fighting fantasy gamebooks - the citadel of chaos

7/29/2019 Fighting Fantasy Gamebooks - the Citadel of Chaos 1/109 FIGHTING FANTASY BOt Over 12 million copies sold worldwr /a (frl o'u"'n'oo* rsBN 0 14 031603 5 u.K. f3.s9 llililllilJlillilillill tiltfitfltflti /i a:, fACKSOTT ,/'. ft) t) Fl trI P o (t) z H tD o o o (l) o a- .l :_

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Post on 04-Apr-2018




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FIGHTING FANTASY BOtOver 12 million copies sold worldwr

/a(frl o'u"'n'oo*

rsBN 0 14 0316035

u.K. f3.s9 llililllilJlillilillilltiltfitfltflti

/ i














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THECITADETOFCHAOS,r i r,r'P?5N /'ir.r{

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Deep inside the Citadel of Chaos the dread sorcerer BalthusDire, s plotting and scheming he downfall of the Boodfolkofthe Val€ of Willow. His battle plans are laid, his awesomeamy equipped, md attack s surely mminent .

Sumnon€d by a desperat€ lea fo! help, YOU are he Vale ofWillow's only hope. Siar pupil of the Grand Wizard of Yore

and a master of magic, you can undertake a mitsionwhich stlikes at the v€ry heart of Balthus Dir€'s nightmare

world. Who knows what monskous creatures await you

steve a.kson has createda thlilling adventureof sword and

so(ery fo. you, with e elaborate ombat system,a dazzling

atay of spells o use and a scorcsheet o recordyou! gains

and lo66es- l1yo, need s t wo dice, apencil and an eraser.

Many dangers ie ahead and your succ€sss by no means

certain. Powedul adv€rsariesare ran8ed a8ainst you and

oftenyou. only choice s to kill or be killedl

Steve ackson 6 the co"founder with Ian Livingstone)of the

hugely su<.essful ames workshop chain.

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I i tht in Fa t 4s Ganebaaks Steve ackson









lllustrated yRussNicholson


Puffin Books

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CONTENTSFor K€n, Lilian and Vicki


Prbli$ed by thc Pmguin GtouD

P.nguin Books Ltd, 2? Wrishts Lare, London W3 5TZ, Enshnd

Ponsuin ootsUS A nc , 37 5E!d$n Sliecl.Nca Yorl, Nos Yolk 10014, SA

Pdguin BooL$Au$ralir Ltd, Ri4*ood, Victofi6, Austrclio

Phguin Books can{ds Lrd, l0 Alcoln Avcnu.. Tomnro. onbrio, Camd| M4v 3B2

Pc.guinBook.(NZ) Lrd.l32-l9owairou Ro.d, Aucklrnd 10.N4 Zedrnd HOW TO FIGHT CREATURES

PcnsuinBookr td, .rcd omcd Ha6ond$6rth, Middlcrd, BD3lsndWITHIN THE CITADEL

Firlt p!bli$.d 1933277sn2826

coDyrishr sr*.rr.kloni re!3usrNc MAGrc

Illu.trarionscopyrishrOu*Nichokon, 933Allrhhr!$e!€d 74

Prirt d nEnshnd ycloy!Ltd, r v.d lcMAGIC SPELLS

Filnst ln Palatino- a6

lrept in h. Unitcd tat$ fAmonca,hi! book. lold ubjettolhc6ndition hat t $hallnol,ywdy l h0dc roth.Nh.,

Eaold,hftdout, rorhc$ieciroulatcduithouilh!ublhh.r'3piiorconlontn ny fom orbindi4or@ve! lhorh.n h.l n 79

whioh ispublish.dndwilhouLli6lld conditionnoludinshi !ADVENTURE SHEBT

conditioneing mpos.d n thesub$quonl uehasr





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oadfu@!d{i8j. in{. i .J! i}d!

fudbc5iI INIdngral$' i {d5qv^r

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opdor trr tr!! d$. d,ri lprr hrl e iF, bdr


ii.rsniFr tr hiqN dxrr !!B, *h4 ir uir

rtuk the lPParne idFhst5 r e'ho'h!


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otr lE! r!3'! r lu mrh. t!o' the opioi d

i! i ! ! l ! IqtoniLl{clNddlifsksh3

..-i," i. i i ' Fr- -" "- ' i -


l i ]b!i[nthnuPh';lPddlsilob9u

p;t !h, cn@d<, th. ,Etr(troft o' th* F*

lojNrJ.xjgL! [ ! l rqu\rLL'Jdisoi

i i ! tsd b$!r .oEi{L$r+rs bq!tr:: i id

dvou&e d!|r, 6e !6dG add & dFi5nob

!!!d . ril|. $r 1!( olrd !!!r {or. }!anr es 4r<! ird L!! udr b. F#!d

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Dd!'\!nhaw4aiiFdbloddedd?4edrh!lbu kdqetFoddf$Nr0 ! inlMd

Rltl ibdth*lDu4stsqht{lrtsfulfu:fur

sEtrsFGhj luoqgjndddcd+d!

h€hdcJ\t i i@$hsydhl ib*lFl6L+b*y. ed de sRn or dE FFs d thc

{Rbyuiq a La* sPen r !,NG lrqcl


Magi\ t4E^na|h{Etyal$j ,bie

nar !i\- r+!f !tui {rL slrc b! u4 a sd

Ylsq^uNln; ! ( l j$j i* ihdun4FuidtdcsyNight.@htrsodi^iuE}Ir

id|Youhlylhl j t4otF6s!$N]qcbYsstri8 i sbrd! !pe! (f L'^e lrciq nEaE

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rou lroq {E M'!E rq! pii! Mic

l | !h| [1[u!e96bf !spdL,nle.9rsPdt



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4j i i j ldd!!@!'! {g 'sf te3id0de

!N\ qe rhP- N!( ,kibd$ed4i

--ds iEY €! y;

"GrL behhd

'rtd d@'

Hol'${,1|$dedesrft t8i!epiq4dng

Fq r, oii lr tra E n u{! Y!!mfa!*ifr

h5:rdr irr r!. qdhrry nlr rno atL d 'in4Nd; b berid Ho\!rq, tlr lPdLLqecD a

oFiidE utro! |Dh!!![!nnlDbi

5Fsr15$d { i rale sr re\s b i@t

h.*! r ir) ftr lPri ! r r\ \ rk rod

',.(+!tr. r,q,rL.i, r!r, !!!( (q! iJr o b! o

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i,- ;tridNjr Fd(ho, fron PhNr-r obid,

";. ""-* '"n" -, ^r-*.e. jd;

^*"n,n," "s-.n" -d,


tr ^iriBd Laie r ;i hlh 1!o, $ d nrn & dts b

ft:.dr{dj. lPbnj+|!. ' i ! [1$rb9ij i

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-rEni .+.n edlry sb3



hs, be eetsd lni G'

stro{ ,^ r(s {i n Jucr \ ,bi! atr b F{r16r!;6tn$ I E rd iNdd aet( r! G-

dq'Pnel [email protected]{r thJs{od\1

riqh you Ev. ?nd i h(LFlr hi hdd x,! rosur


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j i@nrBdlhsDa h4r ueGFn6i:

-i"-"d ..,?.. r*1, tsrlh* D. d *

.turir d ooi d ctrod$ ;id'4



:""1 rh"-sh.d th" u. d.L e! h

pf i . !dJ{c. !dblbbdse!F&jRb

r",!{;Dd I r! LrFrn ddt' ie.e'-



-d;dF5 dd d..qrd id 6t


rdrq rlrr 0d Lhe FF i.d hs triri!{!

qPedfo5PIune! i td!aidht^! i !

rJdud!dlpFuqqstrLtsAtrhouglrtr, iso5

thqt$ thecridd,6! hi tu|! r i br. trN

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GesFe6 * ir igh;, bd*E!@u +r

, ihddFdiF]!]$eNgh'5IrIhe.l iddtr!$

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bq @njE uP a'udir

ed sord r iug ir rhe

bpr eq $c doq Mrdr ltun b ill

i j$*,r, iutd,.{oeh,i. 3u3.d!' loud"rd

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sft$L!h$tst l i l |D4l644!rduPld


du. n sFrl de.-,n"i



, idg J. r | 'rsr

h tft th..os"is@h'cn"{

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rkqetydd!o!qfithbqfuf5llt lhhj



4.q!h6srse\r: 'NliJit , ,A}'Fd6t

h!ghk! '{drcQbtlhenehFrcqtlhe!e!

Enr b hr$trsrte $e rcoa urhq {rur 6 rnl

\L ' \ ! ! t i . *P! ldlr ! !bsl i ! !d|dine,

' i { !n9&€udn{!<L(js ' t rr i !aid]ol

iouhd! Nni a ;u Pna rhe 6Lde ! hr! d

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'hnjiiar dt*s h ! iud @nbi nr qr

{ trrcd&;i{i,@[6 1r r]fnirrrr.s*!i^

s! Fiir !r : !!dr jun ?bL! & r!q, dld


nMsh id P!{ Ln duii$ s! ir6hri@@It.: fugiI!eaFtr4blhen'shonr'

IJlush tie doqlehid ru r@ br)

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s, B d r o+r .itq iar

noFa]di} t i |d lcddsFdj i ' i 'o i# i3

,6) &dulnf ! lsl Gdr+eld.hFusPdL:i

ni truFritft aE6h rlidsdriFFrd

\- ; I ode a! o."rli,

t..riddr$-'nx!!r ! h[:!o,

-- "drF --d[Ep^t-..hi

. i+; ad. !"thrhi--r i{}o,

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trN side r nrBp dd E r5 &!. r!+ h!rd! rh"

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l t l 'Nh+i jdthoufJdr! !$lk 'har

ir,-'"h.,r.i'.,. b'Lb"-."i'h.ti-r.' a"! r !m" {qoe

{.-"ir rr d-.

&ii d Ftr. i-. b F6

. ; , ros rh

d$..,,qi..r.:4-*rrn-tr ro,'b.iqiri

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**,*.*"," J:-."".'**",'-i

h ti.' d,".,"h,k

th" D--nd**-'nh

."-h';p'db-**-!ih.i r ra

-corto-q a bib. ri,



;ft h-i kBbs Y.--rs"rE

q'i rE

:! fu !il{g! h&uE dI b lhe h (fur b ]s):

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' l la

Yru bL tdthr hrdd, i5 Fu do $, ihe cnjee5

'ie j{ tutou, bls r onb rE 4!nd rlr !p,c


ld, '@4Pn',dda'.&Fl|tr4drcql[e

6:d' 'catue.db|ed! ! iB[16! |( ' !0

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. i { ' lhibb5di$! . iEnlhcus$fu59q

' i +$ , i " !€L ustdd"ot / r i roh

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ir,-* tr*, fr"- d" s-'i ds".ki""F

{rhF th! ru;ft drF{1E; dd $ nq iinrdd

i i i d! Dr; ! iu ! r" !J


! r rsbddhsnn bnbF), i r l r ! !sP. l

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lPcLdI 'Fd,1Kbr6

p-;.r &- i' ler-

r- -{rd tu ,d

iosbnn|reth!nhehe(+iL* 'b6

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di sifoosib*e6scdqoitf tu;d.d

o. ;; .*d"-d

s'." * *'. ft. Gtu'"4.Ll ! . - l@.|.J] r"P.sJ.A-Jpd. i .Dl

'uidb*bjghtlhgiroLniYs!.] \c3.5F[:

olrqL&IJov}! ' i(!dind'3h(hhb4)

drstsets th! bi\n & lrituiJ! rNr$hL rlr

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h€hlg{dlP6Ll l lsYouhLhebeIJ

J5sh^&J iun sro rheboVdn ii th!

i"l,r.,n-.q"$r, loL pq.niao q---t


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L!" rh. ( -d+f6oedtr dhd tu

oorc hedr so! 'rnrd! dh{ lic tur ct d

ut nnj ]1[ se a ctrbt.oA! stsli'hhfuq,

ooni,irhd oF, N th! roo b rhen.intrdEb.i t! hordld o. \trilh qe

'diu do*

BLlr r4; iBi \!u ra F(bb't icFt & F

Lsd, ! f rou ee a!.i b lie G ie] tur

l;p"..r- iy"i

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$r! '"

i . .dlhJasi is] !ol lols lu0dqq

: 'uG-'odhi is*t rx '4Gd!urch6blFi

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s$tdsi!k,uI4naii- ino(ddEsFnI

Ylu nlr Noud, rh. rdinar Jok 6e dtm k

tu.toh!& & 6,n sd 4ar @ her nF6bP!,

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: i : !nE9i t ! ! lbg{! |hrPi f l 'J jJ}tL l l

" - ir ; ; : f f iFg, ",-.", , r :

' ! ;m' ,1,^ ' . . - " ,

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L-, Fod^r i rh rdi . r r ' ,- t4

rch.s ' , * .o. -*h. .Led#'h.L




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o.1on sui,-.Mra€


o. ri.d f rtu nirh Gernh ftks. jun.-4h6!rcub5eet&ge6id@or'he6'


:Nbl iegqmdaFnl , f : ' rM!rrohi

:snlorhileiunseddllouri{r! rliri

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l fudiL! I i+ jd lFtIs^ntJdjb(. j ! ] r ' fJihr b cisb tou uk i sd. itu1 trsL qr

Ge Neerjqbsn$Ntrh Ltn trqdr1,

i ! [Pdnc.ddLyhbiaEu!|F!|H{Jt8dj


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Y;ur nq,ir, s Nftd-d

rou nalt-nv !d

&u*lni 6*! t rcs-\ b +ed p- n'td\nodstdedkjsF4Fdluii l$ufu[4iJ

ri dri!!d!da{;! vetslf4inoPdo i


--N' Li* rh rc@r. iih- tuqh ii.

ro/drikLnhrdr i lbhbrrqlhqhttuone omsft u! dq ntu cdsd

'hnr3h('@ tu

. ls lel lhlhe!d5,eccd$l$461!

:lnrr!( dc.rtr!! drr ril trxrr ru (tfi ri r) d

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Ni;r tdL At lou @nhiid, & Ed! <q


",rLiD 1!u oli rM tsdr n!! 6u. hiis ft

irooL rii-"]de

oi th. si@r. r""''o6r'

, ; t ;"; !s & dh- qE dd"i6

di- ' F

i,tsi-i$o-si!roitui-iP,$IF .rbeu

hi:!4Fa!r+Li6q!r, b6.dhisea'ntu bj {hi lsiedtEnEhfr' f \djhN!Jl!Ldd

gHbddlgahhdindNl louhitPt [J

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lhor I oFa rh!'@n

h:ide n ..,@

;!r-"i h-i; kLN ?!d L-E b$:d. .o' *L

4idllhedq'fJt i l tk5P-t1!!.d*na]ql


:.a-jt =---t= -_

jo{GdilufrtFnn$lo4lt! :Pil

:: l i€i!ftsPellvhen$qd!!!e!Pd|o|LDn=;iFiYoe!dP[l iLfu. i l [ 'h i i in isI

iehlgblafr?Mbls@uJEl iksb5(

::t iePudddlqsudd!d',e{qesldeiM

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" , -" .hd!6. i -bLFn'"d'b. :@..-

hr;b?a I i r! d L dudr. $n qs dikJ

N- a";-i



rh.n ;{FF * th! ridy Yoi vr hx! b i{h'

Y, ! dtrotod! rouEu ti'h ee d@d *na:

boru i;^rd b ru-^\t

6i:hr r.- <q r

, , .q ih! r+!*^a! and ,--'od!

a iu"dn

lheenNolosq+jni iBl l ! idbbsF-


t8r! !r! . 'wtulid rqi i .(t .h


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- : i i ! fulJJ. !^ i6jn'bi i ihJf 'ouLd&u


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6.^. .di o Lhe (u, !!.duq dprbs @rr

! i4 jvt$! ! !Uegi !hf ih]?

i ; !h$io!,1! 'ruod tarfraif rundd

r!d;. ihf, u uidb,he'drhr${nsrs'fu

i: s! J !p!'.r!,

iili3ht :h€h. ii *oqn'i:

: l fefuld5ddh!bEql ibbodqLdlq

q€{4u4h'yodrrf tr{i i6!PP4hr\hs$aFid'r; and he i: irog d6Pqne! b ad ub

:5idqd'Bhhodd!no&!, ! ! t ! ! .

: | ! idh] i rb&! i ! {h!hdcd!\bhh,

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r i | '{{ i lP*loid,hqlEPdlagntbdl

,d gr^irv bdt, v"h LD8n6d kE tuid! {E

t .Lh'bqr tdnd'bhE,hei 'd i€hfue


rs NsPdr hksr!itod,-oo&a,hst\rd'G

'qsf isleqie' i :s!d! jh!hh!,t I iFi j


rd' 'heL€PEdi:nHedaoEaglaneilth!

i]rhdgigd4\aq?dr*eikift lb.t l jen!

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otl|oi!{! tsb!!:e|hdfueL!!@,r.,

d bd no!n{

fod b'hc

m4 on!!G, ohiEl. a t de F

i! 3E €bbd r\r lod P€$ trNr b! Dqe

:6er o pr* on bvdds rheDhd r!{q (rih ii

{tuu+dello$osed!0rrsNo f 6u

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}!a \a Fq G* i !m.}a: sFlr lbh t, ]'j E

r ao f cn.i sPir r.! i.r,- an lris

t f thnddoqlfufri j4lodtlBllh|dd@I

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r l iaElEsF[qir i i i !Jr 'J! !P[(k!

i:Ecl ' ' r j8lr 'h{!b'r 'htri i j56j?

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fr se, nedNhrL r.!i!'dr ebrinn b 4h,


:4.trsnroninsctrdr4!i! thnrir.0

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[aini i l lg(L@|b4), fu

n h! t ndr n id! uP ir d. d dhc r&2d!

hlhrsdy h ttu dh{, {hr! dr s.\r a!

ngrFLr@!Pr iJon{] !u{Ldl icNoo

rd6.? iid 63h(r( b rt oL brE! rou n4!i

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:!rfr b eeFrPts \n.bldrNorrltdi*t i t i

qrr i rcr;(h theFoodr. i or$ u dd. nj,. h.-:,,,. L-s s$ tsnhi! o.-r h


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s! 15&ec,- h{ibr b,- r. ' ;Ji i !a!e'n:

L, u {* r! irhr. rh" dc,ihtr5, lqb {e (6!it

:r i lPd9i}!qgiP\atj 'esn$Ii jat*

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lkdWj!$' id4eblodno@outci(hei '


t j i !PF5' l ! i l [ lb.kt*bbepd@e


di! Mnr io! tris i@r ]!uMti +lounrr i:

-rdhi i .nNh!! !4h4e!t [Eb'Bhi lhel

ar oof gb*s rrrd,. Yq, FrL o{ ii rt ,ir

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l ld.ridd{'uib?F).oid.u!th'uih ylu

i lr tr lo r qi, { rheh &!r th,n i ' rq)



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!1,+{, {+!,rr i\P! rcdd}lG6ir rL

Grd oi e(h lie \iiFrqr*rdqGrd;

Yousil l i i i t ! tuir, Jid!3dn.tohhres j6

nq'gn' loqGqj{.rddi*ituldidFl


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b rhedq lrnn b n, ocq do$!&nqifrq

Yaatr iD{ndrhekth4'6Dqrdbi 'he

l 'hri[bltNet<l.Ya:LnFa@!dt{id

i i4i s I h,E rs i iDhs bd! Ds y@ 3{ d


(q4,i. i $ic u u! lard !d$, Iht

;8fr<dindrzh$d}4glrdIdIandLi\3e brsubn Id Yo, uFPb'd sdrrcuan

ne* dh L!! f t,D wrh You iqd€ b @i6u

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H9dgc4d5d5P6tro|; id,I j '1!fro$tsN

ir€dyb+:f ]s lrFhGrkn' j 'nI !

lugl364'IG'5e5*wot!!T. inl||Jr!D!dFIdk'd! ' !dshtr$lElelrcR4

sqnE b 6lbnihF?ii hi ir id;Fi 'niy!u

:ii*i6 * (a !i{ ao1rd, Lhougr bhna!,

io jle 5d.a& (r@ b q), q Ljv di! ur

r{;!, r& ntu, idqs oi d$ Tie rvi n

ri l$di&'FoB\ai4!,t{. . ' -nl$'@u$

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i* b-d,*sl &d L'{h;,q ldcs @. i-' r

r* i . ihi. i&!,:r i ;!@ihi1frr {,e-

r,s youlri ai di! soud iid k8i. b i<r laq

$'pt [ | | tcrcus| iddNFdqAnn

rcudJisr ! i j fubn

be b @i@ uP snerdt GL1 b er b tuF

nhii h, be b rhe bn hii (hih I sr), q b,r


l l : !d ' 'abfudnBlghl ' idgoni i . I ig{

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5shi trl k biur: [! i dP i r bF

luoLd, h! h!! ! i4 6!6ry Jid n ns qirbc

t.! !a or n pi- * {N uro q-br o6dd

nlouqa6!kn5theFsi ! ' t rnb!7! l

\ iuGsrrhespdiiunhtrn! rhcoE !h!,ltrug]d,hddoi5Pht{5iFhnl'J4bbhqo]

r\8. Yd e@nRr\ hrbr i r )hiir h trE eNf

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.k iEdh'6!hfrL!p]J[U.! [ [hhtrue

dbsFn!sei YiuoNd]!u jdd5sd&i

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!dihiir iurd'(r sh4$s $!q b'h.



l{ l iehee!! jd]I. 'q"'Li.r rI 'el\r\:

N4tr nhoi s! F$r- udhcldrj lrc

iNid ]!! Nrr hFnb dun b 4oi

!r Li+ lla \br! dt(\ Dt rt! r

b! ladtubeedoo totr nh<ui$! rr$




o 4& br &! !q$ rid irl:ri5 o. dL tui ddr (bh n' e3)

rikL;d:hrti drear *[, eer s!Ln


I.@r! fra! Fd! dil rrd ard (ddruFh

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lnenjddti! |$a&disetrdo\dtMl+

l ln@i$ae6dnnR4' lUth!nDno

\ t !hfu4hlhedq{dhd\@a.l ' th!

dh.b3 rdd4 wh4! ! urBr! doq tr e odt


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{ ' ! lRc6chli ' i i j I ! . i ld

ne:qrre, q Pq er PEl oiid! b4'i! th!

:dctrbd'udhbo! | Iheci i ! im]

td. 'Eob4: nYoL.nnnd Frfn d), i ih i i

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{dLrs|dr Nr !o! gdosrjj sFrr{hnb

fD rr joi$ dDdu fcis4rr lad4 d ndh

lou d!{ you $!qd iun ; dh. $ tu Drd i5

nrou!ar'fult '- '}lEDlJ.xl]Edunss.tud s.e[ bqats !u! 8dd ii fG i (htri r 16r

{smqvhi€l l l i&]6y.und,! 'dt i l l

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*ad r!@rb !3), q v! Da!Eeashslh sP{

dFdq*TJ|do'pipsldl i is!h!hidd

+e (r@ b 4r. ,tr sr +h.snd F$!F [u!

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:!n iie ior! ro qrhu: ilr ie jNr drsl

n r cdd s?er r lorjqe q. sorj i rdr ni .r

| l !bI l (d! tddL+daad'@bni' iPdq]4odrssiht$slhh

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oeq{ehed L''hq

Yoi :tu3t!, hi dE t

!* n ts une+ la adi bi!:L"

di{i, ht !{



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. !h! t jh j ! ! jh !h i i ! ] ' ' ch?$] 's l i *

i rcd 4r drou Poulhda*a.@rt od sPdrdi *. d.d4 thoi i Frd .!3*' nGn

'oeo, q

yor ai.FPe erd tu bifr! (i- h' *)DlJunth!IllhcddsF!]iDFu5tsEnFu


l imb! ! 'P[eLd! . I r ' ,hnb2

, t iF

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.ar r..RNrr!b:dr!u6od rlrb17 !F!

r*rdL!,-.dd!i i !did*,n(!woihsr

!] ,rt ir{ j . i jPoli! trdlceldd'5] in' i ln

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! 'qI ] | ( lndl j | |Li3L' ' inmisr i i fufr : r

iEir.dNlr 'droa!dmu.DF(tuhr sr,o

ilirh: r *,! e\ is en4nqtr iid r ni tr i! .i3h

!x!! n xt4LNtik!h6qteIL'* it :d \tdrou uya suPEd deed hr (tun r,1r, o

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iglrLlf tyolhlhir 'dGnishiFlh5F{n!4ighLircldshoErh\ri io' : !*Ft,

l i t tLF! i t , , i ! $oc N o!!e4!od od

LJ!di fadPbs{lhLNob{! :udgk:


!4t ! thehbudthe&\t ! |4! j t * t i$J! '

tu !i+!rdid Ps$Bsa! iu! b ,, q rhe Lnh{dF$ise{ai{hnb4rtr! !h{tFNd $

\ !.!,JrrMiith!.rrr ) soi{hrh!irr it

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tu a siF Eidrs PAMRY r irM r r loqBLibdh6.dldlElhed@*blkd}vD

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LirrieL itr! ! ' r;dddFu&ehq'dMqd5. . : r"

'n, .k i - r-6""-r t r


;"i \-.

kr5 rF i, rh soF!h-', lou r-"sh ;.. rh; Jod. fiig r .$ ud


rL{,!\ @uhw i,a!h s, $! EhEh s r

q{ th. L!r* ardEn nai+r doi nFrh?Pr

d@ don (ro b


q Frh r,i d,r io.r iid

h9i6b1![uP{dEets.dr iedctr i ls ,

9djd}ndloLhbd!o@]bstdilf tF]] i j l

'nqjnJlJ4L+1Q[\!!6l islns

i i !h4:lrdtenftdth.nju6idn!b4.

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oFtrghrLLrou jqnrlqtherd'dischi*d

hoihii i aN d\ xld ! sau Fd,Isir, ' i

!J], tob!n'olt9i:hbhJthedd'+}sir

ldd G bi6i.. {hnh rtquidLrNir b'eds

fte 1'll:€ 5hes ahld r! rJ io4 Dd h!

}q'63hdga. t ILl iqt .u, | t \ { tu '

)b!drc@dde@D rGLblnrbyqrrEh

j;i lo4habgeboddq'ftdi!t ' je*hbl!J

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Jb4he'lPPqllhEeNdoftlEft. i,,r iuhp r*h ftrht 4,1!r r.$ trrrs q i r4eGa@'-tdEl'nidtdrcdntrf, ihdhfb\

iql i4gfnfushkrb[.f$dtDllh'l

Jkt !bF$fuugr j t ' th.n.Jo!Luib

! fuifuEevsrcq$TdobrrI i4t\voif 'h!

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;duo's b ric hFil du j!!!, rqr bd lLhcr


{rE'E,he't lchba9^*e'[ts4l]!u'!

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rryF*huis i<odgPIdl :hodd'Lisrt\ lou 5ind iid ilc rr M\G\rANtud\

F[otdlhiJ]4!4fr$'hlFni! f t 'y@l

{L! sqe c* 6! otr d dre de Mltr d sc


u+a9Pen4enhefnulb!qd! !dl1tu3htourbirp&Lr,nihtrhhsi&e(htu b

ingi ! 'Ybu4lagdiod6! to! t r t \ 'oJ

nq\gh ub rhe con hhid n Ldbao


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Jq ryba* b +r ttu us4 b the dh{ Hel+5d*&ed4FIcenchmbdJi ;n inh

J*b!5bu66qthqqli lgLo'!s(4PDd'

, , 'arn, oug ..aFr r ! { 's i ' f k _' !rlu stu+ th4 rrr lid d(! I tE?rm thF nl

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""Y -.-d"

6^ bn3),


,ou. ! ' rc{ i l . Ina idd N,ni i!.

i is! le l t b , \ ! mn rr t i r idrd!

" .i

' . - ihr

p* 'n! ! ' j . i$eiu.J6'n.@d' ih.

f@ restu 6e d!!4c 6I rdkt trl]nrr, !iddfudFd€et thcnb<@t?ryoreoia

coE :tcn. ri idsdor BLlr Ef *rh a Pdd!!dd'€h'lheU{t$n![Ehtrbb!t '! !.n$ jid

"the dii;r B{k rt sdi ya nEt

;i5h b d1 yo6d)nEihsFl,hnbBtrra6glrlhat}ar

:NsoLr uP rhe Jld4 d se i' vrh ylN 51!d

:rdr b i$r+Fn h 65 thm b in, q la dd

Pb'fuFhe[bth$:nj l ih!d!i |*lho!h'l!s4Prq€6 ldFh 1!( cr! &r Pbrs i rdt(

Jq!onalkedFp{ l l ishl !o]Lhre'

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Ptrgehjgl rB{oethesueber 'F l

ni. i \ ! i .Pr! ! fLnoidn!^koit i !

Gr,f hj lni! rM hrir. D!6sthdisi:

!Dh! 'qdh' i jPr iyGah!_yE!k|;

g. jh!! !Prl 'Jn! 'h+'!DEqtddld1*l!

4g5@il' iBh$'615*Gr'hontrrcdjebl

rLqrD6t fu ' !$lhal { , ) ldsolMd!

beNndgthigaFll i t lheh€dnuqbas@5

l}o}@hYebd€rc4hyolDylltrqp]rrs!Ed rbn i, F), (ire (irtor (tuq r rn, o

ad! d;P ohir rhc$n 4{: ru^b13TU. |]73

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ft4oi; 6E Gns @Noo6i!*, ! d iE nN5

lnu c*a :nd'uddidr!tr\ I $r r!?r snde,

h 4ord di! {n d lou &r5 s i Fqs h ii!

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roi Gn rh! sPn co' i dr F( sF! E0 d

i iJslPiiD'1!l jqkao€lgud6g'Y@

nuhisn\FtrNg|! fbl6{nghn\d

\n! bn slb , l t ho, so!.o Lx4, i lu ej6,

i jd|* jFlJ! lJ!$Dt!dvisbi !d6i4eda

dF$e [E dooL r rhe srr tu4 b dt], anh.dd,

xitur hs& L;sqr rdr ui*.i dr q &d

so!Eiu$iJ1lNeBe^PeDq**} ih ibpibYou| iPqunlyodoi$e{ ,y

-$kDrn n; d brii+ aqqE h h& hd!

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2=.-'i*i -"'= "

e, idthsqrn!qd|?[ !a' thenbhkdt

hd!6*16jal ,Adotrh&fuo[gglol .

: i€Fli l !hraio(rPGFIb!:d$lh{qihlhe

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i< | PieQE {$,rytut d$th-?'qL r kr!?

: ' i ighlho. i lL j l l . . : j to 'F! | l ]d i l * t r j

\dj l . ieibj.odhqinsfuhl@F!dbi ft.Lq.{Idtrfufr 'ren"6hshduht

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'h!nfr! !b'bdueGtehd'B6J!od&gt4

iF'dj! ]d!bdeuhadlaidlELas&bcfu

. tae! ,oci [ i ih:"oddfubi?.


^5yoohasdi4dosdutdK,nbgi igb,]djJ6!4'+i lh4nI.u+yD*enh9r


@uiknfri* ei6s dh in nh,bn sPdr (rui b



tourlhede3h5bn[,i idi!ndG$,$.

.Tnet ja&rr4eotouih@L .oErnN$e55

bbr.6 ee cxi{i lrr !q be doln 6! ftor

hbiJtradfroP!i\ Tuh$]4

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-.;,".F-,. t., h.d etr- r-,-

'h,' "-,'srk]'ddhalJo]sdtbJqhl:fu&dd.

alh { di t r!' irq

dw (bni b1}t

fud&CddPi{4' 'h]d95fLl {N[LI IJ

f t | .BfuPPd$Jluglrcd$cddhisshb.

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PopqL!6rrfuhcJ[Eu3h'ouil lsdtrb

-areFlFdf uds+(d i"h drftoiq ftr5

ii3i. rhe En ine r td!.Fo 15nr{) bi

dqr dihq thrc@ .he dlq i! $e L.Fhdd dr

randdl:FiEtl lu{L!t${!@'glt

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q!fud!c!!hqe|r(nrd([*d! ir."qoe

i, i, .i se D{{ irso d rE r4i1 hod, tnidr !dTosenglr l 'oLcd-eRfu|UiuLik

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qudryr!.,i, ' i, de,inrhuirlF6*

roLotr(iDt! d, i1!r! tu r bi iE ni hirq

ur!! s4r (tfi ri r:), ! N6ri$: s.d'tuob

jt,b! rii 4 ryisd id LaF h Pq Ge bdii


l@Yal!hsl! '658jgk,holbu8hbudi9F $o! d& de i'o oi lou rti


]qtdoujrr. lou4oidtrLbtrlt 'YluJi!wvbi

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Aq!lPdr' ! .Na!JEidEiqn't i thdaei

lbusn ee !@L! {tuni ii !r), d i Pakft

l= id| | |hbd!. /neJl i lL!dnold, | !

bbh'*neEaigbd@tr&q| ' l l roo

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-tudrhal:he r

^drn. s i i !nh!. h*h!

sn6dl l i l i *h{dib$jh\ t (ddh$6I

rr!, \ oi ir{ tii l, ,fJ *n* rr fti: nnr#.

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^ i : id! , ! i r {L { :s ldetFr , ' i ; :

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@[lnld[r ! id{ lh' r lvI t$j


n\str.n'th!gii j

5@E6haigknN^iBrrsddhi j t

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'N!{ i h!! !ou, tsNan1 he dQts .!!!oEi!

kyihc d@! rur b r, q dr-b rh.'6iE

astu d

Flsilft lebl|bctdhdP''hediqL|o

nln h ar, q ee nghr nd Ps$e rur b:

ne 5etr !qi6 ri r*r i n iiFid{dtndcrli

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r . {hk*nde| i ,htuiDEMs$] j i f i ! "h

| [ !4@F{htddt |srqr l !br

]@Ebe!h\ ! [G?d4o$ad5o!d!n.|h4g!qqth!nJr,|!hi l+h]fthinqht

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a$n ioo: rhe 'r d'he

rePn6 no', Nii

"" i '

wN T|!bl|!b6[!} ' ] , JNNe-badJ:i:

i?.3hrn(! 'd!|nb!idttYoLd*o\u!ft

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!Du' l rc loai i l i )4c!4ImFl 'n{$i ]

t r l l ldd{o, ih'Jd!u8l]Lhea*j ' ! 'ol

t r i : lhryf thecl ' | I I |hJl { i ! \ i !$!di

hd,r be.afqrar\ GEd drheci+e.. !

lFMd ci!ido6! r;! bi. ] i riEr$af yo(lisq_ hen !tr6 rrr bB€. yqL[x! iu* b*r

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Itrruq rqhi} nn !i lirn 4i!tro, k rF Pin

's i f ,+nlo! i *qF,hIuhe0ddLd{t

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-ru!;!da.ur, . r. i i ! bL q !d n! .d.sD

irPa{h$, ,rtrir ilnidis\ n the ed qr

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q;nENhaddhistrht(*{h]rJj l l 'r .L

'o1:r,Rdqhi+ (bh i rs,, d\o!hr!hJ

nBYoutr lLlh i t ! { j ! lB lqul !qhtrt !

.4 hs. @drh* a Lhtr4.r Lic rclrd. (r

!r q r open h! dlq r!r4y ai {rtr| itu6 r.i

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Jolnd & !uEu, ]!! !d i n:Pt.B ircd !!

turbu E tiqhkursbsrs !h+hq hii rh! h!n, +p d liu Lrc

Fj .di$iLlq4h4i ihg*ebd{ein4l

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r , , \ i l

3!i@[email protected]!N!dd\0$5kadqafuF*dGi"|ndlFihi| '

aidn!d5dayarnddadrr P$,rdsr!.

len '€a' iund!bu!, 's! ] 'si !Joi j l ! ' !



, l ' f f: l iu;la:.r:i!l'

h! $+ b rBE ud Yqi rd r Ftu3 ftn

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,i;-rc,". -'.*. "-rr,6^.uhr$$,

i ied;rcpFlkEu;F;i(lid turxrrh

sF[E[eitsdnti. iDihlFoj{aPoE!]ne

ir d rn {& !h,8it eouBh lou shdd i'dbulublouo$q$k€hf : i 'd!o!


sE:aqmd juPsordrheri,ft$i.Fbd


+od (h6 b rr, d \! i trrF. srn !i rt.

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Pr$ or{dis @r b in, q h} h ,tuh {bn ri

hlJb! l fu. . ; i ! t ' '$ todelghlh, i !9.

bfi Irt j lnaEthed4fui!!h4Jl!*hth!}ie'

lknqdEG'6hgIh{fu'hri€' 'abFh

k&4dNqh1,hddrylotra\| ' \oj ie!n'

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w4Li! !JsPrI 'H|[sslo6|| loNFdb6ehtlotraldrc{PeDd$bhuNhiNiA

@r asidot' sdd{rr, !*nr d th! i idi

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