feelings and $***


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Post on 01-Nov-2014



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who will cry for the little boy?Lost and all alone.Who will cry for the little boy?Abandoned without his own?Who will cry for the little boy?He cried himself to sleep.Who will cry for the little boy?He never had for keeps.Who will cry for the little boy?He walked the burning sandWho will cry for the little boy?The boy inside the man.Who will cry for the little boy?Who knows well hurt and painWho will cry for the little boy?He died again and again.Who will cry for the little boy?A good boy he tried to beWho will cry for the little boy?Who cries inside of me

Who will cry for the little boy?

By Antwone Fisher

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Who will cry cry for the little boy by antwone fisher caught my eye by I can relate. Antwone fisher uses a blank verse in this poem. Antwone suffered all his life trying to find himself because he had nobody to relate to. I enjoyed this poem because it’s a true story. I feel for Antwone though.

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God in His infinite wisdomDid not make me very wise-So when my actions are stupidThey hardly take God by surprise

-Langston Hughes


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Acceptance by Langston Hughes is a simple poem. I found this poem very interesting because I could apply this to my life. I believe the poem is saying that we all make mistakes, so we shouldn’t be down about it. God will forgive us for all our sins because he knows everything we do before we even think of doing it. This poem follows an end rhyme scheme. For example, the poet connected the first and last line together using the rhyming words wise and surprise.

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I’m all alone in this world, she said, Ain’t got nobody to share my bed, Ain’t got nobody to hold my hand— The truth of the matter’s I ain’t got no man.

Big Boy opened his mouth and said, Trouble with you is You ain’t got no head! If you had a head and used your mind You could have me with you All the time.

She answered, Babe, what must I do?

He said, Share your bed— And your money, too.

50-50 by Langston Hughes

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I enjoy reading 50-50 by Langston Hughes’ because its simplistic, but has a very powerful message. In the poem a woman complains that she has nobody, saying such things as “I’m all alone in the world.” The mood of the poem changes when a character named Big Boy is introduced. Big Boy tells the woman that she doesn't’t have to be alone because she could have him. I believe the message behind 50-50 is that we are often the source for our own problems. Many of our problems can be avoided if we just look at what we have and appreciate it rather than want what we don’t have. Langston Hughes uses end rhyme in 50-50.

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Why didn't you staySeeing you as a present and a gift in itselfYou had our child in you, I probably never feel what you feltBut you dealt with it like the strong black woman you areThrough our trials and tribulations, child's eliminationAn intergration of thoughts I feel about the situationBack and forth my feelings was pacinHappy deep down but not joyed enough to have itBut even that's a lie in less than two weeks, we was back at itIs this unprotected love or safe to say it's lustBustin, more than the sweat in somebody you trustOr is it that we don't trust each other enoughAnd believe, havin this child'll make us have to stay togetherGirl I want you in my life cause you have made it betterThinkin we all in love cause we can spend a day togetherWe talkin spendin the rest of our livesIt's too many black women that can say they mothersbut can't say that they wivesI wouldn't chose any other to mother my understandingBut I want our Parenthood to come from PlanningIt's so much in my life that's undoneWe gotta see eye to eye, about family, before we can become oneIf you had decided to have it the situation I wouldn't run fromBut I'm walkin, findin myself in my GodSo I can, discipline my son with my writinNot have a judge tellin me how and when to raise my seedThough his death was at our greed, with no one else to blameI had a book of Afrikan names, case our minds changedYou say your period hasn't came, and lately I've been sleepySo quit smokin the weed and the beadies and let's have this boy

Retrospect For LifeCommon

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A retrospect for life is one of my favorite songs because it is thought provoking. Common is one of my favorite artists because he breaks the stereotype that rappers only talk about sex, money, and weed. In the song retrospect for life, Common addresses the issue of abortion and deadbeat dads. In the song Common says “weekend visits and buying J’s aint gone make me a father.” Common uses the word father instead of dad because there is a difference between the two. A child makes a man a dad, taking responsibility for your child makes a man a father. Common uses many similes and metaphors in his song.

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Say baby, can I be your slave I've got to admit girl, you're the **** girl And I'm diggin' you like a grave Now do they call you daughter to the spinnin post, or Or maybe Queen of 2,000 moons Sister to the distant, yet risin' star Is your name Yimmy-Ya Oh hell nah, it's got to be Oshun Ooo, is that a smile me put on your face child Wide as a field of Jasmine and Glover Talk that talk honey, walk that walk money Hound legs that'll spank Jehovah ****, who am I? It's not important But they call me Brother to the Night And right now I'm the blues in your left thigh Tryin to become the funk in your right

Who am I? I'll be whoever you say But right now, I'm the sight raped hunter Blindly pursuing you as my prey And I just wanna give you injections, of sublime erections And get you to dance to my rhythm Make you dream archaetypes, of black angels in flight Upon wings, of distorted, contorted, metaphoric jism Come on slim **** yo' man, I ain't worried about him It's you who I wanna step to my scene Cause rather than deal with the fallacy Of this dry *** reality I rather dance and romance your sweet ***, in a wet dream Who am I? Well they all call me Brother to the Night And right now, I'm the blues in your left thigh Trying to become the funk in your right Is that alright

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A blues for Nina is a poem performed in Love Jones. Although I don’t completely understand this poem, I have a sense of what the writer is saying. Although this is above my age, I believe this poem is deep and meaningful to all ears for the simple fact that the writer isn’t talking about sex. The poet is talking about falling in love and then acting on it. This is a lesson many of the people in my generation need to learn. Not all relationships need to lust filled. Finding a special woman is more meaningful. In the movie the main character, Darius, says that “romance is about the possibilities.” this speaks volumes. The poet uses allusions throughout the entire poem referring to Nina as “daughter to the spinnin post.”

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miseducationLife is supposed to be a raveBut I’ve been in school 16 yearsI guess that makes me 16 years a slaveIf this life is called living, then we must be doing it wrongFor kids to flee greatness and passion to pursue hitting a bongThere's much more to to this earth than sex, clothes, and moneyEven after martin Luther king said “I have a dream”Black parents still hate that their kids chase bunnies.This is a poem addressing our current situationWe search for good in bad and embrace its sensationGirls/ not women boys/not men in using simple persuasion The things that were once good were forgottenAfrican Americans using the term “nigga” looselyMight as well send us back to picking cottonThe rich eat from the top while the poor eat the rottenThe streets cant change until the rocks stop poppinHonestly, there's no way to end a poem about lifeSuicide to this paperThe pencil is the knife

-Dairius Ragland

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Miseducation focuses on several issues I feel need to be addressed. One of the more important issues I feel is that school teaches us how to be disciplined, not how to have a good life. I enjoyed writing this poem because I feel as if I was speaking for all of my peers. I believe I am saying what everyone is thinking. I used a basic end rhyme scheme. Also, I used language that is offensive to some because its necessary to grab the attention of the reader. For example, I used the word “nigga.”

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Oh the outside looking inI don’t have very many close friendsCrowded places always feel so lonelySurrounded by people yet none of them know meI'm quiet and careful, I keep it all insideBut if someone is special, I open up, thinking they will be there for life

You see people come and they goSo you never know how long it will beSoon enough those heart felt things you shared will leaveCausing me to fall to my knees

My silence looks like weaknessMy sadness portrays defeatThose sticks and stones cant break my bones butThose words they cut so deep

There is no magic cureNo making it all go awayThere are only small stepsTowards the brighter days



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Facet is a poem written by a close friend. She explained to me that she often feels as if she is an outcast amongst her peers. Although she has had a great amount of success, she feels as if she isn’t good enough in certain aspects of life such as track and being social. Mack uses an end rhyme scheme in this poem. For example, the first line and second lines are connected by the words in and friend.

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If I wanted to hear the truth, I would go to churchIf I wanted to hear a lie, I’d put my ear to the dirtEarth is a place where both flirtTo live is to doubt, So wonder is necessaryThe problem comes when beliefs are hereditarySo confused on how one sins so shamelesslyTo curse loudly and proudly is to live aimlessly“Though shall love thy neighbor” so who am I to judgeMy creator made us all equal, No bird shall fly above.So many struggles, so many lessons, when will my faith stop being testedFailure after failure, I feel as if my prayers are being neglectedLife is a perpetual lesson, so long for wishful thinkingTo hell with my religion, I’m tired of waitingWhy does everyone around me seem to get all of your affection?Is my faith being tested? If so, I failed and cant find the correctionsBut I refuse to let the devil get into my head!For my struggles are far less painful, than when my father bledTo live is to doubtTo doubt is to succeed

-Dairius Ragland


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I wrote Doubt to answer my own questions. I feel that poetry is a way to do so. Doubt focuses on keeping faith in my religion through good and bad. In my life I’ve had many ups and downs, but these trials don’t last forever. Doubt is necessary in life for the simple fact that we have to figure out things for ourselves sometimes. I used an example of allusion in this poem when I quoted the bible saying “thou shall love thy neighbor.” Also, this poem is an example of a couplet.

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So many times in my life that I’ve adapted to changeThink of my life as a bookIn which the pages are constantly rearrangedSo many times in my life that I’ve adapted to changeBeing told that only half of my “parents” blood ran through my veins.Dad was always there, but a father… I don’t know where I would begin to look.So many times in my life that I’ve adapted to changeThink of my life as a book.

- Dairius Ragland

Hide and seek

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Hide and seek is one of the most meaningful poems I’ve written. I titled the poem Hide and seek for several reasons. The main reason is because I hide my secrets within this poem, the other reason being part of the secret. Throughout my life I’ve had to change to make myself happy. While doing this I hid parts of my life that hurt me from myself. Typically people vent to others, but in my situation that’s not really an option. I used similes throughout this poem. For example, I compared my life to a book. This poem is an example of a triolet.

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Poof, into thin air goes my dreamsMy heart beats fast, then slows to nothing rapidlyThe desire to be the greatest oozes out of me through screamsI’ve died a thousand times, but still go throughout my day happilyThrough tears, I speakBut my tone is mono and forgettableI am at the bottom, my goal is at the peakI begin to climb, I feel my failure is correctableSlowly but surely, my achievement becomes closerTriumph is my trophyA series of failures blocks my view, I choose to run overWhy should I push forward? My current position is so cozyForget that! I left doubt and pain at the beginning of this journeyThe only thing that helped me reach the top is desire, “can’t” did nothing for me

-Dairius Ragland


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State of mind focuses on overcoming boundaries in life. The mood goes from down to anxious to triumphant. I chose to use such a variety of moods to keep the reader on his/her toes. I used an onomatopoeia to paint a picture in the readers mind. For example, I began the poem with the word “poof.” This poem is an example of a sonnet.


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Fear is a self-inflicted disease in which I suffer fromI try, and try, and try… My life is all work, with no funMy desire to be the best is the bullet inside the gunThe will to be the greatest feeds my soul, allows me to run

From others prospective, I should be basking in my successEveryone around me says, “ you’re way too hard on yourself Dairius”The fear of failure holds me back in lifeI stare into the mirror, looking back at me, is fear with a knife

Through the public’s eyes, I’m all smiles and laughterLittle do they know, I suffer from an uncommon disease called disasterBashing, throbbing, my life keeps moving faster and fasterHow can a 15 year-old suburban kid be so stressedSo many people I can talk toBut all my problems will most likely go unaddressed

Pride and fear must be relatedTo be prideful means to be hatedI live fearfully but neglect consequencesI hope to never pass this disease, cut off my vas deferens

-Dairius Ragland


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Self- diagnosis is focused on putting a smile on even when you’re feeling down. I find this poem especially interesting because I feel like I was the most honest with myself through this poem. Also, I’ve shared this poem with a couple of people who were able to relate to it. This is an example of a free verse rhyme scheme. For example, I rhymed at random times throughout the poem.

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Although I am not a physical burden, they all still fear meGuns, knives, and fists to resolve problems...? Nahh, I prefer a simple simileVerbally violent, immolating any competitionSystematically terminate anybody who comes at me with oppositionNo crimes, picket signs, bodies traced with chalk linesMy words are my petitionMy mind has been proven guilty, My physical body is only under suspicionThey say "once an asshole always an asshole”The past is irrelevant, so I say F your superstitionI'll speak my mind, and not give a damn who hears me!I don't need your two cents; my piggy bank is filled with pennies.How can you negatively speak of someone you've never spoken to?People ask why America can't compare to the ChineseWithout considering the fact that the presidential election got less views than honey boo-booWe live in an ignorant society, where raging alcoholics claim sobriety,Where government officials claim to be diverse, but when elected, show no variety."Keep your friends close and your enemies closer and remember... Trust NOBODY!”Life lessons that I've been taught, but wait... Could they have lied to me......

-Dairius Ragland

Food for thought

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Food for thought focuses on what I believe are major problems we as humans need to address. I used words such as "asshole" in this poem not to fill in the blanks, but to get a point across to the reader that sometimes the wrong way is the right way. By this I mean that just because we have been taught to do something some way doesn't necessarily mean that's the only way. Also, I used this type of language to show the reader that poetry doesn't always have to follow a script. It's ok to break norms. This poem is an example of a free verse.

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Yesterday's struggles are today's achievements With success comes failure,With triumph comes consequence.Excuse after excuse to exert as little energy as possible"NO PAIN NO GAIN,”And no improvement is intolerable

- Dairius Ragland

Heart of a champion

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Heart of a champion isn’t directed directly towards athletes. Having the heart of a champion is a necessity in all aspects of life. This will allow you to overcome many obstacles. My purpose behind writing this poem was to basically check myself on all the things I’ve been doing over the years to get out of working hard. Heart of a Champion follows a couplet rhyme scheme.

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Dubbed "mini me”

Annoyance is foreign to me

Influenced by peers 

Respected by many

Imperfections perfectionist makes me the epitome of irony

Unusual tendencies define me

Subjugated by doubt and fear

Rests peacefully with the knowledge that he died for me

Ambitious individual

Guaranteed to make something out of nothing

Living life to it's full potential

Although I am innocent, the public assumes that I'm a criminal 

Never suspected to be anything less that great

Doing the most to live up to my expectations

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My final poem titled Dairius Ragland is an example of an Acrostic poem. Acrostic poems interest me because they are the most simple poems to create, but are often the most creative. This acrostic poem follows the blank verse rhyme scheme. This means that it didn't rhyme constantly.