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Nous sommes très heureux d’accueillir à l’Alba ce symposium organisé par la section Publicité et Arts Graphiques de l’Ecole des Arts Décoratifs, à l’occasion des 40 ans de la dite section, et ce en présence de la fine fleur des fils et filles du Pub, et du plus illustre d’entre eux, en la personne de Jacques Séguéla.

Il y a 40 ans déjà, la section Publicité et Arts Graphiques de l’Alba, pionnière au Liban, ouvrait ses portes et accueillait alors ceux qui sont devenus aujourd’hui les leaders du marché publicitaire local et régional. Merci à ceux-ci d’être là aujourd’hui, dans le cadre de ce symposium consacré à une réflexion approfondie sur les défis et enjeux auxquels est confrontée la profession…

En 1978, lorsqu’il a fallu créer une nouvelle branche à l’Alba, le “département d’Art graphique et de Publicité”, afin d’y enseigner la publicité, discipline nouvelle, c’est Alain Brenas, jeune directeur de ce département, qui a très vite donné la mesure de son enthousiasme communicatif, et de son engagement pédagogique sans faille, au service de nouveaux horizons académiques.

Nous vivons au XXIe siècle la troisième révolution vécue par les hommes dans leur histoire, grâce à des inventions qui ont changé leur mode de vie.

La première est la révolution agricole à la fin du premier millénaire avec l’invention de nouvelles techniques de production agricole.

La deuxième est la révolution industrielle au XIXe siècle qui a changé les habitudes des peuples avec la production de masse, des idéologies de masse et la démocratie des masses.

Aujourd’hui, et depuis la moitié du XXe siècle, nous vivons la révolution numérique symbolisée par la communication, véhicule de la culture et de la démocratie, bref de la transformation de l’homme par le savoir.

I l est impossible à l ’homme de ne pas communiquer. C’est un besoin qui se manifeste dès sa naissance par des cris pour annoncer son arrivée et par la sérénité ou des cris d’un autre genre pour annoncer son départ.

Replaçons-nous dans le contexte de l’époque: jusque-là, un créatif, c’était un “simple” dessinateur… Mais les directeurs d’agences ont besoin de collaborateurs ayant reçu une formation académique plus complète: c’est la raison pour laquelle l’Alba décide de mettre en place un véritable département, avec un programme cohérent, des professeurs de qualité… Le Liban a besoin d’un tel enseignement, les dés sont jetés: les 5 premières étudiantes pionnières de 1978 ont pavé la voie à un département qui compte aujourd’hui cinq spécialisations et plus de 200 étudiants. Ce premier cursus n’a cessé depuis d’être amélioré, adapté, développé et modernisé.

Le département attire de nos jours toujours autant de jeunes gens, avides d’apprendre tous les métiers de la Publicité… et fascinés par l’aura de leurs ainés, diplômés de l’Alba, dont les parcours sont souvent flamboyants: que d’agences au Liban et au Moyen-Orient sont en effet dirigées et constituées de nos Anciens!

S’il est vrai que les circonstances difficiles, depuis plusieurs années, que traverse la région MENA, au vu des conflits sanglants qui la déchirent, et des crises économiques liées, rendent plus difficile et compétitif le travail en agence, ce secteur reste vital et déterminant pour la construction de l’avenir, pour l’heure très menacé, de nos pays…

Nul doute que les conclusions auxquelles parviendront les participants au symposium viendront étayer nos certitudes académiques: la Pub, dont on admet communément dans la profession qu’elle est, sinon en crise, du moins en profonde mutation aujourd’hui, reste un vrai métier d’avenir!

Bienvenue à l’Alba !

La plus grande punition que l’on peut infliger à quelqu’un est de le boycotter et le plus dur châtiment que l’on fait subir à un prisonnier est de l’isoler dans une cellule.

Consciente de l’importance de cette nouvelle discipline dans la vie aussi bien privée que publique des individus et des sociétés, Front Page Communication met à la une comme son nom l’indique cette discipline qui a transformé les relations entre les hommes, ainsi que leur mode de vie.

La principale activité de Front Page Communication est certes de mettre son savoir-faire en matière de communication, de relations publiques et de réseaux sociaux au service de ses clients mais elle a en même temps le souci de généraliser la connaissance de cette discipline parmi le grand public et d’approfondir sa connaissance parmi les gens du métier.

C’est à cet effet qu’elle a pris l’initiative d’organiser ce premier Symposium d’une série sur la Communication, qu’elle a intitulé “La passion inspiratrice”.

La présence de Jacques Séguéla, invité d’honneur et Key Speaker ranimera sans doute la passion et sera source d’inspiration aux jeunes qui écouteront leurs ainés parler de leurs expériences, de leurs succès et leurs échecs et le débat entre les représentants des différentes générations permettra d’autre part d’entrevoir l’avenir du métier de la Communication dans un contexte alliant la modernité à la tradition.

André BekhaziDean of AlbaUniversity of Balamand

Camille MenassaChairmanFront Page Communication




09:00 – 09:25Get together & registrationNational Anthem

09:30 – 09:35Host Welcome: Alba UniversityPr. André Bekhazi & Mr. Alain Brenas

09:35 – 09:45 Opening NoteFront Page CommunicationMr. Camille Menassa

09:45 – 10:30Keynote speech“An Open Letter to theDaughters & Sons of Advertising”Mr. Jacques Séguéla

10:30 – 10:50Coffee break

11:00 – 12:00Session 1: “Sharing a Generation’s Experience”Mr. Akram Miknas, Mr. Edmond Moutran,Mr. Mustapha Assad, Chairman: Mr. Walid Azzi

12:00 – 12:45Session 2: “The Evolving Role of International Agency Groups in the MENA Region”Mr. Dani Richa, Mr. Joseph Ghossoub Chairman: Mr. Ramsay Najjar

13:00 – 14:00Lunch at ALBA

14:00 – 14:30Keynote speech“A Key Brand Vehicle Facebook/Instagram”Mr. Jonathan LabinChairman: Mr. Sammy Moujaes

14:30 – 15:45Session 3: “Media Tomorrow’s Scene”Dr. Edouard Monin, Mr. Antonio Vincenti, Mr. Daniel Young,Chairwoman: Ms. Ghada Azzi

15:45 - 16:10Coffee break

16:15 - 17:15Session 4: “Educate to Create”Mr. Walid Menassa, Mr. Walid Kanaan, Mr. Samer Younes, Mr. Karim AchyChairwoman: Pr. Leila Musfy

17:30 – 18:30Students Open Debate





theOrganizers The Académie Libanaise des Beaux-Arts

(ALBA) is the first national institution for higher education in Lebanon. Since its creation in 1944, ALBA stands out as a leader in the field of Fine Arts and Design in the Middle-East. In 1988, it joins the University of Balamand.

ALBA has been a pioneer in implementing innovative study programs maintaining its curricula at the leading edge of progress; these include: Architecture, Fine Arts, Interior Architecture, Global Design, Graphic Design, Cinema and Television, Urban Planning, and Landscape Architecture. This variety of programs offers students a unique educational experience through a multidisciplinary teaching approach thus stimulating their creativity.

Teaching at ALBA is undertaken by prominent local and international professionals and academics from various renowned institutions to which ALBA is connected to through several cooperation agreements which serve to promote students” mobility. Moreover, the participation in international workshops, be them in Lebanon or abroad, gives the students the opportunity to challenge their ideas and discover new ways of sound analytical and critical thinking methods.

In 2004, ALBA adopts the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) in order to mainstream its programs with existing international educational platforms.

Teaching in ALBA is mainly project-driven thus encouraging students to combine both theory and practice in a critical approach. This method is nurtured by several research programs implemented in various departments. Classes at ALBA are human-sized which allows students to receive a tailored and personalized follow-up.

ALBA is strongly committed to excellence, innovation, and public support through mutual dialogue and participation with the Community of Lebanon represented through academic and public institutions, as well as the civil society.

ALBA’s long-established professional network provides students with high-end employment opportunities tailored to local, regional, and international labor markets. Through their internationally renowned projects and the prizes awarded to them, ALBA’s graduates and Alumni alike bear witness to its well-acclaimed success.





The Global Association For A Changing WorldThe International Advertising Association, headquartered in New York, is the only global partnership of advertisers, agencies, media and marketing communications professionals, with many chapters across the world. New legislation against advertising and marketing communications is proposed daily throughout the world. The industry is under constant threat, and the IAA is pro-active in responding.

IAA Mission Statement1. Value of Advertising2. Advocacy3. Advertising Self-Regulation4. Professional Development5. Industry Forum

IAA- Lebanon Chapter Founded on November 14, 1961, the Lebanon Chapter was one of the first international chapters of the network to be formed. Although the IAA has no executive power, it nonetheless played a formative role in shaping regulations, business practices and ethics, to promote and protect the interests of agencies, media, and clients within the industry in Lebanon. It also provided valuable opportunities for young professionals to learn from the world�s foremost leaders in advertising and media,

particularly at IAA World Congresses organized every two years.

Our MembersThe Lebanon Chapter is one of the active chapters in the world. It includes around 110 members for the moment, from the different Advertising and Communication sectors (Advertising Agencies, Media, Clients, Regies, Press, PR agencies, Production houses, MBUs).

The Chapter holds a general assembly every year, and elects a new board of 11 members for a 2-year mandate.

ActivitiesThe IAA – Lebanon chapter holds many events every year from seminars for the young professionals to conferences with international speakers and social events.

Front Page Communication is an integrated communications consultancy bringing ideas to life through PR, social media and events. Like all creative agencies, we love big ideas – but what’s the point of having a “big idea” that doesn’t make business sense? At Front Page Communication our team strives to create innovative, bold and engaging content for your business – it could be empowering, thought-provoking, exuberant and imaginative all at the same time, Front Page Communication knows the right idea isn’t just about creativity and artistry; it’s about creating multi-layered communication solutions and being 100% on target with your audience.

As an agency we immerse ourselves in the lives of your brand’s potential users by uncovering their motivations and needs, armed with these game-changing insights, we shape strategies with the power to radically shift behavior thus turning audiences into advocates. Our communication consulting experience covers FMCG, Government, Finance, Insurance & Real Estate, Oil, Gas & Energy, Technology & Telecommunications, Fashion & Beauty, Food & Beverage, Corporate & B2B, Airlines & Automotive, Education, Travel & Tourism, Health & Pharmaceutical.

Our service is holistic and involves a disciplined approach to research, planning, implementation and evaluation. We craft the right messages and build brands from the ground up seamlessly.

Our Services• Consumer PR• Corporate PR• Crisis Management & Reputation PR• Events & Conferences Management• Fashion & Luxury• F&B• Hospitality• Influencers & Lobbying PR• Media/Influencers Relations• Media Training• Public Affairs• Social Media & Digital PR• Technology & Innovation




After graduating in Architecture from the Académie Libanaise des Beaux-Arts ALBA in 1971, he began his teaching career in 1974 at his alma mater, and also taught at Lebanese University. He was ALBA’S Alumni President from 2001 till 2014.

Member of the Order of Engineers and Architects (Beirut) since 1972, he was elected twice President of the Order’s Architectural section.

Owner of his own architecture firm, he achieved a great deal of works, namely: residential and commercial projects, leisure clubs, educational and medicals faculties, hospitals, religious monuments, etc.

In 2010, he was appointed Dean of Académie Libanaise des Beaux-arts Université de Balamand, and is still in office till now.

André Bekhazi


Pr. André BekhaziDean of Académie Libanaise des Beaux-Arts University of Balamand

Mr. Alain BrenasDirector of the Film School of the Académie Libanaise des Beaux-ArtsDirector of Advertising and Graphic Design Department

Mr. Camille MenassaChairman - Front Page Communication

Mr. Jacques Séguéla

Mr. Akram MiknasChairman and FounderPromoseven Holdings B.S.C.C.

Mr. Edmond MoutranChairman and CEO - Memac Ogilvy

Mr. Mustapha AssadCEO - Front Page Communication

Mr. Walid AzziPublisher & Editor-in-ChiefArabAd Magazine

Mr. Dani RichaChairman & CEO - BBDO Middle East & Africa, and Impact BBDO MENA & Pakistan Group.

Mr. Joseph GhossoubChairman - G & Co

Mr. Ramsay NajjarFounder & Managing PartnerStrategic Communication Consultancy (S2C)

Mr. Jonathan LabinManaging Director,Middle East, North Africa & PakistanFacebook / Instagram

Mr. Sammy MoujaesManaging Director Front Page Communication

Dr. Edouard MoninChairman & CEO - Ipsos MENA

Mr. Antonio VincentiFounder and CEO - Pikasso

Mr. Daniel YoungYield and Programmatic Director - DMS (Member of the Choueiri Group)

Ms. Ghada AzziManaging Editor - ArabAd Magazine

Mr. Walid MenassaCreative Director - Publicis Beirut

Mr. Walid KanaanChief Creative Officer - TBWA\Raad

Mr. Samer YounesExecutive Creative DirectorM&C Saatchi MENA

Mr. Karim AchyExecutive Creative DirectorHavas Worldwide Beirut

Pr. Leila MusfyChairperson AUB Department of Architecture and Design




From 1967 to 1971, he became Head of Programs Unit at Radio-Liban and the Middle East correspondent of Radio Monte Carlo – Europe – (1967-1976) and the ABC American TV Network (1970-1972).

In 1971, he was appointed administrative manager of “Media Press”, the advertising unit of “An Nahar” and “L’Orient-Le Jour” newspapers. Subsequently, he became the administrative director of “L’Orient-Le Jour” and founder & chairman of “Les Editions L’Orient-Le Jour” publishing company. He was also President of the Lebanese section of “L’Union Internationale des Journalistes de la Presse Francophone”, “President of the Lebanese Businessmen Association” (RDCL), and President of the “Beirut Rotary Club”. From TV stations to newspapers publishing, Menassa played a vital role in the media world. He was founder and Editor-in-chief for six years at Murr TV (MTV), News and Political Programs from 1995 to 2001. Menassa is a member of the “Lebanese Press Order Board” and member of the “Islamic-Christian Dialogue” Committee. He is a lecturer in Communication and Journalism, MBA Level at the Faculty of Human Sciences, Saint Joseph University and a lecturer in the Lebanese University - Faculty of Journalism.

Menassa holds a Bachelor of Law from Saint Joseph University, Beirut.

With over 50 years of experience in the world of media, Camille Gabriel Menassa had a distinguished career with leading press, Radio and TV organizations. He is currently the Chairman of “Front Page Communication S.A.L.”, an Integrated Marketing & Communication Agency and International Vice President for the Near East of “L’Union Internationale des Journalistes et de la Presse Francophone” (U.P.F).

He started his career as a journalist in 1957 at L’Orient newspaper, before moving to ORTF (Office de la Radio et de la Télévision Française) as a Middle East correspondent.

From 1960 to 1971, Menassa was Editor-in-Chief of the Lebanese Television, the first TV station in the region and President of the “Centre du Cinema et de la Télévision” (1961-1967) which is affiliated to the Ministry of Information.

After studying graphic art and photography at the Penninghen Met Atelier in Paris and the Cantonal School of Art in Lausanne, he began his professional career in the world of advertising and fashion photography. He then assumed the central creative direction of a regional agency in the Middle East, where he directed several corporate films, documentaries.

His academic career sees its debut at the Académie Libanaise des Beaux-Arts in 1978 with the creation of the graphic art and advertising department, followed by the creation of the Film School in 1987, where he still holds the director’s chair.

At the same time as his professional and academics activities, Alain Brenas equally pursues creative and expressive projects through photographic, books and sculpture exhibitions. He also undertakes numerous journalistic photographic journeys to the Middle East and Africa.

Alain Brenas is a jury member to various festivals such as: • Festival International du film AUBAGNE (France).• Festival international des Films de L’Ecole

à Gamarth (Tunisie). • Mois de la Photographie, Beyrouth ,

organised by La Maison Européenne de la photographie (President).

• Prix du Mabrouk d’or Fondation Liban Cinéma.

Alain Brenas Camille Menassa





France’s foremost Adman was first a Pharmacist, “Paris Match” reporter, and driver of the first round-the-world trip in a French car. “France Soir’s” editor-in-chief at 30, by 35 Jacques co-formed Roux Séguéla, creating posters campaigns for Mitterrand, Chirac and Giscard d’Estaing and landmark work for Carrefour’s Produits Libres.

His 26 books writing began with, “Don’t tell my mother I’m in advertising, she thinks I’m a pianist in a brothel”, “Fils de Pub”, and “Demain il sera trop star” all while creating campaigns such as Club Med, the best idea since the invention of happiness; Vuitton the spirit of travels; and Dunlop’s love-torture-test.

Seguela’s reach went international with RSCG, which merged with Eurocom to create EURO RSCG (now, Havas), the first French and first European agency. When Vincent Bolloré became President of Havas, Jacques Séguéla stayed on as VP, Global Creativity. At 81, he says old age begins when regrets overcome dreams.


Jacques Séguéla








Akram Miknas was born in Tripoli, Lebanon on May 1944, 29. He studied at the International Col lege of Beirut and the American University of Beirut majoring in Business Administration. He holds Bahraini, Lebanese and Panamian nationalities.

His involvement in real estate development, especially after the successful completion of the Pearl Towers (Abraj Al Lulu), anchored him as a leading accomplished developer in the Gulf.

In early 2000, he branched into the hospitality business and successfully managed and built several hotels and outlets in Bahrain. His success in this business was crowned by becoming the franchisee of McDonald’s in Lebanon; where he built the business from 7 restaurants to 26 restaurants in 5 years. On 30th January 2007, Mr. Miknas was appointed Honorary Ambassador of Brisbane, Queensland. Mr. Akram Miknas, chairman and founder of PROMOSEVEN HOLDINGS B.S.C.C. (P7H), is known to be one of the pillars of modern marketing communications in the Middle East. He has just been recognized as No. 3 in the Middle East’s 50 Most Powerful People in Media, Marketing and Advertising.

Akram Miknas




Edmond Moutran is the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer at Memac Ogilvy, one of the largest marketing services companies in the region supporting clients from every industry and sector. The glittering portfolio includes Coca-Cola, American Express, Al Marai, Sunbulah, KC, IBM, Bupa, Volkswagen, Abu Nayyan Holding, Indomie, Huawei, Arab Bank and Roche to name just a few.

Born in Beirut, Lebanon, in 1944 Eddie attended the Choueifat International College. He is a BS graduate of the South West Missouri State University in the USA in Business and Marketing.

Eddie’s business career began in 1973 when he joined Intermarkets in Bahrain. In the process, he became the first expatriate to join the Gulf’s fledgling advertising industry; his path has since been followed by tens of thousands of others.

Eddie’s career moved quickly and in 1976 his focus on international expansion – a hallmark of the years to come – bore fruit with the opening of Intermarkets in Saudi Arabia and UAE first and others in the years to follow.

Eddie set up Burson Marsteller Intermarkets in Bahrain in 1978 and opened the doors on a new industry for the region – public relations.

In 1998, the ambitions of Eddie Moutran were amplified through his partnership with David Ogilvy. Memac and Ogilvy became one network, sharing the same values.

In 2001, he set up and became Chair of the Middle East Advertising Agencies Association (MEAAA). Also in 2001, he was voted Man of the Year by the prestigious ArabAd magazine.

Edmond Moutran

Mustapha Assad has been an active and dedicated player in the IAA, Board Director since 1984, President of the Lebanon Chapter from 1984-1986, Senior Vice-President/World President Elect from 1990-1992 and World President of the International Advertising Association (IAA) in September 1992 at the 33rd World Advertising Congress in Barcelona. He ended his term at the World Congress in Cancun May 1994, at which time he was appointed Chairman of the newly formed “Former World Presidents Council”. He was awarded the IAA Medal of Merit in 1986, as well as many other awards.

In June 2012, stepped down from Publicis Graphics Group. In 2014, Mustapha Assad became the Chief Executive Officer of the PR Agency “Front Page Communication”.

Mustapha Assad is Officer in the “National Order of the Lion” (Senegal) and Officer in the “National Order of the Cedar” (Lebanon).

Mustapha Assad managed the Pharaon, the pioneering advertising agency in the Arab World (1968-1969), headed advertising department of Al Usbu Al Arabi and Magazine for four years. In 1973 he became the majority partner in the PUBLI-GRAPHICS agency. Agency grew to 27 operations throughout the region Amman, Bahrain, Beirut, Cairo, Doha, Dubai, Istanbul Jeddah, Kuwait, Riyadh and Tehran as well as the specialized communication divisions, Headline PR (Public Relations and Sponsorships), Optimedia Media Agencies, Dialog (Below the Line), Eworks (Electronic and Digital) and PG events Divis ion . In 1999, Publ ic is Group the 4th largest communication group in the world, entered into an equity partnership with Publi-Graphics Group, the agency was known as PUBLICIS GRAPHICS.

Mustapha Assad






of the Multi Media group of companies in Paris. In the 90s, he became General Manger of ICN TV.

In 1986, he published ArabAd, a monthly English-language magazine specialised in communications, advertising, and marketing in the Middle East. With ArabAd, Azzi launched the Lebanon Print Awards, a competition that rewards the best ads in the print category (press, outdoor, digital…), the Jordan Advertising Award and Krea in Kuwait. He also created the prestigious title of the ArabAd Man of the Year.

Azzi also published Business Middle East and Sawt wa Soura. He was the president of the IAA Lebanon Chapter from 1988-1989 and 2000-2003. He was elected worldwide board member twice. He received the IAA medal of Merit in recognition of the services rendered to the IAA and the world of advertising.

Azzi is the author of “Struggle over the Holy land” and a member of International TV and Radio Honorary Fraternity.

Born in 1939 in Beirut, Walid Azzi graduated from the American University of Beirut, and Boston and Harvard Universities with B.S., M.S in Mass Communications and Journalism.

He started his career with Youssef Beidas at Intra Bank as Head of Economic Research Department. Early in 1970, he moved to Al Hayat Group and became the General Manager of the four entities of the group (Al Hayat, Daily Star, Prodeco, a PR company, and MEMRI, a research company). In 1973, he was appointed General Manager at An Nahar, leading four companies: Media Press, An Nahar Press Services, Dar An Nahar and Coopérative de Presse.

In 1977, in partnership with Mounir Takchi, he founded and became member of the board of Directors and General Manager of Tamam Group. In 1986, he became General Manager

Walid Azzi






“THE EVOLVING ROLE OF INTERNATIONAL AGENCY GROUPS IN THE MENA REGION”Dani Richa is the Chairman & CEO of BBDO Middle East & Africa and Impact BBDO MENA & Pakistan Group (Impact Proximity, Impact Porter Novelli, and Media Direction/OMD)

He also serves as Chairman of the Board of Omnicom Media Group MENA.

Headquartered in Dubai, Impact BBDO is the award-winning Middle East and North Africa network of BBDO Worldwide, part of Omnicom Group Inc. (NYSE-OMC)

Formerly serving as the President and Regional Chief Creative Officer, he has spent more than 25 years within the group, transforming the agency into a strong regional leader with 1000+ staff and an extensive regional reach from Algeria to Pakistan. In 2015 he was given the additional responsibility of the African continent.

Dani Richa

Dani started his career in 1986 at Leo Burnett. He then moved to Impact BBDO in both Cyprus and Dubai until 1993 when he joined Publi-Graphics as Regional Creative Director. In 1995 he returned to Impact BBDO as Partner and Group ECD.

He is actively involved with many of the agency’s clients such as PepsiCo, J&J, GE, Emirates, Mars, HP, Visa, Etisalat, and Mercedes-Benz, as well as a portfolio of leading regional players.

Dani features in the Arabian Business magazine list of “The World’s 100 Most Influential Arabs’.

Achievements under Dani’s leadership have been numerous, and are marked by international acclaim, including 18 Cannes Lions since 2014, The Big Won report ranked Impact BBDO #1 Regional Network and Agency in MENA and #6 Agency Worldwide.

Beyond Impact BBDO, he has been involved in a wide range of industry and cultural associations, having served two terms as chapter President of the International Advertising Association. Dani was also knighted the National Order of the Cedar for his contributions to the advertising industry and in recognition of his accomplishments.





Joseph Ghossoub is the Owner and Chairman of G&Co., a privately owned company registered in Dubai (UAE). G&Co is the Owner and Developer of substantial projects in Dubai kicking off in 2011 and targeting the high end residential community.

I n 20 07, th e G ove rnm e nt o f D uba i re-appointed him to the board of directors for the Dubai Media Incorporation, the parent company of Dubai’s One TV, Dubai TV, Sama Dubai and Dubai Sports channels. Dubai Media Incorporation is headed by HH Sheikh Maktoum bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Deputy Ruler of Dubai.

Until 2008, Joseph served as Chairman and World President of the International Advertising Association (IAA), the world’s largest partnership of marketing communications disciplines and practitioners. His vision is for an IAA that is more relevant to its stakeholders, an open forum for communication and closer cooperation across the marketing disciplines.

From 2008 till March 2015, Joseph was the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of MENA Communications Group (MENACOM) the parent company of advertising agencies Young & Rubicam, Intermarkets and Partnership; public relations consultancies ASDA’A Burson-Marsteller and Raee; direct marketing specialists Wunderman; media specialist firm MEC; and interactive firm Tattoo.

Saluting his invaluable contributions and for “embodying all the values and principles of the communications industry,” Joseph was chosen as “Man of the Year 2011” by the prestigious ArabAd magazine.

Joseph has received a Pontifical Order of Knighthood and is a Knight of the Order of the Cedar.

Joseph Ghossoub

He began his career as an academic professor before founding his own company in partnership with the global Saatchi & Saatchi in 1992. Saatchi & Saatchi Lebanon went on to elevate the regional advertising industry to unparalleled heights of maturity and professionalism. He has been a leader in copywriting and television, creating and producing the educational quiz show “Al Moumayazoun”. Ramsay is also the Chairman of the Marketing Department at ALBA / University of Balamand since 1979. Author of several books, the latest being: “Views, Reviews & Previews: Media, Communication and the Arab Spring 2012”.

Ramsay holds a Master’s degree in Mass Communication and a Bachelor’s degree in Comparative Literature and Education from AUB, and is the author of several books in the fields of communication, philosophy, politics and religion.

Ramsay G. Najjar founded S2C in 2002 with a vision of transforming the region’s communication landscape by offering strategic counsel to multinational and regional corporations and public entities, with the objective of strengthening their relationships with their stakeholders, helping build more viable brands, and immunizing reputations.

A veteran of the media and advertising industry in the region, with over 20 years of experience in communication, Ramsay has accompanied a wide range of public and private organizations in transforming their communication to fulfill their strategic goals, resulting in numerous success stories that are benchmarked and emulated throughout the region. Today, he continues to shape the regional communication industry and is an authority on communication, as well as a regular speaker at the most prominent communication and business conferences.

Ramsay Najjar








Jonathan Labin leads Facebook’s regional office in Dubai and is responsible for strengthening the company’s position in the region and growing revenues across Facebook’s family of brands.

Prior to Facebook, Jonathan worked at MTV Networks. During his tenure at MTVN, he was VP, Head of Ad Sales, Emerging Markets and also held the positions of General Manager for MTVN MENA and Strategy & Business Development Director for MTVN International.

Jonathan holds a Masters in Business Administration from Columbia Business School in New York, and Bachelor degrees in International Business from Universidad Pontificia Commillas in Madrid and the European School of Business in Reutlingen.

Jonathan Labin






With over 2 decades of media and communication experience that spans corporate and non-profit sectors Sammy took on the role as Regional Managing Director of Front Page Communication (Beirut & Dubai) in May 2015.

Before joining Front Page Communication Sammy was the Managing Director of Publicis Beirut and Digital Strategy Director for the Levant and Qatar offices between 2005 - 2013. Between 2013 and April 2015, Sammy worked with PSLAB as the Global Network Director, for the offices of Beirut, Dubai, Singapore, Helsinki, Stuttgart and Bologna.

Sammy is the Coordinator of the BA and MA classes of the Viral Communication and Web design section at the Academie Libanaise des Beaux-Arts (ALBA) University and is an early adopter of the digital revolution as well as new media channels and has managed major multimedia internet outreach campaigns.

Sammy Moujaes





Edouard Monin is the Chairman & CEO of Ipsos MENA.

He accumulated more than 27 years of experience in the Middle East and North Africa region, having in-depth knowledge in Marketing Research, Media Research, Opinion Polls Research, Advertising Research and Loyalty Research.

Edouard Monin established a research company in 1988 in Lebanon called Stat and he joined Ipsos group since 1992.

In 1998 created a joint venture with Nielsen Media in Lebanon, becoming now the first peoplemeter panel operator in the Arab world.

Since 1996, he has established Ipsos in Qatar, Pakistan, Morocco, Egypt, Iraq, Bahrain, KSA, UAE, Jordan, Kuwait and Syria.

Edouard Monin has a PhD in Strategic Planning.

Edouard Moninsessionthree




Antonio Vincenti is the founder and CEO of Pikasso / Lawhat, a leading outdoor advertising company in the Levant and North Africa, operating in Lebanon, Iraq, Jordan and Algeria.

As a passionate believer in the Out-Of-Home media, Antonio has spent the last 29 years implementing international standards, promoting creativity, supporting noble causes on the billboards, and has participated actively in the development of the outdoor advertising industry in the MENA region.

A trusted professional in his field, he is involved in several business associations;

President of FEPE International (International Federation of Outdoor Advertising) since October 2014, and previously Vice President since 2008,

Founding member and President of the Syndicate of Outdoor Advertising Companies in Lebanon (SOACL),

Member of the OAAA (Outdoor Advertising A s s o c i a t i o n o f A m e r i c a) , th e I A A (International Advertising Association) and the BADER Young Entrepreneurs Program.

Antonio is also the founder and CEO of AGEV a company established back in 1987, specialized in urban furniture, printing services, road signs and signage

Antonio Vincenti

Originally from New Zealand, Daniel Young has been working in the UAE since Feb 2015 and was excited about the market and its growth potential, not to mention the proximity to the beach too.

Based in Dubai and working for Digital Media Services (DMS), the digital branch of Choueiri Group, he was concentrating on building and developing the programmatic offering as well as maximizing overall yield from its array of audiences, titles and platforms. Prior to this, he has worked in London from late 2007 for the likes of AOL, Vevo and The Weather Channel where he was responsible for international programmatic revenues plus overall yield across multiple platforms and products.

Daniel Young






Ghada Azzi

Ghada Azzi is the Managing Editor of ArabAd, the Business and Communication magazine catering to the MENA region since 1986

With her background in journalism and PR, Ghada oversees all editorial content and the management of the publication. Beside her wide range of creative interests, she is passionate about storytelling, technology, and the future of digital marketing and stays current with all the latest trends in social media and online marketing.

Ghada holds a Master degree in Political Sciences from USJ Lebanon in addition to a Journalism diploma from CFJ France.







Walid joined Publicis-Graphics in 1993 as responsible for the Copywriting team. Since then, he has been involved in all the major accounts handled by the agency and has worked on a wide variety of brands ranging from consumer products (Nestlé, Obegi Consumer Products, Sinno company, Ghandour) to banking institutions (Crédit Libanais, Arab Bank, Central Bank, Fransabank), automotive (Renault, Chrysler), oil & gas (Total), pharmaceuticals (Sanofi, Ingelheim Bohringer), real estate (Mechref Village), cultural institutions and events (Katara, QMF) in addition to developing a number of social and environmental campaigns for public and private institutions. He was promoted to Associate Creative Director in 1998 then to the position of Creative Director in 2000.

Walid has won several TV and print awards for Publicis Graphics. He is fluent in Arabic, French and English. In addition to his advertising background, he holds a Master’s degree in Money and Banking from the American University of Beirut.

Walid MenassasessionFour




Over 22 years of advertising experience in the Middle East and North Africa, worked successfully on hundreds of multinational and regional brands. During his recent presence in Beirut, Walid managed to create landmark talk-of-the-town campaigns that impacted the media scene for years.

Walid’s trophy cabinet goes all the way back since 1992, winning prestigious local and regional award shows, securing Gold at the Gemas Effie, Grand Prix at the Dubai Lynx and Creative Agency of the year title at the Mena Cristal 2014, in addition to prestigious international award shows such as Cannes Lions, Cresta, Epica, Sabre, New-York Festival and London International Awards to name a few.

Graduated “major de promotion” in 1992 at the Academy Libanaise des Beaux-Arts (ALBA, Beirut), receiving the IAA Award for Best Advertising Diploma.

Joined Publi-Graphics Beirut in 1992 as senior Art Director. Joined Impact BBDO Beirut in 1997 as Creative Director. Worked in KSA from 2002 till 2008, and Qatar in 2009 as Regional Executive Creative Director. Moved back to Impact BBDO Beirut and was promoted to Chief Creative Officer Mena & KSA in 2013. In September 2015 joined TBWA\RAAD as Chief Creative Officer Mena, based in Beirut and Dubai.

Founded a Comic Strip magazine in 2000 and Co-founded the Lebanese syndicate of graphic arts and illustration (SPGIL).

Walid Kanaan

Samer became M&C Saatchi MENA’s executive creative director in 2014. He is involved in all new business plans and oversees the entire agency’s accounts across the region.

Samer began as a junior writer at Y&R. He joined the team in 1999 and never looked back, swiftly moved up the ranks as a writer and then an associate creative director. In 2003, he was appointed the Beirut office’s creative director, critically involved in the agency’s entire portfolio across all sectors including telecommunications, retail, corporate, banking and humanitarian.

Over the years he has generated copious award-winning advertisements, garnering local, regional and international acclaim.

Samer holds a master’s of advanced studies in advertising from the Académie Libanaise des Beaux-Arts in Beirut.

He cites books, films, video games and football among his interests and also enjoys playing the drums, albeit at questionable hours that are not necessarily to his neighbors’ pleasure.

Samer Younes




Karim Achy was born in 1964.

He started his career at Mc Cann-Erickson then joined BBDO and Intermarkets.

He has worked on several brands: Sony, Hershey’s, Häagen-Dazs, Evian, Toyota, Pepsi, Coke, Peugeot, LG, Stimorol, Citroen, HSBC, Total, Air France, Lu, Bjorg, Jaguar, Reckitt Benckiser, Sanofi, Carlsberg, etc.

Karim Achy won awards in Mena Cristal, Meribel and many others.Karim Achy

Leila Musfy is a professor of design at the American University of Beirut, Lebanon, Department of Architecture and Design. She joined the American University of Beirut in 1992 and helped launch the graphic design program, the first in the country and the region. She was appointed director of the program and served as chairperson of the Department of Architecture and Design from 2005 to 2009, and 2012 to present. Musfy earned her MFA in design from Cranbrook Academy of Art in 1981 and her BFA from the Kansas City Art Institute in 1978.

She worked as a designer for Ethel Kessler Design in Washington DC, where she lived for five years before moving back to her country Lebanon in 1991. Some of her projects include corporate identity programs for the Order of Engineers and Architects in Beirut, South for Construction, Blue Fin, S3Games and the Beiteddine Festival Committee; book designs and publications include the “Riad El-Solh, in his time” by Ahmad Beydoun,

Leila Musfy

“Contemporary Syrian Art” book, “Jerusalem Today” conference, the Beiteddine festival catalogs and other.

Musfy’s work has been exhibited in China, Iran, Turkey, the Netherlands, Croatia, Korea, Lebanon, USA, Syria and France. She was part of the “9 femmes graphistes” event organised by the “Centre du Graphisme d’Echirolles” France held in 2006. The exhibit honoured nine women designers from nine countries. Her work is on permanent exhibit at Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Centre de Graphisme, Echirolles, France, Affiche Museum, Holland, Zgraf 9 Uluph, Seoul Arts Centre Design Gallery, Korea and the Tate Gallery, London, UK. Her work has been published in several books and design magazines. She has lectured about her work and conducted workshops in several design schools worldwide. Musfy serves on several advisory panels one of which is the Editorial Advisory Board of the Journal of Communication Design, the official publication of ICOGRADA.

Finally, Musfy’s research interest lies in the relationship between Latin and Arabic Typography, its adaptation, incorporation and trends in relation to cultural heritage versus universal language; the role of Arabic Typography in today’s constantly changing culture and technology. This interest extends to signage and street graphics within a given cultural context.












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