field study 3 (episode 3) - genesis manansala

Pampanga Colleges Macabebe, Pampanga Field Study 3 Submitted to: Lourdes T. Pangilinan Summitted by: Genesis R. Manansala Course: BEED III-B

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FS 3 EPI. #3


Page 1: Field study 3 (EPISODE 3) - Genesis Manansala

Pampanga Colleges Macabebe, Pampanga

Field Study 3

Submitted to:

Lourdes T. Pangilinan

Summitted by:

Genesis R. ManansalaCourse:


My Map

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Display board, or what we more commonly refer to as bulletin board, is one of the most readily available and versatile learning resources. To reach you target, follow the boards below:

My Tools

Look around a school for bulletin board displays.

Propose enhancements to make the display more effective.

Pick one and evaluate the display.

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As you look around and examine board displays, use the activity forms provided for you to document your observations.

An Observation Guide for BOARD DISPLAYS

Read the following statements carefully before you observe.

Go around the school and examine the board displays. How many board displays do you see?

Where are the display board found? Are they in place where target viewers can see them?

What are the displays about? What images and colors do you see? How are the pieces of information arranged?

What materials were used in making the display? Are borders used?

Do you notice some errors? Misspelled words, grammar inconsistencies and the like.

Are the messages clear and easily understood?

You may choose to take a photo of the display board (if allowed).

My Observation Report

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Name of the School: Macabebe Elementary School


Location of the School: Macabebe, Pampaga

Date of Visit:

As I look around and examine the board displays, I have found out that every classroom has its own board displays. Some classrooms have a bulletin board for birthdays of students, classroom cleaners, classroom officers, classroom activities and announcement and the most common was the board display that contains the topic to be discussed in a certain grading period.

I have seen 3 board displays outside the classroom but it was more than that if I will examine the whole campus. Board displays were located near the faculty room and also near the entrance gate. Most of it was announcements, activities on events in the school and etc. The announcements were written in a formal way that every one can quickly and clearly understand. The information were arranged past to latest and the materials used have a high quality that can last for a longer time. Board display near the entrance of the gate was

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covered by a glass, so as to give protection to the content materials used.

From among the board displays that you saw, pick the one you got most interested in. Evaluate it using the evaluation from below.

Board Displays in Different Subject areas.


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Topic of the Board Display: Different Subjects

Location of the Board display in School: C lassrooms and school grounds.

Check the column that indicates your rating . Write comments to back up your ratings.

4 - Outstanding3 - Very satisfactory2 - Satisfactory1- Needs Improvement





Effective Communication Conveys the message quickly.


The displays have met the criteria. The messages were clear, easy to understand and well-expressed.

Attractiveness color and arrangement catch and interest.


It has captures the attention of the target audience. Colors and arrangements were very cogent to the eyes of viewers.

Balance Object are arrange so stability is perceived.


Arrangement of objects were good but it needs an improvements. Because object are perceivable. Too small to be seen from an average distance.

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Unity Repeated shapes or colors or use of borders holds display together.


The display have met the criteria. There was a perfect selection of colors, shapes and boarders.

Interactivity The style and approach entice learners to be involved.


Students have an active involvement in it because the board displays seems to be students made.

LegibilityLetters and illustrations can be seen from a good distance.


Font size is too small. It is not readable from a good distance. Only the title could be seen anyway and too much art can damage the legibility of the board display.

Correctness Free grammar errors, misspelled word, ambiguity.


There were no such wrong grammars or even misspelled words. Ideas are well-expressed briefly. Free from ambiguity.

Durability Well-constructed, item are securely attached.


Well-secured and the content can last long because some of the boards were protected by a glass.

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An Evaluation Report of a Bulletin Board

Bulletin Board Evaluated by:

Location: At the entrance gate

Brief Description of the Bulletin Board: School Activities


Strengths Weaknesses

Description of the Bulletin Board lay-out

Students and teachers can see their post and previous achievements during the activity.

The board display aren’t attractive due to the small font size being used. Pictures are not clear.

Evaluation of educational content. And other aspect:

The display board is simple but full of information.

Not so colorful compared to the other bulletin board.

Recommendations or Suggestions for

The student should make it more attractive by using colorful materials,

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improvement. clear pictures and readable font size and font style.

Signature of Evaluator Over Printed Name:

My Analysis

Did the board design reflect the likes/interests of its target audience? Why? Why not?

Definitely yes because of its style, selection of colors and materials, the title and the theme seem to be a student made. Since it is made by certain students, so I can say that everything being posted are being reflected on the likes or interest of its target audience because the main target audience are also the students but it is not the totality because every student has its own style. It simply means that one student is different from another student in terms of their likes or interest.

Was the language used clear and simple for the target audience to understand? Why? Why not?

Yes, it was. The font and size of the words were formal enough to be read by the target audience and the words were also bold enough to be clearly seen. The words used

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were appropriate to the level of the students where in the students who will read it can understand its thought.

What do you think was the purpose of the board display? Was it effective? Why? Why not?

In my own point of view, the purpose of the boards was to convey information to the students such as information about the content of the subjects, proper hygiene, values information and latest trends in the society. It also serves as motivation tool for the students to do their best and as I look in it, it really works for it s purpose. By it designs it holds attention, the contents were appropriate that provide learning information, and the boards were not merely filled with written words but also pictures that facilitates easy understanding.

What suggestions can you make?

I suggest rearranging some of the words to convey much clear thought of the sentence. The content must have something new that gives opportunity to the student to participate or interact and it is important also to update the content. It would be also nice to add more contents which will invite the participation of the students aside from information that it conveys.

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My Proposed Board Display

Theme:   Activity Board

Board title: Classroom Activities

Rationale: To enhance students participation in learning by using board display and the ability of students in responding to the questions posted.

Objectives: The students will be able to provide answers on the

posted questions. The students will be able perform the activity being

posted. The students will be able have additional

information or learning aside from what is discuss

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in the class.                                 Best features of my propose bulletin enhancement:

        It will consist of health information, trivia, and latest educational trends in the society and activities for the students to do.

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Content resources (name each needed resource and give each a brief description):

Internet - sites with reliable information. Books - it could be from all types of subjects. Journals - those that are fitted to the level of the

students. Magazines - source for cut out letters and pictures. Students output - can be displayed in the board, its

should be attractive, cogent and legible                 

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Class Observation Guide Read the following statement carefully before you observe.What is the lesson about?

What is the lesson about?

What visual aids/materials/learning resources is the teacher using?

Observe and take notes on how the teacher present/uses the learning resources.

Closely observe the learners’ response to the teacher’s use of learning resources. Listen to their verbal responses. What do their responses indicate? Do their responses show attentiveness, eagerness and understanding?

Focus on their non-verbal responses. Are they leaning forward showing their interest on the lesson and the materials? Are they looking towards the direction of the teacher and the materials? Do their actions show attentiveness, eagerness and understanding

My Observation Report

The observation was during a mathematics class where the teacher used workbooks supplied by the Department of Education but due to an insufficient number of workbooks, the teacher has no other option but

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Grade or Year Level of Class Observed: Grade 2

Date of Observation:

Subject Matter: Mathematics

The observation was during a mathematics class where the teacher used workbooks supplied by the Department of Education but due to an insufficient number of workbooks, the teacher has no other option but

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Brief Description of Teaching Approach Used by the Teacher: Comparing the shapes, size and colors.

Teaching Aids used

(enumerate inBullet form)

Strengths WeaknessesComments on

Appropriateness of the

Teaching Aids used



Visual Aids

It is appropriate because it is the standard workbook that came from the Department of Education.

The learners will motivate to participate in the discussion by using this materials.

The teacher knows how to efficiently utilize the materials.

Not enough supplies so students have to share with one another thereby enabling them to copy another’s answer.

The font size are tooSmall to be seen in an average distance.

It will be only weak if the teacher do not know

The teaching aids used are appropriate. However, it will be more effective if the ratio of 1:1 per student is achieved.

This teaching aids used are appropriate. The discussion in enjoyable by using flashcards.

It assists the teacher in delivering her lesson,

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how to efficiently utilize the material and if the content is not clear enough to students.

so it is appropriate to use this material for a large number of students inside the classroom and it is necessary for the teacher to use it because most of the students were visual students

My Analysis

What do you think prompted the teacher to choose the materials/learning resources that she/he used?

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In my own understanding, the teacher wanted to let her students to be attentive and participative in their lesson, and also let her students utilize their analytical skills. The instructional materials used were the perfect fit because the purpose was accomplished. It really catches the attention of the students and it aids the teacher’ intention. The instructional materials serves as a clear representation that was capable of giving clear information, through this, ht students were actively engaged in the discussion and the teacher was trying to use her creativeness and resourcefulness to facilitate the learning.

What difficult, if any, did the teacher experience? How can this be managed?

As I closely observed, there was no difficulty that the teacher experienced. The class was well managed and the teacher did not find it hard to convince her students to participate in the discussion and activity. There was an interaction between the students and the teacher, and the teacher makes sure that her students stay on task as observed.

Over-all, were the learning resources/materials, used effectively? Why? Why not?

Yes, all students were actively engaged in the discussion by answering the questions written in the visual aid and some of them were able to answer what was asked. The

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teacher gives appreciation to those students who answer the questions correctly and to those who were not able to give their correct answer; the teacher gives feedback to improve learning. Through the score of students on their quiz that shows a positive result, I can conclude that learning material was used effectively.

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