first connect -

August 24, 2021 First Connect 405- 232-4255 FBCOKC – A family of faith, growing in Gods love, striving to be faithful. A stone found in the British Museum in London measuring 44 inches tall and 30 inches wide opened the door for the world to un- lock the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic code. The language that was lost around the 4 th century can now be understood because of the discovery of the Rosetta Stone. It was first discovered in 1799 by a group of French army engineers who were part of Napoleon Bona- partes Egypt campaign. It has been in British possession since they defeated the French in Egypt in 1801. On this stone, they found a decree written in 196BC by Ptolemy V. It was written in three languages including ancient Greek, ancient Egyptian demotic, and hieroglyphics. This stone was the key to unlocking a language that had long since been lost. The term Rosetta Stone is now synonymous with something that gives a clue to understand, a key to understanding mysteries. After Jesusresurrection, he spent time with his disciples opening their minds to all the scripture said about him including Moses, the prophets, and the Psalms. These were texts the disciples knew from childhood, but now Jesus was the key to properly understanding them. HE was and is the Rosetta Stone. It is only in light of Jesus that we properly come to the Word of God. It is only in light of Jesus and the power of the cross that we understand who we are called to follow. The disciples would spend the rest of their lives devoted to the teachings of Jesus and spreading the good news throughout the world. They were disciples who were trained, equipped, and empowered to go and make disciples. What a beautiful picture of the church! We are disciples making disciples. Over the next few weeks we will be forming Discipleship Groups (D-Groups) for this very purpose. To empower us to be disciples making disciples. Email [email protected] to signup! Please continue to pray for the church and pray for one another. Pray for the heartbreak happening around the world in Haiti and Afghanistan. Pray for all who are vulnerable and needing rescue right now in our world. May we love one another well as Christ loves us. May we bring the love of Christ to a hurting and broken world. May Gods love shine through us. Church family, you fill me with so much hope. You are light, love, and hope. You are full of grace and passion and humility. I pray God would multiply his church for the good of man and the glory of God. Join me on Sunday morning as we look once more at Acts 2 to see the model of the early church. Invite a friend to join you for worship. Blessings. Sarah

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August 24, 2021

First Connect 405- 232-4255

FBCOKC – A family of faith, growing in God’s love, striving to be faithful.

A stone found in the British Museum in London measuring 44 inches tall and 30 inches wide opened the door for the world to un-lock the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic code. The language that was lost around the 4th century can now be understood because of the discovery of the Rosetta Stone. It was first discovered in 1799 by a group of French army engineers who were part of Napoleon Bona-parte’s Egypt campaign. It has been in British possession since they defeated the French in Egypt in 1801.

On this stone, they found a decree written in 196BC by Ptolemy V. It was written in three languages including ancient Greek, ancient Egyptian demotic, and hieroglyphics. This stone was the key to unlocking a language that had long since been lost. The term Rosetta Stone is now synonymous with something that gives a clue to understand, a key to understanding mysteries.

After Jesus’ resurrection, he spent time with his disciples opening their minds to all the scripture said about him including Moses, the prophets, and the Psalms. These were texts the disciples knew from childhood, but now Jesus was the key to properly understanding them. HE was and is the Rosetta Stone. It is only in light of Jesus that we properly come to the Word of God. It is only in light of Jesus and the power of the cross that we understand who we are called to follow.

The disciples would spend the rest of their lives devoted to the teachings of Jesus and spreading the good news throughout the world. They were disciples who were trained, equipped, and empowered to go and make disciples. What a beautiful picture of the church! We are disciples making disciples. Over the next few weeks we will be forming Discipleship Groups (D-Groups) for this very purpose. To empower us to be disciples making disciples. Email [email protected] to signup!

Please continue to pray for the church and pray for one another. Pray for the heartbreak happening around the world in Haiti and Afghanistan. Pray for all who are vulnerable and needing rescue right now in our world. May we love one another well as Christ loves us. May we bring the love of Christ to a hurting and broken world. May God’s love shine through us. Church family, you fill me with so much hope. You are light, love, and hope. You are full of grace and passion and humility. I pray God would multiply his church for the good of man and the glory of God. Join me on Sunday morning as we look once more at Acts 2 to see the model of the early church. Invite a friend to join you for worship. Blessings.


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Have you signed up for the Women’s Retreat yet? W e have an

incredible group of women already signed up! Follow the link or email

Toni Adams.

Where: St. Crispin’s Retreat Center

When: Sept 10-Sept 11 (We will begin Friday night with dinner at 6pm

and end after lunch on Saturday)

Cost: $65 for two per room (includes meal, shirt, lodging). We want you

to bring friends! We are offering a $20 discount for anyone who brings

a friend! Scholarships available

What to Expect: Beautiful place, worship, testimonies, teaching, laughing and developing relationships


Men’s Camping Retreat – November 12-14

All gentlemen are invited to join us for a Men's Retreat as we camp at Doris Campground in the Wichita Mountains! We will enjoy hiking, fishing, games, worship, and more! We'll begin the weekend Friday evening and wrap up Sunday around noon. Cost is $25 per person. More details coming soon!

FAMILY BUILDING COMMUNITY Signup Today for D-Groups! Beg inning in September w e w ill

launch Discipleship Groups. Here what you can expect. These groups

will be up to 12 people. They will meet twice a month for a one year

commitment (with the option to break for December and summer

months). After the year, we hope that many from these groups will be

ready to begin leading their own D-Groups next fall. We are called to be

disciples who make disciples. In everything we go, we are focusing on

Community, Teacher, and Accountability. In Sunday m orning

worship, we have some community, lots of teaching, and no accountabil-

ity. Sunday morning Bibles Study offers a little more community, teach-

ing, and a little accountability. D-Groups will focus heavily on community and accountability. They will teach us how to become

disciples who make disciples. It’s not only about receiving as a believer, it is also about giving and being empowered to become

world changing, fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ. Radically changed lives radically change lives. Would you consider join-

ing a D-Group today? After the year commitment, you will have the option to continue on with that group, join a new group, or

better yet, start your own group as a leader. Most groups will meet on Wednesday nights from 5:30-7pm at the church. Youth

and Children programs will be happening at the same time. Choir will begin at 7pm. Sign up after worship or by emailing Brad-

[email protected]. Here are the groups that are forming (work in progress)

Sunday Nights:

Higher Ground led by Steven and Christi McConnell

20 Somethings led by Ariel Koerner

Wednesday Nights:

30 Somethings led by Sarah Stewart

20 Somethings led by Brad Stewart

Multi-Generational led by Toni Adams

Multi-Generational led by Sarah Stewart

Multi-Generational led by Brad Stewart

Wednesday at 10am

Women’s Group led by Toni Adams

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FBCOKC—Come be YOU with US!


First Kid’s Choir to Resume

First Kid’s Choir is set to resume this fall, September 8th. The kids

will meet in the gym from 5:30 to 6 and then have choir from 6-7.

We are looking forward to a great year with the kids!

First Student Activities to Resume

First Student Wednesday night activities will resume this fall, September 8th. The students will meet in the gym from 5:30 to 6 and then go to the youth room from 6-7. This is the time to catch up on each other’s lives and to discuss issues and look to the Gos-pel for answers to those issues.


Minister to Young Families

Budget Report:

Includes contributions through: August

Budget Requirements thus far (thru the Month of August) 399,771.04

Budget Receipts Received Thus Far 335,772.93

Budget Requirements-Month 49,971.38

Budget Receipts Received This Period 31,612.00

Received to Date (%) For Current Month 63%

Received to Date (%) For Year (thru August) 84%

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******CareforOKC is in need of jeans, especially men’s jeans, socks, and tennis shoes. Also,

bottled water for the clients as they wait. Thank you for giving to this ministry.


Young Adult Ministry News!

Bible Study Update: Over the past year we com bined the 20 Som ethings and 30 Som ethings into one group for Sunday morning Bible Study. Starting August 15th we will launch individual groups once more! Brad Stewart will be teaching the 20 something group and we hope you will join us. We will meet at 9:15am on the 3rd floor (just across the hall from the 30 Somethings). Come check out this great new group! Email [email protected] or [email protected] for more info.

Upcoming Event:

All Young Adults (20’s and 30’s): Swim Party at Pam and Gary William’s house on Sunday, August 29th at 4pm. Come swim, fish, and enjoy dinner.

CareForOKC Renovations!

Have you seen CareForOKC lately? Our CareForOKC Team has been hard at work renovating the Food Pantry and the Clothes Closet. We’d love for you to join in the work God is doing through this vital ministry. Email [email protected] if you’re interested in volunteering once, once a month, or whatever you can manage. We believe God has called us to serve “the least of these” in our community, and we count it joy to show His love.

FBCOKC Church Building: W e love this big beautiful church! But, sometimes she needs a little extra love. We have a notebook that stays just outside the office where you can write down anything in the church that you want us to know about. You see a light out? Write it down. You see a door not closing properly? Write it down. A room that needs paint? Take a number. Just kidding! Write it down. Lonnie checks this book every single day and will write updates or notes in it. You can go back and check. This is for non-urgent things. If it is raining inside, go tell someone ASAP! It is also helpful to keep in mind, we can only do so much. There maybe things you write down that just aren’t financially feasible right now, but we still want to know. Help us love FBCOKC well.

We have updates happening this week! As the Academy moves forward with their renovations, we will begin to see changes. The first one is the ground floor hall (outside the Fellowship Hall) and south stairs will be carpeted and painted this week. Then next week the first floor main hall (outside the Commons) and north stairs will be carpeted and painted. You likely noticed the water line that was put in on the ground floor hall and on the first floor. We will be taking steps to make this fit the look of our build-ing! Progress happens in stages and we will get there. Thanks for your patience as we update this beautiful old building.

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FBCOKC Ministers and Staff Sarah Stewart, Pastor…………………...…………………………………...……………………………………………...……232-4255 extension 121

Brad Stewart, Minister for Discipleship ………………..………………………….……………………....……...232-4255 extension 123

Ariel Koerner, Minister for Young Families………………………………………………………………………..232-4255 extension 122

Steven McConnell, Minister of Music………………………………..…………………………………………………...…...cell: 405-246-6687

Don Clothier, Pianist……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…cell: 405-408-2145

Jordan Browne, Children’s Coordinator……………………………………………………………………………….232-4255 extension 124

Lonnie Stearns, Facilities Manager……………………………………………………….…....232-4255 extension 150/cell: 245-5717

Barbara Ward, Financial Services Coordinator………………………………………………..………………...232-4255 extension 118

Toni Adams, Executive Ministry Associate………..………………….…….………………………………….... 232-4255 extension 112

Verses Project for August 2021 – Galatians 6:9-10 (see below)

When we internalize God’s word and memorize it, transformation happens. Mere words on a page are transformed into the Living Word of God alive inside of us. It impacts our actions, speech, character, and witness in the world. That’s why we’re starting “Verses Project” at FBCOKC where you will be challenged to memorize one passage of scripture per month. Of course you are welcome to memorize more than one passage but we’re setting a reachable goal that all of our church family – from kids to senior adults – can memorize. You can do this as an individual or invite your family to join you in memorizing God’s word. You’re free to choose your favorite translation. Below is a link to a Bible Memory app that helps people learn how to memorize scripture! It’s available for both apple and android devices. If you’re committing to join us in Verses Project, email [email protected] or call us so we know to be encouraging you along the way!

August 2021 – Galatians 6:9-10

9 Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. 10 Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.