first six weeks review

When a rock is dropped into a graduated cylinder, it raises the water in the graduated cylinder from 35ml to 40ml. If the mass of the key is 50g, what is the density of the key, in grams per milliliter?

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Post on 12-Apr-2017




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Page 1: First six weeks review

When a rock is dropped into a graduated cylinder, it raises the water in the graduated cylinder from 35ml to 40ml. If the mass of the key is 50g, what is the density of the key, in grams per milliliter?

Page 2: First six weeks review

The following table shows properties of four different sample materials. One of these materials is cork, a type of wood that floats in water.

Given that the density of water is 1g/mL, which of these samples is most likely cork?

• A Sample 1 • B Sample 2 • C Sample 3 • D Sample 4

Physical Properties

Sample Number MassVolume

Sample 1 89 grams10 ml

Sample 2 26 grams10 ml

Sample 3 24 grams100 ml

Sample 4 160 grams 100 ml

Page 3: First six weeks review

Vanessa was given a science kit containing a small piece of metal and the Data Table shown above. Each side of the metal was measured to be 2cm, and he measured the mass of the cube to be 41.6g. Based on the data table above, which mineral is Vanessa’s cube composed of?

Page 4: First six weeks review

If the balance on the triple beam balance shows the mass of a book in grams, how many kilograms is the book? (remember King Henry Died by Drinking Chocolate Milk)

A. 0.6319 kgB. 6.319 kgC. 632 kgD. 631,900 kgE. None of the above

Page 5: First six weeks review

• How many negatively charged particles are in the Bohr atom model shown to the above?

Page 6: First six weeks review

Which atom is heaviest in mass?

Page 7: First six weeks review

This is a Bohr model of what atom? (hint..remember count the protons)

Page 8: First six weeks review

What is the electrical charge of this atom

A. -1B. 0C. +1D. +2E. +3

Page 9: First six weeks review

Which model has the correct number of valence electrons (hint..remember to look at group/family ex. 1A, 2A, 3A, etc)

Page 10: First six weeks review

Alkali Metals, Boron Family, Halogens, Alkaline Earth Metals, or Noble Gases,

Properties of ?

Page 11: First six weeks review

How many elements are located in this chemical formula?

Page 12: First six weeks review

Organic or InorganicWhich molecule match each above?

C3H8 + 5O2 → 3CO2 + 4H2O 

Page 13: First six weeks review

Which part of the periodic table is mostly used in our electronics?

Page 14: First six weeks review



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