prescribed in section 10of Executive Order No. 9095, as amended.

Executed at Washington, D. C., onJune 6, 1946.

[s AeAL JAoMS RErt MEMUno,A~ien Property Custodian.

-~ Comlaum Column 2Name j Country or enifory A c3 cT:c xoin z S j e

Meta Jensen ------------------------------........ Dmn mar z -------- ...........

Bennik Jensn ............................... D nmark ...................

Marie Ejorth ------------------------------------- D nmarkl. ..................

Olga Skov ................................ Dcnmnark........-- --

lNina lensen ................................ D Ininark. ............

Jenny ng- m .. ..........................

Ignaan Perale.


Phillprn labis____

Rosalie Lore ........................ rance ..............

Leome Athenou._ ............................

Mlarie Davm Trovenc-al ...................... Frano__ . .

Joseph DaF . ranc .............

Mane Crevalin ............................... France ..................

Fecaan V o f.. . r .. Fra-ce.................

2icrme Loui:- Guerin_ ....................... -- Fr nn...............

August P -----.-............. Franc. .............

Mary Rn oUelz[ ..... . .........

Edniont Flahaut --------..

Cente De . -- -----------. .- F- %.... .... ........

L mb lIn mLd Lr ZWo County o.fLc-, An~e!=, No. F-Cl 19.Rm2

l!en 4


.a ......... ..........

..... . ............................. . . . .....

P~en 7

FaMe ......... .. ......

in and Lr tt3 Ccualy of C,:zlra Cca. Ne. zi

P-ln 131kmn 11

FE . ..... .....

F~. .. ..... .. ......

L"M Is

Came ..........----

P-n 1

Th-a 14

SameO ......... 1il

Ca,' ty. .... ~a.N. iFI!:ra 1

Emua £

E-0 2



_uaLauae - -- ------ --

lT "l n

Page 76: Federal Register: 11 Fed. Reg. 6661 (June 18, 1946). · 2015. 9. 28. · real or personal property, taken pur-suant to this order shall be terminated by the Director when he determines

6736 FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, 'June 18, 1946

EXHIBIT A-Contnuid

Column 1 Column 2 Column 8 Column 4

Name Country or territory Action or proceeding Sum vested

Item goS

Dorothea llandolf- ............................... Denmark ------------- Estate of Anders Randal, deceased. Superior Court of the State of California, $74,00in and for the Cbunty of Los Angeles. No. 112769.

tem 28

Karen Randolf ------------------------------------ Denmark ------------------ Same -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 31,00

Item 24

lohanne Olsen ------------- -------------------- Norway .... ..------------ EstateofValborglohnson,deceased. Superior Courtef thoStato of Califormla, 8.00in and for the County of Alameda. No. 82848.

Item 25Lydia Sor~ig ------------------------------------- N orway ----------------- . __ Same -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8.00

Item 26

Ielga Halgersen --- .........---------------------- Norway -------------------- Same ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8100Item 27

ilygmester Oline -------.. ..---------------------- Norwa- ----....----------- Same ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8.00

Item 28

The old Peoples, ome--------------------Denmark--------------Estat of Robert Minor, deceased. Superior Court of the State of Callfornla, 30,00m and for the County of Alameqa No. 58167.

Item 29Trustees of the Old Peoples' Home --------------- Denmark ------------------ Same ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 30.00

Itema 80

Trown of Biarstol--------------------- Demr-------------SaDeennis---------------------Sae-----------------------10te.00'own of~ art,', ............. ..... ..... .... . D en ark,..... ................................. ......... ..... ..... .... ..... ......... ..... 01 00

Item S1

Mrs. Sophie Frandsen ---------------------- Denmark ----------- Same -------------- ....................--------------------- 00............. & 0Item 82

Mliss Anna Frandsen ajk/a Anna Svenonlus ------- Denmark ------------------ Same ------------------------------------------------------------------------. .00

Item 83

Bliss Lena Frandsen a/ka liss Eline Frandsen... Denmarl.. . . ..------------ Same -------- ----------------------------------------------------- . 00

Item 84

Mis Mlarls Frandsen a/ka Miss larie Frandsen. Denmark ------------------ Same ------------------------------------------------------ ------- ----- LOO

[F. R. Doe. 46-10127; Filed, June 13, 1946; 11:40 a.m.]"I

[Vesting Order P 48]


In re: Real property owned by Haru-Ichi Oye and Ume Oye.

Under the authority of the Tradingwith the Enemy Act, as amended, ,andExecutive Order No. 9095, as amended,and: pursuant to law, the undersigned,after Investigation, finding:

1. That Haruichl Oye and Ume aye,subJects of Japan whose present where-abouts are unknown and who are believedto be residents of Japan, are nationalsof a designated enemy country (Japan),

2. That the property described as fol-1pws: Real property situated in the DavaoTownsite Survey, City of Davao, Com-monwealth of the Philippines, thereinregistered and particularly described inExhibit A, attached hereto and by refer-ence made a part hereof, together withall hereditaments, "fixtures, improve-ments and appurtenances thereto, andany and all claims for rents, refunds,benefits or other payments arising fromthe ownership of such property,is property payable within the UnitedStates owned or controlled by, payable ordeliverable to, held on behalf of or onaccount cf, or owing to, o which Is evi-dence of ownership or control by, theaforesaid nationals of a designated enemycountry-

And determining that to the extentthat such nationals are persons notwithin a designated enemy country, thenational interest of the United Statesrequires that such persons be treated as

nationals of a designated enemy country(Japan)

And having made all determinationsand taken all action required by law, In--eluding appro 'nate consultation andcertification, and deeming it necessaryIn the national interest,

hereby vests in the Alien Property Cus-todian the property described in sub-paragraph 2 hereof, subject to recordedliens, encumbrances and other rights ofrecord held by or for persons who arenot nationals of designated enemy coun-tries, to be held, used, administered,liqmdated, sold or otherwise dealt with inthe Interest and for the benefit of theUnited States.

Such property and any or all of theproceeds thereof shall be held'in an ap-propriate account or accounts, pendingfurther determination of the AlienProperty Custodian. This order shallnot be deemed to. constitute an admis-sion by the Alien Property Custodian ofthe lawfulness of, or acquiescence In, orlicensing of, any set-offs, charges or de-ductions, nor shall It be deemed to limitthe power of the Alien Property Cus-

-- todian to return such property or theproceeds thereof in whole or In part,nor shall It -be deemed to Indicate thatcompensation will not be paid in lieuthereof, If and" when: it should be deter-mined to take any one or all of such

- -actions.Any person, except a national of a

designated enemy country, asserting anyclaim arising as a result of this ordermay, within one year from the datehereof, or within such further time as

may be allowed, file with the AlienProperty Custodian on Form APC-1 anotice of claim, together with a requesfor a hearing thereon. Nothing hereincontained shall be deemed to constitutean admission of the existence, validity or-right to allowance of any such claim.

The terms "national" and "designatedenemy country" as used herein shall havethe meanings prescribed in section 10 ofExecutive Order No. 9095, as amended.

Executed at Washington, D. C,, onMay 29, 1940.

[SEAL] JA?8ES E. MARKHAV!,Alfen PropertV Custodian,

Exnrr ABook No. 0, Page 10


uated In the Province of Davao, bounded anddescribed as followS:

A parcel of land (Lot No. 28 of the DavaoTownsite Survey) together with buildings andimprovements thereon; eituatcd on the Nilline of Calla Escarlo, Municipality of Davao,District of Davao. Bounded on the VE byproperty of Placida Quirones; on the SE byproperties of Estanislao Palma 0il, LazaroSuazo, Jorge Saavedra and Ricardo Polayo;on the SW, by Calla Escarlo; on the W. byproperties of Juan Tobias and Domingo Gua-berto containing an t-'a of eleven thou-sand one hundred and ninety square motera(11,190), more or less;is registered in accordance with the provi.elons'of the Land Registration Act In thename of

Page 77: Federal Register: 11 Fed. Reg. 6661 (June 18, 1946). · 2015. 9. 28. · real or personal property, taken pur-suant to this order shall be terminated by the Director when he determines

FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, June IS, 1916

Harulchi Oye, married to Ume eye, of theMunicipality and Province of Davao, P. L, asowner thereof in fee simple, subject to suchof the incumbrances mentioned in Article 39of said Act as may be subsisting.

It is further certified that said land wasoriginally registered on the 7th day of March,in the year nineteen hundred and'thirteen,in the Registration Book of this office, VolumeA-11, page 68, as Original Certificate of TitleNo .-.... pursuant to Case No. 7276, issuedin G. L. R. 0. ---- Record No.-

ThIks certificate is a transfer from Trans-fer Certificate of Title No. 9-3 which is can-celled by virtue hereof as far as the abovedescribed land is concerned.

Entered at Davao. Davao, P. I., on the 8thday of October, in the year nineteen hundredand thirty-four at 9:55 a. mn.


(Sgd) MARGAmno PoNGos.Act'g. Register.of Deeds.

IF: R. Doc. 46-10130; Filed, June 13, 1946;11:38 a. in.]

[Vesting Order CE 289]


with the Enemy Act, as amended, and

Executive Order No. 9035, as amended,and pursuant to law, the Allen PropertyCustodian:

Having found that each of the perzonsnamed in Column 1 of Exhibit A, at-tached hereto and by reference made apart hereof, was a person within the des-lgnated enemy country or enemy-occu-Died territory appearing opposite suchperson's respective name in Column 2 ofsaid Exhibit A,

Having determined that It was in theinterest of the United States to takemeasures in connection with represent-ing each of said persons in the cpurt oradministrative action or proceeding Iden-tified in Column 3 of said Exhibit A, andhaving taken such measures;

Finding that the Allen Property Cus-todian has incurred, in each of suchcourt or administrative actions or pro-ceedings, costs and expenses In theamount stated in Column 4 of saidExhibit A,hereby vests in the Allen Property Cus-todian, to be used or otherwise dealt within the interest, and for the benefit, of theUnited States, from the property whicheach of the persons named in said Col-umn 1 of said Exhibit A obtains or Is

determined to have as a result of theaction or proceeding described in saidColumn 3 of said Exhibit A the sumsstated in said Column 4 of said ExhibitA, such sums being the amounts of suchproperty equal to the costs and expensesincurred by the Alien Property CustodianIn such actions or proceedings.

This order shall not be deemed to limitthe powers of the Alien Property Custo-dian to return such property if and whenit should be determined that such returnshould be made.

Any parzon, except a national of a des-ignated enemy country, asserting anyclaim arlsing as a result of this order mayfile with the Allen Property Custodian anotice of his claim, together with a re-quest for a hearing thereon, on FormAPC-1, within one year from the datehereof, or within such further time asmay be allowed by the Alien PropertyCustodian.

The terms "national" and "designatedenemy country" as used herein shall havethe meanings precribed l2 section 10 ofExecutive Order No. 9095, as amended.

Executed at Washington, D. C., on June6, 194G.

[SAL] JA= E. MAnIMI,Alien PraeTty Custodian.

Exirn A

Column 1 Column f Cc"Tmn 3 CoL2zn 4

Name Country or tarrtory Act~n c , Sa vet,,l

I -IIen I

Ole P. Saltvick ........................ ...... Norway . .... E-- - - tcJ 01J. A, Hc .d'J. Cu-Cctc~ii, cf Orc-n an $i* &Cf..r Mle Ccuiay oi Multizau; No. 4.:,.

item 4Heury P. Saltiok e.............................. Norway .................... 0=0 ..................... I ................... ............. .......... - - - -

Itei 7Knute P. Stome at--------i--------r-------- Norway . ............. am ........ ................................ &)

Mannah . Aadal --- ...------------------------- Norway .- -................ RmC ....................... .......... .... ............... ...... --- - 10

Astre Stokerag ---.....-.........--------------- Norway ...- ........ - -a- e ................................................... . IS. C

Rfem GO

laurits St -ouevang ............................ NoZWCy ................. .N y - - - e .................................................... ....---.-- - 10

Pen 7Old Peoples' Home at A heirn Sonmor ------------. Norway --..................- szme .............................................. I1.

A lms Regna Olsenu . . .. .-own -.... ..... -.- tt -I -n -------------- Nowe -c- -~z ---- --- ---------- tc- d c Circui 1_70)

Ludvik .derson ..........r................ Norway .-........ e ..... ......... . ...................

Pte 1001af Anderson_. -.-----------------............ Norway -.................-- F = ... ..... . ........ ..... . .....

Anna S. lAfellbert ----....-- ....------............. Norway .................----- ... .03

Raland Frederick Cash ......................- -rano ------------....---- Ectato of Wlzm F- rCc jc Cz- dccI, Cfrclft CCct of tlt S l ! of 21C)Orcgon, in =ni1 fir tto COctom ci Mult rmah; No. rIC-..

Remn Is

Lods Jacob Jaeobsen ......................... Norway ................ rrtato c Clirci Antcn Anlrc:-n. d" , Circ-il Cc=t ct htJ State of &oOOrczcn, In c r Itob County c.!Mb iott2-l

Nephews and nleces of Chrest Anton Andresen, Norwy ............... Ram .... R....... eLcOdeceased.

lt'e 15

Oerritt VandenhuveL-- ............. ...... Hollnd...L.... EInto el-ct- rVon uhuv-d d: ., C-cmly CcM o th Sta cX ccn L2CO

I I.In d.Icr th e C c- ;t yeu7 c1; .

IF. n. Dcoc. 46-10126; Filed, June 13, 10-ZG; 11:40 a. =.I


Page 78: Federal Register: 11 Fed. Reg. 6661 (June 18, 1946). · 2015. 9. 28. · real or personal property, taken pur-suant to this order shall be terminated by the Director when he determines

FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, June 18, 1946

[Vesting Order CE 291]


with the Enemy Act, as amended, andExecutive Order No. 9095, as amended,and pursuant to law, the Alien PropertyCustodian:

Having found that each of the per-sons named in Column 1 of Exhibit A,attached hereto and by reference madea part hereof, was a person within thedesignated enemy country or enemy-oc-cupied territory appearing opposite suchperson's respective name in Column 2 ofsaid Exhibit A,

Having determined that it was in theinterest of the United States -to takemeasures in connection with represent-ing each of said persons in the court oradministrative action or proceeding

Identified in Column 3 of said Exhibit A,and having taken such ffieasures;

Finding that the Alien Property Cus-todian has .incurred, in each of suchcourt or administrative actions or pro-ceedings, costs and expenses in theamount stated in Column 4 of-said Ex-hibit A,hereby vests in the Alien Property Cus-todian, to be used or otheriwise dealt withIn the interest, and for the benefit, of theUnited States, from the property whicheach of the "persons named In saidColumn 1 of said Exhibit A obtained orIs determined to have as a result of theaction or proceeding described in saidColumn 3 of said Exhibit A the sumsstated in said Column 4 of said Exhibit A,such sums being the amounts of such

-property equal to the costs and ex-penses incurred by the Alien PropertyCustodian in such actions or proceeings.

This order shall not be deemed tolimit the powers of the Alien Property

Custodian to return such property Ifand when it should 1 e determined thatsuch return should be made.

Any person, except a national of adesignated enemy country, asserting anyclaim arising as a result of this ordermay file with the 4lien Property Custo-dian a notice of his claim, together witha request for a hearing thereon, on FormAPC-1, within one year from the datehereof, or within such further time asmay be allowed by ;the Alien PropertyCustodian. 0

The terms "national" and "designatedenemy country" as used herein shallhave the meanings prescribed In sectioh10 of Executive Order No. 9095, asamended.

Executed at Washington, D. C., onJune 6, 1946.

[SmL] JAMES E. MARKHAI,Alien Property'Custodcltan.

:ExmlBrr A

Column 1 . Column 2 .Column 3 Column 4

Name Country or territory Action or proceeding Sum vested

Item I

The Alliance IsreliteUniveralle ofParns, France. France --------- ---------- Estate of Henry feis, deceased, Probate Court, amilton County, Ohio .... $9,00Item2

The Institution conducted as a Protestant Hos- France --------------------- Same -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.00pital and Home In Ingwlller, France. Item 8

Corn Well--------------------------------- France - ---------------- Same ------------------------------------------------------------ 23,00Item 4

ule May ----------------------------------------- France --------------------- S --------ame......------------------------------------------------1............. 1.00

Item 5Ivonne Cer --------------------- ------ France -------------..----- Same -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 3.00

Item 6Flora Kern- .......------------------------ France ------- -Same....---------------- ------------------------------------ 0 .................................... 91

Item'7Hermine O essmann ------ ---------..............-- France ---------------------.Same.---------------------------------- -------------------------- 9..

Item 8

Mihaile Gardich or Direct blood relatives, names Yugoslavia ----------------- Estate ofIlcbael Gardicb,alsoknownasMica Gardicb, alo known as Mlchelo 41.0(unknown, of lilhaile Gardich or direct blood Gardich, deceased, Probate Court, Afacomb County, Mich., No. 21,013,relatives, names unknown, of Milos Gardich, orthe Poor In the town of Uzice, and vicinity.

[F. R. Doec. 46-10193; Flied, June 14, 1946; 11:18 a. rn.]

[Vesting Order CE 293]


With the Enemy Act, as ,amended, andExecutive Order No. 9095, as amended,and pursuant to law, the Alien PropertyCustodian:

Having found that each of the personsnamed in Column 1 of Exhibit A, at-tached hereto and by reference made apart hereof, was a person within the des-ignated enemy country or enemy-occu-pied territory appearing 6pposite suchperson's respective name in Column 2of said Exhibit A,

Having determined that it was in theInterest of the United-States to takemeasures In-connection.with represent-ing each of said persons in the court oradministrative action or proceeding

identified in Column 3 of said Exhibit A,and having taken such measures;

Finding that the Alien Property Cus-todian has incurred, in each of such courtor administrative actions or proceedings,costs and expenses in the amount statedin Column 4 of said Exhibit A,hereby vests in the Alied Property Cus-todian, to be used or otherwise dealt within the interest, and for the benefit ofthe United States, from the propertywhich each of the persons named In saidColumn 1 of said Exhibit A obtains orIs determined to have as a result of the

- action or proceeding described in saidColumn 3 of said Exhibit A the sumsstated in said Column 4 of said ExhibitA, such sums being the amounts of suchproperty equal to the costs and expensesincurred by the Alien Property Custodianin such actions or proceedings.

This order shall not be deemed to limit

the powers of the Allen Property Cus-todian to return such property if andwhen it should be determined that suchreturn should be made.

Any person, except a national of a des-ignated enemy country, asserting anyclaim arising as a result of this order mayfile with the Alien Property Custodian anotice of his claim, together with a re-quest for a hearing thereon, on FormAPC-1, within one year from -the datehereof, or within such further time as

,may be alloved by the Allen PropertyCustodian.The terms "national" and "designated

enemy country" as used herein shall havethe meanings prescribed In section 10 ofExecutive Order No. 9095, as amended.

Executed at Washington, D. C., on Juno11, 1946.

rsrmi JAMES E. MARRIIALI,Alien Property Ctustodian.


Page 79: Federal Register: 11 Fed. Reg. 6661 (June 18, 1946). · 2015. 9. 28. · real or personal property, taken pur-suant to this order shall be terminated by the Director when he determines

6739-FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, June 18, 1916

Esr? A

Coblmn 1 Column 2 Ccn 3 C 4

Name Ceuntry or tcrritory Ac 3 orcac 3 p r=:,ieZ

Camille Bernard -------------------------------- I Fr2ne -----------------

DenLe B e nrard ------------------------- ---------

Jean Bernard ....................................

Julien Bernar ea ------------------------- ---------

JulesBemard ......r n....... r d... --------.........

.M ane Pedelle ------------------..--. ------........

Rose Pedelee .............................- .....

-Mananne Peyrsque ------------------e----------

R oger Pierre Pede l l e ---------------------- . ......

C harity H ospitalt ----------------------. - .....

Remn 1

Eztoxfo of kdrina 13,=, J. isa kcatwn c3 Tvzxro Bc=nad,dcecc.^.fn tSupzrier Court of ttha htlcc of Czii~mLi, In al fcc tl:a County of Los Am-

gclc; Ro N72'A.P-,i 21! Mawn c ...................... cam .II ...... ... .......... ...................... . . .

11"n 4France ...................... Sameo ......... ....................................................... .

I Jt. rl 5

lerl 6

France ...................... E~tato of Fraa:_n:3 rcdIaY, ea- kro.n a, Fr-zi F.cd-Li. dc d, In tt-Surcrlsr Court of th-. Sta!e of CzUCnla, In ad fcr t1:2 Ccar~y cf U3

F ran ce ............. ......... S o .............-.................................................. - .-- - - -

ILn 8France-------_ an,..... __.............................

Franc e--------------- -I -same

France ---- _-------------

Cathenne Capdewelle ------------------------- France ....................

enrrx te Capdovrei le . .........................

Thereze Capdevxelle -----------------------------

LouLs Capdevele -------------------------------

Eugeme Cnpdevelle .... ....-------------------

Marie Anaclette, formerly Mane Narbebury ------

Pierre Narbebury --------------------------------

Jean Narlebury .................................

-F ranc ......................

France .....................

France ........--------- -

France ....................

Josepene Brabers MeDonough ..--------------- Belgium -------------

Anica Kolakovwc --------------------............ .Jugov............

Gunnar Baekhausen ---------------------- --- D - ----rk-...........

Rai Bckhausen -----------.-----------------

Aae Backhausen --------------------------------

Edith Dahl Jensen- ..---------------------------

Dcnmark -----------...

Denmark .............

Carl A. Backha en- -........-------------------- Denmark -------------

Vilhelm Thb Bacaus-n-------------------

Rigmor Redqcd -----.d.------------------------

Ebba Backhanen.-.--------------------------

Denmark ...................

Dcn k ..................

Drumaxlr- ..................

................ o ..................................

Ez-tt of Lussin X. Bruicr T. kz nan!3lzon en L.. X. Bru=an zd', inthe Supricr W~e=r cl ttL, afae 01 Ca~fc=13 in =ad fr K2 Ccunty ofLos Aa z : No. ftL73.

F,tat, of Eucca' lev IAT? dc.n:A i thp , rcurt of th Stat, ofCatl'crn La, in =, I f-, ,'I r! y c I A I n -I:; Nce. T C

I'M~ IfSlame .. . ................................................... .

Same .. .................... ........... ............... .............letz 13

Same .... .................. ..... ... ...............................RIf- 15

Same . ....... ................... .............................. . .

Ite 1G

le-3 16Estate of Jr.:,u 3 'NartAay. c!_3~ kna,-7 r3 J. Nactway. dad nth

Suf'cricr Court of Ito State of Cai"f In and fcc ttc City end County ofSMn rr=~E:z; Wo. Q2 M4. 1

&. .........

El3te ofI Dew cr Ws.gb t Ifel d aI.n th 2 Surcn= Court of theState of CaVcrnla in a cl fLz tM3 City acni Ccanty of L-an F Nn o No.Wt427.

Estate of Frank ,Ie o. dccc z-:. In t : Su3 s u c'it of t 2 sta te 0f C I r-

n1a, In cnd fcr tha Conty of Lc3 Ar_.; z; ;o. 2 tM.

Ien 21

Eftate cf Mary Jobr=n. dczczcJ. Ire tha Sur=Z:r Ccat of te Stac of Cl'l-forn , In and fLr ta County of San D-.x ; No. Z7-3.

Raei U3

ill 13

lIen 23

$IM C 0




13. CO



15. CO


4 ca



12 (a )12012(3

[P. m noo. 40-101051 Filed, Juno 14, 104CI 11218 a. M.]

Page 80: Federal Register: 11 Fed. Reg. 6661 (June 18, 1946). · 2015. 9. 28. · real or personal property, taken pur-suant to this order shall be terminated by the Director when he determines

FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, June 18, t916

[Vesting Order CE 292]


with the Enemy Act, as amendeil, andExecutive Order No- 9095', as amended.and pursuant to law, the Alien Prop-erty Custodian:

Having found that each of the per-sons named in Column 1. of Exhibit A,.attached hereto and by reference madea part hereof, war a 'person. withi. thedesignated enemy country'or enemy-oc-cupied territory appearing oppositiesuch.person's respective name in Column , ofsaid Exhibit A,

Having determined that it, was In theinterest of the United States to takemeasures in connection with represent-Ing each of said persons in the court oradministrative action or proceeding

Identified In-Column 3 of safd ExhibitA, and having taken such measures;

Finding that the Alien Property Cus-todian has Incurred, mi each of\suchcourt or admnmfstrative actions or pro-ceedings, costs and expenses in theamount stated In Column. I ot said. Ex-hibit A,hereby vests in the Alleit Property Cus-todian, to be used or otherwise dealt within the interest, and, for the benefit, ofthe United States, from the propertywhich each of the persons named in saidColumn 1 of said Exhibit A obtains oris determined. to have: as a, result of the-action or proceeding described in saidColumn 3 of said Exhibit A the sumsstatect im said Column, 4 of said ExhibitA, such sums, being the amounts of suchproperty equal to the costs and expensesincurred by the Alien Property Custodianin such actions or proceedings.

ExiIIn A

This order shall not be deemed to limitthe powers of the Allen Property Cus-todian to return such. property If andwhen it should be determined that suchreturn- should, be, made.

Any person, except a national of a des-ignated enemy country, asserting anyclaim arising as a result ofthi s order mayfile with the Allen Property Custodiana notice of his claim, together wlth, Lrequest for a hearing thereon, on FormAPC-1, within one year from the datehereof, or within such further time asmay be allowed by the Allen PropertyCustodian.

The termi "national" and "designatedenemy country'* uz used herein shall havethe meanings prescribed In section 10 ofExecutive Order No. 9095, as amended.

Executed at Washington, D. C., onJune 6, 1946.

[sEAL] JAmS E. MlVI'Rmu,Alien Proertu Custodian.

Column I


Emilic Sophie Bank-----


Julia Harriet Bang-

Column 2

Country or territory-1~ I,

Column 3


la I Yfti!fDeninar .. , J Estate oV C. Roring, deceased~irthSuperor Court of the State of WIs-

im.ton, in and forth6 County otLlincobr; No; 363R

Item -0D enm ark - -- -- 1Sam o.. - .--- -----. ---..........- -- ----- --.- --.--.--.-.


Gerde Octavia Bang .... Dennis&----..... .

Inger Tohanne L n e

Erna Marie Matlde Lonberg---

Carl Johan Lnberg ...............

Item 3Same .................. ..... ..

Item 4Sam (... -- - --- - - --. - - - ---.. .. . . ..... .. . . . .. . . .

Item 6

Same- - - - -a ---- . . . . .......

tem.---------- - - - -- -------- ------------- -----------------

Item?7Denm k 5 aarm - -n . ............................... ........................ ..........

Aago Lonberg --------------------------------- 'Denmark ..................

Louis Cli. Lnnberg --------------------- ----------

Hcinrich LonertiT

Ellen Axelle Fe cl --------------------------------

Svend Aage os ~gQ g-

Tu-chnr Ac

Denmark ..................

Denmark ..................

-Jim- 81Sameo-------------------------------------..................................... .

7l4M aSa e .......................... .Item 10............................... ....

-~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ie ---- ----- - . ..........

Item I1Same -------------------.............................................. .........

_ ll114lLI' - ~- - - - -- - _-1, .. . ............... ..................


Norway ....................

Item Is

Etatoi oft Swan Olson, deeemed, in. the Superior Court of the State ofWashington, hn and! fOr tle County of'Mi)g No. 9OGIO.

Item 14.

"Etate oroalik lrathrasPetern, e d eamllnthSu eor Courtr of the State-of Washington, in and for the County of King; No. 84720

Item IT

Tohannes.Mo_ . ,orws .. , Estaltramans Moe, deceased, in th. Superior Court of the State of Warhlsgi

Karl Moe .......................

Ama Moe.._

Norway ....................

Norway -- ------- -....

[VSMR . . 46-. 019Eb . . .. ..C.

. Itain aucfbrt e C'outyorKlbgN'o877

same" .... ... ......................... .....................................

simm .....--- ............................ . .....................................

Estate of Albert Maurel, decepsed, inthe Superior Court of the State of Wwqh-inm fland for the QountX oLWaIla.Walla; No. 3095


[T!, n. Doe. 4G-iom94 Filed, June 14, 1945;, 11:18 a. in.]

Column 4

Sum vested



20. no


3. Damon ................

T-M. -$.A

Page 81: Federal Register: 11 Fed. Reg. 6661 (June 18, 1946). · 2015. 9. 28. · real or personal property, taken pur-suant to this order shall be terminated by the Director when he determines

FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, June 18, 1916

[Vesting Order P 49]

Hrro UNxoan

In re: The Hito Unkobu, also knownas The Philippine Marine Transporta-tion Bureau.

Under the authority of the Tradingwith the Enemy Act, as amended, andExecutive Order No. 9095, as amended,and pursuant to law, the undersigned,after investigation, finding:

1. That The Hlto Unkobu, also knownas The Philippine Marme Transporta-tion Bureau, a corporation which wasorganized in the Commonwealth of thePhilippines by order of, and acted di-rectly or indirectly for the benefit or onbehalf of, the Military Administration inthe Philippines of the Imperial JapaneseGovernment, is a business enterprisewithin the United States and is a na-tional of a designated enemy country(Japan)

2. That the property described asfollows:

a. Real property situated In Pasay,City of Manila, Commonwealth of thePhilippines, therein registered and par-ticularly described in Exhibit A, attachedhereto and by reference made a parthereof, together with all hereditaments,fixtures, improvements and appurte-nances thereto, and any and all claimsfor rents, refunds, benefits or other pay-ments arising from the ownership ofsuch property, and

b. All other property of any naturewhatsoever situated in the United Statesand owned or controlled by, payable ordeliverable to, or held on behalf of oron account of, or owing to, The HitoUnkobu, also known as The-Philippine

4Marne Tasportatlon Bureau,

Is property within the United Statesowned or cofitrolled by, payable or deliv-erable to, held on behalf of or on accountof, or owing to, or wich is evidence ofownership or control by; the aforesaidnationals of a designated enemy coun-try.and determining:

3. That The Hito Unkobu, also knownas the Philippine Marine TransportationBureau, is controlled by or is acting foror on behalf of a designated enemycountry (Japan) or persbns within suchcountry and is a national of a desig-nated enemy country (Japan)

4. That to the extent that such na-tionals are persons not within a deng-nated enemy country, the national in-terest of the United States requires thatsuch persons be treated as nationals ofa designated enemy country (Japan)

and having made all determinations andtaken all -action required by law, includ-ing appropriate consultation and certi-fication, and deeming it necessary m thenational interest,

hereby vests in the Alien Property Cus-todian the property described in subpar-agraph 2-a hereof, subject to recordedliens, encumbrances and other rights ofrecord held by or for persons who arenot nationals of designated enemy coun-tries, and hereby vests in the Alien Prop-erty Custodian the property describedin subparagraph 2-b hereof,

All such property so vested to be held,used, administered, liquidated, sold or

otherwise dealt with in the interest andfor the benefit of the United States, andhereby undertakes the direction, man-agement, supervision aild control of saidbusiness enterprise nd all property ofany nature whatsoever situated In theUnited States, owned or controlled by,payable or deliverable to. or held onbehalf of or on account of, or owing tosaid business enterprise, to the extentdeemed necessary or advisable from timeto time by the Alien Property Custodian.

Such property and any or all of theproceeds thereof shall be held In an ap-propriate account or accounts, pendingfurther determination of the Alien Prop-erty Custodian. This order shall not bdeemed to limit the power of the AllenProperty Custodian to vary the extent pfor terminate such direction, manage-ment, supervision or control, or returnsuch property or the proceeds thereof inwhole or in part, nor shall It be deemedto indicate that compensation will not bepaid in lieu thereof. If and when it shouldbe determined to take any one or all ofsuch actions.

Any person, except a national of a des-Ignated enemy country, asserting anyclaim arising as a result of this ordermay, within one year from the datehereof, or within such further time asmay be allowed, file with the Allen Prop-erty Custpdan on Form APC-1 a noticeof claim, together with a request for ahearing theron. Nothing herein con-tained shall be deemed to constitute anadmission of the existence, validity orright to allowance of any such claim.

The terms "national" "designated en-emy country" and "business enterprse

"within the United States" as used hereinshall have the meanings prescribed insection 10 of Executive Order No. 9095,as amended.

Executed at Washington, D. C., on May29, 1946.

[SEAL] JAL=r EL MUMrnUM,Alien Property Custodian.

E.'anmr A-Dzeceror or PMAL PnermrOwum ny Tmi Himo U.rzou

MANSMrs T mCCATE OF 72= NO. 0013n, LCO:NT-235

A parcel of land (Lot No. 40Z3-Q of theconsolidation and cubdlvlon plan Poc-Olg,being a portion of the conrolldated lot3 lo:.2045 and 3735 of the Cad. Survey of PeyG. L. R. 0. Cad. Record No. 13G21), cltuatcdIn the barrio of S. Isidro. municipality ofPasay. Rizal. Bounded on the NE by lot4039-R; on the'SE by lot 4059-S: on the SWby Cello Luna; and on the NW by Lo' No.4059-0.

Area-570 Equare meters.

TJWNS CEi=MIrcATE OF TrTLE N1O. 69136, E00tT-235

A parcel of land (Lot No. 40Z9-P of theconsolidation and subdivislon plan PcZ-31O,being a portion of the conrolidatcd lota Na:.2045 and 3735 of the Cad. carvoy of PercyG. , R. 0. Cad. Pecord No. 1352) cituatcdIn S. Isidro, Pasay, RLse!. Bounded on theNE by Taft Ave., on the Sn by Lot No. 40:9-G; on the SW by Lot No. 4053-Q; and on theNW by Lot No. 4059-P.

Area-739 quare meters.TWISaN i CT==1c~l 07 TITL Z.O. CC 137,

MOO= T-235

A parcel of land (Lot 409-3 of the con-solidation and subdivision Plan P3.-319, ba-

Ing a partion of the conzolldated Iots r..2,45 and 3735 o the Cad. Surav: of PercyG. L. R. 0. Cad. Pecard Io. 1352) situatedIn S. Izdro, Paecy, P.,zl. Bounded on theVE. Lot 40Z3-T; on the SM Lot 4039-U; onthe SW. Callo Luna, and on the 11NW. Lot4039-Q.

Area-557 square meters.

T=1 O.3ZA 07 TIlhN NO. G0133,I:C0L= 7'-235

A parcel of land (Lot No. 4053-T of the con-rolidatlon and eubdlvblon plan Pce--319. be-ing a portlon of the conalidated lots Nas.2045 and 3735 of Cad. Survey of Per-yG. L. IL 0. Cad. Record No. 1352), situatedIn S. Icidro. Pacay. ELae. Bounded on theNE- by Taft Ave.; on the SE by lot 4059-V;on the S7 by Lot 4039-S; and on the NWby Lot 409-R.

Area-707 square metera.

TI2ANZ= oM=C= 07 T= NO. 60139,EO=. T-235

A parcel of land (Lot No. 4059-U of the con-celdatlon and aubdiLvinon plan Pcz-1352.being a portion of the conolidated Iota so.245 and 3735 of the Cad. Sur. of Peecy.0. L. E. 0. Ro-ord No. 1252), situated In S.Iidro. P-amy. F . Bounded on the NE Lot409Z-V; on the SE Lot 4033-W; end CelleBuendla; on the SW Cello Luna; and on theNW Lot 40Z9-S.

Area-543 rquare meters.

T=N= Cm

T ;i"ri C (r? NO. 69140,MO. T-235

A parcel of land (Lot No. 4953-V of the con-roltdation =d mibilvollon plan Pe_-319, be-Ing a portion of tMe conzolldated Lota Neo.0,15 and 3735 of the Cad. Survey of Peray.0. L. R. 0. Cad. Record No. 1352) situated InS. Idro, Peray. Pizal. Bounded on the NEby Taft Ave.; on the SE by Lot 4039-W; onthe SW by Lot 4059-V7; and on the NW7 byLeot 4059--T.

Are--ZO square meters.

IF. F. Dc. 46-10131; Filed, June 13, 1046;11:33 e. m.]

[Vezting O:der 416l


In re: Bank account owned by KinseiNakagawa. F-39-3174-E-1.

Under the authority of the Tradingwith the Enemy Act, as amended, andExecutive Order No. 9095, as amended.and pursunt" to law, the undersigned,after Investigation, finding:

1. That Kinsel NXakgawa, whose lastImown address Is Japan, is a resident ofJapan and a national of a designatedenemy. country (Japan)

2. That the property descnbid as fol-lows: That certain debt or other obliga-tion owing to Agnes Foyer, by The FirstNational Bank of Boston, Boston, Massa-chusetts, arising out of a savings account,Account Number 9-51542, entitled Foyer,Agnes, Agent for 'Kin el Naagawa., andany and all rights to demand, enforceand collect the same,is property within the United Statesowned or controlled by, payable or deliv-erable to, held on behalf of or on accountof, or owing to, or which is evidence ofownership or control b:" Kinsel Naka-gawa, the aforesaid national of a desig-nated enemy country;

And determining that to the extentthat such national Is a person not withina designated enemy country, the nationalinterest of the United States requires


Page 82: Federal Register: 11 Fed. Reg. 6661 (June 18, 1946). · 2015. 9. 28. · real or personal property, taken pur-suant to this order shall be terminated by the Director when he determines

IRE DERAL If -STER, 7Uesday, 'June 18, 1946

that such person be treated as a nationalof a designated enemy'ountry (Japan)

And having made all determinationsand taken all action required by law,Including sppropriatQ consultation andcertification, and deeming it necessary Inthe national interest,hereby vests in the Alien Property Cus-todian the property described above, tobe held, used, administered, liquidated,sold or otherwise dealt with In the inter-est and for the 'benefit of the UnitedStates.

Such property and any or all of theproceeds thereof shall be held in an ap-propriate account or accounts, pendingfurther determination of the Alien Prop-erty Custodian. Tis order shall not bedeemed to constitute an admission by theAlien Property Custodian of the lawful-ness of, or acquiescence in, or licensingof, any set-offs, charges or deductions,nor shall it be deemed to limit the powerof the Alien Property Custodian to returnsuch property or the proceeds thereof in,whole or in part, nor shall it be deemedto indicate that compensation will not bepaid in lieu thereof, if and when it shouldbe determined to take any one or all ofsuch actions.

Any person, except a national of adesignated enemy country, asserting anyclaim arising-as a result of this ordermay, within one year from the datehereof, or within such further time asmay be allowed, file with the Allen Prop-erty Custodlai on Form APC-1 a noticeof claim, together with a request for ahearing thereon. Nothing herein con-tained shall- be deemed to constitute anadmission of the existence, validity orright to allowance of any such claim.

The terms "tnational" and "designatedenemy country" as used herein shall havethe meanings prescribed in section 10 ofExecutive Order No; 9095,as amended.

Executed at Washington, D. C., onJune 4, 1946.

ESmLJ Jssrs E. IAilEHiaT,Alien Property Custodian.

[F. R. Doe. 46-10181; FlMed, June 14, 1946;11:16 a. in.]

[Vesting Order 64171

GERARD H. PFAFFIn re: Bank account owned by Gerard

H. Pfaff. File No.. F-29-2985 E-l.Under the authority of -the Trading

with the Enemy Act, as amended, 'andExecutive Order Nb. 9095, as amended,and pursuant to law, the undersigned,,after investigation, finding:

1. That Gerard H. Pfaff, whose lastknown address Is Niehi Memelerstrasse2; Cologne, Germany, is a resident ofGermany and a national of a designatedenemy country (Germany)

2. That the property described as fol-lows: That certain debt or other obli-gation owing to Joseph Kruger, byUnited States Trust Company, 30 CourtStreet, Boston 1, Massachusetts, arisingout of a savings account, Arccount Num-ber 26893, entitled Joseph Kruger, atty.for Gerard H. Pfaff, maintained at'-theaforesaid bank, and any and all rightsto demand, enforce and collect, the,ame, a

Is property within the United Statesowned or controlled by, payable or de-liverable to, heldon behalf of or on ac-count of, or owing to, or which Is evi-dence of ownership or-control by, Gerard,H. -Pfaff, the aforesaid national of avdesignated enemy country-

And determining that to the extentthat such national is a person not withina designated- enemy country, the na-tional interest of the United States re-quires that such person be treated as anational of a designated enemy country(Germany)

And having, made all determinationsand taken all action required by law,including appropriate consultation andcertification, -and deeming it necessaryIm the national Interest,hereby vests In the Alien Property Cus-todian the property described above, tobe held, used, administered, liquidated,sold or otherwise dealt with in the inter-est and for the benefit of the UnitedStates.

Such property and any or all of theproceeds thereof shall be held in an ap-propriate account or accounts, pendingfurther determination of the Alien Prop-erty Custodian. This order shall not bedeemed to constitute an admission by theAlien Property Custodian of the lawful-ness of, or acquiescence in, or licensingof, any set-offs, charges or deductions,nor shall It be deemed to Iit the powerof theAlien Property Custodian to returnsuch property or the proceeds thereof inwhole or in'part, nor shall it be deemedto indicate that compensation will -notbe paid in lieu thereof, if'and when itshould.be determined to take any one orall of such actions.

,Any person, except a national of adesignated enemy country, asserting anyclaim arising as a result of this ordermay, within one year'from the datehereof, or within such further time asmay be allowed, file with the Alien Prop-erty Custodian on Form APC-1 a noticeof claim, together with a request for ahearing thereon. Nothing herein con-tamed shall be deemed to constitute anadmission of the existence, validity orright to allowance of any such claim.

The terms "national" and "designatedenemy country" as used herein shall havethe meanings prescribed in section 10 ofExecutive Order No. 9095, as amended.

Executed at Washington, D. C., on June4, 1946.

[SEAL] JAMAES E. MARM.KHT,Alien Property Custodian.

[F. R. Doe. 46-10182; FMIed, June 14, 1946;11.-16 a. in.)

[Vesting Order 64221FwZISNA SCHNIrmR

In re: Debt owing to FranziskaSchneider.

Under the authoritj of the Tradingwith the Enemy Act, as amended, andExecutive Order No. 9095, as amended,and pursuant to law, the undersigned,after Investigation, finding: .

1. That Franziska Schneider, whoselast known address Is Dreisen, Palatinate,Germany, is a resident of Germany and a

national of a designated enemy country,(Germany)

2. That the property described as fol-lows: All those debts or other obligationsowing to Franzllka Schneider, by Richter& Kelser,'Inc., 186 Remsen Strept, Brook-lyn 2, New York, Including particiflarlybut not limited to a portion of the sumof money on deposit with ManufactfilrersTrust Company, 55 Broad Street, New

-York, New York, In a. dollar account,entitled Richter & Kaiser, Inc., Special,Blocked as German -Natioals, main-tained at the branch office of the afore-said bank located at 209 Montague Street,Brooklyn, New York, and any and allrights to demand, enforce and collect thesame,.is property within the United Statesowned or controlled by, payable or deliv-erable to, held on behalf of or on accountof, or owing to, or which Is evidence ofownership or control by, the aforesaid na-tional of a designated enemy country;

And determining that to the extentthat such national Is a person not with-in a. designated enemy country, the na-tional interest of the United States re-quires that such person be treated as anational of a designated enemy country(Germany),

And having made all determinationsand taken all. action required by law, in-cluding appropriate consultation andcertification, and deeming it nedessary Inthe national interest,hereby vests In the Alien Property Cus-todian the property described above, tobe held, used, administered, liquidated,sold or otherwise dealt with in the inter-est, and for the benefit of the UnitedStates. 0

-Such property and any or all of theproceeds thereof shall'be held In an ap-propriate account or accounts, pendingfurther determination of the Alien Prop-erty Custodian. This order shall not bedeemed to constitute an admission by theAllen Property Custodian of the lawful-ness of, or acquiescence In, or licensing of,any set-offs, charges or deductions, norshall It be deemed to limit the power of -

the Alien Property Custodian to returnsuch property or the proceeds thereof inwhole or in part, nor shall It be deemedto Indicate that compensation will not bepaidin lieu thereof, If and when it shouldbe determined to take any one or all ofsuch actions.

Any person, except a national of a deS-ignated enemy country, asserting anyclaim arising as a result of this ordermay, within one year from the datehereof, or within such further time asmay be allowed, file with the Alien Prop-erty Custodian on Form APC-1 a noticeof claim, together with a request for ahearing thereon. Nothing herein con-tained shall be deemed to constitute anadmission of the existence, validity orright to allowance of any such claim.

The terms "national" and "designatedenemy country" as used herein shall havethe meanings prescribed in section 10 ofExecutive Order No. 9095, as amended.

Executed at Washington, D. C., on Juno4, 1946.

[SEAL] Jts E. Iffinuvmi,Allen Property Custodian,

[F. n. Dce. 46-10183: Flied, June 14, 1010;11:16 a. in.]


Page 83: Federal Register: 11 Fed. Reg. 6661 (June 18, 1946). · 2015. 9. 28. · real or personal property, taken pur-suant to this order shall be terminated by the Director when he determines

FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, JunR 18, 1916

[Vesting Order 6123]


In re: Debt owing to Nany Schroeder.Under the authority of the Tralling

with the Enemy Act, as amended, andExecutive Order No. 9095, as amended,and pursuant to law, the undersigned.after investigation, finding:

1. That Nany Schroeder, whose lastknown address is Norder Strasse 8, Nel-dorf, Holstein, Germany, is a resident ofGermany and a national of a designatedenemy country (Germany)

2. That the property described as fol-lows: All those debts or other obligationsowing to Nany Schroeder, by Richter &Kaiser, Inc., 186 Remsen Street, Brook-lyn, 2, New York, including particularlybut not limited to a portion of the sumof money on deposit with ManufacturersTrust Company, 55 Broad Street, NewYork, New York, in a dollar account, en-titled Richter & Kaiser, Inc. Special,Blocked as German Nationals, main-tamed at the branch office of the afore-said bank-located at 209 Montague Street,Brooklyn, New York, and any and allrights to demand, enforce and collectthe same,is property within the United Statesowned or controlled by, payable or deliv-erable to, held on behalf of or on accountof, or owing to, or which is evidence ofownership or control by, the aforesaidnational of a designated enemy country,

And determining that to the extentthat such national is a person not withina designated enemy country, the nationalinterest of the United States requiresthat such person be treated as a nationalof a designated enemy country (Ger-many)

And having made all determinationsand taken all action required by law,including appropriate consultation andcertification, and deeming it necessary inthe national interest,hereby vests in the Alien Property Custo-dian the property described above, to beheld. used, administered, liquidated, soldor otherwise dealt with in the interestand for the benefit of the United States.

Such property and any or all of theproceeds thereof shall be held in an ap-propriate account or accounts, pendingfurther determination of the Alien Prop-erty Custodian. This order shall not bedeemed to constitute an admission by theAlien Property Custodian of the lawful-ness of, or acquiescence in, or licensingof, any set-offs, charges or deductions,nor shall it be deemed to limit the powerof the Alien Property Custodian to returnsuch property or the proceeds thereof inwhole or in part, nor shall it be deemedto indicate that compensation will not bepaid in lieu thereof, if and when it should'be determined to take any one or all ofsuch- actions.

Any person, except a national of a'des-ignated enemy country, asserting anyclai arising as a result of tbs ordermay, within one year from the date

-hereof, or within such further time asmay be allowed, file with the Alien Prop-erty Custodian on Form AFC-l a noticeof -claim, together with a request for ahearing thereon. Nothing herein con-tained shall be deemed to constitute an

admlssion of the existence, validity orright to allowance of any such claim.

The terms "national" and "designatedenemy country" as used herein shall havethe meamngs prescribed In scection 10 ofExecutive Order No. 9095, as amended.

Executed at Washington, D. C., on June4, 1946.

ESxAL] Jjuxs E. Mnmu=~,Alien Property Custodian.

[F. R. Doe. 46-10184: Filed, Juno 14, 1046;11:16 a. m.1

[Vesting Order C424]

ExasE SSnInIn re: Debt owing to Elise Seller.Under the authority of the Trading

with the Enemy Act, as amended, andExecutive Order No. 9095, as amended,and pursuant to law, the underslgncd,after investigation, finding:

1. That Elise Seller, whose last knownaddress is Deggendorf, Germany, Is aresident of Germany and a national ofa designated enemy country (Ger-many),

2. That the property described as fol-lows: All those debts or other obliga-tions owing to Elise Seller, by Richter FKaiser, Inc., 186 Remsen Street, Brook-lyn, 2, New York, inclifding particularlybut not limited to a portion of the sumof money on deposit with ManufacturersTrust Company, 55 Broad Street, NewYork, New York, in a dollar account,entitled Richter & Kaiser, Inc. Special,Blocked as German Nationals, main-tained at the branch office of the afore-said bank located at 209 MontagueStreet. Brooklyn, New York. and anyand all rights to demand, enforce andcollect the same,is property within the United Statesowned or controlled by, payable or de-liverable to, held on behalf of or on ac-count of, or owing to, or which is evi-dence of ownership or control by, theaforesaid national of a designated enemycountry,

And determining that to the extentthat such national is a person not Withina designated enemy country, the na-tional interest of the United States re-quires that such person be treated as anational of a designated enemy country(Germany)

And having made all determinationsand taken all action required by law, In-cluding appropriate consultation andcertification, and deeming It necezsaryin the national Interest,hereby vests in the Allen Property Cus-todian the propertydescribed above, tobe held, used, administered, liquidated,sold or otherwise dealt with In the in-terest and for the benefit of the UnitedStates.

Such property and any or all of theproceeds thereof shall be held in an ap-propriate account or accounts, pendingfurther determination Of the Allen Prop-erty Custodian. This order shall notbe deemed to constitute an admissonby the Allen Property Custodian of thelawfulness of, or acquiescence in, or 11-ceasing of, any set-oils, charges or

deductions, nor shall it be deemed tolimit the power of the Alien PropertyCustodian to return such property orthe proceeds thereof in whole or in part,nor shall Jt be deemed to indicate thatcompensation will not be paid in lieuthereof, If and when it should be deter-mined to take any one or all of suchactions.

Any person, except a national of adesignated enemy country, asserting anyclaim arising as a result of this ordermay, within one year from the datehereof, or within such further time asmay be allowed, file with the AlienProperty Custodian on Form APC- anotice of claim, together with a request -for a hearing thereon. Nothing hereincontained shall be deemed to constitutean admission of the existence, validityor right to allowance of any such claim.

The terms "national" and "designatedenemy country" as used herein shallhave the meanings prescribed in section10 of Executive Order No. 9095, asamended.

Executed at Washington, D. C., onJune 4, 1946.

[s.ALI JAL= F ISUMMr.Alien Property Custodian.

IF. R. Daz. 4--10185: Filed. June 14, 1946;11:16 a. m.I

[Vcztng Order e4251FUMIzIZ.A SLEn

In re: Debt owing to Frannska Seller.Under the authority of the Trading

with the Enemy Act, as amended, andExecutive Order No. 9095, as amended,and pursuant to law, the undersigned,after investigation, finding:

1. Theft Franzisia Seiler, whose lastImown address Is Deggendorf, Germany,Is a resident of Germany and a nationalof a designated enemy country (Ger-many)

2. That the property described as fol-lows: All those debts or other obligationsowing to Franzis a Seler, by RichterKaiser, Inc., 186 Rpmsen Street, Brook-lyn, 2, New York. including particularlybut not limited to a portion of the sumof money on deposit with Manufac-turers Trust Compan', 55 Broad Street,New York, New York, in a dollar account,entitled Richter & Kser# Inc. Special,Blocked as German Nationals, main-tained as the branch office of the afore-said bank located at 209 Montague Street,Brooklyn, New York, and any and allrights to demand, enforce and collect thecame,

0 Is property within the United States

owned or controlled by, payable or de-liverable to, held on behalf of or on ac-count of, or owing to, or which is evi-dence of ownership or control by, theaforesaid national of a designatedenemy country,

And determining that to the extentthat such national is a person not with-in a designated enemy country, the na-tional interest of the United States re-quires that such person be treated as anational of a designated enemy country(Germany)


Page 84: Federal Register: 11 Fed. Reg. 6661 (June 18, 1946). · 2015. 9. 28. · real or personal property, taken pur-suant to this order shall be terminated by the Director when he determines

6744 FED:

And having made all determinationsand taken all action required by law,Including appropriate consultation andcertification, and deeming it necessaryin the national Interest,hereby vests in the Alien Property Cus-todian the property described above, tobe held, used, administered, liquidated,sold or otherwise dealt with in the in-terest and, for the benefit of the UnitedStates.

Such property and any or all of theproceeds thereof shall be held in an ap-propriate account or accounts, pendingfurther determination of the Alien Prop-erty Custodian. This order shall not bedeemed to constitute an admission bythe Alien Property Custodian of the law-fulness of, or acquiescence in, or li-censing of, any set-offs, charges or de-ductions, nor shall it be deemed to limitthe power of the Alien Property Cus-todian to return such property or theproceeds thereof in whole or in part, norshall it be deemed to indicate that com-pensation will not be paid in lieu thereof,if and when it should be determined totake any one or all of such actions.

Any person, except a national of adesignated enemy country, asserting anyclaim arising as a result of this ordermay, within one year from the datehereof, or within such further time asmay be allowed, file with the Alien Prop-erty Custodian on Form APC-1 a-noticeof claim, together with a request for ahearing thereon. Nothing herdin con-tained shall be deemed to constitute anadmission of, the existence, validity orright to allowance of any such claim.

The terms "national" and "designatedenemy country" as used herein shall havethe meanings prescribed in section 10of Executive Order No. 9095, as amended.

Executed at Washington, D. C., onJune 4, 1940.

[SEAL] JAMsES E. MAMMAL,Alien Property Custodian.

[P. R. Doc. 46-10186; Filed, June 14, 1946;,11:16 a. in.]

[Vesting Order 6426]


In re: Debt owing',to Marie Seller, alsoknown as Maba Seiler.

Under the authority of the Tradingwith the Enemy Act, as amended, andExecutiye Order No. 9095, as amended,and pursuant to law, the undersigned,after investigation, finding:

1. That iane Seiler, also known asMaria $oiler, whose last knovn addressis Deggendorf, Germany, is a resident ofGermany and a national of a designatedenemy cotintry (Germany)

2. That the property clscribed as fol-lows: All those debts or other obligationsowing to Marie Seller; also known asMaria Seiler, by Richter & Kaiser, Inc.,186 Remsen Street; Brooklyn 2, NewYork, Including particularly but notlimited to a portion. of the sum of moneyon deposit with Manufacturers TrustCompany, 55 Broad Street, New York,New York, in a dollar account, entitledRichter & Kaiser, Inc. Special, Blocked

ERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, June 18,,1946

as German Nationals, maintained at thebranch office oi-the aforesaid bank lo-cated at 209 Montague Street, Brooklyn,New York, and any and all rights to de-mand, enforce and collect the same,is property within the United Statesowned or controlled by, -payable or de-liverable to, held on behalf of or on ac-count of, or owing to, or which is evi-dence of ownership or control by, theaforesaid national of a designated enemycountry*

And determining that to tie extentthat such national is a person not withina designated enemy country, the na-tional interest of the United States re-quires that such person be treated as anational of a designated enemy country(Germany)

And having made all determinationsand taken all action required by law, in-cluding appropriate consultation andcertification, and deeming it necessaryin the national interest,hereby vests in the Alien Property Cus-todian the property described above, tobe held, used, administered, liquidated,sold or otherwise dealt with in the in-terest and for the benefit of the UnitedStates., Such property -and any or all of the

proceeds thereof shall be held-in an ap-propriate account or accounts, pendingfurther determination of the AlienProperty Custodian. This order shallnot be deemed to constitute an admissionby the Alien Property Custodian of thelawfulness of, or acquiescence in, orlicensing of, any set-offs, charges or de-

-ductions, nor shall it be deemed to limitthe power of -the Alien Property Cus-todian to return such property or theproceeds thereof in whole or in part, norshall it be deemed to indicate that com-pensation will not be paid in lieu thereof,if and when it should be determined totake any one or all of such actions.

Any person, except a national of adesignated enemy country, asserting anyclaim arising as a result of this ordermay, within one year from the datehereof, or Within such further time asmay be allowed, file with the Alien Prop-erty Custodian on Form APC-1 a noticeof claim, together with a request for ahearing. thereon. Nothing herein con-tained shall be deemed to constitute anadmission of the existence, validity orright to allowance of any such claim.

The terms "national" and "designated'-enemy country" as used herein shall havethe meanmnjs prescribed in section 10 ofExecutive Order No. 9095, as amended.

Executed at Waslngton, D. C., onJune 4, 1946.

[SEAL] JAMEs E. MammAw,Alien Property Custodian.

[F. R. Doc. 46-10187; Piled, June 14, 1946;11:17 a. m.]

[Vesting Order 6427]

ERNST WAGNERIn re" Debt owing to Ernst Wagner.Under the autlority of the Trading

with the Enemy Act, as amended, and-Executive Order No. 9095, as amended,

and pursuant to law, the undersignedafter investigation, finding:

1. That Ernst Wagner, whose lastknown address is Schmildtgaeschen 5,Idar-Oberstem 2, Germany, Is a residentof Germany and a national of a desig-nated enemy country (Germany),

2. That the property described as fol-lows: All those debts or other obliga-tions owing to Ernst Wagner, by Richter& Kaiser, Inc., 186 Remsen.Street, Brook-lyn, 2; New York, Including particularly,but not limited to a portion of the sumof money on deposit with ManufacturersTrust Company, 55 Broad Street, NewYork, New York, In a dollar account en-titled Richter & Kaiser, Inc. Special,Blocked as German Nationals, main-thined at the branch office of the afore-said bank located at 209 MontagueStreet, Brooklyn, New York, and any andall rights to demand, enforce and collectthe same,

is property within the United Statesowned or controlled by, payable or 'de-liverable to, held on behalf of or on ac-count of, or owing to, or which is evi-dence of ownership or control by, theaforesaid national .of a designated en-emy country"

And determining that to the extentthat such national is a person not withina designated enemy country, the na-tional interest of the United States re-quites that such person be treated as anational of a designated enemy country(Germany)

And having made all determinationsand taken all action required by law, in.cluding appropriate consultation andcertification, and deeming It necessary-in the national interest,hereby vests in the Alien Property Cus.todian the property described above, tobe held, used, administered, liquidated,sold or otherwise dealt with In the inter-est and for the benefit of the UnitedStates.

Such property and any or all of theproceeds thereof shall be held In an ap-propriate account or accounts, pendingfurther determination of the Allen Prop-erty Custodian. This order shall not bodeemed to constitute an admission bythe Alien Property Custodian of the law-fulness of, or acquiescence in, or licens-ing of, any set-offs, charges or deduc-tions, nor shall It be deemed to limit thepower of the Alien Property Custodian toreturn such property or the proceedsthereof In whole or 4n part, nor shall Itbe deemed to indicate that compenva-tion will not be paid in lieu thereof, ifand when it should be-determined to takoany one or all of such actions.

Any person, except a national of adesignated enemy country, asserting anyclaim arising as a result of this ordermay, within one year from the datehereof, or within such further time asmay be allowed, file with the Alien Prop-erty Custpdian on Form APC-1 a noticeof dlaim, together with a request for ahearing thereon. Nothing herein con-tained shall be deemed to constitute anadmission of the existence, validity orright to allowance of any such claim,

The terms "national" and "designatedenemy country" as used herein shallhave the meanings prescribed in section

Page 85: Federal Register: 11 Fed. Reg. 6661 (June 18, 1946). · 2015. 9. 28. · real or personal property, taken pur-suant to this order shall be terminated by the Director when he determines

FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, June 18, 1916

10 of Executive Order No. 9095, asamended.

Executed at Washington, D. C., onJune 4, 1946.

[SEAL] JAIFS E. M sarAir,Alien Property Custodian.

IF. R. Doc. 46-10188; Filed, June 14, 1946;11:17 a. m.]

[Vesting Order 64231


In re: Debt owing to Mamie Wurr.Under the authority of the Trading

with thd Enemy Act, as amended, andExecutive Order No. 9095, as amended,and pursuant to law, the undersigned,after investigation, finding:

1. That Mane Wurr, whose lastknown address is 144 Lange Strasse, Ot-tersberg, near Bremen, Germany, is aresident of Germany and a national ofa designated enemy country (Germany),

2. That the property described as fol-lows: All those debts or other obligationsowing to Mamie Wurr, by Richter &Kaiser, Inc., "186 Remsen Street, Brook-lyn, 2, New York, including particularlybut not limited to a portion of the sumof money on deposit with ManufacturersTrust Company, 55 Broad Street, NewYork, New York, in a dollar account, en-titled Richter & Kaiser, Inc., Special,Blocked as German Nationals, main-tained at the branch office of the afore-said bank located at 209 MontagueStreet, Brooklyn, New York, and any andall rights to demand, enforce and collectthe same,

is property within the United Statesowned or controlled by, payable or de-liverable to, held on behalf of or onaccount of, or owing to, or which Is evi-dence of ownership or control by, theaforesaid national of a designated enemycountry"

And determining that to the extentthat such national is a person not withina designated enemy country, the na-tional interest of the United States re-quires that such person be treated as anational of a designated enemy countrs(Germany)- And having made all determinatlonand taken all action required by law, in-cluding appropriate consultation anccertification, and deeming it necessary irthe national interest,

hereby vests in the Alien Property Cus.todian the property described above, t(be held, used, administered, liquidatedsold or otherwise dealt with in the inter.est and for the benefit of The UnitecStates.

Such property and any or all of thiproceeds thereof shall be held in an ap-propriate account or accountso pendinifurther determination of the Alien Prop,erty Custodian. This order shall not bideemed to constitute an admission b:the Alien Property Custodian of the lawfulness of, or acquiescence in, or licensing of, any set-offs, charges or deductions, nor shall it be deemed to limit thpower of the Alien Property Custodiato return such property or the proceedthereof in whole- or in part, nor shall I

be deemed to indicate that compensationwill not be paid In lieu thereof, If andwhen it should be determined to take anyone or all of such actions.

Any person, except a national of a des-ignated enemy country, aserting anyclaim arising as a result of this ordermay, within one year from the datehereof, or within such further time asmay be allowed, file with the Allen Prop-erty Custodian on Form APC-1 a noticeof claim, together with a request for ahearing thereon. Nothing herein con-tained shall be deemed to constitute anadmission of the existence, validity orright to allowance of any such claim.

The terms "national" and "desgnatedenemy country" as used herein shallhave the meanings prescribed in section10 of Executive Order No. 9095, as-amended.

Executed at Washington, D. C., onJune 4, 1946.

[SEALl JAZs E. MAIIuau,Alien Property Custodian.

[F. R. Doe. 46-10169: Filed, June 14. 1946;11:17 a. m.]

[Vesting Order 429]

GrOnGq Zr Lr.In re: Debt owing to George Zittel.Under the authority of the Trading

with the Enemy Act, as amended, andExecutive Order No. 9095, as amended,and pursuant to law, the undersigned,after investigation, finding:

1. That George Zittel, whose last knownaddress is Russingen, Palatinate, Ger-many, is a resident of Germany and anational of a designated enemy country(Germany),

2. That the property described as fol-lows: All those debts or other obligationsowing to George Zittel, by Richter & Kai-ser, Inc., 186 Remsen Street. Brooklyn 2,New York, including particularly but notlimited to a portion of the sum of moneyon deposit with Manufacturers Trust'Company, 55 Broad Street New York,New York, in a dollar account, entitledRichter & Kaiser, Inc. Special, Blockedas German Nationals, maintained at thebranch office of the aforesaid bank lo-cated at 209 Montague Street, Brooklyn,New York, and any and all rights to de-mand, enforce and collect the same,

s property within the United Statesowned or controlled by, payable or deliv-erable to, held on behalf of or on accountof, or owing to, or which is evidence ofownership or control by, the aforezaidnational of a designated enemy country;

And determining that to the extentthat such national is a peron not withina designated enemy country, the nationalinterest of the United States requires thatsuch person be treated as a national of adesignated enemy country (Germany),

And having made all determinationsand taken all action required by law,Including appropriate consultation andcertification, and deeming it necessary inthe national interest,

hereby vests in the Allen Property Custo-dian the property descrlbed above, to beheld, used, administered, liquidated, sold

or othek-vise dealt with in the interestand for the benefit of the United States.

Such property and any or all of theproceeds thereof shall be held in an ap-propriate account or accounts, pendingfurther determination of the Alien Prop-erty Custodian. This order shall not bedeemed to constitute an admission by theAllen Property Custodian of the lavful-nQss of, or acquiescence in, or licensingof, any set-offs, charges or deductions,nor shall It be deemed to limit the powerof the Allen Property Custodian to returnsuch property or the proceeds thereof mwhole or in part, nor shall It be deemedto indicate that compensation will not bepaid in lieu thereof, if and when It shouldbe determined to take any one or all ofsuch actions.

Any person, except a national of a des-Irnated enemy country, asserting anyclaim arising as a result of this ordermay, within one year from the datehereof, or within such further time asmay be allowed, file with the Alien Prop-erty Custodian on Form ABC-i a noticeof claim, together with a request for ahearing thereon. Nothing herein con-tained shall be deemed to constitute anadmission of the existence, validity orright to allowance of any such claim.

The terms "national" and "designatedenemy country" as used herein shall havethe meanings prescribed in section 10 ofExecutive Order No. 9095, as amended.

Executed at Washington, D. C., on June4, 1946.

Jh = e. CumuRo,=Allen Property Custodian.

[F. R. Mec. 46-10110; Filed, June 14, 19-6;11:17 a. m.l

[Vcting Order G301

Wnnn= Zir=EIn re: Debt owing to Wilhelm Zittel.Under the authority of the Trading

with the Enemy Act, as amended, andExecutive Order No. 9095, as amended,and pursuant to law, the undersigned,after investigation, finding:

1. That Wilhelm Zittel, whose lastknown address Is Russingen, Palatinate,Germany, is a resident of Germany anda national of a de.ignaled enemy coun-try (Germany),

2. That the property described as fol-lows: All those debts or other obliga-tions owing to William Zittel. by Richter& Kaiser, Inc., 186 Remsen Street,Brooklyn, 2, New York. including partic-ularly but not limited to a portion of thesum of money on deposit with Manu-facturers Trust Company, 55 BroadStreet, New York, New York, in a dollaraccount, entitled Richter F Kaiser, Inc.Special, Blocked as German Nationals,maintained at the branch office of theaforesaid bank located at 209 MontagueStreet, Brooklyn, New York, and anyand all rights to demand, enforce andcollect the same,

is property within the United Statesowned or controlled by, payable or de-liverable to, held on behalf of or onaccount of, or owing to, or which is

,evldence of ownershlp or control by, the



Page 86: Federal Register: 11 Fed. Reg. 6661 (June 18, 1946). · 2015. 9. 28. · real or personal property, taken pur-suant to this order shall be terminated by the Director when he determines

FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday,.June 18, 1946aforesaid national of a designated enemycounuty"

And determinng that to the extentthat such national Is a person not withina designated enemy country, the na-tional Interest of the United States re-quires that such person be treated as anational of a designated enemry country(Germany),

And having made all determinationsand taken all action required by law,including appropriate consultation andcert lflcation, and deeming it necessaryIn the national interest,hereby vests in the Alien Property. Cus-todian the property described above, tobe held, used, administered, li-quidated,sold or otherwise dealt with in the in-terest and for the benefit of the UnitedStates. /

Such property and any or all of theproceeds thereof shall be held In anappropriate account or accounts, pend-

-Ing further determination of the AlienProperty Custodian. This order shalrnot be deemed to constitute an admis-sion by the Alien Property Custodian.of the lawfulness of, or acquiescence in,or licensing of, any set-offs, char.ges ordeductions, nor shall it be deemed tolimit the power of the Allen PropertyCustodian to return such property orthe proceeds thereof In whole or-in part,nor shall it be deemed to indicate thatcompensation will not be paid in lieuthereof, if and when it should be deter-mined to take any one or all of suchactions.

Any person, except a national of a des-Ignated enemy -country, asserting anyclaim arising as- a result of this order

may, within one year from the datehereof, or within such further time asmay be allowed, file with the Alien Prop-erty Custodian on Form APC-1 a noticeof claim, together with a request for ahealing thereon. Nothing herein con-tained shall be deened to constitute anadmission of the existence, validity orright to allowance of any such claim.

The terms "national" and "designatedenemy country" as used herein shallhave the meanings prescribed in section10 of Executive Order No. 9095, asamended.

Executed at Washington, D. C., onJune 4, 1946.

[sEAL] JAMZES E. MARKHA 7 ,Alien Property Custodian,

IV. R. Dc. 46-1011: Filed, June 14, 1046:11:17 a. in.]