felize uruguay!™


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Uruguay Tourist Souvenirs Market Overview

What’s in The Mark?

Trademark: Brand Mark and Brand Name

Products and Collection

Distribution Channels

Marketing Strategy

Other Factors Influencing Souvenir Purchase


Table of Contents

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All proprietary materials, including ideas, concepts, slogans, marks, and models related to the

subject of this presentation is intellectual property of it’s respected owners: Abalone, Ltd (UK),

a Brand Management company, and HUBBLE-BUBBLE | CREATIVE and DESIGN, a Marketing

agency in New York, USA.

The following presentation proposes a SUSTAINABLE DESTINATION

MARKETING program which could be started with the help of a new

brand, and line of original products (in the category of nondurable consumer

goods), created with the intent of exploring the commercial opportunity

created by the existence of a growing, however virtually undeveloped

niche market in Uruguay.


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La creación y desarrollo de Productos Turísticos novedosos, adecuados y rentables, es uno de los retos

más interesantes en el proceso de Uruguay como destino turístico y una necesidad impostergable en

el entorno turístico internacional actual.

Para lograr cumplir este reto con éxito, creando nuevos productos que logren el calificativo de

novedosos y oportunos, es importante convertirse en un buen observador de las tendencias

turísticas internacionales, regionales y nacionales, a fin de identificar las oportunidades que nos

permitan tanto adaptar los productos existentes a los cambios del mercado como desarrollar

nuevos productos para atraer nuevos mercados. Es necesario renovar para mantener una buena

posición competitiva y para evitar el declive de Uruguay como destino turístico.

El segundo entorno está basado en la oferta existente de atractivos, equipamientos y servicios,

los cuales podrán ser complementados con nuevos productos; ligeramente modificados; o

combinados y presentados de una forma diferente que pueda ser percibida como algo nuevo o

atractivo para segmentos específicos del mercado. Estos productos podrán tener distintas formas de

gestión: privados, públicos, y/o de carácter mixto.

En todo caso, es un ámbito enel que se busca desarrollar productos comerciales con alto grado

de eficiencia y que posean las siguientes características:

• Creativo. Que logre poseer características novedosas y a la vez sea funcional; que se adapte a

los requerimientos de la demanda.

• Diferenciado. Con valores agregados, entendidos éstos como aquel “plus” que diferencia al

producto de la competencia.

• Original: Único y adaptado a un entorno cambiante.

• Innovador. Con posibilidad de recrearse en función de la aparición de nuevas necesidades y


• Competitivo. Con una adecuada relación calidad-precio: la mayor calidad posible al menor

precio posible.

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Souvenirs are the tangible part of a tourism experience. Souvenirs provide an excellent opportunity

for potential worldwide advertising and potentially lucrative economic activity (J Holder, 1989).

Further, souvenirs are “symbolic units” in the “tourist art system”, and can be read as “text” (S.

Shenhav-Keller; 1993). Treating the souvenir as a “text” requires one to follow (its) movement from

sense to reference and from what it says to what it talks about (Ricoeur; 1971). Souvenirs can make

a reference to the social and political processes of the area, the context for the production of the

souvenir, authentication, and display of wares on the part of the seller.

Consumer goods acquire symbolic value and serve many purposes for their owners. Souvenirs,

and the memories associated with them, help the consumers participate in non ordinary experiences,

expand their worldview, differentiate or integrate the self with others, and much more. By using

the word “special” it is understood that the object has some meaningful value, memories, and

importance/feelings attached to it for a specific person. As meaning evolves objects become

symbolically significant to their owners.

An economic view on souvenirs also considers their role in destination marketing. With a daily

revenue of 2 billion US $, travel and tourism form the second largest world industry. In this highly

competitive market, distinction becomes more and more important. Strategic branding is mandatory

to achieve success. Well-designed souvenir products may support a destination’s image and its

marketing strategy. On one hand, souvenirs are able to incorporate and materialize symbolic brand

attributes; on the other hand, they trigger conversations about their provenience. In tourism, worldwide

more than 1,480 billion US $ are spent on marketing. Nonetheless, word-of-mouth remains the

most important means of advertising. Souvenirs as messengers of the local count therefore among

the most valuable brand elements.


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Strategically designed souvenir objects and giveaways have the potential to strongly support a

destination’s image and marketing for a long time – and to promote the destination or event in an

indirect but efficient manner. In order to do so, the actors – destination marketers and designers –

have to be aware of the destinations identity and the message they intend to communicate.

Strategic branding is mandatory to achieve success. Souvenirs as powerful messengers of the local

are fairly underestimated; souvenir design does not receive special attention, and souvenir objects

lack distinctive character.

In this respect, event marketing is a step ahead. Numerous examples demonstrate how event

organizers utilize products as markers to both announce an event and make money at the same time.


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Souvenir development plays an important role in destination management because it is both

psychologically and economically related to tourism.

However, in Uruguay, where tourism industry has become one of the biggest segments of the

economy, displacing traditional activities like cattle-ranching and dairy farms, the souvenir industry

is still not organized, and the existing offer consists of only a handful of products that are also

unsatisfactory to the consumer expectations and demand for moderately priced, aesthetically

compelling, meaningful and original memorabilia with a conceptual attachment to the place of origin.

In other words, the tourist souvenir market in this country remains at an underdeveloped stage.

In fact, Uruguay is not even listed in The Worldwide Gift, Novelty & Souvenir Stores Industry Report

(published annually by Barnes Reports).

Furthermore, it is virtually impossible to address the problem properly by relying on the very

weak, almost generic Destination brand “Uruguay Natural” and recourses of local artisans and

designers who are simply unwilling or unable to compete on an International level.

Besides, it is always hard to create any successful export product (including souvenirs) without

indebted understanding of the particular culture, state of mind, and aesthetic preferences of a

foreign consumer (likewise, it is always easier to create a successful product oriented to the locals,

or people you can relate to the most).

This is one of the major reasons it has become a common practice for many international companies

to outsource the solution by hiring creative agents who operate in countries and/or regions

targeted as prospective importers of their products and services.

Uruguay Tourist Souvenirs Market Overview

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Uruguay Tourist Souvenirs Market Overview

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While a Trademark is a simple device used in commerce for identification of goods and services

on the market, a Brand (mark) is a complex sophisticated tool used in marketing for establishing

a certain value in products and services offered directly to consumers in a form of positive and

memorable experiences.

Therefore, the difference between Trademark and Brand could be as big as the difference

between face and image, or person and personality all measured by the power of an individual

appeal. Ultimately, all the marks represent real people in their competition for social and

economical success.

There are no direct business competitors (beside Carminel S.A. who’s activities with the OLE

OLE brand line of products is rather harmful from marketing of the destination stand point),

and only one Tourism Industry brand in Uruguay. Nevertheless, Uruguay Natural brand and its

mark are accepted and being used as the Destination Brand; that is why we have to examine

capabilities of our own brand and its marks by the following comparison:

What’s In The Mark?

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With maximum contrast to Uruguay Natural, which is merely generic: an utterly cold and

impersonal corporate creation pointlessly adopted as a proxy for a Nation Brand and, in reality,

nothing more than an official seal of quality shared by many products and services with no relation

to each other, our brand is focused directly on the Tourism Industry. Our brand carries a single

promise of high-degree hospitality, which is effectively supported by bold marks with an

irresistibly charming, captivating and radiant personality reflecting the true national character

of Uruguayans who are most frequently described as “healthy and happy”, “easy-going”,

“extremely friendly” people with a “laid-back attitude”.

Perhaps this is the best kind of image that any nation and/or corporation could dream of and

definitely the one to choose as the perfect identity for literary the first global brand of Uruguayan origin.


The criteria used for an evaluation of a Destination Brand’s effectiveness is universal, quite simple

and defined by it’s primary purpose - to carry in it’s core, and effectively convey (by being easily

recognisable and memorable marks) the properties of a welcoming statement with the promise

of “good times” for every visitor. This means, that related marks could have any shape or form,

for example a graphic, like “I NY”, or vocal, like “Aloha”.

What’s In The Mark?

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Our version of the Uruguayan “Sun Face” with a unique slogan can be applied to a whole

variety of creatively attached goods and services, including products described in this

presentation, namely Merchandise.


In this particular context, “Feliz Uruguay!” and “Happy Uruguay!” have the meaning of welcoming

statement with invitation to celebrate a unique experience, and a refreshingly original greeting

addressed to holidaymakers (tourists and all visitors to the country) – all made on behalf of

“Destination Point” by the Uruguayan Smiley character.


The Uruguayan Smiley character ia part-flower and part-sun with a reference to Uruguayan

national emblem, as well as the Wind Rose.


The curvy underscore line or ribbon, however, is an optional element resembling the blue

stripe from a waving Uruguayan flag and ocean wave used to highlight the resort quality of

the destination.

Trademark: Brand Mark And Brand Name

™ ™

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Trademark: Brand Mark And Brand Name

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Products And Collection

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Products And Collection

Distribution Channels

All the products should be based on principles of Good Design, respect rules of classic

and modern style, follow latest fashion trends, satisfy requirements of good taste, and

meet high standards of safety and quality established for the materials and craftsmanship

to be insured by the ODM.

The future collection* should include both functional and decorative gift-quality fashion accessories

with a direct connection to the destination and various degrees of authenticity, which

means, whenever possible, the goods should be manufactured locally or handmade by

Uruguayan artisans. Ultimately, each and every item in the collection must be capable of

promoting the National brand, and satisfy consumer demand on moderately priced,

aesthetically compelling, meaningful and original memorabilia with a conceptual attachment

to Uruguay. However, these are just two sides of one coin.

*We have developed twenty different concept products – the core of the upcoming

collection, some of which are featured here.

Chain of distribution for Feliz Uruguay! Brand products has current potential of 200+

locations in airports, hotels, restaurants, and existing retail establishments in Uruguay.

In a short period Feliz Uruguay! Destination Shops could be launched in a number of the above

locations - think “store within the store” format. This new chain may also include standalone

street-level shops operated by territorial distributor and/or sub-franchisees.

International expansion is also possible and could come to reality in not so distant future because

Uruguayan Travel Agency is currently planning to open overseas branches and would definitely

like to make this effort less costly and simultaneously much more efficient, which is only seems

possible in terms of some kind of joint venture with the Feliz Uruguay! Destination Shops (franchise). After all, Uruguay already has several reasons to be compared with Switzerland, which, as a

tourist destination itself, is being successfully presented and promoted by Victorinox Swiss Army

Stores, both at home and around the World satting up a good example for other countries.

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Products include: fashion accessories, including travel, beach apparel, jewelry, stationary, and

gifts for adults and children: hand bags and backpacks, beachwear, beach toys, towels and inflatable

toys, fashion jewellery bracelets, rings, neckless, travel journals, postcards, key rings, wallets,

t-shirts and polo shirts, neck ties and bow ties, baseball caps, gift boxed Christmas tree ornaments,

buttons, golf balls and gloves, smart phones and ipad accessories, home decor bibelots, and

novelties of any kind.

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Marketing Strategy

In particular circumstances characterized by the complete absence of national data (souvenir

industry statistics) crucial for developing of Sales Forecasts, the expansion stage for the

project could follow only after an initial/first season introduction of new brand by limited

number of carefully selected products distributed (in quantities sufficient for a market

test) to the retailers operating in key tourist locations. This would allow for basic data

collection for the creation of a Sales Forecast.

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What people buy is effected by social composition to consumers. However, tourists make

purchase decisions based heavily on the composite value they attach to various attributes

of individual items. In general, they want souvenirs that are easily portable, relatively

inexpensive, understandable, cleanable, and usable upon returning home. Basically three

product attributes are important to tourists;

• Value: as it pertains to range and quality

• Product display characteristics: such as color, display, packaging and size. Tourists are

drawn to store displays that visually present ideas. They are also more likely to spend

money on souvenirs if the display is high quality, imaginative, and attractive.

• Uniqueness: as it pertains to memories from their trip

Tourists use store attributes to deciding where to shop. They select stores based on their

perceptions of the characteristics that they consider to be important.

There are twelve components that motivate consumers to patronize specific businesses;

price, quality, assortment, fashion, sales personnel, location convenience, and other

convenience criteria like:

• Services: consumers value friendly conversation with knowledgeable sales staff.

• Sales promotions

• Advertising

• Store atmosphere

• Reputation on adjustments

Within these components the most important characteristic of businesses in a tourist area

is location because of the amount of time first-time visitors spend orienting themselves

to the area.

Other Factors Influencing Souvenir Purchase

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Carrasco International Airport

HUBBLE-BUBBLE | CREATIVE and DESIGN, is a Marketing agency based in New York, USA.

We provide our clients with creative direction, branding, packaging, photogrpahy, product

developemtn, marketing and advertising of luxury goods, including jewelry, apparel, fragrance,

accessories, automotive, electronics, CPG, and licensed brands.

Our work has been fetured in Vogue, Elle, W, Teen Vogue, InStyle, Arch digest, etc.

Clients include: Beyoncé, DeBeers, Movado, Philip Crangi, Chris Aire, Gucci, Levi’s, Adidas, DKNY,

BASTA Surf, Pooghs, Born The Best, Nili Lotan, Eva Fehren, Kaelen, Alvin Valley, Estée Lauder,

L’Oréal, Porsche, Chrysler, Pepsi, Patron, Nespresso, Chiao, Bacchus Vineyards, Nokia, Virgin Mobile,

Google, MTV, NBC, Warner Brothers, Atlantic Records, Stylebop.com, and others.

All materials whole and in part of the presentation © 2014 Abalone, Ltd

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All materials whole and in part of the presentation © 2013 Abalone, Ltd