final clil project short

Let's go to INTRODUCE MATHS in English!! Lesson: I am good at Maths Unit : Counting Level : CI

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Let's go toINTRODUCE

MATHS in English!!

Lesson: I am good at Maths Unit : Counting

Level : CI

Page 2: Final CLIL project short


I am doing the course 'L'ensenyament de l'anglès a l'educació primària' in Odissea, a virtual

training web. We have done a lot of interesting activities and in the last module we have to do a

project related to CLIL. CLIL means Content and Language Integrated Learning, so a way of

teaching and learning content with a non mother language.

My school doesn't have this kind of project, so we don't work with CLIL. That's why I have done an

easy lesson and I have choosen Maths for initial cycle. I had to prepare the children for this new

methodology, because it not just Maths in English.

You can see four lessons for this unit called Couting. I've applyied two of them. The first lesson

'Let's to know' , is separated by two parts, both helps to review the background information to

parctice the language of learning and language for learning. In the lesson two 'IXL ressource', we

tryed all together for the first time . Where we've practiced counting. Then, in

lesson three 'Let's go!', they practice the resource for their own on the computer. Finally, in lesson

four 'I can do it!', they create their own activity in a paper and they show and explain to the

classmates. I didn't finish to apply the last two lessons because of the time and the situation, but I


Just enjoy!

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Teacher’s name: Alexandra


Title of the Lesson: I am good at maths Date: Tuesday, 13th May 2014

Unit of Study: Counting

Level and group: 2A and 2B Number of children: 26 in each class

Background Information:

Language of learning-First we are going to practice the numbers from 0 to 10 (listening comprehension and oral expression) and we are going to learn the geometric shapes they need (oval, circle, triangles, diamonds, squares and rectangles). By groups of 4 they are going to be in the blackboard and do a competition about the writing and the speaking of that content.-After that we are going to practice with the Attached 1, the meaning of: How many..? Then, we draw in the blackboard to parctice:a) Count/ count up by.../ count down by...b) Choose the picture: that has__ extra or that is missing___c) Which picture shows...?

Language for learning-Come here!-Can you read the instruction? Yes, I can.-Can you help me/him/her?-Do you understand?-Is it correct? Are you sure? Yes, it is/ Yes, I am/ No, I'm not. I am not sure.-Fantastic! Brillant!.. Oh, I'm sorry...

Learning objectives:

-Identify the numbers and the geometric shapes-Count, add and substract-Understand the instructions-Use in a good way the digital resource-Communicate the answer

Competencies involved:

-Communicative: linguistic and audiovisual.

- Methodological: a) Information process and digital competenceb) Mathematic competencec) Learn to learn

- Personal: Autonomy and personal initiative.



-First: Check if they understand the language of learning and the language for learning by asking in class.

-Second: check if they understand how it works the interactive resource.

- Third: check the results in the computer. (not possible)

-Fourth: Check if my lesson was ok and what I can improve.

Lesson development:

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Activity title

-Let's to know

-IXL resource

EXTRA (not applied)

-Let's go!

-I can do it!


2 hours

1 hour

1 hour

2 hour


Activities which I explain in the Background Information to parctice the language of learning and language for learning.

- We practice the content with resource all together.

- They practice in pairs in the computer.

- They do an exercices in a paper similar to the activities of the resource. They show it to their classmates.


T-Ss and S-Ss.

T-Ss, T-s, S-SS.

T-Ss, S-S



-L, W, S, R and I.

- L, W, S, R and I.

- L, W, R and I

- L, W, S, R and I.


-Paper with the geometric shapes.

-Attached 1.

- Digital resource with the smart board.

- Computers

Bloom's Taxonomy: Creating EvaluatingAnalising✸ Applying✸ Understanding✸ Remembering

ICT resources

Grade 1, Counting.

Personal notes/reminders/homework/other considerations:

Key: Interaction: T-Ss (teacher-students) T- S (teacher-student) S-S (student-student) Ss-Ss (students-students) Skills: L (listening) W (writing) S (speaking) R (reading) I (interacting)

Activity 1: Let's to know!

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First part

The first day, I explain to them how is going to work the lesson. After, we practice the numbers and

the new geometric shapes.

First, I show the geometric shapes and they repeat after me. Then, I show it and they say the

geometric shape. When it's clear they go to the blackboard by 5 and do a competition. Let me

explain. I say:

− Number 3, 10, 8... (I say 3 numbers, one by one). They write it as fast as possible and

correct, the winner get one point with each number.

− Later I say: draw 7 circles, 4 ovals, 10 squares... ( I say 3 examples, one by one, and they

win a point if they are the winner).

We did this part of the activity in 1hour because all the pupils did the activity. They had the

geometric shapes up in the blackboard. I show you one picture from one class because of the sizes.

Second part: (1hour)

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First of all, I show the geometric shapes again, and they say the name. After that, we do the same

activity (the competition) of the other day but without looking the paper with the geometric shapes.

Some of the pupils say the instruction, not me. Later, I show the attached 1, and we practice the oral

vocabulary again and the meaning of the sentence: How many... are there? There are....

Let me explain you how I did the activity.

− I say: How many circles are there? Let's count: One, two, three.. (I point the circles one by

one and they count)

− Pupils: there are 7 circles.

I did the same with all the geometric shapes.

Afterward, we practice with:

a) Count/ count up by.../ count down by...

b) Choose the picture: that has__ extra or that is missing ___

Attached 1


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Activity: Let's to know!

Part 1: The children get very motivated when I explain them the lesson. It's something new and

they are very excited to use the PDI with an online activity. This part is very easy because they

already know the numbers and they get very quickly the name of the geometric shapes. They are

enthusiastic for next day!

Part 2: Some of them confuse some of the shapes, so for next day I'm going to take the paper of the

geometric shapes to practice with the resource. I have to add some vocabulary like: there are. I

understand that this is the language through learning. :p

It was a little bit difficult for them understand the meaning of:

a) Count/ count up by.../ count down by...

Choose the picture: that has__ extra or that is missing___

So, we are going to practice next day one more time before to start with the resource.

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* The interaction what I expect were the good one. All the children were motivated and they

participated in a good way. They respected all the instructions and the classmates.

* The skills:

Part 1: L (listening), W (writing), S (speaking), R (reading) and I (interacting).

First, they listen and read the geometric shapes. Secondly, they say the geometric shapes (10min

both activities together). Later, they write and draw on the blackboard the vocabulary, meantime

they are interacting when another needs help or I need help to know who was the winner (50min).

Part 2: L (listening), W (writing), S (speaking) and I (interacting).

First, they say the geometric shapes when I show the paper again (3min). Secondly, they write and

draw on the blackboard (without the paper of the geometric shapes, meantime they are interacting

when another needs help or I need help to know who was the winner. Besides, some of them say the

instruction of the competition, I mean, they say: draw 3 triangles, 2 circles... (30min).

We practice the instruction:

A) how many...? with the attached 1 (5min)

B) choose the picture which show...? (5min).

C) The last activity was practicing Count up by/ count down by... (10min)

* The timing was the good one, the only problem was that they don't undestand at all the meaning:

a) Count/ count up by.../ count down by...

Choose the picture: that has__ extra or that is missing___.

So, I will review one more time next day to acquire that instruction (5min).

* Learning objectives:

Part 1:

-Identify the numbers and the geometric shapes

-Understand the instructions

-Communicate the answer

Part 2:

-Identify the numbers and the geometric shapes

-Count, add and substract

-Understand the instructions

-Communicate the answer

* Bloom's Taxonomy:

− Understanding : they understand the instruction and they put it in practice.

− Remembering: they read, draw and identify the numbers and the geometric shapes.

Activity: IXL resource

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I explained again, before to start with the resource, the meaning of:

Count/ count up by.../ count down by...

Choose the picture: that has__ extra or that is missing___.

We practiced a bit in the blackboard before starting with the resource in the PDI (5min).

They were very motivated with the PDI and all of them wanted to be the next. They understood the

meaning of count up and count down and it was enough when we were doing the activity online.

All of them did the activity very good.

Instruction with:

Count/ count up by.../ count down by...

Choose the picture: that has__ extra or that is missing___.

Intructions with:

How many...? (the picture is not here because of the size).

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Instruction with: Which picture shows...?

* The interaction what I expect were the good one. All the children were motivated and they

participated in a good way. They respected all the instructions, the turns and the classmates.

* The skills:

L (listening), W (writing), S (speaking), R (reading) and I (interacting).

They listened to the instruction, they read it later. They wrote the answer and they spoke with me

when I was asking some question related to the activity. The classmates spoke to answer some

question and they helped to others. So, they were interecting.

* The timing was the good one. We were on time in the class and I prepared the resource before

children came. So, we needed one hour to do one activity each pupil.

* Learning objectives:

-Identify the numbers and the geometric shapes

-Count, add and substract

-Understand the instructions

-Communicate the answer

-Use in a good way the digital resource

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* Bloom's Taxonomy:

- Applying: they use their knowledge in a new situation (in the resource online).

- Understanding: they understand the instruction and they put it in practice.

- Remembering: they read, draw and identify the numbers and the geometric shapes.