final evaluation


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Post on 30-Jun-2015




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1. IN WHAT WAYS DOES YOUR MEDIA PRODUCT USE, DEVELOP OR CHALLENGE FORMS AND CONVENTIONS OF REAL MEDIA PRODUCTS?Breaking Point develops forms and conventions of real media products by:

• The genre is Crime therefore needs illegal props as mise-en-scene to show the stereotypical crime actions for this shows what the characters are doing is a crime hence the genre. In our media

product we include an M16 A4 as the weapon “Coyote” planned to use “Jason”, this is stereotypical as many crime movies include guns, and knives, and various other illegal. weapons.

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Coyote played by Michael Muranda has just taken out the gun out of the black bin bag hidden behind the snack shack, this is stereo typical as it shows the two gangsters Skinz and Coyote had been here before to plant the gun therefore it was planned.

The lightings very dark and scary making the atmosphere more suspenseful, this is stereo typical because as it is crime there has to be danger at all corners therefore they have to feel afraid for Jason as he seems like the victim.

The hoodie worn by Coyote is a stereotypical costume for crime movies.

The build of the actor is also stereotypical because the boss needs to be big and terrifying to show how easily he can empower you

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1. IN WHAT WAYS DOES YOUR MEDIA PRODUCT USE, DEVELOP OR CHALLENGE FORMS AND CONVENTIONS OF REAL MEDIA PRODUCTS?Breaking Point challenges forms and conventions by the use of our editing transitions by:• The use of the freeze effect where it introduces the characters is not normally seen at the

start usually at the end credits. We used this effect to show uniqueness and for the audience to feel they know the characters within the film, it gives them a better picture.

• The use of the tint in the film changes the whole mood as before the tint was added the product seemed too friendly and did not go with our genre however after the tint was put on it’s more gloomy and makes the night more frightening.

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The street name “Skinz” is shown on the screen blurring all the settings and characters except Kinglsey Mpofu, the actor who plays Skinz. This introduces him and shows that he is a gang hoodlum as he has a tag and does not use his birth name.

The tint and Blur effect we made using the program “After Effect” gives the film a more crime effect because without it, it seemed more like an action film with people just running around like headless chickens.

The character Skinz frozen at this point because it shows his one not to play around with, this is stereo typical as there has to be the hench man for the boss to boss about.

The serious face shows his type of character making him look boss hence his costume hoody with a suit, hood yet boss.

The freeze for this is very typical, as there is always the victim in a crime movie, which shows it as Jason the poor little boy, his scared face, without a street name unlike the other two.

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2. How does your media product present particular social groups?

Breaking Point is aimed at black youths, it presents this social group by:

• The stereo typical view of black youths in the media and subconsciously is gangs, anti-social, thieves and crime, therefore as our cast being all black it would appeal to this type of social group as they may feel they can relate to what these characters are going through.

•We also chose this particular social group as we felt we could relate to it and we could provide what the audiencerequired, as this specific genre is what we both watch and like.

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The assault is occurring at this point when Skinz aggressively punches Jason several times before Coyote arrives

Skinz the assaulter is clearly wearing a hoody which is seen in the media as the clothes of criminals as some use this type of clothing to hide their face

The possession of a fire arm also another illegal action which is also stereo typed back to young people as they may use this to scare people when robbing them or used as a weapon “for protection”.

Also wearing a hoody but as he is the leader he needed to look more boss and serous hence the suit over the hoody

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2. How does your media product present particular social groups?

Breaking Point is aimed at black youths, it presents this social group by:

•“Breaking Point” shows and agrees with stereotypical view of young youths not only black but of all races, it shows them as being really trouble making and suspicious which is what most people feel and think when they see young people in hoods. We showed this through the different kinds of crimes within the film opening for example:

o The possession of a fire arm (When Boss Man, Coyote picks up a black plastic bag hidden behind a tuck shop which contains a gun in which he plans to shoot Jason with, showing he’s not there to mess around)

o Assault (When Skinz has Jason pinned on the wall and punches him in the stomach repeatedly)

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Examples of negative views of hoodies and these are young people and they too have already noticed the stereo type of hoodies “They are really scary”, “Hoodies equal “mean” and it’s best to cross the road, when they see hoodies their first thought is run.

These views however are giving examples of the type of people that stereo type “Old women wear headscarves that cover their faces” the reason they give to why hoodies are bad is used against them also, they too have things that cover their faces. “People only think their bad because in the movies all the bad guys wear them” The media once again has convinced not only the younger but the older generation too that hoodies are worn by “bad guys”

These are quotes written by children of ages between 10 – 14 about whether hoodies should be banned or not. (Taken from NewsRound discussion “Should hoodies be banned in public?”In 2005)

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3. What kind of media institution might tribute your media product and why?

Breaking Point can be distributed by:•Street.Life Productions which is the name of our founded distribution.

•It could also distributed by Pathé Pictures International which also distributed the 2008 movie AdULTHOOD, our productions inspiration.

•Breaking Point could be distributed by high studios and distributors as it is of a high standard because the picture quality is high defeniton and from the feedback received it looks “very professional”.•Our product would definitely be distributed

on YouTube as it is a video and can be viewed by anyone there for a company could view it see it’s potential and then sponsor it.

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Our own founded distribution Street.Life Productions Already distributed on

YouTube for all viewers to see and share their opinions

Quality of the product Breaking Point suggests can be accepted by many distributors as it looks professionally done as a result to the camera used.

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4. Who would be the audience for your media product?

Breaking Point’s audience is:

•Young people could be of any ethnicity but black teenager of the make gender were more suited as it is of a certain genre which is crime and we thought this type of film opening would appeal to them more than others. It also features all black youths therefore the audience can relate to them.

•This would not be suitable for all kinds of age groups as the elderly may feel even more fearful of their lives if they saw these kind of stereotypical characters in the road. Also young children may find it too frightening at some moments.

•Middle aged people may find this too “gangster” and may become more strict and worried of their children, if any, as they would be afraid for their child’s life.

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5. How did you attract/address your audience?Breaking Point attracts and addresses our audience by:

•Grabbing the attention of the audience with action, the running and dodging of obstacles in the way, this is a contrast to the first 10 seconds of our film opening as it all seems like a calm evening with just a young man walking home possibly.

•The introduction of the characters attracts the audience because it is not an effect used in many movies of this genre. This freeze and blur effect addresses the audience by getting them to know who’s who and they get an idea of what’s happening, the two hoodlums (Coyote and Skinz) and the innocent victim (Jason).

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The facial expression were we chose to freeze and introduce the character, shows their personality:

• Skinz- Looks menacing and angry as it this moment he has just spotted Jason and he isn’t happy at all, shows the relationship between the two (not good).

• Jason- Is terrified and mortified, at this moment his just afraid of his life because obviously 2 menacing people begin to chase him, but he clearly knew the reason as when Skinz shouts there he is, Jason begins to run and also the spitting in Coyote’s eye also shows a bit of mischief within him.

• Coyote- Looks very serious and scary like he’s not there to joke about and means business. When the image was frozen and blurred his facial expression are angry and look as if he is about to murder someone. This is before he take the gun which shows he didn’t plan to kill Jason was just a warning but as Jason refuses to answer and retaliates to the questioning he sees his going no where and grabs the gun because now Jason has lost any chances of redemption.

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The names of the characters are a huge part of addressing to the audience because this is when the audience get their first impressions of the characters therefore the impression they have has to be what we want them to think of the characters for example:

• Skinz- He’s posture is slim and quite small therefore he’s called Skinz. We decided this instead of Skinny for obvious reasons as it makes him sound small and not menacing, Skinz however is more scary yet has the same affect.

• Jason- Unlike the other two has a normal name and not a Tag/Street Name. This makes the audience question WHY is it like that and since he’s the one being chased he seems as the victim, which is exactly how we want the audience to think because they will wonder if he’s good why is he being chased.

• Coyote- like the animal Coyote is sly, a bully but only picks on those smaller than him and he’s body build is rather hench and with muscles therefore scary compared to the other two, this is shown by him saying Get Him and Skinz running after him instantly, this shows he superiorness

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6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Well from producing Breaking Point we have learnt that:

•The process of making a production is very long and needs extremely a lot of detail for even the tiniest thing for example, one scene requires a storyboard which takes quite some time, it also requires a script, the organisation of props; costumes; actors; the set etc.

•Kudzai Taziveyi – I learnt how to use the camera and the different angles that make the greatest impact I also learnt how to use After Effect and from this experience I have learnt that it takes a long time to edit than what I originally thought.

•EvanFernando – I had most of the skills we used in this production however they just developed more during the process. I also had to teach Kudzai, my partner most if not all of my knowledge about filming and editing. Kudzai’s blogging skills also helped me learn and expand my English skills which allowed me to blog with confidence.

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7. Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

After the preliminary task we have learnt a lot to get to the progress of Breaking Point:•We learnt to take more steady shots without the use of a tri pod. We have learnt that the production process of any kind of media product is not easy, it takes a lot of time and dedication to plan it yet alone produce the entire product.

•The codes and conventions that we later on researched, helped us with our field marketing as we included most of the obvious eye grabbing effects in our film opening which appealed to the audience because they were most of the notes they had given to inform us of what they want.

•We learnt many skills during this time that made us result with such a finished product we are pleased and we thank all those that helped with this long process and hope it is up to standards

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