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  • 7/31/2019 Final Nrega Project



  • 7/31/2019 Final Nrega Project


    Performance Managementin NREGA

    Prepared by :

    Chander Sain

  • 7/31/2019 Final Nrega Project


    Introduction:Traditionally, the focus of civil service

    in India was on process regulation i.e.compliance with centrally prescribedStandard & Rules.

    Though it meets the economy of inputs &compliance but fails to provide aframework that would manage the

    results by developing robust indicatorsto assess performance in terms of result.

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    Performance management is the systematic process by whichthe organization involves its employees, as individuals andmembers of a group, in improving organizationaleffectiveness in the accomplishment of organizationalmission and goals.

    Performance management is a broad system of defining and

    measuring performance, besides developing incentives forindividuals and organizations. It touches the processes ofplanning, implementing, reviewing, evaluating and reportingto gauge the impact of policies and programmes. Itpromotes growth and learning, and recognizes thatcapacity building and improvement in individual

    performance leads to better achievement oforganizational goals.

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    The conventional performance management systems in

    government has earned the dubious distinction of being closedand centralized with a focus on procedures, processes andinputs, there are certain new developments in the publicmanagement scenario in the areas of Public Finance, PublicAdministration and government interface with the communityand civil society

    New trends in Performance Management

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    Public Finances

    Outcome budgeting: Outcome budget, as a performance management tool,helps in better service delivery, decision-making, evaluating programmeperformance and results.

    Public AdministrationCitizens Charter: Citizens Charter is a declaration by the agency ordepartment providing public service to specify the standards of servicedelivery and avenues for redressing grievances. The Citizens Charter is animportant tool to improve the quality of services, address the needs ofcitizens rights and set clear standards of performance.

    Sevottam: The Department of Administrative Reforms and Public

    Grievances has introduced a model for benchmarking Excellence in PublicService Delivery (Sevottam). This is a framework for organizations toassess and improve the quality of service delivery for the citizens. Itguides government departments to identify the services to be delivered toset service norms, align delivery capability with expectations of citizens,gauge the quality of service delivery through an objective assessment andto improve quality using interventions like business process redesign andinformation technology.

    Right to Information (RTI) Act: Through this recently enacted Act,citizens of India have access to information under the control of publicauthorities with the objective of promoting transparency and accountabilityin these organizations. The influence of this Act as a new paradigm inaccountability is very significant in improving performance.

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    Civil Society initiatives in performance management in government

    While the focus of this paper is on the performance managementmechanisms in government, it is worthwhile to look at a few path-breaking accountability tools initiated by the civil society movementwhich can be helpful in improving performance management.

    Citizens Report Card (CRC): These report cards are surveys thatsolicit user feedback on the performance of public services to enhancepublic accountability. These scores reflect the performance of publicservice providers based on citizen feedback. The CRC has a goodpotential to evolve as a tool to support performance managementsystem.Community Score Card (CSC): It is a community based monitoring toolthat is a hybrid of the techniques of social audit and citizen reportcards (CRC). This is an instrument to extract social and publicaccountability and responsiveness from service providers. As thecitizens are empowered to provide immediate feedback to serviceprovider, it facilitates community monitoring and performanceevaluation of services, projects and even government agencies.Social Audit: Social audit is a mandatory process of transparencywhereby records are placed by government officials or electedrepresentatives for public scrutiny. Whereas the 73rd and 74thamendments to the Constitution have created a large space fordemocratic decentralization, social audits are mandated in theprogrammes under NREGA.

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    The Employment Guarantee Act is a steptowards the right to work, as an aspect of

    the fundamental right to live with dignity

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    The National Rural Employment GuaranteeAct 2005 is a law whereby:

    any adult who is willing to do unskilledmanual work at the minimum wage isentitled to being employed on local public

    works within 15 days of applying.

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    Each State has to launch an

    employment guarantee schemewithin six months of the Act coming

    into force.(NREGA came into force w.e.f. 05.09.2005)


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    Block is the basic unit of implementation.

    In each Block, a ProgrammeOfficer is to

    coordinate the implementation of EGS Gram Panchayats are the main

    implementing agencies.

    Accountability to Gram Sabhas.

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    Gram Panchayats (half of EGS works)

    Other Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs)

    Line departments (PWD, Forest Dept.) NGOs.

    Note: Private contractors are banned.

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    Programme Officer to maintain shelf ofprojects, based on proposals from theimplementing agencies.

    Gram Panchayats also supposed to preparea shelf of works based on the

    recommendations of the Gram Sabha.

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    Employment to be provided ondemand, within 15 days.

    Programme Officer sanctions projects

    to ensure that all applicants get work. Programme Officer to arrange

    payment of unemployment allowance tothose who dont get work.

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    Step 1 (Registration): Gram Panchayatto register interested households, tofacilitate advance planning.

    Step 2 (Application): Adult membersof registered households applyfor work.

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    Any adult member of a registeredhousehold can apply for work at

    any time. Applications should be for at least

    14 days of continuous work.

    Advance applications are allowed.

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    Central Government to pay for: wage costs,

    75% of material costs, and some administrative costs.

    State governments to pay for:

    25% of material costs other administrative costs,

    unemployment allowance.

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    Registration for Employment.

    The adult member of every House hold who

    Reside in rural area ; and

    Are willing to do unskilled manual work may apply forregistration of their household for issuance of Job Card.

    Within 15 days of receipt of an application and within a radius of5 kms. from their place of residence

    AND If Employment is not provided within 15 days of receipt of his


    he shall be entitled to a daily Unemployment allowance.


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    For First 30 days

    For the remainingperiod of theFinancial year

    Employment wage+ Unemployment


    One fourth of thewage rate.

    Not less than onehalf of the wagerate

    Equal to the wages

    for 100 days of workin a financial year


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    A person working for 7 hours wouldnormally earn a wage equal to a wagerate

    Minimum wage fixed by the state

    Government under section 3 of theminimum wage Act,1948

    Wage rate is fixed by the Central Govt. Shall not be at a rate of less than

    Sixty rupees per day .


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    Water conservation and Water harvesting Drought proofing(Aforestation and tree plantation) Irrigation canals Provision of irrigation facility to land owned by

    SC/ST/beneficiaries under Indira Aawas Yozna

    Renovation of traditional water bodies De-silting of tanks Land development Flood control and protection works including

    drainage in water logged areas Rural connectivity to provide all weather access Other works notified by the Central/State



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    Sarpanch/ward panch

    Programme Officer

    At Gram panchayatLevel

    At Block/Tehsil

    /Taluka Level(appointed speciallyfor this scheme)

    GP/PO shall be bound to accept the validapplications and to issue a dated receipt

    to the applicant .


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    Applicants will be intimated by written letterand a public notice will be displayed at theoffice of GP and PO.

    Priority shall be given to women and in such a

    way that at least one third of the beneficiariesshall be women.

    Employment shall be provided within a radius of5 Kms. from their residence.

    If Employment is provided outside 5 Kms., it

    must be provided within Block with 10 % extrawage to meet additional transportation andliving expenses.


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    Safe drinking water

    Shade for children and periods of rest

    First-aid Box for emergency treatment and

    minor injuries Health hazards connected with work to be


    Depute one woman worker to look after five ormore children below the age of six years of

    women laborers Deputed woman shall be paid wage rate


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    If any person employed under the scheme is or childaccompanying any person injured ; he/she shall be entitledto free of charge medical treatment

    During the period of hospitalization of injured worker Accommodation, treatment and medicines Half of the wage per day to be paid to injured person

    If a person employed under a scheme dies or becomes permanent disabled by the accident at site

    The legal heirs of the deceased or the disabled shall be paid anex gratia

    payment at the rate of Rs.25000 By the Centralgovernment.

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    The wage under a scheme may be paid either wholly in cash or, in cash and kind

    But at least one fourth of the wages shall be paid in cashonly

    All payment of wages in cash and UA shall be made toconcerns in the presence of independent persons of thecommunity on pre-announced dates.

    The disbursement of daily wages Weekly basis or in any case not later than a fort night

    specified under the scheme.

    Laborers shall be entitled to receive payment ofcompensation as per the provisions of payment of wagesAct,1936

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    The Gram Panchayatshall be responsible for

    Identification of projectsin the GP area and preparea development plan asrecommended by Gram

    Sabha and ward Sabha

    Maintain a shelf ofpossible works to be takenup as and when demand forwork arises

    Execution and supervisionof such works

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    Programme officer (Notbelow the rank of BDOat block level)

    GP shall forward itsproposals in the order ofpriority to PO forapprovals

    PO shall allot at least 50%works in terms of cost tobe implemented throughGP

    PO shall supply each GPMRs for the worksA list of employment


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    All NREGA-related documents to be available forpublic scrutiny.

    Copies of documents to be made available at

    nominal cost. Muster rolls to be pro-actively displayed at

    Panchayat Bhawan.

    Documents can also be obtained under the Right

    to Information Act.

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    The Gram Panchayat Shall make available all relevantdocuments; MRs, bills, vouchers,MBs, sanction orders and otherbooks of accounts and Paper to theGram Sabha for the purpose of

    social Audit.

    Gram Sabhas to conduct social audits of all works taken upwithin Gram Panchayat

    All relevant documents to be provided to the Gram Sabha by theGram Panchayat and other implementing agencies

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    The Gram Sabha Shall monitor theexecution of workswithin the GP

    Shall conduct regularsocial audit of all theworks done by GP

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    All efforts should be made to ensure transparencyand accountability

    All accounts and records relating to work shall bemade for public scrutiny

    A copy of Muster Rolls of every work shall be made

    available in the office of PO and GP for inspectionby any person after paying such fee The DPO, PO and GP shall prepare annually report

    containing the facts and figures and achievementsrelating to scheme within its jurisdiction

    All the above documents shall be made available to

    the public on demand and on payment of prescribedfees.

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    The Scheme shall not permit engagingany contractor for implementation theproject under this scheme

    Works under this schemes shall beperformed by using manual labor andnot by machines

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    The State Government shall makes rules andregulations to deal with any complaint at block andthe District level

    If any dispute or complaint arises the scheme byGP the matter shall be referred to PO

    The PO shall enter every complaint in a complaint

    register and shall dispose the disputes andcomplaints within 7 days of its receipt.

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