first modern olympic games

First modern Olympic games Principles, rules and regulations of the Olympic Games are defined by the Olympic Charter, the foundations of which were approved by the International Sports Congress in Paris in 1894, accept the proposal of the French educator and social activist Pierre de Coubertin decided to organise the Games on the model of the ancient and the establishment of the International Olympic Committee (IOC).

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Page 1: First modern olympic games

First modern Olympic games

Principles, rules and regulations of the Olympic Games are defined by the Olympic Charter, the foundations of which were approved by the International Sports Congress in Paris in 1894, accept the proposal of the French educator and social activist Pierre

de Coubertin decided to organise the Games on the model of the ancient and the establishment of the International Olympic Committee (IOC).

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Modern Olympic games

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• The Olympic Movement has its own emblem and flag approved by the IOC at the suggestion of Coubertin in 1913. The emblem – the Olympic rings. The motto – Citius, Altius, Fortius (faster, higher, stronger). Flag – white flag with the Olympic rings, from 1920 rises at all Games. Learn about ancient olympic games

• Among the traditional rituals of the modern Olympic games• Lighting of the Olympic flame at the opening ceremony (the fire ignited by the sun’s rays at Olympia, and delivered torch relay

athletes in the host city of the Games)• Recitation of one of the greatest sportsmen of the country in which the Olympic Games, the Olympic oath on behalf of all

participants of the games• Recitation on behalf of the judges oath of impartial refereeing• Presentation of the winners of the medals of the competition• Raising the national flag and the national anthem in honor of the winners• Since 1932 host city building “Olympic village” – a complex of residential premises for gaming participants. According to the

Charter, the Games are competitions between individual athletes and not between the national teams. However, since 1908 it has been extended so on. N. unofficial team event – the definition of the place occupied by the teams, the number of obtained medals and scored in the points competition points are awarded for the first 6 places in the system: The title of Olympic champion is the most honourable and desirable in an athlete’s career in sports, which held the Olympic tournament. The exception is the football, as the title of world champion in the sport is much more prestigious. Learn about ancient olympic games

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According to the Charter of the Olympic Games “Integrate amateur athletes of all countries in a fair and equitable competition. In relation to the countries and individuals no discrimination on racial, religious or political reasons”. Games are held in the first year of the Olympiad (4-year period between games). Score Olympiads conducted since 1896, when the first Olympic Games (I Olympiad – 1896-99). Olympics gets his number and when the game does not take place (eg, VI – in 1916-19, XII-1940-43, XIII – 1944-47) 1936 Olympics The symbol of the Olympic Games – five fastened rings, symbolising the union of the five parts of the world in the Olympic movement, the so-called.. Olympic rings. Colour rings on the top row – blue for Europe, black Africa, red for America, in the bottom row – yellow for Asia, green for Australia. In addition to the Olympic sports, the organising committee has the right to choose to include in the program of demonstration competitions in 1-2 sports, not recognised by the IOC. In the same year as the Olympic Games, 1924 Winter Olympics, which have their own numbering. Since 1994, the dates of the Olympic Winter Games were moved for 2 years with respect to the summer.Venue Olympics IOC selects the right of their organisation provided the city and not the country. The duration of not more than 15 days (winter games – no more than 10)

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