
What is your name? Rabia Azam How old are you? Seventeen What is your Favourite colour? Red What is your favourite genre of film? Romance What is your Favourite film? The Notebook Where do you tend to watch movies? In the cinema What is your name? Alice How old are you? Seventeen What is your Favourite colour? Pink What is your favourite genre of film? Action What is your Favourite film? Fast and Furious Where do you tend to watch movies? In the cinema What is your name? Myra How old are you? Seventeen What is your Favourite colour? Yellow What is your favourite genre of film? Thriller and Horror What is your Favourite film? I am legend Where do you tend to watch movies? In the cinema What do you think of films?

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Post on 02-Dec-2014




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Page 1: FeedBack

What is your name? Rabia Azam

How old are you? Seventeen

What is your Favourite colour? Red

What is your favourite genre of film? Romance

What is your Favourite film? The Notebook

Where do you tend to watch movies? In the cinema

What is your name? Alice

How old are you? Seventeen

What is your Favourite colour? Pink

What is your favourite genre of film? Action

What is your Favourite film? Fast and Furious

Where do you tend to watch movies? In the cinema

What is your name? Myra

How old are you? Seventeen

What is your Favourite colour? Yellow

What is your favourite genre of film? Thriller and Horror

What is your Favourite film? I am legend

Where do you tend to watch movies? In the cinema

What do you think of films?

Page 2: FeedBack

Rabia Azam“When I watch a film , the thirst thing I look at is the genre. My love for Romance genre is unreal! When ever a new film is out, the first thing I have to look at is if the film is a romantic film or has a bit of romance in it. The reason I love romantic films so much Is due to the idea that I always feel some sort of way towards them. I always love a little bit of romance in my life so I always love watching how it is conveyed into a film. I also love a little bit of soapy tears coming from eyes! When I look at a film, I always have to look at the way romance is used and is most be done by good actors or if not , I am not very happy! When I am deciding what film I want to watch, I find it vital to watch a trailer of some sort or a little teaser trailer as this allows me to gain more of an understanding on what the film is really about. When I look at a teaser trailer, I like to look at the actors who are in the film, the storyline/plot and I like to look at the title of the film. These are all huge aspects of what I take in when trying to figure out what film I am going to watch. My give favourite films are The Notebook, Romeo and Juliet, Princess Diana, Titanic and Green Mile. All of these film have different aspects of

romance involved just conveyed in a different ways. I really loved Green mile due to the idea that the film was one of the saddest films that I watched. I could barely stop crying after watching it! Green mile trailer, I would say wasn’t that good. I believe that it didn’t really show of how good the film was to a high potential, also it wasn’t advertised very well so I never really knew this film was on until I was convinced by a friend to watch it. Without my friend telling me about this film, I probably would have never known about it! The film campaign for the green Mile wasn’t so good and I believe it could have been a lot better. Now if they had really advertised this film, I think they would have gained a lot more people watching it. One film I believe that was really advertised well to my satisfaction was the note Book. I was able to see the film was out through things such as posters, TV adverts and trailers and in fact the trailer to the film, was actually amazing. It really caught my eye and just from the trailer I wanted to watch the film and for a trailer to do that, I was very satisfied and pleased and the film didn’t disappoint me. I was amazed and really exited watching it and watching it in the cinema really did benefit me as I extremely enjoyed it. Watching it in the cinema allowed me to feel the atmosphere with the popcorn and the friends which really allowed me to enjoy my experience. After enjoying that film very much, I did in fact end up buying it on DVD and I still come to watch from time to time.Titanic was also a very awesome film that I watched. It was extremely romantic and I really enjoyed that. Due to the idea that I didn’t watch it in the cinema, and I enjoyed it to the level I did, I found it pretty cool. Overall, When I look at a film I find it very important that it is promoted and advertised very well because if this isn’t done, its nearly impossible for people to really know anything about the film, Some may not even know it is a new film coming out. Also I find it vital that there is an aspect of romance in it as That is something in particular that I love to see when thinking on what film I want to watch.”

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Alice Peters“When I watch a film , the thirst thing I look at is the genre of the film and who is taking part of the film. I tend to prefer specific actors when watching a film. If there is actors or actress that I am not to keen on, I don’t really want to watch it because I think the skills of the actors is ever so important. Without good actors in the film, It would be very hard for me to take the film seriously due to the idea that it is very important the film is believable. The genre of a film is also very important to me due to the idea that I love action films. I find it very important that any film that I watch must show a huge aspect of action. Without action , I tend to find the film very boring. Action films, I believe is the most popular genre of film and I see exactly why. Whenever it is my birthday, I’ve made it a habit that me and my friends go to cinema to watch a good action packed movie. Today In fact I was watching a action packed him called speed which I really did enjoy. It has so much suspense and allowed me to feel so involved with the film. When watching this film today, it really did remind me how much I love action films and that in particular is why they are my favourite genre of film. You will never catch me watching any other type of film in the cinema unless It is a thriller. Here I have place my four best action films but I have also place the one action film I really hated and this was Django. This film I believe completely over did the idea of action and turned it into something with only violence being involved. I was really disappointed with this film and really did not enjoy watching it. I had paid money in the cinema to go and watch it and I feel that I completed wasted all of it. I had no interest on the film after most of it was only showing violence and fighting. When I watch a action packed film, I Love to see a various of different aspects of action shown instead of just having to look at people fighting. I believe that Django did really advertise and promote them self quite well but from the time I had watched it , I noted as my worst action film I have ever watched! One of my favourite Action films has to be White house down for a lot of reasons. First of all it has my two most favourite actors so I really enjoyed watching them a huge amount. I already knew I was going to watch the film just from the actors, but what made it better was the fact that it was an action film so that was a plus for me when I was going to watch it. This film really used different upsets of action in the film to keep me glued to the film. It never became boring, It just kept on getting better and better. There was the right level of fighting in the film so that I didn’t get bored and tired of watching it. Spiderman 4 was also a very good action film that I watched as I really did enjoy it. It had so many different aspects of action as well which was really conveyed very well. I believe Spiderman was also promoted and advertised very well. They used a various of tactics which engaged me to go and watch the film through things such as the teaser trailer, the trailers, the sneak peaks, the books and the clothing they now selling. Overall I believe Spiderman 4 and Batman the dark knight rises was promoted and advertised the most the different things they used. Batman and Spider man were probably the most biggest films of this year and they are both action packed which really shows you why I love action films!”

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Myra Vincent “I think I’ll be a little bit different and introduce myself before getting to into the movies! I am Myra Vincent and I 18 years old. I love singing and I want to be a singer or an actress hopefully. Anyway of course my favourite genre film is definitely horror and thrillers but I do also love science fiction. When It comes to watching a film, the first thing I look at is the people playing in the film. I find this extremely important. If the actors are good are good at what they are doing , I am always up for watching but if they are not, I tend to find it very hard to watch due to the idea that as I want to be a actress I can be very picky when it comes to watching someone else act especially if they are not very good in my eyes. I find it vital that they have to be good and this is one aspect of a film which is essential to me is right. I tend to love watch films who have actors such as Will smith, Jonny Depp, Leonardo dicaprio, Brad Pitt, and Denzel Wessington. When it comes to women actress, I tend to like watching people such as Angelia Jolie, Natalie Portman, Gwyneth Paltrow, Monica Bellucci and Ashley Judd. When ever I see these ladies playing in a film, I will always go and watch it even if its not may favourite genre.

World war z was a very enjoyable film which came out quite recently. It was very action packed whilst being quite a sci -fiction film. As this isn’t the typical type of genre of film that I could absolutely die for, I found it very good and intresting. When I watched it at the cinema I enjoyed it so much. I remember saying to my friends that it was my best film experince in a fil.