fennas drunin npcs

Fennas Drunin NPCs Phillip Gladney ©1999 The Council The council of Fennas Drunin consists of nine members representing the various interests of the area. It meets in the town hall and is led by Paetric. He is one of the oldest and most respected citizens of Fennas Drunin. Paetric has been the leader of the council since right after the Stonearm Wars and was instrumental in the reconstruction of the town. He has the last and usually deciding ballot in any vote. Since the wool trade is so important to the regions economic viability, members of the three aspects of this industry have seats. The shepherds have a representative on the council, as well as the weavers and bargemen. In addition, the farmers and horse breeders from the surrounding countryside are represented by some of the more prosperous members of their community. Lastly, to provide the council with much-needed knowledge of politics and diplomacy, Andalyn has been allotted a seat. 1. Paetric - council leader. Paetric is the largest landowner in the entire region. He has a large ranch almost ten miles north of the city. He usually spends most of his time within the walls of Fennas Drunin, however, since he is getting on in age and the trip to the ranch can be taxing. He has a large townhouse where he stays with his granddaughter, Jayelle. His steward, Raniyr, takes care of his holdings outside of town and is devoted to the elderly man. Still hale for a man of over 60 years, Paetric is very involved in the affairs of the town. Much beloved and respected by the townsfolk he commands a great deal of respect. He lost both of his sons during the Stonearm Wars and is very bitter towards the Rhuadarim for this loss. 2. Corvan - council me mber. A slightly overweight man, Corvan has led the weavers for only a few years. He resides in the top floor of the Weaver's Guild house and supervises the daily affairs of the Guild. His official title is Master of the Weaver's Guild and he makes sure everyone knows it. Within the guild he has many friends for he has made the prosperity of the guild his top priority and has been quite successful in his endeavors. A shrewd businessman, Corvan has recently re-negotiated contracts with both the bargemen and merchants in Tharbad. This has put much extra gold in the coffers of the guild. When not on business, Corvan can be seen frequenting the taverns of Fennas Drunin. 3. Hirdan - council me mber. Hirdan is an elderly man who worked as a shepherd for many years. Now too old to go wandering through the countryside, Hirdan lives in town. He has five sons who work as shepherds and together their flocks represent the largest in the area. Chosen by the shepherds to represent their interests in town, Hirdan has been given a seat on the council. He does not get out much and usually remains within the confines of his house. 4. Nellanne - council me mbe r. Representing the most minor interest in town, Nellanne has very little actual power. The bargemen are frequently out of town running refined wool down to Tharbad for sale and bringing back supplies, so their interests are not always well defined. Nellanne is the proprietor of the largest barge enterprise and operates from a house near the wharf. His social skills are lacking and, like Corvan, can frequently be seen visiting the local taverns. He is one of the wealthiest citizens, but he never shows it for fear of robbery. He always has two off-duty bargemen with him as bodyguards. 5. Feagwin - council me mber. The second most powerful man in Fennas Drunin, Feagwin is a hard-drinking, loud, bear of a man. A Northman by descent, Feagwin has lived his entire life in the Angle. In his early years he was a warrior of some renown and served in the armies of the Angle. During this time he accumulated a small fortune

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Extract from The Guild Companion Ready-to-Run Adventures for Rolemaster or MERP


Page 1: Fennas Drunin NPCs

Fennas Drunin NPCs Phillip Gladney ©1999

The Council

The council of Fennas Drunin consists of nine members representing the various interests of the area. It meets in the town hall and is led by Paetric. He is one of the oldest and most respected citizens of Fennas Drunin.

Paetric has been the leader of the council since right after the Stonearm Wars and was instrumental in the reconstruction of the town. He has the last and usually deciding ballot in any vote. Since the wool trade is so

important to the regions economic viability, members of the three aspects of this industry have seats. The shepherds have a representative on the council, as well as the weavers and bargemen. In addition, the farmers and horse breeders from the surrounding countryside are represented by some of the more prosperous members

of their community. Lastly, to provide the council with much-needed knowledge of politics and diplomacy, Andalyn has been allotted a seat.

1. Paetric - council leader. Paetric is the largest landowner in the entire region. He has a large ranch almost ten miles north of the

city. He usually spends most of his time within the walls of Fennas Drunin, however, since he is getting on in age and the trip to the ranch can be taxing. He has a large townhouse where he stays with his

granddaughter, Jayelle. His steward, Raniyr, takes care of his holdings outside of town and is devoted to the elderly man. Still hale for a man of over 60 years, Paetric is very involved in the affairs of the town. Much beloved and respected by the townsfolk he commands a great deal of respect. He lost both of his

sons during the Stonearm Wars and is very bitter towards the Rhuadarim for this loss.

2. Corvan - council member. A slightly overweight man, Corvan has led the weavers for only a few years. He resides in the top floor of the Weaver's Guild house and supervises the daily affairs of the Guild. His official title is Master of

the Weaver's Guild and he makes sure everyone knows it. Within the guild he has many friends for he has made the prosperity of the guild his top priority and has been quite successful in his endeavors. A

shrewd businessman, Corvan has recently re-negotiated contracts with both the bargemen and merchants in Tharbad. This has put much extra gold in the coffers of the guild. When not on business, Corvan can be seen frequenting the taverns of Fennas Drunin.

3. Hirdan - council member.

Hirdan is an elderly man who worked as a shepherd for many years. Now too old to go wandering through the countryside, Hirdan lives in town. He has five sons who work as shepherds and together their flocks represent the largest in the area. Chosen by the shepherds to represent their interests in town,

Hirdan has been given a seat on the council. He does not get out much and usually remains within the confines of his house.

4. Nellanne - council member. Representing the most minor interest in town, Nellanne has very little actual power. The bargemen are

frequently out of town running refined wool down to Tharbad for sale and bringing back supplies, so their interests are not always well defined. Nellanne is the proprietor of the largest barge enterprise and

operates from a house near the wharf. His social skills are lacking and, like Corvan, can frequently be seen visiting the local taverns. He is one of the wealthiest citizens, but he never shows it for fear of robbery. He always has two off-duty bargemen with him as bodyguards.

5. Feagwin - council member.

The second most powerful man in Fennas Drunin, Feagwin is a hard-drinking, loud, bear of a man. A Northman by descent, Feagwin has lived his entire life in the Angle. In his early years he was a warrior of some renown and served in the armies of the Angle. During this time he accumulated a small fortune

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and used it to by land. He started a ranching operation and now breeds the best horses in the entire area. Underneath his gruff exterior, Feagwin is a caring, trustworthy and honest man. He respects truthfulness

and righteousness above all else and can be a daunting adversary to those who have neither. His closest friend is Paetric and together the two men have the power to do whatever they want within the council

and Fennas Drunin itself, although they have never abused this power. When out on the town he is always accompanied by two or three of his best men who consider it an honor to guard his person.

6. Euylrass - council member. One of the younger members of the Fennas Drunin town council, Euylrass considers himself the

consummate outdoorsman. Frequently organizing and taking part in boar hunts, fishing expeditions and the like, this tall athletic man has many friends within the community. His two younger brothers are both members of the Red Lances and visit whenever they can. Euylrass's land holdings are considerable and

he raises cows, pigs and chickens as well as growing a considerable amount of crops.

7. Gundryk - council member. The other major horse breeder in the region is Gundryk. He is the descendant of Gramuz emigrants and has built up his lands through careful business endeavors, sound investments and a healthy amount of

frugality. He is known throughout the region as a spendthrift and can be seen arguing about the price of something as trivial as a mug of ale. Given to bouts of depression since he lost his son and wife to the

plague many years ago, he is determined to outdo Feagwin as the wealthiest and most prodigious horse breeder. His horses are of fine quality indeed, however they are second best to the stock from Feagwin's stables. His significant holdings in the area assure him a seat on the council for years to come.

8. Lorrial - council member.

Another wealthy landowner, Lorrial is a family man in the truest sense of the word. Devoted to his wife and children, Lorrial works long hours on the farm. He usually comes into town only for meetings of the town council and always brings the entire brood with him. A deeply religious man, Lorrial has set up a

shrine to Yavanna on his lands and prays there often. It must work, for his produce is generally considered the best in the entire area and he rarely has problems with insects, lack of rainfall or any

other crop-related malady. 9. Andalyn-council member.

Andalyn, an elderly lesser Dunadan, spent his youth in the city of Fornost. Tutored at a young age in herbs and lesser enchantments by a full- fledged court seer, he knows much of the politics of Eriador.

Later he went on to study under one of the more powerful magicians in Arthedain, a mysterious old man known as Gandalf. He has served the Free Peoples in many posts and places and chose to settle down in this small town near the border of Rhudaur about a decade ago. For his livelihood, he runs a small shop

on the outskirts of town dealing in simple herbs and advice. In addition, he is the main agent of the Council of the Wise in the area and keeps both the Elves of Rivendell and Gandalf himself appraised of

all events. A simple, unassuming man on the outside, Andalyn hides his true power and wealth from the people of the region. He rarely uses his magical powers since it would undoubtedly draw attention to him from unwanted places. His knowledge of Rhudaur and Angmar is expansive and because of this has

been granted a seat on the council.

Other important Fennas Drunin NPCs

10. Amrill - merchant.

A tall man with silky black hair, Amrill portrays himself to be from Gondor. This is the furthest from the truth, for Amrill's true name is Uzathor and his country of origin is Umbar. He serves as the main agent

for Angmar in the area and has the responsibility of forwarding messages from Cardolan into Rhudaur and beyond. Using his merchant company as a cover, he is able to smuggle dispatches and reports into Rhudaur with ease. He is also able to supply Angmar with drugs and some of the goods and wares that

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are difficult to obtain, by pretending to ship them over the Misty Mountains. He has lived in Fennas Drunin since before the Plague and is a well-respected member of the community. He is notorious for

buying rounds of ale at the local taverns and his charity to beggars and orphans is unmatched. He is particularly well thought of in the Dunlending community and provides odd jobs for their members

periodically. To manage the contraband and drug smuggling operation, he keeps a secret camp of 4-5 men on the other side of the Bruinen. These men smuggle the goods into and out of Fennas Drunin and act as liaisons to his caravans once the caravans are outside the town walls. Sometimes he uses these

men to handle "problems" in town or make troublemakers disappear. Amrill has also bribed or extorted all of the River Guards who live in the easternmost tower to look the other way when his men bring the

illicit goods into town in the middle of the night. Amrill has a scribe named Leoric to help him with the bookkeeping aspect of the mercantile enterprise.

11. Leoric - scribe. A blond bearded Gramuz from Rhovanion, Leoric keeps the books for Amrill the merchant. He also

takes care of the crebain that carry messages northward to Angmar. He has studied the dark arts in Carn Dum and thus can be a formidable foe in combat. He hates all other men and rarely leaves the domicile of Amrill. He spends his free time spying on the people of Fennas Drunin from his room. Leoric's family

was killed during an Easterling raid on their settlement when he was only a child. Only he and his sister survived. They were forced into Laketown as orphans and had a rough life. This scarred Leoric

emotionally and made him an easy target for seduction by the agents of the Witch-king. Ironically, the man responsible for the deaths of Leoric's parents is the same man in charge of the Angmarean expedition to Minas Brethil, Kas Horva. If Leoric were somehow to see him, he would instantly

remember that day long ago and he might even denounce his ties to Angmar. This would be a major coup for the leaders of the Free Peoples as Leoric has information on many of the current operations in

Cardolan. 12. Thorlaven - mercenary captain.

Thorlaven leads the River Guard mercenary unit. He is one of the biggest men in town and is definitely one of the best warriors. He is from the Cantons and has fought in every major battle in the past twenty

years. Known to push his weight around town he actually has very little power. His soldiers deal with him as best they can, however there is no real loyalty to him in particular. He can be loud-mouthed and argumentative to people he knows he can defeat in armed combat, but can in turn be warm and

neighborly to people he's not sure about. A true bully, Thorlaven has few real friends and spends many a night alone in his room with a bottle of wine.

13. Descarr - horse merchant. This man is the most reviled man in town. A short Dunlending with a vicious scar on his face, Descarr

runs a stable in the east part of town. It specializes in mules and worn out horses. The quality is below average at best. He primarily rents these out to fellow Dunlendings who must use them to bring in crops

from the field, but he has sold the occasional horse or mule to wandering travelers who don't know better. He also runs the day to day affairs of the drug smuggling operation for Amrill. This is where he gets his money because the income he makes from the horse and mule business is next to nothing. He

obtains drugs from Cardolan and ships them north into Rhudaur and Angmar where there is a healthy demand. He operates under Amrill and takes orders from him even though they are never seen together

in public. This just wouldn't do. If Amrill were to be seen with a man such as Descarr he would lose face. Likewise, Descarr keeps all of the illegal substances in his stable, so that Amrill position in town will never be endangered.

14. Raniyr-steward of Paetric's household

Raniyr has been working for Paetric for nearly all of his life. Devoted to the man for his patronage and friendship, Raniyr is as trustworthy as they come. He usually spends most of his time on Paetric's farmstead taking care of business, but will come into town occasionally.

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15. Jayelle - granddaughter of Paetric.

This beautiful young woman is the most sought after maiden in town. Her inheritance is a major prize and many young men constantly vie for her favor. She is fiercely independent, however, shunning every

offer so far and runs Paetric's townhouse with a relatively strict demeanor. Underneath her cool appearance, she is just waiting for the right man to enter her life and treat her like a queen.

16. Derbraugh - influential Dunlending Derbraugh is an immigrant from one of the tribes dwelling in the northern part of the Angle. These

tribes are notorious for switching allegiances to whoever has the upper hand in the continual border conflict. Due to this, Derbraugh is not trusted too much outside his own community of fellow Dunlendings. Within his community, however, he is the leader and his word is final. He is a direct

descendant of one of the well-known and revered tribal chieftains of the region and so common Dunlendings traditionally look to him for guidance. Derbraugh is also one of the largest Dunlendings in

town and is a great warrior in his own right. On occasion Derbraugh is called before the town council to represent dunnish interests. Contrary to popular belief, Derbraugh is devoted to the town and would never do anything to endanger it. The Dunlending warrior is also highly intelligent and could be a

powerful ally to anyone clever enough to give him a chance.

Fennas Drunin NPC Character stats

Name # Level Hits AT DB Sh Gr 1st OB 2nd OB 3rd OB MM Notes

Paetric 1 7 73 2 10 N N 59ss 45sb 30da 5 Elderly Mixed man

Feagwin 1 9 117 14 45 Y A/L 122bs 105ml 90sb 10 Northman Warrior

Gundryk 1 7 108 16 40 Y A/L 110bs 95ml 80sb 5 Northman


Lorrial 1 5 75 9 30 Y N 86ma 82lb - 15 Eriadoran


Euylrass 1 6 85 13 45 Y N 91bs 87lb - 20 Eriadoran Ranger

Corvan 1 5 68 6 30 Y N 64ss 49sb - 5 Mixed man Bard

Nellanne 1 6 74 9 35 Y N 82ha 65sb 45da 10 Eriadoran Scout

Hirdan 1 6 54 2 5 N N 43ss - - 0 Eriadoran


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Andalyn 1 9 73 2(10) N N 52qs 78ds - 15 Lesser

Dunadan Mystic

+20 qs, magical, strikes as a mace; Robes, +5 DB, protect as RL; Ring x3 pp adder

Thorlaven 1 9 129 15 40 N A/L 120bs 80sb 80ml 5 Northman


Amrill 1 14 137 14 65 Y A/L 136bs 120sb 102ml 15 Black Numenorean Warrior

+15bs, magical, Of Slaying Elves; +10 chain armor & shield; Pendant, +10 DB, continuous "Misfeel True"

Leoric 1 7 52 2 5 N N 64ss - - 10 Gramuz Evil Animist

Necklace, x2 pp adder; Orb, quadruples spell range (large); +5ss; Spell Lists: Disease, Dark Lore, Animal Mastery, Nature's Movement, Symbolic Ways, Lofty Movements, Light's Ways,

Nature's Protection; PP: 28, BS: +14, DS: +55

Descarr 1 5 68 5 35 Y N 76ss 60da - 10 Dunlending


Jayelle 1 2 42 2 5 N N 31da - - 5 Mixed man Bard

Raniyr 1 6 69 5 10 N N 57ss - - 10 Mixed man Bard

Derbraugh 1 7 112 10 40 Y A 107ha 86sp 68ja 10 Dunlending Warrior

River Guard

Lieutenant 4 7 105 15 40 Y A/L 105bs 95ml 80cp 10 Mixed men Warriors

Guardsman 160 3 70 10 30 Y A 70bs 60sp 50sb 5 Mixed men


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Fennas Drunin Encounter Tables

Fennas Drunin Encounter Table

No encounter 01-70

Peddler/Merchant 71-75

River Guard unit 76-83

Beggar 84-87

Refugee Group 88-91

Thugs 92-96

Major NPC 97-00

The above encounters represent significant interactions outside of the normal daily routine. In a town, player

characters will actually encounter numerous individuals, however, only a few will result in any dialogue or action since most people will just walk on by. Below are a few notes on each specific encounter:

1. Peddler/Merchant - this individual will seek out the characters and attempt to sell various items to them. He will be aggressive and use every means at his disposal to sway the characters, including pity.

His wares are of standard fare, but may be of some interest to characters. He might even possibly have something valuable.

2. River Guard unit - this group of five guardsmen will accost the party and attempt to ascertain their reason for being in the city. They are not overly abusive and have no ill will towards the party. They are

just doing their job. Dropping a few names should suffice for groups not well known throughout the town. Famous characters will not only be left alone, but the guardsmen may even come over and invite

the PC's for drinks later, pleading to hear about some of their adventures. 3. Beggar - one or more beggars will solicit the group for charity. They will have a sad story about losing a

flock of sheep or bandits burning their farm as justification for their current predicament. The party has no inclination to give, however: frequently the beggars of a town also know the most gossip since they

stay on the streets all day. 4. Refugee group - this encounter could be varied. It consists of a family of recent refugees gaining the

attention of the party. They may ask for an odd job or recent rumors about the current political situation. They may try and sell some produce they brought with them or obtain some needed items such as tools

or utensils. Some may even ask for a little advice about the use of a particular weapon they see one of the characters carrying. They will be an excellent source of information about the countryside should the party ask them any questions.

5. Thugs - every town has its bullies and men who can't handle their alcohol. This encounter should

happen at night if the party has decided to haunt the local taverns. It may be a perceived slight or a spilled drink, but one or more locals will become angry with one or more of the party members. A brawl may ensue, but remember, if any of the party uses weapons they will be considered outlaws and may

spend the campaign locked up in the provincial jail located near the town hall. As long as fists are the only weapons used then the PC's will be fine.

6. Major NPC - one or more of the major NPC's of the town will be out on the town. It will probably be one of the NPC's who live in town, however, with all of the recent commotion in the region lately, that

isn't necessarily the case. It may be Feagwin accompanied by two or three of his men drinking at tavern or it could be Amrill trying to find out some information or cozy up to the party. If Amrill is

encountered, he will attempt to become friends with the party and use this to cleverly obtain details

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about their current loyalties and interests in town. He will buy the party some drinks and pretend to be interested in hiring them for some caravan work. If pressed, he will offer no real details and will promise

to keep them informed if "anything shows up". This would be an ideal encounter since the party will have to later figure out that Amrill is indeed the Angmarean agent working out of Fennas Drunin. Amrill

having detailed information about the party's strengths and weaknesses could give him a decided advantage. If the GM chooses to have the PC's encounter another of the NPC's then they may use that to their advantage by becoming friends with them. The GM will have a good bit of freedom with this

particular encounter and should use it to further his interests/direction in the campaign.