first blood 2013 prelims


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Ships would often carry flags from many

nations so that they could deceive nearby

vessels into thinking they were allies. The

rules of engagement however required that

all ships hoist their own colors before firing

upon someone. This gave rise to which

popular phrase?

Show your true



XY is a conglomerate holding company based in

Nebraska USA. Their business involves things such as

property and insurance. The name XY comes from two

textile companies that merged in 1955, X Fine

Spinning Associates and Y Manufacturing Company.

The textile industry declined after WWII and in 1962 Z

bought into to company and soon he was investing in

insurance too, and soon had controlling interests in the

company. ID X,Y.

( ½ point for XY and ½ point for Z.)

XY – Berkshire


Z – Warren Buffet


The Knowledge is one of the world's most

demanding training course, and applicants will

usually need at least twelve 'appearances' (attempts

at the final test), to pass the examination.

It was initiated in 1865, and has changed little

since. It is claimed that the training involved

ensures that test takers are experts on _______, and

have an intimate knowledge of the city including

its streets and places of interest.

Who takes this test?

London Cab



The following are a set of quotes

• First I went left, he did too. Then I went right, and he

did too. Then I went left again and he went to buy a

hot dog.

• Y is a big star… He‘s cool. The first time he met [my

wife] he whispered to her: ‗Helena, you have only

one mission. Feed _____, let him sleep, keep him


• The guy says what he wants. I like him.

Identify the speaker and Y

The speaker is Zlatan


Y is Jose Mourinho


The series' popularity has made it a media franchise,

contributing to its position as X's highest rated show, the

most distributed property of MTV Networks. The media

franchise generated an $8 billion merchandising revenue for

X. The idea behind the show was conceived in the Orange

County Ocean Institute. During this period, the author of

the show became fascinated and wrote a book entitled The

‗Intertidal Zone‘ which later would evolved to the series.

ID the series and X




X was invented in the nineteenth century as

powerful surgical antiseptic. It was later sold, in

distilled form, as both a floor cleaner.

But it wasn't a runaway success until the 1920s,

when it was pitched as a solution for "chronic

halitosis"— a then obscure medical term for Y. Y

was not conventionally considered such a

catastrophe. But X changed that.

X – Listerine

y – Bad Breath


The criterion for the awards states, "In the spirit of

_______ ____, the _____ Awards commemorate

individuals who protect our gene pool by making

the ultimate sacrifice of their own lives.

_____ Award winners eliminate themselves in an

extraordinarily idiotic manner, thereby improving

our species' chances of long-term survival."

"Of necessity, the award is usually bestowed

posthumously!‖ What?

Darwin Awards


A modern myth propagated mainly by

Pollice Verso, a painting by nineteenth-

century artist Jean-Leon Gerome, which

inspired Ridley Scott to direct the oscar

winning movie X. The actual version of the

fallacy is expressed in Latin as police

compresso favor iudicabatur.

Identify X and explain the myth.

Gladiator‘Thumbs down’ Sign


A brilliant recipe invented in Glasgow in the

late 1960s, X is one of Britain‘s most

popular dishes. In 2001, the Foreign

Secretary, Robin Cook declared it a true

British National Dish, calling it a perfect

illustration of how Britain adopts external

influences. India imports X.

Identify X.

Chicken tikka



In 2005, a 1,700 year old papyrus, the

earliest known copy of The Book Of

Revelation was recovered from the rubbish

dumps of Oxyrhynchus in Egypt, which

resolved a controversy that had been around

since the second century AD, a cryptic code

in Hebrew referring to either Caligula or

Nero. A roulette wheel will tell you what it


The Number Of The

Beast616, not 666


Another controversy about the etymology of

a well-known word, the former conjecture

strengthened by Marco Polo. Now, most

Islamic Scholars agree that the word means:

people who are faithful to the ‗foundation‘ of

the faith, literally ‗fundamentalists‘. What is

the word?



Henry the Black, or Enrique de Malaca, was

a slave and interpreter, who was the first

man to achieve a certain feat. The man who

is mistakenly given credit for the same was

killed in the Phillipines in 1521, halfway

through the feat.

What is this achievement?




Where would you find Milburn Pennybags,

Jack the jailbird and Officer Edgar Mallory?



Charles Leiper Grigg (May 11, 1868 – April

16, 1940) was the inventor of ―Bib-Label

Lithiated Lemon-Lime‖ soda, better known

by its later name, X. A common urban

legend about Charles Leiper Grigg is that he

was an albino, and that the red dot on the

bottle is supposed to represent his red eyes.



X was used to train medical professionals to

provide the correct number of chest compressions

per minute while performing CPR. The song has

close to 104 beats per minute, and 100-120 chest

compressions per minute are recommended by the

British Heart Foundation, and endorsed by the

Resuscitation Council (UK). A study on medical

professionals found that the quality of CPR is

better when thinking about X.

Identify X.

Stayin’ Alive


The term ___ ____ has nothing to do with

dogs. It dates back to Roman times, when it

was believed that Sirius, added its heat to

that of the sun from July 3 to August 11,

creating exceptionally high temperatures.

The Romans called the period dies

caniculares, or ____ of the ___.



In 1957 at the age of 13, X appeared on BBC TV 's

"All Your Own" talent quest programme in a

skiffle quartet. They played "Mama Don't Want To

Skiffle Anymore" and another American-flavoured

song, "In Them Ol' Cottonfields Back Home".

When asked by the host Huw Wheldon what he

wanted to do after schooling, X said, "I want to do

biological research to find a cure for cancer, if it

isn't discovered by then.‖

Identify X.

Jimmy PAge


Super-Rabbit was released to theaters on April 3,

1943. starring X who parodied the popular

character Superman. The U.S. Marine Corps were

thrilled that X decided to become a Marine in this

film that they insisted that the character be

officially inducted into the force as a private, which

was done, complete with dogtags. The character

was regularly promoted until X was officially

"discharged" at the end of World War II as a Master





"No one in my family had ever attended school

[...] On the first day of school my teacher, Miss

Mdingane, gave each of us an English name.

This was the custom in those days and was

undoubtedly due to the British bias of our

education. That day, Miss Mdingane told me

that my new name was ---------. Why this

particular name I have no idea.―

Who said this?

Nelson Rolihlahla



X began its life as two companies: Lucky (or Lak

Hui) Chemical Industrial (est. 1947), which made

cosmetics and GoldStar (est. 1958), a radio

manufacturing plant. Lucky Chemical became

famous in Korea for creating the Lucky Cream,

with a container bearing the image of the

Hollywood starlet Deanna Durbin. GoldStar

evolved from manufacturing only radios to making

all sorts of electronics and household appliances.

Identify X.



In March 2010, a small Michigan brewery X were

approached by world famous rock band Y who

have sold more than 50 million albums worlwide

for a mixed endorsement deal which featured the

beer in a music video for the bands upcoming

album, X. However they declined. Head brewer

Aaron Morse said, ―I absolutely hate that band. It's

s--- rock and roll that doesn't deserve to be on the


Identify X, Y.

X – Nickelback

y – ‘Dark house’


What was the callsign of Colin McGregor,

RAF Tornado Pilot, brother of actor Ewan

McGregor who played the Obi-Wan Kenobi

in the Star Wars franchise?

Obi twogeddit?


Max Q is a Houston-based rock band formed

in early 1987 by Robert L. Gibson, George

Nelson and Brewster Shaw. The band has a

rotating line-up due to flight crew

assignments, training, and the occasional

retirement. What is special about this band?

All members are



In 2012, after seeing this sportsman on an edition

of '60 Minutes' (an American TV programme),

director J. J. Abrams offered him a small role in his

then upcoming film "Star Trek Into Darkness"

(which released in 2013). He had to say no, not

because he didn't want to act, but because a permit

to allow him to work in the USA could not be

arranged in time. The role was of an alien from the

future, who played the same sport as this person.

Who is this sportsperson?




Upon his death, X was the only fictional

character ever to be honoured with an

obituary on the front page of the New York


Identify X.

Hercule poirot


There are many theories as to how this

came about. Some say that the he had

seven girlfriends, he owed it to a set of

seven stores that helped him kick-start his

business, or even because of his favoured

number 7 train. However, only Mr X

knows why, and he isn‘t about to tell us

anytime soon.

Identify X.

Jack Danielsno. 7 Whiskey


He was a key component of advertising for his

company until his death in 1980. He made

several appearances in various B movies and

television programs of the period, such as

What's My Line? and I've Got a Secret. Despite

his death, remains a key symbol of the

company; an "international symbol of

hospitality. He is often called "the greatest PR

man I have ever known‖. Who is he?

Col. SandersKFC


10 Downing Street – UK

_ ____ ______ ____ – India

7 Race Course



In the 1912 Stockholm Olympics, most of

the top brass of the tennis community did

not participate. Why was this so?

The tennis fraternity

chose to attend

Wimbledon which was

held at the same time!


According to the biologist Thierry Lodé, this

practice, allows lovers to explore the immune

system in order to avoid other people who have too

much genetic relatedness. Indeed, from an

evolutionary point of view, the sexual partner

should be different to be attractive and to provide

the genetic diversity that promote the health of the

immune system progeniture. The Smell

Identification salivary amended by the immune

system can trigger desire, love, consent and finally

the sexual act itself. Identify the practice.

French Kiss