feral guide (at) - badgerzz [complete version]

ORIGINAL CONTENTS [21/07/2013] : Joël '' Xinh '' S. CONTRIBUTIONS : Rockoj, Zephi, Nearz, Umadz, Izily How-To-Feral Buddy Guide Patch 3.3.5 – TLK ARENA TOURNAMENT – Europe www.arena-tournament.com June – July 2013 - 1 -

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  • ORIGINAL CONTENTS [21/07/2013] : Jol '' Xinh '' S.CONTRIBUTIONS : Rockoj, Zephi, Nearz, Umadz, Izily

    How-To-Feral Buddy GuidePatch 3.3.5 TLK



    June July 2013

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    III. BESTIARY 12-21




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    This guide DOES NOT presents neither any correction nor modification of Zephi's Feral/Disc guide for 3.3.5a published on AT forum in March 2013, which deals mainly about his setup (2500+ EXP as Feral/disc). However, I recommend you to read it as it's well-written and contains relevant information about his comp/gameplay and it deserves some credit.I neither pretend being more experienced than him as we're usually not playing the same comp and have a different gameplay, nor say that my guide is better or ''the BEST FERAL GUIDE'', as well i'm not that kind of guy who does rivalry with others.The following pages will show you my way to play this class and spec, and should be considered as an alternative or a buddy for your gameplay and a 2nd guide regardless of Zephi's contents, to improve on certain points.


    My name is Jol S., most commonly known as Xinh or Badgerzz. I play feral since 2009 and on AT since late 2011 and I've reached around 2,4+ as feral/hunter, 2,3+ as feral/srogue and 2,000+ in 3s. (Max ratings achieved : March 04, 2013)

    I never played retail because I don't want to pay a per-month subscription in a game and during this time my friends were playing on AT so i decided to come and enjoy playing with them which i find it more interesting.

    I'm basically a 2xDPS player, especially MM/Feral, which is more dynamic and fun than healer/DPS comps. I ran this comp each season, reached at least 2,2 with several experienced hunters and 2,0+ without 264 pieces and won some top rated players.

    Even though I've learned to play feral at beginning by this way, I'm less experienced (2,150+ with disc and rsham), and also not a fan of healer/feral setups as i find it a bit limited, linear and less funny to play than a 2x DPS comp.

    Before writing this guide, I was sharing as most as possible my knowledge of this class to some friends who wanted to start playing feral, especially one of them which I follow since January 2012 and I would like to give him a huge respect for his gameplay improvements.

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    This guide contains in-depth information and explanations about feral druid spells, specs/glyphs, gearing system and my way (and not THE BEST WAY ) to play it, especially in arena as my main comp MM/Feral (part VI of this guide)As I mentionned at the previous page, you're not obliged to follow word by word this guide feel free to follow your own gameplay, it must help to improve on certain points.Furthermore, dont take this guide as an absolute truth : game and players are constantly evolving over time (including me) and you will probably face some situations which are not mentionned.Please note that I've written this guide to share my knowledge about this class-spec and my main comp, but writting that guide does not mean that I'm the best feral - you must know that there are better ferals and there will always be at least one. In addition, no one has neither taught me how to play this class in general, nor helped me to play against several counters, etc. since I started to play feral 4 years ago, never in retail, and my gameplay in the battlefield isn't really inspired from other ferals, I made it only by myself. I consider myself being sufficiently experienced to write this guide, otherwise I would not do it. So if you find something that seems wrong to you, it's normal and I respect it; everyone can have divergent opinions but remember that this guide shows MY way to play a feral druid.Finally, this guide might contain incomplete parts due to lack of tactics, and english mistakes (as it's not my native language, I'm french); in order to make it better, if you have any suggestions, or constructive criticisms, feel free to contact me with the following ways:

    PM @ Badgerz in AT forum /w ingame : Teemomiddle (main), Diagonalx, Widjet, Badgerxx, Heyclonjk, Brojet

    This guide is also available on this website: www.theferalnetwork.net funded by Zephi. It regroups our guides, information and media about feral druids.

    To conclude, any feedback about this guide would be really appreciated.Thanks in advance, and good reading !

    Best regards,Xinh


    Nearz, a decent feral, 2,3+ EXP who I coach since January 2012 and still continues to improve everyday, also an excellent IRL friend and always motivated me to play better even though in bad moments.

    Rockoj, 2,4+ hunter which i still play with since December 2012, and have reached my best ratings with a real positive attitude and humility. Also for his contributions to this guide.

    Popochh, another good hunter I played with, reached 2,300 with him, and 2K in 3s, without him I could not have played this setup and improve myself. Also for his positive attitude and for the funniest moments passed in wow.

    Izily, a nice fire mage, like Popochh, who makes my days better and funnier. Also for great moments while queueing as feral/hunt/fire.

    Acelol, an excellent Srogue which I've enjoyed queueing as feral/srogue. 2,300 reached with him.

    Zephi, author of his Feral/disc guide, the main contributor to the guide for his English corrections , including me to his project and publishing my guide in his website.

    All contributors listed at first page. And many others who I played with, it would take too much time to write the entire list, but also

    you, for reading this guide !

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    The first thing to know about feral druid is his versatility. That means your 3 forms (cat, bear and human) are meant to be used. Even if this spec is based on melee damage as you spend majority of time in cat form, it is also an effective healer during critical situations, a tank with multiple bruiser capabilities, and also a set of balance spells to trick your enemies in order to get comfortable situations while damaging your targets.


    Here are a little description of druid spells. I also add some information about how damage of feral/healing spells are calculated with AP/HB ratio (like in League of Legends), based on DrDamage's calculations. All values are at level 80.( KEY: AP Attack power / HB Healing bonus / EP Energy points / MP Mana points / CD Cooldown )You will also notice that some spells are an equivalent to Rogue or Warrior abilities and can have exactly the same effect.

    1 Feral Combat Abilities

    Common to Bear and Cat formsBerserk: (3 min CD) Simply an absolute nightmare for all preys you encounter. Frees your character from Fear effects and makes you immune to it for 20 seconds (not including Death coil and SP's psychic horror this can be confusing)In bear form, Mangle(bear) has no CD and it hits up to 3 closest targets.In cat form, reduces all energy costs by 50% but makes you unable to use Tiger's Fury while berserk is active. Does not break stealth.

    Survival Instincts : (3 min CD) An equivalent of Last Stand (warrior), increases your current and maximum HP by 30% for 20 seconds. When 20 seconds are passed, you will lose all of these HP and if your health is below the amount gained, you will return at 1 HP. Does not activate GCD. Breaks stealth

    Faerie Fire/ Faerie Fire (feral): (30yd range, 6 sec CD) Rogues,other druids and Night elves will hate you. This ability prevents stealthing for 40 seconds and should be constantly kept up on these targets. Also ignores a small amount of armor and deal magic damage when used in bear. Always use it when opening rogues or ferals and keep it active all times on them. In human form, this spell has no CD.

    Leader of the Pack: (Passive ability, 100yd radius, 6 sec internal CD) Increases melee & ranged crit chance, heals you and your group for 4% of max HP when they crit every 6sec and also regen a portion of your mana when you get healed by this spell.

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  • Cat form STEALTH MODEPounce : (50 EP 18% * AP)Your main and 4 sec stunning opener, like Rogue's cheap shot, except the only difference is that adds a long bleed dealing damage.

    Ravage : (60 EP - 7,1% * AP) Second opener equivalent to Rogue's Ambush spell, which does instant damage. Must be behind your target. You won't often use it as you will mostly use pounce and its damage is quite low without buffs /procs up, but it can be used as a burst damage when you're playing feral/rogue and able to restealth & if you've already used Pounce's DR, for example.

    Cat form NON-STEALTH MODEDamaging abilitiesMangle (cat) : (45 EP base cost , 40 EP with Ferocity talent, 34 in mangle spec 7,1% * AP, 1 CP) A damage ability which applies a debuff that increase damage done by bleeds and Shred ability by 30% and slows your target (with talent). It will always be your first damage gcd to use after pounce, before your other abilities when opening. Also slows targets with the talent Infected Wounds.

    Shred : (60 EP base cost , 42 EP with shred spec 7,1% * AP, 1 CP) Your main damage ability equivalent to Backstab. Must be behind your target to use it. Deals huge damage to a target affected by Mangle debuff and bleeds that means, these 2 debuffs must always be up to your target to keep its effectiveness. Also slows it with the talent Infected Wounds.

    Rake : (35 EP base cost , 30 with Ferocity talent 7,1% * AP, 1 CP) Bleeding ability which deals decent damage over time. Should be always refreshed on your target.

    Swipe: (45 EP) AoE damage ability in front of you, used mostly to kill image mirrors.

    Ferocious bite: (35 EP base cost + up to 30 additional EP 35% * AP) Your ''eviscerate'', biggest damage ability and mostly used as a finisher to score frags.Deals incredible damage with all combo points & energy, and also have an additional 25% crit chance when used on bleeding targets.

    Rip: (35 EP 30% * AP) Finishing move that bleeds hard your target for a long duration, improvable with the right glyphs. Each tick have a chance to crit.

    Controlling abilitiesMaim: (10 sec. CD - 35 EP base cost 20 EP with PvP hand set 7,1% * AP) A kidney shot equivalent for ferals, deals small damage and stuns your target for up to 5 seconds depending on combo points. Shares same DR with Bash (bear form).

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  • Utility abilitiesProwl : (10 sec CD after de-stealthing) Your stealthing spell, without this you could not be called as a ' feral '.While stealthed, decreases your movement speed by 30%. Does not activate GCD.

    Savage Roar : (25 EP) Finishing move that increases all physical damage done by 30%. Must be permanently activated. Can be used when your target out of LoS. Note that this ability does not bring you in combat, but breaks your stealth

    Tiger's Fury: (30 sec CD) When used, increases damage done by 80 (without multipliers) and instantly restores 60 energy. Used to land a small burst when Berserk is under CD. Does not break your stealth. Does not activate GCD. Cannot be used while Berserk is active.

    Feral Charge (cat): (10 EP, 8-25yd range, 30 sec CD, shares same CD with Bear charge) You jump behind an enemy, dazing him for a small duration. Does not break stealth, and also does not brings you in combat. No GCD activation.

    Dash: (10 EP, 3 min base CD, 2 min 24 with glyph) A rogue's sprint equivalent for ferals. Lasts 15 seconds. Does not break itself when shapeshifting (but no effect) and does not break stealth. No GCD activation.

    Bear formDamaging abilitiesMangle (bear) : (20 base rage 15 with ferocity talent 6 sec CD - 17,9% * AP) See above (Mangle cat)

    Maul : (15 base rage 10 with ferocity talent 17,9% * AP) Deals additional damage on your next attack, with same possible bonuses like Shred : 30% under mangle effect and 20% if a bleed is applied. Slows also your target with Infected Wounds talent

    Lacerate : (15 base rage 13 with Shredding attacks talent 6% * AP) A minor but long bleeding stackable up to 5 times. Useable while tanking rogues when you want to keep a bleed effect on them for example.

    Swipe (bear) : (20 base rage 15 with ferocity talent 6,3 * AP) Same effect as Swipe (cat) but lesser damage, and affects all targets on a small area around you.

    Controlling abilitiesBash : (10 rage 1min base CD, 30 sec with talent) Same effect as Maim (shares same DR). 5 sec stun.

    Feral Charge (bear): (5 rage, 8-25yd range, 15 sec CD, shares same CD with Cat charge) You charge an enemy, physically immobilizing him (undispellable) for a small duration and kicks him for 4 seconds. Shares same DR with Entangling roots. No GCD activation.

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  • Utility abilitiesEnrage : (1 min CD) Restores a portion of your rage instantly+ over time and increases your damage within bear form while buff is active with related talent, and sacrifies a portion of your armor (16%). No GCD activation. Useful after a bear form switch, to instantly charge, bash or use your frenzied regeneration.

    Frenzied regeneration : (3 min CD) Another defensive ability which regen a portion of your health over time by converting your rage every second. Each tick has a chance to crit. Same effect than warrior equivalent.

    Demoralizing roar : (15 rage, ~8 yd radius) Same effect than warrior's demoralizing shout, reduces an amount of AP to close targets. Used also to de-stealth rogues/druids/NEs close to you.

    Savage Defense : (Passive ability, 10 sec internal CD) A passive ability in Bear form, which allows you to absorb physical damage equal to 25% of your AP in bear form when you land a crit, applicable to the next hit you take within 10 seconds.

    2 Restoration Spells & Abilities

    Healing abilitiesHealing touch : (3 sec base cast, 2,5 sec with Naturalist talent, 1153 MP, 40yd range 161.1% of HB) Long-casting healing ability with high mana costs that restores you a large amount of health. Most commonly used as instant cast with Predator's Swiftness' proc.

    Regrowth : (2 sec base cast , 1013 MP, 40yd range 1.85 * HB) Medium-casting healing ability with additional HoT, but with high mana cost.

    Rejuvenation : (629 MP, 40yd range 1.8 * HB) HoT spell, instant cast and reasonable mana cost.

    Nourish : (629 MP, 40yd range 67,3% * HB) Shorter cast than Regrowth, reasonable mana costs, and need a HoT applied to the target to increase it's effectiveness.

    Lifebloom : (978 MP, 40yd range 1,18 * HB) HoT spell with instant cast, stacks up to 3 times. When this effect ends or gets dispelled, heals you directly for a certain amount depending on number of stacks applied and gives you back half of mana cost.

    Tranquility : (8 min CD - 2447 MP, max. base 8 sec channeling cast - 25-30yd radius 2,152 * HB) HoT & AoE spell with channeling cast, healing you and your group for a great amount of HP every 2 sec, 4 ticks max. Bypasses all pillars and walls.

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  • Utility abilitiesRemove Curse : (454 MP, 40yd range) Removes curses on your target, such as : Curse of Agony, Curse of Elements, Curse of tongues (lock) Hex (shaman)

    Abolish Poison : (454 MP, 40yd range) Removes 1 poison to your target plus 1 every 3sec for 12 seconds. Note that over-time effects does not guarantee a dispell and spamming it makes timer resetting, which mean that secondary dispells won't trigger.

    Cure Poison : (454 MP, 40yd range) Removes 1 poison to your target. Instead of spamming Abolish poison to remove multiple poisons on you, you should spam Cure Poison to remove faster your poisons while Abolish poison is active.

    Mark of the Wild : (419 MP with glyph, 30yd range) Druid main buff, increases armor, stats and resistances. MP cost can be reduced with right glyph.

    Gift of the Wild : (1118 MP with glyph , 40yd radius) Druid main AOE buff, bypasses pillars and walls.

    3 Balance Spells & Abilities

    Damaging abilitiesWrath : (2 sec cast, 394 MP, 30 yd range) Almost no damage and NOT used at all as it does not belong to your main spec, but can be used with instant cast to make some fun :)

    Moonfire : (734 MP, 30 yd range) No damage and used mainly to counter grounding totems, spell reflections and limit rogues restealthing. Also leave a magic DoT.

    Hurricane : (2831 MP, 30 yd range) No damage and huge mana costs, used to spot stealthed targets like the mage spell Blizzard would.

    Controlling abilitiesCyclone : (279 MP, 1,5 sec base cast, 20yd range) This is why everyone hates druids. Cyclone totally suppresses your target for 6 secs as the only way to remove it is trinketting. Ice block and divine shield cannot be used while cycloned. Also negates the healing of ALL hots on your target (but your dots too, be careful) AND incoming heals & buffs (incoming penances won't heal him, and innervate or divine plea ticks won't have any effect). This spell does not share any DR with any other spells except itself and can be instant cast with Predatory's Swiftness proc.

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  • Hibernate : (244 MP, 1,5 sec base cast, 30yd range) Hibernates your target for 10 seconds which is very, very long, useable on other druids (except human, moonkin and tree forms), hunters' pets, Shaman's ghost wolf form, enhshaman's wolves.

    Entangling roots : (244 MP, 1,5 sec base cast, 30 yd range) Roots your target for 10 seconds which is also very, very long. Deals only a poor 35 damage every 3 seconds. Shares same DR with Feral charge(bear) effect.

    Nature's grasp : (1 min CD) Applies Entangling roots to the next 3 melee attackers on you. Has a 2 sec internal CD on a same target.

    Utility abilitiesBarkskin : (No cost 1 min CD) One of your defensive cooldowns. Reduces all damage taken by 20% (and physical crit chance when glyph is active) with a medium CD. Also ignores pushbacks while casting. No GCD activation. Use it when you're under pressure or if you want to stay longer in cat form, meaning more damage, or try a hard cast.

    Innervate : (3 min CD, 30 yd range) Restores 225% of your base mana over 10 seconds. Be careful to not get it dispelled or spellstolen.

    Thorns : (544 MP, 30 yd range) Reflects 73 damage from melee attacks.

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    Druids have unfortunately only 2 available races in TLK : Tauren & Night Elf. Taurens have an AoE stun that can be useful in various situations (covering your mate in arena when he's going to die, or stunning a rogue under Evasion followed by a cyclone, ...) but it shares same DR with Bash and Maim. Being a Tauren also offers a negligible health bonus (5% of your base health meaning value without ANY gear / buffs and specs equals to around 8000 health, which means a 400 bonus health). Night Elves have an interesting racial which has the same effect as Vanish (rogues) this allows you to do some incredible combos with a reopener (Pounce) and even more as it puts you out of combat (You must use shmeld, switch to cat then Prowl, using 1 total gcd) and another passive racial that reduces chance being hit by any physical attacks & abilities. (NOTE: This is NOT affected by hit rating, even if your target have an overcapped hit rating you WILL ALWAYS have this 2% chance to get missed).

    What race to choose as a feral druid?Follow your preferences! You should play YOUR favourite race where you can play comfortably. But you will net better results as a Night Elf with their racial, which allows you to make incredible CC combinations meaning more damage and an higher chance to score a kill. However, it can also be used defensively, such as covering your partner and even more. You can also use it to avoid incoming spells & abilities. Taurens have also an interesting racial but it's worthless compared to Shadowmeld as you already have 2 stuns in the same DR. This racial has a better usage with the 2 other specs. But remember Follow your choices !

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    ShadowmeldAllows you to become invisible and

    get out of combat. No GCD activation

    2 min cooldown


    -2% chance being hit by melee/ranged attacks

    War Stomp2 second AoE stun, 8yd radius, max. 5 enemies. 0.5 sec cast

    2 min cooldown


    +5% base health

  • III. BESTIARYTalents & specs inspired from top ferals on AT.

    A TALENTS & GLYPHS1- Main spec (0/57/14)Balanced spec, covering all feral aspects (shapeshifting, bleeds, direct damage). Most commonly used spec. Can be used in duels and 3v3.

    Glyph of Berserk Glyph of DashGlyph of Shred Glyph of the Wild

    Glyph of Rip Glyph of -

    Third minor glyph does not matter (only 2 useful glyphs in arena).

    Alt glyphs:Barkskin, Mangle

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  • 2- Shred, Ferocious bite + full shapeshift (0/57/14) Personal choice (2v2)Focuses on bursts and high pressure with improved Ferocious bite, low shapeshit costs but higher energy costs for Mangle & Rake.

    Glyph of Berserk Glyph of DashGlyph of Shred Glyph of the Wild

    Glyph of Savage Roar1 Glyph of -

    Alt glyphs: Rip (replace from SR), Barkskin (replace from shred or SR if you play 2x DPS and/or if you have troubles to survive against physical damage)Third minor glyph does not matter (only 2 useful glyphs in arena).1 See page 16 for more information

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  • 3- Shred, Full damaging talents + 1/3 Shapeshift (0/59/12)Mix to the 2 previous specs with improved Ferocious bite or Ferocity (choose one but preferably imp Ferocious bite to maximize bursts), full +%damage related talents, but higher mana costs on Shapeshifting. Used for shorter games, or when mana isn't a problem.

    Glyph of Berserk Glyph of DashGlyph of Shred Glyph of the Wild

    Glyph of Savage Roar1 Glyph of -

    Alt glyphs: Rip (replace from SR), Barkskin (replace from shred or SR if you play 2x DPS and/or have troubles to survive physical damage)Third minor glyph does not matter (only 2 useful glyphs in arena).1 See page 16 for more information

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  • 4- Mangle spec 59/12 (extract from Zephi's guide)Mangle spec is commonly used when you have troubles shredding. This spec is based on improving Mangle spell by removing 2 points on shredding attacks and replacing Shred glyph by Mangle glyph. Allows you to spam it a bit more often than Shred due to lower energy cost (34) of Mangle (42 for shred) leading to a constant direct damage and faster combo points generation (and faster procs). Note that spec is considerably less bursty than Shred specs, and can be totally uneffective against certain defensive spells while Shred would be better (Shield block, Evasion, Deterrence (shred ignores this), and also passive % dodge/parry/block chance).

    Glyph of Berserk Glyph of DashGlyph of Mangle Glyph of the Wild

    Glyph of Rip Glyph of -

    Third minor glyph does not matter (only 2 useful glyphs in arena).

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  • Extra note (1) about Savage Roar glyph

    This glyph grants 3% bonus damage to your Savage roar ability. This means another 3% bonus overall damage (+ eventually multipliers) on your physical attacks when Savage roar is activated. This glyph is mainly used in PvE but if you choose the specs (2) and (3), then you are playing with armor penetration and you want to set up an huge burst at start with high crit shreds, this is the glyph for you.Note that this glyph is the only one which increases your overall damage as you will almost always have this buff activated, that mean ALL bleeds, shreds and white damage will have their damage increased.

    3% can seem a very small increase, this is definitely the case when you take 1 hit. However, when you burst under berserk with full energy you will spam a lot your shreds and put eventually some bleeds and a ferocious bite on your opponent, in addition of your autohits. The total damage bonus in this case can make the difference ! It's almost you have another tiger's fury effect.

    I recommend you to take this glyph when you play a comp which relies on early bursts (Sub/feral, MM/feral). I'd rather playing with this glyph over Rip glyph when playing these comps because you can score a kill very fast without using Rip or before its full duration against several comps.

    Glyph of Rip is used for sustained damage and so are therefore better used as playing agility (increasing bleed damage, ArP doesn't).

    See Chapter V for more information about dealing damage and spell orders.

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    Glyph of Savage Roar(Major Glyph)

    Increases bonus damage given from Savage Roar by 3%

    Savage Roar

    Increases all physical damage done by 30% -> 33%


    Here are some gearing possibilities which I use, commonly used with talents listed above. You can tweak your stuff as well as you want depending on your gameplay.

    [ Enchant ] ( Meta gem / Red gem / Green Gem / Orange Gem / Yellow Gem / Blue Gem / Prismatic gem )(If a gem does not match a socket, values will not be in bold)

    NOTE ABOUT GEARING:As a feral, your worst enemies are hit rating & spell pen caps. These 2 stats must be respectively at 164 and 75 (to prevent misses from your autohits and physical abilities and prevent resists on your spells) and at the same time, you obviously want the best equipment to maximize your damage.

    If you're playing with agility build, hit cap won't be a problem for you. However, if you're playing ArP it's completely different as there are no 264 pieces which offers hit + ArP (If you play with an agi spec you have multiple pieces which offers agi + hit at same time).

    Agility or ArP ?These 2 specs have their own characteristics. Feel free to make your choice but you must take a build that fits well in your gameplay.

    Agility build offers you more sustained damage with improved bleeds, better healings with Nurturing instincts' talent, more crit chance, more procs and more resilience as every piece of gear have both resilience and agility (except back and rings). I highly recommend you to play with an agility build if you're beginner.

    ArP build is recommended if you're getting accustomed to the feral gameplay as it's harder to play. It offers you more bursty and higher damage against armored teams, but as you need PvE offparts you will become a lot squishier. If you want to play with armor penetration, you must know that you need to reach a sufficient cap to be effective with (>40%), involving in lower resilience ratings (

  • 1 Low resi, high ARP rate Build focussing on maximizing ARP rate but low amount of resilience.

    [ 912 ] Total resilience[ 56,80% ] Total ARP[ 55,19% ] Total Crit Chance[ 10,164 ] Total AP (with Mark of the Wild)

    Head : Wrathful Gladiator (WF) Helm [ 50AP + 20 resi ] (21 agi + 3% crit dmg / 20 arp)Neck : WF Pendant of Sundering Shoulders : S7/WF Shoulders [ 40AP + 15 resi ] ( 10 agi + 10 hit )Back : WF Cape of Victory [ 22 Agility ]Chest : Sanctified Lasherwave Raiment (T10) [ 10 All stats ] ( 20 Arp / 10 agi + 10 hit)Wrist : Toskk Maximized Wristguards [ 50 AP ] ( 10 agi + 10 hit )Hand : WF hand [ 44 AP ] ( 25 Spell Pen )Waist: Astrylian Sutured Cinch ( 25 Spell Pen / 20 Arp / 20 Arp )Legs : WF Legguards [ 75 AP + 12 Crit ] ( 20 Arp / 25 Spell Pen)Feet : Taldaram Soft's Slippers [ 12 Hit + 12 Crit ] ( 20 Arp / 20 Arp )Ring 1 : Planestalker's Band/Signet HC (245 ring) ( 20 Hit )Ring 2 : Frostbrood Sapphire Ring ( 20 Arp )Trinket 1 : Deathbringer's WillTrinket 2 : Medaillon of AllianceWeapon : Wrathful 2H Mace [ Executionner or Berserking ] ( 20 Arp / 10 all Stats )Idol : Idol of Mutilation

    (WF : Wrathful)

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  • 2 Mid Resilience, Mid ARP rateBuild with balanced stats, average resilience & armor penetration.

    [ 1,112 ] Total resilience[ 47.09% ] Total ARP[ 52.58% ] Total Crit Chance[ 10,010 ] Total AP (with Mark of the Wild)

    Head : Wrathful Gladiator (WF) Helm [ 50AP + 20 resi ] (21 agi + 3% crit dmg / 20 arp)Neck : WF Pendant of Sundering Shoulders : Titan's Forged Spaulders [ 40AP + 15 resi ] ( 10 agi + 10 hit )Back : WF Cape of Victory [ 35 Spell penetration ]Chest : WF Chest [ 20 resilience ] ( 20 Arp / 10 agi + 10 resi )Wrist : Toskk Maximized Wristguards [ 50 AP ] ( 10 agi + 10 resi )Hand : WF hand [ 44 AP ] ( 10 Hit + 13 Spell Pen )Waist: Astrylian Sutured Cinch ( 10 Hit + 13 Spell Pen / 20 Arp / 20 Arp )Legs : WF Legguards [ 75 AP + 12 Crit ] ( 20 Arp / 10 Hit + 13 Spell pen )Feet : Taldaram Soft's Slippers [ 32 AP] ( 20 Arp / 20 Arp )Ring 1 : WF Band of TriumphRing 2 : Frostbrood Sapphire Ring ( 20 Arp )Trinket 1 : Deathbringer's WillTrinket 2 : Medaillon of AllianceWeapon : Wrathful 2H Halberd [ Executionner or Berserking ] ( 20 Arp / 10 Hit + 13 Spell pen )Idol : Idol of Mutilation

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  • 3 High resilience with minimal ARP capsBuild with the lowest ARP score that fits with this high resilience rating. Note that Executionner is a must to stay at minimal ARP cap (40%) with that proc.

    [ 1,278 ] Total resilience[ 33.94% ] Total ARP[ 52.54% ] Total Crit Chance[ 9,950 ] Total AP (with Mark of the Wild)

    Head : Wrathful Gladiator (WF) Helm [ 50AP + 20 resi ] (21 agi + 3% crit dmg / 20 arp)Neck : WF Pendant of Sundering Shoulders : Titan's Forged Spaulders [ 40AP + 15 resi ] ( 10 agi + 10 hit )Back : WF Cape of Victory [ 35 Spell penetration ]Chest : WF Chest [ 20 resilience ] ( 20 Arp / 10 agi + 10 resi )Wrist : WF Armwraps of Triumph [ 50 AP ] Hand : WF hand [ 44 AP ] ( 10 Hit + 13 Spell Pen )Waist: WF Belt of Triumph ( 10 Hit + 13 Spell pen / 20 Arp)Legs : WF Legguards [ 75 AP + 12 Crit ] ( 20 Arp / 10 Hit + 13 Spell pen )Feet : WF Boots of Triumph [ 32 AP ] ( 20 Arp )Ring 1 : Saurfang Cold-forged band ( 10 agi + 10 resi )Ring 2 : Frostbrood Sapphire Ring ( 20 Arp )Trinket 1 : Deathbringer's WillTrinket 2 : Medaillon of AllianceWeapon : Wrathful 2H Halberd [ Executionner ] ( 20 Arp / 10 Hit + 13 Spell pen )Idol : Idol of Mutilation

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  • Extra : Alternative build options

    Builds listed above are considered as a core for each category. You can adjust them depending in your needs. There are also some alternatives, not classified as a must have but can help you make your choices, fitting with your gameplay.

    1 EquipmentIdol of Ravenous Beast* : Increases damage dealt by Shred by 203.This idol, uncommonly used in AT due to the lowest ILVL (200), can be very interesting as you will shred (your main dmg) if you plan to play a bursty comp. Compared to the Idol of Mutilation, it will be less interesting for your other spells but the displayed value on the help box is a gross value, that mean without multipliers, talents, buffs, procs, savage roar and also mangle / bleed debuff, it will be a lot more than 203. Give it a try, you'll see the difference and especially if you're playing with ArP and/or against clothes.

    Idol of The Crying Moon* : 44 agility per Rake tick, stackable 5 times. Lasts 15 secs.The best feral idol of the game (264 ilvl), however not at all situations. I'd rather using Idol of Mutilation when I'm gonna burst when the game starts, as it grant me directly the 200 agility bonus upon Mangle, while with this idol you must wait 3x5 ticks = 15sec to get the entire effect. However it can be better than Mutilation in longer matches as it brings you more total agility (220).

    * Note that you can switch idol during arenas. You can choose your idol after the doors open, depending on your strategy and the opponent's setup. Be aware that switching idol while in combat costs you 1 GCD. I recommend you to buy these 3 idols so you can choose it for every game.

    Mark of Supremacy : 128 hit rating. Use : Gives you 1024 AP for 20 seconds.If you do not plan to burst at start and wants to do it whenever you want, or simply if you're just tired and pissed off about hit rating calculations, take it. It will allow you to replace some hit rating gems by other ones. Note that every proc mechanism starts at your first hits at each arena and have an internal CD.

    2 Gems / EnchantsMeta gem : +42 AP / Stun duration -10% : Requires 2 Take it if you're getting pissed of being KS'd (and sap after) everytime.

    Cloak enchant : 10 Agility / Improved stealth : Take it if you're getting pissed of being caught while stealthed. This won't guarantee you to not get sap at every arena, however rogues must be closer to you to do it.

    Feet enchant : 15 stamina / Minor speed increase : Take it if you do not feel running fast enough.

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    There is not any specific UI which you need to play a feral (and the other classes). Feel free to set it yourself. You can use some useful addons that shows your current procs, enemy cooldowns etc., but don't overload your screen with multiple addons, it's pointless and you might suffocate and get some headhaches when watching these irrelevant informations displayed on your screen during an arena match, and it's also bad for your eyes! You need to clear enough your screen to allow you to read the game correctly and see what's happening in arena.

    Here's my user interface now:

    Unit frames : Rupture TourneyArena Frames : GladiusAction Bars : Bartender4Miscellanous : Fontifier

    As you can see I'm using 3 (4 with fontifier) addons. I might not get as much information as the other addons offer (procs, trinket uses, opponent's cooldowns) but it's enough for me to read and analyze the game, as I have much game space. The only problem is you don't see your mana bar while in cat or bear form (RT does not have this function before Cata) but i'm used to play without this.

    Bartender4 allows you to make bar pages. As a druid, you don't have a specific bar for stealthing mode like rogues have. If you're tired of stance macros , you can use it there, when you stealth it will automatically switch your bar.

    You can also use Xperl (my old unit frame) or MoveAnything!. By the way, feel free to set your own user interface.

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    Once again, there is no specific game options that you must set while playing feral but you should enable or disable these options to make it easier:

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    Combat settings:

    Enable nameplates (V) and Class colors in nameplates to have a better visibility on your enemies while LoSing them for example and also distinct them from totems or pets.

    Check also if Cast bars are both enabled, and also target of target.

    Camera settings:

    Put Max Camera distance at maximum to have a larger view of your game.

    Disable adjust camera style. (Never adjust camera). This will allow you when turning your camera to keep angle when moving (useful to see what's happening behind you while kiting)


    A GENERAL GAMEPLAYIn-depth explanations about spell usage and overall feral gameplay.

    B TIPS AND TRICKSSome feral tricks and advices to create and improve your gameplay.

    C - MACROSA set of macros which you should have to make your life easier.

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    The following information will deal about feral gameplay, in other words : How to open How to deal damage How to use your CCs correctly How to heal yourself

    Before reading this part, if you need to see again how our spells work, take a look at the section Druid Spells and Abilities , pages 4 to 9.

    These following sections will concern mainly Feral/MM setup.

    Opener sequences

    There are different ways to open a target for a feral. But your opener sequence can however vary. Some examples would be:

    Your target : Opening a rogue isn't the same as opening a warrior Your comp : If you play with a rogue, the opener might differ than if you play with a MM. But

    we'll deal about MM/feral composition now. Opponent's comp : If you face cloth team, you can set an opener with immediate bursts to

    score a fast kill. If you face a hpal/warrior team, as your hunter need to scatter, you'll need a fast stun but you don't want to set a burst yet.

    The momentum : Against rogue/priest, if your mate is sapped, it's obvious that you will get a fast stun to prevent the priest dispelling your mate.

    Positions in arena

    A NORMAL OPENING SEQUENCESThis list isn't exhaustive, theres a lot of different situations which you need to consider.Let's take a look about some good ways to open a target in a beginning of a game.Pooling phases (wait energy stacking) are marked by a green arrow pointing upwards.

    Sequence A1 : Fast stun opening

    Pounce -> Mangle -> Rake -> Tiger Fury (no gcd) -> Shred -> Maim

    This sequence consists in fast stunning your target. Good to use when: You need to disable your target very quickly (rushing warrior)while your partner is controlling

    the second You're facing double dps comps in a map with good pillars and need to stop your target's

    incoming damage You're facing a comb which need to get stunned fast, then damaged by your mate to force first

    cds and maybe a trinket (i.e. hunters) You're facing a rogue + a dispeller and you need to prevent him dispelling your partener while


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  • Sequence A2 : Fast stun openings with faerie fireIf you open a rogue:

    Pounce -> Faerie fire (feral) ->Mangle -> Rake -> Tiger Fury ->Maim -> Shred

    This sequence consists in a fast and secure stun against stealthing targets. Can be used when: You open a rogue and wants to stun him quickly and safely to prevent him vanishing or doing

    eventual damage

    If you open a druid : Apply the sequence (A1), then Faerie fire.Can be used when: You open a feral and want to stun him quickly and safely to prevent him stealthing, doing

    damage (or vanishing a cyclone if he's Night Elf) You're facing and focusing the resto druid and want to stun him quickly and safely to prevent

    him stealthing while your mate is controlling another guy and getting closer to the druid before bursting

    Sequence A3 : Normal opener with full savage roarCredit to Zephi

    Pounce ->Mangle -> Rake -> Shred to 5CP -> Pool 80-100 EP -> Savage roar

    This sequence consists in getting off a full savage roar and follow by a DPS sequence.Rarely used as it's better for feral/healers combs.Can be used when: You're facing a warrior/healer, and your mate is getting in a comfortable position to control the

    second one, allowing you to do some DPS and a miniburst without using cooldowns at the following sequence. If you're opening a healer/caster, your hunter must definitely silence during this sequence.

    Sequence A4 : Normal opener with fast savage roar

    A4-1: Pounce ->Mangle (2CP) : Rake -> Savage Roar -> Tiger Fury -> PoolA4- 2: Pounce ->Mangle (3CP) : Savage roar -> Tiger Fury -> Rake -> Pool

    This sequence consists in getting off a fast savage roar and follow by a DPS sequence. Apply sequence A4-1 if you get 2 cp after mangle, apply A4-2 if you get 3 cp after mangle. This can be used in the same circumstances as A3. If you're opening a healer/caster, your hunter must definitely silence during this sequence.

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  • B- BERSERK OPENING SEQUENCESBerserk opening sequences are different from normal sequences as all energy costs are reduced and it grants you faster combo points generation (but unable to use tiger's fury). With this option you can set a burst at start to score a kill if timed correctly, but it's a bit risky. If you start with zerk, here's a list of ways that your opponent team can counter you in order to make your starter berserk useless. They can: Use their defensive cds Chain control you to temp your zerk (eventually force your trinket) Chain control your mate to force you to cover him and eventually dps you Outburst you to force you to play defensively Burst your partener and force you to cover him

    As you understand, if you berserk at the beginning of the game, be sure that you will burst your target in a comfortable situation.

    Sequence B1 : Berserk fast stun opening

    Berserk -> Pounce ->Mangle -> Rake -> Shred to 5CP if necessary -> Maim -> Pool for following sequence

    This sequence consists in fast stunning and prebursting your target. Can be used when: You need to disable your target very quickly except warriors while your mate is controlling the

    second opponent before a burst You're facing hard double dps comps ( especially a shadowpriest / lock ) with limited or no

    pillars available (ruins of lordaeron, upper level at blade's edge) and need to stop quickly their damage and at the same time get them under pressure

    Sequence B2 : Berserk fast stun opening with faerie fire

    Berserk -> Pounce ->Faerie fire(feral) -> Mangle -> Rake -> Maim

    This sequence consists of a fast and secured stun against stealthing targets followed by a burst.Can be used when: You open a rogue and wants to stun him quickly and safely to prevent him vanishing or doing

    eventual damage, and plan to kill him.

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  • Sequence B3 : Berserk, burst opening (6 first GCDs)

    1st part: Berserk -> Pounce ->Mangle

    If , after 1st part, you have 2 combo points:

    Rake -> Savage roar -> Pool 80-100 EP -> Shreds ....

    If , after 1st part, you have 3 combo points (mangle critted):

    Savage Roar -> Rake -> Pool 80-100 EP -> Shreds .....

    This sequence consists of an early attempt to kill your target. Can be used when: You face squishy teams (priests) and easy ccable comps and you and your mate are both in

    comfortable situation to knock your target down (involving controlling the second opponent) and ensure that you can kill him during your berserk.

    You just want a fast kill!If opening a healer/caster, your hunter must definitely silence him during this sequence.

    Sequence B4 : Burst, delayed berserk opening (6 first GCDs)

    Berserk -> Pounce ->Mangle -> Rake -> Savage Roar -> Pool 35EP -> Tiger Fury -> Berserk !

    This very consists in a early attempt to kill your target. Can be used when: You face squishy teams (priests) and you and your mate are both in comfortable situation to

    knock your target down (involving controlling the second opponent) and ensure that you can kill him during your Berserk. Delaying Berserk just after TF allows you to wait your mate getting in a favorable position to DPS and also, with a 80 bonus damage.

    You face a resto shaman or druid and plan to kill him, to increase your chances you need to have a bleed and a savage roar to maximize damage into berserk

    You just want a fast kill!If opening a healer/caster, your hunter must definitely silence him during this sequence.

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  • What about Ravage?Ravage can be an alternative option but I personally don't use it at my principal openers as the damage is quite low without procs and buffs and a 4 sec opening stun is way better.However, if you can restealth you can use it while you're buffed to do some surprising damage (at high energy cost) but I'd recommend to use pounce over ravage at every possible opener. It's a CC spell, take advantage of it!

    As you can see, ferals have a lot of possible ways to open a target. This list isn't exhaustive, you can try different openers, feel free to use/modify them depending on your needs but I referenced the ideal openers against multiple and recurrent situations.

    Sequences listed above are used in a normal run. At higher ratings, you'll probably face some teams (mostly double dps comps) who will do everything to waste your sequence (trinket pounce for example). Feel free to imagine what you will do against them. Try to be creative, reflect about these situations outside these options above and you'll get also some good and surprising results.

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  • Dealing damage

    Now we have examined the ways to open at all sides, let's take a look about dealing damage after an opening sequence.There are several ways to do damage as a feral but there's no unique rotation that you must do . Your rotation will also vary depending on what situation you are in.

    If you've read Zephi's guide (feral/disc), he explained how to open and deal damage as a feral, with agi specs and a disc. With a MM, it's different on certain points, varying in certain situations.

    By playing feral/hunter setup, your aim is to do as much damage as possible in as little time as possible(bursting) to force opponents' cds and also set a kill. The Berserk spell is THE reference for real bursts, but a good feral does it at every moment. You can also get some insane bursts without it.

    Dealing damage and bursting is a bit hard seeing as your abilities have quite high energy costs. This means, you will have to pool your energy sometimes before bursting.

    As a feral, you must keep in mind these 4 keys : Savage roar must be up (+30% damage) Rake must be up on your target Rip must be up on your target (not in all cases, see below) And eventually, refresh your mangle.

    However, dealing damage isn't only shred spamming throughout the entire game. It's uneffective to shred every 42EP to keep a constant DPS as 1) your dots are already doing it, 2) if you land a full CC on the second opponent you won't have enough energy to burst on your main target!

    /!\ Don't confuse to burst and to damage . Both terms are tied but have different senses.To burst means dealing a lot of damage in a short period of time. To do damage means dealing continuous damage but with no intention to land a kill yet. You deal continuous damage just to weaken your target and create a situation where you can burst.

    An ideal way is to apply this algorithm:Starting from zero:(0- If you start by an A1/A2 opener, start from 1- for the next CPs)1- First, you prepare a fast savage roar with the 3-5 first combo points (A4)2- Pool your energy to 40 at least then use tiger fury.3- Then, next combo points : shreds, reapply rake if necessary, then apply Rip to your target or Maim if needed (pool before doing it)4- After now you have 70-100 energy, you can redo 2-3 shreds (rerake him if necessary and dont spam shred too fast, see next step) 5- Pool your energy, maim if it's not on DR , spam shreds!6- If he is very low, ferocious bite!7- Otherwise, go for a rip, and restart from 1-

    This is the base algorithm which can be applied to maximize your damage.If you get clearcasting, spend it to a shred.As you're playing with ARP and it does not increase your bleeds, you can use rip at 4CP minimum but if possible, put it at 5 cps to maximize your constant damage.During pool phases you can use some CCs, use pillars to los incoming spellcasts and eventually heal yourself and your partner.Consider this algorithm as a core to your damage. Your miniburst starts after step 4.

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  • However, applying this algorithm does not mean you should use it and play strategically like you do in PvE! This sequence might change depending on situation. Be dynamic, you must be ready for every situation. Your opponent might not act the way you think he will! If during this sequence one opponent is cced and you're going to set a kill, if rip is not up, instead of refreshing it, go for a maim (check savage roar & rake at least), then shreds and eventually ferocious bite!Again, if you're going to score a kill on your target, and savage roar is at end of effect, you can also refresh it with 2 combo points (after sufficient pooling) and do some shreds / ferocious bite.

    Now, let's deal about Berserk spell:

    BERSERK MODEQuick reminder about this spell (page 4)

    As mentioned before, berserking is THE reference for real bursts as you will spam a lot your abilities.In the above sequence, you can use it in a opener (see opening section) or during your sequence between steps 3 to 5 if used later. Berserk can be used at start or during the game depending on your opponent's comp and your strategy.

    Before using berserk, check these 4 points: Savage roar must be up (+30% damage) Rake must be up on your target Rip should be up on your target for maximum burst effect And eventually, refresh your mangle if this debuff is removed.

    And also:

    IMPORTANT RULE 1:Do NOT use Berserk when you're low energy. It's a standard beginner mistake.

    Make sure that you're full energy before using it, otherwise a poolphase is required.

    IMPORTANT RULE 2:Do NOT use Berserk when you don't have your trinket up (few exceptions for this). It's another

    standard beginner mistake.If you do so, you will be most likely cced for a big part of your Berserk, and it will be totally wasted.

    IMPORTANT RULE 3:Make sure you are in a comfortable situation before using berserk, ex: using it while a rogue is

    stealthed isn't really a good idea; rogue will open you if you do so.

    IMPORTANT RULE 4:Do not use Ferocious Bite when you've just landed Berserk. Use it ONLY when you're sure to kill

    your target with this or when your mate is sure to kill him afterwards and of course with 5CP.

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    Berserk: (3 min CD)

    Simply an absolute nightmare for all preys you encounter. Frees your character from Fear effects and makes you immune to it for 20 seconds (not including Death coil and SP's psychic horror this can be confusing)

    In bear form, Mangle(bear) has no CD and it hits up to 3 closest targets.

    In cat form, reduces all energy costs by 50% but makes you unable to use Tiger's Fury while berserk is active. Does not break stealth.

  • How do you know when to burst: When your /focus target is fully cc'd. You might force them defensive cds and also

    trinkets. When you get a full stun and you have all your buffs/debuffs active When you're going to land a kill (low health and no defensive cds left) When the healer is too far away from your target, then bursting him can be ingenious When you have all buffs and procs up and are able to do a switch.

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  • Crowd control

    To maximize your potential in PvP, damage isn't quite enough. You also need to master the Crowd Control (CC). Crowd control is used in many different situations.A druid have quite a few spells to CC your opponents, below here are listed all druid CC by DR type. Physical/Undispellable - Magic - Disease

    Opener stun:

    Controlled stuns:





    Uncategorized (shares DR only with itself)

    1 Faerie fire disables stealth and can be therefore considered as a CC.(*) No diminishing return

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    1-5 5

    10 10 4


    4 12*

    6 40*1


  • General analysis of crowd control spells:Cyclone, Entangling roots, and Hibernate have a 1.5 sec cast but they also can be instant with Predator's Swiftness talent.

    Cyclone is the most powerful spell as the only way to remove it is trinketting. You can't bubulle out, nor BoP into this nor Ice block! That mean, if your target (or your /focus) has no trinket you're guaranteeing a 6sec CC on him without risks being dispelled. Recycloning him 3sec just after first clone can be useful.

    Entangling roots is a long root, very effective against melee classes since it allows you to kite them out if they're getting into frenzy against you and/or your partner! Moreover, if you play feral/hunter, the hunter can do some damage while the opponent is rooted before breaking it.The only drawback is that it's a magic cc, so it can be dispelled, resisted, reflected and countered by grounding totems. However if timed correctly and used well you can root for the full duration and force them into a bad positioning, possibly allowing you to set a kill!It's also effective against casters if you want to los their casts, and for healer too, as you can make them los or outdistance between them and maybe force their cds!

    You have another root, shorter but undispellable (yet removable with freedom and shapeshifts for druids) Feral Charge(bear) can pass over some defensive cds (Anti Magic Shield, Cloak of Shadows....). Can be used as a 4 sec kick.

    Hibernate is a little tricky to land. First, it can be used only against a small amount of targets: Druids in cat/bear/travel from Shaman in Spirit wolf form, Enhancement Shaman's wolves. Hunter's pets.

    Against hunter's pets, it can be very useful to hibernate them as their pets can save them getting bursted. You can prevent them use their master's call (3 secs freedom), their crit immunity and their eventual ministuns, roots and if they use a crab, intervene!

    Against druids, it's a bit difficult. You won't hibernate him by hardcasting it unless if he is idiot and/or you have 5000 haste rating. But with your talent Predator's Swiftness it won't be a problem! Hibernating a feral is easy as they spend a lot of time in cat or bear form. However, against resto and balance druids, it can be a lot more tricky as they will stay in human/tree form or moonkin form, which cannot be hibernated. However their only way to kite in their specs is using travel form. Analyze and reflect about the opportunities to make them doing so and once you manage to get them into Travel form it is easy to hibernate them.

    The same goes against Shamans. The only way to hibernate them is by making them go into Ghost wolf Form and then, hibernate them. However, you need to watch out, since Shaman's grounding and tremor totem can counter your hibernate. If you face an enhsham, you can hibernate 1 of their 2 wolves (and root the 2nd). But again, totems will be your worst nightmare!

    With infected wounds talent, you have a perma slow when you hit with shreds, mangle and maul like Crippling poison (rogues). It can be dispelled as it's a disease.

    Faerie fire is a nightmare for rogues, other druids and night elves. It's not really a CC spell in itself as it disables nothing, except stealthing for these classes. Don't forget to use and refresh it, if you let them restealth, you or your mate can be hard opened and it might throw a game!

    To summarize, you have a lot of CC options. Don't rely only on your cyclone, try to do different combinations with your spells and with your mate's spells, try to be creative and perhaps you can do some sick, surprising and endless CC combinations!

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  • Healing and mana management

    As a feral and double dps comp, you have globally less survivability : Your mana pool is low Your healing spells are less effective than other specs which can make games very short.

    However, playing feral (and 2Xdps comps) does not always mean only DPS and cc the /focus. You will probably face some comps which can make your life suck.To limit these damage you must take some time to heal yourself and your mate to get in a better situation.Here some examples on how to do it effectively:

    How to heal effectivelyH1 Standard combo : Using healing touch after instant proc. You can use it when you want a big instant heal but at a high mana cost. (if you play agility, healing touch can crit up to +10K!)

    H2 Fast nourish combo : Apply a hot then spam Nourish before hot finishes. Fast healings with reasonable mana costs (preferably use lifebloom as hot due to the lesser mana costs : 479 with the 50% refund)

    H3 Full hot combos: Use only hots when you have to reposition, kite and don't have time to cast. If you have an instant proc and enough mana, add an instant regrowth. Third LB stack is optional (refreshing LB delays the timer for final healing blow). Note that remaining HoTs on yourself while in cat form are 20% more effective with Nurturing Instincts talent.

    Other situations:You have a passive heal, Improved leader of the pack, 4% every 6sec (assuming that you crit every 6sec)When you and your partener have a MS effect (-50% healing taken), if possible, try to wait the end of this effect before starting your heals. (cyclone/los your target to temp his MS)Use Tranquility if you need to heal both immediately you and your partener when he's los without risks of being Cc'd (high mana costs)Don't forget to dispell Wound poison if you face rogues.

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  • Mana management:As feral/hunter, your worst enemy to your heals is your mana. You have a very limited pool (~6000) and your spells have high mana costs, one healing spell costs you between 10 and 20% of your mana, which is a lot! This means that in a healing sequence you can't spam your heals, you must use it occasionally and absolutely avoid any overhealing. You must save your mana as most as possible.Fortunately you have your innervate, and in most cases you will use it for yourself. You also have Improved Leader of the Pack talent which restores you 8% of your base mana when you're healed by this effect. So, every 6sec, assuming you're critting a lot, you will regain 8% of your mana, that means exactly 476 mana.Moreover, if you have a timeout and nothing is happening in arena, take advantage from this and drink!

    When to heal?Here are a list of key moments where you should heal: When you and/or your mate are going low health and your target is still full (below 50% is

    considered as a critical situation and you should start to cc/ heal before they're bursting you) When nothing is happening (both los/retreat). Take this moment to heal, and maybe reset =

    drink! When you have cycloned your main target (stopping his incoming damage or heals) Take this

    moment to heal if you're not full. When your opponents are using their defensive cds making you and your partner

    harder/impossible to burst. Take this moment to clone your target, and heal if necessary.

    If you're low and want to heal yourself, don't go too far away from your mate as he will get switched on. Try to do some CCs to make the situation more comfortable.

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    Here's a nonexhaustive list of some (un)common tips and tricks, some are inspired from videos and other high rated ferals.You can also imagine your gameplay from these tips like I did over the time and create your own one!

    1 Protecting Innervate (The fat cow) : Protect your innervate by spamming your hots and refreshing your buffs to avoid it getting dispelled.

    2 Protecting Predator's Swiftness : When your instant cast procs and if you're near a pillar, try to los the dispeller when you get this proc, then after 1-2sec break while the priest/shaman is casting, go ahead and launch your cyclone!

    3 Selfdispelling Innervate (The fat cow) : When facing a mage, after 1 or 2 innervate ticks, remove it yourself (cancelaura or rightclick on buff) to prevent the mage spellstealing it

    4 Selfdispelling Barkskin : When facing a mage, if you get deeped, you will probably take some burst damage with his shatter combo. Don't use your barkskin now! While deeped, he will cast his frostbolt, then when the bolt goes to you, use barskin now! You will take -20% on the shatter, and just after selfdispell it! During the last second of deep he will try to steal it. At the same time you're free and you will restart to dps him without his barskin, which is better!

    5 Protecting traps : (Zoh/Kho, with hunter) If you face a lock with felhunter (dispell every 8sec), and get a full trap on your /focus, just after the trap effect use your faerie fire (not in bear form!) and your Hunter's mark on him. Felhunter will probably dispell one of these debuffs instead of your trap. If you want ensure it, cyclone the pet!

    6 Protecting Hibernate : Again with traps, if you face a druid lock, shaman lock and for somewhat reason druid go into bear/cat/travel form, try a hibernate on him and protect it with your debuffs!

    7 Cancelling Soul Link : If you plan to focus the lock, you can cyclone his pet (especially if it's a succubus) to cancel the SL effect, that mean 20% damage more for you and your mate, and also disabling it! (it will cost you 2 gcd : 1 cyclone, 1 remorph, you will have 4 seconds to benefit from it). Use it very occasionnally because you may not have time to do this!

    8 Cancelling Sacrifices : Standard against hpal/x, if a paladin uses his sacrifice, his mate will take less damage as it shares between them, like SL and will negate some CC effects. Save your cyclone for that! The 20% damage reduction on your target will be cancelled while his paladin is cycloned and you might make the paladin trinket just for this!

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  • 9 Cancelling lifeblooms : A bit risky, but if did correctly, you will take the game into your advantage! If you plan to focus a druid, he will probably spam his hots and try to kite you. But the most important is his lifebloom, which heals him for up to 9-10K without MS if the effect ends with 3 stacks, which is enormous! To do it, time your cyclone on him as the lifeblooms end during this cyclone. The druid won't get healed by the HoT ticks but also by the final blow of his lifebloom, that means -10K healing! You might make him trinket for that! But this trick is effective if you weaken him enough (40-50%) and if you have CCs available on his mate. Also, at the end of cyclone, make sure to follow by an opener/stun/silence available and eventually aimed shot (feral/hunt) and his mate is being cced at the same time.

    10 Fake hibernates : If you face other ferals, try to fake your hibernate to force him to switch in human form. It will stop his dps for 1 gcd duration. Repeat this if possible, you might get a full hibernate if he times incorrectly his morphs!

    11 Fake hibernates II : Again, but in case of a switch and hard to do. Prepare 5 combo points without rake on feral, cast a very short hibernate, and cast your clone or another disabling CC just after! He will be cced in human form, then with your 5cps, maim and burst! As you know, ferals have a talent which reduces his damage taken by 30% while stunned. If you do this correctly, you will probably kill him! Note that it can work with bash instead of maim but it will cost you 2 additional gcds (bash , switch cat form).

    12 Fake cyclones/roots : Fake your cyclones or roots before using your instant cast against rogues to maybe make them use their cos or some other cds, against warriors for their spell reflects and more.

    13 Cyclone pooling : It can be a good idea to cyclone your main target in some situations if you're running low energy as your target will recieve no healing during cyclone. Like 9-, make sure to have a CC available on your /focus.

    14 Cat Maul : When switching bear to cat, don't forget to activate your maul ability before switching to cat. Maul will be launched at your first white attack in cat just after shapeshift. That mean another free 1800ish damage and a slow with no GCD!

    15 Switch healing weapon : When going in healing phase, you can switch your weapons before casting to get some additional healing bonus. Be aware that it will cost you 1 GCD if you're in combat so use it carefully! Don't forget to change feral weapon again before engaging combat!

    Tip: To use tip 15 effectively:When you're low hp, start healing with some hots or cast some heals if you're ok. Then if you get out of combat, change weapon and spam your nourishes.When healing your mate during combat, put some hots, switch to heal weapon, then cast! You must switch your weapon just AFTER using a spell (and not before, that's 1 gcd loss), almost at the same time, GCD timer resets when switching weapons. You will gain 1 gcd if timed correctly.Don't switch weapon everytime you have an instant proc, it's pointless and counterproductive, it will cost you 2 GCDs for just 1000 additionnal healing on your healing touch!

    16 Gift of the wild : If you're going to be sapped, use this spell to prevent incoming sap. This spellhas a 40yd radius, bypasses pillars and it will automatically get you in combat as you're buffing your partener who is also in combat.

    - 38 -

  • C MACROSCredit to ZephiFocus macros#showtooltip Cyclone/cast [target=focus] Cyclone

    #showtooltip Entangling Roots/cast [target=focus] Entangling Roots

    #showtooltip Hibernate/cast [target=focus] Hibernate

    #showtooltip Faerie Fire (Feral)/cast [target=focus] Faerie Fire (Feral)

    #showtooltip Faerie Fire /cast [target=focus] Faerie Fire

    #showtooltip Feral Charge (Bear)/cast [target=focus] Feral Charge (Bear)

    #showtooltip Bash/cast [target=focus] Bash

    Party text warning :If you cyclone your main target, add the line /p >> CYCLONE %t > CYCLONE %f

  • Stealth / NoStealth Macros (Not necessary if you use Bartender4)

    This macro will cast Pounce when stealthed, and Rake while not stealthed. This saves a keybind.#showtooltip/cast [stealth] Pounce; [Nostealth] Rake

    This macro will cast Ravage when stealthed, and Shred while not stealthed. This saves a keybind.#showtooltip /cast [stealth] Ravage; [Nostealth] Shred

    And many other combinations with other stances.

    Buff mates' macrosReplace the XXXXX by your partner name or party1/party2

    Abolish poison on partner#showtooltip Abolish Poison/cast [target=XXXXXX] Abolish Poison

    Remove curse on partner#showtooltip Remove Curse/cast [target=XXXXXX] Remove Curse

    Innervate on partner#showtooltip Innervate/cast [target=XXXXXX] Innervate

    Other macros

    All-in-one shadowmeld/prowl macro (spam it) Night elf requiredCosts you 1 total GCD. Must be used when GCD isn't active

    #showtooltip Shadowmeld/cancelattack/cast Shadowmeld/cast [nostance:3] !Cat Form(Shapeshift)/cast [form:3] !Prowl

    Start attack/mangleIf you were not attacking a specific target, auto attack starts only when you mangle a target (or another ability), having insufficient energy or this spell in gcd means losing some white damage when switching unless you right click on him or use a special bind for autoattack. This macro starts to attack even if you've not enough energy to mangle or still in GCD.

    #showtooltip Mangle(cat)/startattack/cast Mangle(cat) (Rank 5)

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    A SETUP GENERAL GAMEPLAYBrief explanations about Feral/MM general gameplay.

    B SPECIFIC COMP TACTICSDifferent tactics against each common setups in AT.

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    This is by far, my favourite 2v2 comp. You can get high ratings if it's played right and you understand the goal of a double dps comp.

    With this comp as you can burst an opponent very hard, with a MS effect and multiple CC chains with hunter's traps and other abilities to kite and trick your opponents.

    This comp might be easy to understand, however it can be a bit hard to play. This comp is very reliant on its cooldowns, not only in order to burst, but also to survive as it has a limited survivability against certain comps compared to other classes. You can therefore be easily countered if your opponents are playing well.

    If you think that this comp is just about facerolling and uncontrolled tunnelling, then you're totally wrong. Of course, this comp does burst hard cloth teams if you see the output damage, however you must think about everything to do it in a comfortable situation. If you fail your berserk or your CCs you will have much harder time to score kills.

    General description

    This comp is mostly based on physical damage, therefore against plate teams it will be harder to land a kill. That's why ARP is commonly used in this setup to improve your damage against plate teams, and also land some huge bursts.This comp has a MS effect, which allows you to make the opponent's team under pressure very early and constantly, and it can make long CC combinations when timed correctly.You also have some heals when you are in a critical situation.

    However, there are some drawbacks that you must manage:You have a limited survivability. Hunter and feral have few defensive cooldowns to survive, and their cooldowns are long. As you're playing with armor penetration, you will be a lot squishier than full agi/resil ferals as you have lower resilience. This means that if you're targeted, you will take a huge amount of damage if your opponents are playing right. The same goes for your hunter if he's targeted. This means that you will be fucked up and will do almost no damage.

    Your survivability is based on : making pressure first, kiting, fast crowd controlling and reaction speed.

    To summarize, you have to: Put the opponent team under pressure as fast as possible to get in a comfortable

    situation by damaging them AND using your CC Use everything to limit their incoming damage and CC to keep dpsing them

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    First, before reading this page, please note that these tactics are just only basics. The game and the tactics are constantly evolving and obviously you can never predict for sure what your opponents are going to do. MM/Feral setup becomes more and more played nowadays, resulting in a better knowledge of this comp and players are now better used to play against this.

    Also, please note that you might see incomplete tactics and not really solid for few of the comps: some of these comps are classified as Very hard or almost impossible . Regarding these comps, even if you play very well and you're following these tactics right you might not win. I will however explain some ideal situations thtat you must keep in mind to increase your chances to win against these comps.Finally, as these guides are constantly improving, you can also contribute to this guide if you have a better strategy against a specific comp.Feel free to contact anyone involved and we'll update it.

    Here's a list of common comps which you can find in AT:Healer / DPS comps: Disc / Sub - Assa Rogue Disc / MM Hunter Disc / Frost mage Disc / Arms Warrior Disc / Feral druid Disc / Elemental Shaman Disc / Unholy DK Disc / Retribution Disc / Lock Hpala / Arms Warrior Hpala / Affliction Destruction Lock Hpala / Unholy DK Rdruid / AWarrior Rdruid / Affliction - Destruction Lock Rdruid / DK Rdruid / MM hunter Resto shaman / Lock (Affliction or Destruction) Resto shaman / Feral druid Resto shaman / Retribution Protection Paladin Resto shaman / Warrior Resto shaman / DK

    Double DPS comps: Shadow Priest / Sub - Mutilate Rogue Shadow Priest / Frost Mage Shadow Priest / Unholy DK Feral druid / MM Hunter Feral druid / Rogue ( both specs ) Retribution Paladin / MM Hunter Retribution paladin / Rogue (both specs, most commonly Sub) Enhancement shaman / BM Hunter (beastcleave) Elemental Shaman / Destru Lock Elemental Shaman / Mage Elemental Shaman / Rogue Lock / Frost Mage Lock / Rogue

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  • When explained, the comps above will be classified by frequency:

    Very High HighCommonAverageUncommonRare

    This will however vary depending on your MMR, comps in the top ladder and the FoTMs. Over the seasons you might notice that some comps are more played than others, and vice versa.

    Each comp is also classified by difficulty level (may vary depending on map, gear and MMR)Percentage values are the potential winrate against a specific comp.

    Easy : > 70%. Medium : 50-70%.Hard : 25-49%. Very Hard : 10-24%. Nearly Impossible :

  • Part 1 : Healer / DPS CompsDisc Priest / Mutilate Rogue

    Difficulty : MediumFrequency : HighDisc / Rogue is a common matchup. You will face it at least once for each arena series.First, position yourself behind a pillar or the grave, the hunter will set the flare, snake+freezing or frost trap, and move into it. Your hunter should spam volleys in an attempt to find the rogue. In this setup, most priests will rush you and your hunter to land a fear. If he does, dash, pounce and DPS him immediately! However, don't use Berserk while the rogue isn't visible, he will most likely open on you. If you popped Berserk at start it will be wasted.

    After this, there are 3 possibilities:1 If the rogue opens on you: Your hunter have to stop his incoming dps on you and if possible, land a trap before the rogue KS. Hunter must be far enough away from the priest to avoid being feared. If you get KS'd, pop barkskin and crit immunity, trinket if needed (you can do it here because of Deadly poison). Then use your berserk and DPS the priest. Put every possible CC on the rogue (roots, trap, scatter, disarm) and cyclone him if you get a proc. The rogue will probably trinket this because of the pressure, at this moment your hunter should try to scatter and trap the rogue and silence the priest. While DPS'ing , your hunter should keep aimed shot on the priest everytime and if you managed to control everything you will kill the priest before your berserk ends.

    2 If the rogue opens on hunter: Open the priest. When you have your instant proc, cyclone the rogue. He will most likely trinket that and use his defensive cds. After this, either you burst down the priest with berserk while you CC the rogue as most as possible, either you use your shadowmeld then reopen/burst down the rogue after getting your buffs up. Dispell poisons and heal if you have the opportunity.

    3 If the rogue opens on nothing or get spotted by volleys: This can happen quite often when the rogue tries to open the hunter within flare. Berserk on the priest, while controlling the rogue with cyclones and traps. If he trinkets, you can either continue bursting priest or shadowmeld switch on rogue.

    In all cases, keep Faerie Fire on the rogue and Flare down at all times! If you forget to do these, rogue will re-open you or your partner and it might lead to a loss. It's better to spend some GCDs to refresh Faerie Fire on rogue even it's constantly dispelled and limit the rogue's damage rather than using your damage spells constantly and you / your partner to get bursted down at the same time.Also, only trinket a KS when you have dots on you! If you randomly trinket a KS without dots and/or being LoS, he will instantly blind you, then resap.

    If the rogue pops, and priest is still far away: Can happen often when the rogue tries to sap your hunter within flare. Simply open the rogue (without berserk), control the priest before he fears you. Most of the time rogue will trinket your maim even your pounce, at this time charge him immediately to prevent him from reopen you. Most ofthen when this scenario happens you can kill the rogue at the opener.If not, when you focus a rogue, he will often use his Evasion and Cloak of shadows to prevent getting hit by the hunter. In this case, try to charge/root the rogue under Evasion to prevent him from damaging you and your hunter. If you get a full clone on rogue, los the priest and repounce him. While doing this tactic, avoid at all costs double fears and if you land a full CC on priest and Evasion has passed, stun + burst him and it's a win.

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  • Disc Priest / Sub Rogue

    Difficulty : MediumFrequency : Very high

    In all cases, keep Faerie Fire on the rogue and Flare down at all times.Sub variant is a bit harder than Mutilate. They have low sustained damage but can burst and CC very hard with their Shadowstep/Shadowdances. Again, start off by positionning yourself behind a pillar or the grave, while the hunter sets the flare, snake+freezing/frost traps, and go into it. Hunter should spam his volleys. In this setup, most priests will rush you and your hunter to land a fear. If he does, pounce and DPS him immediately! However, don't use Berserk while the rogue isn't visible, he will most likely open on you. If you popped Berserk at start it will be wasted.

    Once again, there are 3 or 4 possible scenarios after this:1A If the rogue opens on you: Your hunter have to stop his incoming dps on you and if possible, land a trap before the rogue KS. If you get KS'd, pop barkskin, but don't trinket! You will get blinded then sapped if you do so. Don't trinket it even the priest is low! After the KS is over, take some time to gain control and make the rogue trinket. Then cyclone him after he trinkets, pop Berserk and immediately burst down the priest!

    1B - Other variant if the rogue opens on youGood priest/rogues open and put 5 combo-KS on you. After this the rogue dances on your hunter and goes back to you in order to sap. If you trinket it, you will get blinded and resapped. While getting KS'd, hunter must try to snare as much as possible the rogue to prevent him going back resap you. At the same time try to hard spam Faerie fire on anyone to get in combat, and if the opponents los you, spam your Gift of the wild (see tip 16) and pray to not get sapped. If you often encounter this situation, take the -10% stun duration metagem.

    2 If the rogue open on hunter: This is the worst case, as the rogue can burst down your hunter in 1 dance, and even he deterrences, he's still vulnerable to cheap shots, backstabs and Ambush. Moreover, deterrence has no effect while stunned, and your hunter will take all incoming damage. Again, open on the priest, and when you have your instant proc, use it to cyclone the rogue (during his KS). He will probably trinket or use his defensive cds to save his dance. Burst down the priest with zerk, control as most as possible the rogue to save your hunter. While this, your hunter must keep Aimed shot and silence the priest's incoming casts. If you land a full cyclone on rogue and you burst the priest enough it's a win

    3 If the rogue open nothing / get spotted by volleys: Does not happen as often as when facing mutilate rogues. However most rogues start with dance up even if they get spotted by the flare or volleys. If the rogue is visible, either berserk on priest, while your hunter immediately scatter/trap the rogue, and/or cyclone the rogue, then switch on him after he trinkets!

    Against this comp, for each spec, be sure to avoid all double fears. If you get double feared you/your hunter will get reopened and take a ton of damage. If you see the priest suddenly trying to approach the hunter, this means that he is about to get feared!

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  • Do not rush them or to their pillars ! If you do so, there is a high chance that you'll get sapped. They will then also use their pillars to los your hunter, making it harder to DPS them. Your hunter will then also get opened on in middle of the map, and rogue will stick on him to prevent him from getting closer to the priest. Staying around your pillar at start allows you to use it and los / temporize your opponents if necessary.

    If the rogue pops, and priest is still far away: Can happen often when the rogue tries to sap your hunter within flare. Simply open the rogue (without berserk), control the priest before he fears you. Most of the time rogue will trinket your maim even your pounce, at this time charge him immediately to prevent him from reopen you. Most ofthen when this scenario happens you can kill the rogue at the opener.If not, when you focus a rogue, he will often use his Evasion and Cloak of shadows to prevent getting hit by the hunter. In this case, try to charge/root the rogue under Evasion to prevent him from damaging you and your hunter. If you get a full clone on rogue, los the priest and repounce him. While doing this tactic, avoid at all costs double fears and if you land a full CC on priest and Evasion has passed, stun + burst him and it's a win.

    TIP : How to trick (some) rogues with flareWhen facing this comp, my hunter puts his flare down at start. Priest rushes us: I dash, then open on the priest. After a mangle, I go back to the flare then come back dpsing the priest again. You might make the rogue pop in front of you opening nothing as he wanted to open you!

    T = 0 : Priest rushes youT = 1 : You pounce then mangle himT = 2 : You go back to the flareT = 3 : You go back to the priestBetween T = 2 and T = 3, as the rogue wanted to cover his priest by opening you, getting back to the flare will make him step it and then get destealthed.

    This tactic does not work at 100% but you might unstealth some rogues with this tactic and you will at the same time pool some energy. If they did not appear, you will at least delay their opener for 2-3 seconds.See the illustration below:

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  • Disc Priest / MM Hunter

    Difficulty : MediumFrequency : Common

    Start berserking on priest. You will probably get scattered then trapped. To prevent this, at the same time as you open on priest, your hunter must immediately trap the hunter. If the trap successfully landed on hunter and the disc is silenced then stunned, the hunter will trinket it and you should immediately cyclone him! You will then be able to kill the priest.

    If you get scattered, trinket incoming trap or if possible, get the trap eaten by the hunter. However you must kill the priest very fast and land a full cyclone on the hunter. If you get (double) feared after berserk or another trap, it's a loss!

    Be aware of hunter's deterrences. Hunters will probably use their deterrence after getting trapped to counter your incoming cyclone. Wait the hunter gets closer to you, then clone him during his global!

    If the hunter goes on you : While dpsing the priest, first pop barkskin and Survival Instincts (and crit immunity) to tank some arrows, then if you're getting low use the pillar (priest often goes to the pillars) to LoS the hunter for a few seconds. To limit your DPS loss, start to los him after a Maim, a Rip or when your GCDs are active. Eat the traps when your hunter get scattered. Your hunter, during this time will have to CC the opponent hunter and DPS the priest. While LoSing, use some heals and if possible, hibernate the pet.

    Disc Priest / Frost Mage

    Difficulty : EasyFrequency : High

    Easy matchup. Wait for the mage to get out of Invisible mode, after this open on the priest with Berserk and burst him while the hunter tries to trap the mage. If the mage trinkets, cyclone him, then finish the priest.

    However, even if it's easy to win this comp, you'll get really annoyed by the mage. Your hunter must avoid EVERY incoming sheep and fear with pillars, his deterrence and all other defensive cds available. If you have the opportunity to kick the mage's poly, do it. If your hunter takes a full sheep or a full fear, and has no trinket, cyclone the mage and kick the incoming poly casts.

    Also, as a feral, even if you can shapeshift novas and snares, your goal is to spend as little shapeshifts GCDs as possible to use it on damage and not get globaled in a root (or you will take a deep just after). Try to expect when the mage is going to nova you, play with pillars during dash effect when you have the opportunity (you might make him miss his AoEs) and cyclone him as early as possible. Once you've understood these points, it's fairly easy to win.

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  • Disc Priest / Arms Warrior

    Difficulty : Easy Frequency : High

    Very easy matchup and can be found at high MMRs. Again, like Priest/Mages, Berserk the priest (or B4 sequence) trap at the same time the warrior, silence, stun then finish the priest.

    Most warriors will rush your hunter. Ignore the warrior, but try to not take his Demoralizing shout while going on priest. In this case, the warrior will rush your hunter with mount, leaving his priest behind. At this time, hunter must trap the warrior then get closer to the priest.

    Once more, be aware of not taking too much damage from the warrior. Like Hunter/Disc, if you land successfully a full trap and silence/stun the priest at the same time, you will make the warrior trinket and he will try to avoid your following cyclone. Watch out for incoming spell reflects.Securing your clone by a bear charge + Bash can be a good option if he's getting close to you. If the warrior is too far away, continue your DPS to the priest. Warriors can also use their Bladestorm to avoid incoming CCs and put your hunter under pressure, either way, the priest will be very low despite his efforts. Once you've understood all these points, it's very easy to beat.

    Disc Priest / Feral Druid

    Difficulty : Easy to MediumFrequency : Common

    Keep Faerie Fire on the Feral and Flare down at all times and avoid double fears.Feral druids / disc priest are easier to beat than rogue/discs. However, if you don't CC the feral quickly, you or your hunter will take a lot of damage and get controlled, forcing you to go into healing mode and play defensively.

    As you do not have a risk to get sapped and ferals have a lower stealth detection than rogues, you can move wherever you want. Though I would recommend you to stay behind the pillar for the same reasons as I mentionned above, against rogues. If it's taking too long, hunter can take the eyes.

    Again, Flare/Frost trap, open berserk the priest when he's coming towards you. You can apply the trick with flares, you have higher chances to spot ferals. CC the feral as soon as possible, before he gets an instant proc (otherwise you'll get hibernated then cycloned, etc). When hibernating or trapping the feral, don't forget to silence the priest at this time. If the feral is successfully CC'd, you're able to burst comfortably the priest down. However, game can be easily lost if you or your hunter take too much damage from the feral (bleeds hit very hard) and/or you get fully hibernated. You have to prevent these as soon as possible.

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  • Disc Priest / Elemental Shaman

    Difficulty : MediumFrequency : Common

    This comp does a lot of damage during bloodlust, and also with very strong healing. It also has a lot of offensive dispells and anti-magic options with Grounding totem and Wind shear, making it hard to land a cyclone.

    Open with berserk on the priest. Don't use your Feral Charge (cat) to get on him faster! Dash should be enough. Avoid getting double bumped and double feared. Kill the grounding if it's down then your hunter can trap the shaman. Silence then stun the priest at the same time as you're trapping. The shaman should trinket. At this time, the priest should be really low health and therefore the Shaman will pop his Bloodlust/Heroism and spam his healing waves on the priest. An Ele Shaman heals as well as a Resto Shaman. After this you must absolutely prevent him from healing by landing a CC to the shaman despite your Berserk (kill grounding totems to cyclone). During the game, don't forget to dispel Hex if necessary.

    To maximize your chances to land an instant cyclone without getting it dispelled, kill grounding totems, use your instant cyclone after your second stun on priest (to avoid priest's dispells). During the small GCD after Maim, los the shaman to avoid incoming purges and after, clone him! If it fails, land a bash on him, hard cast cyclone and normally, scatter/trap should be almost up again.

    Your main goal is to prevent the shaman from healing. If the priest gets too much healing from the Shaman, it's almost definitely a loss.

    Disc Priest / Unholy DK

    Difficulty : Easy to MediumFrequency : Common

    This setup is not hard to beat. However the DK has various spells to annoy you while bursting the priest.Open on the priest with the B4 sequence. During this time, DK will rush the hunter and snare him, preventing your hunter from getting close to the priest. He will also pop his cds afterwards. Trap the DK, he'll most likely trinket, then cyclone him after and finish the priest (of course, silence stuns etc). Be aware of the DK's Anti-Magic Shield to counter your clone and his Strangulate.

    While bursting the priest, you and/or your hunter will take a lot of damage from diseases and gargoyle. CC the gargoyle and use some heals if necessary. The priest should be dead by now, but...

    It's still not finished! As the DK popped/will pop every defensive/offensive CD at the same time (gargoyles, anti-stun, ... ) and your Cds are in CD/DR, he will be uncontrollable and do a lot of damage despite he's alone. CC the gargoyle to limit damage, silence the DK, fake his kick and cyclone/root, then los hi