film script


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Post on 15-Aug-2015



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Page 1: Film script


Page 2: Film script

SCENE 1Opening scene takes place in a police station: -Policeman 2: here you go detective, the files you requested(hands over documents which includes information about the crime scene)-Detective: what leads do we have at the moment?(Looks at the documents, sighs because of the lack of information regarding the killer, becomes un-easy/aggravated) -Policeman 1: Nothing so far boss-Detective: This is the Russian ambassador we are talking about! Those Russians will be on our backs until will catch this bastard come on work harder!(Raises his tone of voice, demanding)-Policeman 1: yes detective-Detective: Do your job I’m going to find out what I can do on my end

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SCENE 2 Scene 2: Establishing shot of Russian ambassador in a cafe.-Russian ambassador (speaks in Russian): Hello General, I’m listening(Conversation over the phone)-Russian general: now listen here, you know the current situation Russia needs to regain its strengths and we are entrusting you to handle this bribe securely. We need to see our country rise up to great power as it once was, make sure this happens! Is the brief case safe? Now get yourself down to welbeck street the British official will collect the package, give me a ring and ill inform them when your there. (spoken in Russian, diagetic sound, phone call)-Russian ambassador: yes its safe with me, I won’t disappoint you or our nation general.(Cut scene to High Street where Russian ambassador agrees to meet with British officials to hand over the bribe)

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SCENE 2Russian ambassador: I’m here where are you? I can’t wait here any longer with this money that’s it hurry up!

Killer:(Shady character in alley way black outfit, identity remains secret, approaches Russian ambassador and steals brief case)

-Russian ambassador: Aaayyy!!!!(Runs after the thief, Russian turns the corner and gets knocked down to the ground)

Killer: you think you can just come to our country and bribe our officials, yes I know exactly what’s going on and what is In this suitcase, hey… nothing personal… just politics. (Loads gun and kills Russian ambassador)

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Scene cuts to the killer in dark office on his computer, the scene is a flash back which explains how he found the Russian ambassador. The murderer has a computer and headphones and intercepts the call between the Russian general and ambassador which took place in the café previously, scene will include series of jump cuts around the antagonist not revealing his face, mise en scene dark shady room. Detective and police officers are reintroduced as they begin to contemplate how the murder had happened, looking for clues. They look at the floor find a cigarette which will be used as DNA evidence against the antagonist in later scenes. The detective asks locals and potential witnesses for information, gains a picture of what happened but nothing to identify the killer. Detective sums up ideas begins to put himself in the mind of the killer, gets interrupted given a phone from a police officer and is told the phone has been tracked. Detectives says to find the source of the tracking

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SCENE 2Detective: right, I presume this is what happened. (After a few quick cuts it will seem that the detective has been around the crime scene for a while, then goes to flashback of kill scene)

Police: the ambassadors phone was bugged we are tracking the source the other unit will bring him in.

Detective: take that to the lab, get some finger prints(picks up cigarette)

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Police interrogation room(No dialogue multiple jump cuts to show the killer being interrogated and then finishes of with detective handcuffing the killer)