film posters

Film Posters Nicole Field

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Post on 12-Aug-2015




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Film PostersNicole Field

This is the poster for the first film of the iconic film and book series, Harry Potter. This poster is effective because it captures the main elements of the film, the castle and the main characters as well as creating a magical feel with the night time sky and the mist edges. This is effective as the film is aimed at children so the main character being a child instantly shows that it’s USP is the younger generation. This poster also uses the theory of thirds, although in a different order to the previous poster. Our eyes are at first drawn to Harry’s face as well as the castle on the left with Dumbledore underneath it and Hagrid on the right, then we are drawn to the title, which is in a jagged font that reflects the shape of Harry’s scar, as well as the other main characters at the bottom of the poster, next to the Hogwarts Express. Then we see the credits at the very bottom of the poster.

This is a poster for the iconic film Star Wars. This poster is effective because at the time that this film was made, special effects was limited (mostly costume and makeup) as this film came out in 1977. The poster being illustrated creates more excitement about space and the potential of the film. The theory of thirds can be seen in this poster because at first you are drawn to Darth Vader's face and the ships in the background, then your eyes move down to Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia as well as R2D2 and C-3PO as they are in in a golden light as well as being on the next tier down. Lastly our eyes are drawn to the title of the film ‘Star Wars’ which stands out because it is outlined in white with a black centre colour so it stands out; as well as this the typography is futuristic.

This is the poster for the first of three films based off of the book ‘The Hobbit’ which is a prequel to the older iconic film and book series ‘The Lord of The Rings’. This is an effective poster because the colours are dark and sandy, which links in with the previous posters for The Lord of The Rings film. As well as this, the first thing that we see on the poster is the title, ‘The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey’ which is in the same font as the previous films, again linking this to the main series. The main feature of the poster is Bilbo Baggins which shows the viewers that he is the main character in the film. This is effective because the actor, Martin Freeman, is very well known and this creates more interest for the film. The inclusion the hobbits sword sparks interest for the people who have read the book as the sword is also part of the Lord of The Rings and can be seen as a solid part of the overall story.