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  • SIT TESOL Certificate Course Practice Teaching Observation Sheet Teachers Name: Ileana # of Students: 3/5 Date: September 4th, 2014 Trainer: Roger Ramirez Level: Intermediate Time: 50 Lesson type/topic: ECRIF Lesson plan: You turned your lesson plan in a day early. Your lesson successfully followed ECRIF. Your objective was well written and SMARTA. Good job getting your lesson plan is so early. General feedback from trainer: Congratulations on teaching your second ECRIF lesson and last lesson for this week. It was a pleasure observing and working with you twice this week. Overall, I noticed that you provided your students with a number of opportunities throughout the lesson for them to clarify and remember the target language in a meaningful and relevant context. You started for example your lesson by creating a beautiful and clear context in which there was a woman waiting in the rain. This provided students with a great way to encounter the language for the first time in your lesson. Then, you had students work with the context of environmental issues in San Carlos. In terms of puzzles, I would like to continue encouraging you to think about how to maximize your students speaking and participation time. Towards the end of your lesson, I noticed when your students seemed ready to be more independent and work alone without the teachers guidance that you were still very present and guiding their speaking time. How might you adapt this task in order to maximize students speaking and participation opportunities? In terms of effective teaching practices, I would like for you to continue working on creating more learning-centered

  • moments. In regards to your work on action points during this lesson: I will be more careful about providing feedback. How do you feel this went for you?

    I will use CCQ after my instructions. Did you use CCQs you planned on using?

    Actions points for next PT: 1. I will maximize students speaking and participation time. 2. I will work on the timing for the earlier stages of framework.


    I notice

    (Description of students and teacher actions or words)

    I am wondering and/or thinking. Interpretation: what helped/hindered

    student learning and Generalizations: Themes and inside or outside theory that connects to and/or

    explain what might have helped and/or hindered student learning

    I am offering

    (specific and measurable possible action plans/suggestions)

    6:28 Ileana: Look at the picture. It looks like yesterday. Where is she? Rocio: water Daniel: I can see some rain, buildings trying to cross the street.

    What a beautiful picture. I think this is

  • Daniel: the problem is when it rains and I get wet and have to go back to work. This is a problem. Ileana: Lets see what she wants The picture now has a bubble with her thinking to herself: I wish I were home

    an effective way of activating students prior knowledge and getting them interested in the lesson. Its nice to see your students speaking so much so early on in the lesson. This is a great way of having students encounter the target language through a very specific and clear context. This will help students better understand the structure they are encountering.

    6:35 Ileana: What wishes do you have right now? Rocio: I wish we have more students. Daniel: I wish have a coffee SS: I wish we have a peaceful world. Ss: a new car Ileana: I wish I had a new car.

    I see your students sharing ideas here in terms of things they wish for their

  • I wish we had a peaceful world. lives and the world. Its sweet to hear all the things they wish for the world. I dont see them using the structure very much, but that means that you have chosen a good topic for this lesson.

    6:41 Ileana projects a picture that says: I wish the earth werent sick. Why is the earth sick? R: Many people cut the trees. Contaminate the river.

    Good scaffolding here Ileana. You started the concept of wishes in general terms and now you are narrowing it down to environmental issues.

    6:43 Ileana: I wish it rained in Guanacaste The sentence is labeled wish +simple past. I wish they didnt throw garbage to the river. I wish I didnt use so many plastic bottles.

    These are great examples for students to see the structure and written form of this grammatical point.

  • 6:45 Ileana is trying to outline the conjugations for the verb to be. Students seem to be struggling a bit. They finally say: I am You are Etc There is a slide projected on the screen with five beginning of sentences and the second part to match. Rocio: I wish people didnt throw garbage to the river. Daniel: I wish the rainforest kept Dont use was Ileana: #3 I wish my neighbors didnt so carless

    I am wondering about the amount of different verbal structures included in these examples. These students tend to focus on conversation a lot more than on explicit grammar. I wonder how theyll do here noticing these. I see the students struggling here. I am wondering if it would helpful for them if there were only one type of verb at a time for each of the wishes they are

    I suggest thinking about when to use less and when more. This seemed like a moment to me in which I would suggest using fewer different structures to help the students focus on less at a time.

  • Rocio: I wish the rivers werent full of plastic bags. Ss: I wish people took care of the environment.

    practicing how to say. Your students got a couple of correct answers here. It seems like the structure is becoming more manageable for them now.

    6:56 Deiber comes in. Ileana asks him: What do you wish for? To be a soccer player like me.

    Good job integrating Deiber! He seems to be catching up fast.

    6:57 Ileana: If we are talking about the environment and how we wish it to be different. We are going to walk around and think about possibilities. What do you wish for? Shows a picture for air pollution. Ileana: I wish there werent air

  • pollution for example. Think of different possibilities. Students stand up and walk around the room looking at pictures. Students are not talking with each other. Ileana goes back to the students and tells them: you have to tell each other what you wish for each picture. Deiber: I wish they didnt cut the trees. Daniel: I wish they plant the trees.

    I am thinking that your students are not clear about what they have to do here. I see them walking around but not talking. Good job going back and giving your students instructions again. They did need more clarification for what they had to do. Its great to see your students talking here. It was bumpy at the beginning, but now I hear them sharing and using

    I am thinking that it would be helpful to model as you did before, but as you walk around with a students so that they also see the structure of the task, not just hear the content.

  • I wish all people didnt contaminate the world. I wish the people think about the water. Deiber: I wish people take care the fishes. Ileana points to the board and says: I wish people Deiber says I wish people took care

    I wish I see your students making some mistakes here in terms of their accuracy using the target language. I am wondering if at this point there would be some sort of responding to inaccuracies and feedback for the students. What stage of ECRIF was this for you? Good job responding to Deibers inaccuracy here. You are reading my mind!! You used an effective and helpful technique for him to see and correct his own inaccuracy.

    Since this was your students first oral practice after they clarified the form and meaning with you, I think it would be helpful to provide them with some feedback on their inaccuracies.

    7:11 Ileana: Now I want you to think about the biggest problems we have here in San Carlos and how you want this to be different. Environmental problems.

  • I: I wish there werent so many bumps on the street. J: I wish people put garbage can in the street. D: I wish people didnt cut the trees.

    Students are sharing their thoughts for what they wish could be different in their community in a T-C way. The students take turns one by one sharing while others sit and listen.

    How might you adapt this task in order to maximize students speaking and participation opportunities?

    7:15 Theres a picture of a genie on the screen. I: What 3 wishes would you ask the genie? J: I wish that the people were aware. D: I wish I was

    The genie visual is fun and engaging! Here students are again sharing in a T-S interaction. One student is talking at a time as the rest are just watching them or just sitting. The idea of learning-centered lessons is to maximize students chances to participant and use the language the most they can. In order for this to happen, the classroom dynamic must be designed in a S-S interaction.

    I suggest having your students do this task in pairs or perhaps in a mingle structure in order to maximize their chances to talk.

  • SIT TESOL Certificate Course Practice Teaching Observation Sheet Teachers Name: Blanca # of Students: 5 Date: September 4th, 2014 Trainer: Roger Ramirez Level: Intermediate Time: 50 Lesson type/topic: ECRIF Lesson plan: You turned your lesson plan in after 11:00 am. Please do try to turn it in on time in order to read the plan in detail and to be able to provide with more detailed and helpful feedback. General feedback from trainer: Congratulations on teaching your second ECRIF lesson and last lesson for this week. It was a pleasure observing and working with you twice this week. Overall, I was excited to see that you provided your students with more opportunities during this lesson to work more independently without as much teacher guidance and control. For instance, towards the end of the lesson your students played a game in which they had to roll the dice and then choose a piece of paper for the number they got. The paper had a question they had to talk about. This was a great moment in your lesson Blanca! I saw your students working in a S-S interaction and they were starting to use the language in a freer and more independent way without much teacher interruption. These are the moments that help students negotiate meaning, try to make sense of what they are doing/saying and hopefully start internalizing the language. In terms of puzzles, I noticed that throughout the lesson there were a number of different grammar points that kept appearing and I wondered if it was too much for the students to work with in a single lesson. For instance, you started with I wish, continued with If I I would and then you added would, could and might. I think this was too much for your students to try to process in one single class.

  • You have met the requirements for designing and implementing an ECRIF lesson. In regards to your work on action points during this lesson: 1. I will monitor timing more closely so that activities last the time planned for. It seemed like you did much better in this area. How do you feel this went for you?

    2. I will design and implement more effective internalize and fluency tasks. Achieved!

    Actions points for next PT: 1. I will work on creating smoother transitions between different activities. 2. I will choose less target language and content to teach.


    I notice

    (Description of students and teacher actions or words)

    I am wondering and/or thinking. Interpretation: what helped/hindered

    student learning and Generalizations: Themes and inside or outside theory that connects to and/or

    explain what might have helped and/or hindered student learning

    I am offering

    (specific and measurable possible action plans/suggestions)

    7:23 Blanca: Do you remember something form each other? J: Deiber wishes to be a cardiologo. S: He wish the person were aware.

    Its great to see that your lesson is building off of the previous class. This will help students feel that there is a sense of progression and continuity in

  • Blanca writes on the board: He wish___es people were aware. Daniel: she wishes would be a magic student. Blanca: Rocio wishes she learn perfect English.

    the lessons. Good job providing students with some feedback here. They had been making this mistake a bit and you helped them with the accurate form.

    7:27 Blanca draws four bubbles on the board. Students draw the same bubbles on pieces of paper. In the middle the write: I wish Students are drawing things that they wish on their piece of paper.

    I think it is a great right brain task to have students drawing their wishes instead of writing them down. This will help foster their creativity and imagination.

  • 7:33 Blanca: I wished I stayed longer in CR. If I stayed longer in CR, where would I go? J: I could go to hot springs. S: To see the arenal volcano. D: If I were a cardiologist, I would save people. Daniel: If I had something in my hands forever, I would can say have. Rocio: I wish I protected all the nature. If I protected I wouldnt let people cut the

    I think you are doing a good job here scaffolding your lesson. The tasks started reviewing a bit what they did with the previous teacher, and now you are building and adding If I I would I am noticing that the students are struggling somewhat with this structure. I think they might be struggling because of the combination of the two structures that you have included in this lesson, both I wish and If I I would/could. I am actually confused now why the I wish piece was part of your lesson at the beginning. It doesnt seem like that are using it for the objective of this lesson.

    How might you simplify the language students are trying to clarify here so that it is easier for them to conceptualize at this point?

  • 7:43 All the students are given a stuffed animal or object. Blanca: For one moment, you are going to imagine you were an object. Blanca: If I were a pencil I would be thin. Daniel: If I were the air, I would like the people dont contaminate. J: If I were a lion, I wouldnt eat too much. Blanca: You can also use would, could , might

    I think it is very helpful that students are practicing using this conditional structure with some support and guidance from you as the teacher. You are helping them with some feedback for each of their examples. I also think that the object they are using to say their examples serves as a creative and tactile element that helps them use the language more easily. I am wondering if this could be too complicated for them right now. I am not sure they understand the difference between would, could, and might.

  • 7:49 S: If Jefferson were a lion, he wouldnt eat too much. Deiber: If Rocio were a donkey, she would like to jump

    I am thinking that at this point, you might want to start creating more opportunities for your students to practice the language in more learning-centered interactions. You have provided them with structure and examples. I think its time to let them work alone to maximize their speaking and learning opportunities.

    You might consider having your students work in small groups at this point.

    7:52 Blanca gives students strips of paper with halves of conditional sentences. They work in pairs trying to make sentences. S: If I didnt eat so much, I would sleep better. If it stopped raining, we would

    I think this is a helpful task for students to clarify and perhaps start remembering the written form of the grammatical point they are learning here. It also adds an element of touch for tactile learners.

  • Blanca: Tell me what they have in common. Deiber: If, the verb in past. S: they have comma. Jefferson: the contraction. Blanca writes on the board: Id Wed Theyd Youd Hed

    I notice here that your students are clarifying the form of the structure. It seems to me that at this point they are ready to do more practice. You only have 13 minutes left for the class. I am not sure this is the most essential information your students need at this point in their learning. I still feel that they would benefit from moving into doing more oral practice now.

    8:03 Students play a game in which they roll the dice and then choose a piece of paper for the number they get. The paper had a question using the conditional. D: If you were in the jungle and you

  • saw a tiger, what would you do? J: I would climb a tree. Rocio: I would buy a dinner for my family.

    This is a great moment in your lesson Blanca! I see your students working in a S-S interaction and they are starting to use the language in a freer and more independent way without much teacher interruption. These are the moments that help students negotiate meaning, try to make sense of what they are doing/saying and hopefully start internalizing the language.

    Please continue creating learning opportunities like these for your students!

    8:09 Blanca: I want you to think you are a very famous person. What would you do to change something for the community if you were the person? Rocio: for example, if I were the president I would kill all the thieves. Students work with a partner. Deiber: If I were I would write a comic for help the people. Jefferson: If I were Obama I would give one present to Joseph.

    Its great to see your students working here again in a more independent and free way. They are using the language

  • in a creative and meaningful way. Its a gift to see them using the target language for this lesson.