financial statement + ratio (new) with trending

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Post on 04-Apr-2018




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  • 7/30/2019 Financial Statement + Ratio (New) With Trending


    ratio 2008-2009 2009-2010

    current 3.32 4.89

    quick 3.27 4.80

    gross profit margin 20.85% 23.90%

    net profit margin 11.04% 8.31%

    return on total assets 1.98% 1.30%

    return on capital employed 1.99% 1.35%

    equity 9.52% 7.51%

    gearing 6.12% 9.02%

    Interest cover 0.00% 11.23%

    debt to EBITDA 15.60% 18.17%

    stock turnover 160.17 177.52

    debt ratio 68.56% 75.53%

    note no

    2008 2009

  • 7/30/2019 Financial Statement + Ratio (New) With Trending


    $'m $'m

    non current assets

    PPE 1,627.8 3,280.1

    club debenture 2.3 1.5

    1,630.1 3,281.6

    current assets

    invertory 26.7 27.8

    trade and receivbles 33.9 31.1

    current account with the OP trust fund 1.1 0.1

    financial instruments 458.5 121.0

    bank balance and cash 1,090.2 1,529.4

    1,610.4 1,709.4

    total assets 3,240.5 4,991.0


    capital fund 475.0 475.0

    accumulated surplus 996.5 1,095.1

    hedging reserve 4.8 (1.9)

    revaluation reserve 1.7 0.9

    1,478.0 1,569.1

    non current liabilities

    government subordianate loan & commercial loans 1,387.5 2,775.0

    interest payable on government subordinate loan 59.0 132.1

    financial instruments - -

    1,446.5 2,907.1

    current liabilities

    trade and other payables 282.0 470.3

    deferred income 34.0 44.5

    316.0 514.8

    total liabilities 1,762.5 3,421.9

    total equity and liabilities 4,687.0 7,898.1

  • 7/30/2019 Financial Statement + Ratio (New) With Trending


    (0.03) 0.10

    2008 2009

    $'m $'m

    revenue 924.5 893.5

    operating costs (654.7) (707.2)

    surplus fom operations 269.8 186.3

    depreciation and write-offs (112.9) (118.9)

    finance cost - -

    strategic review and redevelopment expense (2.7) (1.9)

    transfer from the OP trust fund 2.7 1.9

    net operating surplus 156.9 67.4

    investment income 47.8 31.2

    surplus for the year 204.7 98.6

    $'m $'m

    cash flow from operating activities 323.0 273.0

    net cash fom operating activities 323.0 273.0

    cash flow from investing actitivties

    interest received 42.8 46.2

    purchase/ contruction of PPE (731.7) (1,593.3)

    proceed from sales of PPE - 4.9

    purchase of financial instruments ? 2.1

    net proceed form sales of financial instruments (219.7) 332.0

    placements of fixed deposits with banks with maturity over 3 mon (86.5) (521.4)

    net cash flows from investing activities (995.1) (1,729.5)

    cash flow from financing activities

    receipts of funds from OP trust fund 2.0 3.0

    interest paid on commercial loan - (6.0)

    drawdown of commercial loan/ government subordinate loan 738.0 1,387.5

    net cash generated in financing activities 740.0 1,384.5

  • 7/30/2019 Financial Statement + Ratio (New) With Trending


    net (decrease)/ increase in cash and cash equivalents 67.9 (73.8)

    cash and cash equivalent at beginning of the year 327.7 400.3

    exchange (loss)/ gain on cash on cash equivalent 4.7 (8.4)

    cash and cash equivalent at end of the year 400.3 318.1

    $'m $'m

    surplus for the year 98.6

    other comprehensive income

    "---change in fair value of club debenture" (0.8)

    "---cash flow hedges" (6.7)

    other comprehensive income for the year 0.0 (7.5)

    total comprehensive income for the year 0.0 91.1

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  • 7/30/2019 Financial Statement + Ratio (New) With Trending





    27.16% (%)

    8.42% (%)

    1.41% (%)

    1.59% (%)

    6.38% (%)

    10.81% (%)

    3.62% (%)

    15.14% (%)

    258.62 (days)

    78.61% (%)

    e note note

    2010 2011

  • 7/30/2019 Financial Statement + Ratio (New) With Trending


    $'m $'m

    4,394.7 5,213.7 5

    1.9 2.3 6

    4,396.6 5,216.0 balance sheet

    36.3 51.7 7

    19.0 23.7 8

    1.2 1.9

    125.8 208.4 9

    1,747.8 1,948.7 10

    1,930.1 2,234.4

    6,326.7 7,450.4

    475.0 475.0 13

    1,177.1 1,282.2

    (105.2) (164.9) 14

    1.3 1.7 6

    1,548.2 1,594.0

    4,075.0 4,845.0 12

    209.0 289.9 12

    100.1 165.6 9

    4,384.1 5,300.5

    343.5 467.4 11

    50.9 88.5

    394.4 555.9

    4,778.5 5,856.4

    10,710.8 12,750.9

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    2010 2011

    $'m $'m

    986.6 1,248.7 15

    (750.8) (909.5) 16

    235.8 339.2

    (137.6) (188.6) 5

    (33.8) (61.3) 18

    (6.0) (3.3) 19 income and expenditure statement

    6.0 3.3 19

    64.4 89.3 statement of comprehensive income

    17.6 15.8 20

    82.0 105.1

    $'m $'m

    254.3 393.5

    254.3 393.5 21

    28.3 14.5

    (1,343.2) (877.4)

    0.1 0.3

    126.4 (84.3)

    120.0 -

    (217.3) (138.1) cashflow statement

    (1,285.7) (1,085.0)

    5.0 4.5

    (17.8) (25.9)

    1,300.0 770.0 12

    1,287.2 748.6

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    2.9 57.1

    318.1 319.1

    (1.9) 5.7

    319.1 381.9 10

    $'m $'m

    82.0 105.1

    statement of comprehensive income

    0.4 0.4 6

    (103.3) (59.7) 14

    (102.9) (59.3)

    (20.9) 45.8

    statement of changes in equity

    F/Y 07/08

    F/Y 08/09

  • 7/30/2019 Financial Statement + Ratio (New) With Trending


    F/Y 10/11

    F/Y 09/10

  • 7/30/2019 Financial Statement + Ratio (New) With Trending


  • 7/30/2019 Financial Statement + Ratio (New) With Trending


  • 7/30/2019 Financial Statement + Ratio (New) With Trending


  • 7/30/2019 Financial Statement + Ratio (New) With Trending


    capital fund accumulated surplus

    $'m $'m

    opening balance 475.0 791.8

    surplus for the year - 204.7

    fair value gains/(losses) - -

    closing balance 475.0 996.5

    capital fund accumulated surplus

    $'m $'m

    opening balance 475.0 996.5

    surplus for the year - 98.6

    fair value gains/(losses) - -

    closing balance 475.0 1,095.1

  • 7/30/2019 Financial Statement + Ratio (New) With Trending


    capital fund accumulated surplus

    $'m $'m

    opening balance 475.0 1,095.1

    surplus for the year - 82.0

    other comprehensive income

    "---change in fair value of club debenture" - -

    "---cash flow hedges" - -

    total comprehensive income for the year 0.0 0.0

    closing balance 475.0 1,177.1

    capital fund accumulated surplus

    $'m $'m

    opening balance 475.0 1,177.1

    surplus for the year - 105.1

    other comprehensive income

    "---change in fair value of club debenture" - -

    "---cash flow hedges" - -

    total comprehensive income for the year 0.0 0.0

    closing balance 475.0 1,282.2

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  • 7/30/2019 Financial Statement + Ratio (New) With Trending


  • 7/30/2019 Financial Statement + Ratio (New) With Trending


  • 7/30/2019 Financial Statement + Ratio (New) With Trending










    0.0 1,478.0



    0.0 1,569.1

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    0.0 (102.9)

    0.0 1,548.2







    0.0 (59.3)

    0.0 1,594.0

  • 7/30/2019 Financial Statement + Ratio (New) With Trending





    non current assets

    PPE 1,627.8

    club debenture 2.3


    current assets

    invertory 26.7

    trade and receivbles 33.9

    current account with the OP trust fund 1.1

    financial instruments 458.5

    bank balance and cash 1,090.21,610.4

    current liabilities

    trade and other payables 282.0

    deferred income 34.0


    net current assets 1,294.4

    non current liabilities

    government subordianate loan & commercial loans 1,387.5

    interest payable on government subordinate loan 59.0

    financial instruments -


    net assets 1,478.0

    financed by:

    capital fund 475.0

    accumulated surplus 996.5

    hedging reserve 4.8

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    revaluation reserve 1.7


  • 7/30/2019 Financial Statement + Ratio (New) With Trending


    note note note

    2009 2010 2011

    $'m $'m $'m

    3,280.1 5 4,394.7 5 5,213.7 5

    1.5 6 1.9 6 2.3 63,281.6 4,396.6 5,216.0

    27.8 7 36.3 7 51.7 7

    31.1 8 19.0 8 23.7 8

    0.1 1.2 1.9

    121.0 9 125.8 9 208.4 9

    1,529.4 10 1,747.8 10 1,948.7 101,709.4 1,930.1 2,234.4

    470.3 11 343.5 11 467.4 11

    44.5 50.9 88.5

    514.8 394.4 555.9

    1,194.6 1,535.7 1,678.5

    2,775.0 12 4,075.0 12 4,845.0 12

    132.1 12 209.0 12 289.9 12

    - 100.1 9 165.6 9

    2,907.1 4,384.1 5,300.5

    1,569.1 1,548.2 1,594.0

    475.0 13 475.0 13 475.0 13

    1,095.1 1,177.1 1,282.2

    (1.9) 10 (105.2) 14 (164.9) 14

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    0.9 6 1.3 6 1.7 6

    1,569.1 1,548.2 1,594.0

  • 7/30/2019 Financial Statement + Ratio (New) With Trending



    6 financial risk management 2008


    "--risk factors

    ""-----price risk

    """"-------impact on surplus ($M) 4.2

    less than 1 year

    "''-----liquidity risk $'m

    at 30 jun 2008

    gov. subordinated and commercial loans -

    trade and othe payables 282.0

    at 30 jun 2009

    gov. subordinated and commercial loans -

    trade and othe payables 470.3

    --revised gov. subordinated and commercial loans 11.2

    --revised trade and othe payables 470.3

    at 30 jun 2010

    gov. subordinated and commercial loans 23.3

    trade and othe payables 343.5

    interest rate swap contracts -

    --revised gov. subordinated and commercial loans

    --revised trade and othe payables

    at 30 jun 2011

    gov. subordinated and commercial loans 238.0

    trade and othe payables 467.4

    interest rate swap contracts 36.5

  • 7/30/2019 Financial Statement + Ratio (New) With Trending


    "- fair value estimation

    level 1

    ASSETS $'m

    financial instruments

    --unlisted bonds 125.7

    --foreign currency forward contract -

    club debenture 1.9

    total 127.6


    financial instruments

    --interest rate swap contracts -


    "- fair value estimation

    level 1

    ASSETS $'m

    financial instruments

    --unlisted bonds 208.4

    --foreign currency forward contract -

    club debenture 2.3

    total 210.7


    financial instruments

    --interest rate swap contracts -


  • 7/30/2019 Financial Statement + Ratio (New) With Trending


    note note note

    2009 2010 2011

    $'m $'m $'m


    1 and between 5 years over 5 years

    $'m $'m

    - 1,446.5

    - -

    - 2,907.1

    - -

    134.9 5,252.4

    - -

    867.9 6,117.5

    - -

    85.5 27.8

    1,116.6 6,172.7

    - -

    132.4 -

  • 7/30/2019 Financial Statement + Ratio (New) With Trending


    level 2 total

    $'m $'m

    - 125.7

    0.1 0.1

    - 1.9

    0.1 127.7

    (100.1) (100.1)

    (100.1) (100.1)

    level 2 total

    $'m $'m

    - 208.4

    - 0.0

    - 2.3

    0.0 210.7

    (165.6) (165.6)

    (165.6) (165.6)

    F.Y. 09/10

    F.Y. 10/11

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    buildings plant and equiptment

    $'m $'m

    opening NBV 219.3 216.3additions - 30.0

    transfer 21.4 52.9

    disposals & write-off (0.8) (1.8)

    depreciation (41.3) (68.9)

    closing NBV 198.6 228.5

    cost 643.0 955.0

    accumulated depreciation (444.4) (726.5)

    NBV 198.6 228.5

    buildings plant and equiptment

    $'m $'m

    opening NBV 198.6 228.5

    additions 5.5 38.7

    transfer 300.5 260.2

    disposals & write-off (0.8) (6.0)depreciation (42.8) (74.2)

    closing NBV 461.0 447.2

    cost 948.2 1,247.9

    accumulated depreciation (487.2) (800.7)

    NBV 461.0 447.2

    buildings plant and equiptment$'m $'m

    opening NBV 461.0 447.2

    additions 2.2 27.6

    transfer 342.6 547.4

    disposals & write-off (0.4) (2.3)

    depreciation (35.8) (99.2)

    F/Y 07/08

    F/Y 08/09

  • 7/30/2019 Financial Statement + Ratio (New) With Trending


    closing NBV 769.6 920.7

    cost 1,285.6 1,779.4

    accumulated depreciation (516.0) (858.7)

    NBV 769.6 920.7

    buildings plant and equiptment

    $'m $'m

    opening NBV 769.6 920.7

    additions 1.7 39.6

    transfer 1,387.6 1,253.2

    disposals & write-off (0.1) (0.8)

    depreciation (54.3) (133.4)closing NBV 2,104.5 2,079.3

    cost 2,674.6 3,029.4

    accumulated depreciation (570.1) (950.1)

    NBV 2,104.5 2,079.3

    buildings plant and equiptment

    $'m $'m

    opening NBV



    disposals & write-off

    depreciationclosing NBV


    accumulated depreciation


    F/Y 09/10

    F/Y 10/11


  • 7/30/2019 Financial Statement + Ratio (New) With Trending


    marine mamals projects in progress total notes:

    $'m $'m $'m borrowing costs


    0.1 501.8 937.5- 773.2 803.2

    - (74.3) -

    - - (2.6)

    (0.1) - (110.3)

    0.0 1,200.7 1,627.8


    4.1 1,200.7 2,802.8

    (4.1) - (1,175.0)

    0.0 1,200.7 1,627.8

    marine mamals projects in progress total

    $'m $'m $'m

    - 1,200.7 1,627.8

    - 1,731.9 1,776.1

    - (560.7) 0.0

    - - (6.8)- - (117.0)

    0.0 2,371.9 3,280.1


    4.1 2,371.9 4,572.1

    (4.1) - (1,292.0)

    0.0 2,371.9 3,280.1

    marine mamals projects in progress total$'m $'m $'m

    - 2,371.9 3,280.1

    - 1,222.5 1,252.3

    0.8 (890.8) 0.0

    - - (2.7)

    - - (135.0)

  • 7/30/2019 Financial Statement + Ratio (New) With Trending


    0.8 2,703.6 4,394.7

    4.9 2,703.6 5,773.5

    (4.1) - (1,378.8)

    0.8 2,703.6 4,394.7

    marine mamals projects in progress total

    $'m $'m $'m

    0.8 2,703.6 4,394.7

    - 966.6 1,007.9

    3.7 (2,644.5) 0.0

    (0.1) - (1.0)

    (0.2) - (187.9)4.2 1,025.7 5,213.7

    8.5 1,025.7 6,738.2

    (4.3) - (1,524.5)

    4.2 1,025.7 5,213.7

    marine mamals projects in progress total

    $'m $'m $'m

  • 7/30/2019 Financial Statement + Ratio (New) With Trending


    note note note

    6 club debenture

    2008 2009

    $'m $'m

    cost 0.6 0.6

    revaluation surplus/ (losses) 1.7 0.9

    2.3 6 1.5 6

    7 inventories

    $'m $'m

    spare parts & other inventory 15.3 14.8

    exhibition animals & fish 4.9 3.7

    merchendise 5.2 7.7

    catering 1.3 1.6

    26.7 7 27.8 7

    8 trade and other receivables

    $'m $'m

    trade receivables 6.6 11.4

    interest receivable 24.9 17.1

    other receivable 2.4 2.6

    33.9 8 31.1 8

    9 financial instruments

    $'m $'m


    foreign currency forward contract - -

    debt securites

    "---listed in HK" 18.3 -

    "---listed outside HK" 36.7 -

    "---unlisted" 361.1 121

    416.1 121

    unit trusts 42.4 -

  • 7/30/2019 Financial Statement + Ratio (New) With Trending


    458.5 9 121 9


    interest swap contracts - -

    10 bank balances & cash

    2008 2009

    $'m $'m

    fixed deposits with

    "--maturity less than 3 months" 241.1 62.1

    cash at bank & in hand 159.2 256

    cash and cash equivalent 400.3 318.1

    fixed deposits with

    "--maturity over 3 months" 689.9 1211.3

    1090.2 10 1529.4 10

    4.3% 2.9%

    carrying amount of denominated

    foreign currencies = HK currency (cash

    and cash equivalent)

    $'m $'m

    HK $ 305 235.5

    US $ 0 0.3

    japanese yen 28.5 15.9

    renmenbi 1.5 0.4

    euro 65 66

    australian $ - -

    swiss franc - -

    400 318.1 10

    93.5 81.9

    foreign exchange loss 4.8 6.7

    bank deposits 1527.9

  • 7/30/2019 Financial Statement + Ratio (New) With Trending


    note note

    2010 2010 (restated) 2011

    $'m $'m

    0.6 0.6

    1.3 1.7

    1.9 6 2.3 6

    $'m $'m

    24.3 31.1

    2.5 1.2

    7.6 16.4

    1.9 3

    36.3 7 51.7 7

    $'m $'m

    9.6 12.1

    6.6 9.7

    2.8 1.9

    19 8 23.7 8

    $'m $'m

    0.1 -

    - -

    - -

    125.7 208.4

    125.8 208.4


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    125.8 9 208.4 9

    (100.1) 12(b) (165.6) 12(b)

    2010 2011

    $'m $'m

    254.6 298.8

    64.5 83.1

    319.1 381.9

    1428.7 1566.8

    1747.8 10 1948.7 10

    0.8% 1.1%

    $'m $'m $'m

    279 1411.8 1623.9

    0.4 296.3 298.9

    4.1 4.1 0.3

    2.7 2.7 3.4

    32.8 32.8 21.9

    0.1 0.1 -

    - - 0.3

    319.1 1747.8 10 1948.4 10

    36.8 36.9 22.5

    3.2 3.2 5.8

    1746.1 1746.1 1946.8

  • 7/30/2019 Financial Statement + Ratio (New) With Trending



    all receivable that are less than 90 days are not considered impaired.

    all trade receivables were less that 90 days due, hence were not impaired


    nil balance

  • 7/30/2019 Financial Statement + Ratio (New) With Trending


    ffective interest rates on fixed deposits with banks with maturity over 3 months (average maturity of 365 days) -200

    ffective interest rates on fixed deposits with banks with maturity over 3 months (average maturity of 378 days) -201

    ffective interest rates on fixed deposits with banks with maturity over 3 months (average maturity of 240 days) -201

    cash & cash equivalent are designated as hedges of future purchases of the corp.

    reconised as heding reserve

    2010: bank deposits were pledged as security for the commercial loans (NOTE 12 (b))

    2011: bank deposits were pledged as security for the commercial loans (NOTE 12 (b))

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  • 7/30/2019 Financial Statement + Ratio (New) With Trending


  • 7/30/2019 Financial Statement + Ratio (New) With Trending


    note note

    trade and other payables



    trade payables 79.6

    accured charges 199.2

    interest payables -

    accured deposits 3.2

    282.0 11

    government subordinated and commercial loans


    government subordinated (note A) 1,387.5

    commercial loans (note B) -

    1,387.5 12

  • 7/30/2019 Financial Statement + Ratio (New) With Trending


    capital fund



    donantions from the HK jockey club charties trust

    contribution from the ocean park trust fund

    total 0.0 13




    admission income 681.9

    merchandise income

    "---sales of goods" 88.9

    "----commission from franchised retail stores 11.6

    catering income

    "---sales of foos and beverage" 115.5

    "---commission from franchised food stores 5.2

    other 21.4

    924.5 14




    expense by nature



    cost of inventories sold 60.2

    employee benefits 342.8

    repairs and maintenance 43.1

    utilities 40.1

    adversting and promotion 45.8

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    animal 9.7

    show and exhibition 53.2

    auditor's renumeration 0.3

    donations 11.0

    interest expensed on opened facilities 0.9

    insurance -

    professional fees office and other 47.6

    654.7 15

    hedging reserve

    (2008) opening balance

    cash flow hedges reconginsed during the year

    closing balance

    (2009) opening balance

    cash flow hedges reconginsed during the year

    closing balance at 30th jun 2010 14

    hedging reserve

    (2009) opening balance

    cash flow hedges reconginsed during the year

    closing balance

    (2011) opening balance

    cash flow hedges reconginsed during the year

  • 7/30/2019 Financial Statement + Ratio (New) With Trending


    closing balance at 30th jun 2011 14

  • 7/30/2019 Financial Statement + Ratio (New) With Trending


    note note note

    2009 2010 2011

    $'m $'m $'m

    148.3 138.9 173.7

    317.8 199.9 285.7

    1.7 2.7 4.1

    2.5 2.0 3.9

    470.3 11 343.5 11 467.4 11

    $'m $'m $'m

    1,387.5 1,387.5 1,387.5

    1,387.5 2,687.5 3,457.5

    2,775.0 12 4,075.0 12 4,845.0 12

  • 7/30/2019 Financial Statement + Ratio (New) With Trending


    2009 2010 2011

    $'m $'m $'m

    450.3 450.3 450.3

    24.7 24.7 24.7

    475.0 13 475.0 13 475.0 13

    2009 2010 2011

    $'m $'m $'m

    649.8 724.1 881.6

    86.1 88.6 123.0

    14.5 17.0 21.9

    118.7 128.3 187.6

    5.1 6.0 7.9

    19.3 22.6 26.7

    893.5 14 986.6 15 1,248.7 15

    1.3 1.8 2.0

    4.4 4.5 5.3

    0.8 0.8 1.0

    2009 2010 2011

    $'m $'m $'m

    62.1 65.9 94.3

    362.9 16 382.2 17 446.5 17

    48.4 51.4 75.3

    41.7 50.9 64.1

    54.1 58.3 85.7

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    10.0 9.7 11.1

    58.9 64.6 61.8

    0.3 0.3 0.4

    7.5 8.2 10.3

    6.9 - -

    - - 10.6

    54.4 59.3 49.4

    707.2 15 750.8 16 909.5 16

    foreign currency hedge interest swap contracts total

    $'m $'m $'m

    4.8 - 4.8

    (6.7) - (6.7)

    (1.9) 0.0 (1.9)

    (1.9) 0.0 (1.9)

    (3.2) (100.1) (103.3)

    (5.1) 14 (100.1) 14 (105.2) 14

    foreign currency hedge interest swap contracts total

    $'m $'m $'m

    (1.9) - (1.9)

    (3.2) (100.1) (103.3)

    (5.1) (100.1) (105.2)

    (5.1) (100.1) (105.2)

    5.8 (65.5) (59.7)

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    0.7 14 (165.6) 14 (164.9) 14

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    F.Y. 08/09

    F.Y. 10/11

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    under the master redevlopment plan, the corp. is expanding the park with an estimated tatal cost of

    $5.55B introduced by the phases over 5 years

    the corp. is funding these commmitments through the following:

    (A) HKSAR Gov. loan

    with the approval of the fianace committee of the legislative council on 16th dec 2005,

    HKSAR Gov. is committed to providing to the corp. a subordinated loan of HK$1,387.5M for

    a period of 25 years (which matures in 2031) at a fixed rate of 5% p.a.

    during the Y/E 30 jun 2008, the corp fully drew down this loan

    interest is payable once the loan from commercial lenders is fully paid.

    (B) commercial loan

    the floating rate loan facilities from commercial banks consist of two tranches:

    1) HK$1,387.5M loan guaranteed by the HKSAR Gov. under the approval by the finance

    committee of the legislative council on 16th dec 2005.

    during the year , the corp. fully drew down this tranche; and

    2) HK$2,775M 15 year project loan

    there had been no draw on this commercial loan

    the facilities mature in 2021 and bear interest at HK interbank offered rate plus 0.25% to

    0.80% p.a.

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    1) one day's admission income on the 10th jan 2009, named as the 14th conservation day amounting to

    2) $1 per paid admission income (excluding (1) to OPCFHK amounting

    3) contribution from the sale of panda mercheandise items and animals interactive programmees amounting to

    admission income and merchandise income from the sale of goods noted are stated before the deduction

    for the following donations to ocean parkconservation foudation, HK

    1) one day's admission income on the 10th jan 2009, named as the 14th conservation day amounting to

    $1.3M (2008: $2.3M)

    2) $1 per paid admission income (excluding (1) to OPCFHK amounting 1.3 M (2008: $2.3)

    3) contribution from the sale of panda mercheandise items and animals interactive programmees

    amounting to $0.8M (2008 : 1.3M)

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    2) HK$2,775M 15 year project loan

    during the year,e corp. drew down $1300M of this trenche

    the facilities mature in 2021 and bear interest at HK interbank offered rate

    plus 0.25% to 0.8% p.a.

    during the year , the corp. entered into interest rate swap contracts to pay

    interest at fixed rates ranging from 3.624% to 4.093% p.a.

    total notional principal amount of the outstanding interest swap contracts at

    30 th jun 2010 was $1774M ( is subjected to amortisastion in accordance with

    interst rate swap contracts)

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  • 7/30/2019 Financial Statement + Ratio (New) With Trending


    2) HK$2,775M 15 year project loan

    during the year,e corp. drew down $2,070M of this trenche in total

    the commercial loan facilities mature in 2021 and bear interest at HK

    interbank offered rate plus 0.25% to 0.8% p.a. ("HIBOR")

    the corp. entered into a numver of interest rate swap contracts to pay interest

    at fixed rates ranging from 3.494% to 4.093% p.a.

    total notional principal amount of the outstanding interest swap contracts at

    30 th jun 2011 was $2,129.2( is subjected to amortisastion in accordance with

    interst rate swap contracts)

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    employment benfits



    salaries, wages and other benefits 323.3

    persion cost - defined contribution plan 19.5


    less: amount capitalised in projects in progress -


    finance costs



    interest expenses on government subordinated loan and commercial loans -

    other financing loans -


    less: borrowing cost capitalised in projects in progress -


    investment income



    interest income from financial instruments & bank deposits 44.1

    net realised (loss)/ gain on sale of fianancial instruments 1.0

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    net unrealised (loss)/ gain of financial instruments 2.7

    net unrealised exchange (loss)/ gain on bank deposits -


    cash generatee from operations



    surplus for the year 204.7

    adjustment for:

    "-----deprecations and write offs 112.9

    "----- finance cost -

    "-----interest income from fianancial instruments and bank deposits (44.1)"----- realised and unrealised loss/ (gain) on financial instruments (3.8)

    "-----unrealised exchange loss 0.1

    operating surlplus/(deficit) before changes in working capital 269.8

    (increase)/ decrease in inventories (1.6)

    (increase)/ decrease in trade and other receivables 1.1

    (increase)/ decrease in current account with the Ocean park trust fund (2.9)

    increase/ (decrease) in trade and other payables 56.8

    increase/ (decrease) in deferred income (0.2)

    cash generated from/ (used in) operations 323.0




    corp. had provided bank garantees to corp.'s utility providers 6.7



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    capital commitments

    capital expenditure at the balance sheet date but not yet incurredd is as follows:

    contracted but not provided for 777.8

    authorised but not contracted for 3,626.2


    operating lease commitments

    future minimum lease payments for leased facilities under non-cancellable operating leases as


    within one year 0.7

    later than 1 year and not later than 5 years 0.3


    the corp. has entered into agreements with third party consultants for developing proposals

    for the park's future development, which will be reimbursed by the ocean park trust fund.

    The outstanding commitments at 30th jun

    not provided fot the F/A were as follows:

    contacted but not provided for 8.6

    authorised but not contracted 1.7





    attendance as at year ended 30th jun 5.0

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    note note note note

    2009 2010 2010 (revised) 2011

    $'m $'m $'m $'m

    342.3 360.7 384.4 441.4

    20.6 21.5 21.6 22.9

    16 362.9 16 382.2 406.0 17 464.3 17

    - - (16.0) (17.8)

    362.9 382.2 390.0 17 446.5 17

    2009 2010 2010 (revised) 2011

    $'m $'m $'m $'m

    8.2 33.7 89.1 104.3

    0.1 0.1 6.6 3.9

    8.3 33.8 95.7 108.2

    - - (61.9) (46.9)

    8.3 18 33.8 33.8 18 61.3 18

    2009 2010 2011

    $'m $'m $'m

    38.4 17.8 17.6

    4.6 (1.7) -

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    (11.8) 0.2 (1.7)

    - 1.3 (0.1)

    18 31.2 18 17.6 20 15.8 20

    2009 2010 2011

    $'m $'m $'m

    98.6 82.0 105.1

    5 118.9 5 137.6 5 188.6 5

    - 33.8 18 61.3 18

    18 (38.4) 18 (17.8) 20 (17.6) 205.5 1.5 20 1.7 20

    1.7 (1.3) 20 0.1 20

    186.3 235.8 339.2

    (1.1) (8.5) (15.4)

    (5.0) 1.6 (1.6)

    (2.0) (6.1) (5.2)

    84.6 25.1 38.9

    10.5 6.4 37.6

    19 273.3 19 254.3 21 393.5 21

    2009 2010 2011

    $'m $'m $'m

    20 9.0 20 14.1 22 18.5 22

    2009 2010 2011

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    $'m $'m $'m

    1,295.6 1,090.5 541.4

    1,494.7 601.5 328.1

    21 2,790.3 21 1,692.0 22 869.5 23

    0.3 0.7 0.8

    - 0.3 0.2

    21 0.3 21 1.0 22 1.0 23

    7.3 4.8 5.5

    1.1 2.6 2.6

    21 8.4 21 7.4 22 8.1 23

    2009 2010 2011

    m m m

    23 4.8 23 5.1 25 5.9 25

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