feral children

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Post on 01-Mar-2016




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FERAL CHILDA feral child (also, colloquially, wild child) is a human child who has lived isolated from human contact from a very young age, and has no (or little) experience of human care, loving or social behavior, and crucially, of human language. Some feral children have been confined by people (usually their own parents) where in some cases; this child abandonment was due to the parents rejection of a childs severe intellectual or physical impairment. Feral children may have experienced severe child abuse or trauma before being abandoned or running away. Feral children are sometimes the subjects of folklore and legends, typically portrayed as having been raised by animals.Feral children lack the basic social skills that are normally learned in the process of enculturation. For example, they may be unable to learn to use a toilet, have trouble learning to walk upright after walking on fours all their life, and display a complete lack of interest in the human activity around them. They often seem mentally impaired and have almost insurmountable trouble learning a human language. The impaired ability to learn a natural language after having been isolated for so many years is often attributed to the existence of a critical period for language learning, and taken as evidence in favor of the critical period hypothesis.Oxana Malaya, a Feral Dog Girl Oxana Malaya was born in November 4, 1983, in Kherson Oblast, Ukraine without any abnormalities both physically and mentally.She spent her life living with dogs. Rejected by her mother and father, she somehow lived for 6 years, eating raw meat, walking on all fours, barking and sleeping in a kennel, before being taken into care. Her Parents were alcoholics, and when she was just three, they locked her out of the house, because they wanted a boy, not a girl. So the three year old crawled into the dog kennel looking for warmth. And since then, she relied on the dogs warmth to keep her alive.Oxana's next door neighbor was the one that saw her acting like a dog, so she called the police for help. When they got there, she charged at them and barked, while her dog friends yanked on their chains, sensing strangers. The bonding with her pack of dogs was so strong, that they had to distract the dogs by giving them food to get Oxana away. They soon found out that she had extremely acute senses of hearing, smell and sight. This happened when she was 8 years old, but the damage was already done and affected his behavior.Since Oxana's discovery, Scientists have looked for clues in a handful of other recorded cases of feral children, in their efforts to make her human again.Even though her parents started all this, she still wants to meet her parents that abandoned her."I want to meet them so desperately, because i have been told that I have no parent, which actually I do" spoken in her own words.When she got taken away from her dogs, she wouldnt, or couldnt speak human language, although she barked dog language, and it took her quite a few years to speak human language properly.Scientists have found out that if she got kicked out at the age of one and started living with the dogs, she wouldnt be able to learn to speak her proper language at all. This is because one year olds (and younger) brains have heaps of room to learn how to speak, as they haven't been learning to speak yet. And when the baby learns to speak an animal language, which heaps of room gets filled up. And never again can you speak the human language again.Although because she got kicked out at the age of three, she would have been starting to talk, and known what some words mean, and so she could learn her proper language again.Malaya was eventually transferred to the nursing home for mentally-disabled adults in Barabol (rural Ovidiopol Raion of Odessa Oblast). She underwent years of specialized therapy and education to address her behavioral, social and educational issues. She was taught to speak fluently, and many of her behavioral problems were remedied.She helps look after the cows at the clinics farm. She has said to the clinic people that she is happiest when among dogs, so the clinic now has a couple of dogs for Oxana's happiness.Oxana is now 28 and making an astonishing recovery, but her future still hangs in balance. When she was 22, she had a boyfriend, and showed him how she could bark, and run on all fours. It was so convincing that he bolted like a terrified postman. Psychologists, last month, concluded that she is not ready for the human world.