fifteenth sunday in ordinary time july 12,...

FIFTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME JULY 12, 2020 SAINT BONAVENTURE – WEDNESDAY, JULY 15 Born north of Rome in the year 1217, Saint Bo- naventure was baptized Giovanni de Fidanza. Giovanni received the name Bonaventure (bona - "good", venture - "event") when as a child, he was cured of a life-threatening illness through the pray- ers of St. Francis of Assisi. Bonaventure entered the Franciscan Order in 1243. His precocious talent was immediately apparent, and he began to teach publicly in the Franciscan school at the University of Paris in 1248. Bonaventure's academic tenure was brief, for in 1257, he was elected Minister Ge- neral of an increasingly divided Franciscan Order. Bonaventure was canonized a saint in 1482 by Po- pe Sixtus IV, who wrote, "Bonaventure was great in learning, but no less great in humility and holiness. His innocence and dove-like simplicity were such that Alexander of Hales, the renowned doctor whose disciple Saint Bonaventure became, used to say that it seemed as though Adam had never sinned in him." In 1588, Bonaventure was declared a Doctor of the Universal Church with the title "Doctor Sera- phicus" or "Angelic Teacher." https:// OUR LADY OF MOUNT CARMEL – THURSDAY, JULY 16 On one side of the mountaintop, the priests of Baal stood next to the stone altar dedicated to their false god. They had been praying aloud all day, but no god had answered them. On the other side, the prophet Elijah stood alone next to a stone altar de- dicated to the Lord God, Yahweh. That day Yahweh sent fire from heaven onto the altar, proving that he, Yahweh, was the one true God. The Old Testa- ment records this showdown on Mount Carmel in northern Palestine (1 Kings 18:1639). People who wanted a quiet place to pray began to come toget- her on Mount Carmel. A large monastery was built there to honor the Mother of God, and called Car- melites. In 1251, the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to Simon Stock, person in charge of the Carmelite Order, and gave him a scapular, a long piece of cloth worn over the shoulders and hanging in front and in back, down to the ankles. After that, all the members of that Carmelite community wore scapu- lars. Today some religious men and women wear the full scapular. It is a way of honoring the Blessed Mother. July 16 is a feast for all Carmelite priests and sisters. resources/saints/saints-stories-for-all-ages/our-lady-of- mount-carmel/ GOSPEL REFLECTION – MATTHEW 13:1-23 If we see ourselves as the sower, the parable takes us in the direction of learning to know God and having union with God. We ourselves are the ones who spread the word of good news. If we see ourselves as the seed, it re- minds us that we sow Gods word wherever we are, by word and example. If we see ourse- lves as the soil, we are directed to examine the cares and distractions of our lives to see if they stand in the way of open eyes, open ears and open hearts. This is our call to disci- pleship! God is extravagant with the seed, and he is doing everything to prepare the soil so that the word can take root. All we need to do is see with our eyes, hear with our ears and understand with our hearts. https:// REMINDER RE: COVID-19 – MANDATORY MASKS I want to thank all of you for your cooperation and kindness as we have returned to church over these past weeks. It has been so great to see pa- rishioners once again and I thank everyone who has been so helpful in this reopening stage, espe- cially our wonderful volunteers. Thank you! As you may have heard in recent days, a new by-law has been passed that makes the use of masks or face coverings inside all public places mandatory. This includes churches and our own parish. I would ask that all those coming to church bring a mask or face covering and wear it upon entering the church. I recognize that this may be an in- convenience yet I know that we are all committed to caring for our neighbour and those around us. While a number of restrictions have been lifted in recent days, we are still in the middle of a pande- mic and need to take appropriate steps to minimi- ze any potential spread of Covid-19. So while the Archdiocese of Toronto had highly recommended wearing a mask while in church and I know that most of you have been doing so, it is now a by-law that we must follow. Thank you in advance for your cooperation as we do all that we can to take care of one another and keep our com- munity safe and healthy. Fr. Jozef Morawski

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Page 1: FIFTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME JULY 12, · Born north of Rome in the year 1217, Saint Bo-naventure was baptized Giovanni


SAINT BONAVENTURE – WEDNESDAY, JULY 15 Born north of Rome in the year 1217, Saint Bo-naventure was baptized Giovanni de Fidanza. Giovanni received the name Bonaventure (bona - "good", venture - "event") when as a child, he was cured of a life-threatening illness through the pray-ers of St. Francis of Assisi. Bonaventure entered the Franciscan Order in 1243. His precocious talent was immediately apparent, and he began to teach publicly in the Franciscan school at the University of Paris in 1248. Bonaventure's academic tenure was brief, for in 1257, he was elected Minister Ge-neral of an increasingly divided Franciscan Order. Bonaventure was canonized a saint in 1482 by Po-pe Sixtus IV, who wrote, "Bonaventure was great in learning, but no less great in humility and holiness. His innocence and dove-like simplicity were such that Alexander of Hales, the renowned doctor whose disciple Saint Bonaventure became, used to say that it seemed as though Adam had never sinned in him." In 1588, Bonaventure was declared a Doctor of the Universal Church with the title "Doctor Sera-phicus" or "Angelic Teacher."


On one side of the mountaintop, the priests of Baal stood next to the stone altar dedicated to their false god. They had been praying aloud all day, but no god had answered them. On the other side, the prophet Elijah stood alone next to a stone altar de-dicated to the Lord God, Yahweh. That day Yahweh sent fire from heaven onto the altar, proving that he, Yahweh, was the one true God. The Old Testa-ment records this showdown on Mount Carmel in northern Palestine (1 Kings 18:16–39). People who wanted a quiet place to pray began to come toget-her on Mount Carmel. A large monastery was built there to honor the Mother of God, and called Car-melites. In 1251, the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to Simon Stock, person in charge of the Carmelite Order, and gave him a scapular, a long piece of cloth worn over the shoulders and hanging in front and in back, down to the ankles. After that, all the members of that Carmelite community wore scapu-lars. Today some religious men and women wear the full scapular. It is a way of honoring the Blessed Mother. July 16 is a feast for all Carmelite priests and sisters.

GOSPEL REFLECTION – MATTHEW 13:1-23 If we see ourselves as the sower, the parable takes us in the direction of learning to know God and having union with God. We ourselves are the ones who spread the word of good news. If we see ourselves as the seed, it re-minds us that we sow God’s word wherever we are, by word and example. If we see ourse-lves as the soil, we are directed to examine the cares and distractions of our lives to see if they stand in the way of open eyes, open ears and open hearts. This is our call to disci-pleship! God is extravagant with the seed, and he is doing everything to prepare the soil so that the word can take root. All we need to do is “see with our eyes, hear with our ears and understand with our hearts.


I want to thank all of you for your cooperation and kindness as we have returned to church over these past weeks. It has been so great to see pa-rishioners once again and I thank everyone who has been so helpful in this reopening stage, espe-cially our wonderful volunteers. Thank you! As you may have heard in recent days, a new by-law has been passed that makes the use of masks or face coverings inside all public places mandatory. This includes churches and our own parish. I would ask that all those coming to church bring a mask or face covering and wear it upon entering the church. I recognize that this may be an in-convenience yet I know that we are all committed to caring for our neighbour and those around us. While a number of restrictions have been lifted in recent days, we are still in the middle of a pande-mic and need to take appropriate steps to minimi-ze any potential spread of Covid-19. So while the Archdiocese of Toronto had highly recommended wearing a mask while in church and I know that most of you have been doing so, it is now a by-law that we must follow. Thank you in advance for your cooperation as we do all that we can to take care of one another and keep our com-munity safe and healthy. Fr. Jozef Morawski

Page 2: FIFTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME JULY 12, · Born north of Rome in the year 1217, Saint Bo-naventure was baptized Giovanni


Frekwencja podczas Mszy św. :


W czwartek, 16 lipca, w liturgii wspominamy Najs więtszą Maryję Pannę z Go ry Karmel i historię szkaplerza, kto ra swymi korzeniami sięga XII wie-ku. Włas nie na Go rze Karmel (po łnocno-zachodni Izrael) duchowi synowie proroka Eliasza prowadzi-li gorliwe z ycie modlitwy. Z powodu przes ladowan przenies li się do Europy i dali początek nowemu zakonowi – karmelito w, kto ry wpisał się w historię i duchowe oblicze Kos cioła. S więci, kto rych wydały zakony karmelitan skie, nalez ą do najpopularniej-szych. W tym gronie jest S więta Teresa od Dzieciąt-ka Jezus, a spos ro d Polako w znany jest S więty Rafał Kalinowski. Wspomnienie Najs więtszej Maryi Pan-ny z Go ry Karmel przypomina nam o jeszcze innym waz nym rysie duchowos ci chrzes cijan skiej, a mia-nowicie o szkaplerzu. Matka Boz a objawiła go gene-rałowi karmelito w w Cambridge (Anglia) Szymono-wi Stockowi w 1251 roku. Obiecała tez kaz demu, kto będzie go nosił do s mierci, z e nie zazna ognia piekielnego i z adnego innego niebezpieczen stwa. Dzis wielu z nas nosi medaliki szkaplerzne. Zadbaj-my o to, aby nie była to tylko dekoracja stroju. Niech to będzie znak naszej religijnos ci, noszony z wiarą i miłos cią. Pros my tez Matkę Boz ą, abys my mogli dojs c szczęs liwie do naszej Go ry Karmel, kto -rą jest Chrystus. Jak Maryja, wsłuchujmy się w sło-wo Boz e, rozwaz ajmy je i zachowujmy w swoich sercach.

W TYM TYGODNIU PATRONUJĄ NAM: 13 lipca – S więci Andrzej S wierad (†1030-1034), z

pochodzenia Polak, i jego uczen Benedykt (†1033-1037), dwaj pustelnicy, prowadzący niezwykle surowe z ycie na terenie dzisiejszych Węgier.

15 lipca – s w. Bonawentura (1218-1274), biskup i doktor Kos cioła, jeden z najwybitniejszych teo-logo w s redniowiecza.

sobota, 4 lipiec 17:00 33

niedziela, 5 lipiec 7:30 43

9:00 51

10:30 57

(sala parfialna) 12:00 12:00

90 5

REFLEKSJA EWANGELICZNA MT 13, 1-23 Potrzeba wiele troski i uważności, aby Słowo wypowiedziane przez Boga mogło wydać owoce w naszym życiu. Aby żyć Słowem w co-dzienności, potrzebujemy go słuchać, medyto-wać nad nim, modlić się nim i kontemplować je. Każdy z tych etapów modlitwy słowem Bo-żym ma swoje przeszkody. Podczas słuchania szatan na podobieństwo ptaków wydziobują-cych ziarno będzie wyrywał z naszego serca Słowo, które Chrystus w nas zasiewa. W cza-sie medytacji będzie nas odstraszał pustynią, zniechęceniem i oschłością, aby przypalić w ogniu zawiści kiełkujące w nas Słowo. Gdy ze-chcemy modlić się Słowem, będzie zagłuszał nasze serce zmartwieniami, rozproszeniami i tysiącem spraw do zrobienia. Jeśli jednak nie ulegniemy żadnej z tych trzech pokus, do-świadczymy Bożej obecności, która łagodnie otuli nas w czasie kontemplacji. I wyda błogo-sławione owoce dobra. Jezu, pragnę żyć Two-im słowem, słuchając, medytując, modląc się i kontemplując.


Chcę wszystkim podziękowac za wspo łpracę i z yczliwos c . Wspaniale jest zobaczyc parafian po-nownie w naszym kos ciele. Dziękuję wszystkim pomagającym przy otwarciu kos cioła, a szczego l-nie wolontariuszom. Jak zapewne słyszelis cie w ostatnich dniach, uchwalono nowy regulamin, kto ry nakłada obowiązek stosowania masek lub osłon twarzy we wszystkich miejscach publicz-nych. Dotyczy to kos cioło w i naszej parafii. Pro-siłbym, aby wszyscy przychodzący do kos cioła przynies li maskę i nosili ją po wejs ciu do kos cio-ła. Zdaję sobie sprawę, z e moz e to byc niedogod-nos c , ale wiem, z e wszyscy jestes my zaangaz owa-ni w opiekę nad otaczającymi nas ludz mi. Chociaz w ostatnich dniach zniesiono wiele ograniczen , musimy podjąc odpowiednie kroki, aby zminima-lizowac potencjalne rozprzestrzenianie się Covid-19. Archidiecezja Toronto zdecydowanie zaleca-ła noszenie masek w kos ciele i wiem, z e więk-szos c z was to robi. Musimy jednak przestrzegac tego prawa. Z go ry dziękuję za wspo łpracę, po-niewaz robimy wszystko, co w naszej mocy, aby dbac o siebie nawzajem, bezpieczen stwo i zdro-wie naszej społecznos ci.—Ks Józef Morawski

Page 3: FIFTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME JULY 12, · Born north of Rome in the year 1217, Saint Bo-naventure was baptized Giovanni

5:00 PM + Juanita Oquendo—Claire & John Tenefrancia


7:30 AM

(POL) 9:00 AM

10:30 AM

12:00 PM (POL)

+ + + + + +

Jo zef Bzdel - Boz ena Borowska z rodziną Int of Jack Kelly & residents & health care workers at Camilla Care Nursing Home—The Kelly Family Holy Mass available also on YouTub channel God’s blessing for Janina Folfas—daughters Msza św. transmistowana również na kanale You-Tube Za Parafian O bł Boz e dla Dominka Wajda w dniu 2. ur.—rodzice O bł Boz e i łaskę zdrowia dla Andrzeja i Anny Bigos z okazji urodzin—syn i synowa z rodziną O szczęs liwą podro z do Polski dla Haliny Obłoz a Filip Pras Zofia Jas kiewicz—rodzina Czesława i Antoni Obuchowscy Anna Wo jcik w 7. rocznicę s mierci—siostra Helena Ro z a i Ryszard Wojtowscy—Helena

7:00 PM (POL)

+ Janina Tomczyk w 7. rocz s mierci—córka z rodziną

7:00 PM

+ Edwin Hutyra—family

8:30 AM + Eternal repose of the soul of Ricarda Calamba—Tita Mandin

8:30 AM Int of Dorota & Andrzej Kędziołka

7: 00 PM Healing & blessings for Jose Vicente Lozada—Hezen Clemente

5:00 PM + Tiberio Santos—wife

7:30 AM

(POL) 9:00 AM


12:00 PM


+ + +

Brosława Baran—brat z rodziną Thanksgiving for the Gordon’s Family Holy Mass available also on YouTub channel Parishioners/ For the eternal repose of the souls of Alejandro & Restituta Msza św. transmistowana również na kanale You-Tube W intencji Tomasza Wnęk z okazji urodzin—rodzina W intencji Kevina, Karola Olejnik—rodzice Ewa Walędziak Jarek Rogala



10:30 am – Mass in English 12:00 pm – Mass in Polish


Godz. 10:30 – po angielsku Godz. 12:00 – po polsku

KONDOLENCJE W dniu 5 lipca, 2020 roku do Domu Ojca odszedł Sławomir Bobel. Składamy wy-razy z alu i wspo łczucia rodzinie i bli-skim. Mo dlmy się o poko j jego duszy.

Mass Attendance:

ONLINE "Holy Spirit, Fire Night"

Wednesday, July 15, 2020 7:00-9:00 pm. Pre-sented by the Catholic Charismatic Rene-wal Council (CCRC) of the Archdiocese of To-ronto - Join us virtually for powerful talks by CCRC’s Fr. Matthias Kotoka Amuzu and Fr. Ben St. Croix, with anointed Praise & Worship by CRL Youth Ministry. Registration on-line at ONLINE St. Monica's Virtual Summer Camp

Monday, July 13, 2020 to Friday, August 7 Inviting all youth ages 4-12 years old. Register online at

THANK YOU Lis Family made and donated side cabinet and two benches in the Sanctuary. Kevin Vu & Family made and donated coun-ter top for the side cabinet in the Sanctuary. In memory of Róża & Ryszard Wojtowski $4,000 was donated for the church media equipment (TV, computer, projector and instal-lation cost).

Thank you all for your generosity and God Bless you.

Saturday, July 4, 2020 5:00 PM 33

Sunday, July 5, 2020 7:30 AM 43

9:00 AM 51

10:30 AM 57

12:00 PM 90 + 5

Offertory July 05, 2020:

Sunday Offering: $2,480 Mass Intentions: $ 105 Building Fund: $ 480

Page 4: FIFTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME JULY 12, · Born north of Rome in the year 1217, Saint Bo-naventure was baptized Giovanni

Mass Schedule Christ the King Church Saturday, July 11 5:00 pm - Sunday Mass in English (church – 90 people)

Sunday, July 12 7:30 am – Mass in Polish (church – 90 people) 9:00 am – Mass in English (church – 90 people) 10:30 am – Mass in English (church – 90 people + 45 parish hall) 12:00 pm – Mass in Polish (church – 90 people + 45 parish hall) Monday, July 13 7:00 pm – Mass in Polish (church – 90 people)

Tuesday, July 14 7:00 pm – Mass in English (church – 90 people)

Wednesday, July 15 8:30 am – Mass in English (church – 90 people) Thursday, July 16 8:30 am – Mass in English (church – 90 people)

Friday, July 17 7:00 pm – Mass in English (church – 90 people)

Saturday, July 18 5:00 pm - Sunday Mass in English (church – 90 people)

Sunday, July 19 7:30 am – Mass in Polish (church – 90 people) 9:00 am – Mass in English (church – 90 people) 10:30 am – Mass in English (church – 90 people + 45 parish hall) 12:00 pm – Mass in Polish (church – 90 people + 45 parish hall) CONFESSION AVAILABLE HALF AN HOUR PRIOR TO THE WEEKDAY MAS-


Page 5: FIFTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME JULY 12, · Born north of Rome in the year 1217, Saint Bo-naventure was baptized Giovanni

Rozkład Mszy św. Kościoła Chrystusa Króla Sobota, 11 lipiec 17: 00 – Niedzielna Msza s w. po angielsku (kos cio ł – 90 oso b) Niedziela, 12 lipiec 7: 30 – Msza s w. po polsku (kos cio ł – 90 oso b) 9: 00 – Msza s w. po angielsku (kos cio ł – 90 oso b) 10: 30 – Msza s w. po angielsku (kos cio ł – 90 oso b + 45 sala parafialna) 12: 00 – Msza s w. po polsku (kos cio ł – 90 oso b + 45 sala parafialna)

Poniedziałek, 13 lipiec 19: 00 – Msza s w po polsku (kos cio ł – 90 oso b)

Wtorek, 14 lipiec 19: 00 – Msza s w po angielsku (kos cio ł – 90 oso b)

Środa, 15 lipiec 8: 30 – Msza s w. po angielsku (kos cio ł – 90 oso b)

Czwartek, 16 lipiec 8: 30 – Msza s w. po angielsku (kos cio ł – 90 oso b)

Piątek, 17 lipiec 19: 00 – Msza s w. po angielsku (kos cio ł – 90 oso b)

Sobota, 18 lipiec 17: 00 – Niedzielna Msza s w. po angielsku (kos cio ł – 90 oso b) Niedziela, 19 lipiec 7: 30 – Msza s w. po polsku (kos cio ł – 90 oso b) 9: 00 – Msza s w. po angielsku (kos cio ł – 90 oso b) 10: 30 – Msza s w. po angielsku (kos cio ł – 90 oso b + 45 sala parafialna) 12: 00 – Msza s w. po polsku (kos cio ł – 90 oso b + 45 sala parafialna)