first-principles machine learning modelling of covid-19 · first-principles machine learning...

First-principles machine learning modelling of COVID-19 Luca Magri *1,2 and Nguyen Anh Khoa Doan 3,4 1 University of Cambridge, Department of Engineering, Cambridge CB2 1PZ, United Kingdom 2 Institute for Advanced Study, Technical University of Munich, Garching 85748, Germany (visiting fellow) 3 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Technical University of Munich, Garching 85747, Germany 4 Institute for Advanced Study, Technical University of Munich, Garching 85748, Germany Abstract Background: The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has changed the world since the World Health Organization declared its outbreak on 30th January 2020, recognizing the outbreak as a pan- demic on 11th March 2020. As often said by politicians and scientific advisors, the objective is “to flatten the curve”, or “push the peak down”, or similar wording, of the virus spreading. Central to the official advice are mathematical models and data, which provide estimates on the evolution of the number of infected, recovered and deaths. The accuracy of the models is improved day by day by inferring the contact, recovery, and death rates from data (confirmed cases). Methods: A data-driven model trained with both data and first principles is proposed. The model can quickly be re-trained any time that new data becomes available. Data: John Hopkins University CSSE has been collecting global data from official organizations, such as the World Health Organization, Italy Ministry of Health, and others [1]. Results: The outputs of the analysis are the estimates of infected, recovered and deaths due to COVID-19, as well as the contact, recovery, death rates, basic reproduction number (R 0 ) and dou- bling times. The following case studies are analysed: United Kingdom, Italy, Germany, France, Spain, Belgium, USA, New York City, China, and the World. A summary of the results is shown in Table 2. A fast exponential growth in the absence of intervention is found for all cases. Discussion: The method can be applied to more detailed epidemic models with virtually no concep- tual modification. Acknowledgements: L. Magri is advising the Scientific Pandemic Influenza Group on Modelling (SPI-M) through the Royal SocietyâĂŹs Rapid Assistance in Modelling the Pandemic (RAMP) ini- tiative ( Competing interests: The authors declare no competing interests. 1 Introduction In December 2019, a cluster of unexplained pneumonia cases in Wuhan, the capital of Hubei province in the People’s Republic of China, resulted into a global pandemic by 11 March 2020, as declared by the * Corresponding author: [email protected] 1 arXiv:2004.09478v1 [q-bio.PE] 20 Apr 2020

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Page 1: First-principles machine learning modelling of COVID-19 · First-principles machine learning modelling of COVID-19 Luca Magri∗1,2 and Nguyen Anh Khoa Doan3,4 1University of Cambridge,

First-principles machine learning modelling ofCOVID-19

Luca Magri∗1,2 and Nguyen Anh Khoa Doan3,4

1University of Cambridge, Department of Engineering, Cambridge CB2 1PZ, United Kingdom2Institute for Advanced Study, Technical University of Munich, Garching 85748, Germany (visiting fellow)

3Department of Mechanical Engineering, Technical University of Munich, Garching 85747, Germany4Institute for Advanced Study, Technical University of Munich, Garching 85748, Germany

AbstractBackground: The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has changed the world since the WorldHealth Organization declared its outbreak on 30th January 2020, recognizing the outbreak as a pan-demic on 11th March 2020. As often said by politicians and scientific advisors, the objective is “toflatten the curve”, or “push the peak down”, or similar wording, of the virus spreading. Central tothe official advice are mathematical models and data, which provide estimates on the evolution of thenumber of infected, recovered and deaths. The accuracy of the models is improved day by day byinferring the contact, recovery, and death rates from data (confirmed cases).

Methods: A data-driven model trained with both data and first principles is proposed. The modelcan quickly be re-trained any time that new data becomes available.

Data: John Hopkins University CSSE has been collecting global data from official organizations, suchas the World Health Organization, Italy Ministry of Health, and others [1].

Results: The outputs of the analysis are the estimates of infected, recovered and deaths due toCOVID-19, as well as the contact, recovery, death rates, basic reproduction number (R0) and dou-bling times. The following case studies are analysed: United Kingdom, Italy, Germany, France, Spain,Belgium, USA, New York City, China, and the World. A summary of the results is shown in Table 2.A fast exponential growth in the absence of intervention is found for all cases.

Discussion: The method can be applied to more detailed epidemic models with virtually no concep-tual modification.

Acknowledgements: L. Magri is advising the Scientific Pandemic Influenza Group on Modelling(SPI-M) through the Royal SocietyâĂŹs Rapid Assistance in Modelling the Pandemic (RAMP) ini-tiative (

Competing interests: The authors declare no competing interests.

1 IntroductionIn December 2019, a cluster of unexplained pneumonia cases in Wuhan, the capital of Hubei provincein the People’s Republic of China, resulted into a global pandemic by 11 March 2020, as declared by the

∗Corresponding author: [email protected]














Page 2: First-principles machine learning modelling of COVID-19 · First-principles machine learning modelling of COVID-19 Luca Magri∗1,2 and Nguyen Anh Khoa Doan3,4 1University of Cambridge,

World Health Organization [2]. The disease is caused by a single-stranded RNA coronavirus (Severeacute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2, SARS-CoV-2) similar to the pathogen responsible for SARS(severe acute respiratory syndrome) and MERS (Middle East respiratory syndrome). The diseasecaused by this virus has been named COVID-19 (Coronavirus Disease 2019). On 19th April 2020,1:00 BST, the World Health Organization [2] reported 2,203,927 confirmed cases, 148,749 confirmeddeaths, and 213 countries / territories with cases [2].To control the epidemic, aggressive measures have been implemented worldwide, for example, self-isolation of confirmed and suspected cases, contact tracing and tracking, and social distancing. Ac-cording to the data, the most draconian measures have managed (or are managing) to suppress (orsubstantially mitigate) the epidemic. Examples are the localised lockdown of the Hubei region inChina (23rd-24th January 2020) [3]; and the national lockdowns of Italy (9th March 2020) [4], Spain(14th March 2020) [5]; the United Kingdom (24th March 2020) [6], among others.Scientific advice typically relies on estimates of the contact, recovery and death rates. This informationis summarized in the basic reproduction number, R0, which is the average number of new infectionsgenerated by a single infected person within a susceptible population. Estimates of COVID-19 R0are variable due to the different methods, models and parameters employed, as well as the databasesused [7]. As reported in [7], most official sources estimates R0 to fall in the range 2−3. Flattening thecurve or keeping the peak down, or similar wording, which have been extensively used by governmentsto level with a lay audience, can be achieved by either reducing the contact rate, β, or by increasingthe recovery rate, γ [8]. The latter can be achieved with a vaccine or a cure, which is not presentlyavailable. Therefore, to flatten the curve, Governments are acting on minimising the contact rate [8].The objective of this paper is threefold. First, a model that optimally combines data from officialdatabases and first principles of an epidemic model is proposed. Second, the model is applied toprovide quantitative estimates on the contact, recovery, death rates; the basic reproduction number,R0; the doubling times; and the evolution of the number of infected, recovered, deaths, and susceptible.Ten cases are analysed: United Kingdom, Italy, Germany, France, Spain, Belgium, USA, New YorkCity, China, and the World. Third, predictions of future dynamics are provided. Although the resultsare consistent with the first principles and working assumptions used, they are affected by uncertaintybecause of biases in the data, such as errors in reporting, changes in case definition and testing regime,[7], and modelling assumptions. However, as argued by [7], the fast growth rate and large numberslikely make small biases negligible; and multiplicative corrections, such as constant under-reporting,affect the observed trend only weakly. The paper is structured as follows. The method is presentedin Sec. 2 and the results are shown in Sec. 3.

2 Methods and dataIn first-principles machine learning modelling, we need first principles and data (machine learning)to generate a model. Section 2.1 introduces the first principles and working assumptions, Sec. 2.2describes the data, and Sec. 2.3 formulates the problem as a constrained optimization problem. Theproposed solution method is presented in Sec. 2.4.

2.1 Epidemic model: First principlesThe COVID-19 infectious disease is an epidemic [9]. To model an epidemic, suitable groups (alsoknown as compartments [10]) are defined to cover the entire population of a country. Because (i)the epidemic has a (relatively) short time scale, for which the new births can be neglected; (ii) thenumber of deaths is small as compared with the entire population; and (iii) travel restrictions areenforced, the population, N , is assumed to be constant. The population of a country is divided intomutually exclusive groups: susceptible (S), infected (I), deceased (D), and recovered (R) (Fig. 1). Inthis model, the deaths are due to COVID-19. Every group is assumed to have the same characteristics,i.e., the groups are homogeneous. Every susceptible person can contract the virus (the immune groupis neglected). These working assumptions can be relaxed in more complex models [11, 9].


Page 3: First-principles machine learning modelling of COVID-19 · First-principles machine learning modelling of COVID-19 Luca Magri∗1,2 and Nguyen Anh Khoa Doan3,4 1University of Cambridge,



SusceptibleInfected Recovered

Not confirmed Confirmed Not






Figure 1: Population and groups in the SIRD-epidemic model.


N = S +R+ I +D. (1)

Equation (1) is a continuity equation. The population N , which does not vary in time, is the sum of thegroups S, I, R, D, which vary in time. This compartmental approach is known as the SIR-epidemicmodel with vital dynamics and constant population [10, 12]. The model will be called the SIRD-model for brevity. The working assumptions and first principles are mathematically expressed by fourordinary differential equations (ODEs) with time-varying parameters (non-autonomous dynamicalsystem)

S = −β INS, (2)

I = βI

NS − (µ+ γ)I (3)

R = γI (4)D = µI (5)

subject to initial conditions S0, I0, R0 and D0. The symbol ˙ denotes the time derivative, d/dt. Incompact form

q = F(q;α) (6)q = q0 at t = 0 (7)

where F is the model (i.e., the SIRD equations), and

q ≡ [S, I,R,D]T , (8)

α ≡ [β, γ, µ]T , (9)

are the column vectors of the state and parameters, respectively. I/N is the probability to come intocontact with an infected individual; β is the average number of contacts per person per unit of timeweighed by the transmissibility (contact rate); γ is the average number of recovered people per unitof time (recovery rate); µ is the average number of deaths due to COVID-19 per unit of time (death


Page 4: First-principles machine learning modelling of COVID-19 · First-principles machine learning modelling of COVID-19 Luca Magri∗1,2 and Nguyen Anh Khoa Doan3,4 1University of Cambridge,

rate). These parameters are time dependent and depend on several variables, such as governmentalpolicies (lockdown, school/university closures, social distancing, etc.), heterogeneity in the population(age, life style, herd immunity, hygiene standards, etc.), and properties of the epidemic (virus genome,spreading mechanisms, etc.). The SIRD parameters estimate the epidemic time scales: 1/γ is theaverage time to recover; 1/β is the average time between one contact (with an infected) and another;and 1/µ is the average time to decease (for those who do not recover). The basic reproduction ratio1,R0 ≡ β/γ, is the expected number of secondary infections from a single infection entering a populationwhere all members are susceptible [9]. If R0 > 1, the number of infected increases (Eq. (3)). If R0 < 1,the disease does not grow on average. The total number of new cases per unit of time due to thecontact of S susceptible people with infected people is βI/N · S. This is the only nonlinear term ofthe equations. (Other nonlinearities are hidden in the time dependence of the parameters β, γ andµ.)

Equations (2)-(5) are interpreted as follows. The first equation is the rate of change of the susceptiblegroup. The number of susceptible, S, changes faster in time if there are more infected people, I andmore susceptible that can be infected, S. Clearly, the susceptible group is constant in time if thecontact rate of the virus is zero, and/or if the number of infected is zero, and/or if the number ofsusceptible is zero. The second equation is the time derivative of the continuity equation. It expressesthe fact that, in this epidemic model, the population N is assumed to be constant. The third equationis the rate of change of recovered people. The number of recovered is proportional to the number ofinfected, I, because a recovered person must have been infected. The fourth equation is the rate ofchange of the deceased group. The number of deaths is proportional to the number of infected, I,because a deceased individual must have been infected (in this model).

2.2 Data sourcesThe reliable data is about the number of confirmed infected, Ic, and confirmed deaths, Dc, which arearranged in a vector

qc ≡ [Ic, Dc]T . (10)

The data on the confirmed recovered, Rc, was discontinued because it was deemed inaccurate2. Thedata used here is publicly available in the CSSEGISandData/COVID-19 GitHub repository3, whichcollects data from official sources and organizations.

2.3 Problem formulationThe calculation of the groups’ dynamics and time-varying epidemic parameters is a constrained opti-mization problem:


q,α (11)

to minimize

Ed ≡ λ1||I − Ic||2+λ2||D −Dc||2 (12)

subject to

an epidemic model. (13)

1R0 ≡ β/(γ + µ). Because µ is sufficiently small, it will be neglected.2



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The epidemic model used in this paper is provided by Eqs. (6) and (7), however, more detailed modelscan be used. ||·|| is a norm, λ1 and λ2 are user-defined normalization factors. The loss function,Ed, measures the error between the candidate solution (I, D) and the data (Ic, Dc). Among all thepossible candidate solutions, only the solutions that fulfil the epidemic model (Eqs. (6) and (7)) willbe accepted. The cumulative confirmed number of cases is the dataset used. This is a quantity to bepreferred over the daily increase of confirmed cases because it is smoother, i.e., it is not significantlyaffected by random fluctuations, in contrast with the daily increase. The algorithm that solves thisconstrained optimization problem is presented in Sec. 2.4.

2.4 First-principles machine learning epidemic modellingA data-driven model combined with first principles is proposed. This is referred to as first-principlesmachine learning for brevity. The data-driven algorithm is an optimal interpolator, while the epidemicmodel helps to obtain parameters that are consistent with the model. This synergistic combinationhelps to reduce the uncertainty in the predictions, which are as good as the employed epidemic modeland the accuracy of the data.

The first-principles machine learning epidemic modelling is based on the combination of an ODE-solver, which time-advances the SIRD model in Eqs. (2)-(5) (first principles), and a feedforwardneural network (machine learning), which performs the assimilation of data with the epidemic modelto learn the parameters’ vector α(t) (Fig. 2) and predict the state, q(t). The Neural Network(NN) receives as an input the entire time series of total confirmed infected cases {Ic(t)}Nt

t=0 and totalconfirmed deceased {Dc(t)}Nt

t=0 up until the 17th of April 2020. The time t = 0 corresponds to theday when the first infection was recorded, and Nt is the number of days from t = 0 to the 17th ofApril 2020. From the time series, {Ic(t)}Nt

t=0 and {Dc(t)}Ntt=0, the NN infers the time evolution of the

parameters of the SIRD model, i.e. {β(t)}Ntt=0, {γ(t)}Nt

t=0 and {µ(t)}Ntt=0, where denotes the quantity

estimated by the neural network. Consistently with (9), the parameters β, γ, µ are cast in the vectorα ≡ [β, γ, µ]T . Subsequently, {α} is fed into the time-integration of the SIRD model with initialcondition q0 = [N0 − I0 −D0, I0, 0, D0]T where N0 is the population of the country analysed (Table1), whereas I0 and D0 are the confirmed infections and deaths on the day of the first confirmed cases,respectively. Finally, the time-integration of the SIRD model provides the state q.

Ic(0) SIRD





...[ [ α(0)


...[ [




...[ [^


Neural Network^




Figure 2: First-principles machine learning architecture for epidemic modelling. The graph of theneural network is pictorial.

Algorithmically, the architecture is trained as follows:

1. First guess on the parameters.From the dataset {Ic(t)}Nt

t=0 and {Dc(t)}Ntt=0, a set of constant parameters

α0 ≡ [β0, γ0, µ0]T is obtained by nonlinear regression of the data, Ic and Dc,during the initial exponential growth only. This time window is [0, t = Regr] (Table 1).


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2. Initialization of the neural network.The neural network is pre-trained to output the set of constant parameters, α0. Thisset of parameters ensures that the initial state of the neural network is consistent withthe initial exponential growth, which makes the time integration of the SIRD modelrobust. Unless otherwise specified, the neural network consists of 1 layer with 8 neuronsa. The time evolution of the SIRD parameters is obtained by nonlinear combination ofthe neurons with a sigmoid activation.

3. Training of the neural network.The entire architecture, which consists of the neural network and the SIRD time-integrator, is optimized by a gradient-based optimizer (L-BFGS-B optimizer [13]) tominimize the loss function

L =Nt∑t=0

((log(Ic(t))− log(I(t)))2 + (log(Dc(t))− log(D(t)))2

)︸ ︷︷ ︸



0.01 log(max(Ic))max(Ic)


((Ic(t)− I(t))2 + (Dc(t)− D(t))2

)︸ ︷︷ ︸





((β(t)− β(t+ 1))2 + (γ(t)− γ(t+ 1))2 + 100(µ(t)− µ(t+ 1))2

)︸ ︷︷ ︸




((β(0)− β0)2 + (γ(0)− γ0)2 + 100(µ(0)− µ0)2

)︸ ︷︷ ︸



The loss function is composed of four terms, which can be interpreted as follows:• Ed1 is the error in a log-scale between the prediction and the available data (infected

and deaths). This removes noisy fluctuations from the solution.• Ed2 is the error in a linear scale between the prediction and the available data

(infected and deaths).• Er is a regularization term, which prevents large discontinuities in the time-variation

of the SIRD parameters from occurring, making the evolution smoother. The reg-ularization factor before the sum in Er is an empirical scaling factor to ensure thatthe orders of magnitude of Er and Ed are comparable. The factor 100 before theterms with µ ensures that the parameters of the SIRD model have a comparableorder of magnitude.

• E0 constrains the initial values of α to be close to the first guess obtained at step1. This ensures that, in the early stage of the epidemic, the growth is largelyexponential with parameters that are nearly constant. A typical convergence of theoptimizer is shown in Fig. 3.

aArchitectures with 4 to 64 neurons provide the same accuracy (result not shown).

3 Results


Page 7: First-principles machine learning modelling of COVID-19 · First-principles machine learning modelling of COVID-19 Luca Magri∗1,2 and Nguyen Anh Khoa Doan3,4 1University of Cambridge,

NY Italy Germany UK Spain USA France China Belgium WorldN0 [Mil] 5.8 60.36 83.02 66.56 46.94 327.2 66.99 1386 11.46 7777.06Regr 20 40 60 60 50 70 60 15 55 20

Table 1: Country populations, N0 (from Census databases on Google) and time (days) of initialexponential growth, Regr.

Figure 3: Typical evolution of the loss function during the o-eps-converted-to.pdfptimization process(step 3). World data.


Page 8: First-principles machine learning modelling of COVID-19 · First-principles machine learning modelling of COVID-19 Luca Magri∗1,2 and Nguyen Anh Khoa Doan3,4 1University of Cambridge,

3.1 United Kingdom

(a) Cumulative quantities. (b) Daily rates.

Figure 4: United Kingdom (day 0 = 31st January 2020): First and second rows: Validation of first-principles machine learning epidemic modelling. Third and fourth rows: Inference of recovered andsusceptible. The vertical dotted lines indicate the day of lockdown.


Page 9: First-principles machine learning modelling of COVID-19 · First-principles machine learning modelling of COVID-19 Luca Magri∗1,2 and Nguyen Anh Khoa Doan3,4 1University of Cambridge,

(a) Time-varying contact rate (β), recovery rate (γ),and death rate (µ).

(b) Basic reproduction number. The blue (red) curvecorresponds to the left (right) vertical axis.

Figure 5: United Kingdom (day 0 = 31st January 2020): SIRD parameters. Neural network trainedwith the log (solid line) and without the log (dashed line) in the loss function (14). The verticaldotted lines indicate the day of lockdown.

(a) Extrapolated trends of the time-varying contactrate (β), recovery rate (γ), and death rate (µ) withaverage slope over the last seven days (dotted lines)and fourteen days (dashed lines).

(b) Extrapolated trend of the basic reproductionnumber with average slope over the last seven days(dotted lines) and fourteen days (dashed lines).

Figure 6: United Kingdom (day 0 = 31st January 2020): Extrapolated trends of the SIRD parameters.The vertical dotted lines indicate the day of lockdown.

Figure 7: United Kingdom (day 0 = 31st January 2020): Doubling time with the log (solid line)and without the log (dashed line) in the loss function (14). The doubling time is calculated ast = log(2)/β(t). (To take into account the time derivative of β(t), semi-parametric methods, e.g. [7],can be used.)


Page 10: First-principles machine learning modelling of COVID-19 · First-principles machine learning modelling of COVID-19 Luca Magri∗1,2 and Nguyen Anh Khoa Doan3,4 1University of Cambridge,

Figure 8: United Kingdom (day 0 = 31st January 2020): From the top: Blue lines indicate theextrapolated trends of the percentage of infected, recovered, deaths, and susceptible. Estimates withaverage slope over the last seven days (dotted lines), fourteen days (dashed lines), and with values ofthe parameters assumed to be constant and equal to the last day (solid lines). Black lines: The leftvertical dotted line represents the day of lockdown, the right vertical line is the last day of the trainingdata set, hence, the starting day for extrapolation. The black solid lines are taken from Fig. 4a.


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3.2 Italy

(a) Cumulative quantities. (b) Daily rates.

Figure 9: Italy (day 0 = 31st January 2020): First and second rows: Validation of first-principlesmachine learning epidemic modelling. Third and fourth rows: Inference of recovered and susceptible.The vertical dotted lines indicate the day of lockdown.


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(a) Time-varying contact rate (β), recovery rate (γ),and death rate (µ).

(b) Basic reproduction number. The blue (red) curvecorresponds to the left (right) vertical axis.

Figure 10: Italy (day 0 = 31st January 2020): SIRD parameters. Neural network trained with thelog (solid line) and without the log (dashed line) in the loss function (14). The vertical dotted linesindicate the day of lockdown.

(a) Extrapolated trends of the time-varying contactrate (β), recovery rate (γ), and death rate (µ) withaverage slope over the last seven days (dotted lines)and fourteen days (dashed lines).

(b) Extrapolated trend of the basic reproductionnumber with average slope over the last seven days(dotted lines) and fourteen days (dashed lines).

Figure 11: Italy (day 0 = 31st January 2020): Extrapolated trends of the SIRD parameters. Thevertical dotted lines indicate the day of lockdown.

Figure 12: Italy (day 0 = 31st January 2020): Doubling time with the log (solid line) and withoutthe log (dashed line) in the loss function (14). The doubling time is calculated as t = log(2)/β(t). (Totake into account the time derivative of β(t), semi-parametric methods, e.g. [7], can be used.)


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Figure 13: Italy (day 0 = 31st January 2020): From the top: Blue lines indicate the extrapolatedtrends of the percentage of infected, recovered, deaths, and susceptible. Estimates with average slopeover the last seven days (dotted lines), fourteen days (dashed lines), and with values of the parametersassumed to be constant and equal to the last day (solid lines). Black lines: The left vertical dottedline represents the day of lockdown, the right vertical line is the last day of the training data set,hence, the starting day for extrapolation. The black solid lines are taken from Fig. 9a.


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3.3 Germany

(a) Cumulative quantities. (b) Daily rates.

Figure 14: Germany (day 0 = 27th January 2020): First and second rows: Validation of first-principlesmachine learning epidemic modelling. Third and fourth rows: Inference of recovered and susceptible.The vertical dotted lines indicate the day of lockdown.


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(a) Time-varying contact rate (β), recovery rate (γ),and death rate (µ).

(b) Basic reproduction number. The blue (red) curvecorresponds to the left (right) vertical axis.

Figure 15: Germany (day 0 = 27th January 2020): SIRD parameters. Neural network trained withthe log (solid line) and without the log (dashed line) in the loss function (14). The vertical dottedlines indicate the day of lockdown.

(a) Extrapolated trends of the time-varying contactrate (β), recovery rate (γ), and death rate (µ) withaverage slope over the last nine days (dotted lines)and fourteen days (dashed lines). The positive slopeof the death rate is a consequence of an anomalyin the data on confirmed deaths. The cause of theanomaly is not known to the authors.

(b) Extrapolated trend of the basic reproductionnumber with average slope over the last nine days(dotted lines) and fourteen days (dashed lines).

Figure 16: Germany (day 0 = 27th January 2020): Extrapolated trends of the SIRD parameters. Thevertical dotted lines indicate the day of lockdown.

Figure 17: Germany (day 0 = 27th January 2020): Doubling time with the log (solid line) and withoutthe log (dashed line) in the loss function (14). The doubling time is calculated as t = log(2)/β(t). (Totake into account the time derivative of β(t), semi-parametric methods, e.g. [7], can be used.)


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Figure 18: Germany (day 0 = 27th January 2020): From the top: Blue lines indicate the extrapolatedtrends of the percentage of infected, recovered, deaths, and susceptible. Estimates with average slopeover the last nine days (dotted lines), fourteen days (dashed lines), and with values of the parametersassumed to be constant and equal to the last day (solid lines). Black lines: The left vertical dottedline represents the day of lockdown, the right vertical line is the last day of the training data set,hence, the starting day for extrapolation. The black solid lines are taken from Fig. 14a.


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3.4 France

(a) Cumulative quantities. (b) Daily rates.

Figure 19: France (day 0 = 24th January 2020): First and second rows: Validation of first-principlesmachine learning epidemic modelling. Third and fourth rows: Inference of recovered and susceptible.The vertical dotted lines indicate the day of lockdown.


Page 18: First-principles machine learning modelling of COVID-19 · First-principles machine learning modelling of COVID-19 Luca Magri∗1,2 and Nguyen Anh Khoa Doan3,4 1University of Cambridge,

(a) Time-varying contact rate (β), recovery rate (γ),and death rate (µ).

(b) Basic reproduction number. The blue (red) curvecorresponds to the left (right) vertical axis.

Figure 20: France (day 0 = 24th January 2020): SIRD parameters. Neural network trained with thelog (solid line) and without the log (dashed line) in the loss function (14). The vertical dotted linesindicate the day of lockdown.

(a) Extrapolated trends of the time-varying contactrate (β), recovery rate (γ), and death rate (µ) withaverage slope over the last seven days (dotted lines)and twenty-one days (dashed lines).

(b) Extrapolated trend of the basic reproductionnumber with average slope over the last seven days(dotted lines) and twenty-one days (dashed lines).

Figure 21: France (day 0 = 24th January 2020): Extrapolated trends of the SIRD parameters. Thevertical dotted lines indicate the day of lockdown.

Figure 22: France (day 0 = 24th January 2020): Doubling time with the log (solid line) and withoutthe log (dashed line) in the loss function (14). The doubling time is calculated as t = log(2)/β(t). (Totake into account the time derivative of β(t), semi-parametric methods, e.g. [7], can be used.)


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Figure 23: France (day 0 = 24th January 2020): From the top: Blue lines indicate the extrapolatedtrends of the percentage of infected, recovered, deaths, and susceptible. Estimates with averageslope over the last seven days (dotted lines), twenty-one days (dashed lines), and with values of theparameters assumed to be constant and equal to the last day (solid lines). Black lines: The left verticaldotted line represents the day of lockdown, the right vertical line is the last day of the training dataset, hence, the starting day for extrapolation. The black solid lines are taken from Fig. 19a.


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3.5 Spain

(a) Cumulative quantities. (b) Daily rates.

Figure 24: Spain (day 0 = 1st February 2020): First and second rows: Validation of first-principlesmachine learning epidemic modelling. Third and fourth rows: Inference of recovered and susceptible.The vertical dotted lines indicate the day of lockdown.


Page 21: First-principles machine learning modelling of COVID-19 · First-principles machine learning modelling of COVID-19 Luca Magri∗1,2 and Nguyen Anh Khoa Doan3,4 1University of Cambridge,

(a) Time-varying contact rate (β), recovery rate (γ),and death rate (µ).

(b) Basic reproduction number. The blue (red) curvecorresponds to the left (right) vertical axis.

Figure 25: Spain (day 0 = 1st February 2020): SIRD parameters. Neural network trained with thelog (solid line) and without the log (dashed line) in the loss function (14). The vertical dotted linesindicate the day of lockdown.

(a) Extrapolated trends of the time-varying contactrate (β), recovery rate (γ), and death rate (µ) withaverage slope over the last ten days (dotted lines)and fourteen days (dashed lines).

(b) Extrapolated trend of the basic reproductionnumber with average slope over the last ten days(dotted lines) and fourteen days (dashed lines).

Figure 26: Spain (day 0 = 1st February 2020): Extrapolated trends of the SIRD parameters. Thevertical dotted lines indicate the day of lockdown.

Figure 27: Spain (day 0 = 1st February 2020): Doubling time with the log (solid line) and withoutthe log (dashed line) in the loss function (14). The doubling time is calculated as t = log(2)/β(t). (Totake into account the time derivative of β(t), semi-parametric methods, e.g. [7], can be used.)


Page 22: First-principles machine learning modelling of COVID-19 · First-principles machine learning modelling of COVID-19 Luca Magri∗1,2 and Nguyen Anh Khoa Doan3,4 1University of Cambridge,

Figure 28: Spain (day 0 = 1st February 2020): From the top: Blue lines indicate the extrapolatedtrends of the percentage of infected, recovered, deaths, and susceptible. Estimates with average slopeover the last ten days (dotted lines), twn days (dashed lines), and with values of the parametersassumed to be constant and equal to the last day (solid lines). Black lines: The left vertical dottedline represents the day of lockdown, the right vertical line is the last day of the training data set,hence, the starting day for extrapolation. The black solid lines are taken from Fig. 24a.


Page 23: First-principles machine learning modelling of COVID-19 · First-principles machine learning modelling of COVID-19 Luca Magri∗1,2 and Nguyen Anh Khoa Doan3,4 1University of Cambridge,

3.6 Belgium

(a) Cumulative quantities. (b) Daily rates.

Figure 29: Belgium (day 0 = 4th February 2020): First and second rows: Validation of first-principlesmachine learning epidemic modelling. Third and fourth rows: Inference of recovered and susceptible.The vertical dotted lines indicate the day of lockdown.


Page 24: First-principles machine learning modelling of COVID-19 · First-principles machine learning modelling of COVID-19 Luca Magri∗1,2 and Nguyen Anh Khoa Doan3,4 1University of Cambridge,

(a) Time-varying contact rate (β), recovery rate (γ),and death rate (µ).

(b) Basic reproduction number. The blue (red) curvecorresponds to the left (right) vertical axis.

Figure 30: Belgium (day 0 = 4th February 2020): SIRD parameters. Neural network trained with thelog (solid line) and without the log (dashed line) in the loss function (14). The vertical dotted linesindicate the day of lockdown.

(a) Extrapolated trends of the time-varying contactrate (β), recovery rate (γ), and death rate (µ) withaverage slope over the last seven days (dotted lines)and fourteen days (dashed lines).

(b) Extrapolated trend of the basic reproductionnumber with average slope over the last seven days(dotted lines) and fourteen days (dashed lines).

Figure 31: Belgium (day 0 = 4th February 2020): Extrapolated trends of the SIRD parameters. Thevertical dotted lines indicate the day of lockdown.

Figure 32: Belgium (day 0 = 4th February 2020): Doubling time with the log (solid line) and withoutthe log (dashed line) in the loss function (14). The doubling time is calculated as t = log(2)/β(t). (Totake into account the time derivative of β(t), semi-parametric methods, e.g. [7], can be used.)


Page 25: First-principles machine learning modelling of COVID-19 · First-principles machine learning modelling of COVID-19 Luca Magri∗1,2 and Nguyen Anh Khoa Doan3,4 1University of Cambridge,

Figure 33: Belgium (day 0 = 4th February 2020): From the top: Blue lines indicate the extrapolatedtrends of the percentage of infected, recovered, deaths, and susceptible. Estimates with average slopeover the last seven days (dotted lines), fourteen days (dashed lines), and with values of the parametersassumed to be constant and equal to the last day (solid lines). Black lines: The left vertical dottedline represents the day of lockdown, the right vertical line is the last day of the training data set,hence, the starting day for extrapolation. The black solid lines are taken from Fig. 29a.


Page 26: First-principles machine learning modelling of COVID-19 · First-principles machine learning modelling of COVID-19 Luca Magri∗1,2 and Nguyen Anh Khoa Doan3,4 1University of Cambridge,

3.7 USA

(a) Cumulative quantities. (b) Daily rates.

Figure 34: USA (day 0 = 22nd January 2020): First and second rows: Validation of first-principlesmachine learning epidemic modelling. Third and fourth rows: Inference of recovered and susceptible.The vertical dotted lines indicate the day of lockdown.


Page 27: First-principles machine learning modelling of COVID-19 · First-principles machine learning modelling of COVID-19 Luca Magri∗1,2 and Nguyen Anh Khoa Doan3,4 1University of Cambridge,

(a) Time-varying contact rate (β), recovery rate (γ),and death rate (µ).

(b) Basic reproduction number. The blue (red) curvecorresponds to the left (right) vertical axis.

Figure 35: USA (day 0 = 22nd January 2020): SIRD parameters. Neural network trained with thelog (solid line) and without the log (dashed line) in the loss function (14). The vertical dotted linesindicate the day of lockdown.

(a) Extrapolated trends of the time-varying contactrate (β), recovery rate (γ), and death rate (µ) withaverage slope over the last seven days (dotted lines)and fourteen days (dashed lines). The positive slopeof the death rate is a consequence of an anomalyin the data on confirmed deaths. The cause of theanomaly is not known to the authors.

(b) Extrapolated trend of the basic reproductionnumber with average slope over the last seven days(dotted lines) and fourteen days (dashed lines).

Figure 36: USA (day 0 = 22nd January 2020): Extrapolated trends of the SIRD parameters. Thevertical dotted lines indicate the day of lockdown.

Figure 37: USA (day 0 = 22nd January 2020): Doubling time with the log (solid line) and withoutthe log (dashed line) in the loss function (14). The doubling time is calculated as t = log(2)/β(t). (Totake into account the time derivative of β(t), semi-parametric methods, e.g. [7], can be used.)


Page 28: First-principles machine learning modelling of COVID-19 · First-principles machine learning modelling of COVID-19 Luca Magri∗1,2 and Nguyen Anh Khoa Doan3,4 1University of Cambridge,

Figure 38: USA (day 0 = 22nd January 2020): From the top: Blue lines indicate the extrapolatedtrends of the percentage of infected, recovered, deaths, and susceptible. Estimates with average slopeover the last seven days (dotted lines), fourteen days (dashed lines), and with values of the parametersassumed to be constant and equal to the last day (solid lines). Black lines: The left vertical dottedline represents the day of lockdown, the right vertical line is the last day of the training data set,hence, the starting day for extrapolation. The black solid lines are taken from Fig. 34a.


Page 29: First-principles machine learning modelling of COVID-19 · First-principles machine learning modelling of COVID-19 Luca Magri∗1,2 and Nguyen Anh Khoa Doan3,4 1University of Cambridge,

3.8 New York City

(a) Cumulative quantities. (b) Daily rates.

Figure 39: New York City (day 0 = 2nd March 2020 ): First and second rows: Validation of first-principles machine learning epidemic modelling. Third and fourth rows: Inference of recovered andsusceptible. The vertical dotted lines indicate the day of lockdown.


Page 30: First-principles machine learning modelling of COVID-19 · First-principles machine learning modelling of COVID-19 Luca Magri∗1,2 and Nguyen Anh Khoa Doan3,4 1University of Cambridge,

(a) Time-varying contact rate (β), recovery rate (γ),and death rate (µ).

(b) Basic reproduction number. The blue (red) curvecorresponds to the left (right) vertical axis.

Figure 40: New York City (day 0 = 2nd March 2020 ): SIRD parameters. Neural network trained withthe log (solid line) and without the log (dashed line) in the loss function (14). The vertical dottedlines indicate the day of lockdown.

(a) Extrapolated trends of the time-varying contactrate (β), recovery rate (γ), and death rate (µ) withaverage slope over the last fourteen days (dashedlines). The positive slope of the death rate is a con-sequence of an anomaly in the data on confirmeddeaths. The cause of the anomaly is not known tothe authors.

(b) Extrapolated trend of the basic reproductionnumber with average slope over the last fourteen days(dashed lines).

Figure 41: New York City (day 0 = 2nd March 2020 ): Extrapolated trends of the SIRD parameters.The vertical dotted lines indicate the day of lockdown.

Figure 42: New York City (day 0 = 2nd March 2020 ): Doubling time with the log (solid line)and without the log (dashed line) in the loss function (14). The doubling time is calculated ast = log(2)/β(t). (To take into account the time derivative of β(t), semi-parametric methods, e.g. [7],can be used.)


Page 31: First-principles machine learning modelling of COVID-19 · First-principles machine learning modelling of COVID-19 Luca Magri∗1,2 and Nguyen Anh Khoa Doan3,4 1University of Cambridge,

Figure 43: New York City (day 0 = 2nd March 2020 ): From the top: Blue lines indicate theextrapolated trends of the percentage of infected, recovered, deaths, and susceptible. Estimates withaverage slope over the last fourteen days (dashed lines), and with values of the parameters assumed tobe constant and equal to the last day (solid lines). Black lines: The left vertical dotted line representsthe day of lockdown, the right vertical line is the last day of the training data set, hence, the startingday for extrapolation. The black solid lines are taken from Fig. 39a.


Page 32: First-principles machine learning modelling of COVID-19 · First-principles machine learning modelling of COVID-19 Luca Magri∗1,2 and Nguyen Anh Khoa Doan3,4 1University of Cambridge,

3.9 China

(a) Cumulative quantities. (b) Daily rates.

Figure 44: China (day 0 = 22nd January 2020): First and second rows: Validation of first-principlesmachine learning epidemic modelling. Third and fourth rows: Inference of recovered and susceptible.The vertical dotted lines indicate the day of lockdown.


Page 33: First-principles machine learning modelling of COVID-19 · First-principles machine learning modelling of COVID-19 Luca Magri∗1,2 and Nguyen Anh Khoa Doan3,4 1University of Cambridge,

(a) Time-varying contact rate (β), recovery rate (γ),and death rate (µ).

(b) Basic reproduction number. The blue (red) curvecorresponds to the left (right) vertical axis.

Figure 45: China (day 0 = 22nd January 2020): SIRD parameters. Neural network trained with thelog (solid line) and without the log (dashed line) in the loss function (14). The vertical dotted linesindicate the day of lockdown.

(a) Extrapolated trends of the time-varying contactrate (β), recovery rate (γ), and death rate (µ) withaverage slope over the last seven days (dotted lines).

(b) Extrapolated trend of the basic reproductionnumber with average slope over the last seven days(dotted lines).

Figure 46: China (day 0 = 22nd January 2020): Extrapolated trends of the SIRD parameters. Thevertical dotted lines indicate the day of lockdown.

Figure 47: China (day 0 = 22nd January 2020): Doubling time with the log (solid line) and withoutthe log (dashed line) in the loss function (14). The doubling time is calculated as t = log(2)/β(t). (Totake into account the time derivative of β(t), semi-parametric methods, e.g. [7], can be used.)


Page 34: First-principles machine learning modelling of COVID-19 · First-principles machine learning modelling of COVID-19 Luca Magri∗1,2 and Nguyen Anh Khoa Doan3,4 1University of Cambridge,

Figure 48: China (day 0 = 22nd January 2020): From the top: Blue lines indicate the extrapolatedtrends of the percentage of infected, recovered, deaths, and susceptible. Estimates with average slopeover the last seven days (dotted lines) and with values of the parameters assumed to be constant andequal to the last day (solid lines). Black lines: The left vertical dotted line represents the day oflockdown, the right vertical line is the last day of the training data set, hence, the starting day forextrapolation. The black solid lines are taken from Fig. 44a.


Page 35: First-principles machine learning modelling of COVID-19 · First-principles machine learning modelling of COVID-19 Luca Magri∗1,2 and Nguyen Anh Khoa Doan3,4 1University of Cambridge,

3.10 World

(a) Cumulative quantities. (b) Daily rates.

Figure 49: World (day 0 = 22nd January 2020: First and second rows: Validation of first-principlesmachine learning epidemic modelling. Third and fourth rows: Inference of recovered and susceptible.


Page 36: First-principles machine learning modelling of COVID-19 · First-principles machine learning modelling of COVID-19 Luca Magri∗1,2 and Nguyen Anh Khoa Doan3,4 1University of Cambridge,

(a) Time-varying contact rate (β), recovery rate (γ),and death rate (µ).

(b) Basic reproduction number. The blue (red) curvecorresponds to the left (right) vertical axis.

Figure 50: World (day 0 = 22nd January 2020: SIRD parameters. Neural network trained with thelog (solid line) and without the log (dashed line) in the loss function (14).

(a) Extrapolated trends of the time-varying contactrate (β), recovery rate (γ), and death rate (µ) withaverage slope over the last seven days (dotted lines)and fourteen days (dashed lines).

(b) Extrapolated trend of the basic reproductionnumber with average slope over the last seven days(dotted lines) and fourteen days (dashed lines).

Figure 51: World (day 0 = 22nd January 2020: Extrapolated trends of the SIRD parameters.

Figure 52: World (day 0 = 22nd January 2020: Doubling time with the log (solid line) and withoutthe log (dashed line) in the loss function (14). The doubling time is calculated as t = log(2)/β(t). (Totake into account the time derivative of β(t), semi-parametric methods, e.g. [7], can be used.)


Page 37: First-principles machine learning modelling of COVID-19 · First-principles machine learning modelling of COVID-19 Luca Magri∗1,2 and Nguyen Anh Khoa Doan3,4 1University of Cambridge,

Figure 53: World (day 0 = 22nd January 2020: From the top: Blue lines indicate the extrapolatedtrends of the percentage of infected, recovered, deaths, and susceptible. Estimates with average slopeover the last seven days (dotted lines), fourteen days (dashed lines), and with values of the parametersassumed to be constant and equal to the last day (solid lines). Black lines: The vertical line is thelast day of the training data set, hence, the starting day for extrapolation. The black solid lines aretaken from Fig. 49a.


Page 38: First-principles machine learning modelling of COVID-19 · First-principles machine learning modelling of COVID-19 Luca Magri∗1,2 and Nguyen Anh Khoa Doan3,4 1University of Cambridge,

Country Imax [%] Dmax [%] R0 = 1

United Kingdom 2.8415 18/07/2020 2.1331 10/02/2021 -

0.18959 26/04/2020 0.031601 02/05/2020 25/04/2020

0.19187 26/04/2020 0.028537 29/04/2020 25/04/2020

Italy 0.79865 11/07/2020 0.41861 10/02/2021 -

0.31652 30/04/2020 0.068895 02/07/2020 04/05/2020

0.32581 03/05/2020 0.046895 08/05/2020 06/05/2020

Germany 0.72874 04/08/2020 0.26889 10/02/2021 -

0.17774 25/04/2020 0.037317 01/11/2020 26/04/2020

0.17436 23/04/2020 0.016698 08/10/2020 23/04/2020

France 6.9024 24/06/2020 2.9703 10/02/2021 -

0.25882 23/04/2020 0.053117 12/06/2020 22/04/2020

0.50498 15/05/2020 0.047987 07/05/2020 16/05/2020

Spain 2.064 27/06/2020 0.64766 10/02/2021 -

0.87499 06/06/2020 0.050432 02/05/2020 21/07/2020

0.48603 03/05/2020 0.046109 26/04/2020 05/05/2020

Belgium 2.9745 01/07/2020 2.6482 10/02/2021 -

1.7878 21/06/2020 0.13973 24/05/2020 19/08/2020

0.41385 02/05/2020 0.16903 17/07/2020 06/05/2020

USA 2.8442 08/07/2020 1.5018 10/02/2021 -

0.3925 16/05/2020 0.54629 22/12/2020 12/06/2020

0.24041 25/04/2020 0.04707 27/08/2020 26/04/2020

New York City 2.7161 30/04/2020 1.9625 10/02/2021 -

- - - - -

2.6298 27/04/2020 2.4807 16/12/2020 21/02/2021

China 0.0063773 06/11/2020 0.00027578 10/02/2021 -

0.0060284 23/04/2020 0.0002657 10/02/2021 23/04/2020

0.0089155 10/02/2021 0.0002416 22/04/2020 -

World 2.053 20/08/2020 0.86118 10/02/2021 -

0.097413 15/06/2020 0.16569 10/02/2021 29/07/2020

0.042022 08/05/2020 0.005671 13/06/2020 08/05/2020

Table 2: First column: Countries analysed. Second and third columns: Estimated maximum percent-ages of infected (Imax) and deaths (Dmax) with dates. Fourth column: Estimate date on which thebasic reproduction number becomes unity. For each country, the first / second / third row reports theestimate based on the extrapolation with constant parameters / linear parameters with average slopeover a short window / linear parameters with average slope over a long window. The three differentextrapolations provide an estimate of the range where the actual value lies. The results are consistentwith the first principles and working assumptions of the SIRD model and the data (Sec. 2).


Page 39: First-principles machine learning modelling of COVID-19 · First-principles machine learning modelling of COVID-19 Luca Magri∗1,2 and Nguyen Anh Khoa Doan3,4 1University of Cambridge,

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