final fantasy x-2 official strategy guide

slTi jlii5 I ''. "@ ,d It{ FICIAL dl K n OF STRATEGY GUIDE S, srx2 t{ T

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Itpus alr Irnnr Suops


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

100%o Completion Guide

MrNr Galrns

Sphere Break

Lett Go Digging!

The Calm Lands

Chocobo Ranch

Gunner's Gaundet

Lightning Rod Towers

rd r (udr r ru ! ru , ,6

The Great Mi'ihen Mystery


Learning the A1 Bhed Language

























The daughter oflord Braska, Yuna is the high sum-

moner who defeated Sin and brought about the

Eternal Calm. She lived most of her life by a strict

code of ethics directed by the teachings of Yevon.

She always believed that she would one day sacrifice

herself to defeat Sin, but through the love and faith

of her guardian she rea.lized that it was possible to

deliver to the people ofSpira, an even greater gift by

defeating'Sin forever. After this great victory, Yuna is

now attempting to explore and enjoy the life she

thought she would have to forsake. A.long with her

cousin Rikku and the Gullwings-a group of -A1

Bhed sphere hunters-she scours Spira in search of

valuable spheres containing records of the long for-

gotten history before Sin. While her main desires are

to explore the wodd, meet new people, and have fun,

Yuna also seeks to answer the mysteries surounding

the recordings ofthe strange sphere

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Rikl<u is Yuna's cousin and an Al Bhed. The Al

Bhed are a race of people in Spira who speak a

different language, which can be deciphered by

obtaining the Al Bhed Primers. A1 Bhed enjoy tin

kering with machines, or "machina," and they have

started an excavation in Bikanel Desert to unearth

ancient machina to study in hopes of improving

their cufient use and one day make their own. The

Gullwings' airship, the Celsius, is a unique piece of

machina. Rikku and her brother, appropriately

named "Brothcr," have tumed the machina into a

first-class flying machine. Rikku was one ofYunat

guardians in the fight against Sin and aided her in

bringing about the Eternal Calm. Now that Yuna

has left her village in search of fun and adventure,

Rikku is dedicated to helping her cousin find

excitement, even at the risk ofgetting into trouble!



The mysterious female warrior called Paine, joined

the Gullwings bcfore Yuna came along. No one

knows much about he! except that she is rather quiet

and.generally keeps to hersell Paine is extremely

tough and loves a good fight, but she is also reason-

able enough to smel1 trouble a mile awav. Paine

reveals little about her past, except that she has

always wanted to fly on an airship and hunt for

spheres containing records of Spiras past. No one

knows ifperhaps some of these spheres may contain

records that are pcrsonal to her...

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FINAL FAATUS{ X 2 features a new,uniquc system of character developmentand combat called the dressphere system.Dresspheres are small spheres that fitinto a Grrment Grid. When a characterequips a Garment Grid, she can thencquip any of the dresspheres phced onthe grid. A character can also perlorm a'tpherechmge" during battle. Each drcs-sphere enables the charactcrto play a unique role in the plrrry While a charrcter has a dressphere equipped, she will learn a speci:1 set ofabilities tailored to thc tunctions ofthe dressphere. Upon leffning a1l the abilities ofadressphere, the character is said to have "Mastered" the drexphere.


For a character to use dresspheres, youmust first equip a Garment Grid. Toequip a Garment Grid, at least one nodeon the grid must be set with a dressphere. To prepare a Garment Grid foruse, press the Tiiangle button to open themain menu. Open the "Garmcnt Grids"sub+creen md select a grid lrom the listof acquired Garrnent Grids.

A list of available dresspheres appears onthe left side of the screen. Select dresspheres and set them in the nodes on theGarment Grid. You can speed up thisprocess by using the'Auto" option nt thebottom ofthe list to automatically placea set of dresspheres on the grid. The"Rearrange" option enables you to switchthe location ofxnyspheres alreadl' placedon the grid. To rcmove a drexphere and leave an empty nodc, move the cur-sor to the dressphere and prex the Triangle button. The "Remove A11"option enables you to instandl' clear a Garment Grid.This is a handy optionif you want to reset the grid with all new dresspheres, or ifyou no longerwant to usc the Garment Grid and want it to be gral.ed out when equipping

When you change the dresspheres on aGarment Grid that is already in use by

characters, you must thenequip the chuacters with a dresspherefrom the new conliguration. Ifyou equipa character with a different GarmentGrid, you must also choose a dresspherebelore exiting the menu. Each charactermust always be equipped with aGarment Crid and a dresphcre.

F } i ' I E R g C F { A N G EWhen battle begins, r character appears dressed rccording to the dressphereshc is equippcd with. During battle, you can use a character's combat turnto perlorm a "spherechange." Press the L1 bufton to access the chaJacter'sG.rrment Grid. Use the cursor to select the dressphere you want to changeinto, then press the X bunon. After doing so, the charactcr changcs fromthe previous dressphere to the new one with a spectacular transformationsequence. If1.ou don't want to view the transformation sequence, or ilyouprefer to view a shortened version, you can set such preferences in the"Conlig" sub screen of the main menu. Regardless of this sening, the tu1ltransformation sequence wiJl play whenever the player changes into a dres-suhere thev haven t used before.

Spherechange is l strategic move to usein b,L l l le . fof in. ldnLL, o"( . , Threr ' rer .

i rem. .nd t i ' ' . , . S:r i r ' r r . r eneny. voumar u;nt t " .u i t l - ro r dre. .phere tharwill be more useiirl in defeating theenemrr. Likewisc, if a Black Mage runsout of MP and doesn't knorv the "MP

D r a ; n a b r l ; r y r r ' b e * t o . w . r . h t h r tcharacter to a dressphere in which theycan perform ph1,sical rttacks that donot require MP

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When a character switches fion onedrcssphcre to another, a glowing, blueline is drawn between the twodrexpheres on thc Garment Grid.Ifthisglo$:-g l : - ' p, -e. ' l ' ro, rg\ r coloredgate, the character gains rn added abilityor status bonus. Such effects can includerhF xbLlry ro .a.r a pelJ or a Srrengrh


increase. Note, however, that the effect only lasts until the end ofthe cur-rentbanle. Checkthe description ofeach Garrnent Grid to determine whrteffect a gate on rhe grid will provide when you pax through it during aspherechange.

P F ] C I A i , g ] R . } i S SBy completing ccrtain objectives orquests during the game, the pffty willfind special dresspheres that cm only beutilized by one of the three characters.Yuna's special dressphere is Flord Falld,Rikkut n Machina Maw and Paine! isFullThrottle. Special dresspheres rre notequipped on Garment Grids. The character can alvar-s transform into a specialdressphere no rnatter which GarmentGrid is equipped.

For a charrcter to spherechange into aspecial dressphere, you must change toevery dressphere on rhe Cffment Gridduring r brttle. After changing intoevery dressphere on a fully loadedGarment Grid a1l the drexphercs on thegrid should be connected by blue lines.Prex the L1 button to acccss the

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sphercchange menu, then press thc R1 button to access thc character'sspeci dressphere command and press X. A special dressphere change canonly be made ifthe plaler changes into all the dresspheres on a GarmentGrid. This merns thrt a dressphere must be placed in every node on thegrid. A Garment Grid rvith fewer nodes, such as Unerring I'ath, makestranslorming to the speciaL drexphere much easier during combat.

When a character transforms into herspecial dressphere, the other two charac-ters leave the banlefreld. Each specialdressphere consists of thrce scctions,each ofwhich receives a combat turn toperform an action. In essence, it's stilllike a three character parry Specialdrexpheres acqune AP just ljke normddresspheres, and the characterwill learn new abilitics and become more formidable in combatwhile wearing a special dressphere. However, udike nor-mal dresspheres, the special &esspheres requirc "key items" to be lilly mastred.

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, i ' : , ' r : r i r r t a.: i ' . 1 i- i ' r , i . .- :Each timc a character takes a v.rlid action on the battlefreld, that chamcter earns Abiliqv Points (AP) th';rt

accumulate torvard learning a new ability. To determ;ne which rbiliry the character will lcern next' opcn the

main menu and sclect the Abilities command. Select a cheracter, then prcss the X button The chuacter's

status and a list ofJl av lable dresspheres are displayed on the Abilitics sub-screen The cLrrentlv equipped

dressphere i highlighted by the cursor Press dre L1 or R1 buttons to cycle tlrrough the other charactcrs in

the parry

After choosing a dressphere, a list of;11 the rbilitics that the chanctcr hAs learned, or can lemn, appears. The

abilitv that will be lcarned next is highlighted in yellor* To select I dillercnt ability, movc the orr'or dor n

the list and choose a new abilinr Press the L1 or R1 bunons to cvcle through the other drexpheres .rvailable

to the character. As a character learns abilities, new ones rnay be addcd to this [st. For more detailed infor-

mation on learning nelv abilities, reler to thc "Dresspheres" scction in this chapter'

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Trigger Happy




DESCRrPfl0l lAttack one enemy.Press R1 repeatedly during allotted timefor mult ip le hi ls.Damage one enemy.Damage one enemy regardless of ttsDefense.Infiict maoical damage on one enemy.Inflict damage on one enemy's lvlPReduce one enemy's HP by oneJourth.Damage one enemy according to theusefs EXP level.Critically damage one enemy.Deal greater damage to enemies withhigh defense.Damage al l enemies.Critically damage all enemiesGuards against Darkness.Guards aqainst Sleep.Extends the time allotted f0r Trigger Happy.Extends the time allotted for Trigger Happy.

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N onePotshot

No neEnchanted AmmoTarget lvlPTarget lvlP

No nePotshot

Bu rst ShotScattershotNo neDarkproofN oneTrigger Happy Lv.2


HThe Gunner uses firearms to attack cnemies. Range isnt r problem and a Cunner's attacks are very c*icdvc against flying or rnborne enemies. The "TriggerHappl." attack enables you to assail a single foe with r barrge oflower powered chain atticks (quicklv tap thc R1 button) during the time allorted. You can evenextend the time for "Trigger Hrppy''by leveling up rhe ability. At first, a Gunners rttacks wont deal much damage. But rs a character gains levels, the Gunncrdressphere becomes a powertul tool for quickly disposing ofencmies. "Cunpla1' abilities featurc special shots that require l4P to execute. However, unlikc mostskills .rnd spells, 'Gunplay" abilities me immediately performed by the Gunner, similar to physical attncks.

In combat, the Gunnert main job is to attack and destroy enemies. At thc start ofthe grme, the Gunncr is quite effective at this job. Equip a Gunner withaccessories and Garment Grids to boost Srength and Accurxcy to inllict morc damage. As the chractcr donning the GrLnner dresphcre gains experiencelevels and grows in strength, her attacks become more devastaring with a higher lrequcncv ofcritical hits.

IIAIUEAttackTrigger Happy

PolshotCheap Shot

Enchanted AmmoTarget MPQuarter Pounder0n the Level

Bursl ShotTableturner

ScattershotScatterburstDarkprooJSleepproolTrigger Happy Lv.2Trigger Happy Lv.3

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jcWhile most enemies will drop items and small amounts ofgil ter each banle, rThicfcan steal additional items, gil, HP, and MP from ene-

mies during combat. Whilc aThiefis neither strong nor sturdy like some ofthe qpical "attacker" types, the Thiefs high Agility and Lvasron

makes it easier to sidestep many physical attacks. By stealing irems and using the "PiJfer Gil" ability during every battle, a Thiefhelps the parry

to amass an overwhelning supply ofmcdicines, bombs, consumables and accessories, as well m plentv ofgil. Stcrling is one of rhe best meth

ods to gain powertul equipment early in the game. The "First Strike" abilit_v ofa Thief enables her to get thc first turn in combat.

During combat, spend the lirst fcw turns steding items and gil from each enemy on the battlefield. lfcncmies are reluctant to give uf irems

and your Thief continuously comcs up empry-handed, use the " Sticlq Fingers" ability to pry the itens loose. In particulrr, bosses usually hold

powertul accessories that can only be gained by stealing, so keep a Thief in the partt rt al1 times. Hclp out your f-ellow parq'members by halt

ing enemy advmcemenr *ith "Borrowed Time," or enable the entire pari_y to run simulraneouslywith thc "Flce" ability in crse olrn emergency.

i lAMEAttackStealPi l fer Gi lBorrowed TimePi l fer HPPiller lvlPsticky Fingersl\4aster ThiefSoul SwipeSteal WillFleeItem HunterFirst StrikelnitialiveSlowproofStopproof

REOUIRED AB II.ITIESNoneNon eNoneNo nePi l fer Gi lPi l fer HPPi l fer HPSlicky FingersPi l fer HPSoul SwipeNo neNo neNo neFirst StrikeItem HunterSlowproof




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0EscBtPT t0 tAttack one enemy.Steal items from one enemy.Steal gil from one enemy.lnflict Stop on one enemy.Steal HP from one enemy.Steal lvlP from one enemy.Always steal items lrom one enemy.Steal rare rtems from one enemy.Inflict Berserk on one enemy.Cause one enemy to flee from battle.Aid the party's escape from battle.lmproves the odds o1 enemies dropping i tems.Act at the beginning ol battle.Raises the party's chance of a preemptive slrike.Guards against Slow.Guards against Stop.


Blue Bullet

Fhnd Hunter



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The Gun Mage serves a rariety of purposes on the batdefreld, which adds up to one deadly combination. A Gun Mage can expose the weaknesses and current

status ailments or benefits of r single enemy or ally with the "Scan' ability. Gun Mages leam a variety of"Fiend Hunter" skills that enable them to deal greater

damage to certain gpes ofenemies more easily. When dealing with Machina, Mechs, Hdms, and Drakes in the early stages of the game, a Gun Mage who has

learned the applicable skills will make qui& work of these fights. Gun Mages also have the unique ability to learn the special attacls of enemies and use them

in battle. When an enemy uses a special ability to attack a Gun Mage durirg combat, there is a chance that an active Gun Mage will learn the enemy's skill

ight on the spot. The only problem is whether or not fte Gun Mage will suwive the attack afterv/ard!

Io battle. use "Scan' on unknown enemies to rweal demental or status *reaknesses. For the rest of the batde, attack or perform "Fiend Huntet' abilities, if the qpes of

fieods that the Gun Mage can atrect are presenc Always bring a Gun Mage ifyou want to leam new "B1ue BulleC abilities.

ltAtit E -AttackBlue Bul letScanShell CrackerAnti-AircraltSi lver Bul letFlan EaterElement i l leryKi l lasaurusDrake SlayerDismantler

REqUIRED AB IIIIIESN oneN oneN oneN oneN oneN oneN oneFlan EaterN oneKi l lasaurusN oneDismant lerAnti-AircraftN oneN oneScan Lv.2


t o




DESCRIPTI| |TIAttack one enemy.Attack with bullets containing'fiend skills.View detailed inlormation about one enemy.Deal quadruple damage to Helms.Deal quadruple damage to Birds and Wasps.Deal quadruple damage to Lupines.Deal quadruple damage to Flans.Deal quadruple damage to Elementals.Deal quadruple damage to Reptiles.Deal quadruple damage to Drakes.Deal quadruple damage to lvlachina.Deal quadruple damage to lvlechs.Deal quadruple damage to lmps and Evi l Eyes.Culs the time required Jor Fiend Hunter by 40%.Allows user t0 rotate targets when casting Scan.Allows user 10 target party members with Scan.

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A B I I . IT YFire BreathSeed CannonStone BreathAbso rb

White Wind

Bad Breath[4ighty GuardSupernovaCry in the NighlDri l l ShollvlortarAnnihi latorHeaven's Cataract

1000 NeedlesStorm CannonBlaster


DESCBtP I r0 l lDeal fire damage to all enemies.Damage one enemy.Petrify all enemies.Absorb HP and lVlP from one enemy.

Restore some HP to the party andcure status ailmenls.ln l l ic t s lalus ai lments on al l enemies.Cast Shell and Protect on the party.Damage al l enemies.Damage al l enemies.Damage one enemy.Damage al l enemies.Damage al l enemies.Damage all enemies and lowerDefense and l\4agic Defense.Damage one enemy.Damaqe al l enemies.Damage one enemy.

I.EARlI E D FR||iIBalivarhaLeucophylla, CephalotusTomb, lvlonolith, Dolmen, EpltaphProtochimera, Haizhe, Baralai (CH.2), FlanAzabache, Jahi , Cindy, VegnagunBul ly Cap, Coeurl , 0ueen Coeurl ,Mycotoxin, l\4s. GoonMalboro, Great l\4alboroHaizhe, Garik RonsolJltima Weapon, Paragonl\4ega TonberryBaralai (CH. 5)G ip palExperimentKukulcan, G ucumatz, Chac

CactuarlronsideCoeurl , Queen Coeurl

'ilale lhat sane abilities can anlv be learned when lhe nanslet is 0( isn'l a'/etsauled



The Warrior, Painei initial dressphere, is the fust of many strong "attacker" dresspheres in the game. The main function of a Warrior is to hit enedes hard and

bring doran large amounts of enemy HP with eaci strike. A Warior benefits fiom a lot ofHq but lacls a rcspectrble amount of MP A Waffior's "Swordplay''

skills are all low MP-cost abilities that fuse magic with metal ilr a powerful attack designed to exploit enemy wea&nesses. A Watrior can also make many ene-

mies easier to defeat by lowering their attacking power, defense, and spell casting abilities. Additionally a Warrior can also delay the action of an enemy with'Delay Attack' and "Delay Buster.'

During battles, if ar enemy is taking less than the normsl amount of damag€ &om a Warrior's attrck, use "Swordplay'' abilities to ex?loit elemental we*nesses

or inflict status ailrnents on it. Without restorative abilities, a Warior must depend on others to regain lost HP


l{At{EAttackSentinelFlametonguelce BrandThunder BladeLiquid SteelDemi Sword

Excal iburPower BreakArmor Breaklvla0ic Breakl\/lental BreakDelay AttackDelay BusterAssaultS0S Protect

BEOUIRE|| AB I I . IT IESNo neNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneFlametongue, lce Brand,Thunder Blade, LiquidSteelDemi SwordN oneN oneN oneMagic BreakArmor BreakDelay AttackSent inelSent inel



DESCRIPTI| | I IAttack one enemy.Take less physical damage until next turn.Deal f i re damage to one enemy.Deal ice damage to one enemy.Deal l ightning damage to one enemy.Deal water damage to one enemy.Deal gravity damage to one enemy.

Deal holy damage to one enemy.Damage one enemy and lower its Strength.Damage one enemy and lower i ts Defense.Damage one enemy and lower i ts IVlagic.Damage one enemy and lower its l\,4agic Defense.Damage one enemy and delay i ts act ion.Damage one enemy and greatly delay its action.Cast Berserk, Haste, Shell, and Protect on the pafiy.casts Protect when HP is low.

120 243 0 43 0 43 0 43 0 41 0 0 1 0120 161 0 0 02 0 0






An Alchenist has the ability to help the parry make the most

oftheir items.The "Mix" abilitvenables an Alchemist to com-

bine any trvo itcms For grelter effect. For example, a Potion

and a Hi Potion can be cornbined to achievc the effect of l

Mega Potion, rvhich restores 2000 HP to each pargv member

simultaneously. Itt easy to see that thc "Mix" abiliqv m*es it

poxiblc to use items you dont have by combining nvo lesser

items. An Alchemist can so learn to create extra items and

use them during a baftlc. Since an Alchemist can also attack,

equip lour partyi main "healer" with th; dresspher€ ;n the

lrtter halfofthe gamc.

In ary battle, have an Alchemist attrck until a need for mix-

ing or healing arises.Ifall the enemies can be affccted by some

status ailment, thcn mix up the appropriate bomb and launch

it at them. Ifyour party gets into trouble, have an Alchemist

mir up restorative items or create new items by using hcr"Stash" skills.

IIA MIAttackMixPotio nHi-Pot ionl\/lega-PotionX-PotionRemedyDispel TonicPhoenix Downlvlega PhoenixEtherEl ix i rItems Lv.2ChemistElementalislPhysicist

REOUIBEO A8 I t IT IESNo neNo neNo nePotionHi-Pot ionlvlega-PotionNoneRem edyNonePhoenix DownDispel TonicEtherN oneN oneN oneElementalist and Chemist

AP001 0401201602020302004009993040801 0 0


DESCRIPTIOI {Attack one enemy.Combine two i tems for var ious resul ts.Use a spare Poti0n that y0u tucked away.Use a spare Hi-Potion that you tucked away.Use a spare IVlega-Potion that y0u tucked away.Use a spare X-Potion that you tucked away.Use a spare Remedy that you tucked away.Use a spare Dispel T0nic that y0u tucked away.Use a spare Phoenix Down that you tucked away.Use a spare lvlega Phoenix that you tucked away.Use a spare Ether that you tucked away.Use a spare Elixir that you tucked away.Cuts the t ime required to use l tems by 80%.Doubles the potency 0f recovery items.Doubles the potency 0f elemental i tems.Doubles the potency of non-elemental i tems.


5 ,i ;\i i . i'i. il i



Spare Change



.J)l | la ' :

l' :

tt)r la ' :, t.:))tJ)' tl ' ;

(')l .),| | lii , :-r i( ,

Another strong "attacker" r1pe ofdressphere, the Samurai inflicts large amounts ofdamage with a huge sword. The Samurai is surprisingly agiie in spite ofthis

hear,_v weapon and evades many attacks with surprising ease. However, the weight ofthe weapon makes it more difficr.Llt to hit flying or cvasive targets. While

many of the Srmurai's abilities revolve rnainly around striking non elemenral damage gainst one or more foes, this drexphere also bestows the user with mxny

talents for reducing the magical enhancements ofenemies while boosting the Samuraii own .rbiligv to fight. Thus, a S.rmurai specializes in creating r level phy-

ins field wherc honor can be maintained during combrt.

During combat, use a Samurai to strike enemics and cause massive damage. Ifthe enemies show unusually high defense or if they cast beneficial status-raising

spe11s, use the Samurai's "Fingersnap," "Nonpareil," and "No Fear" abilities to elevate the Samurai to the fiends level. Evcn with the "Clean S1ate" ability, a

Samurai must still depend on others to resain lost HP

II AMEAttackSpare ChangelVirror of Equity

l\ilagicideDismissalFlngersnapSparklerFireworksl\,4 o menlu mSh in-ZantetsuNonparei lNo FearClean SlateHayatelantetsuS0S Critical


None[i]a0 icideDismissalN oneSparklerSparklerlvlomentu mNoneNonparer lNo FearClean SlateShin-ZantetsuFireworks

AP MP0 00 030 16

0EscRtP I t0xAttack one enemy.Attack by throwing gil.Attack 0ne enemy, dealing greater damage whenHP is low.Inflict damage on one enemy's lvlPHalt the pending action 0f one enemy.Revert 0ne enemy's attributes to normal levels.Damage one enemy.Damage all enemies.Deal increasing damage as you deleat more enemies.Instantly defeat all enemies. Sometimes fails.Raise the usels Strength and Accuracy.Cast Shell and Protect on the user.Restore HP and cure user of slatus ailments.Raise Evasion and cast Haste 0n the user.Instantly defeat one enemy. Sometimes ,fails.

Always inflict critical hits when HP is low.


41 01 01 21 81 032'10

1 2t o


q)l t ln :r l


li , ir l.r.JtJ)r ti , :.')






A death-dealer born ofshadow, the Dark IGight infises the crafts ofthe Underworld to deal massive damage to cnemics on thc banlcficld. As is the hw in the

nether realms, the Dark Knight can sacrifice HP or her own life to dcfeat cncmies. With the "Darkiess" amclq a Dark Knight crn sncrifice 1/8 ofher total HP

to inflict exorbitant amounts of damage to the entire enemy partv. On the next turn, the Dark Knight can regain some ofthe HP sacrifrced bv using the "Drain'

ability The "Charon'ability enables a Dark Kllight to sacrilice herself ro inflict heary damage on a snrgle foe. Horvevcr, the Dark Kdght is rcmoved lrom your

party for the rest ofthe battle, and wil not gain EXP following a victory'. Use "Charon'only as a last rcsort. The Dark Knight can also make herselfimmune to

many status ailments by learning a complete set ofauto abilities.

During batde, have a Dark Knight use "DarLness" to damage all of the enemies rt once, followed by a regular attack on a single foe. lfsome enemies prove dif

ficult to defeat, try casting "Black Sky'While a Dark lGight can recover smal1 amounrs oflost HP by draining it from enemies, it n rvner and morc beneicialfor a Dark Kdght to work in conjunction with r good 'healer" gpe, such as a White Mage or an AJchemist.

'.'| | l:' i :



DeathBlack SkyCharonPoisonproofStoneproofConluseproofCu rseproofDeathproof

REOUINE|} ABITIT IESNo neNo neNon eN oneDemiConfuseNo neBio

DoomDeathN oneNo nePoisonproof

Non eCurseproof


P0081 01 220t o

1 8

OESGRIPTI| |XAttack one enemy.Sacrifice HP to damage all enemies.Absorb HP from one enemy.Reduce the HP of all enemies by 1/4Confuse one enemy.Petrify one enemy.Poison one enemy.Doom one enemy. Enemy is KO'd when the countreaches 0.Instantly defeal one enemy. Sometimes lails,Randomly damages enemies.Sacrifice life to heavily damage 0ne enemy.Guards against Poison.Guards against Petrificatton.Guards against Confusion.Guards against Curse.Guards against Death.




The Benerker dressphere is quick and attacks with furious abandon. The Benerker strikes with i* razor sharp daws, inflicting damage to a single foe. The dam

age inflicted can increase when the user casts "BerserlC on herseLf Wlile ill this state, a Benerker aftacks automaticallla Once a Berserker has learned hard-to-

obtaio auto-abilities (such as "Counterattack " "Magic Counter" and 'Evade & Counter), the character car strike back automatically multiple times per nrrn

based on the enemies' actions. Couple this with the "Auto-Regen" ability and the Benerker becomes ao independent killing machine with litde need for help

fiom the other prJty members.

Start each battle by doubling a Berserker's HP with the "Howl" ability, then determine your strategy and cast "Berserk' if all you need to do is attack W}ile

doing all ofthis causes a Berserker to stay out ofthe batde for the fust few rounds, the result is devastating to the enemy party.



I A M EAttackBerserkCripplelMad RushCrackdownElectunnrngelntimidateEnvenomnuftn0wlI tchproofCounterattacklVag ic Counterivade & CounterAuto-Regen

8 E|lU IRE II AB II.IIIESNoneN oneN oneCrippleNoneN/ad RushCrackdownlJ n h ingeNo neEnvenomlvad RushCrippleN oneCounterattackMagic CounterHuft

AP00203030404050306080201 8 030040080

MP00666I881 01 0000000

DESCntPf l0rAttack one enemy.Boost the useis Strength but lose control of her actions.Halve one enemy's HPHeavily damage one enemy. 0tten fails.Damage one enemy and nullify Shell, Protect, and Reflect.Instantly defeat one enemy. Sometimes fails.Damage one enemy and lower its Accuracy and Evasion.Inl l ic t damage and Slow on 0ne enemy.InJl ict damage and Poison 0n one enemy.Damaoe 0ne enemy according to the user's current HPDouble the user 's max HPGuards against ltchy.Strike back after being physically attacked.Strike back atter being attacked with magic.Evade physical attacks and strike back.Automatically casts Regen.


| | l


r ln i. l


.t), l

it ',

t ti 'I


i i= (()

The Songstrex dresspherc transforms its user into a singing sensation who uses music rnd dancc to distract thc cncmics fron damaging the parry By learning

rhe various "Dancc" moi-es available, a Songstress can inflict status ailments on the cncml parry with a 100% succcss rate (axcept in cases rvhere enemies are

immune to the status ailments). For example, while a Songstress is prcscnt, you can blind the entire enemv p.rrrv to prevent them from striking with physical

rttacks, or even stop them completelyto malc thcm easier targets.The Songstress has no abiliq to attack or heal unles she is equippcdwifi the proper Garment

Grids or accessories. While equipping and nasrering rhis dressphere, it's a good idea to cquip acccssxies or Garment Grids that allow vol, to use the aft1ck or

hcaling abilities ofrnother dressphere, so rhrt the Songstress can adapt to cmcrgcnc)' sitxadons.

During combat, use "Dance" abilities to negate the enemiei combrt abilities, or throw the wholc parry hto x frenz]' bl' casting 'Jitterbug." A Songstress won't

get another turn undl thc cffccts of the previous dance have ended. If r Songstress can't inflict status ail'ncnts on an cncmy due to immunities, use "Sing"

abilitics to boost thc attributes ofallies.

T H E B O O K S O F M A G I C A L D A N C E Slo learn "MP Manb1" and "Magical Masque," you nust acquire two key items: Magical Dances, V|l. I and Magical Dances,V0l. ll. V1lume I is 1btained by defeating the boss enenies inside the Den of W)e at Mushr})n R)ck. V)lune ll is obtainedby defeating the Experinent machine at Dj]se Tenple during Chapter 5, when the boss's Attack, Defense, and Specialparaneters are all at level 5.


I {AMEDarkness DanceSamba of SilenceMP lvambo

lVagical IVasque

Sleepy ShuffleCarnival CancanSlow DanceBrakedancel i t ta rh ln

Dirty DancingBattle CryCantus FirmusEsoteric lvleiodyDisenchantPerlect PitchlValador's Song

AP IIIP0 02 0 02 0 0

DE$CRIP I I ( |Xinf l ict Darkness on al l enemjes whi le dancing.Inf l ict Si lence on al l enemies whi le dancing.Reduce the pany's IVP cost to 0 while dancing.

Nullify maoical attacks against the partywhi le dancing.Inl l ic t Sleep on al l enemies whi le dancing.Double the party s max HP whi le dancing.Inf l ict Slow 0n al l enemies whi le dancing.Inf l ict Stop on al l enemies whi le dancing.Sustain a Haste effect 0n the party while dancing.The party inflicts critical hits while you dance.Raise the party's Strength.Raise the party's Defense.Raise the pany's l\4agic.Raise the pafty's Magic Defense.Raise the party's Accuracy.Raise the party's Evasion.

REOUIRE|} AB II.ITIESNo neNo nelvagical Dances, Vol Il(ey itemtMagicai Dances, Vol llkey itemNoneSleepy ShufileNoneSlow DanceSlow DanceCarnival CancanN oneBattle CryNo neEsoteric I\,'lelodyN onePerfect Pitch


8080601201201601 01 01 01 01 01 0


000000444444 31

, r | 'lr :.' ;,'- -:..t ,: 'i- .i:.

Black l\,'la0lc


tulP Absorb


Utilizing thc forces ofelemental magic, the Bhck Magc focuses porver to attack enemies with incredible spells. Control olsuch encrg,r' weighs heavily upon the

physicd framc, so charaders equipping the Black Magc dressphere wi have higher MP but lower HP rnd high Magic .rnd Magic Dcfcnse, but low Strcngth

..rnd Defense. Protect Black Mages by equipping accessorics and Garment Grids that raise HP and Definse. Wirhout the ability to pcrform physical attacks, thc

Rlack Mage becornes useless on the battlefreld oncc her MP is depleted. Since the learning ofspe .rbilities is a gradLral process rcquiring lots ofbanlcs, start by

learning to bolster the magic at your dnposal by lerning rhe "Irocus' and "MP Drain' abilities. By raising 1.our Bhck Magic Lcvel, you crn assurc shorter cast

ing times. During the laner stages ofthe game, many enemies 11be more difiicuLt to defert due to thcir higherMqic Defcnsc. When plncing thc BhckMge

drcssphere on a charactert Garment Crid, conplernent i.vith a dressphere thar locuses on physical attacks. This should enable ;,our character to remain use

r u l c , . r a ' e r M P r . d e p l e r c d ' r e n e r r r e . b e . o m c r ' . : . r r n t t o r n a e . .

On the baftlefrcld, the Black Mage depends on the defcnsc of"attrcker" tlpes and the support of"hcalcr" qvpes. Never allow more thm one character to equlp

a Black Mage drexphere at a time to avoid throwing olfthc balance of rhe pary Bcgin each brttle by using "Focus' for stronger sPe[ cllstin8, thcn target spells

at one or multiplc cnemies. When MP gets low, dranr powcr lrom enemies inst€ad ofconsuming Bthers

ll A l'/l EFireBlizzardThunderWaterFiraBlizzaraThundaraWateraFiragaBlizzagaThundagaWatergaFocusMP AbsorbBlack Magic Lv.2Black Magic Lv.3

RE0UTRE0 A8[.rr rESN oneNoneNoneNoneNo neNo neNo neN oneFlraBlizzaraThundaraWateraNoneFocusIVP AbsorbBlack lvagic Lv.2

I PAP DE$CRrPfl01lDeal f i re damage to one 0r al l enemies.Deal ice damage t0 one 0r all enemies.Deal l ightning damage to one or al l enemies.Deal water damage to one or al l enemies.Deal fire damage t0 one or all enemies.Deal ice damage to one or all enemies.Deal l ightning damage to one 0r al l enemies.Deal water damage to one or al l enemies.Deal fire damage to 0ne or all enemies.Deal ice damage to one 0r al l enemies.Deal l ightning damage to one or al l enemies.Deal water damage to one or all enemies.Raise the usels Magic.Absorb MP from one enemy.Cuts the time required for Black l\ilagic by 30%.Cuts the time required for Black lvagrc in half.

0 40 40 40 440 1240 124 0 1 240 12100 24100 24100 24100 241 0 01 0 04 0 06 0 0

X'tr Fi i -f'lr

ir4 A{; Ei



White Magic


While actively equipped bya partymember, the White Mage dressphere enables a charactcr to provide constanthealing md support to a1l allies.Unable to attack under normal circumstances, the White Mage works to prevent the other characters from fdling into KO status and to removeharmtul status ailments affecting allies. Protective spells, such as "Protect'and "Shel]," enable a White Mrge to reduce the damagc inflicted onthe parry Abilities such as "Dispel" enable a White Mage to level the battlelield by removing stanrs benefits an enemy may bc using on itselfland 'Reflect" causes most magic spells cast on the party to be bounced back at the enemy rvho anempted to cnst it. While the prcsence of aWhite Magc limits the amount oldamage the pmty can inflict on the enemy, it also enables the party to survive battles much easier WhitcMagic abilities learned through this drexphere will be usetul throughout the game.

During combat, use the "Pray'ability during each combat turn to restore small amounts ofHP to the entire parq', even ifsuch restorarion isnot required ai the time. If the pary is sustaining heary damage, use "Cure," "Cura" or "Cunga" spells to cure one or all parq members at once.Cast'Protecl' to diminish physical damage, or "Shell' to reduce damage ftom mrgic.

i lAiIEPrayVigorCureCu raCuragaRege nEsu naDispelLifeFul l -L i feShel lProtectReflectFull-Cu re

White Magic Lv.2White lvlagic Lv.3

REOUINED A B II.ITIESN oneNoneNoneNo neCu raCuragaNon eEsunaN oneLifeN oneShe l lPr0tectRegen

VigorWhite Magic Lv.2



P0041 020401 01 21 8601 01 2't4


OESGRIPTI| |HRestore a little HP to the party.Restore some HP to the user.Restore a little HP t0 one 0r all party members.Restore some HP to one or all party members.Restore a lot of HP to one 0r all party members.Gradually restore one charactefs HP over time.Cure one charactefs status ailments.Negate all spell effects on one enemy.Revive one K0'd character.Revive one Ko'd character and fully restore HPReduce magical damage inflicted on the party.Reduce physical damage inllicted on the party.Deflect spells cast at the pafty back at the enemy.Fully restore one character's HP and cure statusailmenls.Cuts the lime required tor White Magic by 30%.Cuts the time required for White l\ilagic in half,










The Ladi' Luck dressphere trrnslorms a charactcr into I seductive and dcccptive

viren who can use her leminine wilcs to trke enemies ibr all thevre rvorth

Sincc the regulu attack power of this dressphcrc is some\lhrt lorv, the

" r i c r i ' . n ' . o r L r d . I k . c , ' i . d e p e d " r , r " "

- l ' , : . ^ 3

d , . e " r . p r r o i " e r ' e l . T . e T u D : e l - ' i n F ' b 1 " 1 . l ' | ' r ' k

to ro11 2 dice that determine thc number of quick, non clcnental

ittrck that the arget loc s'ill sufitr. "Four Dice" is cssentiallv thc same

atteck against an cntire partv of foes, exccpt '1 dice are rnled insterd of

2. These are the skills thit Ladl' Luck mus. resort to rvhen a foe is resilicnt

EXP" is sure to carry a Ledv Luck charrcter to leYel 99 in no time, rvhiLc

"Doublc Items'md "Gilhnrire" will have the cntirc Plrrtr rolling in gil and

During each combat fl,rn, practicc Any lorm olrcels and go lor the best

results possible. Stop the llrst reel on env icon, thcn trv to srof rlie rem'rin

nrg rcels on lhc .'xact s ne picture. lf rhc results are disastrous,

smply perform onlv phvsical attack lor thc rest of the bartle or trv

again. By doing so, the othcr chAracters can help the farr,r recover

before Ladl Luck stumbles into another biunder'


against normnl aftacks. The various "Reels" abilities providc further control over the

fbrccs of chance, since vou can iorm L,rdv Luck\ attrck bl stoPping ihc rccls on thrcc

identical icons. However, ilyou fail to stop the reels on rn eruct irio. rhc resulrs crn

be devastxting to \our allics instead ofthe enernies An ruro abilin like 'Double

I IAMEAttackBribeTwo DiceFour DiceAttack ReelsIVlagic ReelsI tem ReelsRandom ReelsLUCKFelicityTantalizeCriticalDouble EXPS0S Spel lspr ingGi l l ionaireDouble l tems


REOUIBE|) AB II,IT IESN oneNoneNoneTwo DiceNoneN onel\,4agic ReelsI tem ReelsNoneLuckN oneFelicityNoneFour DiceDou ble EXPGil l ionaire


AP040201006070801203040601 6 08030100100


0EscRtPf l0t{Attack one enemy.Offer gil to persuade 0ne enemy t0 leave the battle.Damage one enemy by rol l ing two dice.Damage al l enemies by rol l ing four dice.Spin slots to deal physical damage.Spin slots to deal magical damage.Spin slots to t r igger var ious i tem ski l ls.Spin slots to t r igger var ious ski l ls.Raise the user 's Luck.Raise the party's Luck.lnf l ict Confusion on al l enemies.Always inflict crltical hits.Doubles the amount 0{ EXP earned after battle.Reduces l\4 P cost to 0 when HP is low.D0ubles the amount of gil earned alter battle.D0ubles the number 0J i tems earned after batt le.

nory oamaqe m one enemy.

ATTACX RE ETS M A G I C R E E I SThese atacks come wlhdltlerenl spec al eflecls Thereels rotah rn ure ord,arshown be ow Nole howev-er lhatlhe slan position ojthe reel chanoes randomy

fleain0 and supp0rt typesare commoi amonq tneseresuls As was the case


n l l i l Sow on one enemy.

?lOE-"v"" ,Lower one efemys Str".nqlh by 2

Fedtice lhe panys NP by 3/4

tu y resrore rhs pari'/\ HP and MP

Ihs incudes bolh attackand hsalf0 ejiects Tnsreels rotale n lh"A positionsfoted below Note, howev-er, thal lhe start posl on 0i Deall0 conseculve altacks.

posilion chanqes ruf donly

Lower atlrbules oi one enemy.

a€6EEEO,EO-l3,IE T Oc€cEOr.-o,oIaca_q,gEcEc6 6 gC C Iacco_cEcEc

€o€EEEcoaoaoEOE969ECEo_,Eo?ecEEE0896€EccooccE9E9E9ITE M NEETS

o60EEECO]O. O Cnooero,o,EEEeccoooqnEoo,c€EOcogogEnceoEo,

s ale

rokks n the lo low nqorder bul lhe stan 0osllion

o66EEEcoo-@O,OlorafaaECTo,looccr lEeEe@ol

multiph dslers vs eii€cls on lhe parly

DealS cons€culve holy aliacks

She land Prolecton the parly



uamaoe a renem es.


l he FP o la l enemes by 1 /4 .

iire damage io al enemes

is aulomatica ly revived oncewhen K0d

damage on one enemys MP

nAilooM REEr.s {ffifccuc111:l

Tl r . l . ,b lp lpL .q ro t r a re oppo, lon d o n"d \0 t dnd mo.p

;;;:'r, rir I', jl !gu.r,+,'.

reslon lhe pany s lP and JvlP

C]OEyryryone efemy! Magic Delense by2.



When equipped in combat, the Trainer dressph€re calls a sacred animal into action. As the Trainer fights and learns abilities, the pet becomes capable ofa widemriety of spe1ls and actions to be used during batde. The abilities for each character are specfic to the personality ofeach eainer: Yunals dog, Kogoro,leams avari€ty of spdls that inflict a combin tion of eleEent l daoage ard status aiijneots oo an enemy. Ril(kut p€t mookey, Ghiki, helps steal items and gil ftomenemies. Paine's pheasant, Flurry, allows her to attack enemies with powerfirl blows tiat can r!flict status ailments or instandy KO foes. Each chatacter learnssom€ form ofCure and Esula spell, just lik€ a White Mage. All ofthe characters also learn some kind of special attack and sarcral beneficia-l auto-abiiities thathelp restore HP and MP outsid€ of battle. Ifyou think about ig a party of t}ree Tiainers is actually a very balenced crew, capable of attacking, defeatingenemies, and casting most gpes of spells!

During batde, have a Trainer attack foes to cause damage. Wheo the Tiainels HP drops or if she becomes inflicted with status ailments, use special skills torecover. Use tLe next round to cast protecdve spells to Fevent damage or status impairments. Between batdes, auto-abilities (such as "HP Strof and "MPStroll") will cause a charactert HP and MP to rccover depending on ho*, much 1ou walq so that healing between batdes is l€ss necessary.

IIAI,|EAttackHoly KogoroKogoro Blaze

Kogoro Freeze

Kogoro Shock

Kogoro Deluge

Kogoro StrikeDoom KogoroKogoro CureKogoro RemedyPound IHalf MP CostHP Strol lIVP StrollKogoro Lv.2Kogoro Lv.3

ItA EAttackSneaky GhikiGhiki GougeGhiki GaqMugger GhikiPesky GhikiBul ly GhikiGhiki lvledsGhjki PepGhiki CheerSwarm, SwarmlHalf IVP CostHP StrollIVP StrollGhiki Lv.2Ghiki Lv.3

llAlrlEAttackCanier FIurryPoison FlurryStone FlurryDeath FlurryFlurry GuardFlurry SpeedFlurry ShieldHP FlurryRecovery Flurryl\/laulwings!HalJ l\4P CostHP StrollIVP StrollFlurry Lv.2Flurry Lv.3


N one

N one

N one

N oneKogoro StrikeNo neKogoro CureDoom Kogoro-l\,1P strollNo neHP Strol lNo neKogoro Lv.2

RE (lUIRE II AB II.ITIESNoneNoneNoneN oneN oneN onePesky GhikiGhiki PepN oneN oneBul ly GhikiIVIP StrollNo neHP Strol lNo neGhiki Lv.2

R E q U T R E D A t . l I t I SNoneNoneN onePoison FlurryStone FlurryFlurry SpeedN oneFIurry SpeedNo neN oneDeath Flurryl\,4P StrollNo neHP Strol lNo neFlurry Lv.2

AP MP0 00 1 84 0 4



0EscStPT t0 t lAttack one enemy.Deal holy damage to one enomy.Inflicl fire damage and somelimes Darkness on0ne enemy.In{lict ice damage and sometimes Stop on oneenemy.Inflict lightning damage and sometimes Berserk0n one enemy.Inllicl water damage and sometimes Sleep on0ne enemy.Instantly defeat one enemy. Sometimes fails.Inflict damaqe and Doom on one enemy.Restore HP to one character.Cure one character of all slalus ailments.Call Kogor0's friends t0 gang up 0n 0ne enemy.Reduces IVP cost by one-half.Automatically restores HP while walking.Automatically restores l\,4P while walking.Culs the time required for Kogoro to attack by 30%.Cuts the time required for Kogoro 10 attack in half.

DESCRtPTt0t lAttack one enemy.Steal gil and damage one enemy.Inflict damage and Darkness on one enemy.Inf l ict damage and Si lence on one enemy.Sleal ilems and damage one enemy.Inllict damage and Berserk on 0ne enemy.Inllict damage and delay the actions of one enemy.Cure one character of all status ailments.Restore HP to one character.Raise 0ne character's Slrenglh and Defense.Cal l Ghiki 's f r iends to gang up 0n one enemy.Reduces lvlP cost by one-half.Aut0matical ly restores HP whi le walkin0.Automatically rest0res l\,4P while walking.Cuts the time required for Ghiki to attack by 30%.Cuts the time required for Ghiki t0 attack in half.

DESCRtP I t0 tAttack one enemy.Instantly defeat 0ne enemy. Sometimes lails.Inf l ict damage and Poison on one enemy.lnflict damage and Petrification on 0ne enemy.Instantly defeat one enemy. Sometimes fails.Restore one character's HP and cast Protect.Restore one charactefs HP and cast Haste.Restore one character,s HP and cast Shell.Restore some HP to the party.Cure 0ne character 0f all status ailments.Call Flurry's friends to gang up 0n one enemy.Reduces l\ilP cost by one-half.Automatically restores HP while walking.Automatically rest0res l\ilP while walking.Cuts the time required for Flurry to attack by 30%.Cuts the time required for Flurry t0 attack in half.




1 02400000

AP I IP0 00 1 24 0 88 0 84 0 1 2100 I1 0 0 840 1030 1080 12100 24200 02 0 02 0 08 0 0100 0

A P004060606060603040100200202080100

P084t o

201 01 01 01 01 02400000


The Mascot drcssphere is a special sphere gained by acquiring 'Episode Complete' in every arca during Chapter S_except for B€vel1e. Upon achieving all the

Episode Compbt;s, an extra "cene

*i11 *c;r wher! the Go "trgsieto-

to thitridge ofthe Celsius and obtain the Mascot &essPhere. However, ifZaoarkand

i" the last Episode iomplete acquired,lou will not gain the Maiot drcssphere for some reason. Make surc that Zanarkand Ruins is not the last Place you visit,

or you will be unable to acquire this valuable dressphere.

When equipping the Mascot dressphere, €ach character wrarc a costume modeled after the cuter, orddlier creanxes ia the game ln spite of the humorous

"pp""o.rl,',ir" ir"r-t *"ssphere is d"filritely one ofthe best. In addition to learning_a whole series ofuaique abilities with multiple efects, each character caJl

jrlo p; alr" "titiry,o

use th" abiiitie" oft*o lth"r drcssphens. The Mascot enables a.ll thee characten to be dwastating and helpftl at the same tirne, all while

defeating enemies in the proces.

Dudng combat, cast spells and use Mascot abilities to boost the party and weaken the enemies, then use normal attacks or the specizl attacks of other dres'

spherei to defeat enemGs. If ',our allies get inro rouble, use restorative and cwative abilities to btiog them bacL up to speed Any Party will tely heevily on the

Mascot to keep them going in the face of tough eriemiesl tlat is, unless you equip fQfr)r' chalacter with the Mascot dressPherc'

ltAliltAttacklVoog le Joltl\/oogle Curelvloogle RegenlVoogle WalllVoogle Lifel\/loogle CuremalVoogle RegenjaIVoogle WalljaIVoogle LileiaIVoogle BeamRibbonAuto-Shel lAulo-ProtectSwordplayArcana

TAMEAttackCait FireCai l ThunderCait BlizzardCait WaterPower EraserArmor Eraserl\ilagic Eraserl\,4ental EraserSpeed EraserPuPu PlatterRib bo nAuto-Shel lAuto-ProtectlnstinctWhite lVagic

TAMEAttackDark KnifeSi lence KnifeSleep KnijeBerserk KnifePoison KnifeStone KnifeStop Knile0uadet Knile

Arsenic KnifeCactling GunR ib bonAuto-ShellAuto-ProtectBush id oBlack lVagic

REQU IR E II A B II.ITIESNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneNone


REqUIRE|| AB II.ITIE INoneNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneNon eNone

lo"Non eAuto-ShellNon eNon e

A P0400000404040408099980808080

MP001 0t 81 8401 5


D E S C R t P T t 0 l lAttack one enemy.Restore l\,4 P 10 one character.Cure one character of status ailments and restore HPCast Haste and Regen on one character.Cast Shell and Protect 0n one character.Revive one KO'd character and fully restore HP and lvlPRestore HP and cure the pafty's status ailments.Cast Haste and Regen on the pafty.Cast Shell and Protect on the pany.Revive all party members and lully restore HP and MPDamage one enemy.Guards against all status ailments.Automatically casts Shell.Automatically casts Prolect.lJ se Warrior skills.lJ se Dark Knight skills.

0EscRtP I t0 t lAttack one enemy.Fire damage to enemies. Sometimes Pois0 n/Pelrification.Lightning damage 10 enemies. Sometimes Po is0n/Petrificatio n.lce damage to enemies. Sometimes Poison/Petrificati0n.Water damage to enemies. Sometimes Poiso n/Pelrificati0 n.Lower Strength of all enemies.Lower Defense of all enemies.Lower lvlagic of all enemies.L0wer lvlagic DeJense of all enemies.Lower Evasion oJ all enemres.Instant ly defeat al l enemies. Sometimes Jai ls.Guards againsl all slatus ailments.Automatically casts Shell.Automalically casts Protect.Use Berserker skills.^ ^ ^ + , . , h i + ^ - ^ ^ i ^ ^ ^ ^ l l ^| | r a g r u r p E r J .

A P00000404040404080s9980808080

P01 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 24800000


itP01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 0

1 09900000


0EscRtP 0 t lAttack one enemy.Inflict damage and Darkness on one enemy.Inf l ic l damage and Si lence 0n one enemy.Inf l ict damage and Sleep on one enemy.Inl l ic t damage and Berserk on one enemy.Inf l ict damage and Poison on one enemy.Inllict damaqe and Petriiication 0n one enemy.Inf l ict damage and St0p 0n 0ne enemy.Lower one enemy's Strength, Defense, lvlagic,and lvagic Delense.Instant ly defeat one eneny. Sometimes fai ls.Inflict heaw damage on one enemy.Guards against all status ailments.Automatically casts Shell.Automatically casts Protect.Use Samu rai ski l ls .Cast black magic spells.

REOUIREl} AB ItIT IESN oneN oneN oneNoneN oneNoneNoneNo neNone

No ne

No neAuto-Shel lNo neNo ne



You get Yunat special drcssphere duriry Chapter 2 while trareling the Djose Highroad just south of the temple during the mission to obtain three LeblancSyndicate unifoms. Tlrc tlree portions ofFloral Fa11a1 act as a three-member party. Some portions can cast protective spells oa the other parts, and each caninflict devastating magic attacks on enemies. To use Floral Fallal more often, equip Yula with the Unening Path Garment Grid, which only has two dressphetenodes. This makes switching into Yuna's special &essphere much faster, since she orly needs to change once before transforming into Floral Fallal.

It takes tw.o key items to enable the "Break HP Limit" and "Break Damage Limif abilities on Floral Fallal Auron Rair and Twilight Rain. Aurora Rain iscontained in a tr€asure chest inside the cave at the bonom of the gorge at the Calm Lands during Chapter 5. Twilight Rain is found in a treasuri: chest belowthe waterfalls at Besaid Island duiag Chapter 5.

I{A MEAtlackLib raHeat Whirllce Whir lElectric WhirlAqua Whir lBarrierShieldFlare Whirl

Great WhirlAll-Li{eRib bo nDouble HPTriple HPBreak HP LimitBreak Dmg. Limit

I{AIIIEWhite Pol lenWhite HoneyHard LeavesTough NutsMirror PetalsFloral RushFloral BombFal lal BombFloral lvlagisolFal la l MagisolRight St igmaRibbonDouble HPTriple HPBreak HP LimitBreak Dmg. Limit

I {AMEDream Pol lenl\/lad seedsSticky HoneyHalfdeath PetalsPoison LeavesDeath PetalsSilent White

Congealed HoneyPanic FloralysisAsh FloralysisLeft Sti0maRibbo nDouble HPTriple HPBreak HP LimitBreak Dmg. Limit

RIOUIREII AB II.IT IESNo neNo neNo neNo neNo neNoneN oneBarrierN one

Flare Whir lN oneNoneNoneDouble HPAurora Rain key itemTwilight Rain key item

REOUIBED ABII.IT IESN oneN oneN oneN oneN oneWhite HoneyN oneN oneFal la l BombFloral lMagisolFallal l\4a0isolNoneNoneDouble HPAurora Rain key itemTwilight Rain key item

REOUIREl| AEII.IT IE$No neNoneNoneNoneN onePoison LeavesN one

N oneCongealed HoneyPanic FloralysisNoneNoneNoneDouble HPAurora Rain key itemTwilighl Rain key ilem



AP01 00002001 01 01 020020302020






DESCRIPTI| | I {Attack one enemy.View detailed information about one enemy.Unleash a chain of f i re at tacks on al l enemies.Unleash a chain of ice at tacks on al l enemies.Unleash a chain of lightning attacks on all enemies.Unleash a chain of water attacks on all enemies.Guard fully against magical attacks.Guard Iully against physical attacks.Unleash a chain of non-elemental attacks on alle ne m tes.Inllict heavy damage on all enemies.Revive the party jrom K0.Guards against all status ailmenls.Doubles max HPTriples max HPAllows max HP to exceed 9999.Allows max damage to exceed 9999.

0E$cBtPT t0 t lRestore the party's HPGradually reslore the party's HP over time.Reduce the maoical damage inflicted 0n the party.Reduce physical damage inflicted on the party.Deflect spells cast at the party back at the enemy.nrat l-{retp nn tha nrrh/

Damage al l enemies and lower their Strength.Damage al l enemies and lower their Defense.Damage al l enemies and lower their Magic.Damage al l enemies and lower their lv lagic Defense.Damage one enemy.Guards against all status ailments.Doubles max HPTriples max HPAllows max HP to exceed 9999.Allows max damage to exceed 9999.

0EscRlPI l0l lInt l ict damage and Sleep on al l enemies.Inf l ict damage and Berserk on al l enemies.Inl l ic t damage and Slow on al l enemies.Halve the HP of al l enemies.Inf l ict damage and Poison on al l enemies.Instanlly defeat one enemy. Sometimes fails.ln{ l ict damage, Si lence, and Darkness on al le ne m res.lnf l ict damage and Stop on al l enemies.Inf l ict damage and Confusion on al l enemies.Inflict damage and Petrification on all enemies.Damage one enemy.Guards against all status ailments.Doubles max HPTriples max HPAllows max HP to exceed 9999.Allows max damage to exceed 9999.

AP00001 01 00

201 01 020020302020


You get Ril<ku's special dressphere during Chapter 2 while investigating the Oasis at Bikanel Desert during the mission to obtain three Leblanc Syndicate

uniforms. The tlfee portions of Machina Maw act as a three-member party. Each portion can cast protective spells on the other parts, and each can inflict

der.astating physical attacls aod status impairments on enemies. To use Machina Maw more often, equip Rikkr with the Unerring Path Garment Grid, which

has only two drcssphere nodes. This makes switching to Rikd:u's special dressphere must faster, since she only needs to change once before transforming into

Machina Maw'

To enable the'Break HP Limit" and'Break Damage Limit" abilities, you must obtarn the Machina Reactor and Machina Booster key items.The Machina

Booster is found in a treasure chest near the lift up to the Youth League headquarters at Mushroorn Rock Road during Chapter 5. In order to obtain Machina

Reactor, you must dispatch level 1, 2, 3,4 and 5 chocobos three times each ftom Claskot Chocobo Ranch at the Calm Lands out into Spira looking for items

In addition, all ofyour Choco-Runners must be level5. When you return to the ranch tatet Clasko reports that the chocobos found a secret dungeon at the

Calm Lands. The item is contained in a chest inside the dunseon.

llA lr, E

AttackRevivalDeath Missi leBio lvlissileBreak lvlissileBerserk Missi leStop lvlissileConfuse lvlissileShockwaveShockstormVajraRibbonDouble HPTriple HPBreak HP LimitBreak Dmg. Limit

i lAMEHowitzerSleep ShellSlow Shel lAnt i -Power Shel lAnti-Armor ShellScanShel l terProtectorHP Repairl\/lP RepairHoming RayRibbonDouble HPTriple HPBreak HP LimitBreak Dmg. Limit

I IAMEHowitzerBl ind Shel lSi lence Shel lAnl i -Magic Shel lAnti-Mental ShellBoosler0ffenseDelenseHP RepairlvlP RepairHoming RayRibbonDouble HPTriple HPBreak H P LimitBreak Dmg. Limil

REOUIRED A 8 I I . IT IESN oneN oneN oneN oneN oneN oneBerserk IVlissileStop lvlissileNo neShockwaveShockstormNo neNo neDou ble HPlvlachina Reactor key itemlvachina Boosler key item

RE(lUIREl| AB I I . ITIE SNoneNoneSleep Shel lSlow Shel lAnti-Power ShellN oneN oneShel l terN oneN oneNoneNoneNo neDouble HPlvlachina Reactor key itemlvlachina Booster key item

REOUIBED A B I I . I I IESN oneN oneBl ind Shel lSi lence Shel lAnti-l\4agic ShellNoneNone0ffenseNo neNo neNo neNoneNoneDouble HPlvlachina Reactor key itemlvlachina Booster key item

AP01 00001 01 01 0202030020302020


1 01 01 0'10


AP01 0'10

1 01 0202020000020302020

MP001 2't2

1 21 21 21 23636000000

MP1 21 21 21 21 201 01 000000000

l |ESCBIPTI{ l I IAttack one enemy.Revive one K0'd character.Instantly deieat one enemy. S0metimes fails.Inf l ict damage and Poison 0n one enemy.Inflict damage and Petrificati0n 0n one enemy.Inf l ict damage and Berserk on one enemy.Inf l ict damage and Stop 0n one enemy.Inf l ict damage and ConJusi0n 0n one enemy.Damage al l enemies.Damage al l enemies and delay their act ions.Damage al l enemies.Guards against all status ailments.Doubles max HPTriples max HPAllows max HP to exceed 9999.Allows max damage to exceed 9999.

DESGRIPTI| | I IDamage one enemy.Inf l ict damage and Sleep 0n one enemyInf l ict damage and Slow on one enemyDamage one enemy and lower i ts Strength.Damage one enemy and lower i ts Defense.View detailed iniormation about one enemy.Cast Shell on the party.Cast Protect on the party.Restore HP to one character.Restore lvlP to one character.Damage one enemy.Guards against all status ailments.Doubles max HPTriples max HPAllows max HP to exceed 9999.Allows max damage to exceed 9999.

DESCRIPTI ( | I IDamage one enemy.Inl l ic l damage and Darkness 0n 0ne enemyInf l ict damaqe and Si lence 0n one enemyDamage one enemy and lower its lvlagic.Damage one enemy and lower its l\4agic DeJense.Cast Haste on the party.Raise one character's Strength.Raise one character's Defense.Restore HP to one character.Restore MP to one character.Damage one enemy.Guards against all status ailments.Doubles max HPTriples max HPAllows max HP to exceed 9999.Allows max damage to exceed 9999.

ltl P

1 21 21 21 21 2301 01 000000000


Your 6rst chance to obtain Painet special dressphere is in Chaptet 1. FindTiomell at Macalania Woods aad speak to him four times and the dressphere is yours.The tfuee portions ofFutl Throttle act as a tluee-mem!:r party. Each porrion is specialized. The main body has elemental attack abfities, the Dertal Wingcan irflict status and damage on foes, and the Sinistral Wing enables )"ou to cast s;tus adjustrnents on Full Thmttle as a whole, as weJt as on enemies. To useFull Throtde more often, equip Paine with the Urening Path Ga'ment Grid, which has only two dr€ssphere nodes. This makes witching to paine's specialdressphere much faster, since she only needs to change ooce before transformiag to Fr Tlrottle.

To enable the "Break HP Limit' and Sreak Damege Limit" abilities, you must obtain the victor Primoris and Corpus Invictus key items. Victor primoris islocated on a ledge just over the side ofthe northemmost ctn e in thc Mi'ihen Highroad. To reach the item, ride a cliocobo to the spot and wait irt the gap fora.few seconds undl the chocobo offers to go. Finq the chocobo will fly up to opeln a different chesr, but ifpu repeat the process, ii ull fly into the ch"asm toobtain the victor Pdmoris. Corpus Invicitus is located in one of the chests inside the s€cret dunge."

"r'trr" fi.t""a"t pians. During Chapter 5, go to the

Thunder Plains aad defeat a[ oftle freds attacliry the lightning towers. Afterward, rn Al Bhed ;an wil offe. to tuk" yoo to th" ," dungeon. After frnd-ing Cid in the dungeon, explore firther and open secret stone r%lls to urcor,.er the chest with Comus Invictus inside.

ilA EAttackFrightAestuswinterkillWhelmenLCVIN

WisenenFiersDeethAssoi lSword DanceRibbo nDouble HPTriple HPBreak HP LimitBreak Dmg. Limit

TAMEVenom WingBl ind WingMute WingRock WingLazy WingViolent WingStill WingCrazy WingStaminalvlettleRe bootRibbonDouble HPTriple HPBreak HP LimitBreak Dmg. Limit

I {AMESteel FeatherDiamond FeatherWhite FeatherBuckle FeatherCloudy FeatherPoinled FeatherPumice FeatherMa'at's FeatherStaminaMettleRebootRibbonDouble HPTriple HPBreak H P LimitBreak Dmg. Limit

AP02000001 020202030020302020


| |ESCRIPII( I I I REOUIBED ABII . ITIESAttack one enemy. NoneDamage and confuse one enemy, while delayino its actions. AssoilDeal fire damage to one enemy. NoneDeal ice damage to one enemy. NoneDeal water damage to one enemy. NoneDeal lightning damage to one enemy. NoneReduce one enemy's HP by 3/4. NoneDeal critical damage t0 one enemy. WisenenInstantly defeal one enemy. Sometimes fails. FiersDeal holy dama0e to one enemy. NoneDamage al l enemies. Fr ighlGuards against all slatus ailments. NoneDoubles max HP NoneTriples max HP Double HP

AP0001 001 01 01 000t 0020302020

itP1 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 200000000

MP1 21 2t o

t o

t o

t o


Allows max HP to exceed 9999.Allows max damage to exceed 9999.

Corpus Invictus key itemVictor Primoris key item

REOUIBEl | AB I I . I I IE SNoneNoneNo neNoneNo neNo neNo neViolent WingNo neNo neNo neN oneN oneDouble HPCorpus Invictus key itemViclor Primoris key item

0EscRtPT t0 l lInJl ict damage and Poison on one enemy.Inllict damage and Darkness 0n one enemy.InJlict damage and Silence 0n one enemy.Inflict damage and Petri{ication on 0ne enemy.Inllict damage and Sleep on one enemy.Inllict damage and Berserk 0n one enemy.Inflict damage and Stop on one enemy.Inflict damage and Confusion on 0ne enemy.Restore HP to one character.Restore l\/lP to one character.Revive one K0'd character.Guards against all status ailments.Doubles max HPTriples max HPAllows max HP to exceed 9999.Allows max damage to exceed 9999.

0EscntPf l0tRaise the party's Strength.Raise the party's Defense.Lower the Strength of all enemies.Lower the Defense of al l enemies.Lower the Magic of al l enemies.Lower the Magic Defense of all enemies.Cast Haste on the party.View detailed iniormati0n about one enemy.Restore HP to one character.Restore lvlP to one character.Revive one K0'd character.Guards against all status ailments.Doubles max HPTriples max HPAllows max HP to exceed 9999.Allows max damage to exceed 9999.

REOUIREl| AB I I . I I IESNoneNoneNoneNo neNoneCloudy FeatherNo neNo neNo neNo neNo neNo neNo neDouble HPCorpus Invictus key itemViclor Primoris key item

AP00001 01 01 01 0001 0020302020

FINAL MNDISY X-2 features combat and explomtion systems that are €asy to grasp, yet deep in management and customization. This chapter contarns 6111

eglanations of the systems you must learn and master to win the game. By reading this section thorougliy, you will become better prepared to dive into the

exciting fantasy world pre:enred ir rhis game.

R O L L E R I T E M SEnables you to view, sort, and use items and view key items. Refer to the"Items and Items Shops" chapter for fi:rther infomation on tie procure-ment and use ofitems.


W H I T E M A G I CSpells ard Abilities learned by equipping the ll4ite Mage dressphere canbe used outside of combat to restore HP, heal status ailments, and recoverfallen chamcters. This command only becomes a@ilable once the WhiteMage dressphere is obtained. See the "Garment Grids & Dresspheres"chapter for details on White Magic abilities.

EqUIPEquip or change the equipment of aly character Choose the Equip com-mand, then choose a character to equip. While in the Equip sub-screen,press the R1 or L1 bufton to switch to the next or the previous character.The Equip sub screen presents a firll status display for the chaJacter, where-upon you can view a complete list ofstatistics Guch as a charactert cunentHR MR Level, Strength, Magic, Defense, etc). You can also see the totalexperience gained and the amount required before a character will reach thenext level. The selected character's cuffent combat commands and auto-abilities are displayed in the lower-right corner of the screen. When youcharge a charactert &essphere and accessories, tie status, commands andauto-abilities possessed by the character may change. Decrease in status isindicated when any attdbute turns red; an increase is indicated by bluecolored attribute.


E N UThe Garment Grid sub-screen enables you to place &esspheres onGarment Grids. Select the Garment Grid to anange, then choose dres-spheres to insert in tie nodes on tie Garment Grid. In the lower-right cor-ner ofthe Garment Gnd sub-screen, the description ofthe garment grid isdisplayed. The description also contains information on any abilities orauto-abilities grined by th€ character when the g?rment grid is equipped.Blue, red, yellow and green symbols on Garment Grids indicate the locations of gates. When a character performs a sgherechange during combat,the Jine between the previous drssphere and the next one begins to glou:Ifa gate is located along this line, the character gains the associated abilityor benefit listed in the description. Select the Auto command and the ga,.newill automatically place a set ofdresspheres on the Garment Grid. Use theRearrange option to move one dressphere or switch tlvo dresspheres alreadyset on the Garment Grid. Remove An dears all dresspheres fiom the grid.Please refer to the "Garment Grids & Dressoheres" chaoter for moredetailed information on using Grmenr Grid" and gates.

I O N Sthe main menu while the pany is standinS in the feld.

dwing combat or ciaematic events.

A B I L I T I E SThis menu allows you to change the abilities that a character will

learn while using a certain dressphere. Select the Abfities com

rnand, then choose a chancter The sub screen displays a list of all

available dresspheres and the charactert progress percentage

toward mastering each. Also displayed are the character's status,

battle commands, and auto abilities. Move the cursor down the list

of available drcsspheres, and the character's status and commands

will change to show how each dressphere alters tie charactert sta

tus when equipped. Whil€ on this screen, you can switch to tle

next or previous character by pressing the R1 or I-1 buftons.

To select abilities to learn, highlight a dressphere and press the X

button. On the list of abilities, highlight the $iliry you want to

leam nert while the dressphere is equipped and press the X button.

Doing so highlights the abjlity in a swirling yellow color Any

Ability Points (AP) gained while the dressphere is in use will then

be applied to the selected ability. Whne viewing this screen, press

the R1 or L1 buttons to scroll to the next or previous dressphere.

Read the "Garment Grids & Dresspheres" chapter to lean more

about the various functions ofthe abifities of all the dresspheres.

C O N F I GThe Config menu features several options that enable you to alter the gameplay experience in rarious ways.

Spherechanges: When a character changes &esspheres during batde, the battle changes briefly to "Wait" mode and a short transformation cin-

ema plays. This option allows you to change the length of the cinema. When the function is set to "OFF,'

each transformation is shown only once in its entirery. Thereafter, the character transformation is instaotaneous.

AIB Modq When set to 'Active," this function allows enemies to attack continuously regardless ofwhat you're doing. When set to "lryait,"

time pauses rahile you choose abilirie. or items to use.

AIB Speed: Batde timer gauges will chage more quickly or more stowly depending on how this option is set. The change also affects Enemy

turns, lor better or worse. Slowing down batdes allows for more time to enter combat commands for each character

Cusor: In the "Default" setting this option resets the cursor to the top option ofeach batde menu, item listing, and ability listing, but when

set to Memory the cursor is set to the last command issued or the last item or ability used. The Memory function males it faster and easier to

repeatedly cast the same spell or use the same ability.

Batde Help: The help window displayed at the top ofthe screen dunng a batde crn be tog-

gled on or off.

Vibration: The vibrating firnction of the controller can be turned on or ofi

Subtides: The subtides thrt appeff at the bottom ofthe screen during scenes can be tumed

on or off

Subtide Names: Shows or hides the name of the speaker when each subtitle is displayed

during scenes of dialogue.

Guide Map: Toggles the guide map normally displayed in the upperJeft corner of the screen during field mode on or ofl The on screen map

provides an oudine shape ofthe surounding ara, maling it easier to spot side areas, entances, and exits

Sound: Changes the quality ofsound to best suit televisions witl stereo or monaural sound.

Screen Position: Corrects screen position erors that may occur on some smaller televisions. Move the cursor to highlight the Adjust option,

then hotd the Square button and use tie D-pad to adjust the centering of the screen image. To return to the default position, highlight the

position and press the Square bufton.

A C C E S S O R I E SView and sort the accessories possessed by the party. Accessories

are equipped by using the Equip sub-saeen. This screen enables

you to view the descriptions of each accessory and to sort the

invemory For more information and a tull listing of accessories,

read the 'Accessories" chapter.

D R E S S P H E R E SThis option enables you to view the dresspheres in your possession

and read detailed descriptions of the abilities each one bestows on

a character equipping it.


of FINAL FANTASY X-2, the player assumes the awesorne challenge ofguiding a grouptalented ladies through a spectacular fantasy world. The story begins with the entertain-

lhat the summoner who defeated Sin in the previous game has shed her robes to become a spherehunter is an adventurer who travels Spira in search ofrare spheres that bestow new abili

ties on the user ard sooetrmes contarn ancient recordinqs from the world's mvsterious Dast. However, as

strange events begin to occur ard the political clirnate ofSpira changes, the hercines'quest becomes deeper

Throughout this joumey, your job is to glide the player char-acter group, or party, from location to location, searching for

items that will aid you in battle or enable new abilities in com

bat. As 1ou pass through areas, the screen may suddenly freezeand shatter as enemies appear and attack the party. Such random battles are called "encounters.' As you conquer

enemies, tle characters gain Experience Points (EXP) and Abiliry Points (AP) that enable them to learn new skills

and fight with greater speed and prowess. When certain events are triBgered, the party must fight and defeat one

or more unique enemies ofsuperior strength and attack abilities, refered to as "bosses.' Each boss defeated brings

you one step closer to the conclusion of the quest.

C O M P L E T I N G T H E G A M EAs 1ou complete chapters and engage in the el'Ents of Chapter 5, which feanues some of the most powerfirlboss monsters in the game, you will drrw doser to the 6na1 conGontation with the enemy known as the 6nalboss. Ifvictorious against this eoemy, tle story completion percentage points are talied and weighed againstrarious decisions made at crucial points in the game. Thereaftel you will view one of many endings tlat bestreflects your progress and choices durilg the game. FDI4L MNI4S{X-2 \s a game in which you carurot experience every er.ent in a sirgle game, due to the fact 1ou must make choices that aff€ci certajn scenes. However,with diligent exploration ard completion ofcertain side quests, it is possible to accumulate all 100% story com-pletion in a single ga$e. These are all aspects of the grme that you must k€ep in rnind while plafng.

RATIONthe game, you must navi9te the marn character, Yuna, through various areas in search of itemsquest. Yuna r€presents the position ofthe entne party on the map. The rest of the party, tuklo

S T O R Y C O M P L E T I O NProgression tbrough Flr',4Z FAI\WSY X-2 is also measured by a new story completion rystem. As the pmty

visits various locations in Spira, scenes car be triggered by moving to certain spots or by speaking to certainnon-player characten, or NPCs. During some scenes, the game awards completion percentage points. These

points are displayed whenever you sar€ or load your game, and enable you to track the total amount ofthe game

thrt you have experienced. Completion points factor into the ending you will view at the end of the game.

C H A P T E R SAnother new method FIr',4Z E4ILUW X-2 lses to track progress is the "Chapter" s'stem. When tle game begios,you start Chapter 1. A&er visiting a f€w key locations, marked on the airship Celsiust maps as "Hotspots,' the storywill progress to the point where visiting additiond locations will enable you to a&ance through the chapter. Once achapter is completed, new events, items and enemies become arailable in all areas of Spira. Thus, you can complete achapter very quickly or very dowly, whichewr you prefer. Be warned, however, that if you jump ftom Hotspot toHotspot without visiting other locations in between, the game's dimcdry wil increase dramatically.


not appear on-screen until a cutscene or a batde is triggered.

Knowing how to search wisely and effrciendy can reduce game time. Items that you can 6nd

arc contained in teasure chests. Some treasue chests are positioned in obvious locations

and are easy to locate. Other chests a;e cleverly tucked behind obstades that make them

difficult to see. As you mor.'e the player character around some areas, you'll notice that the

camem mor€s relative to the character's position on-screen. Sometimes ifyou move to the

forw:rd portion or reat of an area, the camera will s,witch to a new position, enabling a di1-

ferent view that reveals the location ofa hidden or obscure treasure chest or item For this

reason, it is important to move the player character all around a map as you cross drough

While exploriq areas and defeating enemies, itt important to touch the blue, glowing Save

Spheres scanered tlroughout Spira. Not only does a Save Sphere enable you to preserye

your game progress, it also rcstores the entire party to full HP and MP and heals status ail-

ments. Save Spheres enable your party to remain strong even while passing tbrough dan-

gerous areas where random encouoters are frequent and draining on dre chsacters' health

As you progress from one chapter to tle ner.t, each area becomes refilled with all new treasure

chests. Sometimes the exact same chests become reflled with new items. Other chests will dis

appear at the end ofa certain chaPter, whether th€yve been opened or not, and new chests wi

appear in completely different locations on the map. For this reason, it is important to revisit

every location in every chapter With this method, you can supply the characters

with enough items and accessories to carry them through any batde.


N O N - P L A Y E R C H A R A C T E R SDuring your exploration of Spira, speak to

local citizens and shop clerks standing or

walking around the area. These NPCs

include any character who does not becomean active Iighter that you can control in the

combat parry Therefore, NPC refers to

every person in the game except for Yuna,

Rikku, and Paine.

By speaking to NPCs in every location, you may come to understand the history and purpose of

each region. If the person is an important or key NPC, 1ou may actually trigger a dialogue event

by speaking with them. Dialogue events may dilrrlge clues as to what tasks you should be per-

forming to benefit the r€gioo or your party. These scenes may also signal the start ofimportatt

missions. By completing missions assigned to you by NPCs, you will develop stronger relationships

with these characters that should prove mutually benencial to 'our Party in terms of gaining new

items, dresspheres, accessories, and Garment Grids. So dont hesitate to help out strangen you

meet in the wildern€ss, because good deeds shine back on you even if it may trke a while.

t . : , ,

NG THE PARTYwhile walking in the fre1d, your job is to keep Yun4 Ril&r, and Prhein preparation for the n€xt encounter. Press theTriargle bufton to open

the options to consume items for the restoration of Hit Points (HP)

o/ to remove strtus ailments inflicted on your characters by enemies,

after batde. Equip your characten with Garment Grids that benefit

your characten with additional abilities and auto abilities. Each character can also be 6tted

with up to wo additional accessories that enable abilities and benefrcial auto-abilities for use

in combat.

Perform such management activities continuously as you progress in the game to ensrre

that all oflour characters are prepared for any sudden encounters with frends or foes that

,re dificult to defeat.


Each diessph€re bestowx the character who equips it with amazing combat skills, but also limitations. For instance,a White Mage can heal the entne party every single round without consuming MR but is incapable of attackingtie enemy A Black Mage can perform powerfirl spells that inflict damage on enemies, but is nomally incapableof performing phlsical anacls. A Warrior can use physical anacks as wel as magica y-charged sword skills, butcannot cast spells like a Black Mage nor heal like a White Mage. AThief has th€ ability to steal items and money,called gil, from enemies. However, the physical anacks of a Thief are far less damaging than those of a Warrior

Due to these strengths and weaknesses ofall dresspheres, itt important to equip your characters so that thetkee can combine their abilities in ways that compliment one another. One of the better combinations ofdresspheres to equip for any boss batde is Black Mage, White Mage, and Thief With this trio, the WhiteMage will keep the party healfiy wtrile the Black Mage damages the boss for massive amounts of HP withspells. Once the Thief steals rare or normal items from the boss, she can assist the Black Mage in defeatingthe boss. This isjust one example of how dresspheres can be equipped among the three characters to balancethe abilities of the party for greater combat ef{iciency.

Because any character can change to a more suitable dressphere in the middle ofcombat, there is no reason to remain tied to one particular set ofabfities. Forinstance, if a Black Mage runs out of MP ard does not ha\,e the means to recover spell casting points, change to a dressphere such as Warior so that the char-acter can continue to aftack every round without need for MP To be best prepared to change your characters' dresspheres during combat, pay aftention to theDlacement of dressDheres on each of the character's Garment Grids.

L E Skey to chancter development and game progression. Batdes occur rrndomly as you cross

or they can be triggered by cenarn events or by contact with certain characters. Random bat-wtaker enemies. All enemies are listed in the "Fiends and Enemies" chapter with statis-

strengths and weahesses. By using an enemy's weahesses against it, you should becomeenemies easill

Unique enemies of particularly powerftl strength and litdewEal(Jless that are encountered through events are called bossmonsters. Such enemies are also detailed in tle "Fiends andEnemies" chapter. However, the "Chapters' walkthrough sec-tion also contains detailed strategies for overcoming such foes.

I N S I D E T H E B A T T L E !The rest of this section describes, step by step, how to fight a batde and adjust your strategy to overcome enernies in a quick and eficient manner every time.Tirrn by turn, we'll describe how to enter a battle, how to obsewe enemy behavior, and how to rise to the chalenge.

:. Garrueqt'Grids have nodes whereupon you can set dresspheres. Each character can equip one dressphere ati a:time. You ran change the dressphere equipped by the character between batdes using the menu, or in the! niidst oftarQ by pressing the L1 bunon during the charactert combat turn. Wh;le a character has a dres

,,.-' ,,1!b5 "1.r'.rF"a, she can learn and perform a certain set ofabilitie




C O M B A T T U R N S A N D R O U N D SWhen combat begins, the flow ofbattle commences in tums and rounds. Each character's AIB Gauge is displayed in the lower-right comer of

the combat menu. When the timer gauge fills completely the character becomes entided to a combat tum. On a character's tum, yorr can use her

personalized menu to enter commands to be executed. When an enemy attacks or performs ar action, it is also refeffed to as their tum. Due to the

AIB slstem, some draracters or enemies can hare multiple tums before the end of one combat round

I N I T I A L A C T I O N SDuring a character's tum, the command menu is displayed in the lower-left corner of the

screen. The commald menu is tailored to the abilities ofthe &essphere that the character

is equipped with. Use the D-pad or aralog stick to h.ighlight a command, and press the

X bufton to select it. The cllafacter will then ex€cute the commmd chosen.

Most dresspheres enable the user to perform a simple physical Attaclc Start the baftle by

anacking ar enemy, and watch the rcsults.

If the eremy sidest?s your fust attack andyou see the word "MISS' appear on-screen, itmay just be luck on the enemy's part. Tryanother atta& on your next turn, and see ifyou can cause some damage this time. Ifthe attack misses the enemy agah, it may be that the foe

possesses a high Evasion. In that case, you should resort to ushg magic sPells to attack, because

they rarely miss. If spells are not at lour disposal, there are abilities witi status effects a!"ilable

on c€rtah drcsspheres that enable you to slow down an enemy or reduce its Evasion lfsuch aa

ability proves effective, you should be rble to attack the enemy and land a hit

lfyour phlsical attacks land on the foe, but the enemy suffers minimal damage, it may be that

the enemy bears a high Defense. Again, 1ou should switch to magical aftacks to compensate for

the enemyt high Defense. Ifyou cant hurt foes one ay, you can surely hurt them another way.


Once the trarrsformation is complete, a BlackMae shoufd be immediately rcady to cast

spells. On trer tum, op€n tlrc Bla& Magic

menu and select a spell to cast. When using

magic, you can turget one foe or all foes. To target the entire enemy party with a sPell, move the

anrlog stick lefl until flashiag arrows appear next to the names of all the enemies. Targeting a

spell at multiple enemies will reduce the effect of the magic, causing less damage to foes.

Cating a spell requires additional time to prepat. Once 1ou've chosen a spell ard commanded your

charaaer to perform this action on he: turn, a second gauge appean next to her name on-screen.

When this gauge 6lls, pur character will unlersh the magic you desire. Unfortunat+ enemies have

j i t i ' r i i ' r , r ' , r ,

i r--z

1 A

C A S T I N G M A G I CIfyou've determined that an enemy is invulnerable to physical damage, it! time to switch

to magic. You cant cast magic until you find suitable dresspheres such as White Mage and

Black Mage. Both of these dresspheres are obtained by completing missions in Chapter 1 .

Ifa character is not already equipped with the Black Mage dressphere at the start of dle bat-

tle, use the spherechange command to change dresspheres. Duing a character's tum, press

the L1 button to access the characterbspherechange menu. You can select and tansform

into a dressphere that is one node away &om the one currendy equipped. Change to a Black

Mage, who can use atta& magic.

the ability to afect the time required for a

Black Mage to cast a spell.Ifan enemy attacls a Black Mag€, the timer guge will stop 6ll-

ing for tle time it takes for your character to rccover her posture following the force of the

blow. If a mage's gauge is firll and the enemy attacks at the moment your chracter tries to cast

the spelt this can delay your action for another 6. l second. You can reduce the time required

to cast spells by leamlrg abilities such as Bla& Maic Lv.2 aad Black Magic Lv3

When the Bla& Mage finally casts a spell, watch the efects. If tie enemy or enemies suf-

fer signifrcant damage as a result ofthe spell, then magic use may be a more suitabl€ strat

egy than physical attacks.

E L E M E N T A L P R O P E R T I E S O F M A G I CBlack Magic spels and other abilities that use the powers of Fire, Blizzard, Thunder, and Water all operate

on elemental properties. As long as a foe does not have any inherent resistance to a spell, this doesnt affect

a chaJacter's ability to damage it with magic. However, some enemies have the ability to halve damage fiom

cenain q?es of magic, or they may even be irnmune to tle effects of a certain element. Enemies may even

be zble to absarb certatn elements, thereby receiving healing effects fiom the spe1l!

For all these reasons, it's important to understand the elemental strengths and weaknesses ofyour foes ahead

of time and use magic wisely. A Gun Mage can use the Scan abiliry to determine the elemental strengths

and weaknesses of any unkno\4n creature, so it is extremely helpfi:l to have r Gun Mage present when using

Black Maeic.

M A G I C A L P R O T E C T I O NIf neither magic spells nor physical attacls are causing normal amounts ofdamage to a foe, it is very Iikely that

the enemyjust has high Defense and Magical Defense. You can check this by usiq r Grm Mage's Scar abili-

ty. Any status effects that the enemy is cunendy benefiting ftom will be displayed direcdy under its main data

in the upper ight-hand windovr. Ifthese benefits are the result ofa spell or special ability, then you can remove

these effects with a Wlite Mage's Dispel spel! a Dispel Tonic, or other items and abilities that allow the user

some form ofDispel.

However, some enemies benefit &om these status effects permanend)r For example, a foe may be in a constant

state of Haste, or may be sheltered by a constant Protect effect. Use the strategies described below to counter

whaterer benefcial stams rhe enemy has.

P R O T E C TReduces the amount ofdamage received ftom phl,sical attacks. Use Dispel or cast spells to increase Strength.

S H E L LReduces the amount of drrnage receir,ed from magic spells. Use Dispel or cast spells to raise Magic.

R E G E NRegenerates small amourts ofHP gadually Us€ Dispel or attempt to inflict Poison status.

R E F L E C TSpells will bounce back to the opposing side. Spells can only be reflected once, so cast Reflect on your own party members. Target your spells at your parry andthe spell will bounce off to damage the enemy. You can also cast Dispel on the enemy.

H A S T EThe speed of the enemy is raised to such a degree that it attacls more ftequendy during batde. This can be nullifred by casting Dispel on the enemy Another taaicwould be to cast Slow on the enemy, which repJaces the enemi€s'Haste effect with dre Slow effect.

CHAIN ATTACKSIf two or more characters in the party execute their attacks, spells, or abilities consecutively, a "chain attacli isformed. Chain anacks cause greater damage to the en€my than usual, and provide a way to maximize physicalattacks. Each chain aftack causes slighdy more damage than the last. Thus, ifyou caa string together a series ofconsecutive anacks, the damage will increase more than the normal amount ofdamage inflicted by a lone attack.The easiest rrrray to do this is with a Gunner's Tiigger Happy abiliry With three Gunners in the party, you may beable to execute tlree consecutive Trigger Happy aftacks and never let the enemy have a tum!

Aftacts do not have to strike the target at the exact same time.A chain attack will occur as long as the second attack occtnsbefore the enemy fully recovers its normal posture after the6rst aftack

Enemies are also capable ofusing chain attacls aginst your characters. Ifone or more enemies aJe attempt-ing a prolonged chain aganst one of lour characten, ry to break the chain by attackingthe enemy. But

{emember, some enemy chains cannot be interrupted.

RE C OVERYAftu ar attac! damage has usually been done to 1'our parry Hit Points can be recovercd by using

the Pray or Cure abilities of a \\4ite Mage or by consuming Potions, Hi-Potions, X Potions,

\4.9-Podor,. or Megali'J,.

Using either spells or potions to recuperate requires e{tra time to prepffe and execute, so dont

let your chnracters drop to low HP before healing drem. When characters drop below 25{o of

their ma-.{imum HR the;r HP display tums ydlow and they stumble in pain Administer

recovery spells or items immediately to avoid a "KO." Casting Life magic or using Phoen;x

Down items can revive fallen characters, but you'Il need to use one turn to revive and yet

another turn to heal, because a character rarely

comes back to life in good condition. Avoid

the hassle of KO by staying above critical status.

Stronger restorative items should be reserved for the latter stages ofthe game, where mally ene-

mies have the ability to talc down lots of HP with single attacks Unless the enemies are reducing

the HP ofyour characters close to zero during every single round, there is no reason to recover HP

until an emergenry situation arises. Use yourcombat turns to attackenemies, and tend to the mat

ter of healing characters and removing status ailments between baitles.

S T A T U S A I L M E N T SEnemies are capable ofafeaing dre combat abiJides ofthe cha.'acters by usir, g attack u spells r\at

iniict status aillrents. Once a chaiicter is aft-ected by a status, achieving victory is more dificdt

Once afilicted with a status ailment, imns will appear ortr tie charaaers'heads Characten may

also flash in strange colon to indicate some kind ofafiliction.

Ifa character becomes partially disabled by status, use tie affected character's nerr.t nrm to con

sume a curative item or cast an Esuna spell. An Esuna spell will remove most status ajlnents

from a character, but the MP cost and ettra time required to cast tle spell make this a less

attactive option in the heat offast-paced batdes.

Items can be used to c re status ailments more rapidlv but also take a cenaifl amount ol time

to use in battle. A Remedy item takes care of all the same status impairments as an Esuna spell. However, Remedy potions caanot be Purchased 2nd

are dificult to find in the early stages ofthe game. You can easily purchase status-specilic cures such as Antidotes, Eye Drops, Echo Screens, etc. at

most shops to remove what ails your party.

lfyou determine that an enemy is susceptible to my gpe ofstatus ailment, dont hesitate to inflict the enemy with some ailment ifpossible

ln addition to a G,rrment Gr and a Dresspherc, crch Culliving crn cquip nvo rccessories tiom the Equip sub screen.,\ccessories are a npe oiequipment

that benefit the chrrrcteedbr ' fends'Somcecccssor icscanalso.rddt I rebenefto|c.rstu lgspe1lsorusnlgaddi t ionaLlbi1 i t ies,Wlrensinqacccssor

they lirant is thev can be verv helphrl throughout the g,rne.

,)t , l| | . ,( )

tt)| | l1 )r )- (

The unique .rnd tough opponents Lronn rs "bosses usLr.rllv drop .rccessories. Sometirrcs, horvcrer, e

chractcr crn stc rccessories fiom cert.iin ie ds. Accessories rre lound in manv ofthe trersLre chestsL;catcd throughout Spira. Basic rcccrsorics .trc nrld at most shops throughout Spirr, a1so. Is vou progres

thlrugh thc gamc, bcttcr shops bcgin to scll bctter arccssorics. Horvcvcr, iti so .r mrner of keeping urr ^ . 1 , - i r ] . r ] . " , i - 1 . , , - . , . 1 , , - -

After acrluiring some accexories, press ihe liiangle brLrron ro cnrer thc }lxin Nlcntr end opcn thcAccexor ies sub screen. Highl ight rnv accessor l on the l is t to ! !erv i rs dcscr ipt i rn. Whi lc . 'n r . . . \n i \ '

dcscriptior provides some insight into its tunction, rherc arc somctimcs hiddcn bcrcits o, pcnaltics thatcome with equipping m accessoq:lbu c,rn even sort the iccessorles mrnu.rlll or :Lutomatic.rllr:

'lb son

.rccessixies m.rnuJlrl press theXbutton. One cursor st.{vs'.rt thc x..csn)Nrou choo-.e to rnore and.rnoth-cr cursor xppears on scrccn. N'lorr thc scconrl cursor to thc acccssorr or rhc slonvhcrc 1.Lr \mnt to tlxccthc acc€ssorv rvithin the list. I'ress the X burton rgain to molc rhe rccessorr'l'o sorr lutorraticaLlrt crncel out ofthe ll:ramine option and .hoose Sori. The accessories are then reorganizcd bascd on hrnction

Another ivav to vierv accessories is to equip thcnr on t chartcter in the Ecluit sub-'ercen. T, gct .r L'rn.rmer of holthrough the list of rvrihble rccessories. The description oithe accessorr .rpperrs .lt the rop of the screen.Anr auto-abilitics that thc rcccssov adds arc displalcd in thc bluc rvindo\v in thc l.lwc. rlght concr ofthc Lquif sLLb scrccn. Additionalh; wiich tof changcs in thc rharacter! srrtistifs, su.h lls Hl', ,\11',Strcng$, Defense, etc. When x turns blue, it neans the accessorl increirses the srat. ll r srrr mrnsred, equ; fp in i l dre accesson acn,al lv lorvers i t . \ \ rLen equippine iccessor ies, i t ' . r extrenelr In, fot . , r r r .considcr 1 olthe positivc and possiblr ncg:rtiyc ctlicrs thc ecccsson iyill havc on |1 ch|1rrcrer


Arn!l€lAnO€ Earr ngs


Afcafe Tom€Bead€d Bfooch

B a c k B e lB ack Choker

Pr0v des fcrsdible d€fense brl s n;sefab y heavy

Faises Nlag c by 10G!ards a0airstDeath.

Tf p es lhe aml]!ntolAP earnedllse Arcana abi tes eafl led as a Dark Kf lhtClts lhe lme requ red I0r Arcana by 409rGlards aoa nst Silence afd Darkness.

Ra ses Slfefqth alld Deiefse by 20.Grafds aQa nst l]onils on.

HP +100':i Deieme.l20[]a!c+120 A! ly 30 ALrto Wa['1a0 c -]0

Delense +5 fula_o c Del€nse +5DeathproolLr[k +]5 Ir p e APl\ilaq l] -12IVP +1oqb AQ ty -5 Tlrco AfcafaDeierse +8. [,'la! c D€fellse -8S'rse Pres€fverStrenqtlr +20 Delefse +20DeiBrse +4. [/a! c Defl]fse -4






l 0


l l125001 02500


B al]k LoreBlack Rir!Black Torne

Blind ShockB oodlust

Blue R n0B!shido LoreBLrshido TomeCatNip

Cals BellCeru ean Bin0Charnp on BeltClraos ShockCharrn Bang eCircletCr msof Rin0CrystalBaCrysta BangleCiy$a G ovesDelens€ BncerDelens€ VeilDiamond G ovesDra0onlly 0rb

Dream ShockE ectrocl]tioner

Faer e Eafrinqs

Favorite 0utftFi€ry GleaflrForce ol NatureFrcezerbutnFrry ShockGauntletsGlass Blck e

Gold Ank el

Gold BracerGo d l]airp IGr s-Gr s Ba!

Haste Banq eHeady Perfume

Hyper Wr $Hypno Cfowncy Gleamnvlncibleron Bano eron DLrke

LJse Black Magic ab tes earned as a Black N,'lagpN|] llles qnvity damage. llser can cast Deml.Black Magic requires 40'/. less time llseT can cast0sm0se.

Adds Darkress l0 aitacks and ski ls. llsef car castB nd.H0 l c n,/e1i01 sa d I0 rah' I' bea e g'1 t0 'tp deol'.

F]alves \{ater damage llsercan castWater.use Bushid0 abiliti€s l€ained as a Sam|]rai.Culs the tim€ req!ired for B!$id0 by 40'/..A seemirqly ordinary jellel, b|]lwhen llre g0 ng oets t0ugh .

Automallca y r€cover HP wh e \rya k ngC0nveds water darnag€ t0 HP llser can caslWat€IgaRa ses Strengllr and Delense by 40.Adds Confus 0n l0 attack & skills ljser caf castC0nfuse.E rn nales randOrn efemy encountersRaises N4ag c and N/ag c Delense by 10.C0nverts l re damaoe l0 l.]P User can castFlraga.Raises N/aqic by 50.Raises nrax flP by 100%Raises Delense by 60.Generales c0nslantSh€ and Prl]ted elhctsRalses lvaqic Delense by 20.Ra ses Delense by 40.Glards aqainslStop.

Adds S eep t0 atlacks and sk s. user can ca$ S eepAdds ll!lrlni|]O a|]d !!ater elem€nts t0 attacks and skillsIns gn a 0flrea lh All0!{s max l] P t0 exceed 9999Guards aga!f st C0nlusl0f and Berselk

Guards aqa f$ llchyAdds f re element l0 attacks ard ski sAdds a € ements l0 atlacks. Tlrns elem€nta damale t0 HPAdds fire ard c€ elemenls t0 attacks and skillsAdds Berserk t0 attacks afd skllls. User can castBerserk.Raises Stfenoth and Del€nse by 5Guards aoainslPoison and S eep.

Guards aOainsl Petrilicat on

Raises max NIP by 60%.Halves MP cI]stduring battl€.Guards againstCurse

Casts Hasle when HP ls ow.Leblancs secretweapon Daied, bLrt sl igood I0r a high.

Ra ses Slrefgtlr by 30.Ra ses Ma0ic ard l\4aq c Defense by 20Adds ice € emertlo attacks and sk sns gl,l a 0fdeslructl0f. AllOws max damage t0 exc€ed gg99

Ra ses max HP by 20%.F0rged ln the be elthal power is bt]ta number.

N/aglc +12HP +10%, [/P +10%, GravityproofN/P +10'/., Agi ty +5, TurboBlack N/ag cStrength 5, lVaglc +3 DarktouchHP 40%. l\4P -40 Slren0th +60[/a0ic 50, N/aqic Delense -50,K los So!l (qenerates a constantPo son and B€fserk stalrs onchafader durin0 balte)Nlaqlc +4 Water WardStrenglh +12HP +10'/., A0ility +5, Tufbo Bush doS0S ???? (charactef slr kes lor99gg damage wlren HP s ow)HP +15% l]P Slro|i/agic +10, Waler EalelSlrenoth +40 Delense +40Stfenqth 5 Mlaoic +5 Conlt]setorchLr.rck +10, No Enco|]flersN,4aqic +10 N/a0h Delense +10N,4aOlc +l0 Fire EalerN.4aOlc +50HP +100%Delense +60Alto Walll\ilag c Delense +20Del€nse +40Deiense +4. l\laq c Defefs€ +4,SlopproolSile|]Ollr -5, tr/ag c +3, S e€ptouchStrenglh +10, lll.,ryValef StrikeBreak HP LmtDefefs€ +8, N,4agic Del"nse +8.Sa|]lly Pr€serverEvas on +10, Luck +10, ltchproofStren0th +8, F r€slr ke0mnistfikeSrengtlr +10 Fire/lce Str keStrength -5 N,4a0ic +5 BerserktorchStrength +5, Delerse +5Delense +8, 1\4aqlc Delefse +BHealth Pf€serverDelense +4, N/aq c Delense +4StofeproolMP +600,/,Magic +20 HallMP CmtDefefse +4, N,4agic Delense +4.C!rsepfoolS0S HasteI\/P +200/0, Nilag c +5, Delerse +10,Mag c Deleme +10, Ag11]ly +2Llck +l0 HP/[/P StIoSlrength +30[/agic +20, Nlag c Delense +20Slrefotlr +B lceslr keBreak Dmg. L mlMP +20'1'HP +100% lVlP +100i; Slrer0lh +100,ly'aoic +100, Delense +]00 []laq cDelerlse +100 AgiiV+10Accuncy +100 Evas on +100 Luck +50










/50125001 0l 0

1 0250025003750t 0r 0002500300020002000t 0250r5001000

125002500l 0


1 0

r000l 01000

7501 0




37501 01 02500

r 000750l 01 0v506252500


NA 2000NA 20003000 750NA 10500 125NA ]O

Kaiser Knuckles Ra ses Strcngth by 50. Strength +50Key to Success T0bli5 !Lride t0 gettino all one's desires aitwhe the speed.

K nesis Badqe Gllards aqalnslSlow and Slop.

HP +100"/0, l\4P +10070, Luck +100,Doub e All (doub es AP EXP gil &ilems earned, and genera ellectivenessol recovery, elemental, &

".[9!:9H9.41&.!]!)- , * -Ddense +8, l\4aoic Defense +8,Time Preservef


Adds Slowto atlacks and skills.

"tair-i slt!-regc"irlr,-qtes.1!-$iqi --

- ----lff elgl'9C$.Tl.Cljl!_0_Ene]ll.rj9glro,_ _ .. . _ _Dramatlcally ifcreases magic pO$/er.. but |vhats the p0int?

l\4oon Bracer Generales constant Shell eflect.lvorta Shock Adds Death i0 atlacks and skills. lJser can casl Deatn.l\4uscle Belt Raises lEllsllanqPelenleby10. __

nooiSit.inciiio atticri ano iiilli. 0ieiian caiiSrenci. -'-

[/uteVeil iql:g!.r1qs1il.qllsglLrg

&!is,C:l!L6!1,-ftsue$!e-!L&_ljse lnstincl abililies learned as a Be6erker.

![cruJh J9_..-L]9[tru$g!!..-**---9I9tcluL5,.Ug,-qugNf_-MP +100%, Strenoth -80, l\.,laglc +100,Turbo Black [/agic, Gaif 0 AqGaif 0 EXq use any Black l\/agic

Strength -5, Slowtol]ch 375075010



Slrcnglh -6, l\4agic +5, Deathtouch NA 10

i!r$ll!9,!!Lsl$-{[-- --. ..- ._{q.q!F!cilt-:5,,-!ltcic-i!,-sjqu!q!![ . l5qq


vaiiloeterse-q0 *_

HP +607"Delense +20Strenqth +12


Nature's Lorelrlalurds lonreNu BlaeNuFrost


Oath Veil


Pretty orb



Cuts the tirne reqllired for Instind by 40'/0. HP +10%, Agilily +5, Turbo n$incl NA




Nullifies fire damage. ljser can casl Fira. l\4aqic +6, FireproofNu ifies ice damage. User can casl B izara. -[4!,0!-,! lc9!_oo' 8000

_[4a0c +6, Ligflnilqp'oof _ __ _4!!_lvlagic +6, Waterprool 8000l\4agic Delense +60

Nu ililies lightning damage. Ljser can castThundara.Nu ilies l]vater damage. user can cast Watera.




Raisesl\4agic Delense by 60. NA

Pixie Duslroip0utrl

Converts llgltning damage l0 HP tlser can ca$ Thundqaj---*Guards aoain$ Pointless.

Raises [,4agic by 40.Guards against Berserk.

Raises Strength by 40.Raises Strcngth by 20.

Slrcr4lf L4n NA 2500Sh.rrll- +?fl 6000

l\4agrc n0- Lrg-l 4g EatE _ 10000 _Defe|]se +4 , l\,4agic Defe|]se +4, 4000Po,nUessprool .__._Magic +40 NADdense +4, lvagic Ddense +4,Beserkproof

Delense +4, [i]a!ic Deiense +4, 4000Guards aqainslSlow.

Baises Luck by 100. Luck +100hsiqnia 0lmagic. Reduces l\4P coslt0 iero dLrin0 battre.Generates constant Regen effect.Halves lire damage. User can cast Fire.Raises l\4agic and l\/aqic Defense by 40.Casts Regen l]vhen HP is low SOsfesen _.._._.._ ___ _ -AS!_

Ribbon NATfJoo%

---- NA---

DeterG:llmsftT:e';nseiz -

loooo -

Guards against all siatus ailments.Raises max MP by 100o/0.Guards against Petrification and Death.

Lile Prcseruerffi Tr"to:Protect


"tte@ j=tense-CITffiIFarse,3d:- - \iI-*Super Ribb0n (generates a constantSlow effecl on characler)-Converts

Ightning and waler damage t0 HP. tttaqrc +tO lvlaqic Delense +10,

Spellspring _Auto-BegenMagic +4, Fire Ward

lraq-ttqtt,tagiaDe6nse +m----

Lit./Water Ealerl\4P +40%


t 0iolo750

Guards against Darkness.


JUU-tm-Bracer Baises ma( MP by 40%.Delense +4, [,4aqic Delense +4

C0nvens ice darnaqe t0 HP User can cast Blizaga. lvlagic +10, lce EaterStrenglhens spells but doubles their [,4P c0st. [,4agic +15, l,lagic Booster (increases NA 10

eflectiveness 1 .5x norrnal

Speed BracerSprintShoesStar BracerStar Pefdart

Stone ShockSiver G assesSnow RingSou olThamasa

S\,Vord Lore5W0I0 Ome

syitem stroit<Ta smanTari]t CardTetra Band

lelra Brace et

Teln GlovesTelra Guard

A!to'HasteAgility +10, F rslstrlkeAuto Rell€dD6ferse +4, N,4agic Delense +4,Po sol]prooiStrength 5, N/agic +4, StonelouchD€fense +4, [/agic Delense +4l\/lag c +10 lce EaterN,4ag c +15 Magic Boo$er (ncreasessp€lls elfeclveness I 5x the n0rrnalarnotlnt)Auto-flasteAg 1y +10 FirstStrikeAuto-RefleclDelense +4, N,,lag c Delense +4Po sonproolStrengllr -5, [4ag c +4 Sio|]etolchlVagic +10, lt/aqic Delense +10Fire/c€ Eat€fSlrenoth +12HP +10%, Agi iy +5, Tlrbo Swordp aySlrenotlr -10, Stoptouclr[/a0h +30Magic +20nalonco, ln [ / , . r nDfoiaF '1n

Tetra WardDelense +20 lr/aqic Defefse +20,Tetra EaterSlrcnoth +12, N/aoh +12, Telra$f keno loneo,15 [ / rn i . na fo .<o 116

Tetraprool[/agic +5 lvagic Defe|]se +5HP +40%Deiense +4, |i,4a0ic Delense +4Strength 5, Magic +3, Po soflouchS0S Wa lNilag c +8, WatenlrikeDelense +4, [1a! c Delense +4, Siencepr00llvlag c +12l\4ag c +4, he WardAg ily +5 [/P +1001, Trrbo Wh te Mag c

MP +20%, MP SltoHP 40%, 1\4ag c +80, Delerse 20,l\ilajos Sou (generates a constantPo son & Haste effecton character;B ack lt/agic spe s requ re 500/o lesstime to ca$); use any B ack fi/aoica reaoy earneo.Sttmgth +10|\lagic +4, L ghlnlfq Ward

Generales c0nstantHasle effect. User can castHasteoa.AL o-lhe oeo t i g o'oa ,p Lser Lo cJs Ha le.Gene rates c0nstant Rellect effecl.tiuards aqanst P0rs0n.

Adds Peirlcati0n t0 attacks & sk s. ljser can castBreakG!ards a0ainst Darkness.Converts lce damage t0 HP L.Jser can caslBlizagaStrengthens spells b|]ld0tlb es thelr [/P c0$

Generates con$ant Haste ellect User can castHasielaArt atlhe beglnnin0 0l batte l.lser can castHasle.Generates constant Rellect effecl.b!aT0s z0atnsI r0ts0n.

Adds petr flcati0n t0 atlacks & sk s. User can cast BreakConverts lire and ce dama0€ to l]P

tise Swordplay abililies learned as a Warrl0r.Cds lhe t me requ red I0r S\{0,rdp ay by 40'/..Adds Slop to attack and skillsRa ses lVaqic by 30.Ra ses l\/aolc by 20.Beduces Iire, ice, lqhtnlng, and water damage by hall.

ionvdrt Iire, ce li0lrtnin0, and wahr danrage t0 HP

Adds fire, lc€, ightning, and water io atlacks and sk s.Nullil ies fir€, ice, lightning, ard water darnage.

naise.s ti,taic and Magi; oefmse by s.Raises nrax flP by 40%.Guards aqa nst S eep.Adds P0ison t0 attacks and skills. User can castBi0.Casts She and Proleciwhen l.]P is lowAdds water elemenlt0 attacks and skillsGuards againstS enceUse White Magic abi t es learned as a White l\lage!alvps i' e dano0p. ljset r,an ' asl BlzardWhite lvagic req|]ires 40"/. ess tim€ Usef can casl0sm0se.

ALrt0rnatically recOver l\ilP whie Ylalk ngFr0rn ar ancieni lvar lvlakes its !s€r a spellcast ng machine.

Ra ses Slrenglh by 10.Ha ves ghtn nO damage. User can castThunder.



N A ] 0 .N A 1 0 ,NA 10 I4000 1000 '

NA 10NA 1O


l 0

625750i5037502500/50750r2500750t 0


1 0t 01 01000

1 075025001 0


125001 03750200015001 0

t 0

. : t ,


TiaraT taf um BanqleTwist HeadbandVenom ShockWa RifOWatery G eamWhite CapeWlrite LoreWhite n nqWhite Tome

Wizard Brace etWrin0

WristbafdYellow Rin0



1000 2503000 750


The term 'item' refers to any object that is obtained during the game that can be used during combat or in the lield to

bene{it your parry Dozens ofitems are tucked inside treasure chests located in various cities, dungeons, and wilderness

areas. You ca.n purchase many of these items from shops and merchants

throughout Spira. Monsters and enemies leave behind items when defeat-

ed in batde, and dditional items can be snatched from enemies by using

the Thief's Steal or Mug abilities. To view item desctiPtions and their use

in the 6eld, access the ltems sub screen.

Key Items are required in order to trigger ceftain events that advance the

story of the game, to access new areas, or to decode the letters of the

Al Bhed language. They are displayed in a separate menu within the ltems

I Recovery Yes Yes Restore HP, lvlP, cure ailments.

6 Attack ltem NO YES Damage enemies, inflict ailments.

r| Support ltem NO Yes Cast beneficial eflects on party.

I "Greens" NO Yes Capture and feed chocobos.


U S I N G I T E MTo use items in the field pressthe Tiimgle button to open the

menu. Chose the 'Item' optionin the menu, move the cursor tohighlight the appropriate item,

and press the X bunon. lA/hen

tlre character choice sub-menu

apP€ars, move the cursor tohighlight the character who

needs the item, and press the X

Items are generally consumable goods that benefit the party in some man

ner, during combat or in tle 6eld. Recovery ltems can be used in the field

or during batde to restore lost Hit Points or Magic Points, to remove detri

mental status ailments, or to revive characters who have fallen in combat.

Some items that fall under the rccovery category are Potions which are

items used to recover a charactert HP Attack items can be used to attack

enemies and inllict status ailments to reduce the combat abilities of mon-

sters. Status items are used to raise the combat abilities ofvour characters to

improve the chances ofsuccess in battle.

Using an item durir€ combat requires one ftJl turn, and the character who

selects the item cannot act asain until the next combat round.

F A S I I I E M M E I I U S G R O t t I l { GWhen y1ur pafty carries many items, scrolling tht1ugh theitem list line by line takes longer. ln the fast-paced battlesof FINAL FANTASY X-2, this can bec1me det mental t0your characters' survival. Whether you're in the ltemssub-screen 0f the menu or the ltem menu duing combat,press the R2 button to scr1ll d1wn one entire screen.Press the L2 button t0 scroll up one entire sueen. H1lddown either button to rapidly sct1ll through the entire list.

O R T I N G I T E M SItems are stored in the Items sub-screen in the order in which they are

received. To anange items in a manner that makes them easier to frnd and

use, such as during the huried pace of a batde, cancel out of the Use firnc-

tion and select the Sort tunction. Items can be sorted by Manual or Auto

methods. The Auto option afirnges all items in the order predetermined by

the game's design. The item Jists in this chapter are afianged by the sorting

ofthe Auto method.



button again. If fie character does not need the ben€fits of the item, a

buzzer will sound. If an item is designed to beoefit the entire party, flash

ing cursors will point to all thrce characters.

To use items during combat,

sdect the Item command froma charactert battle menu. Scrollup or down to the desired item,

then press tle X bufton to use

Ifyou want to make a certain item handier during combat, r-rse the Manr-Ld method. Select the itemyou want io move to r new location. When the item is selected, a second cursor appers. Move thesecond cursor to the slot on the nenu where you lvant to relocatc the itcm and press the X button

to move the item manually. Using this method, you can move items to blankslots or switch the loca

tions of anv two items.

l lame lhe name of lhe item as il ap[ears in the 0ame.oescrittion The use of the item.Buy The ilem can be purchased al a sh0p for lhe am0unl 0l gil l isled. ltems with0ut a n(mber ca[n0t be

b0ughl; lhey can only be t0und or stolen.Sell The amounl of oil an ilem can be sold l0r at anv sh00.Targel Single: The item allecls one ally or enemy: All: The ilem allecls all allies 0r all enemies*_ simu!!!I!-_o!$L_Ra4_q!Iil!-e i&rn_!qE_q!iv,9!_y.affecls all allies or eneryies:_

!P!l!nI l]i-PotionaX-Potiol

Restores 200 HP to one character 50 12Restores 1000 HP to one character. 500 t l x

2nFul y restores HP to one charactef NA --StfqLea Restores 2000 HP t0 each charactef. NA 375oEth,"r!TuIlqlllgrc Phoenrx Down

Restores 100 IVP to one characler NA 250 9rqriuAuiirAIsii

Restores 500 IVP to one characler NA100NA

750Be\/ives one characler from K0. 2,5

1000alVeoa Phoenix Bev ves lhe parly ior (0.FLly res ores 01e charac'e/" HP ard [/PFully re$ores the parlys HP and l\,4P

rElixir NA 12505000I NA


C!res Poison. 50 12Cures Pelrificalion 50 12

:, Cures Darkness. 50 12tEcho Screen Cures Silence. 50 1?

75tHo v Water CJres Curse. ltchy. and P0intless. - ,Cures al status a lments.

300I NA y5

Grenade Darnaoes all enemies NA 1225



a Grenades S-Bomb

Damaoes al enem es NADamages al enem es NA 50

s lV-Bombc L-Bomb

Damaoes al enem es NA 75Damaoes al enernles NA 100

Grenade Inllcls damaoe afd Sleep 0n allenemies. NA 500 Silence Grenade13 Dark Grenade

Inflcts damaqe and Silence 0n al enemles. NA 37lnflids damaoe and Darkness 0n al enemies. NA 37

Gr€nade nfrcts damage and Pelrificalion 0n a I enemies. NAo Bomb Deals lre damaqe to one enemv. NA0 Bomb coreo Fire Gemo Antarctic Windil Arctic Windo lce Gema Electro lvarbl."

Deals ljre damaoe to ons enemy. NADea s fire damaqe to al enem es NA RardomDea s ice damaqe lo ofe enemy. NADea s ice damaqe to one enem\/. NADeals ce damaoe to all enernies. NA RandomDea s ightnlng damaqe to one enemy. NA


Deals i0fl1i1g da-age r0 0le erery.Deals li0flrilg darag, r0 a lere'nips.Deals wa e da-agp lo ore erery.Deals water damaoe to one enemv.

NA 50 Sin0 eRandomYt!vlYS ngleA IRandomSlnol."

NAo Fish Sca e NA 25o Draoof Scale NA 50o !^iater Gemo Shadow Gem

Deals \{ater damao€ to a len€mi€s. NAReduces NP ofal enemies by 1/4. NA 50

o Shinino Gem Deals non elemental damaoe 10 0ne enemy. NA t5) l Do Blessed Gem Dea s holv damace lo one enemy NA

o Suoreme G€m Dea s n0n-€l,meftal damaqe t0 al enemies. NA 250 AIO PO|SON F lnf icls damaoe and P0ison 0n one enemv. NA 25o Si vero Gold

De avs the aclions ofone enemy. NA 25AIlhe actions ofa I enemies. NA 37

. Candle of Liie Casts Doom on one enem\]. NA 50 Sinqlea Farolane Shadow Sometimes inflicts 0eath 0n one enemv. NA 75 Sinqlec Dark l,4atter Deals maior damaoe to all enemies, NA 7500 Atla Chocobo Feather Casts Haste on one character. NA 40 SinqLea Chocobo Wino Casts Haste on the Dartv. NA 50 Aila Lunar Curtain Ca$s Shell on the Dartv. NA 45 Atla LiohtCurtain Ca$s Protect on the oartv. NA +c AtlI Star Curtain Ca$s Rellect on the oanv. NA 45 Atla Healino Sorino Casls Reqen on lhe oartv. NA 150 Atla lvlana Sorino Absorbs lvlP from one enemy. NA 75 Sinqlea Stamina Sorino Absorbs HP from one enemv. NA 75 Sinolea Soul SDrinq Absorbs HP and MP from one enemv NA 100 Sinqlea DisDel Tonic Ne0ates all sDell effects 0n one enemv. NA 70 Sinqlea Stamina Tablet D0ubles the max HP 0lone character. NA 200 Sinqlea Mana Tabhl Doubies the max IVP 0f one character. NA 300 Sinqlea Stamina Tonic Doubles the oarlvs max HP NA 400 Atla lvlana Tonic Doubles lhe oart\/s max lllP NA 400 Aila Twin Stars Reduces the l\4P c0$ 0lone character t0 0. NA 200 Sinolea Three Stars Reduces the Dartvs lVlP co$ to 0. NA i250 Atla Hero Drink l\4akes one character invincible. NA SinoleaGvsahl Greens lf vou oive ii to a chocoborestores 100 HP (Feedicapture ch0c0b0)NA IJ SinolelSvlkis Greens lf vou 0ive it t0 a choc0bo...; restores 100 HP (Feed ch0c0b0) NA tc Sinqlea lvlimett Greens lf vou 0ive it t0 a ch0cobo...; restores 100 HP (Feed ch0c0b0) NA LC SinqleaPahsana Greens lf vou oi\ie it t0 a ch0c0b0...: rest0res 100 HP (Feed chocobo) NA tc Single

T E M S..e displayed iA th€ Key Iterns menu ofthe ltems sub+creen. All Key Items are obtained by completing cer-

tdggering special events. Crirnson Spheres contain short movies r€lxtiJlg to the fate of the Crimson

ofthe Crusaders. Al Bhed Primen decode the language spoken by Al Bhed citizens. During conversa-letters ofthe subtides are corwerted to the common tongue ifyou haw an Al Bhed Primer in your

translates one or more letten. Spheres contain short movies that help to u*avel the m1stery of dre

stranger. You caJI review movie spheres at any time by spefing to Shirua on the bridge ofthe airchip

Celsius. Keys and objects enable you to unlock r"rrious chests and doors and erylore areas previously ulreachable.

Crimson Sohere 1 Ao0ears t0 be part 0t s0me kind 0l record.Crimson Sohere 2 Ao0ears t0 be Dart0fs0me kind 0f record.Crimson Sohete 3 A00ears t0 be oart 0fsome kind 0frec0rd.Crimson SDhere 4 AD0ears t0 be 0art 0fsome kind 0f record.Crimson Sohere 5 A00ears t0 be Dan 0fsome kind 0f record.Crimson Sohere 6 Aooears t0 be Dart 0fsome kind 0frec0rd.Crimson SDhere 7 A0oears t0 be 0art 0fsome kind 0f record.Crimson Sohere I Aooears t0 be oarl 0lsome kind ofrec0rd.Crimson Sohere I Ao0ears t0 be Dart 0f s0me kind 0l rec0rd.Crimson Sohere 10 Aooears to be Dart of some kind 0f record.Al Bhed Primer I Teaches the letter "A' in Al Bhed.Al Bhed Primer ll Teaches the letter "8" in Al Bhed.Al Bhed Primer lll Teachos the letter "C" in Al Bhed.Al Bhed Primer lV Teaches the letter"D" in Al Bhed.Al Bhed Primer V Teaches the letter "E" in Al Bhed.Al Bhed Primer Vl Teaches the letter "F" in Al Bhed,Al Bhed Primer Vll Teaches the letter "G" in Al Bhed.Al Bhed PrimerVlll Teaches the letter "H' in Al Bhed.Al Bhed Primer lX Teaches the letter "1" in Al Bhed.Al Bhed Primer X Teaches the letter 'J" in Al Bhed.Al Bhed Primer Xl Teaches the letter "K" in Al Bhed.Al Bhed PrimerXll Teaches the letter "1" in Al Bhed.Al Bhed Primer Xlll Teaches the letter "l\,4" in Al Bhed,

Al Bhed Primer XIV Teaches the letter "N" in Al Bhed.Al Bhed Primer XV Teaches the letter "0" in Al Bhed.Al Bhed Primer XVI Teaches the letter"P" in Al Bhed.Al Bhed Primer XVll Teaches the letter"0" in Al Bhed,Al Bhed Primer XVlll Teaches the letter "R" in Al Bhed.Al Bhed Primer XIX Teaches the letter "S" in Al Bhed.Al Bhed Primer XX Teaches the letter'T" ln Al Bhed.Al Bhed Primer XXI Teaches the letter "U" in Al Bhed.Al Bhed Primer XXll Teaches the letter "V" in Al Bhed.Al Bhed Primer XXlll Teaches the letter "W' in Al Bhed.Al Bhed Primer XXIV Teaches the letter 'X" in Al Bhed.Al Bhed Primer XXV Teaches the letter "Y" in Al Bhed.Al Bhed Primer XXVI Teaches the letter "2" in Al Bhed.New Beoinninos Sohere Led Yuna to become a sDhere hunterGaoazet Sphere F0und in lhe Floalinq Ruins at Gaqaet.Sphere Fraqment Halfola sohere. found in the Zanarkand Ruins.Awesome SphereLeblanc's Sphere

F0rmerly hidden arr\/ay in Kilikd lemple.Left behind bv Leblancs oano.

Reassembled Sohere Comoosed of two sohere fraoments.Logos\ Sphere Recorded by Logos in the Bevelle

Underoround.0rmis Sohere Recorded bv Ormi in the Bevelle lJnderoround.Gaol Sohete Found bv L0q0s in the Bevelle Underqr0und.

Noojs SphereGippa s SphereBarala 's SpherePa ne's SphereWar Buddy SphereBesaid SphereSynd cate Urliform (S)Synd cak Uniform (l/)Synd cate Unifornl (L)Letter of ntroductioir|1ow to Repair w th SoulThe Sp rit of RecyclingThe ABCs ol RepairRepair ng for DummiesE\/eryman's Repa r lVaf uaBesa d KeyDesed KeyTwi ightRain

A sph"r€ lrom LucrlA sphere lrom RilFound n Guadosa am.F0!nd nside Pa ne's spheTe Tecorder.A sphefe lrom Beclem.Found on Besa d ls and.f n d p c v n { l o h h n n c n n n n c

n ^ , d ! c v n { l o h , n . a . n ^ n a

a^ r tpev ̂ { | oh l rn i .e nnnne

Letter from Gippal to Nhadala.[/ay be usefu lor repair ng mach nes[/ay be usefu] l0r repairlng mach nesMay be useful lor repair ng mach nesllay be useful f0r repairng mach nesllay be uselul for repainng mach nesEngraved with the emblem ol Besa d.Found in the desert.Efables F oral Fallalto earn BreakDamage Lim t

Aurora Rain

lvach na.Booster

lVach na Reactor


Corpirs In\/ictus

Ca m Lands Discount Pass

Calm Lands Free Pass

Book ol Maqrcal Dances I

Book oflvagica Dances ll

Enables Flora Fa la to learn BreakHP Llm tEnables lr/ach na Maw t0 learn BfeakDamage Limit.Efab es Machrna N/aw t0 learn BreakHP LimltEnab es Fu I Throttle to learn BreakDamage L m tEnab es Fu I Throttle to learn BreakHP Limit.A lows bearer to rlde ho\iers atareduced lareA lows bearer to tide hovers lree0r cnarge.Enables Sofgstress to learnMP lVambo.Enables Songstress to earn[/ag ca luasque

S H O P L I S T SThe shops throughout Spira sell supplies and accessori€s to daring I'oung adventurers. During Chrpter 1, Jl shops ofler a minimum assortment ofgoods. As you progress through the game to higher Chapters, especially Chapter 3, shops begin to scll bcaer items.

To determine when the shops will sell i lems, reter t0lhe bar undernealh lhe shop screenshol. The blue highlightedchapler number indicates the shop is available; lhe lighter c0l0r signilies it isn'l available. CH3+ means il 's availablestarting in Chapter 3, lhr0ugh0ul lhe rest 0l the game


500 -Cli3+


Besaid 9000 -cH1

O ' A K A T H E M 1 ' I T C H A N T .A I R S I { I P C E L S I U S

PotonHi PotiofPhoenix Do\{nAftidoteEye DropsEcho ScreenSoftFlolyWaterWalery GieamBlre RinqNu Tide Ring



F ' A I I I ' L A N E , D I ] P T H S

K I L I K A I S L A N D ,P O R T M E R C H A N T


K I L I K A I S L A N D ,T E M P L E M E R C H A N T



Phoenix Down i 100




Mus t speak t o Wan tz .

O ' A K A T H E M E R C H A N T .A I R S H I P C E L S I U S

' S ta r t i ng p r i ces .





f h i s i s t he A l Ehed ve rs i on

A lus t speak t o 0 ' aka

'CrtnprnR sYsrEM. !. Tlrr game takes place in frve 'chaptets." Vy'hen the game begins, you auto-' . i::rdaitically start in Chapter 1. After completing ser,'eral key missions, lou';

progress to Chapter 2. Yo]u do nat

have to visit every location to com

plete a chapter. This means that pro

gression though the game can be

very fast or very s1ow, whichever

method you prefer


two missions in the game, 'Luca" and 'Mt Gagazet-Floating ORY PERCENTAGERuins," are mandatory introductory scenarios that must be comPleted to

T S P O T S "complete missions in the game, certain "Hotspots" appear on the

doser to the end of chapters and, evennrally, the conclusion of the game.

Horvevea ifyoujurnp ftom Hotspot to HotsPot without visitittg other areas

ir between, you'Il miss out on beoe-

ficia1 events that occur in unmarked

areas. Each Hotspot is more difficult

than the last, due to the 6ends and

boss monsters ilr each locatton. TaAe

ton t;ne and ,Liit ather lacatkns

betlteelt tri?s to Hats?ots!

time you save your game at a Save Sphere or dudng events, you'Il

e percentage marked "COMPLETED 1,6 " The total amount of

t'6' accumulated by the end ofthe game dictates whether

or not you see a bonus ending at Zanarkand Ruins.

Tbroughout the ,*'alktbrough, specifrc situations are discussed and the

effect on the gamet story percentage is explained. The percentage points

gained for completing each mission are

listed at the start ofeach location's descrip-

tion in the *'alktkough. For a complete

anatpis on how your actions and decisions

affect your game percentage, please refer-

erce the 100% Con/et;an &tidc sec6on at

the €nd ofthe walktlrough.

E C K L I S T Sportion of the *alkllrough begins with three 'checHists." If there is

in one ofthe checHists, iti only because there are no Oencls

or irems in that location.

The "Wandering Fiends" list warns you about the fiends that aPPear dur-

ing nndom encounters in an area. Cross-reference these lists with the

information in the 'Fiends and Enemies" chapter in tlis Suide for a better

understanding of the strengths aad weaknesses of the enemies.

A 6end name marked in yellow indicates that the foe is a 'Boss 'Bosses are

tough foes encountered only once duriog a mission; they do not appear in

random encounters. The ualk*rough chapter also iacludes statistics and

notes to h+ you defeat these foes. Statistics presented in the walkthrough

reoresent onlv the essentials. More extensive status information and details

on each boss are also included in the "Fiends and Enemies' chapt€r

C H A P T E R SFIN,4L MNTAEy X-2 rses a very cLifferent advancement slEtem tha$ its predecessor, which featured a gradual approach to exploring the world of Spira This

time out, yuna and the ladies ofthe Gullwings have an airship and the ability to jump to any location in Spita with the Sreatest of ease. This chapter indicates

when ewnts occur and how to complete them; it also illustrates how to experience interesting featwes of the game that you might overlook on your own.

a&ance in the game. A.fter dearing these two missions, the ainhip Celsius

bemmes yours to command and the crew will fly you whercver 'ou vant to

visit To fly to a certain location, sperk to Buddy who sits to the left ofBrother

A-fter Buddy makes one or t!!o comments, the navigation maps appear. The

towns and major locations of the world of Spira are listed on the map in the

same order theyrrere visited in tle original,FWIZ FILNZ4SYX. After choos-

ing a location, the Celsius crew will drcp otrthe Gullwings at a Save Sphere

in a relatively safe spot in the town or location oflour choice. To retum to dre

Celsius, examine a Save Sphere and choose the "Board airship" option- Ifyou

cannot board the Celsius from lour cuffent location, this option will not

appear on the Sare Sphere menu.

As much as possible, this lr'alknrough is organized according to the oder

oflocations as listed on the Celsius's navigation map. This orgadzation is

most betencial, because with the exception of Besaid Island' Kilika Island

and Bikanel Desert, you can travel ftom location to location on foo! with-

out need to renrm to the airship.

Select one of ke loutions lrcn thenavigational nap.

The airship crew aul1natically llies t0 lhel\catian and dtaps IIE Gullwings off at a

Save Sphere.

It the navigati1n nap d0$ n1t appear whenyou spak t0 Buddy, it neans y\u still have

duties t0 atrend t0 0n lfu Celsius fuforey1u can leave.

Ta lake c0ntr01 0t Lte airship, speak loBuddy.


h€, l


Each areal "Item ChecHist" reveals the items found in treasure chests, as wel as key items given to the party during ev€nts. Items marked withan O icon are things not found in chests. Instead, they are gained through story events.

The 'Action Checklist" section depicts a shot-by shot series ofactions to take to complete the objectives in an atea. Naturally, these images andcaptions cannot explain certain events of the game half as well as needed. The information within the *alkthrough is wrifren to support the

1Ation Checklist," or basically, to provide additional information needed to progress to the nerd ch.pter. Refer to both the'Action Checklist"ajrd the.cqto\tual paragaphs in each section to ftlly understand events in the game.

w a l { l t E R t t G F t E l { 0 s

*,ffi.;:il*ne ee lne: t leitiOOSteal: Silver Glassesses ,

, I:].r;..!1s:1.1-1 i:,. :.HP:97 ?AP:1 lG i l :60Steal: lron BangleDrop: Potion


9 i ii:11'*'"lil',:'r ,'' "'

the boss . You mav f ioh t more th 0 u s l

Items that may be left behind by defeated enemies when the battle ends. Normal jtems have a 7/8 chance of appearancelrare items have a 1/8 chance.

'Drop: Potion


T A K E B A C K T H E G A R M E N T G R I D !AI of the cnemies in this int,oduciory mission can be easily deferted with just a few oidinary ittrcLs. Choose the Anack

option lor Rikku and Paine in quick succesion to score Cha;n atracl{s thnt will cause more damage. Oncc the action shifts to

the Lucr dock, n ow the impostor around drc circular promcn.rde. Goons and She Goons ofthe Lcblanc Syndicatc win

approrch, and physical contacirvith any ofthcm trigge$ batdes. Upon reaching the third doclq the boss lights with Ormi,

logos, md Lcblanc occur in quick succession and the first mission ends. Rct'ir to the boss strxtegies lor hclp, ifneeded.

For heding, find the person in the Mooglc suit who is cringing in fcar on the second

dock. Stand near the costumed individu and press X to completely restore HP and MP

to Painc and Rikku.

fauch the pers1n in lhe naagle sLil atleasl ance l0 eceive a snallanauat ai

sla ry c D n p I e ll a i perce nta ge.

7 7 ? 7r . \ - l

Yuna's impersonator can be defeated with n0rmal Attack commands. lssue the commands f0r Rikkuand Paine in rapid successi0n to strike chain attacks for greater damage in one iurn Take outthetwo 000ns first, then wait for both characters' battle gauges to fil l completely and enler the attack

commands in rapid succession t0 ensure a chain attack on the impostor.

LJse Rikku's Steal ability to pilfer items from each toe belore annihilatingthem. Rikku can usually steal a Budget Grenade from a Goon. After suc-

cessfully stealinq a grenade, use it on your next turn to damage theentire enemy party in a single atlack. T0 use a Budget Grenade, choose lhe ltems command and select

the Budget Grenade item from the list. A single Budget Grenade will nearly kill both Goons in a singleattack and cause heavy damage to "????". Use this strategy as you fight thr0ugh the Luca docksarea as well. Also, try stealing a Hi-P0tion from "????" bejore finishing the battle, especially sincethese powerful restorative items aren't easy t0 purchase yet.i {

a lt-



STEAL: N0rmal: Hi-P0ti0n Rare: Hi-P0ti0nD80P: Normal: Phoenix Dowf Rare: Phoen x Down (x2)


L O G O S , O R M I


STEAL: Normal: Silver Glasses Rare: Silver GJassesDR0P: N0rmal: Potlon Rare: Phoenix Down

Stealirom Looos and 0rmi for a chance to gain valu-able accessories, then focus y0ur attacks 0n

/ | ^^^^ ^^ / r + . t ^ h im ^ , ,+ ̂ { }hd h . r t la { i rc tLogos and take him out of the battle first1000s's gun attacks are quick and cause a

lot of damage, whereas 0rmi's shieldattacks take longer to prepare, but inflictmore damage. Logos occasionally usesa Potion on himsell or Ormi, so theSyndicate gunner sh0uld be eliminated first. 0nce the b0isterous 0rmi is alone,use Chain Altacks t0 take him down quickly.


STEAL: Normal: lr0n Bangle Rare: lr0n BangleDR0P: N0rmal: Potion Rare: Phoenix Down

By liQhting nulliple baltles tn lhedacks arca, Rikku and Paine can leatn

i 101 tI'..s!tA.

t E B t A l { CThis battle mainly serves as a tutorial on changinO dresspheres during.battle. Press L1and change Yuna to the Songstress dressphere t0 pr0ceed. Thereafter, cast Darkness

Dance on Leblanc to blind her An enemv inflicted with the Darknessstatus ailmenl suffers a severe reduction in accuracy. As a

res!lt, most 0f Leblanc's physical aitacks will mjss.Recast Darkness Dance 0n Leblanc each time Yuna

gets a turn to maintain the advantage during the bat-tle. Steal from Leblanc and perform chain attacks to

rttake her d0wn. Rikku and Paine also have the ability to change to other dressph€resduring this battle, if you s0 desire.



-Al Bhed Primer O

Phoenix Down (x4)


*0nly if you hoven't mortered Al Bhed.

STEAL: Norma : Silver Bracer Rare: Silver BracerDRoP: Normal: HiPo|on Bare: Ph0enix D0wn

I T E M C H E C I ( I . I S T

'Al Bhed Primer OtAl Bhed Primer O'Al Bhed Primer O

Remedy (x3)

Potion (x4)

Vanguard Garment Grid O


A L L A B O A R D !Following the initial scenes, direct Yuna aiound drc Bridge area and speak

to P€ine and Riklo for backstory Speaking to Brother nets you thtee Al

Bhed Primers, which enable you to decipher letters in the subtides that

appear whenever someone is speaking the Al Bhed language. Speak to

Buddy to obtrin an Al Bherl Primer, and talk to Shinra to learn what he

knows. Navigate Shinrat menus to view informatron on the combat system,

the menus, and a mriety ofother topics.lfyou want to know why Yuna has

embarked upon this quest and whom she is speaking to in her private

thoughts, select the "Tieasure Spheres" option to view the sphere tided'Journey's Start." Complete the Garment Grid tutorial to receive the

Vaneuard Garment Gdd.

SPak lo Shinn to lean abaut the ganesyslen, l0 view lhe inages sl1red 0n treas-ure spheres,l0 read bias an nain charac-ters. and to view analvsis data al fiends.

R A I D T H E S U P P L I E SExit the control room area and use the Save Sphere in the corridor ifyou

desire. Proceed further down the coddor onto the ele tot and use the

coitrol panel to ride down to the Engine Room, There are four chests in

the engine room tlat are resto&ed at tle strrt of each new chapter. In

Chapter 1, these chests contain th€ folowing: Phoenh Dom (x4), Ether,

Remedy (x3), and Potion (x4).

Remenber ta rcturn la the Engine R00nemh tine a new clapter beginsta find all

faur chests teslocked.


Ride the elevator to the Cabin area and speak to Barkeep, the Hlpello crea-

ture behind the bar. Barkeep sells basic items for use in combat, as well as a

few decent accessories. For the time being, purchase some items that Suardagainst status ailments Iike

Antidotes, Eye Drops, Echo

Screens, and Softs. Save the rest of

your gil for bigger purchases. When

finished shopping, speak to Barkeep

again and select the "Rest' option.

After resting, head back toward the

ele\,?tor to heaffn announcemeflt

from the Bridge. Bakeep takes care of allyou needsonbaard ke Celsius aiship.

REOUIRE I I RES IRenenbet t0 rest at least once in the Cabin area during everychapter. During Chapter 5, you will only be able to witnessceftain events on the Celsius if you rested during each chapter.

The elevatar lnnsp1ls yau ta any paft 0lthe ship.

, " , . q


W A I { D E R I l { G F I E l { D S

S ii';lllrjlj " * f ll;1o,l,,Ll[;1,'n"''o Tii#]':,tll "' - tilii'1 'f#fl"lJ,i' *

I T E M C H E C K I . I S T

Yellow Ring



White Rlng

Red Bing

Star Pendant

lvluscle BeltBlack lvlage Dressphere O

HP: 99 I AP: 1 I Gil: 20Steal: Potion

HP: 140 IAP: 1 lG i l ;30Steal: Potion

HP: 188 IAP:1 ?Gi l : 13Steal: Echo ScreenDrop: Potion

HP:38 IAP: 1 lG i l : l0Steal: Budget GrenadeDropi Potion

HP:7 IAP: 1 lG i l : 30Steal: Budget Grenade

HP: 12 IAP: 1 ?Gi l :24Steal: Potion

HP: 10 IAP:1 lG i l : 12Steal: PotionDrop: Antidote

HP:13 IAP:1 I G i l : 30Steal: Budget GrenadeDrop; Potion


\ oeY | \ )

I L I I , IH-\f;-*,n"*.,

r-F ]taE Er!


To f,t Cogor€l

C L I F F S A N D C R A G SFollow the on-screen instructions to learn how to jump and climb up

ledges. After leaping the first gap, follow the girls to a place where 1.ou can

see a treasure chest below. Drop down to open the chest for a Yellow Ring.


t lt!


Move left and hold Circlc to clinb back

up to the frrst ledge. Then run toward the

ledge and hold Circle to leap across andjoin the other girls. Run down the stairs

and use the Save Sphere.Take this oppor-

tunity to make sure everyone is equipped

with an accessory and then proceed.

9,_J, \_.

/ 1/ \! '


When the girls reach a dead end, press the button on the wall to start the

elevator. Reaching the bottom ofthe shaft, hop dom the ledges until you

reach the base ofthe waterfall. Move left in front ofthe waterfall and hop

up the mountain ledge to find a chest containing an Elixir. Then hop backacross the platforms until you reach the ruins ofa suspended road.

Aftet gtabbing the actess1Ly, m1ve lathe ledge an lhe lefl and hald Cicle loclimb back up. fhen runloward lhe

ledge and h01d Cucle ta junp lhe gap.When yau rcach lhe b1ltan ledge ga lellf1L an llen and then gD back ta the ghl

[0 c)nlnue

Yellow Ring

Climb this ledgeta itilialelhe bass light

STEALT Normal:Tiara Rare T araDR0P: Normal: Hi-Potion Rare: Hi-Potion (x2)



STEAL: Norma : White Cape Rare: White CapeDRoP: Norma : Potion Rare: Phoenix Down




Run tc lhe lat end al the ruined hilti'way. wnete a cnest cantatns a

vaiuable Mega Phoenix

Fiphl Lag]ss gaati squad ihen enieltne lenpte

;: k


S 1 { A T C H B E F l l B E Y O U C H O PYou may encounter Divebeaks during some of the random encounters in the Floating Ruins.Althjugh these birdlike nonsters are easily dispatched with a single attack, a Thief can stealEthers fron them on 1ccasion. Etherc are a difficult item to cone by in the game, so attemptt0 steal 1ne bef)re finishing ]ff these creatures.

T E M P L E I N T E R I O RJust insidc thc entr ce to dre ruins, move left or right rnd climb up a ledge to find .r mvsterious s{itchon eithcr sidc of thc room. Prcsing both s tches lowers r column in a connecting corridor. Horvever,this trsk is entirelv optional.

. *€j"

' ::"_.

fhe lr/a swilch€s ia'r'tat a calunt iitanalhEt hailxay i)iilacllvaln0 lhen E

nfl /rtr..ssar/

t E B I A i l G , I O G O S , O R M I



R A C E T O T H E P E A KThe on-screen timer indicates the time remxining be6re theLeblanc Syndicrte reaches the treasure sphere at the top of theFloating Ruins. Ifyou reach the top befi,re the Syndicatc, vou gctan opportunity to claim a great accessory The timer stop duringcach random and event brttle. lr is possible to grlrb all the irems inthc ruins and reach the top before dre Leblanc Syndicate, but onlvifyou hurrvl Ignore the tilted columns, rvhich onlv lead to a derdcnd. Instead, hold the Circle button to climb over platforms torerch the door

A Thief will have a grand old time during this battle,considering all the accessories that are up for grabsfrorn this trio. lf your Thief has learned the Piffer Gilability, you can als0 gain lOts 0f gil fOr the timebeing. Note that all enemies have more gil t0 steal

dLring a battle than they u/ill drop after a battle.

ft, -"

o rt. nrr, , i. tqrt:ttt nrrpin, ,*tv utblinded with Darkness Dance while aWarri0r 0r Gunner attacks. C0ncentrate y0ur eftorts to rob and eliminateLeblanc first, since her attacks damage the entire party. With her qone, take OutLogos and Ormi.

STEAL: N0rmal: Gauntlets Rare: GauntletsDR0P: N0rmal: POti0n Rare: Phoenix Down

Clinb back aut the way you une,lhen leap acrcss lhe plallarm laps.

Ifyou pressed the mysterious switch-

es in the irst room ofthe ruins, thisis where the column fell. As you can

see, you can crcss this room just as

easily by dropping into thc pit andclimbing right out. This curvinghdlway emerges onto a ledge with achest ihrt hm a Red Ring inside.Run brck to the int€rsection, but

this time take the other branch outto another ruined highwny.

Take lhe lirst righl insidethe rui1s tareach lhe chest0n this isalaled platfarn.

He:rd north liom thc cntry point and drop

into the first pit to find a chest containing

a White tung. Climb out of thc pit andjump across the platforms heading nonh.At the intersection, go down the corridorto rhe right.

R E A C H I N G T H E T O PFollow thc road around the ruins until you're almost nt the end. After Ormi

orders some Recojls and She-Goons to attrck, hop up a series of rocks

floatingjust offthe right sidc ofthe toppled pillar. Follow the curry ribbon. of ledge around the spire to a

chest at the end, rvhich containsa Star Pendant, then return to

the slanted pillar, hop across the

gnp and quicldy go after Leblancbefore time runs out. Ifyou beat

Leblanc'.s Syndicate to the Save

Sphere, you'll see them hanging

from a ledge below a chest.

Open the chest to obtain aMuscle Belt.

llyau tailta teach the lap chesl bef1re timeLuns 1ut, the chesl will be enply Either way.c1nlinue la clinb the cliff ledges and ga up

ne sults.

STEAL: Normal: Remedy Rare: Bemedy (x2)DR0P: Normal: Star Pendant Rare: Star Pendant

r lr lL !Lt-

B O R I SFor the most part, Boris the spider presents a fairly straightforward brawl. Switch dresspheres (ifneeded) so that at least h,\'o characters can attack, while the third slips into the Songstress dressphere

and casts Darkness Dance 0n the fiend every other round. A single attack by

4p. this powerful creature can cause about 50 HP damage, so immediately( use a Potion 0n a character who drops below 70 HP lf Boris gets to

use its Sticlry End attack, check to see if anyon€'s battle gauge turnsgray and stops. This indicates that the character has been inllicledwith Stop status, and the only way to cure it at this point is touse a Remedy or wait for the ailment to go away. otherwise, attackand blind Boris io win the battle.

Glt DR0PPED:300PILFER Glt;700

H O T S P O T A L E R T !Back on the bridge of the Celsius, speak to Brother and choose the option "Comfort

him," then speak to Shinra to view the contents ofthe sphere that was taken fromthe Floating Ruins. Although the images recorded on the device dont reveal much,the sphere turns out to be the Black Mage Dressphere. If you equip a characterwith this dressphere for the rest ofChaptef 1, you will be satisfied with the results.

Afterward, Buddy reports new Hotspots for sphere activiry The Hotspots are BesaidIslrnd ard Zanarkand Ruins. Ifyou go to Zararkard after er1loring Besaid IsJand, youwill trigger the Kilika sphere hunt.

BLddy wan'lallaw yau ta navigate laanl lacalian unlilShinra sh7ws y7u

lhe conlenls ol lhe sphere.

qnce yau visil Zanatkand aftet expl1ring Besaid lsland, yaull be on a

callisian caurse with lhe end al Chaplel1 Visil olhet lacalans t'istl

Dash allthe 'i'/ay araund lhe t1t/'/er la find

Junp act?ssthis gap t0 Leach lhe tap.




H O I S P l l T S A R E A F A S T T R A C K !lf yau go t0 Zanarkand after exploring Besaid lsland and conplete the missi1n, y1u'rc taken straight t0 Kilika for the final missi1nof Chapter |. C1nsequently, y7u will niss all the extras that Chapter 1 offers, as well as a hev amount of stary completionpercentage.

Hotspats do not disappear fot any reas)n. The missians at Besaid and Zanarkand will remain until y}u visit every ather locati1n.This walkthrough is organized to help you visit every locati1n in Spira bef1re c0npleting Chapter 1. Visit the lacati1ns in the arderpresented t0 get the n)st from the game.

: 320 AP: 1 Gil. 30. -

r,'r.r! t :,f:l-ijt,f..$atii+iii.-i5tr i HP.55 AP 1 Gi l :20

*3[1!:ri:iPhoen x DownPotion (x2)

.,';i.ii-iiffiiff&'i'V HP:60 AP: 1 Gi t : 7

tsteal: Potron--...-l- Drop: Pot on

. HP: 980 :AP: 1 :G i l :300'4} Steal: Hi'Potion

Drop: Red R n0


-,IHP: 60 . AP 1 Gi1. 10PotionPotion

I T E M C H E C I { T I S T

Chocobo Wing (x2)

Hi"Potion1000 gil

Potion (x2)

White lvlage DressphereBesaid Sph€re O

Protection Halo Garment Grid O




lvhile oge DleirphcleTo ftamber


}(l l

t l

t lbl

H O M E C O M I N GI Engage a series of scenes by following the first couple of steps in the

. Astion Checklist section. After restirg for the night at Wakkasplace, exit the hut and sperk to LUlu. Accept the "\^4rere's Wakka?'mission, and speak to people around the village to get clues on tlewhereabouts of a mysterious cave. To penetrate the cave, you mustlocate four numben hidden in r,rarious locations around the islandand input them in the correct order into the security parel on the This is the da1ry1u seek t0 1pen. Jusl

two nore ciphers lo go...

Cross the bridge and continueinto the overgrown area. Arnongthe rough, move to the left side ofthe screen to notrce some stepsand a door with a nurnber keyloclc You dont yet have all of thenumbers for the code, so continuedown the slope and head towardthe beach area.

Speak t0 the nan in sh1tts wander Talk vlik tE young wonm walking hering ar1und t1wn ta lean ab1ut ttte d1g t0larn ke locali1ns 0f ciphets

"fou Ciphe$ lwo and lhrce ol the l1ur-number c1de.

T H E F O U R C I P H E R SHead up the hill ftom the village to the second outdoor area.Check the on-screen map to find a purple beacon near the shrineat the clifft edge. Examine the shrine to view a numbel The num-ber is randomly generated, so make a note ofit This number is thefirst of the four ciphers. Continue downiill into tie ruins area.Climb up the first broken column on the left and search to frnd tlelast number ofthe four dieit combinatron.

The secand and last rcnaining cipherlies anqng tllese r^cks al ke lar end

ol the beach.

S E C R E T O F"

- ,Af1er speaking to Wakla in the cave, move to the dead-end on the

llr:- . , -r.ight to locate another panel for cipher input. Sorry but the correctciphers wont be revealed until later in the game. Follow the cave tothe tust intersection, where Brother checks up on Yuna yet again.

At the beach, go back a few steps to the left to see a kid on a rockledge higher up. Press Circle to hop up to the kid, then continueclimbing up to the ruins. Check the flashing beacon to find anoth-er cipher, then move left across the ledge and jump across the gapto a grassy rise. Drop from the rise into a secret sandy cov€, wheretwo chests contain a Hi-Potion and 1000 gil. To climb out ofthecove, dimb onto the cargo boxes stacked near the cliffface. Proceedacross th€ beach, fo owing the shoreline until you reach the gmssyrocks at the fai end. Climb up those rocks and check the beaconthere to find the last number

The cipher kat is lhid in ke series Leap lran the backside af ke ruins inl1is hidden am1ngst these ruins. this c1ve, 1pen llle tw7 chests, and use

the crates ta climb oul.

Return to the cave entrance. When you have all ofthe ciphers, theywifl be displa]€d at the top ofthe screen in the corect order. Inputthe number combination into the panel beside the door and pro-ceed into tie cave.

ll yau didn'l lake ke line t0 get clueslran the villagers, jusl input ke ciphersin lhe 1rdet described in he epti1ns

lor allke scrcenshots above.


door baning the entrance ofthe cave. Collectively, thepeople of the village will tellyou everJthing you need toknow to complete this mis-sion. After speaking to theappropriate people (see thefollowing screenshots andcaptiont, exit the viilageand follow the path to thebeach area:

The wonan standing near ke exit ollown has ke b8st clue regarding the

lacation ol ke cave.

Jassu, behind ke counler at llleladge, knaws Mere cipher nunber

one is lwaled.

fhis is ke fhslcipher ol lhe laur-digit cade.

freasure chesls sonelines rest insttange places.

Datto, nsting al ke back of ke lodge,indicates wherc t0lind cipher nunber


The cipher lound alop this ulunn istlle last in the se es.

Keep moving uphill after Brothercontacts the group. As youapproach the bridge in the water-fall area, move to the left of thebridge to &op dou,n to the roclgarea at the boftom of the fals. Atreasure chest on the locki contains a Chocobo Wing (x2). Exitthe area by dimbing out the wayyou dropped down.

Use lhe Save Sphere after junping 7verthese t1cks.

Take the left branch to a chestcontaining r Potion (x2), thenretum to the intersection andhead the other way, jumping andclimbing across some nanow rockplatforms. Use the Save Sph€re ontie other side, then proceed intothe chamber at the end and exam-ine the sphere on the pedestal.

F L A M E D R A G O l {The Flame Dragon is strong versus {ire and weak versus cold. Use the.Warriols lce Brand attack

and the Black lvlage's Blizzard spellto quickly break down this Iiend.Meanwhile, a Songstress can successfully cast Darkness Dance,

although the Flame Dragon seems capable of inflicting damage evenwhile blinded. A much better use for a third character is to admin-

ister Potions. Be prepared to recoup each time lhe Flame Dragonbreathes Iire, which causes between '100-175 points 0f damaget0 each character After bathing in the flames, use a full combatround to healthe entire party.


T H E S E C O N D C I P H E R S1'he shop is in the tust tent to the l€ft as you enter the village of Bes.rid. The shop per

son sells r:re items lor large amounts of gil that you probably cant afford just yct.

During Chapter 1, she offers a Besaid Key for 900,000 gil. This is the key that urJock

dre treasure chest inside the north chrmber inside Besaid Temple. ll by somc very hard

work, youVe accumulated this much already, purchase the key and use it to unlock the

chcst in the north room ofthe tcmple to receive the Searh Sphere, then speak to the

man in the south chamber to determine how to use it.

Answet this man haneslly far cluesregading the secand laut ciphers.

P4ting a high price fat the Besaid Keyna\/ enables yau ta ransack lhis chestin Chaplers 1 and 2, nstead al having

ta wait unlil Chapter 3.


STEAL: N0rmal: Hi-Potion Rare: HiPotion (x2)DR0P: Normal: Red Ring Rare: Bed Ring

G\t ltit? prcbabty u\t. ...but t y;uhdaikts;s#X:i:y0u l

Ifyou intend to purchase the key but don\ hxve the gil required, dont speak to the clerk until youie ready! Each timc you visit

the shop and inquire about the key, there is a 25% chance that the key will have been sold to a traveler. The chance for the clerk

to sell the key to the traveler inc.renses to 50%o ifyou have spoken to thc priest sitiing c.ross legged in the south chamber inside

th€ temple ofthe fa)'th.

The Search Sphere enables you to frnd four more ciphers for the door inside the cave wherc Walla was found. Along thc path,

you'll find a chest containing an Ether. This path eventualy lerds to a ledge high above the waterfall arca, where an e,rtra

Grment Grid is located. For more details, refer to the section on Bcsaid Ishnd in Chapter 3

Since you probably cant allord such exorbitrnt prices at this culy stage of the game, return to the shop rnd speak to thc clcrk

again in Chapter 3. At this later point in the gamq the clerk will be desperately attempting to sell the key for a much lowcr pricc,

and you can erdly acquire and use the Search Sphere at that time.

Gat gil? Prcbably uol.

a:: j I

, *:F,l


i l



I T E M C H E C I ( L I S T

Hea|r0 $/ no Carf ienl Gr d O

Lufaf Cu rta l l (r21' r B f r cd P f m | l O

He l l l l Co ns l r 5 ) O

- u l l l 0 l ! / ! r , l

Cr,/rt i r C! r,s 1t5r O

F a r C ! r s i ! 5 r O

*0nlv i l vou hqven't mostered Al Bhed.


Thunder Soom cdftno cdd

+tf i ' u t 4 ;

R O M O T I N G T H E I M P O S T O R'

.. a man dressed ia green will not accept ballooos, but everyone else will. Give a balloon to the man standing near rhe door at the back oftle red carpet area. Also,there are two people hidden behind a windownear the cafe. Exarnine the window to open ir.Gire each penon behind the shield a balloon.After completing rhis task Yuna receives rheHealiog Wlod Carrrem Grid. This Carmf nrGrid enables the user to cast Cure. It also allousthe user ro cast Cun aid CurAa by changrngdresspheres durirg combat.

qpen lhe wind1w al ke cal6 in ke Give balla1ns t0 these Iw7 guys, andback al the arca. evervane else in lhe s1uare v/ho t|ill

lake 1ne.

I N T R O D U C I N G S P H E R E B R E A KAfter completing the fust mission in Luca and renrming to the Celsius, return to Luca again. D€scend the stairs, ,nd thistime, notice a chest on a small islet just over the curb. Climb onto the curb and jump over the tree to the chest that contains a Lunar Cutain (x2) during Chapter 1. This chest reappears during different chapten, so check it out each time.

qpen ke window al the cal6 in the Give lhis hidden man aballa7n as well.

Tiavel to thc stadium and eo down the st rs behind the inlormation booth md to the right ofthe entrance to

the stadium. Those who played FINAL MNTASII )( wiJl instantly recognize R;n of the Al Bhed Travel

Agency. He is introducing Sphere Bre.rk, a mini game that peoPle cant stop phying in Luca.

Rin alsa erc1urages yaur languagesludies by handing aver Al Bhed

Ptinet XX .

I t u A l t D E B t l { G F t E l { 0 S


Phoenix Down (x2) Antidote (x2)

500 gil Holy Water (x2)

Circiet Potion (x2)

To learn how to play Sphere Break, exit thc corridor and head to the

other locker room corridor to the left of the entance to the stadium.

Speak to the little person in blue standing at the front ofthc crowd and

ask questions to tearn about SphereBr€ak.The important qu€stion to ask

is "Tell rne the rulcsl" for which you receive 5 Helrn Coins, 5 Zurvan

Coins,5 Coyote Coins, and 5 Flan Coins. You'll then learn how to play

Sphere Break lrom start to frnish. After reading a1l the tutorials, speak to

the littte bluc person again to practice Sphere Break. Learn as much

about Sphere Break as possible because therc is a tournament in Lucr

during Chapter 3!This lillle peisan knaws alllhe tu|es.Bead lhe tutarials because y]ut skills

and kn1wledge allhe gane will be lesled in Chaptet 3s toutnanent




lron BangleEye Drops (x2)


Phoenix Down (x2)

Budget Grenade (x2)

l\4ana Spring

Echo Screen (x2)

Soft (x2)

HP:94 IAP: 1 lG i l : 14Steal: Eye DropsDrop: Eye Drops

HP: '10 IAP: 1 lG i l :12Steal: PotionDrop:Antidote

HP: 188 IAP: 1 lG i l :30Steal: Potion

HP: 258 IAP: 1 lci l:20Steal: Phoenix Down0rop: Phoenix Down

HP:222 IAP: I lG i l :40Steal: Budget GrenadeDrop: Budget Grenade

HP: '196 IAP: 1 lGil:18

Steal: Echo ScreenDrop: Echo Screen

HP:188 lAP: l ?Gi l : 13Steal: Echo ScreenDrop: Potion

HP: 1130 lAP: 1 lG i l : 120

HP: 185 IAP: '1 ?Gi l : 12Steal: Potion




turidote x2

Ro* Rood




lhe h,li'iher Highrced E iusl as p1pulaied as e'/eitr',ith inleteshng pea!)ie

Highroad t,, g.rin r ferv

storr complction points.

Spc.rk to the peoplc ner

thc cntrmce if vou dc*e.Thc gul bl thc snirs

explains the benefits ofrid-

ing r hover \€rsus usng .r

chocobo likc in the old

davs. Speak to thc peron

closer to dre Srve Spherc if

l,ou lvrnlt to dde A ho\tr to

mothcr destinitioq it only

costs 30 gil. I Iovever, trrv

cling up the Nli'ihen on loot is r

rv:ry to lcvel up, leam abili

tics, and lliin somc itcms

. . t . a a _ . , . . , _ . . . . .50

@ W A l { O E R I I I G F I E I I D S

:94 IAP:1 lc i l : 14Eye Drops

: Eye Drops

I T E M C H E C I { t I S T

1000 g i l

Turbo Ether

Phoenix Down



Crimson Sphere I O

Glass Buckle O

Heart of Flame Garment Grid OFavorite 0utiitRestless Sleep Garment Grid

HP:74 IAP: 1 lG i l : 10Steal: PotionDrop: Potion

HP:99 IAP: 1 lci l: 26Steal: PotionDrop: Potion

HP:99991AP: 2 ?Gil: 300Steal: Ether

R€slls$ Sleep

To Diote Tenple

Y O U T H L E A G U E G R E E T I N G SEnteriog from the Mi'ihen Highroad, the girls spot Leblanct cronies trav€ling ahead Continue forward

until Yaibal addresses Lady Yuna. Agree to destroy the liends on the road, then speak to Clasko, a rec-

ognizable character from FINAL FANTAST X. Continue uP the road to colect the 1000 gil ffom the

treasure chest neat the statue of Mi' ihen, then return to the Youth League greeting Party and head past

them into the n€,,:t area.

F O G G Y F I E N D F R E N Z YFollow Logos and Ormi into the ravine, and fight through the lower areas, collecting the items fiom the

chests along the way. Upon reaching a Save Sphere, go inside a cave to confront the bnndits When they

flee, Logos and Ormi leave behind the Crimson Sphere 9 in their haste. Examine the strange door to

see something weird and mysterious, then head toward the exit to sPeak with Maroda. Leave tie cave

and run back to the point where you dropped into the lower area

TO l {BERRY TERROBlf you encounter a Tonberry, run away! These deceptively snall creatwes have 9999 HP andinflict tremendous damage to lowlevel chancterc. )nly by casting your nost poweiulspells repeatedly willy1u defeat a Tonbeffy. qftering little EXP and Ae the only advantage tofighting a Tonbeffy is that they arc added to ShinnE bestiaty. qthewise, you might stealEtherc and piltet large amounts ot gilfrom then. Howevet the chance to steallron then isvery snall. Unless you like taking extrcme risks, conmand y1ur pafly to escape after suc-cessfully robbing the monster.

M E E T I N G W I T H T H E Y O U T H L E A G U EContinue across the upper part ofMushroom Rock to the norti tift

. aod iide it up to the elerator level. After speaking with Elma, the

mission is complete- The party receives a Glass Buckle and the.

Heart of Flame Garment Gdd. After the scene, move below the

guards and open the treasure chest on the lower ledge to obtain

Favorite Outfit. Get on the elevator and ride to the level above.

Go up to the entrance ofthe Youti

Lugue Headquarten building and

speak to Lucil twice to view two

different scenes. After speaking

with Lucil, fnd Maechen otrto dre

right. Sperk to him ard ask him to

Mave to lhe rear of lhe e]evator andpress x.

Hidden 0n a ledge just 1ulside YauthLeague Headquafters is a chest con-

laining the Beslless Sleep GamentEtid.

lvlaechen rcveals the e1lie hackst1tyrcgarding New Yevan and the Youth


E N D I N G C L A S K O ' S M I S E R YWhen lor.rte finished, mn through Muskoom Rock back to where Yaibal greeted the prty. Continue

down toward the Save Sphere ard speak to Clasko, who is shakiry his head in agony near the edge of the

cliff, Allow him to ride onboard the ainhip by choosing the option, "The more tne menier!" Use dre Save

Sphere to retLrm to the Celsius, speak to Shinra, and watch Crimson Report 1, which was on the sphere

you found in the ravine. Then go down to drc Cabin and speak to Clasko, whot starding on the upper level

by the window.

tell you a story Use the "Please go on' option ifyou tart to proceed, or use the 'Enough, enoughl" option to quit.

Cet thmugh the entire story to understand past er€nts tiat will come into play throughout the game, and to ensue

you gain all the completion percentage possibl€

Pa)r Clask7 . Will he evet lind his truecalling? Pethaps yau can help and ben-

elit in the prouss.

l l | , A l { l t E R t l { G F t E l { l t S

: 133 IAP: 1 lG i l :16Hi-PotionAntidote

HP: 60 IAP:1Stealr PotionDrop: Potion

Steali Budget GrenadeDrop: Potion

I T E M G I I E C K t I S T

Phoenix DownEcho ScreenPotion (x2)

-Al Bhed Primer OLetter ol lntroduction O

HP:368 lAPi 0 lG i l :0Steal: N/A

HP:78 ?AP: 1 tG i l :12Steal: PotionDrop: Potion

HP:99 IAP: 1 l c i l :25Steal; Electro MarbleDrop: Electro Marble

*0nly il you hoven'l rnoslered Al Bhed.


/,r \ ,/ >_,.




I------Ire, r - )



E(ho srcen

G O T T A G E T P A I D !Many people ,ue grthered around the Djose Temple entrallce waiting to be interviewed by Mrchine Faction

Ieader Gippal. After the Ieader arrives, a line forms in front of the shop off to tie right. Simply wait in this

area until all oftle other applicants go inside. To erpcdite fie wait, sneak offto the iu side ofthe area to

find a chest containing a Phoenir Dorvn, or spend some time speaking to the ol\er People standing around

After all ofthc applicmts have gonc inside, enter and speak to the man

at the counter Tell him you want to dig, then exit the building and go

inside the temple. After spe.rkingwith Gippal, you receive the AI Bhed

Primer IV Follow Cippal out ofthe temple. Leave the templc grounds

and continue rcross the bridge. After expressing an interesr in thejob,

Giooal will hand over the Lefter of Introduction. After tlle scen€,

heal across the bridge to find a chest with a Potion (x2) inside.

Yau an kkeGippals letter dirccily l0BikanelDeseft, at yau can explarcthis

regian fulhet and cr?ss lhe Maanllaw l1Laldtinessake

Wait fot lhe line la narc far,ratd.



. jI

').( )( )

W A T , I O E B I I I G F I E N D S

H P : 1 3 3 A P : 1 G : T 6Steal: Hl-PotionDrop: Ant dote

H P : 4 2 0 A P : 1 G 1 1 2 0Steal: PotiofDrop: Phoenir Da,,,/r


Gun l,,4aqe Dressplrefs OC fclet OH€ os Guard Gafn€nt Grd O

H P : 1 3 2 A P 1 G : 1 4 0Si€a Budqei GrenadeDrop Pot on

3d HP: 188 AP I G 13

-ll, Steal E.h o Screen* u T o p P o I o f l

* H P : 3 6 8 A P 0 G : 0

1, ;[lili]l- \ H P : 4 7 0 0 A P 1 G : 7 8 0

H:H n::*T

HP: 55 AP lSteal PotlofDropr Pot of

.,/ HP: 984 AP: T G l: 75fl# Steat Phoenr\ Down' t ' Drop PhoPnr ) Do" ,n

G t 2 0

- rN l.. , : 1,-.i, ,-''.r i,r.l aJ i-j,7'C iJ A !j il li

Lcd n,nr i , rg ncL' , ,uJ. . rnurr l t l ,c . , r r r r r r . rL L l rc - \1(r) , i1 l ,n\ B. , , r l i :

,.!t "

Head south lrom the banks of the Moonflow down the road toward

Djose, and continue until a Hlpello begs lor help. For this mission,

you must follow the wagon

north on the Moonflow

road. If any bandits steal any

of the cargo, you must chase

thcm down and get it back.

Once you catch up to the

bandit, press X to initiate a

banle and deleat the bandits

to retrieve the cargo. Alter

doing so, move ahead ofthe

carav:n and the chocobo

wil begin to pul the wagon

forward again.

When you reach the bank of

the Moonl'low, Tobli shows

his appreciation to the

Gullwings by offering the

Gun Mage rlressphere, a

Circlet, and a Helios

Guard Garment Grid as a

rewardl Ride the shoopuf

across the Moonllow andrace up the forest Path to


When tte HyMloS wagon reaches ashary bend in the raad, mave Yuna

uaund tln c1rner and tl€ chanb7 willresunv lravelling.

T1bli proves t0 be a generaus s1tt. ltwi benefil you grutly to assist him

over and over again.


i,Watch the second scene oear the

Farplane entLanu l0 ear1 nuecanple-tion al.


The only thing to do in Guadosalam at this point is to gain a small

amount ofstory completioo by watching two scenes. After the initial

cinema that occun upon entering the town, move uP the central

ramo toward the Farplane entrarce to view another scene While

youte here, stop at the item

shop on the rnidlevel of

tor,n, which carries the b€st

accessories you can purchase

in Chapter 1. Afterwards,

mn back to the lower level

and exit Guadosalam via the

cave ner the Save Sphere.


A Thief un steal lots of gillrom bandits by using thePiffer Gil abiltty. Talk about nohonor anong thievesl

HP:182 IAP: 1 lG i l ; 18Steal: Potion

W A I { O E R I t I G F I E I I D S

HP: 577 IAP: 1 lGil: 22Steal: PotionDrop: Potion

I T E Mc l r E c K U S T

Echo Screen (x3)Potion (x2)Black ChokerPhoen x DownGrenade (x2)Ether


To l{o.olonio Woodt

: 368 IAP:0 lG i l : 0N/A

Drop: N/A

HP:623 IAP: 1 tG i l :130St€al: Lightning lvlarbleDrop: Hi-Potion

HP:99 ?AP: 1 l c i l : 25Steal: Electro l\4arbleDrop: E ectro l\ilarble

HP:14801AP: 1 ?Gi l : 133 HP: 99 I AP: 1 ? Gil: 25Steal: PotionDrop: Potion

HP:1240?AP; 1 lG i l :100Steal: Phoenix DownDrop: Phoenix Down (x2)

O= lightins Towel'

{"0" opers in ftdpler 4)

\ r i r \ l : r r ' ' r : r r r , r L , . r r , r ,

L i , , u . r J r , 1 . 1 , i r L t , , t h r \ lB t , , , t f , r l

L , , : r t r l r , , , , * r t , l r i , r ' ,q . r t l , r i , ! i , r ' : r . , 1 t l : l r r i , Ii , , , 1 , S r , ' 1 , 1 , 1 n , , . I i , :\ ! . r , i r ' , L r r , r h . \ r ! .

S r , l , r , r : ' . 1 l , L r i r , , , .

L o r i i : , 1 r r l r ' , L g : r l , r , L , r . r

to - \ I , r . r l . r r l r \ \ ' ' .1,

I T E MP t l a r fPh ra.rf .!i L1o,:ltAI I ro iet " ,e [ ] o!sI f ] { i Saraci lS r i Llo ! lil:rifl

L ! t r t r f ! C r i . l

Y r | i r F f q

c 0 s T5 iI | 05.'l505l]5rl3.'103000



? . .

..'lp., u- ' Hi ; : ,

i i t i , , , r ' i , . ur" ' - * . ,

A r" 5 { '

, fi I4 - \-l*r r

1.r'..{i:+ r,

;' l

r l i

. . * .


' . p . , ( r a D . . . . r ' " p A p t , i; * r t ^ l : " : - ^ ' . " . ' :' T ( o ) o t 0 ! . D 0 " . .

D D - - . o l D

W A I ' I D E R I N G F I E I , I D S

HP 973 AP : 1 G i l : 380' S t e a i h t e R i o

D fop B ! e R i f ! ) l

*!Ll", ' . l i ;J G:30

Dro0 F sh Sca e

- 1 lp m3o itp r G, tr.r:*F{ S:ra : G.r rt Ank et

D r F H - P r t ! |

HP 368 AP OSier f'l AL1f ! ! l l i

FiP 9.q AP i G 25Stea E eatrc i l i ta.b i ll l r f . E tCtfa ir i ,r ' l r a

H P ' 7 A P 1 G 2 6Stea l f iar. i . \ , ! rd0fo! ' Po: 1.


i!r,ra ! t r , . r

i l rr t . . F i

H P 6 I A P l G J 1 0Srea: Po: c |D . l PL. : " r l l

Fr Thr . . t te D essurhr re Ot l . . f r Pr :h G; ' r . r t Gr i l C

' I B i r ' r r P r ra i C

ra i I r ' i rr ! i i rr?rrt .r f al {- l

'0nly if you hoven'i mosiered Al Bhed.


\ i\ - r f


F R I E N D L Y R E S P O N S E SMove toward tie figure in blue standiflg at the foot ofthe tree brrnch path to tdgger a scene wherein a musician goes to join some ofhis fiiends. Fo owthe path east

of the Save Sphere,"beyond where the Guado stands. Keep mnning past the rvo Nrw Ywon guards into tie nert area. At the four path intersection, follow rhc bot-

tom path to ihe spring Speak to Dong, the creature 't-iing ut L\. *ut ''' "dge.

Once Donp fades away, retum to the Save Sphere and follow the tree branch path

until you spot Pukutrlc Speak to the

small, brovrnish creature to iritiate

anotier scene. These actions let you

accumdate a small amount ofcom-

pletion percentage. This storyline

piclc up again later in t}le game, but

only if you trigger these mini-

Bayn is hard ta niss as yaule enleringMacalania.

Pukukk slands 0n lhe lrce branch path inlhe thid sectian al l\'4acalania waads.


- t

D1nga slands neaL lhe sptinqs edqe.

F I G H I I I I G A M O B P H O U S G E t SAmorphous Gels take very little danage fr1n physical attacks, and these nassive blobs havethe abilw t0 make themselves stnng vercus all elenents---except one. The best method todefeat an Am1rphous Gel is for a Gun Mage to use the Scan abilw on the monster. )nceyou've determined the current weakness of the fiend, a Black Mage or a Warrior can use theprcper abilities. However, keep a sharp eye on the creature just in case it uses the Barrier Shift abilii/ t0 change its elenentalweakness and absorption. Cast Scan on the nonsteragain after each Barrier Shift to determine its new strengths and weaknesses.

F A I T H F U L T R O M E L LFollow the tree trunk path or the shimmering path until you reach a Four way split in the road. Goingby the on screen map, head up the top right fork. Proceed into the area until Yuna reunites with oldacquaintance Tromell. Speak to him lour times to trigger four separate dialogues. Eventually, he turnsover the FulThrotde special dressphere for Paine and the Unening Path Garment Grid, which makestmnsformation to special dresspheres very easy.

O ' A K A I N A P I N C HReturn to the Four-path fork area where the tree branch and shimmering paths converge, and head upthe top left path to the Travel Agency area where a coup is in progress. The AI Bhed are hunting the newproprietor, O'ala, who apparendy owes them a Sreat deal of gil. After the lirst scene. you gain anAl Bhed Primer, and O'ala walks up behind the Gullwings. Speak to him, ifyou can, before he runs oftIfyou dont get a chance to do so,lollow him back out of the area io begin the.FollowThat O'akal" mis-sion.

The easiest way to find and catch O'aka is to use the glimmering path to r€turn to the starting point ofMacalania. Along the way, you'll see O'aka. When you reach the Save Sphere, head along the east pathtoward the spring. Afterjust a few steps, O'ala can be seen dashing offagain. Stay after him. Head pastthe two New Yevon guards to a path intersection. Using the on-screen map, take the top path to finallv catch O'aka.

lhe eldeL Guada an the ighl accideu-laly divulges 0 aka! hiding spol.

Plus with a 1,000 gilpenalty.It is possible to pay down the debtin one game by merely using the Thief'sPilfer Gil ability on every enemy encountered. After erasing his debt, he begins to seLl restoratrve rtemsat next to-nothing costs. In addition, if you can pay doun his debt before thc end of Chapter 3, hereturns to Macalania Woods. There, he sets up a very valuable shop duing Chapter 5.

Due l0 his regretlul sktr, Tr1nell requiresfaur ca1veLsalians betare he finally light

ens upand hands aver lhe goads.

]'aka Xxlll has ptablens and yau canbenelit by helping hin aul.

Speak to the elder Guado several times to get a clue as to O'aka's hiding spot, then move behind the tree tothe left and search to spot O'aka in the tree. Speak to O'aka again after he's on ground level. By agreeing tohide him on the ainhip, he hands over the Ice Queen Garment Grid. Conversely, ifyou decide to turn O'akaover to the Al Bhed, his destiny takes a dilTerent path, but you stil receive the garnent grid. This is d€scribedin more detail later in the walkthroueh.

Ifyou choose to assist O'aka bylening him on the Celsius, return thereand speat to the sketchy merchant in the Cabin. His debt to the AlBhed appears on-screen. The gil amount purchased ftom him is sub-tracted from his 100,000 gil debt.Ifyou dont repay the debt in your firstgame, the amount of debt remaining caries over to your New Game

Buy 1CA.AA] gils walh af itens andA aka willtLeat wu right.

W A l { D E R I l I G F I E l { D S

:552 IAP: 1 l c i l :44Phoenix Down

Drop: Phoenix Down

I T E M C H E C I { t I S T

'Al Bhed Primer OStil l oi Night Garment Grid O



HP:623 IAP: 1 lG i l :130Steal: Lightning lvlarbleDrop: Hi-Potion

HP: 368 I AP: 0Steal: N/A

HP; 258 I AP: 1 lci l: 20Steal: Phoenix DownDrop: Phoenix Down

*0nly il you hoven't mcstered Al Bhed.



I N T H E S A N D SBikanel Desert becomes a Hotspot after you receive the Letter oflntroductioo fiom Gippal. Pilot the

. .. Celsius to Bilanel and follow Rikl<u into the desert A.fter some Al Bhed rescue the lost party, you receir,ean Al Bhed Primer. Speak to the man standing next to the Save Sphere iflou want to buy items.

G E T T H I S D I G S T A R T E D !Follow the seps in the Action Checklist to initiat€ the 6rst desert excantion for machine parts. Uponyorir arival at the digging site, use the on-screen map as a guide and run to the yellow'X." When youreach the exact spot, Yuna automatically starts digging. After excavating the needed parts, you can retumto tle hover or attempt to dig at any of the other white 'Xs" on the map. In sorne white "X" spots, it'spossible to dig up usefirl items, Sphere Break coins, Al Bhed Primers, ard accessories. Sometimes a white'X" marLs a spot where enemies will ambush your pary Ever ifyou dont get ambushed, random batdes will occur.

The nerchant a s you back ilyauattempt Io leave lhe camp.

Digging in Bikanel un be exlrflnelyrewardi1g t0 y)ut p1cketb1ak and y1ur

knowledge althe Al Bhed language.


You may encounter competitior while on an o.?edition. If another Al the inpotant itdn narked by ke

Bhed excarator beats 1ou to a white a(,', search'somewhere else. Dorlt yell1v "X ful1re Chasing alter Ather

nrn too far &om the horcr, though. Ifyou mn out of tirne, the party suf- P1ssible itens

fers ftom water depnvation and the dig is saapped. When the on-soeen timer &ops to roughly 12 secondsremaining, give up and head back to the ho!€r iflou've already excavated the yellow "X"

fou nust louch ke hovet to conpleteor loleit a dig.

After you successfully complete a dig, 1,ou complete the mission andreceirr a 100 gil reward, the Still of Night Garment Grid, and anElixir. At this point, you can return to the Celsius using the nearby Save

Sphere, or you can dig some more. The only available location for dig-ging in Chapter 1 is the Westem Expanse. As you progress firther htothe game, more areas open up, and pur gil reward for each excavationincreases as you uJ<e promotion exams at Djose Temple. In addition,mastery ofdigging at aa early stxge may result in failure to complete cer-tarn events at Djose Temple very late in the game. More on this isexpla red in the "Chapter 5' section of the walkdrough. Until then,keep your digging to a minimum!

Whenever you dig, always go lor

R E O U E S T I N G H I G H E R P A Yeft rt t fiu. ,o t n ,uccestul digs, return to Djose Temple and use the panel in the south chamber The devicc offers a

series of options, such as rpplying lor a raise. If the device determines that yor.r are eligible for a raise, you must answer a

series ofquestions with the best anitude. Ifyou score a certain number ofpoints by answering questions, you ll receive a raise

for digging. More information on cxcaiation is included in the "Minacames" chapter, including the answers that will gct

you a rarsel

U N I D E N T I F I E D O B J E C TA P P R O A C H I N G !

Occuring randomly during your digging e".{curcions, Picket may report something

Iarge heading your way. After a few moments, a large red arrow aPpears on the mdar

map and quickly conv€rges on your location. lf your yellow atow touches the

approaching red arroq a batde against a truly ominous foe begins.

Angra Mainl'u is a three part monster. During Chapter 1, only the middle portion

is active. Later, in Chapters 2 and 3, the right and left sub-monsters aid in the bat-

tle. The left and right subordinates cannot be targeted for attacks or spells right

now. When only the center body is active, the sole xttack of the creature is the

Unnatural Selection aftack, which flings the entire paty off the banlefield, effec

tively eoding combat. Angra Mainlu performs this anack after exactly 60 seconds

or ifits HP drops to a "bottom HP level" depending on the chapter you re curently

playing. Refer to the table in this section for more details.

To defeat Anga Mairyu, use an item riat accelerates one or all ofthe party members into Haste status, such as a Chocobo Feather or Chocobo Wing Then chain

together attacks in quick succession to prevent the monster ftom having a tum. lfAngra Mainlu doesnt get a tum, it cannot perform Unnarrrrl Sdmtion The best

wa], to chain together npid aaacls is to transform all ofthe Gullwings into Thieves and anack in nrch a manner so that when one Thiefanacks and causes the mon-

*"i to *ugg.a t1. 1* ihief aaacls before the creature can execute its tum. Another way to prevent it ftom having a turn is for all thrce party members to leam the

Guiner's digger Happy Lv.3 ability, which greatly ettends the time oftle anack. Cast Haste on the pany, wait until all three Gullwings are ready to have turns, then

begin executing Tiigger Happy one after anoth€r.

IfAngra Mainlu manages to end the batrle with the Unnatural Selection attacl! its HP remains at the level where you

left off The next time you encounter this unique creature, it will be like picking up exactly where you left off However,

ifyou reduce the fiendt HP to the "bottom HP leveL' as shown in the following table, then Angra Mainlu recovers HP

up to the,teturn HP,'level before the next batde. For example, ifyouie fighting the fiend during chapter 1 and lower

ii Hp to 290,000 or less, the fiend returns with 300,099 HP when it is encountered rgain.Ifyou reduce Angra Mainlrt

HP to 240,000 during Chapt€r 2, it returns with 266,755 HP the next time you encounter ir.

This n1nsler prcves ertrenely challeng'ing to deleat, even lar veleran RPG


Ch)asing lhe answers thal best suit apr1lessianal digger isnl easy, since the

answer isn'l always whal y1u might lhink

Punching allacks fL1n an ac ve right 0rlefl arn reduces lhe paLu's abi ly l0chain canseculive allacks during

chapterc aller Chaplet 1.

Y1u will ptabably get bljwn 7ul af ba!-tle seveftltimes bel1re y1u acluallydefeat Angrc Mainyu, but don't quit!


IIt 0 t





r r E M c l t E c t ( U s T

Tiara O

U N E A S Y V I S I TWhen entering Bevelle from the Macalania Woods, use the Save Sphere on the left and speak to the old

man on the right to ride tle lift down the long path. In the next area, move Yuna forward until a woman

greets the high summoner Follow the Joung lady until a gendeman greets Yuna and goes to summon

Praetor Baralai. After the scene, follow Baralar into New Yevon Headquarten. fude the lift to the upper

leve1 and speak to Baralai again to receive a Tiara. Guards prevent access to other areas inside the HQ

so return to the Celsius.

Chase alter Baralai t0 get an iten, n1tbeuuse he\ cute.

w A i l D E B t l { G F l E l { 0 S

HP:99 IAP: 1Steal: PotionDrop: Eye Drops

t T E M C l l E C l { U S T


i l I A P S

0ocobo teolher x2

Chocobo Feather (x2) Potion (x2)Phoenix Down

HP:973 tAPl lGil:380Steal: White RingDrop: Blue Ring

HP: 368 IAP:0 tGi l :0Steal:N/ADrop: N/A

HP:320 tAPr 1 tGil: 30Steal: Phoenix DownDrop: Potion (x2)

HP:10 ?AP: 1Steal: PotionDrop:Antidote

HP:482 IAP: 1 lci l: 22Steal: PotionDrop: Potion

HP: 185 tAP: 1 lGil: 12Steal; Potion



M A P S C 0 1 { T t 1 { U E l t

M A R K E T I N G D E P A R T M E N T, lThe Calm Lands hrve become a tourist attraction, firll of mini-games to play. Two compan;es are vy;ng

-' . lfor dominance ofthe tourist trade: Open Air, Inc. and Argeng Inc. Thanls to Rikku and Paine, you have100 credits to use at either agency. Ifyou \,!ant to ride the hover to another part of the Calm Lands, paythe required 10 credits at either company.

To start the publicity campaign, speak to one company representative or the other at any hover, choosethe 'Publicity menu" option, then choose "Sign me up!" The company au,ards you pubJicity points forspefing to people all around Spna by pressing the Square button in an attempt to bolster and promotethe company. Each person prefers to be pitched to in a different uay. This quest is a game-long under-taking that wiJl have you pitching your company to NPCs in every location during every chapter, so starttalking it up!

. S P E N D I N G C R E D I T S' ' .. Entering the Calm Lands ftom Macalania Woods, the 6rst mini-game you shornd encounter is Lupine

...--. -.: Dash, located in the southwest corner of the CaIm Lands nearest to the starting point- Two people arestanding near a hovel Speak to the person ftom Argent or the person ftom Open Air to start the game.Ifyou oeed to purchase credits to play (you start with 100), purchase them for 10 gil apiece. Choose oneor two winning hounds, and hope they win the race. The game pays out credits based on the odds ofyourhound wilrnine.

Hape you sured high on Frogget,'uuse Reptile Run is lwice as hardl

Betwn to ke Caln Lands and speak taany rcpresentative t0 find 1ut h1w y1ulpublicily anpaign is g1ing. Refet talhe "Mini-Ganes' chapter for nore


Actoss ke tield the lupines ga, andwho will win nobody knows.

. r - t-"-7/

i.'.,r ] J Jt--L/ ./



Reptile Run n available ftom the people standing near the hover just

northeast of the center of the Calm Lands. This game firnctions exact-ly like the classic arcade game "Frogger" Place a be! then attempt tonavigate your reptile through several lines of fien&. Use the line ofspheres displayed on-saeen to guide the reptile away Fom danger spots.Ifyou get caught by a frend, you lose- ff you make it all the way to theother side, the game pa'6 out your winnings based on the time it tookfor you to reach the linish line.

Stry Slots is the game being otrered by the individuals standing nea.r thehover close to the north edge ofthe Calm Lands. A.fter placing a bet ofone

to 6ve credits, you must attempt to line up three flying creatuts ofthe same co1or. More information on allthe games at the Calm Lands is covered in the "Mini-Games" chapter.

Try Io line up lhtee llying crcatures 0lthe sane colot Go ahead, just tty!

A u n c B N T P R o P o S A Li':-:At the Travd Agency near the center ofthe massive plain is a mar who's looking for a wife for his son. Whether you agree to be his wife or' . , . .no6youcanundertakeamissiontofndawifefor theyoungman.Approachwoment luoughoutSpiraandpresstheSquarebuttontotalkto

ladies about marrying the mart son. The "Matrimony" mission goes ha.nd-in-hand with the 'Publiciqr mission. It's a wise idea to undertaleboth missions simultaneously ifyou are going to do thern.

Potion 50Phoenix DownAntidoteEve DroosEcho Screen 50SoftHolv Waterlron Banqle 500Silver BracerWristbandAmulet 1000


HP:99 IAP: 1 tc i l : 20Steal: PotionDrop: Eye Drops

HP: 182 IAP: 1 l c i l ; 18Steal: PotionDrop: Potion

W A l { I I E R I I I G F I E l { I I S

D I S H A R M O N Y I N T H E T R I B EAftcr conversing briefly with beleaguered Ronso Elder Kimahri, Kimahri's rival Garik leaps in to deliver a lew critical words. Your resPonses aflect whether or

not the Ronso Tribe reunitcs under their new eldcr Choose the rppropriate ansrvers lrom thc list that follows to build a befter relationship with thc Ronso

Speak to rhe Ronso in the area and respond to their concerns. Your responses add or subtract points from the amount that

thc Ronso trust Yuna. The levcl of trust you build allects how the Ronso act throughout the game. This will especially

come into play during the events ar cagazet during Chaprer3 and Chapter 5.Workto build a strong rehtionship bctween

Yuna and th€ tribe by giving the best answers norv and in Chapter 2.Ifyou want to knorv exactly how these answers affect

your retationship with the Ronso, reler to the Mt. Gagazet scctions in their respectivc chaPters

If you speak to Kimahri again, he says "Ronso youth grown horns of hatred for Guado," and hc cxpects a response Your

rcsponse to Kimahri does not aJlect events ar Mr. Gagazet; it only affects your abiligv to gain rhc Trainer dressphere at a

later point in the game. Hint Pick the middle oPtionl Yaut answes heLe have larreachn1pal itical cansequences lhat allect a

luturc b?ss [ighl and heavy changes atGaguel.

HP:94 IAP: 1 lG i l : 14Steal: Eye DropsDrop: Eye Drops

HP:188 tAP: 1 ?Gi l :30Steal: Potion

HP: 258 tAP: 1 lG i l :20Steal: Phoenix DownDrop: Phoenix Down

HP:420 IAP: 1 lG i l : 120Steal: Potion

HP:984 IAP: 1 ?Gi l :75Steali Phoenix DownDrop: Phoenix Down

HP:378 lAP:1 lG i l :48Steal: PotionDrop: Polion



R0i ls0

Woman standingbeside Kimahri.


Garlk (Conversation stadsaltomatically the first t imey0u enrer.l

Garik know Yuna save Sp ra,but Ronso not saved yet.

c0] t8ER1l

l \ ,4ust ask High SummonerYunai F nd Lian and Ayde.

YUlIA'SAl ts lyERsLeave it to the GullwingslP ease help K mahri.I can't promis€ anything.That's a really nice horn.We'l ltake care of Lian and Ayde.Try and be nice to Kimahri.Yes, many Bonso died...I wil l never i0rget their sacrii ice.What am lsupposed to do about it?You're just making ihat uplI 'm sure you're right.F rrn.

+ l0


- l

l\,4a e walking around nearexit to the snoM/ siopesatea.

l\ilany Ronso lost lives n battleto defend High Summoner Yuna.


-1- l


+ l




I Female on right side ofscreen aI entrance I0lvlt. Gaqazet.

Guado leave Guadosalam.Guado plan dark schemesl

l\ilale standing near Garik. lvlany friends and kin die twoyears ago. Ronso grief deeperthan mountain snow

You have to try not to be so sadlI can imaq ne how you must leel...To!oh breaks, huh.

Kq"g Y4W-.J{3;

M*m#:l\4ale in red armor withgreen hair on left side ofscreen at entrance toItlt. Gagazet.

Never forgive Seymour, nevertorgive Guadol

Hatred won't solve an!,thinglI wouldn't forgive them eitherDo what you want.

Guard near staifs inm0untain cave 0ll\ilt. Gagazet.

Power of the fa!,th wane, cavewaier disappears. Change w l1come to Ronso, too.

The cave and the R0nso aren't conn€cted.A change ior the better, I hope.1 . . . see .


W A l { O E R I I { G F I E I { D S

:1420tAP: 1 I G i l : 80Phoenix DownCirclet

:80 ?AP: 1 ?Gi l :30Budget Grenade

Drop: Potion

I I E M C H E C I { t I S T

l\/l€ga Phoenix

Phoenix Down

Remedy (x2)

HPi 2886?APr 1 lG i l : 200Steal: Defense VeilDrop: Amulet



Phoenix Down

Hi-PotionHeart Reborn Garment Grid O

HP: 152 IAP:1 lG i l : 10Steal: Budget GrenadeDrop; Potion

HP: 228 tAP;1 lG i l i 18StealiAntidote

HP: '120 IAP: 1 ?Gi l :30Steal: Budget GrenadeDrop: Potion

HP:482 IAP: 1 I Gil: 22Steal: PotionDrop: Potion

HP:77 IAP; 1 l c i l :26Steali Antarctic WindDrop: Potion


To ISt Gigdrel


, . 1 , . . i 1 : : : . t : i ) :


A-fter Yunat sad memories, talk to the people in the crowd. The touristsare so thick here that you cant move tkough them; therdore, head upthe slope and speak to Isaaru. A-fter doing so, the cro*d belov' thins outenough that you can fioally proceed toward the dome.

Inside dre dome, the Gullwingso!€rhear Pacce instructing theKinderguardians. Speak to thewoman on tle left to purchaseitems, if you desne, then followthe Kinderguardians to the nex

fhe bur guide wonl lel yau entet thearea until y1u g0 up llle neafuy slape.

Potion 50Phoenix DownAntidoteEve Droos 50Echo ScreenSottHolv Water 300lron BanoleSilver Bracerl\,lvthrilGlovesDefense Veil 1000


Avoid the nonkeY to the left iustinside the done. lf You atten?t tointeract with it, the little creaturesteals some gil!

R O A D T O T H EFollow the kids into the next aren'

thcn speak to Pacce and his gang

Proceed uP the hill thereafter to over

hear a Syndicate Goon with a big

mouth. After {ighting tne Syndicate

enemy Frty, head tlrough the ne;'t

intersection to frnd a chest contalning

a MegaPhoenix, tien continue down

the slope. Continue defeating

Slndicate members as You workYour

way to the dome.

Even ilyou lry to sli2 PaslMs. Goonstanding by lhe ciculat p1ftal' shewill

callYou back!

After speaking ta Cid, speak ta lhe nanlhat Cid v6s talking la lhis causes the

mankeys l0 dispersefran in lr1nl al LadyYunalesus loLner haunl

ln the large tadnd chanbets a1en ne

chests while avoidin1 the nankeYs

C H I D I N G C I DTourisr. hare open'd all rl'e che:r' ard emPtjed rl'em Continue to the toP

of the .rrj-" and duoug\ Lhe door Move Pasr rhe dancrng somrn.Il .me

scruare room into the larqer chamber Navigate onto the center Lift and ride it

di* to the level below Use the Save Sphere ifneeded, then proceed into the

nert chamber and speak to the bald man' who is Cid During the conversa-

tion. tell Cid that You do indeed have a bone to pickwith him bv saying"'You

bet I do!" Your choice here affects later events on the Thunder Plains

Dln'l play lsaaru's gane l0 nake hinhand over a Garment Grid.

STEAL: N0rmal: Defense Veil Rare: Deiense VeilDRoP: Normal:Amulet Rare: Amulet

G U A R D I A l { B E AA quick scan of the Guardian Beast by a Gun Mage reveals that it is weak against all forms of ele-

menlal maglc, except Gravity. while a Black lvlage casts second or third level

prp. ".

elementat spells 0n th€ beast, a songstress cat."9*r lh,:,1r,:rlll^otthe monster with Darkness Dance. lt's wise to have a White Mage

(1 Frrrrnt u, *rllto restor€ HP from this creature': i1t'lyt ll*:Target the entire pany with a Cure or Cura spell after the beastperforms its Damocles Photon attack. Cast Esuna 0r use

Remedy items to cure Curse status.



H A L F A S P H E R E ? !Folowingthebattle'theGu[wingsgainameaslyhalfasphereandregrouponboardtheCelsius.Brotherreceivesreportsof an "a#some sphere" in Kilika After*ards, proceed to the final destination of Chapter 1 '


Inside the sPiritual chamber, follow Riklu and Paine onto the Phtform

until ftaaru plays a mean prank on them When five choices are offered'

.hoose th" bonom one (Is that vou, lsaam?) With the right choice' Isaaru

hands over the Heart Reborn Garment

Grid. When the former summoner leaves,

head down the steps at the far end of the


Climb and .jump through the winding cor-

ridor to the room at the end. When Youspot the sphere at the end of the P$sage'it's time to take on another boss-

Y\u slay ab\ad lhe Celstus is sh1tt.

wA lt 0 E R |l{ G F tE il 0 s


EtherAntidote (x2)

Eye Drops (x2)

Phoenix Down

,1trElnrfiliii:- j-ffiH-

1500 g

Lunar CurtainStar Curta I

Light Curtain

Holy Water (x2)

l\ilegalixirH -Potlon OEther O

Turbo Ether Olvlenace ol tlre Deep Garment Grid

HP: 186 IAP: 1 lG i l :40Steal: Budget Grenade

./': JlP. 99 t AP 1 ? Gir, 26.vt lSteal: Potion


2. Junp lrcn ke d1tk ta lhe right at theSave Spherc ta anothet canae and lrcm

there la a pania y hidden platfarn where achesl conlains a Mana lablel

3. llave up lhe d1ck and g0 up the secondsel0l stais. Crass a bridge and apen lhe

cheslto get an Antidote (x2).

4. Aass lhe canal and mave acrass lheuppet plalloms ta rcach chests canlain-ing Eye Uops (x2)and a Phoenix






1 . Frcn the slaning p1int, jump 1fl lhe dack1nta a can1e and, fran lherc,l0 an is1laledchesl an a dack which canlains an Ether

S|!r Cudoin

Lundr (uduin

U N D E R S T A N D I N G T H E L A Y O U TKilika porr has been rebuilt since its sad desftuctio n rn FD''IAL IUNT4S( X, and now it is a contusing mass ofconnea-

ing dock and bridges. For that r€ason, refer to dre following section to make navigatio. much easier:

5 A w1nan neat a red lenl undet lhe btidqein lhe list area sells itens.

D ONA'S TYRANNYHead back to the stairs on the other side ofthe canal, then move up

tlre dock until a short scene occurs with Yuna and Rikku. Ariving

in the second area, head up the first set ofstairs and move left up the

ramp and around the hut until Barthello comes out screaming. Go

in, ide rhe hur rnd sperk ro o ld acquainrance Lady Dona.


Speak to the woman dressed in blue on the east side ofthe docls in the first area of Kilika Port. She and

some children are playrng with a Squatter Monkey. Speak to her a second time, and she asks you to search

the Kilika Forest to find more Squaner Monkeys in hiding. There are 13 monkelt hidden here (see the

following map). Once you gain access to the Kilika Forest area after the nert ev€nts in the gane, find all

of the monkeys. However, you wont be able to repon back to the woman dressed in blue for your reward

until Chapter 3. At that time, speak to her again and show her that you found a1l 13 rnonkeys.In return,

she hands over the Chaos Maelstrom Garment Grid.


Y O U T H L E A G U E U P R I S I N GProceed to the top ofthe second section oftown, and the guards will open the gate forYuna. After the

speech by Meyan Nooj, the Gullwings appearjust outside Kilika Forest. Folow Nooj into ihe trees.

After another scene, backtrack to use the Save Sphere near the entrance and {ight through the woods.

You cant go direcdy up the center, and Yevon guards block ofiseveral of the paths. From the Save Sphere

near the entrance, head dowll the left patl.A short cinema ofpeople running through the trees takes you

right past the trail you rnust follow. Go back a few steps and up the tail, coming out behind a group of

Yevon guards. Continue up the obscure trail around a curve to reach the centual paih.

Speak to lhe u/anan in blue lo uoderlake the Squater M11key li1ding quest.She alsa rcpals how nany mookeys

you've found lhus lat

Up the slais in Danas h)use, apen lheches! an the patio ta lind 1500 gil.

Navigate lhr1ugh the area using lheleasl abvious path.

Danadrives her nan oullhe doat

D E T E R M I N I N G T H E P A S S W O R D SUpon reaching rhe central path, head upward until you hear voices through the trees. Listen in on the conversrtion, as the

yivon g'ards ,tivutge passwords you'I1 need later. If the number ofguards at a checkpoint is odd, the paxword is "Carved

U"'t "y."

e"t L*p **tching the conversation, because if the number of checkpoint gurrds is even. then rhc password

changes to "Craven Monkey." Ifyou dont remember the passwords, return to the peeking point and watch the conversa

G I V I N G T H t r P A S S W O R D SFollow the outside circular path to the Save SPh€re, then approach the guards at the

guard checkpoint. Say the appropriate password based on how many guards are stand-

ing there. If you give the corect password, they will leave rnd possibly give you an

item. Ifyou give the incorrect password, 1.ouie forced to fight them. The hnal group

aftempts io trick you by adding two more members and asking for the exact same

pavord rgain. lfvou rn."er aI guffd group' wirh rhe correcr pa*word. you rece've

the Menace ofthe Deeo Gaffnent Grid

O l I E H A R D - I O - F I I I I I T E l l G EHead t0 the right along the path, then nove d1wnward againsttun gteenish trees. When the Circle button appears on screen,jump to a secret ledge where a chest contains a Megalixit.

The canera s,,rilches franliully in anallenptto lhraw yau all




Craven l\4onkev None-;rvil"I6nkev

- HrF6,i6n

--fraffinron-lfi- -TiFel--e;rvedTonGn- -

Tu'bo trher-Carved [,4onkev lvlenace oJ the Deep Gafment Grid

Y S r S - Z E R 0Have a Gun l\4age use lMech Destroyer 0n the metal brute, and command a Songstr€ss to cast

Darkness Dance round after round t0 prevent as many of its hits as possibl€. lfyour Gun lvlaqe doesn't know [i]ech Deslroyer yet, change someone into

a knowledgeable Black lvlage and cast your strongest spells againstit. The other party member should keep everyone healthy as a

White Mage. Be ready lo cast Cure or Cura on all party membersat Once, especially if everyone's HP gets below 100 points. Asingle blow irom this brute can K0 a person with less than 100HP Fight hard because after the battle, Chapter 1 is completel


SIEAL; Normal: [I!'thril Gloves Rare: lvlythrilGlovesDR0P: Normal:Wristband Rafe:Wristband

M1ve laward the lap cenler af the areala overheat lhe passwords.




tZR,,..,TF *7,1



Itr*F.*14: -!$i..".." -it' . ?

dr r1a'..rii. a.t.

t t i ta:r ' r

:4?', \t,'

I ' lS lr i'tt #7-,,1

. ,"srl{ eHi -.-}



,'aN1 t F




*Only il you hoven'l rnostered Al Bhed.R€medy (x4)

Potion (xB)

Leblanc's Sphere O

_ . t l ir'$l ll ii . . . . . ,

,21 : ii t f ! f t .

l r i J l tI - r t


t Shinra plaF the movie stored on the sphere that was stolen Fom Kilika. He will replay the haunting images ifyou speak to

I him again after rhe conversations onboard the Bridge. A{lerward, head down to the Engine Room to collect the new items

in tlrc four chests. Ride the lift to the Cabin area, where dree musicians are practicing in the conidor Speak to the third

musiciaq Daraya, and start prshing all duee of them onto tie lift. Position Yuna behind each musician, and move toward

the llft. Yuna will guide each musiciar by collision. You can also get a bonus accessory by pushilg Tobli into the elevator. If

you want to quit this task, speak to Barkeep at the top of the corridor. Once all dtee are onboard the lii, Yuna delights the

crew wirh a.oncen on tie deck ourside the ship. lly1u all7wed Clask1 md j'aka l0 j1in

lhe crew they will afrend the c7ncert.

lfyou give the .phere ro the Youth League, rhe

Gullwings fly to Mushroom Rock Road and

receive a grand reception from Lucll, Elmr, and

Nooj. Wherever you travel in Spin, Youth League

members will welcome you with respect and

thanks. However, New Yevon members will scorn

your presence and if you aftempt to entef Bevelle,

the Gullwings will be forced to 6ght several sets of

soldiers and machina. The apening events of Chapter 2change depending 0n y?ur decisi1n.

Ifyou give the sphere to New Yevon, the crew of the Celsius has a conference with

the gratefii Praetor Baralai. Youth League members will look down upon the

Gullwings, and if you attempt to enter Mushroom Rock Road, youle forced to

complete an extra mission in which the girls fight Youth League parriots, culmi-

nating in a baftle against Elma.

t i " , .


ROAB ED !, r ' Afler choosing a sidea side and handing ovet the sphere, the Gullwings are called back to the Celsius. Looks like Leblanc is

. .1 . .barl-and shet up to no good. She, Logos, and Ormi stole the broken sphere found at Zanarkaad, leaving behind

Leblanct Sphere. For the main portioo ofChapter 2, your quest is to find Leblanc Syndicate members (located at Djose

Temple, Bikanel Desert, lnd Mt. Gagazet), defeat them, and steal three uniforms. The order in which you visit these loca-

tions and obtain the Syndicate Uniforms is not important. Upon acquling all three uniforms, the option to Ily th€

Gullwines to Guadosalam to irfiltrate Leblanc's chateau w;ll be available.

FINAL FANTASY X-2 is cenainly agane wolh r€playing, sinceyou canmake differenl ch1ices each line y1u

undeiake ke advenlwe.

W E I G H T Y D E C I S I O NAfter Yunat awesome spectacle, follow Rikku and Paine from the Cabir area up to the Bridge. You must now decide whether to

give the sphere that w?s stolen from Kilika to either the Youth League or to New Yevon. If you give the sphere to tle Youth

Le€ue, you can acquire 100% story completion in a single game. However, ifyou give the sphere to New Yevon, the highest per-

centage you can achieve is 99%. Your choice affects the scene that occurs afterward and mary other dialogues and con"ersations

throughout the grme.

Allying yourself v/ith the YaulhLeague is ke onlywaylo accunulaleIAA% canplelian in a single gane.

While searching l0r app1rtunities t0steal Syodiale Unifoms, be sure to

revisit every alhet l1calion in Spia taundeLlake a variely 0f vitalnissi7ns

and side quests.

W A l { I I E R I l I G F I E I I D S


HP: 196 ?AP: 1 ?Gi l :18

I T E M C H E C K I . I S T

Wall Ring

Potion (x3)

Hi-Potion (x2)

1500 g i lEnigrna Plate Gafment Grid O

'- ,r,'

1 ' ,

' . ' . : . - ' '

M A P S C O I { T I 1 { U E O


B E C L E M ' S C H A L L E N G EReturn to Besaid and speak to any of the blitzball players standing near the Save Sphere. Beclem, of the Besrid Aurochs,

is training new members for the Youth League. A drill sergeant, Beclem, from the Youth League is training the young men

of Besaid-and not in a pleasant way. Yuna becomes incensed by Beclem's comments, resulting Ln an opponnity for you

to undertake a challenging mini game to put Beclem in his place. Complete the Cunner's Gaundet mini game with 500

points, reach tie next level of the game, and gain the completion percentage arailable for visiting Besaid'

G U N N I N G T H R O U G H T H E G A U N T L E TWhen the mission begins, tell Beclem "I need a tutorial first," or'Basic instructionJ to

learn how to play the mini-game. You start at a three-wayjunction and fight toward the beach. You must speak to Beclem at

the shoreline tefore time erpnes witn 500 points or more. When the mini garne begins, you begin in the ar€ajust outside the

village with a small amount of normal ammo. The two Coyotes in the area remain stationary Trrget them with the Circle but-

ton ind shoot them with the X bufton. Press ih€ Square button to cycle ihrough targets. Switch ammunition q?es with the L1

and R1 buftons. Move Yuna toward a treasure chest droPp€d by the fiends to claim the ammo inside

Sh1aling the mech in the avergt7wn atearewards helly b1nus paints il Yunas chan

bat is full.

Replay lhe Guonetb Gauntlel ninigane until you snre high enough ta

put Eeclen in his plau!

f0 play lhis lun nini-game again, speak t0Beclem either 1utside lhe village ar 0n lhe


Take all the tine yau need la learn thenini gane because aclually playing is

a heclic expe ence.

Winoing the nin|gane in lhe tinealllfted tequies nainlaining a t'ull

chain bat while defuting rcughly 2A 0lnarc fiends.

QicHy proceed toward the ruins and

shoot the Coyotes coming down the h

Frankly, this isnt the best area to gato

points, simply because the camera angles

male it more difficult to detect fiends

coming down the slope. Blast though the

ruins and get to the neyt area as soon as


When you reach 500 points, look at the

remaining time. Decide whether to contin-

ue playing to score even higher or to head to the beach. Ifless than a minute

remains, itt time to call it quits. In tne overgrown area with the cave

entrance, a giant mech blocks Yuna's path. This opponent can be easily dis-

patcled with a singte Death bulet, ifyou have one remaining. Afterwards,

continu€ out to the beach and head toward Beclem. lfyou played the game

successftlly, Beclem concedes victory For completing the mission, you

receive the Eniema Plate Garment Grid.

In the falls areq shoot the fiends emerg- Build up Yunab chain gauge by laking 1ul lap ke Circle bufr1n t'rEuently while maving

ing from the opposite end of the path. kese easy largels bet'are praueding thr1ugh the arca I0 targel t'iends appruching

Continue fighting in this area until you lLam aff-screen bef1rc lhey get 100 clase.

have at least 500 points. Success in this

mini game is entirely dependent on playing the game withoutbeing attacked by the fiends.The more liends you dispatch with-

out tating a hit, the higher your chain multiplier wiil rise. The chain multiplier is displayed at the bottom of the screen. The

yellow bar witt extend farther as you defeat more enemies, and the points gined per kill will double. If the chain bar fills com-

ptetely, each defeated fiend scores triple the usual points. To avoid hits from an enemy, tap the Circle button repeatedly to tar-

get fiends while they ar€ still off-screen.




, ; !






Turbo Ether

B A R R E D B Y T R O U B L E S. You ca$not visit Kilika during Chapter 2 because ofthe troubles between New Yevon and the

Youth League. However, you can still jump to the chest beyond the canoe ner the Save

Sphere for a Titbo Ether.

llyau sided wilh New Yev1n, Dana has eve1 narechoice wuds far you



I T E M C H E C I { t I S T

, Light Curtain (x2)

S P O T L I G H T O N G U L L W I N G SLuca is another location where very little is happening during Chapter 2. Still, there are easy completion

points to gain simply by visiting. Enter the circular courq'ard area to have a televised interview with

Shelinda. Additionally, some ofthe folla in the locker room conidor (the one with the save sphere) are eager

to play Sphere Break. Be carefirl, though, because you can actually lose coins during a real game. Run out of

coins and you'll spend the rest ofyour day digging in the Bikanel Desert for more!

Duing lhe intetview with Shelinda, prgss Rl ar L1 taswitch canetas, adding an aulhenlc newsust t'e.el

$F3 ,I\ .




HP: 222 t AP: 1 I Gil: 40Steal: Budget GrenadeDrop: Budqet Grenade

Potion (x3)

S ver BracerHoly Wat€r (x3)

Eye Drops (x3)

Phoenix Down (x3)

Grenade (x2)

EtherPot on (x2)

Soft (x3)

Echo Screen (x3)

Se ere Guard Garment Grid O

HP: 258 t AP: 1 I Gil: 20Steal: Phoenix DownDrop: Phoenix Down

HP: 188 I AP: 1Steal: Echo Screen

; f f i - , triffiW,4trfiffi4i11;1ifi,"''' ffi- ldDrop P'oerrlown LL:jDro': F'tion -r'Dop:

v'iall ainq Cffi


l\4usc e Belt1000 g i l

Phoenix Down (x3)

Antidote (x3)


Phoenix Down {x3l

S O M E T H I N G O F F T H E M E N UEnter the Highroad via the airship navigation map. Arriving at the A1 Bhed Travel Agency, go inside just as a youngwoman is walking out. Follow her out ofthe shop and speak to her at the cJitrt edge. The young lady turns out to beCalli, who certainly has grown up in the last wo years. To help her out, you must corner and capture a wild chocobo run-ning down the Mi'ihen Highroad.

B E F O R E H E T P I I I G C A t t I . , ,Prior to speaking with Calli at the cliff\ edge, complete any side quest obligations in this area, such as thePublicity and Matrimony quesE. Also, nid the treasure chesb and clain allthe items possible.1nce y1u cap-ture the chocobo and rescue Callilrom a tough opponent ceftain areas ol Mi'ihen will become inaccessible.

Anly the Gullwings ca1 help Calli utcha ch1caba an the l\,|iihen Hight7ad.

C A T C H T H A T C H O C O B O !Rikku seres as your guide to capturing thc chocobo. After your recent misadventures under Rikku's com-

mand in Bikanel Desert, you can probably imaginc how this is going to turn out. Follow Rikl:u into the

south section ofthe Highroad. After she spots the chocobo, follow very closely behind her. llyou lag totr

lar behind her, she will stop. An on-screen timer then aPpears and you must quickly run back towdd

Riklu for her to resume the chase.

While running down the Highroad, try to pick up feathers dropped by the chocobo in its haste. Once Even il Rikku l?ses sighl afthe

you grab a feather, run back and rejoin Rikku rs quickly as possible before she loses sight of the bird. As chacaba, yau have the 7Ptian la ty

you progress down the road, Rikhu will suddenly stop and say that the chocobo has stopped in i ,rd€ aqain

rer. Unfortunately, Riklu is alwrys wrong, but there is usually a chest in the side area that mav contain

a reward. As you run the full length ofthe Highroad's south section, Rikku points out three false chocobo sightings thrt turn out to be trcas-

ure chests. Each chest contains a reward based on the number of feathers you ve picked up by the point at which vou agrccd to go search in the

side area. However, you only get one reward in this manner Therefore, run down the Highroad and gather as many feathers as possible.

When Rikl:u points into a side area for the third time, agree ro inves

tigate. This leads to a chest contnining a r€ward for picking up feath-

ers and cleaning the Highroad. After opening the chest to get the

item, proceed to the nert section of the Highroad to continue with

the next leg of th€ event. Before leaving, you receive an additional

item based on the total number offeathers that were picked up.

l ove avet the yellw feathers an lhepath ta pick them uP

I { O E F F O R I R E O U I R E DIt's not impoftant to pick up every teather for the best p ze. Unless you're crazy about build-ing your supply of Chocob1 Wings and Choc1bl Featherc (fairly connqn items in thegame), just grab one ofthe feathers on the ground and nce for the end ofthe area. The prizefor leaving with few feathers is a Coltl llourylass, an iten that delays the entire enemy paftyby 1ne turn in battle. These are rare itens, so get 1ne early while you have the oppoftunw.

T H E C H O C O B O R O D E OAt the end of the Highroad, the girls decide to tackle the chocobo with a new strategy. tuLku lrnd Paine

stand at either end ofa shoft section ofthe rond to prevent the bird from escaping. Yunat job is to cor

ner the chocobo and block its escape.

When the creature gets trapped between Yuna and Rikku, you must

guess which direction the chocobowill try to run and interceptit. After

the short countdown, move Yuna left or right to catch the chocobo, or

do nothing to protect the center. When done con-ectly, Yuna catches

the chocobo and a chime sounds. Whether you are succesful or not,

nLn to the opposite end of the road and corner the chocobo again

between Yuna and Paine.

The ftrst several attenpts ta ptedicl kechacabas diectian al lravelare netelyguesswark. The task becones nuch

easlet lalet

When Bikku painls at a side area, yauhave the 1ptian al sacrificing lhe chase

ta ablain an iten.


qnce Rikku and Paine arc set up, rundown lhe path and chase lhe grazing

chocabo to the end.


Continue running back and forth, attempting to catch thc chocobo until yor,.r- are.successful at least flvo or three time\' At this

point, th. .ho.obo b..oma tired and actually faces the dircction it intcnds to run. when it's time, movc Yuna in the direction

ih" .hocobo i. f".i"g to intercept it. Ifthc chocobo is facing Yuna, it intends to go straight. After threc more successtul cap

tures, the chocobo escapes to the frnal s€ction ofHighroad.

After the chacoba becones tied, ilfaces the dtecti1n itwilltty l0 tun

W H E R E D I D T H E C H O C O B O G O ?The third event in this ex.rsperatjng chnse involves leading Rikku to high ground ffeas so that shc can spot the chocobo.

Move down the Highroad, then turn into the first side area on the right side ofthe screeo.When the chocobo is revealed'

head down the path to that area. Thc chocobo llees again, but Rikku spots it further down the path. Continue down ihe

Highroad and divert into the next sidc ffea on the right.

When the chocobo runs olfyet again, lollow it a short distance until Yuna savs it's time

to try something else.Instead of following it, run back toward the hover parked near the

Highroad entrance fiom Luca and speak to the pilot The Pilot is indicated on the o]r

sc.."n Irrup by a white arrow. SPeak to her twice and she offcrs to help crtch thc

chocobo. When she blocks the Highroad with her massive trxnspor! the chocobo chase

is frnallv won!

fhe h1veL neat lhe entrance al Miihensaves the daY!

F I E N D O F F E A S TAfter you catch the chocobo, word comes that Calli is in trouble. Use the Save Sphere at rhe Travel Agenry, then follow

Rikk[and Paine to the bridge. once the group spots calli in danger, you must reach the bonom ofthe gorge before time

runs out. Run north across the next bridge and follow the path to the entrance ofMushroom Rock. Run down the slop

ing path to the side, and continue until the pargv encounters the Chocobo Eater

c H 0 c 0 B 0E AT E R


STEAL: N0rmal: X-Polron Rare: X-oolion (xzlDR0P: Normal:Wall Ring Rare: Wall Ring

fhe final leg otlhe chase tnvolvesnalhing mlre than lriggering aseries al


Prcceed d[ectly ta lhe batlan 0l lheg7rge lts a l1ng ttek, and lheLes na

line la spare!

Betun l0 Miihen Highraad befue yaulinish Chapter 2 ilyau wanl t0 b(ingCalI and Claska aabaad the Celsius.

The230 predatory chocobo connoisseur is weak against fire, so use a BlackMage to cast a few Fira spells to end this battle quickly A Songstress

can cast Samba of Silence to prevent the Chocobo Eatels spelluse. Have a Thief steal some gil and items before roasting thisl iend.


M O R E B O R D E R SFor helping Calli, you receive the Selene Guard Garment Grid.The girls return to the Celsiusr so head straight brck to

rhe Miih; Highroad and speak to Ca1li, who's standing with the chocobo by the exit to the north section. Ifyou previ

ously took Ctasko onboard your airship, het there too. Agree to let Calli and Chsko come back onbotd'

A hover blocks the north path, so you cant head across the north section. You can cnter the area from Mushroon Rock

as usurl, but several sectioos of Mi'ihen Highroad sufounding the site of the crrsh remain blocked offuntil Chapter 3

Return to the airship to find Ca[i and Clasko in the Cabin area. At this point, the Calm Lands become a Hotspot on the

Celsius's navig,rtion nap because Clasko wants to be dropped offthere.



I I I A I { D E B I l { G F I E l { D S

HP: 230 lAP: '1

I Gil: 80Steal: Phoenix DownDrop: Potion

* il]eiilffi;,Jflt;" *Only il you gcve the slolen rphere lo l{ew Yevon

I T E M C H E C I ( t I S T

Hi-Potion1500 qi

Turbo Ether (x2)

Pho€nix Down

Ethercrimson Sphere 7 O

Shining Bracer

lvllthril Bangle



HP: 94 IAP: 1 I Gil: 14Steal: Eye DropsDrop: Eye Drops

HP:74 ? AP: '1

Steal: Potion

HP:178 IAP:1 lG i l :80Steal: GrenadeDrop: Grenade

HP: 244 IAP: 1Steal:Grenade

HP:422 IAP: 1 ?Gi l : 120Steal: Hi-PotionDrop: Hi-Potion

HP: 99 | AP: 1 I Gil: 25Steal: PotionDrop: Potion


rldo tlher (x2)


Speak to the marl near the hover to leam that he sponed the Leblanc Sydicate

on the Djose Highroad. Head north to the statue of Mi'ihen ard collect a

Hi-Potion and 1500 gil, then return to the entrance point and speal to Yaibal

and his gang. The conversation

changes depending on \",.hether you

chose to give the sphere to the Youth

L€ague or not. Iflou gave the sPhere

to the Youth League, the soldiers sta

tioned along Mushroom Rock will

prevent encount€rs with fiends as

long rs you run alongside the guards

If you fall too fal behind or to t}le

side, youll have an encounter'The guads at Mushraan Ra* ructt0 yau ditferenlly depending an y)ur

allegiance.After you hear a transmission from the

Celsius regarding sphere waves, drop into

the ravine. At the entrance of the Den of

Woe, the girls €ncornter Nooj. He giv€s

the group Crirnson Sphere 7 on the

assumption that they will search for the

missing spheres for the door

lf y1u visiled herc previausly duringChapter 1 , you shaull naw have tfloollhe sphercs rcqutred lo aPen the

mygenqus qaar.





Slipping paslke liends B as smple asstro ing quEtlY on bY

Exit the Den ofwoe and climb out ofthe

ravine. As the Gullwings proceed toward

New Yevon headquaners, two guards tell

the girls to move quiedy to avoid detection

by the large Ochus positioned along the

path. Press the analog stick very lightly to

walk if you want to avoid a battle; if not,

just run on through. If a fiend turns and

spots the groupi youle forced to fight a

Drowsy Ochu. Once the $urds move past

the last Ochu and start running again, the

girls can resume running too.

Elnn lollaws her good-hunoredchiding with an aftempllo whi? your



Ifyou gave the stolen sphere to New Yevon near the beginning ofchapter

2, entering Mushroom Rock triggers an etra mission Rather than receiv

ing protection from each set ofguards, you must batde them. When mov-

ing behind the Ochus, no one warns

the Gullwings about walking slowly

to avoid detection. The encounter

with Nooj in the underground cal€ is

terse, but h€ still hands over the

Crirnson Sphere 7. When you reach

the mustuoom shaped elerator Plat-form at the top of the road, you must

fight EIma and two League

E I M A , T E A G U E


W A R R I O R( x 2 )STEAL: N0rmal: Phoenix Down (x3) Rare: lvlega-Ph0enix (x2)DR0P: Normal: Wall Ring Rare: Wa Bin0




The League Warri0rs are smallfish to fry, sospend the first couple of turns taking them out ofthe battle. Elma uses items t0 put hersell in Hastestate, s0 she attacks quickly. She can be put t0

sleep, which is the best way to counter herHaste ability. While a Songstress puts her

to sleep every round, have a Thief per-f0rm the l\4aster Thief ability to makethis battle against a long-time ally w0rthwhile.



Normal: Hi-Poti0n Rare: Grenade (x2)Norma : H -Pot on Rare: Grenade (x2)

C O M P L E T I O N O T H E R W I S ERide the mushroom shaped elevator up to the higher level. If),ouie currently in the mission to fightthrough the Youth League members, your mission ends here, and vou receive a Kinesis Badgr and theShining Mirror Garment Grid. Horvevea ifyouie on pcacetul tcrms rvith rhe lbuth Lcaguc, ridc themachina lift to headquarters. Elma runs out ofheadquarters and calls to thc Gullwings. Bcfore movingtorvard her, open the chest on the ledge to the right for a Mlthril Bangle. After doing so,join Elma andLucil for a brief conversation. After the scene, return to the Ccls;us and watch Crinson Sphcrc 7 lor afew fractions ofa comoletion ooint. Speak with Elna and Lucil ityaule

allied wilh the Yaulh League.



Budget GrenadePotion

: ,,.ryRi:i.i: .





' F;i::ltS;.i;_; i:ig. '

l,ii:ll'f[{iir'::{' "' *0nly if you gove lhe lolen sphere to l{ew Yevon

,-|TEM CHECKt I S T __..--.,*,_--_ * ._-** ̂ .- .-._- -)

: Pnoenrx U0wn (xz) l-loral Fallal Dressphere

: Potion (x3) Syndicate Unilorm O i

- . M A P S


Pho€nL Down (x2)


E A S Y P I C K I N G SHead south lron the temple and proceed along the Djose Highroad until the girls spot some ofLcblanc's

Syndicate Goons standing near the hovcrs. Continue south to witness a scene in which rwo Fem Goons

lei dip thar thel lost n sphere. Move south on the I)jose Highroad, fighting Si'ndicate rnembers in nn-

dom battles. Halfwry down the road, look for the Ftoral Fallal Dressphere (Yum's special dressphete).

Unfortunate\,, Orni and Logos show up once agah.

O R M I , L ( l G O S , F E M . G O O l {


- staoe 0f the 0ame is usino a Thiefs lv]aster. 4 A - : . . . . . . . :{a Thief ability to successfully steal Elixirs

\ \

Wipe out the Fem-Goon to cancel her magic cast-ing, then take out Ormi and Logos as normal. Tomake the battle end quicker, use second-levelelemental spells. Pr0bably the main challenOe oftaking out the duo 0f 0rmi and L0g0s at this

STEAL: Normal: X-Potion Rare: ElixerDR0P: N0rmaL: lron Bang e Rare: lron Bangle

from them before finishing them off.

STEAL: Normal: Mega-Potion Rare: E ixerDR0P: Normal: Silver Bracer Rarei Siver Bracer

STEAL: Norma i Potion Rare: Potion (x2)DB0P: Norma i Potion Rarei Hi Potion

The Syndicate w}nl all1t/'/ y1u la tidethe havets unllyau deleal their leaders.


Glt DF0PPED: 120PI tFER GIL :400





' - ' o


),( )( )

: j

tuluscle Be t O

T o b L i . L o c r t c d l c l r r h c l r 1 r l l o n r b c 1 I o o n t l r l l ] . r n k s . h . l . r l c u L t q u t . r ' H l

to bLr l t ic i iets Lprcss rhc -squ,rc hut ton . \ , i t r m!. r . . l l r r 1. r . : ' i \ i r .k . l t ( , . , in f lcr . th i . r r i i :n: l

\ , , 1 , , ) . 1 \ g . r , i n . . i , , r f c , i u ' r , , r . r . . o i i r h c . . L l r J o t r i t h r p p t r , , , r i l r . r l f i ( . r n . r r f r , i r

n . r , r i l l . l h c b . L . r p L l r c i . l L l t l L l g i 1 . , , L i l ) L l g i l i r r , r r : p , , k r n r l - , , 1 . 1 r l 1 t . , i . o f r t , l , J i n {rhr r r r iss iL, , r i , , f f , ) t . r rhr Hr pr lh r r , r r . I , r f tn, , r thr l .mJi t . . ] . l r ins Ch.ryrc, 1 l t .Lru '

r ,nrcr i i Ni l l ing n, f i1 . rnr . r : r (un. i t r ro. . r rcr rhr l . r .c pr i , r . r , r , qrr t l ) l i f ( f ( r r f J i r lt i rcn.c r . lo11.L: \ ,u : . l l r : r , r r r i l .u t i r r i r i rc t . . l l r , , : : < l l r t i rkr t t i , r i r . . thrn nt brst

l ,

' l i b l i , u r L l . t r i z t . r . r c J o r r l t t r c , r , r n . L l t . L 1 , , r ' t i t . r r J r l , c r l r c L , , r n L , r . , , u . o r r


Guf I\4age Dresspheie O

Se€th f0 Ca!ldfof Gafmeft Gr d {f

i . . r ' .. t 1 : : . r " i r l r l

, : l

r i i r , , , , r . L t . J t , 1 . . ' r , , r . i i , , : , t r o L r r r r n l ; , i q h t r r . i r ' , r : f r . r r . r k ! u f n r 1 1 i { r i l g i l l

: il , rrr,, .r irr,li i, t,,, .. r r ' l .... ., l: i , r i r . i i , . i i r , : i , : : :

* @W A l { D E B I I ' I G F I E N D S

HP: T33 AP: 1 G i l : 16Stea : H PotiofDro ! :Ant ido te

HP: 625 AP: 1 Gil: 72Stea:Arc tcWindDrop: Arct c Wind

HP: 9B4 AP: 1 G i l : 110Steal: Phoen x Do\'r'nDrop Plroen x Dol'/n

HP: 420 AP: 1 G :120Steal: PotlonDrop: Potjon

'HP: 760 AP I Gr l .42Stea Phoenlx Do!r 'nDrop Pot on

4inih:,"'l" "

\ HP: 368 AP: 0 Gil : 0

\ Steal: N/A/l Drop: NiA

^ \ - rHp dTnn Ap i a , t l t nni i l t --

4E! Steal: lfon Banq e" u 0 l l . E a c h H n 0


:7, a=\a)i

Man speaking to elderly woman near entrance t0 Guadosalam.

Ttm0-5 NA NA Nothino6-9 l\4ission Complete Yes il Profits, Seething Cauldron Garment

il GridNO Nothinq

Incomplete Yes Protrts, seethrno Liauldron GarmentGrid. Gun Maoe DressDhere

No Gun lvlaoe DressDhere10 Mission Complete Yes Profits, Seethin0 Cauldron Garment

Grid, l\4uscle BeliNO Seethinq Cauldron Garment Grid,

l\/luscle BeltIncomplete Yes Profits, Seething Cauldron Garment

Grid. Gun l\4aoe DressDhereNo Seething Cauldron Garment Grid,

Gun Maqe DressDhere




S C O U R I N G F O R L O C A T I O N C L U E S'

Visit Guadosalam early in Chapter 2 because all of the citizens dirulge clues to locations where the Leblanc Syndicate

: . ..'.hay be searching. These clues indicate where you can find tbree uniforms. While conversing with the citizens, approach

the Syndicat€ Goons at the chateau doors to trigger a scene worth a few completion points

I N F O R M A T I O N T R A D E, The man behind the counter at the inn will sell some "vrluable data" for 10'000 gil

. I :r. ifyou choose the "Got any datal" option After your purchase, he provides a vague- -

clue regarding the identity of the buyer. Speak to him a second time and choose

the drta option again to learn a second hint. You must sell the data to the 'ra.t per

son referenced in the clues. This person wiJl buy the data for tle amount ofgil list-

ed in the table on the following page. Ifyou atiempt to sell the data to the wrong

person, the tme buyer will lower the price he or she is willing to pay by 10'000 gil

per wrong person spoken to.

People in Guadosalan knaw wherc tofiod Leblanc Syndiule menbers and

thei unilarns

The data peddler is chosen randomly. Before

speaking to the data peddler, save your game at

the Save Sphere. The buyer who will pay the

most for the data is, for some reason, the data

peddler himselll lf the clues given by the data

peddler a;e not the ones rhar indicare fiat he :.

the bu1er, reset yout game, load your save, and try

again. This is a great way to make 90,000 gil

while barely lifting a 6nger.

Unftvel lhe clues wisely before 1fletinglhe dala to anyone. Speaking lo lhewrang individual will dectuse y1ur


fhe nan who sells you ke data may belhe 1ne in the natket l1t ke inforna-tian. lf sa, he willpay the n1st f1r it






Hl l tT IHe is someone oafing about indoors.

Ht l tT 2It l00ks l ike this guy has sorre time t0 kil l . Maybe

lhis person s o1e bad cusromer.He's near the d00r that wil l n0t 0pen.

She's n0t a man, which would make her a w0man.

He's a rather little fellow.

This individualcan be found ind00rs.

I believe its someone interested in

It 's someone near the d00r that wil l

I haven't the slightest clue what this

H€ se€med concerned ab0ut relations between theGuado and the Ronso.He works f0r s0me0ne wh0 never slows down.

@Thunder Pla ns.

It is a woman.Tiis quy s .r a place you wouldn t expect It seems he's qathering data l0r c0mmercial reas0ns.

It 's the c osest person you can find. 100000 qilIt's ihe lasi person you'd expect,no question.

It 's som€one sitt ing down. lwonderwhat he's doino there?

Its a guy sitt inq down

It's someone by the entrance to town.

*The Hypello moves oll oround the upper level of town; his position moy vory

,rt f"

w A l t 0 E R { G F t E l { D S

HP:788 IAP: 1 l c i l :74Steali Lunar CurtainDropi L ght Curtain


/-..|Emtrrc/ ' ! l lHP i368 ?AP: 0 !G i l : 0i \-jsteat: rurnL--l(]Drop: N/A

,a-ml?FI]-eJT'ilGl ' l iHe: ss tAP:1 ?Gir:25i 'J

lSleal. PotronLl:{lDrop: Potlon

Samurai's Hofor Garment Grid O

t T E M C I I E C X U S T

Echo Screen (x4)

Potlon (x3)

Pear Necklac€

Phoenk DoM G2)

Silence Grenade (x2)

Ether (x2)

Phoen x Down (x2)

HP: 182 IAP:1 lG i l : 18Sieal: PotionDrop: Pot oll

HP:623 lAP: 1 iG i l : 130Stea . Lightninq l\,4arbleDrop: HL-Pot on

1i IHP:9g tAP: 1 lc i l i25I

'f ' lsmut, Electro Marble

i iDrop: Electro Marble

HP:577 IAP: 1 lG i l :22Stea: Potion

HPi 1480 lAP: 1 lG i l : 133

HP: 12401AP: 1 lG i l : 100Steal: Phoenix DownDrop: Phoenix Down (x2)

O= tighrins lowe6

l ) L r L l L r i - ( i r ! r ' t . i ' 1 , r l 1 , , 1

n f L l ( j ( l i l , n r , , i : n . r . r ' t1 , . , r 1 , , r i r l , t l , r t , : , r . , , , r t

1 . , , , , , k . , r , l , h l r l i l i . h L l l

r I ! i : r l r l l I l r r : ]

, ) ' r l i , l i L L i , l d l j h i . . l t

r , , , : h . r r r i , , l . l . t . i i k ! '1 , , r , r , , : i r t i , r , 1 . : k , , r . . .

l , r ' 1 . l i , , , L r . . , - \ , n r l r .

' i i , L n l l . r r i r q J L : . i , i \ i . . L . r r , r , , , , , , , r . r : , , . . I r , ' , r . i r . , 1 . , ' i

. L { r r t i , n f , r r . l r r L r r i r , m t . l t i i , , : r l , r r r r r r l . : , r r . l , L t r i , r r , t l L r : r i : '

- , , r : t . , . , .1 n.r i i t . r rp i t i t i r l i * i , , r i r L i , .1. :o i .L1, iL r . : . i , : l : ' , l

r r L , : i r q r l , r - L - L l r J r r

l ) h i , , ' . l u r i r u C l r , r 1 r i , I t i , r f i l i l , . l

\ l I l l , r J r i l l L r , r , n , l , r . l , 1 , 1 , , 1 . , . r l i , f , t , , , r r t r . , ,

r L 1 ! n r t , l i i r r i l ) f , r : i i r r l l f r S r r : r , , r l r i \ l l l I r , l l r i . . . : i : J , , r l f : t ,

. L l l f , Lr . .1, . t , \ r , ' . T l , i . \ l l l l , r ' , i , , : r : i , r . r , , n, r . , . ; t r , , i :1, .1- , . , , t

\ g m l r h i l r r l r r ( i r i l r i , , q . r t . r L , r , r : t n r r i r r t , : 1 . 1 i i , , f , 1 L r t lL f , i r i , t l , , : 1 1 r , , , , f r . 1 , , - - , ,

\ . r f : n r i : l . r i : r . t L . . t i ! r : . l , , , . t , ,

h i n i n ' i , i t r l , . T r . r i i . \ r r i , r , . l

, r . k n r r r r r l 1 i . . i , r . L i . \ l i r r

. r r L r r : f i r f r r , , r l i l , : . r l . . r . l r t , r , i r

r r i i . r l r r i . " l r . t l

c r , , " , , .

. i : i i . . . r ! , r , , . 1 , . r \ r , ' L

t r l : r i r i . r L : l : r . L , i r L , , ' , 1

\ g u r . r r , , . , : , r , t l , S r n u n ; .

l lo ro r G i r r )cnr ( ; , id

l ' l , r ' l l : l , r : , , : 1 , , , r , : , , i , , , t , l l r r . l r I r r : I i : , : r : : , L L r I r . 1 , , , . . 1

L r f r ; , 1 : . . 1 r 1 , r , . . r l r t l 1 , i q r r i , q t ' , " r 1 , 1 , , ' , ' r : , , : i . : r r r \ ' , r r r r

r j ( . r f r l r . . r . r r r . . i l , j r r ( l r . t l , ' . L l , r . , ' . , 1 r , r . . \ t , ' . t l i , l i f , r i . r q

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. \ ) o , r , : ' i r L r 1 , . l L , r , , n . . r , , 1 r l r i i , , , J i \ \ ' 1 , , , , r 1 , l , r r r r ' ! , ' , , , r i .

, t r i r : t , r r - r f . r , . r , r ' l l l l u r r , , , , . i , t 1 , , , , , , r r . . r , , , , 1 r \ 1 , , ' r l , r

n \ l f r t f , r l L L r ( f r f r ! f r f .

: , r t J r r ' , , r . . i r r . r . c r i r . , , r

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- 1 ;

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I A l { l l E R l l l G F I E l l D s

HPi 999 IAP; 1 lci l:380Steal: White Rin0Drop: Blue Ring

:60 IAP: 1Potion

:Pot ion


hiPotion (x2)

Haste Bangle Olcy Gleam

Silver Bracer

HP: 562 tAP: 1 lcil:33Steal: Lunar CurtainDrop: Li0ht Curtain

HP; 10301AP: 1 t Gil: 40Steal: Gold AnkletDrop: Hi-Potion

t tp: gs tnp: t le i t :zsSteal: Electro MarbleDrop: Elecvo l\4arble

HP; 99 IAP: 1 I Gil: 25Steal: Potion

HP:77 IAP:1 ?Gi l :26Steal:Antarctic WindDrop: Potion

HP:773 fAP: 1 lcil: 30Steal: Fish ScaleDrop: Fish Scale

lE o-*.n"*

Hntofion (r?)

-Jro'it . .1 \

. tt"

R E U N I O N O F T H E D O O M E DI . Run a short distance up the tree branch path to intercept Tobli's assistant, Hlpello, who is frantically

. ,. iu1l,lqg his arms. The Hlpello needs you to find the musicians that disappeared from rhe forest inChapter 1.

Danga is l1caled at lhe intersecli1nan the shinnering path.

Slepping inside ke blue bultelly ciclenur ke spring reveals Pukutak. \4lhen the two missing musicians

are found, Yuna returns to theSphere Spring automatically. Move forward and speal to Bayra again to complete the mission and receivea Haste Bangle. At this point, you can choose to return to the Celsius. Instead, head back to the ThunderPlains entrance ofMacalania Woods and speak to the Hlpello who asked you to complete the mission.Het hanging out by the Save Sphere near the entrance point. He gives you a Bitter Farewell GarmentGrirl as reward. Ifyou completed the'Shave the H)?ello?" mission during Chapter 1, the Hlpello alsogenerously bestows upon you a Minerra's Plnte.

THERE 'S ALWAYS T I i IE FOR TBOMEI I .ffy1u did n1t speak t0 Tronell during a visit t0 Macalania in Chapter 1, he willenerge fromthe fuest as the nusicians deDaft. SDeak to him four tines t0 1et the Full ThrottledressDhere for Paine!

A t B H E D F O R B U S I N E S S.':,,:Ifyou completed the mission 'FollowThat O'aka!' during Chapter l and chose to turn O'aka in to the.- . .A1 Bhed, the Travel Agency near frozen Lake Macalania is now open. The Al Bhed sell a fairly com

mon lot ofitems and accessories. However, you still have a chance to make amends with O'aka and helphirn return here to open the best accessory shop in the game.

Follow the shimmering path thatstarts ftom the ground next to theSave Sphere. When you reach thefour way intersection deep in thewoods, head along the top dght

path to the spring. Near the tree, speak to the musician in blue, Ba1ra. Ashe explains, you must step inside small circles ofblue butterllies scatteredthrouehout the fore" l to f ind the orher rwo music ian".

Don'l rclurn to the Celsius wilhoulclaining y1ur rewatd lrcn lhe Hypell1.

Reler ta the Bikanel Desen secti1n 0fthe Chaplet 2 walkhraugh t0 learn h1w

to bing 1'aka back here lo open an, excellentshop.





Speak with lhe Hypella ta gel kings

W A l { I ! E R I I { G F I E I { D S

HP: 1380tAP: 1 ?Gi l :25Steal:S-BombDrop: S-Bomb

Pacte and the Kindetguatdtans areplaying outside the ten?le


cat's Bell O

* Will only oppeor il you returned the sphere to lhe Youth leogue

T W O R E C E P T I O N SIf you gave the stolen sphere to the Youth Leage and attempt to enter Bevelle during thc mission to obtein thr€e

syi,ai.i. u"ir-^,, *.ir set .f gua.ds along the"route witt attack. tfvou rcach the doors, the Nerv Yevon forces attack

vou with machina.The Gullwings are then forced to retreat'

However, ifyou gave the stolen sphere ro NewYevon, rhen everyone hcre is haPpy to scc

the Gullwings. Proceed up the path and through the doors to the s€cond area Yol ca.n-

not gul" ^i."'" to thc temple due to some crisis insidc' but Pacce and thc

Kindirguardians are phyingin rhe courtvard. Spcakto Pacce to rcceive.a Cat's Be[ This

u...rro".r ,lo*' ,h. .f'uracier -ho equips it to slorvly recover HP rvhilc walking around a

Caning herc is sanewhat painlless ily1u are allied with the Yauth League


HP: 186 IAP:1 lc i l : 40Steal: Budget GrenadeDrop: Potion

HP: 223 IAP: 1 t Gil: 40Steal: Budget GrenadeDrop: Potion

; C . : L !, € ' v ,

w' ,_.!a. 1tr-.

'$l' :

- - ; i i F i

':r" ,i i



W A I { D E R I l { G F I E l { D S

:99 IAP: 1 lc i l :20PotionEye Drops

:368 IAP: 0 lG i l :0N/AN/A

:625 tAP: '1 tGi l :72Arctic Wind

Drop: Arctic Wind

:882 tAP:1 tG i l :78Hi-Potion

Drop: Hi-Potion

I T E M G H E G I ( I I S T

Ether (x2)

Chocobo Wing (x2)

Phoenix Down (x2)

Phoenix Down (x2)

Alchemist Dressphere OHighroad Winds Garment Grld O

HP:999 IAP: 1 lci l:380Steal:White RingDrop: Blue Ring

HP: 788 IAP: 1 lci l:74Steal: Lunar CurtainDrop: Light Curtain

HP:363 IAP: 1 lG i l :180

HP:320 IAP:1 ?Gi l :30Steal: Phoenix DownDrop: Potion (x2)

HP:78 ?AP: 1 ?Gi l : 12Steal: Potion

HP: 10 ?AP: 1 l c i l : 12Steal: PotionDrop:Aftidot€

HP:482 IAP:1 lG i l :22Steal: PotionDrop: Potion

HP:735 IAP: 1 tc i l :44Steal: Hi-PotionDropr Hi-Potion

HP:3270 lAP: 1 lG i l :330Steal: Phoenix oown,Drop: Phoenix Down (x2)

HP: 185 ?AP: 1 , lG i l :12


Phoerir Down (x2)

tther (x2)

I0 clear Ihe fientls, nave l1wad fiendsvisible an the nap until a baltle begns.

l=tuoine oIih2=shShot'3=Reilile Run

l l lI

C L A S K O ' S D E A T H T R A P F I X E R - U P P E RIf Clasko is onboard the Celsius, enter the Catm Lands via the airship navigation pnnel to trigger a sce"

Yf h'::ylen

ClaskotakesoffforthebuildingwheretheoldMonsterArenausedtobe,choosetheoptiontofollowhim.TheGullwingsfrndClaskowhiningouts ideasmal la lcove.Whenhe,sthrough,ta lkhimintoleaingyourernovethepeslry6endsf fomthe place.

Yuna enters the ruins of the old Monster Arena' which is tull of fiends Use the Save

Sphere nea; rhe entrance and use ir rgain berweer ea'h baftle to rFnore your P'rrty'

down the.hort pas.age to rhe right is a fiend. More roward rhe fiend unrit a banle *i$

a Sknk beeins. After ihe battle, a counter displays the number of {iends remaining You

must kil f;ve more fiends in the ruins, however, some ofthem are illusions

AJt ofthe iltusionary fiends are facing the real fiend. Ifyou touch three ilhsions by ms-

take, the real fiend changes location and you must find the real fiend's new location

Judg the d;ection the fiends are, then head toward that side of the ruins Go

io'i"' th. -* of -rr"1" until vou find a fiend that is facing th€ opposir€ wa1' of all the

other frends. The tust frend facing the lvrong wav is often the real fiend

Clask7s dying l0 pusue his dreans inthe Caln Lands

I y1u t\uch the Mang fiend a c7uple 0ltines helplulaff7ws will appeat ab1velhe fiends lo intlicate the diectians lhey

are laclng

To lil, Gogirel


Pr1tect Ihe Gullwings against instantKAw h accessDries u by equipping

Gatnent G i ds i I poss i bl e.

Be ertremely care{irl around the Qreen Coeurls. Whjle their lesser

counterparts can reduce a party membert HP to 1 with a dngle attack,

a Qreen Coeurl can instandy kill a character. Between each battle, run

back and touch the Save Sphere to keep your party in optimum fighting

After defeating five fiend parties in this manner, Clasko is found cring-

ing near the entrance. Move up the short corridor to the right to find

the fiend he is looking at. Touch the fiend to begin a battle wirh thre€

Blue Elementals.

B E G I N C A T C H I N G C H O C O B O S !After the si:,ti set of fiends dissolves, you receive the Alchemist Dressphere and the Highroad Winds

:Carment Grid. Talk to Clasko to get a number of Gysahl Greens, which are used to catch chocobos,

and Pahsana Gr€ens, which a;e used to raise them.

Before the end of Chapter 3, youmust catch a chocobo ifyou wantto gain the tu1l conpletion per-centage. Once a chocobo appears

Unleash lightning elenental spel b allhe enlire eneny paly l0 easily deleal

the Blue Elenenlals.

among a group of enemies, use a Gysahl Green to keep the ydlow bird

from running off After the batde, use arother Gysahl Green to capmre it.

Dont issue too many attack commands when attempting to capture a

chocobo. By doing so, a fiend might perish and a character with an attack

commrnd remaining will assault the chocobo and drive it off no matter

how manv ereens vou have fed it.

Claskj kn1ws everj,lhing rcgarding lhecapluing, raising, aod training ol



Chocobos are camnon an ke CalnLAnqs.

A caplued chac1b7 appears al Clask1'schocabo ranch, wherc yau cm view ils


L IAN AND AYDEBefore or after frnishing the mission to ard Clasko, head for the Tiavel Agency in the western section of

. the Calm Lands to 6nd the two Ronso youths standing offto the left. After speaking with the wo young

sten, head to Mt. Gagazet on foot.

Lian and Ayde are ke lwa yaung Bonsolhat Kinnh ls wanied about

a : '

HP:99 IAP: 1 tc i l :20Steal: PotionDrop: Eye Drops

W A l I D E B I l { G F I E l { D S

:378 lAP: 1 lG i l :48 HP: 1350 lAP: 1 lG i i : 80Steal: GauntletDrop; Potlon




Wh ie Cape

Pho€nix Down

Syndicate lJnjiorm O

Stonehewn Garment Grid O

HP: 182 IAP: 1 lG i l : 18Steal: PotionDrop: Potion

HP:94 IAP: 1 l c i l : 14Steal: Eye DropsDrop: Eye Drops

HP:232 IAP: 1 tG i l :50Stealr Budget GrenadeDrop: Potion

HP: 167 I AP: 1 I Gil: 70Steal: PotionDropi Potion

HP: 303 tAP: '1 lG i l :42Steal: Elecho [Iarble (x2)Drop: Electro l\,4arble (x2)

HP: 188 IAP: 1 l c i l : 30Steal: PotionDrop: Potion

HP: 258 IAP: 1 l c i l : 20Steal: Phoenix DownDrop: Phoenix Down

HP:420 IAP:1 lG i l :120Steal: PotionDrop: Potion

HP: 1130?AP: 1 lG i l : 120 HP:984 ?AP: 1 ?Gi l : 110Steal: Phoenix DownDrop: Phoenix Down

HP:256 tAP: 1 lG i l i20Steal: Phoenix Down



6=--v,z Hi'Polioi

\ I ^3^\da

,{"tr L;" 3\p \o g

dixir --ro

R O N S O N E E D M O R E R E A S S U R A N C ESpeak to Kimahri and tie Ronso gathered near the entrance of Mt. Cagazet and answer each of theirconcerns with the correct responses. You must talk to Kimarhi twice: once to undertake the mission cur-rently available rt Gagazet and then a second time to appease his atrieties.Ifyou corectly addressed theconcerns of all the Ronso during Chapter 1, a certain boss fight becomes a little easier to deal with inChapter 3. Also, you'llbe well on your way to immortalizing Yuna in a way you never thought possible.

{ "Ilr o

.. {t ;G)j r ' - n , : - - : ; ,

* G ) d . . - 9i , r . ' . r o

, , t * . - - ' '

, .a.t, .(). -1,;i-1- .'' 1

't i i

\ / ' . , 't "/,,,Fi:. j .r'

. i i lo [..u",

Carrcctly addrcssing Kinahri s w1triesnels you avaluahle prize latet. Agai1,

you musl he fin with Klnahi and lehin la handle his awn pLablens.

A Woman standing besideKimahri.

Worry is great burden onElder's shoulders.

He does seem very tired.You should help Kimahri!0f course - he's the elder.


B Garik Ronso youth grow strong, destroyhated Guado. Garik swear tomountainl Garik avenge mulderedRonso!

Have you talked with Kimahri aboutthas'/What if the Guado retaliate?That won't make anyone happy. 0

c Male walking around near exitto the snowy slopes area.

Al Bhed, too, sutfer at hands oiGuado. Guado is source of muchcna0sl

It's not as simple as that.Maybe the Guado really are to blame.The Al Bhed have put revenge behindInem.



D Female on right side ot screenat entrance to Mt. Gaoazet.

Guado must die for Ronso future! You have to cool off and think.And what of th€ Guado?What future will that brino?



E l\4ale walking around nearentrance to Mt. Gagazet.

Garik will march, fight Ronsoenemies. Fight Guadol

Can you think of nothing but fightano'/Please, try t0 think about it some m0re.Wiltthat make vou satislied? 0

F Male in red armor with greenhair on left side ol screen atentrance to lvlt. Gagazet.

Elder is weakling, Garik move tooslow! Guado will escape usl

They have t0 think ever)'thing through.Then... there won't be anyone leftto fight.There'.s nothin0 we can do about it.


0G Guard near stairs in mountain

cave of lvt. Gagazet.Many people come to sacredmountain uninvited.Sphere hunters are probleml

They're searching tor the mountain'ssecrets.They should take better care of themountain.That's the way things are now



Head tirough the cave and jump orcr the platforms. Keep ao eye glued to the on-screen

map, and ta}e the side path to a small cxve *.here a Hi-Potion awaits in a chest on a ledge.

Retum to the floating rock path and contturue hopping and running toward fie exit.La1k fu a treasure thest 0n a rcck plattarn llaating \t'f ke side 0l tLte n1unlainledge. To Mch il, slo4y WALK fron thecave tawad ke edge and ke Plalorm

wan't rise. Junp ta ke plalorm toobtain the Elix inside lhe chesl

Keep an eye on the nap in theupperlelt corne( to avoid nissing

side chanbers.

E V E N T SC H O I C E O FEmerging lrom thc othcr

side of the cave, you should

spot the Fem-Goon on themove again. If you followher directll you'll see thenext scenario play out in

However, if you ascend upthe cliffs to the highest

ledge instead of following

the Fem-Goon directly, the

scenario is greatl1. extended.Thn series of events docsaward more completion percentage rhan the othet butitt iirn to know thatyou can

experience this series of

events in two different ways-

,lalk slo'fuy Dp lhe natrcw path ust'en the hal springs arca so that thelap rcck platforn (loesnl tise Ha[)

actass lhe lwa flaaling tocksloablain a While Cape


The law path takes Wu directly la lheh1tspLi1gs, bul yau'llmiss sane itens

a nd canp lel i on pe r cenlage.

lnside a uve 0n lhe uppem1si level isa chest canlaioing a Phoenix Down.

lf y1u attenpt ta canlinue clinbin? theclifls ab1ve the h)l sptings aveloak,

lhe winds blow tao hatd and theGullwin1s nust lurn back.

ormi fights in the same manner as in previous battles, s0. use the same tactics against him here. Prevent ormi

irom attacking by usino items 0r dances that put himto sleep. Unleash a couple of chain attacks orsecond-level Black lMage spells, such as Fira orBlizzara, to end the battle.

Glt DB0PPEo;200PILFEB GIL :520

Path A (Follow Fem-Goon Directly to Hot Spdngs)

I The Gullwings spot the Fem Goons soaking in the hot springs.

I O r r : i n r e ' , " - d . r u m b l e . o n r o h e C u l ' u ' - g . .

t Boss Fight Ormi

I Batde with Fem Goon squad.

I Obtain Syndicrte Uniform

! Mission Complete!

Path B (Proceed to Top Clitr)

r The Gullwings spy on the Fem Goons getting out of the

hot spflngs.

The cliffcrumbles, spilling the Gulwings into the hot springs,

ftightening offOrmi and the Fem-Goons.

Obta;n Sl.ndicate Uniforrn.

The Gullwings bathe in the hot springs.

Exit the hot springs; the Gullwings encounter the Fem Coon


Box Fight: Ormi

Mission Completel






t i . '

i'{L \i , \ STEAL: NormaL: X-Potlon Rare; Elixir

DR0P: Norma : Beaded Brooch Rare: Beaded Brooch

HP: 734 I AP: 1 t Gil: 70Steal: Hi-Potion

HP: '14201AP: 1 ? Gil: 80

w A l { l l E B t l { G F t E l { 0 S

I T E M C H E G K I . I S T

DispelTonicPhoenix Down (x2)

Hi-Potion(x2)Grenade (x2)

L-Bomb (x2)


Lunar Curtainl\,4ana Sprlng1000 g i l

HP: 482 I APtl l9t:22Steal: PotionDrop: Potion

Light CurtainRemedy (x3)

Remedy (x2)

Ether (x2)

Elixir (x2)

Phoenix Down (x2)

Hl-Potiof (x2)

soul of Thamasa O

HP: 228 IAP: 1 I Gil: 18Steai:Antidote

HP: 77 ? APr 1 ? Gil: 26Steal:Antarctic Wind


L Bomb (x2)

crcrude (x4

Hi-Porion {x2)


O P E R A T I O N : M O N K E Y !The tourists seem to be leaving the treasure chests unopened, so enter the dome and speak to lsaaru tofind out why He is standing at the base ofthe stairs, rvondering how het going to prevent the monkeysthat arc infesting the ruins from driving offrourists. As kaaru leaves, Rikl:u and Paine ger the crazy ideaofbreeding the monkeys to increase their population, thus scaring awav the rour;st trade permanently.

fhe nankeys arc cannecled hy

purple numeral to make a match. After matchingup all twelve pairsof monkeys, you'll complete the mission and receive a Soul ofTharnasa accessory

When Yuna is holding a nookey, naveta )lhet nankeys and check I0 se.e itlhey arc inteLesled in lalli1g ia l]ve



To complete this short side quest, grab a monkevthatis in love and offer Isaau is llalish l0 leavelheselhLeeit to the other monkeys inside the Zanarkand dome until you find the nischievlus gjrls in the lenple a10ne.monkeyt soul mate.When small hearts startemanating over r monkel'thead, it means that it is ready lor true love. Press the X button to grab a monkey. As Yuna is holding the lovey-dovcy creaturc in front ofhcr, move to other monkeys and check to see ifthey like the monkev that youie hold-ing by pressing the X button. Ifthe rnonkeys are a match, the two will instantly fall in love

The location of each monkeyand its soul mate is marked on thefollowing maps. Match a rednumeral with its corresponding

Renenbet il yau speak to lhe wrangnankel. il night s||ipe same gil!

1000 gil






HP:333444? AP:301 Gil:5000 HP:623 ?AP: 1 ici l: 130Steal: Lightning [i]arbleDrop: Hi-Potion

W A l { D E B I l { G F I E l { D S

HP: 1220 lAP:1 I G i l : 200Steal: lvlega PotionDrop: Lure Bracer

HP:167 IAP: 1 lG i l : 70Steali PotionDrop: Potion

I T E M C H E C I ( T I S T

Machina lvlaw Dressphere O

Hour of Need Garment Grid O

W A T E R W E D O I N G H E R E INhadala is rvofied about strange events and odd interlopers in thc Oasis region. TaLk to thc pilot nvice and ask him to fly to the Orsis for r

Iook. Approaching the watert edge, Yuna linds Rikku's special Drcsphere, the MachinaMaw. Logos and the Leblanc Svndicate then ambush

the Gullwings.

STEAL: N0rmal: lVIega-Potion Rare: ElixirDR0P: N0rmal: Lure Bracer Rare: Lure Bracer

Gl t DR0PPED:70PILFER GlLr 200

O ' A K A P A Y S O F F H I S O W N D E B TIf for some rcas,n you elected to turn O'aka over to the Al Bhed to pay offhis orvn debt, he rvill be found

in the desert toiling awavl Aftcr taking cte olbusiness atthc Oasis, return to the digger's camP and sPerk

to the man in green standing beside the hover. It sounds like someone familiar is toiling away in dre

Southern E:rpanse. Ask the pilot to fly you to the Southern Expanse to look lor O'aka

STEAL: Normal: Potion Rare: PotionDR0P: Normal: Potiof Rare: Potlon

HP: 368 IAP: 0 l c i l :0Steal: N/A

HP: 258 lAP: 1 tG i l :20Steal: Phoenix DownDrop: Phoenix Down

HP: 552 IAP: 1 lGil:44Steal: Phoenix DownDrop: Phoenix Down

HP:202 IAP:1 lG i l : 18Steal: PotionDrop Potion

HP: 482 IAP:1 lG i l : 22Steal: PotionDrop: Pot on

L 0 G 0 s , F E M - G 0 0 1 { ( X 2 }GIL DRoPPED:200


Use the lirst few turns during the battle to elimi-nate Logos',s c0mpani0ns, reducing the numberol enemy turns per r0und. Logos unleashes anew attack during this battle, Hail 0f Bullets,wherein he shoots the entire party with a volley

0f shots. Log0s also attempts t0 incapacitale':, the party with bOmbs that inflict Darkness

or Silence. ll his bomb tossingbecomes a problem, have a Songstress tame the fierce gun master bycasting Sleepy Shuffle. The Hour 0f Need Garmenl Grid is awarded fordefeating the trio and compleiing this short mission.

Runars al the cenp indicale 0aka isataun0.

Repeatedly excavatc treasures rnd machinr in the SoLLthcrn Exp.rnse During an ercursion, .r grccn "X'may appear on

screen. Head for it to find O'aka. Hc paid off his own dcbt and is now rveuy fiom his toils. Allof him to come aboard

thc CclsiLts.

Back onhoard the Celsius, .un down to the Cxb;n to visit the merchant. Ask to sec his goods, rvhich arc all slightly chcap

er thxn usutrl. He then begins to sell iterN it ridiculouslv cheap p.icesl In 'rdditioi, hc and his brothcrWantz later rcoPcn

the Travcl Agcncy rt Nlacalania, selling some ofthc better Ncessorics in the $mcl

Agrceing la take Aaka anboatd lheCelsius taunts as a failed dlg, bul thts

tine il's wotlh lhe ttouble

w A l { 0 E B t 1 { G F l E l { 0 S

HP: 1640 lAP:1 t G i l : 220

r r E M c l t E c t . t s THeady Perfume or Gold Ha rpin

Crimson Sphere 10 O

Healing Lighl Garment Grid 0

lSteal: X-Pouon

HP: 232 IAP: 1 lG i l :50Steal: Budget GrenadeDrop: Potion

HPi 252 I APr 1 I Gil: 40Steal: Phoenix Down

HP: 167 I AP: 1 I Gil: 70Steal: Potion

Drop: B ack Choker

i | ' re ta :zrne ' tGi t : 230 f ia t HP: 1380?AP: 1 ?Gr300K Stea': l\i legd-P0lion YII Sreal E 'i 'D Dro0: Favorile 0u il t Dr0p Beasse-lbleo Spl-Pre




T H ' R E E U N I F O R M SC O L L E C T E D

As you track down Leblanc Syndicate memben and steal their uni

forms, one by one the Gullwings on the bridge ofthe Celsius will

don the uniforms of theirrimls. When the third uni-form is obtained, the panyautomatically retuJns to t}IeCelsius. For cornpleting themission to get threeSyndicate Uniforms, you're

awarded the Bum Rush

Garment Grid. 2nce yau have allthree unilorns, kegils launge anund ke bridge in

Syndicate fashians.

I t E S I l l { A T l 0 l l : C H A P T E R 3 !With all thrce unif1rns obtained, access to Leblancschateau in Guadosalan will be 1pen. lf you need to gosomewhere else and c1mplete any remaining side nis-sions, be sure to do it bef1re you change into the uni-forms. qnce you change int1 the uniforns atGuadosalan,you willbe unable to return to the Celsius.After the nission inside the Syndicate's hideout,Br1ther automatically flies to Bevelle.


Approach the doors guarded by Leblanc Syndicate Coons. Thegirls automatically put on their uniforms and slp inside. After thescene in the foyer, headthrough tlre door at the backof the fint level. Proceed to

the far side of the Jivingroom and receive yourorders from Logos and

Ormi. They need someone

to go upstars and massage

Leblanc is a pushjver lar her N17jie-Waajie.

Return to the foyer and ascend the stairs to the upper 1evel, where Leblanc

d"-mands a massagc at once. To massage her, move the herrt-shrped icon to

any point on the grid and press the X buton. Not only does Leblanc react

voca1l1 but the icon lights up a ccrtain color

A red heart neans youve hit thc pcrfect spot. The grid resets, forcing

you to look for the red spot in its ncw location.

A1c' l " ' , dr are. thar th" D.r 'e r .oot , . ju ' r one q-ar rwrv.

either to thc left, the right, up, or down.

A green heart means that the

perfect spot isjust one diagonal

A blue heart indicates thatyoule nowhere close to the

satisfaciion spot.

You must completely satisly Leblanc within 15 rounds. A round concludes

each time you attempt to massage a spot. Points are awarded based on the

color ofthe heart icon revealed. The bener the spot, the more points you

receive.Ifyou fail to score 32 points within 15 rounds on your first attempt,

you're lorc€d to do it agnin.


During your second a(empt, Leblanc ewards more points, but the iten

found in Ormi's bedroom within thc secret corridor changes lrom the Gold

Hrirpin to the Heady Perlhme. While the Heady Pertume raises a fcu

stats, the Gold Hairpin cuts the MP cost ofsPells by hali Ifyou dont sat

isfy Leblmc on the frrst try and want the othcr itcm, reset your gnme and-

t ryag n.


The secret switch is on the back wdl

of the living roorn on the first floor

of the chateau, between the blue

pedestal and the door. Once the girls

are i,rside the secret coridor, proceed

down the curving passagc until

Ormi discovcrs the group.


Darn that Braker 0f Rikkus. Yau( cavelis blawnl

O R M I , F E M . G O O i l , D R . G O O l I:40

STEAL: Normal: X-Potion Rare; Elixer0R0P: Normal: Black Choker Rare; Black Choker

Take out ormi's sidekicks quickly, then use a few Black Magespells on ormi. Try to inflict more damage when 0rmi holstershis shield in preparation for one ol his special attacks.Ormi'sHugqles attack inflicts several hits to 0ne character, usuallyenough to K0 her. Revive a Jallen ally with a Phoenix Down,

then use a Potion and continue your assault. Inflict 0rmi withPoison or Darkness t0 give yoursell an advantage.

STEAL: Normal: Potion Rare: Potion0R0P: Normal: Potion Rare: Hi-Potion

STEAL: Normal: Budget Grenad€ Rare: GrenadeDB0P: Normali Potion Rare: Grenade


: )


S N O O P I N G A R O U N D Outside Ormit chambcr,

continue down the next scc

tion of corridor and enter

rhe next set ofpurple doors.

Pick up the Crimson

Sphere 10 on Logos's bed-

sidc bookshelf.

STEAL; Normal: X-Potion Rare: ElixirDB0P: N0rmal: Defense Veil Bare: Delense Veil

T H E G O O N S ' q U A R T E R SProceed down the secret

hallway and use the Save

Sphere on the 1eft. Continue

past the Save Sphere and

open thc purple doors at the

corner. Inside Ormit room is

the chest containing the item

deterrnined by your skill at

massnging Leblanc-either

the Heady Perfume or the

Gold Hairpin.

fhe ilem laund here changes depend-ing on yaur nassage lechnique.

r 0 G 0 sO R M I ,clL DR0PPED; 230


Yuna and uew arc dtscaveletJ anceagain!


Logos's attacks are m0re frequent and tend t0interrupt your characters'attacks; focus 0n himfirst. Stealtrom him, then let a Black lvlage dousehim with spells. Logos occasionally performsRussian Roulette, a weak attack that tends t0

apply status ailments (such as Poison orK0). With Logos down, treat Ormi to

some strong Black Mage spells butwatch Out lor his devastating Huggles attack. Poison, Sleep, andDarkness can reduce the ability ot either thug t0 attack.


STEAL: N0rmal: [/]ega-P0ti0f Rare: ElixerDR0P: N0rmal: Fav0rte 0utfit Rare; Favorite 0utl it


Exit Logosi room, head down the corridor to its right, md climb to the iop ofthe raised ledge Rather

thrn leap from ledge to ledge down the coridor, drop into the first Pit. Wirhin this pit,1'ou'll discover

one ofthrec switches that overrides the security system. Activate rhe switch, then climb the next section

and drop into the nert pit. Turn on yet another override switch, thcn climb out and proceed to the end

of the coridor.

fhe spikes ate narc threatening lhathamlul.

The swilches l0 avet de the secutitydevices arc tucked lnside the pils 0flhe

l0ng cafft0arAs you procced toward the back wa1l, panels sJide away to reveal sharp

spikes. Turn and run down the corridor, leaping from ledge to ledge as

quickly as possiblc. Ifyou drop into a pit, cJimb out fast and continue. When you reach the bottom edge ofthe

corridor, wait lor the wallto catch up.In order to reach the alcove above the passage !v1ry, you must let the sPikes

catch up to you at this point. Doing so will trigger a short scene ofthe girls outrunning thc sPikes and jump

ing to the alcove above. Press the override in this conidor to finally derctivate the booby traPs.


0 R M t , [ 0 G 0 s , L E B t A l { C


U N C O V E R I N GL E B L A N C ' S R O O M

With the booby traps in the long

coffidor disabled, run to the top of

the corridor andprcss the switch that

is now visible on the back wrll. A

section of the corridor on the left

slides down to reveal a new portion

of the prssqe. Head into the newly

opcncd corridor and enter the first

doorway-a circular portal with

Leblanc's seal engraved upon it.

Proceed a little ways into the room

for the fina1 showdown.

R E I U R l { T R I P B E O U I R E DSome additional iems are located in Leblanc's room, but they'llhave to wait until you have a chance t0 rcturn here duringChapter 3.

The finalenc1unler accuLs in Leblancsraan.



Normal: X-Potion Rare: ElixirNormal: wist Headband Rare: Twist Peadband

Leblanc and crew have been practicing a three-pers0n comb0attack for the girls. Since Logos has a surprisingly low amountof He dispose of him as quickly as possible with a second-levelBlack Mage spell. This negates the ability oi the Syndicate tri0to use their N0 Love Lost c0mb0. lf the trio executes the attack,use a l\4ega-Potion t0 recover if necessar,.

Leblanc motivates her m€n by casting Shell, Protect, and Regen on them simultaneously. Therefore,Leblanc is the next target. Use a Dispel T0nic or a Dispel spell t0 get rid of the positive effects she

casts on herself and ormi. She is susceptible to Poison and Darkness, as are ormi and Logos. AfterLeblanc is gone, finish up ormi as quickly as p0ssible. You will receive the Healing Light GarmenlGrid for compleling this mission.



STEAL: Norma ; l\,4eqa-Potion Rare: ElixirDRoP: Normal; Charm Bangle Bare: Charm Bangle

STEAL: Normal: Elixir Rare: EiixirDRoP: Normal: Reassembled Sphere Rare; Reassembled Sphere

Qs. i ; ,

! a:".=rI t[ rllti lr.:'." -!E

. - : lt i l i . t: ,

....-. . l a I

'r $: i:!t

i rHr1lll !!!i i r




,r t.'t:{ *

..1{l r"

l .ilaIq

i iLat


W A l { D E R I I { G F I E I I D S

, , . , . - - '

HP: 223 AP:1 Gl l i40Steal: Bud0et GreandeDrop Pot on

HP 4420 AP: I Gil:1000Stea:Water GemDrop: NulT de Ring


Bemedy (x3)

aemedy (x3)

r000 qil- l Potion (x4)rlrt of (x8)

. : . . . . 'rl l HP: 625 AP: I Gil 72

^f l l Steal Arct i6 Windj l*Drop Arcl ic Wlnd

Hp, szio lp, r eit, eo HP: 882 AP: 1:'S Steal Hi Pot on- " -

Drop H i Pohon& Gil: 78

HP:1380 AP : 1Stea: S-Bomb

. . . , ' , - ' : :

IIIHP: 1935 AP: 1 Gll: 100i.-Steal: lvlyth f I Gloves!J I plpp Wr stband {tri ii',1''fi*l1,*;ri "' ,-6 !l,,iunll,ll;01,, n" *o

I j Drop Regen R ng

R bbon

Eth€r (x1)

Remed_! (x4)

Do!rnlfodder Garment Grid


Wr nq

Phoen x Dolrn (x5)

H Pot on

Dark Kn g lr t Dfessphere

L i -D JJ80 Ao '0 C i l . l t00 , l f r - " eaoo AD 5 L ' : '000. .4: , . i , . - . , - , , . .n - , , - . ' lF ir- . . . . , . i ' . .f

- ' r r D.op D"o1 N" | ,dL. lR D 0p i , r -Cr i . BdO

Phoen x Dorr'/n (x4)

Chocobo Featlrer

Pear Necklace

Glass Buck e

500 gil

'Room ftonge! in Odpter 5.

o0l lt 1ilil


(holobo Feolher

D E P E N D I N G O N A L L I A N C ELeblznc and the Gullwings hatch out a plan to find Baralai, the NewYevon praetor' and mahe him reveal

thc ominous weapon Vegnagun. If the Gullwings allied with New Yevon at the beginning of Chapter 2'

you will have no problems pro.eeding directly to the temple. Along the way' speak to NPCs in the arer

to find out that some strange events have been occurring in Bevelle rccently and that no one hns any idea

where the praetor is.

tf the Gnllwings gave the stolen sphere to the Youth League at the Batkeep sels up shap near the t'irst Savebeginning of Chapter 2, each set of guards that identifies the Sphere. He sells the same itr,ns as heGullwings will move in to attack. Batde uP the Highbridge and avoid d,es ,nb,atd the aishipspeaking to NPCs who may yell lor help.

lake aut saldies /'/ith flanethr7weslist la lessen any p1tential danage.

Barkeep's lisl al gaads is idenliul talhs anes he has anburd lhe aiship.

Barkeep the H1pe1lo moves to the antechamber to set up shop, so use this opportunity to stock up on goods.

Grab the Chocobo Feather ftom the chest in the comer, then save your game at the Save Sphere. The next sec

tion ofthe game is extremely challenging combat-wise and may prove to be a strain on the €ntire Party. Enter

with nothine short of tull HP and MP

Slep 0n raised square platfarms I0 actt-vate gl/pns

Fight l0r alllhe itens in lhetenplebeforc proceeding ta the lap level

Move upward along the edge oftheplatfam to nake Yuna automahcally

hap onto lhe chain.



C O I I S E R V E M P I I { B E V E I . L E !It you nomally depend on a Black Mage t0 vanquish you toes, you won't be able to rely 0nthe same strategy herc. fty to conserve MP tor the bosses in this area, and enlist the aid ofa skilled Gun Mage or two to take down all the macfiina and nechs in this area.

First, use the Scan abilv on each robot to determine whether it is a nachina or a nech. Thenuse Mech Destrlyer or Dismantler to take down the sentries efficiently. YAC-1 3s are nachina,while other nachines (such as the YSLS-9q9 and YSLS-Zeros) are nechs.

When the lilt halagran dr1ps, il neansthat ke lifi wi descend ta the

lower levels.

T R I A L O F F I E N D S, Although this mobile pathway was once the home of a head-scratching puzzle' you can now nove

. ; through the chamber freely and colect the items stored inside the chests. While random battles will not

occur. frends will materialize as vou head for each chest. Proceed to the lift at the east end of ih€ top

level, and ride it to the stage above.


C H A N G I N G L I F T D I R E C T I O NWhether youie allied with New Yevon or not, the events occuring

iqside the temple will be the same either way Speak to the priests to

learn more of the recent d€velopments in Bevelle. The lift takes the

group deep underground in the temple, but you must change its course

Follow the cuving udl of the temple east toward the doorway lnside

the small room, climb onto the platlorm and steP onto the seal. A door

way opens in another chamber. Exit the small room and head back

through the temple area to the west side ofthe lift chamber

Climb up to the new opening in the wall and drop into a secret cham

ber. The two piJlars here control the direction of the lift Examine the

pillar closest to the screen to change the direction of the lift in the cen-

tral area. Return to the cenaal area where the priests congregate and

ride the lift down to the core ofthe temple.

' . J- : . .

Proceed into the Chamber ofthe and leap into the large hole in

the cent€r of the room. The Gullwings find thernselves in a massive,

unknown chamber deep under Bevelle. Move along th€ pladorm toward

the screen to find a machina pillar. Examine the pillar to receive a mes

sage regarding the security system inside this massive room After doing

so, return to the group and move to the edge ofthe platform. After the

security shutdown begins, move toward the top ofthe pladorm to make

Yuna slide down a chain to the massive security station below Move

forward a few steps and prepare to batde a set ofYAC-13s.

EAI I I {G E tEME l { ISBef1re undefiaking the task of activating the securiy towers, it would be wise t0 equipy1ur characters with Qarment Grids such as lce Queen, Heaft of Flame, Thunder Spawn,or Menace of the Deep. These grids all have the ability to absoib a cerlain kind of ele-mental spell, which wilt prove invaluable against a particular boss monster encountered inthe securiu tower room.

T H E W A T C H T O W E R SAfter disposing ofthe tust set ofsecurity drones, it's time to go about disabling the securiry towers. Yuna is strnding in

&ont of the first of tlree "blLre towers." (Note the two blue Lights posnioned below the tower's steps rre glowing

brighdy.) When the tower is acti\,atedi part of tie security s).stem shuts down. After x fight with a YSLS-Zero,

a platform appears in the cental pit.

When you can move again, proceed in a clockwiseishion :round rhe cir.uldr drer. The nert tower ;

a "r€d tower"The only indication that this is a red

rower is that the twin lighrs in ftont of the towersteps are rar glowing at a[. When you ascend the


fhe lighls autside a "blue lawer'renain blue ooce its aclivaled.

Behind lhe lhid lav/er is a chain. Runup lhe chain ta the platlam against

the sidewall allhe chambet Defeat aYSLS 99lo clear the path to a thesl

cantairing a Pea Necklace.

Ascend the chains in the n1rth p\rti}naf lhe raan to abtain a Glas' Buckle

and 500 gil.

steps and touch the control panel, the two lights in lront ofthe tower Slow red. This triggers a frght with another mech, and thcn a second platform appears in the central pit.

Continuc to move around the circle, ascend the

stairs of cvery tower, and touch the control pancl.When you activate the three blue towers, you mustfight the Precepts Guard. At this point, three ofthe platforms in the pit form a large stairway tothe level below.

Upon actirating all three ofthe red towers, you must fight the Georappella boss. You willnotice that three additional platlorms have emerged in the pn, but theydont seem to goanua,here... for the moment.

Mave l0 lhe edge af lhe pit la view lhepegrcss of lhe plalloms

Ihe lighls aulside a red tawer changecalorsMten activaled

P R E G E P T SG U AN DThe Precepts Guard inflicts Poison stalus by casting Bio and drains HP and MP from your charac-ters. Because the creature casts Demilo reduce the entire party's HP by a percentage, you musthave a White Mage present to cast Pray 0r Cure every round. The Precepts Guard may als0 inflict


party members with Slow status, and it als0 has a Death attack that causes

extreme speed and eificiency.

Cast your most powerful Black lvlage spells to deleat the fiend inthe shortest amount of time possible. This way, you don't all0w the fiend the opportunity t0 use toomany of its attacks. While a Black fiIage is casting and a White lvlage is healing, a Warrior cancause a 0ood am0!nt of damage with the Excalibur attack. Excalibur is the 0nly Holy-based attackat vour disDosal for the moment.


STEAL: N0rmali l\ilana Tablet Rare: l\ilana Tablet lx2)0ROP: N0rnat: Fege- Balgle Fa'e: qege. Bangle


G E O R A P E I L ALike the Precepts Guard, Georappella is also weak versus Holy. Therefore, the strategytor defeating the fiend is relatively the same. Use a White lvlage to heal, have a

Warrior attack wilh Excalibur, and use a Black l\,4age to cast pow€r-

Ge0rappella's sole means of attack is casling third-l€vel black magic spells at the entire party. However,it can cast spells at an alarming frequency. UseChocobo Feathers 0r a Chocobo Wing to thrust the Gullwings into Haste mode.which gives you more turns t0 deal with each spell attack. You can also let aSongstress cast Jitterbug every round. lf your characters are low on lVlB the bosshas plenty to steal. A Black lvlage can restore her IMP wilh the lVlP Drain skill, andolher characters can use lvlana Sprinqs for the same purpose.

Glt DR0PPED: 1000PILFEB GIL: 1300

STEAI-: Normal: Water Gem Rare: Water Gem (x2)DR0P: N0rmal: NulTideRng Bare: NulTideRing

O B T A I N I N G T H E R I B B O NBefore leaving the security tower room, there is an additional challenging task to undertzke to reach an

ertremely useful accessory Now that the security forces in the room have been deactivated, the bluc tow-

ers have gained new functions. When you touch the control panel of a red rower and then the control

panel of a blue tower, one ofthe lower three platforms in the pit will move. Referring to the labeling on

the following map, refer to the steps below to obtain a Ribbon accessory

Steps to Align the Lower Platforms

1. Touch the control panel ofred tower D, then the control M A P

panel of blue tower A. The fourth platform from the top

rotates to a new poslron-

2. At this point, you must fight a Precepts Gurrd or Georappella.

3. Touch the controlpanel ofblue tower B.The founh platform

from the top moves to the opposite side ofthe pit.

4. Touch the control panel ofred tower E, then touch the panel

ofblue tower B. These actions cause the frfth platform lrom

the rop to I l ip to r l 'e oppo" i te . ide ofrhe p:r .

5. Touch the control panel ofred tower F, then touch the panel

of blue tower C. This causes the bottom platform in the pit

to rotate to i new poslnon.

6. At th; point, you must fight another Precepts Guard or

a Georappella.

7. Touch the control panel ofblue tower B.The boaom pladorm

in the pit flips to the opposite side. There is now a series of

platforms to descend to reach the bonom level of the pit and

go through the op€ning. On the ledge, you will find the chest

containing the accessory

C O N F U S I N G C O R R I D O R SProceed into the conidor and jump to the chest containing an Ether (x4) Proceed to the nert obstacle

and cJimb up the column on the right. Grab a R€nedy (xa) from the chest at the bottom of the ramP

At the t shaoed intersection. head to the riEht.

0nce yau have lhis ilen, yau wanlnind allthe wark rcquied t0 1blain it.A Ribban prclecls ane character ltam

all slatus ailnents!


Yaur paly cauld ptobably use a h leMP refreshet, sa use these ilems la

tegatn sane


Run to the edge and step on the center ofthe three squaJes. This causes the square to drop away and a lift to appear. fude the

lift across the gap and a{t to a balcony where a chest holds a Downtrorlder Garment Grid.

Return to the t-intenection and head down the nert corridor CJimb up either column to

trigg€r a reaction on both sides of the chasm. Now dimb the other column from the

inside to make a bridge form across tle grp.Stepping 0n the center sqare causesthe lilt to apbar

T H E G A O L, At first glance, the giant machine in the next room do€sn't exacdy look like some-

..... lqhing that you would want to climb on. However, you calr reach some really cool

items with a litde patience on your part and some teamwork ftom the Gullwings

Move to where Ormi and Logos are standing, then walk straight baclarard to find

a giant switch on the floor of a lower ledge. Step on the switch to stoP the piston

Notice that after the central mechanism stops, the pistons still setde to a certain

level. In the future, you donk want to stop the machinery until the pistons have

risen or fallen to their levels.

When the piston lalls ta this pasili1n,step on ke switch l0 st?p the device.

Bikku helps slop and staft ke gaalnechanisn when you prcss ke Square


Unraveling lhe secrels olBevelleinv1lves solving nany envianmenlal


Walk offthe switch, then step on it again (if needed) to get the gaol mechanism rolling. Stay on the ledge and uatch the pis

tons carefrrlly. Wait until one ofthe pistons rotates into a position dnecdy beside Logos and Ormi. Ifthe piston fals downward

so that the top ofit is just above the level ofthe floor where the two Syndicate goons are standing, stoP the device.

Climb up ke side afke colunn whercthe glyph is lit.

fhis puzle cm tu nind baggling andma enging. lt's all ab1ut lining and

pra tce.

Anather grul accessary is loundhidden deep wikin Beve e.

Aclivale the glyphs on kese hiddenplatlarns lo obtain a dresspherc.

Jump from the opening in the circular rldk to the piston head, ard Yrura will leap to the

top of the device. The cinema makes it readily apparent tiat you cannot climb orl the

device while it is active. Move toward the side of the machine and descend one of the

curved arms. Jump ftom the piston head to the ledge on the back wall.

At this point, press the Square button to make Rilku actimt€ the machinery lMatch care-

firl1y as the pistoos rotate, rise, and fall. When the pistons arrange in a position so that tle

rear piston on the left is high and the rear piston on the right is at Yuna! level, press tle

Square button agah to make RilJcu stop the device. With the pistons in the proper align-

ment, you can hop onto the machine, climb across to the west side ofthe roon; and reach

the treasure chest that contains tle Bloodlust accessory

Signal Ril<ku to start up the machinery agarn, and wait until the pistons are high enough

to reach your current lewl and low enough to reach the lowest level. Cross the machin-

ery €'ain to the bottom level, then go through the doorway on the lower east level oftle

room. A chest on a ledge cootahs a Wring accessory

I F T S A N D L E D G E SThe columns at the end ofthe conidor more aside for dre high zummoner. At tie end of

the path are three [.fts and two sx,itch pila$. The bluish-colored lift in the center doesnt

work 1et, so move onto the squares to either side to ride one ofthe side lifts to the upper ler€I.

Open the chest to score a Hi-Potion, then move toward the bonom ofthe screen to jump

oS a ledge. Yuna drops back down to the area oftle three lif*. With one lift gone, the mid-

dle lift now transports Yuna to a hidden ledge. Climb onto the square pladorm and move to

the center. Activating tlis gllph causes wo pladorms to dse in the chamber near the Save

Sphere. You'rt just taken the first step toward g€tting 'our n€xt dressphere!Slep an lhe squarc beside eilher lift l0

Renrrn to the platform rvhere the two lilts arc dockcd, and ridc the side lili to the upper level. Move

directly acrox the uppcr level to thc lift dockcd on thc other side, and ride it dor.n to the level belorv.

Nowride the middle lift to rnother square platform. Climb onto thc sccond square and activate the glvph

to raise the remainine nvo ohtforms in the other chamber.

At this point, vou're rerdy to proceed. Return td the uppcr lcvcl and

climb onto the raised square platform closest to the screen. A block falls

arvay, unlocking the lift thrt iloaa over space. Climb on top ofthc raised

square block nearest the 1ilt, and .r shon bridgc cxtcnds over space. Ride

thc lift to the next level.

Jump across the platlorms you raised to the chest suspended over sprce,'which cont ns the Dark (rnight Dressphere. Savc your g.rme belore

proceeding, because the parh leads to two consecutive boss lightsl

Wilh ane lift gane, the blue lift lakesYffia ta a hidden platt'am

lhe twa glyphs an the upper levelacti'/ate the final lit't.

Gtab the dtessphete lrcri lhe cheslhelate navntg 0,.

B A R A T A IBaralai is one fast customer who attacks one 0r all party members in quick succes-si0n with his l0ng, dual-edged weapon. Although he is susceptible to Poison andDarkness, there seems to be only a very slim chance thai he will succumb to the toxifland he continues to hit with extreme accuracv even when blinded.

: 540 Focus on raising the speed of the pafty with Chocobo. Wings 0r the Jitterbug dance of a Songstress. Be

warned, h0wever that Baralai tends to react to thepresence of a Songstress by intlicting Stop statuson that character tJse a Remedy or Esuna spell to keep a Songstress dancing with thebeat. lf he can't inflict Stop, Baralai pulls out a gun and tires an explosive bullet thatcauses lots of damage. A Whiie li lage will be very busy during this battle, but if youcan keep everyone healthy and in Haste mode, then a Black Mags can take him downswittly with a few high-powered spells.

B A H A M U Tone character must be a White Mage thr0ughout this battle for the group to recoverwith efficiency frOm lmpulse and the Other pOwerful attacks 0f Yuna's former aeon. HitBahamut with your strongest Black lvlage spells and attacks, and cure Curse statuswith Holy Waters 0r Esuna. once a countdown appears on-screen, you have 0nly fiveturns t0 heal y0ur characters to full health and prepare J0r Bahamut to fire Mega Flare.

lf y0u cannot defeat Bahamut before it fires Mega Flare, use alilega Phoenix just as the aeon gets ready to aftack. lf you

issue the command with the proper timing, the itemwill be used even if your entire party perishes.

However, don't rely 0n this trick and instead castHaste on your entire pairy with a Chocobo Wingor a Songstress's Jitterbug dance. Act quickly totry and eliminate Bahamut with your strongestspells and attacks before the insanely powerfulcreature oets t0 use its most devastating attack.

GIL DR0PPED: 1300PILFER Glt: 2000


STEAL: Normal: Charm Bangle Rare: Charm Banc eDRoP: N0rrfla: Pearl Neckiace Rare: Pear Necklace

STEAL: N0rfira: l\/lute Shock Rarei l\ilute ShockDR0P: NormaliGris-Gris Bag Rare: Grls-Grs Baq

- - l

: l- t,

I T E M G H E C K ! I S T

Pho€nix Down (x6) Remedy (x5)

,,nr, ,rrl , .

Hi-Potion (x4)




When fiends suddenly manifest in all the old temples, the gnh

decide to give up sphere hunting for a while to focus instead onprotecting the citizens of Spira. Hotspots appear on the nal'rgationmap at Besaid Island rnd IGlika. Ifyou gave the stolen sphere tothe Youth League at the stat of Chapter 2, Mushroom Rock Road

will also be a Hotspot. However, if vou sided with New Yevon,

then there is €ratra businessto tale care of at Bevelle.

When both the Kilika andBesaid missions are com

plete, the last mission of

Chapter 3, at DjoseTemple,

becomes a Hotspot.

Accumulate a few extra

fractions of a percentagepoint by visiting Djose

beforc it becomes ^


Chapter 3 is the turning point ofthe game, as the frends in every

area become much more difficult. Manv monsters now inflict

instant KO or multiple stanrs ailjnents. Make sure your characters

are equipped with the best gear possible before proceeding. The

shops sell befter items, rnd you can even purchase HiPotions atmost locations. If O'aka is onboud the ship and his debt is paid,

he will leave aad head for the Travel Agency at Lake Macalania.

WAIGHER ATERT!ln many randon battles, staft-ing in .Chapter 3, snall ene-mies called Watcherc appearalongside other fiends andfoes. Watchers can cast nagicattacks, but thei functionserues a far nore sinisbr pur-pose. Throughout Chapters 3 and 4, Watchers will rec1rdyour actions and repoft them to a pafticular boss encoun-tered later in the game. Any acti1n you take or any abilwused inthe presence 0f a Watcher nay getlocked outdur-ing this crucial and difficult baftle. Fot this reason, it9impoftant to eliminate Watchers bet1re all qther oppo-nents, using only regular physial attacks.

Be sure t0 visit every )lher l1uti1n inSpia t0 gather ninar clnpleti\n p?inlstul1re heading I0 Kilika, Besaid, and

L\en la Djose kercallet

$ffi.i,.tffiffiS"f,r:. r;1'.:.,,.,11;t;

Potion : 50Hi-Potion n 5Phoenix Down ', 1 0,ntiie Droos ,: 50

o screen0ft 50

Holv Water

White CaDeSilver GlassesStar Pendant 4000

I T E M C H E G K T I S TLunar Curtain (x3)Bepiile Coir (x5) O

Bird Coin (x5) OWasp Coin (x5) O

Ahriman Coin (x5) OLady Luck Dressphere O

T H E S P H E R E B R E A K C H A L L E N G EUpon cntering Luca, dre Gullvings enter thc

Spl 'e-e R-cr . r ' ' rn. rerr You . t def 'a

\ - e p l . n e r . , " o J : t . l r v o u r r J f e r t e d

three times, r'ou arc disqualilied.

s r r - r u . , p a m e b c r " r " c \ ; l J . n g n g a n v 1 ; r r a .

;Lnd also sare each time you defeat an oppo-

nent. lf you fail to defe'.tt the Sphcre Break

, l r m 1 i " n . r o ' r c . r r ' . ' l r ' q ' r i + r l ' e d r e * p l r c r .

lar€r in Cn"prr ' . . Th. , \ r r rprorr ore

sphere is so triclry that it l'ill probablv take a

couplc ofattempts to beat hirl.

lhe easiesl players ta deleat indLtdea guy in gteen and brawn vlalktng

tandanlf aroutid lhe squate. .

. ar 1ld persar sitling 0n the btidA€beh\een the square and lhe skdiun.

anC an inlnnidatitq wanan tn blustanling juslinside lhe Biilzball d]n.


Upon $'inning your third match against .rnv of thc challengers positioned

around Luca, vou proceed directlvto thc championship round The chrrnp!

con sphere h,rs an cxtremclv high quota of50 coins, with onlY'15 seconds

per round. The key to dcLiting the chamP is to rack up a high "Echo

Bonus." Complete a corc using nvo or rhrcc coins, then continuc to mrke

core bre*s using rhc samc number of coins used in the previous turn to

achieve an "Echo Bonus." This $.ali thc number of coins in subsequent

rounds is multiplicd by 2,3,4,5, 6, etc. l-or cxample, even iflou core break

rvith onli' 3 coins but vou achicve an Echo Bonus i,r five consecutivc turns,

\our total is multiplied to count as 6,

9, 12, and then 15 coins. Afrer fir-c

rounds of 3 corc breaks, youve

already fulfrlled thc ql,ot.rl The

chrmp's core has a strong tendency

to throrv a 1, r'hich means that any

coin you pick during that turn will

corc brcak rnd end your Echo Bonus

streak.Jfthis occurs during tlic 14th

or 15tn round, start brelking thc

core with as many coins as possible.

S H I l { R A ' S I T E MBy using coins with the "ltem" or "Rare" traits, yju can occasion-alv gain an iten from the person y}u are playing. ln Shinra's case,you may win the neasurc Hunt Gament Grid (with s)me luck),which allows the user t0 perform the Mug ability during c1mbat.With this Garnent Grid equipped, any character can steal n1rmalor rare items with]ut equipping the Thief dressphere!

Deleal lhe chanp la rcceive the LadyLuck drcsspherc.

HP:18301AP:1 lG i l :62Steal: Echo Screen x2

w a l { l t E R { G F t E t { 0 s

:562 IAP: '1 lG i l ;33Lunar CurtainLi0ht Curtajn

:810 I AP: 1 lG i l :83

; 624 ?AP:1I Gil: 0

Antidote x2Antidote x2


I T E M G I I E C I ( t I S T

Phoenix Down (x4)

2000 gil

Hypno Crown

HrPotion (x2)

Holy Water (x4)

Hi-Potion (x4)

Hi-Potion (x2)

Eye Drops (x3)

Sott (x4)

Phoenix Down (x4)

Ether (x2)'10000 qir o

Undying Storm Garment Grid O

Echo Screen (x4)

Hi-Potion (x2)

S-Bomb (x2)

HP:12201AP:1 ?Gi l : 125Steal: Bomb CoreDrop: Bomb Core

HP:2490tAP: 1 ? Gil; 22Steal: S-Bomb

HP: 735 IAP:1 lG i l ;44Steal: Hi-Potion

HP:3270tAP:1 ?Gi l :330Steal: Phoenix DownDrop: Phoenix Down x2

HP:3444?AP: 1 I Gil; 48

HP: 620 IAP:1 lG i l :0Steal: Potion

HP:620 tAP: 1 ?Gil: 0Steal: PoiionDrop: Potion

HP: 9338? AP: 1 I Gil: 164Steal: Phoenix Down



) )i/



t {


Rood+, l t





llher x2

Although thc Mi'ihen Highro.rd is not affected by thc fiend invasion occurring all across Spira, thc machina that usually

protect rfaveters on the road ha'e suddc'ly and inexplicably gonc out ofcontrol. The Gullwings must run ihe tull lcngth

oftle highro.rd and,iescend into the gorge, dcliating sets oframpant machina that are anacking the pedestrians Scrc of

,nact i." in rarldom battles do z,l count; only those destrol.ed in battles triggercd by running torv.rrd pcder

trinns ;n trouble count torvard thc quota.

Horvever. thcrc is xlso a term of skilled A1 Bhed that is dismrntling the rrmpaging is not requirr:d thrt you destroy more mrchina than the Al Bhed;in fact' vou

dont h.rve ro lift .r finger, but in doing so 1'ou rvill miss out on a key item Even ifvou

do not destroy a single machinA during this mission, a 10'000 gil reward and the

Unrlying Storrn Garment crid is turned over to the Gullwings regardless. But ifyou're lecling competitive, ),ou can outfigh:

the Al ihed by not colecting any items along the route. Complete the mission, then return to Mi'ihen a second time an'l

travel the highroxd oncc again to colled irems.

Machina such as this rcquite that yciiledp ta hillh ledges la rescue lhe ci|tha,:

The Agency is thanklul even I Yau do

I T E M G I { E C K I I S T

2000 qil

Y O U T H L E A G U E F O R T I F I C A T I O N SThe youth Lcague has blocked the route through Mushroom Rock Road with hovcrs to hold off the fiends ravaging

Spna. This rrea will be off-Jimits throughour Chapter 3. Check in rvith Yaibal, then continue your conversrtion with Lucil

r o g a : - a , e w t r : c r r o n . n f r ' o m p l e t i " r p o : " t

Ludl ',,/anls la chat even il yau harenisuppafte(l lhe Y7uth League tn yaui

pLaviaus acli0ns




W A ] I D E R I l { G f I E l { D S

: 1 3 3 ? A P : 1 l G i l : 1 6Hi'PotionAntidote

: 9 9 I A P ; I l G i l : 2 5Elecko lvlarbleE ectro l\/larbl€

: 230 l AP: 1 ?Gil: 80iPhoenix Down:Pot ion


z-tf,itF[EffEl .flrtE|trf,Iltr-,r'jt?i' 1.:ff.'ii]iE/ * !HP: l819 lAP: 1 tG i l : 140 i / S iHP: 1020tAP: 1 rG i l :130 . . i A HP: 293 iAP: 1 !c i l : 130

L#[1 :fi 8:il ,-l1-]8',ii], liii,, ,. i l1 ;lli,, ::B';;l'-

: 233 i AP: 1 ! Gil: 48 HP: 3890 ? AP: 0 r Gil i 0Steal: NoneDrop: None






/<-IfflilTftlf'fTl-il,i'lllsllffififllf,l/"m3-/ 'JHP:zaa tAP:1 tGir:60 rt1|;,:r; Jiht tGir: 120 +#IH??tr"il:JJlir",LAfIuo' 3::ll:: ,[o,oo ,-ro,,on ': rD op: phopni, Dow- "2

,,-ffitEsffi, r , IHP: 620 !AP: 1 !Gi l :0

f f jsteat: eotionL_-----l D rop: Potion

Pr 882 IAP: 1 I Gil i 78Hi-Potion

Drop: Hi-Potion

I T E M C H E C K I . I S T'I Pot on (x3)rhoenix Down (x3)'A Bhed Pr mer O

,Vrist Band


*Only il you hoven'lmoslercd Al Bhed.

t G i l i 0

HP: 1332 lAP: 1 lG i l : 110/-llnlSteal: Eye Drops x2I/ JlDrop: E'le Drops x2

/*li[.i"",11'''L---lDrop: Potion

/.Fii[,i'J,,Ll''L---jDrop: Potion

1 5 9

: . . M A P S



If you proceed up the Djose -

party and end your game. In addition, if you sided against the Youth

League, then a llariety of their soldiers will attack throughout this region.

At the temple, speak to Gippal

standing just outside the building to

obtain an Al Bhed Prirner and a few

ftactions of a completion point.

Wbile the Machine Faction leader is

confident and in control for now, the

situation here will d€teriorate near

Stap by ke Machine Faclion HA alDjose lenple lo har Gippalbaasl


Highroad from Mushroom Rock

Road, go ahead and pay the Al Bhed

near the entrance to drive the

Gullwings up the path oD a hor,€r. A

fiend called Rukh attacls pedestriaas

with some frequency along the high-

road. Unless all ofyour chaiacters ,re

protect€d against Peuification, this

monster could easily slay your entireBukhs will Iake advanlage 0l unprqtected

characters by inllicting Pdrificatian.

-.4srt{.{€r:- "1tsffi*xglmw: ..

wA l{ 0 E R { G F tE l{ D S

IHP:562 lAP: 1 I Gil: 33Steali Lunar Curtain

--:lDrop: Liqht Curtain


#ii.'*tlili'#'" "*"'



l G i l i 0

C A N ' T K E E P A T U N ESperktoTobli near the bandwagon ro get a lev fractions ofa completion point. Even with the musiciansfrom Macalania Woods, the show isn't going rvcll. Horvevea there's nothing rtut crn be donc at rhispoint.

,,-@fiIt[-/ w IHP 620 ?AP: 1 ?Gil;0i lr lsteal: Potionr rur0p: r0l0n

Tablis sha'r'/ is cunenllt a banb anddebt callecias ate laaking lat hin in


H P : 1 3 3 2 1 A P : 1 l G i l : 1 1 0 jHP: 3688 lAP: 1 lG i l : 230Steal: Hi-Potion x2Drop: Fire Gem

HP: 132 t AP: 1 l Git: 30Steal; Budget GrenadeDrop: Potion

HP: 760 | AP: 1 I Gil: 42Steal: Phoenix DownDrop: Potion

HP: 368 I AP: 0 I Gir: 0Steal: None

HP: 625 t AP: 1 ? Gil: 72Steal: Afctic WindDrop: Arctic W fd

HP:4700t AP: 1 lGit: 780Steal: lron BangleDrop: Black Ring

HP:624 IAP: 1Steal: PotionDrop: Potion


:i- (

.(,(/)( ). t- ()

r J

W A I , I D E R I I { G F I E I . I D S

H P : 1 3 3 2 A P r 1 G r 1 1 0Stea Eye Drops x2Drop Eye Dfops x2

HP: 1342 AP: 1 G l l : 110 '1 - r HP 363 AP; I G i : 180o Fd l H -Po l o r l , i i 51 . D aoo l S , ,1 "Drop: Hi-Pot on Dfop Dragon Scale

H P : 3 2 7 0 A P 1 G ] 3 3 0Stea Phoenix DownDrop Phoenix Do\,,/n x2


Looos s Sphere O

Orm s Sphefe OGao Sp he r€



j :

Tetra Band

Cf mson Sphe re 1

' ' o


o o


or - r

; '

' i €)




M A P S C 0 t { T I t { U E l t - " . * . -

Speak to Logos and Ormi in the livhg room on the first floor, then head upstairs and try to talk toLeblanc. Confer with her henchmen again downstairs, and agree to meet in Logos's room. Head into the

secret passage, which is still inhabited by fiends. Return to the room with Logost guns decorating thewall above the bed to have him join you there. After viewing Logos's Sphere and Ormi's Sphere, moveto the nightstand to the right side ofthe bed and examine the Gaol Sphere. Maechen then appean inthe room. After the scene, speak to Maechen again to explore Spirat history furthel



Before leaving the secret cotidor, enter the room with tle cir-cular door where you fought the S).ndicate trio- dudngChapter 2. The chest in the back ofthe room contains a TetrrBa.nd. Against the top wall is a crate that Yuna cal climbonto. From there, climb up to a partialy hidden ledge thatruns around the outside of the room. Follow this semi-cirdeto a chest containing Crimson Sphere 4. Retum to theCelsius and view Crimson Record 4 fiom Shinrat list ofTieasure Spheres.

Pick up lhe Aaol Spherc on lheboakshell.

Clintb up ie cnb against tte sifu 0l keraqn, tten clinb up a1d expl1re tE hdge

ab1ve l0 Ind a hidden |pasure spherc.

. t . '

*Gold loiryir or Hsdy Pofiime,denending on "ltoir[ge t€blonc

HP: 788 I AP: 1 I Gil: 74Steal: Lunar CurtainDrop: Light Curtain

W A l I D E B I l { G F I E l I D S

HP:734 IAP:1Steal: Hi-PotionDrop: Hi-Potion

HP:623 I APi 1 lG i l :130Steal: Lightning lvlarbleDrop: Hi-Potion

r 5877? AP: 1 I Gil: 370Hi-PotionRemedy (x2)

I T E M C H E C I ( t I S T

Echo Screen (x5)

Hi-Potion {x2)Safety Bit

Phoenix Down (x3)

Dark Grenade (x2)

Eiher (x3)


Dort Grenode

HP: 233 ?AP: 1 ? Gil: 48Steal:Antidote

HP:562 IAP: '1

lGil: 33Steal: Lunar CurtainDropr Light Curtain

HP: 360 l AP: 0 I Gil: 0Steal: None

HP: 2044t AP: 1 lG i l :153Steal: Lunar Curtain x2

HP:372014P: 1 I Gil: 173Steai: Soft (x2)Drop: Soft (x2)

HP: 624 I AP: 1 t Gil: 0Steal: Potion

HP:620 tAP: '1 lG i l :0Steal: PotionDrop; Potion

HP: 620 I AP: 1Steal: PotionDrop: Potion

O= tishting Tower

RELUCTANT AC qUI E S C EN C EIf.during your visit to Zanarkand you erpressed displeasure to Cid in the Lrnderground chamber of the

fa1;i*r,.you can 6nd him on the Thunder Plains. Speak to him again ifyou desire

. ;,-' '"


ln the second section of the Thunder Plains, move under the old r-

' :. ' ;' r l

I Cid is doing his thinking on theIhunder Plains, hes ready ta ap1l1gize.

Jighming shelter to find the two Ronso chil&en, Lian and Ayde Theyouths now want adrace on where they might find a way to fxKimalrit broken hom. The

choices are Djose Temple,the Moonflow, and Kilika

Island. The location you sug-

gest does not affect your

game much, except that the

two young Rooso will appear

in the location ofyour choice

during Chapter 4. The Ronso youngste6 ned advice onwl0re to lind clues to repaiing a

lost harn.

W A i l O E N I i l E F I E I I I I S

Whit€ RingBlue Ring

Blue RinoWhite Ring

Potion 50)n 500

Phoenix Down50

Eve Dropsr0 screen 50ft 50r' Water

'ro Gleam 3000)w Rino

NulShock Rino 8000

. I T E M G I I E C N L I S T

: NulFrost Ring pride of the Sword carment crid O -Al Bhed Primer Oi Gold Bracer Berserker Dressphere O X-Potion

] . .

*Only if you hoven't mosleled Al Bhed.

ilulFroil Ring

M\ \





\.. @

I C E L A K E R E S C U EMake sure you ve paid off O'aka's debt before taking on this mission. Head to Lake Mac ania via theshimmering path shortcut. Th€ Travel Ag€ncy has been overun by fiends. The goal is to defeat six setsof fiends without a break in between. When fighting groups with Rhyos enemies, give it all you ve got.While fighting lesser foes like Barbuta and Flan Bhncos, remember to heal with spells or items beforelinishing the battle. This approach should keep your characters healthy throughout this series ofbanles.

ln spile aflhe Gullwin1! e$ats, it's t1alate lar lhe AlBhed shapkeeper. S|ill,he\ vety gratelul lar thei altenpl.

After defeating a1l six sets, the Al Bhed inside the agency gives up the

Berserker Dressphete and an Al Bhed Primer. If O'aka's debt is paid,he enters the agency, laments, and vows to set up his own shop here

once aeain. His shop will sell some of the best accessories in all ofSpira, but not until Chapter 5l For the remainder ofChapter 3, this shop remains closed. Il however, you havenot paid off O'aht debt or found him digging in Bikanel Desert, the Travel Agency at Macalania will reopcn

during Chapter 5 under Al Bhed management with only a normal list ofitems and accessories.

Belween each batlle, chaase tighl aright.

G R E A T G B I O !The tuide ol the Swotd Gament Gfid, awarded fjr defeating the tiends 1utside the Travel Agency, is a fantastic addition to an,chancter who has mastered, or nea y nastered, the Waffior dressphere. With the Pride of the Sword equipped, a character canpertorm all the Waffiot9 Swotdplay abilities they've learned, no nafter what dressphere is currently equipped.

l Gil: 67 I Gil: 0

E M I S S A R I E S T O T H E C A C T U A R SNhadala hm anothcr speci:1 assignment lor the Gullwings. Marnela of rhe Cactuar Nation has summoned r diplomatic

p:uty and translator. Your job is to escort the translator, Benzo, to the Cactur Nation and speakto the cactigtowing there.

Whcn asked ifyou believc Marnehi story vou nust r€iree that it "makes perfect sense" or things will not Progress.

Aftcmard, you learn that a great menace is about to resurface in thc desert. The cacti nced you to search Spira and find

10 Cactuars who serve rs the gatekeePers thrt can summon th€ Great Haboob Marnela the caclus tequtes s1me teas-suance that youie going lo lake he(


w a t { 0 E R { G F r E l { 0 S

HP: 776 ?AP: 1 tcil:72Steal: Echo Screen (x2)

HP:3334441AP:30 ? Gil:5000 HP: 1897tAP:1 t G i l : 55Steal: Hi-PotionDrop: Hi-Potion

HP: 623 I AP: 1 I Gil: 130Sleal: Lrqhtning lvlarble

HP:943 IAP: 1Sleal: Hi-PotionDrop: Hi-Potion

HP:38901AP:0Steal: None

HP: 2290t AP: 1Steal: Hi-Potion

HPr3720lAP: 1 lGil; 173Steal: Sott (I2)Drop: Sott (x2)

HP: 552 t AP: 1 I Gil: 44Steal: Phoenix Down

HP:202 tAP: 1 lG i l : 18Steal: PotionDrop: Potion

HP: 17801AP: ' l l Gil: 30

Sleal: Budget GrenadeDrop: Budget Grenade

HP:42931AP: 1 I Gil: 100Steal: Sleep Grenade

HP:12722tAP: 1 ?Gil: 340Steal; Phoenix DownDrop: l\.,l!,thril Bangle

HP: 624 I AP: 1 I Gil: 0Sieal: PotionDrop: Potion

HP: 620 I AP: 1 I Gil: 0Steal: Potion

HP: 620 tAP: 1Steal: PotionDrop: Potion

HPr 9338 lAP:1 lG i l : 164Steal: Phoenix DownDrop: Phoenix Down (x2)

Cacluat lr'lathers awaken ia pt1t/ideclu."s la lhe 10 gatekecpes 'therc'ahauts 140rc delails are cavered inChaptet 5 when you ta] iind all 10 ParciDi L eitenies picle[i llie

Na)fthetr Exparse irnn Eiee(if Ci,a!!is

y' ftra'.tr !l slir't0e ardrraltrs a,l,lre i|lr/rdal ilrt Oirr-rs se/]ru trr/


To start thc scarch,look at the on-screen map. Nlarnela! positionn m.rrked rvith a pink X." Speakrvith her aganr ifvou need turthcrinstruction. Thc cacnrs a short distance awey is marked rcith a

green squarc, so spcak ro it to lcarn clucs thats-ill help lou lind of thc 10 grtckeepers. Once

Ioufind thc grtckccpcr .rnd bring it

back to its mother, Moiher crctusin thc re.r rvill.w.rken md begin todirulgc cllres is to xnother gate

keepeis rvhcrcrbouts. During

Chapter 3, r'ou can only find the

first si\ CrctuaJs. Subsequenrlr the

remaining Cactuari locations and1i11 informrtion fbr completing this

mission can bc lbund in the

Chaptcr 5 po.rion of thc rvdk-



- d ):I-i

6 r ' * i

? t ,

Nerv digging .rrers include the E.rstern Expanse and rhc Northcrn

Expanse. A stnnge thing m.ry occur in the liastcnr llxpansc. Ilyou

spot x grccn "X" on the on-screen map, vou'll find a pile ofmacli

nr in the sand. Unfottunatelr., the drones come to lile ,rnd att.rck in

rvaves. Erentuallq thc girls give up and it counts .rs r triled dig. The

Northern Expansc is harLnted by the Zu creatures. Before vou can

begin an excavation here, vou uusl 6ght one ofthese creatures.

Caatuar crillets



! t


NulBlaze Ring 8000

I IEM COSTBlack Choker 4000

System Shock 15000

1 6 9

HP:78501AP:1 t Gil: 650

W A l I D E R I l { G F I E l { D S

HP:11301AP; 1 tG i l r '100

Steal: Lightninq MarbleDrop: Stamina Sprinq

I T E M C H E G K I . I S T

Ether (x3)

Sprint Shoes



HP:973 ?AP: 1Steal: White BingDrop: Blue Ring

HP:220001AP: l5 lG i l :1500 Steal: Power WristDrop: Recovery Bracer

HP: 22341AP: 1 lG i l :86Steal: Hi-PotionDrop: Remedy

HP: 3270lAP: 1 I Gil: 330Steal: Phoenix DownDrop: Phoenix Down (x2)

Hi-Potion (x2)

[i]ega-Phoenix (x2)

White Rinq

Blue RingLightning Gieam

Wall Bing

Besaid Key O

Tetra l\4aster Garment Gfid O

Star Bracer

HP:788 IAP: 1 l Gil: 74Steal: Lunar CurtainDrop: Light Cudain

HP 3688? AP: 1 I Gil: 230Steal: Hi-Potion (x2)

HP: 363 I AP: 1 I Gil: 180 HP: 368 lAPi 0 I Gil: 0Steal: NoneDrop: None

HP: 32301AP: 1 I Gil: 90Steal: Farplane Shadow0rop: Phoenix Down

HP: 625 IAP:1 t G i l :72Steal: Arctic Wind

HP: 1220 lAP:1 lG i l : 125Steal: Bomb Core

HP: 1720 lAP:1 lG i l : 130Steal: Phoenix DownDrop: Phoenix Down

HP:813 ?AP: 1 lG i l : 120Steal; Arctic WindDrop:Water Ring

HP:735 IAP:1 lG i l :44Steal: Hi-PotionDrop: Hi-Potion

HP: 6680t AP: 1Steal: Blue Ring

HP: 43601AP: '1 t Gil:310

Steal: Lightning GemDrop: Lightning Gem

HP: 882 IAP: 1 I Gil: 78Steal: HFPotionDrop: Hi-Potion

HP:48201AP: 1 I Gil; 130Steal: Remedy

HP: 983 IAP: 1 I Gjl: 78

HP: 624 I AP: '1 I Gil; 0

Steal: PotionDrop: Potion

HP:620 IAP: 1Steal: Potion

HP: 620 I AP: 1 I Gil: 0Steal: Potion

HP: 185 ?AP; 1 lG i l :12Steal: PotionDrop: Potion

HP: 583 I AP: 1 lGil: 70Steal: Dispel TonicDrop: Hi-Potion

T I M E T O R A I S E C H O C O B O S !. When entering the Calm Lands via the ainhip, there's a possibility of two entry points. This entry point

depends on iflou completed the side quest to estab[sh Clasko at the Chocobo Ranch. Ifyou head to the

Chocobo Ranch and Clasko isnt in the {irst room on the right' use the small Chocobo toy to call hin

back. Ifyou ask him, Clasko will flll the party up on Gysali, Pahsana, and Mimdft greens. Ifyou hxve

caught any chocobos, you can raise some ofthem (in level) by feeding them various greens depending on

what tevel chocobo you are trying to raise. You can ,lso dispatch chocobos to find items for 1.our parry


:.-{F.5- ffiilffi :r?}.1.+.'lS;i-3!W!i4i!.}Jq !Y>

50Hi-Potion 500Phoenix Down 100Antidote 50Eve DroDs 50Echo Screen 50Soft 50Holv Water 30Titanium Bangle 0Gold Bracer 4000Power Wrist 6000Tarot Card 6000

T O U R I S T T R A PThe other mission in this area is far more serious and tricky. Fiends are pouring out ofthe cave at de

,-!pttom ofthe gorge in the CaIm Lands. There are 15 tourists trapped inside the cal'e By accepting this

mission, you must try and flnd rll 15 tourists ftom their hiding spots and lead them to tie cave entrance

Hower"er, in spite of the danger they face, the tourists all have pet peeves about grouP size and being in

certain places ifl line! Ifyour group gets too big before speaking to certain individuals, they witl retuse to

join the group. You can either lead the individuals out one at a time, or you can take them dl out ofthe

cave simultsneously by rescuing them in the order shown here.

2. Canlinue nalh and rescue lhewaman in blue rccuperating in the

snall alcove. Fron here, head downthe lunnel ta the left.

6. Fa aw the tunnel nork back to thesec1nd larye ave, where a nan in

'//hile panls is aflempting t0 calch hisbrcah. Rescue hin and c1ntinue n1rth

in ke cave.

3. lake the next lelt, follow ke uft-ing tunnel l0lhe \exl inlesectian,md lake analhet left. Search lhe

seeningly enply chambet lo lind ape6on hiding arcund the cuner.

7. At tE tirst inle6ilti0n I0 ltv n1rth,hnd left. At ke next inlersectiu, wntinue nuk Ia find tuo people crouchtunat a chest cantaining a Elae Bing.Ihb couple nust fu resaftd togdhff

4. Head back toward the statingp1int. Al lhe prcvi1us intercecti1n,

c1ntinue easl inla a small aluve andrescue the perc1n standing there.

L Prcued ta the norlhernnast cham-ber and rescue ke lwo children hld-

ing al the lop. Lead kis nnssivegrcup back lou/ard lhe enlranrc.

The Chocoba Banch becones an evennare fun place ta play during Chapter 3.

| . Pr1ceed lht1ugh lhe lunnel int1 thenexl large chanber. Bescue the pers1nwearing br]wn vr/ha's 0n lhe cave fl00t.

5. Lead the graup back taward lhee1lnnce 0flhe cave. ln lhe cuving car-tidat just belue lhe cave enttance, g0dawn lhe passa1e on the ghl and res-

cue lhe person v/ha is runniogfrantica y in circles.

9. ln the snnllcavetathe easl af lhelist 4-way inlesectian hon the

e1trcnce, l1cale a pers1n and lw1 chil-dren near a cheslc1ntaining a While

ning. Lead all0fthese surviv1rs 1utl0the exil and lo safety.)


T E L E P O R T R E S C U E SAfter escorting 13 people out ofthe cave, two remain. The tourists who are grateftl hand over Energy Cores that power

tie teleporration pads at the entrance and in the last chamber. One man even relinquishes the Besaid Key.

lf yau can't figue aut how t0 ruch thelv/0 renai1ing victins inside ke cave,

speak la lhe genllenan standing autsidela teceive analhet Enetgy Care.

llhile slanding 0n the narlhenn\slIeleparl pad,turn Yuna sa she faces lell0t tighl ta change the destinatian 0flhe


Exir the cave and speakto the man dressed in green

lnd khaki just to the right ofthe cave entrance. He

hands over the seventh Energy Core. When you

rerurn inside the cave, use the irst telcport pad to

rerch the last cave. Press the D pd to the right to

change the direction ofthe pad so that Yuna can

teleport to a side chamber

Inside the squ,re crve, a chest contains a Lightning

Gleam.The pcrson here prefers to be led out ofthe

cave alone. At the cntrance, he hands over the tinal

Energy Core. Teleport back to the last chamber of

the cave md press the D-pad to the left to enter the

lhe Besaid Key is an iten lhat unlack:a nysleriaus side quesl an Yunas

home 6land

linal secret chamber. Plunder the chest for a Wall Ring, then lead the final tourist out ofthe cave. The mission isnl over

until you investigate the source ofthe fiend uprising, however. Telepon back through the cave to the last chamber and

tcleport lrom there to the Chamber ofthe Fanh.

The lasllwa 'ictins nust be led auiane at a line.




STEAL: Normal: Power Wrist Rarei Power WristDRoP: Normal: Recovery Bracer Rare: R€covery Bracer

At this stage of the game, the best way to quickly take down Yoiimbo'sHP is t0 oerform the same actions everv round. Have a Gunner attack with

Trigger Happy and let a Dark Knight sacrifice HP to perform Darkness. These two attacks aloneshould take down well over 1000 HP each. Let the Alchemist attack or heal the gr0up with items asnee0e0.

Watch Yojimb0 carefully throughout the fight. When Yojimbo raises a finger in front 0f his face, he ispreparing to perform his "Zanmato" attack. This is a devastating attack that reduces the entire party to1 HP and 1 N4P! lf yOu see the monster hold one finger in front of its face, do not command theAlchemist to peiorm any action until after Zanmato is executed.l1 your Alchemist is equipped with a Haste Bangle, she will automaticallyhave Haste on herself tollowing the attack. ouickly use the lrix command to combine a Potion and a Hi-Potion to achieve the same effect asa l\4ega-Potion. lf Yoiimbo's dog, Daigoro, manages to attack and kill one or m0re party members, use a M€ga-Phoenix or command theAlchemist to c0ncoct one by mixing a Phoenix Down and a Hi-Potion. Repeat this strategy to slay ahead of the battle each time Yoiimboperforms Zanmato. lI possible, use a Chocobo Wing to cast Haste on the entire party to increase your chances 0l winning this fight.

A C G E S S O R Y L E F I B E H I l I I IA Stat Bncet is contained in the chest inside Yojinbo's chanber in the cave. This item gen-entes a constant Reflect etfect, and is very useful against all nagic attacks. Beturn to theChanber of the Fayth and collect it belore the end of Chapter 3.

Y O J I M B OYojimbo uses attacks that inllict Poison, s0 equip the entire party prior to this fight with accessories

that protsct against poisoning, such as Star Pendants and Glass Buckles. SinceYojimbo has several attacks that drain the characters' lVlP completely, you

iao^ cannot rely 0n magic casting to overcome this awesome foe. Instead,outfit one character in a strono attacker dressphere, such as Gunner,

, Warrior or Dark Knight. l\4ake another character an Alchemist with aplentiful supply of Potions and HiPotions to mix. Equip theAlchemist with a Haste Bangle, if possible. You may want anothercharacter to be a Thief, just s0 you can steal items and piller gilat the outset ol lhe fight. Atter stealing from Yojimbo, change theThief into a Gunner, Dark Knight, or Alchemist.

? j?lE ; \rp"

,rEL.i't1 :, 6 ' . i ! : , 1



cr€lFt l .

I T E M C H E C I ( t I S T

Blood of the Beast Garment Grid O

+tce and the Kinderguardians have a: tesent far Yuna, lacated in the secret

chanher al the balton ol Bevelle

Ifyou gave the stolen sphere to New Yevon at the start ofchapter 2, then Bevelle becoores a Hotspot at

the start ofChapter 3. However, the Gullwings can only watch as the members ofthe organization clash

with each other outside the temple doors.

Having viewed the umoil rising in Bevelle, the Gullwings automati

cal1y r€turn to the Celsius. Return to Bevelle and proceed through the

stages. (You can claim all the items and fight the fiends listed in the sec

ond Bevelle section in the Chapter 3 portion ofthis walkthrough. Please

refer to the checklists in that section lor more details.) When you reach

the room where the pany fought Bahamut, the Cullwings encounter

Pacce and the Kinderguardiars. Whether or not you agree with Pacce

that he should warn the Youth League, he hands over the Blood of the Beast Garment Grid. This is the

ozll manner by which to obtain this Garment Grid, so those who chose to side with the Youth League at thc

beginning of Chapter 2 will just have to play the game differently nert time aroundl

Danl y1u hate it when saciety crunblesjust beuuse y1u leades ga an vacalian?W



! j l

' l. r i i

r':?,- i .! i.l :;r-:t .ltn^:l 'E<;:s*; .

i . . . .l | l ;

. , 1 ? . .

. r t . -( _ )

r !4,

W A N D E R I I i G F I E N O S

' ; \ HP .623 AP I G 130lt StNdl L ! thtr n! \ l ,rr tr J

. . - i D n n H P o i o r

H P 1 7 2 0 A P : I G i : 1 3 0" S tNa P toe r x Dc f |- [ ] r 0 ! P roe r r D r t \ r I

. HP 3270 AP . I G i i r 330-r. ' -

Sica Plroef i Do,rI' ' D fap Ph r .N I x l l o r ' r f 12 l

H P : 6 2 1 A P l G 0-.:1 Stea : Potiof

D rop P . i i o r

"! ; . . HP 10rj0 AP 2 c 20

,.;,i. SLea l\/llnf f BanqeDfop : Re i , e f , l

I T E M C H E C X I - I S T

T a. r r L l i t !spie ie

i lP: 7850 AP 1 G 650Sleal: X Pot onD cp : l l ' Pc t o f l r J l

*31 HP 3688 AP r G i r230. - , { ; . Siea H Plr t 0f 1x2i

"-- DroP ' ' ' t nt t '

/ + .HP 180 AP I G j fOtFV ste.r BP Fi.. 7 D . [ 5 ] r F , . l i

.. tP 2231 tP 1 c 86St.a H Poi oi

i-r Drop Rrrrc. '

H P T 2 8 5 0 A P r 1 c : 5 3 0S t e a P h a a n : D c , r i \ 2 1Dra r Ph re f r Da I i r :

' . - HP 620 AP : 1 G i !L " . - - . ,

I ) : r r r LD i i i p P r t ! |

.j,. ,p eslr AP 3 c 9rl. . a S t e a : a r ! i ] t I

Lr f : ! i l t l t | i t t l taf

H P 1 3 1 2 A P : T G 1 1 0Stri i H Poi orll f o L i r H - P ! t . n

.HilriT;rlrir;,i:r"HP 1262 AP : 1 ( ] : 811S:ea H Pot orLl",J D H -Pot of

HP 182 AP: 1 c i l : 18Slea . Pot ofD:op Pot olt

* ! i HP : 1819 AP : 1 G I 140

': l Steai F re Gem- ' D f cD : F i ' e cem

1 H P 8 1 0 A P I c 8 3'r ' Str i Aft,r iote \2

F -L r r 0 l r A r i O l P i 2 l

' 0 ' - o g L


3 t - - , q' r . t . D

, . f t P 6 2 0 A P 1 G 0,-.f- Stra :.10,1

I rL. f p! . i l

_ l iP 983 AP: I Ci l : 7E' i i St."a: Eciro Screef 1x2)

D" rp An d ! t ?

R O N S O U P R I S I N GMwc for.rard past the Save Sphere to trigger r scene with Kimahri llyou Previous\' ms\"''ercd two ques

tions lor Kimahri, you crn get the thc T?ainer rlressphere. Garik has shut off the teleport pads, so the

prrqv must fighr;ts wxy up the mountain.

R E V I S I T I N G O L D G R O U N D SAt the Fayth Scar, you can climb up the clills the same as vou didwhen going dter the Leblanc Svndicate

uniforms. Atop the rise, the artisan Ronso should norv be hard at work on a strtue commemorating ihe

hero ofthe Ronso. Ifyou continue to the toP of this area, you can return fo thc Floating Ruins featured

in the second rnission ofthe game. However, dont waste time there unless you left some items behind

durrne the t in, d ch;-e ot rhe 5yndi .at .

As yau ptaceed ta lhe sunntL l1uchthe telepal padsla teaclivale lhen.

Use lhe cliffs high abave lhe h1l spflngscavern la rcach lhe Flaaling Buins slage

hon the beginntng al the gane

G A R I KR 0 i l s 0 ,R 0 1 { S 0 Y 0 U T H ( X 2 . }


STEAL: N0rmal: lcy Gleam Rare; lcy GleamDB0P: N0rmal: Shining Bracer Rare; Shinlng Bracer

i tL I

r-. '

*2 Ronso Youlh uppeor if lhe Ronso contelns wele onsweled in(oneclly; I willoppear il lheir con(elns were onsweled colleclly'

lf y0u answered the R0ns0's concerns inc0rrectly for ihe m0st part, Garik is accom-panied by two Ronso Y0uths. Garik uses the lvlighty Guard ability on himself and hisfollowers, which is a combinati0n of Protect, Shell, Regen, Haste, Def. Up, Magic Det.

Up, and Evasion Up. Use DispelTonics, an Alchemist's Dispel Tonic ability, or a Whiiel\,4age's Dispel spell to negate the Iirst four o1these effecls. Garik attacks frequently and

fiercely, so cast Haste 0n the party, use the S0ngstress's "Jitterbug" dance, or use aChocobo Wino.

Protect the party against Darkness by equipping accessories,because Garik can cripple them with a Blind spell 0n a regular basis.Use a Black lvlage's IVIP Drain ability to siphon off all 0f Garik's MP;

this will prevent him from castinq Blind. The R0ns0 Youth useattacks ihat drain N4q so don't rely t00 heavily 0n spells

throughout the battle. Equip the party with dresspheresthat allow swift attacks that inllict a great deal of

damage quickly, such as Dark Knight, Gunner, andWarrior. Take dOwn Garik Ronso first, then negatethe [,'lighty Guard effects on the remaining twoBonso and defeat them as quickly as possible.


lf, however, y0u answered the concerns of every R0ns0during Chapters 1 and 2, Garik won't be as strong and

0nly one Ronso Youth accompanies him during the battle, too.He doesn't use the lMighty Guard defense and instead he Only casts

Shell and Protect 0n himself on separate turns. To overcome these spells, simply drainall 0f his lVlP Under these conditions, Garik is much easier t0 steal from, quite a bit easi-er t0 defeat. and his counteroart will not drain IMP


Normal: N/l)4hril Bangle Rare: Ny'ythril BangleNormal: Remedy Rare: R€medy (x2)




HP:98601AP: 1Steal; RemedyDrop: Remedy

liuA 1{ ll E B | 1{ G F I E 1{ DS

HP: 734 ?AP: 1 lci l:70Steal: Hi-PotionDrop: Hi-Potion

HP: 28861AP: 1 lGil: 200Steal: Defense Veil

HP: 37201AP: 1 I Gil: 173Steal: Soft (x2)Drop: Soft (x2)

HP:84321AP: 1 lGil: 200Steal; Shadow Gem (x2)Drop: Stamina Tablet

HP: 810 IAP: I lG i l :83Sleal: Antidote (x2)Drop: Anlidole (x2)

HP: 624 I AP: 1 I Gil: 0,Steal: PotionDrop: Polior

HP: 620 IAP: 1 I Gil: 0Steal: PotionDrop. Potion

HP: 620 IAP: 1 lcil:0Steal: Potion


DispelTonic (x2)

Phoenix Down (x3): Hi-Potion (x3)

S"Bomb (x2)

Stamina SpringRemedy (x2)

Lunar Cudain (x2)

[4ana Spring (x2)

2000 gil

Light Curtain (x2)

[,4y,thril Banqle

Phoenix Down (x3)

Hi-Potion (x3)

Remedy (x4)

Remedy (x3)Ether (x3)


- M A P S C O l { T I 1 { U E D

tishr Cudcin {x2)

Dirpel Tonk (r2)

Remedy {r2)

Slo'nlno Sp ng

lBomb (l?)

Hi-Potion {x3)

Phoenir Down (x3) Rs,i.dy (x3)

M O N K E Y L O V E I N T H E A I Rlfyou finished the monkey soulmate mission during Chapter 2, there is nothing more to do here than

speak to Isaaru one last time as he leaves Zanarkand.Ifyou still need to finish the monkey matchmak-

ing side quest, do so now using the instructions contajned in the ChaPter 2 section lfyou conplete the

mission in Chapter 3, exit when you're finished and speal to Isaaru outside the dome.

lsaaru nay be sad thal his taurislaperalian has gane la lhe nonkeys, but asaued place shauldnt be a soutce ol


I I E A T I I { G W ! T HI R 0 1 { S l 0 E S

A new tiend, called honside,appears in several locationsduring Chapter 3. This brute sheavy arnor nakes it incred-ibly difficult to defeat. Afterone or two rounds, the monster opens its chest plate t0pre\are a bean unnon assault. Launch your partybnost devastating attacks while the chest plate is 1pen,asthis is when the nonster's Defense is greatly reduced.

: , i



_ _ H P 5 6 2 A P 1 G . 3 3

4pSlea Lrrr Crrl.r r- Drop Lqr t L f i t J i r

H P 2 | 4 d A P 1 G 1 5 3

tfr i,"ri i,nu c,'u niizr ' '

F!2'uaa L lht LLrrt;r f 2

,: . t- tP 32la AP 1 G :3304. Stea Phoef x Do,,'/|

' . iJ Drop Phoen r Do',rn t12t

! , H P 6 2 0 A P I G : 0

59 Stea Pot onDrop Po t o f


l '4afa Spf fq iN2l

[4oof B faai ] |

H 'Pot of 1r2 i

X-Pot of

6ilr?$:v:'l'".a ii,,l'f,,,lf',l.,

Drop Waier R rlt

)ifi{l?:li::HP: 583 AP: 1 G 70Stea D sNe Tof cDro! H Pcirorl

2500 ! lE t f r s f r 3 l

B r i l f ! G a f t Sa r f rE f t G f d

H P 3 6 8 A P : 0 G i : 0S lea . l l c f eD fop : l l one

H P 9 B O A P 1 G I 3 O Of& Stea H -Potro|

u rop heo h nq

f + H P 1 1 3 0 A P I G l 1 0 0

I S tea L u l tn rno [4arb e' ' Dr0l] Stam fa SDr nu"

H P 6 2 0 A P 1 G l : 0Steal Pot ofDrop Pot arI

' '" *iij{T,:.,l:rl,

'' "'


s: i&4E:!

r ' )')'(I


' t(

t t )| | l' , 1

G 1 2 i . - H P 6 2 4 A P 1 G i : 0

tF Srea : Pot ofD ' ! p : P . t c I

l r , l lHP 8 l l 0 AP r5 G r2 l l{ S l " l : . , u 5 1 , o +


Io Go'nb$ ol lhe Foyth

Florl Ring"

ti{no sp'ins (x2}

C O N F L I C T O F C O M M A N DEnter Lulu's tent on the east side of the village. After learning of the developments bctlvcen Wakka and Beclem, exit thetent and follow Wakka into the temple. Ascend the center stairs and work through the trial area to the bottom level. Whenyou reach an intersection, head right through the illusory wall to find a chcst containing a Mana Spring (x2). Cross thecoridor to find Wakka, wounded and lying in the coridor AJter Yuna and the Gullwings ride the elevator to the levelbelow. move forward to battle another dark aeon.

U A T E F O R9999 Fighting this aeon should easily remind you 0I th€ battl€ with Bahamut.

Have a master Black l\4age cast third-level elemental spells and make aS0ngstress decrease the Jrequency of Valefois attacks with Slow

Dance. lvleanwhile, have a White Mage or Alchemist heal everyround to keep the party 0n top of the battle. Valelor uses itsS0nic Wings attack to drain spellcasters' MP, so make sureyour Black lvlage knows the MP Drain ability.

S7ne ilens in Besaid's cl1isler cararly be abtained aller lhe Gunneis

Gaun et

T H E S E A R C HIf you previously purchased theBesaid Key for 900,000 gil from theshop clerk in the village, or ifyou res-cued a man in the Calm Lands gorgewho rewarded you with the BesaidKey, you can now undertake a briefside quesr to obtain a new GarmentGrid. Use the Besrid Key to unlockthe treasule chest in the north roomof the temple to obtain the SearchSphere. To learn how to use thisitem, speak to the man seated in thesouth room inside the temple.

fhe Search Sphete helps la l1cate can-erc devices arcund Besaid lslaod,

tl/hich un be used ta find the secanrlfout ciphets.


Each tine yau enter Besaid, yau nustreclain the SeaLCh Sphere lron lhechest tnside lhe lenple prayer raam.

With the Search Sphere in your inventorythe device appeffs in th€ lower-right cornerofthe screen. Press and hold the Circlebunon to extend a meter fiom the side ofthe on screen Seffch Sphere. As you drawcloser to the location oi a buried camerasphere, the meter begins to emit higherwaves, rising into the red. \4&en youiestanding on the exact spot of a buriedcamera sphere, the sphere starts to pulsaternd males a low humming noise. Press theX button to dig up a small camera device


SIEAL: Normali Healing Sprin0 (x4) Rare: Healing Spring (x6)DR0P: Normal: I\4oon Bracer Bare: l\400n Bracer

T H E S t r C O N D F O U RC I P H E R S

The lirst ofthe buried camera spheres is in the village, under a srnall tarperected in an area near the woods alongside the village. Hold the Circlebutton and move carefi y under the rarp until the Search Sphere begins toflash red and make a sound, then press the X button to dig up a camerasphere. After the device is revealed, stand directly ov€r the camera sphcrcand press the X button to use it.The view then switches to camera view. Youcan rotate the camela and cycle through a series ofzoom magnifications brpressing the R1 bunon.

In the case ofthe village camera spher€, aim the device toward the roofoithe temple and zoom in on th€ "steeple" at the top ofthe building. Thereyou should find a sphere marked with a large number Thc number is thefirst ofa four-digit series of ciphers required to open the secret cotridor oithe cave near the beach.

The ftrsl canvra device is lacated under asnalltent an the west side aflhe village.

Ain the caneta at the tap althe tenple andzoan in lo lind the nunbered sphete

Head along the path, and use the Search Sphere to locate the cam-

era device buried close to one of the Besaid Aurochs near the bot-

tom side ofthe path. Use the camera device to spot a glint near the

middle of the nearby ridge and zoom in to find the second number

written on the sphere. Get a good look, because sometimes 5s look

like 6s and 1s look like 7s. Thc rnain diflerence between a 1 and a

7 is that the latler number has a dash through the middle.

Enter the cave and move into the short passage on the right. Input

the lour ciphers into the panel near the large stone block ;n thc

order in which thcy were discovered while traveling fiom the

viJlage to the pond. When the stone slab rises, proceed up the path

and open the chest encountered en route for some Ethers (the

exact number is determined by the current Chrpter you are

playing). Proceed to the end ofthe twisg, passage to emerge on a

hidden ledge high over the waterfall area. Move left across the

screen to lind a chest perched precarioudy on a slope. Open the

chest to get the Raging Ginnt Garment Grid.

.e second umeft is buried neartheslal al the Gunners Gaunllel.

The lhtd cameft device is lauledaiang lhe Light side allhe path,

beforc the ltrcl bridge

Whne moving up the path toward the waterfall area, use the

Search Sphere to find a camera device on the right sid€ ofthe path.

Use this camera to zoom in on the ledge just below the second

wrte-ra l Thi ' i ' the th i rd c ipher o i$e .er ie. .

Pan lhe cameta alang the neahy idgeta spol a numhered sphere.

Zoon io ao lhis tocky jut to ndanathet nunbercd s1hete

lnput lhe ciphen in the jrder discav-ered lron lhe village la lhe pond.

At'ter 1blainin1 the Garnent Grid, n1vehack alang the ledge to lhe point al

aigin la find the cave entrance.

For the lastcipher, proceed pastthe cave entrance to tie pond over-

look area. Use the Search Sphere to detect the cameia device in the

left corner ofthe ledge over the water, and zoom across the pond

to spot a lone tree high up on r h . The sphere is set at the top of

the tree. This is the last cipher in the series..:::



)tE up lhe amera device in the leflconet of lhe ove aoking edge

Zaon in an the lone palm lree high upon the appasile cliffs. ffi


1 8 1

HP: 88201 APi 15lcit: 1300Stea ; Fiery GleamDropiAngel Earrings

I T E M C H E C I ( I " I S T

Turbo EtherNlafa Tablet (x2)

' Aftidote (x3)

Eye Drops (x3)

Phoenix Down (x2)

Llght Cudain (x2)

Holy Water (x3)

Star CurtainLunar Curtain (x2)

2000 gil

Bushido LoreSamurai Dresspher€




M A P S ro\\,--,'



L'rnor (urloln (x2l

*iturl posi the gcte wilhoul being tpo ed.

t l\ . /

o t lI i 1 |\ l o( )r=={ol


W O R K I N G W I T H D O N ACollect,all the items in the Kilika port areas, then go to Donat

,house in the second section. She and Yuna unite to distract the-guards and sJip through the gates into the woods. Exit Dona's

house to begin the gate-rushing event. You may want to aftemPt a

practice round to learn how to get ttuough the gates. The key is to

watch the front gate for the

approach of a Youth Leaguemember. If the guard allowsthe person through the gate,

quickly switch perspective to

see ifthe guard with Dona is

distracted or not. If the

guard is facing away ftom

Dona, wait until he turns

back to her or w"it until

another opponunity aris€s.lhe gate unnoliced!

When you enter the woods with

out detection, a treasure chest is

waiting at the end of the bridge.

When equipped, the Bushido

Lore enables a character to use

leamed Bushido abilities whether

she is equipped with the Samurai

dressphere or not. However, ifyou

are spotted, the mission continuesand you dont get the prize.

The Bushid7 L7re sh1uld pt1ve ta be aninvaluable auessary il y1u have f1undand naslercd ke Sanurai dressphete.


lf you found all 13 SquatterMonkeys hidden in the Kilikaforest area, speak to the wonandressed in blue standing on theeast side of the pier to collectyour prize-the chaosMaelstnn Gament G d.

Y1u gelanly 1ne chance t0 slipthr1ugh

Hgtrffi*gEii.&f ::: 1 'rr+'j;'iI::50Potion

Hi-Potion 500Phoenix Down 100AntidoteEve DroDsEcho ScreenSottHoly Waler 300Twist Headband 3000While CaDe 3000Silver Glasses 3000Star Pendant 4000Beaded Brooch 10000Glass Buckle .: 10000


The Youth League has erected sever-al gates to keep people fiom NewYevon out. Visit all of the gates inthe area, then return to the sectionjust west of the Save Sphere. Thegirls remember somethingDona saidabout a prth through the trees, andIerp to the bough above. FollowRikku and Paine to the temple area.


After being rescued, Barthello' explains that the fiends are connected

somehow to th€ blue flrmes. Headtoward the blue flames covering thearchmy and arother Daeva appears.After defeating the monster, the0ames subside and reveal the coffidor


A shop clerk walking around thetemplc entrance sells only the basics.Stock up on Potions and Hi-Potionsifneeded, then head into the temple.A Save Sphere is tuckcd behind thegiant rnachina positioncd in the largeround room. Use it before headinginto the cloister oftrials.


Continue into the next section andapprorch each of the three blueflames. Touch rhe flame on the right*a11, then thc onc on the left, followedby the central blue flame on the backwall, defeating a Daerz each time.

STEAL: Normal: Fiery Gleam Rare: Fiery GleamDB0P: Normal: Angel Ear-lgs Bare:Argel Earrings

Yau nusl deleal a Daeva u hla eat'lime yau want ta exlinguish a blue

flane barring youL palh

Aftet fighting the Daeva du1 tean itr i'-last chanber belare ke boss, doni

avelaak lhe Sanwai drcsspherc .'the graund

Visi! all laur harricades, lhen naveundet lhe curving baugh lo lind the

hidden path Ia lhe lenple


Make sure an Alchenist has a lar1esupply af Palians and Hi Pati1ns soYau can use Mixto keep lhe paty at

aplinun heallh. Slack upt henevet lheapponuniry anses.

Avoid using any attacks 0r spells that involve the element 0f fire; it youdon't, lfrit will absorb the attack and be healed rather than damaged.

llrit is weak versus ice, s0 have a Black lMage cast a few Blizzagar spells t0 make deJeating this aeon much easier lfrit is also vul-. nerable t0 Slow, which can reduce the frequency of jts furious

claw attacks.


t f









HP: 1860'l AP: 1 lGil:98Steal: Bomb CoreDrop: Bomb Core

W A I I I I E R I I { G F I E l { D S

: 27331AP: 1 lG i l : 138Phoenix Down


: 5877t AP: 1 ? Gil: 370Steal: HiPotionDrop; Remedy (x2)

HP: 38001AP: 1 t Gil: 94Steal: Silence GrenadeDrop: Sleep Grenade

I T E M C H E C K I . I S T

: €clfocutioner O.lypno Crown Oremedy (x4)

lath Veili000 gil. i-Potion (x5),olion (xg)rroenix Down (x5)

:nocobo Feather {x2):00 g i l: lef e Earrings::aded Brooch::lrer (x5)::medy (x5):loenix Down (x6):?medy

, 'mson Sphere 1 O

"-"rommftrEflifi{,i:iifi;il""HP: 4420t AP: 1 tGil:1000

StealiWater Gem Drop:NulTide Ring

HP: 4100'? AP: 1 lGil:94Steali Darkness GrenadeDrop: Sleep Grenade


HP:36801AP:1 ? Gil: 800Steal: l\ilana TabletDrop: Regen Ring

IHP: 882 IAP: 1 tG i t :78Steal: Hi-Pot on

HP: 27i5tAP: ' l t Gil: 400

Sleal: l\/l!4hri] GlovesDrop: Stamina Tab et

*Room (hoiges in (hdpier 5.


t lililJI


^ w ,,\\ RenedY txslr' r-_/ .o /L-r gl rrhe, ( )/ ' t | - - I



dit'o"gt' O;or" l"comes a hotspot following the events in Kilika, Bevelle is now open for {irrther explo

ration-even byYouth League symPathizerc. lnside the temple entrance, ride the lift to the upper level

and go through the open door to the outdoor balcooy. Speak to the two priests walking along the rails

to receive an Elecuocutioner and a H'?no Crown. Return inside the

temple and use the device in the west chamber to change the dir€ction The priests 0n ke balc1ny sh1wer y,uof the lift. Ride the lift dom to the maze level below. wiffi vatuabte gifts, bul yaule still n1t

g00d en1ugh la ride Baralai s ptiVate liftProceed through the lower areas ofBevelle to the chamber from whichVegnagr.ur escaped. A-fter an extended scene, a Malboro attacks. When the zone is dear, locate the Crimson

Sphere 1 on the ground. Pick it up, return to the Sav€ Sphere in tie antechamber, and board the airship. Speak

to Shinra and watch "Crimson Report 1" for more revealing information.

Cinsan Sphercs enable ke Gullwings taunlack fuket nyswies al lhe past, as

well as lhal weid d00r at Mushrcan Buk

$ t A 1 { 0 E R r l r G F I E 1 { l l S

: r---7I i---7/

I 1-\.I \ \' vi

, l -

, ' . . . 1 i

The priests 0n ke balc1ny sh1wer y1u

Steal: Lightning MarbleDrop: Stamina Spring


-Al Bhed Primer O


Wrist Bandllnwavering Guard Garment Grid O *Only il you hoven't mrsteled Al Bhed,

A L B H E D A N D O V E R W H E L M E DAccept the mission to clear Djos€ Temple and receive an Al Bhed Primer. Climb tie center stairs and enter the Cloister

ofTrials. proceed to the back of the lower level passage, and leap over the chasm filled with ruined machines to reach a

chest coataining a Stamina Spring.

Ride the elevator to the level above, and proceed past the gualds to coll€ct the Wrist

Band from the chest in the circular area. Pushing one ofthe Pedesials into its alcove in

the circdar area deactivates the brrier that prevents the party from ascending the stairs-

The only problem is, it's impossible to say which pedestal does the trick, since the game

randomly assigns one pedestal as the trigger Fiends anack each time a pedestal, that isnt

a tr(ger, is pushed into an alcove, so stay healthy by using items between batdes and

before going upstairs.

fcep pt,shing pedeslals int1lhe wall untillhe f1rce lield is remaved fr1n the slais.

l x | 0 1 {Avoid casting lightning spells or using lightning-based attacks, as these only heal lxion. Instead,

charge a master Black Mage with casting Waterga spells and have a Warrior usethe Liquid Steel attack. Keep the party's HP high by healing every round,

because some of lxion's attacks can inflict between 500 to 1000 HPdamage to your party members. lt also employs homing missile

attacks thal reduce MB so have a Black Mage use MP Drain tostay active in the battle. Like the other aeons you tought previ-ously, the trequency 0f lxion's attacks can be reduced s0me-

', what by inflictinq Slow status upon it. With diligent healing andspell casting every round, this battle shouldn't be too difficult t0 overcome

\r,.. "

STEAI-; Normal: Sprint Shoes Rare: Sprint ShoesDRoP: Normal: Soul of Thamasa Rarel Soul of Thamasa

This gap nny be big, but Yuna canlump tt.

Aler luna,s at1np lat d naqen! anlhe fdplaneancbegins t0 speak again, prcss the X buttan t0 hear a

lanliat tifits e. thjslhQF P\il t!

Fa'plare D7'it hpsitatp u /ad n;ght lasp lhc chdt '



T R A P P E D I N T H E V O I DFollowing Yuna's accidental plunge into the Farplane, you will view a few scenes and tlen have a moment to

move Yuna around a darkened space. After a few seconds, another scene begins. You have the ability to direct

ceftarn events during this scene. When Yuna says 'l'm all alone," press the X button to make Yuna hear

someone whistle. When the ghost disappears and Yuna is searching for it, Press the X bufton to h€ar more

whisding. A{1er whistling four times, the event ends.



Hi-Potion(x8)*Al Bhed Primer O

*Only il you hoven'f moderedAl Bhed.

e anc,TA,tt tre'we

" T H E C O M M S P H E R E N E T W O R K A P P R O A CI ,A-fter the inirial scene on the Bridge, head down to the Engine Room and collect the items in the four chests. After doing

. *_ lso.

ride the ele,ator out to the DecJ< and speak to Pahe. Ret'rn inside after*ardand go back down to tle Bridge. When"- '

ihir,1u asL" yo,, to che& the Commspheres, head or,er to his control station and speak with him €rin to s€e whatt _uP'

There is a new option at the top of Shi-nra! list that enables you to check the 'CornmSphere Network" that Shira worked

so hard to estabish tkougho;r Chapter 3. However, before dealhg with the CommSpheres, remember to enter the

Treasue Spheres menu and view Crimson Record 2 and Crimson Record 3

The Gullwings opt to step back ftom the grim atrairs tearhg Spira apart at the moment'

Consequently, yoru only means of erploring Spira during Chapter 4 is duough lhinra's

Commsphere Networlc Only certain CommSpheres work at certain times, depending on

the &cu-.nstances. For now, speak to Wallca in Besaid, then Dona in Kilika Also, check

in with Maroda at Bevelle. If you gare the Awesome Sphere to New Yevon, someone

tluows tlrc Commsphere set at Musbroom Rock Road into the ocean However, if lou

sided with the Youth League, Yaibal updates you on the situation when you visit

Mushroom Rock Road.

Sometimes you need to move the camera befote someoAe wiII apPear' or to trigger a

scene. Be patienq because a scene may not stafi ultil up to 30 seconds after the trans-

mission begins. Dnect the CommSphere with the D-pad or Left Analog Sticls, press R1

to zoom in, and press the Square button to exit ifsomeone isnt speakiog. Zooming io for

a closer view ofcharacters or areas tdggers some conversations and scenes

When all four conversations are comPlete, exit the CommSphere menu. Buddy is now

standing patiently across ftom Shhrat station SPeak to him to trigg€r the next scen€'

After thebulwings decide to look for Tobli, speak to Paine on the bridge rnd check the

Commsphere Network for more tansmissions. When you're done communicating with

the people of Spna, speak with Buddy at the navigation console to head fol the

Moonflow in search.of Tobli.


Yau an now have conversations wilhthe citinns af Spia renatelY via

Shinn\ new Conngphere Netu'/ork.

After noning in all ke way, prcss lheR1 buflon again to zoan out.

Sone Connspherc scenes will bealtercd slighlly by y1ur previaus adians

in the gane.

Use trte CanmsplEre Netwuk to checkin wilh pelple in Besaid, I wEI as Klika,

Bewlle, and Musfuoon Rack Road.

Al k 0 u g h 0p li 0 n al, v iewi n g tran sn i ssi?nslron te rcst ol Spia adds a lot ol

canpletian poinls to tE WmS otaaconqldion tda|

-;-ribdvrv tuNlcATING wITH SPIRA, PART oNE. . Ujli.te rhe previous insrance, all a.reas of Spira are now available for viewing through rhe Commsnhere Network. fiere

;l- -oir;r"uerai i..n." you can view in each location, simply by reconnecting with each Jocrrion "everal

times. Some ofthese I

scenes are.worti bactions of r completion point. bur when they re all added together, theyie wonh well over a whole I

percentage points! some of these scenes are quite amusing, and the commSphere Network provid€s a very interesting

diversion ftom the normal game routine of exploring and batding.

The following table contains the scenes that occr.t in each arca, in order. Fractions ofa per-

centagr point are indicated for viewing cenain scenes Do zor use the dialog skip fuaction;

doing so will reduce the percentage you receive. Sceoes may take up to 30 seconds to

begia, so be patient. A scene ends when the characters stoP talking' when you hear a stight

;"e ;n th" b"a.ground -"sic volume, or when the CommSphere disconnects due to tech-

nicd dificulty

You nay receive itens such as Al BhedPriners by Mlching sone al the

1ptianal C1nnspherc transnissi?ns.

NOTE: The percentages listed in this section are only conect if the plal'er watches the CommSpheres in the order listed. This apP[es to aI the charts.

hide and seek for a

IT| t h



Dona talks about Rian and Avde havin0 stoDDed bv 0n the

summ0ner sn00zes. l00m in close t0

A view 0f the port area.



and talk about their dream 0lthe favth and the dvino woods.lf you did r,otcomplete the mission to stop

enter the woods and the war

two Guado will aoDear and conversethemselves; n0 war will occur This scene repeats each time you enter.

lf the Al Bhed are in charge 0f the Agency because o'al€ still has a debt, an Al Bhed womanapproaches the camera and says she's leaving because there are too many fiends. You receive anAl Bhed Primer.lf you freed o'akalrom debt one way or another, he will emergeAt first he tells Yuna that business isn't too

emerges lrom me Aoency ano comptarns InaI s0meone

lf you gave the stolen sphere t0 the Youth League during Chapter 2, s0ldiers will shootout the CommSohere. lt will notIf you gave the stolen sphere to New Y€von during Chapter 2. a captain aaolds hts suards

. - a

1 l


lf you did |,otcapture a chocobo before the end of Chapter 3, Clasko stands in the emptvand repeats over and over h0w hoDeless he is.

you captured a cn0c0b0 before the end 0f Chapter 3, Clasko returns with a runawav

a ch0c0bo before the end 0f Chapter 3, Clasko sits in the chocobo's slall.

I you calf not. he


.ll/t; ri t '

.- t- t' ., '\ \ rhcn rhc C.nrnr-s|h. f

Grms rh.rytcL. F. :


HP 133 AP: 1 G i l : 16S t e a : H - P o t o nDrop: Antidote

- *" . , r ' - - - i t -*"+r-.4*.S-*=*"


'J' 'r f'


l. :..,

l( )l r :')'( )( )





W A i I D E R I I ' I G F I E I . I t ) S

. H P 1 3 3 2 A P T G 1 1 0-r.t"r Stca Eip Drops t '2r' -

D fop : E fe D rocs i x2 i ?i[l'i.i$i:r"': "'HP: 3890 AP: 0 G i l 0Stea : N oneDroD N o,re

d[- l t , r :z lc, r c r : 30; ,

- Steal Budget Grefade

- D rop Po t on

H P : 6 2 5 A P : 1 G i : 7 2Stea Arc tcWndDfoo: Arct c l l l fd

HP: 760 AP I G 12Steal PhoenixD orlf Dfop: Poi o'l ?

v.I I T E M C H E C K T I S T

3 a1]k Tabard Car neft Gr d O

: . - D , 1 B 0 A p r c r t : 2 J 0 ̂ r _ D 4 7 0 0 A D r , , / 8 0 r , p . r 8 _ r A p . o r u o ; f U l . l . , , , j i j l . . " . , 0f

: ; ' " , . c ' " ' 0 " ' $ , '

. i r ; ; r f , " ./ ) J o o l o o - - r o p o . = f o o , r 5

HP: 624 APi I G 0Stea Pot o|Drop Pot of

H P : 6 2 0 A P T G 0Stea Pot onDrop Pot r f

r , H P : 6 2 0 A P : 1 G l 0df St€al Poliof

Drop Pot o l


T H E T O B L I C H A S E !Finding TobJi will be diflicult, cspecially since the people he owes money to have come to collect. Herddown thc roadjust past the debt collectors, who stop and address Yuna. Tobli emerges and leads the thugson a merry chase dorm the path. Follow the fleeing promoter and his pursucrs to thc binks of thcMoonllow

ihe debtcallecl1rs bl1ck access ta lheshoapufwhe, you lrcl anive. Yau nusl

waitfar T7blit0 break lhraugh lheirnnks befare you can uass the

tulaanllow ta find Tobli.

; *i:er rct'l

I tit ani r

''1,/ \1

l l N ; i l l'-o dv,,f.:4, tr ? :



i r $r l F

Theres no sign ofTobli around thc wagon, so continuc into thc passcnger waiting area. One of the debt collectors confers with two guardswho block the path. Retreat back throLrgh the ban[s area and southdom the road until Yuna finds the debt collector standing on the sideofthe road, gasping lor brerth. Tobli emerges lrnd heads south. Followhim and his pursuer untilTobli teers through thc area on a scooter. NNowyou must run back to the banks ofthe Moonflow

tbli's scooter crashes near the wagon clrrlrvan! bur there's still no signofTobli.The guards no longer block access to the shoopufwhar{ so ridethe shoopufacrox the Moonflorv to the north banks. Continue follorv-ing Tobli and the debt collectors up to the entrance to Guadosalam.

Finding Tahli is as simple as fjlla'l/ingthe laan shatks v/ha are aflet hin




The debt talleclars kn1ck Tabli aul al alrce Fallaw labli 0p ta Guadasalans

enlrance la canplete the nsstan.

The c1ntrollet bullDns each play a dif-lerenl inslrunenl at saund elfecl. Taplhe bullan Lapidlywhen y1u see it 0n

Bikku! side ol the sueeo

lZ$* "n'it-" #7_L



_ . { l rI tli. it I

I : :r' l D ! l I


C O N C E R T R E H E A R S A LFollowing the deployment ofthe Hrpe11o, you mav notice that Riklu is missing from her usual positionon the Bridge. Ride the elevator down to the Cabin tojoin Rikku in a tun mini game, as it's time to practice some dance moves for the concert. This short challenge is worth some valuable prizes, but you onlyget one shot. Save your garne at the Save Sphere on the Bridge before proceeding to the C$in.

Upon entering the Cabin, watch Rikku's session carefully and note how the button icons appear in the lower-right corner of

the screen. Each button is a different instrument or sound. Press the buttons that appear on Yuna's side of the screen. Buttons

pressed at the moment the musical note in the bottom-left corner turns red score higher points

Tap the controller buttons as rapidly as possible, even ifyou hit the wrong button for a second. You ll score higher ifyou hit the

right button, but yodl also score for each button hit whether itt the right one or not. Dont let accuracy slow 1ou down.lA4rcn

the song is finished, your totals for rhfhm, fitness, aod synch are tallied and averaged to provide a total score. Based on this

result, you rcceive one of four prizes.

1btaining lhe best pizes lar this eventreluire a few Dractice alten1ls. D0 asoft reset and lry again lo sharpen

Yaur skills.


askirrg B,rddy to go to the Thunder Plains, use Shinrah CommsphereNetwork to see how the concert promotion is goiog tlroughout Spira.

Lucil assures Yuna that she willtry to stoD a war. 0.2Yaibal wishes he could qo to the sh0w. .2vaib-rlntifrers hrs sqmd for a "missioril

e ouan lq iust tdthe lett complains that everyone is abandoninO their posts.e 0uard whines that he wants to attend the concert.

The 0uard is oone: a Hv0ello danc€s: Lucil watches with a siqh. 0

*Only ovoiloble il you goye the 3lolen tphele lo lhe Yooth leogue ol lhe tla of Chopter 2.

lf you told Lian and Ayde to head t0 the l\400nfl0w during Chapter 3, they will speakto Yuna.

lf you haven't spoken t0 0rmi previously, he emerges trom the chateau and reveals that

ormi emerges from the chateau and strikes a pose for the camera.

I thcfh.n



i '

GI Zoom in on tne cactus nameo Narnerta. Yuna ast<s Shinra f he can communicate to cqcti iit<e g';; ii L I EI The cacli stand silent in the desert.

ll you gave the stol8n sphere to the Youth League during Chapter 2, soldiers will sh00t outthe Commsphereoccurs if it wasn't seen in a

f you g.u, the stottn tphere to New Yevon duling Chapter 2, the same series 0f scenBs involving the -

Kinderguardians occurs if they weren't seen in a previous CommSphere session

Speak with Kimahri. The conversation is slightly difierent depending on whether 0r not you stopped Garik at

3. This scene occurs if it wasn't viewed during a

Vou dd notcomnete the mbsren t0 stop Garik at Mt Gagazet during Chapter 3, Bonso youths will ent€r

The iemale Ronso gives Kimahria back massage.



EV ETI Ilsaaru to Yuna about the concert.

areA Hypel0 is advertis ng the c0ncert.

w A l { l ! E R t t { G F t E i t 0 s

:63221AP: 1 lG i l : 670Remedy (x2)Pretty 0rb

IAP: 1 lG i l ;48

:623 tAP:1 ?Gi l :130


Ligbtning [/arbleHi-Potion



ffiii'al'ffii,il;;.: 2290tAP: 1 lG i l : 180

: 1782 lAP:1 ?Gi l :280Antidote (x2)

Drop: Star Pendant


;620 IAP: 1 lGi l : 0 -HP:128501AP: 1 fGi l : 930al: Potion flSrea,: Sub,ralorrp Pot'o r - - Drop. Cr msor Bing

I T E M C I I E G K t I S T

Echo Screen (x6)

X-PouonGlass BucklePhoenix Down (x4)

Pek fy Grenade (x2)

Turbo EtherHaste BanglePhoenix Down (x2)

X-PotionElixirBlack Ring

HP:734 ?AP: 1 l c i l : 70Steal: Hi-PotionDrop: Hi-Potion

HP: 1332tAP: 1 lG i l : 110Steal: Eye Drops (x2)Drop: Eye Drops (x2)

HP:788 IAP: 1 lG i l :74Steal: Lunar Curtain

HP:36881AP: 1 lG i l :230Steal: Hi-Potion (x2)

HP: 562 ?AP:1 lc i l :33Steal: Lunar CurtainDrop: Llght Curtain

HPi363 IAP:1 lG i l : 180

HP:3890?AP:0 lG i l ;0Steal: NoneDrop: None

HP:12201AP: 1 lG i l : 125Steali Bomb CoreDrop: Bomb Core

HP: 8432lAP: 1 t Gil 200Sleal: Shadow Gem (x2)Drop: Stamina Tablet

HP:58771AP: 1 ?Gil:370 HPr 2582?AP: 1 tGil: 127Steal: Arctic WindDrop:Arctic Wind

HP: 11321AP: 1Steal: DispelTonicDrop: Holy Water

HP:624 IAP: 1 l c i l :0St€al: PotionDropr Potion

HP:620 IAP: 1 l c i l : 0Steal: PotionDrop: Pouon

M A P STo tlu(olonio Woods

olenr i([0pter Br*r.Rr"s_Fl

Horle Bongle

Phoenix Dow" (x4)

O= tishling Tover

F E E D I N G O N T H E C R O W DAlthough a large fiend is seen breaking through the rubble ro a secret cavern on the Thunder Plains, there are new chests

containing useful items scattered across the two main arers ofthe Thunder Plains. Take a trip to the norrh exit and back,

colJecr i rg rJJ rhe i tem'.

lnside the cave, head to the right and follow the passage north to a chest containing an

X-Potion. From there, return to the cave entrance and continue up the west side ofthe

cave to a chest containing a Hasre Bangle. Head back to the first opening on the right

side ofthe screen and climb up the rocks to the upper level. From thk point, you should

be able to reach the remaining wo chests with ease. The Zalamander boss prorects the

final chest. After defeating the Znlamand€r open the chest to obtain the Black Ring

fhe Zalanandet wails atthe backal tne cave.


t 'o


SIEAL: Normal: Subliminator Rare; Sublim natofDR0P: Normal: Crimson Rinq Rare: Crimson Bing

Z A T A M A l { I I E RThe Zalamander is an overgrown lizard that benefits lrom a constant Null l\4agic effect. None of a

Black Mage's spells will work, and other magic-enhanced attacks will inllicl l ittleor no damage. Therefore, your party must overcome this fiend with

physical attacks.

Equip powerful dresspheres such as Dark Knight, Gunner,Samurai, and Bers€rker to Oet the iob done. As usual, one char-acter should assume the role of healer by donning theAlchemist dressDh€re. The Zalamander can be blinded, s0 aSongstress can perform Darkness Dance to affect the monster's vision and Accuracy. While it willdo little to protect y0ur characters lrom the Zalamander's Flame Breath attack, blindness causesmost of the monstels other attacks to miss. This tactic should enable you to maintain more HPbetween each Flame Breath attack.

The Hypella autside lhe secLet caveentnnce fully restareslullHP and MPla yau entne pa y when yau speak tahin. Make swe lhe paty enlerslhe

uve al ful slLength

; - - . ' . 1

-- t'' : - . .



Crimson Sphere 5

Once the concert is over and the crew is back on the Celsius, head up to the Bridge for a few historical

anecdotes told by Maechen. Buddy reports that Leblanc and her henchmen are waiting in the engine

room. Eventually, they hand over Crimson Sphere 5.

Too bad. Now you wan l gel to seewhal's an Crinsan Sphete 5 until the

game's final chaplet...

iEis o;r','tt *t L.


i'.S: ! F

I T E M C H E C I ( t I S T

Phoenix Down (x8)

Turbo Ether (x4)

Remedy (x7)

X-Potion (x4)

l\,4ascot Dressphere 0


R E S O L V E O F T H E G U L L W I N G SAny time 1ou want to proceed to the Farplane, which is the 6nrl dungcon of the game where %gnagun awaits, speak to

Brotler and tell him the location from which you would like to enter The location you choose determines the shape of

your path into the Farplane Ab1ss, as well as the itens you can lind along the route. It is strongly recommended that all of

your characters reach 1eve160 and nbove before proceeding to the Farplane.

*€ gf|

.'9;" n:{.

f ii$ ,lr t. rr *7:l

dr ir " . " " * ' iuiib ii..'


'vBtalheL willlly yDu ta the Farplane ar,

line you wish la ga

t T l


" E P I S O D E C O M P L E T E " T I M ENaturally, ifyou skip to the Farplane now you will miss out on a ton ofcompletion percentage Speak to

Buddy at the helm and almost every location in Spira will light up as a Hotspot.Th€ main gonl ofchaPter

5 is to visit every location and obtain an "Episode Complete!'When these words rppear on-creen, it

means you have completed every possible mission in an area and resolved all tle'situations there After

obtaining arr "Episode Complete" for every place in Spira except Bevelle, return to the bridge and obtain

the Mascot dressphere. Although humorous in appeffance, this is one of the best dressphercs with the

broadest range of skills.

C E L S I U S S C E N E SIf you rested at the Cabin level at least once during

erery chapter, return to the Cabin now and rest for a

frnal time. Upon awakening, Yuna overhears Brother

complaining about his unrequited love. Following this

scene, head down to the Engine Room and speak to

Buddy regarding the origin of the Gull#ngs. These

scenes are available to view ifyou rested at the Cabin in

every chapter

The navigalion nenu slafts wikHatsp1ts in every area. Knack lhen all

aut ta acqute the last dressphere.


I t A l t D E B t l { G F t E l { l t S

*Appecn only before defeoting the lUlachinc Pcnzer bost o[ fte Thundel Ploins.PotionPotion

I T E M G H E C K I . I S I .

DispelTonic (x3)

Phoenix Down (x4)

HP:2886tAP: 1 lGil: 200Sleal: Delense VeilDrop;Amulet

HP:37201AP:1 lG i l :173Steal; Sott (x2)

HP:62, I AP: 1Steal:Potion

lo lil, Goguet

Di'pel Totd( (O

T H E N E W I N H A B I T A N T SZanarkand is one of the easiest areas to visit at the start of Chapter 5. A.lso, ifyou gave the sphere to New Yevon during

. iehapter 2, itt important that you speak to Isaaru at Zanarkand before headhg to Bevelle. lfyou completed the monkey

'- ioulmate quest before the ending of Chapter 3, monkeys have driven off all the tourists. Episode Complete! If you were

unable to complete the monkey soulmate quest, then better luck in your next game.

Maechen should be standing across from the Save Sphere. Speak to him and listen to

his last story. Move toward the dome and speak with the former shopkeeper, then pro-

ceed towad the dome until you spot Isaam on a higher ledge. Speak to lsaam one last

time. Ifyou continue a shon distance towfd the dome, the party finds it sealed tight

and you are oft'ered an option to go direcdy back to the Save Sphere near the entrance

ol ZanrLad.

lsaaru finally gives up the taurist lradea1d decides t0 lead a m1rc reverenl life.

M1nkeys have driven the t1urists ftanthe ruins, campldind the gane-long

quest to preserve ke sanctitY alZanarkand.

w A l t D E B t l { G F t E l l 0 S

:980 IAP: 1 l c i l :300Hi-PotionBed Ring

: 2582lAP: 1 tGil: 127Arctic WindArctic Wind


IAP: 1 lG i l :0 *Appeors only belore defecling lhe lllochino Ponzer boss sl Thunder Ploins.

I T E M C H E G K I . I S T

Ether (x4)

Twilight RainItlega-PotionBiack Lore

War Buddy Sphere O

X-Potion {x2)3500 qil

HP:3890tAP:0Steal: NoneDrop: None

HP: 5320tAP: 1 lGi l :320Steal: Remedy (x2)Drop: Hi-Potion {x2)

HP:2044tAP: 1 lG i l :153Steal: Lunar Curtain (x2)

HP: 5877lAP: 1 I Gil: 370 HP:32701AP: 1 I Gil: 330Steal: Phoenix DownDropi Phoenix Down (x2)

HP: 1132?AP:1 lG i l :240Steal: DispelTonic

HP:624 IAP: 1 lcil: 0Steal: PotionDrop: Potion

HP: 620 IAP; 1 I Gil: 0Steal: Potion



Stomino sp ng (x3).

rn! spd"s (r3l

Phoenix {x?)'

' l l.mi doildl. only du'ilgClolsler Goudl.l ihng!n..

W A K K A ' S G I F TFollow Wakha to the temple entrance rnd speak to him apin there. Head to ihe beach and say goodbye

to Beclcm, who gives you the War Buddy SPhere As you m.rke i'our way back to the village, you 11 find

Wakka pacing around ihe srrtue at the highest plrrt of the ro.rd outside Besaid Hand the sphere to

Mkka, thcn follow him back to the village for a celebration. Episode Complcte!

funts aul Eeclen isnt such a bad guy

HP: 3890lAP; 0 I Gil: 0Steal: NoneDropi None

w A l { D E B t l { G F t E l { 0 S

: 233 ?AP:1I Gil: 48Antidote


HPr 1020?AP:1lGil: 130Ether

Drop: Hi-Potion

: 17821AP: 1 I Gil: 280Antidote (x2)

I Star Pendant

:17221AP: 1 lG i l : 140

*Appears only before deleoling lhe lllothino Ponzer bo5s ot Thundel Ploins.

*1. Appeors only if the Awesome Sphere wos given lo fhe Youlh leogue ol lhe slod ol Chopler 2.

*2. Appeors only if the Awesome Sphere wos given to l{ew Yevon ol lhe sfod of (hopler 2.

Holy WaterHi-Potion

HP:5320?AP: 1 I Gil: 320Steal: Remedy (x2)

HP: 84321AP:1 ? Gil: 200,Steal: Shadow Gem (x2)

HP: 17321AP: 1 lG i l :140Steal: PhoenixDown Drop: Ether

HP:422 IAP: 1 lG i l : 120St€al: Hi-Poiion

HP: 32701AP: 1 I Gil: 330Steal: Phoenix DownDrop: Phoen x Down (x2)

HP:624 IAP:1 lG i l :0Steal: PotionDrop: Potion

HP:620 IAP: 1 lG i l :0Steal: Potion

HP: 620 tAP: 1 lc i l : 0Steal: PotionDrop: Potion

HP:17301AP:1 I G i l : 140Steal: Holy Water

HP:3800tAP: 1 l Gil: 94Steal: Silence GrenadeDrop; Sleep Grenade

I T E M C H E C K T I S T , .


Mana Tablet (x2)

R€medyPhoenix Down (x3)


Star Curtain (x3)

Lunar Curtain (x3)

Light Curtain (x3)

3000 silArcane Lore

Tricks of the Trade Garment Grid 0

lnvincibleGeorapella Coins (x5)

X-Potionl\,/l eg a- Potio n



Wall Ring

, Regen Bangle

Cat's Bell

Ether (x2)

Turbo Ether (x2) 0r Samurai Dressphere

Wizard Bracelet


Regen Bonsle

Sror Cudri" (x3)

tunor (u'rorn {I3)


a)\ . /

o l lI 1 t l\ / ' G t( )


O P E N I N G T H E G A T E SHead to the second portion of the port area, where the citizens are demanding that the guard oper the gate and alliw

access to the temple. Run through the forest to the temple stairs, where Dona and Barthello reunite. Episode Conplete!




D1na linally gels her way wilh Bafthell,

K I L I K A E X T R A STtrere arc several reasons to renrm to Kilika a second time a{ler gining the "Episode Complete " Ifyou have

nctcampleted the quest to find the Squafter Monkeys in the woods, you may do so now- When all 13 are

discovered, speak to the womar in blue standing on the east dock in the Arst port area to receive the

Chaos Maelsuorn Carment Grid.

The temple is firl ofteasure chests containing valuable items and acces-

sories. In the last chamber just before th€ Chamber of the Falth, the

chest in the center of the room holds the Samurai dressphere if you

failed to obtain it during Chapter 3. If you did pick up the Samurai

Dressphere previously, the chest holds a Turbo Ether (x2) instead

Kilila Tenple is naw a vilual sl7re-hause 0l greal ilens and access1ries

la callecl.

I N V I N C I B L E- There is a secret itern at Kilika that you can now obtain. Duing aI tne chapters, there is a man on the

. -.deck ofthe bort docked on the east side ofthe second port ata who is observing the progress of the con

struction oo the Youth League base with a sphere recorder. Ifyou spoke to this man during each chapter

and viewed the base tlrough his sphere camera each time, speak to him again in Chapter 5 After view-

ing the bxe, the nar offers to sead you over to the base via a ferryman.

Use lhe Guide Map l0 l1cate lhe chestcontalning a poweiul accessotY.

t T E M C l t E C l ( L t S r ' . ,

Light Curtain (x3)

Last chance to find those cruymonkeys!

The only problem is, you must view the whole scene at the base View the base three tines: A^ce intkough the leos of the sphere camera Turn on the Guide Map if Chaplers | , 3 and 5 ta be ,ftered a leffyyouVe been playiog with it ofl On tie gride maP, you will notice a ride t0 ne Dasewhite X, which is the ferrymrn, who will take you back to the portwhen you are tluough. The yellow square indicates the location ofa chest containing the accessory Invincible'

This accessory enables the character wearing it to inflict more than 9999 HP damage with an attack or spell!

You may also notice a yellow X moving around the docks at the base. Run after and catch a small child, who

will bribe you to go away with 5 Georapella Coins.

tIII-* ' :


S E A S O N O F T H E B L I T ZBlitzbnll becomes available whcn thc Gullwings enrer Luca lor the llrst time during Chapter 5. Even lor those who lrrefamiliar rvith rhc game lrom FINAL MNTASY X, there are r whole 1ot of new things to learn. Please refer to the"Bl;tAaU" section ;n rhe "Mini Games'ch.roter for more informrtion.

P L A C E O F P O I G N A N C YOn the bridge leading to the exit ofluca, move toward the edge of the balcony,just below the Sar-e Sphere, to trigger a scene rvhere Yuna discovers a moogle thatno one else can see. !-o11ol the moogle back through Luca to th€ stadium, andihen to the west dockwhere a ship is harborcd. Whcn Yuna is finished reliving hermcmories. Eoisode Cornoletei

Blilzball is a challengin0 sp1t and ehne honoted ttedilian in Lutn

w A l { l t E R { G F t E l { l r S

HP:39857 ?AP: 1 lGil:3500Steal: Tu rbo EtherDrop: Power Gloves

fhe int/isble na1gle leads yuna backthtauAh Luca la lhe darks

HP: 6322 lAP: 1 lG i l :670 HP:562 IAP:1 ?Gi l :33Steal: Lunar Curtain

HP:18301AP: 1 l c i l : 62Steal: Echo Screen (x2)Drop. Echo Screen (x2)

HP: 19741AP: 1 l Gil i S0Steal: Hi-PotionDrop S-Bomb

HP:17433 tAP: 1 I Gil: 330 HP: 1220 lAP:1 l G i l : 125Steal: Bomb CoreDrop: Bomb Cor€

HP: 2805lAPr '1 lGil:80

Steal: Hi-PotionHP: 2350?AP: 1 lG i l : 80St€al: HFPotionDrop: lvl-Bomb

HP:810 ?AP: 1 lG i l : 83Steal:Antidote (x2)Drop:Anlidote (x2)

HP: 735 IAP: 1 t Gil: 44Steal. Hi-PotionDrop: Hi-Potion

HP:32701AP:1 lG i l :330Steal: Phoenix DownDrop: Phoenix Down (x2)

HP: 624 IAP: 1 lG i l :0Steal: PotionDrop: Potion

HP: 620 IAP: 1 tG i l :0Steal: Potion

HPi620 ?AP: 1 l c i l :0Steal: PotionDrop: Potion

HP:9338?AP: 1 lG i l : 164Steal: Phoeolx DownDrop: Phoenir Down (x2)

'Appeors only before defeoling the lllochino Ponzer boss of Thunder Ploins.


Phoenix Down (x5)

Black Belt

3000 gil

Remedy (x2)


Hi-Potion (x3)

Titanium Banqle

Holy Water (x6)

Remedy (x2)

Pho€nix Down (x5)

Victor Primoris

IVI-Bomb (x2)

Soft (x5)

Hi-Potion (x3)

Echo Screen (x5)

Phoenix DoM {x5)



" ullbe dlng chotobolo obtdin.Sse Chdprer 5 wolhkoush.


ilego Phoenix

'Edrcnle lo 3enet dungeon

FtEltDst /(Fobs oest)



Return to Mi'ihen via the airship orftom the Luca entrance and a personwill greet you. Rin is epecting 1ou,and you can go dnecdy to the TiavelAgency. The dues you saw using theCommSpheres set up aroundMi'ihen determhe whot the d'lpdt

behind the recent incidents. OnceRin figures out the mptery you canride chocobos on the Mi'ihenHighroad. Once the scene is com-plete, you score an EpisodeComplete!

While riding a chocobo, you can open chests by pressing the X button, andyou can also continue the Publicity and Matrimony campaigns if needed bypressing the Squde button when speaking with the NPCs involved.

Ne\:t to the entrance is a chest containing S-Bombs. Stooe ralls havesealed off many ofthe passages in the tunnels, and you cao blow them openwith bombs. As you move through the passages, stand next to wall sectionsand watch Yuna's skirt carelirlly. When her skirt flaps as ifrusded by a lightbreeze, it means you've found a wall that can be blown open. Once you finda waII to blast, you must not only choose the appropriate tlpe ofbomb; butyou must plant the right number ofbombs at th€ sam€ time, or you wifl beuflsuccessfirl at blowing through the lr?[. Most *?[s are soft enough to bedestrol,ed by setting five S-Bombs. However, if you run out of S-Bombs,switch to M-Bombs which are morepowerful, or even L-Bombs, which

are the most powerful of them all.The best way to obtain more bombs

is by fighting frends in random bat-tles. Creepers, Hug Bugs, andHexapods all drop bombs upondefeat. Ifa character using the LadyLuck dressphere manages to success-firlly Bribe one of these monsters,

you can accumulate m,rsslve amountsofvarious bombs.

ItS fun t0 try and lall1w RinS deductivercasoning and answer his questians

curec y.

Set banbs an v/alls ta apen newpassageways.

The Vicl1r Prin1ris all1ws Paineb Fullfhr1llle dresspherc I0 inllicl nore lhan

9999 HP daffnge.

Danaging the wong wa resultsinabatle wik a nerciless Epilaph.

Some of the *211s in the tunnel arestronger and require more firepower toblow dorm. Strong walls are marked inblue on the map, and tle strong€st wallsare marked in purple. Use fir.'e S-bombs toblow do*m light blue walls, use five M-Bombs to blow down dark blue w-alls, anduse nine L-Bombs to blow down purplewalls. Avoid the walls marked in red,because tiey are trap walls. When ycuattempt to blow down these *alls, you areforced to fight Epitaphs.

Fanbstic itens awail in ke seuetchanbers behind lhin walls.

Blast through the nrnnels and collect tie awesome accessories locat€d in thechests. Watch out for chests that contah 6ends. Itt possible that you willwin exta items and bombs by blowing up walls with proficiency. Thechances ofobtaining items by destrolng walls drops as lou proceed fintherin the cave. Also, dont equip aCharm Bangle. Instead, fight theinsect-like fiends in the area to keep

lour bomb suppJies going. Whenyou reach the northernmost cham-ber, the boss of the Iiend colonyappears. After def€atirg the monster,you retum back outside the coloflywith all the walls reset Collect al1theitems before moving on to face theboss. Defeating the monster anddearing the fiend colony completely, nets a Fotrt ofPower Garrnent Grid.

il€so Pl'oe"ir

Dispatch chocobos fron Claskls placeI0 Mi'ihen in search ot the nltsAti\us


The dunge1n entrance appears neat IheSave Sphere at ke b1lton 0l lhe g1rge.

H E N ' S F O R G O T T E NS U R E S

the Mission Comolete for Mi'ihen. return to the ar€a togather items. Ride a chocobo through the raised road area just south of the

Mushroom Rock entrance, and pause atthe gap depicted in tbd screenshot to theleft. After waiting there for a few seconds,you will gain tle optiorr to jump to ahigher level where lour chocobo will opena chest to obtarn a Phoenix Down (x5).

Leave the area and return, then standimmobile h the gap for a few secondsagain. This time, when you accept theoption to go, the chocobo drops into thegorge to obtain the Victor Primods.

T H E F I E N D C O L O N YJust when you thought you've done every task imaghable on the Mi ihenHighroad, along comes a new ciallenge. There is a secret duflgeon that isarailable at Mi ihen during Chapter 5. Hou,rverj 'ou car orily access thedungeon if you assisted Clasko ia setting up the Chocobo R:nch at theCalm Lands. \4sit Clasko and raise afew chocobos to level 5. When youdispatch a chocobo to search fortreasuie, it is morc likely to retum toClasko's ranch dependiag on howmaay you harre at Claskot ranch.Dispatch one or morc highJevdchocobos td Mi'ihen Highrcad tosearch for items. Check in withClasko every once in a while to see ifthe chocobo you sent to Mi'ihen has

When the chocobo 1ou sent to Mi'ihenreturns, Clasko reports to Yuna that astange new portal was fou$d near tle sitewhere the hover wEcked during Chapter3. Retum to Mi'ihen at that point to see ageen doud near the Saw Sphere in thewide area at the bottom of the gorge.Enter the cloud to dive into tl€ secr€tdungeon.

l"tIlt fteli

K I l { G U E R M I l { !The king of the colony is a creature that loves fire. lt loves t0 use it

and it loves to eat it. Equip your characters with accsssoriesand Garment Grids witlr the Fire Eater ability, and King

9oo VERIVINI will handle all your healing for you when-ever it tries t0 cast Firagal Avoid casting fire

i spells 0r using tire-based attacks 0n the mon-ster 0r you will heal it. King VERlillN! is notespecially t0ugh, s0 use y0ur strongest BlackIvlage spells and a Dark Knight's Darkness attack t0 take it out. Keep everyone'sHP high by designating one person as a White lvlage 0r Alchemist.


SIEAL: Normal:Turbo Ether Rare:Turbo Ether (x2)DB0P: Normal: P0wer Gloves Rare: Power Gloves

w A l t D E R t l { G F l E l { l l S



lG i l : 120

, {1 !i,,Il?J,li; ?,J,fJi * HP: 78001AP: 3 ?Gi l :200Steal: Bushido LoreDrop: Black Lore

HP: 9200?AP: 3 tGi l :200Steal: Sword LoreDrop: Champion Belt,h

Aii,*i,$iliii*""' ^' fr iiji''f,lrljlrril:;'* ^ i[ril'*tr*H::1:T:*Appeors before defeoting fhe Mothino Ponzer boss ol Thunder Ploins.

I T E M C H E C I ( I I S T

lvlega-Potion2500 gil

Turbo Ether (x3)

E ixir

Elixirl\,4achina Booster

Cryslal BangleNooj's Sphere O

HP: 13321AP: 1 l G i l : 110Steal: Eye Drops (x2)Drop: Eye Drops (x2)

HP;20201AP: I lG i l :30Steal: Plroenix DownDropi Hi-Potion

HP:5320tAP: 1 I Gil: 320Steal: Remedy ix2)Drop:.Hi-Potion (x2)

HP:37201AP: 1 lG i l : 173Steal: Soft (x2)Drop: Sott (x2)

HP:10201AP: 1Steal: EtherDrop: Hi-Potion

HP: 1732 lAP: I lG i l : 140Steal: Phoenix

HP: 1650tAP: 1 lGil: 140Steali l\il-BombDrop: HiPotion

HPr 1720 lAP:1 lG i l :100Steal: M-Bomb

HP:422 | AP:1Steal: Hi-PotionDrop: Hi-Potion

HP: 34441AP: '1 I Gil: 330

Steal: Hi-PotionHP: 1262lAPr 1 lGil:80Steal; Hi-PotionDrop: Hi-Polion

HP:25821AP:1 lG i l : 127Steal:Arctic Wind

HP:624 tAP:1 lG i l :0Steal: PotionDrop: Potion

HP:620 IAP: 1Steal: Potion

HP:620 I AP: 1 lc i l :0Steal: PotionDrop: Potion

HP: 4330lAP: 1 ?Gil: 100Steal: Chocobo FeatherDfop: lvluscle Belt


W A R : N O W F O R F U NA N D E X E R C I S E

Ifyou sided with the Youth Lcage, speak ro members rt the entrance ofMushroom ltock Road. Restless

now that the thought ofimpcnding wrr has subsided, the rvarriors desirc a ch.rllenge. When readrl spe*

to Y.ribal to accept a challcnge against the first group ofconrenders from the Youth League. Follow Lucil

through Mushroom Rock Rord, encountcring sets olYouth Lcaguc soldiers at various points. You mtst

fight six sets ofYouth League sotdiers, and Elma is in dre final sct When vou clcar all six, )'ou must

{ight Lucil. Afier that, Episode CompletelBenenbet la use ilenslo tecovel

bet||een each set af League warria$

L U C I Tr 370 Lucil isn't too difficult to fight at this extremely late stage

0f the game. Take down her HP quickly with yOur

\i str0ngest spells and dttacks (such as a DarkKnight's 0arkness ability). The real challenge isthat Lucil will attempt t0 cast D00m 0n eachparty member in fairly rapid successi0n. For

i.-l this reason, take her down quickly to avoiddeath, althouOh an Alchemist with the l\4ega-Phoenix Stash ability sh0uid be able to recover the party if needed.


A L L A C C E S S A T M U S H R O O M R O C KThe Gullwings return to the Celsius automaticallv when the last mission at Mushroom Rock is com

plete. Return to the area and navigate around, collecting the items contained in the chests in the ravine

m well as ncar the headquffters. You can now enter the headqurrters and move about l\'leet T,ucil on thc

rear observarory arca, and she will give you Nooj's Sphere. Rerurn to the Celsius and vicw the recordng

on the sphere, titled "Deathseeker"

O P E N T H E D E N O F W O EUpon collecting the last two Crimson Spheres during Chapter 5, remrn to the Den ofWoe in the gorgc

and examinc the door.There are no items inside the Den, so proceed directry'east to the lrrge area.When

the pyreflies overwhelm the partv with their feelings, Yuna must take on each ofhcr friends in separate

single-character ducls. Belore trking on this short quest, it is strongly recommended that you eqLLip Yunr

with the Thiefdressphere or the Treasure Hunt Garment Grid bearing the Mug abl1iq', as vour pvrefly-

inlected Jlies have some reallv good accessories to steal. Because Yuna rvill be lighting alone, boost her

Delense by equipping acccssories rnd Garment Grids to mrrimize her status

R I K K URikku fights just as hard and fast as any thief would.

Snatch her valuable items and knock her down fastwith your m0st fearsome attacks. Use Hi-Potions

to recover if needed.

STEAL: Normal: Chocob0 Feather Rare: Ch0c0b0 Feather (x2)DR0P: Normal: Circ et Rare; Circlet

Wilh access ta all parls 0f Yauth LeagueH0 speak la Lucilan lhe reat balcany

la teceive a new sphere.

All 1A Ctirnsan Sphetes will 1pen thedaat la lhe Den olWoe

- ' t- l- 1: \


STEALT N0rmal: Bushido Lore Rare Bushid0 LoreDR0P: N0rmal: Black Lore Rare: B ack L0re



ffiP A I l { E

B A R A T A I$P: 720 $p,



Glt DB0PPED:5000PILFER GIL: 15000

Paine's atlacks are slightly m0re powertul thhn Rikku's, s0 d0n't hesitaletouse an X-P0tion to recover it needed. Attack her quickly and merci-

lessly with y0ur m0st powerful skills, and she should succumbalmost as quickly as Rikku does.


sua{&9The pyreflies have done a good job 0.f creating an illusion of Baralai,

because this battle will greatly remind y0u 0.f the encounter atBevelle. Baralai uses new attacks to drain MP and silence

spellcasters, so it will be extremely difficult t0 rely on maoic.Heal every round in preparation to survive his swingingstaff attacks. Attack quickly and furiously wilh your beslphysical assaults.

STEAL: N0rma: Sword Lore Rare: Sword LoreDR0P: N0rmal: Champi0n Belt Bare: Champi0n Belt

STEAL: Norflral: Nature's L0r€ Rare: Nature's L0reDR0P: Nor-al: C'ystdl Ball Fare: Crysial B:...

STEAL; N0rmal: White Lore RareiWhite L0re0R0P: Normal: l\4agica Dances, Vol. I Rare: l\ lagical Dafces, Vol.

G I P P A TAll in all, fightinq Gippal is a lot like fightinq Baralai with a few exceptions. Spell-casting should

prove more effective against Gippal. Although he inflicts Silence with Hush

!eg-gt' /,- G"lfl' 'Iuln'r hl 1::' :'lllTqi:Ill:!:::11 if i:11:Ti-Yhl':lMage heal on each turn, because Gippal frequently causes lots 0fdamage to the entire party with his attacks. As his HP drops, he

performs Bullseys more frequently and also causes lots of dam-age with lvl0rtar. Basically, you need to take him from 5000 HPt0 0 HP in as little a time as possible. use strong attacks likeFlare spells and a Dark Knight's Darkness ability. Whatever you do, pilfer gil from Gippal be{ore th€end 0f the battle, because nabbing up to 15000 gil in one shot is pretty nice.

1 { 0 0 JA healer sh0uld be w0rking overtime yet again as you enter this baitle. N00j uses devastating

gun attacks that can cause more than 1500 HP damage to a single character,and his Greedy Aura ability will siph0n IMP from all 0f your charac-

ters at 0nce. Like the other shadows before, spell-casting willt be diflicJlt. TaKe down N00t with your strongest attacks

iZ such as a Dark Knigft's Darkness ability. or the regularattacks of the Samurai, Berserker, or Warrior. Also, usethe Pilfer Gil ability, c0nsidering how much money(



you stand t0 make in a single swipe. Keep the entire party's HP high throughout the battle,because when N00j dr0ps below 3000 HB he begins performing a rather nasty attack thatcan cause 5000 HP damage i0 your entire party. Anyone who survives this attack should use

a Mega Phoenix immediately, followed by a l\,4ega-Potion.


STEAL: Normal: Arcane Lore Rare: Arcane LofeDR0P: N0rmaii ft i lagical Dances, V0 . I Rarer l\4agica Dances, V0l. I

HP:233 t AP: 1 lG i l :48Steal: Antidote

w A l { l t E R t l { G F t E l { l t S

: 13321AP: 1 lG i l : 1 '10Eye Drops (x2)

Drop: Eye 0rops (x2)

; 18191AP: 1 t Gil: 140Fire Gem

Drop: Fire Gem

:1720?AP: 1 ? Gil: 100

HP:532014P: 1 I Gil i 320Steal: Remedy (x2)Drop: Hi-Potion (x2)

HP:16501AP: 1 I Gil i 140Steal: [,4-Bomb Drop:Hi-Pot on

HP:422 IAP: 1 lGil: 120Steal: Hi-PotionDrop: Hi-Potion

l G i l : 0

*Appeors before defeating lhe lflochino Ponzer boss ot Thunder Ploins.

*1. Appecr only if the Awesome Sphere wos given to New Yevon sl lhe storl ol Chopler 2.


: 1782tAP: 1 lG i l :280Antidote (x2)

Drop: Star Pendant

HP:18324 I AP: 40 ? Gil: 0Steal:Turbo EtherDrop: Elixir

HP:3890t4P:0 I G i l : 0Steal: NoneDropi None

HP: 10201AP: I ?Gi l : 130 HP:17321AP: 1 ?Gi l : 140Steal: PhoenixDown Dropi Ether

HP: 34441AP: '1

Steal: Hi-PotionDrop: None

HP: 624 ?AP: 1 lc i l :0Steal: Potion

HP: 620 I AP: 1 I Gil: 0Steal: PotionDrop: Potion

HP: 620 I AP: 1Steal: Potion


Phoenix Down {x4) lMana Sprlng Hyper Wrist-Al Bhed Prlmer O *Only if you hoven'l moslered Al Bhed.X-Potion (x2)

Remedy (x2)


Soul Spring

Power Wrist

Phoenk Down (x4)

To ftlo llow

X-hliotr {r2)

T H E A L B H E D ' S T E C H N I C A L C H A L L E N G EEnter the temple and the Al Bhed will encourage you to challenge the new machine theyve assembled. To complete the

episode at Djose, you must defeat the machine once at its initial levels, then defeat it again when the machine is at its

highest levels. The levels ofthe Experiment ,re dependent on the nurnber of machina assernbly items excarated from

Bikanel Desert. Defeat the boss at its highest level to obtain an Episode Complete and the Magical Dances, Vol. II,

which enables a Songstress to learn Magical Masque.

R A I S I N G T H EE X P E R I M E N T ' S L E V E L

As stated, the Anack, Defense and Special levels ofthe Experiment are depend-

ent on rhe number of machina assembly items dug up in the Bikanel Desert. To

obtain an Episode Completel at Djose, fight the Experiment once in its weaker

form, then fight it again when all levels have reached level 5. For this reason, it is

importrnt to not dig too often at Bikanel Desert LLntil Chapter 5.

The lechnician displaysthe levels af theExpetiment belare you lighllhe

nachine in the Chambet 0fthe Fayth.

fhe AlBhed ate jusl dying l0 t'ind walthy adverca "os la lesl oullhe[ new


Hner W sr




R E P A I R I N G T H E E X P E R I M E N TBefore you crn take on the Experiment again, you must help the Al Bhed get their machine back in

shape. After you defeat the Experiment once, key items called repan manuals can be found bv talking to

certain individuals and by searching other places around Spira. Upon obtaining r reprir manu , return

to the Chnmber ofthe Fa)th at Djose and give it to the technician strnding next to the Experiment.The

machine will be repaired immediately and vou can fight it again.

Each time you want to 6ght the Experiment, you')l need rnother repair manual. Conserve vour manu-

als wisel,v, because only five are available in the rvhole game. The repair manuals are located in the lol

lowins placesl

Renenbet that yau un view the parlsy1u|e acqutred lhraugh digging by

checking the kiask iu lhe saulhchanbet inside Diase lenple

and 8 AnackAsembly Z, then mulripl)' €ach quantity by thc num

bcr of points it's wofth denoted in the poinrs table (refer to theright) to get the equation (1 x 5) + (6 n 3) + 8, which equals a total

of31 points. Referring to the status level table, vou can see rhat 31

points brings the Experimenti Attack level up to 1eve1 4. Just find

a ferv more parts, and thc Experiment's Attack level should reach

the mrximum oflevel5.

Bepai nanuals enable yau la lake anthe Expetinenl again, bull7u )nly get

llve n]re chances

! Speak to the man in the room with ,11 the pedestals on the second floor ofDjose Temple. Whcnhe asks lor rhe password, enter "MARNELA'. He rvill give vou the repair manual in return.

! Speak to the man seated on the floor in the nordr chamber inside Djose Thmple.

I There rre three monkeys jumping up and down in the area behind the reception building outside Djose Temple. When all rhree monkeysjump at the eract same time, press the X button to receive a repair manual.

I At the north end of the Mi'ihen Highroad, near the entrance to Mushroom Rock Road, there is a machina standing benveen Prophet mdsome emptv wagons. Examine the machina to recen'e a repair manual.

I ln the secret dungeon at thc Calm Lands (explained in the C m Lands section), there is a chesr that contains a repair manual at thcoppositc cnd ofthc dungeon lrom the st:rting point.

E X P E R I M E T TThe difficulty 0f this boss is determined by the Attack, Defense, and Special levels listedby the Al Bhed technician before this battle. The Attack level indicates how badly thephysical bl0ws and rocket attacks 0f the machina will damage your characters. At level5, these attacks are devastating but your party can quickly recover if a White lvlage castsCuraga on the entire party, or if an Alchemist mixes a Mega-Poti0n. The Special level of

{tP:0 E{p..,the Experiment determines whrch aftacks rt will use in battle. At

level 5, Lifeslicer will kill one 0f your characters instantly bydoing damage equivalent to the character's HP You can-

not protect against this attack, but since the Experiment cannot perform it frequently, youcan recover easily by using a Phoenix Down. when the Experiment's Defense is at level5, y0ur normal attacks and even spells will d0 less than half their normal damage. Thebest ways t0 damage ihe Experiment efiectively are with a Dark Knight's Darkness abili-ty, 0r with a Gunnefs Cheap Sh0t or Tableturner ability. Therelore, the best party willinclude at least one Dark Knight and one Gunner, with the third person functioning as ahealer. Use the listed attacks repeatedly untilthe Experiment finally crumbles.

After defeating th€ Experiment

the first time, head to Bikanel andbegin digging for AttackAssernbl,v, Defense Assembly, andSpecial Assembly nems of the A,

S, and Z varieties. The game givesvarious points erch time you findone ofthese items, and the pointslrre each tallied to determine thclevel of the Experiments Attack,Dcfcnse, and Special. For

instance, il 1-ou hare 1 Aaack

Assembly Z,6 Att.rckAssembly S


STEAL: N0rmal:Turbo Ether Rare: Turbo EtherDR0P: Normal: E xir Rarei Elixir


P0t l tTs

P0t i lTs tEvE t


. _ ..,88 . ::.-i::an::y

*,,.9, _* _ - -

* " Y ; . - r , .' " ' l : ' ' - ' '

: i : J I : . .


W A I I D E B I l { G F I E l { D S

I TBarKe)


*Appeors belore defeoling lhe |t/lochino Ponzer boss ot Thunder Plains,

HP: 1332lAP: 1 lGil: 110Steal: Eye Drops (x2)Drop: Eye Drops (x2)

HP:3688?AP:1 tGil:230Steal: HiPotion (x2)Drop: Fire Gem

tlP:562 tAP: 1 lGil: 33Steal: Lunar Curtain

HP:760 IAP: 1 lci l i42Steal: Phoenix DownDrop: Potion

HP:3890tAP:0Steal: NoneDrop: None

HP: 625 t AP;4 lcil:72Steal: Arctic WindDrop: Arctic Wind

HP: 1480lAP: 1Steal: Grenade

HP:47001AP: 1 lGil:780Steal: lron BangleDrop: Black Ring

HP: 1132lAP:1Steal: DispelTonicDrop: Holy Water

HP:624 IAP: 1 lcil:0Steal: Potion

HP:620 IAP: 1 lc i l :0Steal: PotionDrop: Potion

HP:620 IAP:1Steal: PotionDrop: Potion

M U S I C B Y T H E M O O N F L O W B A N K SObtaining an Episode Completelat the Moonflowis a gameJong task.Ifyou failed to complete all ofthe Moonflow mis-

sions and the musician gathering mission at Macalaaia, a1l you can do is watch Tob['s final show However, ifyou com-

pleted all the missions at Moonfloq sold all 10 tick€ts and gathered the musicians from Macalania, Tobli's show draws a

larger crowd. Speak to Tobli and agree to participate in the show \Arhile you watch, you can change the camera angle to

view the girls sitting in their Eious positions onstage. Press the Circle bunon when done to see the Episode Completel

Check in wilh fablito see if yau'v€dane enough lo deserve an EpisadE



HP: 1342 lAP: 1 lG i l : 110Steal: Hi-Potion

W A I { D E R I l { G F I E l { D S

:13321AP: 1 lG i l : 110Eye Drops (x2)Eye Drops {x2)

I T E M G I I E G I ( t I S T

Baralai's SphereKey l0 Success. Crystal Ball 0'Kaiser Knuckles '


If you defeated GarikRonso at Mt. Gagazetand gathered rhe music ians in MacalaniaWoods, thc Guado willhave now returnecl to

Guadosalam. Join the

troupe in the central area,and speak to Tromell asecond time to receive an"Episode Complete!"

Tempered WillGarment Grid O


*Dependent upon Moonllow evenls.

G I F T L E F T B Y T O B L IInside Tobli's house, a chest contains a !€luxble item. The item in thechest changes depending on whether you completed all ol the missionsat the Moodow perfecdy, and whether you deleated Garik at Mt.

Gagazet during Chapter 3. If you did nor cornplete the mission rt

Gapzet during Chapter 3, but successf.rlly competed all the Moonflowmissions, the item will be the K€y to Success accessory Ifyou completed rhe Ronso You6 uprningmission as well as all the moon0ow missions, the item will be aKaiser lGuckles accessory. Ifyou defeated Garik but did notcomplete the Moonflow mis-sions perfecdy, the item will be rCrystal Ball. The Key toSuccess is one ofthe best accessories in the game, whic! maymake you question your decision to suppress the RonsoYouth uprising.

The item faund at labli's hause changesdepen(ling an yaur actions al lhe

Maanllow and [4t. Gagaet

lfltau succeed in helping the Guad1srelurn t0 thei hame, then its Epis1de

Conplelellot yau!

T H E G U A D O ' SM E M O R I E S

Return to Guadosalam a second time and speak to Tromell out

side the door that wont open. You can now go inside the housethat has been locked tbroughout the game and speak to aGuado youth. lf you previously dvised Lian and Ayde on theThunder Plains, he will speak ofmeeting them and turn over theTempered Will Garrnent Giid. In a chest inside this room isBaralait Sphere. Retunto the Celsius nnd speakwith Shiffa to view thesphere, which contains

some rather shocking rev-clations about the praetor

The Guado ate finally tudy Ia sharct he i I a nq -kept secL et s.

HPi363 lAPr ' l I G i l : 180 HP: 3270? APi 1 ? Gil: 330Steal: Phoerix Down


(' :1-'r'rr:i-r::'-::ll.E:id*+i#.,€$i:f r

S 31,,1'*1',#;,1,, o" u'o.1 Drop: Prettv 0rb'-:.,..:.,*:iiE9rl&"t!!,I HP: 233 AP: 1 'G i l : 48

&J Steal Ant dotel-- -,r:.,. lDroP: Al'rt dote

;623 IAP: 1 iG i l : 130

W A I I O E R I I I G F I E l { D S

Llghtning l\,4arb eDrop: Hi-Potion

:562 'AP: I ; G i l : 33

. ' :;:,ri:::.:ri! j! .i].!-iiilr':,:.";,:t.

€ii'*,i*iirnlr'"- : {:l:;:.:-. ,1 -:,. " ; ,'a HP: 363 AP: 1 c i r : i8o

ii:3i:1, 3[::i::::

. -' "ia.,'ilr:i-:"iiffiffi**i4;!.,,.'',:'irill:: Iji,ti :;,-:;r::,:1j,,

Jli.,l',', "i';.' o"'o :#ii,,'',t',i:,],,1' "t

l l . iD op: ar-Potion f -{ D op: rve D ops t '2r


' I!jn:lilfi*'o',n* "0 . Lunar C! rtainLight C!rtain

HP:2044 ' AP; 1 .G i l : 153Steal Lunar Curlain (x2)Drop Liqht Curtain (x2)

HP: 2290 'AP: 1 : G i l : 180 :4360 AP: 1 'G i l : 310

' 'i'Lli.!l.t"riT,-u- .HP: 620 AP: 1 GIL 0

rF steal Pot oni - , . rD rop Po t on

' - i,r,l i'ii,:1 .:il.l.iffi**;r,'.HP.2774 AP:1 cit: 120

fl Stea : S-Bofl-rbr*i. -l Drop: S eep Grenade

HP:30500 " AP:10r G :10000Steal: Oath VeilDrop: Crysta Bang e

.-i,={]r.r€l4}ffir . HP : 620 AP : 1 'G r l : 0

af eot on, urop rot 0f

.--:;,i-iE*:8ffffiHP:3048 AP; 1 G i l : 120

,ffistea. s-eomb,__--- j iDropi Sle€p Grenade


$3[,]'Ji,oJ',,1,,' n"'oo

. ' . . . D r o p : H o y W a t e r


*#!i,,1'^1ld#;' 'n' '*

: . ^ - . . Drop Srence Gr€nade


ih'11i:fi1-,;' '.

--,i],rl,,r,iiiil:ffi",, HP:624 AP: 1 GLl.0

tP suu . pooonurop Poi 0n

' ii:ir.,ir''d.:.11-,i:i,iiffi3i,

,lnl!1,.1'#1;#;' 'n','*

' . .-..-.- .. lD r0p: Darkness Grenade

L ghtning GemL ghtning Genl

HPr 27772:AP I ,G i l : 550Steal Hi-Potion (x2)Drop H -Pot on (x4)

Hi-PotionDrop: None

Drop: Arctic Wind

i 2 5 8 2 : A P : 1 , i G i l : 1 2 7

i T. 1782 AP. 1 -G i l : 280

Antidote (x2)Star Pefdant

Arctic Wind

*Appeors before defeufing the Mochino Ponzer boss ot Thunder Ploinr.

I T E M C H E C I ( I I S T


X-Potion (x2)

ochre Ring

Budget Grenade (x2)

Turbo Ether (x2)

Sleep Grenade (x2)Valiant Lustre Garment Grid ODiamond GlovesHyper Wristft4ystery Veil

TalismanCorpus InvictusNatures LoreSalvation Promised Garment GridForce of Nature


t:Gr id ,



Phoenlx Down ldo Saeen x3

C A L I B R A T I O N C R I S I S!!e.4ds are attacking the lightning towers on the Thurider Plains. To complete this mission, tun up to

- 94$ ruty* -a ""g"g"

it in battle. After ddeatiry aiach creanue, a treasure chest appears next to its cor-

responding lightning tower The content of each chest depends on your highest score in calibratiog each

lightning tower duJiog Chapters 2 and 3. For example, whea you defeat the Rlryos near tower l, the item

is an Elixir ifyou maraged to calibrate the tower with a score of30. Ifyour highest score is 5, you only

receir,c an Ether Use the table to determine what prizes are available for each chest.

Itb tine to reap ke rewds ot yaurell1tls in calibraling lhase t1werc.

L E A D E R O F T H E P A C KWhen vouve dcfeated the enemies standing next to nine of the lightning

towers, the girls notice that the Jighting continues to strike Theret a tenth

tower across t str€am on the west side of the north plains area (Tower 10

from the calibration mini game) Run back toward the Travel Agency'

t roving JonB rhe se' r . ide ofrhe ar"r . unr i l rhe CulJwing' nor ice rhe touer

they havent checked yet. Make sure thc Party is at tuIl HP and MP

anj ready to f'ght belore checking out this tower, because a powerfin boss


Mave toward lhe rcd anotr an the anscreen map la lacale ke tenth tawer.

STEAL: Normai; Hi-Potion (x2) Bare: EtherDR0P: Normal: Hi-Potion (x4) Rare: Nulshock Ring

The key to victory in this battle is to have one character as a White lMage and

use that party member to heal, while the others use Black Maqe spells 0r

special attacks to damage the boss A White Mage will probably need

to eouiD an iiem that raises her MP substantially. Have the White

lvlage cast Protect and Shellt0 reduce both physical and magical

damaoe. Cast Cure type spells as necessary t0 keep the partyg0ing. Whenever the Humbaba casts Mighty Guard, cast Dispelto remove a few ofthe positive effects the creature has given

itself. Use Ethers as needed t0 keep your White Mage casting spells throughout the battle

GIL DRoPPED: 550Pll-FER GIL: 1800

While your White lvlaqe keeps everyone healthy, y0u'll need two charac-

ters who can cause heaw damage to the boss in spite oJ its raised delense A

DarkKnightandaGunnercandamagetheHUmbabasigni f icant |yWiththei rDarknessandcheapshot abilities, respectively. Avoid the use of lightning attacks, which the iiend likes t0 abs0rb 10

replenish ils HP The important part 0f this battle is to keep everyone's HP as high as possible

When the Humbaba dies, it attempts to take your party with it by castlng l/leteor' lf your party mem-

bers' HP are low, they might die at the end of the battle

S E C R E T C A V E O F T H E T H U N D E R P L A I N SFollowing the boss fight, a hole appears at the base ofone ofthe lightning towers nnd an Al Bhed offers to take you into

the hote.This teads ro a secret cave below the Thunder Ptains. First, grab the item from the chest that the Humbabr left

behind, equip all your characters to prot€ct them from Ponon and Thunder magic, and thcn speak to the A1 Bhed again

If you previously spoke to Cid at Zanarkand during Chapter 1 and t"ld him thar vou

were unhappy with h; new business, then spoke ro him again on the Thunder.Plains,

Cid will be in the cave. His position is represented on the on-screen maP by a red arrow'

Move down thc long passage to the first oPening on the right, and follow that pnssage

south to the very bottom ofthe arca Head east and go up the next passage on th€ lefi

to find Cid. Unfortunatell he is being stalked by a very powertul foe Upon defeating

this power6.rl foe, you receive an Episode Completel

An Al Bhed affers t0 deliver y1u ta theslra\ge ne',r h1lelhal has 1pened 0n

lhe fhundet Plains.

Fallaw the red atr1t// 0n lhe Dn screennap lo Cid\ lacattan.

M A C H I l { A P A 1 { Z E RThe three Watchers appearing with the boss act as informants, relaying the inlorma-tion they've observed during your battles all across Spira. Ljsing this info, the enemieswill lock up y0ur abilities to prevent you from using special attacks and abilities. The

Machina Panzer willthen mimic these abilities and use them to

recovery abilities used when it was present in anybattle, and WatcherS will l0ck uD special attacks

ILLLt - \

used while it was present. However, if you maintained a steady habit of eliminatingWatcher enemies first in every battle,lhey will have little to report and you will havean easier time using y0ur abilities without fear 0f the Machina Panzer locking andmimicking them. Even if one of the Watchers can lock an action, just defeat it quicklybefore it gets a chance to rep0rt and scramble your abilities.

GIt DR0PPED: 10000PItFER GIL: 2500

STEAL: N0rmal: oath Veil Rare: oath VeilDR0P: Normal: Crystal Banqle Rare: Crystal Bangle

Even alone, without any abilities t0 mimic, the lvlachina Panzer is no slouch. lts"Gatling Gun" and "Sorcery Ray" attacks torce you t0 healthe entire party frequenlly,and it will recover HP if l ightning magic is used 0n it. The boss can be afllicted withthe Slow status, s0 have a Songstress use the Slow Dance ability every lurn.0therwise, you should b€ able to strik€ this boss swiftly with your strongest spells.

the first oftwo key numbers that you musr add together to determine the passrvord lor the secret door. Makea note of the door number and the key number, because you may be asked lor this information later After thekey number disappears, two chests appear. You can only open one ofthe chests and thcn both will disappeu.Opening the chest cither reveals a helptul hint, opens the next door, or does nothing.

After viewing a key number, the secret door that you can use it on ishighlighted on th€ on screen map wnh lr red arrow Proceed to the

Make nates af the key 1unbers pravil-e(l lhrcughaut lhis naze.

Add lhe tw7 key nunberc tagether, andinput lhe sun when exanininll the

praper daat

T H U N D E R P L A I N S P U Z Z L E C A V E R NNow that youve rescued Cid, the secret cave at the Thunder Plains features a challenging puzde. Asyou ve probably noticed, the cave is tull of tough machina and random encounters occur quite often. Thecave n r phce where you can level up your characters and learn abilities in no time. However whileattempting to solve the puzzle, it is in your best interests to equip a Charm Bangle to prevent randomencounters. Not only will this enable 1'ou to maintain a stronger concentration, but it will also make thepuzzle casier to solve.

Get something to write on, because you'll need to remember and add upa lot of numbers. Upon entering the cave, a brief explmation follows.The first of many key numbers appears in the lower-right corner ofthescreen. The top number in yellow indicates the number of the ncxtseclet door where you can use the ke)' number. The number in white is

ltu can only apen ane ollhe chesls:hat appear. With any luck, the ches!tcu chaasewill apen lhe nexl daor.

secret door and examine it. More key numbers will appear on-screen. This time, the key number in theupperJeft corner is the second key number for the door you are standing in front of You nust add thefirst and second key numbcrs to determine the passcode. In rhe bottom-right corner, the first key num-ber for the next door you can open appears.Jot down the key number, as well as the number of rhe doorit opens. Now add the first key number and the second key number together and input the sum to openthe door. Be sure tojot down the sum total before proceeding, because you may be asked for this infor-mation to open another door

When you open a secret door, two chests appear Again, you can open one ofthe chests for a chance toobtain a helptul hint or even open the next door Ifvou're lucky enough to open the next secrei door thepaxcode thalvould have opened the door is displayed. Mrke a note ofthis number, because you may beasked to use it to opcn another door somewhere else.

Sonietimes when a key number n displavcr:f it will rppcar as a mrth problem such as 56732 + '+532 You must add thesc nt

..-t.* .gctn.r, ,f..' "dd

the seconi kcv numbe(i to these to opcn the next door Somctimes thc kev number will not b'

disohved as inteecrs. Insread ol the key number, you mry leceive a ;lue such as 'Amount olgil earned betu'een enrry end door

ii,r.J"N,,"i". ?il"r,t.. ,rn." .nt.y.,lTh.,. n,,mbers can bc looked up on the spccirt rvarrs in the thr€c corncrs orthe mrzc

The wall in the northeast corner r<eeps a record of horv much gil you've eaned from random battles since entcring the mrzc

il. -"ff ; ,f'. *",n*st orner kceps track ofthe codes ofe'erv door Iou've opcned thus far' and the one in the southwest

-r"* f.*p,,r*f "f,n.

'.mber ufbnttl"s youne fought since openi"g eT ch door' Ho*-er er' ifrou enter the mazc with a Chanr

e""gf. .qiipp.a ,. p*"cnt banles' thcn rhe am"""-of 4f "'i O*

"-ber of battles foughr will alwavs be 0 Thjs is the bcst

*"uin npp,n".tl thi' puzzle, since it means there rvill be fewer numbers to remcmber'

Once vou open ell 16 doors, cxir thc cave and return for a second round. When vou solve this puz-zle nvice, a chcst rppears tr

ttre north corridor that contains the liorc€ ofNature accessorv


Use lhe special'ilalls althe laur c1mersal the naze la tack Yau Ptagtess.


{'?tr'. rs rV,[, " "9

l G i l : 0

*r' 't'

lGil: 380

W A l { O E R I I { G F I E l { I ! S

HP: 973 I AP: 1 lci l: 380Steal: White Ring

HP:562 ?AP: 1 lG i l :33Steal: Lunar CurtainDrop: Lighl Curtain

HP: 363 tAP:1 ?Gi l ; 180 HP: 3890 lAPr 0 lG i l :0Steal: NoneDrop; None

HP: l030 lAP: 1 tG i l : 40Steal: Gold AnkletDrop: Hi-Potjon

HP: 18731AP: 1Steal: Water GemDrop: Water Gem

HP:625 IAP: 1 lG i l : 72Steal: Arctic WindDrop: Arctic Wjnd

HP; 34441AP: 1 I Gil: 330Steal: Hi-Potion

HP: 66801AP: 1Steal: Blue BingDrop: White Blfg

HP:17821AP:1 ?Gi l :280 HP: 2530lAP: 1 lGil:95Steal: Phoenix DownDrop: Phoenix Down

HP: 11321AP: 1 lG i l :240Steal: DispelTonic

HP:624 IAP: 1 l c i l : 0Steal: PotionDrop: Potion

HP:620 IAP: 1Steal: PotionDrop: Potion

HP: 620 t AP: 1 I Gil: 0Steal: PotionDrop. Potion

*Appeors before defeoling lhe Mochino Ponzer boss at Ihunder Ploins'


Snow Ring

Rung Bracer

Ray of Hope Garment Grid O



\ \=--.6",*_\

, . ,

\ \....

\ - 0

T H E F A D I N G W O O D SReturn to the Sphere Spring, where your first meeting with Tromell took place. If you previously completed the missions

to defeat Garik Ronso and to gather the musicians of Macalania, only a lone Guado will be standing off to the left at the

rear of the area. Speak to this ;erson to trigger an event, then head back to the entrance of the forcst, continue east, and

visit the other spring. yuna asks for a moment alone, and then you'll receive an Episode Complete! and the Ray ofHope

Garment Grid.

O ' A K A ' S T R I U M P H A N T R E T U R NA second "Episode Completel" is available at Macalania lfyou Previously rescued

O'aka from debt or from his senitude in the Bikanel Desert, he will aPPear outside

the Travel Agency with his brother. After the two argue, you'll receive an Episode

Completel Open the nearby chest for an Elixir, then head inside to view the awe-

some accessori€s now sold by O'aka. If anyone in Spira has a better list ofitems, it is

probably Wantz. Each man offers a different list of items when you speak with them'

Return here as soon as you have enough gil to purchase these awesome accessories!

Find the lasl rcnaining Guada in thef\rest t0lrigget lhe ftrcl althe lastlt'ta


L00ks like 0 aka's back in busin."ss

sFflmffi--JDrop: Echo Screen (x2)

W A I { D E R I l I G F I E I { D S

:37201AP: 1 tG i l : 173Soft (x2)Sott (x2)

IAP: 1 I Gil: 44Phoenix Down

Drop: Phoenix Down

IAP: 1 tG i l :100Sleep Grenade

,.-tnr.ffrr,{illTf-/ /, IHP:I80041AP:1 tGil: 300

ffiSteat, star.eenoant .| ' rur00: fal0tane bna00w {xz)

HP: 18971AP: 1 tG i l ;55Steal: Hi-PotionDrop: Hi-Potion

HP:48801AP: 1 lG i l :48Steal: Black Choker

HP: 623 lAP: 1 rG i l : 130Steal: Llqhtning lvlarbleDrop: Hi-Potion

HP: 20021AP: 2 ?Gi l :0Steal: NoneDrop: None

HP:943 IAP: 1Steal: Hi-Potion

HP: 3890t AP: 0 tC i l :0Steal: NoneDrop: Non€

HP: 258 ? AP: 1 I Gil: 20Steal: Phoenix DownDrop. Phoenix Down

HP: 2290 lAP:1 tG i l :180 HP: 8483 lAP: 1 lG i l :210

HP:24601AP: 1 I G i l :40Steal: Budget GrenadeDropi BLrdget Grenade

HP: 813 tAP: 1 lG i l : 120Steal: Arctic WindDrop:Water Ring

HPl1200 lAPi 1 lG i l : 110Steali Lunar Curtain x2Dropi Light Curtain (x2)

HP:202 IAP: 1 IG i l : 18Steal: PotionDrop: Potion

HP:6430f AP: 1 lG i l : 105Steal: Phoenix Down (x2)

HP:60 ?AP: 1 lG i l : 10Steal: PotionDrop: PotionDrop: Sleep Gr€nade

HP:122tAP: 1 lGil;340Steal: Phoenix DownDrop: l4ythril Bangle

HPi984 IAP:1 ?Gi l : 110Steal: Phoenix DownDrop: Phoenix Down

w A l t D E R l 1 { G F l E l { 0 S C 0 1 { T l 1 { U E D

#ii,ffiiffiill" fi iiffiJl""rc':5000 ilii,#lti,'J" "'' di;i,-:'il]i'i*' "*'*Appeors before deleoling lhe trilcchinc Ponzer boss ol lhunder Ploins'

I I E M C H E C K I . I S T


Faerie Earrings



(lll Derllnoriont




Twist Headband

lvlute shock

Beaded Brooch

Phoenix Down

l\rercurial Skike Galment GIido



D E S E R T T U R M O I L- S.n- *a l{ll"ada greet the group, then the action shifts irnmediately to the Cactuu Nation, where hundreds offiends

tl,reaten to attack. TJprotect the cactuar Nation, you must gather the 10 Gatekeepers hiding across Spira. To find a gate-

keeper,speaktoi tsmother.Youcanonlyspeaktoagatekeepertmotherwhensheisauzke' indicatedbyagreenswn[ng*"i,j .i.," *.." * *.u as a green dot on the map.the cactus will dimlge clu€s to where her childrcn are, and then vou

can set out across Spira to find them.

Speak la lhe aclive n0the6la leatn clue:regardin1 ke cactua,s' Mereabouls

HP:624 IAP:1 lG i l :0Steal: PotionDrop:'Potion

HP: 620 IAP:1Steal: PotionDrop: Potion

Fp:zssqlnP: 1 tett: gdSteal: Poison Fang (x2)

HP: 9338tAP: 1 lGilr '164Steal: Phoenix DownDrop: Phoenix Down (x2)

HP:583 IAP: 1Steal: DispelTonic

l€dded Broolh

T O C A P T U R E A C A C T U A ROnce you lind a cactuar, you must complete a short "Crct War" mini game to make the little creature go

with you. During the mini game, the screen switches to spJit-focus. The picture on the left will shift

between the cactuar and its two sidekicks. You must wait until the cactuar appears on screen before you

fire. Even then, a cactuar may be agile enough to dodge your shot. Sometimes th€ left picture will switch

focus so rapidly that you must actually fire your shot when you see the sidekick right before the cactuar'

lfyou hit a cactuar, you then have a chance to chain together :dditional hits by firing rapidly. Doing so

enrbles you to rack up higher scores. Ifyou hit one of the cactuars sidekicks by accident, the bullet used

will be subtracted from your remaining stockpile. If you are hit by the cactuar'.s counterattack, you will

lose ammo from your current stockpile.

Sometimes a cacturr will react to being shot, and it will fire its needles at Yuna. Press and hold the R1

button to dodge this anack. Ifyou lail to dodge the cactuart attacks, ammo will be subtracted lrom your

stockpile. Each shot reduces the cactuar's HP by one point.Ifyou manage to reduce the cactuar's HP to

zero before running out of ammunition, you win. Ifyou run out of ammo and the cactuar stil has HP, then you lose. Either way, the cactuar

will still come back to the Cactuar Nation with you. Note that in the case ofBartschella, the last ofthe gatekeepers exploring Spira, the two

sidekicls are Magic Pots, as seenirL FINAL FANTAf,tsX. Ifyou shoot one ofthe Magic Pots, you'll receive random items.

Once you have convinced a gatekeeper to return

awaken and dimlge clues to the location of rhe next gatekeeper. The 10 Gatekeepers become nvnllable to find in a specific order, and once you

ger Ihe. luc l iom l \e i r morher ' . rhey are lo.ated in the [o l 'owing olace' .

Ca!:l-wat is achallenging, bul lun ninl-gane. Yau'll gel addilianal chances la

play it after yau c1nplele lhe "Te1Gatekeepers" quest.

C A C T U A R H O L L O WWhen you hare lound the nine cactuars, return to the Cactuar Naiion.The tenti gatekeeper in Cactuar Hollow is located

at the top of the area. Proceed through thc cave until you have what appears to be a randomly occurring battle Afterwards,

thc Crctuars will revive and enlarge one ofthc monsters lrorn your previous batde, and you must fight it again H€reafter,

the cxve will be tullofoversized versions ofprevious enemies to fight.

Proceed through the cavern and jump up the platforms near the waterfalls to obtain an

Ether. Continue east through the passage until the chamberbegins to fill with sand You

must collect the items and race through the erea to the second concrete path on the

other side. To obtain a1l thc items, you must make several ancmpts. On your frnal

attempt, run through the sand and rcach the opposite end before Yuna is buried qrin.

Continue from there to the cnd ofthe cave, where the tenth gatekeeper sits all alone on

the ledge. After a fina1 shootout with Frailea, the rogue cactuars unite to forrn rJumbo

Cactuar, and attempt to stop you from raking their friend

A Gun l\lage that has leaned all lheFiend Hualet abilities will pravel0 b€an anazing asset rluting lhese ballles

Race lhraugh lhe sands a few lines lacallect ilens, Ihen dash lhr1ugh in jne

cleat run la rcach the alher side

SIEAL; Normal: Stamina Tonic Rarei Stamina T0nic (x2)DR0P: Normalr Stamina Tonic Rare; Rabte's Foot

As you've probably observed while lighting in the Cactuar Hollow,these are very odd creatures to meet in combat. They ofier littlebenefit in combat, deal exactly 1000 HP damage with their'1000Needles attack, and oftentimes flee i{ the average level of theparty exceeds theirs. Following in this backwards tradition, the

Jumbo Cactuar seems c0ntent to do almost nothing duringthe battle, excepl casting Hastega on itself and the little

cactuars. The smaller foes are the ones you really haveto worry about. You'll need exceptional Accuracy lo strike a Cactuar, so use special attackslike a Dark Knight's Darkness ability, and Black Mage's spells. Eliminate the two Cactuarsas soon as possible, then pummel the Jumbo Cactuar at your leisure while it does...nothing. lf you're unfortunate enough t0 kill 10 cactuars before reaching the JumboCactuar (of if one of the sidekicks turns out to be the tenth), then you're in for a tougherbattle with the Jumbo Cactuals oversouled form, which uses "ga-level" magic and Flare.

GIL DR0PPED:120 STEAL: Normal: None Rare: Non€PILFER Glt: 180 DRoP: Normal: None Rarei None

l\lhadala and canpany arc in lraublEand yau ll be laa ifyau dan't prcpar

adequately fat the caning li1hl

J U M B 0 C A C T U A R , G A C T U A R ( X 2 l


T H E A N C I E N T P O W E RAlthough the threar to rhe Cactuar Nation has been thwaited, the desert fiend from before is now attacking the A1 Bhed

camp. After sperking to Nhadala, youie offered a chance to return to the airship to purchase items and equip your char-

acters properly. Rescuing the diggers'camp means facing off aginst one of the toughest fiends in the game. However,

once you deleat Angra Mainlu, you'Il linally receive th€ "EPisode Complete!" from Bikrnel Desert.

EA 1 { G R A M A I l { Y U , T A W R I G H , Z A R I C H

Equip all of your characters with access0ries thatenable automatic Protect and automatic Reflect,0r at least the ability to cast either spell. Considerhaving two of your characters as Dark Knightsand one as an Alchemist. lvlastery 0f these dres-

spheres is not required. For lhe benefit 0f theAlchemist, enter the battle with 99 Potions and 99

Hi-Poti0ns. Even then, make sure your Alchemistknows the lvlega-Poti0n Stash ability. lt would also b€ wise t0 equip the Alchemist withGarment Grids or accessories that bestow abilities such as Auto-Haste, S0S Haste, orthe ability to cast Haste. Additi0nally, equip accessories or Garment Grids so that acharacter can perform White lMage abilities-espec jally Reflect.


STEAL: N0rma i lvleqalixer Rare Rare: l\,4egalixerDR0P: Norma ; Ribbon Rare: Ribbon


j c: i lt , !


i l ,a lL \t*t $

STEAL: Normali NoneDR0P: Normal: None

Rare: NoneRare: None


STEAL: Normal: NoneDB0P: Normal: None

Rare: Non€Rare: None

. ' f ;

t t, l

Start the battle by casting Reflect and Pr0tect onyour characters as needed. The two Dark Knightsshould perform Darkness every round, while the

Alchemist mixes a Potion and a Hi-Potion toachieve the elfect 0f a lvlega-Potion. Even if the party

seems t0 be doing all right, mix the lMega-Potionanyway. The party must stay healthy every round, just in

case Anqra l\4ainyu performs PerditiOn's Flame, a devastatingmulti-attack that can cause up to 4000 HP damage t0 each character Performing Darkness every turn,

the two Dark Knights should be able t0 keep the sidekicks, Tawrich and Zarich, K0'ed for most of the battle. Angra lilainyu can-not perform Perdition's Flame unless the two sidekicks are alive.

While Tawrich and Zarich are inactive, Angra lvlainyu must waste turns l0 cast Full-Life on its helpers, so cast Darkness evenif the two side helpers are dead for the moment. Zarich has the ability t0 drain NlP, so it will be dilficult to cast spells for anypurp0se other than t0 reinstate Protect or Beflect spells. While Protect will reduce damage from Perdition's Flame, R€flectwill protect your character from Flare spells that can cause 9999 HP damage. In fact, Beflect will bounce the spell back atAngra l\,4ainyu, causing 9999 HP damage to the bossl Even if your characters are around level 70, winning against this bosscan take a lono time.




*L i;

T ;1'!r'

Steal: Phoenix DownDrop:Antidote

:2733t AP: 1 lG i l : 138.,-"EtiTilTri[EI

/ iHP; 1860tAP: 1 ?Gi l : 98,/f,,lstrrr, eotn co"L_t uropi b0m0 LoTe


ii'.1''*:iifirlt" "HP: 41001AP: 1 I G i l : 94Steal: Darkness GrenadeDrop: Sleep Grenade

Oath Ve

White LoreElher (x6)

Remedy (|6)

Steal: Water GemDrop: NLrlTide Ring

: 3680'? AP: 1 ?Gil: 800[4ana Tablet

Drop: Regen Ring

: 38001APi 1 f Gil: 94Srlence Gfenade

Drop S eep Grenad€

Phoen x Down (x8)

D spel Tonic

cr mson Sph€re 6 Ocr mson Sphere I O

Phoenix Down (x8)

Poliof (x10)

Chocobo Feather (x3)

1200 q i l

sl 1&tr& g8



I T E M G H E C I ( I . I S T

Remedy (x5)

Crystal Gloves

10000 g

H -Potjof (x6)

W A I { D E R I l { G F I E I { D S

jHP:44201AP: 1 !G i l :1000

/ . lHP: 882 tAP: 1,/LSteal: Hi-Potronl{-f orop: Hi-eot on

HP:2775?AP: 1 tG i l : 400Steal: l\,4ythril G oves


(inson Sphe€ I

& ftonoe, tifi A: D.lti;otion loA4

B E V E L L E F I N D S O R D E RMove to thc entrance of the ternple. If you signed on with New Yevon, you'll receive an Episode

Complete! However, ifyou gave the sphere to the Youth League, you'll only witness the final scene with

Alhough hatdly a litting en(l taBevelles prcblems, yau slillget enDu1hc1npleli1n p1inls lrcm this ending la

netp qut

'Roon Chonger in Chopler 5. O = tifi tocliion or (ontbl Point

@ (honge' tlfi A Dedinllion lo tilt A3

@(hdrges lifi A lo dellinolior A1.

@(horse! lilt Aro deninolion A2.

d.-.--.r l

Dorklhishl Drc$phele Llois"lronit ----\,,!

\ T I E [

From Ttidlt tetel


ry"q V I A I N F I N I T O. Head inside the temple and enter the east chamber Pacce and the Kinderguardians

seem to have found something ofinterest. Use the Save Sphere before stepping onto

the teleport gl1ph. The teleport transports the party to a series of 101 secret levels,

called "cloisters." A strange person greets the grouP on Cloister 0, then droPs

Crimson Sphere 6. You can view it now' ifyou want. To the left of the item's loca-

tion is a pad that will eventually enable you to skip to the "Creat Cloisters" found

every 20 levels, but you must reach these special doisters to activate tlis device.

Straight ahead from the spheret location is a hole in the floor, which pu can drop

thfouEh to Cloister 1. Pacce and the Kinderguardians have D1n'l niss Crinsan Sphere 6, which isl1und sanething inleresfing. IelI 0n lhe fl00t aftet lhe scene.

The layouts ofthe cloisters change rando1r y, so it's difficult to provide maps or a

walkthrough for this section. Each level contains a glyph teleport that transports you back to where the Kinderguardians are gathered. Move through the level,

avoiding traps ifnecessary. In some levels, you can actually speak to a Tonberry to obtain random items. In each doister, find a point where you can drop into

a pit, which will deposit you in the next cloister. Ideally, you should tackle this challenge with three Gun Mages in your parti,

because you can leam any Blue Br et skil1s you might be missing. When you reach cloister 20, you must nght the Aranea boss.

Boss monsters must also be fought at levels 40, 60, 80 and 100. After defeating a boss, find a teleport gfph and return to the

outside world. Save your game at the Save Sphere near the labyrinth entrance, then return and skip through to the boss level

where you left off

On level 20, you will frght Aranea, which drops Crimson SPh€re 8. At level 40, you wil

face the Black Elernental. To have any chance of surviving in this dungeon, all your char-

acters should be at level 99 with over 9000 HP per person to survive the bosses and mon-

sters starting at level 40. Io addition to this, you need to use limit break auto abilities,

powerfirl chain abllities, and Auto-Life, otherwise, the bosses will eliminate your Pattyquickly. This is a bonus area to explore as your chancters progress Past norma.l levels ard


Gel rcady fu enemies nare dilficullthan lhe linal boss al lhe gane!

W A I I D E B I l I G F I E l I D S

Phoenix DownPhoenix Down

T1abeffys arc Aey ligures in every level.

lP:788 IAP: 1 lci l: 74Steal: Lunar Curtain

Farplane Shadow

Arctlc Wind

HP:34441AP:1 lG i l :330Steal: Hi-Potion

w A l { D E B t l { G F t E l { l t S C 0 1 { r t 1 { U E D

: 22341AP: 1 I Gil: 86

:66801AP:1 tG i l : 380


Blu€ RingWhite Bing

*Appeors before deleoting lhe Morhino Pon:er boss cl Thunder Ploins.

I T E M C H E C I ( t I S T

50000 qii.

Cerulean Ring[,,lega Phoenix (x2)


Turbo EtherX-PoiionMega Phoenix (x2)

NulFrost Ring

NulTide BingDefense Bracer


Aurora Rain

2=ski shott3=Reblile Rur

'DsDerdirq on evenls viesed ol (rln Londtt@al&e'icy dudis (hupt€r 4.

*Depending on circumstonres of (H4.


Phoenix (x2)

HP: 1130 lAP: 1 tG i l : 100Sleal: Lightning lllarbleDrop: Ftamina Spring

HP:735 IAP: 1 t Gil: 44Steal: Hi-PotionDropi Hi-Potion

HP: 32701AP: I I Gil: 330Sieal: Phoenix Down

HP: 4360 lAP: 1 tG i l : 310Steal: Lightning GemDrop: Lightning Gem

HP:882 lAPr 1 t Gil: 78Steal: HiPotionDrop: Hi-Pouon

HP: 1782 lAP: 1 lG i l : 280 HP: 48201AP: 1 lG i l ;130Steal; RemedyDrop: Remedy

HP: 1132 lAP: 1 lG i l : 240Steal: DispelTonic

HP: 983 I AP: 1 I Gil: 78Steal: Echo Screen (x2)Drop: Antidot€

HP:620 IAP: 1 lc i l :0Steal: PotionDrop: Potion

HP:620 IAP: 1 lG i l ;0St€al: Potion

HP: 583 tAPr 1 I Gil: 70Steal: DispelTonicDrop: Hi-Potion


W R A P P I N G U P B U S I N E S SIllou parricipatcd in the Publiciq' catrpdgn, hcad to the Calm Lrnds and aftcr a short eventwhere dre winner is decid-

ed, you'11recene an "Episode Complete!" Speak to the man in green siandingrvith a group inside the 11avel Agencv area

jl,sto rhe lefr of rhe shop c1crk. If vou helped your agency rcach level 5, he'llgive 1-ou thc Calm Lands Free Pass, which

.r1lorvs 1ou to ride hovcrs on thc Calm L.rnds free of chargc. lf 1.ou failed to reach this high level but attempted the

Publicitl, crmprign anyhorr i.ou'Il obtain the Calm Lands Discount Pass that ; 1ows you to ride hovers at a lower firrc.

Speak to the man ncar thc Travcl Agency ilyou took up the Matrimony campaign.Ifs time to claim vour prize ftr frnd-

ing the i-oung man a choice olbridesl Also, ilvou sav the groomt lather work on a treasure chest during Chapter '1, .rn

.rccessorycm be fbund in a chest behind dre il'ravclAgency. There are all new itcms on the Calm Lands plains, as well as

mrnl v.rlurble nccessorics and kcy items ro be gained irl the gorge c.rve.


C L A S K O ' S S E C R E T l l 4 A Z EYet mother secret dungeon provides rnother challcnge during Chrpter 5. Dispatch

three level 1 chocobos to various locrtions in Spira, then return to the CaLn Lands

later to see il any rcturned. If.rny run awrv, send out an cqual nurnber olreplace

ment chocobos. lf all thrcc renrrned. send out three lcvcl 2 chocobos and wait tor

their return. Continue this process until lou not onlv disparch three level 3 choco

bos, three level ,l chocobos, and threc level 5 chocobos but havc thcn dll retlrrn

safely to the Chocobo Ranch. Once this criteria is met, Cl.rsko remarks on an

rmazing new dungeon that has opcned up. Inside th; rather ch.llenging d ngeon

vou'I1 find some usetul items and accessories, including the Machina Reactor

item, which unlocks the Brerk Hl' Limit ability firr Riklut X4rchina NIaw spccial

Yau ll rced la explate analhet atea andpalicipale in set/eral battles whiie watltng lat laut ch]cabas la (€lLrn t0 the


fhe Caln Lan(ls ln Chapter 5 ate all

w A l { D E R t l { G F l E l { 0 S

HP:36881AP: 1Steal: HiPotionDrop: Fire Gem

I Gilr 230(x2)

HP: 480 I AP: '1 I Gil: 300

Steal: RemedyDrop: Star Pendant

HP: 1720?AP: 1 ?Gi l : 130Steal: Phoenix DownDrop: Phoenix Down

HP:128501AP: 1 !Gil:530Steal: Phoenix Down (x2)Dropr Pho€nix Dowf (x2)

HP: 810 IAP:1 tG i l : 83Steal: Antidote {x2)Drop: Antidote (x2)

HP: 7850lAP: 1 ? Gil; 650 HP: 1342 lAP:1 ?Gi l : 110Steal: Hi-PotionDrop Hi-Potion

HP: 623 lAP: 1 lGil: 130Steal: Lightning l\4arbleDrop: Hi-Potion

HP: 2044lAP: 1 I Gil; 153Steal: Lunar Curtain (x2)Drop: Light Curtain (x2)

HP: 18191AP: 1 t G i l : 140Steal: Fire GemDrop: F re Gem

HP: 1262lAP: 1 ?Gil: 80Steal: Hi-PotionDrop: Hi-Potion

HP: 3270 lAP: 1 !G i l :330Steal: Phoenix DownDfop: Phoenix Down (x2)

I t t A l { l t E B l l { G F l E l { 0 S G 0 l { T l I u E 0

:60 IAP: 1 lc i l : l0 tGi l : 127

l0 lAPotionPotion


: 1 l G i l : 0 *Appeors belore defecling lhe tllochino Ponzel bossot Thunder Ploins.

HP: 2582lAP:1Steal: Arctic WindDrop; Arctic Wind

: 620 IAP: 1Potion

HP:983 IAP: 1 lGil: 78:Steal: Echo Screen (x2)Drop:Antidote

G A R I K R E L E N T Slfyou completed the mission where you defeated Garik Ronso, Gadk will be complaining to Kimahri

. again at the entance of Gagazet. Follow Kimahri uP the snowy mountain slopes until you spot a brawl

between him and Garik. Not long thereafter, you'll obtain an Episode Complete!

I T E M C H E C K I . I S T .

sacred Beast Garment Grid O

A N O D E I N S T O N E.The Ronso artisan on the summit has decided on a subiect

for her monument and begins to carve its likeness into

stone.Ifyou answered the concerns ofthe Ronso with the

best answers during Chrpters 1 and 2, the statue will tun

out to be Yuna. Check back throughout Chapter 5 to view

the artisan's progress. By the time you complete all the

episodes in Chapter 5, the likeness should be finished

fhe linal canh1ntali1n belvveen Garikand Kinahri accus an lhe snowy

slapes jusl nath af Gaguets entnnce.'Jj;

The stalue 0n the clifls is slarting talake sha\

..,=: s,,1,..,4

./1EHrc/#ii,,i'Jff i?,1,i:;i "'Ll---lDrop: Holv Water {x2)


fiiin:T#$li#f * I ijird.FE-IE


f, 3i,,1"'f ,"ll;.Jf il,i"


W A I { D E R I l { G F I E l { D S

HP:36233? AP: 1 t Gil:6000Steai: l\ilega PotionDrop: l\ilega Potion

HP: 3444 lAP: 1 lG i l : 330Hi-Potion

HP: 6210lAP: 1 t Gil: 330Steal: Hi-PotionDrop: Fire Gem (x4)

: 6 2 4 i A P : 1 I G i l : 0PotionPotion

HP: 8788lAP: 1 I Gil: 800Steal: Candle of Life (x2)Drop: Dragonfly 0rb

HP:145801 AP: 1 l Gil:1000 HP:63221AP: 1 lG i l :670

HP:14620014P: 1 t Gil:1300 HP: 433 l AP: 1 ? Gil: 410Steal: lce Gem (x2)Drop: Water Gem (x2)

IHP;12988,| AP: I ? Git:1200Stealr DispelTonicDrop: Renredy (x2)

:1782 iAP: 1 i G i l : 280

Drop: None

HP:620 lAP: 1 ?Gi l :0Steal: Potion

HP:620 IAP: 1 lG i l : 0Steal: PotionDropi Potion

W A I I D E R I l { G F I E I { D S G O I { T I 1 { U E DT



HP:122401 AP: I I Gil:1000Stea: White CapeDrop: Faerle Earrings

HP:342001AP: 5l Gil: 3000Steal: X-Potion (x4)Drop: Uegalixir

X ii,.l1X'.:l', f, ,l' " " *'\ Drop: Faer e Earrings

$$#fffiffi:: -'

l - €t / \

rs""14li / r-+fl


HP: 42781AP: 1 I Gil: 520Steal: Stamina SpringDrop: Ether (xZ)

HP:330401AP: 10 ? Gil i3000Steai: Turbo EtherDrop: l\,,legalixir

HP:14800t AP:15 ? cit:2000Steal: Snow RingDrop: Crystal Gloves

HP: 3600? AP: 15 t GiL:2000Steal: Fury ShockDropiTetra Band

HP: 30001 AP: 10 t G i l : 150Steal: Phoenix Down (L-Bomb)Drop: lvlega Potion

Mega Phoenix (x2)

HP: 25001AP: 10 I G i l : 0 ,

r8'iii,illi'.**1 ii#,t,}jtr:iff ,flffi € ii,#r'$1,!,1,11'' o' n" o p ii,,1'1,'.l,li; J3J,"

*Appears belore defeoting fhe Mo.hin0 Ponzer boss cf Thunder Ploins,

I T E M C H E G K I . I S T

lvlega-Pot on (x2) E lxirlvlana Tonic Shining GemTurbo Ether (x2) lmmortal Soul Garmeft Grid O


(BEsAlDlstAllDEtlTRAll(l) l$eso'Potio"{r2)-

,ffi,,,,Y"(@) Io$p, Jso-ro

"rYro \^-^

(r(|L[(A rsr-aflD rNrnal(t] o_".\f \Fr^

."@ '\

)+2 ""=2

/ (W) Io Abrl eso-Porion {r2)

:il;H:lm-"*, hp="^limer,lhe ilem oppedis ol \--,/ \nertmoeirsrc(k n \\ .'.nece'se,


(Ewtrrr ur{DrRcRoulrD r rna c4

-6,i).<xt.tV 9'o-'/y',,,,,,=


r^I q aV "



ro6\({ \--,/\


-[ r,oru*,-ol- I I( ( 'JX\ \ r a " H\\.+t\y

l\,4ega ixirTurbo Ether (x3)

Paine's Sphere O

(Dr05E rftlPtt fl{IRrt{cE}



M A P S c 0 i l T r l { u E D

R O U T E S I N T O T H E F A R P L A N EIt would be unwise to undertale the final mission at the Farplane before r€aching levels 65 and above with all three char-acters. When youte ready to plunge into the depths of the Farplane, speak to Brother onboard the Celsius. You mustchoose a location irom which to jump down a hole into the Farplane. There arc five paths that lead from the entrancedown to the Farplane Glen at the bottom. Along the routes, paths converge at three points: the larger islands where th€patty must fight Shiva, then the Magus Sisten, followed by Anima. Once Anima is defeated, Yuna finds herself in theFarplane Glen. Thereafter, you can travel any route into tie Farplane without fighting the bosses again.

tcltfi ultDt GoRGI (Avt tt{Tmlt(tl

Prepare lar a b?ss fight as yau descencAfter choosing a location, you must proceed a1l the way to the bottom of the Road to la each tarce island that llaats in spacethe Farplane without the ablity to turn back. The path entered by dropping into the holeat Bevelle provides the easiest route, whereas the path from Djosc tmple is somewhat triclcy. After following one route to tbcFarplane Abyss, there is no reason to go back and follow the other routes. However, navigating all five routes in sequential ordcrcauses a chest to appear tlat contains a Megiddo Garment Grid.

T H E B E S A I D I S L A N D R O U T EWhen entering through the hole at Besaid, the path seems to be fairly straightfoffardat first. However there is an item chest you wiJl miss ifyou fail to perform a certainactron. Along the route, there are four smal islands that will activate when you land onthem. The islands wil move to a previous point on the path, depositing you there for aslight se.back. After riding any of these islands four times, a chest with a Mega-Potion(x2) will appear at the no.t island.

Enter the Road la the Farplane franalllive points in Spiralo obtain

a Garment Gid.


Small flame geysers flare along the route fiom Kilika into theFarplane. Ifyou touch too many ofthe flames in a row, you'llbe teleported back to a previous location along the route. Toavoid setbacks, wait until the llames die down for a briefperi-od. Q ckly run over the geyser while the fires ue low toavoid setbacls.

Ride the navi1g stanes faur tines tareveal a treasure chesl an lhe nexl stane

y1u came l0

Wait untilthe flanes subside befatecrcSsing.

T H E D I O S E T E M P L E R O U T ETo .ross the roite lcading down*ard from Djose TemPlei you must solve n vcrv tric\' puzzle lfvou con

tinlLe to follow the routc, 1'ou will come to a point where the islands appear to be rnissing Return to the

portion wherc the path diverges md hop rcross the islands to the small strip of lard on the right' Thcre

are three islands anchored'a1ong this strip ofland. Exnmine the Ii$t small island'to change views You

cannowseethreeis lmdsinfrontofyouthatyoucanstr ikewiththeanchoredis landPushthelef t is landtoward the island numbcred 3, then push the right island toward the

Push the r)cks inta each 1lher ta crealee palh la the nexl area

Further down the path, jr.rst belore rerching the l gc ;hnd where

Anima is, a smrl nland wi move yuna to a sprce between rhe mdn path and a side brrnch. Leap fron the

small rock to the side branch and proceed to rhe end. The first trcasure ch€st is an empty fus€, but the one at

the v€rv end of the prth contains r Turbo Ether (l)

island numbered 1. l'inally, push the center islmd toNard rhe rcmaining

island to make the islands form a path thatcnableyou to rerch thc Shiva

The ae0n of ice is naturally weak against Fire, so use a Blacklvlage to expl0it this weakness. Shiva's ice attacks drain

HP and MP simultaneously, s0 make sure your Blacklvlage knows the MP Drain ability and can use il.Shiva can also be atfected by Slow, which youshould use t0 help you during the battle.

felepalers wark ta canfuse y1uL senseofdiectian, but jusl keep heading

dawn the slapes.

The noving rcck neaL lhe end of lhepath delive6 yau ta anolher bnnch.


The route fron Bevelle into the Farplane is as straightfonvard as they come SimPlv hop lrom Path to

Pathunt i lyoufeachtheAbyx.TheCalmLandroutefel tur€satr ick.r 'setof inv is ib lete leponcrsthatattempl to disorient,vou. SimPl]' continue to hend dolnward'




STEAL: Normal: Sn0w Ring Rare: Snow RlfgDR0P: N0rmal: Crystal Gloves Bare: Regal Crown

rt I H E M A G U S S I S T E R S





STEAL: Normali Cha0s Sh0ck Rare: Chaos ShockDR0P: N0rmal: Faerie Earrings Rare: Faerie Earrings

This tri0 of sisters work together t0 siphon large amounts of HPfrom y0ur party each round, s0 keep an experienced Whitelvlage or Alchemist around and command them t0 heal everyturn. l\,4indy's rapidJire tail attacks can tie up one of your char-acters for almost an eniire turn. Since she has the lowest Hq

focus your strongesi attacks 0n her. Have a White lvlage castDispel, because the sisters will cast Not-So-l\,4ighty Guard 0n 0neanother, which is a misnomer. While this spell is in etfect, magicwill be reflected and physical attacks won't inflict as much damage. lt 's imp0rtant t0 knock out one ofthe sislers as quickly as p0ssible, Otherwise they will perform their deadly "Delta Attack" after a fewturns. 0nce lvlindy is finished, focus your assault on Sandy followed by Cindy.

GIL DRoPPED: 1000 STEAL: Normali P0ip0!rr Bare: P0tpourrPILFEB GIL: 3000 DR0P: N0rmal: Pixie Dust Rare: Crystal G oves

STEAL: Norma : White Cape Rare: White CapeDR0P: N0rmal: Faerie Earrngs Rare: PxleDust

A 1 { I M APr0tect y0ur characters frOm as many status ailments as possible by equipping the proper acces-

sories before proceeding to the battle at the end 0f the Road to the Farplane.$P:9999q.p. - Anima is capable of Oblivion. a skill you may have enjoyed using in

=*a FINAL FANTASY X. but one you won t en;o\, so much this timear0und. lMost oJ Anima's other attacks will seem insiqnificant, but

it's imp0rtant f0r a White lvlage or Alchemist lo heal the partyeach round in preparati0n for major HP loss after every oblivionattack. The creature reduces most magic damage by half, but isweak versus Holy. Employ attacks such as a Warriols Excalibut or Trainer Yuna's Kogoro Holy.A Dark Knight's Darkness ability will also be v€ry useful in defeating this aeon.

STEAIT No'mal: r- 'y Stock Rarp fury Shoc^DB0P: Normal: Teka Band Rarei Tetra Band

U P O N R E A C H I N G T H E A B Y S SSurprisingly Leblanc, Orni and Logos are rvaiting for the party at dre gorgeousarea ironic. lv kaown as the Farphne G1en. After speiking $'ith the trio once,Leblmc will se1l brsic items rvhen spoken to. A Save Sphere rraterializes in thecorner following the sccne, and 1-ou can usc it to retrrn to the Celsius. From there,you can choose another route into the Farplane to undertake more challenges andcollect more items.

Leblaflc aud heL henchnen in lheFaLplane Glen.


In the second area, there are three music plat€s to step on before

the next barrier is released. Each plate is direcdv under one ofthe

clectric.rl fields, so you must wait until the device activatcs and then

stops before stepping onto

thc plate; otherwisc, you'll

get ktrocked oll and may

havc to face a tough fiend.

After stepping on all three

plates, make your way up the

right-hand path to the

keyboard and the chest con-

taining a Megalixir. Input

th€ new notes of the series

into the organ, and the next

major barriet will be

Use naving plalfarns lo reachthe nusid pads in oLdet befaLe

apprcachng lhe gale

D1n'l atlenplta uass lhe barrierswith-oul enteting lhe proper nates


Brother now dtrects tftllicto lheFarplaoe fton his cockpil seal.

After returning from the

Farplane, there are severrl scenes

possibly accessible onboard the

Celsius. Speak to Shinra to learn

about new data he uncovered

regarding the Frrplane, then ride

the elevator up to ih€ deck to

overhear a conversation between

Brother and Buddy. You'1l need

most or all of the A1 Bhed

Primers to understand what they

are saying. Thereafte5 travel down

to the Cabin to witness a tense

standolf between Cid and his


When youre ready to return to

the Farplane, speak to Brother in

the cockpit seat. You can return

directly to the Farplane Abyx

where Leblanc vaits, or you can

follow any ofthe remaining routes

lron the temples along the Rord

to the Farplane.

T H E S O N G O F S H U Y I NWhen youle ready to proceed turther toward Vegnagun, walk into

the glo\"dng orange cloud just bclow the s\ryirling vortel. The

Gullwings enter an area filled with magical bariers lfyou attempt

to proceed before deactivating a barrier, you'Il suffer a brutal

cncounter with the frend

Azi Dahakas. To deactivate

the barlicrs properly, you

must step on musical plates

in the ground to lerrn a

series olmusical notes. Once

you play the notes on a near

by keyboard, the barriers

should drop and you can

Move left from the starting point

past the keyboard until Yuna steps

onto a circle that emits light and

sound. Move to the nearby

keyboard and input the notes So

Mit Re'. In the case of the latter

two notes, input the ones with the

small stars beside them, or else itt

Repeat the same process in the

third area. When following the

right hand path, drop off the

right side of the ledgc to a lower

pxth below. Stcp on the musical

plate at the end ofthis path, then

tun up the slope to stcp on the

highcst plate before playing the

H O P P I N G M A D N E S SAfier P.rine reunites with Gippal and receives Paine's Sphere, you

face another musical challenge. A machina will displal'a bnd's eye

view of the area above. You must jump onto the platforms in the

same order as the musical notes played previouslyon thc keyboards

It's dillicult to memorize thc *actpl*cement and order ofthe plat

lorns, so refer to the map where rhe platforns are numbered in th€

correct order. After leapingon nl1the pladbrms in the coffect ordet

proceed to the top and stand

on the musical platc before

the finrl gate. If the song

plavs correctly, you can pro

ceed to Vegnagun. Berween

each ofthe following battles,

use items to restorc HP and

move iirther up the path

torvard the head of the



Spuk la Shinra ta begin a stmg ofevenls inv1lving lhe Celsius cre',r.

Slep an the nusic plale la the lelt altheketbaatd t0 reveallhe n1tes!0 play oors"bopo

Enterthe carrect noles into lhe,nslrunent, nindlul 0f slars next t0

cenatn nales

DL1p l0 the ljwet path afthe thtd area

v E G l { A G U l { ( T A l t }The struggle to defeat Vegnagun piece by piece unfortunately begins with

0ne 0f the hardesi pieces. A laser fired from the tail section will

Xr^ instantly knock off close to 1500 HP tron one character. Use an\.\. Alchemist to mix Potions and Hi-Potions to attain the 'esult of

lMega-P0ti0n each round. Attack the tail with strong spells and aDark Knight's 0arkness ability every turn until it is defeated.

Gl t DR0PPED:3000PILFER Glt:3000

STEALT Normal: X-Potion (x4) Rare: X-Pollor (x6)DR0P: Normal: l\4ega xir Rare: lvlegalixir

STEAL: Normal: None Rar€: NoneDB0P: Normal: l\4egalix r Rare: Her0 Drink

v E G l { A G U l { ( [ E G ] , t 0 l l E A , 1 { 0 D E B , 1 l 0 D E G

GILDRoPPED: 3000 STEAL: Norrnal: Elxjr Rare: Ejxir(x2)PILFER GIL: 3000 DB0P: Norrnai: [4!'thr ] Bangle Rare: l\ i lythri l Bangle

The battle will end when the Leg is destroyed. lf breezingthrough t0 the ending is your obiective, then attack the legswiltly to clear this battle and prepare Jor what's next. However,by examining the information in the boss boxes, you can seethat by destrOying the three N0des Jirst, y0u will vastly increase

the amounts of EXP and gil won from this battle. Y0u also standa chance 0f receivino the exclusive Hero's Drink item, which is juslnow available. To attack a Node, you must larg€t it with spells orranged attacks. Even the most powerful Black lvlage spells \/vill cause only minimal damage againstthe nodes due 10 their high Magic Defense. The best method to attack the Nodes is with Ultima andFlare attacks, which are only available by equipping certain Garment Grids. once you begin t0 attackthe Nodes, they will react with strong spells and healing magic.

GIL DRoPPED: 3000 STEALT Normal: N0ne Rare: NOn€PILFER GIL: 10000 DR0P: N0rmal: lVegalixir Rare; Her0 Drink

The nodes change color after perForming a certain number ot actions. A green node will use recoveryand support abilities, a yellow node will attack with magic, and a red node will use physical attacks.S0rnetimes the nodes will change c0l0r when attacked. A yellow node is immune t0 magical attacksand a red node is immune t0 physical attacks. Listening t0 the hints in battle reveals some of this.


LL .



STEAL: Normal: None Rare: NoneDB0P: Normal: l\ i legalixir Rar€: Her0 Drlnk




The Right and Left Bulwarks attempt t0 protectthe C0re by casting various protective andrestorative magic, as well as some spells t0 dis-able the pady. The ideal solution is for a DarkKnight t0 use a single Darkness attack to wipe0ut both Bulwarks with a single blow before they

can cast Protect 0r Shell on the Core. This way,you can focus the {ull f0rce of your attacks againstthe Core as it attempts to charge up a massive attack against your entire party. lf youlail to defeat the Core before it fires, use a l\4ega-Phoenix t0 resurrect any dead partymembers. Before the Core begins its next charging sessi0n, it will revive the twoBulwarks. Destroy them again and disable the Core before you gel hit again.

GILDRoPPED: 150 STEAL: Norrna Phoenlx D0wn Rare: L-B0mbPItFEB GIL: 300 DR0P: Norma i I\4ega-Potion Rare: X Poti0n

STEAL: Normal:Turbo Ether Rarer T!rb0 EtherDB0P: N0rmal: l\,4egalx r Rare: Megaiixir


- t



STEAL: Normalr Phoenix Down Rarei L BombDR0P: N0rma l\/ lega'P0ti0n Rare: X-Poti0n




STEAL: N0rma i Phoenix Down Rare: l\ lega PhoenixDBoP: Normal: None Rare: None


t .


Althouqh the Head section remains on the battlefield throughoutthe fight, you can'i target it until the Red0ubts are destroyed Iirst.Atter d0ing so, you can target and attack the head. The Redoubtswork together to inllict attacks on sin0le characters that can caus€up to 1500 HP damage. While the Redoubts are defeated and lie

dormant, the Head will attempt t0 resurrect them one at a time, 0rpoison the party with a multi-status inflicting attack. Il's a good ideat0 equip y0ur characters with Ribbons throughout this battle. Use

y0ur strongest attacks and spells t0 hit the Redoubts until they crumple, then lash out atthe Head with eveMhing you've got. You must end this battle before Shuyin speaksseven times and uses vegnagun t0 fire at spiral


STEAL: N0rmal: Phoenix Down Rare: l\ lega Ph0enixDRoP: Normal: None Bare: None


STEAL: N0rrnal: lvlegalixir Rarei MegalxrDH0P: Normali None Rarei None

NEW GAME PLUS DATAFollowing the credits ,rnd the ending scenes, the grme offen an oprion to allow you to sare I'our game as a New GamePlus. When this s.rve drta is loaded, vou can begin a newgame rvith Jl the dresspheres, Garment Grids, rccessories, items,41 Bhed primcrs, spccial drcssphcre upgradcs, the Book ofNlagical Dances, and abilities gained in your previous game.Flowever, your character levels are reset to ler-el 1.

ENDINGS-NO SPOILERS!Save the New Gane Plus dala ta picl ul)

Upon the defeat ofVegnagun, r,ou rvill proceed directly to rhe final battle against an adversary with very recognizable anatheL adventuLe vkere y1u left 0l[ inattaclcs. All vou need do is keep your partv healthy by healing every turn, and counteranack the boss to win the game. lems al adttanunenl and ilen galhenn!

Following rhat, Yuna and the Cullwings return ro the Farplane Clen. This h a scene that you can alter with the controller, ift'ou so choose. Without alt€ringthis scene, vou will view the "Common' Ending of dre garne. The Common Ending occurs during a three endings.

However, ifyou press the X button during the scene at the Farplane Glen, the fayth wil appear and ask Yuna if she rvants to sec somcone. Answer "Ycs'to vieq.rn extra scene rfter the Cornmon Ending md the credns roll. This is crlled the "Good" Ending.

Ifyou nanage to accumulatc 10090 duringone or more games, then vou can r4ew the "Perfect" Ending by pressing thcXbutton at the Farplane Glen as described,rbove. The "Perfect" Ending inclLrdes yet another addition scene follox'ing the Good Ending.

L.r tt',"'t..' : . ' : .

i t i l Ii'

.. .::,i.:

r , : . , i . 1

The purpose ofthis section is simple:To show thar by making certain choices and completing all the missions and side quests ofthe game, vou

can achieve 10070 story completion in a single gamel lror cacb Chapter, go to each location [sted and perlom the actions described to bui]d

up your total percentage. Ifyou need to vidv a sphere, talk to Shinra on the Bridge rnd sclcct the rppropriate sphcrc. Do ,,r skip any sceDes

or dialogue, and use the Walkthrough and MiniGames chapters to complete the actions listcd. You can get 100% all in one game and view the

Perfect Endingl


L U C A : + 1 . 6 0 / o T O T A L : 1 . 6 0 / oExamine the moogle hiding on the second dock.

Mission Completel (Retrieving the Garment Grid)

A I R S H I P C E L S I U S : + r . 8 o / o T O T A L : 3 . 4 o / oSpeakwith Brothcr, Paine, tukku, md Shinra on the Bridge

Speak to Barkeep in the Cabin.

Rest in the Cabin.

View Trcmure Sphere:'Journey's Start"

M T . G A G A Z E T , F L O A T I N G R U I N S : + 2 . 6 0 / oT O T A L : 6 . 0 0 / oReach the top ofthe floating ruins within the time limit.

Mission Complete! (Defcat the Leblanc Syndicate to thc top)

A I R S H I P C E L S I U S ; + 0 . 6 0 / o T O T A L : 6 . 6 0 / oSpeak with Brother and choose "Comfort him."

L U C A : + 1 . 6 0 / o TOTAL: 8 .20 loMission Completel (Relive Yuna\ concert events, including the Moogle healing event)

Speakwith tun in the coridor under the blitzball dome.

M I ' I H E N H I G H R O A D : + 0 . 2 o / o TOTAL: 8 .40 loListen to Yuna's memories olthe Mi'ihcn l{iehroad

M U S H R O O M R O C K R O A D ; + 4 . 6 0 / o TOTAL: 13.0o/oSpeak with Yaibal and the other Youth League members.

Spcak with Clasko at the entrancc.

Enter the Mushroom Rock Road arca to begin the "Foggy Fiend t'renzyl" rnission.

Mnsion Completel (Nrvigate thtough Mushroom Rock Road to thc lift area)

Speak to Clasko at the entrance to Mushroom Rock Road, and atlow him to come onboud dre Celsius.

Outside the Youth League Headquarters entrance, speak with Lucil tu'ice.

Outside the Youth League Headquarters, speak with Maechen without skipping or interrupting. Shake Mrechen's hand when he's done.

At the Dcn ofWoe, encounter Ormi and Logos. Speakwirh Maroda.

Onbord the Airship Celsius, warch the Treasure Sphere recording, "Crimson Report 1."

Speak to Clasko on the upper level oltbe Cab,n.


O S E T E M P L E : + 1 . 0 o l oReceive the "Letter of Introduction' ftom Gippal.

M O O N F L O W : + 0 . 6 0 l o

TOTAL: 14 .0o /o

TOTAL: 14.60/oSpeak to Tob[ at the Moonflow South Bank

Mis'ion Completel (Escort rhe Hypello! wagon and don t lose any cargo)

Head roward the Farplane entrance ro trigger a scene

T H U N D E R P L A I N S : + 0 . 2 o / o TOTAL: 15 .2o /oWatch the entrarce scene.

M A C A L A N I A W O O D S : + 2 . 2 o / o TOTAL: 17 .4o /oSpeak to BaJta in Macrlania Woods-South.

Speak to Donga at the spring area

Speak to Pukutak in Macalania Woods-North.

Speak to Tromell four times at the sphere tree grove.

Mission Complete! ("Follow that O'aka!") Allow O'aka to board the airship.

Boad the airship and speak to O'ata in the Cabin.

Before the Chapter 3 mission titled "Secue the Agency!" ends, pay off all of O'aka's debt.

B I K A N E L D E S E R T : + 0 . 8 0 / o TOTAL: 18.2o/oMission Complete! (Dig up the machina parts before time elapses)

Watch the scene with Baralai.

C A L M L A N D S T + 0 . 2 o / o TOTAL: 19 .0o /oWatch the entrance scene.

Begin to advertise for a company. @ublicity Campaign)

MT. GAGAZETT +0.4o/o T O T A L : 1 9 . 4 o / o'watch

the entrance scene.

B E S A I D I S L A N D : + 2 . 2 V o TOTAL: 27.60/oMission Cornplete! (Find Wakka and ddeat Flame Dragon)

Z A N A R K A N D R U I N S : + 1 . 8 % TOTAL: 23 .4o /oInside the dome, speak with Cid and choose "You bet I do!"

Mission Completel (Obtain the treasure sphere in the last room ofZanarkand)

A I R S H I P C E L S I U S : + 0 . 2 o / o TOTAL: 23 .60 /oListen to reports of an "Awesome Sphere" in Kilika.

K I L I K A I S L A N D : + 1 . 6 0 / o TOTAL: 25 .2o /oEnter Dona's house and speak with her.

Missioo Complete! (Reach the temple stairs and defeat YSLS-Zero)



A I R S H I P C E L S I U S : + 2 . 4 o / o TOTAL: 27 .60 /oRest in the Cabin.

Speak to Brother on the Bridge and choose "Youth League." (Returning the Awesome Sphere)

M U S H R O O M R O C K R O A D : + 1 . 0 o / o T O T A L : 2 8 . 6 0 / o

Give the Awesome Sphere to Nooj.

A I R S H I P C E L S I U S : + 0 . 6 0 / o T O T A L : 2 9 . 2 o / oBegin the mission to steal three Leblanc Syndicate uniforms.

B E S A I D I S L A N D : + 0 . 8 0 / o T O T A L : 3 0 . 0 o / oMission Completel (Run the Gunner's Gaundet and beat Beclem's required score)

K I L I K A I S L A N D : + 0 . 2 o / o TOTAL: 30.2o/oGo to Kilika Island and move forward to speak with Dona and the villagers.

L U C A : + 0 . 8 o l o TOTAL: 37 .0o /oWatch the interview with Shelinda in Luca-Square.

M I ' I H E N H I G H R O A D : + 1 . 4 o / o TOTAL: 32 .4o /oMission Complete! (Capture a chocobo and rescue Cali within the time limit)

Speak to Clasko and Calli near dre Travel Agency and let them and the chocobo board the Celsius.

M U S H R O O M R O C K R O A D : + 1 . 0 o / o T O T A L : 3 3 . 4 o / oOutside the Youti League Headquarters, speak to Elma and Lucil.

At the Den ofWoe, speak with Nooj.

Board the Celsius and speak to Shinra to watch Crimson Report 7.

M O O N F L O W : + 0 . 2 0 l o T O T A L : 3 3 . 6 0 / oMission Complete! (Sell all 10 tickets for Tobli)

G U A D O S A L A M : + 0 . 2 o / o TOTAL: 33 .8o /oSpeak to the guards outside Leblanc's chateau.

T H U N D E R P L A I N S : + 0 . 2 o / o TOTAL: 34 .0o /oSpeat to Cid io the southem portion of the Thunder Plains.

M A C A L A N I A W O O D S : + 1 . 4 o / o TOTAL: 35 .4o /oMission Complete! (Locate all three musicians for the HJpello near the entraace)

C A L M L A N D S : + 0 . 8 o l o TOTAL: 36.2o/oClasko leaves the airship and runs to\a?rd the old Monster Arena.

Mission Complete! (Clear tle fiends out ofClaskot Chocobo Ranch)

Capture a chocobo during a random banle before the end of Chapter 3.

Speak to Lian and Ayde at the Tiavel Agenry


ZANARKAND RUINS : +0 .4o /o T O T A L : 3 6 . 6 0 / oSpeak to Isaaru just inside the dome.

Eam Mission Complete! for "Operation: Monkey!" before the end of Chapter 3.

OSE TEMPLE: +0 .4o /oMission Complete! (Travel down Djose Highroad to obtain a Syndicate Uniform)

B I K A N E L D E S E R T : + 0 . 2 o / o

TOTAL: 37 .0o /o

TOTAL: 37 .2o /oMission Complete! (Investigate the Oasis and defeat Logos to obtain a Syndicate Uniform)

M T . G A G A Z E T M O U N T A I N : + 1 . 0 o / o TOTAL: 38.2o/oSpeak with Kimaki twice.

Eoter the hot spdngs from the overhanging clitr to view the complete hot spriogs event.

Mission Complete! (Ddeat Ormi and the Fem-Goons to obtain a Syndicate Uniform)

A I R S H I P C E L S I U S : + 0 . 2 o / o TOTAL: 38.4o/oWatch the scene where all tlfee Syndicate Uniforms are wom

G U A D O S A L A M : + 3 . 4 o / o TOTAL: 41.8o/oMission Complete! (Steal back the stolen sphere from Leblanc)

A I R S H I P C E L S I U S : + 0 . 4 o / o TOTAL: 42 .2o /oWatch the disc'rssion of the mission at Bwelle.

BEVELLE l . +2 .60 /o TOTAL: 44 .8o /oMission Complete! (Infiltrate Bevelle and defeat Bahamut)



A I R S H I P C E L S I U S : + 0 . 8 0 / o TOTAL: 45 .60 /olnitial scenes.

Rest in the Cabin.

LUCA: +0 .80 /o TOTAL: 46.4o/oDefeat thee contestants and then Shinra to win the Sphere Break Toumament.

MI ' IHEN HIGHROAD I +0 .60 /o TOTAL: 47 .0o /oMission Complete! (Defeat the malfunctioning machina atracking pedestrians on the Highroad.)

MUSHROOM ROCK ROAD: +0.4o/o TOTAL: 47 .4o /oSpeak to Yaibrl and Lucil near the barricade.

O S E T E M P L E : + 0 . 2 o / oApproach the temple to trigger a scene with Gippal.

M O O N F L O W : + 0 . 2 0 l o

TOTAL: 47 .60 /o

Speak to Tobli near the wagon to trigger a short scene.

TOTAL: 47 .8o /o

G U A D O S A L A M : + 2 . 0 0 / o TOTAL: 49 .80 /oInside the chareau, speakwirh Logos and Ormi in the living room.

Speak with Leblanc in her upstairs bedroom.

Spcak to Logos and Orrni a second time, then proceed to Logos's room.

Watch Ormit md Logost spheres.

Talk to Maechen.

Obtain "Crimson Sphere ,1," then board the airship and watch "Crimson Report 4" at Shinra's station.

T H U N D E R P L A I N S I + 0 . 2 o / o T O T A L : 5 0 . 0 o / oSpeak to Lian and Ayde in the northern part ofthe Thunder Plains. Choose any destrnatron.

M A C A L A N I A W O O D S : + 0 . 8 o / o T O T A L : 5 0 . 8 o / oAfrer nalinS ofI Ohka s debt, head to the Travel Agency at Lake Macalania and obtain a Mission Completel (Defend the tavel Ageno from

B I K A N E L D E S E R T : + 0 . 4 0 / o T O T A L : 5 1 . 2 o / oSpeak to Marnela in the Cactuar Nation.

C A L M L A N D S : + 0 . 4 o / o TOTAL: 51 .60 /oMission Completel (Rescue the tourists trapped inside the cave)

Visit theTravelAgency to ensure the installation ofShinra's CommSphere.

Visit the upper floor ofthe Chocobo Ranch to ensure the installation of Shinra's CommSphere.

MT. GAGAZET: +0 .4o /o T O T A L : 5 2 . 0 o / oMission Complete! (Defeat Garik Ronso at the mountain summit to stop the Ronso from waging rvar)

Z A N A R K A N D R U I N S : + 0 . 2 o / o T O T A L : 5 2 . 2 0 / oSpeak to Isaaru inside the Zanarkand dome.

Complete "Operation: Monkeyl" mission before the end ofChapter 3.

B E S A I D I S L A N D : , + 2 . 0 0 / o TOTAL: 54 .20 /oMission Completel (Clear the temple offiends and defeat Valefor)

K I L I K A I S L A N D z + 1 . 0 o / o TOTAL: 55 .20 /oMission Completel (Sneak through the pon and thc forest to KilikaTernple, then rescue Barthello and defeat Ifrit)

A I R S H I P C E L S I U S z + 0 . 6 0 / o T O T A L : 5 5 . 8 o / o

B E V E L L E : + 1 . 6 0 / o T O T A L : 5 7 . 4 o / oNotice Gippal from the Highbridge.

Witness a scene at the Bevelle Underground.

Obtain Crimson Sphere 1, board the Celsius, and view Crimson Report 1 at Shinras statron.

D J O S E T E M P L E : + 2 . 2 o / o TOTAL: 59 .60 /oMission Completel (Defeat the fiends emanating from the temple and defeat Ixion)

When Yuna mentions "l'm all alone..." in the Farplane Abyss, press the X buaon to hear a distant whistle. Keep pressing the X button untilyou hear the whistle four times-




A I R S H I P C E L S I U S : + 1 . 8 o / o TOTAL: 61.4o/o

Watch Crimson Report 2 and Crimson Report 3 at Shinrat station'

Rest in the Cabin.

A I R S H I P C E L S I U S :C O M M S P H E R E N E T W O R K : + 0 . 8 o l o TOTAL: 62 .20 /o

View the Besaid lsland CommSphere and speak to Walda

View the Kilika Island CommSphere and speak to Dona'

View the Mushroom Rock Road CornmSphere and speak to Yaibal'

View the Commsphere in Bevelle and speak to Maroda

A I R S H I P C E L S I U S : + 0 . 8 o l o T O T A L : 6 3 . 0 o / oRide the elevator to the Deck and speak with Paine.

A I R S H I P C E L S I U S :C O M M S P H E R E N E T W O R K : + 4 . 4 o / o TOTAL: 67 .4o /o

View the Besaid Island Commsphere seven times and watch the scenes with Walka and Reclem'

View the Kilika Island Temple CommSphere and speak to Barthello'

View the Luca Commsphere and watch all of Shelinda's interviews

view the Mi,ihen Highroad Commsphere and view all the areas to gather evidenc€ so that Rikku or the Chocobo Eater is the culprit'

view the Djose Temple Commsphere and watch the frst scene where the Al Bhed technician approaches the commsphere

View the Guadosalam CommSphere; Yuna speala to Ormi'

View the Thunder Plains ComrnSphere and captr'ue the chocobo with the Choco-Poner contaptron'

View the MacalaniaWoods tntrance CommSphere a;rd the mLrsicianr appear and "peak'

View the Macalania Woods Travel Agency Commsphere and O'aka laments the poor busi ness'

View the Bikanel Desert Camp Area CommSphere and speak to Nhadala'

view the ca.lm Lands chocobo Ranch commsphere until you see Clasko telling the chocobo, "Youte a good boy, arent yout".

Viev/ the Mt. Gagaz€t Mountain Gate CommSphere and speak with Kimahri'

view the M. caqazet Hot Springs Commsphere and wimess the scenes involving Tobli, Buddy, Barkeep, o'aka, Isaaru, Elma & Lucil, Maechen' Cid &

Nhadala, and Don-a.

M O O N F L O W : + 0 . 8 0 / o TOTAL: 68.2o/oMission Cornplete! (Chase Tobli around the Moonflow to the entrance of Guadosalam)

A I R S H I P C E L S I U S : + l - O o / o TOTAL: 69 .2o /oRehearse forThunder Plahs concert.

A I R S H I P C E L S I U S :C O M M S P H E R E N E T W O R K + 2 - 4 o / o TOTAL: 71 .60 /o

View the Besaid Islard Commsphere scenes involving Beclem and Lulu'

View the Kjlika Island Port CommSphere scenes involving Dona'

View the Kilika Temple CommSphere scenes inolving Bardelo

View the Mushroom Rock CommSphere scenes involving Lucil and Yaibal'

View the Moonflow CommSphere scenes involving Elma'

View the Guadosalam Commsphere scenes whele Ormi speaks about the concert'


View the Zanarkand Ruins CommSphere scene with lsaaru.

T H U N D E R P L A I N S : + 0 . 4 o / oMission Comolete! (Clear tle frends out of the cave and defeat Zalamander)

TOTAL: 72 .0o /o

A I R S H I P C E L S I U S : + 1 . 0 o / o T O T A L : 7 3 . 0 o / oListen in on the crowd's argument

Talk to Tobli to silrrt the concert and watch the YRP scene that follows.

T H U N D E R P L A I N S ' : + 0 . 4 o / o TOTAL: 73 .4o /oYunapalooza.

A I R S H I P C E L S l U S : + 2 . 2 0 / o TOTAL: 75 .60 /oSpeak to Maechen on the Bridge.

Spcak to Lcblanc in the Engine Room.



A I R S H I P C E L S I U S : + 2 . 0 o / o TOTAL: 77 .60 /oWatch "Crimson Report 5" rt Shinra's station.

Speal to Buddy on rhe Bridge.

Rest in the Cabin ro be rwakened by Brother's rambling.

Speak to Buddy in the Engine Roorn.

Z A N A R K A N D R U I N S : + 0 . 8 0 / o TOTAL: 78 .4o /oEpisode Completel

Speak to Maechen and agree to listen rbout Vegnagun.

B E S A I D I S L A N D : , + 1 . 8 o / o TOTAL: 80 .20 /oEpisode Completel

K I L I K A I S L A N D : + 7 . 0 o / o T O T A L : 8 1 . 2 o / oEpisode Complete!

L U C A : + 0 . 6 0 / o T O T A L : 8 7 . 8 o / oMission Completel (Follow the moogle to relive nemories ol FINAL FANZ4,SI)I) Episode Complete!

i l , I I ' I H E N H I G H R O A D : + 0 . 2 o / o T O T A L : 8 2 . 0 o / oEpisode Completel

M U S H R O O M R O C K R O A D : + 3 . 0 o / o T O T A L : 8 5 . 0 %Mission Complete! (Fight with the Youth League warriors and defeat Lucn) Episode Completel

Go to the observation deck at Youth League Headquarters, and speak to Lucil to rcccivc "Nooj's Sphcre."

Board the airship and watch the Treasure Sphere movie, .Deathseeker" at Shinra's station.

Obtain all the Crimson Spheres and open the sealed door in the Den of Woe. Defeat Riklu, Paine, Baralai, GippJ and Nooj.Enisode Comnlete!

D J O S E T E M P L E : + 0 . 8 o l o T O T A L : 8 5 . 8 0 / oDefeat the Experiment boss when its Attac\ Defense, and Special levels are belorv level 5.

Repair the Experimentwith the repair manual key items. Defeat Experiment boss a second time when all levels are level5. Episode Completel

M O O N F L O W : + 0 . 4 o / oEpisode Comptetel

T O T A L : 8 6 . 2 o / o

G U A D O S A L A M : + 1 . 2 o / o TOTAL: 87 .4o /oJoin the musical group in the central square. Episode Completel

Return to Guadosalam and speak to Tromell outside the locked door. Enter tlre locked area and obtain Baralai's Sphere, then board the Celsius and watch theYevon" Secret .phere ar Shjnra! <rar ion

T H U N D E R P L A I N S : + 1 . 0 0 / o TOTAL: 88.4o/oMission Complete! (Defeat the fiends attacking the towen)

Enter the secret cave and rescue Cid. Defeat the Machina Panzer boss. Episode Completel

Onboard the airship, speak with Cid on the outside Decl:

Return to the Bridge to view Cid's tirade.

M A C A L A N I A W O O D S : + 0 . 6 0 l o TOTAL: 89 .0o /oView the scenes at the two springs. Episode Complete!

Trigger the scene with O'aka a:rd Wantz near the Travel Agency. Episode Complete'

B I K A N E L D E S E R T : + 1 . 2 o / o TOTAL: 90.2o/oMission Complete! (Locate the first nine Gatekeepers and return them to the Cactuar Nation at Bikanel)

Mission Completel (Enter the Cactuar Hollow and defeat the Jumbo Cactuar)

Mission Complete! (Defeat Angra Mainlu) Episode Complete!

Retum to the Cactuar Nation and speak with Benzo.

B E V E L L E z + 1 . 8 o / o TOTAL: 92 .0o /oEpisode Complete!

Inside Via Infinito, the hidden dungeon at Bevelle, obtain Crimson Sphere 6 at Cloister 0. Defeat Aran€a and obtain Crimson Sphere 8 at Cloister 20.

Board the Celsius and view Crimson Report 6 and Crimson Repon 8 at Shinra's statron.

DefeatTiema in Cloister -. Episode Completel

C A L M L A N D S I + 0 . 4 o / o T O T A L : 9 2 . 4Raise the publicity level of either company to level 5 before entering the Calm Lands. Episode Completel

Dispatch *ree chocobos ofeach level wirhout any ofthem mnning away to reveal tie Chocobo Ranch's secret dungeon. Complete tle dungeon ,nd defeat theAnlthing Eater. Episode Completel

MT. GAGAZET: +1 .2o /o T O T A L : 9 3 . 6 0 / oEpisode Complete!

A I R S H I P C E L S I U S : + 0 . 6 0 / o TOTAL: 94 .2o /o

After geaing Episode Complete in every location, YRP is presented with the Gullwings' prized Mascot dressphere.

Talk to Brother and decide where 1ou want to go to jump into th€ Farplane (any location is 6ne).

FARPLANE: +0 .8ozo TOTAL: 95 .0o /oAdvance to the Farplane Ablss to find Leblanc waiting for Nooj.

A I R S H I P C E L S I U S z + 2 . 4 o / o T O T A L : 9 6 . 0 o / oAfrer enrerins the FarDlane. board the Celsius a;rd view the consecutive famitiy event.: Speak to Shjnra on the Bridee, overhear Buddv and Brother on the Decl{,ueu rhe con.Fonratiori with Cid at the Cabin area. Renun fiom rne Farplanri a.econd iime aad

"peal wirh Rikku-on rhe Deck.

FARPLANE: . +4 .0o /o TOTAL: 100 .00 /oDefeat Vegnagun.

Defeat 6nal boss.

CHAPTERs COMPLETE!During the scene at the Farplane Abyss, press the X button to hear whisding.

Answer the falth "Yes!" to view the Perfect Ending.

Sphere Break

Let's Go Diggingl

The Calm Lands

Publicity Canpaign and'There Goes the Bride"

Calm Land Anractions

Lupine Dash

Reptile Run

Sliy Slots

Feed the Monkey

Gull Force

Chocobo Ranch

Gunner's Gaundet and Gunner's Garnder Cloister ofTrials

Lightning Rod Towers

Cactuar Hunting

The Creat Mi'ihen Mystery


Leaming the Al Bhed Language










W-le!.4J?i!,aFl9i . . Qb?p-tqls -1,.-?,-!, ald -E .

ijlleiiive: A new game is all lhe rage among lhe blitzball-berelt cilizens of LucaMathematical skills and a quick mind are what is needed to beat the SpheteBreak players al their lavorile game. Collecl c0ins while digging in theBikalel Deserl 0I win them in malches' Come back l0 Luca during Chapter 3l0 parlicipate in the Sphere Break T0urnamenl and see il you can deleal

-." -qbl!{?-l[ !h9li [a]$!c I.L0. t.lllS

S P H E R E B R E A K O V E R T A K E S L U C A !Sphere Break is one ofthe lew mini-games that spans ,lmost the entircty ofthe game. To start it,

visit Luca after vou see the Behind the Scenes mission explaining what Yuna was doing while

Rikku and Paine were catching Leblanc at the concert. Head over to the blitzball stadium and go

into the locker ioom on the dght Thcre you'll meet uP with Rin, the cfeator of Sphere Break He'II

give you some ofthe basics and refer vou to a proctor in the other locker room.

Laak l0r this characler ta learn therules 0l Sphete Ereak. His tul1rial ishighly recannended. ln additian,he!lhe only playet yau cm play in

Cha1let 1.

Talk to the Rin's bealed nsistant to get 20 entry coins and the

mles of the game. During Chapter 1, you can only plny

against this character, so take advantage of this time to ger

f imi l iar wiLh rhe game a-d win .ome nore coins

The number ofplayers,vou can take on increases as you pro

ceed through the game. In Chapter 3, head back to Luca for

the Sphere BreakTournament.In Chapt€r5,look i. the lock-

er rooms for even stronger players and greater chrllengesl

Around the Entry Coins are 12 silver colored coins called

Border Coins. The NPC player provides these coins Border

Coins are used in combination with the Entry Coins to create

multiples of the core number. Like the Entry Coins, Border

Coins are also oumbered from 1-9. Howevea at the end of a

hrrn, the number on th€ front of the remaining Border Coins

increases by 1.

Clea( lhe Behinl the Scenes nis-sian ta gain unreslricted access l0Luca. Head ta lhe stadiun locker

raoms to skn playin1 S\here Brcak

Gelused lo lhe look afthe gamebaad so tha! yau koowwherelol00k fat infarnatian inslinctively

The Bardet Cainslam a ting an lhtauEide allhe board. The nunbersan lhe coins increase by 1 attheend af each tun Coins wilh the

nunber I disappear al lhe end of aturn ifthey arcn'l used

Central to Sphere Break are the two different gpes of coins used to creare multiPles ofthe 'ore

numberThe four gold colored coins sunounding the Corc Sphere are called Entry Coins' which

you supply You must have four different Entry Coins to play the game and once the game is o"cr.

they ale gone for good. However, you can win more in the game or by digging in the Bikrnel

Desen. There are 64 different Entry Coins, each with their om base numbers from (1-9) and dif

ferent traits.

P L A Y I N G S P H E R E B R E A KSphere Break is a tun garne to play once 1'ou understand the rules. BasicallS youle racing agarnst

the clockto create multiples ofthe Core Spheret core number using combinations of16 numbered

Sphere Break takes place on a special game boad that holds 16 coins and a Core Sphere Don't

worry about frnding a Core Sphere of your own (you wont); just look for people who have one of

their own to play witi. The core sphere randomly generates a core number from 1-9 and appears

as the small sphere in the center ofthe board. Using the 16 coins surrounding the Core Sphere,

you must create a multiple of the core number to end the turn. The number olBorder Coins you

use in a turn is applied against the game's quota (a figure that varies depending on the Core

Sphere you re plrying against). \Alhen you oeet the quota within the number ofturns set' yorr win

the game. Ifyou fail to create a multiple ofthe core number within the time limit set or f il ro

meet the quota in the number ofturns specified, you lose the game

fhe care nunbet on this board is 3.The Entry Coins are the ones yougel al the slat al lhe gane. Theiface nunbers are 3,2,1 and 5.

The numbers on the front ofboth the Entry and Border Coins are used to create multiPles ofthe

core number. For example, say that the core number for a certain round is 4. You need to mahe a

rnultiple of that nurnber (4) to create a "Corc Break'to end the turn. Above the grme board is

an information bar that indicates the current sum ofthe coins you ve chosen and' under the head-

ing Break Multiples, gives you the next three multiples of the core number lfyou get lost' use

the information bar to help close out your Core Break-

At the stari ofeach turn, the core number is revealed md you have a set amount of time to crcatc a multiple

of that number. First, you must choose one of the Entry Coins. At the start of the mini gamc, ).ou ,Je given

lour dilTerent g,pes ofcoins (Coyote, Flan, Helm, and Zurvan) with the following numbers on their faces: 3,

2, 1, and 5 respectively. Let's say the core number for a turn is three. You can choose to end the turn bystart

ing with the Coyote Entry Coin (which has a three on it), or attempt to create a larger combo by choosing

one ofthe other Entry Coins. Since the Entry Coins you use never count direcdj, towards the quota, you'll

almost always want to use at least two coins (one EntryCoin and one or more Border Coins) to mnke a CoreBreak otherwise, youve most likely wasted a turn.

After selecting an Entry Coin, you can choose freely from the rernaining coins (both Entry and Border

Coins). After choosing a coin, you cannot deselect it, so choose wisely but quiclJy. Continuing the exam-

ple from above, the first three multiples ofthe core number 4 are 4, 8, and 12. lfyou chose the Zurvan coin

as your Entry Coin (with a face value of5), you only have to add 3 to your currcnt sum to create a Core

Breah at 8. You can combine the Zurvan coin with r Border Coin with the face value of 3 or two Border

Coins with face values of 1 and 2 to create the Core B reak. l\rhatever coins you choose, once you create a coin combination that equals a mul

tiple ofthe core numbea the turn ends and the number ofBorder Coins you used to make your Core Break are applied against the match qrrra.

A D V A N C E D T E C H N I q U E SThe terms forwinning and losing a match ofSphere Break are pretty simple: To win, you must {iil the Qrota with

in the required number ofturns. When you start a game of Sphere Break with one of the NPCs, these terms are

clearly laid out. Ifyou forget, look at the box in the upper left corner ofthe screen for a reminder

However, there are many ways to lose a match ofSphere Break. The most obvious way is to fail to make your quotawithin the set number ofturns. This is easy to do at the start ofyour SphereBreak experience as you try to get used to rhe way rhe game works.

The easiest way to lose the game is by failing to make a Core Break within theset tum time limit. Each turn has a set time limit that you have to work within.As you strive to create larger coin combinations, it is very easy to get lost with

in your.a lcr , lac ion. and ei rher run ouL o 'coi .s or r ime.

Since tle Border Coins you use in a Core Break are removed from the board

When you a(e lrying la crcale BrukMultiples with large nunbers al

Batder Coins, use lhe infamatianbar la keep tLack althe sun ofthecains Wuve chasen and the ne\l

nultiples of lhe carc nunber.

Be urelulwhen making Care Breakconhinatians. ll is vety easy Io

panic and ty ta use up all alyourBuder Coins in one shot.

Unf1rlunalely, this urge wil I leaveyou wilhautnany aplions far a cauple ofturns and nay cosl yau the


You nust have a coin with the "CoinC0u0lEch]" 0t "Multiplier Ech1"Irail befarc you'll be able lo score

any Echa bonuses.

llE nre nunber 1 can easily deailyur attenpts t0 mM yaur qL\la, since

ttte fist Entry Cain y1u cha1se willimnediately caLse a Care Brcak. Yaullnly chance t0 whillh ahy lhe quala is

la ga fa( a "l\4ulliplier Echa."

at the end of a tum, you should avoid using too rnany Border Coins for several turns until theyie replen-

ished. A lo-coin combo is nice, but there are other ways to increase the number ofcoins appJied againstyour quora rhat dor i involve ustng a lot of , o in, in one rurn.


Check out an Entty Cainb lrailsbelare deciding r/helhet t0 pul il inlhe gane. Use these traits to your

advantage and yaullwin big!

The majority ofcoins have taits associated with them that can give you prizes of items or coins, alter the gil vrlue

ofyour Entry Coins, or add rnultipliers to the number of coins appJied against your quota for that turn, just toname a few. The traits assigned to Border Coins are randomly determined and vary ftom coin to coin. The traitsassociated with Entry Coins are predetermined and do not change. When choosing the four Entry Coins youiegoing to play with, keep their face value and traits in mind. Ifyou can stack your deck with Entry Coins that dou-

ble, tr.iple, qua&uple, or even quintuple the number ofcoins added toward the quota, you can reach even the largest

E C H O B O N U S E SThere are two advanced Entry Coin traits that require special anention: CoinCount Echo and Multiplier Echo. Selecting a coin with th€se trarts as one otyour four entry coins allows you to get Coin Count Echo and Multiplier Echo

bonuses during the game. Once you select these coins at the beginning of the rnatch, youie eligible for thebonus every turn whether you select the coin on that turn or not.

A Coin Count Echo occurs when you use the same number ofcoins to create a Core Break wo or more

in a row. The muJtiplier increases by one for each turn you male a Sphere Break using the same number

ofcoins.This is a quick and easy way to teai through the quota, and you donl even have to use a large num-

ber ofcoins to see big results quickly. In effect, if you use 2 or 3 coins to make a Sphere Break on everyturn, you can build up a large Echo Bonus without depriving yourself of Border Coins or taxing your brain.You dont have to be a math genius to figure out multipliers with three or four coins-

C0in Counl Echo Bonus = # 0t 8order Coins Used x lhe # 0f Conseculive Ech0es.The Multiplier Echo is a bit trickier to pull ofi(and the coins with this trait are hrrder to find). Brsically, ifyou make a Core Break with the

same multiplier rr,1ce in a row, you start a Multiplier Echo and earn bonus quota points. For example, ifyou have a core number of 3 and youmal<e a core break with a sum of6, the multipJier used in the MultipJier Echo is 2r the core number. So, in the next turn, you want to use anumber that is 2x the core number to create the Core Break. lfthe nert core number is 6, then vou rvant to use 12 as your Core Break sum tocomplete the Multiplier Echo. The more turns you can keep this up, the larger the bonus.

rylr!!!idiCljglo l!!us_Jelge!_ry!q ltuLierLt 0l C-0nlecutivg..Echo^e-$_* -

T H E S P H E R E B R E A K T O U R N A M E N TVisit Luca in Chapter 3 to pffticipate in the Sphere Break Tournament. The rules for this tourna

ment ffe pretty simple; You must win three matches to advance to the finals where you take on your

buddy, Shinra. lfyou lose tlree matcles, you are disqualified. You cant take on the same competi-

tor twice and you must use the coins provided specicifically for the contest

Fortunately, the coin restrictions work in your favor The four gpes oi

coins (Ahriman, Bird, Reptile, and Wasp) arent the greatest, but their

face values (6, 5, 3, 2 respective9 are pretty usefirl and the Ahiman

coin has the Coin Count Echo trait. M*e the most of the Coin

Count Echo trait by shooting for Cote Breaks using the same number

of coins each turn to quicHy trke down your opponents.

The lktinan Emry Coin b ke keylo relatlvely easy victories.

lls taurnanenl tinel Can you bealShinra and win the Lady Luck


S P H E R E B R E A K P L A Y E R I N F O R M A T I O NThis section provid€s all of drc

basic hformation about dre rzuious

Sphere Break players, induding

their locations and levels of diffi-

culty. You will also find informa-

tion about the g?€s of items and

coirs you can win when 1ou take

them on. The liss of items andcoins conespond with the bforma-

tior given in the following tables.

#EInl m dator Core Sohere 60 sec Item ASlackinq G!ard Core Sphere ti(.] sec m l llem AGrandoa Cor€ SDhere 45 sec 30 I llem B

0 Dream Shop Cole Sph"re blj sec a l emBFresh Catch Core Sphere tiO sec 20 1 Item AShad,s Core Sohere 60 sec m l llem A

G Pufk Core Sphere bU SCC t l llem B 1 WinH Gigolo Core Sphere 60 sec 30 1 llem B 1 Win

ShooDUlCore SDh€re 6U sec m l llem B I WinPel Core Sohere t5 4J SeC 40 | llem P 2WinShinra Core Spherc 15 45 sec 5 llem S Fina Mahh

The following lists the coins given

away during matches.

Hi Potion 60%Remedy 2\voDisDelTonlc 2A%

Hi-Potion 20%Chocobo Feather 2A%Lunar Cudain 2AvoLiqht CudainSlar Curtain 20%

Hi-Potion 20voEther 2AvoR€medv 20%Healinq SDrino 2t%Dispel Tonic 20%

l\.4ega-Polion 2010Healinq Sprino 40%StaminaTablet[Iana Tablet 20%

It4eoa-Potion 20%Elher 20v,RemedyChocobo Fealh€r 20%Healinq Sprinq 20%

.Hi-Potion 20voel 10%

Remedy 200/oHealino Sprinq 20voDispelTonic 20vo"Mib Siqrct Gament Grid 10%.lncreases i0 30% allerwinning theWhite Signel Garment Grid.t.Drops to 0% alterwinnino theWhite Signet Garment Grid.

'H1-Potion 20%,o Fealher 10%

LLrnar Curtain 20%Liaht Curtaif 200/.Staf Cudain 20%*Trcasure Hunl GanrEnt Gdd 10%*lncreases to 30% aller winnifg theTreasure Hunt Gament Gid.-tDfops to 0% alief winning lh€Treasurc Hunt Garm€fl Gfid.

X-Polion 40%Ethef 20%Healinq SDrina 200kStamina Tablel 20"k

X-Potion 20%Stamina Tablet 20%l\.4ana lablel 20%SlaminaTonic 20%lvlana Tonic 204/a

l\4eqa-Polion 201"Chocobo Fealher 40v"Chocobo Winq 40y"

X Potion 2004l\,,leqa Phoenix 200/aChocobo Feaiher 200/0Slamina Tonic 200toItlana Tonic 200/"

X-Potion 2010Ether 10%l\,,leqa Phoenix 20vFemedy 10%Chocobo Wino 1lqoHe?linq Sprin0 10%

ma Tonic 10%Twin Stars 10%

X-Polion 20%)n 10%

Elher 10%Remedv 1jvoChocobo Winq 10voHealino SDrino 204/0l\4ana Tonic l 0%lvhih Siqnet Gamenl Grid 10%*Becomes a Hi-Polion alterwinningthe While Signet GarmentGrid.

.X-Polion zDvol\,leoa Phoenix 1\voChocobo Feather 20voChocobo Wino 20v"l\Iana Tonic 20./,"Tr€6ure Hunt GanBrt Grid 10%* ncfeases to 30% alterwirningTrcasufe Hunl Garment Grid.--Drops lo 0% altef wiln ngTr€asur€ HuntGament Gr d. 261

E N T R Y C O I N L I S TThe following table Jists al1 ol the Entry Coins you can find in the game. Most of them can be obtained through the "Let's Go

Digging" mini game. Please refer to that section to find out which coins can be found in which areas

i0rn 3 Iten Lei! Go D qqinq Min -Game - DAhrimaf Co n 6 Coin CountEcho Spherc Break IournamentAnara lilainyu Coin 3 Quota NiluLl p ief Echo4 GAnchnld Co n Lets Go Diaaira l\y'iri Game Euron c0 n 9 0uola l\lultip er Eclr04

tui Dahaka Coin Rare lten L€ls Go Diqoing [/]ini Game GColn, ouota Multip er Ech02 L€tb Go Diqqifq lVir i Game c

Blrd Coin 5 Sphere Bf€ak To!rnamentCoin 3 Co n Count Echo L€t's Go Diqolno [/]lfi Game c

Bomb Coin Co I Counl Echo L€ts Go Diooina [i]lni-Game Daclu Coin Con L€t\ Go Diqqlnq [i]lri Game D

Chimera Coin Ietn L€ts Go Dioqino l\illfi Game)hocobo Coin Con LetS Go Diqo fa l\y' fi-Gane G0e!r c0in Coin Hau [,4ult p ier Echo2 L€ts Go Di0o no l\ilni-Game coyote Co I 3 Con Soh€re Break Tulorial)reeDer Co n Coin Hau l\,1Lilti0 er Echo2 L€ts Go Diqo fo 1,4 ni Game EDaeva Coin ouota l\y'ulliplier Echo2 Lets Go Diqo no f,4 ni Game DDetend€r Coin L4u tiolier Echo Lets Go Diqo no lilni-Game BDinictls Coin Coin Hau ltlultip er Echo2 Lets Go Diqq no l i lnl-GdmeDraqon Coin Gil [,,lLrltip er Echo2 Lets Go Diqq nQ Nilnl-Game

ie Coin Coin Count Echo L€t\ Go Diqq no N4 n -Game BEalef Coin 3 R e C o n Lets Go Diqq nq Nilnl-GameE emental Coif Lets Go Dioo no 1,4 ni-GameEvrae Co n Coin HauL l\lLrltip er Echo3 Lels Go Diqq nq N/ n Game FFLaf Coin rcm Sphef€ Break TutorjalFunous Coin Coin Lels Go Diqq nq [1n Gameiel Co n Lets Go Diqq na 1,4 ni-Game GGeorapella Coin 3 0Lrota Mu lipli€r Echo4 Speak to a person in lhe Youth

Leaoue Base for 5 ollh€se.G

uafdian Co n 4 ouota [,4u tiplier Echo3 GHaizhe Co n Coin Lets Go Dioo no Nilin Game F

,m Coif SDhef€ Break TutorlalHermitCo I Coin Haul lvlLrltiplier Eclro2 Lels Go D aq nq M n Gamelron GiantCoin N,lu tlplier Echo Lets Go Diooino N,4in GameJumbo Cactuar Coin Rare lern G

n Coin Rare temKuku can Coin B Lel's Go Dioq no N,4inl-Game DLulu Coin Bare Co n Hl\,,laoic Ufn Coif Gill\,lrltip ier Ech02 Lets Go Diaoinq N/in Game Dly'alboro Coin 3 N,,lult olier Echo Lets Go Diao no N/ n Game B

ru Coln 7 Gil l i l ! l t ip ier Eclr02 Lets Go Dlooinq N/in Game D0ore Co n Coin Lels Go Diqq na Nl n Ganemeoa WeaDon Co n 7 oLrota Mu Uplier Echo3 Let's Go Diooino [,4in -Game

Paine CoiI Mult olier Echo HPairika Coin 7 Coin Count Echo Lets Go Diaoinq Min GamePhantom Coln 7 Coin Let's Go Diaq nq N,4in -Game BPiranha Co n [,,1u tlolier Echo Lets Go Diqq nq NI n -Game

PLrrourea Coin Lets Go Diqo nq Nlinl-Game BReDt e Coif Sphere Break ToumamentRikku Coin ouota l\,4u tiDlier Echo4 HuminantCoin rcm Let\ Go Dioo no [ilin]-Game B

n Coin Coin Co!ntEcho Lets Go Dioq na [4 n -GameSevmour Coin Rare lern GStawa/rCoin Mu tlolier Echo Lels Go Diaq na NI n -Game DIentacles Colf Coin Count Echo Go Diqqino N,4in Gameomb Coin 1 no Nlinl-Game

Ionberfy Coin 4 Coin Haul Multip er Ech02 Lets Go Dlao na Nl n GameUltirna Weapof Coin 0uota Mu tioli€r Echo2 Lel's Go Dioq no N,4 n -Game

ia Coin Rare llem HWasp Coif IETN Sphere Brcak Toumamefl

nm Coin Coin Lets Go Dioo no Nlnl-Game BYuna Coin Coin CountEchor Coin llern Lets Go Dioo no l/ nl-Gane Bxvan coin Sph€f€ Break Tuloral

???? coit) ouota Mu tiplier Echo5

R E G I S T E R I N G F O R T H E D I GIn Chapter 1, visit Djose Temple and talk to

Gippal Lo regisrer for rhe de.ert excaretion.

Before you can see him, though, you nrust stand

in ljne outside rhe office. Talk to the people wair-

ing around the temple to make the time pass

more quickly. AJter doing so, go inside the tem-

ple and speak to Gippal. Follow him out to the

bridge in front of the temple where he'll hand

over a Letter of Introduction to take to Nhadnla

at the Al Bhed outpost in the Bikanel Desert

Go to Bikanel Island and follow Rikku to the Al

Bhed camp. The journey becomes rather difiicult,

and eventually the A1 Bhed frnd the Gullwings.Give Nhadala the Lener of lntroduction.

Gippal h a bit hard to take, but youhave t0 endure his c1nstant llilingta gel ke Lelter ol lnlroduclion.

If il looks like flikku daesnl knawwhete she! gaing,lhat's hecause

she daesn'l! Don'lwarry when youlparly callapses lr1n (lehydralian;the Al Bhed will find then in plentl

of tine ta tescue them fram lheha6h desetl

D I G G I N G 1 0 1

You tm caunl an this hover pilatta lerry yau to the ditfercnt deset

l9cil qns.

la dig in the dese sand, sinplysland avet ane of lhe excava anpalnls on the ftdar screen. Yuna

will then dig adomalicaly

To start an excavation, talk to the hovef,pilot ard choose a location. ln Chapter 1, you can only d1g in the Western

Expanse, but the number of locations tle Al Bhed are currendy excavating increases as the gam€ progresses.

Once the hover reaches its destination, a small radar screen appears in the upperJeft

portion of the screen. This indicates the location of the hover and digging spots. It

even keeps track oflour position, the position ofyour rivals, and the location ofany

strarge creatures in the area. Locations of machina parts are marked witi a yellow

a!' whiie a white 'X' rnarls the locations of other items.

You have 60 seconds to scavenge for treasure and get back to the hover b€fore the

heat and desert sands overwh€lrn the parry Keep this in mind when the radar is flrst

revealed and plan your coune appropriately llyou fail to male it back to the hover

in time. the mission is automatica v considered a failure!

Westem Expanse 5 x 0l lnh0ducU0n Jrom Giopal n ChaDter liouthern Exoanse 2 . 3 . 5 Comolele lhe Oasis l\4ission.

Eastern ExDanse rtake the Cacluar Nation l\,lissi0n.ern Exoanse 3 , 5 lJndertake the Cacluar Nati0n lllissi0n.

Central Expanse Send a Ch0c0b0lrom lhe Lih0c0b0 Banch t0 tsikanel lsland.(The firslone you send l0 ihis areawill run away.)


The Gullwings can only sutvive lor60 secands in IIE desen beforc help

is needed!

A trip is considered successtul ifyou manage to find the machinapart in the aJea and return to the hov€r

within the rime limit. Make frnding this item (the yellow "X") your first priorityl After doing so, you crn

check out the other digging sites. Not only wiJl you find items (both common and rare) under a white'X,'but you may also encounter a fiend ambushlThe desert is tull ofdangerous fiends, so be preparcd

for a fieht.

To make the excavation more interesting, the Gullwings aie compet-

ing against others. Keep tabs on any rivals by looking for a grey-

colored arrow on the radar screen. Occasionally, yol will be alerted to

the presence ofa strange entity in the area. This frend, Angra Mainlu,

is marked on the radar with a purple arrow. lfit appears where you are

working, return to the hover as fast as possible. Angra Mainp is nert

to impossible to defeat early h the game and, while it may not defeat

your parry, ir will bla.t rhem from rhe deserr.Avoid Angra Mainyu at all costs

unlily1ur parly is slrang enaugh laseriausly wound it. Thh gigantic

fiend has 333444 HP And that\ oalinduling ils lwa linbs, Tawrich and

Zaich, which join lhe balUe inChaplerc 2 and 3 respec vely!

R A I S I N G Y O U R R A N Krrtrtren you return *om a dig, there's a chance your rank will go up. Your mad digghg skills are automatically evaluated after you com

plete 15, 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, and 180 digs. Ifyou have more successfr l digs than failed digs when youie evaluated, your rank will

go up one level. There are four ranks all together: Sandbox League, Beach Comber, Sand Blaster, and Zea Master of Digging. See if

you can master the digging game before the end of Chapter 5! The ranla are just thrown in for tun and don't affect your digging



lnitially, th€ party earns 100 gil for each successfirl excavation.

However, you can increase this amount by taking a simple exam

at Djose Temple. Visit the temple and head straight for the

loom to the right of the research lab. Go up to the kiosk in theright-hand comer ofthe room and apply for a raise. You'll beasked your opinion of six different questions. Indicate whetheryou agleq disagrce, or have tro strong opirion about the state-

ment asked. Each answer rcts you anywhere ftom 2 to 0

points, depending upon how closely your opinion matches the

computert. Ifyou score high ercug\ a pay raise is granted. Ifyou fiil, you must go back to the Bilanel Desert and dig fora while before you can apply again. The easi€st way to passeach avam is to answer as though you love digging more thananythiq else in the woddincluding a pay raise!

The number of points needed to pass the exam charges in each chapter, as does the maximum amount of gil you can earn in each

successfrl mission. You caa only fail the exam 6ve times before you are no longer allowed to attempt it. In most cases, if the appro-

priate answer is not dear, you cen expect to get et least oae point by answerhg "No Opinion." At the start of each chapter, your pre-

vious wages are thrown out ard reset to the starting wages shown in the table below.

Your actual wage cap depends on how high you managed to get your wages in earlier chapters. The nitty-gritty are erplained in thelowing table, but essentially, ifyou want to end the game with the highest possible wages, you'll need to max out your wages beforeirg each chapter If ou dont apply for any wage increases before Chapter 5, the highest wage you lI be able to get is only 500 gill

L00k fat |his ki1sk inside Djase The exan questi\ns ate easy 1ncefenple. lts l1cated in the raan y1u kn7w h7w ta answer then Jusl

lathest t0 the right. rcnenber t0 lnpress the c1nputelby showing yaur enlhuslasn fal


Successfulexan taking leads lohigher salaries and nate rcasans ta

spend line h lhe desert!





. ti+




1ne ollhree lhings occurs whenyou enter the 1asls:1. Yau lind

somethin? llaating in the ]asis; 2.Yau find nathing; 3. You encaunter

lhe Caftvan. The Carcvan anlyappears in Chapte$ 3 and 5, oncey7u've undertaken an1ther lask l0r

lhe Al Bhed.

The quest fat the Ten Gatekeepers isan1ther nini-gane alt1gelher, butspuking lo Marnela apens up lwomorc areasfor digging in the desefi.

Jusl donl gel dislracted!

This area, the fint 1ou can ocavate. i. the easiesr ro

e.rplore. You can count on having one rival who rarely goes. f r . r i h F M r . h i n ' n ' d

T H E O A S I S A N D C A C T U A R N A T I O NNunal trcasurc chesL'Potion, Hi-Polion, Phoenix Down, Antidolei AI Bhed trcasrre c/,esl.'Hi'Polion,

Two other areas open up when you come to Bikanel Desert to dig: the Oasis and the Cactuar Nation. Th€ Oasis opens up in Chapter 2 when

youle asked by Nhadala to check out the region fo! strange events. Heed the pilot's advice and make sure that you are equipped to do battle

befbre proceeding, as stange things are afoot in the Oasisl

After completing this mission, you can return to the Oasis for a different q'pe oftreasure hunting. During visits to the Oasis, you may lind a

treasure chest bearing interesting stuff Head to the Oasis in Chapters 3 and 5 and you may encounter a cravan seUrng lots ofamazing acces-

sories! For the low-down on the treasure avallable here, refer to the followine tables.

The Cactuar Nation is home to the cacti that have watched over Bikanel Desert

for coundess ages. In Chapter 3, Nhdah sends the Gullwings out with her

translator, Benzo, to male contact with Marnela, the leader of the Cactuar

Nation. Marnela needs your help frnd the Ten Gatekeepers, cactuar who've

headed out into the world of Spira to learn and grow in their travles. Going to

the Cactuar Nation and beginning the search for the Ten Gatekeepers opens up

the Eastern and Northern Erpanses for exploration. For more detailed infor-

mation on the Ten Gatekeepers mini-game, read fifther in this chapter.

W E S T E R N E X P A N S E ( C H A P T E R S 1 - 3 , 5 )It€ms: I Al thed Primer, Antid0te (xZ), Anlid0te (x5), Echo

Screen (x2), Ether, Eye Drops (x2), Hi-Poti0n,Hi-P0ti0n (x2), Holy Waler (x2), H0ly Water (x5),Polion, Phoenix Down, Potion, Remedy, S0lt (x2),Sot l (x5), Tulbo Elher,200 gi l , 500 gi l , 1000 gi l ,

ilCoins: Chaplet 1,2: Coyole Coin, Defender Coin,

Drake Coin, Flan Coin, Helm Coin, Malb0r0 C0in,Phant0m C0in, Purpurea Coin, Ruminant Coin,Worm Coin, Zu C0in, Zuruano0in; Chaptet 3, 5:Adamantoise C0in, Behemoth Coin, Blade Coin,Chimera Coin, Coeurl C0in,oaeva C0in, ElementalCoin, ogre Coin, l ron Gianl Coin, Kukulcan C0in,ochu Coin, Tomb Coin



A |BhedPr ime ' ,An ta ]c t i cWind ,A rc t i cWind (x2 ) ,Bomb Core (x2). Bomb Fragment. Budget Grenade. :Budgel Glenade (xZ), Budget Grenade (x3), Dalk 1Grenade, Dragon Scale (x2), Electro Marble, Fish iScale. Grenade, Glenade (x2). L-Bomb (x2), :Lightning Marble (x2), M-Bomb (x2), Petrily IGrenade, Potion, S-Bomb (x2), Silence Grenade, :200 oi l , 400 oi l , 1000 qi | ,4000 si l :Chaptet 2: Coyole Coin. DefenderCoin, Drake Coin. ,Flan Coin, Helm Coin, Malboro Coin, Phanlom ,Coin, Purprrea C0in, Ruminanl Coin, Worm Coin, IZu Coin. Zurvan Coini Chapler 3,5.' AdamantoiseCoin, Behemolh Coin, Blade C0in, Chimera Coin, ,Coeurl Coin, Daeva Coin, Elemenlal Coin, 0gre icoin, lron Giant C0in, Kukulcan Coin, ochu Coin, :Tomb Coin ,


The second area to open up Gtarting in Chrpter 2)

is very similar to the first area. Howevel watch out

for all ofthe shoopufs wandering around the desert.

as they may block you fiom a digging spot. Beware.

this is the {irst area where the swirling sands m

conceal rhe 1elJo" " \ " thar mark. rhe locat ion oithe buried Machina parts. Keep searching, as it wil

eventually appear before the time limit runs outl

E A S T E R N E X P A N S E ( C H A P T E R S 3 , 5 )Ilems: I Al Bhed Primer, Ecn0 Screen (x5), Ether, Eye Drops

(x5), Hi-Poti0n, Hi-Poli0n (x2), Mega Ph0enix,Ph0enix Down, Poli0n, Power Gloves, Remedy,

_ | Sol t (x i ) , 1000 qi l , 5000 qi lCoins: I Arachnid Coin, Bomb Coin, Cactuar Coin, Creeper

Coin, Dragon C0in, Fungus C0in, Magic Pol C0in,Pairika C0in, Piranha C0in, Sahagin Coin, StalwartCoin, Tonberry Coin

Watch out for the machina class monsters in this they can male life tough for your pa$y. ln addition.keep an eye out for a green "X" to appear on the radar

screen. When you approach this digging location, you'J1

find the ruins of machina scattered aI1 over the place. When you stand in a specific position, the nachina pieces rush you into a series

offou battles against Machina Hunters. After this occurs, you are automatically returned to the Al Bhed camp and the green "X-

never appears again.

Zus guard the ruins in this arca, so come preparedto fight when you first travel here. You can soo.pect to fight them in random batdes, along withSandworms, while searching for treasure.

Al Bhed Primer, Desen Key, Dispel Tonic, Elher,Falplane Shad0w, Grenade, Hi-Poti0n, M-Bomb (x2),Mega-Potion, Nalule's Tome, Poison Fang, Poti0n,ljeE[jI?L 1000 {il, 2_q'qq qil._*Azi Dahaka Coin. Ch0c0b0 C0in. Dinictus Coin.Ealer C0in, Evlae Coin, Gel Coin, Haizhe C0in,Hermit Coin, Omega Weapon Coin, Tenlacles Coin,Ultima Weapon Coin

N O R T H E R N E X P A N S E ( C H A P T E R S 3 , 5 )Al Bhed Primer, Candle 0f Lile, Chocobo Fealher,Choc0bo Wing, Light Curtain, Lunal Curtain,Potion, Phoenix Tail, Silver Hourglass, StarCurtain. Twin Stars.400 0i l . 5000 0i lArachnid C0in, Bomb Coin, Cacluar Coin, CreeperCoin, Dragon Coin, Fungus C0in, Magic Pot C0in,Pairika C0in, Piranha Coin, Sahagin Coin, SlalwarlCoin, Tonberry Coin

C E N T R A L E X P A N S E ( C H A P T E R 5 )This area only opensup in Chapter 5 rfteryou send a chocoboftom your ranch toexplore the area.Apparendy, this sec-tion of the desert isso !?st that you need

a chocobo to erplore itl Regardless, digging for buiedtreasure on a chocobo is a great pleasue, It makes thcprocess much faster and riding on a chocobo protects the

party from random encountersl In addition, the speed ofthe chocobo enables you to tlavel turther away ftom the hover and renun at fasterspeeds.

However, you must keep an eye on your riva1. He also r;des a chocobo and c,rn be a fierce competitor for both treasure and the prizcrlmachina part. Since the yellow "X" rrrely appears at the start ofr dig here, keep an et'e on the radar and make a break for it when thesands disclose its location.

This section mini gamcs that occur in the CJm Lrnds in F-INAL MN'IHSY X-2. Some re

available immediatelv in Chapter 1, rvhile others become available as a result ofevents that occur in earlier ch:rp

ters. Since all these mini games occur in this onc large area, they are grouped together in this section.

T H E P U B L I C I T Y C A M P A I G N A N D" T H E R E G O E S T H E B R I D E "

Spread the news aborl the Calm Lands alhactions and the0wner 0f Argenl lnc.'s eligible son l0 the people 0l Spira.It you d0 a g00d enough iob, you can win prizes and evenlrigger lwo new altracli0ns l0 open up in Chapter 5.

Two companies offer attractions in the Calm Lxnds: Argent, lnc. and Open Air,lnc.

Each company provides their own credits and attempts to hire people to promote the

games they run under their own names.They are lierce competitors, as each compa-

ny tries to do their best to get the most business. When you stop by this area to try

out some oftheir games, ask about their Publiciq, Carnpaigns, and see what you can

do to helo outl

Ask ab1ut the Publicity Canpaign t0lean the basics and join lhe ftnks

ol one afthe hqo campanies.

Before you venture into the world of Spira tospread the gospel of either Open Air or Argent,Inc., head to the Travel Agency and talk to thehead of Argent, Inc. He has a problem that you

can help him witl at the same time that you are promoting the areat atirnc

tions. lt seems that his son n in need of a bride (or at least that's what dad

thinls!), but the lad's too shy to go out and promote himsell While you're talking up the Caln Lands'games to the public, do a litde matchmaking lor thepoor 1ad.

S P R E A D I N G T H E N E W SPlaying this minigame is easy and doesn't add much to your already heary load of sphere hunting. A1l you need

to do is iook for people in the %rious towns and highways of Spira who are willing to listen to your sales pitchand matchmaking advice. The tables that foilow list all of the people to whom you can make your pitch. Simplymatch vour sales tactics to their Dersonalitiesl

To initiate a conversation with someone regarding the Publicity orMatchmfing campaigns, approach someone and press the Square bunon. Ifthe campaign menu appears, give that person your best pitch. Ifnot, then you

know that this clnracter is not open to such propaganda.



Each crmpaign has five pitches and each one

provokes various respor:es fron \PCs. To get

the most points, you must determine what

line works best with each character Talk to thecharacter, first to get an idea ofwhat he or she isinterested in to gauge what tactic might work thebest. Alternatively, you can just guess and hopethat you get it rightl If you fail to get the bestresponse. you nus' apororch thar chan. ter rgain

Feel like daiog sane nalchnaking?Talk la the head 0l Argent,lnc. at hisstand in the niddle al the field lo

ge! nare details!

fhe Campaign llenu appears whenyau prcss lhe Square button

whle standing nel ta a willingpaticipant.





Choose lhe right sales pilch andyou'll geta pumped up rcsponse. 1ly1u fail l0 excile enaugh inlercst, lry

again in ke next chapter

P L A Y I N G T H E P U B L I C I T Y C A M P A I G NEach company provides a list of tieir best lines. However, the responses tothese lines remain the same regardless ofwhich company you are pitching for!To get the best score, stril€ to get the best response ("They seem totally

pumpedl') and the highest point value (5) each time you speah with a NPC.

In addition, you can approach the same NPC multiple times ro build your

score. Try making the rounds atleast once a chapter for the highest total scorel

jpen Air and Aryent, lnc each havethei atw sets of sales pitches.

Hawever, ance yau figure aul whichplch nunbet lo use, you can use

lhe sane ane far lhe rival c7n[)any. 267

O P E N A I R P I T C H E S1. Fun awaits you at Open Airl

2. Take to the Air. Open Air.

3. Open Air Get your Air on.

4. I lost 30 pounds with Open Air!

5. Shee yoo at Open Air, yesh?

A R G E N T , I N C . P I T C H E S1. Fun awaits you at Argent!

2. Argent, at your service!

3. For a good time, call on Argentl

4. Argent. Fun you can rely on.

5. Would you Jike to hear about AJgent, Inc.l

R A I S I N G Y O U R R A N KYou score determines your rank as a PR representative. The goal is to reach Rank 5 belore the end ofChapter 5. Accomplish this feat, and you'll complete the mini-game and bnng fame to the wirning com-pany. Using the tables provided at the end ofthis section, you can rack up the points with ease. You alsoearn publicity points for any credits you lose wbile playing the mini-garnes in the Calm Lands region.The following tables provide the Publicity Rating needed for each Publicity Level and the conversio.rate of mini-game credits to Publicity Points in each chapter.

You un find out your cunentPublicily Raling and Level W askingyout local 1pen At or Aryent rcpre

senlative in ke Caln Lands.

S W I T C H I N G B E T W E E N C O M P A N IFor the best effecq 1ou should campaign for both compani€s. Hor€v€r, switching between OpenAir and Argeng Inc. comes at a price. When switching sides, the number ofpoints you accumu-lated is cut in half Ifyou decide to return to tiat side's campaign later,1ou start ftom the reducednumber. For example, if you accumulate 150 points for A-rgent, Inc.t campaign and decide toswitch to Open An for a wbile, your PR pohts for Argent &op to 75. When you switch back toAg€nt, you start back at 75 points whjle the points you gathered for Open An are halved.

Ifyou want to unlock both mini-games at the end of the campaign, you should accumulate atIeast 280 Publicity Points for one company during the first two chapters and then switch to therival company. Gather the 400 points needed to bring the episode to a close in Chapter 5, andwhen the points are tallied at the end, you get both games.

Keep in mind that lour Publicity Level only grows as fast as )our progress tbrough the game. Regardless of the number of poin*

)oute accumulated, your highest rank will only be one lel'el higher tlan the curent chapter number. 5o ifyou pick up 283 PR pointsin Chapter 1, your rank at that time will max out at Le\,'el 2.

There are several gameplay aspects that are influenced by your Publicity Lwel advaacement. They are:

I The number ofprizes anilable for purchase by trading in credits increases. (See the following Jist.)

I New dificulty levels are added to Lupine Dash, Reptile Race, and S19 Stots.

t The number ofcredits )ou can bet during each mini game increases.

I In Chapter 5, when you reach Publicity Level 5, the campaign ends. You can win up to two new mini games based on yourPublicitv Level with both comoanies.

Befare switching sides, lhe company represe1lative disclases al I al lhipoint loss inlomatian so you un

nake an infamed decision

F A B U L O U S P R I Z E S !The items you can purchase with your game credits change based on your curent Publicity Level with that

companl After the companies merge in Chapter 5 (after reaching Rank 5 in one of the two companies'

campaigns), the items that appear are based on the ranla you reached with each company. For example, ifyou

reached Ranl5 for Open Air and Rank 3 for Argent, Inc., you can purchase items available for Rank 5 from

the Open Air "Publicity Lerel (A-fter Integration)" column and items arailable for Level 3 from the Argent,

Inc. "Publicity Lwel (After Integration)" column.

'Thxe itens ean an\ be purcna*rl after brying the Flash af Steel Garnent Gr;d.Yau a0 trade in credils t1t valuableand sametimes rare nerchandise.



t d--5







cn 10Phoenix Down 30 X

)el Grenade 50 X X XHi-Polion 150 x

tarm Banole 500 XSrenade 70 x XPoison Fanq '100 X X X X

200 XMilhrylGloves 750 Xlass Buckle 2500 X

100 XDark Grenade 300 X X X

rium Ban0le 500 XPowerWrist 1500 X X

Bell 5000 XM-Bomb 350 XL-Bornb 500Prefly orb 1000Shininq Gem 3500MorlalShock 12000 XStamina Tablet 1000Dream Shock 3000Hvper Wrisl 5000uDrerne Gem 15000

Ielra Gloves 50000rd Tome 80000

Disasler in Bloom GarmentGrid200000-Bushido Tome 100000

Potion 10 XPhoenix Down 30 X X X I XBudget Grenade 50 X I XHi-Potion 150 X I XEthef 500 X X I X X.unar cu aln 70 X X X T XSilver Hourqlass 100 X X I X XDispel Tonic 200 X X I XDelense Veil 750 X I XGold Bracer 2500 X I XFaDlane Shadow 100 X I X xl\,4ana Sprino 300 X I X Xrul Sorino 500 X I X X

Tarot Card 1500 X T X XHypno Crown 5000 X I XStamina Sprinq 350 l xGold Hourulass 500 X t lPearl Necklace r000 X l lTetn Band 3500 l l XSoul olThamasa 12000 l xTurbo Elher 1000 IlVana Tonic 3000 I XPixle Dust 5000 I)hocobo Wino 15000 ITetra Bracel€L 50000 IBlack Tome 80000 IFlash ol Steel GarmentGrid 200000 !'Whlte Tome 100000 fl


C L O S I N G T H E C A M P A I G NThc Publiciq, Campaign ends automatic ly in Chapter 5 upon reaching Level5 with ,100 or morepoints. lfyou want to build your campaign to that level lor both companies, dont visit the CalmLands during Chapter 5 until you are nnished. During the Episode Conplete event, the results ofthe Publicity Campaign contest are tallied and read to the arrxious crowd. The company with thehighest total wins.

However, the event doesnt end there! Under the advice and leadership ofTobli, the two compa-nies decide to join forces and create a single holding company for the Calm Land amusements,called the Calm Skies Partnership. To celebrate, the park opens up one or two new amusementsbased on your performance. Ifyou get to Rank 3 for Argent, Inc., a game calied.Feed the Monkey'opens up by rhe northernentrance. Ifyou get to Ranl 3 for Open Air, a mini-game called "Gull Force" opens at the southern entraoce ofthe field. Get to Rank3 or higher in both companies' campaigas to open up both mini-games at the end ofthe missionl

Now lar the final lally! Which side

P L A Y I N G " H E R E C O M E S T H E B R I D E ""Here Comes the Bride" is played identically to the Pub[city Campaign-after all, you are basically pub,licizing the son\ eligibilit/ to all of the women in Spira! As you spread the word about the Calm Landsatftactions, keep an eye out for single wom€n who might be interested in the Argent owner's son. lfyoufail to illicit an excited response, try approaching the woman again later

M A T C H M A K I N G P I T C H E S1. Find your better hall)

2. I have the perfect person for youl

3. The heir to Argent, Inc. needs a fiancde...

4. The man ofyour dreams awaitsl

5. Do you believe in... destiny?

Malchmaking requircs a deliutebum. You donl want to risk tuningoll the prcspective b de!





T H E B R I D E ( S ) C O M E T H !You can keep track ofyour tally by talking to the father of the groonl io the Caln Lands at anytime before Chapter 5. However, when you approach him in Chapter 5, he frnally gives you theresults ofrll lour hard x/ork How maoy prospective brides can you persuade to look the son over?

How nany brides can you coffal7 lilooks kethe jab is juststating lal

the Argenlhei!


This section details the locations of all of the NPCs participating in the Publicity and Matchmal<ing Campaigns. When using thesetables, refer to the accompanying maps to pinpoint the locations of the NPCs. Because some ofthe NPCs roam in a set course, eachcharacter's starting location is noted on the map. Also note tlat missions may pre-ernpt your ability to find or speak with a specificNPC. Look for them before or after completing a mission or event scheduled in that area.

The tables list the locations ofthe NPCs and the chapters in which you can find them. Some characters only appear in specfic chapters or change locations ftom one chapter to another. The tables also provide the point value for each of the Publicity andMatchmaking pitches. Remember, a"5"indicat€s that you'[ get the bestresponse if you use that pitch, while a"0" indicates that you'Il get the worst


|-.n410 1\"/ 6T.-ce F,^,"=,\_n-r'r\






l lb



Guy in rcd and yellow shods 3 0 2 5

D lvlan in tea{shid on dock. 0 2 1 5 3Girl in whlte tunic lalking wilh man. 2 3 0 1 5 4 1 2


N4an in qreen. - - x - -3 2 1 5 0

[,,lan in lealshirt. 2 0


Guy in red and white shorts 0 1 5

N G rl in whil€ lunic by brldo€ X X 0 3 2 5



M I ' I H E N H I G H R O A D

r1c"J I 4ft,-



fl a

Woman in bJue drcss X X X - X 5 1 0 3 2 5 1 2 3 0Girl in white tunic X X X X 3 5 0 2 3 2 1 0Bare chesled man X X X , X 0 2 5 3 1

D AlBhed woman X X - } 0 5 3 0 3 2ll,4an by Hover X X 0 5 3l\,lan lookino oul over the sea X X 2 1 0

G Girl at table in Trav€lAqency X X 0 5 3 2 0 3 5 2Boy at iable in Travel Agency X X 3 5 0 2Girl in yellow and orange. X X X 0 2 3 5 3 2 1 0

A Boy by entrance l0 lvlushroom Rock. X X 2 3 I 0Ll!1

|!Ian ln purple and yellow. X X X . ' 5 3 2

N Woman in purol€ below bridqe. X X 2 3 I 5 0 5 3 2 I 00 Woman in green walk fg back and bnh

irnder bridoe2 3 1 5 0 5 3 2 1 0

Bare-chested maf X X X - } 3 0 5 20 Man in green sh d X X X } 5 1 3 0 2




(lotlied h Spl'er! Sp ns orco)




P L A C E Y O U R B E T S !

And ke race is an! Did you bet onlhe righl lupine?

As your Publicity Level grows, you can bet on races with higher grades and higher stakes. These races usually provide bigger payouts,but the minirnum bets are higher! On the other hand, the higher the race grade, the faster tie Lupines participating in the race andthe more racine tun vou' have!

The main objective in this game is to frgure out which Lupine is mostlikely to win the race and place bets on him. You can choose to bet ona single winner (Win Bet) or bet on the two Lupines most likely to

place 1 and 2 (Double Bet). Study tleir stats well and use the givenodds to help you make your decision.

The odds are generated based on the Lupine's overall stats, but that

doesn't always tell tle whole story \A4ren placing your bet, you can

play it safe by choosing the Lupine(s) with the highest overall scoreand the lowest odds (arrd tle lowest payout), or you can take a risk

on ar underdog.

Yau can place two kinds albets llyau are lucky, at lust 1ne oflhen

willpay alf!

F I G U R I N G O U T T H t r L U P I N E S T A T SFrom a held of 61 lupincs, tive rre randomlv choscn to comperc in each racc. You can vi$v their st:rts and odds ofrvinning whcn vou plac. a

bet under the Wn Bet or Double Bet options. Each lupinc is gr.rded based on fivc strts with an oven l stat used fbr dcternining thc race odds

The stats indicate hos, well :r lupinc is likelv to pertbrm during a race. Ide ty vou rvant to choose e lupnre rvith a high over l scorc, but some

times you might vant ro take a chance on a lupine rvith a lower overall score but with stats thlt';rre morc in line with a winner.Thc stats used

in Lupine Dasir are as follows:

Speed is perhaps the greatest factor you should consider in dctcrmining a s'inning lupinc A (lupine's speed) changes based on

,t. g*a..i,t "

** ir"e the following fornula in conjunction wnh the frgure given in the Lupinc stats trble bclow to helP

you calcuirte the find sum.

Speed Stet x (Racc Grade x 5 + 10) = Total Speed for the Gr,rde entered

The lupine,s Stamina ting determin€s how long it can keep its speed up. Lupines with a high Speed rating but a low Strnin

rrting ;an run fast, but only for short distanccs This is a very important modifi er of a compctitort speedl

This describes the lupine's abiliry ro r. ly ic strcngth md speed at th€ very end ofthe race. Thc hlgher the siat, the $catcr the

speed boost the lupine receives as it ne s rhc god. This stat rlone can help a competitor rvin the race lrom behind.

This describcs the probrbilit,v thAt rhe ]uPine,s starting Stats will fluctlllte rvhcn the race begins'

The higher the Flur stat, th€ more easily the strts will change

This stat works in conjunction with a lupine s flu]{ stxt. It determines how much the lupinet starting stats rvill fluctuate at the

start ofa race. The higher thc stat, the greater the chance that irs stats will change for dre bener


Thn gives you thc rnedian value of the lLrpinet stats The average of this stat is 50

This is used to set the odds in a rxce.

li is inpatunl ta sludl eaDt lupinesslals befate fo! place yauL bels.

Undetslanding haw each stal watksln canjuncli]n v/ilh lhe 1lhe\ 6 key

la wirring ctetliis!R E P T I L E R U N

Can yau lead yau lizad thraugh aninefieid affie1ds tvith1ul killitg it?

Chapters 1, 2,3. and 5Calm Landi, io ittt lett ot tttt ch0c0b0 RanchTo succeed at Beptile Run you must have a quick mind as well as greal hand-eyeco0rdinal i0n! This game chal lenges y0u lo guide a l izard lhrough a hazard0us courset0 reach lhe linish line. The catch? You can only move lorward-either in a slraighlvertical line 0r a diag0nal! The faster you make it thr0ugh lhe c0urse, lhe morecredils you win!

H E L P I N G T H E R E P T I L E R E A C HT H E G O A L L I N E !The goal of this game is to guide thc lizard across the lield, past the fiends, to

the goal line within the time limit. The field is An 8x8 gtid inhib;ted b' anv

where from 10 14 fiends. Starting time limits rrnge from 800 to 950 A hori

zontal row of spheres indicate lvhen it is sale to movc. A red spherc ;ndicares

certain death if,vou cross, while yellorv md grccn indicate thatyou can pass with

some salery Get to the goal line alive to recei!-c a Payout based on the lmount

ofremaining time on the timer.

Naturally, the highcr vour Publicity Level, the more levels you can choose from. Thc higher the lcvcl. the

more fiends you must pas and the greater the danger Ho*'ever,1ou can dso bct more, so the Pa)'out if

you 1un 's gfeatef.

fhis gane is hadet lhan it safidsfhe inabilily la nare tn nuttpledieciiars linls yail abilitf to

dadge Dnioning atlacks at loes!



T H O S E D A S T A R D L Y F I E N D S !Thrcc typcs oflicnds inhrbit the 6eld: Helms, Bombs, and Drakes. Dach one has its own method and rrnge of.rtt.rck. Running inti,

any oftheir anacks spells instant dcath for your poor lizard.

Helms can only attack the tile directly in lront ofthem- Thesc licnds usuallv walk back and forth rcross the field or in small repert

ing patterns on the same row.

Bombs spew fire in the direction they are facing. They cannot travcl acrox the Iield, but they do spin in a cloclvise or counter

clockwise manner. Time your movements with their rotat;on to ensure that you dont get crught in their blast.

The Drake stampedes back and forth across the field like the Helm, but it can aaack from anv distance, in any of the four directions

like the Bomb. Watch out for these fiends in the corneis ofmapsl

L A Y O U T O F T H E F I E L D SThe layout olthe field remains static for each level. Once you get to knorv the field, you can figure out a prth through the mayhem.

However, note that your starting position is randomly generated on the 6rst row each time.

M A K I N G T H E B I G M O N E YAfter successfully crossing a field, you have the option to continue on. This is the way to win or

lose big. Aoy remaining time ftom the first trip is added to the time remaining after the second

tdp.Ifyou make it to tie end ofthe field the second time, your winnings are based on that largertime figure. However, if pur Jizard is killed by a fiend, you lose everything!

Deciding wheker lo continue play-ing is a liftle like playing blackkck.You night get lucky ar yau cauld

Iase everything!






Helm (x3), Bonb (x6), Drake (x1)

Helm (x2), Bomb ()(6), Drake (x3)

Helm (x4), Bornb (x6), Drake (x2)

He m (x2), Bornb {xl2)

l-9900t 99 1.0

200.299 1.3100-399 1 .8400-499 2.5500-699 3.4/00-999000 1399 5.8

14001B99 1.0900-2399 8.5

t400-2999 10.01000-3599 20.0t600-4199 45.04200-4999 60.0t000 5999 80.0i000+ 100.0

S K Y S L O T SChaplers 1. 2, 3 a||d 5Calm lands, n0rth 0llhe lravel Ageney $afldll,in credih by playing lhis living venion ola slol machine,As lhe liends lly by, st0p thBm in h0pes 0l qelling litee in a rollll

Sky Slats ts nalhing narc than alivitg slat nachine high in lhe skyavet lhe Caln La ls ]f lau ltkeplaliq the slals, then pu ll lave

this teke on lhe oeffel

G t r T T I N G T H R E E I N A R O WTo win at SL1, Slots, you mlLst stop the spinning reels of liends by pressing the X button to get ihree ofthe same fiend in a row. There are slt

nc'ds per reet and the "LLmber

ofcredits you win n based on the qpe offiends you line up between the tlvo triangular marks. So, ifyou het 5

credirs and get three Vespa fiends in a roq you only win back your 5 credits. Horverer, ifi'ou get three Divebeak fiends in a row, vou win 500

creditst Ofcourse, it gocs withour saying thit the fiends with the higher multipliers are much harder to line uP than the on€s with lower mul

tioliers. Use the lollowine table to determine which fiends to aim for!

The amount you can bet increases as 1.our Publicity Levcl increases. Of course, higher levcls mean faster reels, higher stakes, and an rnsane

amount of difliculry However, ifyou are rrying to win enough credits to buy something really awesome, the payour is worth itl

T I M I N G I S T H E K E Y !The key to winning rt S$ Slots is timing. You musr figure ourwhcn to press the X button so that the wheel stops on the frend,vou want The

bestway to do this is to memorize the order in which the fiends appear on the reels Thrt wa)" you can Pressthe X button iust before thc fiend you want appears Practice vour timing on Level 1 using single credit bets

until you can pull oflnwin.Then graduate to the next level and see ifvou can g€t the timing right on a faster

Jusl tr'/hei fau thntk lcu re gcteretythin| undet caultal, the scrcen

changes pe6peclirel


O B T A I N I N G T H t r F E E DT H E M O N K E Y M I N I - G A M E

Feed the lonkey is one ofthe nvo mini games that open whcn the competing companies combinc lorces ar the end of the Publiciq'Campaign

in Chapter 5. Ifyou get to Publicitv Level 3 or higher in the Argent, Inc. campaign, this atrraction opens up at the northern entrance to the

Calm Lands 6e1d.

D O N ' T F E E D T H E M O N K E Y T O OM U C H - O R T O O L I T T L E !

ln this mini game, the challenge is to continuouslv fied the rnonkev on the bird's back rvhile keeping its

weight within a certxin rangc. Ifthe monkey gcts too heary or too Light, ilvill disappcar from the screen and

F€t,J lrrr n.nke,/ weii la het:l tit'tau (jtsappeettti!1

llJher Availaih:loealion:0biBctivs:

Chaflter 5Calm Lands {nodh entmnce}Fesd tfie m0nkey 0n lhe Xack 0lthe bird. ll il l0ses 100 much }/eighl, ill,/ill dhappear and the bird lllill lly 0ll.teed il100 |nuch and the monhy and bird 'xill coms ctashing l0lhe ground!

The five treasure chests on the ground arc filed with r variety of fruit. Light fruit makes the monkey lighter, while heary lruit increases its girth. Since you dont know what kind of fruit is in theclosed chests, fate plays a large hand in how much weight the monkey loses or gains.

Ifyour monkey s weight drops below 5 pounds or goes above 95, then it's game overlThe info barat the top ofthe scrcen indicates how much ofeach kind offruit are in the chests. Keep an eye onits tally, because it enables you to determine the risks of opening the next treasure chest. Ifyourmonkey is on the edge ofits weight range, and the chests are firll offruit you dont want, donk be

afraid to end the game by pressing the Circle bufton.

Helping out in this endeavor are Ri!.ku and Paine. You can call uponthem to filI tle chests with either heary (Rikku) or light (Paine)ftuits when the tally in the window above isn't reporting what youw"nt. At tie beginning ofthe game you'll only be able to call eachgirl out twice, but as you open more chests you can earn morechances to call on them for help. Each round there's a 50% chance that opening one of the chests willgive you another Rikku or Paine to call.

T H E F R U I T S O F L O V EOf course, central to this game are the fruits. To help maximize your score, memorize th€ information inthe following table so that you klrow how much each piece of fiuit affects your monJ<ey's weight.

A.fter opening 20 or more chests, the rate at which the large fnrits appear in pairs increases. For this reason, try to keep your monkey's weight below 60 lbs. just to be safe. When the chest count gets close to30, special fiuits start to appear in the treasure chests. Fruits like the Plain and Balance Fruits are greatthings to get. However, you should beware the Forbidden Fruit. This item causes your monkey to swell

Ta can nue ar nat? When yaur non-key is close ta reaching ils weight

Init and lhe nn6nts 0l che.sts aten Il]7king g1ad, yau're tutter aftendinAthe gante nker kan lasing yau hard

eatned crcdils!

Calling Rikku and Paine isnl with-aul its risks! ll you see Ihen slunpIhei shaulders, ken they've eitherfailed ta swap aut ke righl kind offruil, ar worse yel, rnay have added

a Farbidden Fruit to one ol kecreJls.

up like a balloon aad instandy end the game. Ifyou see one pop up on the information bar, call on Paine or Rikhr to change the fruitsin the chests!

O B T A I N I N G T H E G U L L F O R C E M I N I - G A M EGull Force is one of the two mini games that open when the competing companies combine forces at the end of the PublicityCmpaign in Chapter 5. Ifyou get to Publicity Level 3 or higher in the Open Air campaign, this at'nacrion opens up ar tbe southern entrance to the Ca.lm Lands field.

T H E B F G ( B I G F L O C K I N G G U L L SThe rules of the game are simple. ln each round, you are presented with a line of flying fiends.Depending on the level, a cenain number of the frends are real and the rest are decoys. Your job isto shoot the required number ofreal fiends (or more) by pressing the Square bufton to make it tothe next stage. As you progress through the game, the st€es (12 in at) get progressively harder,requiring you to shoot more targets while the number ofreal frends per line decreases. You can stopthe game at ary point after you successtully complete a stage. The payout is based on the nmberof successfin rounds.


Sanelines spinning fiends ate allyau nave ta ga qnl

S P O T T I N G D E C O Y SPan of the job is deterrnining which 6ends are real and which onesare just decoys. In the early part ofthe game, it's pretty easy: all ofthe real fiends spin around halfivay across the screen. By the midpoint of the game, the real fiends are still spinning, but not all thetim€! In the hardest levels, the decoys start spinning too!Fortunately, they spin in the opposite direction ofthe real fiends.

fa shaot a liend, press the SquaLebufton. You only get ane sholper

line of liends.

T H E T W E L V E S T A G E SEach

"tage lollow' one olfour p.,nern',

Paltern A: Head An (lop to Botton).

To conquer each stage, all you need is a steadyhand and a good eye. The {irst round ofstages(Stages 1-1 to 1 4) are lairly easy, because theratio olreal fiends to decoys is high and the rea.lfiends all spin. However, the second and third

rounds are where the action really kicks in. In

these stages (Stages 2 1 to 2 4), the number of

decoys starts to rise and the actions of the real

{iends becomes more erratic. By the end ofthe

third round (Stages 3-1 to 3-4), the ratios of

real fiends to decoys is 1 to 4!


CLASKO AND THE CHOCOBO RANCHAdding the Chocobo Ranch to your list ofmini-games requires lots ofpatienceand the tulfiI1ment of several prerequisite missions. At the very least, you mustensure that you ve spoken to Clasko before the end ofChapter 2 to have access

to the Chocobo Ranch. Otherwise, you wont be able to play this mini-game,and Clasko will be rnissing-in-action for the rest of the game.

The easiest way to get the Chocobo Ranch is to participate in the following

Claska is lhe kev la oeftina lheI Step 1: Meet Clasko during the "Foggy Fiend Fr€nzl" mission

"t Chocobo Ranch. i yoitrt i,t nrtMushrcom Rock Road in Chapter 1. het'inds hiswayta lhe Catn Lands,

I step 2: After completing the "Foggy Fiend Frenzyl mission. return t o v1u'llhaveyaut run

tt:,:!: t"*"

Mushroom Rock Road and invite Clasko to join the crew on the Celsius.

I Step 3; Participate in the 'Cuckoo lor Chocobosl" mission on the Mi'ihen Highroad in Chapter 2.IfClasko is onboard the Cdsius, he will disembark to help you complete this mission.

I Step 4: After completing the 'Cuckoo for Chocobos!' mission, return to the Mi'ihen Highroad and inviteClasko back onboard the Celsius. (Depending upon the outcome of the mission, ,vou mny also be able toinvite Calli and her chocobo.)

I St€p 5: With Clasko onboard, fly to the Calm Lands and help Clasko set up his sables by completing the"Clean Sweep" rdssion. After clearing the stables offiends, the Chocobo Ranch is yoursl

Paftern B. Lelt lo Biqht.

Pallern C Bollan lo Top. Palten D. frightla Left.

t-1 44 2 B

'3 4 23 3 D3 2

2-2 3 2 B2-3 3 32-4 3 3 D

2 23-2 2 3 B

2 c3-4 3 D


I N S I D E T H E C H O C O B O R A N C HYou can 6nd chocobos almost anywhere in Spira. After cntching ooe, it is automatically sent to

Clasko and the Chocobo Ranch. The Ranch can hold up to 14 chocobos, four Choco Runners

and 10 Choco-Resenes. IA&en you fill the stalls, you must let one of the curent chocobos go

before you can catch aoother

The layout of the Chocobo Ranch is fairly simpl€ to navigate. Clasko generally hangs out in the

alcove to the right ofthe eotrance.lJre Choco Reserves live in the stalls in the right and left rvings

on tJre first floor, while the Choco-Runners reside io the stalls on the second floor.

Clasko haadles all of the standard business in the Chocobo Ranch

Ifyou need to check the status ofyour chocobos, disPatch one on a

treasure hunt or feed it areens, then talk to Clasko.

C A T C H I N G A C H O C O B OAfter cleaning out the Ranch, Clasko presents you with some Gysahl

Greens to help you catch your 6rst chocobo. Now all you have to do

is find some chocobos! Wild chocobos live in virtr.rally every part of

Spira, and you encounter them in batdes just like normal enemies.

If you are lucky enough to run across one tlat is alone, feed it some

Glsahl Greeos until it is tame and willingly joins your flock

Whether in a baltle wik lieods aralane, catching a chocabo is neveL


Ifpu mn into a chocobo io a batde situation, have a party member feed it Glsahl Gteens to keep it

calm and interested while the other party memben work on defeating the fiends. Whatever you do, do

rrl eft4ck the chocobo----€ven by accidentl If you strike a chocobo in batde, it automatically runs ofl

Eliminate all ofthe fiends and conti-nue to feed the chocobo until it is causht.

Renenfut once you catch achombo il is aulonatially sent lo

the Eanch.

Achocoba in ils stall what asalislying ste!

Claska is lhe heal and soul of lheChacobo Ranch. llyou need ta gelanything dane wik your chocabo,

talk Io hin!

I N C R E A S I N G A C H O C O B O ' S L E V E LAfter capturing a chocobo, it's time to start raising it. Basically, you want to raise its level as high as possible. To increase a chocobo's

lwel, 1ou must feed it a cenain number of Greens. Refer to rhe following table for all the peninent information.

Clasko obtains new Greens while the

Gullwings are out completing missions and

defeating enemies. The more battles you win,

the more Greens Clasko acquires. Yuna can

hold 99 ofeach qpe ofGreen in her invento

ry the rest Clasko can store in the Ranch.

Since greens are essentirl to raising your

chocobos' levels, make sure you always have a

good supply on hand. Paisana and Gysal Greens are availabte from the opening of the Chocobo Ranch, while Mimen Greens

appear in Chapter 3 and Sylkis Greens appear in Chapter 5. You can change the ratio ofGreens that Clasko obtains by selecting the

Nutritive creen option on the main menu. NOTE:You cart adjust the ratio ofanlahinS flom the Junk Food Greens section.

The highcr a chocobo's level, the better rhe items they bring back from treasure hunts. Ii's I good idea to raisc your chocobos levels as high as





lhere are nany t'actors involved indtspalching a chocoba. Knawledgeand carelul reasaning islhe secrello keeping a chacoha lran tunning


where you should send your chocobos:

The main function ofthe chocobo is lor treasure hunting. At lln), time, you can send a chocobo into the field to

search for treasure and hidden areas that are otherwise inaccessible. Howevea sending a chocobo out on a treasure

hunt hm its risks.Ifa chocobo's Heart stat is 1ow or its nature clashes with tle area you send it to, there is a good

chance that the chocobo wilt fly thc coop.The more chocobos there are ins;d€ the ranch, the less likely they are to

run away. Use the inlormation provided in this section to make things easierwhcn dispatching a chocobo.

A chocobot Nature can be one of three gnes: bold, normal, or tnnid. A chocobot Nature remains the same

throughout the game, so if you're looking to get a chocobo with r certain Nature, vou may havc to capture afld

release sevcral chocobos before coming across the one you'rc looking for. Different reas are also bener for catch

ing certain q'pes ofchocobos, as laid out in the following table:

Nature is perhaps the single rnost important factor to considerwhen deciding which ofyour chocobos to dispatch to a given location. A chocobo

whose Nature is well-suited to a location is less likety to run away,loses less Hcart during the trip, and is more likely to lind treasure. You want

to make certain that a chocobo does its best, so make sure thrt you send it somewhere that suits its Nature. Refer to the foflowing table to see




Now that youve sent your chocobo minions out to scour Spira for you, it may be nice to know oractly what they can bring back. A chocobo's

level and the location itt sent to determine what treasures it may {ind. Refer to the following tables for the details. The number ofitems the

chocobo can find is determined completely by two thiogs:

I t . "u i tab

j ty for rhe area you\e 'e"r ' r to.

The number ofChoco-Reserves cuffently at the Chocobo Ranch.

G E T T I N G T H E A M A Z I N G C H O C O B ODispatch level 1-5 chocobos (3 of each level) and have them come back salely (i.e. you have to dispatch AT LEAST 15 chocobos to meet

this requirement; ifany run away, you'll have to send out more)

All your Choco Runners must be level 5 chocobos.

The Amazing Chocobo doesnt have a level, Nrture or Heart, and it won't run away once vouve got it, but it does hrve Fatigue rmging lrom

0 to 100. The Amazing Chocobos Fatigue affects how rvell it can pcrlorm its tasks of"Chocobo Support'and "Exploring Spira."

Besaid sland AVeraoe Well su Ied UflsL.ritedia ts ano Wel-suiled Llnsu led AveI,Q€

lili'ihen Hiqhroad AV€rao€ Av€raae Avefaqel/lushroom Rock Road AVetaQe Av€raoe Averao€Diose Unsuited Av€raQe We I slitedf/loonflow AVetaqe Well-su led llnsuited

x Plains We s!ited lJnsult€d Averaqel/lacalan a Averaqe Well su led llrsuited

nel lsland We -suited Unsuited AveraqeCalrn Lands lJnsuiied AV€IAO€ Well-s!ited

Gaoazet Averaqe Av€raQ€ AveraqeZana and fluins Average Av€rag€ Average


S P E C I A L T R E A S U R E H U N T I N G E V E N T SThere are a couple of special €vents that occur whin vou send a chocobo to certain locations under specific conditiors.

Send a chocobo to Bikanel ldard in Chapter 5 and you can ride it in the Central Expanse section ofthe Digging mini game. In addi

tion, ifyou send out a chocobo with a Heart stat at less than 100

and it returns withourfinding an item, there is a chance that you'll

get a Garment Grid as a consolation prize.Those Garment Grids

include the lollorving: Mounted Assault or Strength ofOn€ .

Sending a chacaba ta Bikanellsland in Chapler 5 opens up anew arca in the Digging ninrgane Whal else night youl

chacaba uncaver when yau sendaul an tteasurc hunls?


G U N N E R ' S G A U N T L E TIn this mini-game, you must defeat enemies and gain enough points to beat

Beclem's high score. Howev€4 itt not as easy as it sounds due to a limited

amount of ammo and a multitude of fiends that apper out of thin air. You

need a steady hand and a calculating mind to get the best score-shooting at

wil iust wont cut it!


When sunounded by tiends, prcssthe Squarc bult1n t0 switch bel'neen

taryets and We advanlage ot theVolley and Dual Shot anno to thinwl ke field. lt all else kils, retreatl

fhe Gunnerc Gauntle! couldn't bemore lun. lts lust run and shaol.

To madrnize your score, you must defeat your foes one after the other lvithout tak-ing my damage whatsoeverlThis way, your attacks turn into chaios, multiplying the

number of points you receive. To be successfi:l, you must get to know the route by

hea*, including the starting locatroos of tie fiendsl You must also get good at

switching between ammo and targets with ease.

Level Two provides 2x; while Level Three provides 3x. Ifyou take any dam-

rye, the gauge is immediately reset and youre forced to start rebuilding themeter al1 over again. Leaming not to get hit is cn:cial for building high

s! l

iii#1:2;:::#,'x##x:::J:j:; T HE P R I ZESnjn7autofanno.i lakesurel lrr1' I \eteatel0levelsintheGunner'sGaundetmini-gameTordvrncetothenextneiker siluati,n ha,pens t0 y'ul level, yorr must defeat the lerrcl's high score. When you clear a levelt high score, you

also get a reward. Of course, the higher the level, the better the prize-and the moredifficult the course!


H O W C H A I N S W O R KChains are at the heart of this mini-game. You

wi.ll get nowhere ulless you leun how to use

chains to maximize your points. When you defeat

a fiend, the Chain Gauge at the boftom of thescreen starts to frllup. As your lwel goes up, your

points start to multiply. The gauge has three levels: Level One provides 1x the points scored;

To keep frcm being anbushed, lrypressing the Chcle butl1n t0 l1ck anta hrgels hidden by lhe scenery ar

lulhet down the path.

R E L O A D I N GOf course, in addition to all ofthe other challenges you face, you must integrate thereloading ofyour gun into your plans. You can frre up to six shots into an enemy ata time. After this, the gun must be reloaded. Naturally, you cannot fire at any

approachng enemies at this time, so you are quite rdnerable to anaclc During

reload time, press tle Circle button to search for other enemies or press the Squarebucon to switch between targets.

Lv l 501v 2 750 En qna Plate Ga{meflGlidLv3 900 Power Wrist

1000 SilvefBrac€rL v 5 1150 Tiianium Bangl€Lv6 1300 N,,lodal Coi Gafrnenl Gr dLv7 1400 Beaded BroochLvB 2000 Diamond G ov€sLvg 2800 Faerie Earr nos.v l\,lAX Adamarlil€

A M M O A N D F I E N D S L O W D O W NBefore vou take on the Gunners Gauntler, take a moment to review the g,pes ofammo and fiends you'1lhave to deal with.

A M M OThere are four qpes of ammo. You start each mn with a set amount of regular ammo, but you pick up refrlls from the treasure chests

that defeated frends drop. Each fiend drops a different qpe ofammo, so learn which ones drop which ammo 9pes ma-timize,vour

inventorv. In addition to ammo,look lor fiends that drop helptul items like Upgrades and Qrick Shot'

Now on to the frends! Thirteen kinds of fiends inlnbit the road between Besaid Village and the beach. You won t see all of them at

oncel Some only appear in the later levels!

ffi)ovote 5 3 LV l+ Ammo xl0-Wild Wolf 5 LV l+ Death xl-2Shantak 10 10 Dual Shotxl0-14sLS-99 17 15 Lv 1+ Death x] 2Teeoer Lv 3+

Iomb (Sl 5 Lv 3-5 Volley xl{asn0rfl I 12 HP Recovery x]519

0cele Lv 6+ Vollev xlIomb ([I) I Lv 6-7 Vollev x2Hrimihur 6 25 Lv 7+ 0!ick Shot liem

Divebeak 12 4 Lv 7+Iomh il 2D I J Lv 8-9 Volley x3

30 20 Lv [,lM Volley x4


P L A Y I N G T H E G U N N E R ' S G A U N T L E T ,C L O I S T E R O F T R I A L S

This mini-pme opens up after you defeat the aeon in Besaid Temple in the Protect Besaid Temple

rnission. Afterward, you can talk to the priest in ftont ofthe doister's door to start the minj-g,me

This garne is fairly tough, so you should only aaempt it after youve gained erpe'tise in the origi

nal Gunner's Gaundet camel

falk to lhe piest inside Besaidlemple ta slaLt lhe nini gane

Beclen only provides sone genetItips and hints about the Gunnels

Gauntlel as a whale

1'he biggest ditlirence betu€en this and rhc orhcr Gunner's Gaund€t is the automatic scroll sysrem, which limits 1,ouL lrccdom of movcmcnt. Add in thc lirst person perspective, which requires the maniprLhtion of the crmera to find upcomingfiends, and the cloister\ overdl gloomv md scary leeling and you hnve r much more

Laak up, look dawo, look all

C H E C K I N G O U T T H E A R E AThe way through the Cloister ofTrials is fairly simple and can be divided into three parts. The first area extendsfrom the starting point to the crossroads area. Here you need to be on the lookout for foes coming from all direc-tions. The creepen ftom the Tomb are especially troubling, as they scurry across the lloor It is ver), easy to missthem after being distracted by a flying Death Dauber

The Crossroads area is next. Here yodll have fiends coming from all directions as you attempt to take out a Tomb.The Tomb may not anac( but everything else will!

At the end you'll face the Tonberry Hallway, a place where Tonberry enenies attack in force. Can you handle thepressure this close to the soal linel


r f f isEqurcK REACTTON*,;::';X:::H;:T:::" TIMES ARE KEY

This time around, the screen constandy scrolls, taking you through the dungeon with it. Since you cannot stop

or back*ack when you encounter ficnds, you must get proficient rt teking out fiends with ease. Use the Analog

Stick to move the camera around so that you can spot liends before they get too close. Inside the cloister, you'll

lace fiends that hover abor-e ),our head or scuny benexth your feet, so remember to look up and dorvn instead ofjust in front ofyou. Enemies will also try to sneak up from behind, so bcware and dontget caught otrguardlThenew time limit is 12 minutes, so you'Il have to maintain a longer aaention span than beforel

P R E P A R E F O R T O U G H E RF I E N D S !

To make this task more interesting, you'll face different fiends in the cloistercompared to the regulr Gunner's Gaundet. These fiends are faster and oftentimes more poweriil.

Coyot€ 5 3 Arnrno xl7-21Ha!nt 13 10 Dual Shotxl0 14Death Daubef 4Creeper 2 Ammo xl-4Alrfiman 7 0uick Shol tenlTornb 80 20 Deallr xl 2Flan tu!l 4 2 HP Recovery x2 3Ionberry 20 Ammo r30 39[,4eqa Tonberry 20 30



T O W E R SWhen you visit theThunder Plains in Chapters 2 rnd 3, vou'tl6nd Al Bhed rechnicians busily try-

ing to lalbrate the Lightning Rod Towers on rhe northern and southern plains Talk to one of

them twice and he'Jl ask for your help with the calibration Project'

To calibrate a tower (it's recommended that you stat with the frrst

three at the soutiem end ofthe plain), you must ent€r a series oi30

randonJy generated commands. Ifyou miss three times' the calibra-

tion fails and youte forced to start over again. You can check your

progress by talking to the technician inside the Tiavel Agency build-

ing between the two plains.

lf yau need t0 canltrn y1ut pr1gtessot just get sone helq, sleak withthe technician inside lhe Travel


At the beginning, tlle button connands appear directly over Bikus

lead, but later an theY slalappeating all ar\und ke scrcen.

fa statl the Lighlning Bod lawernini-gane, talk ta ane olthe busy


O= ushtlng lower

T H R E E T Y P E S O F C A L I B R A T I O N SEar. of the Lightning Rod rowers is divi<ted between the tlree gnls and each one has her own sryt€ of calibratioo: simpl€

calibration, Faling Cilibration, and Memory calibranon. see ifyou can master these drce g?es and calibrate all 10 ofthe Lightning

Rod Towen.

R I K K U A N D S I M P L E C A L I B R A T I O N._Rlkku3towe$usetheSimp1eCal ibrat ionmethod.Inth isg?eofrnin i_game,but toncommandsare

flashed on the screen one aia time. You have a limited amount of time to enter the commznd before it

is counted as a miss ancl another command takes it place After the 13th cornmand or so, the speed with

which the commrnds appear increases, maling the game more challenging Rikku's frnal tower features

two button commards that 'ou must enter at the same time'


Painek towers utilize the Falling Calibration method. In this case, a string ofthree button icons fall

dorvn the screen from the toP to the boftom. Halfway down, one ofthe icons flashes, meaning you

must input the command before the line of icons hit the bottom of the screen and fell off The

speed at which the icons fall increases as the game continues'Yau need ta be quickatPressingbutlons ta succeed in Falling

Calibrati\n. Pai\eS t)wers lusl gelharder as they go along.

0 1 01 1 1 5


\0Tfna C fc e X. Tf iarl l€ Sqlare, and D-pad

C rc e X ]rianq e and SquafeC rc e X Triafq e Squafe, and llp ardDown 1]n D-pad

C rcle X, Tfiaf0le SqLraf'. afd D padC rcle X, Triarole SqLrare, Ll, Rl, and D padC rcl€ X, Tr argle Sqlare, 11, R1, and D pad

26-2q _ io ro " Spee.0-5 Norma

C ce X. Tr male and


l6-2526 29

t\0rmalNormaDouble SpeedTrip e Spe€d


C rcl€ X, Tr afqle Square. 11. Rl, and D padC rcl€ X, Triangle Square 11. F1, and D pad

L l . R l . a rd

L l B l , and

Ytnas tawe6 teaily lest laitritenaIizalion skt||sl

0-5 NornalNofmalDoub e Speed

M E M O R Y C A L I B R A T I O NYunr's four towers ferture the most complex fom ofcalibratnn: Memon' Calibration.This is dirided into two procedures per round. liirst, during the Memorl l'hase, thestring ofbunon comnands is presented to memorize. Then, during the Input Phase,

vou rcccivc a limited amount of time to ent€r the string. The number ofbuttons youneed to press increascs as rhe torvers' difliculn, leve1 increrses.


t,l,hen Availabh:localio|l:0bPclive:

Chapters 3 and 5Bikanel Deserl. Cacluar ilalionSeafeh thr0|lgh0ulSpin l0r 10 mhsing Cad|lars. C0nl/ince lfiem l0 relljm h0me l0prohdtie Caduar l,|ati0n h0m a grealeviltfialarises in Chapler5, l,l/in lhe mini"gamea[ainslthe linal Cactuar, Frailea, l0 receil/e lhe Covenanl 0l Gr0.l/lh Gamenl Grid,


T H E F L O W O F T H E G A M ECrctuar Hunting is prr ofa larger mission that closes our thc events in thc Bikanel Descrt. When you visit the Bikmel Dcsen in

Chapter 3, you learn thar drc Al Bhed hrve lorgcd e relationship with the Cactuar N.rtion in thc midst ofthe d€scrt. As ll gesnrrc ot

goodwill, they ask yoLr to help tlicir leader, Marncla, with a problcn. Nhd.rla axigns you m Al Bhcd youth, Benzo, as a trmslarol

, .0 " , ' uou no r" r l , t a, ruar Nrr : , .n.

Marnela needsyou to search tor 10 young cactuars that have ventured

out into Spira to learn more about the rvorld To lind out where eacl

one is located, you must talk to their mofiers Look lor a grecr

squarc on the on screcn map to locate a Cactus Morher' You can onlr

go fter one cactuu at a time, so only Marnela (the guardian ofthe

. Lair of the Rogue Cacoars) and the current cactuart mother rre

marked as active on the on-screen mnp.

Active Cacti (i.e. thase yau can talklo)are narked wth a gteen squareon lhe ou screen nap al the loplett pan aflhe screen. fhey alsahave swirls af gteen lhat envelap

fhal green cactuat is difficult loniss--4ven in lhe slnngest


When you catch a missing cactuar, a shooting mini game begins. Most of the Cactuars you're

looking for have friends who are willing to help them de$ your orders. You must shoot the cactu-

ar ftom a rapidly chaqing display ofthe cactuar and its friends until its HP reaches 0.

Press ke fll butron to dodge theattacks al a wounded uctuar. I you

gel hit, you lose anno.

Regardless of how you fare in this mini-game, you can still persuade the cacmar to renrrn home

and ftlfll its destiny. Simply return to the Cactuar Nation in the Bikanel Deset and bring the

youth to his or her mother. The nert cactuar's mother then awlrkens and you can contjnue your


However, this does not mean that you shouldnt try to defeat each cactuar' Not ody is it fun to

beat your high score, it gives you good practice for when you go up against the final cactuar, Frailea

This sini-game spans two chapters. Look lor the 6rst six Cactuar in Chapters 3 and 5 The

rcmaining four Cacuals are accessible only in Chapter 5.

Listen closely to the CactualMathet s clues. Pay special altentian

to lhe highlighted words andpnnses.

After receiving the clues to a cacmar's whereabouts, it's time to head out and beSin your se'r'h. Thc

missing cactuars are scattered everywhere, from cities to mountains to plains. Trv to narrow down your

search to places that most resemble those in the hint, then look for a sm:ll cactuar that isjust hanging

The lasler the cacluat9 s1eed ra nglhe laster ke screen shills betweeane.dcluat dnd ils 1fia cjnpan;a'Yau need Eeattining ta shaol lhe

lastest allhe lA Caduars

You receive a set amount ofammo, so make sure your shot hits true. Additionally, when you hit a cac

mar, there is a chance that it will 'ush and attackyou. You can dodge these attack b' pressing the R1

burron. l fyou ger \ i r . you lo"e immo ard eoinr '

The captured cactuat lollaws youarcund the Cactuar Nalian untilycr

relun il to its nalhel

L E T ' S F I N D T H O S E C A C T U A R S !The folowinc section reveals the locations and statistical inlormation lor all 10 cactuars.







Fin needs s1rne assistance lindingaut'r/ho| rcsponsible lot tlle nay-hen on ke Mi'ihen Highroad in

Chapter 3.

The bulk ofthis mini game occurs dur-ing Chapter 4. Use the CommSpherenetwork on the Mi'ihen Highroad to

Switch bef,veen ke Canmspheresan the ne[wa* ta loak far c]ues al

just slrange behaviot.

look lor unusual occurrences. When you see something thai looks unusual,

call tun to investigate more closely. As you locate more clues, Rin notifiesyou that the investigation is moving to a new level and, cvennrally, he'll take

over the entire project himselt In Chapter 5, head over to the Mi'ihen

Hiehroad to find out the results ofvour detecive work.

ln Chaptet 5, allof yaur detectivewrk is pul to good use as Ein

salves the use and deals wilh lheguilty paty!

plac€ t0 c lmb onto a ledqe a ono the eastern path thfough the w00ds


T H E S E T U PRin has his hands fi searching for the person who caused the hover crash, thenrepmgrammed the machina on the Mi'ihen Highroad to riot. He needs someoneto look for dues using th€ el:tra Commspheres he's installed throughout tie area.

Ifyou see something suspicious, orjust abnormal, grve him a call and he'll run overto investiEate.


T H E M I ' I H E N H I G H R O A DC O M M S P H E R E N E T W O R K

It seems that during Chapter 3, Rin added some ertra CommSpheres along the Mi'ihen Highroad

While working on this mystery in Chapter 4, tap into Rin's network and use them to determinc

who commiited the crimes in Chapter 3. There aJe eight ComrnSphere locations on the Mi'ihen

Highroad. To have Shinra's ComrnSphere on the list, you must see the event in which Shinra

drops the Commsphere after you complete the "Machina Mryhem' mission


Setting these two characters up doesnt take much extra effot

After all, they are the most obvious suspects! Each ooe wants

to see the chocobos return to the Mi'ihen Highroadiust for

drastically different teasonsl

To get the small Chocobo Eater as the criminal, make sure you

see due events 1-A, 1-D,2-B and 2-G. To frnd the Prophet

guilry make sure that you witness due event 1-C, 1-I,2-C, 2

E, 2-F, 2-1,2-1,2-L,2-M, 2-3,3-H, and 3 I.

fhe exlra Cannsphercs enable Yauto check autwhat\ goiog on allaLound lhe Miihen Highraad.

The Praphel isa hit nare difticull lcfigurc aut. You really have ta do

sDne deteclive wok lo uncavet his

fhe Chacaba Eater is the easieslcullnt ta ulch

T H E S U S P E C T SThere are ultimately five suspects in this rnystery: Rilku, Calli, the Prophet, a small Chocobo Eater' and

even RinlThe culprit is determined by the clues and events you see during both the investLgarion in

Chapter 4 and the events you witnessed on the Mi'ihen Highroad area in during ChaPters 1' 2' and 3 li

you dont see them all during you first run through ofthe game, then keeP them in mind when you plar

through a second time.

The best pan of solving Rin's Mystery is 6nessing who turns out to be the final culprit. Yorr can start the

process early in the game by maling sure that you witness or Prrticipate in the following €vents:

Usino ke lollowino infornalian,,iiiri, iiiiiAirt i tt*,;ne5_ I Cbapter 1: Tatk to rhe f€male Al Bhed technician at the southern end of the Mi'ihen Highroad.

tintlihh .^ lhtl Pin nn.Fc vntr"""'-' ";;,;;';;;;*" '*

I Chapter 2: Participate ir the "Cuckoo for Chocobos" mission. The outcome deternines whether or

nor CrIi or Ril'ku are possible suspecr'

I Chapter 2: After compteting the 'Cuckoo for Chocobos" mission, return to Mi'ihen Highroad and enter the Travel Agency Lool'

for Rin as he walks past ,nd out the door

I Chapter 3: Participate in the "Machina Mayhem'mission. To add Rin to the list ofsuspects, make sure that you decommission

more machita than tie Al Bhed (at lext seven altogether). Dort miss a single machina-

I Chapter 3: After completinS the "Machina Mayheni mission, retum to Mi'ihen Highroad and look for Shinn along the road

Watch as he installs a CommSphere in an unusual location

Witrressing these events puts you in the position to make at least four ofthe five possible suspects the actual culprit- Read on to 6nd

out €xacdy how to stack the deck against one of the frve suspects!

F O L L O W I N G T H E S T O R Y L I N E SThe qetery is divided into tlree levels. The clue events you witness ftom tie CommSpheres determine th€ identity ofthe guiln

par+ Thereforc, it follows that ifyou know which clue eveots you need to see, then you can make any ofthe susPects the criminrl:

Before the list ofclue events is revealed,let's discuss some guidelines to catching certain suspects


R I K K U A N D C A L L IUnfortunately, you can either add one or the other to the list. The deci

sion point for this occurs at the end ofthe'Cuckoo for Chocobos" mis-

sion in Chapter 2. Ifyou decide to invite Calli and her Chocobo to ide

on th€ Celsius, Riki$ is added to the Jist of suspects. Ifyou dont let Calli

and Chocobojoin the Celsius crew, then Calli takes Rikku's place on the

Iist of suspects.

To stack the deck against CaIi, do the folowing:

I In the 'Cuckoo for Chocobos" mnsion in Chapter 4, make sure you

see the ending in which Calli does zor get a Chocobo.

Rikkus stoty is a fun one, a houghthe clues Rin li1dsare dillicullla


Callil stary accus anly ilyou failthe "Cuck1a f1t Chac1bas" nissianin Chapler 2. lfyou succeed, this

Chac1ba fulher flaaling inlhe ai isallyou'llsee al her sloryline.

I Make sLrre you end Chaptet 2 u;ttaut tnitir'g Calli onboard the Celsius.

I Make sue you see clue events 1-E, 1 E 2-A, 2-D, 3-C, and 3-E during the mystery game in Chrpter 4.

To point the finger at Riklm, do the folowing:

I During the "Cuckoo for Chocobos" mission in Chapter 2, make sure you see the scene in which Rikku jumps from the top of the Ruins and

falls on her backside.

I At the end of the "Cuckoo for Chocobos" mission in Chapter 2, invite Calli and her chocobo onboard the Celsius when offered tie chance.

I During your investigation in Chapter 4, make sure you witness clue event 2-K and 1 Bl

Rin is the toughest suspect to coffal. While it's easy enough to get him on the list ofsuspects, it is diJficult to skew

tie investigation to point th€ finger of blame at himl

To collu fun as the culprit, do these things:

t In Chapter 1, make sure you talk to the female Al Bhed technician at the southern end of the Mi'ihen


Bin is d0in0 sonethin' sha6y aa4 | Once you complete the "Cuckoo for Chocobos" mission in Chapter 2, return to the area and pay a ;sit to the

irs uo"ta va, lo intt oui! Tiavel Agency. You should see tun walk by and edt the building. Wonder what he's uP to?

I In Chapter 3, defeat at least seven ofthe maltunctioning machina in the 'Machina Mayhern' mission. Do so and you'll see Rin in the crowd

ofpeople in the scene at the end oI the mission.

I Call for Rir during clue event 1-G during the investigation.

I Witness clue event 3 G during the investigation, then switch to the Newroad CommSphere to see clue event 3 D immediately afterward.

Call tun at that time to report what happened in 3 G.

I After completing the previous steps, go to a place where no clue events take place and call Rin there five times. AJter doing so, you

shouldnt be able to get Rio to come running wh€n you call for him. End the game until Chapter 5.

T H E C L U E E V E N T L I S TThe following tabtes Jists all of the clue events in the Rin's M1retery min game. Remember that the investigation portion of the game is divid-

ed into three parrs. When you hear the bell and Rin states that you are getting to the herrt ofthe matter, move ahead to the next part of the


Additionally in each story line there arc a specific number ofevents that you must witness before you can move on to th€ ne',l pan ofthe story

Use the following information to figure out how many you have to see for tie storyline you ve chosen.

t ida

. t fh


A smal Clrocobl:) Eaterappea|S tl]


ilyou ca hd1^lth a \/lirno l{oman ll{l]ndef Rif dur no evenll-lA sma rro|,Jd l! qailrered alspot where the hl]\/er \l/entollthe rodd.

Ior Ca lv ieweve lF l r s l .

be 0 aJ/ ng rr th the Drlne t\,'lach na

Al BheC woman Hmmfir

+6 +4

s"e even$ AWhalaWlro is the

I A rrr

A N D T H E C U L P R I T I S ?WithorLt giving too much aw.ry, here's a list ofpros and cons for going after each of the fir,e suspects.

C H O C O B O E A T E RIfyou dont follow the advice here to make someone else thc criminal, the Chocobo Erter will likelv be the one


Pros: Now that the road is safe from chocovorous fiends,you get to ride chocobos on the Mi'ihen Highroad after

itt put arval

Cons: You dont receive any special items and your feeling of accomplishment is likely to be low

T H E P R O P H E THmrnrn. . . The Prophet likes chocobos so much that he'[ do anything to free up the roads lor thcm.

Pros: This is the funniest End of Episode scene! Done in the style of a Scooby Doo Mystery (complete with

Y-R-P as the meddling kids!), this one will have you on the floor iaughing.

Cons: You dont receive a special item and you dont get to ride chocobos on the Highroad aftenvard; cannot get

100Y0 completion.

Poor Rikl:ul She cank help being klutzy!

Pros: You get to ride chocobos and you get the Ragnarok accessory. A1so, the End of Episode scene is fanly


Cons: Does Rikku really have to be beratcd for her careless and clumsy ways againll!



Ile oliEiallseas0n slans in Luea drring Cha[tef 5. Can you g!ide lhe Gulll{i|lgs l0AuloclN arg on leave?


Blitzball is a game in which two teams compete in a sphere pool in a game that resembles soccer or water polo-

except that it's played underwaterl During each five minute match, each team attempts to take ihe ball from each

other and score more points than the other to win the game. ln this mini game, Yuna and the Gulhvings must

pull together a competitive team and paticiprte in the Spira League Tournament in place ofthe Besaid Aurochs.

The basic rules and changes from the original Bl\tzb^|l gzme in FINAL,44N2{SY)a are discussed in this sec-

tion. Keep in mind that there have been quite a few changes since Blitzball was originally introduced. The game

now plays more as a coaching simuhtion instead ofan adurl grme.

CALL IHer love for chocobos is so strong... And so was her disappointment at not getting a chocobo in Chapter 2.

Pros: You still get to ide chocobos on the Highroad and you can say that you ve nabbed one of the hardest-to-

catch perpetrators, but...

Cons: You negate your chances to get the Chocobo Ranch mini-game and you fail to acquire the Selene Guard

Garment Grid that you would have won in the 'Cuckoos for Chocobos" mission.

R I NIfyou nab Rin, loure na1l1 goodl

Prosr You get to ide chocobos for free on the Highroad and you win Gippal's Sphere.

Cons: Completing the pre-requisites is really tricky.


B A S I C R U L E # 1 : T H E N U M B E R O F P L A Y E R SP E R T E A M

Each team has seven fielders and one go keeper for a total ofeight players. The Gullwings can also keep a maximum offour back-

up players to form a team of12 Players. You cannot intrease the size ofyour team.

H O W I T ' S C H A N G E D . . .The number ofplayers on a team has incleased from si.( to eight so that the division between the torwards and defenders is clearer.

In addition, to accommodate the larger teams, the playing field has increased in size. A1so, ifyou have backup players prepared, you

can substitute them during the game.

B A S I C R U L E # 2 : I N - G A M E A C T I O NThe players can make a pass or a shot from any posrtion. Also, opponents cannot steal the ball right bac( even ifyou steal the ball

by force.

H O W I T ' S C H A N G E D . . .The ability to cause status abnormalities with one's pass or shoot is gone, but a new "injury' element has been added to the game. If

a player gets injured duriag a match or training then the player cannot move for the rest ofthe match. Special shots have now been

limited to an Overhead Vollev and the Corkscrew Shot.

B A S I C R U L E # 3 : V I C T O R Y A N D D E F E A TC O N D I T I O N S

The match lasts for five minutes and whoever scores the most goals in that time wins. In the case of a tie score, the match ends in a

tie for a normrl game brrt goes into sudden death during tournament matches.

H O W I T ' S C H A N G E D . . .The break between the frst half and the second half of the game has disappeared. Also, if either team scores seven points, then the

game is called and the team with tie seven points is declared the winner.

T H E F L O W O F T H E G A M EWhen you start playing the Blitzball mini game, you have four options: Tiain, Play Blitzball, Scout, or Tutorial. Ifyou are new to thegme, then familiarize yourselfwith the rules ofthe game using the Tutorial option. After doing so, you'll want to bring your teamin for Training before you play your first match.

1. Startingthe Game

There are two wals to get to the main Blitzball menu. When 1ou frrst visit Luca in Chapter 5, you can agree to play when asked toparticipate in the toumament to start the mini game. Iflou choose not to start right away, you must speak with the woman behindthe ticket counter in the stadium. Here you can select beflreen plrying Blitzball or Sphere Break.

2. Tiraiaiag

Almost every member ofthe Gullwings team is a rank beginner at Blitzball. They all have very low stats and ifyou want them to havea chance at winning, you'll need a lot of training to get them to compatible levels with the rest of the teams. You caa put individualplayas through 17 gpes of training regimens (at the cost of Command Points), or you can have the entire team go through group

training in the different formations aad qpes ofplay styles. At the stan of the game, you should play io Exhibition Matches to earnthe Command Poi.r$s needed to raise your team members'stats

3. Scouting

There are a total of99 playrrs in Blitzball, and 35 ofthem are ftee agents who arent attached to ary one term. These fr€e agents forna pool of talent that only the Gullwings can tap. Use the Scouting tunction to find and sign promising new players for your team.After all, while it's imponant to tain the original memben ofthe Gullwings, it is also good to scout out players who are already strongand add them to your team.

4. Playing in a Match

After seleaing Play Blitzball on the main menu, 1ou must select the gpe of match you want to play (Spira League, Tourna,'nent, andExhibition Match). However, the g?me basicaly plays itselfwith you watching the action unfold in the position of coach. All you canreally do is change lour team's Formation and Game Play strategies and substitute players as needed. lfyou do not have enough players to form a team of eight, you cannot play a match.

5. Winning Prizs rnd Command Points

\Alhen the match is over, you receive pri?es or Command Poiots based on the q?e of match l,ou chose and whether or not you won.As you gain more points, your team level increases and you can win all sorts of items. At the end of a match, you have the option ofcontinuing or retuming to Luca.

T R A I N I N Gln FINAL MNTAST x, Blitzball players gained erleriencc bascd on their.rctions during a match. In FIN,4L MNT,4SY x-2, experience points

or levels arent used and the players must raise their parametcrs through trdning. Since you cant directly aflect a playert actions once a match

starts, you must really rely on sharpening your pla,ver's skills through training.

The training method works as follows: When Blitzball begins, your curent Command Points are displayed in the irpper-right corner ofthe

screen. Divide these poinK among the players in Training node. While giving out lots ofCommand Points at one time has ihe biggest effect,

be carefirl because it can lead to fatigue (FTG) and injuries. In addition to receiving various penalties, injured playen can or y receive limited


Moreover, in addition to gaining Command Points by ptaying rnatches, you can receive points (1 Command Point for every 10 seconds) just

by leaving Blitzball mode and returning to the field. The default maximum points you can gain is 100 points, but that mrrimum number

increases when the Gull Wines level up.

F L O W O F T H E T R A I N I N G S Y S T E M1- Move the cursor to the player's name and press the X button.

2. Move the cursor to the g?€ oftraining regimen you want and press the X bufton.

3. Allot the Command Points you want to dedicate ro this training regimen (from 0-9), then press the X button to return to the marn

Training menu.

4. Move the cursor to Practice and press tle X button. Now all ofthe players who have been given Command Points will receive rheir

individualized training. In Trainiog, the increased parameters are shown in pink and the decreased parameters are in blue.

E X P L A I N I N G A P L A Y E R ' S S T A T STo make the coaching simulation more rerl;stic, the nurnber ofplayer stats have more than doubled. Here's a rundown on what they are and

what they stand for.

The following stats can change during Training:

Endurance: The higher th€ stat, the more easily the player can endure an opponent's tackie.

Attack This indicates the str€ngth of the player's tackle rbjliry The higher the stat, the easier it will be for the piayer to steal

the ba1l when he or she sets up a taclde.

Pass:The higher the stat, the less likely it is that your passes will fail.

Shoot The higher the stat, the more successF. your shots will be.

Block The higher the stat, the mor€ likely your player will block an opponent's shots and ste', the bx .

Catch: The higher the stat, the more likely your player is to catch shots. This stat is a must for the goal keeper

Range:The higher the state, the more successful your players will be at completing shots and passes over long distances.

Receive: The higher the stat, the easier your players can catch passes from their own team m€mbers.

The fo l lowing . rats doni change dur 'ng Train;ng:

SPD Speed: The higher the stat, the faster the player moves through the water

Reach (er.tent ofthe playert defensive range): The higher the stat, tie more easily the player discovers opponents carrying the

ball and the more easily he or she can encounter them.

The following are parameters outside ofplayer stats:

OUT This marks the number ofcontracted matches the player must sit out due to injury










CNT Contract: This lists the player's number ofcontracted matches. When the number reaches 0, the playert contract ends.

Number ofCommand Points needed to sign a free ag€nt to a 10-game contrnct \ir'ith the Cullwings.G]L

The lollowing are stats that change during matches:



Morale: The higher this stnt, the more likely your players are to use special shots and combos.

Fatigue:The higher this stat, the more it compromises a playels level ofplay and increascs the likelihood th.rt he or she will

sufler an injury in training or during i match

C H A N G I N G S T A T S T H R O U G H T R A I N I N GWhen you train a rnember ofyour team individurlly, the change in that plaver's stats is not just a simple reflection ofthe number ot

allotted Command Points. The rules for stat changes are shown in this section. Therc are a total of sir stats (END, ATK, PAS, SHT,

BLK, and CAI) and although they may not appear to change as a result of training, there actually have been changes to some 'invis

ible parameters.

Moreover, although this is not displayed on-screen, there is a maximum limit to each ofthe eight stats that aJ€ influenced by trarn-

ing. After that point, no maner how much you train, the parameter will not increase any further (unless the player receives some secret


HOW STATS ARE CHANGED BY TRAININGI Each ofthe six stats (END, AIK, PAS, SHT, BLK and CAI) n assigned a hidden val:e between 1-8 (the default value is 4).

\4lhen you train a player, the allotted command points are added to these hidden values and, when the hidden value exceeds 8, 1

point is added to the actual parameter.

I The stats RNG and REC do not have any hidden values. Their ralues are raised by the same rzlue as the alofted command points.

I If a player participates in a training regimen that lowen a certain stat, then in the case of stats with hidden values (END CAT).

the command points are subtncted from the hidden r,ralue and the total stat is decreased as necessary. In the ca-se ofa statwidrout

hidden rdues (i.e. RNG aad REC), the stat is decrexed based on tne number ofcommaad poias srbtacted fom the previous total.

! When the hiddeo value drops below 1, tie stat is lowered by 1 and th€ hidden value starts again at 7.

P R E P A R I N G F O R A M A T C HHow a player moves during a match is affected by the combination of their position, formation, aod play style. By understandingthese characteristics, you can find the kind of combination 1ou want for your own strategy

L I S T O F F O R M A T I O N S4 - 2 - l

A formation that places ar emphasis on a strong defensive ljoe in ftont ofits own goal. With this, even a weat team can defend itsown goal. This is the Gullwings' default formation.

4 - t - 2Moving one ofthe mid-fielders up fiom the "4-2-1" formation creates two forwards. Although it strengthens the offense, it may makeit easier for the opposing team to score a goal-

3 - 3 - 1\Atrh thce players in the midEeld ard th.ree on defense, it is a strong ddensive formatioo, but rather difficult to score a goal with.Itt a good formation for doing a counter attack

3 - 2 - 2A formation with very few holes. It may look Jike itt balanced, but if the playen dont have high parameters, then there is a dangerofboth attack and defense being medioffe.

3 - 1 - 3lA4rile tal:ing the risk of hadng only one MII this formation has a strong dclensive and otrensive line. The stronger the DF abilinofyour players, the easier it is to perform a counter attack.

Command Poinis allolied x l

ol Command Points allotted x 1

2 - 4 - lWith lour MII it is easy to control the midfield rvith this formation. Ho'revea it n drcn necessary for the MF to play both oflense rnd defense.

This formatbn is best for terms dlat have strong midfielders.

2 - 3 - 2With five phyers able to move to offense, this formation is best for ollensive attacks. Although this is strong during attack periods, since ther.e

are only 2 DF, it is wlnerable to attacks and counter attacks.

2 - 2 - 3By moving one ofthe mid-fielders up from the 2-3-2 formation, this lormation improves offense. With a FW with a strong END parameter,

you can mount r strong attack but the delensive line remains somewhat weak.


Recommended Formations: 4 2 1 and 3-2-2

This style enables you to break through th€ opposing delense using


R I G H T S I D ERecommended Formations: 2-4-1 and 3-3-1

This formation uses aggressive dribbling to drive up the right side ofthe field deep into the opponent\ teritory With a FW stationed i. front

of the opponentt goal, you nre just a pass and a shot away lrom a scoring opportunity.

L E F T S I D ERecommended Formations:2 4 1 and 3-3-1Alrnost identical to the Right Side style, this uses aggressive dribbJing to drive up the lcft side ofthe field deep into the opponentt territory

P O S T P L A YRecommended Formatiorct 3 1 3 and 2-2-3

Pass the ball to the center FW and create scoring opportunities for the offensive line. With formations skewed toward olfensive Players, this

style enables your teammates to pass the bnll back and forth until there is a scoring opPortunity.

S H O R T P A S SRecomrnended Formatiotts.4 1 2 and 3-2-2

In this style, team members pass the ball quickly around the freld to take advantage of holes in the opponent's detens€.

L O N G F E E DReconmended Formarions: 4-2-1 and 3 3 1

This style relies oflong passes between DF players and the FW to create scoring opportunities. Make sure that your key players have a good

range before attempting this style.

S C O U T I N G H I D D E N T A L E N T SThere are 35 players who are listed as free agents. You can use Command Points to scout and hire any of these new players. The Free Agents

that you can scour are deterrdned by the Gullwings' scout level. You can scout other players ifyou increase the team's level by winning games.

Use the following information to determine whnt your team level needs to be before your scout level increases.

There are seven Free Agents for each Scout Level, but or y a maximum of four players are shown on-screen each time you search for player

information. lfthe player who you want to scout is not on-sffeen, search again until the player appears. Keep in mind that each search costs

10 Command Points.

a combination of short pmses. Thk is the default Play Style lor the


R E C O M M E N D E D F R E E A G E N T SThe following are the best Free Agents for the Gullwings at each Scout Level.

S C O U T L E V E L 1 : S H U U A N D R O P PShuu has high END and SHT stats thar make her a pirfect choice as a Fw. She can also pull offthe Overhead Volley move, which

can be very effective as your team learns the ropes. Ropp, on the other hand, is a born DF player with his high AIK and BLK stats.

Put him on vour defensive line and let him do his stutr

S C O U T L E V E L 2 : M E PMep is the same ttpe ofplayer as Mip. He has high END and SHT stats and can be used much the same way as you would use


S C O U T L E V E L 3 : S H A A M IShaami has decent stats that should be in line with the rest ofvouJ team.What she has that otlers miEht not is the Corkscrew Shor.

S C O U T L E V E L 4 : K W I N NOnly Kwinn's CAI stat grows steadily as he advances, m*ing him a grert GL for your team. With a max CAI of 94, he's a goooinvestment rntil you car scout Yuyri.

SCOUT LEVEL MAX: LUCIL AND YUYUIYului's stats mar out at the highest levels possible (99 for END-CAI and 255 for both RND and REC). This makes her great at

any position! Lucil, on the other hand, is a bit ofa step down. Her stats mar out at 77 for END-CAT and 177 for RND and REC-

Not as great as Yuyui, but not a bad addition to your team as a whole.


The flow of a BJitzball game is described in this section. After you decide upon th€ mntch q?e and the camera angle you want to useduring the match, the game proceeds virtually on autopilot. Hovrever, during the match, you can interupt play by pressing theTriangle button. A rnenu appears after a team makes a successtul goal rnd you can change formations, play style, and even switch out

plal'ers. During the game,lou can zoom in on the action by pressing the Square button and press the R1 and L1 buttons to boost orlower the teamt Adrenaline Gauge.

T Y P E S O F M A T C H E SThere are three gpes ofBlitzball matches: Spira League, Tournaoent, and Exlibition. At the start of the game, you should stick wrthExhibition matches to build up pur Command Points and train your chancters untiltheir stats ar€ compatiblewith the other teams.

R U L E S F O R T H E S P I R A L E A G U EI Six teams compete in the toumament. Each team plays the others twice for a total of 10 rnatches.I Each match lasts five minutes. The winner is determined by who scores the most points within the time ljmir. In case of a tre

score, a tie game is called.I The winner oftle touinam€nt is tle team with the highest number ofpoints. Awin nets you 3 points, a tie 1 point, and a loss 0.I At the end of all of the matches, the points are tallied and a winner is declared. The teams placing first, second, and thnd

w1n Pnzes.

R U L E S F O R A T O U R N A M E N TI S; tea$s batde unti.l one wins. Your opponent is chos€n randomly.I Each match lasts frve minutes. The winaer is det€rmined by who scores the most points within the time limit. In case ofn ti€

score, the game goes into Sudden Death ovenime. Periods of30 seconds each ale called until one team scores.

E X H I B I T I O NI Play a single practice match.I Choose lour opponent from among five teams.

mrejrystal Banqle I Nlythnl Banqle x Pot on (x2) X Pot 0nBune Bracer Gold Bracer lveqa-Potion (x2) lveqa Potion (x2)

lon Bracer Power Glovas Elher (x2) Elher (x2)Shininq Bracer Diamond Gloves Turbo Ether lvega Phoenix (x2)lar Bracer ) Dusl [,,leqa Phoenix (x2)

Recovery Bracet Mystery Veil [4!,thri]Banol€Sprinl Shoes Crimsof Binq Hyper WrislChafln Banole Snow Rinq Diamond G oves

re Bin0 imanEoo nn Rino xv Veil

BLITZBALL PLAYER STATSThis section contains all ofthe stats for €very player on each team, including the free agents. Use this information to help decide whiti,players to scout or trade for

R E A D I N G T H E P L A Y E R S T A T S E N T R I E SScout Level Indicates the soge at which the player can be scouted. Thh does not penain to players on established tern-Contract Duration lndicates the maximum number ofgames for which a player can be contncted during one signing perir.:

(equal to rhe CNT srat).CP Needed to Sign Lists the number ofCommand Points (CP) needed to sign a player or renew their contract.Specia! Shot Shows a playert gpe ofSpecial Shot.Stats Indicates the p1a1,eri Starring Stnts, their Maximum Stxts, and the Optimrl Points assigned to the stats.

Remember, these only apply to the first eight strts, which can be .hang.d rhrough Trainrng.

PAINEr0ut Lgvelo|ltmct Duration:99lP |]Ieeded lo S qn:lpecalShot: N/A


FCH 50

W E D G Ecoul Levgllo ract0uralo|l 15lP Nseded to Sqnipecia Sholl NiA





lontnd 0ulaton 99lP Nesded to S on;loeca Shol: N/A


B(]H 50

B U D D Y)c0uILeve:lofltraclDurdliof:2A)P Needed lo Sior: 3recalShol N/A

FCH 65

B I G G S)ollt leve :olllncl Dtlralion: 10P|lleededto0nilpecialSlrot:



B R O T H E Rc0uLevell I;o|]lraclDuralrol]40)P Needed to Sron;oecra Shol:


RCI 60

RIKKU)oul leve :)onlracl Duralio]]:99;Pl\ leededloSh|]:ipecialShot:

RC 65

S H I N R Aicoul Lel/si)ol]lract Duraton: 30)P NPeded h S0nloe|]ia Shol; N/A

SPLRCH 10 301


B I C K S O Nil]out]lnd Dtl|ation: 10lP e,dedlo S0|]:jpeca Slrot: NJA


FNn 2t \ i

112 b

B A L G E R D AicoutLe,re:lq!tiS!! Qlrtdion, ,. lqrlfiqqlq4.lo s s!.._ i,1_q._ _,. -ipeca Shot ; N/A


,--l!, 6 5

A B U S{.qu.!.Lc!9L--.-.-t. ' - -,loflr!-c!0!iqlqL_ ,, l0_ . _.,)P Needed lo Siof: ; 40,pecralShol , N A



RCH 50

B O W E Reve: .i 1

lo|]t|act Durato|]: : 10lP Nreded to Sql] I {0lpec? Shol : I IA

L A R B E I G H Tc0ul LevelodractDunlorlilP Needed to SqnipecalShotl N/A



)olltncl0uraliof 10iP Needed l1] SI0l 12i0ecialShol N/A



D E I Micout [evel:lolltracl Dudiol]: 10lPl\ leededloSion:120ecralShol N/A


HCH 30

ZANDAroul Lel/ello acl Duial on t0

to Son 12oecia Shot: N/A

RCH 45

I S K E Ncout Lev(0ninci : 10lPllleededlonll: 12lpecialSlrot: N/A

RCH 50

KULUKANicoirl Lel/el)orlractDulalont0;P Needed to Sof 12ioecia Sholi N/A


HUH 40


)ontract 0uratio|]i l0lP llJeeded to S oni 17lpecalShot: MA



lolltncl Dural on 10lP Needed 1o Shll 12ioecialSholi N/A


L-I 30 303


E I G A A R)cou Lewlionlracl Dumllol] 10P N€eded 1o Siqll: /0lpecialShol ovsrhead Vo ley Corkscre\v Shot

llut 45

LAKKAMcoul Levs :lol]tract Duratio]]:10lP Needed lo Sro|]: 70lpecalSlrol: CorkscrelYShol

RCH 90

B E R R I KicoulLe!ellorlraclDuralo[ t 10lP Needed lo Sof i0joecia Sh]]l 0l/edead Vo ley. Co{kscrer Shol

BCr 55

N O M M A:0u Leve :c|ltecl DuratioI]:l0lP l,leeded lo Sro|]: i0;pec?lSlrol: Corkscrev Shol


BLAPPAicoulLevelllontracl 01]ralron10

€eded to Siof: 70recialSiol 0vsrhead Vo ley Corkscreq Shol


)_I 30

JUDDA)cou Lew;onliacl Dunlion 10lP l'leedrd 10 Shr: /0oecalShol Corkscre./rShol




lontraclDuftlo|lP Nseded lo Shnl 70ipecia Sholl N/A


N I M R O O Kcou Levello]]lract0umlorlIUlP Needed lo Sron 70l0ecia Shoj Cl)rkscr€r'J Shot

sPDFCr 60

R O N S O F ' A N G

B A S I K R O N S Ocoul L,avellontractDl]ialon 10P ileeded to Slon 30ipecalShot: ovefheadVoley


ItUH 50


onlracl DL]nlroI IU

P Needed to Son 30oecia Shot: overheadVoley

RCH 55. . . :

I R G A R O N S Omul |ew]:;ontmct Dudion: 10;P Needed 10 lll: m;pecialShol N/A

RCI 60

D A R G A R O N S Oicout LgvelllllractDuralon l0P Needed lo S on: 30ecalShot: |rliA

RCH 60

ARGAI RONSOicoul Lsve :;oftractDunloI 10P Needed to Son 30eca Shot: N/A

RtjH 50

NUVY RONSOi!ouLevel:)oltract Duration:10lP |1]eeded 10 Sron: 30lpecalShol N/A


HUIl 60

Z O N D I R O N S Oev,l

rl]truct DuratolI: 10lo Son 30

jpecalShot: MA

RCH 60

Z A M Z I R O N S Olout Leve :ontracl D|]raliofl 10P l'leeded loSior: 30p,cialShol N/A

HfH 60 305



l r id Dural! | 10eel]ed lr S ilr l0

i: sl0l ,lri








l 0i0.lLerftao

i i Lere[at iDirai l0n! i 9de .1N S ! rra Shoi




l235t2 l



Sh(ri CoiisrrrrL Shrl


B E C L E Mev8l

lo ftcl Durallol 1{JiP Nesded to Sqn 60rec a Shot: overhead Voley. Corkscrei! Shol

FCH 50

LETTYc0!tLe\rel:olltBcl Duration: 10lP Needed 10 Sro1]: 60lpecralShol

f(iH 60

J A S S UmfiLevet:onllacl D|lfttiol]: 10P Needed lo Sion: 60oscial Slrol: N/A


VILUCHAicorlLeve l;ol]liacl0uralon10iP Nseded to Son 60;0ecia Shot: l]/A


HUI] 60


)r]nlracl Duralion:IO;P Nsed€d lo Sion 60jpeciaiShol 0vedead Volley

RCH 50

DATTOcoul Lel/elodruct0uralont0)P Needed to Sql] 60)0eca Shol: N/A

friifl 60

BOTTA)c0uLeve:)o1]lracl Dirnliolll 10)P Needed 1o Sion: 60;pecia Shol

RCH 65


)onlraclDuraloni10)P Nesded to S qnr 60iDecalSlrot:

BCH 40 307


KIRYL)c0ul Lew:lontnct Duration:P eeded to S0rl 90oecalShot: .. Qlrljad U,.llgr.-*._...___




BCH 30

NAYA)c0uI Level:lontract DL]raton:lP Needed lo Sonipeca Sholr 0verho?d Voley. Corkscre\v Shot

RCI 60

L U P E R I Sr|lt Leve lll]ntrad Duratio]]:10lP |treeded lo Sron: 90ipeca Shol: Corkscrsrr Shol


RCI 10


)o]]lraclDudioll: t0lP Needed Io Sion: 90jpecialShot: 0venead Vol ey. Corkscrul// Shol



S H A F Tc0ut L9v9l

odruct0uraloIl0P Needed lo Sion 90lpecialShol 0uerhgad Vo ley

RCI 50

SUZAMico! lLevellonlractD!lalon 10iP Needed lo Sion: 90ipecialSlrol N/A



CETAN)c0utLeve:lonlract Duration:t0lP Ne€ded lo Sqn 90jpecia Shol. l\rA


BCH 30

T O M Aicoul Lel/el)onlraclDuralon10)P Needed 1o Sion 90;pecnlShol 0\/erhead Vo ley


BCH 30

UKYOUico|]t Leve :;o]]lftcl Duraliof: 10)P Needed 10 Sior: t0ipecra Shoti il/A

!AI-ruL]]LSPDRCI'1 55


)ontract Duration:t0lP Needed lo S q|1: t0lpecalShol: NiA


RCH 60

BALKAI)oulLel/elor)tfactDunuon:10P l,leoded lo Sqn 10Decalsh0t; N/A

stLRCH 60

R O P PhoulLg\rel;lodnd Duralioll: t0)P Needed lo Sion: t0i0ecalShotl MA

s H l

RCH 60


)oftnclDunlor} 10iP Nssded to Siof r0ipecia Shot: 0veireadVolley



N E D U SLevel: l

)ontnd Duration:l0)P Nesded h S on: 10oecalShol

FCH 60

H I L D Icoul leve :onllicl Dudio]]: 10P Needsd to Sion: 10oecialShol: it/A

l l 0

BCH | 60 309


ZALITZioul leve :ionlracl Durutiofl; 3 10Pl'Jeededto Sqni X 15oecalShot: ]\liA

tiLrfl b0

SVANDAi icql!!I4, .. -..i,-?. -.-..-..hlraclol]nlon ; i 10rPll|qqq9Ol0.qiql].j]..1!.--- ---- .- -._.-.i0scialsh]rl : li/A

j ' i *x . : _ t : t$d2 6 f


RLH tu


lonlracl Du ration: 10lP Needed to So[ t5ipscra Shol |1/A


-ts!!_SPI]flufl bU

M E P)CoU LeVe: i 2lo|]tracl Dunlion: i t0lP|treededhS0n: I 15lpecalShol: overhead Voi ey



JUMALroul l€ve : 2rnl.ac10rraliof: IOPNeededtoq|l: 15


-u!!_SPDR(jH 60

D U R R E N)c]]ul LelP I 2lol]lftclDunloll t0)P1,leededloSion:15ipecalShol NiA


NAIDAroulLeue a Z)o|llracl Duratiof: 10lPNeededlo S oni t5;pecalShot:

R(]H 60

KIYURIroL]lLevel!ntlact 0L]rato|1: 10P Needed lo Slo|l: 20ipecialShol: N/A

RCH 60

Z E V R O N S Oicout Leve :00lmc1Dura10n10lP NBeded to Son 20oecla Shot: liiA


RCH tiu

JAIALAIroul [sve :)onlraclDudonl0lP Needed to Sqn 20lpecalShotl NiA

RCH 60

YUMA GUADO:0u'LEVEI 3lonlrad Durationl 10lP Needed 10 Sio1]: 2AipecialShol N]A

I]UH riu

SHAAMIc0uLEVEI:rnlracl Duralioi]:10NeededloSioll:mecialShol Co*screvShot

HUfl 60

N E F F EtLeve:

)ontiacl0urallon10P Needed to S on: 20ecia Shot: |']/A

HUh 60


lo ftclOudioni 10lP Nee toSioni mipeca Shot: 0wrh€adVolhy

HUh 603 1 1


A D D Air:oL]lLel/ellol]lncl0uralonlP Nseded to Sol];pecalShol: N/A


RCH 60

K W I N Nc0utLeve:lontrad D{lratiofl t0)P lrleeded lo {n: 30;pecralShol Corkscrevi Shl)t

RCH 60

F O B B IicoulLrl/el:lol]lfaclDuralon t0lP Needed lo Solr 30;0eci lShol: lrlA


FCH 60

R I NlcouL9vg|l 4lol]lrad Duration: 10lP NeedBd lo So|] 30; !ecalSl lol: NiA

RCH 60

CAHHANooul Lew:onlracl0udion:10lP Needed Io Srql]: 30loecia Slrol

RCI 60

TATTSicout Lev9)ol]lraclDuralof l0)P Needed lo Sron 30hecia Sholr ol/'o eadVoley


BOH 60

MIYU;coul LSve :)onlracl 0uraliol] t0)P Noeded lo Siolr mloeca Shoti overlread Volley, Corkscrew Shot

RCH 60

ISAARUicoulLevel I MAXhntracl Dl]raton t 10

Nee0e0l05r0f:40ioecia Sholl N/A




sfuF'CF- bu

D ONAicoutLeve: 1\rlAXrntracl Du|alion:P i]eeded lo F: 400ecra Shot: l.I/A


)l- bU

. ' )

MARODAtoulLevet; l\rllJ!I]tBctDtlrationi t0P ile€ded to So|l 40oecla Sholi N/A


B0fl 60

L U C I Lic0utLeve: t/]A)lontmct Duration:10lP Needed to S 0ll: 40;pecalShol: overhead Vl]l Py; Corlscre!v Shol



A U B O R I N ELewl MM

loltfact Dural oni l0lP Needed to Siof: 40ipecia Shol N/A



utifl bU

B A R T H E L L OicoulLevel: IVIAXontncl Duralio|]:P Needed lo l|li 40oecia Shot: Corkscrew Shol

HI-]H b0


ffi MAX

scialShol: N/A


ft{,H brl 313

If yo.u p),zyed FINAL FANTTSI X, thcn yo,

Jrould kno* , l .ar rhe o. ] i \ * ,y .o r . " ' " ' r ' , r l

Bh.d l , rngu,rge r . to a.qr i r a l l of the \ l Bhed

Primers nnd lenrn each lctter After acquiring

some of the Primers, you'll notice th'irt when

someone speaks to you in Al Bhed, some ofthe

lener, ;ppt u p ink in , o lor . There are 2o ' , '

ume" of rhe Pr imer< ard erch one te:r . he- 1ox different letter. After collecting I of the

Primers, you'lIfrnd thatyou can understand Al

Bhed perfectlyl


Djose Templ€

The following table indicates how to acquire all 26 volumes ofthe Al Bhed Primer Norv vou have no exmse not to gct them slll



v F

X ]


During the Digg nO mini-Oame, y0u can i fd Al Bhed Pr rn€rs

You can Oel up to

Walch the f |Si evenithrowh

Walch the sixth €venl throuqh

Walch the l|Sl ev€nl thro!gh the

m ss or n Thlnder Pla fs by

the scefe I wh ch Blddy and Bfl ] ther la k 0n


I,,tr G EN &


[1] Basic Info: This includes the following:

enemy name, its type, and where it's found.

[2] Enemy Stats: Tl.rese sections include the

enemy's attributes. Information in rcd relates to

an enemy's oversoul version.

[3] Elemental AfEnities: This section lists an

enemy's relationship to certain elements

lr-Tl Lightning @ cravity

fiJlw"t"' I t.. IHory

[4] Imrnunities: The information in this section

displays an enemy's resistance to status effects.

Abbreviations for the effects are as follows:

Dth. = Death PB. = Power BreakPet. = Petrification Ma.B. = Magic BreakSlp. = Sleep A.B. = Armor BreakSil. = Silence Me.B = Mental BreakDrk. = Darkness L.C. = Luck ChangePoi. = Poison E.C. = Evasion ChangeCon. = Confusion A.C. = Accuracy ChangeBer. = Berserk Doom = DoomCur = Curse Del. = DelayEjt. = Eject P.I. = Preparation InterruptionSlw = Slow M.D. = Multiple DamageStp. = 51ot

[5] Defensive Effects: The same abbreviations

apply for this section as noted in thc Immunities


[6] Item & Bribe Info: This area lists the items

dropped, srolen. or bribed from enemie".

rrT7ri?rsrWWEEl!ECilEmU[ Guadosa am,/Thu rlder Plalrw0alm

2t211 ljjl 363tr881 illil 3s0

l6lrE E $ t6slo @ o

[@ 118


rrl7fi1ril x& m E m r rf,,IftT?fr ffi m E w r[l!@fi]fi1 Bikanel/Beve h Tower Foon 30-32 [@S ca n] Lan{lvMt. cagazelBe,/ele

Palace F oors 33 35

6 zne. Ei i6r i r ; r [ l 27 f, ntur flnml:;r fl Iro! f l r :rr f l t .


lillllllt'tl--7--M,60r:l. lllllMlll 650!5txi llfillll $00m:'rl

3lt35l t r i l i @ - * @ r ' @ t

@,,, i l , i l i l ,

Dlh Pel., sp.. s Dfk., P0.. cof.. cur.Sv Slo Doom De . Pl. . lV D

ler. i100Inru:l) Ett 1230Ifm"nrl)hn. (80l2l i , l


'r,.nH {I

sPErr sP ilEn

r @MM


^ t t t






F,lri7ril [ EI Il EI rf',lE?Tfrr &g qX m EEf,jffill! Cam lands Mt.casazel BeveLh [@]![ M'nent]ishroad''IhunderTo!'er Foon 1-3 Pla ns/Ca m Landsjfualane,Varous

A H R I M A N-

- _ r , I

5. v 6 ' / r



E o f o : a f l o s : r@ r m o I


l , ' I ' C u r

E l (12l2l l) . lan ( l l ; l




@ r n . I r I

n',nilrf,rx*$iix*wmgEf,mm Farp anetBwe e tu ace Foors7014

|!l lz ilu flttm:iri, fl alpllz:lIrr:,:tfl rl:l

E@ loonr,uMlso,l$rr;*-

,u @ zo @lerr:Eil@ z rM


l l . . -1. 3! 1, Cur 51p.,.PBl

E t (6 l e l l an . (0 l l l

5t 2 l 1 :



tr)rr I r-,r

i , i ol

r l

=( , .,at)

r r i {, ' , ,




rrrri7Tf,rI:Ilf[l@l[D turolane/BeveLte Patace F oors

oloe fl ssssl

75 79

E r af, roor

M Bro M-so I

E s s E ' 2 $ [ : r r : r @l i l

re,IflirTf,rIEEErf,@![ D;ose Temp e. tunder P a ns,Beve le lower Foors l3-15

@ orrr' [lr:l,r::t fl zuE[ a: : E r t : r

llllltllll r6l-M sorlr I

o ffi or nlsLr l !@ o

lf l 21,1 f lssr:uf, t@ z [ , E r :

llfllllllll '?or!-M go'tj-il I

$ [ i ' o , r r @ ssu3l1t ME o

S [ r@ nM @


llllllllll 6?0 M s$

E i l : z E z @ u@ o @ 3 [ m oM r @ r i lf , o


D1h., Pet . , Sp, Sl Drk. . Poi . Con.. BelCuL, Su. StD.. Doom.l , l .0

El l40r Zal l (18)

Pol.. ,1rn iB:rj. Cur.

Drh.120), Eil.112 i20l). Zan (1 rt l

s N0lle J N0m',t


N0m Na 0 llone

I N00e , Nonr')


t0ll0 N0m M|]e

Dth. . Pel Slp. Sl D*, PD.. i ]o l l . Bel

M zu, Eg p:r [L gsgM oonauE rpr

hllllllllgor,ol Mzirrol I


$ EI s2rsgj4l5t !m o

A l b l l E 1 P B . N l . B A B M B .

Eil. {180lmmu lll Zan. {2012511

rr;fifiril:IIIXE[l!S@!l!l Beveterower roors z0 8t-ee

rtrfii?rfrmmw$IIrf,@!l[ turp ane/Bwe h laace roos65-69


nTri?fiiil&$iww&wrffi@![ nun 0epths/Bevete Paace F]oors75-79

@ ler l f i r rmobl ln lL ]10f l :mr;u[ l r1r1

lillllllll rsooruilrr M,4ootollilo-l

$[ru rar @ a.r @ er r@ o @ r l l @ r

llh.. tut.. Sp S ., Drk Poi Con. Ber.:ur. Stp PB Doom Del P M D

:1. (130). lan. (70)

n?,nj?rf,rnxxEErflffi1]fl Mushroom Sock/DPseTem0 e/Guadosa am,Thunder P ains/0thers


rf,,rfi?rf,rEEExr[l!@!@ Maca an at0a n Lands/BweteIov".r Floors 2129








+::s' t- , I t \


ror (o i l gs Cur.

!1 (14 29 ) Zan l l l ; l )

ril?,rri?IilxlB:rf,l@lfi B kne, Beve] e Tower Floors 4+46




s A0s0m6 Woal nvalid

lnvalid iva 0 OE

$ Noi3 A N()|]q \ N0ne

N0fl€ ru40




S zlzq fl ruupr*1f, rz @ szp4 flrmrrr:ufi! rra M zg il 2742 [L 6so f, rzpq flrrrq:r:01fl ssf l l rozlr : r1 f l rp l @ tmplorlfi r 1:1 sso m f , r$1:sal [ l rp l

lilllllllt ;,r-M-:4r"nl Md trril nfiil n ,:=:l lilltllltl t M-- ;t hlilil-:r"i tl!l'Tll-,, rl

E i l * E a @ : o m E f l ' r , t E 6 r e r t E r 2 ' , i I E I H - E i l , E r @ r u ,E o " r @ 6 ' 2 0 1 ! ! B 0 @ r @ r , o l @ o $ ! - ' t u r - M E [ l r @ r ' o @ olllfil lfiiE F'til l@ .. Llill /a lr!l!!ll ,

5..,. l@

s Ql ** \ l,lone

None t l mre

l:onl lBerl Cur.

El 18l l2l).7an.l0i3l)

Al burt i l

El (100 1101) Zan {80ll00ll

& Al'-t! 5.r//l

tl]va 0

l|lvalid I lloire N0nt

Sl Con Ber Cur Sl l , ! Slp, lB Ooom

l l l r . |00i Per. i i0t.sp 16tl Drk i40t,)0.1601 El i2i t zan.r l

I 0|]t A flo[ q fl0ll0

N0|]€ lnva d N0n0

3 1 7


44n ml o1




cir I lBnl Cur.

:l 11512811 Zan L1 16ll

o M l o lo M B o



r2115 l @@

f , : sM

@ r$


Dlh Pe Sp 5. Pu Lon g ' CurMD





]::r l,),| | l. )I

.J)r l2,| | l

Ell (181


t{otEFTfij?r|rrnEgE Ef,@@ l,tu$room Roct

28r32 [L 22





6 [ [ 4 s3 l m l r


E@t 0





RE nprt Ersal2r j r t [L 2r@rl1t t t , f l rn,

M rsi2il |f,23:it2t [[ rE[ utr E rtrt



;4 112 fdl$Tttrl 28011481 ,lo lt l{lflllJl rb]] l:]ll

@ stnrt M zg Es2r'ort EIN 2sr@j

ionl Bt Cur. : l I

E t 6 8 r Z a n t 0 2 l l


NOID ,.)1,


N0lle N0n0 N0l]?

.3 None Noll3 i \

Noi,t D nva 0 N0m

30 110

$ mne )l'

N0ne n0ne N0m



rrYltfiirr,&EEfE[1ffi[t Besaid/Mi' len Nlghroao/ThunderPa ns/Maca an ai0thers

r@t12i l


hTrrfiTf,rtX::elE[lEflffiffi Thunder P a mica m Lands/NltGagaef0lhers


7 -- r fF )BEHEMOIH





M 4o-M--Bo-- l lilllllitlll Bori5q M 3rqrmt I hltlil rsF{ M-np,{ |

EIN "rrsl@ oM

E[ *,rtf , zr : l tM

M 3il4 hfm r30[i0i m,3m,q hft?tll 5,0t,50t-l lllhil r-810] M-*irnll lMrrttsE hkltll-60rsrl

r@l i4


t@ zaprl flr,rIl1rur1f, zro Metrrll UrB2t/38t [Lro f, rr1al fl+roi:ra1f, rzr@ uLtot E r tlt @aapa Erp l

7 @ 6 7 l s o l1 l ! @ o

l r n l . lPs l .Cu r

:1(16I l0 l ) Zal l (116l l


EUIIGUS[ffiEIi'*.r.f tif :,8i8Emm BikaneEe\re k Torrer F 00rs 50-59





M m Uf , r : E

rt';rri?fil&SES,Wff,IMIlD Guad0salanr/aeve le Palace Foorsr l15

z s z f l o1


o @ 7 4r [ m o

i) TOllN als "+ N0ne

Nolle fl mne N0ne

l lh. . Pet . So S Po.. Cur Doom


rF,rffirilnE$:{:E[@![! lanarknd nurnstBwete TowerFoors l9

Alrr tPet . . Ei l Sl \Y P8. M 8. . A 8. . t .CE.C A.C

Pel. (50), Eit.(32l40ll.Zan. 1301361)




{ E $ E mteslEfl zprt E z@ o r l @ r @ r @ r

Ml 'zr i24t @

l l r + I Cul

E1 (131241 ) Zan ( l l s l )

[L ro,:rt@ o

f, zlzq lf,sozlzrulftl rs lfll arrrt lfi$$rsisrlfl oE[ rrr'. E rpt E['ffi l iru] E rpt

l l


r [[ izprtr @ o

[t 0,n ]' I c,,i----------.lM+-ti-4j1trq-26thm

s6 El /ollrls l rot @ o


nr,lffiTfrIlEE.l9 E[]ffi1![ tnunrler ttans Mt. cagazetlBeve le Tover F oors 10 12


,1, m*l*' ti,,ffi


nTIfiTf,r :? i :,8 : El :i.: rEEImM GLradosa am/Ml. cagaet/Bew eIolrer Foors 41-43

@ n;,rr1 [lr:rrpn:1fl rE [aoar t E rp t


BLADERU fitT ltEL[lF ffffri]t:.:*.El:srEfl1ffi!ffi aevete Be\re h To\,/er Foors 4i 49

@ r:1,rr f,ri::1mn1f, oEziotrart E r t r t


Sp S Po.. lh"l Be t Cur. S\!. . A 8..Nl.8 Dlrom MD.

Drk (40101) El. (24 l30l) zan. 15 l8l)

{} A!!0t0 N0ne N0ne

N0lle Nom llones N0ll"! A N()Ie \i

$llt Noll,s N()fl.s


f , rml izt E r lz l

mM-itii,q-M rsoporr -1

$ [ r $td6l E rol4s1r @ of , o

)e1, Slp. Sl Drk. . P0. . Con..8er ( [0]) .lur . Stp Doom ([0]) , De. . Pl . . N4.0.

l lh. l20). l i l l32l52l l . lan 115{221)


s N0ll0 V Absorb

flone lNalid 0ieU OE 6 o[ 1., fl0n0

No|], ,// ll]one

E l/lieak Non,t \i Noig

Absorb ln!? 0 Nol]0




FTTrriril m 8K Kf ETnfirrr K E E E [|fi!fiffiffi BevehTowerFoors40 81 99 f,jffi DryPanes

@ m1ll1 fflrussrnln fl zmo M r a



r o o f l mlE[notr:rluf, rtzt

E zp't Ero:1'rsl fil tso f, zr :, f,o:::lr;f, rr@:ulo:1. f l rpt EI*zlzrst E rpt

MJso rroq M]oootsrql m@-4, M-o--l Mrsor,rl M-5rqrooql Mrorr! hffiil {ilrlil

HliE??irrnEEEG|[l!@![t thunder I anesnilaneti[,lt.GagazeL4/arous






mrfiTrilmgxmwE[][@$l Etknetisevete ra ace Ftoos,u::



s o @ t n 1 , ,rzlr:t llB r

Y 0m 4l-rs\ N0nl

Weal [l inva d N0il


$ [ r@ oM

r : @ r o @ l rm@M


r @@I


r @@

E zrrr Ef , z p r E


. -!!LUBn?,lfiITFrIIIIEtr@|![ ur Gagart/Beveie loryer tloors4 6

rr ls*1 fl ms1 l2l

lillltllll 3oF! Ml1oruq I

s AbsobOl-s\.7/i


I | one

lo Con.. Ber:. CUL

!1 113118ll Zan. 12l3ll

E mtsEt E rpt E zpr



r @@

m@ s sM






zri @ zu3l4t @ o

t l , Sh.. Coll . . Ber Cur. u8.

: l (6l0l l Zan l0 [3l l

rrTlrfifirnEXmffi![@ M qhen H ghroads/M usnroomFock/B kane /Mt Caqad/varous

E gLut il wprol fl ts M rsFit El2oortriiil m rmL

M 1 4 r c z l M o o t l f l - l llllll,llll o M rl*

ro @ upqo l l B o

Sl Drk.. r l l Berl l0l) Cur

l l h 1 1 0 ) . P e l { 1 0 1 E l ( 4 1 1 0 1 }

rrTlIf'rilreEEEE[@ cradma am,,Thunder Planes/ca mLalldsil\rlacaalliarya ous

E retrs l E 63pqE[,rztr6]f , r

ro M utr4l5t [W o

S 0.. l ior l , 'e l ,Cur l lgl

Dlh.i40l Pel (30) Po P0)Eit.119 fZsl l zal l . 15l5l)


E[ rstr i t E rz @ osr l



rDI t l r


r r j I2,r i t Ir l.)'-'1 ilt t) 4) l-1

t ' l > .






q l b u l E l . P B A B t C E C . . A C

ht l l00 l l l0 I 7an.130 l l0l l

5' 0|]e Nollo q Nont

N0ue ll l|lvalid Nol]e




a \rvsak̂ n0nc \ N0m

HaI N0n!

P"'1 Slp Sl Dr l .Po. .Con 8er l ]uSv Slp. [ ,1.0

lll?tllloh f oor trr rillorz,'rry


t - ! _tt--

- . t - .t - - r - -



$.9J .l

i f , t w ;\ rq -Eu- . ,

-7 r.7

PIAI{TnTni?fifr&wEffirU@m Eesaid/M' lren |]ighr0adiBeve leTo,rer tloors 30'32

M nt:rt lE rulltmntE of,r :pr i l I rp l

lllllMtl 6,rr,f Ml,or5'! I

EIN zra E m @rmprq Eil :z El 24 @ $@ r @ r r a 1 l ! [ o @ o @ r z l ! @ oM 152 mEEl 166 ml e @ e






_. 1


lUPIIIErf,,Tffrr|lrw6wEgKr[@m o lanet BelreleTo\i/erFoors 36.39

f, r zs flsl:1:rs,fl e

c H o c o B o

g lv[011E

nTfii?rfr$txwErrf,@m Sesadi](lka sal]d/DjoseH 0hiallds/Drv P ares/Thullder Planesliar0us

M 14 f , :aeo f l oE i l o f

a e @ : r @ z


lilTf'TTfrWWWKrfi]ffffi]fit Bevel e Torver Floors 80'84

lflsolsq flumr,:r'rf, szof , z m r r [ l r 4

lillllllll r5orroq hk?lll $oo[iorl

nTrffiiilnfIK$wwf,[ffi]!ffi Besadi]{lka sand/D;oseI qh ands/Drv Plalles,qhufder Planesl/arous

M s E l m r f l oM o E r

tllllllfifl o M-l'';-l

f , rmlr io l f l r l


m 3613/tM r rqM

Ei laa ts i r E o E i r lmrM i l @ r @ oM g2ls;r mE 4

z r @@

: l @1 1


rilTrfiTiril.wwwwrf,i@lp turpanetswete ro,rer ltoos61.64

@ rs1:r1 [lr;m,r'nrf[ nef , rzarp l i l f l r l r

G!fril-/ ql

Ef l to t r : r l E oo1i r l @roi l ts ;[illr33l

4l5l l!@ o@mil




67Le1l lilflEll 28ll8qi

@ N0ne Otrry\N()|le Il lrNalid N0m

I Weal Ol-rryqr Nom

Hall rtl nva d Nol)o

Pel, Sp.. Sl Drk., Po.. Con.,8erDoorn.0e. P M.D.

FfiilEl f ootra. (30 -----l

Al brlEit.. Deay P

E1 (9011201), Zan 190 ll20l)

I th. .Drk Poi Con. Ber. ,CLl t MD.

)sl (50) El (241301) Zan. {0 l2l)

Drk lirf . iBef Cur

Eit. l l l l24l), Zan.l l l6l)


tit. 150 i60ll. lan. 115 [25ll

Alrr iork Ci]n., El

Coll 1120) Elt. (100), Zall (30)



re,TfiTrfrnEwiswrlllMm Besa dica m LandvBevele ToyerF oors 19

@ rr1tl fllurlrrsqfl :lof , rpol E rut

M 3opot hfitll ,4or,q I

Pet. S0. Ber Cur.. lNl.Bl M.B, Pl. , lvlD

llrr 150).s (30i0lt.D'k (r00) tu (30)l0n (10llnlri.) Ell (181201) lall.ll2li8l)

E[ ,g@ oM

Zall (200122011

ETlrti?il&:6i;&,&rEf,l]1f,fi!fl Flend co ony/Bwel e Pa ace I oos59,69

M lslsrl |flrsllirlrt[[ r7of l z rp , r f l r :

ro @ z r @rz1 r

l l , l . ? t I Cu r MD

E l (4 l s l l . l i n ( 2 JJ I )

El :r @ zrigrEN alrq [m o r



O N S H A D O Wl.


t -x0l{E








::lt r l

lr l

- (t t)r l,2,

ll r ,



rrTni?rf,rnffintrrf,jl@lllt Mushroom Rock


ao [l zrm f, rlr r f l r

lilllllllll-ro M--,oo-l llllll,.llll rooo p,'ot M,6oq{ooil

i 4

134 2 @ 5 22 M o

Dlh. , Pel . , Slp. . S/ Drk. P0. . Col ] . . Ber.lur.. StD.. Doom


Sp.. i i0n lBrl cur.El l sl l l ( l0l).slp.{ l0l l oel P MD.

Zan. (851901)


rrrri?flilffi*&flxBE[ilMm Ktka stand/ca m LandtBeve ePalace Floors 2lr3


Dth P"Al Slp Si Poi Con..8er Cur..Sto. Doorn. Lrl.D

Ei l . l32l Z i l l 1121


Eil zz E zs: Ma,rprt EIN a El zr EMroirl [ i lmpr1 l@ o @ r [ i l z |!@M r o 2 m t r E r o 2 M 4 @



ro pq @ u r ,o [ m o

[@ rnlr:,

lTlTfiriTf,rllgi$,9:E$ffiffit Besadl[,lushroom BocktBeve eTouer l-3

z; l i Er l 'zgol f l o3 l ,o l E r l2 l


iCin I . t :r '1. Cul

: l l10l l8 l ) . Zan ( l i5 l )

IIEBMITGT7rj-rrf,r,g i,gl Kr :s{ ff,lmu Beve h To\rer toors 60 8l'99

0 ooLqq |Ifr:r;:. 'r[[ tiofiflomnrl fl r1r1


@rmlro l@ o

m@ nM

E[ ,u@ oM

C R E E P E R- l

^tt ] .^r --lrt rl ,:-.

] , F F L



-,'rr-{\/ - r \{ " ,



d>hhil'l r,ooFolrr M 3ooosrroiltdllllllll rrfq M r6rrr I lllllllllll sr{ro'! MToolor! l

n';7rifiirr re i*{ SXI **r Efi!S[@ iarpane Bevele Toler Fioors6t-64

l f l reu f l : : i t : i " f , sor M m E l e z : o f , r u r | f l zsr, i l r t tsrr , f , ro: ;f, loolnr: fl r 1:1 6 o f l l

lllllillll--,0--M *--l lillltllll 4loprot M ssorsr

E [ t t , , lM t t tmil

i E 5 s l 6 i lil4l Em o @


r l @@


v .



r*TEirf,rr[D:!llEf,ffi@t awele Paae Ftoors 85.99


llone , N0m' 1


|1one lnvalid Not"r






E[erots!2t E r l2t

s N0llg n0m q N0m

N0ig I I |tono N0l]i

g mne 6 ldi lti

hditi: O hvalid No|1eY 0ne Mne l N0ne

N00e ll Invalid

g l|lvalid 6 lnvalid !lnvalid@ N0m !01)l

fuI. . Sp. S . Po , Con Ber.. Crr S!iSlp 1t0l). tM.B l

lE!il Nhtso)-q'16 Lr q)J",to


- u . -.k-



F?,niTfirnEE:iaiE[1ffi![ ]\rlacataniarSevet e Tower Ftoors2+26

@ mprl f l rmur;f , rz @ a psl flrmprnrfl rzl@ rnpml fl r 1r1


!lllolLsrlriTrfri?Tlrri:g:El{rE[ffi![t Macaananun oeptnvaeveteTorftr Foo$41-43

@ zcr32l Ermllerl[L r@rsTniot E r l2t

WASPril17fi?rfrllEig*r*tr[llmm K ika]slandiDioseTenrpleiBkane/Ca |i knds/0lhers

E r lot Ersl3r2l [L rfl rrr4 fl r1:1

llllllltlll r,r6t Mir13!f


r @rsl1 lo lrz t rs t @ o

l l " r l l P l C u r l l l

E l 1 6 l S l Z a l l l 0 2 l

f , r$ lr lst E r t2t

2r @5s16,r lr l l B o

Mijt,r'!-M ,BoF ll

Eil irprt El z El or1irt@ o @ 5 l i ; t @ oM 1 4

MP't shl_r!,(',--------lDrk (80101), P0. i ]0 t0l) Eit .114l l8l).Zan (3 lsl)




#,, ,H H" i l i l i l#- i rd l'-il trfiill r l l i l [ l l l u i l l l l l l l t Y

Y Hall qtr1 I Haf

Weak I I l|rvald.Vr \]veal

I th. Pet . Sp Sl . Drk Poi Con. Culi \rr., Sl0 . Doom, M 0

: l t .134). lan l l4 l

l[17friTrf,rIEffiKKr[ l@M henfighroad/Canr[arfi YGaoaol sland/0lhers

@ rt5l lE rolirt E zE[ Irrt [I rpt

lllltlil ,,?E W! 60rsof

l0or l Be . Cul

E l lS l l 2 l ) ,Zan . l 013 l )

EtrEEKi,*M:Xf,EMl Besaid/K ika h aidilrlushro0mRmldDiose H gh and/Farp ane^/ar 0rs

M s, f, s:m fl ssssf , r r : 0 f l r

M 3,0 M--lso]

D R . G O O N


f | f l

u t1t0l{E

rfirr,Tfir,t,f|X.*::S:[n@!!l DPse High andsicuadma amtMt. Caqael

Bu frztz fl+f,ro flr

l i l l id--50--M 160-l

E i l u E m @ mE [ o @ 3 1 ! B oE 6 @ 6



ocflurF, rri?Tfr : t: EI.$:r lS, E|f,1ffi!fi ]\rlushroon RocU8evet e To,rerF oors 27 29

@ ro 1rq flau1ralllfl rmE[zaopsct El rpt

M rsrptr M ,oil ttul

M mtr:t E sa @ rzrirlEilM

@1 i

r @@





Dlh Pe1 Sl Drk. Po. . Col l Ber. CuL.l l r . Slp Doom De P., M D

: l ( 32 l l 4 l l l i n . ( 5110 l l


mf , z rM



m @ m tort3 l4 l @ o


U @ rE@72

mF i. sp. S[Jrf8,'L c-" Lt8" w lllltllll Pd.,io ptljrt,t3o[2," 0 rrn

!0M!ril]Trt?Trr : ir| a€: El :{a E[mm Bel/e h/8ev".le Tover F]oors 24.26

llllllllll 4rsr M-iq3'ot I M,qr, ' ! Mlmrsql

E[ r, E@52

nflsp t- c- Jril,r.irt [t p----l(50) Pet. (70) tjt. i13 tlsl),(2131)

"! vl/oakA Weak"l N0ne

fl0ne Non3 llone{) N0m None l\r

Nono Woak N0t0


{} Noig 6 N0ne ',i N0n0

Nol]t N0m

s 6 Nono \ N0nt

|]aI l{lvalid N0m







E LD E R D R A K E1<

I .-



rr",rri?Tf,TXKWWK&f[Efl@ I taneiBeve te Palace F oors50.59

S .. C0n.. Ber. Cur. S \i/.. Sto.. M.B DoonlDe.. Pl.. firl D

Olh (100), tut.lio), Sp. (60), tu. (60),El (65) Zan l24l

rfl7fiiTrf,rxK&&mrf,i!@lt turplane/Beve h Tower toos65-69





l ri :r i E

t I.')= ( >

.1 0' ' ; B



F E M - G O O N

rf,,fififltrxE*xrur:f,1ffi@ opse tlightandsiGradma amiBikll"li[,ll Gagazel

M m i l 1 6 7 n r i 2[ f l m I r

lililltlllll----M ,oo _-.l

rfr,nj'Irf,rIIlIr[@!P Fend co ongBeve le Palace Foors75t9

M@ r2oo El I

{ [ [ r 7 i 3 3 [ [ $ e s

llllllltllf $o M--o-l

E i l s o f r z m r 3 4

Dth Pe1, Slp, Si . . Drk. , Po. . i ]on. , Ber. .lur, Slur, S10., Doom,lvl.D.

Eit.1481. Zan l44l



z @mm



s E 6 24 l l B o

@ mp1 fll'l:rrv.rsfl sr @ o:pr1 l[lnmrursrf, r:r M r s | f , r m f l a o@nmprrlfil r1z1 f , noorm I rr l f , + r I r

I liln 6000 hffiil i,00p60ql M$0f60q M1riit,4lrt I M 1so M-To-l

E f l u r r q z r l E v l m ] E r z l r o r l f , r o s r @ o @ r s , , H ' j H T H T

f f i ' P @ @ , 0 f f i ' F h @ ^ o f u i - d '

{ l br iEt . MB A.8 M8., t .C E.C A.C.

:1. (120 11601). Zaf (2816011



g Nonoafrs-q)l ]llono2t






(80l0l), Drk. (100 tOl). Po. (254).(301321).7an (4

r*T,rrTf,iIw&qffiEf,l!@!@ Zanarknd Ruins/Bwele tuaceFoors13 l5

Dth Pel Slo $. .Por. Cur.Doom



rfi7fiTril&EKKE$ffiffi eeve etllt Gagazel/8eve h ToyelFloors 1012

M tE[ s2 ri2]

lilillt'iil 44i4 M-nop,fl

E:mlm:l [ [ rzzE tp r

u @ l r ; t @ s s o z t


n';fifiTrrW&&E&f[i][ffi]![ zanarkand FuinvBeve le TowerFloors47.4g

lfl mp: flrmrp,'fl osMgir i rsmtE r tr t

lllliln 4o M-mq-r,,4]Eil vio,, E sa @l o: ru01! [ o @ s1r1 ll$ I

br lS Dr l . Po. . EIL Slu l PB M B

M t E t z f l o@ r E l r

llllllfrlt'l-- ro-M-- so--l

M r s E o E 4 2M o @ r @ oM o M , l


Ftallr{l.rfi?firmw&xr[l!@!@ Ru n Deplhs/Beve le Toner F oors65-69

Dth Pel. Slp. Sl lrk. Con Ber Cur.Sh/( l0 l ) . SI0 ( l0 l ) . l l , lB, Do0m M.D.( l0 l )

Poi {100 [0]). Eit (44 t38l)Zaf. l10l20l)

F,7fii1ril[AXrerfllffil!fi aev di ory t ainvr,lacaan a,0lhors

tor l 16{ Cur l l6

i r ( 1211S l l l an 12 l4 l l

f, o1:r1 fliru1ltli1fl sss M ,ln E ssrzrt [L si [ ! l rzr i f l r rarsl f l nz@$oto5ot E r l2 t f , s : r f l 1 4 @ anl f l r1r1

MM ,orut M ro4[oolll!illl,llll ,Ff M *p*ll

E rolral E 53pE$ [ r @ z r z : @ : r ; r 1@ rr;r [!B o f l o @ , r t i t @ o M , [il 415] ll@ o

$ HaI Hdf

l l Nono







FtallnYTftTfirrnEmmtrflmf,fiMD M hen Hshroad/Ml. GasazerBr]vel e To\ver Fl01]rs l$15

l i ! I Ber. Cur. h lBl

: I (12 frBl l Zal l 12 l{ l l


451 [m o

g llal 9fi{ \ii A0s0m

|lieal tl mnet , N0ne

l in I . Ber Cur.. l i lB l

: l i l2 18 I Sto 120). Zan (214 )

rrTrfi?TrreSEI[lffiffi]llt [4' ren tt ghroad,munderP ainyoalm Lands/Beve le lover F 00rs 30'39

M :rprt Erznrrslt 0I er,1Eflazotsnt [l rpt

lillllfill r,5F,'! Miit6oq I

E[ rr Efl rtst E mL'r


g Weak6 Nolle \ N0ne

Hal ll)l/a d 0ne s Nollo L llons nir N0l0

Non! N0m n0[!

g 6 Absorbq Hall

Ha n0ll0 Noie

g Absod0 Hdt

Hai Hal Hali


t ! n


EVII EYEn',7ififiil[fIlgxx!rflMm Miihen H ghroad/Bikafel/Ml.Ga0azet/others

lf, rz1rrt lLm'rmrt[l slf l a E rp r

mm-,+ir -M


Eil ,, E z M,urirt@ r:Lr6t [fl r;:1 @ oM 2 @ 3

ro .16., Cur.

: l ( l 3 l l l l l Zan (1 J l l

IEEIIIEH7fiETrIEig:ig]ElJillillillllllll afar\ill0 8u ns UPVP e ovr'"tFoors +6

@ rlrr f i lna1url f l ru@ zpst f , rpt

llllllllll lljr M-rr",6tl


l! l

r M n : ; lsliol l!@ o

not GtAl{IrtTlrfirilXiq:lBEEI[nmUU BesaidiThundef P a nsiMl.Gaqad/Beve e Torftr Foors 21 23

M ra1:l l Elr1at:r{m of,nstrnt E rrzt

Mru M 53ori3t l l

Ei l r i E r1r1 @lis1n:@ o [ E r @ l[ [ 2 o l l ! @ r m

Eil@ rnil

Dlh Pel Sp. . Sl CuL. S\v. Stp. DoomM,D

l* .11001 Con. (80 rnr,r l) .8er (60rIrn: l) . El l (28l10l). lan (8l l2l)N


. . a| l l D

= Ul l l - ./ , Pl l l r h

. l- t

I\ l


' ' ' ' -q F

' t t




. > J ( 'f't

EI.E[IEIITALr|?Jri?rf,rnEE&.8@ DloseTemple/thunder I amslMaca !n a'Var ous




rrl7fiT||il88*IEEEfilffi!ffi Thunder P amstBltanettBuinDepthsrvarous

@ z lrq flrslp:ufl zf leol1nr l f i rz l

Mrsotsrot M 44qoril


n E aol f l2L3l !m o

lh D*. Con Be( Cur.S0.

Dth (801. Pel.l25l Ell 114 [20]) Zan13 i4l)

E@t 8








E@l i0l

lh : i r . lbn . Cur

El (1212811 lan (1 l5: l


rENixi l

s N00e J {0llN \"] N0ne

|!one None llone

Efl gtrt E sgl::ot [[ mof l za : r f l r4

M,s!$t M rrot : l : f

a @ n r ,o @ o

fut. .So. Con. Ber Cur '16

: t . 6 l 0 ) Zan l 0 l 3 l )

b lnvalid

nval0 N0ne N0m


\.I/ -'z!Ei-| L,.-

I B.* ^t- t-

.'-r,- rTe-\- J J- .MATBORO OBAIG

f,rll lsL,o]fl o[ l r

Ea4m EzoIr

@ lznrl flwr1rlr1fl rsz @ z:p1 fl rrn6:;11 fl ro:1t;rflrr:ipn f, rpl [ l r : o r ; r f l r : 1

lllllllllll-- 30--M--,00 -l

M ,r0 hR?tll--100 -l

lilllltlllll r,00r5ru hfi?ll r60il$0rl m ,4rrtr M-$'rrf",ql



g f l r , @ t f , f l ' E ' E ' E 'f f i , f f i , f f i , S - o u i - - [ B of r - @ - r [ { @ , ,

@ rf l r


lt0xErilTlE?r*r n Sj :&, r*a *,ffil!ffiLuca,lvlt cagazet




nr,7fi?Tilw:x:ic{ie.Ef,i]@]!!l I kane /Beve te Pa ace t oon 50.59

Dlh Pel , Slp. . S . . Drk. , P0. , Col l Ber.Cur, Slp. . Doom De.. Pl . . N4.D

El (301 Zan (10)


rfiTirfiTlll:1tt : ;iAI IA E|[!ffi! turplaneiBew le Tower Foors70-i4

lid l{one als n \ Nong

N0ne l l l r al id N0nt

Dth Pe1 Slp. Sl Drk, Po , Cof Berl l r S ur . Sh. Doom. De.. P. . Nl .D

E t . l40l44r l la l l . (4615: l l

EIffiffil3:tgjEftiff,ft@ D;ose lemp etMt GagaatrRunDeolhstvarious

3 lii:

$ lllralid ltnl l None

fl0lle El Non€ Noie

S p.. S . Dd., Po.. Con, Ber. Cu. S n..l : t I

l1h. (50). tut.130). Ell (19 tzsl)Zan.1516l)


r E 4 73 l t r B o

$l N0m Itrs t.;.\ N0m

N0m I | one N0n0

fiflcirr. -------------l


5 5 8 6 rr @ o


nTtE?TilsewEtrr[ffi]![ calm lands/Mt. cagaevBeveleTo'Jer Floors 4l-43

f, r:1r1 fl r;rrrrnlfl moEflz{al3sot E rta

r,er @ 4hr ll$ o





Er:loo [[ o

llll!ftll r3o[,q M]orrql

@ zr [ l oz 's1


M z r f o E 5 0o @ o

s flone als .,.l1

N0ne r l tom ft0ne

Dth. Pel Slp Si .. P01.. Cof.. 8er Cur.,0oom

lllltlll Eil I sr -----------l


I t-.


silf l aM

hT,rriTrfrKs&Ei{'rf,ffiffi B kaneiBeve e Patace Foors 27 29

Er,7lrFf,Iall:giEistEf,jffi]Nfl Musnroom Fockf hrnderPa is/B k!ne,lanarkl]d Ru ns,Var ous

@ 11611 f,lnr1ma f, uf , uo l i r q f l r z ,

llllllllll rilr'l! M-ssirioo" I

Eil ,a6 @ ru;:1 @ or1;r1@ r @


11h.. Pet . . Sp. . Poi Coi . Cur Sh/ . PB..V 8.. Doonr, M D.

3er (60 mruril) Eil (25 l30ll lan.l7 I8l)



hn.Ber Cur S\a ( l0l l Sh ( l0l l . [ , lD

: I (15 I23l). lan (1 l l l l

g A Vares

VaIos lnvalid




i I llllalld


Elfirlrilifi reWEflSffiSl turp aneiEeve e torer Ftoors1A-74

MrrrotrsmlE r tz l

EIN mto,t@ oM


n7fi?Tlil[EIi8lr*tEf,j1fiffilflt MacalaniatBwele To,,wrFloos1 6 1 9

Eil $ f zr Espl1ff i l rrol m o @:t,rt l !@ o

Pet.. Sp.. Sl lrn. lBrl ,Crr MB.,[r1.8.

Drk.120101) P0. (l0l0ll Ell (221301)Zan 13 16ll

M r,o M--,so-l

E i l s f $ [ ! l 6 rE [ o @ 2 @ oM 8 r @ 4 0

zPotr), ' I


.2,l r l

. t

- (tt). l





H U G B U G^r- |

/ I A ' . ,I t r v----r,1 - f t t

\vERi ll

ffiNMtS,rytrEBEml fielld coony/Be,/ele Paace Floors59-69

E[;zrs t@ rM

@ ui;i]@ o

lf, aTliat l[2sui,rl][L esoMznpmt [ l rrrt

E[ zp6]M mtssrM

lllllllltl sofo'! M 3ootoocl

z s E i i r s 3 lr [ m o

{or lBal Cur Doom MD

H R I T H M U S,a^


-.J f_

OGBEr#,7riTrfrnEHIilEf,]1ffifill B kanerBwe le lower F oors 10'12

@ ra1:4 flrrzpzrqfl l@ rqlr l r E rL2l

llllllllll 4ra M r'lor$|l


REVEIIAI{Trf,,Tffirlr rrr, :*i E i g, r Eflffi]ffi BesadiKi ka sand/DioseN qh and/Blkll€l/lar ous

E m f a r f l c r@ r o a I r

Dth Pel Sp Si .Drk Poi Con. 8er,Cur Slp Doom

: I 122) Zin 16l


GTrif|ffr .f , :.91 ; $:,El Hf,lmm Biknel/Be,/sle lov/er Foors50 59

f, rprl fl:rtu1ru'1flll of l :arpl f l rpl

llllilllllr o f -! M-4si-!,'! I



M :slait lE6{nl,6tfit[L 6r B rorrq Elo*iarrt f lf l rsor [ l r :

llll,lllll 600 Ml5,q33or M ,, t5t M-sit-,"x]


Dlh SLo. DrL. C0n..8er l ]ur . . Sto D00rn

Per 1601. E L (18 Qill Zan (4 16ll



lf, lgtal E r;:llu:t f, smf ,zor:mt E rtrt

lillll,.lll'l sorr'! M-3roreoil



a [ [ r r r rn lr @ o

i i l , l C r r M D

Er (4151 ) . l an (2 ! l )



l @ u u i l2 F l @ o!@ rsp2l

ltlr.. Pel.. Slp Si.. P0.. l]0n.. Ber. Cur..;h. 1 l0 l ) . Doom ls l P M D.

: I l l2l58l l l in (38l l0l)



{ii Nois 6 Nollo N0ie

Nol]3 @ Weak N0it

rr',lrj7rrr*!K&g'ffi8f,jlffiM Fend Co onyiBeve le Paace F oors59 69



mf , z rM

s flom Abs00'1,


t$n0 |]va 0 llone


ilo Con i;. CUL

: l ( 1 2 l l l I l a n l 1 1 2 l

g 0m 0ne j., N0n0

Nolls //: l!one


4ehor- l c -VERMIil

EItr zz lE zm @ar1zrsl Sil 'rs @ rtrl Emturl ffiznrr E gr Ezlrort

ffiiljt,, ,t-'ffiM *o ffi',,,m fu@ ,o F,t,,,m ffi#*,h

.r. II

LUPIIIEnTffr?riilI-Irr[@@l turplandBevele Palme F oors7579

M qo El zom [l :oof l r m o f l r

llllltlllll 6,0 M 1ofi-l


r z M m2 l m o

Dlh., Pet., Sp.. Sl, Con Ber., Cur Slp,Doom. M.D.

Elt. (26), Zan. (6)

lilllllllll rspr M-tr{rl

n @ s M 6 2 l 6 s lt o t @ r t c t @ o


Iton .lB?r . Cur

El (11 I22l) Zan. {1 [5ll

M rznrt Ezo:tsrq[[ of, mtort E rpt




:EilM rM



tB0lt Gta T


..4ru[98... .. .... .... -.rf,7fij7?f,rf KKKErf,,nirff,rnEl:lnrr#,7rfi?ilxnxgEr[l![@[[ BevelePalaceFloorss5-99 [@trM Besad/Mi'henHshroads/Bevele [l!@l!@ Klka sland,'Thunder

Tou/er t 00rs 1{ Pla nszanarkand RtringvarioN

lf, ra{eal Easierliir$t[L ms M rp Ezzpml f l o f , r+ro1 f ,n l l rurr f , rooE[noopruufl rtzt E[ rutrut f, rtrt f,oootg,aot E rpt

Mr00B?00t M ,600t{0ql M.lit,,q M-,$[u I M,008401 hfitl l s00!50q1



Slp.,l00rrl, tgerl. Cur, Ejl. Sl\,v (l0l), Slp.( l0l l . De.. Pl. . M.D.

Zan. (85 [90])

rer Si. . Po.. [C0n], lBefl Cur., Stp., PV.D,

Dlh (100), El (261371),Zan (B112l)

M Ar r,r di------------lIEd Eu33 l4ortz* (r 5)



rf,,ni?rfrEEElE[mm BiknefB"vel e To!,/er Floors 1315

' : .1_. '

g lllldld L N0ne lll!?lld

l0m lnw id , ll0m

g Noi, 6 N0ne q N0lr0

N0m ival0 t tione$ N0ie 0ne q n0ne

N0ng |]val0 mne


I 0|1e L 0ne h Absorb

N0lIe Inulid WoalI N0ne L l,lone N0n0

0|]e N0ne N0ne



'\ 4;!l.a


nr,7firirf,r i$l 1$i K al t Ef,ffi@ Nov Cave/Bwe e Paace Floors70 74

M q e f r z z f l o@ o o o f l r

M rso M-roo-l

E i l g o E i l o E 6 sE [ o @ o l t r E om i l o @ o




tt)| | l

. lj ll

/, r-tI | l -

, l Z1 -=( rtrtj) :

1 -'\| | l 1

" i E





r{0[ErrTTri7rilEEXtrr[]@ Ki k sand/Diose Hghands


- tr0ltE

rr';Tf,i7TrrJJEelEf,jlffil@ xiitra ts anailluslroom RocuDioseH gh and

E n f r m o f , r z oE E m i l r

M r3o M--r5o--l

D E 7 35 @ o


S i l r @ 4 i 8 7 6

@IN*:r:::sXpE[Emm |( ka handijv]ushroom FockiDiosefohands

ri:z f, oru

M r4o M--l5o-l


Drh 5ot. Pet 1501

EffiN.l8EEqri[@u xi t<a sand/lrlushroon] Bmk/Dlos.l lghands

r o f l : s : f , mf , r o i l r

M 1ro M-so]

E i l r f r s @ o r@ r M s @ oM 3 { @ 1 3

Drk Cur


tlr o r f , tl

tllllllil-- 5il-M-- r5o-l

@ r @ s s z90




r @ oM48

M s , f@ r o r E

@l i


r l!@@



E[ irril1 Efl r @ ispqMzp ,1 t @ r @ oMil *rt @ 22

{& NOI[ 4l-rs\ A!S0tu

N0ne Dl 1nw d N0ne

Dth. Pet . Sp Si , Po. , Col l . .8er. Cur,Sl\v., Slp.. Doonr, M D.

: lr (r8)

@N'?.::r::g:'giE$@ Bkane. Bevele lolrer Fioors50-59

f,+a6q flltmr1rlrlfl oM,*sLs6rt E r l2t

hililil 3oqu Mtoj]0loqrsoq I

Al bulD1h.,Ei l . PB M.B t .C tC. .Al ] .

t) th (30) El (48l i0l) Zan.126l38l)


@N:J:,EI]3:iA:EfffiS Bwe eBeve h Tover Foos ]6-19

M npsr Elnr; f , osf , r : rp: : t [ l r t : t

|ilillt'till s6 Fot Mjit-5qrr'il

Eil 44 El : EI rsp6lU o @ z ; : i l ! @ rM e , @ 3 0

Dlh Pel . ,Sp. Poi Con.Enl . l ]Lr f Shr,PB..l\r1.8

El i2d t28l zan L7 tgll



a N0ng I NOne

None N0ne


$ N0m t N00e-.,t


N0m n0m{t 0m N00e \ir

0ne N0m

v N0ne b fl0m tli N()ie

t0n0 None

g No|]e flote \r Nolle

N()|]e N0ne fl0lle







. t{01tE


llt!7fi Irrr W E E XK W{] F,Trriril [ f| W W Xf rilTlffirrr :W ]&1 W W f[l!ffi]!!l MushroomRocktDloseNghands fi!ffi!f, x itra sland/D]oseN0hands MfifiE0 rtrr slandiMushroomRocl/Dlose

zro f, reol


tur r o f , ! u @ m | E r e s o f l s er @ r e o f i r

lilllfill--s0--M 3m -l

b!M--60--M--r00 -lM

r40 M--150 -llllllllllll--s0--M--300 -l








E i l a f 4 @ 6 2 E i l s s f 1 6 E s 2 E i l : r @ u @ ms @


nil D't. cu'se ------------l



n, l t







rr',r,ffi ?iil s{ E i&i is }*,f,jl@l Musnroom Bocr. Dpse |1ighlands

M r i l m f l z rf l r o [ l r



$ E l 6 63 @ o

nTrFj?rfrKEExtw{[ffi]![ MLr$room RocUDlose |]isnhnds

M r E z u f l mf , r o [ l r

M 60 M 160-l

E i l q r E i l 6 m $M o E N o @ oM 5 2 m E z



s @ o @30


o l!fiE@


s No|]"i Alrry!t;,


Nor"! | | mne None

S CLrf



$ [ '@ rM

Drk. Cul




tt- -



E T R Ol.


-(y ..t5

ltoxErr?,rfl?rf,rNmnXKE[ffi]l[ Klka s andi Mushroom Rm]/DjoseI ohlands


E $ | [ r z o f , r : M a [ [ r z z f , mr o o f l r

M roo M--3oo-lM r,o M rso_-l

E i l q z f r i @ m @ r z @ s eM q @$ @

Y N0m Alg \ N0m

ti0ne tl roneZ/r N0ll0


llh. 150) tuL (50)


r @@

r|]TIi7rfrWiEEffiEUlmnm K lka sland/Muslroom RocuDiose|] 0h ands

Slo Cur



s Noned N0ne \ Nom

flone 0ne N0m

$ N0m 6 N0ne N0nt

N0nt @ fl0ne N0m

€, t$ne 6 N0fle t , N0ne

N00e flone N0m


s |{one 6 No|], !)//i


N0ne N0l]s N0ne

g N0lle Noie \t l0ne

Nonf N0lte N0lle


E;lfriTrilEEffiWEf,j@]lfi Besa d'/Thunder Pk ns/Bevel eTolEr 7 I

@ rlrq f lmprm1fl m@ mrs t E rp t

lillllllll,,fiq Ml,or',ql

l lon. lBer Cur. tPBlDlh. U0). Pel81241) Zan



' -.}ffi-^


$[ saurl @ :r E rs1:s]M r @ 4 1 5 t E E on i l 4 s @ l



.D| | l- t z--l

r r l r - rl r at ' i -

''t u1 , <= (tt) Z..t| | l I

" i Uz




PI.AlITrfl,7fiT?f,rIlElE[l!ffi![t Besaid ca m landsi Mt. casauetBevelle To|1/ef Foors 2426



Mir,4q-lilM-oKoa M ilo M-6so-l

6 ratsu Eil o Ef 76riil r o l f l r f i f cf , ' @ @ o i l o @ @ o

lf, mprt Errp:r fl o lfluf la r : :z f l r4 f,no

f l r1rr l[@ ggLrmtM s r

s Weal a]_s\ fi0ng

HaI tl mneJ,, n0n0

lrk.. Poi.. Con.. Ber Cur.

)lh. {50), Pel. (30), Elr (201281), tunp pl)

rr',7firTfrlIllE[l![ffi]![ wt tlren H qhroad/MushroomFocUoiose |1ig hroad/[,laca an a,ryarious

lfisaaa flrmoflr

Dlh.. Pet., Sp.. Sl Drk.. Pol. Con.8er,Cur.. Sw.. Sto..Ooom Oel P M D

Ell. (26), Zan. {91

g lllva 0 6 Nolle

N0is N0l]e t;, l,lone


- a

3,/f -Ta \









M npa ElnorpqsrtE roE!rrrtzcot E r l2t

M sor"q Mlsoildql

@ : r@ mM



o @ e eo l W o


M r s E r e o f l of , m f l ,

lllltllil--fo nk?il-- 60--|

E i l n E i l E r rM o [ i l o l m oM 2 o m t r E o


u @ sr1rr43l4t Em o@E zpt

r l [3s], Cur

Dlh. {50)Eit. {12 126l). Zall (1 16l)

l lh . Pet . Sp. Si . . P0. , Col l . , Ber.Cur,loom

,ir (6)

rc',rfri?flr:IExE n',ifiIrf,rffi XEI;X r @&ilnxxE[@E!l Musnroom Rocktl\rlt cagazet/ [@l[ Bikanel/Bevel e Totver Ftoors27 29 S@ Nell Cal'e/aevel e Tou/er Fl00nBevele ToNer Floor947 49 70_74


M , r o f z l f l of , * o I r

M , , r M - - r 6 o - l

Dlh Pel Sp. ,Sl Poi Con. Ber,CurS|1i.. Sh. Doom M.D.

,jt. (6)

g n0ne b J!om \l Absod

0n0 N0m fl00e

E N0|]e L N0ne q0ue lnvalid


i*- r- i.r, ie,E \ X;gft Ha f \ d - t r \ lFs, O _ a L .


rF,Trririil' :1 I r ? : El r' 6 E EMEI n E - :i I :' El til,Trrrf,I' 1 r' I 3' : : : : I : flf,ffiffi Nliihen,Beve e Palace F oors 24 26 SIE[Ifil Ne\1iJarle/Ee,leie % ace Floors f,iffift]p Ner'l Cave/Beve e Pa ace I oors

61,64 70 74

M Ir il :*r f, o El :r El cs [l r M,a0 f orzz [[ of , r i o E r f , r : r f l r M r m o E r

lilliin ,, M ,,0 -llllll!lil--r,0-M--160 -lM

400 hfffi--600-l

E i l m f o E l e 2 _ M , 4 o @ f t [ f , : z E r a @ l r md ; @ E i l ' E i l @ f f i , i n r n m lE , EE ' II| -: @ ill iE-

& Nonea]_ry'..Ii A0s0t0

vl/eak ) | lnvalid lnl/a d





Dth P€l Slp Si .Poi Con..Ber Cur0oon'r

Elt (6)


hT7I'iT-Irffi:G8f XEf,!ffiffi Beve ePaace ftoor4l

lfl sr1sll flr,l,l:.:: fl rfl:omt;:r:'[l zpl

Mj-ri-,r.,1 M ilooetotl

mAr--------lMEl.'tililJ-f 50 Pillr7

Dth Pel Sp S. .P0. Con..8ef Cur. .Doorn M D.


q bu lE l

: l(200).Zan (551

t , lj

r l2,


= (tt)r )

l | ll r ,







. T' ^. : Etr\\F_


EIEI{il:ti:.:*:x::&:Ef,ffiffi iarpaneiBevele tuacet loo$ 61.64

M at f ir+: fl sswfl rr:o [l r

llllnn 460 M--n,o-l



Al br lEi l PB Del P MD.

El 1321 Zan (161



i e M s 43 l m o

g l!olli L N0ne \.1 A0s0tD

None @ None 0|]e

s N0m J !0llt \;!

ll0m lnja d Noft

{, rnva 0 J l]l/a 0 tl: |lva 0


M R . G O O NIr

tt ra

na--a\ T I

- lll0llE

G O, a'\c





t ,



hTni?ril n I n f n rfr,Tffiril E x x x x rfr,rfi rril x n x f E rrlni?rfr x x g n r[l![@!t zana*and Rurns [l]ffi1!p zanarkand Ru ns [@@ Bikane ]Beve re towo Froors 5oss [M*Jl


M rrtsi] lEesselroesstfi[ 270 E zgplt l[aropz'ro]m r2of,|um1rmotfl r lzt Wazno t E r t z t

llll,T,llll 3,0rr'0t M-5,itr00r! I llllll,lltl $rr5,r M-,sir$0r I

@ upa [[ rutgal$ [ r E mzrt E ql t r t@ rrst !B o @ o

Slo. Drk.,lCon.l Ber {l0l). CL]r.

Dlh l20l Pel 140) Ell.14ll0ll

M S . O N


rzo [L n1

lilllilil-- m--M-- so-l


. L-,,

- -r-RUi ltAlfT

EIr M r f s o U I 8 5f , a E '

M $ hkil-- 8o--l

$ i l r o E l 6 E 6 0E o M 5 [ m oM 4 m @ 8

E i l ' g | f l 6 [ [ 5 2@ o E N 3 @ oM 5 E E E S

EilmM @


o @@

11h., Pet., S p., Si., Drk.. Poi., Con.. Befll0l). I]uf Sll,1J S10..000m, De., Pl., lrlD

El (8511001). Zan. (4015011

G!7i-i?rf,rEEI:E[l$ffi@ Bikanel/ca m LandszanartandRuinYothers

M rolrzt Ermtrgzq0I of, mp:r EI rtzt

M ,,fi! M-tstltir I

Eil z f m EostrztM2

s1lot [m o

llo. Po [Con.l. Cur. Doom

Eit. l20 l28ll. Zan. 16 t/ll


g N0le L N0n0 N0m

N0ne N0m ,, OD

) rI0ne


I Nollo o 0ne \ 00n0

N0ieN0ig fl0n0


nTrE?rfr nE t lH tF,trfrrn I E x xrfl@l!@ ThunderPlains/BweteTower [llEMIM FarptaneiBevetePataceFoors


o(D it'r,nOCHU


f, ra1z4 f,wpnqfl oz lf, arlaq [llrmprrqfl ssssE[ ratzmt E rtzt f lmour f l r4

nliln-srm m r3oopooq I

Eil og1at E 5rti5l fiflrrretrrlrEN22

Eil zpq@ oml

qz @ qrllqs l rq @ o@ 1 8

qllbulDlh.,Slp,Si. Ork, Ejt . ,PB.[r18qB .

D1h (100) Slp. (100 tol), si. i50 J0l),D* (70 t0l). El1 (28 t30l) zan. (a n)



Al ,ut trt.

til. (2301. Zall (120 I130ll

t)l r l -- l

l r l , {

l i v

r )I- ( rl J \' i -l r l / - '

" i -oz

13312401 2901600t

I N0n8 L 11one N0l]0

nvalid N0m


s m $z @ o



@ f, Elgxr rf|ni?nr wxxmlxr rr',ni??f,r mxmKrf,1ffi@ M tren|]ighroad/CamLands/ [@!fi BumDepths/BevetePaaceFLoors f,[M Biknel/BeveletuaceFloors4446Beve Le Tovsr Foors 2123 1A'74

[ANVArr",rfiE]lrWKEKE|trEfl@ Besaid/Ki ika ts antlDioseH gh and/Ca fir LandsNarioN

M z E r : r f , t r zf , r z r f l r

M , ' , r M $ o I

S r o l [ t m [ l20 El

lillllillll-,'o M 3oo-l

E i l n | f l r @ l r r sf , o @ o M oMil 76 M@ io

r r u f l m l

M 140 M--o-l

Eil :: |fl 25 [!l i3M o M 2 [ m oM s 4 0 @ m




$ [ m@ rnilv Wmk !0m { Absorb


Pe1 Slo S .. C0n.. Ber Cur. S10.. M.D.

Ert i16r Zaf (31


*-I t


E[ rotrq E rptMEil 950

@ r:p [ lns:ur f l :r rE

lillltlllll 44filj M-rr-roq-l



-.1' ^WEAPOI{

n!.7irTrilxKKKr[ll@!t 8we e Palace Bottom Foor

@ gg Elrnn:irIrrll[ gggg

Msoorll3mrtE rpt

M3omFooqM 4oooresoill

M :slaq E ro @m1r:r1il rsl6q [!N rotzr] [!B oM 3 m E 4

EIN ̂ r E a+ @rte1z+1M r [!N nlret ll@ oM s s @ B e

U N0ne J N0n0 A0s0l0

l alid N0ngE llone N0m

fl0ne A0s0r0g N0ne al-rry\ N0ns

fl0ne Nr* N0ne

lth.. Pet.. Slp Si., Drk Poi Con. Ber,:ur. Stp.. Doom Dsl P M.D.

:1 (200) Zan l5s)

Dlh.. Pet.. Sp.. Si . Drk Poi Con.. Ber,Cur.. Sto Del Pl.,lvl D.

El (30) lan. { l5l

lCon.l.lBerl. Cur

: l lS I r z l J .Zan L0 [ 3 ] )Zan. (255)


hrfi1?llil,$8,&Ii&rEfifi@ Macatanlat0atm lands/Beve teTover F oors 7ti9

mrfi?irr EE B i&t E riTrfiTrfr IIE el w EUmm Kiika sand/OryPaN/Mt. flffiffi Besadil\rlihen|1ghroad/BeveleGagazelvarous Tor,rerFloors 4 6


- r , ' ' 'tir,






nu txtxT



li a

| | l

" l d

) . ?


) q )

" i F


i r i E l l P B M . S A . 8 M B . t C E C

MEj...trijillzoolluol"*t 5ol]

rrTrfri?rrrnEIfflllilliEltlllilll [rliihen H shroad/Dry Pla ns/Mt. 6agarel/B".vel e Touler tloon I -3

M spt Errapszl I oE , 1 n 6 t [ l r p t

M qa Ml,ofrlofl

E N0m Otrry"t ft0{10

N0m il mne llon!

a l . Cur

Et.121 [30ll Zan. 6lill



I ,1,, tt -f' ffilm,T Fffiq,,:il' ffi-ll ffi-i..,.ffi T ffi ; ffir@I


rr',lfiTTf,rIEEIrf,@!@ Eesaoi(tta istandiM ltrenfli0hroad/G uadosa amlca fi Lands'!ari0us

M a ml EJmf :rul[L r:,utrr:rt@minrt E r t r t

M$oFri l t M siotr5ql

Pel., Slp., Drk..8er Cur. Sl|J Slp.. LII LM 8. . Doom, De.. Pl . M.0.

Dllr (60). s l40 pl). P0 1100) c0ll. (30Trr! L t t l32l34l l .Zal l .112l18l l




l4ttlotEERrr?,7fltrf,rIxxxxEf,ffifi]!fl Mt. GagauevBwete Pa ace Ftoos/-9

@ r | f , 3 s E oE r i l r

l!ll!lllll--l--M--m -l


|., _c.9. V e,,J.v

EIEiIEIITAI.rrr,tJli?iilnEmKKElJilliElllJll K iktl,lushroom Rm[/Mau all i"]Others

M @ ; 6 . i I

M gtrrt E ssp:q fl nof , : a t s l l [ l r g

tl?lfin ,5!r-Mlrilr,,ql

zl [[ rorlto M B o

Pet. . S0. . Con. Ber CuL. l r i B

t l . (6l l0i) lan.l0 l3l l

llh Pei. Sh.. Sl Poi Cur.. Doonr



@ opq lfllorurnrqftl sws M ltr;t [lq2olrosq[[ 210 E otst Ergal iu l [ [ rErmlal l tE r l : l f , oo r , r1 [ l r 4 f , rpq E rtrt

M 3BoFB,I M looilrrql filtlltlt r,0pi'! nftlil-,4opfl M 1sf55t hfitll-ilrmtl

S: H 11 H* l ' E i l r z @ u [ [ o r1 r : ; E IN ro r r s l E o @o , r r l lfu',''H fu* o' fu' F fu@,' ffL' F foP,'

{, lrvealgjj ,"I1,flo|]'

Hdt ll Nom N()Il.

[INsr smpom,;mo----lDlh. (20), Pet .1s0). Col l ( l0 l r f l ) ,

(221281).7af (8 i l2l)

Drk. . Poi Con lBal Cul

Ell (181241). Zan (012i)

€) l0lle t None ], lnvalid

None @ lnB d N0ne

d) Hall 6 |laf

40s0fi tlll|d]o

s IIl)IE 6 N0ne N0m

N0llg O lnvalid


cHMEn4r#fiiTrf,ritiir&&gxNr[l!@l Thunda Pla ns/lrtlaca an atcalmLandgMl. Gaoazewarious

f, nprl flmul1f, +esf,orr mr, [l r11

llllllllll rrorr5q M 5isnox Iq unit E 45110 M $liosl

E N r p r @ r

Dlh Slp Si., Drk. Poi CuL, Stp Ooom,t D

Pe1 {60). Con. (60lrr,): l t . (2a t3ol) lan. (8t121)


f , q l *

!ilil11lllll--m --hk?tll

Bo -l

M,5o M-', f i ] lllllllltl 5rop4r4 M rrloopol;l

!!01rE R00GTfir{rlr iq rS: g E f rf,,7frfiril :g: :&E'S[lfiffi@ rryram f,MI]E Dtose tll0htandstMt. Gasaett

Bel/sle To, er Uolrrs 50 59

t a o f l ol

@ mlr:t ErIo;rrgr [L rz2690 f l ra lzr : f l r I

M u f v E l m gr E zs [ [66 loqr u @ n l ! @ o



z,r fil rooo [[ tom f i z



4 s @ 7 s2 l l B o



Dth Pel Slo. Si . Cur, Doonr M D.

Drk (20)

Mm flu




r @@I

Eil@ z :M



\ l bulEl .

EJl. taz L60lt Zall (r8[2Sl]

v N0m N0ne \ N0ru

N0ne ll lnvalid Non8

v |lo|]," L Note \i N0m

Noie llone N0m

v ft0n! N0ie Non€

l 0m i l jnu d 0ne


rlTIriTflrIEregKr[l!ffi]l[ Besa d/Biknel/Beve h Tower Floors4.6

r4 EI 6sli5lo l m o

l0oll I tBerl Cur.

Eil. (2 16ll. Zal] (1 12ll

nTrfi]TsrxnNKmrMflfillM I kane /Ru n Depths/Beve le lowerFloors50-59

M o @ r l @ oM[ rp,t @ mzs]

Dth., C0f., lifll Cur. Stp ([0]), D00nr( l0 l l . De. . Pl . . M.D

Pet. (100) Sp (100) Drk. l l00).Ei1(38l55l l .7an 118 i2i l)

rf,7fiirf,rreffiWK&Ef,l@$l Beve e torv,"r t oors 3o-32

M $l5ot Eoaulr:in'[L 25@rl l r4o l E r i l

Mwrq M-45ol ror i I

lon. lEerl Ct]r. Slp..ooom. De., Pl.\ / |D.

Dlh.1100l tul 1100)S011001 S (100)lrk 11001 tu.11001. El.12161) Zan ll 2ll


HEIMrtrrFj?rilnEKKr[@ Besatd, Dlose Temple. Btane.Others

f , : i r t E o r r + l f l rE , r t r 2 l E r p t

M roft M ,opoot I

lCr 'r l lB:r . Cul

Et. (1212211. Zan (1l5ll



,v 46---:^4



\ ,$1r

7 jdti\{r


M rpr ElM srrol E

oolzrl m zsI l2l

f,,rzpll lf,seoorn*1f, olErootr;r; E rtzt

M rosrrq M ,5oFscr I6r1o;t [ i l :r [ [rr tgrtE


E[ ,,t,q@ omil

E i l u f i i l : r @ l l l -E i . ; f f i + , f f i ' S " 5 ' H " '+ : t - @



q t i l



- , -

Gt" I rlrt7 l t ' r

L - - l -



fut.. Sp. Drk.. Con, kr.. Crr S1p.. PBM.8 Del. Pl. . lvl .D

Dlh. (100) Sl (50) Eit. (34 [a2l). zanf2 I20l

q)| | ljl

a| | lr )2,= (tJ). )1











. . . . . . . . . l lmu . . -rlrTl'j?TfrItrEIff,[ffi]lfi Biknel/Bwe e Tower Floors 2426

[iN l@ rM

M ntzel Ernrra:;rlfiL qz@rsopmt E r t : t

M34otolq M-zu!3oql

E E aa6a

llh., Pet., Sp.. Sl Drk.. Coi.. lBerl, Hash.ihv, 510., Dool| Del Pl., M.0

E1 (120 ll6Dl) Zan. {30 160l)

ra,7fi7rilxNExr[@ Miihen N qhroad/Bevete PaaceFloors 24 26

M zz | [ : qa [ l o[ l z e o f l r

n?,rfi?rilrIEmmELlil.ilEllllll.I l hen frqhioad/l\rll Gagaze!Beve le Io\ref Foors 1$15

M re rs l Urnorui t [L r i@ m tmot E r tzt

GMtrp,q M 5,otooql

Ei l t s E rz @nz l@ r r @ 0 1 r u l @ o

llllllilll--4s--M 13o-l

E i l m f o @ mE o [ ! N o @ om i l m m E l o


r l @@

Pe1 Slp. S . . Po. . Cof . .8er Cur.

@lr rs-----------l


s fi0ne , No|]! r)N0ne Noie N0ne

s N0n0 d N0ne lvoak

Absorb tiva I n0ll0 {} firc-Nolle,t fl0m' )

t!0ne Noie

it N0n0 t Noie n'l,lono N0m floP

,it fl0ll0

Noneb l!0ne I

lnvalid !0m

E i l r f s M mE i l o M 4 ! B oM i l 3 @ 6




HER!!trrei7fii??f;rnEEErfll@ ory eum Bevslie Totver Floors2T29

f , a:r1 f l lm*rr f , uMmolr:ortE rtrt

M ?sqrsool M-r3iil,5oot I

Si l i r t rs t E or @n1n1@ o @ 3 { 4 i l l W i lf i i l D M l 4 6

Dth.. Pel. Sp Si., Drk Poi Con. 8efCur. Sl!1, Slo A.B. M 8., Doom M D.

Et 1240 nnumll Zan (80[10011



- !{t IiFkaLI v r t

sraqtrir,fifi?rrEEIIr[l!ffi[!t Dry Plains Biknsl. Mt. GaqazelBeve s ToYJer F oors 7I

E rotrq Esl.1pe36l[L rEfl ntrzt E rr:t

Mrror is! Mlzl t$ql


REP]ILEri?,7rj7ff,rxKEEXr[lMM Diose Temple/Beveleica mLands/Bevele To\Er Floon 21 23

M zlFrt EIrszt232sl[L aalaqf , r m r r e l I r 4

M?Bt3q M-$i r reBol

EE zoprt Efl re @ npelE[ rira] M slrrtt @ oM ftp'rr @ 4

Poi Cfl l.lB?rl. Cur.



unvAF7r-fiTiilnIIl!r[@!]D l(lika h and/Diose fishland/DryP ains,/Thunder Pa ns/Maca ania,ryarioN

riez f, ws1

lt0ltErilT|frfiril[mmxxK[jl@ Lucattlt.Gas,ze1

T [ [ r s

tl?lltllil-- 3f-M--lo -l



rrTlri?rf,rxnEEr[l![@!l Besa d/lrtlushroom RocktThunderP a ns/lvll GaoazeLryarous

r#,7rEnf,rnEIxr[llmm Ki k sand/Thundef Pains/BeveleTo\vef Foon 4 6

M mnz] Ez$rpl:rlm B2lr03t M mpol Euotn,lt[L rnEflzopmt E rtrt Efl rztzo: E rtzt

127 208t ldlf,ll l J3316501

Eil roui t E:epr l @ or-r@ o @ r,r l lM r@ szlrorl fiflfl

Slp., Drk.. Poi.. l0onl lBerl Cur.,S|v..LP8 ]

Dth (40) Pd. (30), Eil. (18 [24])Zan. (5 t6l)



M , s o M 5 m - l


M roo r,1q hF?tll-ili-Fsoi

Ei l r E rz Emtr6lM o @ s [ m omil r42 @ 13

i l ' i l r , , , f f i o # , F , i l ,M ME itl -E-

Sp. S. , lo l l l lBer l .Cur,A.B MB., l ,LD

Dlh. {30). Pet. (50), Drk. (30 [0]) tjti20l28l) Zan (4 r i l )

ql bulPsl Con.. El l . , PB, L.C. EC,A.C

Pel. (100), Con (s0 nnu"el), Ejt. (32l38l), Zan. (15)

Dth Pe1 Slp Si.,Drk Po Con Ber..Cur Sto Doom MD.

El i l6 l . Zan i3)

E N0ne b t$n0 \ !0m

N0l]e Iioft t, Nol]e




rrTrE7ril3&ilwEitKEf,@fi Maca an a, Eeve e lo'rcr F oors36 39

lf, sspsl lE2530tNr2it[L 6af ,r*trmt E rt : t

llllllllll! ,ilrs'! M 3sor6ofl

Eil , l t rst E tr @or1' ;1@ o p r ! B r M * E r e @ r : s r u l


frT O M B

KruPrlrl 000MsT01rE

rf,Tl:FTI {S::&l x, iWE FTIfi?Tf;r WWEWEEEEM Fa0 ane. Sevele loler F oors fllffilu D]ose I qhlands/Calm LandtBere t6l-64 Pa acP toors 2l-29

f , mpq f lr :aprrf l rr 4 n f o z r f l s s rf,gootes5l f, rpt f , o r f l r

lilllMllllisprq M 66or,oqlM r3o M--3so-lE i l s a f 6 6 m s 5@ r @ 3 @ o

E[nu @ r r l ! ! [ r4l8l

E N0m Ofrry-X,rj llone

trl Nolle N0neD1h., Pet , Sp. S . , Cur Sh, ' Slp. D00nlM D .

Drk (100). tu. (100). Con.1100).Ber (s0), tlt. (24).lan (7)


AR E Ml "t t







"! ,.,.r

| | l r * rl ^| | l

',' vt t \ |( l

| | l t + t: t+t' I


Pet., S D., CLJi Sl0,lvl.i)

Dlh (80) Sl. (80 i0l) Po. (30101)Con (50 [Res]) Ber.1100 {Res )Eit. l l2 l22l). Zan 14l l0l)


rrTlfri?rrrIIf IEf,jlffi]llt Bevelle Patace Bottom Ftoor

E[n:rlr::r][l rlz]



q o E i r l r s l4l5l lm o

m*--------------MElttijt,loo.tlroo{r- too pm]);afu

A bul E l.

E1 (20012201), Zan 1100ll20l)

4i1cl !m o@ $nl



m l!@mut@ s , Mml 2s5


M 6 4 m E j

f, roooo [l so

Eil zrs Eil ns @l rze Eil rup6l E s:lo:t Elrzlrs:r

msrj-*t.'im-L"lm-L"tl.-- '-.,F l@-fti-titrtr-(qfi



M atrq l $gsnslrltlLMrzotzsot El zpt

r#,rfli7rilEEIlE[i]ffi!@ Mushroom RocldBeve h Paace

M 300{600t Ml500p00ql M 10000 M--300-l M3000t,0rI M 3000rci'!l


MAr----------lhilf'lz^ p55t----------l

fr?,|frfi'fif :::;Ef,ffi]llt Ruin Deptns/Bwe e Patace toors47 49

|fl gs f ssmss f, sss |fl arpq fl:tmr;:r:fl ssss

g n0ne ti0m

Hdt lflalid N0i€

U N0ne 6 fl0ne \0l]e Invald N0ni

Delense Bncer x8 lB bboll i3l

M m i l@ ,aro E


rF,7fl?firmmxEE[@l!@ Besa d/Dry Plains,'ThunderP a ns/Macaania/Calrn Landsruarous

rrz fl tol

Si . Con CuL. Su. StD.. M B. Doom

0th. (10), Pet. (50), Sp. (60), Drk {30).Po. (60), Ber (30), Ell (12) Zan. (1)




M rsL24 lflma nvt[L v M zltzq flgs:trnstfil 32 z s o f l of,ortrost E rpt E[rs5t2eat E r t2t

G@ 361-'sl M-rut,,ql M?st1, , i M,44t{6q- l l!illtllfil-- m -M--


& Weal h ti0ne N0m

N0ie CI n0n0 $ie








rfi,Tfl7TfrrIEE:XE[l![ffi]l[l Bevele/Bevele Tower F oors 13 15

a lE rr E ssl6altlst @ 4l5t [M o

Cc l . lBa CL[. S$. l l0 l l

El i14 I22l l .Zal l . ( l I4 l l

rn7fiT?f,rwmExr[llMM Cam LandsiMt. GaganvBeveleTolv"r t oon 36 39

El eorcit o Erulror lrzlrst EE oM vt,;t

Crn I lBer., Cur.. StD. (l0l) IPB-

Eit. (6181) Zan. (0121)

rflTri?rfrxE:nEIIMIIM ur Gagaet/Beve te Tolver toorst3 t5


o E l nr @ o

l lh . Pet . Slo $. . Po. . CL]r Doof i r'ione

M r s EE f l m E l

M@ tM

s N0m h n0ne q N0|]g

N0is mne No|]e

g Noft o N0m \ N0|lg

N0n0 N0ne

t acH ArfTn?fiil ]::giElEff,l!@fit Besatd'x ta standiM lhen|] 0hr0ad/Nrlushroom R0ck'l/ariotrs

M u f m r u zf l m f l r


S:rprl l f l luolt , : f l lmf ,a&lrnolE rpt

FTIIfIT'I|l1rll:*r,&il;:ll{EFilffrfrl:eigllg.:,{E|fiM larplane,8we e lorer t oors Sfffi]fit B kaneiBwele To,,rer Floors 50 5965-6S


i l A i l d x E , E '@'o @ ME r fri , d o ffi oE , @ E L , - E -


SD Sl Con Ber Cur Del P MD.

Ith. 1100). tut.180) Ei1 (16 l24l)hn.l3 l5l l

wAsP qUEEN'r{,-



E rapo Er: l rpv; t [L mE[ nr tirt E r t:t

Dth., Pet.. S p.. Sl Po Con Ber.. CulShy (t0l). srp.1i0l) IPB ]. D00m (l0l).D e , P , M D .

El (4016011 lan.1221331)


M m f $ @ i o

luaclll{lnTIlEFiil:9f13;S[l[f,@ffi BesadiKlka sland/M'hen|1 qhroadlMNhroom Roclil/ar ous

E + E o r o f , r z@ r o o f l r


Milop,,t hfq?il 150!6rrl hliill'l ssrrr M-rslrlql fiffiil- 0 M-rffi-l lilltlttn 0 hFllltl--rffi-l

{ ) th Pe1, S p. . Sl Ork, Po. , Con, Ber. .C u r E i t 0 o o m . 0 e . P . M . !




nTTrfirrr$]k:r*tKEl : l I l l i r l i r l furpane Beve e Paa(et oors l5-79

E rutrs l E; i1 in f l r rs E t t r ; t E: is l l r : t [L l f : s f * i r f , r o oEfl np:t E rpt @ qot i l t E r l : t @ l:o [l

M Lril M-1or!,til m!!lil| 4r."q M-r6orrn M sm Mimo--r3oo-l

6 ut::t El 5rl6it E[ 32 E 6 M l t tg t 12U

4 s [ [ 6 s2 l m o



fut Sp Si , Drk. Poi Con 8er.P M D .

ItlllllEr rzsJ"rs, -----l

s @ ru llrlr @ o @


o l @@



!lti td| | l

i r" i Ft i Or ) J1 1

' 1 >| | l

" i I




$ Noie n0ne Absorb

Nong )l nvalid N0n0

l lh Pel S t . . Sl Drk. . Po. . Col l Bel) r . . El Doom.D". P M.D


W A T C H E R - S

MACHIlIAFTfiJITfI:.1i.WEEEIf,@l Besaid,Kiika handiNl henH qh andYMushroorn Rock'larous

@ r f s z r f l : r :E [ r o o E r

lfllii|i|| o M---t--l$ E 5 0o l l B o

Pel, Slp. . S . .ork. Po. . Col l . . Ber.Doorn. De.. P M.D.



. , g 'l o '6 i : ]

, n e \e a t

EIETIE]ITAIFr,rriEiil[ElLs-*-E|[|ffi![ tur Gaqazet]8eve elorer toorsl 6 . l g

@ o i @ 3 l r l M E o@l212

o @@l

S p. , i i : , ; r . Cur.

tlt.lll 2.11). Zan 11 16ll


E N0m b tloig')!


N0m l a l 0 fl0lle

r'TfifiTilNEIF&KEf,l!ffiI!ffi Maca an a'Zanarkand Runsi0thers

$fl ro@ oM



Pet.. So.. Con.. Ber Cur. ir , l : l

: i t .16 l l0l l 7an l0 i3l)

n3 N0ne t .)l Aisort

0ne lnrilld$ l/ve* L Absob lnvalid

lnvalidO N0m N0ne

E N0m ,l 0|]e None

ti0n9 o Non,t N0n9

{} vanes Lllanges

vanes Absort')

YAC - 13. !



rr?,rFiTTrrWE&&ffi8[@[ Beve etBevete lalace

M 1,EBt hffiil ?016rr-l M--:o--lilfmloprrtl lllllL'llll ,i M--,40-l lllltlltl--,4--M--3001




, t \

f '

D 0FtS!Hrfinr[EImls*E[]ffi@ Maca an atBeve e TowuFloors l l15

M rztrq E tzss2lE o@ ii1rzl fl r1r1


rrT|fij?firnEgrormlmm Miihen Hshroad/calmLandsiBevele Io'Jer t oors l0-12


f , npr l [ l ras1;rqf l 13so [[ o

E ^ M r o M q , f 5 8 @ 6 2

t oors l6tg

M r l t4 I m f

r @@



o [ @@


r @l nprl3lr l @ o

r s E s 3 t i s t4lr l[f, 0


E[ ror:6] n rl2t


M mp,rM gt,rM


vr l o ( o


Y A U - 7 1YAU-28

{Yt -


$[ rr@ rMT



{& None a flone qr vl/0ak

N0neN0ne N0n0

l lh. . Pet . , Sp Si , P0. . Col ] . Ber. . Cur,i10.. Doom. M D.

: l l 18 l Zan 12 )

Dth Pe1 Slp Sl. Poi Con..Ber Ctrr.

@Etr8r5r 0--------l

Pel Slo Con l,lBlrl, Cur.

Drk. (50 tol), tu.110 tol)E l l l 4 l l S l l l a n 1 3 l 5 l l

Cor'.lBrfl. Cur

at 110f20ll. Zan. lll5l)


[IECHt{0ltErrllD?rf,rmKKmffl!ffi]fi1 Mushroom Rock

Dth Pe1 Slp Si.,Ber Cur,El l Sl,Sto Doom. De.. P.. M D.

Drk (20). Po. i20), Con. 1100),Zan (10)

nTni?fiilxE|nx&rf,[ffiffi Bevel eiEeve e t oors t6-t9

Dth. . Pet . Sp Si . , Po. . Con. Sef CufSh.. Doom

E t.118). Zan 14)

rrT,rflffir$&wEwr[E$Iflm Klka sand/Beveh/Bevels Paace

:roo $l ol


o @ s eo @ o

l lh . fut . . S0. . Si . . Po. . Col l Ber.Cul;h., Doom M D

: I (18) lan l4 l

E r s E r z r o f l oE i l s o E r

E!ilfif ,5 M--zo-l

E i N r z E l o M B r@ o @ o ! B oM 4 s @ $


M e 4 [ [@ z s s E

E?,rfri?rf,rEwKt8&rr[M[0 ut GaqaTet/BevsleloverF oors +6

llllllllll!--,4--M-- roo -l

M ,f,! M-*prollWE[M




M rpt E rlrq f, rzoEfl zrrt [I rr:

s Esz tns l1 r [ m o

Pet So Con Ber Cur r, B

EL 16 l 0 l l Zan (0 l l l )

{3 0ne 0m h |l]ollo

None N0m

U N0m b No|]8 \ii N0m

N0n0 tNa 0 N0mU NVALO6 lnvalid ' i Absorb

N0ne N0n0

ltot{E ll0xEEl7ff|fiil,'::::: Er a E GXffil:r1 :.!,EL',;:Eflffi lprttastano @ l t t a s a n r ]


iloilE:n'trtirf,r n El'3: : 3 : l,i:f,ffff iKikahand/Bevee

1 1 E m m 2 2l o E r

l l l l l l l l l ' l - -40--M,oo I llllllllll ril M--300-l lllllllltl--140 M--100 -l


Y S L S - 9 9


rrTlitl?rf,rtrEErrff,]@]![ Beve etBevehTo'rertoors2t-23

@ rri:4 l[:;i:n;:: fl o



r#,7rri?f,rnE:91 *::3:f ,@lt<ttasandtBevete

IEI rz E rs6 [L 3s[ f l r f l r

lillltd --llllll?ll-- 'oo -l

rn: fl ae

z E l mr @ o




1730 [L 65

3 b E 1 7 E / l f l n








: @@l


s M 4 er E B o

6 E o 22 l m o




l 6









tJ)| | l


| l l

. l

= (

. )1

ll r .

$ 6ii0



@ m o u r [ l r : 1

02 ijl



E None 4rs-''))r


Noll3 l l none N0lle

J Nom J Noll. N0tu

NoneA Noie NOIE

s Nolle fl0m Nou3

No|]e i l None Noie

]Ur. S !!.. Sto


Lur.. S\V Slp




400 h0t [dtrIEl ]000 2t!l

$ llone j ) ' 0n0


l lh Pel.Slp S (01) tu ([0] i .Con..ler Cur lllll Slr SIo. Doonr P .lvl D

Eil 128 Sjll l:n (8 l il)


rr,7rfi?f,r I IH lf h';lfiTTf,r a I EI f[l@m Mi ihen Hiohroad/Bikanel/Beve le [l!@l!![ Besaid/Eikane /Calm Lands{ariousTower Foors 27-29

@ zrpzl lfisrmlrlloqfl rz M z | [ s m f l u ofifinotrs2otn rt2t f , e o

M164t34ot M86otr5ooi l

Eil zpa El zs E 64pqM rtrst M otrol lm o

ffi m-M-,il]

$lN r@ : rmil


Pei., Slp Drk., P0., Con., Ber. Cur., Slp.,PB MB Doom Ds l P .MD

Dth. (100) si. {50), Ejt. (40 {551), zan(14 t261)

41 EI 83o [ m o

S l Con Cu r .S to MB Doom

Dlh. (70), Pel (50). Sp. (60), Drk (20),tu. {60), Ber (30) Ell (10) Zan.{1)

I L N0ne \ Otg

N0ne n0ne 2t' 0|]e


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llillillilllllililll lilriilililtn