final report for engr4950 daniel bondarenko

Design and Construction of a Humidity System for a Climatic Wind Chamber ENGR4950U Capstone Systems Design Dr. Remon Pop-Iliev Dr. Martin Agelin-Chaab Dr. Sharman Perera Design Report 1 Team G03-02 December 02 2013 Daniel Bondarenko (ID:100363648)

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Page 1: Final Report for ENGR4950 Daniel Bondarenko

Design and Construction

of a Humidity System for

a Climatic Wind



Capstone Systems Design

Dr. Remon Pop-Iliev

Dr. Martin Agelin-Chaab

Dr. Sharman Perera

Design Report 1

Team G03-02

December 02 2013

Daniel Bondarenko (ID:100363648)

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Daniel Bondarenko(100363648) ENGR 4950U December XX 2013

Design and Construction of a Humidity System for a Climatic Wind Chamber


Table of Contents 1. Design Challenge and Objectives .......................................................................................................... 2

1.1. Project-related Background .......................................................................................................... 2

1.2. Project-related Review of the Current State of the Art ................................................................ 4

2. Detailed Design Documentation ........................................................................................................... 7

2.1. Phase 0: Product Planning ............................................................................................................ 7

2.1.1. Project Identification............................................................................................................. 7

2.1.2. Project Scope ........................................................................................................................ 8

2.1.3. Evaluation and Priorotization of Projects ............................................................................. 9

2.1.4. Allocate Resources and Plan timing .................................................................................... 12

2.2. Phase 1: Concept Development .................................................................................................. 18

2.2.1. Sub-Phase A: Identifying Customer Needs ......................................................................... 18

2.2.2. Sub-Phase B: Establishing Target Engineering Specifications ............................................. 18

2.2.3. Sub-Phase C: Setting the Final Specifications ..................................................................... 20

2.2.4. Sub-Phase D: Concept Generation ...................................................................................... 28

2.2.5. Sub-Phase E: Concept Screening and Scoring ..................................................................... 32

2.3. Phase 2: System-Level Design ..................................................................................................... 36

2.4. Phase 3: Detail Design ................................................................................................................. 42

2.5. Phase 4: Design Fundamental Simulations and Analysis ............................................................ 46

3. Conclusions ......................................................................................................................................... 57

4. Acknowledgements ............................................................................................................................. 57

References .................................................................................................................................................. 58

Appendix: .................................................................................................................................................... 60

A. Project Gantt Charts ........................................................................................................................... 60

B. The project planning schedule of the sequential tasks for the Humidity Regulation System ............. 64

C. Organized hierarchy of customer needs ............................................................................................. 71

D. Competitive Products ......................................................................................................................... 79

E. Complete QFD for the HRS ................................................................................................................ 107

F. Concept Generation vie Concept Combination Table ....................................................................... 110

G. Calculations for the Staggered Tube Bank Configration .................................................................. 143

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Daniel Bondarenko(100363648) ENGR 4950U December XX 2013

Design and Construction of a Humidity System for a Climatic Wind Chamber


1. Design Challenge and Objectives There exists a Modular Open Wind Climatic Chamber (MOWCC) on the grounds of University of

Ontario Institute of Technology, however, it is not completed and cannot work according to its purpose.

The challenge is to make this existing open channel climatic wind chamber fully functional and in

accordance to the requirements of the project supervisor, Professor Perera. One of the requirements, set

by Professor Perera, is a functional humidity control unit that will provide operating conditions similar to

the conditions in Canada. This objective has been nominated to Daniel Bondarenko (Team G03-02),

specifically to design and construct a humidity control system for MOWCC, because it does not have the

this required system.

For a reason that the MOWCC will be capable of separating into independent climatic modules the

humidity control system will be expected to operate in several modes:

An obligatory humidification and de-humidification of air for a stand-alone climatic

chamber, without the operation of the primary wind generating air fan.

An obligatory humidification and de-humidification of air for a system under test, such as

a model building, that will be positioned onto the test area within the climatic wind


An optional humidification and de-humidification of air for a climatic wind chamber with

the operation of the primary wind generating air fan

1.1. Project-related Background

Firstly, a climatic chamber is a volume confined to boundaries and subjected to changes in temperature,

pressure, humidity, and lighting, in order to simulate weather under controlled conditions and on a small

scale. By building small scale models of either existing engineering structures, or engineering prototypes,

and testing them within a climatic chamber it is possible to model real world applications and predict their

actual scale counterparts’ behaviour with respect to varying environmental stresses. A climatic wind

chamber is similar to a climatic chamber, though an additional feature is the controlled wind speed within

the chamber and boundary conditions allowing for the passage of air. The climatic wind chamber project

in the FESNS is of modular type, and, hereby, can be arranged to be a stand alone climatic chamber as

well as a wind climatic chamber.

Though the climatic wind chamber is project that requires team effort for completion, the humidity

control portion is of primary interest for successful completion of ENGR 4950. Hence, the primary

highlights of the background information presented in this section will be in regard to the humidity

control system.

Humidity is the amount of water vapor in a volume of air [1]. The specific/absolute humidity is the mass

of water vapor present in a unit mass of dry air, specifically denoted by ω:

(kg water vapor/kg dry air) {1}

Dry air on its own contains no water vapor and it humidity is zero. When water vapor is added to the dry

air, the humidity of air rises up until the point of saturation. The saturated air has so much moisture that

any additional moisture added will immediately precipitate out of the air-vapor mixture as condensate.

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Design and Construction of a Humidity System for a Climatic Wind Chamber


The saturated air, however, holds only a specific amount of moisture at a particular temperature; so even

though the temperature changes the specific humidity remains the same. To take into account the change

in moisture levels corresponding to the changes in the temperature it is convenient to think in terms of

relative humidity. The relative humidity is the ratio of the moisture suspended in air (mv) at a specific

temperature, relative to the maximum amount of moisture the air can hold at that temperature (mg)

{2}, where Pg=Psat@T

The relative humidity ranges between 0, for dry air, and 1, for vapor saturated air.

Accounting for the temperature effect on the level of moisture in the air it is only logical to deduce that at

a specific temperature it is possible to extract the vapor from the air, specifically for water vapor, at

standard atmospheric conditions, this temperature is about 0oC. In principle, the methodology of

controlling the humidity is a matter of diffusing water mist through the air and allowing it to mix in order

to humidify air at a specific temperature, or cooling the air to a temperature of water condensation in

order to extract the vapor from the air. In order to change the temperature of the air, however, the energy

either needs to be added or extracted from the air volume. The challenge presented in this project is that

the humidity has to be controlled precisely according to the conditions set by the operator of climatic

wind chamber. This challenge can be overcome by applying the principles of thermodynamics, heat

transfer, control systems, and, likely, machine design.

Now, in order to lower the temperature of the air or raise its temperature it has to be either cooled or

heated by the means of heat exchange from a surface to the mass of air. The heat exchange process for

this matter will then primarily occur my means of conduction, that is direct contact of air with the heat

exchanging surface, and convection, which is the mixing of the volumes of air as it leaves the surface [2].

The radiation plays a minor role in control of humidity, so right now it is negligible to discuss it, although

it will play role in the overall operation of the climatic wind chamber (any special scenarios of radiation

heat transfer and humidity control will be discussed if ever such event occurs during the project).

Therefore, simply by focusing on the two modes of heat transfer, conduction and convection, it is

understandable that the matter of surface temperature, flow speed, as well as the shapes of the surfaces

will affect the humidity within the climatic chamber. Going into further discussion about the shape and

form of the humidity control system will only make sense after confirming the requirements for the

overall system. Hence, as far as the basic principles of humidity control go, it is simply a matter of

changing the temperature of the air in order for it to either absorb water vapor or condensate it on the

surface of heat exchanger.

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Design and Construction of a Humidity System for a Climatic Wind Chamber


1.2. Project-related Review of the Current State of the Art As a transition from the previous section it is worthwhile to consider several wonderful ideas pertaining

the humidity control. The current state-of-the-art devices for humidity extraction and humidification are

primarily based on the principles discussed in the background section; though the methods of humidity

control can be quite extravagant the foundations remain solid. Hence, consider the following figure that

illustrates the humidification and dehumidification system found widely in the field of heating,

ventilation, and air-conditioning.

Figure 2. Humidity Control System used in HVAC industry

Most of the existing and state-of-the-art systems for humidity control employ the system shown in figure

1, due to its simplicity and flexibility of application to different scenarios [1].

However, knowing that the system presented in the figure 1 is the base foundation for most of the other

humidity control systems is not an indicator that it cannot be improved. In fact it is worth pointing out the

outstanding ideas that show most promise for the humidity control, even though these ideas are merely

additions to the system that has long been established as the primary method for humidity control.

One of the ways to improve the performance of the humidity control system is to find a cycle that will be

best suited as a refrigerator for the humidity extraction. Depending on the size of the system, the

refrigeration cycle may either employ something as involved as an open air-vapor compression

refrigeration system, like the one shown in fig. 4 [3], or as simple as a Peltier thermoelectric cooler, which

only requires and input of electricity to create a temperature gradient between surfaces [4].

An interesting method to cool down air is by the use of a vortex tube [1]. However, it requires the gas to

be input under a significant pressure, in order to operate properly, and the efficiencies of these devices are

not as high as the conventional refrigeration cycles.

Figure 3. Vortex tube lets the pressurized gas in, the cool gas exits to the left, and hot to the right

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Design and Construction of a Humidity System for a Climatic Wind Chamber


Figure 4. Circuit diagram of an open air-compression refrigeration system for air-conditioning

and desalination

One of the areas in humidity control that is steadily gaining attention is the desiccant wheel. One

particular aspect that makes desiccant wheel an attractive option for many de-humidification systems is

that it is a low thermal energy driven device. A rotary honey-comb desiccant wheel can continually

remove moisture from the system [5]. A schematic of the desiccant wheel humidity control system is

shown in fig. 3.

Figure 5. A schematic of experimental desiccant wheel. (1) Electric heater. (2) Electrothermal humidifier.

(3) Console. (4) Desiccant wheel. (5) Motor pulley. (6) Process air fan. (7) Damper. (8) Re-generation

heater. (9) Console. (10) Regeneration air fan. (11) Process air filter.

(12) Regeneration air filter.

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Design and Construction of a Humidity System for a Climatic Wind Chamber


Some systems utilize porous glasses to control the humidity levels [6]. Though interesting, their use is

limited to the field of humidity sensors. The porous glasses improve the performance of the humidity

sensors by setting the new limits for humidity level detection, which could be potentially used to observe

the performance of the climatic chamber project. However, this decision will primarily rely on the

feasibility study of such sensors as well as the actual requirements set by the supervisors.

It would not be a complete description of the state-of-the-art technologies, available for humidity control

system, if the novel developments in materials are not mentioned. The composite materials used in honey-

combed desiccant wheels can improve the humidity extraction up to 50% compared to the conventional

materials [5]. Certain coatings like acrylate-based copolymer emulsion [6], when deposited on a surface

can regulate the humidity by either absorbing or releasing water vapor depending on the temperature of

the wall, which could be beneficial if applied to the desiccant wheels.

Lastly, some of the control options currently utilized in the state of the art humidity control systems may

involve genetic algorithms, or artificial neural network controllers [7].

There are, perhaps, a multitude of other technologies available for the humidity control, but given the

limited time for this project the ideas listed above are the most prominent.

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Design and Construction of a Humidity System for a Climatic Wind Chamber


2. Detailed Design Documentation

2.1. Phase 0: Product Planning

2.1.1. Project Identification

The identity of the MOWCC project is a demand oriented platform design (configuration design), with

low level of customization (parametric design). The project of the team G03-02 is to design and construct

a fully functional humidity control system for MOWCC. The humidity control system allows for the

addition and the extraction of moisture from the air by means of water evaporation and air cooling. This

system is also a demand oriented platform design, and it also has low level cuctomization aspect; this

project will include finding the values for the features that characterize the humidity control system that

will fit the existing MOWCC shell. The product of the design process will be a new platform product

because it will involve a major development effort to create a new device, based on a common platform

of MOWCC. The design for this project will follow a successive development and application of

constraints until only one unique project design remains. Development and application of the constraints

will be done incrementally and in accordance to the decision making, which will be based on the

knowledge, drawings, models, analyses, and notes generated throughout the project. However, the design

requirements will effectively constrain the possible solutions to a subset of possible designs, since the

MOWCC shell already exists.

As per the requirements of ENGR 4950, and in accordance to the lecture notes [10], the design practice

for this project will be focused on following, as close as possible, the best practices:

1. Focusing on the entire product life

2. Using and supporting the design teams

3. Realizing that the processes are as important as the product

4. Attention to planning for information centred tasks

5. Careful product requirements development

6. Encouragement of multiple concept generation and evaluation

7. Awareness of the decision making processes

8. Attention to designing in quality during every phase of the design process

9. Concurrent development of product and manufacturing process

10. Emphasis on communication of the right information to the right people and at the right time.

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Design and Construction of a Humidity System for a Climatic Wind Chamber


2.1.2. Project Scope

Currently the MOWCC lacks the following components that will provide desired performance:

- Instrumentation (primarily sensors) and control

- Insolation system

- Temperature regulation system

- Humidity regulation system

- Geothermal regulation system

The MOWCC already has existing components for the shell of the chamber as shown in figure 1. The

wind chamber also has the control system unit in form of NIcrio data acquisition cradle and data

acquisition modules.

Figure 1. Shell of the climatic wind chamber

The reason for existence of MOWCC is that there is an academic and educational need for a controlled

environmental wind chamber at Faculty of Energy Systems and Nuclear Science (FESNS) at UOIT. The

collective team of students from FESNS and FEAS will be working together to complete the required

components of this project. A portion of this large project includes a controlled humidity system, this

system will be designed and built by a FEAS student member of the team, Daniel Bondarenko. The

purpose of the humidity control system is to humidify air and/or extract humidity at the will of the

operator. The humidity control system has to preferably be modular, compact, and compatible with the

integrated control system for the whole climatic wind chamber. It is expected that by April the humidity

control system will be a fully functioning and integrated with the climatic wind chamber.

Since, the primary concern of team G03-20 is the completion of the humidity regulation system it has

been pointed out that this system should be safe, modular, easily maintainable, inexpensive, robust during

operation, capable of integrating with other components of the wind chamber, use as few toxic materials

as possible, and follow the control set points directed by the operator of the wind chamber.

The cost of the humidity regulation system is limited to $200. Although this may seem as a financial

constraint it is also a constraint that sets the limit to the designs possible for the humidity control. The

control of the humidity regulation system will be done through the LabView and NIcrio. The system

should be modular and fit in a box of about 1 cubic meter for the two obligatory options (stand-alone

climatic chamber without the operation of the primary fan, and the system under test, such as a model

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Design and Construction of a Humidity System for a Climatic Wind Chamber


building). The system should also be relatively simple and have few operational parts for the ease of


In the best case scenario the obligatory and the optional humidity regulation systems would be able to

regulate the relative humidity levels from 5 to 95%. The temperature levels for the system are expected to

be between -20oC to +40

oC. During the open channel operation the airspeeds may reach as high as 11m/s.

2.1.3. Evaluation and Priorotization of Projects Competetive Strategy

Firstly, it is fully understood that the design process for this project, and the creation of the end product

itself, will involve an error uncertainty. The competetive strategy outlined in this section shows an

approach to the design, which will ,hopefully, help to reduce the error uncertainty.

During the course of the project it is planned that the design will be rooted from the technology

leadership, cost leadership, and imitation of existing products. The technological leadership will be based

on the basic research and development of the technology, and the consequtive deployment of this

technology through the product development. The cost leadership is based on the existing budget

constraints ($200) and the fact that the technology will have to be efficient in its operting condition, as

well as through the manufacturing, assembly, and the management of the production; the cost-leadership

is largely emphasized during the DFX phase. Lastly, there will be an aspect of imitation of existing

products, because the creation of the state of the art humidity control system relies on closely following

the trends in the humidity control industry. The imitation will allow to explore the best options that

currently exist, it will follow the fast development process to effectively find a solution for the project,

and it is a good approach in general, due to the limited time and resources.

There will be an element of means-ends approach in the analysis of the project, because this project will

advance incrementally towards the end-goal of a fully functioning humidity control system. Both the

algorithm procedures and the heuristic procedures will be used during the design analysis, though it is

expected that the most realistic procedure will be used over a more theoretical one; this is due to the fact

that end product has to function in the “real-world”, not the simulation. Also, since some imitation of the

existing products will be performed during the execution of the design process, some backward dis-

assembly will be made as well; the ultimate goal of the project is to create a humidity control system,

which has been created before and has solid theoretical foundation, and, based on this goal, it will be

decided what constitutes a reasonable direction prior to reaching this goal.

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Design and Construction of a Humidity System for a Climatic Wind Chamber

10 Technology Roadmap

The technology roadmap for the humidity regulation system is shown in figure 6, this roadmap will guide

the project development for the period between the beginning of the project and its completion.

Figure 6. Technological Roadmap for the Humidity Regulation System

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Design and Construction of a Humidity System for a Climatic Wind Chamber


Also, figure 7 gives an outline of the product life cycle management system, which is relevant to each

humidity regulation sub-system of MOWCC. The product life-cycle management system will be followed

throughout the project development and in accordanc to the technological roadmap.

Product Life-Cycle Management


System Engineering

Design Automation

Bill of Materials

Manufacturing Engineering

Service, Diagnosis, Warranty

Portfolio Planning





Signals and Connections









Solid Models






Figure 7. Product Life-Cycle Management for the Humidity Regulation System

The two obligatory and one optional design projects will be followed through simultaneously throughout

the term of the ENGR 4950, as it is preferable that all of them get completed by April 2014. Hence,

prioritywise, the projects will be approached simultaneously, but the design choices will be streamlined

towards the options that can be transferable in theory, modular, and cost effective. It is likely that the

finalized design choice for the house and the individual chamber will share similarities, albeit having

different dimensions.

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Design and Construction of a Humidity System for a Climatic Wind Chamber


2.1.4. Allocate Resources and Plan timing Resource Allocation The resources necessary to complete the MOWCC project in time and on budget primarily include the

team’s human resources, such as skills and support, and the facilities available to complete the project.

The team works together in a designated lab specifically meant for the climatic wind chamber. In this lab,

the project plan and approach is discussed and implemented. It is also the place where the FESNS team

for MOWCC, Dakota Watson, Jonathan Allcock, Nandine Kanesalingam, Jason Runge, and the FEAS

student, Daniel Bondarenko, meet and work on project.

Currently, the available hardware includes the National Instruments Control Cradle with Data Acquisition

Modules, the lab computer for data acquisition, visualization, and control. The available software for the

project includes NX Nastran, Fluent, EES, RefPROP, Labview, and Matlab.

The specific equipment available in the lab for the humidity regulation system includes the MOWCC

shell, the model house, the humidity sensors form ``Omega``, misting equipment (MistKing: pump,

control unit, connectors, and hoses), thermocouples, fog machine, and machine shop facilities on UOIT

Energy Research Center (ERC) grounds.

The engineering tools that will be used, but are not limited to, are the following:

Functional Breakdown by the use of the Fishbone Diagram

SWOT analysis

Pros-&-Cons analysis

Quality Function Deployment (QFD) using the House of Quality (HoQ)

Concept Drawings (Assembly, Detail, Layout)

Decision Matrix

Gantt Chart

It is expected that the some of the help in approaching the project will come from the following primary


Dr. Agelin-Chaab (Assistant Professor, Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science)

Professor. Perera (Lab Specialist, Faculty of Energy Systems and Nuclear Science)

Dr. Pop-Iliev(Professor, Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science)

Robert Ulrich (Lab Technician, Faculty of Energy Systems and Nuclear Science)

Dr. Waller (Professor, Faculty of Energy Systems and Nuclear Science)

Dr. Gabbar (Core Faculty, Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science)

Dr. Dincer (Professor, Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science)

Dr. Rosen (Professor, Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science)

Qi Shi(Engineering Specialist, Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science)

Cliff Chan(Engineering Specialist, Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science)

Hidayat Shahid (Manager of Technical Services, Faculty of Engineering and Applied


Leon Wu (Engineering Specialist, Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science)

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Design and Construction of a Humidity System for a Climatic Wind Chamber


Michael MacLeod (Lab Specialist, Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science)

Dr. Arulliah (Associate Professor, Faculty of Science).

The primarily accountable person for the completion of the humidity regulation system is Daniel

Bondarenko. Hence, he is responsible for communicating the progress on the design project and following

through with the completion of the project. He will have to stay within the $200 financial limit, and he

needs to find the design option that will provide the quality and the performance. Daniel Bondarenko is

the main human resource devoted to completing the humidity regulation project, but he needs to work in

unison with the FESNS team, who are also responsible for providing the deliverables for the MOWCC

project. Project Timing The Microsoft Project mangement document describing the planned project activities for the whole team

working on the MOWCC project is provided in Appendix A. Figure A4, in Appendix A, shows the

planned project activities for the humidity regulation system by Daniel Bondarenko.

The rationale for design and construction of the humidity regulation system, is that one designer, Daniel

Bondarenko, will complete the design of this system within the time period of Cap-Stone course. He will

work on a design that is primarily demand oriented platform design, and has a low level cuctomization. The Product Plan/ Project Methodology

In order to complete the design and construction of the humidity system for a climatic wind

chamber the first task that needs to be done is to figure out where and how the CapStone class

notes, progress reports, and resources fit in with respect to the design process outline provided in

“Product Design and Development, 3rd

ed.” by Karl T. Ulrich and Steven D. Eppinger. What needs to be

done is to see the available pieces for the design process provided by Dr. Pop-Iliev, Dr. Martin, and Dr.

Perera, and assemble them into a framework that will show a design path. It is understandable that not all

the parts are going to fit together perfectly, but the design path created this way will be based on solid

foundation formed by the generations of designers. This may appear as a linear process, however, the

project is admitedly straight forward: the objective is clear, the means to achieve the results exist, and

there is a budget to work with in order to create the final product. A plan defined right now does not

imply that tehere is no room for creativity or innovative thinking, it simlpy allows to make the fuzzy

perception of the project approach to crystalize into a labyrinth, that may not neccesarily lead to

successful completion of the project, but it has a structured layout and the option to complete the project


Near the start of this “design labyrith” there is a “sand-box”, or the portion that allows to release creative

ideas and create a plan. This portion is the concept generation and it will lead to choices in the design

labyrinth. Hence, part of the design plan is to make the intelligent choices in order to progress with the


The rest of the design closely corresponds to the outline provided in “Product Design and Development,


ed.” and the lecture notes. The path of the project aims at completing the report, figure 8,

simultaneously with the project phases, figure 9.

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Design and Construction of a Humidity System for a Climatic Wind Chamber


Figure 8. Design Report Structure and Design Layout

By completing each chapter of the report for the specific aspect of the design a milestone is met, and,

since the design process is an iterative process, the project is built from the foundation and upwards. This

can be seen from the “Table of Contents” of the current report, where each chapter has respective phases.

Figure 9. Flow-Diagram of the Design Process for Design and Consruction of HSCWC.

It has been identified that the design challenge of the the humidity system for climatic wind chamber is a

generic design challenge. The reason why this project is a generic design challenge is that there is a an

opportunity to make the climatic wind chamber for UOIT, and the approach process for this project

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Design and Construction of a Humidity System for a Climatic Wind Chamber


includes distinct planning, concept development, system-level design, detail design, testing and

refinement, and a production phase.

The following points are additional key steps that will be completed during the design process:

Identify the requirements and find solutions currently existing for similar


Generate a range of alternate solutions for variety and conceptualization of possible


Follow the heuristic outlined in “Product Design and Development, 3rd

ed.”, in order not to

stray away from the intended design process.

The system needs to be specified according to internal and external interfaces (the system

architecture will be provided in a form of a flow diagram)

The system is modularized so the interfaces and boundaries between the components

must be considered.

Be as compliant to the requirements as possible.

Emphasize on continuous improvement of both the product and the process for

developing the product.

Aim for design for sustainability by following the Hannover Principles (Table 1)

Make a functional breakdown of a system into the funcional blocks, not the physical blocks.

Table 1. The Hannover principles

1. Be Persistent to Support Sustainability Insist on rights of humanity and nature to co-exist in a healthy,

supportive, diverse and sustainable condition

2. Recognize Interdependence The elements of human design interact with and depend upon the natural world, with broad and diverse implications at every side.

Expand design considerations to recognizing even distant effects.

3. Respecct relationships between spirit and matter Consider all aspects of human settlement including community, dwelling, industry and trade in terms of existing and evolving

connections between spiritual and material conciousness

4. Accept responsibility for the consequences of design Make decisions upon human well-being, the viaility of natural systems anf their rights to co-exist.

5. Create safe objects of long-term value Do not burden future generations with requirements for maintanence or

vigilant administration of potential danger due to the careless creation

of products, processes, or standards

6. Eliminate the concept of waste Evaluate and optimize the full life-cycle of products and processes to

approach the state of natural systems, in which there is no waste

7. Rely on natural energy flows Human designs should, like the living world, derive their creative

forces from perpetual solar income. Incorporate this energy efficiently and safely for responsible use

8. Understand the limitations of design No human creation lasts forever and design does not solve all

problems. Those who create and plan should practice humility in the

face of nature. Treat nature as a model and mentor, not as an

inconvenience to be evaded or controlled

9. Seek constant improvement by sharing he knowledge Encourage direct and open communication between colleagues,

patrons, manufacturers, and users to link long term sustainable considerations with ethical responsibility, and re-establish the integral

relationshipbetween natural processes and human activity.

Prior to proceeding with the project, Table B1 in Appendix B, “The project planning schedule of the

sequential tasks for the Humidity Regulation System”, will be considered for project planing schedule

with a detailed task analysis. However, for some tasks the “Decision Needed” portions will be updated

when the particular phase of the project is reached.

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Design and Construction of a Humidity System for a Climatic Wind Chamber

16 Pre-Project Planning The foundational analyses for the humidity regulation system may include the following subjects:

Control Systems

Fluid Dynamics


Heat Transfer

Machine Design

Electric Circuits Mission Statement

Table 2: Mission Statement for the MOWCC Humidity Regulation System

Mission Statement: High Efficiency Humidity Regulation Unit

Product Description Robust, reliable, safe and highly responsive humidity regulation unit capable of adding

and extracting jumidity between 5% to 95% relative humidity levels in the temperature

range between -20 oC to +40


Key Goals

Can be used as a teaching tool

Operates as per the product description

Can serve as a foundation for future developments of the MOWCC project in

the area of humidity control

Stay within the set $200 budget

Complete the project milestones as per the set deadlines

Provide exceptional quality throughout the project

Primary Target

Market for the


Educational staff of FEAS and FESNS

Students of FEAS and FESNS

Environmentally benign

Pride instilling for the faculties and the MOWCC team

Secondarey Target

Markets UOIT investors

Visiting emplyers

Funding comitee

Assumptions and

Constraints New Product Platform

Compatible for control with LabView

Has to have a limited footprint, about 1m3, from the entire MOWCC

Portable and modular

Control efficiencies has to be taken into account when defining efficiency


- The ERC machine shop may be used to make some of the components for

the humidity regulation system

- The primary suppliers for sensor systems should be “Omega”, during an

event that any sensors are required

- The existing production systems are capable of producing the design in

accordance to the specifications


-Off-the-shelf components are usable in maintenace

-The number of components is only limited to the best functionality of the



-The project can be completed and operated with a fair correspondence to

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Hannover principles

Stake Holders MOWCC team: , Dakota Watson, Jonathan Allcock, Nandine Kanesalingam,

Jason Runge

Professor Perera

Dr. Agelin-Chaab

MOWCC operators

ERC technicians

Teaching and Lab Assistants

Faculty and Staff

Safety Comitee

Students of UOIT Reflection on the Results and the Process

As per the lecture notes: “The goal of the design process is not to eliminate changes, but to manage the

evolution of the design, so that most changes come through iterations early in the process.”[10]. Given the

opportunity to work on the humidity regulation system for MOWCC, there is an exciting and fairly

diverse set of product opportunities. In order to pursue these opportunities it was deemed that the product

plan, as it has been provided above, supports the strategies for educational goals of UOIT, as well as

addresses the most important current opportunities available for completing the MOWCC humidity

regulation unit. At present moment, it is known that there is a budget to complete the design project, and

the resources allocated to product development are sufficient to pursue the competetive strategy.

Furthermore, the product platform design approach is considered beneficial for the humidity regulation

system project due to its ability to creatively leverege the finite resources available.

At present stage of phase 0, it is accepted that there will be challenges in the course of the project

resulting from the mission statement. However, the elements of the mission statement are consistent with

the requirements for the project, hence, the challenges are expected to be manageble. In addition, there are

sufficient constraints and assumptions, put in place within the mission statement, that allow the freedom

for the design team to develop the best possible product. If any changes in the plan for the product

development are encountered, they will be analysed and affirmed through the discussions with the project


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2.2. Phase 1: Concept Development

2.2.1. Sub-Phase A: Identifying Customer Needs The organized hierarchy of customer needs

The primary customer for the MOWCC project is the engineering education faculty of UOIT, since the

MOWCC project is intended for the teaching purposes. However, the customer requirements for this

project were primarily set by the project supervisors: Professor Perera and Doctor Agelin-Chaab. The

requirements for the humidity regulation system have been gathered through a series of interviews and

meetings with the supervisors. Table C1, in Appedix C, provides a hiearchical list of primary and

secondary customer needs for the humidity regulation system (HRS), with the *** denoting critically

important needs, ** denoting medium needs, * denoting low needs and ! denoting latent needs. In this

table the team implies to convey its understanding of customer needs to be met, which will lead to solid

engineering specifications, as well as infusing the quality into the product during the product design.

Some of the customer needs are based upon the technological roadmap from section, figure 6.

Please note, for the project to be absolutely successful all the categories of customer needs have to be

implemented to the degree of realism financially and physically. Reflect on the Results and the Process

During the analysis of Table C1, the few things that came to attention were the implementation of the

humidity regulation schedules in the control, as well as the real-time CFD and HRS operation for

dynamic analysis of data. These requirements, although expected, were not very explicit during the

meetings and interviews with the supervisors. Hence, they will be approached with caution. In the future,

if any creeping specifications occur, they will be mentioned in the addendums of the task schedule and

taken care of if the opportunity to do so occurs.

2.2.2. Sub-Phase B: Establishing Target Engineering Specifications A List of Needs Metrics Matrix

Table C2, in appendix C, gives an insight into HRS metrics list. Competitive Benchmarking Information

An internet search of possible market alternatives available for humidity regulation systems yielded

several companies. The company that manufactures the humidity regulation systems for educational

purposes is GUNT Hamburg [11], which follows the ISO 9001 for verification of its quality standards.

The other companies that manufacture the humidification and de-humidification products for comercial

purposes include: DRI-EAZ [12], Novel Air [13], DEZ-AIR [14], FANTECH [15], DAYTON [16], and

Air O Swiss [17]. Table C3, gives a competetive benchmarking chart based on metrics for the selected

companies. The information gathered from the websites are present in the appendix D; it contains the

specifications about the products available from these companies. In case of GUNT Hamburg, some of

the brochures of the products are presented in cut-out fotm. .

*Note: The humidification process is set by the existing misting pump and the fog generation unit, they

are most likely to be employed for generating humidity in the systems. Hence, the primary objective of

the team working on the current project will be to focus on the de-humidification aspects of humidity

regulation system.

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19 Ideal and Marginally Acceptable Target Values

Based on the competetive benchmarking information the ideal and marginally acceptable target values are

presented in table 3.

Table 3. Ideal and Marginal target values






Engineering Spec.

Importace Units Ideal




1 1, 2, 3 Humidity extraction and addition rate 4 kg/hr 10 4

2 4 Coefficient of performance on the HRS

cooling units

5 ratio 4 1

3 5 Negative feedback loop for set humidity levels 5 DL Yes Yes

4 6 Auxiliary ventilation and air conditioning 3 subj. Yes No

5 7 Humidity setting is input via the terminal and

displayeld alongside with the actual humidity


5 subj. Yes Yes

6 8 Manual for the HRS providing step by step


5 pages ~100 ~50

7 9, 12 Maximum temperature ranges from -50 to

+100 oC

4 oC -50 to


-30 to +50

8 10 Mechanism for flow regulation 3 subj. Yes Yes

9 11, 13 HRS is error-tolerant, and if a fault occurs

over a specific time period the HRS will take

preventive actions and return the system to the

set conditions or shut-down to prevent error


5 seconds 0.0001 0.01

10 12, 13 Low thermal expansion materials 4 mm/ oC 0.1 0.5

11 13 Statistical analysis of HRS normal


3 DL Yes Yes

12 14 Temperature variation is not affected by the

HRS operation and vice versa

4 oC/φ 1/10% 5/10%

13 15 TES performance is not affected by the HRS

operation and vice versa

4 oC/φ 1/10% 5/10%

14 16 Air-flow variation is not affected by the HRS

operation and vice versa

3 (m/s)/φ none 0.1/10%

15 17 Solar regulaion is not affected by the HRS

operation and vice versa

2 lum/ φ none 0.001/10%

16 18, 19 The whole HRS fits into a box of dimensions

less than 0.5m3 for the two obligatory options

(stand-alone climatic chamber without the

operation of the primary wind generating air

fan and the system under test, such as a model


5 m3 0.2 0.5

17 18, 19 The space factor of HRS is less than 1/12th



5 m3 0.2 0.5

18 20 Total mass 5 kg 5~10 40

19 14, 15,

16, 17,

21, 22

Variable adjustments of ports 3 m Pass Fail

20 22 Ports are sealable 5 Binary Pass Pass

21 23 HRS is thoroughly sealed and insulated 5 Binary Pass Pass

22 24 HRS can regulate the humidity levels in the

range between 5% to 95% relative humidity,

with the expected temperature levels for the

5 φ(%) 0-100 5-95

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system between -20 degC to +40 degC, and

possible wind speeds reaching up to 11m/s

23 25 HRS follows the control setpoints accurately

and steadily

5 Subj. &


True True

24 26 The scenarios and schedules for humidity

control system can be configured in a straight-

forward manner

4 DL &


True True

25 27 The user can see the humidity level side by

side with the actual humidity in the system

5 φ &


True True

26 28 The HRS can be error-resistant and is capable

of keeping the operator from making errors

whenever possible

5 DL &


True True

27 29 CFD models of the MOWCC 3 DL &


True Maybe

28 30 HRS is easy to turn on, and prevents

inadvertent switching off

5 DL &


True True

29 31 HRS can be dropped from height of 1 m and

still excel in operation

4 m 1 0.5

30 32 Filtering and separtion of

0.01 micrometer particles

4 µm 0.01 0.03

31 33 Cycles in operation without visible corrosion 4 cycles 106 10


32 34, 35 Time to dis-assembe /assemble for


4 seconds 600 1200

33 35 Special tools required for maintenance 5 subj. No Maybe

34 36 Focus group rating- appearance 5 subj. Great Good

35 37 Instills pride 5 subj. Yes Maybe

36 38 Focus group rating- professionalism 5 subj. Yes Yes

37 39 Emergency shutdown procedures/ sequences 5 Binary Pass Pass

38 40 Budget limit of maximum $200 5 $ 150 200

39 41 Air conditioning equimpment catalogue 3 List Yes Maybe

40 42 Noise measurement 4 dB 30 55

41 43, 44 Protection equimpment and labels are in place 5 subj. Yes Yes

42 44 Life cycle analysis and Hannover principles 4 subj. Yes Maybe Reflection on the Results and the Process

In the course of establishing the tafget engineering specifications the customer needs have been

crystalized and the associative engineering targerts have been set. The competetive market analysis has

been performed, and as a result the ideal and the marginally acceptable target values for the engineering

specifications have been set.

2.2.3. Sub-Phase C: Setting the Final Specifications A Technical Model of the Product

In writing, the project of interest is a humidity regulation system capable of adding and extracting the

humidity without affecting other components in the Modular Open Wind Climatic Chamber. However,

consider the following functional flow chart of MOWCC with the primary element of interest as the

humidity regulation system, figure 10. This figure demonstrates the components required for the

MOWCC completion, and the physical resources associated with it. The figure also demonstrates that for

some humidity change mechanisms the external mechanisms of temperature change may have to be


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Figure 10. Functional Charecteristics of the MOWCC’s Humidity Regulation System

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22 Cost Model of the Humidity Regulation System

Table 7 provides approximate costing of materials for early estimates of the realistic tradeoffs in the

product specifications.

Table 4. Approximate Cost Model of HRS

Component Quantity

High ($ ea.) Low ($ ea.) High Total


Low Total


Insulation 6 22 7 132 42



Available Void Void Void Void

Humidity Sensors Available Void Void Void Void

Flow Sensor 2 100 20 200 40

Particles per

Volume Sensor

2 30 10 60 20

Controller 2 100 14 200 28

Control Program Available Void Void Void Void



2 500 20 1’000 40



2 200 15 400 30

Cooling Unit for


1 100 30 100 30

Cooling Unit for



1 300 40 300 40

Venting Unit ~2 60 10 120 20

Fan for model unit 1 40 10 40 10

Fan for Stand-

Alone Chamber


100 30 100 30



Available Void Void Void Void



Available Void Void Void Void

Ducts ~4 40 20 160 80

Actuators ~6 30 10 180 60

Heat Exchangers 2 300



(3425 BTU)

600 300

Total - - - 3’592 770

It is apparent from table 7 that some serious tradeoffs have to be considered for a functioning humidity

regulation system or some extremely clever engineering has to be implemented in order to satisfy the

customer needs and meet all of the engineering specifications. Since, the budget limit for the whole

project is $200, then it is likely that some of the components may have to be sourced from second-hand

sites; as long as these components have replacement parts and are maintainable with the commonly

available tools and provide a satsfying performance it is likely that this strategy will be implemented. The

issue with picking the second hand components is that they may not provide a very professional look.

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23 The Specifications Refinement and Flow Down

By going over the approximate cost model of the HRS, and keeping in mind the customer requirements

and the engineering specifications, some tradeoffs have to be made as appropriate to maintaining the

original purpose of the HRS. Table 5 returns to the ideal and marginal metrics and re-iterates the Ideal

and marginal values according to latest evaluations and highlights the metrics most relevant to the

successful project completion.

Table 5. Ideal and Marginal target values refinement and highlights






Engineering Spec.

Importace Units Ideal




1 1, 2, 3 Humidity extraction and addition rate 4 kg/hr 8 4

2 4 Coefficient of performance on the

HRS cooling units

5 ratio 3 0.5

3 5 Negative feedback loop for set

humidity levels

5 DL Yes Yes

4 6 Auxiliary ventilation and air


2 subj. Maybe No

5 7 Humidity setting is input via the

terminal and displayeld alongside with

the actual humidity reading

5 subj. Yes Yes

6 8 Manual for the HRS providing step by

step procedures

5 pages ~100 ~50

7 9, 12 Maximum temperature ranges from -

50 to +100 oC

4 oC -50 to


-20 to +40

8 10 Mechanism for flow regulation 3 subj. Yes Maybe

9 11, 13 HRS is error-tolerant, and if a fault

occurs over a specific time period the

HRS will take preventive actions and

return the system to the set conditions

or shut-down to prevent error


5 seconds 0.0001 0.01

10 12, 13 Low thermal expansion materials 4 mm/ oC 0.1 0.5

11 13 Statistical analysis of HRS normal


3 DL Yes Yes

12 14 Temperature variation is not affected

by the HRS operation and vice versa

4 oC/φ 1/10% 5/10%

13 15 TES performance is not affected by

the HRS operation and vice versa

4 oC/φ 1/10% 5/10%

14 16 Air-flow variation is not affected by

the HRS operation and vice versa

3 (m/s)/φ none 0.1/10%

15 17 Solar regulaion is not affected by the

HRS operation and vice versa

2 lum/ φ none 0.001/10%

16 18, 19 The whole HRS fits into a box of

dimensions less than 0.5m3 for the

two obligatory options (stand-alone

climatic chamber without the

operation of the primary wind

generating air fan and the system

5 m3 0.2 0.5

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under test, such as a model building)

17 18, 19 The space factor of HRS is less than

1/12th of MOWCC

5 m3 0.2 0.5

18 20 Total mass 5 kg 5~10 30

19 14, 15,

16, 17,

21, 22

Variable adjustments of ports 3 m Pass Fail

20 22 Ports are sealable 4 Binary Pass Pass

21 23 HRS is thoroughly sealed and


5 Binary Pass Pass

22 24 HRS can regulate the humidity levels

in the range between 5% to 95%

relative humidity, with the expected

temperature levels for the system

between -20 degC to +40 degC, and

possible wind speeds reaching up to


5 φ(%) 5-95 20-60

23 25 HRS follows the control setpoints

accurately and steadily

5 Subj. &


True True

24 26 The scenarios and schedules for

humidity control system can be

configured in a straight-forward


4 DL &


True True

25 27 The user can see the humidity level

side by side with the actual humidity

in the system

5 φ &


True True

26 28 The HRS can be error-resistant and is

capable of keeping the operator from

making errors whenever possible

5 DL &


True Maybe


27 29 CFD models of the MOWCC 3 DL &


True Maybe

28 30 HRS is easy to turn on, and prevents

inadvertent switching off

5 DL &


True Maybe


29 31 HRS can be dropped from height of 1

m and still excel in operation

4 m 1 0.5

30 32 Filtering and separtion of

0.01 micrometer particles

4 µm 0.01 0.03

31 33 Cycles in operation without visible


3 cycles 106 10


32 34, 35 Time to dis-assembe /assemble for


4 seconds 600 1200

33 35 Special tools required for maintenance 3 subj. No Maybe

34 36 Focus group rating- appearance 3 subj. Great Good

35 37 Instills pride 3 subj. Yes Maybe

36 38 Focus group rating- professionalism 4 subj. Yes Yes

37 39 Emergency shutdown procedures/


5 Binary Pass Pass

38 40 Budget limit of maximum $200 5 $ 150 200

39 41 Air conditioning equimpment


3 List Yes Maybe

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40 42 Noise measurement 4 dB 30 55

41 43, 44 Protection equimpment and labels are

in place

5 subj. Yes Yes

42 44 Life cycle analysis and Hannover


3 subj. Yes Maybe

A quality function deployment chart is available in the appendix that contains all the information relevant

to the design of the humidity regulation system. A portion of QFD summary is presented in table 6. The

complete QFD for the humidity regulation system is available in Appendix E.

Table 6. HRS QFD summary

Row Number

Quality Characteristics (a.k.a. "Functional Requirements" or


Minimize (▼),

Maximize (▲), or Target


Target or Limit Value

Max Relationship

Value Requirement


Relative Weight

(Relative Importance)

1 Humidity extraction and addition rate ▲ 8 9 246.11 2.76%

2 Coefficient of performance on the HRS cooling units

▲ 4 9 312.78 3.51%

3 Negative feedback loop for set humidity levels

x Yes 9 261.11 2.93%

4 Auxiliary ventilation and air conditioning ▼ Yes 9 45.56 0.51%

5 Humidity setting is input via the terminal and displayed alongside with the actual humidity reading

x Yes 9 308.33 3.46%

6 Manual for the HRS providing step by step procedures

x 100 9 253.89 2.85%

7 Maximum temperature ranges from -50 to +100 oC

x (-50 to 100) 9 237.78 2.66%

8 Mechanism for flow regulation x Yes 9 215.00 2.41%


HRS is error-tolerant, and if a fault occurs over a specific time period the HRS will take preventive actions and return the system to the set conditions or shut-down to prevent error accumulation

▲ 0.0001 9 238.33 2.67%

10 Low thermal expansion materials ▼ 0.1 9 178.33 2.00%

11 Statistical analysis of HRS normal performance

x Yes 9 201.67 2.26%

12 Temperature variation is not affected by the HRS operation and vice versa

x 1/0.1 9 197.22 2.21%

13 TES performance is not affected by the HRS operation and vice versa

x 1/0.1 9 197.22 2.21%

14 Air-flow variation is not affected by the HRS operation and vice versa

x none 9 190.56 2.14%

15 Solar regulation is not affected by the HRS operation and vice versa

x none 9 190.56 2.14%


The whole HRS fits into a box of dimensions less than 0.5m3 for the two obligatory options (stand-alone climatic chamber without the operation of the primary wind generating air fan and the

▼ 0.2 9 136.67 1.53%

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system under test, such as a model building)

17 The space factor of HRS is less than 1/12th of MOWCC

▼ 0.2 9 195.56 2.19%

18 Total mass ▼ 5 to 10 9 220.00 2.47%

19 Variable adjustments of ports ▲ Pass 9 210.56 2.36%

20 Ports are sealable x Pass 9 241.67 2.71%

21 HRS is thoroughly sealed and insulated ▲ Pass 9 263.33 2.95%


HRS can regulate the humidity levels in the range between 5% to 95% relative humidity, with the expected temperature levels for the system between -20 degC to +40 degC, and possible wind speeds reaching up to 11m/s

x 0 to 100 9 508.89 5.70%

23 HRS follows the control setpoints accurately and steadily

x TRUE 9 308.33 3.46%

24 The scenarios and schedules for humidity control system can be configured in a straight-forward manner

▲ TRUE 9 217.22 2.43%

25 The user can see the humidity level side by side with the actual humidity in the system

x TRUE 9 296.11 3.32%

26 The HRS can be error-resistant and is capable of keeping the operator from making errors whenever possible

▲ TRUE 9 284.44 3.19%

27 CFD models of the MOWCC x TRUE 9 216.67 2.43%

28 HRS is easy to turn on, and prevents inadvertent switching off

x TRUE 9 141.11 1.58%

29 HRS can be dropped from height of 1 m and still excel in operation

▲ 1 9 92.22 1.03%

30 Filtering and separation of 0.01 micrometer particles

▲ 0.01 9 141.11 1.58%

31 Cycles in operation without visible corrosion

▲ 10^6 9 126.67 1.42%

32 Time to dis-assemble /assemble for maintenance

▼ 600 9 84.44 0.95%

33 Special tools required for maintenance ▼ No 9 92.78 1.04%

34 Focus group rating- appearance ▲ Great 9 144.44 1.62%

35 Instills pride ▲ Yes 9 426.67 4.78%

36 Focus group rating- professionalism ▲ Yes 9 259.44 2.91%

37 Emergency shutdown procedures/ sequences

x Pass 9 201.11 2.25%

38 Budget limit of maximum $200 x 150 9 103.33 1.16%

39 Air conditioning equipment catalogue ▲ Yes 9 252.78 2.83%

40 Noise measurement ▼ 30 9 82.22 0.92%

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41 Protection equimpment and labels are in place

▲ Yes 9 161.11 1.81%

42 Life cycle analysis and Hannover principles x Maybe 9 239.44 2.68% Reflection on the Results and the Process

Based on the iterative design methods of this chapter, the primary aspects of the humidity regulation

system were categorized and rated according to their importance. It has been conceived from the QFD

that among all the other things, the primary interest involving this project are the control parameters

asscociated with the humidity regulation system as well making the system very efficient during the

operation with the specific settings of the humidity. The cost models are really rough but they are in the

ball park of expected expedentures for the HRS, and hence they are used to motivate the innovative ideas

of elegant and cost effective engineering.

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2.2.4. Sub-Phase D: Concept Generation Problem Clarification

The Humidity Regulation System (HRS) is decomposed into simpler sub-components via function

diagram show in figure 11.

Figure 11. Function diagram of humidity regulation system

The use of this diagram will benefit to guiding the concept creation process and choosing the alternatives

best suited for the MOWCC HRS. By following the requirements set by the MOWCC supervisor and the

engineering specifications, and by using the functional diagram as a guideline, the next step is to perform

a search of possible technologies that meet the criteria of HRS performance.

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29 Internal and External Idea Search

As per the lecture notes of ENGR 4950, the mechanical system, such as HRS, has form that is determined

by a function, and that form enables the predetermined function. If the function closely corresponds to the

desired output and matches with the behaviour of the designed system, then the design can be considered

successful. Systems like HRS have been previously designed an employed in a variety of situations, as

was observed in the competitors’ over-view. However, due to the high expenses of the competitor

products, and their in-compatibility with MOWCC, it has been deemed to make an HRS system that is

inexpensive, and is able to operate within the set limits of the customer requirements. The search for a

possible HRS solutions is done internally and externally throughout the concept creation process, and the

record of such search is presented along with the concepts generated. Hence, if any of the concepts

include some ideas obtained from any-person involved with the project, patents, published literature or

related products, these sources will be mentioned and noted for providing the concept ideas.

On the side note, the use of TRIZ may be possible for the HRS because there are several notable

contradictions involved with HRS:

1. The HRS has to be energy efficient at any rate of the humidity addition and removal, although the

power loss may be great.

2. The control system has to respond fast, although the system of humidity regulation depends on

the properties of air-water-mixture and its interaction with the environmental surfaces.

3. The HRS has to be durable and accurate, but the budget is limited and the professional quality

may be compromised.

By using the TRIZ website [18] the suggested principles of solving the above contradistions were:

1. Principles to solve this contradiction: Improving 22: Loss of Energy without damaging 21: Power

3. Local quality

Change an object's structure from uniform to non-uniform, change an external environment (or

external influence) from uniform to non-uniform. (Use a temperature, density, or pressure gradient

instead of constant temperature, density or pressure)

Make each part of an object function in conditions most suitable for its operation.

Make each part of an object fulfill a different and useful function.

38. Strong Oxidants (Redacted)

2. Principles to solve this contradiction:

Improving 9: Speed without damaging 27: Reliability

11. Beforehand cushioning

Prepare emergency means beforehand to compensate for the relatively low reliability of an object.

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35. Parameter changes

Change an object's physical state (e.g. to a gas, liquid, or solid.)

Change the concentration or consistency.

Change the degree of flexibility.

Change the temperature.

27. Cheap short-living objects

Replace an inexpensive object with a multiple of inexpensive objects, comprising certain qualities

(such as service life, for instance).

28. Mechanics substitution

Replace a mechanical means with a sensory (optical, acoustic, taste or smell) means.

Use electric, magnetic and electromagnetic fields to interact with the object.

Change from static to movable fields, from unstructured fields to those having structure.

Use fields in conjunction with field-activated (e.g. ferromagnetic) particles.

3. Principles to solve this contradiction:

Improving 16: Durability of non moving obj. without damaging 28: Measurement accuracy

10. Preliminary action

Perform, before it is needed, the required change of an object (either fully or partially).

Pre-arrange objects such that they can come into action from the most convenient place and without

losing time for their delivery.

26. Copying

Instead of an unavailable, expensive, fragile object, use simpler and inexpensive copies.

Replace an object, or process with optical copies.

If visible optical copies are already used, move to infrared or ultraviolet copies.

24. 'Intermediary'

Use an intermediary carrier article or intermediary process.

Merge one object temporarily with another (which can be easily removed).

These principles will also be used to draw ideas and if further contradictions occur during the concept

generation, the TRIZ method will be consulted to provide further ideas.

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31 Systematic Approach

The approach to the finding a set of possible concepts suitable for a feasible HRS is by means of

implementing the concept combination table for the three levels (Electrical Energy, Air, and Water). The

computer setting and sensor signal are not included because most of the sensor components are already

pre-determined by the project supervisor, and the control of the system will be done through LabView

program. The concepts that will be provided will elaborate on the features of the components that can

provide with function as per the customer requirements and the functional requirements.

Table 7. Concept Combinmation Table for Electrical Energy Conversion

Store or accept external


Convert energy to thermal


(Extact or Add)

Condensate water on


Add thermal energy to

water to mix water and


Pneumatic storage Vortex tube configuration Vertical staggered tube


Misting system


Electric field storage High convection

evaporative cooling

Vertical in-line tube


Ultrasonic mister

Use electric energy Thermo-electric peltier pile Mesh bafles Steam generation/

Water boiling

Standard refrigeration cycle Porous media

Strirling refrigeration cycle Absobant/adsobtive

circulation unit

(Dessicant Wheel)

Finned surface

Table 8. Concept Combinmation Table for Air Systems/ Humidity Extraction

Ventilate the air Move air over water

affinitive surface

Condensate water on


Remove condensed

water from the surface

Single duct Fan Vertical staggered tube



Double duct Vortex Tube Configuration Vertical in-line tube


Natural Convection

Natural convection Mesh bafles Electrostatic Repulsion

Porous media Shock “Hammering”


circulation unit

Gravity Drain

Finned surface

Table 9. Concept Combinmation Table for Water Systems/ Humidity Addition

Store water Isolate some water for


Add thermal energy to

water to mix water and


Ventilate Air over the

mix to move humidified


Basin Open surface Boiling Fan

Syringe Misting Air Preheat Natural Convection

Porous media Desiccant wheel Electrostatic Repulsion

The generated options for the HRS are presented in sketches withinin appendix F.

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32 Reflection on the Results and the Process

After generating a multitude of the potential sketches it was decided that the available sketches are

sufficient for further work and decision making. It appears that some clear candidates for implementation

are present, and in some cases the concepts may be altered or combined in a specific way that will yield

the best possible solution.

2.2.5. Sub-Phase E: Concept Screening and Scoring

In the previous section some concepts have been generated and outlined for making a Humidity

Regulation System (HRS). In this section, it will be outlined what are the rationale for choosing a specific

concept. The concepts will be ranked and rated, and then they may be further altered and combined to

produce an improved concept. After the alternations are employed it will be decided whether the new

design is good for further implementation. Rationale Matrix

The rationale matrix is largely based on the previous experience with the customer and engineering

requirements. This rationale is primarily a set of questions which are outlined as follows:

A. Does the HRS have high rates of humidity extraction and/or addition?

B. Is the coefficient of performance of the HRS cooling unit above 1?

C. Is it easy to implement the negative feed-back loop in this system?

D. Is it possible to have the temperature ranges between -50 to +100?

E. Is HRS error-tolerant via the virtue of its design?

F. Does the variation of the humidity affect the temperature, and vice versa, very little?

G. Can the whole assembly be fit into a space of less than 0.2m3?

H. Can this design be light-weight?

I. Is it possible to thoroughly seal and insulate the design?

J. Does the design appear that it could regulate the humidity between 5% and 95% relative humidity ?

K. Does the design appear to have few control variables and still meet the criteria of its performance?

L. Does the design appear to have fewest possible components that need to be activated?

M. Does the design look like it is easy to assemble/dis-assemble and maintain?

N. Is the design affinitive to the emergency shutdown procedures?

O. Could this design be made under $100?

P. Does the design look like it could be quiet?

Q. Does the design look safe?

R. Does the design look environmentally benign?

These questions are used to evaluate the concepts generated during the sub-phase D. If a concept design

receives most “+” answers to the above questions, this design is a potential contender for the final design.

If the design has received most “-”s or “0”s then it is not very likely to be chosen, but it may be altered

and combined with other concepts to produce a legitimate and an over-all good design. The choice of

assigning “Yes” and “No” to specific concepts is based a litle bit on intuition, evaluation of pros and cons

and generally a good amount of common sense. As mentioned in Mr. Ulrich’s book [9], the choice made

during the concept selection will seriously constrain the upcoming manufacturing costs of the product,

and the project success. Hence, the importance of this stage is deeply acknowledged.

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33 Concept Ranking and Rating

Table 10 is a concept screening matrix used for ranking the concepts from sub-section D and appendix F.

Table 10. Concept Screening Matrix


Rationale 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

A 0 - + + + 0 0 0 + + 0 + + + 0

B - - - + + - - 0 0 0 - - - - -

C - - + 0 + + - 0 - - + - - + -

D 0 + 0 + + 0 0 0 0 0 + 0 0 + +

E - - 0 0 0 - - + + + - 0 - 0 0

F 0 + + + + 0 0 + + + 0 - - + +

G - + + 0 + + - + - - + + + + +

H - + + 0 + + - 0 0 0 + + + + +

I - + + 0 0 0 - + 0 0 0 0 0 - 0

J + - + + + 0 + 0 + + + 0 0 0 0

K - + + 0 + 0 - 0 0 - + 0 - + +

L 0 + 0 - + + 0 0 - - + - - + +

M - 0 0 - + + - + - - + - - 0 +

N - 0 + 0 + 0 - + + + + - - 0 +

O - + + 0 0 + - 0 0 0 + 0 - + 0

P - + + - 0 + - 0 0 0 + + + + +

Q + - + + + + + 0 + + 0 + - + +

R - 0 + - + + - 0 0 0 + + + + +

Sum +’s 2 9 13 6 14 9 2 6 6 6 12 6 5 12 11

Sum 0’s 4 3 4 8 4 7 4 12 8 7 4 6 10 4 5

Sum –‘s 12 6 1 4 0 2 12 0 4 5 2 6 3 2 2



-10 3 12 2 14 7 -10 6 2 1 10 0 2 10 9

Rank 15 8 2 9 1 6 14 7 11 12 3 13 10 5 4







N N Y N Y C N C N N C N N C N Concept Combinations and Improvements

According to the concept screening matrix, it appears that the potential candidate concepts, for the most

prominent design, are crystalizing further. However, at this stage it would make sense to consider whether

some of the concepts can be combined or improved in order to finalize the best suitable design. Also, as

per the customer requirements, the humidity regulation system has to be made for the model under test as

well as the stand-alone climatic chamber. Hence, one concept idea may work better for the model under

test system, while it may not necessary work for the independent climatic chamber. In fact, concept #3

appears well suited for the model HRS, and concept #5 may be better suited for a large space humidity

regulation, such is the climatic chamber. These concepts are improved and presented in the next section.

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34 Finalized Concepts Selection

The concepts below are the imroved versions of the top-most ranked concepts, with several modifications

as per the concept screening matrix. In the new sketches there is no dessicant wheels due to the additional

components required for wheel rotation, it is generally preferred that as many as reasonably possible

moving parts are avoided in the designs.

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35 Reflection on the Results and the Process

Based on the analysis of customer requirements, the engineering specifications, the concept generation

work and the concept selection the two sketches above are the most relevant for completing this project

with intention for success. Hence, the two chosen sketches are the foundation upon which the rest of the

project will be build.

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2.3. Phase 2: System-Level Design The functional break-down of the Humidity Regulation System for the model unit is shown in figure 12

Figure 12. Functional break-down of the model unit HRS.

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The functional break-down of the HRS for the test chamber is shown in figure 13.

Figure 13. Functional break-down of the test chamber HRS.

The fundamental and incidental interactions with the boundary components are identified in figure 14.

Figure 14. Fundamental and incidental interactions with the boundary components of HRS.

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The safety parameters for the HRS units are provided in table 11.

Table 11. Safety parameters of the HRS units

Model Unit HRS Test Chamber HRS

Component Safety Parameter Component Safety Parameter Solenoid Valves High impedance

devices, beware of

electric shock

Misting Assembly Distribution of mist may

cause chocking and eye

damage, wear protective

equipment Air Fan Rotating machinery, do

not touch the blades

while it is operating

Air Fan Rotating machinery, do

not touch the blades

while it is operating Air Filter May have contaminants

such as mildew and

pores, handle with care

Air Filter May have contaminants

such as mildew and

pores, handle with care Peltier Thermo-Electric

Cooler (TEC) Temperature difference

between two sides is up

to 70oC, beware of frost

bites and burns

Heat Dumping HX Temperature difference,

beware of burns.

Heat Exchanger(HX) for

TEC’s hot side Temperature difference,

beware of burns.

Humidity Extraction HX Temperature difference,

beware of frost bites. Humidity Extraction HX Temperature difference,

beware of frost bites.

High Torque Electrical

Actuators for Stirling

Refrigeration Cycle

High impedance

devices, beware of

electric shock Water Heating Element Temperature difference,

beware of burns.

Stirling Engine Chambers Moving equipment, do

not touch the

components while it is

operating Water Holding Chamber Temperature difference

and hot fluid, beware of

serious burns and steam.

Stirling Solenoid Valve High impedance

devices, beware of

electric shock

The environmental parameters that may affect the performance of the HRS units include:temperature

variations outside of the testing units, mishandling by the operators, flooding, explosions, and electronic

malfunction due to solar storms.

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The specific standards that may be relevant to the components of the HRS units may include the


CSA Standards

C.S.A Standard B51-2009; Boiler, pressure vessel and pressure piping code

C.S.A. Standard B52-05; Mechanical Refrigeration Code

CSA C22.1-12; Canadian electrical code, safety standards for electrical

CSA C83-96; Communication and Power Line Hardware installations

ASME Standards

A.S.M.E Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code 2010

B31.1-2010 Power Piping

ASME-BPVC-SEC 10-2013; Fiber-reinforced plastics pressure vessel

ASME-BPVC-SEC 8 DIV 2-2013; Rules for construction of pressure vessels

ASME-BPVC-SEC 4-2013; Rules for construction of heating boilers

ASME-BPVC-SEC 6-2013; Recommended rules for the case and operation of heating boilers

The set points for the HRS units have to fit within the humidity levels in the range between 5% to 95%

relative humidity, with the expected temperature levels for the system between -20 degC to +40 degC,

and possible wind speeds reaching up to 11m/s.

The possible changes in component cohesiveness may include:

Structural design

Component orientation

Electric and electronic systems design

Control systems design within LabView

Size and dimensions

Sensor positions

The possible trade-offs of the individual components for the model unit HRS may include: not fitting

together due to different sizes and manufacturing practices, fan speed control only for segmented settings,

variety of voltage ranges required for proper operation of different components, and different sensetivity

to the control signals.

Due to the limited budget and extensive demands, the following selection of materials is made in the form

of bill of materials, with the corresponding descriptions. The materials with “*” beside their names

indicate that a data sheet is within the data-sheet folder of the enclosed DVD.

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Table 12. Bill of materials for the Model HRS

Name of the component Description of the Component Number of




Temperature Sensor* A K-type thermocouple linked to the

humidity extracting heat exchanger (HX),

the TEC’s hot side HX and inside the model

for taking the temperature readings in these

key points

3 Available on

site, no



Humidity Sensor* Sensor that detects relative humidity content

in the air within the model

1 Available on

site, no



Solenoid Valve* Regulates the steam addition in the HRS by

opening and closing at the demand of the


1 ~13

Air Fan* One fan circulates the air in the HRS loop

and the other fan forces air over the TEC’s

HX. The air flow rate of the duct fan is

27CFM at 2050 RPM, and the TEC’s HX

fan has a flow rate of 4600 RPM

2 Available on

site, no



Air Filter Filter for dust and contaminants, meant to

keep bacterium and fungi out of the test

chamber and the working components of


1 ~20

Peltier Thermo-Electric Cooler


The TEC units are the primary components

for extracting the humidity via the cooling

of the air, they also allow for a quick and

robust control directly via the electric

current. The available TECs have thermal

energy extraction rate of ~5.5W

2 ~11

Heat Exchanger(HX) for TEC’s

hot side

The HX is meant to remove excess heat

from the TECs and ventilate it away from

them in order to keep their performance in

the best condition

1 Scrap


Linking conductor A copper plate linking the top and bottom

TECs to the same HX

1 5

Humidity Extraction HX A custom made HX from two aluminum

sheets and the films extending from one

sheet to the other

(figures are provided in the CAD section)

1 ~10

Water Heating Element A standard water heating element. 1 10

Water Confinement Chamber A stainless steel chamber, leak proof 1 5

Duct Works (Acrylic) A custom made ducts from acrylic sheets.,

which are just the right size and available.

Assembly out of




Insulation An inch thick insulation to prevent energy


1 sheet ~16

Total Price 90

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Table 13. Bill of Materials for the Chamber HRS

Name of the component Description of the Component Number of




Temperature Sensor* A K-type thermocouple linked to the

humidity extracting heat exchanger (HX),

the TEC’s hot side HX and inside the model

for taking the temperature readings in these

key points

3 Available on

site, no



Humidity Sensor* Sensor that detects relative humidity content

in the air within the model

1 Available on

site, no



Misting Assembly* Regulates the mist addition in the HRS by

opening and closing at the demand of the


1 Available on

site, no



Air Fan This fan circulates the air in the HRS loop. 1 ~30

Air Filter Filter for dust and contaminants, meant to

keep bacterium and fungi out of the test

chamber and the working components of


1 ~20

Heat Dumping HX A large heat exchanger meant for dumping

large amount of thermal energy outside of

the testing chamber

1 Available on

site, no



Humidity Extraction HX A custom made HX from the copper tubing

and the aluminum films extending from the

tubing system

1 ~10

High Torque Electrical

Actuators for Stirling

Refrigeration Cycle

The actuators are motors connected to a

worm-gear and a torque gear. They are

meant for driving the cooling and the

heating chambers of the Stirling

Refrigeration cycle

2 ~30

Stirling Engine Chambers Standard lawn mower engines with majority

of components removed and configured to

the Alpha-Stirling cycle configuration

2 Available on

site, no



Tubing and heat extracting


The tubing is connected to the Stirling

engines and it allows for the working fluid

(gas) circulation to the zones of heat


2 !Additional


Request from

ERC! ~40

Stirling Solenoid Valve A valve that increases the overall

performance of the Stirling refrigeration


1 !Additional


Request from

ERC! ~15

Duct Works A custom made ducts from acrylic sheets.,

which are just the right size and available.

Assembly !Additional


Request from

ERC! ~30

Insulation An inch thick insulation to prevent energy


1 sheet ~20

Total Price !191!

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2.4. Phase 3: Detail Design The CAD drawings documenting the model unit HRS in the figures 15 through 23 show the model unit

HRS devices that were thought to be initially implemented in the creation of this system. Due to

unfortunate positioning of the metal film humidity extracting heat exchanger, however, these CAD

drawings will be altered to follow the original sketches and updated for accuracy for the the system that is

intended to be built.

Figure 15. HRS box contents isometric view, with tags for components

Figure 16. HRS box contents side view

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Figure 17. HRS box contents Top View

Figure 18. HRS box contents Cross-Section Side View

*Note: Water container has a heating element for generating steam

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Figure 19. Ducting System within the model house Side View

Figure 20. Ducting System within the model house Top View Floor 1

Figure 21. Ducting System within the model house Top View Floor 2

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Figure 22. Ducting System within the model house Isometric View

Figure 23. The picture on the left depicts the heat exchanger in the staggered tube bank configuration. The

picture on the right depicts the film heat exchanger configuration. The explanation of why the staggered

tube bank was rejected can be found in appendix G.

Need to include dimensions and bill of materials

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2.5. Phase 4: Design Fundamental Simulations and Analysis The humidity regulation system analysis is a multi-discipline process, it includes:


Heat transfer

Fluid Mechanics

Electric Circuits

Control System

In this section only the key analysis procedures will be highlighted,Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer,

because these procedures are most relevant to the design of the humidity addition and extraction units.

1. Thermodynamics

Humidity Addition

Air with temperature of Tin [oC] and a wet bulb temperature of Twbin [

oC] enters a steam-spray

humidifier. The mass flow rate of air is m’air [kg/min]. Saturated water vapor (steam) at Tst [oC] is

injected into the mixture at a rate of m’st [kg/min]. Assuming that the heat transfer with the

surroundings is negligible, and the pressure is assumed to be constant throughout at 1.013 [bar]. The

following needs to be determined at the exit of the humidification system:

a) The humidity ratio

b) The temperature in [oC]


-Heat transfer with surroundings is negligible

-Pressure is constant throughout the system at 1.013 [bar]

-The system is assumed to be a control volume operating at a steady state


-The psychrometric properties apply

-The fluid in this scenario is an air-water mixture or moist air


a) The humidity ratio at the exit ω2 can be found from the mass rate balances on the dry air and water

individually. Hence:

=> , &


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Using the dry-bulb temperature, Tin [oC], and the inlet wet bulb temperature, Twbin [

oC], the value of

the humidity ratio ω1 can be found by inspection of the psychrometric chart from EES. The result is

ω1= [kg(vapor)/ kg(dry air)], which can be verified by the above equation:

b) The temperature at the exit can be determined using an energy rate balance, as long as the

assumptions apply. The specific enthalpies of water vapor at inlet(1) and outlet (2) are evaluated at

the respective saturated vapor values, and hg3 denotes the enthalpy of the saturated vapor injected into

the air

The first term on the right can be obtained from the psychrometric chart at the state defined by the

intersection of the inlet dry-bulb temperature, Tin [oC], and the inlet wet-bulb temperature, Twbin [


[kJ/kg(dry air)]. The second term on the right can be evaluated with the known humidity ratios ω1 and

ω2 and the value hg3 from the table of properties for the saturated water (liquid-vapor).: [kJ/kg(dry

air)]. The state of at the exit is fixed by ω2 and (ha2+ω2*hg2)= [kJ/kg(dry air)]. The temperature at the

exit can be either read from the psychrometric chart or obtained from the EES software.

Humidity Addition

Water exiting the humidification nozzle at Tnozzle [oC] enters the humidification unit with a mass flow

rate of m’mist [kg/h]. A stream of cooled water is returned to replenishment chamber from the

humidification unit with a temperature of Twout [oC] and the same flow rate. The air from the test

chamber enters the humidification unit at Tain [oC] and φain % relative humidity. The moist air exits

the humidification unit at Taout [oC] and φaout % relative humidity. Assuming that the heat transfer with

the surroundings is negligible, and the pressure is assumed to be constant throughout at 1.013 [bar].

The following needs to be found out:

The process is reminiscent to the analysis presented in engineering thermodynamics by Michael J.


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Humidity Extraction

Moist air at Tin [oC] and φ% relative humidity enters a dehumidifier operating at a steady state with a

volumetric flow rate of V’ [m3/min]. The moist air passes over a cooling sheets and water vapor

condenses. Condensate exits the dehumidifier saturated at Tw [oC]. Saturated moist air exits in a

separate stream at the same temperature. Assuming that the heat transfer with the surroundings is

negligible, and the pressure is assumed to be constant throughout at 1.013 [bar]. The following needs

to be found out:

a) The mass flow rate of the dry air, in kg/min

b) The rate at which water is condensed, in kg of dry air flowing through the control volume

c) The required regenerating capacity in kW


-Heat transfer with surroundings is negligible

-Pressure is constant throughout the system at 1.013 [bar]

-The system is assumed to be a control volume operating at a steady state

-Changes in kinetic and potential energy can be neglected, Wcv=0

-The air exiting the de-humidification unit is assumed to be saturated

-The condensate exits through a condensation port as a saturated liquid at temperature Tout


-The psychrometric properties apply

-The fluid in this scenario is an air-water mixture or moist air

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The CFD model for the vertical plate HX is provided

Figure 24. Temperature distribution of the film HX

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2. Heat transfer

Humidity Extraction

The moist air at atmospheric pressure condenses on a h[m] high and l[m] long vertical plate

maintained at Ts [oC] by activation of a Peltier Thermo-Electric Cooler (TEC). What needs to be

found out is the following:

a) The rate of heat transfer by condensation to the plate

b) The rate at which the condensate drips off the plate at the bottom

This process is take out from Professor Yunus Cengel’s book “Heat and Mass Transfer”

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Refrigerating Stirling Cycle Mechanism:

For the chamber unit, a Stirling refrigeration cycle will be used. The operation of this cycle is

described by the use of figures 5 and 6.

Figure 25. Components of the Alpha-Type Stirling Engine.

Figure 26. Stirling Cycle sequence

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1. Most of the working gas is in contact with the cylinder walls, the volume expansion has lead

to the bottom of its travel in the cylinder, and the corresponding decrease in the temperature has

followed. The expansion continues in the hot cylinder, which is 45° ahead of the cold piston in

its cycle.

2. The gas is now at its maximum volume. The cold cylinder piston begins to move most of the

gas into the hot cylinder, where the heat is dumped into the environment, and the pressure drops.

3. Almost all the gas is now in the hot cylinder and cooling continues. The hot piston, powered

by outside motor, compresses the remaining part of the gas.

4. The gas reaches its minimum volume, and it will now expand in the cold cylinder where it will

extract thermal energy once more, and continue on the cycle.

Since, the theory of operation of the Stirling Cycle is fairly complex due to the regenerator, the

theory of its operation is not present in this report.

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3. Conclusions After an extensive research and involvement with the project the following milestones are verified to have

been met: the planning stages are complete, the concept process and selection process is complete and the

analysis of the final concept has formed a stream towards successful completion. Based on the above

analyses it can be concluded that the chosen designs are in step with the customer requirements and the

engineering specifications set prior to the concept generation. The future steps will involve finalising

analysis for the designs, creating control systems in LabView, and creating appropriate circuits for

components in the system.

4. Acknowledgements I would like to personally thank the FESNS team, Dakota Watson, Jonathan Allcock, Nandine

Kanesalingam, and Jason Runge with whom I’ve been collaborating on the Modular Wind Climatic

Chamber and generally enjoying the conversations and discussion in regard to the project and the

miscalleneous. Also, I would like to thank the lab supervisors Robert Ulrich and Bradley MacInnis, who

share their knowledge and experience with our team and help us out in making this project. Many thanks

to Professor Nokleby and group G06-01 for making the presentation possible on a short notice.

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References [1] Yunus A. Cengel, Michael A. Boles, “THERMODYNAMICS, An Engineering Approach, 5


edition”, McGraw-Hill, pp. 1-881, New York, 2006

[2] Yunus A. Cengel, “HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER, A Practical Approach, 3rd

edition”, McGraw-

Hill, pp. 1-901, New York, 2007.

[3] Hou, S., et al., “An open air-vapor compression refrigeration system for air conditioning and

desalination on a ship”, Desalination, Vol. 222, pp. 646-655, 2008.

[4] Description of thermoelectric plate: “Thermoelectric Cooler - 40x40mm”. Author : Sparkfun

Online Resource:

[5] Jia, C.X., et al., “Experimental comparison of two honeycombed desiccant wheels fabricated

with silica gel and composite desiccant material”,Energy Conversion & Management, Vol. 47,

pp. 2523-2534, 2006.

[6] Safronsky, E.D., et al., “Application of porous glasses for humidity control”, Optical

Materials, Vol 5, pp. 217-220, 1996.

[7] Wang, R.M., et al., “Preparation of acrylate-based copolymer emulsion and its humidity

controlling mechanism in interior wall coatings”, Progress in Organic Coatings, Vol 71, pp. 369-

375, 2011.

[8] Mohanraj, M., et al., “Applications of artificial neural networks for refrigeration, air-conditioning and

heat pump systems- A review”, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Vol. 16, pp. 1341-1358,


[9] “Product Design and Development, 3rd

ed.”, Karl T. Ulrich, Steven D. Eppinger, McGraw Hill,

pp.366, New York, 2004.

[10] Dr. Pop-Iliev’s Lectures for ENGR 4950U [make a proper refernce]

[11] GUNT Hamburg website:

[12] DRI-EAZ:



[13] Novel Air:

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[14] DEZ-AIR:



[16] DAYTON:

[17] Air O Swiss:

[18] TRIZ website:

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A. Project Gantt Charts

Figure A1. The expected first 24 tasks of the group

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Figure A2. Group’s expected tasks 25 to 55

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Figure A3. Group’s expected tasks 25 to 55

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Figure A4. Humidity regulation system Gantt chart.

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B. The project planning schedule of the sequential tasks for the Humidity

Regulation System Table B1. The project planning schedule of the sequential tasks for the Humidity Regulation System

Project Planning

Design Organization: UOIT MOWCC Team Date: October 28 2013

Product: Humidity Regulation System

Task 1 Name of the Task: Re-Iterate 1st Chapter

Objective: Make sure that the content of the 1st chapter is concise

Deliverables: Edited 1st chapter leads to clarifying the scope and fixing any grammatical

error, it is meant to primarily have a clear objective over the course of the whole project

Decisions Needed: (simulation, testing, prototype manufacture)

Decision: If there is no grammatical error, if the scope and objectives are clear then


Personnel Needed: Daniel Bondarenko

Time Estimate:

2 day (25/10/13 to 26/10/13)

Costs: 0

Task 2 Name of the Task: Clear the Report and Organize the Design Layout

Objective: Organize the project report in accordance with the respective phases and

with respect to the cap-stone requirements (Defined as information to be refined and

developed , specific)

Deliverables: A clear project report layout

Decisions Needed: Decide how the lecture notes match to the reference book for

approaching the design

Personnel Needed: Daniel Bondarenko

Time Estimate:

1 day (25/10/13 to 25/10/13)

Costs: 0

Task 3 Name of the Task: Phase 0 Product Planning

Objective: Make a plan that will provide an approach to make a great humidity

regulation system

Deliverables: A clear project strategy of how to approach the project and successfully

complete it within the limited time

Decisions Needed: Decide on what plan will lead towards successful completion of the


Personnel Needed: Daniel Bondarenko, Jason Runge, Dakota Watson, Nancy

Kanesalignam , Dr. Agelin-Chaab, Professor Perera

Time Estimate:

6 days (20/10/13 to 25/10/13)

Costs: 0

Task 4 Name of the Task: Phase 1 Concept Development

Objective: Create about 10 concepts for possible humidity regulation systems

Deliverables: The concept designs for the humidity regulation system

Decisions Needed: Decide what are the best possible options for regulating humidity in

MOWCC single chamber and the model house

Personnel Needed: Daniel Bondarenko

Time Estimate:

35 days (23/09/13 to 08/11/13)

Costs: approximately 5% of budget or $10

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Task 5 Name of the Task: Sub-Phase A Identify Customer Needs

Objective: Get to know and understand the customer requirements and record them


Deliverables: Clear record of customer requirements

Decisions Needed:

Decide when to draw the line for customer specifications to gather all the

necessary information for the project and to avoid any creeping specifications

in the future

Decide what needs have the greatest importance to successful completion of he

project and decide what needs may not be expressed directly, or latent

Personnel Needed: Daniel Bondarenko, Jason Runge, Dakota Watson, Nancy

Kanesalignam , Dr. Agelin-Chaab, Professor Perera

Time Estimate:

5 days (25/10/13 to 31/10/13)

Costs: approximately 1% of budget or $2

Task 6 Name of the Task: Sub-Phase B Establish Target Specifications


Prepare a List of Needs Metrics Matrix

Prepare a List of Physical Metrics Matrix

Collect Competitive Benchmarking Information

Set Ideal and Marginally Acceptable Target Values

Reflect on the Results and the Process


A clear matrix of needs metrics

A clear matrix of physical metrics

Any additional information on state of the art technologies in humidity


Decisions Needed: Decide when the collected information is within limits of the project

so that further collection of information does not create a lag for the rest of the project

milestones and deadlines

Personnel Needed: Daniel Bondarenko

Time Estimate:

5 days (28/10/13 to 01/11/13)

Costs: approximately 1% of budget or $2

Task 7 Name of the Task: Sub-Phase C Setting the Final Specifications


Develop technical models of the product Develop a cost model of the product

Refine the Specifications (making trade-offs where necessary)

Flow down the specifications as appropriate

Reflect on the results and the process


The four different representations of the conceptual designs (Semantic,

Graphical, Analytical, and Physical)

Cost model of the product

Clarification of all the specifications and requirements

Decisions Needed: Decide on how to make the representations effective to convey the

message about the advantage of a specific technology.

Personnel Needed: Daniel Bondarenko, Jason Runge, Dakota Watson, Nancy

Kanesalignam , Dr. Agelin-Chaab, Professor Perera, Robert Ulrich

Time Estimate:

4 days (29/10/13 to 01/11/13)

Costs: approximately 1% of budget or $2

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Task 8 Name of the Task: Sub-Phase D Concept Generation


Clarify the by decomposing a comlex problem into simpler subproblems

Search Externally for Ideas

Search Internally for Ideas

Explore Ideas Systematically


Interviews with lead users

Expert consultations

Patents Search

Research of published literature

Benchmarks of related products

Concept Classification Tree

Concpet Combinmation Table

Management of the Exploration Process

Decisions Needed: Decide on what is the most relevant information that is crucial for

making the project competitive and successful

Personnel Needed: Daniel Bondarenko

Time Estimate:

6 days (02/11/13 to 08/11/13)

Costs: approximately 1% of budget or $2

Task 9 Name of the Task: Sub-Phase E Concept Screening and Scoring


Prepare the Selection Matrix

Rate the Concepts

Rank the Concepts

Combine and Improve the Concepts

Select one or more Concepts

Reflect on the Results and the Process Deliverables: A specific concept that meets all the criteria required by the project

Decisions Needed: Decide on what methods of selection provide the benefits for the

customer and follow in compliance with the physical limitations of the product

Personnel Needed: Daniel Bondarenko

Time Estimate:

6 days (01/11/13 to 08/11/13)

Costs: approximately 1% of budget or $2

Task 10 Name of the Task: Phase 2 System Level Design


Create a Schematic of the Product (Functional Break Down)

Cluster the Elements of the Schematic

Identify the Fundamental and Incidental Interactions

Identify Safety Parameters

Identify Environmental Parameters

Identify Specific Standards Relevant to the Components

Create a Rough Geometric Layout of the Product Boundaries of the Interacting


Identify the Set Points for Components` Performance

Identfy any Possible Changes for the Component Cohesiveness

Identify the Variety of the Components Used in the Project and Corresponding


Identify Standard Components to be Used in the the System and

Corresponding Costs

Consider the Options for the Manufacturability and Corresponding Costs

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Identify the Tradeoffs of Individual Components

Identify the Tradeoffs of the System as a Whole


A Schematic of the Product (Functional Break Down)

The Schematic Elements Cluster

Identify the fundamental and incidental interactions

Identified safety parameters

Identified environmental parameters

Identified specific standards relevant to the components

Rough geometric layout of the product boundaries of the interacting elements

Identified the set points for components` performance

Identfied any possible changes for the component cohesiveness

Identified the variety of the components used in the project and their

corresponding costs

Identified standard components to be used in the the system and their

corresponding costs

The options for the manufacturability and corresponding costs

Identified tradeoffs of individual components

Identified tradeoffs of the system as a whole

Decisions Needed: Decide on the level of detail for all the deliverables of this task

Personnel Needed: Daniel Bondarenko, Jason Runge, Dakota Watson, Nancy

Kanesalignam , Dr. Agelin-Chaab, Professor Perera

Time Estimate:

2 days (25/10/13 to 27/10/13)

Costs: approximately 2.5% of budget or $5

Task 11 Name of the Task: Phase 3 Detail Design


Identfy the functional needs

Identify safety parameters

Identify environmental parameters

Identify the form of the project (Ergonomics and Aesthetics) Identify specific standards relevant to the components

Preliminary refinement of selected concepts

Further refinement and final concept selection

Creation of control drawings and schematics

Identify the material options for use in design


Functional needs

Safety parameters

Environmental parameters

Form of the project (Ergonomics and Aesthetics)

Specific standards relevant to the components

Refined of selected concepts

Refined and final concept selection

Control drawings and schematics

Identify the material options for use in design

Decisions Needed: Decide on the level of detail for all the deliverables of this task

Personnel Needed: Daniel Bondarenko

Time Estimate:

7 days (10/11/13 to 16/11/13)

Costs: approximately 2.5% of budget or $5

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Task 12 Name of the Task: Phase 4 Design Analysis

Objective: Complete the fundamental simulation and analysis, and the Design for X


Deliverables: Simulation foundations for the models to work

Decisions Needed: Decide how to manage the time between the simulation work and

the design work for X.

Personnel Needed: Daniel Bondarenko, Jason Runge, Dakota Watson, Nancy

Kanesalignam , Dr. Agelin-Chaab, Professor Perera

Time Estimate:

7 days (10/11/13 to 16/11/13)

Costs: approximately 5% of budget or $10

Task 13 Name of the Task: Sub-Phase A Fundamental Simulations and Analysis


Evaluate the design components for physical compatibility

-Make simulation of electronic components

-Make Simulation of thermal effects for the relevant components

-Make the finite element analysis for stress and displacement for the relevant


-Make the Computational Fluid Dynamics analysis for the relevant


-Make the System Analysis Simulation for component coherence and


Identify all Safety parameters and concerns

Create the safety procedure for safe operation

Identify environmental issues related to the project as a whole

Identify procedures to prevent and avoid environmental issues for the project

Identify the maintenance and repair procedures for the components

Coordinate with engineering, manufacturing, and external vendors


Simulations of electronic components

Simulations of thermal effects for the relevant components

Finite element analysis for stress and displacement for the relevant


Computational Fluid Dynamics analysis for the relevant components

System Analysis Simulation for component coherence and integration

Safety parameters and concerns

Safety procedure for safe operation

Environmental issues related to the project as a whole

Procedures to prevent and avoid environmental issues for the project

Maintenance and repair procedures for the components

Decisions Needed: Decide how to comply with objectives and provide the deliverables

within the limited time

Personnel Needed: Daniel Bondarenko, Hidayat Shahid, Dr. Aruliah, Jason Runge,

Dakota Watson, Nancy Kanesalignam , Dr. Agelin-Chaab, Professor Perera.

Time Estimate:

4 days (10/11/13 to 13/11/13)

Costs: approximately 2.5% of budget or $5

Task 14 Name of the Task: Sub-Phase B Design for X

Objective: Meet as many DFX deliverables as possible for this project


Design for




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-Electronic Components



Decisions Needed: Decide how to keep costs to the very minimum and meet all of the

requirements for the project completion

Personnel Needed: Daniel Bondarenko, Jason Runge, Dakota Watson, Nancy

Kanesalignam , Dr. Agelin-Chaab, Professor Perera, Robert Ulrich.

Time Estimate:

4 days (13/11/13 to 16/11/13)

Costs: approximately 2.5% of budget or $5

Task 15 Name of the Task: Test Plans and Results

Objective: To write a narrative description of test plan(s), and to use tables, graphs, and

wherever possible show the results. It is intended that this section forms the written

record of the design performance against specifications. Deliverables:

A description of how to test the final system and any additional features that will be

included in the design to facilitate the testing.

Decisions Needed: Decide what makes a description of the testing procedure consistent

and understandable.

Personnel Needed: Daniel Bondarenko

Time Estimate:

12 days (01/12/13 to 16/12/13)

Costs: approximately 5% of budget or $10

Task 16 Name of the Task: Phase 5 Testing and Refinement


Look back on all the steps that have been done over the course of the design

project and decide how to make a the test procedure for the project

Make sure that all the data from analysis makes sense

Scrutinize own work

Make sure that the project has not deviated from its original scope

Apply Common Sense to the Project in its Current State and confirm that it

makes Sense

Make any iterations if needed

Once testing is verified proceed to next phase Deliverables: A clear layout to test the product prototype

Decisions Needed: Decide on a strategy to extract the desired behaviour from the

product based on the product functions and find the testing procedure that will not

damage the product and yield the performance outputs as per the functional inputs

Personnel Needed: Daniel Bondarenko

Time Estimate:

12 days (02/01/14 to 17/01/14)

Costs: approximately 5% of budget or $10

Task 17 Name of the Task: Phase 6 Proof of Concept/ Functional Prototype

Objective: Construct the the prototype to to detect un-anticipated phenomena and

observe the behaviour


Define the purpose of the of the prototype

Establish the level of approximation of the prototype

Outline of experimental plan

A Schedule for procurement, construction, and testing

A Plan for milestone prototypes Decisions Needed: Decide how to make the prototype most demonstrative of the

humidity regulation system.

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Personnel Needed: Daniel Bondarenko, Robert Ulrich

Time Estimate:

17 days (25/10/13 to 16/12/13)

Costs: approximately 5% of budget or $10

Task 18 Name of the Task: Bill of Materials

Objective: Create a detailed bill of materials with included (if possible) manufacturer,

part number, part description, supplier, quantity, and cost. Deliverables: A full bill of materials providing the detailed descriptions of the parts and

components involved in the project.

Decisions Needed: Decide how to describe the materials involved in the project so that

they would be understandable and visually appealing

Personnel Needed: Daniel Bondarenko

Time Estimate:

37 days (25/10/13 to 16/12/13)

Costs: approximately 60% of budget or $120

Task 19 Name of the Task: Ethical Considerations

Objective: Act in accordance to ethics and law throughout the project

Deliverables: Respectable and civil organization and execution of the project

Decisions Needed: Only ethical decisions honoring the opinions of members of the

project and its stakeholders

Personnel Needed: All team members involved with MOWCC

Time Estimate:

174 days (01/09/13 to 30/04/14)

Costs: If fail to follow ethics the cost is the moral values

Task 20 Name of the Task: Safety Considerations

Objective: During the entire project has to always follow safety procedures and never

cut corners on personal and member safety

Deliverables: A safe product and a safe process for achieving such product.

Decisions Needed: Only decisions that lead to the safe performance and safe execution

of the project.

Personnel Needed: All team members involved with MOWCC

Time Estimate:

174 days (01/09/13 to 30/04/14)

Costs: If fail to follow safety the cost can be life!

Member: Daniel


Prepared by: Daniel Bondarenko

Approved by:

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Design and Construction of a Humidity System for a Climatic Wind Chamber


C. Organized hierarchy of customer needs Table C1. Organized hierarchy of customer needs

Category Primary Need Secondary Need

1. Modes of operation and


***HRS can regulate

humidity levels in a

model under test (such

as a house)

***HRS can regulate

humidity levels in a

stand-alone climatic


*HRS can regulate humidity levels in

the complete MOWCC with a through


2. Predictable:

the operator must be able to

anticipate and rely upon

automation’s actions

**The HRS efficiently

utilizes the energy to

extract humidity

(Heat exchanging

process for humidity)

**Capable of maintaining the space

humidity at a constant level over a long

period of time without additional

energy input

**Can extract humidity from very

damp (almost soaking) environments

***The HRS is simple to operate,

maintain, and keep

3. Accountable:

must inform user of its


must be able to explain

actions upon user request

***The HRS can

easily to start

humidity extraction

and infusion

(Heat exchanging

process for humidity)

**The HRS has an available guide

menu that can show the process of

using the terminal

4. Adaptable:

must be configurable within a

wide range of user

preferences and needs

**The HRS can easily

tolerate a range of

environments without

affect on its


(HRS layout)

*The HRS can prevent the air

counterflow events

**The HRS is robust during operation

**The HRS can withstand high

fluctuations in temperature

***The HRS operates normally after

repeated use

5. Comprehensible:

must be intelligible to the

user, must match user mental


***The HRS is

capable of integrating

with other components


(HRS layout)

***The HRS is easily integratable with

the temperature regulation and

monitoring unit

**The HRS is easily integratable with

the thermal energy storage unit

(geothermal storage)

**The HRS is easily integratable with

the wind flow regulation and

monitoring system

*The HRS is easily integratable with

the solar radiation regulation and

monitoring unit

6. Flexible:

must have a range of control

and management options

**The HRS is small

and light

(HRS layout)

*The HRS can be positioned anywhere

in the MOWCC without affecting

performance of other components

***The HRS can be easily removed

from MOWCC to be maintained and

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***The HRS is


(HRS layout)

*The HRS can be transferred to a

Hydrogen genetaion unit or the natural

gas cleansing unit and operate without

a hinge

***The HRS doe not have any leaks

that would prevent from proper

operation during the re-installation

7. Subordinate

must never assume control,

except in pre-defined

situations, must be

countermandedin those


***The HRS is easy to



***The user can easily alter the

settings without damaging the

performance of the HRS

**!The settings can be “locked on” a

specific humidity regulation scenario

or schedule

***The HRS is informative by its

capability to display the actions

performed by the user as well as the

system status

***The humidification and de-

humidification processes are non-

conflicting and can alternate without

hindering performance of HRS

*!The HRS performance can be

followed visually via the realtime CFD

display of the existing system

8. Dependable

must do what it is ordered to

do, must never do what it is

not ordered to do, must never

make the situation worse

***The HRS is easy to

set up and use

(HRS layout)

***The HRS lasts a

long time and survives

heavy use

(HRS layout)

**The HRS self-cleans from air

contaminants like dust, bacteria, and


***The HRS does not corrode during


***The HRS is easy to maintain

** HRS can be maintained with readily

available tools

***The HRS is

visually appealing

(User interface)

**Instills pride to the people operating

and the people observing the sysem

***The HRS looks like a professional

quality unit

**The HRS prevents

any damage to the

system under test

(HRS layout)

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(HRS layout)

**The HRS

implements existing

components for


**The HRS has a

pleasant sound when

in use

(User interface)

***The HRS is safe

(Use of intermediary

heat exchanging fluid

& HRS layout)

**!The HRS components are protected

from accidental floods, shortings,

temperature variations, and explosions

**!The HRS employs environmentally

safe technologies and components

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Design and Construction of a Humidity System for a Climatic Wind Chamber


For table C2, dimensionless units are represented by “DL” and subjective atributes are represented by

“subj.” .

Table C2. HRS metrics list



Needs #s Metric Importace Units

1 1, 2, 3 Humidity extraction and addition rate 4 kg/hr

2 4 Coefficient of performance on the HRS cooling units 5 ratio

3 5 Negative feedback loop for set humidity levels 5 DL

4 6 Auxiliary ventilation and air conditioning 3 subj.

5 7 Humidity setting is input via the terminal and displayeld

alongside with the actual humidity reading

5 subj.

6 8 Manual for the HRS providing step by step procedures 5 pages

7 9, 12 Maximum temperature ranges from -50 to +100 oC 4


8 10 Mechanism for flow regulation 3 subj.

9 11, 13 HRS is error-tolerant, and if a fault occurs over a specific

time period the HRS will take preventive actions and return

the system to the set conditions or shut-down to prevent

error accumulation

5 seconds

10 12, 13 Low thermal expansion materials 4 mm/ oC

11 13 Statistical analysis of HRS normal performance 3 DL

12 14 Temperature variation is not affected by the HRS operation

and vice versa

4 oC/φ

13 15 TES performance is not affected by the HRS operation and

vice versa

4 oC/φ

14 16 Air-flow variation is not affected by the HRS operation and

vice versa

3 (m/s)/φ

15 17 Solar regulaion is not affected by the HRS operation and

vice versa

2 lum/ φ

16 18, 19 The whole HRS fits into a box of dimensions less than

0.5m3 for the two obligatory options (stand-alone climatic

chamber without the operation of the primary wind

generating air fan and the system under test, such as a

model building)

5 m3

17 18, 19 The space factor of HRS is less than 1/12th of MOWCC 5 m


18 20 Total mass 5 kg

19 14, 15,

16, 17,

21, 22

Variable adjustments of ports 3 m

20 22 Ports are sealable 5 Binary

21 23 HRS is thoroughly sealad and insulated 5 Binary

22 24 HRS can regulate the humidity levels in the range between

5% to 95% relative humidity, with the expected temperature

levels for the system between -20 degC to +40 degC, and

possible wind speeds reaching up to 11m/s

5 φ(%)

23 25 HRS follows the control setpoints accurately and steadily 5 Subj. &


24 26 The scenarios and schedules for humidity control system

can be configured in a straight-forward manner

4 DL &


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25 27 The user can see the humidity level side by side with the

actual humidity in the system

5 φ &


26 28 The HRS can be error-resistant and is capable of keeping

the operator from making errors whenever possible

5 DL &


27 29 CFD models of the MOWCC 3 DL &


28 30 HRS is easy to turn on, and prevents inadvertent switching


5 DL &


29 31 HRS can be dropped from height of 1 m and still excel in


4 m

30 32 Filtering and separtion of

0.01 micrometer particles

4 µm

31 33 Cycles in operation without visible corrosion 4 cycles

32 34, 35 Time to dis-assembe /assemble for mainteneance 4 seconds

33 35 Special tools required for maintenance 5 subj.

34 36 Focus group rating- appearance 5 subj.

35 37 Instills pride 5 subj.

36 38 Focus group rating- professionalism 5 subj.

37 39 Emergency shutdown procedures/ sequences 5 Binary

38 40 Budget limit of maximum $200 5 $

39 41 Air conditioning equimpment catalogue 3 List

40 42 Noise measurement 4 dB

41 43, 44 Protection equimpment and labels are in place 5 subj.

42 44 Life cycle analysis and Hannover principles 4 subj.

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Table C3. Competetive Bench Marking Chart Based on Metrics






Engineering Spec.

Imp. Units GUNT








Air O


1 1, 2, 3 Humidity extraction

and addition rate

4 kg/hr ~8










2 4 Coefficient of

performance on the

HRS cooling units

5 ratio ~3 0.9 ~0.9 ~0.9 ~0.9

3 5 Negative feedback

loop for set humidity


5 DL Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

4 6 Auxiliary ventilation

and air conditioning

3 subj. Yes No No No No

5 7 Humidity setting is

input via the terminal

and displayeld

alongside with the

actual humidity


5 subj. Yes Yes Yes Yes No

6 8 Manual for the HRS

providing step by step


5 pages 100















7 9, 12 Maximum temperature

ranges from -50 to

+100 oC

4 oC -10 to


-30 to


-30 to


-30 to


-20 to


8 10 Mechanism for flow


3 subj. Yes Yes Yes Yes No

9 11, 13 HRS is error-tolerant,

and if a fault occurs

over a specific time

period the HRS will

take preventive actions

and return the system

to the set conditions or

shut-down to prevent

error accumulation

5 seconds 0.001 ~1 ~1 ~1 ~1

10 12, 13 Low thermal

expansion materials

4 mm/ oC ~0.1 ~1 ~0.5 ~0.5 ~0.5

11 13 Statistical analysis of

HRS normal


3 DL Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

12 14 Temperature variation

is not affected by the

HRS operation and

vice versa

4 oC/φ ~6/










13 15 TES performance is

not affected by the

HRS operation and

vice versa

4 oC/φ - - - - -

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14 16 Air-flow variation is

not affected by the

HRS operation and

vice versa

3 (m/s)/φ - - - - -

15 17 Solar regulaion is not

affected by the HRS

operation and vice


2 lum/ φ - - - - -

16 18, 19 The whole HRS fits

into a box of

dimensions less than

0.5m3 for the two

obligatory options

(stand-alone climatic

chamber without the

operation of the

primary wind

generating air fan and

the system under test,

such as a model


5 m3 1 0.5-


~0.5 0.188 0.029

17 18, 19 The space factor of

HRS is less than 1/12th


5 m3 1 0.5-


~0.5 0.188 0.029

18 20 Total mass 5 kg ~200 30~50 ~100 39 4.5

19 14,




21, 22

Variable adjustments

of ports

3 Binary Pass Fail Pass Pass Fail

20 22 Ports are sealable 5 Binary Pass Fail Pass Pass Fail

21 23 HRS is thoroughly

sealed and insulated

5 Binary Pass Pass Fail Pass Fail

22 24 HRS can regulate the

humidity levels in the

range between 5% to

95% relative humidity,

with the expected

temperature levels for

the system between -

20 degC to +40 degC,

and possible wind

speeds reaching up to


5 φ (%) 0-100 20-99 30-70 35-65 30-70

23 25 HRS follows the

control setpoints

accurately and steadily

5 Subj. &


True True True True Undef

24 26 The scenarios and

schedules for humidity

control system can be

4 DL &


True False True True Undef

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configured in a



25 27 The user can see the

humidity level side by

side with the actual

humidity in the system

5 φ &


True False False False False

26 28 The HRS can be error-

resistant and is

capable of keeping the

operator from making

errors whenever


5 DL &


True False True True True

27 29 CFD models of the


3 DL &


No No No No No

28 30 HRS is easy to turn

on, and prevents

inadvertent switching


5 DL &


Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

29 31 HRS can be dropped

from height of 1 m

and still excel in


4 m 0.2 1 0.5 0.5 0.5

30 32 Filtering and separtion


0.01 micrometer


4 µm Undef 0.04 0.02 0.02 Undef

31 33 Cycles in operation

without visible


4 cycles 103 10

5 10

6 10

6 10


32 34, 35 Time to dis-assembe

/assemble for


4 seconds 3600 3600 1200 1200 1200

33 35 Special tools required

for maintenance

5 subj. Maybe No No No No

34 36 Focus group rating-


5 subj. Great Good Med. Med. Good

35 37 Instills pride 5 subj. Yes ~ ~ ~ ~

36 38 Focus group rating-


5 subj. Yes Yes Yes Yes Med.

37 39 Emergency shutdown

procedures/ sequences

5 Binary Pass Fail Pass Pass Fail

38 40 Budget limit of

maximum $200

5 $ ~104



5’499 1’500 ~300

39 41 Air conditioning

equimpment catalogue

3 List Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

40 42 Noise measurement 4 dB 30-60 80-85 20-30 55-60 30-35

41 43, 44 Protection

equimpment and

labels are in place

5 subj. Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

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42 44 Life cycle analysis and

Hannover principles

4 subj. Undef Undef Undef Undef Undef

D. Competitive Products CE 130 “Convection Drying”:

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CE 540 “Adsorptive Air Drying”:

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600 “Conditioning of Room Air”:

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ET 605 “Air Conditioning System Model”:

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ET 611 “Air Conditioning System with Chamber”:

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ET 620 “Air Conditioning and Ventilation System”:

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Novel Air:

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Air O Swiss:

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E. Complete QFD for the HRS

Competitive Analysis (0=Worst, 5=Best)

Row #

Demanded Quality (a.k.a. "Customer Requirements" or "Whats")

Weight / Importance

Relative Weight


r C



t P






















1 HRS can regulate humidity in a model under test 5 2.78 5 5 2 5 4 4

2 HRS can regulate humidity in a stand-alone climatic chamber

5 2.78 5 5 3 5 4 4

3 HRS can regulate humidity levels in the complete MOWCC

1 0.56 2 0 2 0 0 0

4 HRS efficiently utilizes energy to extract humidity 5 2.78 5 4 3 5 5 4

5 HRS is capable of maintaining a constant humidity level 5 2.78 5 5 4 5 5 4

6 HRS can extract humidity from very damp environments

1 0.56 4 3 5 2 4 0

7 HRS can easily start humidity extraction and infusion 5 2.78 5 5 2 2 2 2

8 HRS has an available guide menu that can show the process of using the terminal

3 1.67 4 4 2 2 2 2

9 HRS can easily tolerate a range of environments without effect on its performance

3 1.67 4 2 5 4 3 3

10 HRS can prevent the air counter-flow events 3 1.67 4 4 4 2 3 0

11 HRS is robust during operation 3 1.67 4 4 5 4 4 2

12 HRS can withstand high fluctuations in temperature 3 1.67 4 3 5 3 3 2

13 HRS operates normally after repeated use 5 2.78 4 4 5 4 4 4

14 HRS is easily integratable with the temperature regulation and monitoring unit

5 2.78 5 5 1 3 3 2

15 HRS is easily integratable with the thermal energy storage unit

5 2.78 5 0 1 3 3 2

16 HRS is easily integratable with the wind flow regulation and monitoring system

3 1.67 3 3 1 1 1 1

17 HRS is easily integratable with the solar radiation regulation and monitoring unit

3 1.67 3 2 1 1 1 1

18 HRS is small and light 5 2.78 4 1 3 5 3 5

19 HRS can be positioned anywhere in MOWCC without affecting performance of other components

3 1.67 4 0 0 3 2 1

20 HRS can be easily removed from MOWCC to be maintained and cleaned

5 2.78 5 0 0 3 2 2

21 HRS is modular 3 1.67 5 3 2 4 3 2

22 HRS can be transferred to a hydrogen generation unit or natural gas cleansing unit and operate without a hinge

1 0.56 4 0 0 4 2 0

23 HRS does not have any leaks that would prevent it from proper operation during re-installation

5 2.78 5 5 4 4 4 4

24 HRS is easy to control 5 2.78 5 5 5 4 4 4

25 The operator can easily alter the settings without damaging the performance of the HRS

5 2.78 5 5 4 2 4 4

26 The setting can be "locked on" a specific humidity regulation scenario

5 2.78 5 4 2 2 3 3

27 HRS is informative by its capability to display the actions performed by the user as well as the system status

5 2.78 5 3 1 1 1 1

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28 The humidification and de-humidification processes are non-conflicting and can alternate without hindering performance of HRS

5 2.78 5 3 0 0 2 0

29 HRS performance can be followed visually via the real-time CFD display of the existing system

3 1.67 4 0 0 0 0 0

30 HRS is easy to set up and use 5 2.78 4 3 5 5 4 5

31 HRS lasts a long time and survives heavy use 3 1.67 4 3 5 3 4 4

32 HRS self-cleans from air contaminants like dust bacteria and fungi

3 1.67 4 3 4 4 4 4

33 HRS does not corrode during operation 3 1.67 5 5 4 4 4 4

34 HRS is easy to maintain 5 2.78 5 4 4 5 4 4

35 HRS can be maintained with readily available tools 5 2.78 5 3 4 4 4 4

36 HRS is visually appealing 5 2.78 4 5 4 3 3 5

37 Instills pride to the people operating and the people observing the system

5 2.78 5 5 3 2 2 3

38 HRS looks like a professional quality unit 5 2.78 4 5 4 3 3 4

39 HRS prevents any damage to system under test 3 1.67 4 3 1 3 3 1

40 HRS is inexpensive 5 2.78 5 0 0 0 0 0

41 HRS implements existing components for operation 5 2.78 4 3 3 4 4 4

42 HRS has a pleasant sound when in use, preferably very quiet

5 2.78 4 4 1 5 5 4

43 HRS is safe 5 2.78 5 5 4 5 4 4

44 HRS employs environmentally safe technologies and components

5 2.78 5 2 1 1 1 1

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Design and Construction of a Humidity System for a Climatic Wind Chamber


*Note: The full QFD version is available digitally on the DVD

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Design and Construction of a Humidity System for a Climatic Wind Chamber


F. Concept Generation vie Concept Combination Table Table F1. Concept Combinmation Table for Vortex Cooler System

Store or accept external


Convert energy to thermal


(Extact or Add)

Condensate water on


Add thermal energy to

water to mix water and


Pneumatic storage Vortex tube configuration Vertical staggered tube


Misting system


Electric field storage High convection

evaporative cooling

Vertical in-line tube


Ultrasonic mister

Use electric energy Thermo-electric peltier pile Mesh bafles Steam generation/

Water boiling

Standard refrigeration cycle Porous media

Strirling refrigeration cycle Absobant/adsobtive

circulation unit

(Dessicant Wheel)

Finned surface

Concept # 1.

Brief: The stored pneumatic energy reaches a specific level of pressure, which is then released into the

vortex tubes for the purpose of spot cooling a small porous block where the moisture accumulation takes

place. The now dry air passes over an ultrasonic mister where humidity can be added upon activation of

the mister. This concept takes some ideas from the benchmarked products and the ideas of the vortex

tubes that have a potential to split the hot and cool air streams [3] [17].

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List of Components Involved:



Air Filter

Ultrasonic Misting Assembly

Air Comppressor

Pneumatic Lines

Solenoid Actuator

Vortex Tubes

Porous block for humidity accumulation

Water storage for the ultrasonic mister

Funnel or pan for excess moisture collection

Pros Cons

Instead of relying on the electric energy the

pneumatic energy provides a constant an

uniform flow of air and provides the


The porous media allows for the air to pass

through it and the water to accumulate and

drain away by the gravity

The ultrasonic mister allows for the precise

control of how much humidity needs to be

added to the system

Energy intensive

Multiple parameters requiring control

(compressor, solenoid valve, ultrasound


May get fairly expensive (besides some

componens such as a misting pump already

exist, hence there is little reason to

purchase more materials)

Interference from/to ultrasonic sensors

(would require a more complicated

algorithm for using sensors and


Requires a lot of inputs/outputs

The response time may be very slow due to

the humidity translation throughout the


The porous block may be very fragile and

as a result it crack and crumble

The flow of air may be significantly

reduced due to the presence of the porous

block and baffles, which may affect the

overall performance of the system

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Table F2. Concept Combinmation Table for Electric Field Moisture Confinement and Evaporative


Store or accept external


Convert energy to thermal


(Extact or Add)

Condensate water on


Add thermal energy to

water to mix water and


Pneumatic storage Vortex tube configuration Vertical staggered tube


Misting system


Electric field storage High convection

evaporative cooling

Vertical in-line tube


Ultrasonic mister

Use electric energy Thermo-electric peltier pile Mesh bafles Steam generation/

Water boiling

Standard refrigeration cycle Porous media

Strirling refrigeration cycle Absobant/adsobtive

circulation unit

(Dessicant Wheel)

Finned surface

Concept # 2.

Brief: The electric energy is converted to a static electricity, which is confined to the isolated metalic

meshes within the duct. When the air passes over the meshes the moisture particles within the air get

charged by the positive meshes and accumulate on the negative mesh. The accumulated moisture then

drips away into the condensate containtainment via gravity. The water in the basin is heated up to a

boiling point and the baffle is opened by the actuator to release the low quality steam into the air and

hereby induce a flow and mixing with the air. This action will raise the humidity of the air and the now

moist warm air will rise into the testing unit of its destination.

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List of Components Involved:



Air Filter

Water storage and containment

Resistive heating element

Walton-Cockroft Multipliers for the electric field moisture mixing

Electrical insulators

Metal mesh

Funnel or pan for excess moisture collection

Actuator with the moving baffle assembly (the baffle has to be preferably insulative to the heat)

Pros Cons

A unique method for humidity

accumulation and removal via the the

electric field confinement

The control over how much humidity is to

be exposed can be controlled fairly well

and with significant precission

The response time for activating humidity

addition is quick

The flow of air is not constricted

significantly to cause the back-flows.

The high voltage involved in this concept

can present a significant danger to

operating personnel, as well as cause some

problems for the electronic components

within the system.

The energy consumption may be


There is no mechanism to prevent

significant backflows from the system.

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Design and Construction of a Humidity System for a Climatic Wind Chamber


Table F3. Concept Combinmation Table for Thermo-electric Peltier Pile

Store or accept external


Convert energy to thermal


(Extact or Add)

Condensate water on


Add thermal energy to

water to mix water and


Pneumatic storage Vortex tube configuration Vertical staggered tube


Misting system


Electric field storage High convection

evaporative cooling

Vertical in-line tube


Ultrasonic mister

Use electric energy Thermo-electric peltier pile Mesh bafles Steam generation/

Water boiling

Standard refrigeration cycle Porous media

Strirling refrigeration cycle Absobant/adsobtive

circulation unit

(Dessicant Wheel)

Finned surface

Concept # 3.

Brief: The peltier thermo-couple is connected to a metal mesh that allows the passage of air through it.

The accumulation of moisture on the mesh is then removed by means of gravity. If any remaining

moisture remains in the air it can be removed by the dessicant wheel that adsorbs the remaoining moisture

in the cool air and releases it to the warmer air of the environment. The water in the basin is heated up to

a boiling point and the baffle is opened by the actuator to release the low quality steam into the air and

hereby induce a flow and mixing with the air. This action will raise the humidity of the air and the now

moist warm air will rise into the testing unit of its destination.

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List of Components Involved:



Air Filter

Peltier thermo-electric piles

Dessicant Wheel

Motor for the wheel

Driving Belt

Desiccant Wheel Rotational Axis

Water storage and containment

Resistive heating element

Metal mesh

Actuator with the moving baffle assembly (the baffle has to be preferably insulative to the heat)

Drain Valve

Pros Cons

Energy consumtion is relatively low

The control over how much humidity is to

be exposed can be controlled fairly well

and with significant precission

The response time for activating humidity

addition is fairly quick

The flow of air is not too constricted

because the dessicant wheel has holes for

air passage over the liquid.

Regulation happens by activating only

afew variables (ie. Heating, activting

motor, and turning on the peltier pile)

The response time for activating humidity

addition is quick

The control over how much humidity is to

be exposed can be controlled fairly well

and with significant precission

The peltier thermo-electric element doesn’t

have any moving parts and is easily

reversible. It needs to be controlled only by

changing the current.

Somewhat constricted assembly

May be expensive due to multiple parts

The peltier pile is fairly in-efficient

The dessicant wheel may be very fragile

and as a result it crack and crumble

The temperature of the air may drop as it

passes through the wheel, which may

negatively affect the performance of

climatic wind chamber components

Can become infested with mold and

bacteria if either the air filter is breached or

water has contaminants

Involves moving parts which may require

significant maintenance and periodic


Regulation happens by activating multiple


There is no mechanism to prevent

significant backflows from the system.

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Table F4. Concept Combinmation Table for Standard Refrigeration Cycle

Store or accept external


Convert energy to thermal


(Extact or Add)

Condensate water on


Add thermal energy to

water to mix water and


Pneumatic storage Vortex tube configuration Vertical staggered tube


Misting system


Electric field storage High convection

evaporative cooling

Vertical in-line tube


Ultrasonic mister

Use electric energy Thermo-electric peltier pile Mesh bafles Steam generation/

Water boiling

Standard refrigeration cycle Porous media

Strirling refrigeration cycle Absobant/adsobtive

circulation unit

(Dessicant Wheel)

Finned surface

Concept # 4.

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Brief: The humidity extraction occurs as a result of cooling perfromed by the standard refrigeration cycle.

The condensation occurs on the finned humidity exchanger and removed by gravity from the system. The

water in the basin is heated up to a boiling point and the baffle is opened by the actuator to release the low

quality steam into the air and hereby induce a flow and mixing with the air. This action will raise the

humidity of the air and the now moist warm air will rise into the testing unit of its destination.

List of Components Involved:



Air Filter


Water Basin

Tubing for the re-fill appendix

Heating element

Drain Valve

Heat Exchanger

Refrigeration Cycle Assembly

Actuator with the moving baffle assembly (the baffle has to be preferably insulative to the heat)

Pros Cons

Energy consumtion may be relatively low

The control over how much humidity is to

be exposed can be controlled fairly well

and with significant precission

The flow of air is not constricted

significantly to cause the back-flows.

The control over how much humidity is to

be exposed can be controlled fairly well

and with significant precission

The response time for activating humidity

addition is quick

The flow of air is not constricted

significantly to cause the back-flows.

Somewhat constricted assembly

The refrigerant fluid is potentially toxic

and may be environmentally unfriendly

The response time for activating humidity

aextraction may be fairly slow due to the

activation of the refrigerator assembly

The control of humidity involves heating

the air to some degee

The temperature of the air may drop as it

passes through the heat exchanger

Involves moving parts which may require

significant maintenance and periodic


Regulation happens by activating multiple

variables which may complicate the


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Design and Construction of a Humidity System for a Climatic Wind Chamber


Table F5. Concept Combinmation Table for Stirling Refrigeration

Store or accept external


Convert energy to thermal


(Extact or Add)

Condensate water on


Add thermal energy to

water to mix water and


Pneumatic storage Vortex tube configuration Vertical staggered tube


Misting system


Electric field storage High convection

evaporative cooling

Vertical in-line tube


Ultrasonic mister

Use electric energy Thermo-electric peltier pile Mesh bafles Steam generation/

Water boiling

Standard refrigiration cycle Porous media

Strirling refrigeration cycle Absobant/adsobtive

circulation unit

(Dessicant Wheel)

Finned surface

Concept # 5.

Brief: The humidity extraction occurs as a result of cooling perfromed by the stirling refrigeration cycle.

The condensation occurs on the finned humidity exchanger and removed by gravity from the system. The

humidity addition, on other hand, involves the misting of the air with water and allowing for the water to

mix with air.

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Design and Construction of a Humidity System for a Climatic Wind Chamber


List of Components Involved:



Air Filter


Water holding Chamber


Driving Chain

Stirling Cycle Engine (2 Refubrished Mowing Engines)

Drain Assembly

Misting Pump

Misting pipes assembly

Flow Regulation Valve

Water storage

The staggered configuration heat exchanger

Pros Cons

Energy consumtion is relatively low and

the stirling cycle is significantly efficient

The control over how much humidity is to

be exposed can be controlled fairly well

and with significant precission

The response time for activating humidity

addition and extraction is fairly quick (a

matter of activating the misting assembly

or the strirling cycle)

The flow of air is not too constricted

because the dessicant wheel has holes for

air passage over the liquid.

Relatively easy assembly

Cost is small as most of the parts are easily


The control over how much humidity is to

be exposed can be controlled fairly well

and with significant precission

Despite the use of the misting equipment

the costs can be significantly low

The Stirling cycle does not use toxic

working fluids and is relatively low

maintnenace This cycle may also be used

for heating, as it is reversible.

Involves moving parts which require some

attention and safety precautions

The temperature of the air may drop as it

passes through the misting assembly

There is no mechanism to prevent

significant backflows from the system.

The misting assembly of the design and the

condensation equipment of the stirling

cycle may cause the temperature of the air

to drop (hence strict control over how

much humidity is added or removed needs

to be maintained)

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Design and Construction of a Humidity System for a Climatic Wind Chamber


Some Alternative Sketches and Photos of currently available material

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Design and Construction of a Humidity System for a Climatic Wind Chamber


Table F6. Concept Combinmation Table for Single Duct Humidity Extraction Version 1

Ventilate the air Move air over water

affinitive surface

Condensate water on


Remove condensed

water from the surface

Single duct Fan Vertical staggered tube



Double duct Vortex Tube Configuration Vertical in-line tube


Natural Convection

Mesh bafles Electrostatic Repulsion

Porous media Shock “Hammering”


circulation unit

Gravity Drain

Finned surface

Concept # 6.

Brief: The air is ventilated by the fan through a dessicant wheel that absorbs the humidity and rotates

within the duct. As the dessicant wheel rotates the moisture from the vented side is exposed to the outside

air where it could be removed by an additional fan into the environment. This solution is relatively low

energy and low cost, but the dessicant wheel may be somewhat fragile.

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List of Components Involved:



Air Filter


Desiccant Wheel


Driving Belt

Desiccant Wheel Rotational Axis

Pros Cons

Energy consumtion is significantly low

The control over how much humidity is to

be exctracted can be controlled fairly well

and with significant precission

The response time for activating humidity

extraction is fairly quick (a matter of

activating the motor and the fan)

The flow of air is not too constricted

because the dessicant wheel has holes for

air passage over the liquid.

Relatively easy assembly

Cost is rlatively small

The back-flows are preventable due to the

presence of the fan

The low number of parts makes this an

attractive option for increasing humidity

Involves moving parts which require


Can become infested with mold and

bacteria if either the air filter is breached or

water has contaminants

The dessicant wheel may be very fragile

and as a result it crack and crumble

The temperature of the air may drop as it

passes through the wheel, which may

negatively affect the performance of

climatic wind chamber components

An additional fan may be required on the

other side of the assembly

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Design and Construction of a Humidity System for a Climatic Wind Chamber


Table F7 . Concept Combinmation Table for Single Duct Humidity Extraction Version 2

Ventilate the air Move air over water

affinitive surface

Condensate water on


Remove condensed

water from the surface

Single duct Fan Vertical staggered tube



Double duct Vortex Tube Configuration Vertical in-line tube


Natural Convection

Mesh bafles Electrostatic Repulsion

Porous media Shock “Hammering”


circulation unit

Gravity Drain

Finned surface

Concept # 7.

Brief: The stored pneumatic energy reaches a specific level of pressure, which is then released into the

vortex tubes for the purpose of spot cooling a small porous block where the moisture accumulation takes

place. The air passess over some baffles and the porous block to dry further.

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List of Components Involved:



Air Filter

Air Comppressor

Pneumatic Lines

Solenoid Actuator

Vortex Tubes

Porous block for humidity accumulation

Funnel or pan for excess moisture collection

Pros Cons

Instead of relying on the electric energy the

pneumatic energy provides a constant an

uniform flow of air and provides the


The porous media allows for the air to pass

through it and the water to accumulate and

drain away by the gravity

Energy intensive

Multiple parameters requiring control

(compressor, solenoid valve)

May get fairly expensive

The response time may be very slow due to

the humidity translation throughout the


The porous block may be very fragile and

as a result it crack and crumble

The flow of air may be significantly

reduced due to the presence of the porous

block and baffles, which may affect the

overall performance of the system

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Table F8. Concept Combinmation Table for Single Duct Humidity Extraction Version 3

Ventilate the air Move air over water

affinitive surface

Condensate water on


Remove condensed

water from the surface

Single duct Fan Vertical staggered tube



Double duct Vortex Tube Configuration Vertical in-line tube


Natural Convection

Mesh bafles Electrostatic Repulsion

Porous media Shock “Hammering”


circulation unit

Gravity Drain

Finned surface

Concept # 8.

Brief: The air passes over the cooled staggered tube bank, there the moisture condensates and leaves

through a gravity drain. The advantage of this design is that the flow over this particular bank is

relatively smooth and the humidity condensation distributes evenly among the banks.

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List of Components Involved:



Air Filter


Staggeed Tube Bank Heat Exchnger

Device for removing the thermal energy from air and condensing the humidity

Pros Cons

Energy consumtions are significantly low

due to the smooth flow over the staggered

tube bank

Relatively easy assembly

The back-flows are preventable due to the

presence of the fan

The low number of parts makes this an

attractive option for controlling humidity

The energy efficiency largely depends on

the choice of the cooling mechanism

The temperature of the air may drop as it

passes through the bank, which may

negatively affect the performance of

climatic wind chamber components

Some Other Concepts:

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Table F9. Concept Combinmation Table for Double Duct Humidity Extraction Version 1

Ventilate the air Move air over water

affinitive surface

Condensate water on


Remove condensed

water from the surface

Single duct Fan Vertical staggered tube



Double duct Vortex Tube Configuration Vertical in-line tube


Natural Convection

Mesh bafles Electrostatic Repulsion

Porous media Shock “Hammering”


circulation unit

Gravity drain

Finned surface

Concept # 9.

Brief: The double duct systems offers the sepaation of the air flow to either humidification system or to

the de-humidification system. In the de-humidification zone the air passes over a set of in-line tube bank

heat exchanger that is continually cooled to have any moisture condese on the surface.

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List of Components Involved:



Air Filter

In-line tube bank heat exchger

Actuator for re-directing the air flows

A device for removing the thermal-energy

Funnel or pan for excess ice collection

Pros Cons

The humidification and de-humidification

processes are separated and the control

over the humidity is increased

The positioning of the servo in this

scenario makes for a good performance of

the device

The air turbulence created in the tube-blank

makes for an in-convenience of leaving out

some condensation at the wrong places

The cooled down air may have to be

reheated and this makes for more energy


Some Other Concepts

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Design and Construction of a Humidity System for a Climatic Wind Chamber


Table F10. Concept Combinmation Table for Double Duct Humidity Extraction Version 3

Ventilate the air Move air over water

affinitive surface

Condensate water on


Remove condensed

water from the surface

Single duct Fan Vertical staggered tube



Double duct Vortex Tube Configuration Vertical in-line tube


Natural Convection

Mesh bafles Electrostatic Repulsion

Porous media Shock “Hammering”


circulation unit

Gravity drain

Finned surface

Concept # 10.

Brief: The double duct systems offers the sepaation of the air flow to either humidification system or to

the de-humidification system. In the de-humidification zone the air passes over a set of fins that are

continually cooled to have any moisture precipitate as ice on the surface of the fins. Since ice may block

the air flow, a proposed solution to prevent the ice accumulation is by an electrostatic shcok (similar in

construction to the air purifiers in the coal plants). The shaken off ice will then be disposed to the funnel

for extraction of the ice from the system.

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List of Components Involved:



Air Filter

Finned Heat Exchanger

Circuitry for the electro-static hammering

Ice removal valve

Actuator for re-directing the air flows

Electrical insulators to prevent electric shocks

Funnel or pan for excess ice collection

Pros Cons

The moisture is removed in a solid form

and any hazard of leaving a trip hazard is


The humidification and de-humidification

processes are separated and the control

over the humidity is increased

A definite way of extracting the hmidity

The process may be very energy intensive

to turn all the moisture into ice

The electro-static hammering process can

be hazardous to high voltages and it may

damage sensitive circuitry

The positioning of the servo in the sketch is

not well thought out, a better positioning

may be possible

Too many control variables may be

involved in order to make this happen

The cooled down air may have to be

reheated and this makes for more energy


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Design and Construction of a Humidity System for a Climatic Wind Chamber


Table F11. Concept Combinmation Table for Humidity Addition via Basin

Store water Isolate some water for


Add thermal energy to

water to mix water and


Ventilate Air over the

mix to move humidified


Basin Open surface Boiling Fan

Syringe Misting Air Preheat Natural Convection

Porous media Desiccant wheel Electrostatic Repulsion

Concept # 11.

Brief: The water in the basin is heated up to a boiling point and the baffle is opened by the actuator to

release the low quality steam into the air and hereby induce a flow and mixing with the air. This action

will raise the humidity of the air and the now moist warm air will rise into the testing unit of its


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List of Components Involved:



Air Filter

Water Basin

Tubing for the re-fill appendix

Heating element

Actuator with the moving baffle assembly (the baffle has to be preferably insulative to the heat)

Pros Cons

Only the control over a baffle and the

resistive element has to be implemented

The control can be achieved fairly fast

precisely with the desired results

The low number of parts makes this an

attractive option for increasing humidity

Low level of flow restriction, practically


Back-flows may take place and hinder the

performance of he humidity addition

The basin might have to have a cover that

opens and closes when the humidity need

to be added

Some moving components are used in this


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Table F12. Concept Combinmation Table for Humidity Addition via Syringe Version 1

Store water Isolate some water for


Add thermal energy to

water to mix water and


Ventilate Air over the

mix to move humidified


Basin Open surface Boiling Fan

Syringe Misting Air Preheat Natural Convection

Porous media Desiccant wheel Electrostatic Repulsion

Concept # 12.

Brief: The air passes through a filter to remove any contaminants and then is pulled through the fan and

into the heat exchanger unit. The heat exchanger unit may warm up the air before it comes in contact with

the misting nozzle assembly. When the warm air and water mist mix, the temperature of the air drops

slightly but humidity content of air increases. The now humid air passes over some wood baffles to

prevent the mist from entering into the testing space.

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Design and Construction of a Humidity System for a Climatic Wind Chamber


List of Components Involved:



Air Filter

Misting Pump

Misting pipes assembly

Flow Regulation Valve

Water storage

Heat Exchanger


Wooden Baffles

Funnel or pan for excess moisture collection

Pros Cons

The control over how much humidity is to

be exposed can be controlled fairly well

and with significant precission

The response time for activating humidity

addition is quick

The flow of air is not constricted

significantly to cause the back-flows.

Despite the use of the misting equipment

the costs can be significantly low

The back-flows are preventable due to the

presence of the fan

The assembly requires multiple variables to

be activated in order for the system to work

(activating the fan, turning on the heater,

engaging the misting assembly into action)

The wood baffles may become suspect to

humidity accumulation and buffering the

humidity regulation

The obstrictions in the path of the air flow

may hinder the performance of humidity


The energy consumption rates may be

significant due to a multitude of


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Design and Construction of a Humidity System for a Climatic Wind Chamber


Table F13. Concept Combinmation Table for Humidity Addition via Syringe Version 2

Store water Isolate some water for


Add thermal energy to

water to mix water and


Ventilate Air over the

mix to move humidified


Open Basin Open surface Boiling Fan

Syringe Misting Air Preheat Natural Convection

Porous media Desiccant wheel Electrostatic Repulsion

Concept # 13.

Brief: The concept presented here is a unique version of humidity addition. The misting nozzle has a

metal tip that is connected to a heating element and a charge pump, or Walton-Cockroft multiplier. The

misting nozzle can be activated to produce hot, charged, mist that is accelerated to the negatively chaged

mesh. The induced flow of mist will mix the hot water with air and the hot air will be able to travel

through the duct after some excess moisture is accumulated on the negatively charged mesh. The excess

moisture will drip from the mesh into a moisture collecting pan or funnel and will be gravitationally

siphoned out of the system.

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List of Components Involved:



Air Filter

Misting Pump

Misting pipes assembly

Flow Regulation Valve

Water storage

Resistive heating element that can be attached to the misting nozzle

Metal misting nozzles

Walton-Cockroft Multipliers for the electric field moisture mixing

Electrical insulators

Metal mesh

Funnel or pan for excess moisture collection

Pros Cons

The control over how much humidity is to

be exposed can be controlled fairly well

and with significant precission

The response time for activating humidity

addition is quick

The flow of air is not constricted

significantly to cause the back-flows.

Despite the use of the misting equipment

the costs can be significantly low

Involves moving parts which may require

significant maintenance and periodic


The high voltage involved in this concept

can present a significant danger to

operating personnel, as well as cause some

problems for the electronic components

within the system.

Regulation happens by activating multiple

variables (heating nozzles, activating

electric field, turning on misting pump, and

opening or closing the flow regulation


The energy consumption may be

significant due to the many components

such as the misting pump, the heating

elements, and the electric field units.

There is no mechanism to prevent

significant backflows from the system.

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Design and Construction of a Humidity System for a Climatic Wind Chamber


Table F14. Concept Combinmation Table for Humidity Addition via Porous Media Version 1

Store water Isolate some water for


Add thermal energy to

water to mix water and


Ventilate Air over the

mix to move humidified


Open Basin Open surface Boiling Fan

Syringe Misting Air Preheat Natural Convection

Porous media Desiccant wheel Electrostatic Repulsion

Concept # 14.

Brief: The dessicant wheel has one half submerged in a chamber of of water and the other half exposed to

air flow. The wheel rotates around its central axis, and, as it rotates, the water fills the gaps within the

wheel and then these damp gaps interact with the air as air flows through them. Since the water basin and

the air flow are isolated from each other, as long as the dessicant wheel remains stationary, the humidity

levels can be controlled failry precisely by simply rotating the wheel, and exposing the damp gaps to the

air. The air temperature will regulate how much moisture is mixed, and hence there is a need for a heating

element. The Fan may be avoided in the structure by utilizing the natural convection properties of air, as

shown in the top right corner of the sketch. The assembly without the fan would certainly cut the costs

and maintenance, but the natural convection allows for relatively slower control than forced convection.

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Design and Construction of a Humidity System for a Climatic Wind Chamber


List of Components Involved:



Desiccant Wheel

Water holding Chamber

Air Heater

Air Filter

Piping for the water re-fill system



Driving Belt

Desiccant Wheel Rotational Axis


Pros Cons

Energy consumtion is relatively low

The control over how much humidity is to

be exposed can be controlled fairly well

and with significant precission

The response time for activating humidity

addition is fairly quick (a matter of

activating the motor)

The flow of air is not too constricted

because the dessicant wheel has holes for

air passage over the liquid.

Involves moving parts which require


The control of humidity involves heating

the air to some degee and activating the fan

to induce the forced convection within the

dessicant wheel

Can become infested with mold and

bacteria if either the air filter is breached or

water has contaminants

The dessicant wheel may be very fragile

and as a result it crack and crumble

The temperature of the air may drop as it

passes through the wheel, which may

negatively affect the performance of

climatic wind chamber components

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Design and Construction of a Humidity System for a Climatic Wind Chamber


Table F15. Concept Combinmation Table for Humidity Addition via Porous Media Version 2

Store water Isolate some water for


Add thermal energy to

water to mix water and


Ventilate Air over the

mix to move humidified


Open Basin Open surface Boiling Fan

Syringe Misting Air Preheat Natural Convection

Porous media Desiccant wheel Electrostatic Repulsion

Concept # 15.

Brief: When air is within the duct and comes in contact with the porous block, the air begins to pass

through the block and absorbs moisture. The moisture is absobed because the porous block allows water

to distribute uniformly throughout its body as a result of boiling happening in the water holding chamber.

Please note, the sketch does not show it but the outlet duct should be much wider in order to enforce the

natural convection of the moist air.

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Design and Construction of a Humidity System for a Climatic Wind Chamber


List of Components Involved:



Porous Block

Water holding Chamber

Heating Element

Air Filter

Piping for the water re-fill system

Drain Valve

Pros Cons

Does not involve any rotating or transalting


Regulation happens by activating a single

variable (ie. heating)

Relatively low levels of energy


Relatively easy assembly

Cost is small

Can become infested with mold and

bacteria if either the air filter is breached or

water has contaminants

The response time may be very slow due to

the humidity translation throughout the


The porous block may be very fragile and

as a result it crack and crumble

The flow of air may be significantly

reduced due to the presence of the porous

block, which may affect the overall

performance of the system

Some Other Prelimenary Concepts:

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Design and Construction of a Humidity System for a Climatic Wind Chamber


G. Calculations for the Staggered Tube Bank Configration

Figure G1. Staggered Tube Bank configuration heat exchanger.

Initially it was expected that a staggered tube bank configuration heat exchanger (Figure G1)

would be utilized in this project to extract the humidity. However, after performing the

calculations below it was found that this configuration would be far too energy demanding to

meet the demands for humidity extraction. Calculations for the staggered tube bank are as



Volumetric flow rate provided by the fan = 27 CFM=0.01274[m3/s]

Dimension of the inlet: 0.081[m]X0.082[m]

Fluid diameter of the inlet: D=(2*0.081*0.082)/( 0.081+0.082)[m]=0.0805[m]

Reinlet=(1.918*D)/(1.5/105)=10’293.66>2300 .: The flow is turbulent

Figure G2. The dimensions of the staggered tube bank in the model HRS

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Due to such large energy requirements, it was deemed that this configuration is un-suitable for

meeting the needs, and a more elegant solution was found in the form of vertical metal films

connected to the Peltier TEC. The metal films are made out of aluminum sheet, as it is the least

expensive material, and it has good thermal conductivity properties.