first settlements plymouth jamestown

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Southern Middle New England New England (Mass, CT, RI & NH)   New England (Mass, CT, RI & NH) Middle (NY, PA, DE & NJ) Southern (MD, VA. NC, SC & GA) Economic Fishing, lumbering and ship building were the main activities. Puritans were hard workers & thrifty, helping the area’s economy. Agriculture: subsistence farming Due to the region’s natural harbor’s (Philly & NYC) trade & commerce was the main activity. Largest middle class was in this region. Agriculture: a lot of subsistence farms & some large farms Main economic activity was agriculture with large plantations. To work the fields, first indentured servants used, but replaced with African slaves: cash crops – rice, tobacco & indigo. Scots-Irish in the mountains & Valleys of VA & NC. Wealthy Cavaliers were granted tracts of land by the King (VA & NC) Religious Religiously Intolerant - Settled mainly by Puritans seeking religious freedom, but the region became religiously intolerant. Roger Williams & Anne Hutchison were banished – founded Rhode Island. Religiously Tolerant – Quakers in PA, Huguenots & Jews in New York and Presbyterians in NJ Church of England (Anglican) was dominant, but there was religious freedom. However, like most colonies, there was an established church. Political Mayflower Compact – created a covenant community (government & religion are mixed). Non-Puritans could not participate at first. Athenian style democracy (direct democracy)with town hall meetings Governors were appointed by the King, but the colonists did elect representatives to the state assemblies. Believed they had rights like they did in England. Also, all taxes in England came from Parliament, not the King so the assemblies, not the governor, raised taxes. House of Burgesses (first elected governing body in N. Amer) was begun in 1619. Political power was held by the plantation owners, not small farmers. The House of Burgesses is known as the Virginia General Assembly (indirect or representative democracy) Middle New England Southern


FIRST SETTLEMENTS Plymouth Jamestown 1600 1625
May-flower Compact governs Pilgrims Covenant Comm. 1620 Plymouth First African Americans arrive in North Americain Jamestown Jamestown 1619 FIRST SETTLEMENTS 1600 1625 1607 Jamestown (VA) est. for economic reasons first permanent English settlement House of Burgesses 1st elected governing body in NA VA General Assembly 1620 Plymouth, Mass est. for religious freedom by Pilgrims and Puritans 1619 Southern Middle New England New England (Mass, CT, RI & NH)
New England (Mass, CT, RI & NH) Middle (NY, PA, DE & NJ) Southern (MD, VA. NC, SC & GA) Economic Fishing, lumbering and ship building were the main activities. Puritans were hard workers & thrifty, helping the areas economy. Agriculture: subsistence farming Due to the regions natural harbors (Philly & NYC) trade & commerce was the main activity. Largest middle class was in this region. Agriculture: a lot of subsistence farms & some large farms Main economic activity was agriculture with large plantations.To work the fields, first indentured servants used, but replaced with African slaves: cash crops rice, tobacco & indigo.Scots-Irish in the mountains & Valleys of VA & NC. Wealthy Cavaliers were granted tracts of land by the King (VA & NC) Religious Religiously Intolerant - Settled mainly by Puritans seeking religious freedom, but the region became religiously intolerant.Roger Williams & Anne Hutchison were banished founded Rhode Island. Religiously Tolerant Quakers in PA, Huguenots & Jews in New York and Presbyterians in NJ Church of England (Anglican) was dominant, but there was religious freedom.However, like most colonies, there was an establishedchurch. Political Mayflower Compact created a covenant community (government & religion are mixed).Non-Puritans could not participate at first. Athenian style democracy (direct democracy)with town hall meetings Governors were appointed by the King, but the colonists did elect representatives to the state assemblies. Believed they had rights like they did in England. Also, all taxes in England came from Parliament, not the King so the assemblies, not the governor, raised taxes. House of Burgesses (first elected governing body in N. Amer) was begun in Political power was held by the plantation owners, not small farmers. The House of Burgesses is known as the Virginia General Assembly (indirect or representative democracy) Middle New England Southern First Continental Congress meets colonial unity.
French& Indian War begins.Great Britain taxes colonists to pay for the War . 1753 Great Awakening-Religious revival causedmany colonists to challenge authority Stamp Act -G.B. taxes all paper products.Colonists boycott British goods. 1765 The Boston Tea Party Sons of Liberty lead a raid on ships loaded with taxed tea.Great Britain closes Boston Harbor & the Mass Legislature Patrick Henry Give me liberty or give me death!Speech made in Richmond March 1775 American Revolution 1750 1775 Enlighten-ment.European philosophersspeak of democracy Montesqiue Rousseau & Lockes natural rights Boston Massacre: Redcoats kill 5 colonists Patrioticgroup - Sons of Liberty use as propaganda March 1770 Lexington and Concord; Patriots and Redcoats fire on each other;first shots of the Revolutionary War! April 1775 Proclamation of 1763 colonists kept from acquiring lands west of the Appalachian Mtns. First Continental Congress meets colonial unity. 1775 Valley Forge Washingtons leadership skills keeps his army intact
Valley Forge Washingtons leadership skills keeps his army intact. He retreated when he needed to. Winters of 1776 & 1777 Yorktown, VA Battle where Washington defeats British (Cornwallis) wins Americas freedom.Won in large part to French fleet Oct. 1781 Declaration of Independence Thomas Jefferson borrowed idea of natural rights from Locke and reasons for independence from Paine. July 4, 1776 SARATOGA YORKTOWN Revolutionary War 1776 1783 Fearful of having a powerful ruler (like the British Monarchy),The states finally adopt the Articles of Confederation 1775 Common Sense by Thomas Paine caused many neutrals to become patriots! January 1776 Battle of Trenton. Washington defeats the Hessians in New Jersey.Boost morale and saves his army. Treaty of Paris US is granted its freedom from England.Is granted all land west to the Mississippi River. 1783 Saratoga Patriots defeat British in New York- turning point of the war.Ben Franklin talks France into becoming US ally! 1777 Constitutional Convention - George Washington presides (President of)
Constitutional Convention- George Washington presides (President of). Tried to fix the Articles of Confederation decided to replace with the Constitution. Southern States are placatedwith the Three Fifths Compromise and the Commerce & Slaves Trade Compromise. Federalist Papers Federalists write a series of essays supporting the Constitution when New York was trying to decide the issue of ratification. George Washington takes the oath of office as the first President of the United States. April 1789 Shays Rebellion rebellion that caused many toquestion the logic of theArticles of Confederation Growing Pains 1783 1791 James Madison, Father of the Constitution heads to Philly.His Virginia Plan will b/c the major blue print of the Constitution. Connecticut Compromise (aka Great Compromise) created a bicameral legislature to satisfy small & large states.Equal representation in the senate & based on population in the House of Reps. James Madison, Father of the Constitution heads to Philly.His Virginia Plan will b/c the major blue print of the Constitution. Ratification Process begins- supporters of the Constitution (Federalists) and those opposed to it (anti-federalists) argue in state legislatures(9/13) toratify(approve) the Constitution or not. The Constitution is ratified and replaces the Articles of Confed. 9 out of 13 states needed, but all ratified it. Bill of Rights is ratified.From the Va. Declaration of Rights (G. Mason) & the Va. Statute of Religious Freedom. (T Jefferson) Weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation and how they were Addressed by TheConstitution
Levying taxes Congress could request states to pay taxes Congress has right to levy taxes on individuals Federal courts No system of federal courts Court system created to deal with issues between citizens, states Regulation of trade No provision to regulate interstate trade Congress has right to regulate trade between states Executive No executive with power. President of U.S. merely presided over Congress Executive branch headed by President who chooses Cabinet and has checks on power of judiciary and legislature Amending document 13/13 needed to amend Articles 2/3 of both houses of Congress plus 3/4 of state legislatures or national convention Representation of states Each state received 1 vote regardless of size Upper house (Senate) with 2 votes; lower house (House of Representatives) based on population Interstate commerce No control of trade between states Interstate commerce controlled by Congress Disputes between states Complicated system of arbitration Federal court system to handle disputes Sovereignty Sovereignty resides in states Constitution the supreme law of the land Passing laws 9/13 needed to approve legislation 50%+1 of both houses plus signature of President Federalist vs. Antifederalists
Federalists Anti-federalists Leaders Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, & John Adams Thomas Jefferson , Patrick henry Supported or opposed Constitution Supported the Constitution they wanted a stronger federal or central government Opposed the Constitution believed a weakergovernment was better than a strong government Favored a Bill or Rights No, believed a National Bill of Rights was unnecessary since each state had their own Bill of Rights Yes, believed that people and the states needed protection from this new powerful federal or central government Loose or Strict Constructionists Loose believed the federal government had more power than what was written in the Constitution thanks to the necessary and proper clause (or elastic clause). Strict believed the federal government could only do what was expressly written in the Constitution. Supported or opposed Necessary & Proper Clause Supported the Necessary and Proper Clause so the federal government could have more power like the Bank of the United States Opposed the Necessary and proper Clause it would give too much to the federal government only states or localities can create banks, not the national government Supporters Bankers, merchants and plantation owners Artisans and small famers (majority of the population) Political Party associated with Federalist Jeffersonian or Democratic Republicans Missouri Compromise (Comp of 1820)
Cotton Gin Eli Whitneys invention causes an increase in slavery and a need for more land in the south (Hello Texas!) 1793 Marbury v. Madison Supreme Court decision that created judicial review. The SC can declare a law unconstitutional.John Marshall came up with the ruling . 1803 McCulloch v. Maryland John Marshall strikes again Bank of the US is constitutional necessary & proper clause helps federalists! 1819 Erie Canal connected the Great Lakes & Midwest to the East Coast cheaper prices for all. 1825 Monroe Doctrine President Monroe tells Europe to stay out of North, South & Central America. Foreign Policy that we cannot back up, but it works Jefferson Monroe 1800 Madison 1825 Louisiana Purchase by Thomas Jefferson doubled size of the United States.Explored by Lewis and Clark (with help from Sacagawea) 1803 War of 1812 U.S. vs. Great Britain US won claim to the Oregon Territory & also Florida;Star Spangled Banner; Andrew Jackson gets famous. Missouri Compromise (Comp of 1820) MO b/cs a slave state & Maine is created as a free state- Sectional differences. Gibbons v. Ogden interstate commerce was the sole power of Congress . John Marshall - 1824 Gabriel Prosser 1800 Treaty of Paris From War of 1812
Mexican American War Treaty of Paris Remember the Alamo! From War of 1812 Texans declare their independence from Mexico The Alamo becomes the rallying cry for Texans seeking independence 1835 South Carolina Nullification S.C. doesnt want to pay new higher tariffs Andrew Jackson forces the state to pay the tariffs. 1832 Compromise of 1850 California is a free state Stronger Fugitive Slave Act established no slave trade in DC Federalist party ends replaced by the Whig Party to fight the Democratic Party Nat Turner slave rebellion in Virginia caused harsher slave laws 1831 Seneca falls Conference calls for womens suffrage SBA & ECS Growing Sectionalism 1826 1850 1828 Andrew Jackson first democrat elected President Starts the spoils system, closes Bank of US causing the Panic of 1837 & ignores the Supreme Court with the Trail of Tears Frederick Douglass . Escapes from slavery 1838 becomes abolitionists Publishes Antislavery Newspaper- The North Star Mexican American War US gets CA, AZ, UT & NV with the Treaty of Guadeloupe Hidalgo Cyrus McCormick invents mechanical reaper William Lloyd Garrison Abolitionist newspaper The Liberator 1831 Lincoln wins the election of 1860
Kansas Nebraska Act allowed the territories to decide the slavery issue through popular sovereignty- caused a Civil War in Kansas. 1854 1858 Lincoln Douglas Debates A house divided cannot stand. Lincoln becomes famous in this Illinois senate race. April 1865 Confederate general Robert E Lee surrenders to Union General Ulysses S. Grant at Appomattox C. H in VA Antietam, MD North wins battle that causes Lincoln to issue his Emancipation proclamation Sept 1862 Nov Abraham Lincoln wins the election of 1860 South Carolina fires on Ft. Sumter, the Civil War begins. April 1861 Sectionalism & Civil War 1850 1865 1852 Harriet Beecher Stowe publishes Uncle Toms Cabin.Causes many northerners to become Abolitionists. 1857 Dred Scott Supreme Court declares slaves are property, not people & the federal government cannot limit slavery anywhere (states rights). 1859 John Browns raid on Harpers Ferry.Trying to start a nationwide slave rebellion.South is very upset. Gettysburg, PA Turning point of the Civil War won by the Union.Lincoln dedicates cemetery thereGettysburg Address July 1863 Abraham Lincoln assassinated by John Wilkes Booth April Andrew Johnson becomes President.Reconstruction begins. South Carolina secedes in Dec Soon half of the south would secede Lincoln becomes president March 1861 Homestead Act 1862 free land Border States (had slaves, but stayed in the Union) Missouri Kentucky
North Union Washington DC Abraham Lincoln Blue Yankees Gen. Ulysses S. Grant Gettysburg Border States (had slaves, but stayed in the Union) Missouri Kentucky Maryland Delaware Appomattox Ft. Sumter South Confederacy Richmond Jefferson Davis Grey Jonny Rebs Gen. Robert E. Lee 13th Amendment is ratified slavery is outlawed.
Dec. 1865 Transcontinental Railroad is completed.Easiest way west. 1869 1868 Ulysses S. Grant wins the Presidency, but the Radical Republicans in Congress punish the South Sharecropping begins shortly after the Civil War ends.Black farmers stay in poverty for generations. Compromise of 1877 Reconstruction ends as Union troops are withdrawn from the south & Rutherford B Hayes becomes President. Reconstruction 1865 1880 Freedmens Bureau is established to help newly freed slaves 15th Amendment freed males slaves can vote 1870 14th Amendment is adopted.Freed slaves are citizens and have equal protection. 1868 Jim Crow laws are put in place shortly after the Civil War ends,separate, but equal Alexander Graham Bell invents the telephone 1877 Edisons electric light is invented 1879 Chinese Exclusion Act restricting immigration of the Chinese (helped to build the Transconti-nental Railroad) worked for low wages. 1882 Standard Oil Trust is formed and John D. Rockefeller controls the oil industry. 1882 Jane Addams founds the first Hull House helping immigrants 1889 Haymarket Strike 1886 Chicago makes Unions look radical Clara Barton civil war nurse forms the American Red Cross 1883 The Gilded Age 1880 1890 Steel magnet Andrew Carnegie gives his Gospel of Wealth speech he will become a philanthropist giving away most of his fortune. 1888 Jacob Riis publishes How the Other Half Lives detailing the horrible conditions of the ghettos during the Gilded Age. Booker T Washington founds the Tuskegee Institute vocational education for African Americans 1881. Pendleton Act must take a test to get a federal job (Merit system) end of the spoils system Gilded Age & Imperialism
1892 Ellis Island processing New Immigrants from Eastern European countries like Russia, Italy, Poland & Greece 1893 Queen Lliuokalanis monarchy in Hawaii is overthrown by US plantation owners -Age of Imperialism 1897 Supreme Court says Railways violated the Sherman Anti-Trust laws monopolies are no longer protected Progressive Era Reforms begin 1899 OpenDoor Policy US maintains they should have equal trading rights in China.Europeans dont agree, but are okay with it. 1895 Pullman Strike workers strike against company town making railway cars. Gilded Age & Imperialism 1890 1900 1892 Homestead Strike Strike at Carnegie Steel Union membership declines 1895 J. P. Morgan and Co. Bank opens Morgan controls the banking industry 1896, Plessy vs. Ferguson the Supreme Court declares Jim Crow laws constitutional separate, but equal is legal. USS Maine explodes in Havana Harbor- Spanish America War begins US acquires Guam, Cuba, Puerto Rico and the Philippines. Yellow Journalism The Wright Brothers fly the first plane at Kitty Hawk NC 1903
1901 President McKinley is assassinated; Teddy Roosevelt takes over Progressive President (the TRUSTBUSTER)-but also imperialist responsible for the Panama Canal, connecting Atlantic & Pacific 1906 The Pure Food & Drug Actand Meat Inspection Act are passed in response to The Jungle The Wright Brothers fly the first plane at Kitty Hawk NC 1903 1909 Ida Wells and WEB DuBois help to found the NAACP , The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People . Imperialism & The Progressive Era 1900 1910 1901 J P Morgan, the worlds top banker creates US Steel when he buys Carnegies steel monopoly. Wisconsin holds the first direct primary citizens nominate candidates not the political parties! 1903 Roosevelt Corollary South American countries forced to do what America wants them to do on terms of economics, Great White Fleet 1904 Upton Sinclair , a muckraking journalist, publishes The Jungle exposing the unsanitary conditions in meat packing plants. 1908 The first Model T rolls of f of Henry Fords assembly line in Detroit. Progressivism & World War I
1911 The Sherman Anti-Trust Act becomes very effective when Standard Oil is declared a monopoly and forced to breakup 1913- 17th Amendment is adopted direct election of senators 1917 USA enters WWI due to unrestricted German Submarine Warfare Wilson: to make the world safe for democracy. 1913 The Federal Reserve Bank becomes operational . The 19th Amendment is ratified Womens suffrage 1920 Progressivism & World War I 1910 1920 1912 Woodrow Wilson wins the presidency defeating Taft and Teddy Roosevelts Progressive Party. 1918- 18th Amendment is enacted- the Era of Prohibition begins 1908 World War I ends, the Allies defeat the Central powers thanks to the last minute help from America 1914 -World War I begins in Europe.The USA stays neutral The Roaring Twenties 1920 1930 By 1930
60% of American households had a radio.They helped to spread jazz and other cultural norms and fads.During the depression, FDR used the radio for his comforting fireside chats 1925 Differences between the older and younger generation comes to light with the Scopes Monkey Trial.Science teacher John Scopes is accused of teachingevolution. Herbert Hoover wins the presidency.His reputation would be ruined less than a yearlater 1921 The Emergency Quota Act greatly reduces the number of immigrants coming into the United States . The Harlem Renaissance begins music, poetry and art. The Roaring Twenties 1920 1930 1920 Al Capone comes to Chicago the dark side of Prohibition with bootlegging and smuggling. The execution of Sacco & Vanzetti highlight Americas anti-immigration fever. During the 1920s a growing anti-immigrant backlash is used by the KKK.It becomes popular with its anti-immigrant stand. 1925 dresses exposing the knee become very popular with flappers October 29, 1929 Black Tuesday the beginning of the Great Depression that would last until 1941. 1935 FDR signs the Social Security Act - retirement money
1932 Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR) defeats Herbert Hoover in a landslide. We have nothing to fear, but fear itself.FDRuses federal money to help end the depression with his New Deal.He is elected president 4 times! 1935The Works Progress Administration is created to give jobs to the unemployed they are public works jobs like building roads, dams, bridges etc The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) is created to help the Appalachia area with jobs and hydro-electricity 1940 Depression comes to an end as America prepares for WWII.FDRstarts the nations first ever peacetime draft. . The Great Depression 1930 1940 1933 Prohibition ends to help with the economy and because it didnt work. Dust bowl caused by poor farming practices and severe drought 1935 FDR signs the SocialSecurity Act- retirement money 1939 Germany and the USSR invade Poland sparking World War II.USA stays neutral, but FDRs Lend Lease Act makes it clear we support the Allies. The Hawley Smoot Tariff is enacted sparks retaliatory tariffs - causes the depression to worsen worldwide GI Bill low interest loans and college tuition for WWII soldiers
June 1942 Miracle at Midway(Turning Point) USA breaks the Japanese code; USA knows where the Japanese will strike.Japanese Navy suffers severe loss.USA begins its Island Hopping campaign USA wins Iwo Jima and Okinawa can now bomb Japan from the sky. Leads to the dropping of the atomic bombs (Manhattan Project) on Hiroshima and Nagasaki ending WWII(AUG 1945) Cold War begins as Eastern Europe comes under the control of the Soviet Union.Churchill says an Iron Curtain has descending upon Europe.Its East (USSR) vs West (USA) & it lasts 45 years! 1950 Communist North Koreainvades Non-communist South Korea Korean War begins as the United Nations creates an international force to the remove North Koreans Marshall Plan money to rebuild Europe & keep communism out.USA also joins NATO to keep communism from coming to Western Europe Feb,.1943 Stalingrad turning point in Europe Soviets hold off German siege . WW II & The Cold War 1941 1950 1942 Battle of El Alamein, in Egypt Allies kick Axis out of North Africa(oil & Suez canal) enter Italy D-Day invasion 6/6/ 44 largest naval (amphibious) assault ever Allies land in Normandy, France & begin to liberate Europe GI Billlow interest loans and college tuition for WWII soldiers American soldiers(Gis) come home & well the Baby Boom begins!! Truman Doctrine support all nations fighting communism.Communism must be contained!Later in 1949 China becomes communist & the USSR get the Atomic bomb! Dec 7, 1941 Japan bomb Pearl Harbor, HA.FDR says A date which will live in infamy. USA enters WWII The Cold War & Civil Rights
1951 With little evidence & hidden evidence that would have cleared him, Alger Hiss convicted of lying about his communist beliefs proof that America was having another Red Scare just like in the 1920s. 1957 The USSR launches the first satellite into orbit Sputnik America freaks out Eisenhower forms NASA and Congress gives more money to schools for math and science programs 1953 McCarthyism making false accusations of communism Sen. Joseph McCarthy ruins many lives, & ultimately his own. 1952, Jonas Salk creates the vaccine for polio. . Nov JFK defeats Richard Nixon. The Cold War & Civil Rights 1951 1960 Plessy v. Ferguson is overturned when Brown vs. Topeka outlaws segregation in public schools.Massive resistance begins. Ethyl & Julius Rosenbergs are executed for supposedly giving the Soviets atomic bomb secrets Korean War ends Korea still divided at the 38th parallel The Cold War caused Americans to be on guard A-bomb drills in schools & bomb shelters in back yards. To win the Cold War military spending is greatly increased this helps many state economies, but Virginia gains the most from the Cold War. Kennedy, Johnson & The Cold War
Thanks to nonviolent resistance the Civil Rights movement makes many strides 1964 Civil Rights Act (no discrimination in public places) & 1965 Voting Rights Act (Literacy tests are gone)Thanks LBJ! 1962, John Glenn becomes the first American to orbit earth. 1968, Thurgood Marshall becomes the first African American on the Supreme Court 1969, Neil Armstrong lands on the small step for man, one giant leap for mankind Aug, March on Washington- MLK - I have a dream . 1968, Richard Nixon wins the Presidency Kennedy, Johnson & The Cold War 1960 1969 1961, The USSR begins the Berlin Wall to separate East from West. Oct, Cuban Missile Crisis USA & USSR come close to war over Soviet missiles in Cuba. JFKs blockade (quarantine) of Cuba works! Nov 1963, JFK is assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald Lyndon Johnson becomes President By 1968, LBJ has 500,000 American soldiers in Vietnam trying to contain communism.Protest on college campuses are widespread. To end the Vietnam war, Nixon begins his policy of Vietnamization South Vietnamese troops will be trained by US troops this way when the USA leaves in 1973, communism will be contained . Nixon and Regan & The Cold War
1980, Ronald Reagan defeats Pres. Jimmy Carter.Starts a new era of conservatism in American politics 1989 The Berlin Wall comes down.USSR ceases its communist ways two years later.The Cold War is over. 1976, Jimmy Carter wins the presidential election.He will only serve one term. 1983 Sally Ride becomes the first female American astronaut in space. 1974, Nixon forced to resign as president due to the cover up of the Watergate break in . Nixon and Regan & The Cold War 1970 1990 1981, Sandra Day OConner becomes the first female on the Supreme Court 1987 Mikhail Gorbachev comes to power in the USSR His economic reform of perestroika and social reform of glasnosts help bring an end to the USSR 1971, Cold War tension ease with Nixons foreign policy of dtente Nixon visits China and the the Soviet Union 1975, Vietnam War ends as all of Vietnam becomes one communist nation containment failed. George H W Bush serves one term as he is president during Germanys reunification and the Persian Gulf War 1992, Bill Clinton wins the presidency.He serves two terms .Highlights NAFTA, Relations with Vietnam Sept. 11, Terrorists Attacksby Al Qaeda War on Terror begins War in Afghanistan and War in Iraq Clinton uses NATO air strikes to force the former Soviet states in the Balkans to negotiate for peace. . 9-11 brought changes to American ideas of freedom and rights Modern History 1990 2008 1994, Clinton lifts trade sanctions against South Africa since they ended segregationistpolicies known as Apartheid. 1991 Persian Gulf War - A United Nations force led by the USforces Iraqi forces out of Kuwait.Women end up in combat for the first time. George W Bush wins the presidency Barack Obama becomes the first African American President