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AnnuAl report 08-09Mapp – Centre for researChon Customer relationsin the food seCtor

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This annual report presents highlights of the research carried

out at MAPP in 2008 and 2009. Lea ng through the report you will see that, in addition to traditional MAPP research topics, i.e.consumer product perception and decision-making with a view to application in new product development, another area hasgained momentum: healthy eating. Healthy eating is, as every-one knows, a major public policy challenge. While the evidenceof the negative effects of an unhealthy diet is clear and abun-dant, suggestions for dealing with the problem are not. Consumer behaviour in the area of healthy eating is complexand obscure. Attempts at explanations in the social sciencesrange from economic treatments arguing that an unhealthy diet may be the rational choice for some people all the way toexperimental investigations showing what and how people eat issubject to environmental in uences that consumers are not evenaware of. This is an area where social science research really can make a difference, and not only to the advantage of publicpolicy.

Healthy eating is also a commercial opportunity for the foodindustry. Many consumers would like to eat more healthily but nd it hard to do so for a whole range of reasons – trade-offs with other quality parameters (especially taste and family liking), perceived lack of convenience, negative social signalling,lack of credibility of health claims, lack of information about what is healthy and what is not. Food producers breaking thecode of successfully building healthiness into food productsthat will attract consumers will have a basis for developing asustainable competitive advantage in a growing market.

At MAPP we hope to be able to take up the public policy chal-lenge as well as to exploit the commercial opportunity. Ourexperience in doing research on consumer perception of foodquality and on consumer technology acceptance has provided asound platform for dealing with the issues of healthy eating. Wehave also pro ted from our recent investments in innovative,non-verbal social science methodologies, which are especially fruitful in this area – with social desirability issues.

I hope you will enjoy reading our annual report.Klaus G. GrunertDirector of MAPP

HealtHy eating:a publiC poliCyChallenge anda CommerCialopportunity

AnnuAl report


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Mapp – annual report 2008 - 20094 www.Mapp.asb.dk

parents forget to listen to their

Children’s stomaChs

Children should eat healthy in-be-tween

meals. New research, however, shows thatparents don’t understand their children’spreferences. They forget that healthy in- between meals must also taste good and becool.

Together with, among others, the DanishCancer Society, the Danish AgriculturalCouncil, Agrova Food and Arla Foods,MAPP took part in the cross-disciplinary research project “Breaking down barriers for healthier eating by consumer-led prod-uct development” . The overall objective was

to study barriers of healthier eating and todevelop and test healthy in-between meals.

After having conducted three focus groupsto gain insight into children’s consumptionof snacks and in-between meals, we develo-ped four children-friendly prototypes to theDanish market. Subsequently, we testedtwo cheese and bread stick concepts (onecontaining chilli cheese) as well as two fruitand vegetable concepts (pineapple sticksand mini-carrots).

We conducted a test in three shoppingmalls in three large Danish cities (Copen-hagen, Aarhus and Odense). Here 658 pa-rent-child dyads were recruited for a survey and a taste experiment. The children’s ageranged from 11 to 16 years.

An innovative study design was applied in

order to explore the extent of congruence between parents’ and children’s quality assessments and how improved parentalknowledge of children’s quality assessmentsmay affect parents’ willingness to pay forsuch products. Focus group results had in-dicated that parents buy and pay for in-be-tween meals. This led to a ve-stage study design imitating the dyadic family decisionprocess when buying in-between meals.

Firstly, the parents were interviewedabout their quality expectations, while thechildren were occupied elsewhere so they would not be in uenced by the parent’sperceptions. Secondly, parents observed- but were not allowed to interrupt - whiletheir children were interviewed abouttheir expectations. Then parents wereasked to state their willingness to pay forthe product. Afterwards the children wereasked to taste the product. Finally, parents’ willingness to pay was measured again so asto account for the in uence of the children’sperceptions.

Our results showed a surprisingly poorcongruence between children’s and parents’overall quality expectations. In addition,children were much better than theirparents at predicting whether they likedthe concepts. Further analyses revealedthat this difference could be explained by

children and parents emphasising different

aspects of new in-between meals. Parents’ beliefs about the concepts’ healthiness wasthe single most important quality aspect when evaluating the concepts, with taste barely playing any role. Contrary to this,healthiness did not have a signi cant effecton children’s overall quality expectations, whereas taste and social dimensions (cool,able to share, portion size) had the largesteffects.

Our results imply that both parents andchildren should be involved in the product

development process. Excluding one partof the dyad may result in product failuredue to the incongruence between quality aspects emphasised as well as the differentroles the family members play. Parentspay for the product, but their children eator reject it. Society may also bene t fromparent-child dialogue about taste, since thismay promote healthy eating.

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Our results showed a surprisingly poor congruence be-tween children’s and parents’ overall qualityexpectations

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Mapp – annual report 2008 - 20096 www.Mapp.asb.dk

the quality of potatoes

Potatoes were introduced in Denmark inthe 17th century and slowly they became anintegral part of Danish cookery.

Consumption of potatoes has declinedsteadily over the last 30 years. Potatoes aresometimes considered boring and trouble-some to prepare and many consumers ndalternatives such as rice and pasta moreexotic and convenient than potatoes.

In the project “Gourmet potatoes: Theroots of wellness and healthiness” MAPPhas studied how the quality of potatoes isnegotiated and constructed in interactions between actors along the food chain. Weinterviewed plant breeders, potato growers,agricultural consultants, traders, proces-sors, retailers and consumers in order to

analyse what they understand by quality when it comes to potatoes, how they work with quality in their day-to-day operationsand how they collaborate with other actorson quality issues.

Our study indicates that although the various actors basically agree about themain quality dimensions of potatoes, thereare signi cant opportunities for improvingtrust and cooperation between the differentlinks in the potato chain in order to developand market high-quality potatoes.

Currently, it is dif cult for actors in the po-tato sector to nd common ground and tocoordinate activities due to lack of trust andshort-termism. Most actors at the growerand packaging plant levels are afraid thattheir colleagues will act opportunistically and reap the bene ts if they divulge sensiti- ve information or launch generic marketingactivities designed to improve the image of the potato and increase overall consumptionlevels. Hence, it is often dif cult to developclose relationships between growers andpackaging plants and to coordinate activi-ties.

One important explanation given for thelack of trust and cooperation in the potatosector is surplus capacity, particularly at thepackaging level. Because many growers and

packers are focused on selling everythingthey produce (almost regardless of price),retailers are able to pit actors against eachother to achieve lower prices. Therefore, itis dif cult to make money in this sector.

Retailers are to some extent vili ed by some of the other actors, who suggest theretailers know too little about potatoes,are only interested in low prices and areunfaithful in the sense that they will switchsuppliers for even small gains in prices. Thehandling of potatoes in stores, in particular,

is considered a major problem by other

actors who lament that retailers display potatoes under conditions that are detri-mental to their quality. More speci cally,other actors complain that retailers subjectpotatoes to too bright light and store themin an environment that is too hot. Heat andlight are both detrimental to the quality of potatoes. Therefore it is argued by somegrower and packers – that consumers toooften buy potatoes of a lower quality thannecessary.

Some of this nger-pointing masks a lack of self-re ection on behalf of growers andpackers who according to other infor-mants are too focused on producing largequantities, not the quality of potatoes they produce. Rather than thinking about how many potatoes they can grow or process,

growers, packers and retailers should think more about how they can collaborate tocreate value for consumers.

The project was carried out in collabora-tion with The Department of Food Science, Aarhus University and the Faculty of LifeSciences, Copenhagen University and wasfunded by The Danish Council for StrategicResearch.

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Rather than thinking about how many potatoes they cangrow or process, growers, packers and retailers should think more about how theycan collaborate to createvalue for consumers.

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Consumer aCCeptanCe of food

produCts proCessed by high-pressureproCessing and pulsed eleCtriC field

New products and new processingtechniques are continuously developed inthe food industry. While food scientists may focus on the technical novelty and applaudthe progress of science, consumers areoften conservative and sceptical towardschanges.

Experience with gene modi cation andirradiation proves that the advantage of anew processing technology does not neces-sarily guarantee the success of a productin the marketplace. Previous research hasshown that consumer acceptance dependson whether they perceive speci c bene tsassociated with the product. Accordingly,to identify factors that in uence consumeracceptance is important for market success.

Conventional processing techniques, likepasteurization, fail to keep the fresh charac-teristics close to those of the raw materialfor foods of plant origin (taste, smell, tex-ture, healthy ingredients). New treatmentsthat extend shelf-life without compromisingthese attributes are therefore developed.Two of these treatments are high pressureprocessing (HPP) and pulsed electric elds(PEF). Do consumers accept food exposedto these new treatments?

For the past three years MAPP has partici-pated in the EU project “Novel processingmethods for the production and distributi-on of high-quality and safe foods” in which

we have studied consumer acceptance of foods processed by high-pressure proces-sing and pulsed electric eld. Speci cally we have studied consumers’acceptance of apple juice treated with thenovel processing techniques, and comparedthe results with consumer acceptance of pasteurized and fresh apple juice. The study took place in four European countries: Nor- way, Denmark, Hungary and Slovakia, and was done in three separate tests by applyingdifferent methodologies.

The results show that consumers do recog-nize and appreciate the bene ts that apple juice produced with HPP and PEF has tooffer.

Consumers in all four countries associ-ated positive consequences with productattributes related to the nutritional valueand the taste of the products produced with these novel technologies. Also theenvironmental bene ts from processingfoods by applying these technologies wereseen as highly positive characteristics of thetechnologies.

Many consumers were, however, ambiva-lent about the PEF juice. The product wasperceived to have advantages but in many

cases consumers also appeared unsureabout potential risks from using PEF infood processing. Many consumers as-

sociated the name of the technology withelectricity and were sceptical towards theside effects of using electricity in food pro-duction. Hence, providing consumers withmore information about the technologiesseems to be a key to achieving consumeracceptance of products manufactured by means of these new technologies.

Although consumers seem to recognize theadvantages that apple juice produced by HPP and PEF has to offer over pasteuri-zed juice, the question is whether they are willing to pay a premium price for theseproducts.

Our ndings show that consumers inNorway, Denmark, Hungary and Slovakiaperceive PEF and HPP treated juice to be

a better choice than pasteurized juice if the price and taste is right. So the practicalimplication for the food industry is that if they are able to produce premium new-treatment juice and sell it at a standardprice, there seems to be a market for theseproducts.

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reAd More / www.novelQ.org

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Mapp – annual report 2008 - 20098 www.Mapp.asb.dk

what Can be done to make nutrition

labelling work?

Nutrition labelling is an attempt to helpconsumers make healthier choices . Mostfoods on European markets already carry nutrition information, but it is in smallprint on the back of the package. Simpli edinformation on the front of the package– so-called front-of-pack signposting –could make it easier for consumers to usenutrition information when shopping. Buthow should it be designed? Will consumersuse it? This question is currently beingresearched by MAPP in collaboration withother European researchers.

Front-of-pack labelling already exists.Many large food producers have adoptedthe GDA label, where ve key nutrients(calories, fat, saturated fat, sugar, salt) areexpressed both in grams per portion and as

a percentage of the guideline daily amount(the maximum recommended intake) of that nutrient. Health logos, like the SwedishKeyhole and the Dutch Choices logo areother ways of providing simpli ed informa-tion. In some countries, and especially theUK, traf c light labelling has been promo-ted where the information on key nutrientsis accompanied by a green, yellow or redcolour to signify different levels.

In collaboration with the European FoodInformation Council, MAPP has investi-gated to which extent consumers actually look for such labelling information whenthey buy foods, and how dif cult it is forthem to understand and use the informa-tion. Results showed that most consumersare able to use labelling information cor-rectly, but that only a minority of consu-mers actually checks the information in theshop.

Based on this study, MAPP has embarkedon a large EU-funded project that examinesthe whole hierarchy of effects by which anutrition label can affect consumer choicesuch as:

• Attention

• Liking• Understanding• Use in the shop• Effect on product choice• Shopping basket• Diet healthiness

The rst task of this project, which is co-ordinated by the European Food Informa-tion Council and carried out by MAPP incollaboration with several other Europeanuniversities, was to map labelling informa-tion across the whole of the EU (+ Tur-key). Currently the project is carrying outexperimental work on attention getting andunderstanding, and will conclude by testing both existing and new labels in a real-worldshopping environment.

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Results showed that most consumers are able to use labellinginformation correctly, but that only a minority of consumersactually checks the information in the shop.

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9Mapp – annual report 2008 - 2009 www.Mapp.asb.dk

produCt development and branding of

danish beef

With rising incomes, consumers’ increa-singly sophisticated and demanding needshave prompted meat producers to intro-duce greater ef ciency into their organi-sations. People are now able to buy moreexpensive cuts of meat than before, leadingto greater demand for variety and quality of produce. The different choices in beef prod-ucts result from different production andprocessing practices which can change the

avour, tenderness and texture of beef cuts.The increasing availability of processed andpackaged meat products has also added tothe general growth in consumers’ interestin these products.

Recently MAPP carried out a consumer sur- vey to investigate how consumers perceivethe quality of four new processed meat

products namely:

• Rape-poached chuck rib• Heather-smoked llet of shoulder• Stuffed shoulder• Roasted terres major marinated in honey

and blackthorn snaps

These products were developed as part of the “Beef product development and brand-ing of Danish beef” project, which aimed atdeveloping new products that:

a) Consumers perceive as being of highquality

b) Utilize muscle segments that are currently not turned into high-value products

c) Are distributed via a value chain wherethe butcher is a part of the value-addingprocess

Expected and experienced quality has beenused as predictors of intention to purchasethese four new processed meat products.One additional aspect in this study is

inclusion of cues in the taste test. As con-sumers’ opinion about cues may changeafter experiencing a product possibly in uencing their decision to purchase theproduct in future, post-purchase cues have been considered to be as important as thepre-purchase cues in determining future

purchase willingness.

The results also indicate a positive andsigni cant in uence of “expected quality”on “purchase intention” (before eating)and of “experienced quality” on “purchaseintention” (after taste). Results indicatethat “experienced quality” has higher in u-ence on “purchase intention” (after taste)than the in uence of “purchase intention”(before eating) on “purchase intention”(after taste).

“Displaying status and wealth” and show -ing themselves as “gourmet” is somethingDanes do not mention as motives for buying these new processed meat products.Results indicate “self satisfaction”, “to try new things”, “for special occasions” andto “please family” as stronger motives forpurchase and having a positive in uence onconsumers’ intention to buy these productsin the future.

Consumers found it dif cult to determinethe prices for these new products but triedto relate the expected prices with availableproducts in the market which they consi-dered could serve as benchmarks for thesenew products.

Both expected quality and experienced qua-

lity play a signi cant role in determining whether the product is ‘easy to cook’ and‘easy to store’ or not. Neither storage norcooking convenience are important cause of consumers’ intention to buy these productsin future. ContACtphd chfa za Saf z @ .

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the market potential of

omega-3 enriChed foods

The project “Fish oil-enriched foods: Sta-

bility, nutrition, consumer acceptance” (SCANomega) was a collaboration betweenthe Technical University of Denmark, Aarhus University, 3A Business Consulting,and DAX Consult, supported by the DanishCouncil for Strategic Research and co-ordi-nated by Charlotte Jacobsen (DTU-Aqua).MAPP was responsible for the marketingand consumer research in the project. In-depth interviews were combined with popu-lation-representative surveys and productchoice experiments.

Overall, the results indicate that sh oil-en-riched functional foods would make it mucheasier for consumers to meet recommendedlevels of omega-3 intake. Compared tofoods that are naturally rich in long-chainomega-3s (oily sh species such as salmon),

sh oil-enriched functional foods havestrong advantages in terms of convenience

and are much less dependent on the basic

likes and dislikes of consumers. However,the results also indicate that consumer ac-ceptance sh oil-enriched foods is strongly dependent on a number of context factors:

• Only a minority of consumers are genu-inely motivated to adopt healthier diets,and of these, only a part sees functionalfoods as the best way to do this. Like allfunctional foods, sh oil-enriched foodsare therefore likely to remain nicheproducts.

• As niche products, sh oil-enriched foodscan only be commercially sustainable if the market reaches critical size. Den-mark’s domestic market may not besuf cient for this. Prospective marketersof sh oil-enriched foods must thereforeachieve international distribution.

• Virtually all parameters of consumer ac-

ceptance depend on the product category. As a consequence, the optimal pricingand positioning of products like sh oil-enriched snack bars have little to do withthe optimal pricing and positioning of

sh oil-enriched pâtés or yoghurt drinks.

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Overall, the results indicate that sh oil-enriched functional foods would make it much easier for consumersto meet recommended levels of omega-3 intake.

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mapp workshops and ConferenCes


MApp worKShop 2008

6th International MAPP Workshopon Consumer Behaviour and Food Marketing:Family Dinner: Opportunities and Challengesof Researching Families and Childrenas Food Consumers ,Middelfart, Denmark April 9-10, 2008.

MApp ConferenCe 2008

Functional foodsMiddelfart, Denmark

November 13, 2008.

In 2008-2009 MAPP published 34 articles in refereed international journals. MAPP participated in 33 collaboration projects. Researchers gave 120 lectures and presenta-tions at national and international conferences and performed in the media 245 times.

MApp worKShop 2009

7th International MAPP Workshopon Consumer Behaviour and Food Marketing:Food Choice and Sustainability Middelfart, Denmark May 14, 2009.

MApp ConferenCe 2009

Nice family dinners or snack hell: Tendencies andopportunities within food, family and healthMiddelfart, Denmark November 10, 2009.

MApp SeMinAr

Can barriers be broken? Aarhus, Denmark June 3, 2009.

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Mapp – annual report 2008 - 200912 www.Mapp.asb.dk

MApp pArtiCipAted in the following proJeCtS in 2008-2009

• Analysis of the economic impact of New Nordic Food• Breaking down barriers for healthier eating by consumer-led

product development• Compliance in a user-centred perspective: The relation between

perception and use of medicine• Consumer acceptance and trust: Recommendations for using

health-related claims in marketing• Consumers and agricultural production systems: Attitude sys-

tems and their link to buying behaviour in Europe, China andBrazil

• Cool snacks: Development of healthy snack products for ado-lescents based on an analysis of physical, individual, social andcultural determinants of snacking behaviour

• Development of plant sink organs: Novel genes for science, agro-nomy and industrial use

• European labelling research• Families’ use of simple heuristics in the evaluation and choice of

food and beverages• Feasibility study meat-derived functional ingredients• Food labelling to advance better education for life• Gourmet potatoes: The roots of wellness and healthiness• Harmonising nutrient recommendations across Europe with

special focus on vulnerable groups and consumer understanding• Health branding• Health promoting, safe seafood of high eating quality in a consu-

mer-driven fork-to-farm concept• Health psychology and consumer-led new product development• Improving the quality and safety of beef and beef products for the

consumer in production and processing

• Improving the quality of pork and pork products for the con-sumer: Development of innovative, integrated and sustainablefood production chains of high quality pork products matchingconsumer demands

• Increasing the effectiveness of health cues, health claims andnutrition labels on product packages

• Innovative concepts for culinary consumer oriented Nordicseafood products for easy use at home and for out-of-homeconsumption

• Intelligent agricultural technologies with synergy to food indus-try and society

• Interventions to promote healthy eating habits: Evaluation andrecommendations

• Managing open innovation in SMEs• Novel processing methods for the production and distribution of

high-quality and safe foods• Nutritious and tasty n-3 PUFA rich food products for a slim and

healthy population• Optimizing the effectiveness of health cues, health claims and

nutrition labels on product packaging• Premium products in the beef sector: Perceiving, adding and

communicating quality in the value chain• Step by step change of children’s preferences to healthier foods• Temptations to eat moderated by personal and environmental

self-regulation tools• The prevalence, cost and basis of food allergy across Europe• The role of information processing in NPD strategy • User-oriented food product development• VIFU - Beef: Product development and branding of Danish beef

list of mapp projeCt partiCipation

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researChers and administrative staff

A s , A

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ArtiCleS in JournAlS with referee


Banovic, M., Grunert, K. G., Barreira, M.M. & Fontes, M. A. (2009). Beef quality perception at the point of purchase: Astudy from Portugal. Food Quality andPreference, 20(4), 335-342.Boztug, Y. & Hildebrandt, L. (2008). Modeling joint purchases with a multi-variate MNL approach. SchmalenbachBusiness Review, 60(4), 400-422.Brunsø, K., Verbeke, W., Olsen, S. O. &Jeppesen, L. F. (2009). Motives, barriersand quality evaluation in sh consumptionsituations: Exploring and comparing heavyand light users in Spain and Belgium. Bri-tish Food Journal, 111(7), 699-716.Chan, K., Prendergast, G., Grønhøj, A.& Bech-Larsen, T. (2009). Adolescents’ perceptions of healthy eating and commu-nication about healthy eating.Health Education, 109(6), 474-490.Chan, K., Prendergast, G., Grønhøj, A. &Bech-Larsen T. (2009).Communicatinghealthy eating to adolescents. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 26(1), 6-14.Chrysochou, P., Chryssochoidis, G. &Kehagia, O. (2009).Traceability informa-tion carriers. The technology backgroundsand consumers’ perceptions of the techno-logical solutions.Appetite, 53(3), 322-331.Dean, M., Raats, M. M., Grunert, K. G. &Lumbers, M. (2009). Factors in uencingeating a varied diet in old age. Public HealthNutrition, 12(12), 2421-2427.Dean, M., Grunert, K. G., Raats, M. M.,Nielsen, N. A. & Lumbers, M. (2008).The impact of personal resources and their

goal relevance on satisfaction with food-related life among the elderly. Appetite,50(2-3), 308-315.

Esbjerg, L. & Bech-Larsen, T. (2009).

The brand architecture of grocery re-tailers: Setting material and symbolicboundaries for consumer choice. Journalof Retailing and Consumer Services, 16,414-423.Fotopoulos, C., Krystallis, A., Vassallo, M. &Pagiaslis, A. (2009). Food Choice Questi-onnaire (FCQ) revisited: Suggestions forthe development of an enhanced general food motivation typology. Appetite, 52(1),199-208.Frewer, L. J., Fischer, A. R. H., van denBrink, P. J., Byrne, P., Brock, T., Brown, C.,Crocker, J., Goerlitz, G., Hart, A., Scholderer,J. & Solomon, K. (2008). Potential for theadoption of probabilistic risk assessmentsby end-users and decision-makers.Human and Ecological Risk Assessment,14(1), 166-178.Grunert, K. G., Juhl, H. J., Esbjerg, L.,Jensen, B. B., Bech-Larsen, T., Brunsø, K. &Madsen, C. Ø. (2009).Comparing methods for measuring consumer willingness to pay for a basic and an improved readymade soup product. Food Quality and Pre-ference, 20, 607-619.Grunert, K. G. & Bonsmann, S. S. G.(2009). Nährwertkennzeichnung und ihr Ein uss auf das Verbraucherverhalten.ZLR - Zeitschrift fur das Gesamte Lebens-mittelrecht, 36(1), 5-16.Grunert, K. G., Lähteenmäki, L., Boztug, Y.,Martinsdottir, E., Ueland, O., Åström, A.& Lampila, P. (2009). Perception of healthclaims among Nordic consumers.Journalof Consumer Policy, 32, 269-287.

publiCations and other dissemination


Grunert, K. G., Jensen, B. B., Sonne, A.,

Brunsø, K., Byrne, D. V., Clausen, C., Friis, A., Holm, K. L., Hyldig, G., Kristensen, N.H., Lettl, C. & Scholderer, J. (2008).User-oriented innovation in the food sector: Relevant streams of research and an agenda for future work. Trends in FoodScience & Technology, 19(11), 590-602.Grønhøj, A. & Thøgersen, J. (2009). Like father, like son? Intergenerational transmission of values, attitudes, and behaviours in the environmental domain.Journal of Environmental Psychology, 29,414-421.Hagemann, K. S. & Scholderer, J. (2009). Hot potato: Expert-consumer differencesin the perception of a second-generationnovel food.Risk Analysis, 29(7), 1041-1055.Kozlowska, K., Szczecinka, A., Roszkowski, W., Brzozowska, A., Alfonso, C., Fjellstrom,C., Morais, C., Nielsen, N. A., Pfau, C., Saba, A., Sidenvall, B., Turrini, A., Raats, M.,Lumbers, M. (2008). Patterns of healthylifestyle and positive health attitudes inolder Europeans. Journal of Nutrition,Health and Aging, 12(10), 728-733.Krutulyte, R., Costa, A. I. A. & Grunert, K.G. (2009). A cross-cultural study of cereal food quality perception. Journal of FoodProducts Marketing, 15(3), 304-323.Krutulyte, R., Grunert, K. G., Scholderer,J., Hagemann, K. S., Elgaard, P., Nielsen,B. & Graverholt, J. P. (2008). Motivational factors for consuming omega-3 PUFAs: Anexploratory study with Danish consumers. Appetite, 51(1), 137-147.Krystallis, A., de Barcellos, M. D., Kügler, J.O., Verbeke, W. & Grunert, K. G. (2009). Attitudes of European citizens towards

pig production systems. Livestock Science,126(1-3), 46-56.

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Van Wezemael, L., Verbeke, W., Kügler, J.O., de Barcellos, M. D. & Grunert, K. G. European consumers and beef safety: Perceptions, expectations and uncertaintyreduction strategies. Food Control. Verbeke, W., Van Wezemael, L., de Barcel-los, M. D., Kügler, J. O., Hocquette, J. &Grunert, K. G. European beef consumers’ interest in a beef eating-quality guarantee: Insights from a qualitative study in four EU countries. Appetite. Verbeke, W., Perez-Cueto, F. J. A., de Bar-cellos, M. D., Krystallis, A. & Grunert, K. G. European citizen and consumer attitudesand preferences regarding beef and pork.Meat Science.


Aschemann-Witzel, J. (2009).Claims auf Lebensmitteln und Involvement: Eine Un-tersuchung mit Hilfe realitätsnah gestalterChoice Experiments.Frankfurt am Main:Peter Lang.Hagemann, K. S. (2009). Frankenfoodsand mutant rice: Consumers and food bio-technologies.PhD. MAPP, Aarhus School of Business, Aarhus University.

Nørgaard, M. K. (2009). Family decision-making during food buying. PhD. MAPP, Aarhus School of Business, Aarhus Univer-sity. ContriButionS to AnthologieS AndBooKS

Aschemann-Witzel, J. (2009). Die Ver -wendung nährwert- und gesundheitsbezo-gener Angaben (Claims) im Marketing fürÖko-Produkte: Forschungsergebniss und Schlussfolgerungen.In Leitzmann, Beck,

Hamm & Hermanowski (eds.), Praxishand- buch: Bio-Lebensmittel (pp. 1-14 (5c)).Hamburg: B. Behr’s Verlag.Brunsø, K., Hansen, K. B., Scholderer, J.,Honkanen, P., Olsen, S. O. & Verbeke, W.(2008). Consumer attitudes and seafood consumption in Europe. In Børresen, T.(ed.), Improving Seafood Products for theConsumers (pp. 16-39). Cambridge: Wood-head Publishing.Brunsø, K. (2008). Introduction to part I:Consumers and seafood. In Børresen, T.(ed.), Improving Seafood Products for theConsumers (pp. 13-15). Cambridge: Wood-head Publishing.

Busch, R. J., Scholderer, J. & Gutscher, H.(2008). Biotechnologie in gesellschaftlicher Deutung: Intuitionen, Emotionen, sozialesVertrauen und Wertvorstellungen im Ge -sellschaftlichen Diskurs zur Biotechnologie.In Busch, R. J. & Prütz, G. (eds.), Biotech-nologie in gesellschaftlicher Deutung (pp.305-374). München: Herbert Utz Verlag.Dean, M., Raats, M. M. & Grunert, K. G.(2009). Older people, food and satisfac-tion with life.In Raats, M. M., de Groot,L. & van Staveren, W. (eds.), Food for the Ageing Population (pp. 3-19). Cambridge: Woodhead Publishing.Esbjerg, L. & Grunert, K. G. (2008). Feeling the gale or enjoying a breeze inthe eye of the storm? The consequencesof globalization for work and workers inthe Danish food-processing industry. In Westergaard-Nielsen, N. (ed.), Low-Wage Work in Denmark (pp. 104-139). (TheRussell Sage Foundation Case Studies of Job Quality in Advanced Economies). New York: Russell Sage Foundation.Esbjerg, L., Grunert, K. G., Buck, N. &Sonne, A. (2008).Working in Danishretailing: Transitional workers goingelsewhere, core employees going nowhere,

and career-seekers striving to go some-where. In Westergaard-Nielsen, N. (ed.),Low-Wage Work in Denmark (pp. 140-185).(The Russell Sage Foundation Case Studiesof Job Quality in Advanced Economies).New York: Russell Sage Foundation.Grunert, K. G. (2009).Trends in food choice and nutrition. In Haas, R., Meixner,O. & Pöchtrager, S. (eds.). Was wir morgenessen werden: Herausforderungen undPerspektiven für das Agrarmarketing derZukunft (pp. 19-32), Wien: Facultas.wuv Universitätsverlag.

Krystallis, A., Linardakis, M. & Mamalis, S.(2009). Is there a real “health vs. taste or price” controversy in food marketing? Thecase of functional foods.In Lindgreen, A.,Hingley, M. & Vanhamme, J. (eds.), TheCrisis of Food Brands: Sustaining Safe, In-novative and Competitive Food Supply (pp.171-194). Surrey, UK: Gower Publishing.Lähteenmäki, L. (2008).Consumer at-titudes towards fruit and vegetables. InBarberán, F. T. & Gil, M. I. (eds.), Impro- ving the Health-Promoting Properties of Fruit and Vegetable Products (pp. 38-54).Cambridge: Woodhead Publishing.

Maglaras, G. & Krystallis, A. (2009). Investigating consumer attitudes towards functional foods. In Apostolopoulos, K. D.

(ed.), Food and Consumer: Multidisciplina-ry Approach to Sustainable Food Consump-tion (pp. 152-167). Athens: Ellinoekdotiki.Scholderer, J. (2008). Verbraucher und Grüne Gentechnik: Mechanismen der Ablehnung und ihre Änderungsresistenz.In Busch, R. J. & Prütz, G. (eds.), Biotech-nologie in gesellschaftlicher Deutung (pp.203-225). München: Deutscher Univer-sitäts-Verlag.Sonne, A. (2009).Videndeling i internatio -nale produktudviklingsteam. In Bukh, P.N. (ed.), Knowledge Management (pp. Kap.7.3). Børsen Ledelseshåndbøger. Køben-havn: Børsen Forum.Søndergaard, H. A. & Edelenbos, M.(2008). Consumer research in product design: Market-oriented development of healthy vegetable-based food for children.In Earle, M. & Earle, R. (eds.), Case Studiesin Food Product Development (pp. 301-316). Cambridge: Woodhead Publishing.Thøgersen, J. (2009). Consumer deci-sion-making with regard to organic food products. In Vaz, T. D. N., Nijkamp,

P. & Rastoin, J. (eds.), Traditional FoodProduction and Rural Sustainable Develop-ment: A European Challenge (pp. 173-192).Farnham: Ashgate. Verbeke, W., Pieniak, Z., Brunsø, K., Schol-derer, J. & Olsen, S. O. (2008). Evaluatingconsumer information needs. In Børresen,T. (ed.), Improving Seafood Products forthe Consumers (pp. 63-84). Cambridge: Woodhead Publishing.

ConferenCe pAperS

Aguiar, L. K., Vieira, L. M., Ferreira, G. C. &de Barcellos, M. D. (2008).The impact of retailers own brand Fair Trade productson developing countries producers. 8th In-ternational Conference on Management in Agri-Food Chains and Networks, DoctoralSymposium, Ede, May 28. Aschemann-Witzel, J. (2009).The role of involvement in the choice of foods withnutrition and health claims. 38th EMACConference 2009, Nantes, May 26-29.

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Boztug, Y., Breugelmans, E. & Reutterer, T.(2008). Detecting promising categories fortargeted promotions. INFORMS MarketingScience Conference, Vancouver, June 12-14.Boztug, Y. & Hildebrandt, L. (2008). Anempirical test of reference price theoriesusing a semiparametric approach. Beha- vioral Pricing Conference, Philadelphia,September 19-20.Boztug, Y., Hildebrandt, L. & Silberhorn,N. (2008). Investigating cross-categorybrand loyalty behavior in FMCG.37thEMAC Conference 2008, Brighton, May 27-30.Brunsø, K. & Grunert, K. G. (2009). Retail brand architecture and consumer storeloyalty. ANZMAC 2009 Conference, Mel- bourne, November 30-December 2.Brunsø, K. & Grunert, K. G. (2009).Theeffect of brand architecture on consumerstore loyalty. 16th International Confe-rence on Recent Advances in Retailing andServices Science, Niagara Falls, July 6-9.Christensen, M., Grunert, K. G., Bonneau,M., Arnau, J., Trienekens, J., Oksbjerg, N.,de Greef, K., Petersen, B. & Karlsson, A.H. (2009). Improving the quality of porkand pork products (EU-project). ICoMST

2008: 54th International Congress of MeatScience & Technology, Cape Town, August10-15.Chrysochou, P., Krystallis, A. & Rungie, C.(2008). Analysing the impact of buyers’ personality constructs on the market struc-ture of brands. ANZMAC 2008 Conference,Sydney, December 1-3.Chrysochou, P. & Grunert, K. G. (2009). Exploring associations towards healthyeating among Danish consumers (Poster).FOOD Denmark Congress 2009: A Career within Innovation?, Lyngby, November

23-24.Chrysochou, P. & Krystallis, A. (2009). Investigating the market structure and identifying factors that in uence consu -mers’ loyalty towards light food products.10th ETAGRO Conference on Rural Eco-nomy, Thessaloniki, November 27-30.Chrysochou, P., Krystallis, A. & Rungie, C.(2009) Why are buyers loyal? Exploringthe role of psychographics on loyalty per- formance and market structure of brands.38th EMAC Conference 2009, Nantes, May 26-29.

de Barcellos, M. D., Kügler, J. O., Saab,M. S. M., Krystallis, A. & Grunert, K. G.(2009). Attitudes of Brazilian citizenstowards pig production systems: A compa-rison with European realities. VII Inter-national PENSA Conference, Sao Paulo,November 26-28.de Barcellos, M. D., Kügler, J. O., van Wezemael, L., Ueland, Ø., Verbeke, W. &Grunert, K. G. (2009). Beef healthinessand nutritional enhancement in beef as perceived by European consumers. 55thInternational Congress of Meat Science andTechnology, Copenhagen, August 16-21.de Barcellos, M. D., Kügler, J. O., Grunert,K. G., Van Wezemael, L., Pothoulaki, M.,Ueland, Ø. & Verbeke, W. (2009). Euro- pean consumers’ acceptance and rejectionof novel beef technologies: A qualitativestudy. 3rd International European Forumon System Dynamics and Innovation inFood Networks, Igls/Innsbruck, February 16-20.de Barcellos, M. D., Ferreira, G. C., Vieira,L. M. & Aguiar, L. K. (2008). Food inno-vation: Perspectives for the poultry chainin Brazil. 8th International Conferenceon Management in Agri-Food Chains and

Networks, Ede, May 28-30.de Barcellos, M. D. & Brei, V. A. (2008). Into beef consumers’ mind: A multicultural research. III ANPAD Marketing Meeting,Curitiba, May 14-16.de Barcellos, M. D., Kügler, J. O. &Scholderer, J. (2009). What drives consu-mer involvement? The relative impact of product category and product attribute.EnANPAD 2009, Sao Paulo, September19-23.Esbjerg, L., Grunert, K. G. & Buck, N.(2008). Job satisfaction in a low-wage,

low-status industry: The case of Danish food retailing. LERA Annual Meeting, New Orleans, January 4-6.Esbjerg, L. (2009).The construction of quality: Retailer-supplier cooperation and the development of new food products.Me-diating Consumption: Innovation, Compe-tition and Consumer Protection in the FoodRetail Sector, Freising, October 29-30.Esbjerg, L. (2009).The importance of or-ganisational identity for formulating and enacting strategies and policies in retailerbuying. 16th International Conference onRecent Advances in Retailing and ServicesScience, Niagara Falls, July 6-9.

Esbjerg, L. (2008).The worlds retail bu-yers construct. Nordic Retail and Whole-sale Conference, Norrtälje, November 6-7.Grunert, K. G., Verbeke, W., Krystallis, A.& Pérez-Cueto, F. J. A. (2009).Consumerand pork market analysis in the EU. Q-PorkChains/Quarisma Open Conference:Improving the Quality of Pork for the Con-sumer, Bonn, November 18.Grunert, K. G. (2008).The global challengeand the need to add value to meat produc-tion in Europe. 11th Annual Langford FoodIndustry Conference: Adding Value in MeatProduction, Langford, Bristol, May 28-29.Grønhøj, A., Bech-Larsen, T., Chan, K. &Prendergast, G. (2008). Teenagers’ per-ceptions of strategies aimed at reducing“unhealthy” consumption practices.Child and Teen Consumption 2008, Trond-heim, April 24-25.Jensen, B. B. (2008). Price learning duringgrocery shopping. Behavioral PricingConference 2008, Philadelphia, September19-20.Jensen, B. B. (2009).The deal knowledgeof supermarket shoppers before, during,and after store visit. 38th EMAC Confe-rence 2009, Nantes, May 26-29.

Kokkali, P., Koutsouris, A. & Chrysochou, P.(2008). Pull factors in rural tourism: Thecase of Lake Plastiras, Prefecture of Kar-ditsa. 10th ETAGRO Conference on RuralEconomy, Thessaloniki, November 27-30.Kokkali, P., Koutsouris, A. & Chrysochou,P. (2009). Cognitive components of rural tourism destination images: The case of Lake Plastiras, Greece. 4th InternationalScienti c Conference: Planning for theFuture, Learning from the Past - Contem-porary Developments in Tourism, Travel &Hospitality, Rhodes, April 3-5.

Kotseridis, Y., Chrysochou, P. & Krystallis, A. (2009).What drives customer loyaltytowards Greek wine varieties? Using polarization to model consumer loyalty. 3rd Annual Meeting of the American Associationof Wine Economists, Reims, June 18-20.Krystallis, A. & Chrysochou, P. (2009). An exploration of loyalty determinants inGreek wine varieties. 2nd Annual EuroMedConference, Salerno, October 26-28.Krystallis, A. & Chrysochou, P. (2009) Investigating brand loyalty using Diri-chlet benchmarks: The case of light dairy products. 14th International Conference onCorporate and Marketing Communications,Nicosia, April 23-24.

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Lähteenmäki, L., Lampila, P., Grunert, K.G., Boztug, Y., Ueland, Ø., Åström, A. &Martinsdóttir, E. (2008). Impact of healthclaims on consumer perception of other product attributes. First European FoodCongress, Ljubljana, November 4-9.Ormrod, R. P. & Søndergaard, H. A. (2009). Lead user identi cation in online commu -nities. The XX ISPIM Conference: TheFuture of Innovation, Vienna, June 21-24.Pantouvakis, A. & Krystallis, A. (2009).Customer satisfaction metrics in serviceorganizations: An integrated approach.16th International Conference on Recent Advances in Retailing and Services Science,Niagara Falls, July 6-9. Pedersen, M., Søndergaard, H. A. & Esbjerg,L. (2009). Network characteristics and open innovation in SMEs.The XX ISPIMConference: The Future of Innovation, Vienna, June 21-24.Perez-Cueto, F., de Barcellos, M. D.,Chryssochoidis, G., Grunert, K. G.,Scholderer, J. & Verbeke, W. (2008). Nutritional status in Belgium, Denmark,Germany, Greece and Poland: Europeansare heavy! First European Food Congress,Ljubljana, November 4-9.

Perez-Cueto, F., de Barcellos, M. D.,Chryssochoidis, G., Grunert, K. G.,Scholderer, J. & Verbeke, W. (2008). Porkversus non-pork eaters in Europe: Socio-demographic and nutritional pro ling.First European Food Congress, Ljubljana,November 4-9.Perrea, T., Brunsø, K., Hansen, K. B., Altintzoglou, T., Einarsdóttir, G. & Luten,J. (2009). Consumers’ cognitive processesin relation to consuming sh: A diary ap - proach from the Nordic countries (Poster).3rd Joint Trans-Atlantic Fisheries Techno-

logy Conference, Copenhagen, September15-18.Raats, M., Dean, M., Grunert, K. G. &Lumbers, M. (2009). Examining the effect of social factors on satisfaction with food related life (Poster). Annual Conference of the ISBNPA, Lisbon, June 17-20.Reid, M., Thompson, P., Mavondo, F. &Brunsø, K. (2009).Give me the money... ormaybe the deal: Does sales promotion proneness in uence consumers’ willingnessto switch from price to non-price promotions. World Marketing Congress, Oslo, July 21-25.

Reutterer, T., Boztug, Y. & Breugelmans, E.(2008). Which categories should direct mar-keters feature for which customers whenusing targeted promotions? 37th EMACConference 2008, Brighton, May 27-30.Scholderer, J. & Hagemann, K. S. (2009).Communication about agricultural bio-technology: Effective, but only when theends can justify the means. 13th ICABR Conference: The Emerging Bio-Economy,Ravello, June 18-20.Scholderer, J. (2008). Consumer attitudestowards food nanotechnologies: Still vague.Conference on Nanotechnologies and theConsumer, Florence, December 5-6.Scholderer, J. & Czienskowski, U. (2008).Consumer demand for information about agricultural biotechnology. 12th ICABR Conference: The Future of Agricultural Bio-technology - Creative Destruction, Adop-tion, or Irrelevance? Ravello, June 12-14.Scholderer, J. (2009). Cross-cultural appli-cations of structural equation modelling: Measurement invariance. 8th PangbornSensory Science Symposium, Florence, July 26-30.Scholderer, J., Hyldig, G. & Green-Peder-sen, D. (2009). Effects of nutrition and

health claims on consumer perception of off- avours: Does it matter whether aclaim refers to omega-3 or sh oil? 8thPangborn Sensory Science Symposium, Flo-rence, July 26-30.Silberhorn, N., Boztug, Y. & Hildebrandt,L. (2008). Identifying customer segmentsregarding cross-category brand loyaltybehavior. INFORMS Marketing ScienceConference, Vancouver, June 12-14.Skytte, H. (2008).A constructivist ap- proach to artifact development. 15thInternational Product Development

Management Conference, Hamburg, June29-July 1.Skytte, H. (2008). Relationships between food producers and retail chains seen asshared meanings. 8th International Confe-rence on Management in AgriFood Chainsand Networks, Ede, May 28-30.Skytte, H. (2008).Towards a (new) theoryof the retailer. 15th International Confe-rence on Recent Advances in Retailing andServices Science, Zagreb, July 14-17.

Sonne, A., Grunert, K. G., Olsen, N. V.,Granli, B., Banati, D., Pollák-Tóth, A. &Szabó, E. (2009).Consumer perception of the use of high-pressure processing and pulsed electric eld technologies in food production. 3rd International EuropeanForum on System Dynamics and Innovati-on in Food Networks, Igls, February 16-20.Strand, M. & Grunert, K. G. (2009). Eco-nomic assessment of New Nordic Food (Poster). Nordic Food - from visions torealizations, Snekkersten, November 2-3.Søndergaard, H. A. & Jespersen, K. R.(2008). NPD gate decision criteria: Aconsequence of strategic orientation ordecision-maker expertise. 2008 Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Anaheim,CA, August 8-13.Søndergaard, H. A. (2008).Teaching MBAstudents using a NPD process simulation.15th International Product DevelopmentManagement Conference, Hamburg, June2-July 1.Søndergaard, H. A. & Juhl, H. J. (2009).The effect of innovation competence on thechoice of information elements in a simu-lated NPD process.The XX ISPIM Confe-rence: The Future of Innovation, Vienna,

June 21-24. Vanhonacker, F., Perez-Cueto, F. J. A.,Chryssochoidis, G., Scholderer, J., Grunert,K. G., Hersleth, M. & Verbeke, W. (2008). Nutritional status in 9 European countries: Preliminary results of EU funded Truefood and Q-Porkchains consumer (Poster). 7thInternational Congress on the Mediterra-nean Diet, Barcelona, March 11-12. Verbeke, W., Scholderer, J. & Lähteenmäki,L. (2009). Consumer interest in different combinations of carrier product, functio-nal ingredient and nutrition and health

claims (Poster). 8th Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium, Florence, July 26-30.Zhou, Y., Grunert, K. G., Wang, A. &Huang, G. (2009). Segmenting Chinese food consumers using the food-related lifestyle instrument. ANZMAC 2009Conference, Melbourne, November 30-De-cember 2.

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puBliShed ConferenCe ABStrACtS

Breugelmans, E., Boztug, Y. & Reutterer,

T. (2009). A decision-support tool forrecommending promising categories for targeted promotions. In ConferenceProceedings of the 5th Marketing DynamicsConference (pp. 48). University of Waikato, Waikato Management School.Brunsø, K., Scholderer, J., Hansen, K. B.,Olsen, S. O. & Verbeke, W. (2008).Consumer attitudes and preferences forseafood: What’s the trend? In The FifthOpen SEAFOODplus Conference: Book of Abstracts (pp. 20-20). SEAFOODplus.Chrysochou, P., Kristensen, D. B., Jep-pesen, L. H., Grunert, K. G. & Askegaard,S. (2009). Symbolism and semanticresponses towards healthy eating among Danish consumers. In Papasolomou, I.(ed.): Proceedings of the 14th InternationalConference on Corporate and MarketingCommunications. University of Nicosia.de Barcellos, M. D., Grunert, K. G., Yanfeng, Z., Sørensen, B. T., Pedersen, S.& Guang, H. (2008).Chinese consumers’ attitude towards different pig productionsystems. In Spanjaard, D., Denize, S. &

Sharma, N. (eds.): ANZMAC 2008 Confe-rence (pp. 59-59) ANZMAC.de Barcellos, M. D. (2009). How will global beef consumption affect us? In: AnnualConference Papers of the British CattleConference: Bringing Science to the Field(pp. 23-26).Grunert, K. G., Bech-Larsen, T., Chryso-chou, P. & Anker, T. B. (2008). Health and branding: Insights from an exploratorystudy on the Danish food industry. In Pod-nar, K. & Jancic, Z. (eds.): Corporate andMarketing Communications as a Strategic

Resource; Response to Contemporary Use,Challenges and Criticism: 13th Internatio-nal Conference on Corporate and Marke-ting Communications (pp. 289-290).Pieniak, Z., Verbeke, W. & Brunsø, K.(2008). Information and health-related beliefs as determinants of sh consumption(Poster). In: The Fifth Open SEAFOODplusConference: Book of Abstracts (pp. 50-50).Scholderer, J. (2008). Steht uns einegesellschaftliche Stigmatisierung der Nanotechnologie bevor? Lehren aus der Biotechnologiedebatte.In Busch, R. J.(ed.): Nano(bio)technologie im öffentlichenDiskurs (pp. 248-265). Herbert Utz Verlag.

Verbeke, W., Van Wezemael, L., de Barcel-los, M. D., Kügler, J. O. & Grunert, K.G. (2009). Consumer perception of beef safety. In Duffy, G. & Nychas, G. J. (eds.):Proceedings of the International Confe-rence on “Advancing Beef Safety throughResearch and Innovation” (pp. 15-16). Tea-gasc, Ashtown Food Research Centre. Verbeke, W., Pieniak, Z., Brunsø, K.,Scholderer, J. & Olsen, S. O. (2008).Tar-geting seafood information for consumerwell-being.In: The Fifth Open SEAFOOD-plus Conference: Book of Abstracts(pp. 22-22). SEAFOODplus.

other puBliCAtionS

Aschemann-Witzel, J. (2009). Healthclaims on organic food: A chance or a risk? Ecology and Farming, (46), 53-55. Aschemann-Witzel, J. (2009). Joghurt: Nutrition und Health Claims. molkereiindustrie: Fachmagazin für die Milchverar- beitung, 7, 18-19.Grunert, K. G. (2008). Assessing the inter- pretation by consumers of nutritional and health claims. Danone Nutritopics, 37.Grunert, K. G. (2009). Deklarationer under

lup. Mærkning, 12 (40).Grunert, K. G. (2008). Sundhedsanprisnin-ger: Mødes af nordisk skepsis. I Erichsen, A. (ed.). LMC Årsberetning 2007, 10. Lev -nedsmiddelcentret.Hansen, K. B. (2008). Manglende tid ogændret livsstil. Super Avisen: Butiksavisenfor hele dagligvarehandlen, 2. oktober.Jensen, B. B. (2008). Forbrugerne ved forlidt om karto er. Kartoffelproduktion, 34,2-3.Kazbare, L. (2008). Forskere udvikler sund mad til teenagere. ASB Update, 1(1), 58-59.

Larsen, M. D. (2008). Funktionelle føde-varer: Global vækst tilsat dansk skepsis.Super Avisen: Butiksavisen for hele daglig- varehandlen, 4. december.Lähteenmäki, L. (2009). Mitä terveysväitekertoo kuluttajalle? Uusi lainsäädäntö ja sentuomat haasteet. Mallas ja Olut, (1), 9-12.Lähteenmäki, L. & Lampila, P. (2008). Pohjoismaiset kuluttajat suhtautuvat terveysväitteisiin varauksella. Kehittyväelintarvike, 5, 52-53.Niva, M. & Lähteenmäki, L. (2009). Pohjoismainen terveysväiteyhteistyö onhyödyllistä. Kehittyvä elintarvike, 2, 50.

Stacey, J. R. (2009). Det er cool at spisesundt. Super Avisen: Butiksavisen for heledagligvarehandlen, 11. juni.

Stacey, J. R. (2009). Klimaforandringer ogbæredygtighed har også betydning. PlusProces, 7/8, 6. Wills, J. M., Grunert, K. G., Celemín, L. F.& Bonsmann, S. S. G. (2009). Do Europeanconsumers use nutrition labels? Agro FoodIndustry Hi-Tech, 20(5), 60-62. Wills, J. M., Grunert, K. G., Celemín, L. F.& Bonsmann, S. S. G. (2009). Europeanconsumers and nutrition labelling. FoodEngineering & Ingredients, 34(3), 11-13.

leCtureS And orAl ContriButionS

Aschemann-Witzel, J.– How do healthclaims in uence buying behaviour for or -ganic food? Biofach Congress, Nuremberg,Germany, February 21, 2009. Aschemann-Witzel, J.– Claims-Verord -nung, was darf ausgelobt werden? Semi-nar of the Milchindustrie Verband (MIV),Bonn, Germany, March 26, 2009. Achemann-Witzel, J.– Chair, Consumer Behaviour, 38th EMAC Conference: Mar-keting and the Core Disciplines: Redisco-

vering References, Nantes, France, May 27,2009. Aschemann-Witzel, J.– Og så k vi børn...: Hvordan det at blive forældre påvirkervores spisevaner, MAPP-konference 2009:Hyggelige familiemiddage eller snack-helvede: Tendenser og muligheder indenfor mad, familie og sundhed, Middelfart,Danmark, 10. november, 2009.Bech-Larsen, T. – Consumer attitudesto healthy eating, Lecture: Public andNon-Pro t Marketing, Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark, March 6, 2008.

Bech-Larsen, T. – Carrots or sticks? Strate-gies for encouraging adolescents to adopt healthy eating habits, 6th InternationalMAPP Workshop on Consumer Behaviourand Food Marketing: Family Dinner: Op-portunities and Challenges of ResearchingFamilies and Children as Food Consumers,Middelfart, Denmark, April 10, 2008.Bech-Larsen, T. – Consumer intentionstowards healthier eating: Results of asurvey with adolescents and older people,IAREP/SABE 2008 Conference, Rome, Ita-ly, September 5, 2008.Bech-Larsen, T. – Research in healthy eat-ing, Aarhus, Denmark, October 1, 2008.

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Bech-Larsen, T. – Mobil social marketing: De første resultater af SMS-dagbogen,

Styregruppemøde, Årslev, Danmark, 2.december, 2008.Bech-Larsen, T. – SMS based diary and feedback interventions, 14th InternationalConference on Corporate and MarketingCommunications, Nicosia, Cyprus, April 23,2009.Bech-Larsen, T. – Sunde mellemmåltidertil unge: Kvalitetsopfattelse og betalings-villighed,MAPP-seminar: Kan barrierernedbrydes? Handelshøjskolen, AarhusUniversitet, Århus, Danmark, 3. juni, 2009.Bech-Larsen, T. – Models to identify food market opportunities, CIHEAM, Zaragosa,Spain, May 1, 2009.Bech-Larsen, T. – Snacks skal være sunde,og jeg tror, at min søn kan lide det, MAPP-konference 2009: Hyggelige familiemid-dage eller snack-helvede: Tendenser og mu-ligheder inden for mad, familie og sundhed,Middelfart, Danmark, 10. november, 2009.Bech-Larsen, T. – Sund spisning per sms,MAPP-konference 2009: Hyggelige fami-liemiddage eller snack-helvede: Tendenserog muligheder inden for mad, familie ogsundhed, Middelfart, Danmark, 10. novem- ber, 2009.Brunsø, K. – Udfordringer for fødevare-sektoren, Netværksmøde, Dansk FødevareForum, Vejle, Danmark, 2. februar, 2008.Brunsø, K. – Families’ use of nutrition in- formation on food labels,6th InternationalMAPP Workshop on Consumer Behaviourand Food Marketing: Family Dinner: Op-portunities and Challenges of ResearchingFamilies and Children as Food Consumers,Middelfart, Denmark, April 10, 2008.Brunsø, K. – Chair, wrap up, 6th Internatio-

nal MAPP Workshop on Consumer Beha- viour and Food Marketing: Family Dinner:Opportunities and Challenges of ResearchingFamilies and Children as Food Consumers,Middelfart, Denmark, April 10, 2008.Brunsø, K. – Chair, session 2: Seafood and consumers, The Fifth and Final SEAFOOD-plus Conference, Wallmans: The historicalcircus building, Copenhagen, Denmark,June 9, 2008.Brunsø, K. – Consumer attitudes and pre- ferences for seafood: What’s the trend? TheFifth and Final SEAFOODplus Conference,

Wallmans: The historical circus building,Copenhagen, Denmark, June 9, 2008.

Brunsø, K. – Consumer behaviour basicsand market: Consumer behaviour and

food: Practical examples of research re-sults and outcome regarding marketing,NordForsk Course, Integrating Sensory,Consumer and Marketing Factors in Prod-uct Design, Iceland, August 20, 2008.Brunsø, K. – Forbrugere, sk og madlav -ning, Konference om strategisk forskning:Perspektiver for sundhed, fødevarer og velfærd, Det strategiske forskningsråd,Christiansborg, København, Danmark, 3.september, 2008.Brunsø, K. – Understand consumers’ food choice: With perspectives from values,lifestyles and quality preferences,Food, Values and Taste: An Interdisciplinary Conference, Aarhus University, Aarhus,Denmark, November 7, 2008.Brunsø, K. – Consumer food choice and theimpact of food production methods,Feedfor Health: 1st International Workshop,Milano, Italy, March 17, 2009.Brunsø, K. – Ordstyrer, opsamling, MAPP-konference 2009: Hyggelige familiemid-dage eller snack-helvede: Tendenser og mu-ligheder inden for mad, familie og sundhed,Middelfart, Danmark, 10. november, 2009.Chrysochou, P.– Health branding of food products: Looking through the eyes of the consumer, Seminar, Ehrenberg-BassInstitute, University of South Australia, Adelaide, Australia, February 19, 2008.Chrysochou, P.– Hvad betyder det egent-lig at spise sundt? MAPP-konference 2009:Hyggelige familiemiddage eller snack-helvede: Tendenser og muligheder indenfor mad, familie og sundhed, Middelfart,Danmark, 10. november, 2009.de Barcellos, M. D. – Can consumer re-

search give ideas for new research projectson meat: In the whole chain from fork tostable? Workshop, Department of FoodScience, Aarhus University, Mønsted, Den-mark, March 11, 2008.de Barcellos, M. D. – Brazilian pork: Acompetitive view, MBA Workshop, Mid-delfart, Denmark, May 19, 2008.de Barcellos, M. D. – Brave New Web 2.0: How health claim regulation is circum-vented, MAPP-konference 2008: Func-tional Foods, Middelfart, Danmark, 13.november, 2008.

Esbjerg, L. – Globalisation, consumertrends and markets for food products,Lyngby, Denmark, May 27, 2009.

Esbjerg, L. – Kvalitet af karto er i værdi -kædeperspektiv, Årslev, Danmark, 15. juni,

2009.Esbjerg, L. – Fremtidens discounthandel i Danmark, Discountseminar , Ringsted,Danmark, 19. november, 2009.Grunert, K. G. – Research on customerrelations in the food sector, FOOD Interna-tional Evaluation 2008, Aarhus, Denmark,January 17, 2008.Grunert, K. G. – Opportunities and risks of changing dietary habits: Which determi-nants of food choice behavior are most effective? ILSI Europe 2008 General As-sembly Symposium To Eat or Not to Eat:Bene ts and Risks to Health, Brussels,Belgium, March 14, 2008.Grunert, K. G. – Fordele og problemer ved tværvidenskabelig fødevareforskning,Integration af tværvidenskabelig forskningog informationsmøde om forskningsmidler2008, Odense, Danmark, 27. marts, 2008.Grunert, K. G. – Forbrugerorienteret in-novation i fødevaresektoren, ”10 på stribe”:Forskning og innovation i jordbrugs- ogfødevareerhvervet, Christiansborg, Køben-havn, Danmark, 16. april, 2008.Grunert, K. G. – Europæisk forskning: For-brugernes holdning til fødevaremærkning,Fagligt seminar og uddeling af Kellogg’skommunikationspris, Center for Ledelse,København, Danmark, 7. maj, 2008.Grunert, K. G. – Hvilke forbrugere skal man fokusere på i jagten på værditilvækst? Fokus på forbrugertendenser og trends iEuropa, Strategisk emnedag: Hvordan kanman opnå værditilvækst på markedet forkød? Axelborg, København, Danmark, 19.maj, 2008.Grunert, K. G. – The global challenge and

the need to add value to meat productionin Europe, 11th Annual Langford FoodIndustry Conference: Adding Value in MeatProduction, University of Bristol, BritishSociety of Animal Science, Langford, Eng-land, May 28, 2008.Grunert, K. G. – Marketing the Nordicidentity: A brand management perspec-tive, Nordic Workshop in Sensory Science:The Nordic Sensory Identity, Göteborg,Sweden, May 29, 2008.Grunert, K. G. – Impact of health claimson consumer behavior, Annual General

Meeting of the European Food InformationCouncil, Brussels, Belgium, June 5, 2008.

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Grunert, K. G. – Consumer trends and markets, promoting competitiveness in

the agro-food industry, Ljubljana,Slovenia, June 6, 2008.Grunert, K. G. – Food-related lifestyle: Analysing the role of food and drink in people’s life,Consumer Behavior in China2008, Guangzhou, China, June 17, 2008.Grunert, K. G. – Joyous meals, healthyeating and competitive products: Social science perspectives in food research,Internal Food Research Day, Aarhus Uni- versity, Aarhus, Denmark, September 9,2008.Grunert, K. G. – Presentation of the label: Experience with comparable legisla-tion in US/Canada: Impacts on Obesity,Lunch debate: Food Labelling, EuropeanParliament, Brussels, Belgium, November5, 2008.Grunert, K. G. – Recent pan-Europeanresearch on consumers awareness, un-derstanding and use of nutrition labellingon food,Food from Field to Consumer,University of J. J. Strossmayer in Osijek,Croatia, November 8, 2008.Grunert, K. G. – Hvordan forbrugerneopfatter sundhedsanprisninger på funktio-nelle fødevarer, MAPP-konference 2008:Functional Foods, Middelfart, Danmark, 13.november, 2008.Grunert, K. G. – European consumers’ acceptance of functional food,Food forHealth in the 21st Century: A Roadmap forthe Future, UC Davis Centennial Symposia,University of California, USA, November18, 2008.Grunert, K. G. – Ernährungswissenund Ernährungskennzeichnung: Ergeb-nisse einer europäischen Untersuchung,

Neujahrsempfang, Bonn, Germany,January 13, 2009.Grunert, K. G. – Trends im Konsum- und Ernährungsverhalten, Was wir morgen es-sen werden: Herausforderungen, Chancenund Risiken für das Agrarmarketing derZukunft, Wien, Austria, January 23, 2009.Grunert, K. G. – Consumer emotions and food,International Advanced Course:Nutrient Density of Milk , Wageningen, TheNetherlands, January 28, 2009.Grunert, K. G. – Panel discussion, Label-ling: An Effective Tool to Improve the

Food Literacy of EU Consumers? Brussels,Belgium, February 10, 2009.

Grunert, K. G. – Ernährungswissen und Ernährungskennzeichnung: Ergebnisse

einer europäischen Untersuchung,Parlamentarischer Abend des BDSI, Berlin,Germany, March 4, 2009.Grunert, K. G. – Consumer research onnutritional knowledge and use of nutritioninformation in the store, Matas vi med felkostråd?, Göteborg, Sweden, March 11,2009.Grunert, K. G. – Perspektiven für Funk-tionelle Lebensmittel,4. Symposium:Funktionelle Lebensmittel, Kiel, Germany, April 23, 2009.Grunert, K. G. – Obesity, energy balanceand its determinants: Four views of manin economics and psychology,ILSI EuropeProgramme: Obesity, Satiety and Meta- bolism: Pre-Congress Meeting EASO 17thEuropean Congress on Obesity 2009, Am-sterdam, The Netherlands, May 5, 2009.Grunert, K. G. – Forbrugernes forståelseog anvendelse af GDA,Høring for Folke-tingets Udvalg for Fødevarer, Landbrugog Fiskeri, København, Danmark, 20. maj,2009Grunert, K. G. – Food labelling and consu-mer behaviour, Stockholm, Sweden, May 29, 2009.Grunert, K. G. – Ordstyrer ved diskussionog spørgsmål fra salen, MAPP-seminar:Kan barrierer nedbrydes? Handelshøjsko-len, Aarhus Universitet, Århus, Danmark,3. juni, 2009.Grunert, K. G. – Consumer perceptions of labelling: EUFIC global study,Challengesand Opportunities Ahead for the ChewingGum Industry , Rome, Italy, June 4, 2009.Grunert, K. G. – Nutrition informationon food labels: Use, understanding and

effects,European Labeling and PackagingRegulation, Lille, France, June 17, 2009.Grunert, K. G. – Importance of food-re-lated goals and perceived resources in sa-tisfaction with food-related life among theelderly in Europe, 8th Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium, Florence, Italy, July 26, 2009.Grunert, K. G. – Uses of labelling infor-mation by consumers, Gida Etiketleme/Beslenme Iletisimi, Ankara, Turkey, Octo- ber 22, 2009.Grunert, K. G. – Progress on DG research

project FLABEL,Diet, physical activity andhealth: A European platform for action,Brussels, Belgium, December 4, 2009.

Grønhøj, A. – Introduction, 6th Inter-national MAPP Workshop on Consumer

Behaviour and Food Marketing: Family Dinner: Opportunities and Challengesof Researching Families and Children as Food Consumers,Denmark, April 10, 2008.Grønhøj, A. – Young consumers’ envir-onmental commitment: Evidence from Denmark, Business Ethics Week, Wil-liam Perttula, San Francisco, California,USA, November 5, 2008.Grønhøj, A. – Young consumers’ environmental commitment: Evidence from Denmark, Business Ethics Week , William Perttula, San Francisco, California,USA, December 1, 2008.Grønhøj, A. – Sund spisning per sms,MAPP-konference 2009: Hyggelige fami-liemiddage eller snack-helvede: Tendenserog muligheder inden for mad, familie ogsundhed, Middelfart, Danmark, 10. novem- ber, 2009.Hagemann, K. S.– Consumer attitudes to food biotechnologies: Structure, dyna-mics and degree of generalization,FOODInternational Evaluation 2008, Aarhus,Denmark, January 17, 2008.Jensen, B. B.– Sunde mellemmåltider til unge: Kvalitetsopfattelse og betalings-villighed,MAPP-seminar: Kan barrierernedbrydes? Handelshøjskolen, AarhusUniversitet, Århus, Danmark, 3. juni, 2009.Jensen, B. B.– Snacks skal være sunde, og jeg tror, at min søn kan lide det, MAPP-konference 2009: Hyggelige familiemid-dage eller snack-helvede: Tendenser og mu-ligheder inden for mad, familie og sundhed,Middelfart, Danmark, 10. november, 2009.Juhl, H. J. – Findes lead users online? Aalborg, Danmark, 6. april, 2009.

Kazbare, L. – Why don’t (Danish) consu-mers eat healthier? Breaking down bar-riers to healthier eating, Seminar, Massey University, Institute of Food, Nutrition andHuman Health, Auckland, New Zealand, April 16, 2008.Kazbare, L. – Why don’t (Danish) consu-mers eat healthier? Breaking down bar-riers to healthier eating, Seminar, HortRe-search, Auckland, New Zealand, April 18,2008.Kazbare, L. – Why don’t (Danish) consu-mers eat healthier? Breaking down bar-

riers to healthier eating, Seminar, Hort-Research & Zespri, Te Puke, New Zealand, April 21, 2008.

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Kazbare, L. – Why don’t (Danish) con-sumers eat healthier? Breaking down

barriers to healthier eating, Seminar, Crop& Food, Palmerston North, New Zealand, April 23, 2008.Kazbare, L. – Why don’t (Danish) con-sumers eat healthier? Breaking downbarriers to healthier eating, Seminar,Fonterra, Palmerston North, New Zealand, April 24, 2008.Kazbare, L. – Consumer intentions towardshealthier eating: Results of a survey withadolescents and older people, IAREP/SABE2008 Conference, Rome, Italy, September5, 2008.Kazbare, L. – Can consumer researchcontribute to building stronger links be-tween EU and New Zealand? Food-FRENZConference, Budapest, Hungary, October12, 2008.Krystallis, A.– Plant sterols: Consumerattitudes and preferences, MAPP-konfe-rence 2008: Functional Foods, Middelfart,Danmark, 13. november, 2008.Krystallis, A.– Welcome and introduction,7th International MAPP Workshop onConsumer Behaviour and Food Marketing:Food Choice and Sustainability , Middelfart,Denmark, May 14, 2009.Krystallis, A.– Chair, 14th InternationalConference on Corporate and MarketingCommunications (CMC),Nicosia, Cyprus, April 23, 2009.Krystallis, A.– Chair, 7th InternationalMAPP Workshop on Consumer Behaviourand Food Marketing: Food Choice andSustainability, Middelfart, Denmark, May 14, 2009.Kügler, J.– User-oriented food product development: Food consumption 2.0,

FOOD Denmark PhD Congress 2009: A Career within Innovation?, FOOD Den-mark Research School, Lyngby, Denmark,November 24, 2009.Lähteenmäki, L. – Consumers and healthclaims, Nordic Oat Forum, Svensk Havre-förening, Göteborg, Sweden, October 31,2008.Lähteenmäki, L. – Impact of health claimson consumer perception of other product attributes, First European Food Congress,EFFoST, Ljubljana, Slovenia, November 6,2008.

Lähteenmäki, L. – Challenges in communi-cation of the bene ts of probiotics to consu -

mers, MAPP-konference 2008: FunctionalFoods, Middelfart, Denmark, 13. november,2008.Lähteenmäki, L. – How consumers per-ceive health claims and healthiness in food: A challenge for communication,A BetterLife through Healthier Choices, Reykjavik,Iceland, March 18, 2009.Lähteenmäki, L. – Consumer perceptionsof local food,7th International MAPP Workshop on Consumer Behaviour andFood Marketing: Food Choice and Sus-tainability, Middelfart, Denmark, May 14,2009.Lähteenmäki, L. – Challenges in commu-nicating the bene ts of functional foods tothe consumer, Future Food: Opening Con-ference AU-FOODNET, Aarhus, Denmark, April 30, 2009.Lähteenmäki, L. – Importance of food-re-lated goals and perceived resources in sa-tisfaction with food-related life among theelderly in Europe, 8th Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium, Florence, Italy, July 26, 2009.Lähteenmäki, L. – Food choice: Linkingsensory food science to product develop-ment, SensNet Symposium, Copenhagen,Denmark, October 22, 2009.Nørgaard, M. K. – Families’ use of nutritioninformation on food labels,6th Inter-national MAPP Workshop on ConsumerBehaviour and Food Marketing: Family Dinner: Opportunities and Challenges of Researching Families and Children as FoodConsumers, Middelfart, Denmark, April 10,2008.Nørgaard, M. K. – Mor, jeg vil hellere

have... : Familiers interne kommunikationog kon ikthåndtering, MAPP-konference2009: Hyggelige familiemiddage ellersnack-helvede: Tendenser og mulighederinden for mad, familie og sundhed, Middel-fart, Danmark, 10. november, 2009.Ormrod, R. P.– Healthiness and dairy products: The key to the modern consu-mer, Kvægkonference 2009, Vingsted,Denmark, November 19, 2009.Scholderer, J. – Genetically modi ed con -sumer products: What we know so far? University of Copenhagen, Denmark, April

10, 2008.

Scholderer, J. – Consumer acceptanceof functional foods and GMOs,Danish

Agricultural Council, Denmark, March 26,2008.Scholderer, J. – Meat-derived functional ingredients: Current products and market potential, Enterpise Ireland, Dublin, Ire-land, October 15, 2008.Scholderer, J. – People and pork,QPorkChains Annual Meeting, INRA,Ren-nes, France, October 29, 2008.Scholderer, J. – Ordstyrer, MAPP-konfe-rence 2008: Functional Foods, Middelfart,Danmark, 13. november, 2008.Scholderer, J. – Omega-3s: State of themarket, challenges and opportunities,MAPP-konference 2008: Functional Foods,Middelfart, Danmark, 13. november, 2008.Scholderer, J. – Attitudes towards genetechnology and their dynamics, SwissFederal Institute of Technology (ETH),Zurich, Switzerland, October 22, 2009.Scholderer, J. – What do consumer re-search and exposure assessment offer eachother?, 2009 ISES Annual Conference:Transforming Exposure Science in the 21stCentury, Minneapolis, USA, November 2,2009.Scholderer, J. – Spise hjemme, ude eller på farten: Svinekødets mange anvendelser,MAPP-konference 2009: Hyggelige fami-liemiddage eller snack-helvede: Tendenserog muligheder inden for mad, familie ogsundhed, Middelfart, Danmark, 10. novem- ber, 2009.Sonne, A. M. – Use of micronutrient re-commendations in SMEs: Results from aqualitative study, EurRecA Week, Monte-negro, June 9, 2008.Søndergaard, H. A.– What is market dri-

ven innovation, Sales seminar, Arla FoodsIngredients, Horsens, Denmark, September17, 2008.Søndergaard, H. A.– Findes lead usersonline?, Aalborg, Danmark, 6. april, 2009.Søndergaard, H. A.– Approaching a moreholistic view of openness in innovation: Fertilizing openness with network theoryand organizational learning, Friday semi-nar, Stanford, USA, November 20, 2009.Thøgersen, J.– Forbrugeres miljøadfærd: Motiver og barrierer, Masteruddannelseni tekniskvidenskabelig miljøvurdering, Aal-

borg Universitet, 26. januar, 2008.

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Thøgersen, J.– The motivational roots of norms for environmentally responsible

behavior, University of Groningen, TheNetherlands, April 11, 2008.Thøgersen, J.– Fremtidens følsomme for-bruger, Visionsdag om økologiske slagte-kyllinger, Holstebro, Danmark, 27. oktober,2008.Thøgersen, J.– The motivational roots of norms for environmentally responsiblebehavior, University of Maastricht, TheNetherlands, October 29, 2008.Thøgersen, J.– Consumer responses toecolabels,7th International MAPP Work -shop on Consumer Behaviour and FoodMarketing: Food Choice and Sustainability,Middelfart, Denmark, May 14, 2009.Thøgersen, J.– Wrap up, 7th InternationalMAPP Workshop on Consumer Behaviourand Food Marketing: Food Choice andSustainability, Middelfart, Denmark, May 14, 2009.

orgAniSer of ConferenCeS And worKShopS

Bech-Larsen, T. – Organiser, 7th Interna-tional MAPP Workshop on Consumer Be-haviour and Food Marketing: Food Choiceand Sustainability, Middelfart, Denmark,May 13-14, 2009.Bech-Larsen, T. – Arrangør, MAPP-semi-nar: Kan barrierer nedbrydes? Handelshøj-skolen, Aarhus Universitet, Århus, Dan-mark, 3. juni, 2009.Brunsø, K. – Organiser, 6th InternationalMAPP Workshop on Consumer Behaviourand Food Marketing: Family Dinner: Op-portunities and Challenges of ResearchingFamilies and Children as Food Consumers,

Middelfart, Denmark, April 9-10, 2008.Brunsø, K. – Organiser, Food, Values andTaste: An interdisciplinary conference,University of Aarhus, Denmark, November6-7, 2008.

Grunert, K. G. – Organiser, 6th Interna-tional MAPP Workshop on Consumer

Behaviour and Food Marketing: Family Dinner: Opportunities and Challenges of Researching Families and Children as FoodConsumers, Middelfart, Denmark, April9-10, 2008.Grunert, K. G. – Organiser, MAPP Confe-rence 2008: Functional Foods, Middelfart,Denmark, November 13, 2008.Grunert, K. G. – Arrangør, MAPP-seminar:Kan barrierer nedbrydes? Handelshøjsko-len, Aarhus Universitet, Århus, Danmark,3. juni, 2009.Grunert, K. G. – Organiser, MAPP Confe-rence 2009: Nice family dinners or snack hell: Tendencies and opportunities withinfood, family and health, Middelfart, Den-mark, November 10, 2009.Grønhøj, A. – Organiser, 6th InternationalMAPP Workshop on Consumer Behaviourand Food Marketing: Family Dinner: Op-portunities and Challenges of ResearchingFamilies and Children as Food Consumers,Middelfart, Denmark, April 9-10, 2008.Krystallis, A.– Organiser, 7th InternationalMAPP Workshop on Consumer Behaviourand Food Marketing: Food Choice andSustainability, Middelfart, Denmark, May 13-14, 2009.Larsen, M. D. – Organiser, MAPP Confe-rence 2008: Functional Foods, Middelfart,Denmark, November 13, 2008.Nørgaard, M. K. – Organiser, 6th Inter-national MAPP Workshop on ConsumerBehaviour and Food Marketing: Family Dinner: Opportunities and Challenges of Researching Families and Children as FoodConsumers, Middelfart, Denmark, April9-10, 2008.

Poulsen, L. V. S. – Organiser, 6th Inter-national MAPP Workshop on Consumer

Behaviour and Food Marketing: Family Dinner: Opportunities and Challenges of Researching Families and Children as FoodConsumers, Middelfart, Denmark, April9-10, 2008.Stacey, J. R.– Organiser, 7th InternationalMAPP Workshop on Consumer Behaviourand Food Marketing: Food Choice andSustainability, Middelfart, Denmark, May 13-14, 2009.Stacey, J. R.– Arrangør, MAPP-seminar:Kan barrierer nedbrydes? Handelshøjsko-len, Aarhus Universitet, Århus, Danmark,3. juni, 2009.Stacey, J. R.– Organiser, MAPP Conference2009: Nice family dinners or snack hell:Tendencies and opportunities within food,family and health, Middelfart, Denmark,November 10, 2009.Thøgersen, J.– Organiser, 7th Internatio-nal MAPP Workshop on Consumer Beha- viour and Food Marketing: Food Choiceand Sustainability, Middelfart, Denmark,May 13-14, 2009.

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