fins mcarth the doctor

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  • 7/30/2019 Fins McArth The Doctor


    Fiona McArthur The Doctor Everyone's Talking About

    Chapter One

    Sun, surf and sand-dusted women in droves. Angus Raynor decided the bay at Coogee

    was a wicked temptress with striped beach umbrellas enticing him like the tips of her painted

    nails. Come closer. See what I'm hiding: women who haunt your dreams and make you wish

    you were capable of reasonable relationships. Not to mention the beach volleyball. The move

    to Coogee Beach was definitely one of his better choices.

    A pocket-sized dynamo in a polka-dotted bikini dived like a ballet dancer to flick the

    volleyball into a far corner of the court before she landed in a gloriously disarrayed heap in

    front of him. He grinned. Temptations like this had to be appreciated!

    When Angus leaned down to assist, he recognized her from the hospital. Her spiky

    black hair and sexy gurgle of a laugh had already drawn his attention. Last week. Attraction

    like an ocean rip that could pull you along no matter how strong a swimmer you were. It was


    She took his hand briefly and bounced into a standing position. Her fingers felt

    incredibly small in his. "Thanks. Oops. Nearly took you out."

    He wished. "Worse things could happen than going down in a tangle of limbs." He kepta straight face. She had to have a soft and luscious voice to go with it. Damn.

    She let go of his hand to brush off the sand then smiled, a joyous salute brighter than

    the sun over his head. It was about then he realized her mouth had the capacity to haunt his


    "Midwives rule." Her partner approached and Angus dragged his eyes from her face to

    lift his hand in greeting to the other woman, thankful for the distraction. Time for a cold dip.


    "Great save," he said, then turned toward the surf.Not the best parting comment, Angus

    thought. His lips twitched. He hadn't been thinking about the ball, more the sheer luck that

    kept delightful body parts from escaping the fall.

    As he strode away, he heard someone say, "Great dive, Zoe. You guys deserved that

    one." The girls' voices faded. So her name was Zoe.
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    He glanced over his shoulder as teams separated like fireworks taking off in every

    direction. Guess the game's over.

    He dropped his shirt on the sand and dived into a wave.

    When he emerged from the water twenty minutes later the day continued to improve.

    Zoe was coming his way.

    "Hello there." When she spoke, his feet slowed as if long sand-crusted fingers had hold

    of him along with a pair of Coogee-blue eyes. Goodness knows what expression was on his

    face. She was so damn hot.

    A swim this morning had been a good plan to get away from the hospital, get away

    from the feeling that he could have done more, get away from the sympathetic looks of the

    staff who, even in the short time he'd been there, knew how personally he took failure.

    Angus picked up his shirt and shook it. Zoe's unfairly cute face reminded him how goodit was to be alive instead of disillusioned by the night. If only it were that easy all the time.

    Chapter Two

    Zoe Silver wondered if maybe her brothers had it right when they said she needed some

    protection. At least Angus Raynor had stopped and looked at her. But what a look.

    Up close his eyes were like the sea. Fathomless and deep, deep blue like the water

    under your feet when you're way out of your depth. She persevered. Something she'd become

    known for. "You work at the hospital don't you?"

    He smiled cynically and she decided his eyes weren't blue at all, they were black, and as

    sexy as a pirate's, combined with the loose shirt he pulled on and wicked marauding gaze.

    She smiled back, unintentionally from the heart, and a dangerous edge crept into his

    grin, one that made her own smile slip a little. She wondered if it had been a good idea to

    strike up a conversation.

    "Yes, I do. And you?" Angus asked, a mocking lilt she didn't understand beneath his

    words. Zoe frowned.

    It wasn't the sand under her feet she was feeling. Her whole body was prickling. His

    voice was deep and low like the sudden heat in her belly. Then his words sank in and she was

    back to standing in hot sand. He hadn't even noticed her at work. Bummer.

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    She quelled the little coil of disappointment. Too used to being the center of attention at

    home, my girl, she thought. Such a leveller when the real world intruded. This was why she

    needed to get away. Stretch her wings. Develop a sophisticated skin that would protect her.

    Cross the ocean that beckoned every morning from her bedroom window and show them all

    she didn't need their protection.

    Zoe had seen him watching her earlier in the game. Bit hard to miss when he was the

    hottest topic at the hospital and her antennae swiveled every morning to see if he was having

    coffee when she was.

    Ruby said that even though Angus wasn't a consultant yet, he was the first the other

    surgeons called when they struck trouble. "Ruby says you work like a demon in theatres."

    "Who's Ruby?"

    "My friend from the emergency department." Ruby also said he was the last man to

    play with. A heartbreaker. "She said they call you the registrar with the magic fingers."

    "Spare me." He grimaced and looked away. "Last night there wasn't any magic."

    Ouch. Poor choice to disclose that, then. Seemed she couldn't do much right today with

    him, but then again, danger had never stopped her before.

    She lifted her chin. "Okay. I'm Zoe. I'm a midwife." The words still gave her a glow of

    fulfillment. "And I love my job." Her passion. It would lead her to a world of experience. And

    her brothers had said she was too much the princess to do it.

    "I'm Angus." He held up his hand in a sardonic little salute. "New grad?" He didn'tsound impressed.

    Her face froze a little. So? Not good enough for him? "Got a problem with that?"

    To her surprise he smiled. A warmer one. He shook his head at her ire. "Youth is


    She was so sick of people telling her she was young. Red rag to a bull. "Thanks for that,


    "Grandpa?" He blinked and then grinned.

    She glanced past his shoulder to the bustling street of Coogee opposite the beach.

    "Anyway, it's the last half of my grad year. Then I'm off to see the world."

    He shook his feet free of the sand and moved. "I can see you're a determined woman.

    Hope the world is ready." Abruptly, he turned and walked away. She watched him go.

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    Chapter Three

    Angus felt like smacking himself in the forehead. Zoe Silver was like a ray of light. An

    innocent Joan of Arc. The last type of woman he needed. New grad! Probably even younger

    than he thought.

    Angus scooped up the towel he hadn't used and slipped on his sandals to stride up Hill

    Street toward the hospital. He resisted the urge to look back. A brisk walk up the incline

    should knock some sense into him.

    Curiously, though, in the past few minutes he did feel less weighted down by his failure

    last night. But that would have had nothing to do with her. It was the beach, of course it was

    the beach, the place he'd moved to so he could ease his burden.


    "Saturday night. Party at our house."

    It was three in the afternoon, shift change on the maternity ward, and her volleyball

    partner and fellow graduate midwife, Tilly, picked up her bag to head home. "Think of

    something to bring. Or even those gorgeous brothers of yours?"

    Zoe grinned. "Wouldn't miss it. I so envy your freedom from family." Tilly, Ruby, Elliefrom orthopedics and Jess from operating theatres shared a big old house just up from the

    beach and their Hill Street parties were always a hoot. And nobody cramped their style.

    Then she remembered. "Won't be early, though. I promised Col I'd do his last hour of

    beach patrol on Saturday." An active member since her eighth birthday, Zoe loved the patrol,

    although the shift work of the last year had played havoc with her ability to be consistently


    "You on duty that day, Til?"

    "Yep. So I won't be early, either. See you then."

    The Hill Street parties didn't start properly 'til after dark anyway. But she wasn't

    bringing her brothers to supervise. If she so much as looked at a guy they'd be watching.

    She'd take the margarita recipe and the makings. And wear that slinky little number

    she'd picked up at the thrift shop.

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    Zoe waved and picked up the notes of the young woman in labor just admitted. "See

    you then," she said to her friend but already Zoe was focused on the door of the birthing suite.

    "Hello there."

    Tessa, her patient for the shift, looked waxen from holding back tears. Zoe wanted tohug her. "I'm Zoe and I'm looking after you." She glanced around at the otherwise empty

    room. "Is there anyone coming in to be with you?"

    Tessa sniffed. "My boyfriend's not out 'till Monday." She shook her head in frustration.

    "If I'd only hung on for two more days he could have been here. I'll just have to manage."

    Out? As in, jail? "Somehow I don't think that's your fault." Zoe decided women blamed

    themselves for some strange things but she admired Tessa's determination to cope anyway.

    "What about family?"

    Tessa shook her head. "Don't have any."

    Remorse tugged. And she complained about her family loving her too much. "That

    must be tough. But we'll be the team," Zoe said it with such absolute confidence Tessa even

    risked an unwilling laugh.

    "You're my number one priority. To help you let your body do what it needs to in your

    labor. To go with it, not fight it. Okay?"

    "Not much else I can do. I just wish Chase was here."

    Zoe couldn't do anything about that. But maybe she could distract Tessa for a while.

    "Why don't you tell me about him? It might make him seem nearer."

    Chapter Four

    Almost three hours later, Tessa was deep into labor, and though she'd started to gasp

    with the closeness of the contractions, she was in firm control. Zoe was so impressed with her.

    Tessa had spent the past two hours in the dim bathroom in the new large bath. Zoe sat

    beside her on the stool feeding her ice chips and checking mother and baby's progress. The

    girls had developed a sync that needed few words.

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    Tessa seemed to doze between pains as she passed through the transition stage of labor

    and Zoe thought she must be almost ready to push.

    At a quarter to six Tessa suddenly moaned and clutched her left side. She stared at Zoe

    with fearstark and unexpectedin her eyes as she tried to speak. "It doesn't feel right."

    Not what women normally say when they're going into the second stage of labor.

    Zoe took one look at the paleness of Tessa's face and pressed the bell for assistance.

    Always listen to the mother.

    Disastrous scenarios flashed through her brain.

    Emergencies from her training books bounced around in her head.Baby's placenta

    bleeding and separating? Amniotic fluid embolism?

    She slid the Doppler against Tessa's stomach and the baby's heart rate was a good

    twenty beats above normal and climbing. "I can see it hurts and you're scared, Tessa, but I

    need to get you back to the bed for the doctor."

    Seconds later the midwife in charge arrived, and after they had Tessa in bed she flew

    out to call the obstetrician.

    Within fifteen minutes Zoe was throwing clothes off and jerking theatre scrubs over her

    head as a room away Tessa was being prepared for an emergency caesarean.

    How could it all have gone wrong so quickly?

    What sort of condition was Tessa's baby going to be in when it was born? Were there

    warning signs she'd missed?

    Zoe pulled on her over boots and cap and fumbled with her mask, her heart racing the

    way the baby's had on the monitor. She took a breath and pushed through to the scrub room.

    Chapter Five

    6:10 p.m.

    When Angus arrived the operation was a sea of blood.

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    "Mother's BP's falling." He heard the anesthetist's comment as he arrived backwards

    through the swinging doors of the operating suite. The garbed obstetrician gestured him


    "That's not looking good for whatever's bleeding in there." Angus slid in between the

    assistant and the scrub sister. He took the handle of a pair of artery forceps. "I'll hold that."

    The patient's condition was going down. He didn't even want to think about the risk to

    the baby.

    Where was the pediatrician? To the left he saw a midwife waiting for the infant, and

    just that brief glance allowed instant recognition. Which was ridiculous. A few spikes of black

    hair and a porcelain forehead when he had trouble recognizing people he worked with all the

    time in theatre garb. What had she said they called him? Magic Fingers? He hoped he had

    some today, they just might be needed here. If the ped didn't arrive, Zoe would need some,


    The caesarean went ahead rapidly. The baby was as floppy as a pale rag doll when Dr.

    Fortune handed him onto Zoe's sterile blanket, but in less than a minute a weak baby's cry

    sounded and loosened a little of the tension in the room.

    Baby's okay, Angus thought gratefully.Just a few seconds of good assisted ventilation

    and cardiac massage. Good job, Zoe. Another quick glance and he saw Zoe relax her

    shoulders. He didn't blame her.

    Judging by the maternal loss of blood, the infant had been lucky. One good outcome at

    least, he thought with relief.The ped arrived just then and crossed to Zoe, allowing Angus to concentrate fully on his


    "Any other ideas where she's bleeding from?"

    "This tear in the lower segment of the uterus is obvious but there must be more. I

    clamped it but she's still losing a lot of blood," said Dr. Fortune, a hint of panic in his voice.

    "Blood pressure seventy on forty, pulse one fifty." That from the sweating anesthetist

    hanging replacement fluids as fast as he could.

    Angus felt the adrenaline surge. "Maybe a vessel tear? I'll ligate the femoral artery until

    we have a good look. Give us time."

    A few seconds later it was done and the team seemed to sigh in unison with the


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    The blood stopped pooling and he could see more clearly. "Now lift the uterus out again

    and I'll find the problem. Hang on, Tessa."

    Chapter Six

    Five minutes after Angus started working on Tessa, the relief in the operating theatre

    was palpable. Zoe glanced across at the anesthetist who nodded with satisfaction at his

    monitor. Dr. Angus Raynorlooking more like a shining officer in charge of the cavalry than

    a pirate nowhad found the tear over two minor arteries and repaired the damage.

    Tessa and her uterus would heal. Zoe glanced down at the little boy who'd begun to

    shift his head around and blink at the lights. The baby frowned a wrinkled forehead at Zoe as

    he stared, and she realized he was searching for his mother. Zoe blinked away sudden tears.

    Relief doused her unexpectedly in a wave of emotion and unobtrusively she sniffed.

    She didn't feel quite so sick, but the edge of danger Tessa had balanced on left her

    momentarily shaken.

    Angus heard the soft shuddering sigh. He flicked his gaze across to Zoe. Why did he

    feel so keenly the release that emanated from a pair of fragile bowed shoulders six feet away?

    She looked up, her eyes huge pools of distress and he couldn't help the visual embrace

    he sent her way.It's okay, he messaged. In case she didn't understand, he nodded, aswell.Everything will be fine.

    Zoe had never felt so reassured in her life. But she hadn't been in many life or death

    situations, either. Another glance at Angus's bent head felt just as comforting. Tessa would be

    fine. Unexpected kindness to visually reassure her. Not something she'd noticed about him at

    the beach.

    They'd all been so close to disaster, and just like Ruby'd said, he'd been able to pull

    them away from catastrophe to save the day. Well, she'd been here in that moment and she'd

    never forget it.

    Trouble was, this swelling in her chest, the soft smile under her mask and the fact she

    couldn't take her eyes off him as he said something to lighten the scrub sister's face, all

    pointed to a growing infatuation.

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    That's okay, Zoe reassured herself. She could deal with that, but as she walked beside

    the orderly pushing her precious cargo on the resuscitation trolley back to the ward, somehow

    she felt this was not as simple as an infatuation.

    Apart from a minute's conversation on the beach she didn't know Angus at alland yet

    she couldn't wipe the huge smile off her face.

    Chapter Seven

    Three hours later, just as soon as her patient was awake and well enough, Zoe carried

    Tessa's son up to Intensive Care to meet her.

    Unexpectedly, she found Angus Raynor lounging in a chair beside the young girl,

    talking in a low voice about what had happened as if they'd known each other for years.

    For Zoeworried Tessa would be terrified if she awoke alone in a strange ward

    seeing Angus there was a relief. Maybe there was a flutter in her chest, as well, but relief was

    the big one. Honest.

    "Ah, here's Zoe." Angus stood up and her face heated. He'd remembered her name.

    "And with your son." He smiled down at their patient. "Congratulations. He's very handsome,

    Tessa." Then, with a small and slightly satirical smile for Zoe, he was gone.

    "Gosh, he's gorgeous," breathed Tessa in a post-anesthetic daze and Zoe looked down atthe baby to hide her pink cheeks.And so's your baby, she thought.

    As Zoe slipped the little boy in against his mother's skin she was reminded how close

    this baby and mother had been to tragedy.

    Tessa gazed down with awe. "I'm gonna call him Bodie. He's so tiny. You sure he's


    Zoe blinked away silly tears and unraveled the little fist to show the blue name tag.

    Bodie's starfish hand waved at his mother. "Look. See? There's your name. I put those bands

    on five minutes after he was born while we were still in the operating room. He's been waitingto meet you."

    As if on cue, Bodie turned his head toward Tessa and opened his eyes wide to circle her

    face. Then he sniffed her skin and opened his mouth. Tessa leaned forward to shift his

    position, stopped and held her stomach. "Yowww."

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    "No big movements for a day or two," Zoe advised apologetically as Tessa winced.

    "I'll try my best," Tessa said with a bitter little twist that made Zoe squeeze her hand.

    "But who's going to help until Chase gets out?"

    Zoe thought how sad it would be with nobody to share the responsibilities and baby joywith for the next few days.

    "We'll all help you." And they would.

    By the time Zoe carried Tessa's sleeping baby back to the ward it was time to end her

    shift. After the emotions of the night, she'd never felt less like sleeping.

    In the deserted foyer of the hospital, the security guarda friend of her brothers' who

    always seemed to be there when she finished at elevenwaved his torch at her. "You got a


    Zoe grinned. "Just about to ring." Her brothers were adamant she shouldn't take the bus,

    and she wasn't wasting her money on a car with her trip coming. She was planning on going

    on a world tourif she could get her overprotective brothers off her back. They insisted on

    her phoning them for a lift if she didn't share a taxi with one of the four nurses from Hill


    She reached for the mobile in her purse as she headed for the door.


    She slowed. She knew that voice and her cheeks warmed again.

    "I can drop you home." Angus appeared out of the lift to her left and jingled his keys.

    Zoe glanced across at the security guard. He was frowning and she bit back a smile.

    That little bit of gossip would spread to her house faster than Angus could drive down the hill,

    but it wasn't going to influence her decision.

    You betcha. She smiled at Angus. "I live not far, down near the beach. If you're sure?"

    He didn't seem to mind. The night bubbled with promise.

    Chapter Eight

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    "You're on my way." Angus had seen Zoe when the lift doors opened and made a snap

    decision to ask if she needed a ride home. You'd think he'd have learned not to get involved

    with someone from work but it had seemed wrong not to reassure her Tessa would be fine. Of

    course that was reasonable.

    A few moments later it felt like he'd fallen into the best part of his day just to hand herinto his convertible.

    "It's a warm night. Want the top down?" He leaned forward and pushed the lever he

    rarely used. "Be a shame not to on an evening like this."

    His car was like a lot of things in his life that he'd thought would make him happy. But

    for the first time, thanks to Zoe's delight in the mechanism of a moving roof, he felt like he'd

    had two beers on an empty stomach. Fizzing and fabulous. Maybe a bit of fresh air might not

    go astray.

    "You okay?" The question was probably superfluous because she looked relaxed and

    happy in the seat next to him with her arm along the door.

    "Terrific, thanks."

    The car drove off sluggishly and he frowned and glanced at the dash lights. Good

    grief. She'd looked so damn good he'd forgotten to take off the handbrake. Definitely another


    "It was nice of you to go see Tessa. She was so scared before theatre." Coming from the

    dimness beside him, even her voice made him smile. Until the words sank in and heremembered the edge of disaster. And why he'd sought Zoe out.

    "We shared some pretty tense moments today." And afterward her emotions in theatre

    had played on his mind. "Close shaves like that can shake you." Especially a sweet young

    thing like Zoe. "You sure you're okay now?"

    He couldn't help the protective surge. With no family of his own he'd always been the

    one in the orphanage to watch out for the little guys.

    "I was starting to get scared for Tessa."

    "She lost a lot of blood. Tricky blighters, posterior arteries. Tessa seems a really good


    He heard her sigh beside him. It was a big one. Obviously relaxed with him, Zoe leaned

    back in the seat and closed her eyes with a smile on her face. "I'm so glad you see that, too.

    Tessa's lovely."

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    So are you, he thought, and as if she'd heard him, she sat up a little and looked around.

    "And I think her boyfriend is more silly than bad. She told me that he has issues with

    authority. Didn't pay parking fines then kept driving his car without a license." She glanced

    across at him. "I hope you have a license?"

    "Darn." Angus smacked his forehead. "Meant to do that." When she laughed it made his

    chest swell with pride. He wanted to hear the sound again. More than anything. Well, almost

    more than anything.

    "Fancy a gelato? We could park on the headland and watch the waves while we eat,

    then I could take you home." He had a brief responsible thought. "Or do you start early? I can

    take you now."

    "Ice cream's great." She pulled her phone from her pocket. "I'll just text one of my

    brothers and let them know I don't need picking up."

    So she had a caring family. He was glad. He knew what the other side was like. Hewondered what they'd think of him snatching their little sister for a night ride. He shrugged. It

    was just a spur-of-the-moment thing. Not likely to be repeated.

    Chapter Nine

    Twenty minutes later, it didn't feel like a spur of the moment thing.

    Sitting next to Zoe in the dark made Angus feel happier than he had for years. With one

    hand resting on the steering wheel he looked up at the stars and realized how delightful peace


    The sensation was a million light years from the way he'd felt with every other woman

    he'd invited out. He'd always felt distantas far away as the moon, evenwith other women.

    But as he glanced across at Zoe he felt his hand tighten as if to stop itself from reaching out to

    her. "You look amazing in the moonlight."

    She smiled. "Thank you, kind sir." The silver glow on her skin made him want to spendthe rest of the night just soaking her in. And a bit more than that. Too bad convertibles were

    hopeless for making moves in. "Would you like to walk a little?"

    "Not tonight. My brothers'll be worried."

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    Such a little girl. What was he doing? The way he was feeling at the moment her

    brothers should be worried. "Of course." He leaned forward and started the engine.

    Zoe grimaced in the dark at her own prudery. Wasn't this what she wanted? Darn right,

    it was!

    Before he could take the handbrake offand before she could change her mindshe

    leaned over and kissed the side of his mouth. A bit of a fumble but worth the rasp of a day's

    regrowth that had tantalized her since she'd got in the car. She sat back primly. "Thank you for

    the gelato and the lift."

    "Mmm, yes, it was nice," he said, and took his hand slowly off the gear stick, though he

    didn't turn the engine offin case he scared her? She felt his glance on her face and then her

    folded hands, and then her face again. "I quite like the aftertaste." His tone was measured with

    just a hint of a smile. "Hang on a minutejust before we leave"

    He shifted in his seat, leaned across and slid his arm gently around her shoulders. When

    she didn't resist he pulled her toward him. "Not the most comfortable place for this, but Just

    one more taste," he said softly and then he kissed her properly. No peck on the side, this one.

    This was seduction with a long, slow introduction to the type of kissing Zoe had never

    encountered before. She'd kissed boys and a few men, but not with this sense of homecoming.

    Masterful yet teasing, nourishing and undeniably dangerous with little flickers of fire shooting

    away from the center of the world that just happened to be where their lips met at this


    Zoe forgot about the waves, the moonlight, the soft leather under hereverything

    except the need to satisfy a starvation she hadn't realized she'd suffered from. The lumpy

    casing of the seatbelt digging into her side was so dim she barely noticed it. Until Angus eased

    away with a final, more chaste salute, and she was left unexpectedly bereft.

    She was sure she could feel his heated gaze on her mouth even though her eyes were

    shut. Zoe's head fell back against the seat and she slowly opened her eyes. Oh, my.

    "And on that note, I'd better move now or I'll never leave," he said into the night air.

    They smiled at each other and he started the car.

    Angus dropped her at her home and gunned the engine as soon as he was around the

    corner from her house.

    What the hell was he doing? Cradle snatching? She was ten years younger than he was

    and a hundred years younger in life experience. Yet she had an aura of magic that drew him

    like a lemming to the cliff edge.

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    He who ran a mile from strong feelings. There is a reason for that, you fool. He knew

    deep inside he wasn't lovablefour foster families attested to thatand he also knew that if

    he became involved with Zoe he'd only constantly dread the moment she would realize it, too.

    His mobile phone buzzed in his pocketthe hospital. He grimaced as he pulled over to

    answer it. He might as well go back to the hospital. There'd be no sleeping at his house for the

    rest of the night after that little escapade, anyway.

    Chapter Ten

    Zoe lay awake and stared at the ceiling. The waves on the beach sounded like whispers

    and the moonlight pointed accusing fingers of light onto her bed. It was the same moonlight

    that had looked over them in the car. She hugged her pillow close and screwed her eyes shut.

    How on earth would she look at Angus and not remember the feel of his arms around

    her or the pressure of his mouth on hers for those incredible few minutes? She rolled over onto

    her stomach and dug her toes into the bed. How on earth was she not going to blush when she

    saw him at work?

    She just wouldn't. That's all. Thank goodness he was an infrequent visitor to the

    maternity section.

    Except that when she turned up at work the next afternoon it was Angus who stood at

    the desk writing up medications. Zoe dropped her gaze to the floor in front of her to hide her

    hot cheeks.

    Then a horrible thought intruded. She looked up and tilted her head to read the name on

    the spine of the folder he'd just sat back on the desk. Tessa's?

    Embarrassment forgotten. "Is she okay?"

    "Hello, Zoe. Just bringing her back to the ward from ICU. Hasn't had much sleep with

    all the blood transfusions."

    "And she's well enough to be here now? She's stable?"

    "She is now." He smiled at Zoe but she must have still looked worried because he went

    on. "She's good. Trust me on this."

    She did feel reassured. "Of course." On this, anyway. She smiled to herself. They'd both

    made a move last night. Though his had been better. She had a horrible feeling her emotions

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    were written on her face. She opened her mouth then shut it. She'd just end up deeper in

    trouble. When she looked up, he had that gleam in his eye that said he was amused by her.

    Fine, it's like that, then. I can be nonchalant, too. She grinned at him and moved away.

    "I'd better get into handover."


    Later that night, after her shift, Zoe walked through the foyer. Angus was waiting. Her

    friendly security guard's eyebrows almost disappeared under his cap. She waved as if

    everything was normal but her pulse rate said it darn well wasn't. The most gorgeous man in

    the hospital was waiting for her, again, and she didn't know what to think.


    In the end there wasn't a lot to think about. "Thank you."

    Not much was said until he seated her, strode around to his own side of the car and slidin. Then he glanced across the seat with the devil in his eyes. "I enjoyed last night."

    She couldn't help but smile. "Me, too. But not good for sleeping."

    He grinned back. "Tell me about it."

    "And I'm on the early shift tomorrow."

    "Righto." He leaned forward, started the engine and opened the roof. "I can do direct

    travel." The car glided out of the car park with the roof still compacting itself back into the

    boot. "So how was your shift?"

    She could get used to this. How had they gotten so comfortable so quickly? "Great. We

    had a woman come in and birth within twenty minutes. Gorgeous boy. She's great, going

    home in the morning. That's the way to do it."

    He grimaced. "Not the tough way, like Tessa."

    "Poor Tessa. She seems pretty philosophical about everything that happened."

    "We talked about it again."

    So he'd gone to see her again. He really did care. "She must think it's a miracle to find

    another person who understands. Your support's really helped her, you know." He looked

    away. "I'm glad. Someone told me she was in foster care."

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    Chapter Eleven

    Foster care The memories rushed in on dark wings. Unwanted. Oh, how he

    remembered those miserable years. And what they'd taught him: never rely on anyone. "Iknow that hell."

    Had he just said that? Confessed something that he'd never told anyone?

    Angus hurried on, swearing like crazy in his head, hoping she hadn't heard. "But I'm not

    the only one who's stood by her. She's had your support throughout."

    His face felt frozen as he stared ahead. Even if she had heard, hopefully she'd see he

    didn't want to talk about it. To his relief she changed the subject. Other women hadn't been so

    understanding. More points for Zoe.

    "Are you coming down to the carnival on Sunday? The lifesaving club's got our annual

    fete on." When he didn't respond, still half bogged in the past, she added, "I'm on the kissing


    He glanced across. He played her words again in his head. Had to look at her after that

    statement. "You're what?"

    Zoe laughed. Mischief radiated from her face like a school kid and he remembered how

    young she was. "Joking. We don't have a kissing stall." She gave him a much older look. "By

    that reaction maybe we should?"

    Good grief. "How about you don't." He wasn't sure whyor didn't want to think about

    whybut the thought stirred upvery strong feelings. Not that he could reveal them to her

    "Bet your brothers wouldn't like that." Good comeback, he congratulated himself.

    She shrugged. "I'm sure they'd provide a bouncer if anyone came on too strong."

    He'd bounce anyone, all right. Angus realized his hand was death-gripping the steering

    wheel. Thank goodness they were pulling up at her house.

    "Thanks for the lift." He wondered if she'd repeat yesterday's goodbye, and to his

    delight she did lean across. He wasn't going to miss the opportunity so he kissed her quickly,

    harder than he intended with a vestige of the horror that remained from the thought of thekissing booth. Her eyes widened. He softened his mouth in an apology and inhaled the scent

    of jasmine. Suddenly they were wrapped up awkwardly under the streetlight, lost to the world

    Until someone slapped the bonnet.

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    "Hello? Squirt?" A large young man was glaring at them.

    Angus and Zoe broke apart and his fingers trailed away from her cupped cheek


    "Squirt?" he queried with a grin.

    She straightened the hair off her face with her eyes still shut then she opened them

    slowly with a little sigh. "I'm their pet." She glared at her brother. "Angus, this is my brother,


    Angus nodded at the young man who stood legs spread at the front of his car. "Bruce,"

    Angus said. Bruce's extreme height and width made the nickname fitting. He bit back a smile.

    Angus opened his door and moved to the passenger side to help Zoe alight. The way

    she smiled at him as he reached down made the whole juvenile episode worthwhile.

    When she stood beside him she glanced at her brother and jerked her head. Bruce sent

    one warning frown their way and disappeared into the house. "Thank you for the lift," she said


    "My absolute pleasure."

    Chapter Twelve

    Angus drove away sedately this time, in a dream, until he remembered how hopeless

    he'd been at letting people close in the past. So how come Zoe was sliding in? What would

    happen when she realized how useless he was at relationships?

    He was in trouble. He didn't do fixation on one woman, or sweet nothings or romantic

    drives without sex at the end.

    Okay, he was a little old-fashioned in that he liked to pay for meals, open doors for a

    woman, and if she wanted them, flowers were always a good idea.

    But with Zoe he felt like shielding her from the world or even just capturing her slender

    hand in his and never letting go. He could imagine just lying together at night on the sand and

    talking about the stars. Dumb things like that.

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    Teenage stuff he'd never done and wouldn't have known about if one of his foster

    mothers hadn't dragged him to old Elvis movies and shown him. Actions he'd sworn were not

    his way at all. Feelings she'd said would find him one day and he'd never believed.

    He needed a safety net and he needed it fast.


    Zoe finished work at three-thirty the next day and caught the bus back home. Before she

    left, though, she couldn't help glancing around the foyer in case Angus appeared like a genie.

    Still, she was glad she had the rest of the weekend away from the hospital after one of

    those rare quiet Saturday shifts she could have done without. Far too much time to think about

    Angus and how her stupid big brother had embarrassed her. She couldn't wait to get away

    from the constrictions of people trying to protect her and run her life. She just didn't have the

    mean bone to fight for it at home. Leaving was the only option.

    She'd bet that never happened at Tilly and Ruby's house. Those girls managed fine

    without family around. She was so looking forward to getting out and going to the party

    tonight. She wondered if Angus would be there. Lots of young doctors from the hospital

    turned up. She loved those parties.

    Zoe almost skipped off the bus outside her house and hurried up to her room to change.

    She just had an hour of beach patrol before they packed up for the night.

    Chapter Thirteen

    When Zoe arrived at the beach she could see two rips dragging foam out to sea. It was

    rough today, and too many people were swimming outside the flagged area. She started her

    patrol, and Col thanked her profusely before bolting for his car and an appointment with his


    Tilly waved and came over.

    "So have you invited Angus to come tonight?"

    "Haven't had a chance." She fought back a blush from Tilly's knowing grin. Trouble

    was she didn't know where he lived, or whether he was on call, or if he'd want to see her

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    again. She smiled. She had gotten the impression that he did when he'd kissed her and said

    goodbye last night.

    "Sometimes he looks like he could do with lightening up a little," Tilly said as they both

    watched the swimmers.

    "From what I've seen of him, he's fun." Though she had an inkling he might lean toward

    being overprotective, like her brothers. She hoped not.

    Tilly walked down to the edge of the flagged area to pick up a little girl knocked over

    by the waves, and Zoe watched a couple of young boys on bodyboards who were happy to

    ignore the flags that were set up to designate safe areas to swim.

    A larger-than-average swell snuck up on one of the boys and dumped him in the deeper

    water. Zoe winced as he tumbled in the undertow. When his board surfaced without him she

    signaled to Tilly. They both grabbed rescue boards and splashed through the shallow water,then paddled swiftly out to check he was okay.

    He wasn't.


    Angus arrived at the beach for his swim and did a double take when he saw Zoe with

    another girl dragging large rescue boards. They were the lifesavers? He shuddered. Dwarfed

    by the size of the board, they looked too small out in the vast ocean to save anybody, and

    Angus shoved down the urge to call them back. He glanced at the tower to see what sort of

    reinforcements they had.

    A thickset man in a lifesaver shirt was on his phone, Angus assumed calling in more

    lifesavers because he was gesturing out to the ocean as he talked.

    Sickness in his gut, Angus glanced back toward the breaker line and saw that Zoe had

    reached her quarry, saw the flash of red singlet as a limp body rolled with the shore-dumping

    waves. He looked at his watch to keep an eye on the time it took to get the unconscious victim

    to shore.

    His stomach clenched again as a wave reared over Zoe's head and threatened to dumpher, as well, but she managed to cling to her board. Angus jammed his fists against his thighs

    and strode toward the tower, glancing constantly over his shoulder as he watched her battle

    against the swell. She should not be out there.

    This was crazy stuff for a slip of a girl. Where were all the men? Her partner was

    having the same difficulty, but in a brief lull the girls cleverly floated the boy's limp body onto

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    one of the boards and, with Zoe wedged between his legs, they paddled swiftly toward the


    About bloody time. Angus glared at the tower. Spinal injury maybe as well as

    unconscious? He jogged the last few feet toward the lifesaver to see what rescue equipment

    they had so they could meet the girls at the water's edge. The captain had picked up abackpack and a long board.

    "I'm a doctor. Anything else to carry?"

    "Great. Grab the spine board and oxygen. I've got the neck brace in here. Ambulance on

    the way."

    When Zoe reached the shore he saw she had to be careful they didn't get dumped off

    their boards. When she looked up he was there with the chief to steady her cargo.

    She slid off and they picked up the board and carried their load carefully up to the drysand and began to work on the boy. The siren of an approaching ambulance wailed in the

    distance as she bent to help.

    Chapter Fourteen

    Fifteen minutes later, Angus stood with Zoe and watched the ambulance pull away.

    He'd bet her heart rate was only now settling down to normal. He wondered if she could

    feel the waves of anger radiating like a force field off his chest.

    "That was a crazy risk to take." Angus honestly had tried not to say anything. But he

    couldn't stop himself. She could have died! "If you'd drowned that wouldn't have helped


    Her hands went to her hips. "I didn't drown and we did help someone. In case you didn't


    "I noticed." She'd been amazing. They'd been amazing, he reminded himself, but

    "Damn it. The situation was too risky."

    "And your point is?" Her voice was silky, but unfortunately for Angus he didn't pay

    attention to the warning. The image of working on an unconscious Zoe was still too vivid in

    Angus's head for caution.

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    He tried not to loom over her but it was hard when she was so small. "My point is

    you're five foot nothing and the sea is relentless. Lifesaving's not a job for you."

    "Thanks for that." She smiled with her teeth and spun around to walk away.

    "You're angry, too?" He caught up and walked with her back to the tower. It was afterfive so he supposed they'd pull down the flags now and pack up. Maybe he could help and

    she'd understand he wasn't trying to order her around.

    "I'd say that's a fair comment." When she looked at him her eyes were cool and

    dismissive. Nothing "little girl" about the message she was sending now. More of an outright

    GO AWAY. "I'm reminding myself I don't need another protector when my aim is to lose the

    ones I have."

    "I'm sorry if I've upset you, Zoe. Maybe I did overstep the mark. But I can't believe

    your brothers allow you to risk your life like this."

    "Look, Angus. Thanks for your help. This is what I do on my days off." She gestured to

    the beach. "It's what we all do. And it's my choice. And I'm up to here" she gestured to her

    neck "with people saying I'm too young, too short, too fragile to do what I want. Got it?"

    Whoa, there. He really had pressed her buttons. Chest heaving, eyes flashing, hands on

    hips, she looked ready to spit. Damn shame her temper only made her more attractive to him.

    "I'll go." He tried not to smile at how ferocious she was. "I'm sorry. Maybe we can talk

    when you've cooled down." He knew as soon as he said it he'd made a mistake.

    "Don't you dare patronize me. Go before I say something I'll regret."

    He could feel the chasm between them now and he'd caused it. The ironic part was he'd

    been looking for a way to stop his growing attraction to her. Looked like he'd found one. Try

    to protect her and she'd drop him like a stone.

    Chapter Fifteen

    Zoe tried not to watch Angus walk away. She'd asked him to leave. Told him to,

    actually. Even from behind he made her weak with the urge to call him back. How

    inconsiderate was chemistry. She really didn't need to be attracted to this guy now. Especially

    after he'd shown his true colors today. He might as well have called her Squirt. She didn't

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    want to listen to the little voice that suggested she might have overreacted a tad. So much for

    asking him to the party now.


    Angus turned up at the Hill Street party an hour after Zoe arrived. She'd been almost

    ready to leave.

    She'd even brought her brothers for someone to talk to, because she'd known she wasn't

    going to do anything to upset them that night. Tilly was very pleased with her, but Zoe just

    wasn't in the mood. She couldn't even smile at Ruby's creative vegetarian dishes, which

    usually amused her.

    She didn't see Angus at first. He'd arrived with the senior registrar from the emergency

    department, who seemed to be eyeing Ruby from the bottom of the stairs. Then she felt

    someone's attention.

    When she did see him, he moved across the room straight to her. He had his pirate shirt

    on and that pillaging smile.

    "Anyone seen a big, tough lifeguard around here?"

    Smart Alec. "You looking for one?"

    "Can't seem to help myself." He glanced at the small space on the lounge beside her. No

    way was there enough room for him unless she sat on his lap. The idea wasn't altogether

    unappealing. "May I sit here?"

    "Not if you're going to tease me."

    "Perish the thought." He squeezed in and the space miraculously widened as the rest of

    the people on the lounge squashed up good-naturedly.

    His arm crept along the lounge behind her and she guessed he really didn't have

    anywhere else he could put it. "So this is what hospital workers do on their time off, is it?"

    "Only the sociable ones." She could feel the whole length of his hip against hers and the

    warmth of his arm building between them. She had to move or she was going to end up

    leaning across him to steal another one of those spontaneous kisses he seemed to inspire inher. "Let's dance."

    Chapter Sixteen

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    He stood firstlike a cork from a bottleoff the lounge, and the others sighed in relief.

    She had to smile. Then he put a hand out to help her up, except that after she stood, neither of

    them let go. He smiled down at her as he drew her into the middle of the room, where couples

    danced cheek to cheek in time to a slow ballad.

    She slipped into his arms, feeling a bit like a jigsaw piece that had slid into place. Snug.Perfect fit. "Your hair smells nice," he murmured.

    "So does your chest." She couldn't help burying her nose in it farther. She sighed and

    leaned into him. No use pretending this wasn't exactly where she wanted to be. Though there

    was no use pretending she hadn't forgiven him, either.

    "It's been an interesting forty-eight hours since we met."

    Only she'd seen him before that. "I saw you a week ago in the cafeteria."

    "And I saw you," he said into her hair.

    "No, you didn't." She remembered the beach. "You asked if I worked at the hospital."

    He chuckled. "I was being devious." The dance ended and he pulled her gently out the

    front door and toward the swing seat on the porch.

    "You two seem to know each other very well." Her brother Bruce appeared beside them

    as they'd just settled into the seat.

    Angus didn't look at all perturbed. "We were just discussing the amazing rescue yoursister was involved in today down at the beach."

    "What rescue?" Great diversion, Zoe thought with resignation.

    She kept it short. "A boy was dumped unconscious in the surf."

    Bruce frowned. "The sea was rough. I thought you were working at the hospital today."

    "I did an hour on the beach after work. Col needed to get off at four." She stared her

    brother down and after a loaded silent message he walked away.

    She glared at the man on the swing next to her. "Thanks for that, Angus. Usually one ofthe boys does the same roster as me if they know I'm lifesaving. I didn't tell them about this

    extra hour." She was so over this.

    "Sorry. Poor choice to divert him." He stood up. "How about I get you a glass of

    something as penance and when I come back we can be friends again?" He grinned down at

    her and she couldn't help smiling back.

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    How did he do that? One smile and she was a puddle at his feet. And she guessed the

    subject hadsidetracked Bruce away from their cheek-to-cheek dance. "I'll think about it."

    She watched him walk away and couldn't erase the smile.

    Ruby wasn't smiling when she appeared beside her and sank down into the swing. "Are

    you insane?"

    Chapter Seventeen

    "No more than usual. Why?"

    Ruby gestured with her head to Angus as he disappeared. "What if he breaks your


    "He won't if I don't let him."

    "He broke Harmony Gage's heart."

    "Who's Harmony Gage?"

    "She worked at Sydney Central, the hospital he worked at before here. And there was a

    young resident doctor before her. Took them out a few times and then he just up and left. He

    could do the same to you." She seemed to think about it for a moment. "Of course you're a

    whole heap nicer than Harmony. But"

    "Stop worrying. I'm the one who's leaving. Remember?" But she couldn't help feeling

    the cool draft of being dropped so quickly like that. Even with the few times they'd been out

    together, it could be excruciating.

    Ruby just looked at her. "If he asked you to stay in Coogee, would you?"

    Zoe had to think about that. She hoped not.

    "Sorry. Don't answer that." Ruby touched her arm and stood up. "It's not like my lovelife is a success. I'm paranoid. I'm sorry. Justplease be careful."

    Zoe watched Ruby walk away. Unwelcome advice but true. Maybe she had a point. She

    was becoming a tad obsessed about a guy she knew very little about. And he was getting all

    protective on her. She was always spouting off about how she could protect herself. But what

    if she couldn't save herself from falling for him?

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    "What's wrong?" He was back, and after a puzzled glance at her face his smile slipped.

    She shook her hair as if she could shake the uneasiness left over from her friend's

    warning. "Nothing."

    "Something is. You're different from when I left." He tilted his head and considered her."And not in the way I'd hoped."

    She looked up at him and saw him hesitate before he sat down.

    "Why are you paying attention to me?" she asked abruptly.

    Angus put the drinks down on the log beside the chair. "Umm. I find you attractive.

    Where'd that come from?"

    "I just think it's all happening pretty fast."

    Whoa, there, Angus thought. "What's happening?" He looked around. He needed a sign

    to spell out what had changed. "Has anyone seen the girl I left here five minutes ago?" He

    looked at her again. She still looked gorgeousbut very distant.

    He hadn't expected this. Though he should have. Whenever things were going well, or

    he started to care, something happened to take it all away. It had happened as a kid every time

    he felt like he'd started to fit into a familyand it was the biggest reason he knew he shouldn't

    try for anything but one-night stands in his personal life.

    Maybe he had been moving in on her. But everything finally felt right. Things he hadn't

    felt before. It was so incredibly easy to be with Zoelike coming home.

    He cut that sappy thought off and plastered a non-committal smile on his face. He was

    good at that. It had been years since anybody had seen through it. "No problem." He picked up

    his own drink. "Catch you later."

    Chapter EighteenOn Sunday Angus didn't come down to the fete. If he had, Zoe thought she might have

    set up a kissing stall just to annoy him.

    But he was waiting for her after work on Monday.

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    It was broad daylight and a lot of people saw him cut her off in the foyer so she couldn't

    escape. But a lot of people had seen him walk away from her at the party, too, and that hadn't

    been pleasant. He'd upset her and upset Ruby, who'd been devastated because she'd felt

    partially responsible.

    "Lift? Maybe we could go for a drive?"

    "I've got a lift, thanks, Angus."


    "That big blue bus out there. A weekly ticket."

    "Thought so." He smiled at her and she could feel herself soften. Cave in. Pathetic


    Maybe it needed finishing properly. "Okay." Zoe tossed her hair and walked out into

    the doctors' car park with her head high until he opened her door and waited for her to get in.

    "Truce," he said as the roof went back.

    She ran her fingers through her hair. She did love this car. "I didn't know there was a


    "Maybe a skirmishbut all's fair in love and war." He glanced across and that cynical

    almost-smile made her want to lean over and kiss the real laughter back into him. She sighed

    at her own weakness. Back to square one with the magnetism of this guy.

    Maybe he lusted after her as much as she realized she lusted after him. But no one had

    said anything about love.

    "I think we need to sit down and talk. Because there're issues in my past that make me

    behave in a way I'm sometimes not proud of."

    "Like Saturday night? Dropping me like a hot potato?"

    "Hmm," he said and they drove for five minutes in silence after that until finally he

    glanced over his shoulder and pulled onto the side of the road beside the beach. Angus

    switched the engine off and they sat there in silence for a few seconds watching the waves.

    Then he turned in his seat until he faced her. "I abandoned ship pretty quick at the first

    hint of you wanting out. I'm sorry."

    "Is that what you thought? Are you that insecure?"

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    "I'm not insecure at all if I don't care about someone."

    Not a bad way to be. She guessed she was the same. The thought that he cared for her

    sat warmly inside her. "I didn't really want out. Just had a little episode of cold feet. That if we

    got too serious I might never get to experience standing on my own. Or see the world."

    "Your trip in six months?" He nodded as understanding dawned. "You'll still see the

    world." He raised his eyebrows suggestively as if to gauge her reaction. "I could visit."

    If he was looking for the right thing to say he'd stumbled on a good one there. That fab

    idea could be thought about later. But there was more to this than that. "I'm a little touchy

    when people try to protect me from doing what I want."

    "Maybe I could learn to trust your instincts a little more? As long as you ask when you

    need help?"

    This was sounding serious. And reasonable. "I could do that."

    "And it's not like you don't try to protect people yourself. What about Tessa in labor?

    You weren't oblivious to worry or making sure she was looked after."

    He had her there. Funny she'd never thought about it from that point of view. "So tell

    me why you abandoned ship, as you called it."

    Chapter Nineteen

    Angus ruffled his hair, not looking happy with having to explore the pain in his past,

    and she wished she could call the question back.

    "I mentioned once I was fostered."

    She nodded her head. She remembered. "It was pretty clear you didn't want to talk

    about it that night."

    "You were good to pick that up. Not a lot of women would have left it there and I

    appreciated that."

    "So don't talk about it now if you don't want to."

    "That would be the easy way out." He shrugged. "Maybe you make me want to take


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    Zoe bit her lip. That must have been tough to say, and she admired him for his honesty.

    He went on in a matter-of-fact tone, "Let's just say lots of families tried me and I wasn't

    what they wanted."

    She could hear the self-mocking tone in his voice and she wanted to reach out and takehis hand. But she was scared he'd never finish what he needed to say.

    "My case worker said it was bad luck, not me, but I grew a protective skin and a skill

    for keeping people at a distance. Apparently that didn't make me more attractive."

    He looked pretty darned attractive to her. "I don't know about that."

    But now she understood. She felt the answers slide into place. Well, that explained last

    night. One hint of eviction from her and up went the walls and he was out of there.

    Zoe did take his hand then and it felt powerful and safe in hers. In complete contrast tohis description of his childhood. "A little mix from both of us could be the answer."

    Angus smiled at her and finally there was no self-ridicule. The sight warmed her.

    "That's why I love being with you. It's as if you understand me. And it feels amazing. Bear

    with me while I practice believing you for a bit."

    She'd never had those sort of worries. The direct opposite, really. She knew her family

    adored her and only protected her because they cared. Maybe she should just let their

    protectiveness wash over her.

    Maybe she needed Angus's help. "So I'll hug you when you need it, and you can help

    me be more independent without alienating my family."

    "I could do that. Though I'm still not sure I'm lovable."

    Now why did she think he was teasing? "That would be my problem not yours."

    He smiled at her, all devil and daring and dark desire. "So now will you kiss me?"

    "My absolute pleasure." It seemed with Angus she might not have to take drastic action

    in order to live an exciting life.

    Chapter Twenty

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    Angus walked with Zoe out of the foyer of the hospital on Monday after her shift. He'd

    dropped into the ward to say goodbye to Tessa but she'd discharged herself before he got


    They found her outside the hospital clutching her baby with tears running down her

    face. Zoe hurried over and he followed. "You look miserable. What's happened?"

    Tessa burst into tears. "He's not here. He said at three, but Chase isn't here. He said he'd

    be here fifteen minutes ago." Angus wanted to strangle her boyfriend. He knew this feeling so


    She hugged Bodie tightly against her. "He doesn't love me or Bodie. Of course he


    Zoe looked at him and Angus said, "I'll take you and Bodie home." Zoe added, "In his

    fabulous car," but just as the words were out, a large, mohawked man covered in tattooshurried up to them.

    Angus glared at him until he saw the guy looked ready to cry, too. Maybe fairy tales did

    happen. Angus slid his hand into Zoe's and stepped back as the young man tried to hug Tessa

    still burdened by a huge blue rabbit and a bunch of wilting flowers.

    "So sorry, babe. I couldn't make the baby seat fit in the car."

    Tessa sniffed and smiled tremulously as if she couldn't believe he was there.

    Zoe leaned forward without letting go of his hand. "You must be Chase. Here. Let mehold these for a sec." She took the rabbit, which she handed to Angus. Then she took the


    "Ta." Chase glanced at Zoe briefly but his eyes were all for Tessa. "Babe. I love you.

    And our little man."

    Angus squeezed Zoe's hand and they both looked away to hide smiles. Tessa's Chase

    had a marshmallow centre. Especially where his lady and his baby were concerned.

    Tessa turned damp eyes to Zoe. "My lift's here, but maybe Dr. Angus should take youhome in his car?"

    Angus put his arm around Zoe and squeezed her gently against him where she felt so

    right. "I just might do that."

    Zoe raised her brows. "And I might just let you."

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    Ten minutes later, with the roof down, they were parked under a tree at their favorite

    beach. Finally they broke apart. Angus stroked her face with his finger as he sat back, and his

    soft smile made her glow. "So how do I get to be a lifeguard's boyfriend?"

    That was easy. "Keep kissing me like that."

    "So where do we go from here?"

    She grinned. "Anywhere with a more comfortable seat."

    He reached forward and started the car. No delay at all. "See, I thought you only loved

    me for my car."

    "Maybe I love your car because of you?"

    "As long as you love me."

    She looked at him. Her gorgeous, slightly insecure, amazing man who so wanted to do

    everything right for her. "More every day. But you'll have to get used to the boys. I might

    even have to forgive them because they kept me safe for you."

    "They're already my favorite people. Next to you"