financial network analytics @ uni delft

Financial Network Analytics Kimmo Soramäki [email protected] Presentation at TU Delft 2 November 2011

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Presentation at Delft University's Mathematics and Computer Science department on Financial Networks, on analyzing and modeling them and on the service.


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Financial Network Analytics

Kimmo Soramä[email protected]

Presentation at TU Delft2 November 2011

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“When the crisis came, the serious limitations of existing economic and financial models immediately became apparent. [...] As a policy-maker during the crisis, I found the available models of limited help. In fact, I would go further: in the face of the crisis, we felt abandoned by conventional tools.”

in a Speech by Jean-Claude Trichet, President of the European Central Bank, Frankfurt, 18 November 2010

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We are talking about systemic risk ≠ systematic risk

• The risk of disruption to a financial entity with spillovers to the real economy

• Risk of a crisis that stresses key intermediation markets and leads to their breakdown, which impacts the broader economy and requires government intervention

• Risk that critical nodes of a financial network cease to function as designed, disrupting linkages

-> some chain of events that starts or gets magnified in the finance sector and makes us all worse off

News articles mentioning “systemic risk”, Source:

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• Three components of models

– Topology of financial networks– System mechanics– Behavioral dynamics

• How to bring research to policy?

• Financial Network Analytics -software


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Payment systems

Annual value (euros) Liquidity need Age of the universe (hours)0.00E+00






Annual value (euros) Liquidity need0.00E+00






Annual value (euros)0.00E+00






Annual value (euros) Liquidity need Age of the universe (days)0.00E+00






~1939 tr

~194 tr ~120 tr ~5 tr

Bech, Preisig and Soramäki (2008), FRBNY Economic Review, Vol. 14, No. 2.

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Topology of interactions

Total of ~8000 banks66 banks comprise 75% of value25 banks completely connected

Degree distribution

Soramäki, Bech, Beyeler, Glass and Arnold (2006), Physica A, Vol. 379, pp 317-333.

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System mechanics

Bank i Bank j

Payment system

1 Agent instructs bank to send a payment

2 Depositor account is debited

Di Dj

5 Payment account is credited

4 Payment account is debited

Productive Agent Productive Agent

6 Depositor account is credited


3 Payment is settled or queued

Bi > 0 Qj

7 Queued payment, if any, is released

Qj > 0

Bi Bj

Central bank

Beyeler, Glass, Bech and Soramäki (2007), Physica A, 384-2, pp 693-718.


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5 5 0 0

5 6 0 0

5 7 0 0

5 8 0 0

5 9 0 0

6 0 0 0

6 1 0 0

5 5 0 0 5 7 0 0 5 9 0 0 6 1 0 0






2 0 0 0

4 0 0 0

6 0 0 0

8 0 0 0

1 0 0 0 0

1 2 0 0 0

1 4 0 0 0

1 6 0 0 0

1 8 0 0 0

2 0 0 0 0

0 2 0 0 4 0 0 6 0 0 8 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 1 4 0 0 1 6 0 0 1 8 0 0 2 0 0 0



2 0 0 0

4 0 0 0

6 0 0 0

8 0 0 0

1 0 0 0 0

1 2 0 0 0

1 4 0 0 0

1 6 0 0 0

1 8 0 0 0

2 0 0 0 0

0 2 0 0 4 0 0 6 0 0 8 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 1 4 0 0 1 6 0 0 1 8 0 0 2 0 0 0



When liquidity is high payments are submitted promptly and banks process payments independently of each other

Instructions Payments

Summed over the network, instructions arrive at a steady rate


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2 0 0 0

4 0 0 0

6 0 0 0

8 0 0 0

1 0 0 0 0

1 2 0 0 0

1 4 0 0 0

5 5 0 0 5 7 0 0 5 9 0 0 6 1 0 0






2 0 0 0

4 0 0 0

6 0 0 0

8 0 0 0

1 0 0 0 0

1 2 0 0 0

1 4 0 0 0

1 6 0 0 0

1 8 0 0 0

2 0 0 0 0

0 2 0 0 4 0 0 6 0 0 8 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 1 4 0 0 1 6 0 0 1 8 0 0 2 0 0 0


Reducing liquidity leads to episodes of congestion when queues build, and cascades of settlement activity when incoming payments allow banks to work off queues. Payment processing becomes coupled across the network


Instructions Payments0

2 0 0 0

4 0 0 0

6 0 0 0

8 0 0 0

1 0 0 0 0

1 2 0 0 0

1 4 0 0 0

1 6 0 0 0

1 8 0 0 0

2 0 0 0 0

0 2 0 0 4 0 0 6 0 0 8 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 1 4 0 0 1 6 0 0 1 8 0 0 2 0 0 0


1 E -0 4

0 .0 0 1

0 .0 1

0 .1


1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0

Cascade Length





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System mechanics

Bank i Bank j

Payment system

1 Agent instructs bank to send a payment

2 Depositor account is debited

Di Dj

5 Payment account is credited

4 Payment account is debited

Productive Agent Productive Agent

6 Depositor account is credited


3 Payment is settled or queued

Bi > 0 Qj

7 Queued payment, if any, is released

Qj > 0

Bi Bj

Central bank

Beyeler, Glass, Bech and Soramäki (2007), Physica A, 384-2, pp 693-718.


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• Example: How much liquidity to post?

• Cost for a bank in a payment system depends on – Choice of liquidity and – Delays of settlement

• Banks liquidity choice depends on other banks’ liquidity choice

• We develop ABM – payoffs determined by a

realistic settlement process – reinforcement learning– look at equilibrium

Galbiati and Soramäki (2011), JEDC, Vol. 35, Iss. 6, pp 859-875

Economic behavior

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Liquidity demand curve

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How to operationalize all this?

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Data tsunami

• Digital information is doubling every 1.2 years. Open data, data science, …

• Regulatory response to recent financial crisis was to strengthen macro-prudential supervision with mandates for more regulatory data

• The challenge will be to understand and analyze the data

• “Analytics based policy”, i.e. the application of computer technology, operational research,and statistics to solve regulatory problems

Katsushika Hokusai. The great wave off Kanagawa ~1830

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Network maps

• Recent financial crisis brought to light the need to look at links between financial institutions

• Natural way to visualize the financial system• ‘Network thinking’ widespread by regulators• Mapping of the financial system

has only begun

Eratosthenes' map of the known world, c.194 BC.

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• Financial crisis are different and rare

• Technology, products and practices change

• Data is not clean, actions are not ‘rational’

• Hard to develop algorithms

• A solution is to augment human intelligence (in contrast to AI and algorithms)

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Financial Network Analytics Platform

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Explain screen

Screen elementsAccess via browser in intranet, internet

or desktop

Operation based on commands

Result panel shows command output

Submit commandEach command has

different parameters

And creates files (charts, data, etc)

Files and database connections are in

file panels

‘Visualize’ screen shows created

charts and layouts

Switch between ‘point-and-click’ and command line view

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Tabs allow multiple visualisations open

All visualisations are html documents that

work also outside FNA

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Dashboard (concept)The dashboard can combine multiple views to the data on a single screen

It can be available e.g. on the

intranet and updated daily

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All commands can be submitted using command syntax

Command line

All commands submitted (also from point-and-click) are

shown in history

History provides an easy way to make

new scripts for research or for the


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Command line

Scripts can be run from the scripts panel or as regular jobs by

the server

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• Provide a tool for exploration, analysis and visualization of regulatory financial data

• Make online financial available for easy analysis

• Provide a extendible platform for custom functionality, agent based models and other simulation models

• Make advances in research available to policy

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Contact [email protected]

FNA is available at

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• Performance – Client server architecture allows use of high performance servers, computer

clusters and cloud computing– High-performance graph engine ( – Fast client application (Google web toolkit e.g. as in

• Security– Sensitivity and confidentiality of data creates addition constraints for analysis– Data is stored on server where it can be protected better (vs analysts desktops)– Each user accesses FNA with her own account– SSL encryption of traffic– Logging and analytics, audit trail

• Integration to corporate IT – Integration to databases possible– FNA accounts can be managed centrally by IT (integration to LDAP systems)– Can run on most application servers– Modular structure allows easier updates

Technical details