fernwood communication plan

FERNWOOD NRG Project M Communities Building Community A communication plan to enhance the reputation of Fernwood NRG with key stakeholders through the implementation of Project M.

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Project M Communities Building Community

A communication plan to enhance the reputation of Fernwood NRG with key stakeholders through the implementation of Project M.

Fernwood NRG

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Fernwood NRG C O M M U N I T I E S B U I L D I N G C O M M U N I T Y

THE ISSUE Despite its significant work in the community, Fernwood NRG’s reputation lacks clarity outside of its community.

Within the Fernwood community, there is the need for enhanced communication cohesiveness surrounding the

organization, its objectives, and specifically, Project M. See Appendix for further background.

OBJECTIVE Our communication plan’s objective is to suggest ways for enhancing Fernwood NRG’s reputation and key

relationships through the proactive and targeted engagement of various stakeholders around Project M.

CULTURAL ANALYSIS An organization can best achieve its goals and service its stakeholders when its internal values are aligned

with its espoused values. When we considered the Fernwood NRG’s culture we found much alignment and

some incongruities between principles, stated values, lived values and assumptions. We wish to celebrate

FNRG’s historical success, by drawing attention to areas that could be brought into value alignment. This would

strengthen the organization, and achieve the goal of enhancing and improving the organization’s reputation

with key stakeholders.


! Passion and commitment

! Forward thinking

! Innovative

! In touch with community

! Sustainable

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! Self-reliant

Findings and Opportunities for Growth:

! Transparency

FNRG’s strong community presence and success has resulted in the need for greater accountability through transparency, not only with their plans for Project M, but their operations as well (i.e. financial reporting in annual report).

! Encourage and welcome feedback

FNRG’s management team appears to have tools in place to receive and respond to feedback. However the sharing of said feedback appears limited. For example, while questions and emails are encouraged in FNRG’s primary communication tool The Village Vibe, no questions or “Letters to the Editor” responses appear in any of its issues.

! Dissemination of responsibilities

The dynamic and forward thinking image of FNRG is partly due to the leadership of Lee Herrin and his team. Assessing the organization’s culture allowed us to determine that Lee wears many “hats,” often at the same time. As the organization grows, redistributing these responsibilities would allow Lee to focus on more strategic and forward-thinking projects for FNRG.

! Focus inward

All of FNRG’s values focus outward into the community, allowing us to conclude that the company is fully committed to its stakeholders. However, we suggest they consider applying these stated values internally to move them from a performance team to a high-performance team.

KEY MESSAGES When organizations have key messages or focus points they are able to centre their ideas and display a

united front to their intended audience. The FNRG is focused on developing and enhancing a vibrant

community, and we suggest implementation of the following statements.

! Communities Building Community

Demonstrates the significance of building from within. Fernwood is a community full of diversity and many subcultures. Uniting these different groups/cultures throughout the neighbourhood would help create a deeper sense of belonging and develop a common shared culture.

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! We Are the Future of Neighbourhoods

Fernwood is recognized as a self-reliant community, which has been able to build a unique and vibrant atmosphere. The community could be used as a positive example to help other developing communities in their re-development journey.

! Yesterday’s Heritage Becoming Tomorrow’s Creation

An inspiring message to keep in mind when approaching all community matters. Fernwood is distinctive, colourful, and full of rich history. As the community continues to grow and work towards its goals, honouring its history gives is a platform to build on as it moves forward.

KEY STAKEHOLDERS ! Local Community

Residents feel that they have a stake in the actions of Fernwood NRG, having contributed to initial projects, and would like to be engaged and contribute to future projects.

! Funders

FNRG has had close ties with its funders for all of its building projects, including government (City of Victoria, Industry Canada, Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation), non-profits (Victoria Foundation, YMCA, Real Estate Foundation of BC), as well as the private sector and individual donors. For Project M, we see funders as close partners with FNRG.

! Key Staff

FNRG has approximately fifty employees, a handful of which are a part of the strategic communications and management teams. As a part of this proposal, we anticipate managers and supervisors will take the lead in disseminating critical project information and next steps to support staff.

! Government

Fernwood, as a growing community in Victoria, has relied on government funding as well as city support. “Government” is defined as FNRG’s continuing (and growing) relationship with the different municipal, provincial and federal representatives as well as local government branches, some of which have provided funding and influenced local growth.

THE PLAN Find points of overlap with your opinions and other stakeholders (i.e. you both want Fernwood to be self-reliant), but be aware of anchors of other parties, (their most committed views). Remember that you share common goals and opinions with your strongest detractors.

A high-profile, transparent, proactive approach

! Go big. Anticipate problems. Get “buy-in” from stakeholders.

! Target key stakeholders with specific messages; they will disseminate the information and influence opinion

! Be strategic with timing and resources

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! Communication should be open, honest, frequent, strategic, and dialogical

! Build the strategy and share the load

! Strive for value alignment



! Build a separate page on fernwoodnrg.ca relating to this project;

! Include a fact sheet, timeline, FAQ, and provide opportunity for feedback;

! Invite the community along on the journey and explain “why these changes now.”

! This will be the first point of contact for many people. Show the “why” of the project, and invite people along on the journey.


! Government officials (e.g., Carole James, Murray Rankin, MP, City Councillors)

o Keep them up to date with Project M, ask for input and support (it’s a great talking point for politicians) and through sharing credit, you will raise community profile.

! Internal Staff

o Bring them along on the journey, keep them informed, and ask for their feedback.

o Value alignment of employees and organization encourages a sense of belonging.

o Respect confidentiality

! Community and Opinion leaders

o Who do you know in the community that is an opinion leader? Sit down and dialogue with them, they will in turn influence others. (e.g., managers, business owners)

o Who are the trusted others? If people don’t come directly to program heads, whom are they going to?

! Funders

o Consider meeting with funders upon project completion to show what has been done with funding.

o Let them benefit from providing funding by taking partial credit.

! Press release/interviews at milestone moments

o Inviting media to interviews may be less financially demanding than press releases.

! Open House

o Invite community, funders, peer community associations, media, and government officials.

o Great opportunity for networking, receiving input and dissemination of information.

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! Anticipate Concerns and Prepare Responses

o FAQ (e.g., parking concerns, gentrification, what business will be coming in)

o Proactively prepare anticipated form responses so the Communications Director can respond to inquiries and concerns in a timely and cohesive manner.

o Refer to key messages and invite input

! Tie together social media properties

o Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Flickr

o Have cohesive and connected updates across media

o Be proactive and strategically reactive

TIMELINE We have determined three main components involved in an action timeline for Fernwood.

! Strategic Planning

Involves how this project is communicated to the residents of Fernwood, including the various levels of government, municipal, provincial, and federal. We encourage more proactive communication between interested parties to ensure that there is message cohesiveness, demonstrating the values of transparency, and inclusivity. Fernwood NRG has initiated this process, but the organization may want to expand its communication efficacy. Proactive communication ensures messages are heard by all stakeholders in a consistent manner.

! Teardown and Build

This process can be commenced within a few months prior to the actual property demolition. Proactive communication with all stakeholders will inject excitement as the event nears. While the Village Vibe assists with information dissemination, a “teardown and build” presentation at a local school for younger students would help instill the community’s values into the educational system. Safety protocols surrounding having work crews and heavy equipment in the locale could be created by the Fernwood Safety Community, formed in April 2013. Above all, community transparency and tools involving this phase need to be kept current through all media formats.

! Launch

This will serve many purposes, including marketing, community cohesiveness, stakeholder acknowledgement, and celebration. A media event involving all funders, the Victoria Foundation, peer community associations, levels of government, Fernwood NRG staff, local businesses, and community residents would serve to celebrate this accomplishment and also act as networking catalyst between all vested parties for possible future housing and business development.

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EVALUATION Evaluation is important to ensure the maintenance and continued success of Project M. There are many ways in

which the FNRG can continually evaluate and monitor the progress of its goals.

! Surveys

Surveys are a positive way to get project feedback and to determine where the community stands in relation to events. Surveys can also be used to re-connect with funders and engage their perspective on the whole project scope.

! Analytics to measure online engagement

Measuring online engagement is another way to gauge the success of the project especially in regards to citizen involvement.

! Regular team meetings/check-ins

Having regular team meetings and check-ins with project team members would also be helpful because consensus within the FNRG would correlate well to positive attitudes within the community.

! Re-audit/debrief

Would enable all members of the organization to touch base with what went well and what could be worked on.

COMMUNICATION TOOLS Included in your communication toolkit (see Appendix) are the following resources to assist in plan execution:

! Sample FAQs

! Talking Points

! Fact Sheet

! Website/Blog

! Form Responses (Social Media, Email)


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This project represents a time of transition for the organization. It is an excellent opportunity to engage

stakeholders and enhance reputation, but will also have impacts on the internal structure of the organization.

We have provided guidelines and ideas to keep in mind while navigating this transitional period.

! Keep communication frequent and two-way

o What can I communicate about this change today? Keeping your audience top of mind when new information is available promotes open and honest sharing of information

! Identify the trusted others in FNRG and community

o Who are people talking to if they are not talking to you? Make them visible and leverage their skills

! Remember, all stakeholders have the same end goal: “A better Fernwood”

o Find points of overlap and use that as a starting place

! Invite people on the journey

o Sell, don’t tell. Show your stakeholders why the project is important and why it is taking place now

! Sharing responsibility

o Remember that everyone on the team is as passionate and end-goal oriented as you are.

! Build on success

o Honour past successes, history and the efforts of your team and community.


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Appendix Table of Contents

Background ........................................................................................................................................... 3

Communication Tools ........................................................................................................................... 4

Sample FAQs .................................................................................................................................................................................... 4

Talking Points .................................................................................................................................................................................... 4

Fact Sheet .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 5

Website/Blog ................................................................................................................................................................................... 6

Form Responses (Social Media, Email) ......................................................................................................................................... 7

Fernwood NRG

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Fernwood NRG

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Fernwood Neighbourhood Resource Group (FNRG) has been operating since 1979 and offering affordable

housing since 2006. Their first purchase in 2005, the Cornerstone Building was rejuvenated thanks to 10,000

community volunteer hours. Their second major housing project was the 2008 construction on Yukon Street of

six, 3-bedroom units of affordable housing.

Fernwood NRG has agreed to purchase 2009 Fernwood Road and 1310 Gladstone Avenue from Mi’s Kow

A Ao Development Society. The current housing project stems from the 2011 Fernwood Neighbourhood

Visioning Forum, resulting in three key mandates, one being the need for more affordable housing. In May

2013 a conditional offer was placed on the properties owned by the Mi’s Kow A Ao Development Society,

with the offer to purchase was accepted and conditions met during July 2013. In September 2013, Fernwood

obtained approval from membership to proceed with the purchase. While the initial offer to purchase

involves four properties, currently they have approval for two sites, as the future purchase of the 2013 and

2017 Fernwood Road properties is conditionally based on necessary development approvals. The overall

goal for this project, known as Project M, is to create additional housing and space for local businesses. This

can be accomplished through ensuring coordinated communication with all involved parties, linking past

accomplishments with tomorrow’s success, and creating new business possibilities to strengthen the community.

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Sample FAQs

We have created a sample FAQ document for your team to start with, mainly to provide you with guidance in

drafting responses in line with your key messages.

! Will there be more parking built in the area? It’s already a parking nightmare.

! What about gentrification? This neighborhood is becoming too expensive for the people that live here.

! What businesses are going to be in the new buildings?

! What part do the citizens of this community get to play in the creation and formation of this project? How can we have our voices heard?

! How much will the rental units cost, and can I apply to rent one?

Talking Points

This is a document for all key messengers to keep in their “back pockets” with highlights of key messages and

words to consider when speaking to the press or general public about Project M.

! We have a history of successfully implementing projects just like this one

! We are members of the community, devoted to enhancing our liveable, vibrant neighbourhood

! We are a fiscally-responsible and reliable non-profit

! We strive to be a role model for communities across North America

! We are building on the success and uniqueness of Fernwood

! We encourage and appreciate feedback and suggestions from the community

! Project M will create and support neighbourhood employment

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Fact Sheet

! Fernwood NRG has been operating and offering affordable housing since 2006.

! First purchase was Cornerstone Building in 2005, that was rejuvenated thanks to 10,000 volunteer hours from the community

! Second project was building 6, 3 bedroom units of affordable housing on Yukon Street in 2008.

! Agreement to purchase 2009 Fernwood Road and 1310 Gladstone Avenue from M’is Kow A Ao Development Society.

! Project stemmed from Fernwood Neighbourhood Visioning Forum in 2011 where three key messages were determined - the need for more affordable housing, more local businesses in the neighbourhood core and greater food security.

! May 2013 - conditional offer placed on properties owned by the Mi’s Kow A Ao Development Society

! July 2013 - offer to purchase was accepted

! July 2013 to August 1 2013 - ensured all conditions on purchase were met

! July 2013 to present - negotiations with Coastal Community Credit Union

! Present - Final approval for project from Membership

! September 2013 - approval obtained from membership to proceed with purchase

! Offer to purchase 4 properties, but at the moment only have approval for two

! Purchase of 2013 and 2017 Fernwood conditional based on necessary development approvals

! 2015 - Return to membership for authority to borrow on the purchase.

! Goal is to create additional housing and space for local businesses

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As a part of our proposed action plan, below is a mock up of proposed Project M sub site and blog, used as

a central information source for the project, regularly updated and connected to all Project M related online


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Form Responses (Social Media, Email)

We have created a sample Form Response document for your team to start building messaging around

questions asked through social media and email. Related to keeping key messaging consistent, it may be a

beneficial team exercise to pull together a response for each question as they come in, remembering to keep

to the central themes.

Dear Fernwood NRG:

I heard recently that you are tearing down some old buildings and putting up new ones in

the neighbourhood. I have lived here for 30 years and am disappointed to see the

continuing gentrification of Fernwood. The wine bar and fernwood inn are not places

where I can afford to go. Rent is increasing, and soon we will all be moved out. Please

don’t tear down the buildings. It’s not what the neighbourhood wants

Fern Fernwood

Dear Fern:

Thank you for your inquiry/suggestion about Project M, we are always happy to get

feedback from our community. After all, it is a project for and by the community, and we

want to ensure we’re all working toward the same end goal of making Fernwood a better

place for all of us.

We are committed to creating affordable living spaces for families, and as such the top

level of the new buildings will be low-income housing. You can see some examples of

this at the Yukon Street location.

We are also devoted to ensuring neighborhood control of institutions and assets. As such,

we’re interested in seeing businesses on the lower levels of these buildings that service

the community and are owned by members of this community. We want people like you

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to be best served by street level businesses. We have yet to settle on what those

businesses might be. We’d love to hear from you as to what you think might best suit our

socially, environmentally, and economically sustainable neighbourhood.

We encourage you to send us your ideas and proposals.

By the way, we’ll be holding an open house on ______, 2014. Please join us to share

your thoughts and ideas.


Lee Herrin and Fernwood NRG