feedback on drafting of advert


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Post on 03-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Feedback on drafting of advert

Feedback on drafting of Advert. BY MOLLIE HARVEY.

Page 2: Feedback on drafting of advert

Draft 1.

From my feedback I got quite a good response for this draft. It has been said to be quite simplistic, but also effective. The majority of responses I got back said that they thought by having not too much on the page it makes it much more bold. It would make the image stand out a lot more and really catch your attention. They said I could make the image even bigger, as they thought this is what would catch their attention most, and it is the image which gives you the idea of the album.

Page 3: Feedback on drafting of advert

Draft 2.

This is another draft which I got a good response too. Everyone liked the size of the image as they thought this would automatically catch you attention and make you want to read the advert. They said it was simple which they liked, there wont be too much on the page to distract you. It gets straight to the point. Many people had the criticism of the masthead not looking quite right in the middle of the page. They said it is quite a big part of the advert and it gets slightly lost in the centre of the advert. They feel as if it should be at the top of the page to make more of a statement.

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Draft 3.

I think this was the least favourite draft. Everyone said it looked very boring, and nothing jumped out at them. They liked the size of the image, however, they didn’t like the way in which you would lose some of the image by the box with all the information. They felt as if nothing would really stand out, and information etc. would get lost.

Page 5: Feedback on drafting of advert

Draft 4.

A lot of people from my feedback liked the tree images at the top of the page. They thought it was a good idea to have more than just one image of the artist, as you get to see more about them. One person also suggested having a collage of images of the artist on the advert. Everyone liked the boldness of the masthead, and it was a good way to catch a persons attention. However, many people said the sizing of the information wasn’t right. They felt the images and masthead should be larger as this is what you would be more interested in straight away.

Page 6: Feedback on drafting of advert

My chosen draft.

In my opinion I think my first draft was my best, and I feel from my feedback others thought this too. I think I may have been trying too hard with the other drafts, as I want something simple but effective and this is exactly what my first draft is. I would like to increase the size of the image to make it that bit bolder. While also having a dark coloured background, to fit in with the whole mood of the song etc. I would like to make the information short and snappy. Something which someone can just skim over and get all the information they need. I think this would be the perfect design for my advert.