fi introduction

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  • 8/9/2019 FI Introduction


    AccountingAccounting, or accountancy, is the measurement,

    processing and communication of financial information

    about economic entities to external and internal users.

    The operation which records financial transactions i.e.

    storing, sorting, retrieving, summarizing, and presenting

    the information in various reports and analyses.The central task of G/L accounting is to provide a comprehensive picture for

    external accounting, which is achieved by recording business transactions in all

    the other operational areas of a company code. Integration with other

    operational areas ensures that the accounting data is always complete and



  • 8/9/2019 FI Introduction


    FI/! !rg. "nits

    ompany # onsolidationontrolling $rea % Internal reporting

    o.ode % &xternal reporting

    redit control area % credit controlF' area % ash and finance


  • 8/9/2019 FI Introduction


  • 8/9/2019 FI Introduction



    Chart of Accounts (COA)

    COA is a list of all G/L accounts used by one or several companycodes.

    In the A! "/# system$ each transaction that has a financialimpact is recorded in a general ledger (G/L) account or sub%ledger

    accounts (&endor$ Customer$ 'ied Assets and Contractor"eceivables/!ayables%'ICA) that are posted to the G/L viareconciliation accounts. his is achieved through use of COA(Chart of Accounts). Chart of Accounts consists of GL accounts$group *ise. GL accounts are master data created under GLaccount groups.

    +ach GL account group controls fields of GL account master data.

    Charts of accounts can have three different functions in the system

    % Operating Chart of Accounts

    % Group Chart of Accounts

    % Country pecific Chart of accounts

  • 8/9/2019 FI Introduction


    Account Groups

    controls *hich fields must be entered *hen a GLaccount master is created

    determines a valid number interval for the G/L account

    master ,ust be created before creating G/L master records

    Account groups can be defined freely. -ut normalclassification can be made

    % General GL accounts% -an accounts

    % +pense accounts

    % "evenue accounts

    % "econciliation accounts

  • 8/9/2019 FI Introduction



    G/L ,aster "ecords

    Contain Chart of Accounts

    Company Code G/L account number

    G/L account name

    Account type -alance sheet or Incometatement

    Account group

  • 8/9/2019 FI Introduction

    7/28* (++ by )$- $. $ll rights reserved. 3

    G/L Account%'eatures

    he A! 'I General Ledger has the follo*ing features Automatic and simultaneous posting of all sub%

    ledger items in the appropriate general ledgeraccounts (reconciliation accounts)

    imultaneous updating of general ledger and costaccounting areas

    "eal%time evaluation of and reporting on currentaccounting data$ in the form of account displays$financial statements *ith different financialstatement versions and additional analyses.

  • 8/9/2019 FI Introduction


    G/L Accounts%0sage

    All individual transactions posted to GL accounts canbe checed at any time$ in real%time$ by displaying theoriginal documents$ line items$ and transaction figures

    at various levels such as Account information (Ledger -alances) 1ournals (&ouchers) otals/transaction figures (&oucher totals) -alance sheet/profit and loss evaluations

  • 8/9/2019 FI Introduction


    ,aster 2ata

    3 ,aster 2ata describes items or ob4ects used in abusiness such as GL accounts$ materials$ vendors$customers and assets that remains unchanged over anetended period of time.

    3 GL accounts are identified as !5L account or -/account in it6s master data.

    3 he profit/loss is posted to a specific GL account called7"etained +arnings8 account. he value posting to this

    account happens on yearly basis.3 ransaction data is data that is used for relatively short

    periods of time$ usually to record business transactions(sales orders$ purchase orders$ production orders$payroll amounts).

    3 Codes '99%GL account$ :;9

  • 8/9/2019 FI Introduction


    "econciliation Accounts

    "econciliation account

    Accounts receivable$ Accountspayable$ Assets=hen you post to an account in the sub%

    ledger$ the system automatically posts to

    the corresponding reconciliation accounthe general ledger is automatically


  • 8/9/2019 FI Introduction


    "econciliation Account%+ample

    +ach ,aster data ob4ect *ill have

    a account group to control masterdata fields lie either to suppress$

    mandatory $optional or to display

    the field entry.

    >ere the asset master data linage

    to GL accounts Is depicted.

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  • 8/9/2019 FI Introduction


    Account 2etermination

    =hen a transaction occurs (inventory receipt$

    *ithdra*al etc.)$ A! automatically determines the

    correct GL accounts and other account assignment

    ob4ects *ith reference to nature of transaction andother parameters. his is achieved through account

    determination$ *hich is configured in I,G. Account determination is configured for ,,$ 2$ Asset

    accounting$ aation and Cost ob4ects.

  • 8/9/2019 FI Introduction


    Account determination

    ob4ectsAllo*s the same account determination rules

    to be used in multiple plants

    Assign a valuation grouping code to thevaluation area$ then use the valuation grouping

    code in automatic account assignment

  • 8/9/2019 FI Introduction


    'I%,, Account

    2etermination Account determination happens at COAlevel

    Account determination for 'I%,, happens

    on belo* parameters!lants/&aluation grouping code

    ,ovement type and ransaction/+vent ;ey

    ,aterial type and valuation class

  • 8/9/2019 FI Introduction


    FI#'' $ccount 5etermination

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  • 8/9/2019 FI Introduction


    'I%2 Account

    2etermination 'I Account determination is guided by

    condition tables defined in 2. Generally$ 'I Account determination *ith 2

    happens on the parameters of $pplication # 6

    $ccount determination type#7!FI/7!F7

    hart of accounts %I8T or $I8 etc.

    )ales organisation#

    5istribution hannel#

    ustomer account assignment group# +1 or +( etc.

    'aterials account assignment group# +1 or +( etc.

    $ccount 9ey#&:;,&:6 etc. ustom access 9eys

  • 8/9/2019 FI Introduction


    FI#$$ account determination

    "sing theAsset Accounting

  • 8/9/2019 FI Introduction


    FI#$$ account determination

    * (++ by )$- $. $ll rights reserved. 1

  • 8/9/2019 FI Introduction



    'inanacial tatement

    &ersionAll the Gl accounts identified as -/ or !5Laccounts are presented as belo*? .Code '+@Liabilities%hare Capital

    % +uity % !reference%Loans % hort term % Long term%Current liability and provisions

    Assets% 'ied Assets

    % Investments

    % Current assets

    % 2ebtors

    % -an

    % Cash

  • 8/9/2019 FI Introduction



    'inanacial tatement

    &ersionAll epenses are debits

    All incomes are credits

    2ifference is the profit/loss.!rofit/loss is posted to 7"etained +arnings A/c8at the end

    of year.

    Carry for*ard balances of -/ accounts to ne* fiscal

    year happens at the end of the year.

    .Code 'AGLG&"Bote his transaction do not post any accounting document.

  • 8/9/2019 FI Introduction



    =hile there are different reuirements for internal and

    eternal users of accounting data$ the underlying data

    is usually the same for both purposes and is 7captured8

    *hile recording business transactionspurchase

    orders$ goods receipts$ material *ithdra*als$ etc. he

    data can then be presented in different *ays for

    different users.

    Info system in 'I is standard for eternal reporting

    Info system in CO is fleible for internal reporting

    Controlling (CO)

  • 8/9/2019 FI Introduction



    Controlling (CO)




    Internal Accounting

    Cost Accounting

    ,anagerial Accounting

    ,anagement Information

    'leible D Bon%standard

    'inancial Accounting+ternal Accounting

    'inancial tatements

    Legal "euirements


  • 8/9/2019 FI Introduction



    Cost +lements

    !rimary Cost +lements +penses in 'I that are relevant to cost accounting are

    recorded in CO using primary cost element. !rimary cost elements can only be created *hen a G/L

    epense account eists. hus$ there is a one%to%onerelationship bet*een primary cost elements and G/Lepense accounts.

    =hen an 'I posting occurs in a G/L account for *hicha primary cost element has been defined$ a validcontrolling ob4ect (cost center$ order$ etc.) is reuiredbefore posting.

  • 8/9/2019 FI Introduction



    Cost +lements

    econdary Cost +lements econdary Cost +lements are used eclusively for

    certain types of CO transactions. econdary cost elements have no corresponding

    G/L account. econdary cost elements can be used in

    transferring costs from one cost center to other costcenters. !rimary costs are grouped together andtransferred to receiver cost centers using asecondary cost element.

  • 8/9/2019 FI Introduction



    Cost Centers

    Cost centers are used to trac =>+"+ costsincurred in the organiEation. As costs are

    incurred$ they are assigned or posted to theappropriate cost center.

    he posting and assignment of costs to costcenters is a critical step in using the CO

    module. Cost centers are organiEed in a StandardHierarchy.

  • 8/9/2019 FI Introduction



    Cost Center tandard

    >ierarchy he cost center standard hierarchy organiEes cost

    centers and provides the ability to organiEe reports at

    different levels in the organiEation

    '%CC%FF (tandard >ierarchy)

    FF> (Cost Center Group / >ierarchy Area)

    ! "ost "enters

    A9ierarchy Area)

    #$G "ost "enters

    !9ierarchy Area)

    #$G "ost "enters


  • 8/9/2019 FI Introduction



    Cost Center Groups

    Cost Center Groups can also be defined

    to support additional reporting


    FF> (Cost Center Group / >ierarchy Area)

    ! "ost "enters


    A9#9 D ales

    A9H9 D ,areting

    A99 D !urchasing

    A9J9 % Administration

    ! "ost "enters


  • 8/9/2019 FI Introduction


    Cost Allocation

    'reuently$ costs lie rent$ computer epense$utilities$ etc. have to be allocated to cost

    centers to provide accurate cost reporting. Costs can be allocated using a statistical ey

    figure$ *hich defines some measurable valuerelated to the cost center$ lie suare footage$

    head count$ C!0 hours$ etc. Costs can also be distributed using fied
