first united methodist church newsletter our mission ... · first united methodist church...

FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH NEWSLETTER Our mission: Embrace our community with Gods love Make disciples to share in doing simple things for Gods kingdom. October / November 2017 NEW MEMBER CLASS Pastor Dorn would like to hold a new members class in the near future. If you are interested in becoming a member of the First Church Family, please contact the church office. SUNDAY 10/29/17 PRESENTATION On Sunday, October 29th, Perkasie Police Chief Steven Hillias will join us during our worship time. Chief Hillias will do a presentation which will alert and educate about the current and devastating opioid addiction epidemic in our community. We encourage everyone from our First Church Family to join us for that mornings worship. ALL SAINTS DAY SUNDAY 11/5 During worship time on Sunday, November 5th, we will remember persons from our First Church family who have passed away since this time last year. All are invited to come to church on Sunday November 5th, and place white carnations in a vase to remember each person. This will also be a Communion service. ALL SAINTS REMEMBRANCE 11/5 Jane Trumbauer October 10, 2016 John Pellow November 3, 2016 Lincoln Groff November 10, 2016 Charlotte Meyers December 29, 2016 Alvin Landes January 29, 2017 Ruth Myers February 10, 2017 Florence Frei March 19, 2017 Blair Botti May 10, 2017 Charles Zimmerman May 28, 207 Kathleen Eister June 16, 2017 Deanna Tropea September 25, 2017 Sarah Creager October 4, 2017 SARAH CREAGER MEMORIAL SERVICE Please be in prayer for Robert Creager and his family. Roberts mother, Sarah E. LibbyCreager, went home to be with the Lord on October 4th. Her memorial service will take place on Sunday, October 29th, at 2 PM, at Everittstown UMC. In lieu of flowers, memorial donations can be made to Everittstown UMC, Attn: Music Program, 415 County Road 513, Pittstown, NJ 08867. HARVEST HOME 2017 Come all ye thankful people, come. Give glory to God your voices raise. All the world is His fruitful field. Present to Him a cornucopia of praise. Harvest Home kicks off on Sunday November 5th. For every Sunday, we will ask for different items each week to be brought to the church, to be presented to God, so we can fill the F.I.S.H. pantry. Bring your donation to the table in either Spirit Light or the Sanctuary: 11/5 canned fruit 11/12 canned soup 11/19 hot chocolate, tea, coffee, jams, jellies, preserves 11/26 - boxed hot cereals, regular cereals, cake and pie mixes; cleaning products and personal hygiene items. F.I.S.H. CAMPAIGN To date in 2017, there were over 1400 pounds pantry items donated to F.I.S.H.! We give thanks to God for the many people who have helped out not just in giving, but also with the pantry deliveries. Many thanks to Courtland Gardner for covering the October deliveries. Eileen Hilt will take care of November, and Diane Holler will finish out the year. Please remember to contribute each week as you are able, whether youre coming to church for Sunday morning worship, attending a ministry meeting, etc., dont forget to bring an item for the FISH baskets! Currently, the pantry is in need of Jelly, Oatmeal, Canned Pineapple, and Canned Soup. VETERANS DAY RECOGNITION 11/13 There will be a special recognition of Veterans on Sunday, November 13th. We invite all veterans as well as their loved ones, so we as a church family can give thanks for your service, and recognize your sacrifice. NATIVITY DISPLAY OUTREACH We are again asking you to loan your Christmas nativities to First Church for our 2nd Annual Nativity Museum which will be held on Saturday, December 2nd. Please contact Bernie DuBois to arrange for your nativity to be displayed. These treasures will also be on display on Sunday, December 3rd, along with refreshments. A reminder: the displays will not be handled unless specified as child friendly.Please call or e-mail Bernie so that arrangements can be made to pick up your nativity scene by Monday, November 27. Your displays will be returned long before Christmas. SOMETHING NEW! At the request of the Perkasie Town Improvement Association, First Church has been asked to host other churches and groups in the singing and playing of Christmas Carols in December during the Nativity Display at our church. We are excited at this opportunity to continue to serve the community of Perkasie and surrounding areas. TRADITONAL SERVICE We are in need of occasional back-up with the sound system on Sunday mornings. No set schedule. Easy instructions. If you would like to help with this ministry,

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Page 1: FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH NEWSLETTER Our mission ... · FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH NEWSLETTER Our mission: Embrace our community with God’s love Make disciples to share in


Our mission: Embrace our community with God’s love

Make disciples to share in doing simple things for God’s kingdom.

October / November 2017

NEW MEMBER CLASS Pastor Dorn would like to hold a new members class in the near future. If you are interested in becoming a member of the First Church Family, please contact the church office. SUNDAY 10/29/17 PRESENTATION On Sunday, October 29th, Perkasie Police Chief Steven Hillias will join us during our worship time. Chief Hillias will do a presentation which will alert and educate about the current and devastating opioid addiction epidemic in our community. We encourage everyone from our First Church Family to join us for that morning’s worship. ALL SAINTS DAY SUNDAY 11/5 During worship time on Sunday, November 5th, we will remember persons from our First Church family who have passed away since this time last year. All are invited to come to church on Sunday November 5th, and place white carnations in a vase to remember each person. This will also be a Communion service. ALL SAINTS REMEMBRANCE 11/5 Jane Trumbauer October 10, 2016 John Pellow November 3, 2016 Lincoln Groff November 10, 2016 Charlotte Meyers December 29, 2016 Alvin Landes January 29, 2017 Ruth Myers February 10, 2017 Florence Frei March 19, 2017 Blair Botti May 10, 2017 Charles Zimmerman May 28, 207 Kathleen Eister June 16, 2017 Deanna Tropea September 25, 2017 Sarah Creager October 4, 2017 SARAH CREAGER MEMORIAL SERVICE Please be in prayer for Robert Creager and his family. Robert’s mother, Sarah E. “Libby” Creager, went home to be with the Lord on October 4th. Her memorial service will take place on Sunday, October 29th, at 2 PM, at Everittstown UMC. In lieu of flowers, memorial donations can be made to Everittstown UMC, Attn: Music Program, 415 County Road 513, Pittstown, NJ 08867. HARVEST HOME 2017 Come all ye thankful people, come. Give glory to God your voices raise. All the world is His fruitful field. Present to Him a cornucopia of praise. Harvest Home kicks off on Sunday November 5th. For every Sunday, we will ask for different items each week to be brought to the church, to be presented to God, so we can

fill the F.I.S.H. pantry. Bring your donation to the table in either Spirit Light or the Sanctuary: 11/5 – canned fruit 11/12 – canned soup 11/19 – hot chocolate, tea, coffee, jams, jellies, preserves 11/26 - boxed hot cereals, regular cereals, cake and pie mixes; cleaning products and personal hygiene items. F.I.S.H. CAMPAIGN To date in 2017, there were over 1400 pounds pantry items donated to F.I.S.H.! We give thanks to God for the many people who have helped out not just in giving, but also with the pantry deliveries. Many thanks to Courtland Gardner for covering the October deliveries. Eileen Hilt will take care of November, and Diane Holler will finish out the year. Please remember to contribute each week as you are able, whether you’re coming to church for Sunday morning worship, attending a ministry meeting, etc., don’t forget to bring an item for the FISH baskets! Currently, the pantry is in need of Jelly, Oatmeal, Canned Pineapple, and Canned Soup. VETERANS DAY RECOGNITION 11/13 There will be a special recognition of Veterans on Sunday, November 13th. We invite all veterans as well as their loved ones, so we as a church family can give thanks for your service, and recognize your sacrifice. NATIVITY DISPLAY OUTREACH We are again asking you to loan your Christmas nativities to First Church for our 2nd Annual Nativity Museum which will be held on Saturday, December 2nd. Please contact Bernie DuBois to arrange for your nativity to be displayed. These treasures will also be on display on Sunday, December 3rd, along with refreshments. A reminder: the displays will not be handled unless specified as “child friendly.” Please call or e-mail Bernie so that arrangements can be made to pick up your nativity scene by Monday, November 27. Your displays will be returned long before Christmas. SOMETHING NEW! At the request of the Perkasie Town Improvement Association, First Church has been asked to host other churches and groups in the singing and playing of Christmas Carols in December during the Nativity Display at our church. We are excited at this opportunity to continue to serve the community of Perkasie and surrounding areas. TRADITONAL SERVICE We are in need of occasional back-up with the sound system on Sunday mornings. No set schedule. Easy instructions. If you would like to help with this ministry,

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NOTE FROM THE PASTOR “What Really Counts?” Our worship attendance at First UMC of Perkasie is lower than it has been this time last year. It’s tempting to focus on the numbers, instead of the exciting ministries and lives that are being transformed in our church. It is certainly something that should compel us to pray and ask the Holy Spirit to sweep over the hearts of the people in the church and community. When I attend various meetings and training events around the Eastern PA Conference, the question that is always on other pastor’s lips is “How big is your church?” To which my reply is “Well, our attendance is down, but we’re entering the holiday season, so it should pick up.” During the holidays, college students will come home for Thanksgiving and Christmas, friends and loved ones will drop in for a few days or a week and the sanctuary will be filled with people! I must admit. It’s exciting to see the pews filled with parishioners. I recently read an article by church consultant Rebekah Simon-Peter entitled “Data Shmata.” Listen to this excerpt from the article on how we measure a church's health:

“We have a love/hate relationship with data. Even as big data shapes almost all our online experiences, we're not so sure how we feel about data in the life of the church. Yes, we count worship services, offerings, worship attendance, small group ministries, baptisms and confirmations. But deep down inside, we resist measuring ourselves. I suspect it's because we fear we don't measure up. I get it. Measuring ourselves is hard. I experience that every time I step on the scale. If my weight is high, I'm bummed. Paradoxically, my response is to want to eat more. On the other hand, if it's low, I take it as license to indulge. I'm stuck either way. Data shmata.

Jesus said, ‘You shall know me by my fruits.’ What

fruits are we as a church producing? In the United Methodist Church, we proclaim that we are making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. There's only one way to know if we are accomplishing our vision or not. We have to measure ourselves. I know what you're thinking: data shmata. Who cares about the numbers? You can't measure what churches do. You can't measure the growth of a soul or the impact of a sermon. I say if we're not willing to measure ourselves, we're not serious about our vision.

For instance, can you imagine Michael Phelps practicing

without a timer? Or Simone Biles executing moves without a judge? Is it even conceivable that Usain Bolt would, well, bolt, without clocking his speed? They count on that information to guide their performance. There's only one way to know if we're actually making disciples or transforming the world, folks. And that's to count. It starts with counting the right stuff.

Imagine if Olympic athletes measured their effectiveness

by the numbers of programs sold, seats filled, hotel rooms booked or hot dogs consumed. That would be ludicrous, wouldn't it? Those figures have nothing to do with what's

going on in the field, on the court, in the pool or on the mats. Katie Ledecky measures her effectiveness by the numbers of medals won, records broken and milliseconds shaved off. She doesn't care how many programs are sold. It's irrelevant to her performance. We need to adopt the same attitude. Too often we are dazzled by the irrelevant. So what should we count?" There’s more to this article, but for me, one of the most exciting parts about being a pastor in this era is asking these questions. In a time of shrinking worship attendance, what is our response? What should we count? And the critical question that we are asking is: “Why are we here?” At First UMC of Perkasie, we are here to “Embrace our community with God’s love and make disciples to share in doing simple things for God’s kingdom.” We move forward on this journey by being centered in Jesus Christ, growing in our faith and intentionally sharing God’s love with our neighbor. Rebekah Simon-Peter concludes her article with these insights: "Instead of counting small groups, maybe we need to count what those small groups do. Like the number of prayers offered, kind things done, suicides averted, hospital rooms visited or courageous words spoken. Or, instead of counting people who attend worship, maybe we need to count the number of people in and beyond the church who actually emulate Jesus. Like people who act courageously, live sacrificially, call us to a new humanity and put God's will above all else. No doubt, the UMC, like most religious groups, is headed toward a leaner future. Our current statistics show that. But that doesn't mean our spiritual footprint need be smaller. Quite the opposite. Jesus turned the world upside down with a very small following. The truth is, I expect our impact can be greater than it's ever been. But we have to truly embrace our vision, be clear about what it means, then design measures to connect us to it. Finally, we need to be willing to collect and crunch data that tells us how we're actually doing. “Data shmata? No way. It's time to love the numbers.” What do you think of Rebekah's approach? How are we as a church going to measure our growth and love our numbers? It’s not the number of people who attend worship every Sunday that counts; it’s not the number of people who show up at the Perkasie Car Show or the Unite! Quakertown outreach. It’s not the number of dollars given to Pennridge Fish or the number of people who will show up at our annual Nativity Outreach or Jazz n’ Joe event. I am a firm believer that even if one person’s heart is transformed and sold out for Jesus, that’s one number, we can count and thank the Lord for this holiday season. Food for thought as we give thanks for all the blessings the Lord has bestowed in our own lives, the church, and the community and beyond. From my family to yours have a wonderful and Happy Thanksgiving! In Christ,

Pastor Scott

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please contact the church office. GREETERS We are putting together a Team of Greeters! If you like to say “hello!” on Sunday mornings, to other fellow worshipers and especially visitors, at either worship service, you could be a Greeter! Contact the First Church office for more information. JAZZ & JOE CONCERT RECAP Our most recent Jazz & Joe Concert was held here at First UMC on Sunday October 22nd. The Alan Segal Quintet performed, a free will offering was taken, Marti Shaffer served refreshments, and members from the First Church family as well as from the surrounding community were in attendance to enjoy an afternoon of excellent jazz and pleasant fellowship. YF FUNDRAISER AT YOGURTREE RECAP We give thanks to God for all who came out to support the Youth fundraiser at the Yogurtree in Quakertown on Wednesday, October 18th. There were about 7 Youth in attendance, as well as Youth Leaders, Pastor Dorn and his family, and other members of the First Church Family. The fundraiser raised $23.73, which will help offset expenses for the yearly Youth Rally in Maryland in January, 2018. LAITY SUNDAY RECAP Back on Sunday, October 15th, worship services were observed by lay persons who lead all parts of the Sunday services. Jac Filer, Bernie DuBois, and Ben Botti all shared about their faith during both services.

We celebrated that we are all called, the members of the congregation (laity), as well as clergy, to go and make disciples. In the early days, the laity served and maintained congregations between visits of the circuit riders. In our current day, lay people are the front line of daily ministry at the workplace, in the home and within the community. The purpose of Laity Sunday is to offer a chance for members of all ages to pause and consider their own unique calling to ministry within the community of believers. OCTOBER 12TH FIREHOUSE OPEN HOUSE RECAP On Thursday, October 12th, Perkasie Fire Company No. 1 held an Open House. This was an enormously busy community event, and hundreds of people were in attendance, including FUMC. In addition to Pastor Dorn, and other members of the First Church family, Pat McGovern from QUMC, and the Unite! event, was there, as was Perkasie Police Chief Steven Hillias. In representing FUMC, we had our own table, which was covered in a writeable tablecloth. People from the community wrote their prayer requests on this covering; it will be on display soon at First Church. Many folks even asked for prayer on the spot. This event was a great way to witness and share our faith. Next year, keep an eye out in the local news for Fire Prevention Week. First UMC will be at the Fire House once again, and we hope you can join us. J.O.Y. CIRCLE NEWS JOY Circle will be providing silk poinsettias on the altar and around the Sanctuary this Christmas. No donations will be needed this year. The November 9th JOY meeting will be at 7:30 PM.

January 4, 2018

Christ Church Twelfth Night Festival - Allentown, Pennsylvania

Free Tickets Available in December. Bernie DuBois will provide more information during church announcements in November. Click the Facebook link above for more information.

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JOY Circle plans to re-use the stockings that were distributed to the Homebound for Christmas 2016. Please return your stocking to the church, so they can be filled up once again with goodies for this year’s Christmas distribution. If you would like your stocking picked up, call Laura Brandenburg-Carella. UMM 7TH ANNUAL MEN’S RETREAT NOV. 10-12TH, CAMP INNABAH This year’s theme at the annual UMM Men’s Retreat is “I Was Born For This”. This year’s Special Guest Speaker is Joshua Beers. Joshua is V.P. of Lancaster Bible College and Chaplain of the Lancaster Barnstormers baseball team. The Men’s Retreat Weekend will be held at Camp Innabah; 712 Pughtown Rd; Spring City PA 19475. Cost is $115 for the weekend. All men and friends are welcome. To register and for more info, contact Ed Hartmann. At the 2016 retreat, we were joined by men from multiple churches in the area. The retreat will include food, fun, and fellowship, plus 4 guest speaker sessions and 1 period of volunteer work on service projects for Camp Innabah. There are also signup sheets at each Sanctuary entrance, and downstairs in Spirit Light. PERKASIE HISTORICAL SOCIETY FALL 2017 SCHEDULE The next Historical Society meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, November 7th, and begins at 6:30 PM here at the church. For reservations, contact Pat Gahman. For late cancelations, contact the church office. The theme for the November Meeting is “Perkasie Historical Society: Our history”. The final Fall 2017 Historical Society meeting will be held on Tuesday, December 5th, and the Pennridge High School Chamber Choir Holiday Concert will take place that evening. A-TEAM UPDATE In recent weeks, our TV screens have been filled with images and reports of multiple hurricanes. While none of the active storms are projected to impact our region directly, emergency management officials are assessing the community’s needs in the event that we are affected by increased wind and rain. Part of this assessment includes making sure the A-Team is prepared to respond should we be needed. For those of you not familiar with the A-Team, we are a group of volunteers who are prepared to respond when a local emergency prompts residents to be evacuated from their homes. Our church facility serves as Perkasie’s evacuation shelter. Should an evacuation take place, the A-Team is on hand to prepare food, provide hospitality, and simply share compassion with others in a time of need. We would like to invite anyone who is able to help with future evacuations to sign up to be a part of the A-Team. If you would like to sign up or learn more, please contact either the church office or Jac Filer.

CHOIR REHEARSALS Choir rehearsals take place every Wednesday evening at 7:00 PM. If you are interested in joining choir, please see or contact Robert Creager. BIBLE STUDY The Wednesday morning Bible Study classes take place in the Library and begin at 9:30 AM weekly. YOUTH FELLOWSHIP YF meets every Wednesday evening at 6:45 PM in the Youth Room on the lower level. If you have questions about YF, contact Donna McCarthy. SATURDAY MORNING BIBLE STUDY On the fourth Saturday of every month, Pastor Scott will hold a Bible Study at the local Dunkin’ Donuts in Perkasie. The Bible Study begins at 8 AM and will last about 45 minutes. All are invited! The next Bible Study will take place on November 25th.

WORDS OF THANKS • (From Viola Clymer): “Dear JOY Circle Friends: Thank

you for the Wedding Anniversary card you sent for our 69th (10/16) Anniversary. Having been members of FUMC for 64 years, we miss it. We really appreciate all the remembrance you do for shut-ins. God Bless you, Sincerely, Viola C.”

• (From Pastor Dorn): “Thank you so much to J.O.Y.

Circle, for the wonderful gift. I’m thrilled to have this. There was no clock in the Pastor’s office so I am grateful to have one on my desk now. Thank you, Ladies!”

• (From Anna Keller): “My Dear Friends, I want to thank

all of you dear ladies of JOY Circle, for being so kind and thoughtful. Thank you so much for the love and prayers you all give to me. God’s Blessing be on each one of you.” Her thank you card is pinned to the bulletin board in the coffee area.

• (To Mae Wear): Mae Wear has kindly provided First

Church with several lovely and hardy Chrysanthemum plants. They are by the outside signs on both Market Street and on Fifth Street. We thank her for her generosity!

EMAIL ADDRESS UPDATES (Pastor Dennis Snovel has emailed us with the following information about Bob Snovel): “Hi Everyone, I wanted to make sure everybody updates their email address books with my father’s new email machine. Since Presto went out of business, I did some looking and found Mailbug email. Mailbug is not a computer, but it allows Dad to get emails on a screen. It is different for him, but we hope it is not too confusing. He gets the emails once or twice a day. Please send him as many emails as you wish.” SPECIAL SUNDAYS The United Methodist Church designates a number of Sundays throughout the year as opportunities for recognizing

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and supporting particular ministries. These are referred to as Special Sundays and most include an offering used to fund the work of these programs. Churchwide Special Sundays with offerings enable United Methodists like you to offer refuge in times of disaster, promote peace and justice, provide scholarships and student loans, reach out to the community, teach skills to encourage self-sufficiency and share the love of Jesus Christ with God’s people everywhere: • United Methodist Student Day (last Sunday of November)

furnishes scholarships and loans for students attending United Methodist-related and other accredited colleges and universities.

ONLINE GIVING First Church has made available to our membership an online giving program. As we, as a faith community, continue to find ways to meet our weekly financial obligations, we felt that this method of giving, (stewardship) may be both appealing and helpful to you as we continually work towards funding our ministry program at First Church. We have installed a link on our website that will enable you to donate online. Just log on to the website, left click on the button “Give Online” in the header at the top of the page, and follow the instructions. You may pay via credit card, debit card or ACH bank transfer with a one-time gift or recurring weekly, bi-weekly, monthly or annual gifts. We have found the process to be very simple and straight forward with an immediate receipt generated via email and expect that you will find it equally simple. We hope you will find this a convenient way of giving, especially if you are unable to attend church. These are trying times financially for First Church and your continued support is needed.

“Whatever you do in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through Him, to God the Father.” ~Colossians 3:17

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2017 Nominations and Elected Lay Leadership - First UMC

Revised 9/18/2017

Council on Ministries

Ben Botti, Council Chair 2019-1

Jac Filer, Lay Leader 2019-1

Benjamin Botti, Lay member to Annual Conference 2017 (unlimited 3 year terms if duly elected)

Johanna Lopez, Reserve Lay member to Annual Conference 2017 (unlimited 3 year terms if duly elected)

Kelly Rapp, Staff Parish Relations Committee Chair 2019-1

Angela Filer, Trustees Chair 2019-2

Tony Rapp, Stewardship and Finance Manager

Susan Barger, Treasurer (interim)

Andrew Jervis, Financial Secretary

Donna McCarthy, Faith Formation

Bernie DuBois, Witness and Outreach

Hospitality and Care, Courtland Gardner

Scott Dorn, Pastor (Ex-Officio)

Staff Parish Relations (SPR)

Kelly Rapp, (Chair)

Jac Filer, Lay Leader

Marti Shaffer 2020-1

Bernie Dubois 2020-1

Heather Phillips 2020-1

Ben Botti, Lay Member to Annual Conference

Scott Dorn, Pastor (Ex-Officio)


Angela Filer, Chair

Ronnie Sensinger 2018-1

Linda Foster 2018-1

Kevin Leight 2018-2

Brian DuBois 2020-2

Scott Dorn, Pastor (Ex-Officio)


Staff Parish Relations

Must be a professing or affiliate member of the local church. Consist of no fewer than five (5) and no more than nine (9) plus Lay

Leader and Pastor. One person per household. One shall be a young adult (18 to 35), and one may be a youth (17 and under). Two

three-year consecutive terms permitted, then one year off.


Consist of no fewer than three (3) and not more than nine (9), with one-third being lay women and one-third lay men, and must be of

legal age. Unlimited three-year terms if duly elected after the provisional one-year election by the Administrative Council.

* Persons elected to chair position will begin with a year 1st year tenure regardless of how long they served prior to becoming chair

and can serve up to two three year terms as chair.

*Creating this Council of 12 would ensure that one group would give care and oversight to our ministry in a holistic way. The

Trustees and Staff Parish Relations would still remain separate committees, as their task is responsible for the upkeep of the church

and the human resources of the church. The members of the committees would still bring their experiences in business. There could

still be sub teams that would meet for a specific project, but there would be one meeting a month, one for church business and the

other for Bible study and prayer off-site at a member’s house.


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Living in a Bubble

by Bernie DuBois

October 15, 2017

Matthew 28:19 - Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and

of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

In order to do this . . .“make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son

and of the Holy Spirit”, we must be involved with our every-day world.

I would like to take a few minutes to talk to all of you about something that I’ve been wanting to share with

everyone for several years and I was going to ask Pastor Scott if I could just talk to you folks some Sunday

morning and Laity Sunday seems like the right time to do that. I have wanted to share with you how I have

thought about my life ever since someone told me that I am living in a bubble.

That surprised me and I knew that it was meant almost as an insult, that I didn’t get around much and that I

wasn’t cool about some things. I hadn’t thought of myself as isolated, something that the words “living in a

bubble” would make you think about. But, as I’ve been thinking about it, it is true. And there definitely are

things that I really don’t want to be involved with sometimes. So, yes, I do live in a bubble and I like my


There are a lot of things out there in the world that I don’t know about that have been changing over the

years. I can’t name the new actors because I don’t watch many of the new movies or the new TV shows. I

prefer to record some of the oldies and watch them when I have the time. They are comforting to me. So, I

guess that is part of what my bubble is made of – comfortable things. I like my bubble if only for that one


But, then I began to think more about my bubble and I started to look at other people’s lives and to think

about their bubbles. Some I would be glad to know, immediately; others, I would hesitate or maybe even

hurry away from.

I have to admit that when something bothers me in my bubble, I usually speak up. Sometimes I wait for

awhile, think about it, then approach it.

Do you ever find yourself in groups and you hear someone say something that either offends you or is

inappropriate in some way – maybe it just shouldn’t have been said in front of some other people?

We’ve all probably been there. And, the older I get, the easier it is for me to speak up. It isn’t always in an

intelligent sentence, but sometimes just a loud “hey”, along with a look on my face that definitely says that

whatever you just said bothers me.

I would say that 95% of the time, the person looks at me, begins to get that look of “uh, I must have said

something wrong” on their face and they stop and think for a few seconds and realize what they said. I am

happy to say that many do apologize. I love it when they apologize. I know that I’ve called attention to

something that is not acceptable to me and probably not acceptable to many other people around me. But, as

I said, the older I get, the more I speak up about many things.

I noticed that, as I was growing up. Some of the “older folks” spoke their minds and were very blunt. I felt

like they didn’t care if they hurt someone’s feelings. If they didn’t like what they heard, they spoke up.

Loudly. And, usually with the appropriate facial expression to go along with it.

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Living in a Bubble (page 2)

by Bernie DuBois

October 15, 2017

Well, we can all do this without being offensive, and I think that it is important that we actually do this, call

attention to something when it offends us or is inappropriate, because it may be that way for others, too.

So, you may not have thought that you have a bubble, but you do.

And what is really great is that you can choose what other bubbles you want to be associated with in your


You know how a bubble physically floats around in the air? If you look at the picture of the bubbles on the

back of the announcements, you will see that sometimes bubbles touch but float away to stay as a single

bubble, but some will double up, and some can even triple. We have all blown soap bubbles and watched

them flying in the air. A bubble can be alone or sometimes bump into other bubbles, only to move on, but

sometimes they attach.

Thankfully, we have that choice of what bubbles to bump into for whatever length of time and what bubbles

to connect with and keep with us.

A small example of a bubble affect is when you are being joyful and happy about your church. Pastor

Scott’s enthusiasm for this church and for his calling to preach is very visible when he is preaching or just

talking to us. That kind of joy is what would attract some people to your bubble. Make others want to be

part of your bubble, share the joys in your life, even among your church family.

Something else - I don’t ever remember having seen soap bubbles detach from each other. They usually just

burst. But, unlike those soap bubbles that attach and stay that way, we can choose to pull away. And, that is

the best part of our bubbles. If we get in touch with the wrong bubble, we don’t have to stay there. You may

want to help someone or be part of their life, but if you feel that a particular bubble is not for you, you can

pull away and move on.

That’s what I want you to think about – where is your bubble?

Is your bubble alone?

Is your bubble attached to another bubble or two?

Do you need to move along to some other bubbles?

I have chosen to have Christ in my bubble. I know that some people in my “bubble circle” do not have

Christ in their lives. But that only makes me want to keep their bubble closer to me. We need to share our

bubbles with others, especially when we know that Christ is not in their bubble.

Please remember that you have control of your bubble.

You have control of your bubble

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Page 10: FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH NEWSLETTER Our mission ... · FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH NEWSLETTER Our mission: Embrace our community with God’s love Make disciples to share in


FUMC Ice Cream Social; Highland Park; August 27, 2017

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FUMC Ice Cream Social; Highland Park; August 27, 2017

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FUMC Firefighters and Fire Police Breakfast and Memorial Service September 10, 2017

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Perkasie Fire Company No. 1 Open House October 12, 2017

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FUMC YF Fundraiser at Yogurtree Quakertown PA October 18, 2017

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FUMC Jazz n Joe Concert October 22, 2017

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501 Market Street

Perkasie, PA 18944-1467

Sunday Worship Schedule

Church Office Hours

Tuesdays through Fridays:

9 AM to 1 PM Closed Mondays



Our mission:

Embrace our community with God’s love Make disciples to share in doing simple things for God’s kingdom.

Find Us on Facebook!

Pastor Scott Dorn

Jac Filer Lay Leader

Robert Creager

Organist/Choir Director

Melinda Krpata Worship Leader

Jennifer Fabey

Leanne Lightcap Nursery Attendants

Alanna Jones

Administrative Assistant

Edmund Schonheiter Custodian

In this issue:

HARVEST HOME kicks off November 5th

New Member Class Announcement

All Saints Remembrance November 5th

UMM 7th Annual Men’s Retreat at Camp Innabah Nov. 10-12

Veterans Day Recognition November 13th

Nativity Display Outreach Announcement 12/2, 12/3

O C T O B E R / N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 7 h i g h l i g h t s





Address Service Requested

9:00 AM Contemporary


10:30 AM Traditional Worship