film poster tagline research

Film Poster Tagline Research

Upload: blakeg14

Post on 08-Feb-2017




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Film Poster Tagline Research

What is a TaglineTypically taglines are used in every form of corporate packages such as the trailer, teaser poster and other promotions the create a sense of continuity. Taglines emphasise a point or highlight a plotline within the upcoming film

they can often contain a direct quote from the film allowing it to become a sort of catchphrase such as within taken when Liam Neeson said “when I find you I will kill you”. The tagline is designed to be memorable so then the audience

can associate it will the film. I will be using a tagline on my poster to create a holistic understanding of the film and to give the audience extra information.

There is some posters use more then one tagline to add more suspense however I will only be including one. The taglines are generally placed at the top or bottom of the poster in small fonts to not come in any confliction with

the title or images

Generic taglines of different genresComedy: a comedy tagline are noticeably intended to make the reader laugh. They usually portray information about the character almost a summary of there personality. For example the tagline for the film ‘Johnny English’ is a humours character summary playing on the taglines popularised by James Bond franchise.

Action: typically action film taglines are often dynamic and refer to the ‘masculinity’ of the film. It refers to the danger the character may face in the film or sometimes just simply the description of the plot. The poster for the new die hard film features a pretty explanatory tagline "like father. like son. like hell", this is an obvious synopsis of the film.