final report - golf championship 2009

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Submitted To:

Sir Saad Bin ZafarDated: 21st May, 2009



IntroductionThe Pakistan International Open Golf Championship 2009 is scheduled to be held in June 2009. The event is of National repute and professional as well as leading amateurs golfers from all over the globe will participate in the event. Due to the involvement of civilian bodies and players/participants and guests, the event demands a well coordinated effort in order to maintain the honor and prestige in term of efficient management and coordination. Our event management company ZU SAMZ will be responsible to organize the event. In order to cadre for the hospitality and the conduct of the event, following instructions are being promulgated so that all team members are to well aware with their duties and all arrangements are in place before the event commences.

Defining the Project ScopeTo organize Pakistan International Open Golf Championship 2009 for Ten days at Karachi Golf Club from 10th June 2009 to 20th June 2009 at a cost of approximately Rs. 1.0 Million.

The Championship Title of the ChampionshipThe Title of the Championship is Pakistan International Open Golf Championship 2009.

Composition of ChampionshipThe composition of this Golf championship would be:

Veterans. Seniors. Ladies. Juniors. Amateurs. Professionals.

FormatThe championship will consist of individual and team competitions over seventy-two (72) holes of medal (stroke) play. All players will compete in separate categories. The overall champion may come from either any of the above categories. If a senior is declared the overall champion, the next best senior score will win the senior competition and same will apply for other categories.


The goal of project is to conduct Pakistan International Open Golf Championship 2009 in befitting manner in order to satisfy Golf players especially foreigners in tense security environment of the city.

TasksThe seventy percent of the work will be dependent within organization; however thirty percent (30%) will be outsourced to Third Party, which include services from Karachi Golf Club and advertising material from TeleMART. All the departments are to ensure coordination among each other. Finance Department is to ensure timely arrangement of Funds, Administration for labor & transportation and other miscellaneous accounts etc.

ZU SAMZ Organization Authorities of the ChampionshipThe authorities of the championship are:

Official ZU - SAMZ Representative Chief of Delegation of the organizing nation. President of the KGC. Technical Jury. Jury of Appeal.

Technical ChairmanThe organizing nation will nominate a Technical Chairman. The Technical Chairman will handle golf rules inquiries, disputes or interpretations at the first level. This function will normally be performed by the local golf professional; in the absence of golf professional, a knowledgeable rules official can be used. The Technical Chairman will conduct a local rules briefing during the preliminary meeting.

Official ZU - SAMZ Representative

The Official ZU - SAMZ Representative is appointed by the ZU - SAMZ Board of Directors to attend the championship. The Organizing Committee will assign him a place of honor, with precedence over all other ZU - SAMZ officials, except the President of ZU - SAMZ.

Jury of AppealDuring the preliminary meeting, the Official ZU - SAMZ Representative will form a Jury of Appeal for the duration of the competition comprised of him as President and three (3) members chosen among delegates of the participating nations. Duties and 4|Page

appeal procedures are covered in the Procedures Manual. All disputes or interpretations will be resolved according to the English version of this regulation. Its decision is final.

President of the KGCThe KGC is composed of a President, a Secretary and several members. Their respective Chief of Delegation nominates KGC personnel to the ZU - SAMZ Secretary General and the ZU - SAMZ Board of Directors approves their appointment.

Technical JuryThe Technical Jury is presided over by the President of the KGC. It consists of a minimum of four persons to a maximum of six persons. Members of the KGC will serve on this Jury. Where an insufficient number of KGC members are present, a jury member may be selected from among the delegates of the participating nations. The designation of jury members takes place during the Preliminary meeting. Competitors and members of the Technical Jury cannot be part of the Jury of Appeal. All disputes or interpretations will be resolved according to the English version of this regulation.

ZU - SAMZ Organization Structure

Project Manager

Responsibility Manager

Finance Manager

Marketing Manager

Admin Manager

HR Manager

Asst. Admin Officer

Mess Officer

PR Officer


Responsibilities of the Staff of ZU - SAMZ 1. Project Manager Responsibilities: (Zeeshan Ghazi)

He is overall responsible for the entire Project. He shall maintain close relationship with KGC Officials for the conduct of the championship. He shall attend all the meetings and convey the decisions to concerned managers for appropriate actions. He is to inform all concerned about the meetings to be held and minute the proceedings so that the actions to be taken are focused and get feed back on the same from the concerned. He is responsible for the following;o o

o o o

Letters to sponsors and negotiation of tariff. He shall arrange sponsors for the championship and maintain tie with them for the provision of financial/logistic support during the championship. Prizes for the winners. Giveaways to the players and press / media men He has to keep close relationship with Pakistan Golf Federation.

2. Duties of Responsible Manager: (Zafeer Shaikh)

He shall responsible to Project manager for the entire show. He shall maintain close contact with KGC for the conduct of the championship. He shall attend all the meetings and convey the decisions to the concerned for appropriate actions. He is to inform all concerned about the meetings to be held and minute the proceedings so that the actions to be taken are focused and get feed back on the same from the concerned. He is responsible to the Project Manager for the following; o Letters to sponsors and negotiation of tariff o He shall arrange sponsors for the championship and maintain liaison with them for the provision of financial/logistic support during the championship. o Prizes for the winners 6|Page

o Giveaways to the players and press / media men He is to seek help from Admin Officer pertaining Administration.


3. Duties of Finance Manager: (M. Umer Malik)

M. Umer Malik is to act as the Manager Finance for this tournament. His duties are as under; o He is to work out the modalities for release of funds from the Sponsors/concerned authorities. o Managing all the expenses in light of the budget from Project Officer. o Working out the expenditure procedures and regularizing of all financial transactions as per laid down procedures. o Manage overall budgeting and fulfilling the billing requirements as may be required by the releasing authorities. He has to put in writing Post event report for the area of his concern.

4. Duties of Marketing Manager: (Sohaib Khan)

Sohaib Khan has to be in contact with the Secretary KGC at all times to discuss any issue pertaining to the marketing of the championship. He has to: o Ensure that the courses nominated are ready for the championship with respect to publicity. o Ensure that Pin / Tee positions have been marked o Prepare draws for the championship daily. o Dispatch of posters to the PGF affiliated clubs. o Preparations of Panaflex and other publicity material. o Placement of publicity material, places of advertisement at appropriate places. He has to put in writing Post event report for the area of his concern.

5. Duties of Human Resource Manager: (Ahsan


Ahsan Ijaz has to act as the Human Resource Manager (InCharge of Public Relations). In that he has to: o Prepare the speeches for the closing ceremony in consultation with Project Manager for Chief Guest. o Patron Pakistan Golf Federation. o Selection of Press releases and having them faxed/delivered to be published in different NEWS paper agencies for media coverage. 7|Page

Preparation of Magazine / brochure. He has to coordinate for the press & media coverage of the championship. He has to plan and coordinate for the press brief at KGC. He has to put in writing Post event report for the area of his concern to the Project Manager.

6. Duties of Admin Manager: (Manzoor Hasan


The Admin Manager is responsible to the Project Manager for the following issues; o Availability of Transport for all occasions. o Provision of logistic support to anyone in need. o To ensure that the above are ready. Parking Plan for final day: o General cleaning of the area. o Coordination with traffic police for final day. He has to co-operate any other officer to help him carry out the aforementioned duties. He has to seek advice in matters pertaining to his duties in relation with the Pakistan Open Golf championship from the Project Manager.

a. Duties of a Public Relations Officer

He shall be responsible to the Chairman / tournament director for the Media and press coverage of the championship. He is to ensure that all the media men are well looked after. He is to coordinate with Project Manager for the giveaways to be given to the media/press personnel. He is to gather the press / media personnel for the Press Conference at the required place nominated for the purpose. He is to ensure that the transport is available for the Press/Media personnel for press conference. He is to ensure that the press release is prepared and is checked for correctness and faxed to different Press agencies for coverage. He is put in writing Post event report for the area of his concern.

b. Duties of Assistant Admin

He shall be responsible for the following; o List of invitees o Seating arrangements o Invitation cards o Photography of the championship 8|Page

He is put in writing Post event report for the area of his concern to the tournament director through Tournament Secretary after the tournament has ended.

c. Duties of Mess Officer

Arrangements for the Hi-Tea for final day through Sponsors Approval of Menu for Hi-Tea Arrangements of Lunch boxes for the Players Arrangements of Lunch for the caddies



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Hierarchical Breakdown of Work Breakdown Structure

Leve l1

Hierarchical BreakdownProject

DescriptionGolf Tournament



10 Days Actual Championship Boarding, Lodging & Messing, Teams Registrations, Teams Arrivals, Sports Goods. Closing Ceremony Arrangements


Sub deliverable


Lowest Sub deliverable


Cost Account

Rs. 1.0 Million


Work Package

As Discussed

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Following is the Responsibility Matrix of our organization, about managing the overall Golf Championship 2009.

Project Team Responsibility MatrixS. N o. 1 2 3 4 5 6Tasks Project Manage r Public Relatio n Officer Finance Manage r Marketin g Manager HR Manage r Admin Manage r

7 8 9 10 11 12 13

14 15 16

Overall Responsible of the Project Recruitment of Teams. Conducting the Championship. Attending the Meetings with officials. Letters to Sponsors. Releasing Funds to Sponsors & Concerned Authorities. Finance &Expense Management. Budgetting & Financial Transactions. Post Financial Reports. Championship Publicity. Posters, Banners, Advertisement & Press Release. Coordinate with Media & Press Staff. Plan & Coordinate with Press & Media Briefing. Availability of Transport & Other Logistics. Vetting of Press Release and Fax. Preparation of Magazines & Brochures.







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If the plan is complete and well thought out, running the tournament will be a breeze. There should be an early meeting between all the event management staff to review the tournament checklists.

Location of the ChampionshipThe tournament would be held at the Karachi Golf Club.

Karachi Golf Club Picture 1

Karachi Golf Club Picture 2

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Guide Map to Karachi Golf Club


Invitation to the Participating Nations

At least six months before the championship's scheduled date, the organization must send an official invitation to all players of participating national players. The invitation will include two reply forms. The first is a preliminary agreement form (Appendix II) that must be returned to the organization at least three months prior to the competition. The second is a final entry (Appendix II) that must be returned at least one month prior to the competition.

Invitation to Karachi Golf Club (KGC) Members

The Organizing Committee shall send an invitation (Appendix III), to each member of the KGC using the mailing addresses provided by 16 | P a g e

the KGC President. Each KGC member will reply directly to the KGC President who will in turn send a joint reply to the Organizing Committee.

BudgetCost likely to incur in the championship is Rs. 1.0 million, for which PEPSI has already shown their willingness to sponsor the whole event. There are different championship: Budgets which would be made for the

Financial Budget. Sales and Marketing Budget. Income & Expenditure Budget. Master Budget (All would be cater in this master budget).

RisksThe major risks involved in this project are: The law and order situation. The electricity problems. Unavailability of Sponsors. Unavailability of Sports Goods.

To trounce all these factors, we will keep security people on high alert and all the movement of player from hotel to KGC will be given protocol under armed forces to escort them. We will be having standby generator to facilitate smooth conduct of championship to overcome electricity problem. Further we will be in strong touch with the PEPSI to have their Final Decision for Sponsoring this whole Mega Event of Golf Championship.

Risk Assessment FormRisk EventSecurity Reasons Technical Advisor Funding Risks

Likelihood Impact Detection Difficulty2 2 1 4 3 3 4 3 2

WhenDuring the championship Before Startup Before Startup

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Tragedy Unprepared Course

2 1

2 2

1 1

Any time Before startup

Risk Severity Matrix5

4 Likelihood




Technical Advisor

Security Reasons

1 1

Unprepared Course 2

Funding Risks 3 Impact 4 5

Red Zone (Major Risk) Yellow Zone (Moderate Risk) Green Zone (Minor Risk)

Risks Response MatrixRisk EventSecurity Reasons Technical Advisor Funding Risks Unprepared Course

Response Contingency PlanReduce Shift Reduce Shift High Alert Call Standby Co Sponsors Other Course

TriggerImmediate Not turning up Funds not arriving timely Unprepared before Match

Who is ResponsibleManzoor Hasan. Zeeshan Ghazi. M. Umer Malik. Zafeer Shaikh.

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Official Conferences / MeetingsThe following official meetings are considered to be essential to the effective conduct of a championship:

Press Conference. Preliminary Meeting. Meetings of the Jury of Appeal. Meetings of the Technical Jury. Meetings of the KGC. Meeting of the Anti-doping Commission. Meetings of Team Captains / Managers.

Meetings of the Team Captains / ManagersThe Chief of the Organizing Committee plans a meeting for the first day of the championship. The purpose of the meeting is to clarify any questions concerning the golf course, including local course rules. The President of the KGC will then conduct a meeting on each evening during the competition to ensure the smooth conduct of the championship. The following persons must attend:

Chief of the Organizing Committee. Official ZU - SAMZ Representative. Secretary and Members of the KGC. Technical Chairman. Golf Course Pro. Team Captain / Manager and / or Chief of Mission of each participating nation.

Anti Doping ControlsDoping is defined as: The presence of prohibited substances or its metabolites or markers in an athletes bodily specimen. The use or the attempted use of a prohibited substance or a prohibited method. The refusing, or failing without compelling justification to submit to sample collection after notification. At least at each International Open Golf Championship, if possible also at other major events, anti- doping controls will be carried out according to the latest Anti Doping Regulation that is fully in line with the World Anti-Doping Code of WADA. 19 | P a g e

Specificities of the International Golf Federation (IGF), Anti Doping Regulation will be considered when necessary. The operative responsibilities of the anti - doping controls will lie on the Anti-Doping Commission formed for the considered event. The list of prohibited substances and methods used for the anti- doping testing in International Golf events will always be the actual WADA list.

Arrival / RegistrationHere's an opportunity to reinforce the competitors impression of your organization and golf club, good or bad! The following are some helpful hints for the arrival / registration area:

Good signage to make it easy for the people to find the registration area. Friendly and knowledgeable staff manning the registration area. Appropriate Base Security personnel present. Have several digital cameras, photo and card printers and laminating machines on hand to prepare security passes for all participants. Have bag tags with each competitor's name on them, stickers or some method that can be used to identify golf bags. Large table with table cloth and chairs. Provide welcome information booklet detailing accommodation, eating and transportation arrangements for all participants should include a map of the Base, competition information and a local restaurant guide. Rules sheet/Policies Statement. Pairing sheet & Scoring Boards/Sheets. Alphabetized list of players with starting times and/or starting holes. Have visitor's passes at the front gate with an alphabetized list of the players by country (coordinate with Base Security). With all of this information in hand the guest should now feel comfortable and know everything he or she needs for participating in the tournament.

Staff AssignmentsEach staff person has a responsibility for tournament activities. The following must be included in a checklist for your various staff positions. The list should be divided into activity categories with the following serving as a minimum: Staff Assigned Date Require d Date Complete d Notes Price 20 | P a g e

Budget Coordinator Entry Printed Entry Distributed List of Players Pairings Awards / Prizes Sponsors

_________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________

_________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________

_________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________

_________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________

Coordinator: ____________________

Date AssignedScore Sheets Scorecards Scoring Tables Scorecards Posting Order Bag Tags Bag Tags Prepared Format / Rules Event Summary Report _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________

_________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________

Date Require d

_________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________

Date Complete d

Notes Price_________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________

Coordinator: ____________________

Date AssignedLocal Rules Course Definition Course Setup Hole Placement Charts Rules Committee _________ _________ _________ _________ _________

Date Require d_________ _________ _________ _________ _________

Date Complete d_________ _________ _________ _________ _________

Notes Price_________ _________ _________ _________ _________

Rules Chairperson: ____________________

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Date AssignedRegistration Table(s) Starter's Supplies Scoring Tables Starting Tables, Chairs Tables / Chairs, Course Place Signs on Course Award Tables Furniture / Supplies Pull Carts Golf Range: Setup Pick up Attendant _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________

Date Require d_________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________

Date Complete d_________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________

Notes Price_________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________

Coordinator: ____________________

Date AssignedFood Service / Menu Food / Beverage Course Decorations Cultural Show Meeting Requirements Publicity Media / Press Photography Welcome Signs Press Releases _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________

Date Require d_________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________

Date Complete d_________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________

Notes Price_________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________

Coordinator: ____________________

22 | P a g e

Date AssignedRooms Assigned & Listed Vans / Car Reserved Team Hosts Assigned Translators VIP Transport Assigned Police / Rangers Informed Security Assigned _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________

Date Require d_________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________

Date Complete d_________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________

Notes Price_________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________

Coordinator: ____________________

Supplemental Checklists

Tournament Maintenance:Fairways Mowed Practice Round. Fairways Mowed - Each Day of Competition. Greens Mowed - Practice Round. Greens Mowed - Each Day of Competition. Tees Mowed - Practice Round. Tees Mowed - Each Day of Competition. Practice Range Tees Mowed. Pin Placement Sheets Each Day of Competition.

Administrative Preparations:Scorecards for each day. Score Sheets. 23 | P a g e

Tee Time Sheets Posted. Tournament Information and Gift Packs Prepared. Dress Code for competitors published. Schedule of events published. Siren or Air horn available and tested.

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Theory & Analysis / resources and Methods

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Project DescriptionTo organize Pakistan International Open Golf Championship 2009, at the Karachi Golf Club. The championship would last for 10 days including five days actual matches and two days practice session. The championship is opened to all the players in the category of professional, amateur, ladies, veterans and children. Cost likely to incur in the championship is Rs. 1.0 million, for which PEPSI has already shown their willingness to sponsor the championship. About 100 players from all over the globe are likely to participate. Moreover, arranging their boarding, lodging, messing, transportation, practice session and arranging the actual championship is of paramount importance and part of our project.

Main Objectives and Requirements OBJECTIVESThe objective of this report is to conduct the Mega International Sports event in the country which could not materialize since long due prevailing law and order situation in the country, to which our rival country is always in the chance to take any such event to their homeland to take the economic benefits through the sponsors and degrade Pakistan for not being able to arrange such world championships. Cost likely to incur in the championship is Rs. 1.0 Million, for which PEPSI has already shown their willingness to sponsor the championship. Overall duration of the championship will be 10 working days, which would include 5 days for the championship. About 100 players from all over the globe are likely to participate.

Requirements1. Tournament Office Tournament office is to be prepared in accordance with the requirement of tournament committee. All the results are to be compiled and ready for the press well in time. 2. Media Centre Media Centre is to be established for free flow information to media personnel in order to ensure timely update of score. Public Relation Officer (PRO) is to prepare media brief and press release for the entire event. 3. Pull Carts, Motorized Carts, Caddies A sufficient amount of pull carts should be available. 26 | P a g e

Motorized carts shall not be used by competitors, unless a waiver is approved by the Technical Jury. Caddies shall not be used unless a waiver is approved by the Technical Jury.

4. Course preparation Red, Blue and Yellow Courses All the three Courses are to be prepared by the ground staff of the KGC, before the start of the championship. All fairways are to be prepared and cut to sizes. All greens are to be prepared as per the international standards of golf.

5. Food and Beverage We had also planned for the food and beverage area in its relationship with the golf event. To make all of this easier, we had considered making a menu for food operations. This would be used as a POS item. 27 | P a g e

6. Golf Pro Shop We had also planned to establish a golf shop for the ones who need any sporting accessories connected with Golf. This is not included in the package as every individual is to bring his / her own Golf Kit for the PIOGC 2009. The shop would be, at a minimum, clean, organized, well run, and the personnel well informed on every facet of the tournament. The following checklist may help you prepare the shop for a tournament:

One week prior to our event, we need to give the pro golf shop a good top to bottom cleaning. It makes cleaning during the tournament much easier. Based on the size of the tournament, we should adjust our personnel schedules to cover the shop as well as other duties necessitated by the tournament. Have frequent meetings with our staff so they stay well informed. Conduct an after tournament meeting to discuss the successes and things to do better. We will have our pro golf shop personnel wear name tags. We will be decorating our pro shop according to the theme of our Championship. We will be having on spot sale during the tournament Our shop consists of all goods related to Golfers needs.

Golf Pro Shop Our golf pro shop will have a look like the one below:

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Our Golf Pro Shop will be having following sporting goods


Golf Kits


Golf Balls

Golf Clubs

Golf Shoes

7. The Scoreboard and Scoring Area The bottom line of any tournament is the scoring and how efficiently the scoring committee runs the operation and gets the results out. There is nothing worse than waiting an hour for results. In the preparation and planning phases of the event ensure you assign enough people to do the scoring. The scoring table should have a tablecloth and a box or cup for the players to put their pencils in when finished signing their cards. Remember, the scoring committee is responsible for the total score and the player is responsible for the hole-by-hole totals. The players' names should be listed alphabetically on the score sheets by country. This will make it easy to find the names when 29 | P a g e

posting and easier for the spectators to find who they are looking for. Put the score sheet header in the same color as the country on the scorecard. Include summary sheets in your planning. Summary sheets give the contestants a quick reference as to where they are and where team stands overall.

8. Catering and Decoration Services Catering and Decoration services will be outsourced to Hanif Rajput for the following ceremonies: a. b. c. d. e. Press Conference. Opening Ceremony. Prize Distribution Ceremony. Cultural Show. Closing Ceremony.

Constraints and Problem Areas with Alternativesa. Security Reasons In case of deteriorated law and order situation in the city, boarding, lodging and messing facilities will be shifted from hotel to KGC premises. b. Inclement Weather In case of inclement weather, rules and regulations pertaining to raining and thunder storm and lightning will be observed.

Technical1. Technical Chairman The organizing nation will nominate a Technical Chairman. The Technical Chairman will handle golf rules inquiries, disputes or interpretations at the first level. This function will normally be performed by the local golf professional; in the absence of golf professional, a knowledgeable rules official can be used. The Technical Chairman will conduct a local rules briefing during the preliminary meeting. 2. Technical Jury The Technical Jury is presided over by the President of the KGC. It consists of a minimum of four (4) persons to a maximum of six (6) persons. Members of the KGC will serve on this Jury. Where an 30 | P a g e

insufficient number of KGC members are present, a jury member may be selected from among the delegates of the participating nations. The designation of jury members takes place during the Preliminary meeting. Competitors and members of the Technical Jury cannot be part of the Jury of Appeal. All disputes or interpretations will be resolved according to the English version of this regulation.

OrganizationalOur organization include different types of levels like company level, functional level and operational level and each of these levels include different departments.

Project Manager

Responsibility Manager

Finance Manager

Marketing Manager

Admin Manager

HR Manager

Asst. Admin Officer

Mess Officer

PR Officer

Financial, Budgeting and ControlGolf Championship 2009 Details of Sponsor FIRM/COMPANY PEPSI TOTAL AMOUNT RS. 1,000,000 Rs. 1.0 Million.

Golf Championship 2009 Details of Expenditure EXPENSES Invitation Cards AMOUNT Rs. 100,000 31 | P a g e

Advertising Press Conference Opening Ceremony Transportation Messing & Lodging Security Prize Money Closing Ceremony (incl. Cultural Show) Ground Rent to KGC TOTAL

Rs. 50,000 Rs. 200,000 Rs. 50,000 Rs. 50,000 Rs. 50,000 Rs. 50,000 Rs. 300,000 Rs. 50000 Rs. 100,000 Rs. 1,000,000

Golf Championship 2009 Details of Income INCOME Income through Tickets (2,500 @ Rs.500) Income through Golf Shop * Income through Tuck Shop * Income through Participation** Total AMOUNT/ITEMS Rs. 1,250,000 Rs. 500,000 Rs. 100,000 Rs. 500,000 Rs. 2,350,000

** These sales are estimated and will be projected upon the sale of respected items. ** The income through participation is estimated as the participation fee is yet to be decided by the committee.

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StartersThe starter in a major event is the voice of the tournament. They should be articulate, organized, and conversant with the tournament and its format. Make this position one of prominence. Besides announcing the players to the tee the starters additional duty is to keep the tee running on time. This becomes critical when you are using a split tee format. The starter should not run the tee ahead of the posted time, as this will cause as much of a problem as a late tee. The international representation of ZU - SAMZ will provide challenges in appropriate pronunciations of names. It is recommended that the starter become as familiar as possible with the names prior to each player being announced. Seek out the team captain or Chief of Mission for assistance in correct pronunciation.

Program of the ChampionshipThe duration of the golf championship will generally be Ten (10) days.

1st Day of the Project:

Press Conference Opening Ceremony Preliminary Meeting Practice Rounds Team Captains meeting

2nd Day of the Project:

Opening Ceremony of Golf Championship 2009.

3rd & 4th Day of the Project:

Practice Rounds Team Captains Meeting for the Actual Championship Round

5th to 9th Day of the Project:

League Matches. Quarter Finals, Semi Finals. Final Match. (Last Day; 9th of June 2009)

10th Day of the Project:

Trophies to Winners. Prize Distribution Ceremony. Certificate Distribution to the Participants. 34 | P a g e

Closing Ceremony.

Press ConferencePress Conference will be held in the first week of January 2009 at Karachi Press Club, in order to have electronic media and press coverage during the conduct of the championship. Media personnel from TV and Press will be invited to cover the event in befitting manner.

Opening CeremonyOpening Ceremony will be held on January 2009. Governor Sind Dr. Ishrat ul Ibaad Khan will be requested to grace the occasion and open the championship. Ceremony will be held at Karachi Golf Club on Blue Course.

Practice SessionPractice Session will be held three days prior to the actual championship in order to provide opportunity to the visiting players to acclimatize with the conditions of the Karachi Golf Club Courses.

Actual ChampionshipActual Championship will be held three days with effect from January 2009. Schedule of the flights are to be work out well in advance for smooth conduct of the championship.

Prize Distribution CeremonyPrize Distribution Ceremony will be held on the last day of the event. President of Pakistan will be requested to grace the occasion by his presence and give away the prizes to the golfers.

Cultural ShowIt is the responsibility of the host nation to include a cultural or tourist type activity in the program. Therefore, the cultural show has been arranged on the final day of the event at KGC. Folk Singers and local talent will be invited to perform the depicting Pakistani Culture.

Closing CeremonyClosing Ceremony will also be held on the final day. Flags of all the visiting countries will be hauled down during closing ceremony. Chief Guest will declare the Event is closed. 35 | P a g e

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Post Project Activities

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ReportsThe following reports are to be submitted to the Official ZU - SAMZ representative at the close up of the competition. Project Project Project Project Closure Report. Finance Report. Marketing Report. Admin Report.

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