アーネスト・サトウ ウルグアイ日記抄 · アーネスト・サトウ...

明治大学教養論集通巻518 (2016 9)pp.155-169 アーネスト・サトウ ウルグアイ日記抄 一一転記・注解一一[珊] (1891. 8. 24-1891. 9. 7) 長尾史郎 [1 89 1] 24 Aug. Returned Licignano & Krave l' s calls. Went to say good bye to Mascaro.Promised to write & te l1 him whetherQuaritchhasanyb [ooJ ks.wch.mightbeusefulto them & to establish relations. 26 Aug. Drived woths Th...bocrps 一一 27 Aug. Called on Gen l. Perez to say good bye & asked him to turn theCasasdetolerancia 1 away fromthevisiting of thechurch. HepromisedtoseetheJefePolitico 2 ab t. it andgivehimin- structions (ToldthistoHopeLafoneintheevening). Left cards also on Ramirez the Min r of War & Capurro at the Gov t. house.Ca l1 ed on Mrs. Wingate.Meeting of the cemetery com- mittee to discuss the draft estatutos 3 wch.Cooper Grenfe l1 & 1 talkedoveryesterdaywithAlbertoGarciaLagos:decidedto ca l1 a public meeting to obtain approval of the steps we propose to take. 西]p l . = brothels; [直訳:寛容の家]娼婦館 西]=[英]J efe Poli tico. police official (仇 CentralAmerica). [< jefe ( chief leader")] 西] p l.= [英] statutes.規約

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アーネスト・サトウ ウルグアイ日記抄

一一転記・注解一一[珊](1891. 8. 24-1891. 9. 7)



24 Aug. Returned Licignano & Kravel's calls.

Went to say good bye to Mascaro. Promised to write & tel1 him

whether Quaritch has any b [ooJ ks. wch. might be useful to

them, & to establish relations.

26 Aug. Drived woths Th...bocrps一一

27 Aug. Called on Genl. Perez to say good bye, & asked him to turn

the Casas de tolerancia1 away from the visiting of the church.

He promised to see the Jefe Politico2 abt. it, and give him in-

structions (Told this to Hope Lafone in the evening). Left

cards also on Ramirez, the Minr • of War, & Capurro at the Govt.

house. Cal1ed on Mrs. Wingate. Meeting of the cemetery com-

mittee to discuss the draft estatutos3 wch. Cooper Grenfel1 & 1

talked over yesterday with Alberto Garcia Lagos: decided to

cal1 a public meeting to obtain approval of the steps we propose

to take.

西]pl. = brothels; [直訳:寛容の家]娼婦館

西]=[英]J efe Poli tico. police official (仇 CentralAmerica). [< jefe (“chief,

leader")] 西]pl.= [英]statutes.規約

156 明治大学教養論集通巻518号 (2016・9)

In the evening to Herrero y Espinosas, & to the Vidals.

Van Bruyssel signed his Extradition Tr巴aty& went off to

Buenos Aires

25 Aug. Usual Te Deumぺreview& a gala performance at the

Opera5 in the evening, Politeama6, the opera being gli Ugo・

notti7. Scalchi-Lolli8, Gabbi9 & Pettigiani¥O. A special box had

been prepared for the President & his ministers & the corps

4 テ・デウム (TeDeum)一一キ リスト教のカトリック教会 ・ルーテル教会 ・正教

会の聖歌の lつ。テクストの冒頭の一文“Tedeum laudamus" (われら神であ


=Teatro Solis

Montevideoの EITeatro Nuovo Politeamaのことと恩われる [以下の注 9を

参照]0 EI tea tro Pol山 amaという劇場がウルグアイ首都モンテ1.t1デオの北方

にあるカネ ローネ ス市 (Canelones)にあるが,しかし同劇場の柿落しは 1921

年なので,サ トウの時間とは合わない。また前注の劇場と同じものかも不詳。

(https:lles.wikipedia.org/wikijTeatro_Politeama_ (Canelones) 拙訳]

伊]= [仏]Les Huguenot ~ユ グノ ー教徒』 マイアベーア作のフランス・オ

ぺラ, ジャコ モ ・マイアベーア (GiacomoMeyerbeer, 179ト1864)一一 ユダヤ系

ドイツ人の歌劇作曲家。 [hllps:!fja.wikiped悶 orgjw刷 用 目 別措B8%E3%83%A3%E3間四日3%E3%83%A拘E3%


8 Sofia Scalchi (1850-1922)一一 イタ リアの女流オペラ歌手。“SofiaScalchトLolli"と呼ばれるようになる。[https:/fen.wiki開 dia.orgjwiki/Sofia_Scalchi:拙訳]

[1890 - https://www.g∞gle.co.jpjsearch?q..Sofia+Scalchi&hl・ja&rlz-IT 4GG LL..iaJ P393J P394&tbm哨 ch&tbo=u&source",univ&sa_X&ved・OahUKEwjmlrqom5HMAhVDVZQKHcFLCP4QsAQIGw&biw・993&bih=577荷imgrc..fN6L4Ma68lnD3M%3Al

9 Adalgisa Gabbi (Soprano) (Parma 1857 -Milan 1933)

アーネスト ・サト ウ ウルグアイ日記抄 157

diplomatique in the middle of the Cazuela"

28 Aug. Went to F[oreignJ. M[inisterJ. Promises that the month of

September shall not pass without Wallace getting his money.

Undertook to give me a reply about Littlejohn v. Pealer if

1 write him a private note.

Asked him to arrange for a private call on the President

next Tuesday


1891 Montevideo Nuovo Politeama I Cavalleria Rusticana (Santuzza) 1891 Montevideo Nuovo Politeama I Gioconda (Gioconda) [http://forgottenoperasingers.blogspot.j p/20 11/08/ ada!gisa-ga bbiーlB57-1933.htm1l

tO Pettigiani Anna Maria

1891 08 Montevideo Nuovo Politeama LUCIA DI LAMMERMOOR

(Lucia)j RIGOLETTO (Gilda)/ SONNAMBULA (Amina)j UGONOTTI (Margherita)

09 Montevideo Conseγvatorio La Lira CONCERTO

[hUp:! jwww.lavoceantica.itjSoprano/Pettigian出20Anna%20Maria.htmJ

[hups:! /www.g∞gJe.co.jp/search?q..Pettigiani+Anna+Maria&hl・ja&rlz_lT 4GG LL--iaJ P393J P394&tbm,.,isch&t bo..u&sou

rce..uni v&sa=X& ved=Oah U K E wiCu bP.nJ HM A h UMj5QK HcstD]cQsAQ11 w& bhv.. 1191 & bih -693&dpr・L2S;imgrc・VZaMfg


11 カスエラ (スペイン語 ーCazu巴la.スペイン語発音:[ka'8welaJ)は,南アメリ


に使用する鍋の名前カスエラ (cazuela.スペイン語で調理鍋を意味する)に由


菜を用いて濃厚な出汁を作る点は共通 している。 [htt同 /Iia.w出 pedia.orgfwiki/%E3制 2%AB%


158 明治大学教養論集通巻518号 (2016・9)

Mentioned the Mulrean succession case: he said, if you

have any difficulties write to me a note.

Called Mme. Christopherson, Lawrie, M'Master, Greene

Dined at Ildefonso Garcia-Lagos'12, a family party; then 5

children, Carlos, Damel, Julietta & Carolina, his brother Alfredo,

D". J. C. Blanco, Alfredo Vasques Acevedo: afterwards various

others came in, Horacio with his two older d... Teresila &

, a little man named Massara who played the violin

excellently well, did not get away till midnight.

29 Aug. News today that Valparaiso had fallen into the hands of

the Congressionalists'3. Went to Matta, who thinks there can be

" 他所では“GarciaLagos"と,ハイフンは付けていない。

13 ••• Following the battle of 28 August 1891, when Valpaaraiso fell in the hands of the Congressionists and President Balmaceda was definitely de-feated, Balmaceda sought and received asylum from the Minister of the Argentine Republic at Santiago. He committed suicide on 19 September 1891 while in refuge at the Arg巴ntinelegation. Many of his followers, being pursued, found refuge in legations of Spain and the United States. Some of them found asylum in legations of France, Brazil. Uruguay, Germany, and England. Police surveillance was put upon the legations of Spain and the United States on the one side and the Chilean government on the other side The surveillance was ended in January 1892, after the refugees departed on the American warship Yorktoωn. .•. (5. Prakash Sinha. Asylum A.nd International Law - https:j/

books.google.co.jpfbooks?id・alERfA b900MC&pg・PA256&lpg-PA256&dq...Congressionalists.++uruguay&source-bl&ots・

z2wemZeYzG&sig-yUi9j2k)'82Q6mDsn38~tLuTVdGo&hl・ja&日・ X&ved ..OahU K Ewi63-7Z7pHMAhUFHpQKHVX i AMEQ6

AEI HDAMv・oncpage&q ",Congressjo l1 alisls."20~‘20uruguay& f-fa lse)

1891年のチリ内戦(1891年の革命とも)一一議会支持派と,大統領 JoseManuel Balmaceda支持派との武力衝突。チリ陸軍 (大統領派)とチリ海軍 (議会派)


[Valparaisoを攻撃する反乱軍の鑑隊 (LePetit Journal所載)-h即 5:/len.wikipedia

o即 wikijChile札口vi1_War_oC1891 :拙訳]

アーネスト・サトウ ウルグアイ B記抄 159

no doubt. With regard to Clark's bringing the silver bars in the

Espiegel14, he says that he must have been dec巴ived by false

telegrams, for Kennedy never instructed him to wait. It's true

also that the “Times" has articies abt. the matter. Oldham says

Thomson has been at it, that he is in London, & has been tele-

graphing. The Duke says the “Aquila" is not yet delivered, be-

cause the silver does not yield the amount required, & Vidal is

therefore delaying

Paid some calls.

Dined with the Saint Chaffrays. ... & wife, Horde白ana& wife,

Dr. Cardoso & wife, Licignano, Brunetti, Kranel.

Kranel says the Argentine F[oreignJ. M[inisterJ. Costal5 talks

of trying to negotiate conventions with the European Powers

abt. nationality of sons of foreigners. K. agrees that it is not

14 Balmaceda, being unable to hire a private vessel to transport the silver to Montevideo, from where it was to be transferred to Europe, managed to persuade the commander of the H. M. S. Espiegel to convey the silver to Montevideo, where the money was landed August 15th.

(August 24. 1891 Reno Gazetle-Journal from Reno. Nevada - Page 1 - https:/!www.newspapcrs.com!newspage/J47021


15 Norberto Camilo Quirno Costa (July 18, 1844 -March 2, 1915) was an Ar-gentine lawyer, politician, and diplomat

[h t t ps:! /en. wi k iped ia.org/wi k ifNorberto_ Qui rno_ Costa]

160 明治大学教養論集通巻518号 (2016・9)

worth whi1e to .. .se the question: Sons of Germans, it seems, on

attaining their majority, can choose their nationality.

30 Cal1ed on the Morenos, left &clrd for Father Kopf & then

took ten with the Hope Lafones.

31. Called on Mrs. Theobald, Mrs. Grassie, Mrs. Chamberlain,

Mrs. Brizuela & the Pieniros.

Gave Ewens a letter by way of counterblast16 to Mrs. Coo-

per, & had a talk with Guil1ermad abt. the same matter. Agreed

to to suffiress17 controversy as much as possible.

Meeting to discuss the Cemetery statutes", from 8・30to

10・30,& carried them at last.

1. Sept. Went to say goodbye to Herrero. Duke of [=deJ Licignano

came in, & we urged him abt. the Pealer claims. All we cld.

obtain was his own personal opinion that the claims, must,

ought [,J shld. & wld. be paid, & a declaration that he would

support this view in the cabinet. He almost undertook to write

to us to that effect.

While wanting to go to the President there was some talk

about the debt & c. Herrero said that Basings had abt[.]

$30,000,000 worth, Gibbs 465 mi1lion, one Cassel, or Kassel, about


16 n.猛反対,激しい反発[英辞郎]

17 参考]“Whounrighteously suffiress the truth," meaning Christianity,

(Ammon), whose influenc巴 theyendeavour to suppress [Samuel Hulbeart Turner, Notes on the Epistleωthe Romans: lntended ωAssist Students 01 Theology and Others, Who Read the Scriptures in the Originals - https://

books.google.oo.jp/凶 oks?id.DANNAQAAMAAJ晶pg=PA18&lpg-PAIB&dq-sufftress+suppress&source関 bl&ots-CPtHFq

W1Bi晶sig隈b向。bH81AeCV41WqRIFglY同 XNNzU&hl珊 ja&sa思 X&ved罵 OahUKEwjg7Y2hOZTMAhUBN5QKHTWvAc4Q6AEIH

DAA#v-onepage&q;suffi問 s%20suppre叫 d",fa叫

アーネスト ・サトウ ウルグアイ日記抄 161

The President talked a good deal abt. Chile & said that the

Chileans were beginning by what we had finished Ci.e. in Uru-

guay), & altogether disappointet he seemed at the result of the

revolution'8. That Guillermo Matta wld. Not go back to B[ue-

nos]. A [ires]. as Chilean Min'. because he had sided with

Balmaceda, or rather had consulted to serve under him, at first.

Talking of the Uruguayan pension list, he said it was the inevi-

table result of 30 yrs. civil war, wch. left many generals. and

many widows & orphans. He was very cordial to me when 1

said goodbye.

Took Grenfell round to all the colleagues. In the evening came

the Capurros, Herrero y Espinozas, Mrs. & Miss Davie, Loder,

Mrs. Ker, the Coopers & Mrs. Barton, Licignano & Brunetti.

Capurro talked about the triumph of the revolution being a bad

omen, that the governmental principle had been thrown down,

that he was consequently obliged to regret the triumph of th巴

congressional party, without considering the merit of the con-

flict. Very natural 1 thought seeing how he has struck to office

under Don Julio.

2 Sept. Went to call on the Bishop CSoler19) to say good bye: He

18 上注 13参照。

19 Dr. Mariano Soler (1846-1908)一一 ウルグアイの聖職者,モンテヴィデオ最初

のカト リック大主教。ダーウィンの強硬な反対者。

[捌訳ー- ht tps:j /en. wikiped ia.orgfwiki/Mariano_Soler#cite_note-l]

162 明治大学教養論集通巻518号 (2016・9)

spoke of the Cemetery, & the burial of R. B. B. S. in it. 1 told him

how the matter stands, & that the words ‘sin distinction de <t.

creencias religiosas'o' had been inserted art. 2 of the Esta-

tutos21 • He seemed to be satisfied, but said he must write to

Rome to get the approbation of the Congregation of Rites22•

Dinner at Uruguay Club given by leading members of the

English community. Afterwards Cooper, & Thurburn sug-

gested that the above words shld. Be omitted fr. the Statutes,

but 1 said not, as they had been carried at a public meeting. But

they & others are strongly desirous. Guidos, Hordenanas,

Comalhos & Piera, & Mrs. P. Towers came to bid us good bye.

3 Sept. Had intended to embark at 2 p.m. but the steamer did not

come in. Various people to say good bye. Salvanach & his two

dau [ghter(?)] s. Mme. Saint-Chaffray & Mlle. Worked on

at .. .tes to the Paradis023, thro' various interruptions. Dined

with Grenfell at the Carasaled': everything had been packed-up

& covered over, beds turned up, plate put avoiding & c.

20 商]r宗教的信念の援別無くJ21 西]=Statutes,規約" ロ一マ法王庁の l省。[参考]The Roman Congregations [日h叫 //www.n帥ew糊ad酎ve制n叫t附 'gl


23 商]=paradise 24 Carasalleoと綴った後, 2番目の lを縦の抹消線で消しである。

アーネスト・サトウ ウルグアイ日記抄 163

4 Sept. The “Magdalena25" had come in early, so I decided to go on

board at 11 p.m. in the steamer belonging to the Captain of the

Port. A considerable number collected on the wharf to say

good bye. Dr. Lawrie, Grenfell, Miss Knght & the Jewnts came

off with US. Later on Herrero y Espinosa came in the agents'

tng; very goodnatured of him to come all that way. Started en

voyage26 at 8.20 about: Captain Rigaud, stoue' & young looking

man with no hair on his face.

H. thinks there may be a tussle28 betw. The Liberal & Cleri-

25 RMS Magdalena一一王立郵便船。

Name Magdalena

Namesake Magdalena River in Colombia

Ow附 X RMSPCo Operator 語ト RoyalNavy (1915-20)

Port of registry 薗.(1889-1915) 明ー (1915-20)

Route: Southampton -Brazil -.!:!.旦型笠一 Argentina(1889-1905);


Builder: Robert Napier & Sons, Govan Completed June 1889 Fate Scrapped 1921

General characteristics Type: ocean liner (1889-1915)/ troopship (1915-20)

Tonnage: 5,373 GRT Length: 421.3 feet (128.4 m) p/p Speed 17 knots (31 km/h) maximum Capacity: 540 passengers [https:!!en.wiki問dia.orgfwiki/RMS_Magdalena_(1889) ;拙訳。強調引


[ss MAGDALENA built by Robert Napier Govan --https:/!www.google.co.jp! searchヲq",ss+magdalena&hl・ja&rlz・1T 4GGLL-.JaJ P393J P394&tbm-isch&t bo-u&source-u ni v &sa-X&ved・OahUKEw山IIx

t3Lrp LN Ah VL)pQKHd3cDFcQsAQIPA&biw-1I批biha693#imgr叫 VRG灯 K72sWM制AJ

26 仏]= tra velling

27 stoutと綴り, gを縦線で抹消している。

28 n 激しい格闘[闘争],取っ組み合い[英辞郎]

164 明治大学教義論集通巻518号 (2016・9)

cal parties in Chile to elect a president; Agustin Edwards being

the candidate of the former, & Irragubal that of the latter. But

perhaps they may write to make war on the Argentine, wch. ia

their pet enemy. If they attack B[uenos]. A[ires]. Before the

latter receive their armament, they cld. enter B. A. in a couple of

months. 1 suggested Brazil joining [.J Yes, said he, under th巴

Empire they wld. have done so. We[.J however without

bonsting, cld. form the Scale with on 30,000 or 40,000. 1 sug-

gested the occupation by Brazil: in that case Uruguay wld. ap-

peal to Europe for neutralization. 1 asked whether France &

England were regardelas guarantors of Uruguayan independ-

ence. No; the only referena in the treaty was to their amicable

intervention. We mentioned Malla's poem attacking

England, & 1 explained that the greater portion of the freight

W巴ntto Greewich HospitaF9• Besides how cld. we refuse to ren-

der a service to a de facto Govt. with wch. we were on friendly

terms. Matta, he said, had gone away cold toward himself; on

receiving the telegrams announcing the success of the revolu-

tion M. had sent them with an enthusiastic letter, to wch. he

had only replied verbally; while Costa, F [oreignl M [inisterJ. of

B [uenos]. A [ires]. had sent a warm telegram of congratulation.

But then, Uruguay had nocneed to offer congratulations she did

四 グリニッジ病院(英:Greenwich HospitaJ)は, 1692年から 1869年まで運営



られている王立グリニッジ海箪兵学校…となった。/この病院の運営団体は 2013年現在も存在しており,かつての海軍軍人とその扶養家族のために,他の土地に



アーネスト ・サトウ ウルグアイ日記抄 165

not feel, while Argentine was obliged to be very civil to Chile.

Passed the “Magpie30" going in to M[ont巴].V [ideo]. not far

from Flores Island 3J•

7 Sept. A smooth passage up to the present time. A little before

noon sighted thro' the huge “Redonda32" an island off the mouth

of Rio Harbour, and then Gavia33 and Corcovado剖,or bits of

'" HMS Magpie 12th November 1861 Sold 1885

[http://www.wo川町al刷 ps.com/r_n_gunboats.htmJ ※因みに, magpieはカササギの意味。

31 Isla de Flores is a small island in the Rio de la Plata, 21 miles (34 km) south

east of Pun ta Carretas,ルlontevideo,Uruguay.

32 Rio Harbour= harbour of Rio de Janeiro

[著者不明 (2007). 1.ゐ'slωar吋2dsof万fRiωo HIαarbωourげT一一 h川u叩p阿駅吋附//、川,刊明叩、鴨w川、v円,吋r陀e附 1比m附t凶附。町r吋y.cam.a町C.U山k/州han叫1


33 Pedra da Gavea is a mountain in Tijuca Forest, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Com-posed of granite and gneiss, its elevation is 844 metres (2,769 ft), making it

one of the highest mountains in the world that ends directly in the ocean.

(https:! /en. wikipedia.org/wik i/Pedra_da_GlI6C3~A I vea]

初 コルコバードの丘 (Corcovado)は,ブラジルのリオデジャネイロにある標高

166 明治大学教養 論集通巻518号 (2016・9)

them now and the dimly disclosed. mountains some 3000 ft.

high close to the coast. Then the Sugarloa f35• a wonderful pre-

710メートルの丘である。世界遺産 「リオデジャネイ ロ:山 と海との聞のカリオ


(リオデジャネイロにおけるコルコバー ドの位置)

丘の頂上には展望台があり, リオデジャネイ ロの街を一望できる。美 しい海岸線

や巨大な岩石がそびえたつ山々など美しい景観が広がっており, リオデジャネイ

ロの観光名所の一つである。/また,頂上には. 1931年に建てられた台座の高さ

が8メー トル,像の高さ 30メー トルの両腕を広げた形の巨大なコルコバードの

キリスト像が立っ ており,このキリスト像はリオデジャネイロのシンボルとして


(コルコバードの丘から見たリオデジャネイ ロ, 左にパン・ジ・アスーカル (396m).右にコ パカバーナ海岸を望む) [httpsojjj印 刷 pedia.orgfwiki/%E3制 2%B3%E3%83%AB%E3%

82%B3%E3% 83%90%E3%83%BC%E3%83%89J

お ポン ・ヂ ・アスーカル (ポルトガル語:Pao de Acucar)は,大西洋に繋がるグ

アナパラ湾に突き出す半島の上にある奇岩で,ブラジル ・リオデジャネイ ロの南

部に位置する。海抜は 396メー トルであり,ポン ・ヂ ・アスーカルの名前の由来

は,その形が砂糖パンに似ているところから来ている0 ・・・パンアフリカン大陸衝


書籍では花商岩と誤記されることがある。世界遺産 「リオデジャネイロ:山と海


アーネスト ・サ トウ ウルグアイ日記抄 167

cipitous mass of granite roughly corresponding to its name,

wch. guards one side of the narrow entrance, while on the

northern hand rose a group of similar peaks of somewhat lesser

hight. Unfortunately clouds and mist veiled all the summits

and the whole of the end of bay. But enough was visible to

justify all that has been read or heard say above this magnifi.

cent harbor. Soon we discerned the

all her bu山1江nting3却6 flying in honour of the Independence of

Br悶az幻il戸3訂7,and saw a gi氾g3甜8coming towards us. But before she cld.

reach the bottom of the ladder, we had been verited by the

Sanitary authorities & proceeded on our way to the merchant-

ship anchorage farther Up, where we came to rest about two


The tower lies on the south hand, picturesquely perched as

it seemed to us on a succession of sma]] hills of varying height,

and exhibiting a great variety of towers, domes and spires. On


[https:( /ia.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%83%9D%E3%83%B3%E3%83%BB%E3%83%82%E3%83%BB%E3%82%A2%E3%82%B9%E3%83%BC


お 万国旗。

37 ポルトガル王国の楠民地だったブラジルは,ポルト ガル・ブラジル及びアルガル

ヴェ連合王国から離脱してブラジル帝国として 1821年から 1823年までの一連の

出来事の後,独立する。独立記念日は 9月7日である。[https:!/ja.wiki問 dia.org/wiki/"E掛

関%96%E3制 3%A9%E3%82%B8%E括的%AB%E7%8B%AC%E7%AB%8BJ

調 n. (海事)(軍艦の〕ギグ.カッタ ーより小型の,艦長用の艦載船 [英辞郎]

168 明治大学教養論集通巻518号 (20日 ・9)

the north side immediately opposite lies Nitheroy39, a sort of

suburb or transpontine40 Rio [de JaneiroJ. with which constant

communication is kept up by means of two huge steam-ferries;

on both sides of us the shore is cut up into bays and coves'",

enclosed by steep hils, each possessing its own special shape,

often assuming even a grotesque form, We lament the haze

prevents our beholding the wonderful panorama in all its ex-

tent, but 1 tried to console myself and other passengers with the

aesthetic doctrine of the mysterious, hidden by fog & mist.

About half an hour later Humfrage & Tower came on board, &

39 Niteroi is also written Nictheroy or Nitheroy, as the Tupinambas natives called the entrance to the bay of Guanabara, The term was adopted as the name of the city in 1834 when it became capital of the Province of Rio de ] anei ro. (http://www.bbrasil.comjen/miniguidejatrati刊 s-niteroi-cama-e-cafe.htmIJ

因みに, NitheroyとRioとは橋でつながれている 一一

リオ ・ニテロイ橋 (菊 :Ponte Rio-NiteroOは,ブラジルのリオデジャネイロ

州のグアナノ〈ラ湾に架かる全長 13,290m の箱形桁橋である。 この [架橋]計

画は 1875年にさかのぼる。当時ニテロイ へ陸路で向かうには,湾を迂回してマ

ジェを経由する 100km以上の道のりを進まなければならなかった。1963年に

入ると架橋の調査に向けた作業部会が設置され, 1965年 10月29日には架橋計

画の最終案の管理のために実行委員会が設立された。[htlps://ja.wikip叫 a.org/、叫ij%E3%お%AA%E3%82%AA%E3%83%BB%E3%83%8B%E3%83%86'‘E3%83%AD%E3'回2%A4%E6%A9%8BJ

[https:!/en.wikipedia.orgfwikij Rio%E21J6801J693Niter% C3%B3i_Bridge;jmedia/File: Map_Rio-Niter%C3泥B3i_Bridge.jpg]

40 adj.橋の向こう側の [英辞郎]

41 n 入り江 [英辞郎]

アーネスト・サトウ ウルグアイ日記抄 169

carried us off to tea on the

walk on shore. The first thing that struck us, the moment we

set foot on the granite landing steps; was an abominable foul

smelllike that of gas-works, but 1 am bound to say this was the

only am ... yanes of th巴kindwe experienced during the after-

noon. Close in front of the spot where we landed rose a circular

structure containing a panorama of Rio, by the famous Philio-

tea . .. se, wch. are immediately proceeded to visit. The illusion

was so complete, as to be at first oppressive and 1 felt almost

giddy; probably owing to

一一一一一一 42


(ながお・しろう 名誉教授)

42 文章未完。ここでページを改めて l行目右端に ENDの字が来る。