
Server-410 taught by Jawad Safari Final Exam September 18, 2015 Submitted by Ratan Mohapatra Environment: Server 2012R2: Server1, Sever2 Windows 8.1: CL-Win8 1 | Page Ratan Mohapatra

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Server-410 taught by Jawad Safari

Final Exam

September 18, 2015

Submitted by Ratan Mohapatra


Server 2012R2: Server1, Sever2

Windows 8.1: CL-Win8

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All are set on a Private Network and could be pined from each other.

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Storage Pool:

Three VHDX files, each of 11GB, were created and attached to Server1. They appear as Primordial Disks in the Storage Pool of Server1.

Create Storage Pool named FinalExam

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Used the disks as Parity:

Used a ReFS for file system

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ScreenShot of the Disk Management

Screenshot of file browser and I created a file in it:

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Add Active directory to Server1:

Check for availability & Install Role AD DS:

get-windowsfeature | Where-Object {$ -like "AD*"}Install-WindowsFeature -IncludeManagementTools -IncludeAllSubFeature AD-Domain-Services

Checked it on Server Manager and promoted to a AD Domain

Create a new forest named name.local, pw:Pa$$w0rd

# Windows PowerShell script for AD DS Deployment

Import-Module ADDSDeployment

Install-ADDSForest `

-CreateDnsDelegation:$false `

-DatabasePath "C:\Windows\NTDS" `

-DomainMode "Win2012R2" `

-DomainName "name.local" -DomainNetbiosName "NAME" -ForestMode "Win2012R2" -InstallDns:$true -LogPath "C:\Windows\NTDS" `

-NoRebootOnCompletion:$false -SysvolPath "C:\Windows\SYSVOL" -Force:$true

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Create an OU Class

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Join Clinet to Active Directory:

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Add the client computer to the OU Class

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Add DHCP role to an offline VHD removed from Server 2:

Troubleshooting: The generation 2 VM allows one to access the hard drives on the host machine. I tried to add roles to the VHD files 0n the host from the VM. That gave an error “...tsclient permissions..”. This was the case even if I had explicit share and ntfs permissions on the file to allow the VM to write to the vhd.


After some analysis I came to the following explanation.

• Generation 2 allows one to access the host's storage where the host is a tsclient (Terminal Service Client, e.g., mstsc). When we access a VHD file from the VM we access the tsclient's drives and its resources that appear as shared content.


• Roles and features can be added to an OS (WIM, VHD) through DISM. DISM works by “Mounting”, “Servicing” and “Unmounting and Committing” an image in the order of execution. When a VHD file on the tsclient is processed by DISM, it tries tomount the file to the disk of tsclient which is not allowed. That is why we received the errors. I tried to generate the error through a power shell dism operation and by manually trying to mount a VHD on the tsclient. Both errors were the same as shown in the screenshot below.

• It is also important to note here that both Power shell and the Server Manager use DISM to service the roles to VHDs. Both translate their operations and commands to the DISM process summarized below.

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1. Mount: Mounts an image from a WIM or VHD filedism /mount-image

2. Service: DISm can do a number of servicing tasks such as supply product key, add drivers or enable features as we are doing here. You can also mention an external source for winsxs or DriverStore. Note here online means the file is mounted.

dism /online /enable-feature /featurename:DHCP

3. Commit and Unmount: Save changes to a WIM or VHD file and then unmount themdism /commit-imagedism /unmount-image

The DISM options can be checked by DISM /? command. They also mention an “Offline” in the image processing.Recommendation and Resolution:

Servicing VHD files from a VM is only advisable if the VHD file is in the hard disk of the VM. However, for the present situation, this involves an inefficient administrative task as outlined below.

Step Operations Remark

1 Copy VHD to the VM's hard disk Inefficient time resource management (ITRM)- to copy a 20GB file on my machine it took 20 minutes.

2 Service the VHD This step is essential and cannot be avoided.

3 Copy VHD back to the host machine to try ITRM !

In summary, steps 1 and 3 are not recommended on VM.

I followed the steps outlined above. Although the required DHCP role could be added via the server manager as in the screenshot below, I used power shell command.

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Powershell command to add roles to a VHD:

Install-WindowsFeature -vhd "c:\share\serv12R2core.vhdx" -Name dhcp -IncludeManagementTools

An experiment on the Storage Pool:

1. Created the storage Space in Parity with ReFS and a volume where I stored some data.

2. Removed a disk from the pool and put another disk. The Parity layout retrieved the lost data

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I removed a disk manually from server the parity rearranged the data with the hotswap

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