· web viewcontents. executive summary5. the business and its management6....

Contents Executive summary..................................................5 The Business and Its Management....................................6 Current mission.................................................. 6 Short term Objectives............................................ 6 Long term Objectives............................................. 6 The Management Team.............................................. 6 Legal Structure.................................................. 7 Professional Advisers............................................ 7 The Products or Services...........................................7 Applications:.................................................... 7 Proprietary Position............................................. 7 Future Potential / Product Development...........................7 Sources of Supply................................................ 7 Market and Competitors.............................................8 Description of Customers.........................................8 Customer Needs and Benefits......................................8 Market Segments size and growth..................................8 Competition...................................................... 8 Competitor Business Strategy.......................................8 Pricing Policy and Promotional Plans.............................8 Choice of Locations and Premises.................................9 Distribution Channels............................................ 9 Competitor Response.............................................. 9 PEST ANALYSIS.................................................. 9 SWOT analysis................................................. 10 Operational plan..................................................11 Selling...........................................................11 Current and proposed selling methods............................11 Sales Team...................................................... 11

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Page 1:  · Web viewContents. Executive summary5. The Business and Its Management6. Current mission6. Short term Objectives6. Long term Objectives6. The Management

ContentsExecutive summary...............................................................................................................................5

The Business and Its Management........................................................................................................6

Current mission.................................................................................................................................6

Short term Objectives........................................................................................................................6

Long term Objectives.........................................................................................................................6

The Management Team.....................................................................................................................6

Legal Structure...................................................................................................................................7

Professional Advisers.........................................................................................................................7

The Products or Services.......................................................................................................................7


Proprietary Position...........................................................................................................................7

Future Potential / Product Development..........................................................................................7

Sources of Supply..............................................................................................................................7

Market and Competitors.......................................................................................................................8

Description of Customers..................................................................................................................8

Customer Needs and Benefits...........................................................................................................8

Market Segments size and growth....................................................................................................8


Competitor Business Strategy...............................................................................................................8

Pricing Policy and Promotional Plans.................................................................................................8

Choice of Locations and Premises.....................................................................................................9

Distribution Channels........................................................................................................................9

Competitor Response........................................................................................................................9

PEST ANALYSIS...............................................................................................................................9

SWOT analysis.............................................................................................................................10

Operational plan..................................................................................................................................11


Current and proposed selling methods...........................................................................................11

Sales Team.......................................................................................................................................11


Facilities Needed.............................................................................................................................12

Equipment Needed..........................................................................................................................12

Page 2:  · Web viewContents. Executive summary5. The Business and Its Management6. Current mission6. Short term Objectives6. Long term Objectives6. The Management

Technical Support............................................................................................................................12

Quality Control Plans.......................................................................................................................13

Staffing Requirements.....................................................................................................................13

Sources of Supply of Key Material...................................................................................................13

Intellectual Property............................................................................................................................14

Collecting Societies & Schedules of Payment..................................................................................14

Business Controls................................................................................................................................14




Sales Forecasts................................................................................................................................15

Break even.......................................................................................................................................15

Comprehensive of income statement and Financial position 2013.................................................16

Cash flow 2013................................................................................................................................17

Comprehensive of income statement and Financial position 2014.................................................18

Cash flow 2014................................................................................................................................19

Comprehensive of income statement and Financial position 2015.................................................20

Cash flow 2015................................................................................................................................21


Scenario 1........................................................................................................................................22

Scenario 2........................................................................................................................................22

Financial requirements........................................................................................................................23

Operations Prior to Financing..........................................................................................................23

Current Shareholders and Use of Proceeds.....................................................................................23

Funds Required and Timing.............................................................................................................23



Appendix 1...........................................................................................................................................25

Appendix 2...........................................................................................................................................26

Appendix 3...........................................................................................................................................27

Appendix 4...........................................................................................................................................28

Appendix 5...........................................................................................................................................29

Appendix 6...........................................................................................................................................30

Appendix 7...........................................................................................................................................31

Page 3:  · Web viewContents. Executive summary5. The Business and Its Management6. Current mission6. Short term Objectives6. Long term Objectives6. The Management

Appendix 8...........................................................................................................................................32

Questionnaire Result:......................................................................................................................34

Appendix 9...........................................................................................................................................35

Appendix 10.........................................................................................................................................36

Appendix 11.........................................................................................................................................37

Appendix 12.........................................................................................................................................38

Appendix 13.........................................................................................................................................39

Appendix 14.........................................................................................................................................40

Appendix 15.........................................................................................................................................41

Appendix 16.........................................................................................................................................42

Appendix 17.........................................................................................................................................43

Appendix 18.........................................................................................................................................44

Appendix 19.........................................................................................................................................45

Appendix 20.........................................................................................................................................46

Appendix 21.........................................................................................................................................47

Appendix 22.........................................................................................................................................48

Appendix 23.........................................................................................................................................49

Page 4:  · Web viewContents. Executive summary5. The Business and Its Management6. Current mission6. Short term Objectives6. Long term Objectives6. The Management
Page 5:  · Web viewContents. Executive summary5. The Business and Its Management6. Current mission6. Short term Objectives6. Long term Objectives6. The Management

Executive summary

At the first Leeds have two universities. So it has a lot of international students. Because that we choose Leeds to open our restaurant in it. And we decide to open that restaurant in Clarence Dock. Clarence Dock does not have a lot of restaurant and no any Arabic restaurant. That why we choose Clarence Dock. Our plan to establish the restaurant in January 2014. Before that date we are going to buy everything for that restaurant except the food. By the way, since we accept this project we start the advertisement such as: in twitter, Facebook and etc. (Appendix 1)

Our restaurant is Arabic because we had experience how to do Arabic restaurant. Other ways a lot of Arabic people in this area and no any Arabic restaurant in Clarence Dock. So the design for the restaurant is going to be an Arabic traditional design. This is our plan for now. However we are going to open other branch in other cities in the future. Such as: Hull because it does not has any Arabic restaurant.

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We have sponsor and that is good thing for us. However he is going to be partner and we are going to return 70% of his capital after three years from starting the business without interest. So everyone has 20% of this business.

The Business and Its Management

Current missionAdvertise the high quality of the food in our restaurant to find place between the restaurants in this area and to get a good reputation for customers.

Short term Objectives Get the customer trust of our restaurant: Through the preparation of the best Food and

dishes at reasonable prices. Get as much as we can from the customer: Using speed in functionality and performance

the right way to prepare meals. The use of property for home delivery: By calling or using websites.

Long term Objectives Restaurant capital increase: So that we can open more than one branch. Increase restaurant profit: by improve our sales and making new males. Make the restaurant's name as famous brand: such as KFC and McDonalds.

The Management TeamThe restaurant has four kinds of job, which are:

Chef. Cleaner. Waiter. Accountant.

Because we are four so we divided those jobs as:

Chef is going to be (Mohammad). He is going to be worker in our restaurant for salary and high salary. He was a Chef in many restaurants so he has a good experience. Anyway he is going to work with us for three months. We do that because we want to get his experience and his customers. So that is one of our advertisements. After that Saud is going to be the Chef. Furthermore, Azzam, Aziz and Sulaiman are going to cover cleaner, waiter and accountant. We decided to change the kind of job for each one of them a monthly. Such as: Aziz is going to be in the first month a waiter and Azzam will be an accountant finally Sulaiman is the cleaner. The second month Aziz will be the cleaner, Sulaiman will be an accountant and Azzam is the waiter. However the chef is going to be Saud for all period.

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Professional AdvisersOur plan is making Mohammad the professional advisers for three months because his experience. Then we are going to work with it by our self.

The Products or Services

Applications:We reserved name for our restaurant from companies house. Our restaurant name is Mkany. Anyway, this step was the actual step to start that restaurant. (Appendix 2).

Proprietary PositionAfter searching we found the right place at the Clarence Dock area. From what we see, we designed restaurant as follows:

The restaurant has four areas which are Kitchen, food storage place, the customers place and finally the toilets.

So that the toilets will be on the right side of the restaurant. The kitchen and food preservation is linear in the left side and finally customers in the middle and the right side of the restaurant.

Future Potential / Product DevelopmentOur future plan is developing this business to become a big business. We have two kinds to develop; the first thing is improving the quality of food such as: make new meals. The other kind is opening more than one shop in the UK and overseas. All that development it is become under our profit. So more development more profit. Furthermore, we are going to make sports fans are coming to the restaurant to watch all matches that they want while they enjoy eating our meals. It is one of our advertisements.

Distribution ChannelsAn internet channel would distribute the restaurant products which is Just-Eat web site furthermore by receiving customers at the restaurant itself.

Competitor ResponseIn the Price and promotional section we have describe that Mkany promotion advert plan and prices. In relevant to our price the competitors might responds by providing their customer with lower price in their quite period and also make deals with hotels and events resulting in attracting our customers to their business and therefore Mkany will have to respond to keep their customers.

PEST ANALYSIS Political: can affects the competition encase law on wage rate which will affect the recruitment rates, so if the wage rate is low this will decrease the amount of candidate applying for the particular job. Also affect the competition by regulation such as control of water companies. This will affect it by rate increasing which may results the business to be re-located as well as Leeds city council help new organisation to start.

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Economical: reflecting the consumer’s behaviour in the direction of the business might be as result of the recession moreover that could affect the amount of regular sales, also raw materials from the suppliers may increase.

Social and cultural: the cuisines in Britain are mostly multicultural, that means British costumers are open minded and can eat many different food such as Mkany restaurant.

Technological: According to research because of the new technology the society has been moved from 24-hours society to 25-hours society because of the technology. In regard with the businesses E-commerce paly very important rules. For example, ordering food online. The business has looked forward to impact of technology so the business is going to offer its products online by using Just-Eat web site for delivery online orders. (Appendix 3)

SWOT analysis

Strengths1. The product rarities and differentiation of Arabic restaurants in Leeds.2. A lot of potential consumers in our area of location which will allow the company to provide

the service to them. We offer better prices and special sale promotions.

Weaknesses 1- We are new in the business which means we lack reputation. Also less experience might cost

the restaurant less efficiency and more costly to start business.2- . The exciting competitors have been building a good relation with non-British nationality.

However a certain extent one of our target is non-British nationality.

Opportunities1- Over time become bigger as the enterprise grows in reputation and in the market.2- Hiring next door store in order to get more space is one of our expanding ideas.3- New meals and cuisines would add to our restaurant menu.

Threats 1- How the consumers act toward setting the price for the food involves consideration of

threats. 2- Competition in same market. Weather as it might affect our business service time.

Operational plan


Current and proposed selling methods

Page 9:  · Web viewContents. Executive summary5. The Business and Its Management6. Current mission6. Short term Objectives6. Long term Objectives6. The Management

Different types of selling methods are going to be use in Mkany’s comparators, and that was mentioned in ‘Competitor Business Strategy’ at the types of selling methods. Mkany is planning to use the comparator doing and the types of promotion.

Takeaway service is going to be offered in Mkany restaurant as a main selling method. Large TV and sound system will be offered in a nice section when the customers eat in the restaurant, and also all sport channels will be available. Hot drink service will be included when eat in.

Delivery will be offered in the restaurant for customers around city centre. The drivers usually charge £30 per day from the restaurant and £1 will be charged from the customers for each delivery.

Current selling method will include PROMO CODES, which will have the menu, address and the codes. The code idea is ‘when you buy more you save more’, there will be three offers for customers £5 off on order £15 or more, 25% off on order £25 or more and 40% off on order £35 or more. These codes will be given to potential customers for few times.

Ordering online will be one of Mkany’s selling methods. Mkany is going to create a website which can expand the business and the menu will be shown online. And also the customers will have two options to pay either upon delivery or make online payment. And this is our website. (Website pic as an appendix)

Mkany sales team’s planning to visit the universities, language schools, hotels, student accommodations, and the places where the Middle Eastern people live to introduce the business for them. The sales team decided to do 5000 per year and 500 promo codes as leaflet.

Brochures, internet and word of mouth will be used as an advertisement in Mkany restaurant. Each brochure will include the name of the restaurant, address, selling methods and introductory summary. The potential customers in the area where they present leaflets will distribute to them. These kinds of advert will be used to enable Mkany restaurant to reach out its potential customers and has a positive effect. The words of mouth will be advertising for us, we will attract a lot of customers and it will achieve our market because word of mouth usually people hear the words and pass it along. This method will be used by customer more than the business. Word of mouth will spread widely in all over the world because customers are traveling and talking about it. (Ivan Misner, 2002)

The promotion will have an important role in encouraging customers to try Mkany’s food. Also the restaurant loyalty will affect positively. Moreover the short term sales are going to increase.

Sales TeamThe sales team of Mkany restaurant will be Azzam, Abdulaziz, Salman and Saud who will be responsible for adverting the promotion adverts.


Facilities NeededAs mentioned in ‘Choice of Locations and Premises’ Mkany restaurant should has a good location and that what we found in addition this shop has A3 license that will facilitate to start the business also allow the restaurant to make hot food. (Appendix 8)

Equipment NeededMkany restaurant divided the requirements needed to service the food into two types one time requirements and monthly requirements. These collected as result of the interviews with restaurant owners. (Appendix ??) One time requirements: these materials which have to be done at the beginning of business such as:


Page 10:  · Web viewContents. Executive summary5. The Business and Its Management6. Current mission6. Short term Objectives6. Long term Objectives6. The Management

Fridge and freezer. Table and chairs. Microwave. Kebab grill. Frying machine. Knives, spoons and forks. Others.

These have been counted as quantity and value. The total of requirements at established is £5,307. (Appendix10) Monthly requirements (including raw materials): Bills. Waste Disposal (appendix 12) Chickens and meat. Vegetables. Tea and coffee Fruit. Others.

The total of monthly requirements is £1,949.61. (Appendix 11)

Technical SupportOnly technical support that is needed for Mkany, is that encase the machines stops working or get any problem then needs repairing or get a new machine.

Quality Control PlanFor our service, every time a customer is ordered, one of our members will do routine check on the quality of the service and ask the customer about the quality in the restaurant. Also Mkany is going to take feedback from the customers in different ways.

We are going to make: Making questionnaires. Fund complaints and suggestions. Email complaints and suggestions.

Supporting the customers to submit their comments is one of our goals to improve the quality and Mkany is planning to offer a free meal for customers who find useful note.

Staffing Requirements Mkany restaurant required Mohammed to be an executive chef in the first three months and advisor to lead the restaurant to reach its target, that by training the staff and practice them. Mohammed who owns a restaurant in Leeds is going to manage our restaurant in order to take advantage of his experience and use his name as an advert of Mkany restaurant. Mohammed will have the highest salary in Mkany which is £1800 per month. Mohammed will work every day in the first three months and then Saud will be the chef.

The other staffs will be: Mohammed as a chef. Saud as a chef assistant. Abdulaziz as a waiter. Azzam as an accountant. Salman as a cleaner.

Page 11:  · Web viewContents. Executive summary5. The Business and Its Management6. Current mission6. Short term Objectives6. Long term Objectives6. The Management

Sources of Supply of Key MaterialMkany is going to deal with (JJ Food Service) as a supplier for raw materials as result of the interviews with restaurant owners and after compared with other suppliers. Also the supplier will deliver the raw materials that the restaurant need daily.

Intellectual Property

Collecting Societies & Schedules of PaymentSupplier who will offer the raw materials will be paid straight away through the business account as Mkany restaurant planning.

For collecting money from the customers, Mkany will provide two options for payments which are collecting the money from Just eat website by transferring the money through the business account on a daily basis or upon delivery and bank it is on a daily basis or collecting the cash from the customers who will pay in the restaurant.

Business controls


There are many ways to control business to reach your idea target. Also to help you run the business in safe way.

Financial: in our business we agreed that we need to get a sponsor. So, we looked for funded to help us to invest our project. We talk with a business man in Saudi Arabia (uncle of one member) and he got the overall idea for the project. He is happy to help us. However, he asked us to be as partner in the business so; we need to pay him back 20% of the loan amount for each member.

we need to control the company to keep and analysis its business account to make sure that the service is running well, by doing that the project will be able to keep up to date and cover the expense which will avoid the business dropping into difficult period. Therefore the company will make annually accounting and analysis each year to make sure the business is running in the right way as we planned.

Sales and marketing: as we mentioned above, Mkany restaurant is going to offer promotional advert. This advert will be in two parts:

1- Non controllable – these include things business men cannot hold it for example: How do people express their experience of the restaurant, and how did they feel when they finish there meal.

2- Controllable: this is an important point what we need to work on. These include the advertising activities are controlled by the business such as leaflets, Promo codes, personal selling and etc.

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Production/serves: in Mkany restaurant we will have suppliers. They will provide our needed material every day. That will help us to avoid run out. Also, they will deliver our stuff to our location. They will get paid dally.

Sale Forecasts

According to (Mohammed, Arabic restaurant chief): when he start his business he used to sale 24000 meal for first year. It increase every year by 10% for the first five year. Based on that we agreed on doing whatever we could to increase our sale for 10% a year. Moreover, we decide that our restaurant should sell 26000 meals a year (there are many Arabic student in Leeds and that will help us to reach this target). Costs of £91,000 and selling price is £156000, the profit going to be £65,000. One of our plans is to increase the sale in 2014 to be 28600 meals cost of £100100 and the sale would be £171,600 the profit going to be £71500. In the year 2015 our restaurant should sell 31460 meals in cost of £110,110 and the selling price must be £188,760 the profit £78,650.

Break even

The break even for the first year is £91,000 which means £7583.33 PCM. We agreed that the average for selling price for any meal will be £6. So, we should at least sell 2166 meals monthly. Therefore our target of selling would be 72 meals a day.

In the second year breakeven is £100,100 that mean 8341.66 per month. The average price for meal is based on previse year so we should at last sell 2383 meals monthly so 79 unit daily. The break even for third year is £110,110 which means £9,176 per month. Therefore we should sell 2622 meals monthly and 87 meals every day.

Comprehensive of income statement for2014-2015-2016Year 1 % Year 2 % Year 3 %

Sales 156,000






Cost/ Goods Sold (COGS)

15,727 10.08%

17,300 10.08%

19,030 10.08%

Gross Profit

140,272.68 89.92%

154,299.95 89.92%

169,729.94 89.92%

other income-Selling oil used

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120.00 120.00 120.00




Operating ExpensesPremises (rent, rates)

30,000.00 19.23%

30,000.00 17.48%

30,000.00 15.89%

Power (light, heat, electricity, gas)

4,800 3.08%

4,800 2.80%

4,800 2.54%

Telephone / Broadband

468 0.30%

468 0.27%

468 0.25%

Insurance 444 0.28%

444 0.26%

444 0.24%

Printing menu 574 0.37%

574 0.33%

574 0.30%

Food Waste Disposal

922 0.59%

922 0.54%

922 0.49%

Drawings, wages, or salary

67,800 43.46%

62,400 36.36%

62,400 33.06%

Delivery expenses

10,800 6.92%

10,800 6.29%

10,800 5.72%

Accountancy fees - 0.00%

- 0.00%

- 0.00%

Legal/professional fees

- 0.00%

- 0.00%

- 0.00%

Depreciation 948 0.61%

948 0.55%

948 0.50%

Other expenses unexpected

2,400 1.54%

2,400 1.40%

2,400 1.27%

total expenses 119,156 76.38%

113,756 66.29%

113,756 60.26%

Net Profit for the year

21,237 13.61%

40,664 23.70%

56,094 29.72%

Financial position for 2014-2015-2016 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 £ £ £


Current AssetsCash in bank

49,678.21 99,870.50


Inventory 3,932



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Total Current Assets 53,610.04



Non-Current AssetsEquipment(cost)

4,740.81 4,740.81


(LESS accumulated depreciation on all fixed assets)




NBV 3,792.65



TOTAL Assets 57,402.69



Liabilities and Equity

Current LiabilitiesAccounts payable

1,292.66 24,421.92


VAT 9,434.17



Accrued Accounts 439.00



Total Current Liabilities 11,165.83



Owners' EquityInvested capital

25,000.00 -

-Retained earnings

21,237 61,901


Total Owners' Equity 46,236.86



Total Liabilities & Equity 57,402.68



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Cash flow 2014Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec year 2014

£0 £22,544 £25,691 £28,839 £25,986 £30,933 £35,881 £32,741 £37,689 £42,636 £39,783 £44,731 £367,454£0

£13,000 £13,000 £13,000 £13,000 £13,000 £13,000 £13,000 £13,000 £13,000 £13,000 £13,000 £13,000 £156,000£2,600 £2,600 £2,600 £2,600 £2,600 £2,600 £2,600 £2,600 £2,600 £2,600 £2,600 £2,600 £31,200

£10 £10 £10 £10 £10 £10 £10 £10 £10 £10 £10 £10 £120£25,000 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £25,000£40,610 £15,610 £15,610 £15,610 £15,610 £15,610 £15,610 £15,610 £15,610 £15,610 £15,610 £15,610 £212,320

£2,500 £2,500 £2,500 £2,500 £2,500 £2,500 £2,500 £2,500 £2,500 £2,500 £2,500 £2,500 £30,000£400 £400 £400 £400 £400 £400 £400 £400 £400 £400 £400 £400 £4,800

£39 £39 £39 £39 £39 £39 £39 £39 £39 £39 £39 £39 £468£7,800 £7,800 £7,800 £23,400

£37 £37 £37 £37 £37 £37 £37 £37 £37 £37 £37 £37 £444£287 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £287 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £574

£86 £76 £76 £76 £76 £76 £76 £76 £76 £76 £76 £76 £922£1,311 £1,311 £1,311 £1,311 £1,311 £1,311 £1,311 £1,311 £1,311 £1,311 £1,311 £1,311 £15,727£7,000 £7,000 £7,000 £5,200 £5,200 £5,200 £5,200 £5,200 £5,200 £5,200 £5,200 £5,200 £67,800

£900 £900 £900 £900 £900 £900 £900 £900 £900 £900 £900 £900 £10,800£0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0£0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0

£200 £200 £200 £200 £200 £200 £200 £200 £200 £200 £200 £200 £2,400£12,759 £12,463 £12,463 £18,463 £10,663 £10,663 £18,749 £10,663 £10,663 £18,463 £10,663 £10,663 £157,335

£5,307 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £5,307£0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0£0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0

£18,066 £12,463 £12,463 £18,463 £10,663 £10,663 £18,749 £10,663 £10,663 £18,463 £10,663 £10,663 £162,642£0

£22,544 £3,147 £3,147 -£2,853 £4,947 £4,947 -£3,139 £4,947 £4,947 -£2,853 £4,947 £4,947 £49,678£22,544 £25,691 £28,839 £25,986 £30,933 £35,881 £32,741 £37,689 £42,636 £39,783 £44,731 £49,678 £417,132

Premises (rent, rates)


Cash INCash sales excluding VATVAT invoicedSelling oil usedShare capital investment



Other expenses unexpected

Power (light, heat, electricity, gas)Telephone / Broadband

InsurancePrinting menuFood Waste Disposalfood material Drawings, wages, or salaryDelivery expensesAccountancy feesLegal/professional fees

VAT payment due to Customs and Excise


OPERATING EXPENSES SUBTOTALPlant and other capital expenditureVAT payment due to Customs and ExciseOther specific financing payments


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Cash flow 2015Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec year 2015

£49,678 £55,767 £62,142 £68,518 £66,313 £72,689 £79,064 £76,573 £82,949 £89,324 £87,120 £93,495 £883,632£0

£14,300 £14,300 £14,300 £14,300 £14,300 £14,300 £14,300 £14,300 £14,300 £14,300 £14,300 £14,300 £171,600£2,860 £2,860 £2,860 £2,860 £2,860 £2,860 £2,860 £2,860 £2,860 £2,860 £2,860 £2,860 £34,320

£10 £10 £10 £10 £10 £10 £10 £10 £10 £10 £10 £10 £120£0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0

£17,170 £17,170 £17,170 £17,170 £17,170 £17,170 £17,170 £17,170 £17,170 £17,170 £17,170 £17,170 £206,040£0£0

£2,500 £2,500 £2,500 £2,500 £2,500 £2,500 £2,500 £2,500 £2,500 £2,500 £2,500 £2,500 £30,000£400 £400 £400 £400 £400 £400 £400 £400 £400 £400 £400 £400 £4,800

£39 £39 £39 £39 £39 £39 £39 £39 £39 £39 £39 £39 £468£8,580 £8,580 £8,580 £25,740

£37 £37 £37 £37 £37 £37 £37 £37 £37 £37 £37 £37 £444£287 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £287 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £574

£77 £77 £77 £77 £77 £77 £77 £77 £77 £77 £77 £77 £922£1,442 £1,442 £1,442 £1,442 £1,442 £1,442 £1,442 £1,442 £1,442 £1,442 £1,442 £1,442 £17,300£5,200 £5,200 £5,200 £5,200 £5,200 £5,200 £5,200 £5,200 £5,200 £5,200 £5,200 £5,200 £62,400

£900 £900 £900 £900 £900 £900 £900 £900 £900 £900 £900 £900 £10,800£0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0£0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0

£200 £200 £200 £200 £200 £200 £200 £200 £200 £200 £200 £200 £2,400£11,081 £10,795 £10,795 £19,375 £10,795 £10,795 £19,661 £10,795 £10,795 £19,375 £10,795 £10,795 £155,848

£0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0£0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0£0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0

£11,081 £10,795 £10,795 £19,375 £10,795 £10,795 £19,661 £10,795 £10,795 £19,375 £10,795 £10,795 £155,848£0

£6,089 £6,375 £6,375 -£2,205 £6,375 £6,375 -£2,491 £6,375 £6,375 -£2,205 £6,375 £6,375 £50,192£55,767 £62,142 £68,518 £66,313 £72,689 £79,064 £76,573 £82,949 £89,324 £87,120 £93,495 £99,870 £933,824

Premises (rent, rates)


Cash INCash sales excluding VATVAT invoicedSelling oil usedShare capital investment



Other expenses unexpected

Power (light, heat, electricity, gas)Telephone / Broadband

InsurancePrinting menuFood Waste Disposalfood material Drawings, wages, or salaryDelivery expensesAccountancy feesLegal/professional fees

VAT payment due to Customs and Excise


OPERATING EXPENSES SUBTOTALPlant and other capital expenditureVAT payment due to Customs and ExciseOther specific financing payments


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Cash flow 2016Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec year 2016

£99,870 £107,531 £115,478 £123,426 £121,935 £129,882 £137,830 £136,052 £143,999 £151,947 £150,456 £158,403 £1,576,810£0

£15,730 £15,730 £15,730 £15,730 £15,730 £15,730 £15,730 £15,730 £15,730 £15,730 £15,730 £15,730 £188,760£3,146 £3,146 £3,146 £3,146 £3,146 £3,146 £3,146 £3,146 £3,146 £3,146 £3,146 £3,146 £37,752

£10 £10 £10 £10 £10 £10 £10 £10 £10 £10 £10 £10 £120£0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0

£18,886 £18,886 £18,886 £18,886 £18,886 £18,886 £18,886 £18,886 £18,886 £18,886 £18,886 £18,886 £226,632£0£0

£2,500 £2,500 £2,500 £2,500 £2,500 £2,500 £2,500 £2,500 £2,500 £2,500 £2,500 £2,500 £30,000£400 £400 £400 £400 £400 £400 £400 £400 £400 £400 £400 £400 £4,800

£39 £39 £39 £39 £39 £39 £39 £39 £39 £39 £39 £39 £468£9,438 £9,438 £9,438 £28,314

£37 £37 £37 £37 £37 £37 £37 £37 £37 £37 £37 £37 £444£287 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £287 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £574

£77 £77 £77 £77 £77 £77 £77 £77 £77 £77 £77 £77 £922£1,586 £1,586 £1,586 £1,586 £1,586 £1,586 £1,586 £1,586 £1,586 £1,586 £1,586 £1,586 £19,030£5,200 £5,200 £5,200 £5,200 £5,200 £5,200 £5,200 £5,200 £5,200 £5,200 £5,200 £5,200 £62,400

£900 £900 £900 £900 £900 £900 £900 £900 £900 £900 £900 £900 £10,800£0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0

£0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0£0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £551 £551

£200 £200 £200 £200 £200 £200 £200 £200 £200 £200 £200 £200 £2,400£11,226 £10,939 £10,939 £20,377 £10,939 £10,939 £20,664 £10,939 £10,939 £20,377 £10,939 £11,490 £160,703

£0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0£0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0£0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0

£11,226 £10,939 £10,939 £20,377 £10,939 £10,939 £20,664 £10,939 £10,939 £20,377 £10,939 £11,490 £160,703£0

£7,660 £7,947 £7,947 -£1,491 £7,947 £7,947 -£1,778 £7,947 £7,947 -£1,491 £7,947 £7,396 £65,929£107,531 £115,478 £123,426 £121,935 £129,882 £137,830 £136,052 £143,999 £151,947 £150,456 £158,403 £165,800 £1,642,740

Premises (rent, rates)


Cash INCash sales excluding VATVAT invoicedSelling oil usedShare capital investment



Other expenses unexpected

Power (light, heat, electricity, gas)Telephone / Broadband

InsurancePrinting menuFood Waste Disposalfood material Drawings, wages, or salaryDelivery expensesAccountancy feesLegal/professional feesDepreciation

VAT payment due to Customs and Excise


OPERATING EXPENSES SUBTOTALPlant and other capital expenditureVAT payment due to Customs and ExciseOther specific financing payments


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When we start the project we disused the chance of being our business is succeed. So, we looked for some point to help us. We agreed that people like to try different food. The proof of this there are many type of restaurants there. For example Asia, south of America and Europe restaurant. Moreover if we make good service and delicious food that will help us to maintain them. As well in Leeds there are many international student. Also, there is a lot of Arabic student. That will give us chance to get to display out food to these customers. In Leeds there is one Arabic food restaurant. In addition he does not cock all kind of Arabic food so, we have chance to make better than his service. .However, the risk still can affect our business by the economic or the tax.

Recently as the world has been through a financial crisis for a couple of years from 2008 to 2012,so we will minimize the risk for the restaurant by reducing the risk by two scenarios for the project in 5 years in front, and we can avoid the bankrupt. Down here more details.


For the scenario we agreed that we need get an insurance for the kitchen. Also, we need t cover our stuff of any damage. In any restaurant the will be expectation for any risk to happen in kitchen. Because you have a chef and any worker to help him. The worker until he get trained well he might do mistake. Therefore we must get an insurance to cover any possible damage will happen.

Scenario 2

The second scenario is the location. We looked to have our restaurant in Clarence dock. The point for that, there are many new buildings. Therefore we will have a lot of people. Also the delivery will be easier than another location. In general we will have a delivery serves and that will be cost of one pound for any deliver to properties. As well there will be a lot of student, which will be a precious point. Because students usually like to get fast and delicious food. Also, student like to watch the premier league football. Therefore we decide to work on this point by buying TV and they watch any match while they eating.

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Financial requirements

Operations prior to financing

When the group start to make the project we looked for a way to get money. We thought of going to a bank to get a loan. They refused our order because there is nothing we have to grantee they will be paid back if we get loss. So, we get it into one`s head that we need someone could ensure us. One of our group talked to his uncle and we get in deal that he need to be a part of the restaurant owner`s. he asked us the restaurant need to divided between us. He will pay for everything and each member need to pay him back 20% form the amount money that he will pay. This is the only way we had. We agreed on that the profit for the restaurant will goes to him immediately until we cover the amount money which he need it from us.

Current shareholder and use of proceeds

When anyone start a business it is important that he get a place for long period. That will make the people knows your place and this is a step of how to be a famous. Therefore we agreed that we will sing the rental contract for five years to avoid changing place every time. Also, we need money for our expenses so, we will have a salary £1300 PCM. Also, the executive chef will help us for the first three months. And he will get a salary for that. We made a agreement with him that he will have £1800.

Funds Required and Timing

The funds required needs to be paid monthly. Such as the kitchen, delivery driver, tax, bills, and the annual earning will be year by year for the shareholder. Obviously it will be sent directly to pay part form the restaurant. Also, the suppliers need to paid dally.

The funds required needs to be paid monthly such as the kitchen side and the bills such as tax, insurances, also the salaries for the works. And the annual earning will be year by year for the shareholders.


We tried to get the price for the insurance. They asked us to contact them. They said we need to see the place then they could decide how much going to be. We describe everything to them to get the average. £390 is the average but not the final price for our location.

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Appendix 3

Oxford University Press.2007. PESTEL analysis of the macro-environment. [ONLINE] Available at:

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Appendix 4,qty:1

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Appendix 5/A


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Appendix 5/B

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Appendix 5/C

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Appendix 6/A

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Appendix 7

Customer entrance

Here we are going to put freezers and fridge Mini bar and cashier


Staff entrance



This is outside kitchen which allow our customer to see how we cook the food also insure quality of cooking

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Appendix 8

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Appendix 9

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Appendix 10

one time requirementsItmes Quantities Prices

KEBAB MACHINE 1 £780gril mashens 1 £1,025frying mashens 1 £169Oven 1 £350Microwave 1 £50Fridge 1 £139freezer 2 £220Pots & Pans 19 £262Spoons,knives and forks 138 £32plates 60 £50mugs 15 £23tables and chairs 10 £1,250TVs 2 £560sound sistem 8 £160Satellite 1 £38broom 1 £4twist mop 1 £4Towels 16 £14other expencses 8 £178

Total 287 £5,307

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Appendix 11

Monthly requirementsItmes Quantities Prices

internet 1 £39.00electret 1 £190.00gas 1 £150.00water 1 £60.00Serviettes (p) 5000 £40.00spoons and knives plastic (p) 1000 £10.98Paper Carrier Bags (p) 500 £14.90Burger & Chips Boxes (p) 500 £11.98drinks 624 £114.14Chicken (kg) 48 £73.56meat(kg) 50 £200.00oil(L) 60 £62.97onion(kg) 60 £20.07salt (kg) 3 £7.00Bread (bag) 500 £250.00Tomato (box) 14 £79.66Lettuce (box) 6 £50.94Potato(box) 14 £75.53Chips(kg) 10 £5.99cucumbers (box) 14 £97.72Eggplant 7 £55.93rice(kg) 40 £28.00Homs (kg) 30 £59.16Sugar (kg) 10 £13.99Tea (box) 9 £27.81mayonnaise (L) 5 £4.99Ketchup (kg) 9 £5.29Other expenses unexpected 1 £200.00


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Ivan Misner. (n.d.) Word-of-Mouth: The World's Best-Known Marketing Secret [ONLINE] Available at: . [Accessed 11/11/2013].