fiji electricity authority mr 157/2015 somosomo hydropower

Fiji Electricity Authority MR 157/2015 Somosomo Hydropower Scheme - Peer Review Request for Price October 2015

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Page 1: Fiji Electricity Authority MR 157/2015 Somosomo Hydropower

Fiji Electricity Authority

MR 157/2015

Somosomo Hydropower Scheme - Peer Review

Request for Price

October 2015

Page 2: Fiji Electricity Authority MR 157/2015 Somosomo Hydropower

Fiji Electricity Authority Somosomo Hydropower Scheme - Peer Review

Request for Price

Status – Draft October 2015

Request for Price

Quality Assurance Statement

Fiji Electricity Authority

Private Bag Suva

Fiji Tel: 679-3311133 Fax: 679-3311882

Project Manager: FatiakiGibson

Prepared by:

Mohammed Anees Khan

Reviewed by: FatiakiGibson

Approved for issue by: Fatiaki Gibson

Revision Schedule

Rev. No

Date Description Prepared by Reviewed by Approved by

1 01 Oct 15 Initial Draft Anees K F. Gibson

2 02 Oct 15 Final Draft Anees K F. Gibson F. Gibson


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Fiji Electricity Authority Somosomo Hydropower Scheme - Peer Review

Request for Price

Status – Draft October 2015

Request for Price


EOI: Expression of Interest TOR Terms of reference for the works

Tenderer: The company or consortia that is providing a submission in response to this RFP document

FEA: Fiji Electricity Authority, 2 Marlow Street, Suva, Fiji Works The project, assignment

Page 4: Fiji Electricity Authority MR 157/2015 Somosomo Hydropower

Fiji Electricity Authority Somosomo Hydropower Scheme - Peer Review

Request for Price

Status – Draft October 2015

Request for Price

1. Background The Fiji Electricity Authority (FEA)

The FEA is a wholly Government of Fiji owned statutory body that was established under the Electricity Act of 1966. It is supervised by a Board of eight members comprising a Chairman, Deputy Chairman, the Chief Executive Officer of FEA, the Permanent Secretary of Public Utilities, the Permanent Secretary of Finance ,

and representatives of Business and Consumer Groups. All members are appointed by the Minister of Public Utilities except for the Chief Executive of FEA, who is appointed by the Board with approval of the Minister. The Management team of the FEA consists of Chief Executive, Chief Finance Officer, General

Manager Human Relations, General Manager Generation, General Manager Network, General Manager Customer Services, Chief Information Officer, General Manager Major Projects & Strategy and General Manager Commercial.

FEA maintains power supply systems on the larger islands Viti Levu, Vanua Levu and Ovalau, which account for some 90% of the country’s population. Installed generation capacity is approximately 218MW, comprising 83MW in the Monasavu Hydro Scheme in Viti Levu, 40MW in the Nadarivatu Hydro Scheme,

and about 94MW of diesel capacity in 12 stations on the three main islands. Of the diesel capacity 77MW is on Viti Levu which has been supplementing the Monasavu hydro scheme for the Viti Levu Interconnected System (VLIS) which has been reaching maximum demand of 132MW. Transmission is provided by 140km

of 132kV lines (connecting Wailoa Power Station to the East and West coasts) and about 266km of 33kV lines. Power distribution is by means of more than 5,000km of 11kV and 415/240V lines.

2. Project Overview

Project Drivers

FEA has embarked upon an ambitious program of development in order to fulfil its strategic objectives. These include development of new generating and power system projects as well as impro ving reliability

and capacity-building for future load growth. The FEA plans to almost double the generation capacity of Fiji over the next five years in order to meet continuing demand growth and intends that this additional capacity will be provided by renewable or at least non-polluting resources.

Recent load and system forecasts conducted both internally and by ADB, have shown that peaking capacity will not be adequate by 2011 if standard operational parameters for spinning reserve are followed.

Further the generation capacity planning undertaken by FEA and the resultant least-cost long-term capacity plan to meet system demand indicated that FEA must tap into all potential renewable energy sources, provided they could be economically justified.

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Fiji Electricity Authority Somosomo Hydropower Scheme - Peer Review

Request for Price

Status – Draft October 2015

Request for Price

Project Summary The Taveuni Island Power System is being augmented by the construction of the 700kW Somosomo Hydro

Scheme and 10 km in total of 11,000 Volts transmission line with 11 distribution transformers of 415 Volts for power supply to the various villages and settlements along a new section of the west coast of the island.

This is an aid project from the Peoples Republic of China to the Government of Fiji. The Government of Fiji operates a diesel power station supplying a small reticulated section o f the west coast from Wairiki Holy Cross School through Waiyevo Government Station to Bucalevu Secondary School. It is planned to

connect the new 11kV network being developed by the Chinese to the existing network thus extending the 11kV network from Bucalevu Secondary School to a point approximately 7km from the Matei Airport.

The Government has indicated its desire through the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport for the Taveuni Power System to be handed over to the Fiji Electricity Authority (FEA) in the near future to operate and maintain as part of its portfolio of operations.

Somosomo is located on the Island of Taveuni, marked by red circle on the map above.

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Fiji Electricity Authority Somosomo Hydropower Scheme - Peer Review

Request for Price

Status – Draft October 2015

Request for Price

Location of the Somosomo Hydropower Scheme.

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Fiji Electricity Authority Somosomo Hydropower Scheme - Peer Review

Request for Price

Status – Draft October 2015

Request for Price

Somosomo Hydropower Scheme Weir Under Construction.

Envisaged 11kV Power System after the Chinese Project is connected to the existing

Government 11kV System from Waiyevo.

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Fiji Electricity Authority Somosomo Hydropower Scheme - Peer Review

Request for Price

Status – Draft October 2015

Request for Price

In light of the above, FEA wishes to carry out a peer review of the Somosomo Hydropower Scheme.

Objective of the Assignment

This document sets out the Terms of Reference and Scope of Services for the following parts of engineering consultancy services that FEA requires:

Peer Review of Scheme

1. To conduct a thorough review of the Somosomo Hydropower Scheme as designed and

constructed for integrity and FEA’s comfort that there are no major inherent flaws. (Feasibility report and necessary supporting documents shall be provided upon engagement of services). If there are inherent flaws in the design or construction areas, what would be the implications to FEA

in the short, medium and long term with cost estimates for remedial work if any. 2. To use appropriate design codes/standards or guidelines and methods to undertake the peer

review. 3. This review shall typically be conducted by an independent professional engineer with a level of

experience consistent with the nature of the project being reviewed.

4. The review shall be of the complete scheme, including power evacuation. 5. To provide FEA, in a report form, with recommendations as necessary, the outcome of the review. 6. The Peer review report shall include a preliminary technical description of the scheme and include,

but not limited to, discussions on the following: a. Description of the constructed scheme and its components, b. Topographic survey and features if it is an issue,

c. Geotechnical investigations, if any, d. Review of the Dam Structure Design and its capacity to pass the permissible maximum

flood in the event this was to happen including the downstream impacts o f such a storm,

e. Basic hydrology and assumptions in the Chinese Design Report, f. Firm Energy and adequacy of the installed capacity,

g. Commentary on the control system and its adequacy to operate in tandem with diesels generators in terms of governor settings, etc.,

h. Additional general comments on any areas where FEA should be concerned with

recommendations e.g. power evacuation, etc. 7. Any request for additional information, site visit or investigations shall be made well in advance so

that submission deadlines are met.

Submission of Reports

The anticipated timing of reports that shall be submitted by the consultant during the course of the peer review is listed below.

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Fiji Electricity Authority Somosomo Hydropower Scheme - Peer Review

Request for Price

Status – Draft October 2015

Request for Price

The Peer Review Report must be submitted within two (2) months of award of services.

Reports and submissions shall be written in the English Language. Information shall be contained

in a single bound document, Two hard copies of this document shall be provided together with one soft copy on CD.

3. Request for Prices Submission

Submission Requirements

The Request for Price for the Consultancy Services shall include the following:

1. A covering letter including the complete name and address of the firm(s) performing the project, the

principal firm including the name and title of person principally responsible for the project. 2. A detailed methodology including a programme for the works/services. Comments on the TOR can

be included to add value to the submission.

3. State a lump sum fee for the service. 4. State chargeable rates per site visit and hourly rates of design office work in the vent it is required. 5. State hourly rates of personnel resources, if FEA requests to undertake additional work related to

this assignment. 6. The reimbursable items shall be indicated in the submission together with estimate of their costs.

Refer to table below. 7. Company background and evidence of similar works undertaken by the firm over the last five years

including project name, summary of work carried out, contact name and address of clients

8. Background of proposed sub-consultants 9. CV’s of personnel that will be engaged in the work including sub-consultants 10. Completed Responsibility matrix as shown below

Each firm is limited ONE RFP submission for the main consultant. However, that firm may be considered for a sub-consultant to a submission by another firm.

Responsibility Matrix – Please use similar template

Name Firm









Speciality/ Skills Required










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Fiji Electricity Authority Somosomo Hydropower Scheme - Peer Review

Request for Price

Status – Draft October 2015

Request for Price

John X XYZ X

Mary Y ABC X

NOTE: a) Complete the first row with the Specialties required

b) Complete the first column with the names of Project Key Staff. c) One Project Key Staff person may be responsible for more than one Specialty.

d) Place a mark in the appropriate column relative to the appropriate Project Key Staff and Specialty. Estimate of Reimbursable Costs – Please use similar table

Item No.

Particulars Quantity Rate Sub-Total VAT Total


4. Contract Conditions FIDIC General Conditions of Client Consultant Agreement shall be used.

5. Insurance Certificates of insurance including any Professional Indemnity Insurance cover are to be submitted.

6. Evaluation Methodology RFP submissions will be checked for completeness, firms that fail to submit all information required above may not be considered for award. A 70% weighting shall be given for the firm and personnel background

and performance and 30% for the lump sum prices.

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Fiji Electricity Authority Somosomo Hydropower Scheme - Peer Review

Request for Price

Status – Draft October 2015

Request for Price

7. Additional Information to tenderers

FEA Project Manager

The FEA Project Manager for this Assignment shall be

Mr Mohammed Anees Khan

Unit Leader - Civil – Major Projects & Strategies Navutu, Lautoka

Closing Date

Submissions close at 4.00 noon (Fiji) Time on Wednesday 28 October 2015 at FEA’s Suva office.

Submissions are to be received at this location in an envelope prior to the specified time and marked:

Tender MR157/2015 RFP for Peer Review of Somosomo Hydropower Scheme Secretary Tender Committee

Fiji Electricity Authority 2 Marlow Street Suva, Fiji

Facsimile submissions will not be accepted.

Late submissions will not be accepted

All submissions shall be in the English language.

Electronic copies will be accepted if the hardcopy is received prior to closing date .

All proposals shall be in a single bound hard copy with one soft copy on CD


All costs of preparing the submission shall be borne by the tenderer.


All enquiries shall be directed to:

Tuvitu Delairewa

General Manager Corporate Services 2 Marlow Street, Suva

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Fiji Electricity Authority Somosomo Hydropower Scheme - Peer Review

Request for Price

Status – Draft October 2015

Request for Price

Phone: + 679 331 1133

Facsimile:+ 679 331 1882

Email: [email protected]

Site Visit

A visit to site can be arranged by FEA, upon request, giving 2 weeks advance notice.

Notification and Award

Following FEA board approval, tenderers will be advised, by letter, whether they have been successful or not. Tenderers will be able to debrief with the evaluation team should they so request, however the scoring

information will not be released to any of the tenderers at any time. Notwithstanding any other provision of this document, FEA reserves the right to:

Accept or reject any proposal

Seek clarification of any aspect or information provided in a RFP document and to seek further information from any party

Amend the closing date for submission of RFP or any other date referred to or implied in this invitation

for RFP.

In whole or in part, suspend or cancel this Invitation for RFP process and/or the overall process

Re-advertise this invitation for RFP.

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Fiji Electricity Authority Somosomo Hydropower Scheme - Peer Review

Request for Price

Status – Draft October 2015

Request for Price

Tender Submission - Instruction to bidders

It is mandatory for Bidders to upload a copy of their bid in the TENDER LINK Electronic

Tender Box no later than 4:00pm on Wednesday 28th October, 2015.

To register your interest and tender a response, view 'Current Tenders' at:

For further information contact The Secretary Tender Committee, by e-mail [email protected]

In additional, hard copies of the tender, one original and one copy must be deposited in the

tender box located at the FEA Head Office, 2 Marlow Street, Suva, Fiji no later than 4:00pm, on Wednesday 28th October, 2015- Addressed as

Tender – MR 157/2015 – Peer Review of the Somosomo Hydropower Scheme Feasibility

The Secretary Tender Committee Fiji Electricity Authority Head Office Suva


Hard copies of the Tender bid will also be accepted after the closing date and time

provided a soft copy is uploaded in the e-Tender Box and it is dispatched before

the closing date and time.

Tenders received after 4:00pm on the closing date of Wednesday 28th October,

2015 will not be considered.

Lowest bid will not necessarily be accepted as successful bid.

It is the responsibility of the bidder to pay courier chargers and all other cost

associated with the delivery of the hard copy of the Tender submission.

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Fiji Electricity Authority Somosomo Hydropower Scheme - Peer Review

Request for Price

Status – Draft October 2015

Request for Price


The Bidders must ensure that the details and documentation mention below must

submitted as part of their tender Bid

Tender Number _________________

Tender Name_______________________________________________________________

1. Full Company Name:_____________________________________________________ (Attach copy of Registration Certificate)

2. Director/Owner(s):________________________________________________________

3. Postal Address:___________________________________________________________

4. Phone Contact:___________________________________________________________

5. Fax Number:_____________________________________________________________

6. Email address:___________________________________________________________

7. Office Location:___________________________________________________________

8. TIN Number:____________________________________________________________ (Attach copy of the VAT Registration Certificate – Local Bidders Only)

9. Company Registration Number:______________________________________________ (Attach copy of the Business License)

10. FNPF Employer Registration Number:_________________________________________ (For Local Bidders only)

11. Contact Person:____________________________________________

I declare that all the above information is correct.

Name: _________________ Position: _______________ Sign: _____________

Date: _____________