final ppt destination branding - developing brand india

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  • 8/10/2019 FINAL PPT Destination Branding - Developing Brand India


    Destination Branding

    Developing Brand IndiaICBM 2010, IMT Ghaziabad

    Dr Monica Khanna Marketing Faculty

    K.J. Somaiya Institute of Management Studies & Research, Mumbai

  • 8/10/2019 FINAL PPT Destination Branding - Developing Brand India


    What is a Brand ?

    The American Marketing Association (AMA ) defines the

    brand as a : name, term, sign, symbol, or design, or acombination of them, intended to identify the goodsand services of one seller or group of sellers and todifferentiate them from competition .

    Aaker (1991) : Abrand is a distinguishing name and/or symbol

    (such as a logo, trademark, or package design) intended to

    identify the goods or services of either one seller or a group ofsellers and to differentiate these goods from those of


  • 8/10/2019 FINAL PPT Destination Branding - Developing Brand India


    What is a Brand ?

    However, brands go much beyond theconnotation of type and source ofidentification :

    brands evoke familiarity feelings in the minds

    of the consumer ( both positive and negative ) and

    reputation revenue

    ( both positive and negative

    ) for the company that creates the brand.

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    Challenges for Brand Management

    The most important aspect of the process of brand management is

    to give outconsistent mess ges

    andrem in relev nt

    not only

    to the current target group of customers, but also to the future

    group of customers.

    This is a great challenge for any company due to

    ch nging consumer beh vior of the current and future

    group of customers,competition

    , and availability of

    substitute products.

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    Anything / Anyone can be branded ..

    Product brands Service brands


    Person as a brand ( celebrity branding )

    Corporate brands

    NGO brands Association brands ( AMA, Bombay Management

    Association, Advertising Club Bombay, Nasscom / SIAM )

    Intl/National/Regional/Local brands / Private Labels

    Destination brands

  • 8/10/2019 FINAL PPT Destination Branding - Developing Brand India


    Branding creates that first idea

    about a destination in theconsumersmind

    Branding efforts should be

    based on visitors perceptionsabout the destination

    A destination brand exists in

    the mind of the consumer

    who, if satisfied, remains loyal

    and does not switch

    A mission and vision are

    necessary in destination


    Destination Branding is the management process which

    leads to a strategic plan to build brand identity based upon

    destination attributes, selected on the basis of

    competitiveness,uniqueness and desired identity


  • 8/10/2019 FINAL PPT Destination Branding - Developing Brand India


    Parameter Product / Service Brand Destination Brand

    Type of customers Generally a single group of


    Many ( residents / non residents /

    tourists / traders / governments )Expectations fr om the brand Uniform expectations from the


    Different customer groups have

    different expectations from the

    destination brand

    Comparison with other brands Easy as there could be direct

    substitutes for the product /

    service brand under consideration


    Communi cation strategy Same message for all groups ofcustomers

    Different messages for differentgroups of customers

    Pri cing strategy Can develop a unique pricing


    Not relevant

    Positioning strategy Unique positioning strategy Can develop on one or more aspect

    of the destination brand tourism

    / trade / investments

    Distri bution Strategy

    Use various channels to sell andmake available the product /

    service brand.

    Use various channels to attractcustomers to the destination brand

    Association of the customer with

    the brand

    Length of association depends

    upon many marketing variables like

    product / service quality,

    competition, quality of substitutes,

    perceived necessity, product /

    service category etc.

    Very long term ( for all customer

    types - for traders and investors it

    would be for their financial

    association, for tourists the

    memories that are associated with

    the destination )

    How is Destination Branding different ?

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    Some popular Destination Brands

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    Developing Brand India


    Land of Tigers

    and Snakecharmers

    Place of abject

    poverty and


    IT Hub of the

    worldLand of different

    religions like

    Hinduism, Jainism,

    Buddhism etc

    Land of Yoga and

    Non - Violence

    Land of

    Maharajas and


    Sone Ki Chidiya

    Bird of Gold

  • 8/10/2019 FINAL PPT Destination Branding - Developing Brand India


    Efforts to build Brand India

    Air Indias





    Govt of IndiaIncredible !ndia


    CII and



    India Everywhere


    Economic Forum


    India Brand


    FoundationIncredible !ndia

    Rural Tourism


    Incredible !ndia

    Atithi Devo Bhava

  • 8/10/2019 FINAL PPT Destination Branding - Developing Brand India


    Symbols that helped create BRAND INDIA

    The naughty diminutive of Maharajah of Air India became a

    world figure and took the sales and promotional message of

    Air India to millions of travelers across the world, at the same

    time becoming the most recognized symbol of India abroad.

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    The Common Man featured in a commemorative postage

    stamp released by the Indian Postal Service on the 150thanniversary of the Times of India in 1988. It symbolizes that it

    become one of the most recognized feature on THE TIMES OF

    INDIA the largest-circulation English language daily broadsheet

    newspaper in the world.

    Symbols that helped create BRAND INDIA

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    Govt of India efforts to develop BRAND INDIA

    A concerted effort to market India abroad as a hot spot tourist destination began in the

    year 2002. Due to its ability to generate growth and employment in other sectors of the

    economy, the Government of India developed the National Tourism Policy in the year


    The objective of the National Tourism Policy was to position India as a global brand totake advantage of the burgeoning global travel trade and vast untapped potential of

    India as a destination.

    Another objective was to develop tourism in a systematic manner and position it as a

    major engine of economic growth, to harness its direct and multiplier effects for

    employment and poverty eradication in an environmentally sustainable manner, and

    give impetus to rural tourism.

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    Incredible ndia Campaign

    Conceptualized in 2002 by V Sunil (while he was Creative Director, O&M Delhi), and

    Amitabh Kant, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Tourism, in order to create a distinctive brand

    identity for India.

    Iconic Incredible!ndialogo, where the exclamation mark that formed the Iof India

    was used to great effect across all communications. The campaign successfully

    established India as a high-end tourist destination, generating a 16% increase in tourist

    traffic in the first year of its launch in the year 2002.

    The campaign mounted a concerted effort in international print, electronic, and internet

    media besides outdoor advertising and road shows to showcase the country's tourism-

    friendly aspects.

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  • 8/10/2019 FINAL PPT Destination Branding - Developing Brand India



  • 8/10/2019 FINAL PPT Destination Branding - Developing Brand India


    From 17,000 international arrivals in 1951, the number grew to 39 lakh in the 2005.

    Conde Nast Traveller ranked India as the 4th most preferred travel destination in theyear 2006.

    Between the years 2003-2006, there was a 45.5 per cent growth in foreign tourist

    arrivals into India.

    The share of India in world earnings from tourism registered an increase from 0.98 percent in 2004 to 1.21 per cent in 2006.

    Tourism in India is the third largest net earner of foreign exchange and contributes to

    almost 6 per cent to our GDP .

    Individual Indian states launched their own tourism campaigns under the Incredible

    !ndia umbrella : Madhya PradeshThe Heart of Incredible India.

    The tourism ministry is now focusing on niche areas like medical, ecology, rural, golf,

    wellness and spiritual tourism.

    A few Outcomes of Incredible ndia Campaign

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    Winner of 2005 Pacific Asia Travel

    Association( PATA ) Grand Award in the Heritage (HE)category, for its Ajanta ElloraConservation & Tourism DevelopmentProject

    Winner of 2005 PATA Gold Award in the

    Print Media (AD-P) category for its"Incredible-Taj" advts.

    Winner of 2004 PATA Gold Award for -Marketing, Government for its "IncredibleIndia Campaign

    Travel and Leisure- Highest Recalled ADVT -Worldwide

    A few Outcomes of Incredible ndia Campaign

  • 8/10/2019 FINAL PPT Destination Branding - Developing Brand India


    Incredible ndia Rural Tourism Scheme

    Ministry of Tourism, Government of India and the United Nations Development

    Program(UNDP) have partnered the Innovative Endogenous Tourism Project during

    the year 2006, focusing on the rural tourism experience and based on rural art and

    craft skills, cultural and natural heritage.

    A key objective of the Explore Rural India was to promote village tourism in order to

    spread tourism and its socio economic benefits to rural and new geographic regions

    in India.

    The Rural Tourism Project launched under the Incredible India campaign received

    global recognition by winning the World Travel Award 2006 for the WorldsLeading

    Responsible Tourism Project

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    Incredible India Rural Tourism Scheme

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    Incredible India Atithi Devo Bhava

    'Atithi Devo Bhavah' i.e. Guest is God, launched under the

    aegis of the Incredible India campaign, is a social awareness

    campaign aimed at providing the inbound tourist a sense of

    being welcomed into the country.

    Leading actor Aamir Khan and leading film & ad filmdirector Rakeysh Omprakash Mehra have been roped in as

    brand ambassadors for spreading the message of Atithi

    Devo Bhava

    'Atithi Devo Bhavah is a nationwide campaign aimed at

    sensitizing people about India's rich cultural heritage, its

    preservation, cleanliness, hospitality and bringing out an

    attitudinal shift among the masses towards tourists

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    India Brand Equity Foundation

    An initiative of the commerce and industry ministry to

    create Brand India, the vehicle for this purpose was the

    creation of the India Brand Equity Fund ( IBEF ) in the year

    1996 with a corpus of Rs 50 crore

    Towards the end of the year 2002, the working of IBEF was

    transferred to the Confederation of Indian Industries ( CII )and the India Brand Equity Fund was re-christened as the

    India Brand Equity Foundation

    The whole focus of IBEF is to Celebrate India as a

    Destination of Opportunities and Ideas with very

    specific objectives

    CII roped in Boston Consulting Group ( BCG ) in the year

    2003 for promoting India overseas through the IBEF

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    India Everywhere Campaign World Economic Forum


    The core message of the India Everywhere campaign wasto present India as an attractive destination for foreign

    investment, as an emerging manufacturing hub and as a

    credible partner for world business

    The CII launched the INDIA EVERYWHERE campaign at the World

    Economic Forum ( WEF ) at Davos from Jan 25-29, 2006. The

    high powered Indian team comprised of Cabinet Ministers, Chief

    Ministers, and Prominent Indian Business Leaders, in order to

    deliver a single message to the global community India the

    fastest growing free market democracy

    N Srinivasan, Nandan Nilekani and Rahul Bajaj put

    together a DREAM TEAM including top Govt officials from

    India to support this exercise, and to create a brand image

    for India through billboards, banners and literature

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    Brand India in the Year 2009



    Security Threats

    Mumbai terrorist

    attacks etc

    India Everywhere

    IBEF InitiativesAtithi Devo


    Explore Rural



    Scandals - Satyam

    Attacks and

    Murders of

    Foreign Tourists

    in Goa etc

  • 8/10/2019 FINAL PPT Destination Branding - Developing Brand India


    Brand India in the year 2009

    Security has turned out to be a serious issue of concern after the Mumbai 2008

    terrorist attacks, and the image of India took a further beating after the huge

    corporate scandal involving Indiasleading software company Satyam Computers.

    Tourist arrivals to India were down by more than 17 percent in January 2009 due to

    the global economic crisis, and there was a decline in foreign tourist arrivals to the

    country in the months of December 2008 and January 2009.

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    So how exactly is India perceived ?

    Developing, Measuring and Comparing a Destination


    In the year 1996, Simon Anholt coined the term Nation Branding,

    and in the year 2005, Simon Anholt developed the Nation Brands

    Index as a way to measure the image of a destination.

    Anholt-Gfk Roper Nation Brands

    Index with its six dimensions

  • 8/10/2019 FINAL PPT Destination Branding - Developing Brand India


    So how exactly is India perceived ?

    Developing, Measuring and Comparing a Destination


    According to the leading public affairs and media company Anholt-

    Gfk Roper Public Affairs and Media, the way a country is perceived

    can make a critical difference to the success of its business, trade

    and tourism efforts, as well as its diplomatic and cultural relations

    with other nations

    Anholt-Gfk Roper Nation Brands

    Index with its six dimensions

    India ranks 27th in global rankings for

    the year 2008 on the Anholt-GfkRoper Nation Brands Index

    India is ranked 20th in the year 2008

    culture & heritage index which

    represents sports, cultural heritage

    and contemporary culture

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    How do the stakeholders perceive Brand India ?

    Asurvey conducted among the lobal Indians and the Non Resident Indiansimportant stakeholders for brand India, as they carry the message of India abroad,

    and help India to attract investments and tourists.

    Profile of the respondents:

    Age Group : 80 % of respondents were of 35 years and above

    Sex : 80 % male

    Education : More than 60 % Engineering Graduates with a post

    graduate degree in ManagementAttitude : Liberal Indian

    Stakeholders : 80 % Global Indians

    Food Habits : Indian with Chinese as most preferred foreign food

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    How do the stakeholders perceive Brand India ?


    Worse than

    India Same as India Better than India

    Law and Order Africa 16% 70%

    Cleanliness Africa, 92%

    Condition of Roads Africa 92%

    Job Opportunities 23%,Africa 31% 31%

    Electrical power Supply Africa 1% 77%




    Social & Religious

    Tolerance 15%, @ 46% 23%

    Opportunities for Growth 23%


    America 38%,Africa

    Quality of Education




    54%,Europe and US,Canada

    Health facilities Africa 1%

    77%, Europe and US but


    ( Bangladesh is the only country that is worse than India on all the above parameters )

    * varies from country to country, Africa is bad.

    @ racism still observed in few countries, religion-wise, more tolerant in Europe but much less in Africa.

  • 8/10/2019 FINAL PPT Destination Branding - Developing Brand India


    Conclusions : Is developing Brand India important ?

    Yes : Contribution of Indian Travel & Tourism to

    Gross Domestic Product ( GDP ) is expectedto stay the same at 6.0% (INR3,239.4 billion

    or US$67.3 billion) in 2009 to 6.0% (Rs 10,274.1 billion or US$187.3 billion) by 2019.

    Employment :The contribution of the Travel & Tourism economy to employment isexpected to rise from 31,105,000 jobs in 2009, 6.4% of total employment or 1 in every

    15.6 jobs to 40,037,000 jobs, 7.2% of total employment or 1 in every 13.8 jobs by 2019.

    Growth: Real GDP growth for Travel & Tourism economy is expected to be 0.2% in 2009

    and to average 7.7% per annum over the coming 10 years.

    Exports : Export earnings from international visitors and tourism goods are expected to

    generate 6.0% of total exports (Rs 811.9 billion or US$16.9 billion) in 2009, growing

    (nominal terms) to Rs 2,819.0 billion or US$51.4 billion (4.1% of total) in 2019.

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    Focus of Brand India Trade or Tourism ?

    It should focus on everythingquickly building its equity not only in tourism but

    also trade.

    Brand India can mean anything to anyone or everything to someone or

    something to anyone !!!!!!

    Brand India means a destination full of opportunities, just waiting to be


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    What Mark Twain said about India

    The one land that all men desire to see and having seen once, by even aglimpse, would not give the glimpse for all the shows of all the rest of the globe


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    Questions ???