fire emblem - item guide

Fire Emblem 7: Blazing Sword Item guide Created by: Link-san On: 1/5/04 ============================== Content ============================== Chapter 1 - Version Updates Chapter 2 - Legend Chapter 3.1 - Swords Chapter 3.2 - Lances Chapter 3.3 - Bows Chapter 3.4 - Axes Chapter 3.5 - Staffs Chapter 3.6 - Magic: Nature Chapter 3.7 - Magic: Light Chapter 3.8 - Magic: Dark Chapter 3.9 - Rings Chapter 4 - Special weapons Chapter 4.1 - Ultimate weapons Chapter 4.2 - Legendary weapons Chapter 4.3 - Bonus Disk weapons Chapter 5 - Contact Info Chapter 6 - Credits Chapter 7 - Copywrite ============================== 1. Version Updates ============================== Version 1.0 - First Version. All weapon sections added

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Item Guide


Page 1: Fire Emblem - Item Guide

Fire Emblem 7: Blazing Sword

Item guide

Created by: Link-san

On: 1/5/04




Chapter 1 - Version Updates

Chapter 2 - Legend

Chapter 3.1 - Swords

Chapter 3.2 - Lances

Chapter 3.3 - Bows

Chapter 3.4 - Axes

Chapter 3.5 - Staffs

Chapter 3.6 - Magic: Nature

Chapter 3.7 - Magic: Light

Chapter 3.8 - Magic: Dark

Chapter 3.9 - Rings

Chapter 4 - Special weapons

Chapter 4.1 - Ultimate weapons

Chapter 4.2 - Legendary weapons

Chapter 4.3 - Bonus Disk weapons

Chapter 5 - Contact Info

Chapter 6 - Credits

Chapter 7 - Copywrite


1. Version Updates


Version 1.0 - First Version. All weapon sections added

Version 2 - Updated: 2.5.04 - Added some missing weapon infomation.

Added who can use special weapons, fixed a few typing errors updated sites list.

Added credits section.

Page 2: Fire Emblem - Item Guide

Version 2.1 - Updated: 12.7.04 - Updated E-mail address if you e-mailed me

send another one thanks.

Version 2.2 - Updated: 13.7.04 - Added Armor Slayer Lvl and added Steel Blade

data which i missed.

Next version i will re-order the weapons abit.


2. Legend


Here's how the guide will be set out as:

Lance Reaver <= Weapon Name

Usage: 15 <= How many times it cane be used before breaking

Lvl: C <= Weapon skill required to use

Rng: 1 <= Weapons range

Wt: 9 <= Weight - the heavier it is the harder to get 2 attacks

Mt: 9 <= The higher the Might the more damage the weapon does

Hit: 75 <= Weapons hit accuracy

Crit: 5 <= Determins how often you will get a critical

Strong against spears <= Any additional info here


3.1. Swords


Iron Sword

Usage: 46

Lvl: E

Rng: 1

Wt: 5

Mt: 5

Hit: 90

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Crit: 0

Armor Slayer

Usage: 18

Lvl: D

atk: 13

Hit: 103

Rng: 1

Crit: 24

avoid: 30

Effective against cavalry

Lance Reaver

Usage: 15

Lvl: C

Rng: 1

Wt: 9

Mt: 9

Hit: 75

Crit: 5

Strong against spears

Steel Sword

Usage: 30

Lvl: D

Rng: 1

Wt: 10

Mt: 8

Hit: 75

Crit: 0


Usage: 20

Lvl: E

Rng: 1

Wt: 5

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Mt: 6

Hit: 75

Crit: 0

Effective against wyverns

Silver Sword

Usage: 20

Lvl: A

Rng: 1

Wt: 8

Mt: 13

Hit: 80

Crit: 0

Silver Blade

Usage: 30

Lvl: A

Rng: 1

Wt: 13

Mt: 14

Hit: 60

Crit: 0

Poison Sword

Usage: 40

Lvl: D

Rng: 1

Wt: 6

Mt: 3

Hit: 70

Crit: 0

Coated in Lethal Poison

Brave Sword

Usage: 30

Lvl: B

Wt: 12

Mt: 9

Hit: 75

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Crit 0

can strike consectively

Wo Dao

Usage: 20

Lvl: D

Rng: 1

Wt: 5

Mt: 8

Hit: 75

Crit :35

Improve Critical rate

Killing Edge

Usage: 20

Rng: 1



Hit: 75

Crit: 30

Light Brand

Usage: 25

Rng: 1-2



Hit: 70

Crit: 0

Suffused with Light Magic

Rune Sword

Usage: 15

Lvl: A

Rng: 1-2

Wt: 11

Mt: 12

Hit: 65

Crit: 0

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Imbued with dark magic

Long sword

Usage: 15

Lvl: C

Mt: 9

Wt: 9

Hit: 75

Crit: 5

Effective against cavalry

Iron Blade

Usage: 35

Lvl: D

Rng: 1

Wt: 12


Hit 70

Crit 0

Steel Blade

Usage: 25

Lvl: C

Rng: 1

Wt: 14

Mt: 11

Hit: 65

Crit: 0


3.2. Lances


Iron Lance

Usage: 45

Lvl: E

Rng: 1

Wt: 8

Mt: 7

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Hit: 80

Crit: 0

Slim lance

Usage 30

Atk 9

Hit 102

Rng 1

Crit 8

avoid 25


Usage: 20

Lvl: E

Rng: 1-2

Wt: 11

Mt: 6

Hit: 65

Crit: 0

Heavy Spear

Usage: 16

Lvl: D

Rng: 1

Wt: 14

mg: 9


Crit: 0

Effective against knights

Steel Lance

Usage: 30

Lvl: D

Rng: 1

Wt: 13

Mt: 10

Hit: 70

Crit 0

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Silver lance

Usage: 20

Lvl: A

Rng: 1

Wt: 10


Hit: 75

Crit: 0

Poison lance

Usage: 40

Lvl: E

Rng: 1

Wt: 8

Mt: 4

Hit: 65

Crit: 0

Coated in Lethal poison

Brave Lance

Usage: 30

Lvl: B

Rng: 1

Wt: 14

Mt: 10

Hit: 70

Crit: 0

Can strike consecutively

Killer Lance

Usage: 20

Lvl: C

Rng: 1

Wt: 9

Mt: 10

Hit: 70

Crit: 30

Improves Critical Hit rate.

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Silver Lance

Usage: 20

Rng: 1

Wt: 10

Mg: 14

Hit: 75

Crit 0


Usage: 16

Rng: 1

Wt: 13

Mg: 7

Hit: 70

Crit: 0

Effective against cavalry


Usage: 15

Lvl: B

Rng: 1-2

Wt: 10

Mt: 12

Hit: 70

Crit: 5

Doubles as Ranged attack

Axe Reaver

Usage: 15

Lvl: C

Rng: 1

Wt: 11

Mt: 10

Hit: 70

Crit: 5

Strong Against Axes

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3.3. Bows


Iron Bow

Usage: 45

Lvl: E

Rng: 2

Wt: 5

Mt: 6

Hit: 85

Crit: 0

Short Bow

Usage: 22

atk: 13

Hit: 105

Rng: 2

Crit: 14

avoid: 25

Steel bow

Lvl: d

Usage: 30

Rng 2

Wt 9

Mt 9

Hit 70

Crit 0

Silver Bow

Usage: 20

Lvl: A

Rng: 2

Wt: 6

Mt: 13

Hit: 75

Crit: 0

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Poison Bow

Usage: 40

Lvl: D

Rng: 2

Wt: 5

Mt: 4

Hit: 65

Crit: 0

Coated in Lethal Poison

Killer Bow

Usage: 20

Lvl: C

Rng: 2

Wt: 7

Mt: 9

Hit: 75

Crit: 30

Improves Critical Hit rate

Brave Bow

Useage: 30

Lvl: B

Rng: 2

Wt: 12

Mt: 10

Hit: 70

Crit: 0

Can strike consecutively

Long Bow

Usage: 20

Lvl: D

Rng: 2-3

Wt: 10

Mt: 5

Hit: 65

Crit: 0

Extended Attack Rng

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3.4. Axes


Iron Axe

Usage: 45

atk: 15

Hit: 90

Crit: 3

avoid: 15

Steel Axe

Usage: 30

Lvl: E

Rng: 1

Wt: 15

Mt: 11

Hit: 65

Crit: 0

Silver Axe

Usage: 20

Lvl: A

Rng: 1

Wt: 12

Mt: 15

Hit: 70

Crit: 0

Poison Axe

Usage: 40

Lvl: D

Rng: 1

Wt: 10

Mt: 4

Hit: 60

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Crit: 0

Coated in Lethal poison

Brave Axe

Usage: 30

Lvl: B

Rng: 1

Wt: 16

Mt: 10

Hit: 65

Crit: 0

Can strike consecutively


Usage: 18

Lvl: D

Rng: 1

Wt: 15

Mt: 10

Hit: 60

Crit: 0

effective against cavalry


Usage: 20

Lv: D

Rng: 1

Wt: 15

Mt: 10

Hit: 55

Crit: 0

Effective against Knights.

Devil Axe

Usage: 20

Lvl: E

Rng: 1

Wt: 18

Mt: 18

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Hit: 55

Crit: 0

Mt injure it's wielder

Hand Axe

Usage: 20

atk: 14

Hit: 75


avoid: 15

Doubles as Ranged attack


Usage: 15

Lvl: A

Rng: 1-2

Wt: 14

Mt: 13

Hit: 65

Crit: 0

Doubles as Ranged attack

Sword Reaver

Usage: 15

Lvl: C

Rng: 1

Wt: 13

Mt: 11

Hit: 65

Crit: 5

Strong against swords.

Sword Slayer

Usage: 20

Lvl: c

Rng: 1

Wt: 13

Mt: 11

Hit: 80

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Crit: 5

Good against Myrmidons


3.5. Staffs



Lvl: E

Usage: 30

Restores hp (10 + MP)


Usage: 20

Lvl: D

Rng: 1

Heals many hp to allies (20+ MP)


Usage: 15

Lvl: c

Rng: 1

Restores all HP to allies in adjacent spaces


Usage: 8

Lvl: A

Rng: mp/2

Restores all HP to allies in Rng


Usage: 15

Lvl: B

Rng: mp/2

Restore Hp to allies at a distance


Usage: 10

Lvl: c

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Rng: 1

Returns allies to normal condition (sleep,poison etc.)


Usage: 10

Lvl: d

Rng: 102

Unocks doors, even from a Distance.


Usage: 3

Lvl: B

Rng: MP/2

Halts all enemy magic for several turns.


Usage: 3

Lvl: B

Rng: MP/2

Puts enemies to sleep for several turns


Usage: 3

Lvl: B

Rng: MP/2

Sends enemies into a berserker Rng.


Usage: 5

Lvl: A

Rng: 1

Moves allies in adjacent spaces instantly elsewhere.


Usage: 3

Lvl: B

Rng: MP/2

Moves allies from distant spaces to adjacent ones.

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Usage: 10

Lvl: D

Rng: MP/2

Lights an area. The light grows weaker each turn.


Usage: 3

Lvl: C

Rng: 1

Restores adjacent ally's weapon to new condition.


Usage: 15

Lvl: C

Rng: 1

Increases magic resistance of adjacent allies briefly.


3.6. Magic: Nature



Usage: 40



Rng: 1-2




Usage: 35

Lvl: D

Rng: 1-2

Wt: 6

Mt: 8

Hit: 80

Crit: 5

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Usage: 30

Lvl: C

Rng: 1-2

Wt: 10

Mt: 10

Hit: 85

Crit: 0


Usage: 5

Lvl: B

Rng: 3 -10

Wt: 20

Mt: 12

Hit: 60

Crit: 0

Long-Rng lightning strike


Usage: 20

Lvl: 20

Rng: 1-2

Wt: 12

Mt: 13

Hit: 30

Crit: 0


3.7. Magic: Light



Usage: 35

atk: 11

Hit: 108

Rng: 1-2

Crit: 8

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Usage: 30

Lvl: D

Rng: 1-2

Wt: 8

Mt: 6

Hit: 90

Crit: 8


Lvl: C

Rng: 1-2

Wt: 12

Mt: 8

Hit: 85

Crit: 10


Usage: 5

Lvl: B

Rng: 3-10

Wt: 20

Mt: 10

Hit: 75

Crit: 5

Long-Rng magic attack


Usage: 20

Lvl: A

Rng: 1-2

Wt: 15

Mt: 12

Hit: 85

Crit: 15


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3.8. Magic: Dark



Usage: 45

Lvl: D

Rng: 1-2

Wt: 8

Mt: 7

Hit: 80

Crit: 0


Usage: 35

Lvl: C

Rng: 1-2

Wt: 12

Mt: 0

Hit: 95

Crit: 20

negates enemy resistance


Usage: 20

Lvl: C

Rng: 1-2

Wt: 14

Mt: 10

Hit: 70

Crit: 0

Drains enemy HP into caster


Usage: 5

Lvl: B

Rng: 3-10

Wt: 12

Mt: --

Hit: 30

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Crit: 0

Reduces enemy HP by half


Usage: 20

Lvl: A

Rng: 1-2

Wt: 18

Mt: 15

Hit: 70

Crit: 0


3.9. Rings


Filla's Mt

Usage: 15

A dance that increase allies' attack for a turn.

Ninis's Grace

Usage: 15

A dance that increase allies' defence for a turn.

Thor's Ire

Usage: 15

A dance that increases Critical Hit % for a turn.

Set's Litany

Usage: 15

A dance that increases allies dodge for a turn.


4. Special weapons


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Lvl: Prf

Usage: 40


Wt: 5

Mt: 7


Crit: 10

Effective against infantry

Eliwood only

Mani Katti

Usage 45

Lvl: Prf

Rng: 1

Wt: 3

Mt: 8

Hit: 80

Crit: 20

Effective against infantry

Lyn only

Sol Katti

Usage: 30

Lvl: Prf

Wt: 14

Mt: 12

Hit: 95

Crit: 25

Forged to battle wyverns

Lyn only

Wolf Beil

Usage: 30

Lvl: prf

Rng: 1

Wt: 10


Hit: 75

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Crit: 5

Effective against infantry

Hector Only


Usage: 20

Lvl: Prf

Rng: 1-2

Wt: 11

Mt: 14

Hit: 85

Crit: 5

Boosts Luck by 5 Pts

Athos only.


4.1. Ultimate Weapons


Regal Blade

Usage: 20

Lvl: S

Rng: 1

Wt: 9

Mt: 20

Hit: 85

Crit: 0

For experienced units only

Rex Hasta

Usage: 25

Lvl: S

Rng: 1

Wt: 11

Mt: 21

Hit: 80

Crit: 0

For experienced units only

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Usage: 25

Lvl: S

Rng: 1

Wt: 13

Mt: 22

Hit: 75

Crit: 0

For experienced units only


Usage: 25

Lvl: S

Rng: 2

Wt: 7

Mt: 20

Hit: 80

Crit: 0

Can strike consecutivly


Usage: 25

Lvl: S

Rng: 1-2

Wt: 13

Mt: 18

Hit: 90

Crit: 10


Usage: 25

Lvl: S

Rng: 1-2

Wt: 16

Mt: 16

Hit: 95

Crit: 25


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Usage: 25

Lvl: S

Rng: 1-2

Wt: 20

Mt: 23

Hit: 80

Crit: 0


4.2. Legendary weapons



Usage: 20

Lvl: Prf

Rng: 1

Wt: 16

Mt: 17

Hit: 90

Crit: 0

Increases strength by 5 pts


Usage: 25

Lvl: Prf

Rng: 1

Wt: 18

Mt: 18

Hit: 85

Crit: 0

Lightning charged axe


Usage: 20

Lvl: S

Rng: 1-2

Wt: 14

Mt: 15

Hit: 90

Page 26: Fire Emblem - Item Guide

Crit: 5

Boosts resistance by 5 pts.


4.3. Bonus Disk Weapons


Dragon Axe

Usage: 40

Lvl: C

Rng: 1

Wt: 11

Mt: 10

Hit: 60

Crit: 0

An axe designed to strike

Effective against Wyverns

Wind Sword

Usage: 40

Lvl: B

Rng: 1-2

Wt: 9

Mt: 9

Hit: 70

Crit: 0

A magical sword capable of (casts Excalibur)

Effective against flying units

Emblem Blade

Usage: 60

Lvl: E

Rng: 1

Wt: 5

Mt: 5

Hit: 90

Crit: 0

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A tactician’s sword.

Emblem Axe

Usage: 60

Lvl: E

Rng: 1

Wt: 10

Mt: 8

Hit: 75

Crit: 0

A tactician’s axe

Emblem Lance

Usage: 60

Lvl: E

Rng: 1

Wt: 8

Mt: 7

Hit: 80

Critl: 0

Info: A tactician’s lance

Emblem Bow

Usage: 60

Lvl: E

Rng: 2

Wt: 5

Mt: 6

Hit: 85

Critical: 0

A tactician’s bow


5. Contact


*E-mail Updated*

E-mail me at [email protected] if you have any


Page 28: Fire Emblem - Item Guide

Make sure to have Fire Emblem item FAQ or something in the subject bar.


6. Credits


Thanks to schwagles bagels from Gamefaqs for pointing out a few things i missed.

Thanks to LinkPrimel from Gamefaqs for pointing out the missing weapon lvl for

the armor slayer and missing Steel blade.


7. Copywrite


This guide may only be used on the sites listed below.

If found on any site not listed contact me.

This guide may be used on other sites if you ask permisson first,

as long as it is un-altered.

This guide can only be used on the following sites:

Fire Emblem is © 2003 Nintendo/Intelligent Systems

Fire Emblem Item guide is © 2004 Emblem Online