film narrative

Film Narrative Our psychological horror film’s narrative starts with our protagonist, Marie being physically and mentally abused by her parents at a young age. This abuse continues on into her adolescence and it begins affecting her mental capacity as she begins to have nightmares of herself being attacked or her attacking others. These nightmares have caused her to lose sleep and this causes her to turn to drugs and alcohol as a release from her torment and she soon becomes addicted to them. Her addiction causes her to have horrific hallucinations such as her taking a regular bath and it slowly filling with blood even though it is only in her mind. Her boyfriend notices the change in Marie’s behaviour and attempts to help her through her struggles; but she ends up killing him violently in an unprecedented rage urged on by her excessive use of alcohol. This leads to her becoming more mentally unstable which we see as she starts hearing terrifying voices in her head whispering to her to inflict harm on others and Marie smashing her bedroom mirror because she imagines that the reflection in the mirror is of her dead boyfriend watching her. At the end of the film, her psychological torture becomes too overwhelming and she commits suicide by hanging.

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Post on 15-Feb-2017




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Page 1: Film Narrative

Film Narrative

Our psychological horror film’s narrative starts with our protagonist, Marie being physically and mentally abused by her parents at a young age. This abuse continues on into her adolescence and it begins affecting her mental capacity as she begins to have nightmares of herself being attacked or her attacking others. These nightmares have caused her to lose sleep and this causes her to turn to drugs and alcohol as a release from her torment and she soon becomes addicted to them. Her addiction causes her to have horrific hallucinations such as her taking a regular bath and it slowly filling with blood even though it is only in her mind.

Her boyfriend notices the change in Marie’s behaviour and attempts to help her through her struggles; but she ends up killing him violently in an unprecedented rage urged on by her excessive use of alcohol. This leads to her becoming more mentally unstable which we see as she starts hearing terrifying voices in her head whispering to her to inflict harm on others and Marie smashing her bedroom mirror because she imagines that the reflection in the mirror is of her dead boyfriend watching her. At the end of the film, her psychological torture becomes too overwhelming and she commits suicide by hanging.